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Warlock and Boobs

Unofficial “reference” compiled by Harmless Arachnid

Last updated for version 0.340.1
Game website:

At the moment, this is more of a reference work rather than a complete guide or a walkthrough. If you want
that, the game’s Patreon page contains links to a couple of walkthroughs that go into detail about the game’s
general gameplay.

Unfortunately, someone or something at Google has decided that this document violates the TOS of
Google Docs. So, at least in the near future, the doc will be distributed as a PDF file that I have to send
to BoobsGames every time when I update it.

You can use the document’s outline to navigate. If your PDF reader doesn’t display it automatically on the left
when you open the file, you may need to enable the outline pane from the View menu. Text that I’ve decided
spoils too much looks like this – you should be able to read the text if you look closely at the screen; in some
PDF readers, you may need to select the text and paste it somewhere else to see it (in Google Docs you could
just select the text to see what’s written :().

State of the document: Ever evolving. 15 June: The document has been somewhat adapted to offline
maintenance. Due to lack of time, the last couple of updates were not done as well as I wanted, so there might
be errors. TODO: Add content control flags where applicable? Finish monster section.

Key for my scene classification by type of illustration:

● the standard: [image scene] - two or more full-screen-ish pictures accompanying the text (the number
may include cum variant images)
● [animated scene] - includes at least one full-screen-ish animated picture.
● [image] - just a single explicit full-screen-ish image with short description text or few lines of dialog
● [portrait image] - uses one or more of the character portrait images (including zoom/pan variants)
● [sprite animation] - just an animation of the characters’ map sprites, without any other images.
Scenes that are not M/F are tagged with F/F, M/M, Ft/M, M/Ft, etc., so you can search the document for a
specific kind.

Key to the game’s content control options (in-game menu → Settings):


For people who can’t read map directions:

north-west north north-east

west east

south-west south south-east

What’s new in the latest version of the game
Relevant changes for 0.340.1, released in June 2021:
● Jaina has been added to the clothing system and now can go around naked or in [black lingerie]
● A new animated scene: occasionally, Jill wakes Krowly with a titfuck.
● Two new illustrated scenes based on modifications of existing images: Astra anally masturbating with a
[jade dildo] (Wednesday and Friday night) and another option for Krowly to join Rose and Jaina behind
the Stone Dragon at night.
● An image for an old text scene: Eric’s activities on Thursday morning.
● Illustration update: the succubus Meril’s riding image.
● Changes to the hunt events system: unseen events have a flat 1/3 chance to trigger instead of the
probability being determined from the whole pool of possible events; level 3 and above have the
chance of generic hunts (slimes and fairies) halved; level 6 and above avoid them completely.
● Eric’s anal scene is now available from the party member scenes menu.
For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.340, released in May 2021:

● A new named character, Rayna the blacksmith, has replaced the red-headed elf who lived in a tent. So
far most of Krowly’s possible interactions with her are of commercial nature.
● A new illustrated scene: now Rose can blow both Krowly and Jaina behind the Stone Dragon.
● A new illustrated M/M scene: Krowly fucks Eric in the ass. Triggered by one of Juliet’s forest
adventures; later available as a Flirt option in the evening.
● Illustration update: Krowly sucking milk directly from Mabel’s breast.
● TODO The plant girl starts spawning in random places after she is defeated at the fairy glade.
● TODO Two new secret locations with non-random loot.
For the full changelog, see the Patreon post. For previous versions, see the last section of the document.
Listed in a somewhat arbitrary order. You don’t have to do them in that sequence.

The terrible secret of Fina Ironheart

Started by Chat-ting with Carla in the tavern. She says that people don’t know why Fina disappears in the

Answer: she’s bathing naked under the waterfall in the forest. Approach the bushes to complete the quest (+5
EXP) and enjoy the standard consequences of seeing her naked.

The magic circle

Started by interacting with the magic circle in Krowly’s basement/laboratory.

You need an empty jar - you can buy one from Sebastian’s store or grab one from the table in Krowly’s house.
The inner bookcase in the Church tells you that the circle can be created with slime from a large slime.
Unsurprisingly, there’s one in the slime cave in the forest. Defeat it and collect the remains into the empty jar
(+45 EXP). Interact with the circle again to draw it, and then again with the finished circle to complete the
quest (+100 EXP).

This quest is a direct prerequisite for completing Return spell and Summon succubus. You can also use the
slime jar to obtain Lizzy.

Return spell
Started by reading the scroll (+10 EXP) looted from the bandit when Krowly saves Juliet (it’s on the table in
Krowly’s basement laboratory). If you have a functioning magic circle, just interact again with the scroll at night
to complete the quest (+10 EXP). This gives Krowly the Return spell, which allows him to teleport back to his
basement (-50 MP, not in battle) if he’s alone or just with Eric. The spell can also save your ass if you fall into
the tentacle monster nest in the ruined passage in the mountains.

Summon succubus
Buy the magic book for 50 gold from Sebastian’s store. It’s delivered to Krowly’s basement. Reading it there
starts the quest (+30 lust, +10 EXP).

Unsurprisingly, this requires a functioning magic circle, but that’s not enough. After dealing with Sister
Elizabeth’s nightly troubles, Krowly remarks that now he knows what ritual to use (+50 EXP) and that he has to
surround the circle with protective fires using special fuel. But what fuel and where to find it?

The answer can be found inside the Old Tower. After Melissa has answered Krowly’s question about her
home, Ask her again for more information about magic barriers (+20 EXP). Apparently [Elven root] makes a
suitable fuel. As it happens, you probably already know an elf who deals in… substances. But first, you need
suitable goods for exchange. You may already have [Magic pollen] if you have fought the plant girl on the
fairies’ glade - if not, you need to find her. She shouldn’t be that hard to fight by now (she uses sleep and lust
attacks). Tips: She’s vulnerable to fire; use the Clear mind potion to prevent falling asleep.
● If you lose: she uses her tits to extract some semen ([image scene], -50 lust, [advances time]).
● If you win: you get [Magic pollen] and she disappears forever.
Talk to Leaf at night to exchange the pollen for four pieces of [Elven root]. Back at home, interact with every
brazier around the summoning circle to start the fires, then with the circle itself to summon a demon.
Hilariously, it turns out to be a case of “calling the wrong number”, but the demon offers a deal. The contract is
magically signed with semen, so the succubus intern gives Krowly a handjob ([image scene], -50 lust).

The night is dark

Started by talking to Sister Elizabeth after starting Summon succubus. She warns Krowly to stay at home at
night. After that, every night when you are outside a building in the village, after a random period of time you
will be attacked by a succubus. She’s a tough cookie (uses sleep, confusion and life drain). Tips:
Recommended level 2, for the Sleep spell, and use of the Clear mind potion.
● If you lose: the succubus drags Krowly to a secluded spot and rides him till dawn ([image scene], -100
lust, [advances time to morning]), when he is found by Sister Elizabeth.
● If you win: the succubus is pissed off and flies away. She will bother you no more at night.
After defeating the succubus, report to Sister Elizabeth at the church to complete the quest (+150 EXP, +10
Sister Elizabeth).

At the first Sunday mass after completing the quest, Fina confronts the congregation about someone
summoning a succubus, and Krowly accepts the responsibility to shield Elizabeth. What follows depends on
the “gay scene” setting:
● OFF: Fina punishes Krowly by summoning herself a magic penis, fucking him in the ass and finishing in
his mouth ([image scene], -100 lust, +3 Fina, +3 Sister Elizabeth, -5 hunger).
● ON: Krowly is allowed only to watch as Fina summons a magic penis and fucks Elizabeth in the ass
([sprite animation], [portrait image], +100 lust, +3 Fina, +3 Sister Elizabeth).

Started by advancing the Summon succubus quest to the point you summon a demon.

The demon has agreed to help Krowly in exchange for three pairs of panties of pretty women. The easiest to
find are Astra’s - they are in her wardrobe. You may already know that Alice’s panties are not in her wardrobe.
In the evening, talk to her little brother in her house. The last pair belongs to Fina, and the only way to get
them is to steal them while she’s bathing in the waterfall in the evening. But just as Krowly tries to reach them
(+20 lust), a group of futa elves tries to kidnap Fina and he jumps in to her defense. It’s not a hard fight, as
even without any equipment Fina is a powerful fighter (but the fight ends if Krowly is defeated):
● If you somehow lose: Fina deals with them herself (+2 Fina, [advances time]); you can try again the
next evening ???
● If you win: the elves run (+5 Fina); Krowly swipes the panties unnoticed; Fina orders him to fuck in the
mouth a captured futa elf who distracts them and escapes ([image scene], -50 lust, +10 Fina, +100
EXP, [advances time]). The fight’s result leads to the events in the Where is Fina? quest.

After collecting all three pairs, summon the demon again to fulfill your side of the contract. The demon
introduces himself as Jimm and teaches Krowly how to properly summon a succubus - at any time of day.

Where is Fina?
Started by entering the Ironheart mansion in the morning or daytime, after completing the Contract quest. ??

Fina is not at home. Talk to Astra. She has no idea about Fina’s whereabouts either. A scrap of paper on
Fina’s desk offers a clue: she has been invited to an elven spa as compensation for the waterfall attack. Talk
to Astra again to calm her down (+3 Astra), but Krowly is not convinced.

Checking out the spa is not as simple as it seems. During the day, the guard turns back everyone. At night, the
front door is locked, but light spills out the side windows. A peek shows Fina being gangbanged by futa elves
([image], +30 lust), so Krowly decides that he should grow breasts to infiltrate the spa and save her.
The “person who knows about transformation magic” is, of course, Melissa. She offers to teach Krowly how to
make a boobs potion if he licks her pussy. Go down → [image scene], +100 lust, +1 Melissa, +100 EXP.
Now you can brew the potion… if you have the ingredients (mandragora: can be collected only at night; elven
futa sperm: either win against a futa elf and use an [Empty bottle] to collect her sperm when you face-fuck her,
or buy it from the drunk orc in the orc camp). Drinking the potion gives Krowly a nice pair of breasts and a key
item that controls if he shows cleavage or not. Don’t worry, the changes are not permanent. You can walk
around to see people’s reaction to the change (especially Jill → +100 lust).

At the spa, even with boobs Krowly still has to convince the guard to let him through:
● Wine, if you have it.
● Suck her dick → [image scene], +100 lust, -3 hunger.
● Fuck in the ass → not in version 0.340.1.
● Take in the ass → not in version 0.340.1.
Once inside the spa, it’s obvious what to do. It turns out that Fina is not held against her will, but she realizes
that she has been tricked and she’s furious. After she delivers the appropriate beatdown, the elves surrender
and promise to make amends by opening the spa to outside visitors (+15 Fina, +100 EXP). (Most of the
results are evident on Saturday evenings). As of version 0.340.1, this is where the main quest line of the game
ends, but you still can do the other quests.

Completing the quest is a prerequisite for Reducto and Futa music.

Night guest
Started by Chat-ting with Carla, after Lizzy has been let out of her jar and has run out of sperm for more than
three days. Carla says that the men of the village look tired recently, and she hopes it’s not a female vampire.
Krowly decides to investigate.

After that, at night you can see a [sprite animation] of the culprit in action when she’s visiting a different man
every night: on Monday and Saturday, Sebastian (you can’t actually see it, but if you Chat with him the next
day he complains of a weird dream); on Tuesday and Friday, Eric; on Wednesday, Grandpa Jason; on
Thursday and Sunday, Derek (even after he’s married). Interacting with the animation gives +15 lust, and the
first time you do it +100 EXP for resolving the quest.

Futa music
Started by talking to the red-haired elf manager inside the spa after it opens as a result of Where is Fina?.

She tells Krowly they are looking for a musician. By now you’ve probably met a suitable candidate: Elizabeth
Darkwood. Talk to her in the Stone Dragon in the evening, she says she’ll check it out. Then visit the spa
during daytime to see her. As thanks, she lets Krowly come all over her face ([image scene], -50 lust, +10
Darkwood). From now on, she’s at the spa during the day, where you can Flirt with her.

Show must go on
Unlocked on the first Saturday after Futa music is finished, if the relationship with Elizabeth Darkwood is >10;
started by talking to the manager of the elf spa (during the day) or Carla (in the evening).

Krowly notices that Elizabeth Darkwood is missing from her usual spot and there’s no music. Talking to the
person in charge reveals that she’s missing, and some suspicious character has been bothering her. The
description of said character is a clue to who is responsible, which in turn should give you an idea where to
look for her, if you’ve explored the whole map. She’s in the butt bandits’ hideout in the mountains/desert.

Entering the place triggers a confrontation and a group fight. It can be rather tricky, so be prepared. Tips:
useful skills are Sleep, Dark thoughts and Guard/Protective circle.
● If you win: On high enough lust, Elizabeth offers Krowly a reward. Get the reward → Krowly fucks
Elizabeth in the ass on the table (M/Futa [image scene], -100 lust). In any case, the quest is done.
● If you lose: The bandings gangrape Krowly while Elizabeth watches (M/M [image scene] with generic
naked Krowly; -100 lust), then steal his gold and toss him out. Krowly can try again to save her at any
Finishing the quest restores Elizabeth’s previous schedule and unlocks an additional Flirt option...

