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How to Engage Consumers through Effective Social Media

Use—Guidelines for Consumer Goods Companies from an
Emerging Market
Gokhan Aydin 1, *, Nimet Uray 2 and Gokhan Silahtaroglu 3, *

1 Fashion Marketing Department, University of East London, London E16 2RD, UK

2 Business Administration Department, Kadir Has University, Istanbul 34083, Turkey; [email protected]
3 Management Information Systems Department, Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul 34810, Turkey
* Correspondence: [email protected] (G.A.); [email protected] (G.S.);
Tel.: +44-20-8223-3412 (G.A.); +90-212-444-8544 (G.S.)

Abstract: This study aims to establish actionable guidelines and provide strategic insights as a means
of increasing the social media effectiveness of consumer brands. Post-related factors in addition to
the contextual and temporal factors influencing consumer engagement (i.e., reposting, commenting
on or liking posts), as an indicator of social media effectiveness, are considered in detail in the
research model. Moreover, the model considers differences between industries as well as social
media platforms. A total of 1130 posts made by four brands, two each from the durable goods and
fast-moving consumer goods sectors, were collected from Facebook and Twitter in Turkey. Through
predictive analysis, four different machine learning algorithms were utilized to develop easy-to-apply

 plans of action and strategies. The findings highlight the significant impact of videos, images, post
Citation: Aydin, G.; Uray, N.;
frequency and interactivity on engagement. Furthermore, social media platforms and the brands
Silahtaroglu, G. How to Engage themselves were found to be instrumental in influencing engagement levels, indicating that more
Consumers through Effective Social than one formula is needed for effective social media management. The range and depth of the
Media Use—Guidelines for post-related factors (e.g., image type, video length, kind of interactivity) considered go far beyond
Consumer Goods Companies from an those found in the significant majority of similar studies. Moreover, the unique setting and the novel
Emerging Market. J. Theor. Appl. data analysis algorithms applied set this study apart from similar ones.
Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16,
768–790. Keywords: social media; customer engagement; brand fan pages; post popularity; machine learning;
jtaer16040044 Facebook; Twitter

Academic Editor:
Subir Bandyopadhyay
Received: 1 December 2020
1. Introduction
Accepted: 19 January 2021
Published: 25 January 2021
In the last decade, consumers have been increasingly communicating with both mar-
keters and other consumers through dynamic networks known as social media. Currently,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
the number of social media users worldwide exceeds four billion, a figure that includes an
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
almost 9% increase in 2019 alone [1]. In parallel with that considerable increase in users,
published maps and institutional affil- year-by-year marketers have adopted social media marketing for a variety of objectives
iations. including advertising, research, customer relationship management, after-sales services
and sales promotions. As the February 2018 Forbes Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Survey
points out, companies spend almost 12% of their marketing budgets on social media [2].
The majority of managers are in agreement that social media is primarily used for “brand
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
building and brand awareness” activities. Evidence from academic studies also supports
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
the proposition that the effective use of social media helps in improving brand awareness
This article is an open access article
and brand image [3] and even contributes to the financial performance of brands [4,5].
distributed under the terms and Thus, companies have become invested in brand fan pages (BFPs) with the aim of building
conditions of the Creative Commons relationships as well as encouraging users to share information about their experiences
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// with brands, thereby creating brand attachment [3,6,7]. However, the crowding of popular social media platforms has resulted in a rapid
4.0/). expansion of content available to members. Consequently, information overload has

J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16, 768–790.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 769

made it increasingly difficult to attract users’ attention and motivate them to interact with
brand content [8]. Given these circumstances, marketers need clear strategic and applicable
insights so they can design and direct effective messages to consumers through social media
platforms. Not surprisingly, studies on the factors influencing interaction or engagement as
indicators of marketing communication effectiveness on BFPs have gained more attention
in recent years [9–13]. The extant literature on advertising effectiveness and word-of-
mouth communication indicates that certain message attributes such as message content,
creative message format, level of interactivity offered and temporal factors such as the
timing and frequency of posts should be considered in the planning and designing of posts.
Followers’ responses—including reposting, commenting on and liking posts—and the
total interaction created by those responses per follower (also referred to as engagement)
represent the overall effectiveness of social media posts. Studies have indicated that
several post characteristics such as interactivity (e.g., links, hashtags) and creative post
formats (e.g., text, images, videos), in addition to message content, influence customer
interaction and engagement [10–12,14]. However, in the majority of these studies, the
relevant variables are considered as aggregates and in-depth analyses of the subcategories
are lacking. For instance, the vividness of post content is simply treated within the scope of
images, text or videos, while detailed categorizations such as short video vs. long video
or types of images posted are not taken into consideration. Undoubtedly, examining the
detailed subcategories of those factors as well as their impacts on consumer engagement
would enable companies to extrapolate strategic and tactical insights for effective social
media management. The research model utilized in the present study incorporates common
factors that have been deemed significant in the literature and extends them by adopting
a more comprehensive perspective that considers each factor within the framework of
multiple subcategories.
In general, major studies in the literature dealing with such topics have worked with
relatively small sample sizes. For instance, Sabate et al. [15] examined 164 posts, Pletikosa
Cvijikj and Michahelles [16] took into account 100 posts and de Vries et al. [10] looked at
355 posts. Extending the datasets may improve the validity of the findings and enable
more detailed analyses of each factor, which may lead to deeper insights and as such
those points are among the primary aims of this study. Moreover, influential studies are
commonly carried out in the US and a European perspective as well as evidence from
emerging markets are lacking in the literature.
Another issue that is commonly overlooked despite the evidence from the literature is
the effect of the context, industry or brand, as well as the social media platform itself, on
communication effectiveness [17–19]. The majority of previous studies took into account
only one industry and focused on a single platform for example, [15,20] and brands
themselves were often not considered as influential factors in studies that incorporated
multiple brands for example, [10].
In terms of the analysis methods applied, studies in the literature have utilized
regression, ANOVA and univariate analysis to highlight the significance of various factors
affecting follower engagement. Despite their valuable contributions to the field, however,
these studies have to a large extent failed to provide applicable managerial insights. Even
when highlighting the significant predominance of a given variable over the others, it is
not always possible to shape social media strategies and tactics through the utilization
of factors with the largest regression coefficients in attempting to develop winning social
media posts. For instance, posts on weekdays may perform better than those on weekends
and posts with images might work better than those with videos, which could lead to the
recommendation that images should be posted on weekdays but not on weekends and
videos should never be used. To overcome these problems, relevant machine learning
algorithms such as decision trees were chosen, to come up with easily applicable tactics
and insights. One of the few studies that applied machine learning algorithms in studying
online brand fan pages and information on user behavior is Chiu’s [21]. Although the
objective of that study is to propose a recommendation system, thus differs from the present
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study, the use of the decision trees provides practical and valuable classifications to those
seeking to develop recommendation systems on social media.
This study thus aims to not only address the aforementioned research gaps but also
investigate in detail post-related factors including the different dimensions of post creative
format and post content, as well as contextual and temporal issues affecting brand social
media post effectiveness, while also taking into account possible differences between
industries, brands and social media platforms. In line with those goals, the basic objectives
of the study are to:
1. Analyze the impacts of the creative format of posts in terms of the multiple subcate-
gories of interactivity and vividness on engagement;
2. Examine the various types of post content with regard to whether they are informative,
entertaining, promotional or advertising-oriented and analyze the impacts of each
type on engagement;
3. Investigate the effects of temporal factors such as the days when posts are made and
the number of days between posts, in addition to contextual factors such as industry
and platform, on engagement;
4. Determine the most effective factors for increasing engagement by coming up with a
strategic and actionable guide (using decision trees and sensitivity analysis) for social
media managers.
This study is structured as follows. First, an in-depth review of the relevant literature
is carried out and related factors that are considered to be influential on engagement are
discussed. Second, the research methodology is discussed, the data collection process was
explained and a detailed account of the analysis algorithms that were applied are provided.
Third, the study’s results are presented and the main findings and managerial implications
of the study are discussed along with the limitations of the paper and future research
directions. Finally, in a separate section, the paper is concluded.

