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District No.

: 2 School: BNHS
Grade Level: 11/12 Specialization: HOUSEKEEPING NCII
Learning Activity Sheet No. 9
Quarter: Week: 10

Name of Student: _______________________________________________ Section: ______________


This learning activity sheets focuses on how to deal with guest luggage and proper handling luggage
according to the standard requirements.

Learning Competency 4: Provide Valet/Butler Service (VS)
Learning Outcomes 1: Display professional valet standards (TLE_HEHK9-12VS-IIIa-j-1)
a. Learn the basic roles of valet and butler services.
b. Practice good grooming and personal hygiene of valet service provider.
c. Follow standard operating procedures in keeping laundry area clean in
accordance with the establishment standards.

Information Sheet:

What is a Valet?
A valet, sometimes also known as a “butler” is employed by a hotel to provide a personalised and
specialist service to guests for the duration of their stay.

Role of Valet or Butler Service

Many regard the valet as providing a combination of roles each with its own demanding level
Housekeeper Performing a range of services normally provided by room attendants in
other rooms
Confidant Being a trusted person who the guest can confide in when they need to
talk or share an idea, experience or opinion.
Guide Informing the guest of what is available both within and outside the venue,
when it is available, how to get there and how to obtain entry, tickets,
preferential treatment.
Concierge While all valets work together with the concierge in a venue, many valets
often take the role of concierge for the guest/s they are looking after.
Organiser Arranging things (reservations, tickets to show, entry to events, meetings
with people, daily schedules) on behalf of and under the direction of the
Supervisor Overseeing the work of other people (venue employees and outside
contractors/workers) who provide products and services to the guest.
Guest Relations Ensuring the guest ha a pleasant stay in the venue, ensuring their
expectations are met and dealing with any problems that arise during the

Duties of a Valet
 Professionally and confidentially communicating with the guest.
 Unpacking and storing guest luggage
 Preparing guest clothes and footwear
 Light pressing of garments
 Packing guest luggage for their departure
 Cleaning and polishing shoes as required or requested.
 Repairing or organising the repair of clothes and other guest belongings.
 Providing assistance in relation to organisation of guest needs and requests.
 Monitoring the provision or services to the guest
 Recording services that have been delivered for quality control and accounting procedures.
 Preparing room(s) before guest arrives.
 Looking after guest laundry and dry cleaning needs.
 Organising and processing secretarial duties on request
 Arranging bookings and making purchases.
 Organising activities to meet guest needs
 Provision of local advice.
 Dealing with travel arrangements.

Prior to guest arrival the valet must:

 Research the guest.
 Identify their needs, wants and preferences.
 Take action to meet expectations.

On guest departure the valet must:

 Process charges to guest account
 Update guest history
 De-brief with management
Source: ( ASEAN 2012 Trainer Guide)

Good Grooming and Personal Hygiene

There are strict requirements concerning the grooming and personal presentation standards of valet or
butler. One should be conscious of issues concerning the following:

Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene is very important because the Valet Service is always in direct contact with guests.
The following are standard grooming activities that a Valet Staff should strictly observe:

 Take a daily bath/shower – given that everybody should be doing this, more so should Valet staff.
 Wash hands regularly – regular hand washing should be observed not only because of regular
contact with guests but also because personal belongings of guests are handled.
 Keep fingernails short – although valet staffs sometimes wear gloves, these aren’t worn all the time
so keeping nails trimmed is necessary.
 Oral hygiene – brushing of teeth, use of mouthwash and dental floss, and regular visits to the
 Use deodorant/antiperspirant - sometimes just taking a bath or brushing teeth isn’t enough.
Deodorants or antiperspirants help in preventing body odor.
 Make-up must be neutral for women. No excessive eye shadow, no dramatic colors for lips or eyes.
 Good personal hygiene habits and practices. Cuts and sores must be kept covered with a clean
dressing; use of a handkerchief or tissue as appropriate; no coughing or sneezing near gusts or
 Men must be clean shaven or have whisker neatly trimmed. Many valets need to shave twice per
day to maintain a suitable appearance.
 Hair neat and tidy –Regular hair cut should be had to help maintain style and a suitable
appearance. Women Valet Staff’s hair must be tied into a ponytail or kept in a bun/hairnet
 Male Valet Staff’s hair must be maintained short and should not touch the collar of the uniform.

Regular Personal Presentation:

 Always check your appearance in a full-length mirror.
 Maintain good posture.
 Only wear basic jewellery.

Wearing Uniform
Significant characteristics:
 It fits properly so it looks good, enables freedom of movement, and is comfortable to wear.
 It is kept clean. It is a standard requirement to have at least one change of clothes available to
them at work so uniforms can be changed when they get dirty or look “tired”. The uniform must
always be:
 Pressed, meaning it must be free of wrinkles
and looked well cared for.
 Stain-free and free of marks, dirt or other
 It remains in good condition. There must be
no loose threads or missing buttons.
 Type and style of shoes to be worn such a
black, polished leather shoes.
 Whether or not a nametag is worn. Most
valets or butlers do not wear a nametag as
this is seen as detracting from and/or
demeaning the position of valets or butlers.
 Type of jacket/suit. A jacket is worn by a
valet and they commonly wear a different
color or style of epaulette to distinguish them
from other service staff.
 A tie according to the required color.
Stipulating color and type of knot to be used
(example, Windsor knot, and half-windsor).
Source: (

Checklist for Valet staff’s uniform:

 Fits properly – in appropriately sized uniforms are unpleasant for the eyes and it limits the
movement of the staff.
 Washed and pressed – stains must be removed immediately and must be wrinkle free
 Loose threads are removed and all buttons are still attached.
 Valet uniform varies with different companies. Whichever the company, Valet staffs must wear
the complete uniform all time.