Started by entering Krowly’s basement after he has grown boobs, after completing Where is Fina?.

He remarks that he should try to reverse the effect of the boobs potion. Studying at Krowly’s desk in the
evening provides the recipe. Brew the potion in the lab to complete the quest.

Big and green

Started by talking to Eric in the morning after Krowly reaches level 4 (more precisely, Freezing). Eric says that
while “exploring” the goblin caves, he was attacked (and fucked) by an unusually large goblin. Krowly decides
it’s worth investigating.

The western (left) side of the goblin cave is unlocked now. There’s a goblin at the bottom… and after you start
a fight, the big goblin suddenly appears! Another “boss” fight (she has lots of health; if her HP falls below 30%,
she crushes you and you lose).
● If you lose: the thick goblin rides Krowly into the ground ([image], -100 lust, [advances time]).
● If you win: Is it even possible? An attack powerful enough to drop instantly the last 30% HP?
In both cases, +100 EXP for resolving the quest, and you can now encounter thick goblins elsewhere.

Lost delivery
Started by shopping at Sebastian while owning a [Strange rune] (found as random loot in dungeons if you
“know” a certain character). Sebastian says that a pair of orcs he had hired to make a delivery has lost the
package when they made a detour through the goblin caves.

You can meet those orcs in the orc camp, but other than learning that the package was probably taken by
some large slime-like creature, that doesn’t help much. It’s better to investigate “on location”. Prepare well. In
the goblins’ cave, go down the stairs in the east part, then follow the tunnel to the north exit. Better dodge the
goblin shamans, they are not easy. North once more, and you are in the goblin village. Talk to the goblin chief.
She says that the package was taken by a monster. Return to the “suburb” with the bridges, the goblin
guarding the east exit is now gone.

Passing through it, Krowly finds himself in a cave with a few slimes… and a shambling big gelatinous cube!
Time for a boss fight (lots of HP, it resists sleep, paralysis and being set on fire; one of its attacks can engulf
Krowly, effectively paralyzing him until he can struggle out). Tips: The cube spits Krowly out immediately if he's
covered with slime repellent potion or equipped with the [Slimes’ terror] amulet.
● If you lose: Krowly regains consciousness in the goblin village, naked. [advances time]
● If you win: Krowly finds a [Magic eye] key item, but no package. Talk to the chief again. She admits that
it was a ruse to make you get rid of the monster, and gives you the package.

Getting the package is a prerequisite for resolving A woman for Derek. Returning the package to Sebastian
completes the quest (+100 gold, +100 EXP).

A woman for Derek

Started by talking to Derek in the pub in daytime, after Juliet is employed to teach the children on Mondays
and Fridays, and deciding to Help him (this also removes the Seduce option).

But where to find him a busty wife? If you’ve talked to all the goblins in their village during Lost delivery, you
may have noticed a goblin who says she likes humans. If you talk to her after receiving the package from the
chief, she’s deeply impressed by Krowly beating the cube and offers to become his wife. Now you can suggest
Derek instead. Taisha eagerly agrees to meet him. Cut back to the village, where Taisha meets Derek and
drags him into the house to “persuade” him. [advances time]

After the “wedding”, talk to Taisha (+20 Taisha) and Derek (+100 EXP, completes the quest).

Started by visiting the second floor of Krowly’s house.

The second floor is currently uninhabitable, and Krowly decides that he has to find someone to help him fix it.
If you’ve helped Derek find a wife, talk to him when he’s outside his house and Ask about second floor. It
takes him seven days to finish the repairs. On visiting the rebuilt floor, Krowly remarks that it needs furniture.
Go to Sebastian’s store. You can buy the furniture for 200 gold (or only 100 gold, if you have helped
Sebastian with the lost delivery). In any case, this completes the quest (+200 EXP), furnishes the second floor
and allows Krowly to ask Jill to move in.

New laboratory
Started by Ask-ing Melissa about her laboratory. Cannot be finished in 0.340.1.

After Krowly has obtained the [Magic eye], when he enters his basement he remembers what Melissa told him
about using a powerful magic item as an anchor. He decides to saturate the “eye” with magic. In practice this
means transferring 999 mana points from Krowly to the orb. There are no daily limitations on transfers, so if
you have any mana potions that you can spare, you can accelerate the process. When the orb is fully
saturated, choose to Do it to perform a ritual binding the orb to the lab (+200 EXP).

After the binding, the orb can be used to recharge +50 MP once per day. If you’ve learned the Return spell,
Krowly can use the magic circle to teleport to a number of unlockable locations at the cost of 50 MP.

Locations are unlocked by visiting them for the first time (old saves have to use the cheat room). So far, they
● Melissa’s room.
● The elven camp (the one with the Spa).
● The orc camp (the one next to the elven forest).
● The goblin village (deep in the goblin caves).
● In front of the ruined temple (the one with the Priestess).
Further progress in the quest is impossible as of 0.340.1.

Treasure hunting
Started by talking to Sebastian after finishing Lost delivery, if you know Iss. He says that she might have
similar jobs for Krowly. The next portion of the quest is repeatable:

Find Iss in her house. If you agree to take a job, she asks you to find a particular item when you are exploring
dungeons. The item is selected at random from a small range of possibilities every time you accept a job
([Emerald], [Topaz], [Ancient urn], [Blue amber], [Jade dildo], [Ancient tablet], [Golden idol]). All of them can be
found as random loot from defeating dungeon enemies or dungeon chests. (As of 0.339.1, the probability of
getting the right one in a given treasure chest is 1 in 27, or about 3.7%. TODO)
As a reward, Iss buys the quest item at full price (not at half-price like Sebastian); you also get +10 EXP and
+3 Iss. If the item’s too cheap, she decides that additional compensation is in order and Krowly gets a free
boobjob. There’s also a chance that her nipple will slip out her top when she’s paying you ([portrait image];
Your nipple → Iss reveals her whole breast +20 lust, or Don’t tell her → only +10 lust). The quest can be
repeated once per week (for the quest’s counter, the week starts on Sunday morning), but you have to finish
the previous job to be able to start a new one.

Busty smugglers
Started by talking to Diana if you know Iss.

Diana complains that the inhabitants of the elven forest have intercepted some couriers and stolen three
packages that she needs. Krowly, of course, agrees to help.

It’s a straightforward combat quest - go to the elven forest and smash random enemies until they drop all three
packages. Nevertheless, it’s harder than it looks. The parcels drop randomly - 1/10 chance for futa elves, 1/2
for elven mages, which means that if you want to finish the quest quickly, you have to win at least three times
against one of the toughest, if not the toughest regular mobs in the game so far. Note that parcels drop outside
of the normal combat system - after you are completely done with the opponent.

When you have the three packages, talk to Diana to complete the quest (+300 EXP). She offers a boobjob as
a reward (Fuck her tits → [image scene], -50 lust, +2 Diana).

Tea with milk

Started by advancing Melissa’s Ask topics (until after her involvement in Summon succubus and talking about

After Krowly has offered to do her a favor, Melissa asks him to find her some [Elven milk]. There are three
possible ways to fulfill her request:
● If you already have some, you can just give it to her.
● Fight an elven mage in the elven forest (big boob sprite).
○ If you win: Fuck busty mage → Tittyfucking → Squeeze them harder → Collect (if you have
an [Empty bottle]).
● From the drunk orc trader who sells elven futa sperm and other things in the orc camp. Yes to see his
wares; you don’t have to buy anything - when you close the screen, Krowly asks him for milk. He asks
for a favor in exchange: you can either deliver a letter, or suck him off.
○ Yes → M/M scene of Krowly blowing the orc, [sprite animation]???, -50 lust, -3 hunger.
○ No → Krowly has to deliver a letter to Leaf; after laughing at the contents, return to the orc for
your reward.
When Krowly delivers the milk, Melissa takes him to assist her in experiments with body transformation. She
inflates her breasts, and then, inadvertently, her lips. Krowly has to help her shrink her lips back to normal first,
and then test the stability of her breast transformation by massaging her tits with Reducto potion ([portrait
image], +3 Melissa).

On the next Ask, Melissa asks Krowly to accompany her. Yes teleports both to a witches’ tea club room,
where he is introduced to Sandra, a dark-skinned human witch, and Velena, a huge-breasted elf witch. Look
around and interact with the bookshelves and documents for some fun bits and lore, then talk to Sandra and
Melissa. Talking to Velena triggers a scene where Sandra greatly increases the elf’s breasts until she can’t
move (no illustration yet?, +30 lust). Choosing Nipplefuck unsurprisingly results in Krowly fucking one of
Velena’s now-huge nipples (-100 lust, no illustration yet?). Talking to everyone possible triggers the end of the
quest (+100 lust, -10 hunger, +200 EXP, +10 Melissa) and teleports you back to Krowly’s basement.
Amazing wonders of nipplefucking
Started by Krowly trying to fuck Carla’s nipple (one of the random Chat topics, if relationship is >=25 ? and Jill
is in town).

Krowly only manages to push back her nipple into her soft breast, but it makes him wonder if there’s a way to
make her nipples able to be actually penetrated.

As of 0.339.1, no further progress in the quest is possible.

Hunt events and dungeons

Every day except Thursday, in daytime Eric can be found in your “base” in the forest. If you agree to join him,
you are given the options to Hunt or to Go in a dungeon to revisit any dungeon that you have discovered
during previous hunts. Hunting gives you up to three consecutive random events, and you can stop the hunt
after each one. For low-level characters, the events are heavily weighted towards generic fights against slimes
and fairies; those become less frequent for level 3 and higher, and disappear completely on reaching level 6.
Entering a dungeon during a hunt means forfeiting the next random events. Finishing the hunt or completing a
dungeon [advances time]. Not all dungeons and events are available from the beginning - some are unlocked
by completing quests, other actions or leveling up.

Butt bandit ambush event

While hunting, Eric and Krowly are ambushed by the butt bandits in a canyon. If you lose the fight, the bandits
steal your gold (you can recover it from their base in the mountains).

Ambushed wine merchant

Eric and Kowly can interrupt a highway robbery - the familiar wine merchant has been attacked by bandits.
● If you win: +5 EXP, the merchant gives you 2 x [Wine] as thanks (in addition to any bandit drops).
● If you lose: Diana the guard shows up and takes care of the bandits - and takes the wine.

Crystal caves dungeon event

Unlocked by dealing with the fat goblin.
While hunting, you meet Jaina and Rose around a campfire on a random glade. They offer you to join them to
explore a nearby cave. If you accept:
The first cave has some slimes and goblins (beware of hidden fat goblins!!). The second cave has a tentacle
monster, and then a scripted ambush when the four get separated into two groups. Krowly ends up with Jaina,
fighting a group of slimes (that combine into a slimegirl).
● If you win: you can collect pieces of ice quartz. On the 13th, Jaina offers celebration sex and you get to
pick between Rose (blowjob [image scene], -50 lust) and Eric (blowjob [image scene], -50 lust,
[covers him]). At the end: +20 EXP, 4 pieces of ice quartz, +1 Eric, +1 Jaina, +1 Rose.
● If you lose: Jaina saves you but demands a reward. Krowly/Jaina/Eric anal threesome; unlocks Jaina
and Eric’s “training sessions”([image scene], -100 lust).

Orc confrontation event

While hunting, you run into Jaina and Rose, who are literally running in the opposite direction. It turns out that
they are chased by a mob of angry orcs, both male and female. (orcs are tough and somewhat resistant to
both ice and fire; male orcs raise their axes to deliver a powerful blow on the next turn). Tips: with Krowly’s
Sleep and Rose’s Snowball you should have no problems keeping most of them incapacitated while Eric and
Jaina concentrate on a single target.
● If you win: +5 EXP, +3 Jaina, +3 Rose, and it turns out the orcs’ anger had been justified.
● If you lose: The orcs are content with having beaten you up.

Meeting Juliet
Unlocked by saving Juliet.
While hunting, Eric and Krowly can meet the perverted “naturalist” during her explorations of nature. The
circumstances are random, but new possible locations are unlocked by the number of times you’ve
encountered her (a meeting counts only if you’ve talked to her):
0. A glade with various rare plants. When Eric warns her that bandits may rape her, she replies that she
hopes so.
1. A canyon full of tentacle monsters, both hidden and crawling around. One of them has caught Juliet
and stuffs her holes with its tentacles ([image scene], +30 lust).
2. A glade full of fairies who want to play with the heroes’ cocks (Yes → short [image scene], -100 lust).
Juliet is talking with a flower girl; approaching them triggers a lust-inducing pollen cloud and Krowly
fucking Eric in the ass while Juliet watches (M/M [image scene], -100 lust, +3 Eric, +3 Juliet; unlocks
Flirt option).

Meeting Mabel
If you have defeated Mabel the minotaur girl, you can meet her on a random glade during a hunt. She offers
the same interactions as on Sunday, including trade.

