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A [Track 15] Listen to a man ask Cheryl some questions about her
lifestyle. Circle the correct answers to complete his notes.

Đáp án: lunch, three, seven, very.

B Track 16 Listen to the conversation between Josh and Claire. Write T (true) or
F (false).

5. Claire has never been to Italy before. __f__

6. Josh says Claire shouldn’t go to the art museums. _t___

7. Josh thinks shopping is the best thing about Italy. _t___

8. Josh thinks American pizza is better than Italian pizza. __f__

1. The jackets and coats are on the bed. Could you __________, please?
A. hang it up
B. hang up them
C. hang up it
D. hang them up
2. Which word is not related to personality?
A. shy
B. talkative
C. funny
D. young
3. Which word is not related to parts of the body?
A. ankle
B. flu
C. feet
D. stomach
4. Where does a person usually go to relax, read a book and watch TV?
A. in a park
B. on the beach
C. at home
D. in the office
5. What type of TV show is about groups of contestants competing to win a
A. drama
B. sitcom
C. soap opera
D. reality show
1. What is the question to this answer?: My eating habits are very healthy.
A. How eating is your habit?
B. How healthy is your eating habits?
C. How eating are your habits?
D. How healthy are your eating habits?
2. A: Is your name Susan James? B: ____________. A: Please sign here.
A. Yes, I am
B. Yes, it is
C. No, I'm not
D. Yes, I'm
3. A: How __________ cupboards are there in your kitchen? B: There
_________ cupboards.
A. A: much B: a very
B. A: many B: is a lot of
C. A: much B: is a lot
D. A: many B: are a lot of
4. A: How __________ does it snow in Lima, Peru? B: It doesn't snow
A. A: much B: sometimes
B. A: well B: somewhat
C. A: many B: none
D. A: often B: at all
5. What's Don like?
A. He likes electronica music and video games.
B. Yes, all of his friends like him.
C. He's talkative, funny and confident
6. What does Geneva like?
A. Yes, she likes fashion.
B. She loves modern art.
C. She's pretty creative and confident.
7. What does your dad look like?
A. He's medium height with short blond hair.
B. Well, he's creative and hardworking.
C. He likes playing the guitar.
8. This wealthy man has more than _______________ to do this!
A. money enough
B. too much money
C. enough money
D. too money
9. What are the superlatives of the following adjectives?: poor, nice, hot, easy
A. the more poor, the more nice, the more hot, the more easy
B. the poorest, the nicest, the hotest, the easyest
C. the poorest, the nicest, the hottest, the easiest
D. The most poor, the most nice, the most hot, the most easy
10.Dhaka, Bangladesh is ________________ the world.
A. the dirtiest city in
B. the city more dirty of
C. the dirtyest city in
D. the dirtiest city of
11.A:Who ________ Bob's parents? B: His mother ___ Cedella Booker. His
father ___ Norval Marley.
A. A: were B: was; was
B. A: was B: was; was
C. A: are B: is; is
D. A: is B: is; is
12.A:When ____ Bob Marley ____? B: I'm not sure exactly when, but I know
he ____ a long time ago.
A. A: does; dies B: die
B. A: did; die B: died
C. A: did; died B: died
D. A: do; dies B: dies
13.A: What are some of the dishes ___________ in this restaurant? B:Well,
_________ the seaweed.
A. A: you've ate B: I've ate
B. A: you've tried B: I've tried
C. A: you've eaten B: I've eaten
D. A: you eaten B: I eaten
14.(Select 2 answers) A: I'm not interested in dramas.
A. B: Either I am.
B. B: Neither am I.
C. B: I'm not, either.
D. B: I'm not, too.
15.(Select 2 answers) A: I'm a creative person.
A. B: I do, too.
B. B: So am I.
C. B: I am, too.
D. B: So do I.
16.Which food/drink item is a countable noun?
A. orange juice
B. ice cream
C. onion ring
D. rice
17.A: How many children ______ Bob Marley ______? B: I think he _____
thirteen children.
A. A: did; have B: had
B. A: do; have B: have
C. A: does; have B: has
D. A: did; has B: has
18.A: Are you _______ baseball with your team tomorrow? B: Yes, _______.
A. A: play B: I do
B. A: plays B: I play
C. A: playing B: I am
D. A: played B: I did
19.A: _______play any sports? B: ________! Soccer is my favorite!
A. A: Do he... B: Yes, he do
B. A: Do I... B: Yes, I do
C. A: Do you... B: Yes, I do
D. A: Do we... B: Yes, they do
Task 1: Read the email. Check (✔) the correct answer to complete each
1. Jessica _______ every weekday. 4. Her favorite TV show is a
a. ⬜ gets up late a. ⬜ reality show
b. ⬜ walks in the park b. ⬜ sitcom
c. ⬜ rides her bike to work c. ⬜ soap opera
2. Her living room has a lot of 5. She doesn’t write about
_______. _______.
a. ⬜ tables a. ⬜ the people at work
b. ⬜ light b. ⬜ her healthy habits
c. ⬜ closets c. ⬜ her weekend routine
3. In the evenings, she usually
a. ⬜ works late
b. ⬜ goes out with friends
c. ⬜ stays home

Task 2: Read the email. Write T (true) or F (false).

In Andrea’s new apartment . . .
1. there isn’t any light. ___F_
2. there is a lot of noise. __T__
3. there isn’t much space in the kitchen. __T__
4. there are some chairs. _T___
5. there aren’t any closets. _F___ 

Task 1: Fill in the gaps the superlative form of the words in the brackets.

1. What’s the _mots exciting_________ ______ (exciting) place to visit in

your country?

2. What’s the ___most beautiful___________ (beautiful) monument in your


3. What café in your town makes the ______best_______________ (good)


4. What restaurant in your town makes the __biggest______ ______________

(big) pizzas?

Task 2: Fill the gaps with the correct words

In 1990, director Robert Altman ___made____ _______ (make) a movie about

the artist Vincent van Gogh and his brother Theo. The movie is a classic.  I
___seen_ __________ (see) it a few months ago, I _read ____ (read) a few
books, and I ___write_ __________ (write) a report about Van Gogh for my art
class. Now I think Vincent van Gogh __is__ __________ (be) one of the
greatest artists of the 19th century – and maybe of all times.
Choose the correct response for each statement.

1. (Select 2 answers) A: Do you think you'll get the house?

A. I don't know. We'll get the house soon.
B. Yes, we think we will. Our credit is good enough.
C. No. We won't get the house. Our credit is terrible.
D. I'm not sure. We'll move in next week.
2. A: I'm visiting New York soon. What ___________ there? B: I'd
__________ the Statue of Liberty.
A. A: would you recommend doing B: recommend visiting
B. A: would you suggest going B: think you should go
C. A: do you think I should do B: suggest visiting
D. A: do I do B: go to
3. Which response is inappropriate? A: What would you
like? B: ___________________.
A. I'll have the fish with some rice, please.
B. I'd like the fish with some rice, please.
C. Can I have the fish with some rice, please?
D. Give me the fish with some rice.
4. What's another way to say this? : I'd like to go to France because I want to
improve my French.
A. I'd like to go to France because I need to improve my French
B. I want to go to France because I need improve my French.
C. like to visit France for improve my French.I'd
D. I'd like to go to France to improve my French

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