2. Background and Related Work

2.1. Brand Communication on BFPs and Consumer Engagement
The emergence of several large online social media platforms developed with Web 2.0
technologies has led to a rapid increase in information flow between brands and consumers,
as well as among consumers themselves. In parallel with these developments, companies
have been making considerable investments to create brand communities (e.g., BFPs) with
the aim of interacting with customers. This interaction is frequently realized through brand
posts on BFPs and followers (including fans and loyal or potential consumers) engage with
the posts by liking or commenting on them. In recent years, brands have striven to yet
further build relationships and engage with their customers through social networking
sites such as Facebook and Twitter to enhance consumer engagement [14,22].
During a mere decade, social networking sites have become extremely popular. Face-
book, for example, claims that it has 2.7 billion active members as of 2020 [1]. Social media
users not only become friends with other members but also become followers of brands
on dedicated BFPs. As with the case of online brand fan groups, brand fans can share
their enthusiasm about brands and engage with them on social media by commenting,
liking posts on BFPs or resharing themselves [7,13,23]. In general, BFPs are indicative of
customers’ relationships with brands and they provide members with sources of informa-
tion and social benefits [13,24,25]. By becoming a member of virtual communities such as
social media BFPs, consumers may obtain access to a wide variety of relationship benefits,
including those that are practical, social, economic or entertainment-based [25].
Depending on the types of interactivity offered by a given platform, the followers of
brand fan pages may engage with brand posts by liking, commenting on, and/or shar-
ing/reposting them [7]. In the literature, the interactions between brands and users are
formulated as consumer engagement, which has been defined as “behavioral manifes-
tations that have a brand or firm focus, beyond purchase, resulting from motivational
drivers” [16,26]. The concepts of engagement and interaction are interrelated and engage-
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ment can be triggered by interacting with post content on social media [27]. Thus, online
engagement is reflected in social media through the liking of posts, expressing viewpoints
by commenting or reaching out to others, that is, friends, via reposts/shares [28]. Thus, a
lack of or low level of user interaction indicates low engagement, which in turn is indicative
of weak performance in social media marketing. Each type of interaction promotes the
post content to a brand follower’s friends on social media [15]. In that way, popular post
content is embraced by consumers who share it and such content increases the reach of the
message (original content) through peer-to-peer interaction [11,29].
In addition, Kim and Ko [30] found that 70% of the active users of social networks
visit social media sites as a means of obtaining information prior to buying a particular
product. As such, social media platforms provide marketers with viable platforms for
communicating about and promoting their products and brands through organic posts
and forms of viral marketing that can potentially be viewed by millions of connected social
media users [31].
The importance of effective social media use has been demonstrated in recent research
on social media marketing. The evidence suggested that engagement with social media
BFPs leads to brand awareness, word of mouth [32] and positive tangible outcomes such
as purchase expenditure [33] and purchase intention [32]. Furthermore, Brettel et al. [34]
demonstrated that Facebook page visits are a short-term indicator of sales and that Face-
book likes are a strong long-term sales driver because of their high carryover effect.

2.2. Factors Affecting Communication Effectiveness on BFPs

Relevant studies on social media and similar digital marketing communications have
offered insights into social media effectiveness by highlighting the significant antecedents
of consumer engagement and interaction with various brand communications. For instance,
in several studies, the vividness of advertisements has been found to affect user interactions
with posts on web advertising [35] and that finding is also applicable to social media
posts [12,15,36]. Another variable category, content type (as well as the value offered
through it), has been identified as a significant driver of engagement and social media
effectiveness in a number of studies [10–12,16]. Moreover, those studies have considered
the interactivity offered by posts, the timing of posts (e.g., weekdays/weekends) and post
frequency as other significant antecedents of consumer engagement. The research model
presented in Figure 1 was developed after assessing numerous influential studies about
online advertising, social media marketing and BFPs [10–14,16,37–39]. All those relevant
factors are discussed in the following subsections.

