Mercado, Aimee Korine - Chapter 1-3

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

Graduate School
City of Malolos, Bulacan



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education, Major in Mathematics






Today, technological progress is a reality. This reality is reflected in our society,

especially in the fields of labor, social and educational activities. This technical innovation

encourages, enhances, and speeds up daily task efficiency. Technological advancement is

reflected in the growth of so-called information and communication technology in the field of

education (ICT). The creation of teaching and learning processes is directly affected by ICTs

because they encourage creative pedagogical behavior and create new learning spaces. These

pedagogical events enhance the transformation of the classroom as we know it, since they enable

spatial-temporal barriers to be eliminated, as well as access to many different formats of

information. It has also encouraged the enhancement of the inspiration, autonomy, engagement,

and attitude of students toward educational content. Digital learning, described as the

pedagogical act that takes place online using the Internet and technological devices, whether

mobile or not, with a synchronous or asynchronous connection, and from anywhere, is among

the pedagogical behavior centered on ICTs. Therefore, the system of virtual learning is a

pedagogical tool that makes it easier for society to access learning. Since its origins date back to

1993, when it started to be used more assiduously, the approach is of no recent creation, having a

greater influence in the field of education. Distance learning was used commonly prior to that


The expectations for math, science, and technology are the guiding force for our

education system today. The significance of mathematics and technology incorporation in our
current classrooms has been acknowledged by our national government (Duncan, 2011). Our

teachers must be able to teach mathematics using different approaches and alternative methods to

meet our learners to remain consistent with educational expectations. This differs from the

conventional method of teaching mathematics, which generally consists of memorization,

realistic use of numbers and equations (lack of manipulation), work sheets, methods of drilling

and killing, repetition of similar problems and is usually focused on teacher’s direct instruction.

A mathematics instructor must implement technology and non-traditional methods in a 21st

century classroom while teaching math to meet the requirements of our national and state

government education standards.

Education with technology flips for “flipped” classrooms’ concept has been around for a

while now; it was only from few years that it has considered as one of the most talked-about

trends in education technology. The “Flipped classrooms” allow each student to view teacher-

created multimedia lectures on their own time, freeing up classroom sessions for active learning

with greater teacher engagement. With the growing dissatisfaction with what many agree is

antiquated education model, the flipped classroom concept has gained popularity nationwide.

Some attempts that it is a revolution in education. Creating and developing educational videos as

well as flipping these in classrooms can maximize time and essence. Educators, experts and

teachers from K-12 and higher learning continue expanding curriculums to include easier

accessed or online or Web contents, many teaching professionals in education and developers in

the classrooms see the trend as an opportunity for innovation. As a result, a diversity of

applications has cropped up to meet the growing demand for flipped classroom technology,

(Chantal Da Zilva, 2013).

Many students believe that mathematics is a hard nut to crack and that they do not have

excellent math skills. The teacher has a big role of ensuring that students develop a positive

attitude towards mathematics so that their performance can improve. Teaching mathematics

requires a lot of techniques to motivate the learners. Understanding of mathematics by students

to a great extent depends on the teacher’s creativity and use of techniques that creates curiosity

of students towards mathematics. In a learning set up or classroom, there may be students of

different cultural backgrounds and others with exceptionalities. The teacher must have

mechanisms that would accommodate multicultural students and those with exceptionalities and

encourage their curiosity towards mathematics. This essay aims at discussing four main

strategies that a teacher can use to encourage student’s curiosity towards mathematics. The paper

will also discuss how a teacher can apply these strategies to improve the curiosity of students

towards mathematics in classroom. We are all working quickly to move our classes out of the

classroom during the ongoing public health crisis. Fortunately, there is a lot of knowledge to

draw from, even though online teaching and learning are new to you.

It is important when teaching to satisfy the needs of all students in the classroom.

Everyone should have the opportunity to learn. However, this can sometimes be a difficult task

because learning happens in a variety of ways. Not all students learn in the same manner;

different learning styles are a given in a class full of diverse students. Every student is an

individual, and so they do not all learn and retain information the same way. Therefore, for the

students to succeed in my class, the teaching style will include many different aspects because

we believe that it is helpful for students to learn with the aid of such methods as cooperative

learning, technology, manipulatives, and a variety of assessment techniques.

The educational landscape was turned upside down by social distancing interventions and

educators were called to adapt, innovate, and restructure. A new academic year is fast

approaching, and math teachers must find new ways of teaching mathematics for distance

learning and rediscover them.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the study is: How do teaching mathematics virtually using different

techniques for Grade 8 students.