Cockflowers glade
Unlocked by defeating the plant girl in the fairy glade; if the pregnancy filter is OFF.
While hunting, Eric and Krowly meet Jaina and Rose in a strange glade, with fairies, tentacle monsters and a
pregnant flowergirl as final boss (uses sleep and poison; drops Emeralds). On clearing the dungeon: random
loot, +5 EXP, +1 Eric, +1 Jaina, +1 Rose.

Ruined church event

Unlocked by finishing Tea with milk (you start seeing nuns on various maps).
While hunting, Eric and Krowly come across the ruins of a church. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to
get inside. A chest contains 3 x [Wine]. If you take the bottles, on exiting the church our adventurous duo is
confronted by a pair of battle nuns who are unhappy with their looting:
● If you win: leaving the map clears the dungeon, +1 Eric, +1 EXP.
● If you lose: the nuns “punish you properly”... by giving you a tedious lecture (-100 lust, [advances

[Ancient temple] dungeon (random layout)

If the pregnancy filter is OFF.
A dungeon constructed from randomly selected segments. May contain:
● Room with many mushrooms.
● Tentacle monster room with a human skeleton. (Tentacle monsters hide below cracked floor tiles.)
● Slime room with a dragon skeleton.
● Rolling boulders puzzle room.
● Pregnant lamia. On win: Go away or Fuck (lamia threesome, [portrait image], -50 lust).
● Three goblins round a campfire, led by a pregnant one. On win: Let them run away (+50 lust) or Fuck
→ In pussy or In ass ([image scene], -100 lust). If you still have high enough lust, Krowly and Eric can
double-penetrate the last goblin ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances time]).
● Cracked path treasure room. Do I have to explain that you just have to avoid the cracked tiles? Top
chest: random loot; middle chest: empty; bottom chest: +5 EXP, +1 Eric.
● Four switches treasure room. The on/off state of the switches should match the candelabras. Chest:
random loot, +5 EXP, +1 Eric.
● Boulder puzzle treasure room. Just roll the boulder on top of the empty switch. Chest: random loot;
crate: +5 EXP, +1 Eric.

It always contains a final safe zone, where you meet the Priestess. In exchange for Eric and Krowly fucking
her nipple mouths (-100 lust, [image scene]), she gives Eric a Mighty Sword if he doesn’t already have it, or
blesses the party, restoring all HP and MP.

[Old ruins] dungeon (goblins)

Underground ruins with a few goblins in front of a fire. If you win and have enough lust, you have the choice to
Let them run away or Fuck the goblins ([image scene], -100 lust). If you still have enough lust, Krowly and
Eric can double-team the last goblin ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances time]).

[Ancient ruins] dungeon (tomb)

Eric and Krowly find a glade with the entrance of an ancient underground tomb. It turns out that it is already
being explored by three elves - one busty sorceress and two futa warriors.
● If you defeat them, you can Let her go (+50 lust), or have Eric and Krowly each Facefuck a futa elf
([sprite animation] and a standard [image scene], -50 lust). If still enough lust, they can Fuck busty
mage, Erik taking her ass and Krowly her vagina ([portrait image], -100 lust).
● If you are defeated, Krowly’s facefucked by one of the futa elves (standard [image scene], -50 lust, -3
Top chest: random loot and an [Ancient urn]; right chest: +5 EXP, +1 Eric.

[Cave in the rocks] dungeon (lamia cave)

A cave opening into a cliff leads Eric and Krowly in a short, straightforward maze, and then the lair of a
pregnant lamia, supported by two ordinary ones (she can drain HP; all lamias can stun or paralyze).
● If you win, you can Go away (+50 lust), or Fuck → Krowly fucks her mouth while Eric fucks her pussy
([portrait image], -50 lust).
● If you lose, a lamia forcefully sucks Krowly off. If you choose to Resist, she makes him cum by shoving
her tail up his ass. In both cases, standard [image scene], -50 lust.
Defeating her clears the dungeon: +5 EXP, +1 Eric and random drops of [Old coin] from the lamias.

[Magic lair] dungeon (lamia canyon)

Eric and Krowly follow a stream through a canyon. At its end, they find a trio of lamias, led by a four-breasted
one (uses mass silence and a magic ice attack; normal lamias can stun or paralyze).
● If you win, you can Go away (+50 lust), or Fuck → Krowly fucks her upper pair of tits while Eric fucks
her lower pair ([portrait image], -50 lust).
● If you lose, a lamia forcefully sucks Krowly off. If you choose to Resist, she makes him cum by shoving
her tail up his ass. In both cases, standard [image scene], -50 lust.
Defeating her clears the dungeon: random loot, +5 EXP, +1 Eric.

[Bandit lair]
A couple of tents guarded by bandits and the occasional hidden tentacle monster. Random mushrooms. Left
tent chest: random loot; right tent chest: +5 EXP, +1 Eric. Clearing the dungeon: +1 EXP, +1 Eric.

[Riddle dungeon]
Eric and Krowly explore a cave and find Jaina and Rose in a room with a locked door. To open it, you can
● If you have any lust, look at the left statue and choose to Fup (sic) (generic masturbation [image
scene], [-50 lust]).
● Find out the random combination of lever positions that unlocks the door by brute force. There are 3 3 =
27 possible positions. Step in front of the door after each one. If you are not mathematically inclined,
here’s a list in a good order (L=left, M=middle, R=right):

After that, it’s a straightforward dungeon crawl. Left chest: +1 Jaina; middle chest: +1 Rose; clearing the
dungeon: +5 EXP, +1 Eric, +1 Jaina, +1 Rose.

[Goblin dungeon]
Eric and Krowly find themselves in a cave. One branch is inhabited by tentacle monsters, the other by goblins,
including the thick variant if unlocked. Left chest: random loot; right chest: +5 EXP, +1 Eric.

[Labyrinth] (random entities)

Unlocked by “donating” at least once to the Priestess in the ancient temple dungeon.
Eric and Krowly find another interesting cave. This time the entrance to the dungeon itself has to be unlocked
by solving a simple sliding tiles puzzle. The image pieces should be pushed around to assemble an image of
the Priestess in the middle four tiles of the tracks. (Hint: make sure that the left side of the face is in the
leftmost top slot, and the right breast - in the rightmost bottom slot, using the middle four slots to swap things

Unlike the first random dungeon, the layout of the dungeon itself does not change - what changes is what
treasure chests appear, the enemies that spawn (a mix of slimes, tentacle monsters, ghost girls), and the
position of the entrance to the second floor and the switch that opens it. There are three possible positions of
the entrance/exit (the inactive ones are blocked by piles of dirt):
● Room in the north-west corner, flanked by gargoyle statues.
● Room in the north-east corner, right next to the winged statue room.
● Room in the middle of the eastern edge, containing a winged statue and broken bases.
There are also three possible positions of the switch (all are in rooms with bare-tittied caryatids):
● South-eastern corner room
● Central room with the quartered pool.
● North central room with pots.

Unsurprisingly, the Priestess awaits you on the second floor with another reward for Eric ([Epic sword]; if you
already have it, she blesses you, refilling HP and MP) if you offer a “sacrifice” (-100 lust, [image scene]), or
+50 lust if you refuse.

Under construction. Characters that Krowly can gain relationship points with or interact with in some way to
produce scenes. Listed in alphabetical order.
Grandma Agnieszka (or Agneshka) is an old - really old - village woman, the wife of Grandpa Jason. They live
together in their house in the south-western corner of the village, right by the exit.

Agnieszka spends the morning and the day grazing her sheep on the small pasture right next to the village
exit. In the evening, she can be found at home (while her husband’s visiting the pub). At night, they sleep at
home (...except on Saturday).

If you talk to her (or Flirt) on Monday or Thursday, she tells Krowly that one of her sheep, Marvin (presumably
a ram), has gone missing, and asks you to find him. Just find the sheep and interact with it: Krowly goes back
to the village off-screen and you get +1 Agniezska (that’s the only pre-intimate way to advance the
relationship… if you care about advancing it).

Finding Marvin: His location is randomly selected from the list:

● In the village, next to the Ironheart Mansion.
● In the forest, by the waterfall.
● In the forest, the last eastern path before the exit to the tower, southern dead-end.
● Old Tower area, north-west corner.
● In the mountains, the deserted camp site just north of the passage with the cracked tiles.
As interacting with him returns you instantaneously back to the village with no MP cost or time advance, you
can use him as improvised transport.

Alice is employed by Carla as the sole waitress and maid of the Stone Dragon. She lives together with her little
brother Jessie (or Jesse) in the house right next to Krowly’s home.

Alice can be found doing washing next to her house in the morning, working at the Stone Dragon in the
daytime and the evening, and sleeping in her house at night. She participates in “Topless Fridays”.

Krowly can Help her with the washing (+1 Alice, [advances time]) and on a high enough relationship, Invite
to dance in the evening (+2 Alice, [advances time]).

Astra is Fina Ironheart’s spoiled daughter and the ostensible love interest of Eric (who apparently can’t even
work up the courage to ask her for a dance, though). She lives together with her mother in their mansion in the
north-eastern corner of the village, above the church.

She spends the morning at home. During the day, she looks after Jessie (Alice’s little brother) and Charlotte
(Derek’s daughter) on a small clearing below the manor, though Juliet’s teaching frees up some of her days. In
the evening, she’s at the pub, waiting for Eric to finally invite her to a dance. She sleeps at home.

Astra really dislikes Krowly (she’s the only character that starts with a negative relationship score), because
she (quite reasonably) considers him a pervert. She’s also not quite happy about her mother’s behavior and
Fina’s relationship with Krowly. In turn, if Krowly gets closer to Fina, she will, ahem, try to improve her
daughter’s attitude. To get closer to Astra, Krowly can look after the children instead of her (+1 Astra,
[advances time]), and after he gains some trust, Invite to dance (+2 Astra, [advances time]). Astra also
seems to find M/M relationships arousing: talking to her after Eric shows up in the pub with sperm on his face
gives +3 Astra.

Astra and Eric’s relationship: there’s a hidden score describing the progress of Astra and Eric’s relationship,
unlocking possible scenes between them. Actions and events that contribute to the score:
● (+1) Talking to Astra when Eric shows up in the pub with semen on his face.
● (+1) Convincing Astra to take part in Topless Friday (you can ask her after Alice starts dancing on the
table; she agrees if her relationship with Krowly is above 0 and Jenna is also present). This makes Eric
sit on her table, and he continues doing so even when it’s not Friday.
○ (+1) Inviting anyone else (Alice, Jenna or Juliet) to dance (causes Astra and Eric to join).
■ (+3 on a Friday, as Astra dances topless.)
○ (+1) Witnessing the lovers’ goodnight kiss on Friday night.
■ (+5) Witnessing the goodnight blowjob.

Unlockable scenes so far: (≥10) deepthroat scene on Friday night.

Carla is the owner of the Stone Dragon inn and pub, and thus, Alice’s employer. She can be found behind the
bar of the pub from morning till evening, and she sleeps in her room in the inn’s basement at night.

Krowly can Chat with her (and Flirt, if high enough relationship level), Shop for [Beer] and [Good dinner], or
Eat lunch (-10 gold, -10 hunger, [advances time]). She occasionally gets lonely at night (Tuesday and

Derek is a middle-aged villager who lives alone with his young daughter Charlotte after his wife ran away.
Their house is in the south-west corner of the village, west of the pub. He dislikes Krowly and has warned his
daughter to stay away from him.

Usually, Derek tends to his garden in the morning, fishes next to his house during the day, and has dinner with
his daughter in the pub in the evening. After Juliet arrives in the village and starts teaching the kids on Monday
and Friday, in the daytime he can be found in the pub drowning his sorrows. Krowly can offer to Help him
(starts the A woman for Derek quest) or Seduce him (repeatable M/M scene).

If Krowly finds him a new wife, Derek warms up somewhat. Krowly can now Flirt with him in the daytime, when
he’s fishing by his house.

Diana is a female soldier who guards the Gate of Pala together with a male soldier named Conlan.

Both are on guard duty during the light parts of the day, then they take turns resting: in the evening, Conlan
keeps watch while Diana sleeps, at night it’s the other way round (except on Sunday). Most of the time there’s
not much happening, so Diana tries to alleviate the boredom with the occasional blowjob (Tuesday and
Friday). And Monday morning she tries to shake down the wine merchant for some free booze.

After Krowly helps Diana retrieve some stolen packages, he can Flirt with her.

Sister Elizabeth
Sister Elizabeth is the priestess or nun in charge of the village church and its graveyard. She can always be
found in or around the church - she lives in her room in the back of the building.

Except on Sunday, she is free in the morning, and also usually during the day. After Juliet starts teaching the
village children, this also occupies Sister Elizabeth during daytime on Monday and Friday.