2.2.1. The Creative Format of Posts (Vividness & Interactivity)

Getting the attention of consumers is one of the major goals of marketing communica-
tions and the creative format of marketing messages can be taken up as a significant factor
in that regard. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, which is widely used in
the literature on advertising and electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM), in low involvement
situations, consumers tend to employ a peripheral route for processing information and
they engage in more subconscious processing of stimuli [40]. In situations where focusing
on a specific message element is not a viable option, affective components and peripheral
cues (e.g., animation, music, and/or color) become more instrumental in attitude changes
and behavior patterns [41]. Considering that past research on banner ads indicates that the
majority of consumers exhibit low levels of involvement when browsing the Internet [42],
creative formatting’s role in online brand communication becomes evident. As with other
types of digital marketing communication, BFP posts can be created in several formats: text
only, images/photos (static visuals) or animated photos/videos (dynamic visuals). In the
literature, the “vividness” factor has been put forward as a way to evaluate the stimulation
level of a message for viewers [43] and help us understand the effects of creative format.
When a message caters to more than one sense, it becomes more vivid, so one would
expect that using sounds or visuals in a message would be a good means of getting more
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attention [44]. Studies on the issue have found that animations and videos are more vivid
than pictures and text-only posts and the use of photos and videos garners more attention
than text-only posts [41,42,45]. Similarly, the literature on web advertising also indicates
that banner ads with highly vivid content (e.g., animations) are more effective in attaining
higher click-through rates and greater advertising involvement [41,45,46]. Several studies
on social media have also observed a similar positive relationship between vivid content
and interactions [10,11,15,16,47]. For instance, a study in Singapore on multiple consumer
industries [38], others in the fashion industry [13], the travel industry in Spain [15] and the
hospitality industry in Turkey [48], found that vivid brand posts (e.g., images and videos)
lead to more interactions per follower than their less vivid counterparts (text-only posts).
The question of whether images or videos are more influential in attaining higher levels
of interaction is open to debate, as several studies have produced contradictory findings.
According to Brookes [49], images prompt more engagement than video and text posts and
videos outperform text-only posts. It has been argued that there is an optimum level of
vividness on social media in terms of generating a positive influence on engagement, after
which the positive effect diminishes [14]. Moreover, studies on banner advertisements in
which no significant effects for animated content were observed [50,51] or heterogeneity
was detected, for example, [39] would suggest that there is a need for further research
to investigate one of the most critical dimensions of the creative format of posts—the
vividness factor—in more detail. Thus, investigating the use of short and long videos and
differing types of images may help us gain deeper insights into this matter.
In contrast to the use of static or dynamic elements, inherently interactive content
(e.g., questions and sweepstakes) that is posted on BFPs may also provide an avenue for
improving follower engagement. That proposition has been confirmed by several studies
on social media consumer behavior in which interactivity was found to affect customer
interaction, engagement and involvement [10,11,13,21,36,38,48,52]. Within that context,
interactivity can be defined as “the degree to which two or more communication parties can
act on each other, on the communication medium and on the messages and the degree to
which such influences are synchronized” [53]. Interactive posts can take several forms, such
as questionnaires, short polls, contests, links to websites, gamification elements or hashtags
and the level of interactivity offered may vary. They can be presented in a textual format
or supported with rich visuals, depending on the type of interaction offered. However,
while the majority of studies have supported the use of interactive elements, others have
highlighted the adverse effects of interactive elements such as links or pointed to a lack of
significant impact on interactions, for example, Reference [15].

2.2.2. Post Content (Informative, Entertaining, Promotional)

Brand post content offers value in distinct ways with regard to attracting followers’
attention and subsequently triggering interaction and engagement [54,55]. In light of the
fact that consumers are motivated by distinct factors in using online services such as social
media, post content may be selected with the aim of offering various kinds of content to
provide value. Similar to internet use motivations, accessing information on social media
is driven by a utilitarian motive [56,57]. A study in Europe by Hudson et al. [58] indicated
that the content shared by marketers on BFPs can influence the customer sentiment, which
has an impact on customer lifetime value. Informational marketer-generated content was
observed to enhance customer sentiment which is an indicator for customer lifetime value.
Consumers follow official BFPs and virtual communities so they can receive exclusive and
timely information about brands, new products and announcements [59]. Thus, providing
value to followers with informative content has been found to be an effective means of
increasing user interactions and engagement [11,16,48,60].
Aside from informative content, another way to offer value and entice consumers is
by providing entertaining content in posts [56]. The effect of entertainment on generating
interest and improving attitudes has been observed in a variety of settings including
websites and general internet use [61,62]. Predictably, entertaining posts have been found
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 773

to lead to improved impressions, interactions and attitudes towards brands on social

media [13,16,59,63] and the likeability of the content was found to influence social media
engagement [64]. Similar to the issue of vividness, contradictory findings regarding the
effect of entertaining posts on engagement have been reached [10,12,48]. Further studies
that consider entertainment as a predecessor of interaction and engagement on social media
will be useful for clarifying these conflicting findings.
Lastly, promotional remuneration posts that offer tangible benefits, information about
special discounts and exclusive campaigns represent yet another promising type of post
content that is of value to fan-page followers [65]. Brand posts that offer tangible rewards
in this manner were predominantly found to have a positive influence on consumer interac-
tions in mobile advertising [66] and social media brand posts [11]. However, promotional
incentives were also shown to have a negative effect on internet banner ad effectiveness [50]
and social media post engagement [16,55,67], indicating that the research context (e.g., the
industry) and culture may be influential in that regard and as such further studies are
needed before generalizable conclusions can be reached.

2.2.3. Temporal Factors

Studies on advertising and evidence from the industry have indicated the frequency
and duration of exposure to marketing communications are critical to the success of
marketing campaigns [68]. Similarly, several researchers have identified posting frequency
and the timing of posts (e.g., hour, day, month) as significant criteria for the success of
BFPs [10,16,37,69–71]. Posting too frequently may result in a situation in which there
is not enough time for adequate engagement, as the post will only remain for a short
time in the most visible space, the top of a BFP. Frequent posts can also create irritation
among followers [72] and lead to fewer interactions per post [10]. Conversely, posting too
infrequently may decrease interest in a BFP and result in fewer visitors. Consequently,
post frequency should be optimized and in this study, it is taken up within the time frame
of “days after the last post.” In addition, the month in which a post is made, which may
also influence engagement depending on the seasonality of demand, should be taken into
consideration in the design of relevant studies, as highlighted by Dolan et al. [60]. However,
it should be noted that the existing studies have not arrived at a definitive conclusion
regarding the effect of temporal factors on engagement yet. For instance, posting time
was found to be an insignificant factor for Facebook follower engagement in studies by
Antoniadis et al. [14], Villamediana et al. [70] and Schultz [12].

2.2.4. Contextual Factors

Studies that aim to arrive at generalizable insights have been carried out [10,11], yet
the industry in which a brand operates is rarely taken into consideration for its impact
on engagement and social media effectiveness [10,12]. Nonetheless, the companies that
promote posts and the industries in which brands do business have been found to be
influential in social media activities and in increasing engagement [19,73]. Furthermore,
Corstjens and Umblijs [74] have demonstrated that the competitiveness of the industry in
which a given company operates has a moderating effect on the effectiveness of its social
media marketing efforts. Consequently, that factor was incorporated into the research
Another significant factor that influences social media effectiveness concerns media
characteristics, which denote the social media platform itself. Voorveld et al. [18] have
shown that engagement is context-specific and each social media platform generates a
different set of experiences that affect the evaluations of followers concerning brand posts.
In a similar vein, Li et al. [75] have illustrated that the subjective characteristics of social
network sites affect consumers’ word-of-mouth sharing. Moreover, the effects of media on
advertising effectiveness have been demonstrated in the advertising literature as well [17].
On the other hand, oft-cited studies in the literature mostly focus on a single platform such
as Facebook [10–12,38]. Considering multiple platforms in a single study may offer insights
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into possible differences related to the communication medium. Moreover, such studies
could pave the way for establishing generalizable social media strategies and tactics that
can improve customer engagement. As such, in the present study, social media platforms
themselves are taken up as a variable that influences total engagement levels.