Valet’s uniform may vary according to:

 Shoe type – comfortable leather black shoes.
 Name tag – unlike regular hotel staff, Valet staff usually do not wear a name tag as it lessen the
sophisticated look of the valet.
 Jacket/Suit type – usually a formal suit in black or grey colors.

Jewellery should be worn to the barest minimum, meaning only watches, wedding ring, and simple
earrings for female staff may be worn. Too many accessories might distract a guest and staff should
never wear more jewellery than guests. A simple ring and a basic wrist watch and simple earrings for
women are allowed.

Procedures in Performing Valet Services

Policies and procedures relating to the stipulation of valet or butler services can be expected to be
relatively standard across the industry.

Picking, Checking, Sorting, Endorsing and Delivery of Laundry

One of the responsibilities of a valet or butler is to make sure that all laundry used by the hotel as well as
any guest laundry requests are clean and delivered on time. Below are specific task of a valet or butler:
 Responsible for the collection and delivery of guest laundry needs like dry cleaning, pressing and
washing. Make sures all of the items are properly checked and labelled correctly.
 Work closely with the housekeeping and laundry team to deliver items on time.
 Give feedback to the laundry supervisor of any poor quality service or any problems like missing
laundry items, delays, or damage items.
 Ensure all laundry is inspected before dispatched.
 Make sure that guest laundry, dry cleaning, and pressing are collected and returned as quickly
and efficiently as possible.
 Check carefully the quality of guest items and the exact number before returning them to guests.
Procedures in Keeping Laundry Area Clean
 Sort linen and other items to be washed and deliver them to required areas.
 Maintain the laundry or valet work area in a tidy and orderly manner.
 Observe all health and safety regulations when using laundry equipment.
 Clear all clutter to avoid problems in work area.
 Dispose properly stuff that is not to be used anymore. Make use of proper disposal.
 Clean walls and cabinets to avoid dirt buildup.
 Clean laundry equipment using these steps:

Sanitize the inside and clear away soap scum by using a

Wiping through a damp cloth or by using fabric softener,
take note that it can cause buildup on the screen so wash or
vacuum the area.

Sink and Countertops

Clean by washing cleaner with a cloth and wipe the faucet
with a microfiber cloth.

Start cleaning from far corner of the area, vacuum rugs, and
run a mop underneath all equipment. Clean also areas
behind the appliances.

Clean iron by making paste of baking soda and water to
clean up mineral deposits buildup.

Source: (Urbiztondo et al, 2016)

General Direction: Read and understand the directions for each activity. Answer by writing DIRECTLY
on the activity sheet.

Activity No. 1
Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
___________1. Qualifications of the Valet/Butler are just the same as the Public Area Attendant.
___________2. Good grooming is just the same for Valet and other hotel staff.
___________3. Male Valet/Butler hair could be of any length as long as it is neatly combed.
___________4. Women Valet/Butler are allowed to grow their fingernails long.]
___________5. Valet/Butler are not allowed to wear accessories.

Activity No. 2
Use the following Personal Presentation Checklist to assess yourself:

Personal Presentation Self-Appraisal Checklist YES NO Comments

Is your personal hygiene up to the standard required?
Is your hair clean and tidy, and tied back if required?
Are your fingernails clean and neat?
Are your clothes clean?

Activity No. 3
Make a list of the equipment that are available in your laundry area at home. Identify the methods you
use to clean. Compare your method with those described in the learning activity sheets. If they are not
similar to the ones described, make recommendations that are doable at home.

(for Activity 3: You will be rated by your teachers by the following criteria)
Criterion Strong (5) Average (3) Weak (1)
Demonstrate clarity, Occasional grammar Writing is unfocused,
Formatting conciseness, free of and spelling errors but contains serious errors,
guidelines grammar and spelling still a clear presentation and idea is not well
errors. of ideas. presented.
Supported by facts with
strong arguments,
Supported by facts with
Recommendations presents a balance and No action suggested
limited reasoning,
on Effective critical view, and/ or inappropriate
demonstrates two or one
solutions/strategies interpretation is both solutions presented.
idea/s presented.
reasonable and
Legend :
10-9– 95% 8-7-90% 6-5-85% 4-3- 80% 2-1- 75%

 Housekeeping NC II book by: Laami A. Urbiztondo and Leonora B. Basbas, 2016 Edition
 ASEAN 2012, Trainer Guide. Provide Valet Service to Guest.D1.HHK.CL3.06

Prepared by:

SHS-TVL Teacher
Bantayan NHS

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