Visiting the church Sunday morning triggers Krowly attending a service (+3 Sister Elizabeth, [advances
time]). Some of them involve special events:
● Fina punishes Krowly after the events of a certain quest.
● Village meeting about Juliet’s arrival.
● Village meeting about Jill’s arrival.
Another way to get closer to Sister Elizabeth is to help her with church maintenance in the evening, on
Monday, Thursday or Saturday (+1 Sister Elizabeth, [advances time]). On Wednesday evening, she is
otherwise occupied...

Related quests: The night is dark.

Elizabeth Darkwood
Futa musician who plays in the evening in the Stone Dragon pub. After the Futa music quest, she also plays in
the elven spa during the day. (The character is a stand-in for an actual person who has created a lot of the
game’s soundtrack.) In both places, you can Order music → -5 gold, +1 Darkwood, starts playing music and
you cannot move until it’s over. Don’t put the game’s window in the background, or the music will keep playing!
In the spa, you can also Flirt with her.

Other related quests: [The] Show must go on.

Eric is a red-headed wannabe hero and Krowly’s best friend. He’s the step-son of Jenna and the ostensible
love interest of Astra. Eric lives together with his step-mother in their house in the middle of the village.

Eric spends the morning in combat training behind his house (except on Thursday, when he has a bath, to
prepare for a different kind of adventure). During the day, he can be found in a little fenced-off area in the
forest, where he and Krowly built a fort when they were kids. (Except on Thursday, when he ventures solo into
the goblin caves.) In the evening, he joins the other regulars at the Stone Dragon pub, where he tries to work
up the courage to invite Astra for a dance. At night, he sleeps peacefully in his bed… except on Thursday.

Krowly can join Eric during the day and look for adventures together with him. If the adventure has a positive
outcome, it also involves improving Krowly’s relationship with Eric (usually +1 Eric per day/adventure).

Eric is one of the characters included in the clothing system: his sprite and portrait image reflect what he is
equipped with. The options so far are his normal clothes, naked and [Black lingerie].

Fina Ironheart is a famous adventurer in retirement, current mayor of the village and the mother of Astra.
Together with her daughter, she lives in her manor in the north-east corner of the village.

In the morning, Fina is doing paperwork on the table on the first floor of the mansion. During daytime, she can
be found in her library/study. Where she spends her evenings is a bit of a mystery in the beginning, but it soon
becomes clear. Saturday evenings become an exception after a certain quest. At night, she sleeps in her
locked room… unless she’s occupied otherwise.

Krowly can help her deal with her mail (Need help? → +1 Fina, [advances time]). All other ways of
advancing the relationship involve either quests, or sex scenes.

Iss is a red-headed elf woman who really loves wine (but not hangovers), and apparently has some dealings
with Sebastian, the village’s shopkeeper. She lives in the house in the west part of the elven forest.
Krowly can meet her in the evening in the elf camp (on Friday, Saturday or Sunday), and if things go well, she
invites him to visit her any time in her house (and apparently stops visiting the camp). On your first visit, she
also explains the occasional… elf-orc encounters in that part of the forest.

After Krowly does Sebastian a favor, Iss can offer him to search for certain items for her.

Iss can also be occasionally seen, but not interacted with in other circumstances, such as giving Sebastian a
blowjob below the table in his store, or witnessing (directing?) the bandit’s assault of the wine merchant during
the hunt event. Those events have no mechanical or plot consequences so far.

Jaina is a muscular adventurer with a large bulge, a larger bust and a boisterous, dominant personality. She’s
Rose’s partner in adventure, and occasionally, sex.

Jaina and Rose are staying at the Stone Dragon. Jaina sleeps late in the morning, probably due to the duo’s
night activities, and she spends the day and the evening in the pub. (Saturday evenings become an exception
after a certain quest.) At night, she gets a blowjob by Rose behind the Stone Dragon.

Krowly and Eric can meet, and potentially team up with Jaina and Rose on multiple occasions when they hunt
monsters or search for dungeons. Helping the adventurer duo during those events is the only way to advance
Jaina’s relationship before sexual options become available.

Jaina is one of the characters included in the clothing system: her sprite and portrait image reflect what she is
equipped with. The options so far are her normal clothes, naked and [Black lingerie].

Jenna is Eric’s middle-aged step-mother, who looks younger than she is. She lives together with her step-son
in their house in the middle of the village.

In the morning, Jenna can be found in the chicken coop next to her house, where Krowly can help her with
collecting the eggs (+2 Jenna, one [Egg] item). She spends the rest of the day and the evening at home
(unless Krowly has managed to convince her to take part in the “topless Friday” at the Stone Dragon). At night,
she sleeps in her bed… except on Thursday, or whenever circumstances have found her a partner.
Jenna also sometimes shows up when Krowly and Eric set out on an adventure, to give some food to Eric
(and on a high enough relationship score, also to Krowly: a [Good dinner] item).

Jill is Krowly’s step-sister, an adventurer who travels a lot. Recently, she has decided to spend some time at
her birthplace.

Jill arrives in Krowly’s house on the Sunday after Krowly has fixed Sister Elizabeth’s nocturnal problem, but
she decides to stay at the Stone Dragon inn. At the first Sunday service in the church after Jill’s arrival (which
can be the same day), Sister Elizabeth asks her to find a way to justify her residence in the village. Jill is at a
loss and Krowly steps in and points out that she can count as a member of his household.

Jill loves drinking, and she can be found in the Stone Dragon at any time. She’s also quite dirty-minded: at her
suggestion, Carla institutes “topless Fridays”. To get closer to her, give her alcohol (beer for Stare and Sweet
Lips wine for the right Chat topic) - see her morning and daytime entries. If Krowly manages to have her
destroyed bedroom fixed, he can invite her to move to the house (though she still spends the majority of her
time in the pub).
Juliet (or Juliette) is a perverted wandering scholar who decides to live in the village for a while after being
saved by Krowly (see below). She’s staying at the Stone Dragon inn, and spends most of her time there.

At the first Sunday service in the church after Juliet’s arrival, Fina asks her to find some way to contribute to
the village. It is agreed that Juliet will teach the village children in the church. Thus, she’s occupied (together
with Sister Elizabeth) on Monday and Friday in the daytime.

In the pub, if you talk to Juliet in the morning or in daytime, you can ask her to Come with me to fulfill her wish
to see “something nasty” - she temporarily joins the party until you do something that advances time or try to
leave the village. Among the other effects, she can now participate in some of the scenes available at those
times (usually as an enthusiastic spectator), which in some cases results in further “dates” at night that Krowly
can witness. In the evening, you can Invite her to a dance (+2 Juliet), or Flirt with her.

Krowly and Eric can also occasionally meet Juliet during their hunts.

Juliet is one of the characters included in the clothing system: her sprite and portrait image reflect what she is
equipped with. The options so far are her normal clothes, naked and [Black lingerie].

Saving Juliet: Krowly first sees her in the forest (southernmost eastern path, then the upper dead-end) while
she’s being anally raped by a bandit ([sprite animation]). You can walk away or Interfere, which starts a fight
with the bandit. You’d better win, because…
● If you lose: the bandit fucks Krowly anally (M/M [image scene], only Krowly’s visible, -100 lust) before
Juliet attacks the bandit and drives him away
● If you win: the bandit runs away.
In both cases, you get +10 EXP and Juliet’s gratitude (+20 Juliet). Talk to her. If your lust is high, you can ask
her for Sex (doggy-style [sprite animation], -100 lust). If you’ve defeated the bandit, you find +40 gold. In any
case you also find a magical scroll, enabling the Return spell quest.

Orc woman looking for workers in the orc camp.

Leaf is a shirtless male elf who grows and sells mushrooms. He can be found in the elf camp in the morning,
during the day and at night.

In addition to his mushroom business, at night Leaf will buy all your [pixie dust] wholesale. Sell him enough
and you’ll be able to Flirt with him.

Lizzy is Krowly’s pet slime-girl. She lives either in her jar, or freely moving around Krowly’s house.

After finishing the magic circle, Krowly still has a jar of slime-girl remains left. As one of the books in his home
suggests, consuming sperm makes slimes grow, and large slimes grow breasts to attract men. Thus, an option
to ejaculate in the slime jar appears in Krowly’s masturbation choices when he goes to bed. After “feeding” the
jar 10 times, a slime girl appears when Krowly leaves his bedroom, resulting in a boobjob [image scene] (-100
lust) and Lizzy being given her name.

To interact with her, interact with the jar in your Key items. If you are in Krowly’s house, you have the
additional option to let Lizzy out - she will roam the house and its basement until you ask her to go back in the
jar. She has the same scenes in both cases.

Lizzy has an internal counter that tracks how many doses of sperm she has consumed during her scenes:
● In combat, if Krowly’s HPs fall below a certain threshold (but he’s not yet knocked out), Lizzy will heal
him at the beginning of the turn, spending one unit of sperm.
● She also provides a Special skill in battle: healing one ally (also consumes one unit of sperm).
● When she’s out of her jar, she consumes one unit per day. If she runs out, after a couple of days she
starts looking for food elsewhere.

Mabel is a female minotaur merchant who visits the village every Sunday to sell minotaur products. She puts
up her stall in the middle of the village, in front of the chicken coop.

Answer Yes to her offer to shop for [Minotaur milk] and [Minotaur sperm]. You can ask to suckle directly from
her breasts with I’d like some fresh milk, but then she challenges Krowly to a fight. Unsurprisingly, even
female minotaurs are tough opponents (she has a lot of HP; can use a stunning attack and lust attacks).
● If you lose: Mabel feeds Krowly minotaur sperm, with predictable results (+100 lust, -20 hunger).
● If you win: Krowly sucks Mable’s breasts (see the Sunday entry). After that, she lets him suckle without
Raising the relationship to some point triggers a blowjob when choosing to suck milk. This scene then
becomes repeatable through Mabel’s Flirt option.

Krowly and Eric can also occasionally meet Mabel during their hunts.

Melissa is a secretive, anti-social witch (sorceress?) who can summon herself a penis. Krowly shows a great
interest in her magical knowledge (and her body) and he tries to become her apprentice.

Melissa lives in the Old Tower south of the forest and getting in requires some effort (see below). She never
leaves the tower and doesn’t seem to sleep, so Krowly can Flirt with her at any time. Once a day, Krowly can
also Ask her something, each discussion unlocking the next topic if the right conditions are met. After the
discussion, shel refuses to talk or flirt until the next day.

Topic progression:
1. Krowly asks her about the tower and she explains how to use magic to expand and fold physical space
(+20 EXP, unlocks the New laboratory quest).
2. (part of quest) Melissa explains how to create powerful magic barriers.
3. Melissa explains the difference between “real” ghosts and ghost-imitating spirits after Krowly
apologises for banishing her guardian ghost. He offers to help her with anything as compensation.
4. Melissa asks Krowly to bring her some [Elven milk] (starts the Tea with milk quest).
5. Melissa takes Krowly to a tea party (finishes the same quest).

Apart from the quests started by talking to her, she’s also involved in Summon succubus and Where is Fina?.

Gaining access: The entrance of the tower is protected by a magic seal. At night, the seal is guarded by a
busty ghost. It’s a tough fight if you are not prepared (she has some resistance to physical attacks and can
drain mana; Ghost Force powers up for an ice attack on the next turn). Tips: Recommended level 3 for the
Guard/Magic shield skill - use it when she powers up to survive the ice spell.
● If you lose: the ghost sucks off Krowly until he loses consciousness ([image scene], -50 lust,
[advances time to morning]).
● If you win: the ghost thanks Krowly for freeing her and the seal disappears forever.
Inside the tower, go down the stairs and read the tablet on the wall to get a password hint. Then go to the top
floor and interact with the magic circle. If you’ve read Tolkien (or know basic English/Russian), you can guess
the correct option right away. (As for “parole”, it’s a French loanword used in Russian for “password”, but in
English that use is very rare - instead, the word usually refers to conditional release of prisoners.) The
activated circle will teleport you to the hidden top floor of the tower, Melissa’s home and laboratory. She is
surprised to meet Krowly, but apparently likes his compliments (+5 Melissa).

A mysterious hooded, blindfolded and bare-breasted priestess who has mouths instead of nipples.

She can be found at any time of day in the ruined temple (north of the mountain cliffs). Eric and Krowly also
can meet her when exploring certain dungeons.

Rayna is the muscular blacksmith of the elf camp – a red-haired, freckled elf with large breasts and ass who
seems to wear only her blacksmith’s apron. She lives in her smithy on the east side of the camp.

In the mornings, she can be found wandering around the camp (though after the spa opens, she can be found
relaxing there on Monday and Friday). During the day, she works at her forge, and if Krowly talks to her, she
offers him to do some work (Yes → +5 gold, [advances time]). In the evenings, she asks him to find her
some [elven futa sperm] – if Krowly agrees to sell her some, Rayna buys all that he carries at 3 gold per
bottle. The nights she spends in her bed… except on Tuesday and Thursday.

Rose is a petite alchemist adventurer who uses potions in combat. She’s Jaina’s partner in adventure, and
occasionally, sex.