2.3. Research Model

While earlier research has shown several common factors which impact follower
interactions and social media effectiveness, few studies have taken into consideration all
the common criteria. Moreover, even when all are considered, they are analyzed at an
aggregate level with a limited number of subcategories. To date, no studies have considered8
the relevant factors in as much detail as the model provided in Figure 1, which presents
the research model.

Figure 1. Research model.

Figure 1. Research model.
3. Methodology
3. Methodology
In contrast to the majority of earlier research on social media effectiveness, which has
In contrast to the majority of earlier research on social media effectiveness, which has
tended to examine a single brand and one social media platform, a more comprehensive
tended to examine a single brand and one social media platform, a more comprehensive
approach was taken and included posts that were made on four consumer brands’ official
fan pages was taken
on two and included
platforms postsand
(Facebook thatTwitter)
were made on four
in Turkey. consumer
Data brands’ by
were collected official
fan pages on two platforms (Facebook and Twitter) in Turkey. Data were collected
independent observers through content analysis utilizing a structured observation two
independent observers through content analysis utilizing a structured observation form.
Following data collection, coding and recoding, the inter-coder reliability was assessed
and then the collected data were analyzed. Several machine learning algorithms were ap-
plied to establish a high level of prediction accuracy and to ensure that we generated ap-
plicable managerial implications.
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Following data collection, coding and recoding, the inter-coder reliability was assessed and
then the collected data were analyzed. Several machine learning algorithms were applied
to establish a high level of prediction accuracy and to ensure that we generated applicable
managerial implications.

3.1. Setting: Consumer Goods Industry and Turkey

Considering that consumer goods companies are among the major driving forces
behind the advertising industry and they are major revenue generators for social media
companies [76,77], this study focused on this important industry. In terms of the setting,
we have focused on an emerging market. Taking into account that emerging markets (i.e.,
India, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico) constitute a significant proportion of the top countries with
the greatest potential of Facebook advertising reach, this is a novel and relevant setting.
Turkey was chosen as the setting of the current study because of its prominence as a rapidly
growing emerging market that is relevant for consumer goods companies, the popularity
of social media platforms in the country and the inherently eastern and western aspects of
its consumer behavior. In a related social media study on 50 European destinations, Turkey
ranked first in terms of total number of likes, followers, subscribers and views further
supporting the significance of the country [78]. According to the Interactive Advertising
Bureau [79], as of 2019, digital ad expenditures constituted 31% of all advertising expendi-
tures in Turkey. Approximately 75% of the total population has access to the Internet [80];
moreover, 82% of Internet users are on Facebook and 58% of them are active users of
Twitter [81], which is indicative of users’ familiarity with the Internet and social media.
When these figures are compared to European countries, it is evident that social media
penetration in Turkey is lower than that of Northern Europe. However it is superior to the
Eastern European region and on par with, or superior to, the Western Europe as well [82].
As the following section discusses in detail, by means of content analysis, the social
media (i.e., Facebook and Twitter) brand posts of four consumer goods brands. To reach a
large sample of posts and relatively high interaction levels that will help in carrying out
statistical analysis, only brands that have high awareness in Turkey were considered in
study design. To account for the diverse range of consumer goods industries while also
considering the available resources, two companies marketing high-involvement products
and two marketing low-involvement products were chosen. From a set of candidate
industries and brands, four that use social media more frequently than competing brands
in Turkey were chosen and investigated with the aim of identifying the post characteristics
and approaches that lead to superior follower engagement.

3.2. Designing and Unitizing

The process defined by Krippendorf [83] was utilized to design and carry out our
content analysis and consumer BFP posts on Facebook and Twitter were selected as the
context in which to measure post effectiveness. Within the scope of this study, the posts
of two brands in the durable goods sector (Toyota Turkey & Renault Turkey) and two in
the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector (Coca-Cola Turkey & PepsiCo Turkey)
were examined with the goal of providing deeper insights into industry-specific behavior.
Consequently, the unit of analysis consists of the individual brand posts of four consumer
companies on Facebook and Twitter platforms.

3.3. Sampling, Coding and Validation

The data was collected with a manual content analysis form. Taking into consideration
budget and time constraints, segments of time consisting of four months from two recent
years (February, May, August and November for 2017 and January, April, July and October
for 2018) and December 2016 were selected as the data collection periods so we could
overcome potential seasonality issues. Furthermore, a pilot study was carried out as a
means of training the coders and improving inter-coder reliability. In the pilot stage, two
assistants coded the same one month’s data separately, the results were compared and then
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the differences in coding were examined carefully to clear up misunderstandings about the
variable definitions and categorization to have better agreement in coding. Considering
the high number of variables in the study (see Table 1), inter-coder reliability was first
assessed using the degree of agreement (i.e., percent agreement) between the two coders
and an average figure of 83% was obtained. As a second approach we used Cohen’s Kappa,
a more robust and conservative statistic that overcomes the issue of random agreement
to further assess the inter-rater reliability [84]. The calculated figure of 0.76 for Cohen’s
Kappa along with the high percent agreement led us to the conclusion that no significant
inter-coder issues existed.

Table 1. Key variables and data coding.

Variable Definition Coding/Recoding n %

Contextual & Temporal Factors
Automotive 774 68%
Industry (String) Industry of the Brand
Beverages 336 30%
Coca-Cola 261 23%
Pepsi 95 8%
Brand (String) Brand Name
Toyota 301 27%
Renault 473 42%
Day of the week -> recoded into weekday and Weekday 999 88%
Post Day (String)
weekend Weekend 131 12%
0: Same day 165 15%
Number of days between the last post (0–26 days) 1: One day, 480 42%
Last Post Day (Number)
-> recoded into four categories 2: 2–3 days; 290 26%
3: 4+ days 195 17%
Facebook 613 54%
Social Media Platform (String)
Twitter 517 46%
Video & Image Use (Vividness)
No (0) 1028 91%
Short Video 0–10 sec (Number) Video 0–10 s
Yes (1) 102 9%
No (0) 853 75%
Long Video 10+ sec (Number) Video 10+ s
Yes (1) 277 25%
Images depicting past, historical things, people or No (0) 1082 96%
Historical Image (Number)
places Yes (1) 48 4%
No (0) 1121 99%
Futuristic Image (Number) Images depicting futuristic, things, people or places
Yes (1) 9 1%
No (0) 587 52%
Contemporary Image (Number) Images from current things, people or places
Yes (1) 543 48%
No (0) 1060 94%
GIF (Number) Short animations made of pictures
Yes (1) 70 6%
Interactivity of Content Shared
No (0) 808 72%
Link to web site (Number) Links to websites
Yes (1) 322 28%
Link or post of other social Links to other social media posts No (0) 1102 98%
media (Number) Yes (1) 28 2%
Gamification applications such as point earning, No (0) 1098 97%
Gamification (Number)
mini-games leader-boards and so forth. Yes (1) 32 3%
No (0) 390 35%
With Hashtag (Number) Use of hashtags in posts
Yes (1) 740 65%
No (0) 1056 93%
With Tag (Number) Use of tags in posts
Yes (1) 74 7%
No (0) 1027 91%
Question (Number) Asking questions in posts
Yes (1) 103 9%
Sweepstakes users participate by commenting or No (0) 1106 98%
Contests (Number)
liking Yes (1) 24 2%
No (0) 1036 92%
Event (Number) Event announcements
Yes (1) 94 8%
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 777