Specifically, it seeks answer to the following questions:

1. What are the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards different techniques?

2. How may teaching mathematics virtually affect using the different techniques?

3. What is the level of academic achievement of the students in using:

3.1 Power point presentation in teaching?

3.2 Board/ jam board in teaching?

4. Is there any significant difference between the different techniques and teaching

mathematics virtually?

Significance of the Study

Teachers. This study will be a guide to the teachers, that different techniques in

teaching mathematics may help on student in mathematics. This will help them to focus on
the strategy that nurtures the students as well as how the techniques affect the students in


Students. Learners, as they take the curriculum in the Mathematics class, they will be

guided accordingly on the different techniques in teaching Mathematics. They will have an

insight on how to perform well on their Mathematics class.

School Administrator. They will be able to help the secondary teacher and students

to focus on the techniques that have a deeper understanding mathematics through the

techniques in teaching. This will enlighten the administrator what program or seminar that

will help the teachers on enhancing the academic achievement of the students.

Scope and Delimitation

The focus on this study is to determine the techniques use in teaching Mathematics

virtually affect the students.

The respondent of this study is the Grade 8 students at Carlos F. Gonzales High School

for academic year 2020 – 2021.

Definition of Terms

1. Teaching Virtually.  As used in the study instruction in a learning environment where

teacher and students are separated by time and/or space and the teacher provide course

content through ICT based methods such as Internet, multimedia resources, and
videoconferencing. Students get the content and communicate with the teacher via the

same media. (Tavakol, 2012)

2. Different Techniques. As used in the study methods used by teachers to enable

student learning. These are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by

the nature of the learner. It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and

information onto their students.



This chapter covers the relevant theories, the review of related literature and studies, the

conceptual framework, the research hypotheses, and the definition of variables that will be of

great significance in the conduct of study.

Relevant Theories

Virtual learning practices have been incorporated in the teaching and learning processes.

For effective mathematical virtual learning, one needs appropriate software as well as well-

known learning principles and theories to create mathematics content that fit the learners' needs

and the teachers' overall intentions. In developed countries, high internet connectivity has

enabled most universities and other teaching institutions to fully embrace e-learning.

Nevertheless, virtual learning practices are yet to attain full potential in developing countries,

partly due to high initial costs of designing and setting up the platforms as well as low internet

connectivity in developing countries.

To overcome the bottlenecks that impede successful and effective mathematical virtual

learning intervention in developing countries, virtual learning implementers need to focus on

three virtual learning aspects, namely cost, usability, and impact on learning. Open-source virtual

learning platform is a substantial alternative to meet these new demands. There are many open-

source platforms including eXelearning, Xerte Online Toolkits (XOT), and Course Builder

(Berking, 2016). With these platforms, instructors can design mathematics content to suit their

teaching and learning approaches. They provide a fully featured virtual learning development

environment for creating interactive learning materials (Yi & Trevino, 2015). In addition, the

contents generated on them can easily be exported to another website or e-learning platform such

as Moodle.

On the other hand, while efforts towards improving virtual learning usage in developing

countries are gathering pace, most of the works has been general in perspective and only few

have emphasized mathematical virtual learning specifically (Juan, Huertas, Cuypers, & Loch,

2012; Namukasa, Quinn, & Kaahwa, 2010; Elijah, 2012). Additionally, there is a big gap to fill

with respect to designing new feasible mathematical e-learning models that are focused at

revitalizing the interest, creativity, and applicability of mathematical knowledge for

technological advancement in developing countries (Barnes & Venter, 2008). This note is to

introduce a mathematical learning model for developing countries as a suitable and effective

model for the modern digital era.

Constructivism learning theory emphasizes knowledge construction based on a learner'

experience (Koohang, Riley, & Smith, 2009). The learning approach is student centered, flexible,

and accommodating multiple perceptions, content, and context (Murphy, 1997; Treffers, 1987).
We need to accommodate students' ideas, views, and frustrations over the mathematical concept

we want to impart unto them. In addition, we should allow all forms of creative input from the

students even though they are contrary to known ideas. Based on the many useful ideas of social

constructivism, we emphasize the aspect of contextualizing mathematics to fit the local settings

and tap into learners’ informal strategies to motivate and induce creativity to problem solving

and applicability of mathematical knowledge.