Jaina and Rose are staying at the Stone Dragon. Unlike the lazier Jaina, Rose starts the morning with a
refreshing bath (standing under the village waterfall, next to the Ironheart manor), except on Thursday, when
her spot is occupied and she has to stay at the pub. She spends the day and the evening there anyway. At
night, she blows Jaina behind the Stone Dragon.

While Rose is in the pub, Krowly can Buy potions from her (she offers some combat potions that he can’t
make… yet?). In the daytime, Chat involves Rose offering Krowly to be the test subject for one of her potions.
Choosing to Help usually results in +1 Rose, [advances time] and can lead to amusing (and/or hot)

Krowly and Eric can meet, and potentially team up with Jaina and Rose on multiple occasions when they hunt
monsters or search for dungeons. Helping the adventurer duo during those events is the only other way to
advance Rose’s relationship before sexual options become available.

Rose is one of the characters included in the clothing system: her sprite and portrait image reflect what she is
equipped with. The options so far are her normal clothes, naked and [Black lingerie].

Taisha is a busty female goblin who becomes Derek’s new wife at the conclusion of A woman for Derek. She
spends most of her day working in and around his farm, and the evenings together with him and their daughter
at the pub. Krowly can also buy vegetables from her.

Being a goblin who used to walk around mostly naked, Taisha is fascinated with the pretty clothes of human
women and takes her dress off every time it rains so it doesn’t get dirty.
She can be seen being fucked by Derek at night, on Tuesday and Friday. When Krowly talks to her after the
wedding, out of gratitude she offers him to fuck her clevage ([portrait image], -50 lust), unlocking her Flirt
menu. So far that’s the only way to advance her relationship score. If it’s high enough, Krowly can convince
her to join the “Topless Fridays” at the pub.

Lust gains and scenes

Repeatable daily lust gains and lust loses (i.e. sex scenes). This excludes one-time scenes during quests,
winning or losing against enemies (covered in a separate section), and scenes during hunts or adventures
(because they are random).
Events tied to a particular day and/or time typically can happen only once per day, for example you can
masturbate to the painting only once. All options to Flirt have relationship conditions. All voyeurism scenes
ask you if you want to masturbate only if your lust is high enough.

Any day
Events not tied to a particular day.

Lust items
All of them can be used more than once per day, unlike most other entries in this section.
● Beer: +20 lust, -1 hunger
● Goblin ale: +30 lust, -3 hunger
● Wine: +30 lust, -5 hunger
● Sweet Lips wine: +200 lust, -15 hunger
● Lust potion: +200 lust
● Minotaur sperm: +100 lust, -10 hunger, lactation if breasts.
● Elven futa sperm: +100 lust, -4 hunger
● Snu-snu fruit: -4 hunger; no direct lust gain, but increases lust gain with 50% for three days (the
current and the next two).
● Ancient urn: single-use Item, you can have more than one. Using it releases a ghost girl who gives you
a blowjob for -50 lust [image scene]
● Slime jar: in Key Items; can be [used] to summon Lizzy outside of combat. If you have any lust and
don’t have anything repelling slimes, you can Feed her your semen or Titfuck her. Each option has its
own short [image scene] and results in -50 lust.

One-off events
Events that can happen only once and are not a part of a quest or a dungeon or hunt event.
● Tentacles nest: In the “ruined passage” that connects the north-west exit of the forest to the mountain
region, stepping on one of the cracked tiles results in Krowly falling into a cave full of tentacle
○ If Krowly has learned the Return spell, he can Struggle (see below) or Teleport back home (no
MP cost or requirement, unlike normal use?), only pulling a single tentacle monster along with
■ If you win: Krowly remarks about the dangers of travelling in the mountains.
■ If you lose: the monster fills all his holes; [sprite animation], -100 lust, -7 hunger,
[advances time].
○ If Krowly cannot or does not teleport, all the tentacle monsters in the cave have their way with
him ([sprite animation], -300 lust, -20 hunger, [advances time], larger than usual increase in
sex statistics).
Any time of day
● (level 4) Meditation skill → -50 lust, +30 MP, +5 hunger, [advances time].
● Going to bed - [advances time to morning] on the next day. Better do it last thing at night.
○ Fap before bed: normally -50 lust, if anything else doesn’t happen.
■ (random chance) Jill drunkenly comes in and Krowly finishes all over her (random scene
variations, [portrait image]).
● (random chance, very high lust) Jill thinks Krowly’s a stripper (+10 gold) and
offers him money for a show. You can either refuse or Cum for Jill → right into
her mouth (no illustration, +10 gold).
■ (random chance) Lizzy comes out and eats Krowly’s ass ([sprite animation], -100 lust)
○ (random chance, high enough relationship) Astra bursts into the house, demanding that Krowly
stops appearing in her wet dreams (+50 lust)
○ In the morning:
■ Automatic daily +5 lust gain.
■ (random, if Jill ≥ 20, she lives in the house and lust ≥ 100) Jill wakes Krowly up with a
titjob ([animated scene], -50 lust, +3 Jill, [covers her face and breasts]).
● Fina bukkake painting: on the 2nd floor of Fina’s house. Looking at it gives +5 lust; if you have enough
lust, Fap → -50 lust [image scene]. There’s a random chance of Astra surprising Krowly in the act - he
will ejaculate all over her instead of onto the painting ([covers her]).
● Fina gangbang painting: given to Krowly if he has fapped enough times to the bukkake painting (>10?)
and talked to Fina about it. Looking at it gives +5 lust and [image].
● Goddess statue in the church: +10 lust. See also the morning and night options.
● Summoning circle, after Krowly gets it going:
○ Summon Jimm: random [image] of the imp having anal sex with the succubus in different
forms of hers (ordinary, pregnant, futa). +20 lust
○ Summon Meril:
■ Handjob → short [image scene], -50 lust; increases MP maximum for the day and
proportionally increases current MP.
■ Cowgirl → short [image scene], -100 lust; increases HP maximum for the day and
proportionally increases current HP.
● Sexy trees: in various places in the forest and the elven forest. All count as a single interaction.
○ +10 lust just for looking.
○ Breasts tree, ass tree: Fup → different text for each, masturbation [portrait image], -50 lust.
○ Pregnant tree: Suck → breast sucking text scene, -2 hunger.
● (after quest) “Wild” slime girl in the slime cave where you found Lizzy:
○ if you win: Feed her → nipplefuck [animated scene], -50 lust.
○ If you lose: brief [sprite animation] of her fucking Krowly, -100 lust, [advances time].
● (if discovered) Melissa is always in her room. Flirt:
○ Stare → she flashes her magically summoned penis (+10 lust [portrait image], +1 Melissa)
○ Eat pussy → Go down ([image scene], +100 lust, +1 Melissa) or Not now (-1 Melissa)
○ Suck dick → Go down ([image scene], -50 lust, -3 hunger, +1 Melissa) or -1 Melissa
● Elven forest voyeurism: sprite animations that appear at random in the elf glade.
○ Futa elf on female orc → +15 lust.
○ Male orcs double-teaming a futa elf → +15 lust; Help her → Krowly ends up facefucking her
([image scene], -50 lust).
● Sacrifice to the goddess: in the ruined temple (up north in the mountains), Pray and then Offer
sacrifice → the Priestess sucks Krowly off with her nipplemouth ([image scene], -100 lust, all HP and
MP recovered).

● Peeping at bather: Rose (except Thursdays; [image], +10 lust)
○ If high enough lust, option to fap (-50 lust); scene variant with Juliet.
● Grandma Agnieszka is grazing her sheep. Flirt:
○ Show me your boobs (+20 lust, [portrait image], +3 Agnieszka)
○ Handjob → handjob/boobjob in Agnieszka’s lap ([image scene], -50 lust, +3 Agnieszka,
[covers her], [advances time]).
○ Let me fuck you → old woman doggy-style ([image scene], -100 lust, +5 Agnieszka,
[advances time]).
● Alice is doing her washing. Flirt → blowjob [image scene] (-50 Lust, +2 Alice) → Cum in mouth or
Cum on face ([covers her])
● Carla is working at the inn all day. Flirt:
○ Fuck tits → -50 lust, +1 Carla, [image scene], [covers her]; Juliet variant.
○ (if unlocked) Nipplefuck → Krowly pushes his dick into Carla’s soft breast ([image scene], -50
lust, +1 Carla); unlocked at random when Chat-ting, if high enough relationship and Jill’s in
town. Unlocking it also starts a quest.
● Goddess statue in the church (if Krowly has ejaculated on it last night) → +20 lust.
● Sister Elizabeth (after quest, except Sundays) is alone in the church. Flirt options unlocked as
relationship progresses:
○ Facial → Krowly cums on her face ([image scene], -50 lust, +1 Elizabeth, [covers her])
○ Fuck cleavage → boobjob ([image scene], -50 lust, +1 Elizabeth, )
○ Blowjob → [animated scene], -50 lust, +1 Elizabeth, options to Cum in mouth or Cum on
face ([covers her])
○ Anal → Elizabeth bends over the altar, [image scene], -100 lust, +5 Elizabeth, options to Cum
inside or Pull out.
● Fina is working at her desk.
○ (if unlocked) Stretching → Krowly fucks her on the table ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances
time]) You can Cum inside (+5 Fina) or Pull out ([covers her], +3 Fina, -1 Astra) Unlocked
and acted for the first time on enough relationship and choosing Need help?.
● Jenna is in the hen coop by her house:
○ collecting the eggs → +10 lust (+15 lust if Krowly has tits), +2 Jenna, [Egg] item
○ Stare at boobs → +10 lust
■ if very high lust, you can Ask about titfuck; if not enough relationship -1 Jenna;
otherwise -100 lust [image scene], +3 Jenna, Juliet variant unlocks night scene.
● Jill (if in town) is in the pub all day: Stare → Stare at her butt (+10 lust, [image]) or Stare at her
cleavage ([image], +10 lust, or if enough relationship, she flashes you her boob for +20 lust). In both
cases, if you have a Beer in your inventory you can then Give Jill a beer for +1 Jill
● Juliet in the pub: Come with me → Juliet joins Krowly’s party until time advances or he leaves the
village; provides variants for some scenes with Juliet’s presence.
○ (game menu) → Talk to party → Juliet → Let’s have sex → (if enough relationship) Boobjob
→ [image scene], -50 lust, +1 hunger, +3 Juliet, [covers her]
● Taisha (if quest completed) is in or around Derek’s house. Flirt (if it’s not raining):
○ Cleavagefuck → [image scene], -50 lust, +2 Taisha.
● Diana (except Monday) is guarding the Gate of Palla. Flirt (after quest):
○ Titfuck → [image scene], -50 lust, +2 Diana.
● Leaf is hanging around in the elf camp. Flirt (if unlocked):
○ Anal → Krowly fucks Leaf in the ass ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances time]). Unlocked by
selling him a total of 10 [fairie dust].
● “Special massage” in the elven spa (after quest): (-10 gold for each option)
○ Back massage → large HP gain, +50 lust.
○ Throat massage → Krowly sucks off the futa elf; [animated scene], -50 lust, -10 hunger
○ Dick massage → Krowly facefucks her; [image scene], -50 lust
● Iss (if you have become acquainted) is at home.
○ Drink and fuck tits → titfuck [image scene], -50 lust, [advances time].
● An orc woman (Kestia) is looking for someone to chop wood. Helping her [advances time] and you
can choose your reward: Gold (+5 gold) or Sex (orc girl riding [image scene], -100 lust).
● Same as morning for: Agniezka, Carla, Taisha, Diana (except Tuesday and Friday), Leaf, Spa, Kestia,
● Alice at work in the pub:
○ (relationship) order lunch from Carla, then Reach out → Pull off panties → Play → Krowly
fingers Alice’s ass until she comes ([image scene], +50 lust, +2 Alice, [advances time])
○ Flirt →
■ (except Topless Friday) Clevage fuck → Alice offers some quick relief between her breasts
(-50 lust, +2 Alice, [image scene], [covers her])
■ Anal → Alice and Krowly have some fun in a bed upstairs: [image scene], -100 lust,
[advances time], options to Cum in ass (+5 Alice) or Pull out (-1 Alice, [covers her])
● Fina at home: Flirt → boobjob [image scene] → Cum on face, Cum in mouth, Cum on boobs, or if
max lust, the only option is Cum everywhere; -50 lust, +1 Fina; Juliet variant (causes night scene)
● Derek is fishing by his house. After quest:
○ Flirt → Derek fucks Krowly in the ass; M/M [image scene] (mostly Krowly’s ass); -100 lust.
● Jill: same stare options as the morning if you haven’t used them.
○ Chat → (random chance) talking about drinks → (Sweet Lips bottle) Give a bottle of "Sweet
lips" → +10 Jill; if not evening [advances time]
■ (enough relationship) deep throat [image scene], -150 lust, [advances time] again;
otherwise +10 lust
○ Chat → (random chance, enough relationship) Krowly and Jill go on a date that ends up with
anal [image scene], -100 lust, +5 Jill, [advances time to morning]
○ Flirt → Facial (not in version 0.340.1); Deepthroat (unlocked by and replaces the Chat option);
Anal (the same)
● Jenna is in her house. Stare at boobs option still active if not used in the morning.
○ Flirt → Facefuck [image scene], -50 lust, +3 Jenna.
○ Flirt → Anal “full nelson” [image scene], -100 lust, +5 Jenna, [advances time].
● Juliet (except Monday and Friday): same come-with-me option as in the morning
● Rose is in the pub:
○ Chat → Help → random effect; if not listed +1 Rose, in all cases [advances time]:
■ Krowly becomes unnaturally aroused (+100 lust)
● (if high relationship with Rose) vaginal sex [image scene], -100 lust, +3 Rose.
■ hyper penis combined boobjob/blowjob with Juliet and Rose [image scene], -100 lust,
+3 Rose, +3 Juliet.
■ Other possible effects: nothing; if Krowly has breasts, lactation; if he has not, he can
grow some; ???
○ Flirt → Blowjob [image scene], -50 lust, +2 Rose, [facial]
● In the forest, (if unlocked, and Krowly has talked to Eric that morning) Jaina is fucking Eric (+30 lust,
[sprite animation]). Unlocked by making a certain choice during a certain hunt event.
○ Join → Krowly joins by fucking Jaina in the ass (-50 lust, +1 Eric, +1 Jaina, M/Futa/M [image
scene]); this the only way to later go exploring with Eric in the usual way.
● (after quest) Elizabeth Darkwood is at the elf spa. Flirt:
○ Facial (-50 lust, +2 Darkwood, [image scene], [covers her])
○ (after quest) Anal → Krowly fucks Elizabeth’s ass (M/Futa [image scene], -100 lust).