Table 1. Cont.

Variable Definition Coding/Recoding n %

Informative Content (Information on . . . . . . )
No (0) 1053 93%
Background Company (Number) Informative content on the company
Yes (1) 77 7%
No (0) 1085 96%
Company Policy (Number) Informative content on company policies
Yes (1) 45 4%
No (0) 407 36%
Specific Product(s) (Number) Informative content on existing or new products
Yes (1) 723 64%
Non-Commercial Information Other Informative content (not on company or No (0) 806 71%
(Number) products) Yes (1) 324 29%
No (0) 1031 91%
The celebrative posts & Observance of days of significance (e.g., national &
Yes (1) 99 9%
Condolences (Number) religious holidays)
Yes (1) 187 17%
Advertising Content
Ads (usually from mass-media) directly posted on No (0) 451 40%
Direct (Number)
social media Yes (1) 479 42%
Indirect, viral content; not adopted form mass No (0) 699 62%
Indirect (Number)
media ad content Yes (1) 431 38%
Posts on promotions, trials, coupons and special No (0) 1107 98%
Promotional Content (Number)
offers Yes (1) 23 2%
No (0) 943 83%
Entertainment (Number) Posts with entertaining content
Yes (1) 187 17%
Number of Likes +
Total Interaction (Number) All post interaction created 1130 100%
Comments + Reposts
(Likes + Comments +
Engagement (Number) All post interaction per one thousand followers Reposts)/(Total 1130 100%

Several subcategories of factors that were deemed to have an impact on engagement

were considered in detail to achieve more profound insights. For instance, videos were
coded as short and long; images were categorized according to whether they depicted
the current environment, people and products or past/futuristic counterparts; informa-
tive posts were categorized in three ways: information about products, the company or
company policies/procedures (e.g., returns, warranties etc.). In addition, to consider the
effect of mass-media advertisement posts on social media, an advertising content construct
was incorporated into the study. Finally, a new variable to account for commemorations
and celebrative content regarding the observance of significant/religious holidays was
appended to the content analysis form following the pilot study. The data coding and
recoding methodology used for the variables and related subcategories is provided in
Table 1.
Brand post effectiveness was measured by calculating total interactions (the total of
likes, shares and comments) per thousand followers. Considering the significant differ-
ences between both the number of followers and total interaction figures, the use of a
normalized engagement figure enabled us to obtain a comparable metric. Consequently,
the number of total interactions was divided by a thousand followers to arrive at a figure
for “total interaction per thousand followers” a.k.a. “engagement,” a performance metric
commonly used by social media platforms and digital marketing agencies. As a result
of that methodological structure, this study differs from previous research that primarily
focused on one social media platform, a limited range of brand post characteristics and
only major types of post content [10,11,16]. Moreover, the study differs from other compre-
hensive research such as that carried out by Schultz [12] by including a wide range of post
characteristics, content types and novel data analysis algorithms. In addition, this study
also considers the timing of posts as well as the types of industry or brands as key factors
that affect engagement figures.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 778

To consider the effects of industry and brands, which are perfectly correlated and
cannot be assessed together, the brand variable was chosen to be used in the analysis, as it
carries more information (four categories instead of two). Upon calculating the engagement
figures, the total follower base of the Pepsi brand was observed to be of a significantly
lower magnitude than that of other brands. Pepsi’s interaction levels were amplified to
a greater extent when converted to engagement. Thus, application of a normalization
methodology could not remedy the problem with Pepsi’s posts, which all became outliers.
Thus, the posts of Pepsi (n = 95) were left out of further analysis. Subsequently, the resulting
consumer engagement (normalized total interaction) data (N = 1035) was divided into four
quartiles and analyzed using the machine learning algorithms detailed in the following

3.4. Analysis Algorithms

Four machine learning algorithms (decision tree, random forest decision tree, logistics
regression and artificial neural networks) were used in the analysis instead of regression
or structural equation modeling as those approaches display shortcomings in terms of
providing a clear roadmap for social media planning and management. Using more
specifically defined variables can be beneficial but complex models are harder to manage
in regression analysis due to the rapidly increasing number of relations and potential
error terms, which can lead to low predictive power. Moreover, although the relationships
in heterogeneous datasets may be obscured because of the aggregation of data in such
analysis, that may be overcome through the utilization of machine learning algorithms and
the detailed operationalization of variables. Seen from this perspective, the most promising
algorithms available were found to be decision trees and random forest decision trees which
arrive at step-by-step rules that can be utilized as specific digital marketing strategies and
tactics managers. Nevertheless, there is no generally accepted single way to choose the right
machine-learning algorithm and using more than one algorithm is a common approach
in data science [85], thus, multiple algorithms were used to establish high predictive
accuracy. The use of several machine learning algorithms is a noteworthy contribution to
the literature on social media consumer behavior, in which single multivariate or univariate
methods of analysis are commonly used.
In applying Logistic Regression, which works well when the target variable is Boolean,
stochastic average gradient and iteratively reweighted least squares solvers were used.
Since the optimal learning degree is usually dependent on the data, each one was tried
separately and better results were achieved with iteratively reweighted least squares.
The next algorithm, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), is commonly used for super-
vised learning or prediction of a class variable. An ANN model consists of three main
layers: input, hidden and output layers. Output layers are the labeled class attribute that
defines each record in the dataset. There are hidden layers between the input and output
layers, each consisting of one or more neurons. Inputs are connected to these neurons with
vertexes that carry weighing values. Each node recalculates the inputs and related weights
via an activation function [86]. Through the use of a multitude of layers and nodes, the
automatic selection of activation functions and network coding/encoding methods makes
ANNs strong deep learners [87]. Following ANN learning, the sensitivity of each input
variable can be calculated. This may help to partly overcome a major weakness of ANN,
the low level of human interpretability. In this study, the sensitivity of the key variables
(i.e., inputs) were calculated by using the weights between the inputs and the first layer of
the neural network. The multiple values (inputs) of each key variable were summed and
normalized to obtain a single weight for each variable (e.g., for long video usage there are
two inputs, one for using long videos and another for not using long videos).
The third algorithm, decision trees, are flowchart-like tree structures in which each
internal (non-leaf) node signifies a test on an attribute, each branch represents an outcome
of the test and each leaf node (or terminal node) holds a class label. In this tree structure,
the topmost node is called the root node. The popularity of decision trees in data science
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 779