Connectivism is concerned with linking a variety of ideas, specialized nodes, or

information sources that all contribute to learning. Learning may reside in non-human appliances

and learning is endless (Siemens, 2005). Relatedly, Gravemeijer, Stephan, Julie, Lin, and Ohtani

(2017) observe that in the modern digital era in which computers can solve many mathematical

problems, new approaches to mathematical pedagogy are necessary. They listed

applying/modeling, understanding, and checking as mathematical competences required in the

digital era. From these points of view, we derive the following guidelines to consider for

effective mathematics learning in the digital era: Less emphasis laid on recall and reproducing

knowledge (such as axioms, theories, formulae) since in the digital era, it is easy to store and

extract knowledge in non-human appliances (Siemens, 2005).

The goal of realism in education is to encourage active learning that captures most of the

senses of the human being (Ravi, 2016). Pedagogically, the teacher's role from the realism

perspective is to pass on mathematical truth to students whose main role is to absorb the

knowledge and make sense out of it. This approach was dominant before 1970s in the developed

world (Young, 2008). However, unabated realism in the developing world has resulted in a

teacher-centered approach, which has caused students to lag especially in science, technology,
and mathematical application. In addition, the level of research publications in mathematics from

developing countries is either very low or almost nonexistent (Barnes & Venter, 2008;

Namukasa et al., 2010; Elijah, 2012).

Constructivism tells us of the importance to rely on students' experiences and context to

derive knowledge and guide the learning process. There is a need to carefully link all learning

nodes, especially taking advantage of present-day technologies as connectivism avers. However,

realism reminds us that some mathematical knowledge can be considered as absolute and

powerful and challenges us to strike a balance between absolutism and socialization of

knowledge. Constructivism, connectivity, and realism essentially emphasize motivation, context,

and tapping into students' abilities and experiences as the key aspects of meaningful learning but

without sacrificing the power and beauty of mathematics knowledge. These ideas lead us to

propose the MCIEC (motivation, context, interactivity, evaluation, and connectivity) model. The

model identifies five utmost important aspects of effective mathematics learning, namely

motivation, context, interactivity at the front end of lesson planning and delivery, and dynamic

evaluation and connectivity at the back end of lesson planning and delivery.

Related Literature

Today leaning is permanent; it is not only acquired through formal means, but also in

non-formal or informal ways. However, not all students have the skills necessary for autonomous

studying and therefore we must promote the development of these skills so that students can

attain the knowledge they need. Self-regulated learning, self-evaluation, and actions for
modifying study habits promote students’ active and critical participation in decision-making

related to their education, which will result in the formation of more meaningful environments

(Cabero, 2013). Virtual learning is a process of personal reconstruction of a content which is

carried out in function of and based on the cognitive structure of learning. Among the elements

which make up this structure are basic cognitive skills, specific knowledge of an area, learning

strategies, meta-cognitive abilities and self-regulation, affective and motivational factors goals

and expectations. All of these elements and the way a student utilizes them can lead to quality

learning (Onrubia, 2016). 400 Lizzeth A. Navarro-Ibarra Et Al. The change of paradigm

represented by virtual learning is not only a change for students but also for all of those involved

in the educational system. Therefore teachers, administrators, technical and support staff as well

as the institution itself find themselves faced with a new and different form of teaching-learning

in which the ambit is no longer a closed system such as a classroom. To work for various kinds

of students, the development of VLE requires an effort of migrating from a closed system to a

new reality. This demands constant up-dating of subjects which arise related to virtual learning

to incorporate them during the design of VLEs (Khan, 2016). The challenge in virtual learning as

in any other teaching system is to achieve efficacy. This is achieved when lessons which are

compatible with the processes of human learning are developed. Moreover, it must be considered

that ICT can provide much more sensorial data than a person’s nervous system can assimilate.

Learning may decrease if the audio and visual elements used in a lesson interfere with human

cognition (Clark & Mayer, 2016). Virtual leaning environments should be spaces for teaching

and producing learning which are pedagogically modeled and integrated with various

components such as: technological platform, activities, and material, which all together have the

objective of generating learning. In turn, interaction of the community by way of technological

tools enriches the quality of learning (Silva, 2011). Generally speaking, according to Clark and

Mayer (2016) the VLE should have one or more of the following characteristics: students can

control their progress throughout a lesson; the methods for achieving commitment create

adequate psychological processing; the graphs and vocabulary in each lesson correspond to the

level of learning maturity of the student; realistic settings are used to create the learning context.

In the teaching of mathematics, a VLE is a means by which ICT facilitates pedagogical

communication between the teacher and the student during the teaching-learning process,

promoting the self-construction of the educable subject. The design of a VLE should include

these five aspects: knowledge (design of interactive digital content with pedagogical

perspective), collaboration (student-student, student-teacher, and teacher-teacher interaction),

consulting (both synchronous and asynchronous), experimentation (simulation) and management

(homework, evaluation, and follow-up), all of this in order for technology to stimulate the

required learning (Bravo, 2012).