● Same options as earlier for: Jenna (if at home), Iss (if unlocked) TODO.
● In the inn:
○ Same as daytime for Jill
○ Astra: Flirt → Handjob (-50 lust, +2 Astra, [image scene], [covers her]), Titfuck (-50 lust, +2
Astra, [image scene], [covers her])
■ if you have ejaculated on Eric’s face during the previous parts of the day, +3 Astra.
○ Eric flirt:
■ (if Krowly has breasts) Titfuck → [image scene], -50 lust, +1 Eric, [cum covered]
■ (Eric ≥ 50) Anal → (if the other is not unlocked, directly starts the Catch scene):
● Catch → Eric fucks Krowly (M/M [image scene], -100 lust, +5 Eric, [advances
time to morning])
● (if unlocked) Pitch → Krowly fucks Eric (M/M [image scene], -100 lust, +5 Eric,
[advances time to morning]). Unlocked and seen for the first time during a
certain hunt event.
○ Jaina: if Krowly removes his clothes and talks to her (while she’s dressed), she remarks on his
penis and asks him if he wants to see hers (Sure → +10 lust, [portrait image])
■ If you repeat that, Carla gets upset (-1 Carla) for no lust gain
■ If Krowly has breasts and high enough relationship, Jaina will invite him upstairs. Yes →
Krowly gives Jaina a boobjob (-50 lust, +3 Jaina, [image scene], [cum covered])
○ Juliet flirt:
■ Titjob (-50 lust [image scene], +3 Juliet)
■ Anal (-100 lust [image scene], +5 Juliet, -3 Alice if Alice likes you, [advances time to
● (except Saturdays after quest) Fina bathing in the waterfall, +30 lust [image]
○ (high enough lust) you are given the option to mastrubate: -50 lust
■ (if unlocked) you have the option to Show yourself → Krowly joins Fina under the
waterfall (+50 lust???). Pussy or Ass → [image scene], -100 lust, +3 Fina, [advances
time]. Unlocked and acted for the first time on high enough relationship, after quest -
random chance of Fina catching Krowly masturbating to her and inviting him to join her.

● Rose blowing Jaina behind the inn [sprite animation] → +15 lust, [image]
○ Watch and fap → Krowly can choose to Focus on Rose, Focus on Jaina or Focus on both
for slight variations of the [image scene]; -50 lust.
○ (Lust ≥ 200) Suck her dick → Krowly blows Jaina ([image scene], -100 lust, -3 hunger,
[advances time to morning])
○ (if Krowly has sucked her dick) Join:
■ Blowbang → Rose jerks off Krowly while sucking Jaina’s dick ([image scene], -50 lust).
■ Spitroast → he fucks Rose’s ass while she’s sucking Jaina ([image scene], -50 lust).
● Goddess statue in the church: Fup → Krowly ejaculates all over the statue’s tits (-50 lust), with minor
consequences in the morning.
● Voyeurism: Juliet’s daily unlocks:
○ (if Juliet has seen Jenna’s boobjob) Jenna + Juliet in Jenna’s house (F/F [sprite animation], +20
lust); Fap → -50 lust
○ (if Juliet has seen Fina’s blowjob) Fina on Juliet in Fina’s bedroom (+30 lust). Fap → Krowly
watches Fina summon a cock and fuck Juliet; random chance whether she finishes inside
(Futa/F [image scene], -50 lust).
● Diana is relaxing by the guards’s campfire: same as morning, but she’s not wearing her helmet.
● The last possible action for the day is going to sleep (see Any time of day).

● (after quest) Rayna at the spa → +10 lust.
● (if Juliet is teaching, not looking for a wife) Derek is drowning his sorrows in the pub.
○ Seduce → Krowly blows Derek ([sprite animation]) and then is roughly fucked in the ass by him
(M/M [image scene], disembodied penis and Krowly’s ass); -100 lust, -4 hunger.
● (if it’s raining) Taisha is taking a stroll naked → +10 lust.
● Sister Elizabeth does church maintenance. Help → (if enough lust and relationship) she takes care of
Krowly’s hard-on with a blowjob [animated scene]. Options to Cum in mouth or Cum on face ([covers
face]). +1 Elizabeth, -50 lust anyway. Also +1 Elizabeth even if no sex. [advances time]
● Voyeurism: Alice masturbation [image scene]: +15 lust; Fap → -50 lust.

● (if it’s raining) Taisha is working in the garden naked → +10 lust.
● Guards having fun: Diana blows Conlan (+15 lust, [sprite animation], [covers her face])
● Jenna bathing in the pool behind her house → +15 lust [image]
● Carla: +15 lust on entering the basement [image]; Fuck → Fuck pussy ([image scene]) or Fuck ass
([image scene]; options to Cum inside or Pull out). Any option: +3 Carla, -100 lust, [advances time
to morning]. Your next meal in the pub will be free. :)
● Voyeurism:
○ (after quest) Taisha riding Derek in their house ([sprite animation], +20 lust). Fap → -50 lust.
○ Rayna fucked doggy-style by the wine merchant ([sprite animation], +20 lust).

● Astra dressing: +15 lust; if high enough relationship: answer No for anal [image scene], -100 lust, +5
Astra, [advances time]
● Fina at her desk: in addition to the other morning options:
○ (if unlocked) Facial training → Astra deepthroat [sprite animation], then Fina and Astra double
facial [image scene]. You can choose on which one to finish first: Cum on Fina or Cum on
Astra. Choosing the first, if you have high enough lust, you can choose to just Cum on Astra
([covers her face]) or Cum in Astra’s mouth ([covers her tits]). -100 lust, +3 Fina, +2 Astra,
[advances time]. Unlocked and acted for the first time on any day, enough relationship with
Fina and choosing Need help?; first time point rewards are +3 Fina, -5 Astra.
● Sister Elizabeth is naked in the back room of the church, massaging her breasts → +15 lust.
○ Offer help → Krowly sucks her breast ([image scene], +1 Sister Elizabeth, +20 lust unless
your lust is already very high - then Krowly comes all over her feet for -50 lust.
○ If you do it enough times, she starts lactating; -10 hunger for drinking her milk, and if Krowly
has breasts, he starts lactating too.
● Carla in the basement again (see Tuesday night)
● Voyeurism:
○ (if unlocked) Astra anally masturbating with a [jade dildo] in her bedroom → +15 lust [image]
■ Masturbate → [image scene]; she notices Krowly; if Astra ≥ 30 she lets him watch her
and finish (-50 lust), otherwise she chases him out of the room.
■ Unlocked by talking to Fina in the morning on Wednesday or Friday, if a certain quest is
complete and Krowly has masturbated at least 3 times during voyeurism scenes.
○ Goblins tribbing (leftmost house cave in the goblin village) → +10 lust; Yes → -50 lust.

● Eric bathing instead of Rose (M/M [image], +10 lust) in the morning.
○ If high enough lust, option to masturbate (-50 lust).
● Jaina is sleeping late. (If Jaina ≥ 25 and Krowly has sucked her) talk to Rose in the pub, then go to
Jaina’s room on the second floor: Do nothing or
○ Wake her up → Jaina becomes angry (-1 Jaina, ???).
○ Wake her up gently → Krowly gives her a wake-up handjob (M/Futa [text scene], +50 lust,
[covers him]).
■ (Rose ≥ 20) Rose kisses Krowly on the cheek (+1 Rose).

● Eric has gone into the caves in search of goblin ass. Random chance:
○ Eric is fucking a goblin close to the entrance [sprite animation] → +20 lust. Join → Krowly
takes the goblin’s mouth, Eric takes her ass ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances time]).
○ Eric has been captured and is ridden by a goblin deeper into the cave [sprite animation] → +20
lust. Help him → you have to fight the goblin. If you win, you can Ask for reward → Eric blows
Krowly ([image scene], -50 lust, [advances time]), or you can just let him go. If you lose, the
goblin blows and rides Krowly (-100 lust, [advances time]). You can refuse to help and walk
● (if it’s raining) Taisha is working in the garden naked → +10 lust.

● Sister Elizabeth does church maintenance (see Monday evening)

● Voyeurism:
○ Alice anal masturbation [image scene]: +15 lust; Fap → -50 lust.
○ Jenna riding Eric in his bed [image scene]: +20 lust; Fap → -50 lust
○ Rayna fucked doggy-style by the wine merchant ([sprite animation], +20 lust).

(After Jill comes to town.) “Topless Friday” at the inn! Employees will have topless [portrait image] (lust gains
are once per-day).
● All day: Carla → +10 lust

● Astra dressing (see Wednesday morning)
● (after quest) Rayna at the spa → +10 lust.
● Alice’s shift in the pub. Topless → +10 lust.
● (if Juliet is teaching, not looking for a wife) Derek is drowning his sorrows in the pub (see Monday).
● Guards having fun: Diana blows Conlan (+15 lust, [sprite animation], [covers her face])
● “Topless Friday” at the inn:
○ topless Elizabeth Darkwood → +10 lust
○ (if unlocked) topless Jenna → +10 lust (Ask about topless Friday during the day to unlock.)
■ You can ask her for a dance for +2 Jenna ([advances time]).
○ (if unlocked) topless Alice dancing on the table → +30 lust.
○ (if unlocked) topless Jaina → +10 lust.
■ Both the above are unlocked by inviting Alice for a dance when you have high enough
relationship scores with both Alice and Jaina.
○ (if unlocked) topless Astra → +10 lust.
■ Unlocked by asking her to join Topless Friday after Alice starts dancing, if Astra has a
non-negative relationship score with Krowly and Jenna is present.
○ (if unlocked) topless Taisha → +10 lust.
■ Unlocked by talking to her in the pub on Friday, if your relationship is high enough.
● A male orc by a fire in the forest (first branch east, then to the north) offers Krowly to drink with him.
○ Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes → Krowly blacks out and the orc fucks him in the ass (M/M [image scene]
of a green dick and Krowly’s ass, -100 lust, [advances time]).
○ (if fucked anally enough times by anyone) directly offer Ass → shorter variant, +10 gold.
● (one-off) Red-headed elf woman with a hangover at the elf camp:
○ (if wine in inventory) Offer wine → Iss titfuck [image scene], -100 lust, [advances time].
● Voyeurism:
○ (if unlocked) Astra anally masturbating with a [jade dildo] in her bedroom (see Wednesday).
○ (after quest) Taisha riding Derek in their house ([sprite animation], +20 lust). Fap → -50 lust.
○ (unlocked Astra/Eric) Astra giving Eric a deepthroat blowjob for good night ([image scene]). Fup
→ -50 lust, Just watch → +50 lust.

● (if it’s raining) Taisha is working in the garden naked → +10 lust.

● Sister Elizabeth does church maintenance (see Monday evening)
● (after quest) at the elf Spa:
○ Jenna bathing: +10 lust
○ Fina being fucked by dickgirls [sprite animation] → +20 lust [image]
○ naked Jaina → +10 lust; If enough relationship, you can Flirt:
■ Anal → Jaina fucks anally Krowly in the bathtub [image scene] (-100 lust, +5 Jaina)
■ Rimjob → Krowly eats Jaina’s ass (no illustration yet, +50 lust, +3 Jaina)
● Drunk male orc in the forest (see Friday evening)
● (one-off) Red-headed elf woman with a hangover at the elf camp (see Friday evening)
● Voyeurism: Grandpa Jason fucking Grandma Agnieszka in their house [sprite animation]: +20 lust; fap
→ -50 lust.