is attributable to their appropriateness for exploratory knowledge discovery, an ability

to handle multidimensional data and the ease of human assimilation of the intuitive
representation of knowledge in tree form [86]. However, they can be affected by the
outliers and in order to overcome such overlearning or overfitting problems, ensemble and
random forest decision tree (RFDT) models have been developed.
The last algorithm, random forest decision tree learning, hosts multiple decision trees.
The number of the trees in the forest is determined by the analyst/researcher. Each of
these decision tree algorithms is trained on a different set of records and variables that
are randomly chosen with the random forest method [86]. The root of the decision tree is
essential for interpreting a decision tree model and is considered to be the most important
parameter to explain the target class variable. Thus, in a RFDT model it is critical to know
how many times each variable has been the winner to be in the root of the trees. RFDT run
on sampled data parts and loop to provide unbiased results and go around of overlearning
issue. While decision trees are considered to be weak learners because they may also learn
noise, the random forest decision tree model eliminates that shortcoming [88].
All the analyses were carried out on Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) Analytics
Platform v.3.7.1 via the workflows summarized in Figure 2 and as detailed in Figure A2 in
Appendix B. The parameters of each algorithm are presented to provide clarity and offer
replicability for future studies. For all the algorithms applied, 30% of the data was used for
prediction whereas 70% was used for training (machine learning) via the stratified sampling
method. As a stratum, the class variable was used so that there would be a balanced dataset
in terms of classification. The target column (i.e., class variable) was set as the binned
engagement (normalized total interaction). The following tuning hyper-parameters were
5. Logistic regression algorithm: the stochastic average gradient was used as the solver.
6. Decision tree algorithm: the quality measure was selected as the Gini index and
reduced error pruning was preferred while selecting the minimum number of records
per node as three.
7. Random forest decision tree algorithm: the number of levels was set as 10 and the
minimum node size was set as 9. The static random seed was used to come up with
100 models, five-fold sampling (without replacement) was done along with stratified
8. ANN: the sigmoid activation function was preferred and z-score normalization was
applied to the dataset. The stochastic depth and early stopping were used to prevent
possible overfitting. The best performing model was obtained via 3 layers and
25 nodes.
9. The synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) algorithm was used to
overcome class imbalance problems and biases towards certain categories with rela-
tively large observations. The data was oversampled two times for regression and
four times for the decision tree, ANN and random forest algorithms.
Accuracy, recall, specificity, error rate and F1 score were used for the evaluation of
the models. The following formulae, where TP denotes true positives, TN true negatives,
FP false positives and FN false negatives, were utilized. Cohen’s Kappa measure was also
used to assess the degree of agreement between the real data and predictions made by the
four algorithms. High F1 score, kappa values, accuracy and low error rates indicate higher
performance in machine learning analysis.

Accuracy = (1)
TP + TN + FP + FN
Error Rate = (2)
TP + TN + FP + FN
P0 − Pe
Cohen0 s Kappa k = (3)
1 − Pe
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 780

Speci f icity = (4)
Recall = (5)
Precision = (6)
Precision × Recall
F1 = 2 × (7)
Precision + Recall
As depicted in Table 2, a company’s total social media engagement can be predicted
using post-related parameters, yet the performance of each algorithm varies. The best
accuracy and predictive ability were obtained using the decision tree algorithm, which also
produces results that can be understood easily by humans. And while the classical logistic
JTAER 2021, 16, FOR PEER REVIEW regression model calculates variable coefficients, its accuracy was found to be well below

that of the competing algorithms.

Figure 2. Analysis framework.

2. Algorithmrecall, specificity, error rate and F1 score were used for the evaluation of
the models. The following formulae, where TP denotes true positives, TN true negatives,
FP false Algorithm
positives and FN false negatives,Error
were utilized. Cohen’s
RecallKappa measureF1
Specificity was also
Rate Kappa
used to assess the degree of agreement between the real data and predictions made by the
Decision Tree
four algorithms. High F1 score, 0.8094 0.1906 accuracy
kappa values, 0.7459 and 0.8094
low error 0.9365 0.8094
rates indicate higher
Artificial Neural
performance in machine learning analysis.
0.7791 0.2209 0.6750 0.7797 0.9264 0.7785
Random Forest Decision ×
0.6613 =
0.3387 0.5230 0.6612 0.8871 0.6607 (1)
Tree + + +
Logistic Regression 0.4403 0.5597 0.2539
+ 0.4403 0.8135 0.4385
= (2)
+ + +
4. Results −
ℎ a discussion=of the results of the best performing (3)
The following sections provide 1−
algorithm, decision tree learning, along with insights obtained from the random forest
decision trees and the second-best performing = algorithm, ANN. (4)
In order to obtain insights that are easy to apply, the ruleset output of the decision tree
analysis (i.e. 328 rules) were assessed along with the trees themselves. The criteria (rules) (5)

= (6)
× (7)
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 781

that lead to higher interactions (labeled Bin-3 and Bin-4) and lower interactions (Bin-1 and
Bin-2) were compared. Moreover, the output of the random forest decision tree model was
also provided in Table 3, which depicts the number of times a certain variable is used for
splits in the first three (higher) levels of the 100 decision trees created. The variables with
higher counts are considered as significant factors that can predict engagement.

Table 3. Random forest decision tree attribute selection results.