Related Studies

Many people are pragmatic by doing what works. When something does not work, one is

compelled to ask questions as to how to make it work. Beginning from the 1940s, Reginald

Revans started developing the action learning concept, a problem-solving method characterized

by taking an action and reflecting on the results, as an educational pedagogy for business

development and problem-solving. Since that time, action learning has come to describe a

variety of forms it can take and contexts it can be observed. In the context of achieving high

quality of university teaching, “the target of action learning is the teaching of the individual
teacher”. In the general context of improving professional performance, Dilworth argues that

action learning starts with an inquiry into a real problem so that regardless whether the problem

is “tactical or strategic, the process of learning is strategic. Action learning in mathematics

education can be defined as learning through student individual work on a real problem followed

by reflection on this work. In most cases, this work is supported by a “more knowledgeable


In mathematics education, action learning, the genesis of which is in the early childhood

experience, has natural levels of maturity. Before we become concerned with the day-to-day

responsibilities attached to adulthood, we can freely consider action learning in a game form.

Our fondness for gaming and for learning winning strategies are carried into later life, both as

means of entertainment and as a tool for instructing the next generation of children. The

motivation for action learning in mathematics education gradually changes from winning games

to success in real-world ventures. The key to success is the ability to solve problems. Research

finds that curiosity can be characterized in terms of excitement about peculiar observations and

unexpected phenomena. Additionally, “What children will be curious about depends in large part

on the nature of the world about them and their previous experience”. Students at all educational

levels seek concreteness, are naturally curious about the real world, and enjoy benefits of action

learning, especially when they use it repeatedly in mathematics education. In the postsecondary

mathematics curriculum for non-mathematics majors, the problems should have applicability to

reality. Interestingly, we seem to return to “gaming” when we deal with pure theory, since we

might seek an abstract solution for the sake of solution itself.

Max Wertheimer, one of the founders of Gestalt psychology, argued that for many

children, “it makes a big difference whether or not there is some real sense in putting the
problem at all”. He gave an example of a 9-year-old girl who was not successful in her studies at

school. In particular, she was unable to solve simple problems requiring the use of basic

arithmetic. However, when given a problem which grew out of a concrete situation with which

she was familiar and the solution of which “was required by the situation, she encountered no

unusual difficulty, frequently showing excellent sense”. Put another way, the best strategy to

develop students’ interest in a subject matter is to focus teaching on topics that are within their

basin of attraction. As William James, a classic of American psychology, who was the first to

apply it to the education of teachers, put it, “Any object not interesting in itself may become

interesting through becoming associated with an object in which an interest already exists”.

Interest can be also used to develop motivation in education as it “refers to pattern of choice

among alternatives—patterns that demonstrate some stability over time and that do not appear to

result from external pressures”.

Reflection is as important as action. Being able to reflect on action carried out constitutes

the so-called internal control when individuals think of themselves as being responsible for their

own behavior, something that is different from external control when seeing others or

circumstances being the primary motivation for an individual behavior. Three basic questions

commonly begin the action learning process in addressing a real problem. We ask: First, what

should be happening? Second, what is stopping us from doing it? Third, what can we do?

Action learning often referred to in academia as action research has been traditionally used for

teaching business management and the social sciences, conducting scientific research, and

teacher development. In mathematics education, action learning, as a teaching method, has been

adopted as pedagogy oriented on self-solving real problems followed up by reflection. Learning

is the primary goal, even though the problem-solving is real and important. Learning is
facilitated by breaking out well-established mind-sets, thereby presenting a somewhat unfamiliar

setting for the problem. We now have the technology-assisted, action learning pedagogy for

teaching mathematics through real-world problems, guided by STEM instructors and community

professionals, employing a project component. Digital technology is seen at least within the

requisite typology of the manuscripts. It may go much further, of course, and include an essential

utility (e.g., a numerical integrator, a spreadsheet, or specialized software).

Finally, action learning provides an effective and clear approach to mathematics education. This

approach was developed out of different sometimes controversial active learning techniques

which are ubiquitous among mathematics educators across a variety of constructivist-oriented,

student-centered teaching contexts.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Pre-Test and Post Administering Pre-

Test Test and Post Test Techniques in
Different techniques Determining the teaching mathematics
in teaching significant difference virtually
Related Literature Analysis and
Interpretation of data

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 of the graphic presentation shows that the input in the study are pre-test, post test,

different techniques in teaching and related literature, the process in the study are administering
pre-test and post test, determining the significant difference and analysis and interpretation of

data, the output in the study is the techniques in teaching mathematics virtually.