All day:
● Mabel is in town:
○ (if unlocked) I’d like more fresh milk → milk sucking [image scene], -10 hunger, +20 lust, +1
Mabel, [advances time]
○ (if enough relationship) Flirt → Blowjob: [sprite animation] scene, -50 lust, +1 Mabel.
● Voyeurism: Eric has anal sex with Jenna in the chicken coop (“full nelson” [image scene], +20 lust),
option to mastrubate for -50 lust.
● Entering the Church triggers Sister Elizabeth’s Flirt menu (see morning) before she proceeds with the
service; Fina can notice the results during the service (just a small detail).
○ (random chance; enough relationship) Alice secretly gives Krowly a handjob during the service
([text scene], -50 lust, +2 Alice).
● (if unlocked) after the service in the Church ([advances time]), Confess → Fina fucks Krowly in the
ass ([image scene], -100 lust, +3 Fina, +1 Sister Elizabeth, [advances time]). Unlocked by the scene
of Fina punishing Krowly at the first service after finishing the quest.
● (if it’s raining) Taisha is taking a stroll naked → +10 lust.
● Drunk male orc in the forest (see Friday evening)
● (one-off) Red-headed elf woman with a hangover at the elf camp (see Friday evening)
● Guards’s tent: Diana being fucked anally by Conlan ([sprite animation], +30 lust). Do it to join them
and double penetrate her in the ass ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances time to morning]).
● Voyeurism: goblins tribbing (leftmost house cave in the goblin village) [sprite animation] → +10 lust;
masturbate → -50 lust.

Party member scenes

Scenes available when other characters have joined Krowly’s party, typically during hunting and dungeon
exploration. In all cases, the scenes are accessible through the game menu → Talk to party → (select
character) → Let’s have sex. New options are typically unlocked by progressing the relationship with that
character, though other conditions also exist. Most options reuse scenes and images originally used

Juliet: She temporarily joins the party if you talk to her in the pub in the morning or daytime, and agree to
● (Juliet > 30) Titjob → even if it’s in the middle of the village; [image scene], -50 lust, +3 Juliet.

Eric: Unsurprisingly, most of these scenes are unavailable if the “gay filter” is ON.
● (Eric ≥ 30) Blowjob → Eric sucks Krowly’s dick, M/M [image scene], -50 lust, -50 Eric’s lust, options
to Cum in his mouth or Cum on his face ([covers him]).
○ If you do it on Juliet’s glade, she starts masturbating while she’s watching ([sprite animation]).
● (Eric ≥ 30) Fuck my boobs (if Krowly has breasts) → M/M [image scene], -50 lust, -50 Eric’s lust, +2
Eric, +1 hunger.
● (Eric ≥ 50) Anal → (if the second option is not unlocked, this is the first scene by default)
○ Fuck me → Krowly is anally fucked in missionary. M/M [image scene], -100 lust, -100 Eric’s
lust, +2 Eric.
○ (if unlocked) I will fuck you → Krowly anally fucks Eric. M/M [image scene], -100 lust, -100
Eric’s lust, +5 Eric.
○ Same note as the blowjob above.

Eric also has a couple of options that appear when his personal lust counter reaches maximum and he’s no
longer able to fight. There are no relationship requirements. Talk to him and choose to Help Eric:
● Use my dick and Use my ass are the same as the respective scenes above.
● Use your hand → “Think about Astra making out with Fina”, [image] of bottomless, erect Eric, -50
Eric’s lust.
● Lizzy will help you (if not at home) → slime girl feeding [image scene], -50 Eric’s lust, +1 Lizzy SP.

Jaina: Unsurprisingly, most of these scenes are unavailable if the “gay filter” is ON.
● (Jaina ≥ 5) Use my mouth → Krowly deepthroats Jaina. Futa/M [image scene], -50 lust, -50 Jaina’s
lust, +2 Jaina, -3 hunger.
● (Jaina ≥ 10) Use my boobs (if Krowly has breasts) → reused [image scene], -50 lust, -50 Jaina’s
lust, +3 Jaina, +1 hunger. Futa/M, or does this count as Futa/Futa?
● (Jaina ≥ 15) Use my ass → Jaina fucks Krowly’s ass from behind. Futa/M [image scene], -100 lust, -
100 Jaina’s lust, +3 Jaina.

If Jaina has reached maximum lust, you can talk to her and choose to Help Jaina:
● Just masturbate → “Think of tight goblin butts.” [image] of bottomless, erect Jaina, -50 Jaina’s lust.
● Same options as above.

● (Rose ≥ 20) Blowjob → reused [image scene], -50 lust, -50 Rose’s lust, +2 Rose, [covers her].
● (Rose ≥ 50, unlocked) Vaginal → missionary; [image scene], -100 lust, -100 Rose’s lust, +3 Rose.
○ Unlocked if Krowly has fucked Rose during her potion experiments.
If Rose has reached maximum lust, you can talk to her and choose to Help Rose:
● Blowjob → same as above.
They are called that way in the main menu. Those are skills that Krowly uses outside of combat, at particular
locations. Each one has three ranks (beginner, apprentice, master), and Krowly progresses by doing the
particular activity (30 times for apprentice, 60 for master). This always [advances time].

Progressed by Krowly working in his garden (“Work in the field?” → Yes), which produces an [Ingredients]
item that can be sold to Sebastian. Krowly’s gardening rank influences the chance of successfully collecting
the plants and mushrooms that can be found all over the place. Working in the field also seems to have a
chance of producing a random herb.

As a completely separate mechanic, you can grow specific plants in the garden. You start with only 4 planting
spots, but you can get more by cleaning the other parts of the garden. Seeds are occasionally dropped when
you collect plants in the wild. A day contributes to plant growth if you have worked in the garden and watered
the plants (rain also counts).

Progressed by Krowly cooking in his house. Cooking Something simple consumes a cooking ingredient item
of any kind, produces a simple food item, and can be done only once per day. The results depend on rank:
● Beginner → [Dinner] (-4 hunger when consumed). It can also be bought from Sebastian’s store.
● Apprentice → [Tasty dinner] (-7 hunger)
● Master → [Good dinner] (-10 hunger)

Some ingredients can be bought from specific people in the village; some are random drops by enemies. They
can also be eaten without being cooked, but for little gain (-2 or -1 hunger, depending on type).
Krowly can also Use a recipe to cook a meal that requires more than one ingredient. All starting recipes are
nutritionally equivalent to a [Tasty dinner] (-7 hunger).

Special recipes
In addition to the common recipes that Krowly knows by default, you can obtain more complex recipes, for
dishes that produce special effects. As of 0.339.1, you have only one option:
● [Goblin stew] - dropped by thick goblins (after the quest, either in a certain dungeon or the western
branch of the old goblin caves). Requires: apprentice rank, 3 x [Blue mushroom], [Elven milk], [Goblin
ale], 2 x [Wild carrot]. Effects: -20 hunger, +3 MaxMP.

Progressed by Krowly brewing potions in his basement laboratory. Brewing a potion requires an empty [Bottle]
and the ingredients specific for that potion. Rank appears to affect only the size of health and mana potions,
but no other potions:
● Beginner → [Health potion] (+100 HP), [Mana potion] (+60 MP). Can also be bought from Sebastian.
● Apprentice → [Good health potion] (+200 HP), [Good mana potion] (+120 MP)
● Master → [Strong health potion] (+300 HP), [Strong mana potion] (+180 MP).

Potion recipes are unlocked in various ways:
● Health potion - unlocked from the very beginning. Also heals poison.
● Mana potion - unlocked from the very beginning.
● Lust potion - a bookshelf in the Ironheart Manor.
● Clear mind potion - the front room bookshelf in the Church.
● Slime repellent - an old book on the floor of the slime cave.
● Boobs potion - from Melissa during the appropriate quest.
● Reducto potion - obtaining it is a small quest of its own.

Levelling and skills

Krowly doesn’t gain experience by defeating regular enemies. The only ways of gaining EXP are:
● Studying at his desk in the evenings (+2 EXP).
● Completing quest objectives.
● Going on hunts and exploring dungeons with Eric.

Levelling up not only raises Krowly’s stats, but it also unlocks new skills (and some quests).
“Guarding” skills don’t appear in Krowly’s regular Skills menu; they are options that appear when you select
the Guard action during combat, but still cost MP.
● Level 1 (0 / 0 EXP):
○ Fire Arrow
○ Guard / Protective circle - boosts defensive stats for a few turns.
● Level 2 (+50 / =50 EXP):
○ Sleep
○ Fireball - improves with practice, upgrading to Fireball+ and Fireball++
● Level 3 (+112 / =162 EXP):
○ Icy needles
○ Guard / Magic shield - until the end of the turn, reduces the damage of enemy spells,
increases the chances of evading them or reflecting them back at the attacker.
● Level 4 (+204 / =366 EXP):
○ Freezing - improves with practice, upgrading to Freezing+ and Freezing++
○ (non-combat) Meditation → -50 lust, +30 MP, +5 hunger, [advances time].
● Level 5 (+329 / =695 EXP):
○ Wicked mind
○ Darkness
○ Guard / Concentration - MP cost of spells is cut in half for a few turns.
● Level 6 (+485 / =1180 EXP):
○ Dark thoughts
● Level 7 (+672/ =1852 EXP):
○ Vampire touch - drains HP from the targeted enemy; Krowly also gains +15 lust.

Some skills can be obtained from other sources:

● Clear feelings (displays hunger and lust levels) and Reading of the mind (displays characters’
relationship stats when you talk to them) - from the bookshelf in Krowly’s bedroom/study. Cannot be
used in battle.
● Return - obtaining it is a small quest of its own. Cannot be used in battle.

Monster girl skills

These are Special skills gained by befriending the respective character:
● Lizzy: Heal - heals an ally for 150 HP, but they also gain +30 lust.
● Meril: Voice - debuffs the physical and magical defense of all enemies; each one has a chance of
becoming Confused.
Each use of these skills consumes one unit of the special internal “resource” of the respective character.
Those points are replenished by having sex with that character.
Clothing and equipment
You can equip Krowly, and his party members if he has any, with various items, though some equipment slots
are locked. Most items are found as random loot from chests and boss monsters in dungeons. Some
equipment items can be equipped only by specific characters (see below).

Krowly’s sprite and portrait image reflect what he’s wearing (i.e. what’s equipped in the Bodygear slot). This
can be his normal clothes, a hooded [Cloak], some feminine [Black lingerie] and just being naked. The latter
two options show his erection when he’s aroused enough, and going around naked produces amusing
comments from the villagers he interacts with and can trigger a scene with Jaina in the pub in the evening. If
he’s under the influence of the Boobs potion, you can use the [Cleavage switcher] key item to choose whether
or not his clothes show cleavage.

As of 0.340.1, all characters that can join the party are supported by the same clothing system – Eric, Jaina,
Juliet, and Rose (they can be clothed, in lingerie, or naked).

Rough inventory of equipment items, so people can know if they’ve missed something:
● Main hand:
○ Krowly and Rose: [Trowel] (Krowly’s starting equipment), [Shovel], [Hoe]
○ Eric’s slot is locked, but he can be given a [Mighty sword] by the Priestess in a dungeon.
● Off hand:
○ Everyone: [Copper ring], [Silver ring], [Golden ring], [Sapphire ring], [Cursed emerald ring]
○ Krowly: [Fire crystal], [Blue fire crystal]
○ Eric and Jaina: [Round shield], [Rune shield] (both allow the Bash special move in combat)
● Headgear: nothing changeable so far.
● Accessory:
○ Everyone: [Green necklace], [Pretty chain], [Red gem amulet], [Sea talisman]
○ Krowly and Rose: [Slimes’ terror] (found in the mini-dungeon in the elven forest)
○ Krowly: [Butt plug] (stop some anal attacks), [Red gag] (boosts magical and physical defense,
prevents use of magic)
Hostile things that want to fight Krowly and Co when the adventurer(s) bump(s) into them, except those
already described in the other sections.

Global map encounters

TODO: Formatting/data organization, extend the list.

Things that roam the main map and its submaps that can be encountered when Krowly is exploring alone (i.e.
not in places that are accessible only during hunt events and dungeon exploration). If Krowly wins and has
high enough lust, he’s given an option to fuck some enemies; declining (or not having sufficient lust)
sometimes results in a lust gain. Losing in such an encounter typically [advances time]. Enemies marked with
a 🎔 can use lust attacks.

A group of two to four slimes. [Forest], [Slime cave], a number of dungeons. Notes: Very weak to ice.
● Win: Random drops: [Piece of slime]
○ Fuck slime → Krowly uses a slime as a fleshlight. -50 lust [image scene].
● Loss: Krowly is covered and fucked anally by the slime ([sprite animation], -100 lust), unless he has
the Buttplug equipped.

A trio of fairies. Larger groups can be encountered in dungeons. [Fairy glade]; events: generic hunts,
cockflowers glade. Notes: weak physical attack, can blind.
● Win: Random drops: [Fairy dust].
○ Shoo away → +50 lust or Fuck the fairy:
■ Anal → stomach inflation, -100 lust [image scene]
■ Fairybang → triple fairy blow/boobjob [image scene]; -100 lust.
● Loss: triple fairy boobjob [image scene]; -100 lust.