#Splits Splits Splits Candidates Candidates Candidates

Variable *
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
Brand 14 27 46 14 33 74
0 5 14 23 37 68
Post Frequency 18 23 40 20 43 81
Social Media Platform 21 22 27 22 38 72
Short Video 0–10 s 1 5 8 12 41 75
Long Video 10+ s 0 13 14 11 39 71
Historical Image 8 11 13 19 34 60
Futuristic Image 1 1 2 16 38 71
Present Image 1 8 22 18 38 76
GIF 2 7 4 21 41 79
Link to web site 6 4 18 18 33 62
Link to or post of
5 3 5 21 42 66
other social media
Gamification elements 0 4 8 20 36 75
Hashtag Use 7 9 16 19 36 65
Tag Use 3 2 8 17 28 77
Questions 0 1 4 13 32 67
Contests 0 1 2 25 40 67
Events 2 6 18 19 46 85
Entertainment 0 4 13 14 42 73
Info on Company 6 6 10 14 32 73
Info on Company
1 11 9 21 49 76
Policies & Procedures
Info on Product(s) 1 4 21 16 31 82
Non-Commercial Info 0 5 21 20 34 80
Celebrative content &
3 8 14 15 39 76
Direct ad content 0 5 8 24 35 81
Indirect (viral) ad
0 4 15 27 38 83
Promotional Content 0 1 2 21 25 85
* splits: the number of times that an attribute is selected for split at the top three levels of the 100 trees.

Social media platform, brand and days between posts emerged as notable primary
factors that consistently ranked in the top tiers of the decision trees. Those factors were
followed by video content, interactive content and informative content. The decision trees
obtained through the analysis were too large, so they are provided in a summarized format
(the first three levels) in Figure A1 in Appendix A.
The results of the random forest tree algorithm highlight the significant role of the
social media platform, brand and days between posts as criteria affecting total engagement.
Similarly, the ANN sensitivity analysis results provided in Table 4 also emphasize the
significant impacts of using interactive elements such as gamification features, tags, links
and hashtags on total engagement. Moreover, contextual and temporal factors such as
last post day, brand and social media platform variables were found to be influential in
improving total engagement.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 782

Table 4. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) sensitivity (ordered).

Category Sensitivity Sub-Category Sensitivity

Interactivity 27.08% Last Post Day 13.58%
Last Post Day 13.58% Brand 9.08%
Information 12.11% Social Media Platform 4.43%
Image 11.46% Gamification 4.05%
Brand 9.08% With Tag 3.73%
Video 6.61% Event 3.59%
Social Media Platform 4.43% Link or post of other social media 3.52%
Advertising Posts 3.74% GIF 3.51%
Weekday/Weekend post 3.17% Long Video 3.48%
Entertainment 3.13% Info on Specific Product(s) 3.46%
Celebrative content &
2.93% Question 3.36%
Promotional Content 2.67% Contests 3.29%
Info on Background Company 3.26%
Post Weekday/Weekend 3.17%
Short Video 3.13%
Entertainment 3.13%
Present Image 3.06%
Celebrative content & condolences 2.93%
Link to web site 2.88%
Non-Commercial Information 2.75%
Promotional Content 2.67%
With Hashtag 2.66%
Info on Company Policy 2.64%
Historical Image 2.61%
Futuristic Image 2.29%
Indirect ad content (viral) 1.88%
Direct ad content 1.86%

5. Discussion
In light of the findings of both the decision tree and random forest decision tree
analyses (i.e., assessment of the trees and rulesets), several practical takeaways can be
identified. It is evident that there are several best practices, not just one golden rule that
works for all brands on each social media platform. First, the social media platform utilized
and the brand itself are among the primary factors that are influential in engagement
(i.e., total interactions per follower). In the random forest analysis, the first three levels of
the decision trees frequently consisted of the brand name and social media platform. This
indicates that each platform (Twitter and Facebook) has a unique structure and demands a
distinct ruleset to attain increased interaction. Similarly, the different rulesets regarding
brands may be attributed to the industry at hand and the distinct follower profile(s) of
each brand. Nevertheless, the findings reveal several best practices that can serve as
guidelines for achieving higher follower engagement. The rules found to be applicable and
meaningful are highlighted in Table 5 as the significant actionable guidelines and practical
implications of this study. To emphasize the more noteworthy findings, tree branches with
low number of observations (<5) and branches that did not provide actionable rules were
omitted from the assessment. The decision trees generated through the random forest
algorithm were also considered, in addition to the tree resulting from the “decision tree”
algorithm analysis.
From a theoretical perspective, the results of the three algorithms are largely in har-
mony with the extant literature, yet there are points that contradict the findings of certain
studies. Regarding the creative format, different types of interactivity used in brand posts
(i.e., gamification, tags, links and hashtags) emerged as noteworthy variables that are instru-
mental in shaping engagement (interactions per follower) positively. This finding parallels
that of social media consumer behavior research, in which the interactive content provided
in posts was found to be influential on the total number of likes and/or comments [10–13].
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 783

In this study, however, through the use of decision trees, which interactive element works
better is indicated and that leads to superior insights.

Table 5. Context specific actionable guidelines.

Brand Facebook Twitter

Post daily or once every 2–3 days; avoid posting more
Avoid posting more than once daily than once daily or posting less frequently than once
every four or more days
Toyota Use short videos Use long videos
If not using videos, use hashtags Use hashtags if you are posting more than once daily
If not using videos or hashtags, post once every 1–3 days
and ask questions and avoid giving direct links to other Use viral videos if posting daily
pages or posts
If posting long videos, post on weekdays not on weekends If not posting long videos, use tags with GIFs
If you are not posting specific product information on
Better engagement if posting once every 1–3 days
Twitter, use hashtags (preferably on weekdays)
Don’t post more than once daily; If posting more than If you are posting specific product information on
Renault once daily, use short videos Twitter, use entertaining posts or questions
Use links to websites or other posts if you are posting Using indirect advertising content is better than using
every 2 + days advertising content if using images.
Avoid posting informative posts that have
If not using hashtags, use long videos.
non-commercial information content
If you are rarely posting (4+ days between posts)
informative posts regarding company perform better
If you are rarely posting (4+ days between posts),
providing links in post content performs better on
Facebook than Twitter
On weekends, use links Gamification performs better
Long videos perform better
On both platforms, use tags
Coca-Cola On both platforms, if not using tags, use gamification
On both platforms, if not using tags or gamification and posting rarely (once every 4+ days), use entertaining posts
On both platforms, use images instead of short videos if posting daily
On both platforms, if posting more than once each day, post short videos on weekends.