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant relationship between the students’ perceptions and attitudes

towards different techniques and how teaching mathematics virtually affect.



This chapter presents the discussion of the methods and techniques of the study,

population and sample of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure and data

gathering and statistical treatment used in this study.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

This research will use quantitative, descriptive research design which involves the

description, analysis, and interpretation of the result of the students’ scores from a specific

questionnaire provided by the researcher. Descriptive research aims to describe a population,

situation, or phenomenon accurately and systematically. It can answer what, when, where, when,
and how questions, but not why questions (McCombes, 2020). This method necessitates

collection of quantitively data that can be tabulated and analyzed.

In this research, the collection of data from the scores of the students in the given

questionnaire prepared by the researcher about the lesson on Grade 8 Mathematics will be

performed. The researcher will compare the means of the scores of the teaching techniques in

mathematics subject. Based on the result after comparing the means, the researcher will provide

teaching method development ideas to help mathematics teachers to have an effective discussion

in their mathematics class.

Population and Sample of the Study

This study shall employ the use of stratified random sampling technique. Since the

students are heterogenous, the researcher needs to divide them into different strata, in this

research the section in grade 8 will become the group of students. Stratified random sampling is

a method apply when population is divided into different strata or classes and each class must be

represented in the study.

The respondents needed are grade 8 students from different section in Carlos F. Gonzales

High School. And to compute for the specific number of samples per section, the researcher will

use percentage.

Research Instrument

This study utilizes the following instruments: (1) power point presentation that are going to

use during the discussion and (2) jam board or white board marker that will be use during the
online discussion in an online platform. In this instrument, lesson plans and lesson guides are

already established and standardized by Carlos F. Gonzales High School that are guided strictly

and accordingly. The teacher will make use of pre-test and post-test. The test questionnaire

constructed by the researcher is consists of 25-item questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

To conduct this research permissions will be requested to the Principal of the School,

Head Teacher, and the teacher to conduct the data gathering. In the letter of permit, it should

include the conduct and implementation of the study. Upon approval, pre-tests papers be

administered and post-test questionnaires. Administration and retrieval of questionnaires will be

collected data via google form for the checking, tabulating, and interpreting the results.

Upon approval, pre-test papers be administered, discussion using power point

presentation and jam board/ white board will be distributed and post test questionnaires be given

to finally collect data personally.

From the respondents, the primary data used in this study will be their acceptability of the

validity of the discussion; Lesson Objectives; Lesson Inputs; Lesson Application; Lesson

Enrichment; Usefulness, Timeliness and Adequacy, Clarity of Mathematical Language; Style

and format; and Illustrations and Presentations.

On the students-respondents, the primary data will be pre-test and post test results, survey

data from student’s satisfaction and acceptability by Mathematics experts respondents.

The location of the data will be at Carlos F. Gonzales High School where the teacher-

researcher is currently employed. For the survey questionnaire tool, the school administrators
and authorities will be notified for the research under study. Request letter will be sent for asking

permissions. To secure its reliability, school head know exactly the nature of the study. To gather

data instantly and correctly, the researcher will give adequate time to go from class or from

school to school.

The following flow chart will be applied in gathering and collecting the data.

Permission from the Principal of the

School, Head Teacher, and the
teacher to conduct the data gathering

Construction and administration of

the questionnaire online via google

Retrieval of questionnaire in the

google form

Checking, tabulating and

interpreting the results

Statistical Treatments
For data gathering tabulating, analysis and interpreting statistically using frequency

counts, weighted means, and percentages. To test the differences, t-test for correlated samples, t-

test for uncorrelated samples, and t-test for independent sample will be used.

T-test for independent samples was utilized to test for significant difference on the scores.

The following statistical treatments will be used in the analysis and interpretation of data:

 Percentage was used to determine and describe the part of a whole of the


 t - Test was applied to test the difference on the pre-test and post test scores

The following formula will be used:

1. Mean – will be using in the scores of the students in the given questionnaire.



x−scores of the students ∈the questionnaire

n−sample ¿ ¿

2. Z-test for Two-Sample Mean Test – a parametric test used to compare the means of

two independent group.

x 1−x 2
s12 s22
√ +
n1 n2

To establish relationship, Pearson r correlation will be employed. The formula for

Pearson r correlation is given below:

r =n ¿ ¿


r = Pearson correlation coefficient

x = Values in first set of data

y = Values in second set of data

n = Total number of values.

All statistical analyses will be using the software Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences (SPSS 19). Hypotheses testing will be based on a 0.05 level of significance.




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