Common goblin🎔
A solitary female goblin armed with a wicked-looking blade. In dungeons, they often come in groups of three or
more, sometimes supporting more unusual variations. [Goblin tunnels], a number of dungeons. Notes:
powerful physical attacks; weak to ice.
● Win: Random drops: [Goblin ale], [Vegetables], [Fish].
○ If not enough lust or Let her run away → +50 lust.
○ Fuck → [image scene] with options between In pussy, In ass (both -100 lust) and In mouth (-
50 lust).
● Loss: She sucks Krowly off ([image]) and then rides him to exhaustion ([sprite animation], -100 lust).

Thick goblin
Well padded with fat, this goblin is a threat with her sheer mass. Originally appears as the boss enemy of a
minor quest. In dungeons tends to lurk in the back of groups of common goblins. [Left tunnel] (of goblin caves);
dungeons: [Goblin dungeon], crystal cave event. Notes: Lots of HP; main attack is physical, but beware of the
dangerous “quake” skill; weak to ice like (almost) all goblins.
● Win: Random drops: [Goblin ale], [Vegetables], [Fish].
○ If not enough lust or Leave her → +50 lust.
○ Fuck thick goblin → Tittyfucking [image scene], -100 lust.
● Lose: She rides Krowly into the ground ([image scene], -100 lust, [advances time]).
Goblin shaman
A four-breasted magical goblin, her eyes blindfolded by a metal visor. One of the toughest generic enemies
due to her magic. [Goblin tunnels] (deep parts). Notes: main attack is ice magic; they can raise protections
against spells or sleep/stun/confusion lasting for several turns.
● Win: She runs away. Random drops: [Ancient urn], [Blue amber], [Emerald].
● Loss: She uses Krowly for several hours ([portrait image], -100 lust, [advances time]).

Upper body of a woman, lower body of a snake. In dungeons, lamias come in groups - usually a couple of
common lamias supporting an unusual variant. [Rocks], [Rough lands], a number of dungeons. Notes:
Physical attack, can also paralyze or confuse; very weak to ice.
● Win: Random drop: [Old coin]. If not enough lust or Go away → +50 lust.
○ (Lust ≥ 70) Fuck → Krowly gets a titfuck. -50 lust [image scene].
● Loss: if gay scenes are OFF or you choose to Submit, the lamia sucks Krowly off ([image scene]); if
you Resist, the lamia pegs Krowly with her tail while she sucks ([image scene]); both options result in -
100 lust

Tentacle monster🎔
A mass of multi-colored tentacles. Often lurks underground to surprise adventurers. In dungeons they can
come in groups of two or three. [Rocks], [Rough lands], many dungeons. Notes: Primary attack is physical, but
it relies heavily on lust attacks; some can be stopped by equipping a [Buttplug].
● Win: Fuck tentacle → Krowly uses a tentacle as a fleshligh. -50 lust [image scene]
● Loss: Krowly gets both holes plugged by tentacles; [sprite animation], -100 lust, -7 hunger

Masked bandit
A single masked human. Sometimes appears in pairs, but only in events and dungeons the groups are larger.
[Rocks], [Rough lands]. Notes: Tips:
● Win: the bandit(s) run away.
● Lose: TODO

Futa elf🎔
An elven warrior armed with a spear. [Elven forest]. Notes: Weak to ice and thunder.
You can choose to Fight or directly Submit, if Krowly has sucked off anyone enough times.
● Win: random drops: [Bread], [Cheese]; if not enough lust or Let her go → +50 lust.
○ Facefuck her → -50 lust [image scene] (if empty bottle in inventory, option to Collect some
Elven futa sperm)
● Loss: Krowly deepthroats the elf. [animated scene], -50 lust, -3 hunger

Elven mage🎔
An extremely large-breasted sorceress; one of the toughest generic enemies. [Elven forest]. Notes: They cast
Silence and Blind; resist Paralysis and can self-heal; their earth magic attack takes large chunks of health.
Tips: the Clear Mind potion protects form Silence; Guard/Magic shield can stop most of the earth spell; they
use magic attacks every third turn.
● Win: Leave her (+50 lust) or Fuck busty mage:
○ In the pussy → missionary fuck and some milk drinking ([sprite animation], -100 lust).
○ Tittyfucking → Krowly squeezes the elf’s tits around his cock ([image scene], -100 lust).
Option to Squeeze them harder (milk spraying variant; if you have an [Empty bottle], Collect
→ [Elven milk]) or Continue to fuck them. Any option, Krowly finishes on her face.
○ Random drops: [Elven milk], [Blue amber]
● Loss: forced cowgirl [image scene], -100 Lust, [advances time].
Female orc🎔
A muscular orc woman armed with a spiked club. [Elven forest] (east side); events: Orc confrontation. Notes:
Physical attack; can stun; can temporarily boost attack stats at the expense of defense; resistant to fire,
strongly resistant to ice.
● Win: random drops: [Meat], [Beer], [Strange rune]
○ Fuck → -100 lust [sprite animation], [advances time]
● Loss: TODO

Male orc
A muscular male orc armed with an axe. [Elven forest] (east side); events: Orc confrontation. Notes: Powerful
physical fighter; resistant to ice, and to a lesser degree to fire; can stun; “raised ax” powers up for a blow on
the next turn if not stopped. You can choose to Fight or directly Submit, if Krowly has been fucked in the ass
enough times.
● Win: Fuck him → Krowly rides the orc; (M/M text + [sprite animation]; -100 lust, [advances time]).
○ Random drops: [Meat], [Mandragora], [Strange rune]
● Lose: The orc fucks Krowly in the ass (M/M [image scene] of Krowly being fucked in the ass; -100 lust,
[advances time]).

Battle nun
A busty nun of the Order armed with a warhammer. After quest: [Old tower], [Rocks], [Deep (slime cube)
tunnel]; dungeon variant: Ruined church. Notes: No elemental weaknesses; can self-heal, gain a spell-
reflecting state, drain lust, and stun.
● Win: She runs away. Random drops: [Bread], [Wine], [Jade dildo].
● Loss: the nuns give you a tedious sermon (-100 lust).

Dungeon encounters
Roaming enemies that can be encountered in places accessible only during hunt events and dungeon
exploration. The list includes only fights that haven’t been described elsewhere. Some global map enemies are
re-used in dungeons, either as separate encounters or as part of larger groups. In all cases, scenes tend to be
different, as Krowly has company on his adventures - at the very least, Eric, but also sometimes Jaina and
Rose (see party member scenes).

Goblins (various groups)

Combining slime girl
Ghosts (move to event section?)
Tentacle monsters
Old “what’s new” entries
I’ve put work into them, so it’s a pity to just throw them away. Also, useful for the people who have missed
several releases. Back to the latest version.

Relevant changes for 0.339.1, released in April 2021:

● Lots of new content for Diana (the female guard). She offers an optional quest. Completing it
unlocks her Flirt menu and a boobjob scene.
● Taisha now also has a relationship score, a boobjob scene and can participate in Topless Friday.
● New images illustrating the scene of Fina fucking Juliet(te) (at night, if Juliet has seen Fina blowing
Krowly that day).
● New text scene: Alice alleviating Krowly’s boredom during a Sunday sermon with a handjob.
● The [Magic eye] can talk, though it has no relevance to the plot yet.
● Other updated images: Astra’s butt (when Krowly sees her naked).

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.339, released in March 2021:

● Krowly’s house now has a ruined second floor. There’s a quest to renovate it, though that has no
meaningful effects on the gameplay in this release.
● New image scene: vaginal sex with Rose (daytime event, unlocks party member scene).
● Images of Krowly being anally fucked by an orc have been added to the male orc loss scene.
● New text-only scene: Krowly waking Jaina up with a handjob (Thursday morning).
● The illustrations of the futa elf deepthroating Krowly and Fina’s ganbang scenes have been
● Krowly can now clean his garden, increasing the number of possible planting slots.
● You have to ask Jenna only once and she will start participating in Topless Friday every time.
● Last but not least, the nature of certain relationships has been updated to be more Patreon-

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.338.1, released in February 2021:

● A new, randomized dungeon. It was impossible to encounter it in the original release due to a bug,
so make sure you are playing the hotfix version.
● Juliet(te) has been added to the clothing system (her standard outfit, naked and black lingerie).
● A brand new image scene: Krowly attempts to fuck Carla’s nipple.
● Images have been added to an old scene, Jenna riding Eric (Thursday night).
● Image reuse: a new voyeurism scene with Jenna and Eric in the chicken coop (Sunday morning).

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.338, released in January 2021:

● Major rework of the hunt and dungeon event system: now Krowly and Erik can have up to 3 rounds
of hunting once they start, or visit any dungeons discovered during hunts; dungeon names in this
document have been updated to reflect the names in the game.
● Hunger system rework: If Krowly reaches 50% hunger, he passes out and wakes up in Carla’s pub,
with negative status effects lasting a couple of days.
● Krowly can use abilities provided by his monster girl allies in combat.
● A new quest involving Elizabeth Darkwood, including a new illustrated scene (male on futa anal)
with a repeateble variant, and a text-only(?) M/M anal ganbang scene.
● Rose and Jaina’s scene behind the pub at night has new images and an option to

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.337.1, released in December 2020:

● New system for Eric and Astra - a hidden relationship score that can unlock a new illustrated scene
between them - a deepthroat blowjob on Friday night; Astra can finally join Topless Fridays.
● Carla’s anal scene has been updated with another option (finish outside) and illustrations.
● A text only M/M scene for the generic male orc enemy (Krowly can ride him if he wins).
● New global map enemies: battle nuns. No scenes so far, just an in-battle image. Notable for being
the only enemies so far that can drain lust.
● New minor hunt event: ruined church. (If you have all hunting events unlocked, the probability of
getting it on a given hunt is 1/36, or approximately 2.7%.)
● You can now dance with Jenna in the pub on Friday evenings.

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.337, released in November 2020:

● Rose is the third character subject to the clothing system, with the same options as Krowly and Eric.
● A new illustrated scene for Alice - anal fingering (daytime).
● A new illustrated scene for Sister Elizabeth - breast sucking (Wednesday night).
● Krowly can now look at the busty Goddess statue in the church at any time of day, masturbate to it
at night, and see the consequences in the morning (all text only, minor lust gains and loses).
● A new text event: if Krowly has enough relationship with Juliet and has been fucked by the drunk
orc in the forest, she describes the scene to the other regulars in the pub on Thursday morning, to
his great embarrassment (no lust gain or relationship change).
● The cooking system has been overhauled: now instead of generic “raw foods” there are different
kinds, and new recipes have been added. Various characters in the village now sell ingredients.
● Updated images: animation for Astra’s handjob scene (evening); succubus handjob image.
● Bug fixes: the effects of the succubus summoning scenes now compensate for the stat boost.

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.336, released in October 2020:

● New content for Melissa: a new quest, including two new characters (with portraits), a breast
expansion and groping scene, two new optional sex scenes (see below) and some in-universe lore.
● Eric can now be (un)dressed, and his sprite and portrait reflect his clothing. The only options so far
are his standard clothes, nude, and the [Black lingerie] that Krowly can also equip.
● New scenes (no illustrations at the moment): giving Jaina a rimjob at the spa, blowing the drunk orc,
and nipplefucking an elven witch (the latter two are part of Melissa’s quest).
● Fixed bugs: the slimegirl nipplefuck works now; seeing Juliet and the tentacle monster raises lust.

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.335.8, released in September 2020:

● Some progress possible in the New laboratory quest - teleportation to certain visited locations.
● A new repeatable Treasure hunting quest.
● New daily repeatable mini-scenes with the new “sexy trees” in the forest and the elven forest.
● Fina’s punishment of Krowly in The night is dark is now illustrated and can be repeated on Sunday.
It also has a Fina-on-Elizabeth alternative scene (no illustration or repeatable yet).
● A new illustrated scene with Jenna in daytime (“full nelson” anal).
● Illustration updates for the fairy loss and ghost blowjob scenes; naked Taisha illustration.
● A spell for level 7: Vampire touch.

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.335.7, released in August 2020:

● A new dungeon, the goblin cave.
● A new cooking recipe system.
● A titfuck scene with the thick goblin (can be found in the new dungeon, or the left-side tunnel in the
regular goblin caves if you’ve finished that quest).
● Another scene for Agnieszka - a handjob.
● Leaf can now be anally fucked.
● Small image updates to scenes with Astra, Carla, and Lizzy.
● Non-image updates to goblin scenes.

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

Relevant changes for 0.335.6, released in July 2020:

● The stoner elf now has a name - Leaf - and a portrait image. Presumably that means more content
in the future.
● An option to help Rose test new potions, with one possible result being a scene with Juliet and
Rose (see Daytime).
● A new scene with Derek.
● A victory scene for tentacle monsters.

For the full changelog, see the Patreon post.

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