Notably, some studies have found that entertaining content does not have a significant
influence on engagement and certain interactive content (i.e., links) have a weak influence
in terms of improving engagement [10,12]. As demonstrated by Dolan et al. [60], enter-
taining content may lead to passive engagement with social media post content (e.g., its
consumption), not active engagement (interaction). Thus, it can safely be said that there
are contradictory findings in the literature, as other studies claim that entertaining posts
increase engagement [13,16,59,63]. However, these conflicting results may be related to the
context, industries and brands that the studies focused on.
In this study, product-related informative posts were observed to lead to superior
engagement in the automotive industry but not in the beverage industry. For that reason,
marketing managers should only opt for informative communication strategies on online
platforms for high involvement products such as cars. The findings of similar studies which
indicate a lack of significance for informative content for example, [10] may be attributed
to the heterogeneity of the data, possibly caused by the inclusion of different industries
in the dataset or the aggregation of the informative post content (e.g., information about
products, companies and procedures considered together).
In terms of content vividness, it was found that the use of videos led to higher
engagement levels. These findings offer important strategic insights and budget allocation
cues for managers who are responsible for social marketing decisions. It was observed that
long videos are more influential than short videos, according to the ANN sensitivity results.
Moreover, the use of futuristic or historical images did not emerge as a significant factor
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 784

for increasing engagement. However, it should be noted that the number of observations
for those categories was limited in the dataset. The use of contemporary images emerged
in decision trees as a significant factor and in certain cases, it was observed that image use
led to superior engagement (e.g., for Coca-Cola when posting daily). The ANN sensitivity
results also indicate that images are more influential than videos on engagement and that
contemporary images represent the most significant subcategory. This is in agreement
with the findings of Pletikosa Cvijikj and Michahelles [16], Sabate et al. [15] and Trefzger
et al. [20], who posited that posts with images are superior to other formats and/or have
the strongest effect on total interactions.
Among the algorithms applied, it was observed that the number of days between posts
had a significant influence on engagement, a finding that was also noted in an influential
study by de Vries et al. [10]. This relationship is complicated, as Table IV illustrates, yet it
is evident that posting frequency is instrumental in attaining superior post performance,
as the ANN sensitivity results indicate. Moreover, posts on weekdays and weekends also
create differing engagement levels, so the postdate emerges as a noteworthy factor, as was
demonstrated by Moro et al. [37]. However, the overall effect is low, as the ANN sensitivity
analysis demonstrates, which may explain why posting time emerged as an insignificant
factor impacting follower engagement in studies such as those by Antoniadis et al. [14] and
Schultz [12].
Another finding of significance concerns how promotional posts with tangible ben-
efits (i.e., remuneration posts) constitute an insignificant factor in improving follower
engagement. The literature in this regard is contradictory. While this finding coincides
with that of Pletikosa Cvijikj and Michahelles [16] and Aydin [48] that was carried out
in Turkey, it contradicts that of Luarn et al. [11]. This may partly be attributed to the
difficulty of enforcing regulations concerning misleading promotional content in social
media adverts (e.g., iPhones for one-third the original price, mismatches between real
products and photos) or the intrusiveness that consumers may feel when they encounter
promotional posts on their feed [89]. Moreover, there is evidence on interaction effects (use
of brand personality content together with promotional content) to increase engagement
levels in the literature [67].

Despite the broad scope of this study, it has a number of limitations. While the ways
that each variable was defined and operationalized in the literature were carefully consid-
ered during this research, it became evident that there are still yet different approaches
to operationalizing those factors. Consequently, the variables/factors included in the
research model are not exhaustive and the content of posts can be assessed from a variety
of perspectives. Moreover, each factor could be assessed in even more detail (e.g., images
could be categorized according to dominant colors and components, etc.) than the scope of
the present study permitted.
As another limitation, the number of brands and fan-page posts analyzed, although
higher than that of average studies on social media engagement, could have been increased
more. Thus, one possible avenue for future research could involve carrying out a similar
analysis with a greater number of observations and brands.

6. Conclusions
The present study contributes to our current knowledge about social media use and
brand engagement in several ways. First, the findings demonstrate the complexity of social
media page management. It is apparent that there is no overarching single rule but rather
several rules should be considered for each social media platform. This study also shows
that best practices differ between brands. Using a comprehensive research model that
takes into detailed account several post-related factors, numerous venues for improving
engagement have thus come to light in this research.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 785

Second, this study differs from the extant literature by employing machine-learning
algorithms, which have increased in popularity in recent years due to their high predictive
power and low resource requirements. Among the algorithms used, decision trees were
found to provide more practical insights compared to regression and structural equations
in which different factors are provided as coefficients but not as applicable tactics. The use
of these algorithms offers strategic direction and detailed actionable guidelines that can
be followed in the design of effective social media communications. In this study, regular
decision trees outperformed RFDT model, a derivative of regular decision trees. Although
this may be due to the dataset that have been used in the study, we report that the use of
RFDT may not be a necessity in all cases.
Third, the setting differs from the norm in the literature and centers on Turkey, an
emerging economy. In terms of social media use, Turkey ranks among the Top-8 markets
and it is situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, which offers a unique locale for
gaining insights into developing markets and mixed cultures. Furthermore, the relatively
large sample size and the comprehensive design of the study, which adopts a more detailed
approach in classifying the relevant factors affecting engagement, led to deeper insights.
This study points out that the prominence of contextual factors such as social media
platforms and the effects of industry/brands in designing social media strategies, thus
this is can be counted among the major theoretical implications that have commonly
been overlooked in the literature. For instance, according to the results, informative post
performance differs with regard to the type of consumer industry that the brand operates
in. Informative communication on social media may lead to superior engagement when
the brand is offering high involvement products such as cars.
Moreover, the use of videos and images, post frequency and interactive post elements
were found to play a critical role in the success of social media posts, which confirms the
findings in the extant literature. Those interactive elements such as gamification, tags and
hashtags are significant means of attaining better performance in the realm of social media.
Nevertheless, how those elements should be structured and used may differ between
cultures and that is an issue that may be of particular significance for European consumer
companies and global brands. Elaborating on the potential effects of culture on tag and
hashtag use and questioning the presence of global customer segments (vs. local ones) in
that context could emerge as a viable avenue for future research.
Thus, this study does shed light not only on the role of contextual factors cited
above but also implies that cultural characteristics have a potential impact on social media
strategies and their results as highlighted by Hudson et al. [90] and Lin [91]. To
conclude, this study conducted in an emerging country confirms the importance of new
and diverse factors on social media success and at the same time underline the need for
examining the impact of cultural characteristics on the issue.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.U. and G.A.; methodology, G.S., G.A. and N.U.; soft-
ware, G.S.; validation, G.S. and G.A.; formal analysis, G.S.; resources, N.U. and G.S.; data curation,
G.S. and G.A.; writing—original draft preparation, G.A.; writing—review and editing, G.A., G.S. and
N.U.; visualization, G.S. and G.A.; project administration, G.A and N.U. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 786

Appendix A
Appendix A

Figure A1. Decision Trees.

Figure A1. Decision Trees.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 787


Appendix B
Appendix B

Figure A2. Knime Analysis framework.

Figure A2. Knime Analysis framework.

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