Fidp Guide

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KUD Classification Thinking Skills (Revised Bloom’s Enabling General Strategy to Develop

Taxonomy) Thinking Skills

Doing Creating (Can you generate new products, ideas, or ways of Problem Solving (Doing task)
viewing things?) (Design, plan, invent, devise, make, create…)

Evaluating (Can you justify a decision or course of action?) Reasoning and Proof (Making
(Check, hypothesize, critique, judge, test, detect, monitor…) sense) Critical Thinking
Analyzing (Can you break information into parts to explore Communication (Discussing or Leadership
Understanding understanding and relationships?) (Compare, organize, outline,
attribute, structure, deconstruct)
writing about one’s thinking) Flexibility
Applying (Can you use the information in another familiar Connections (Relationship to Cultural Awareness
situation?) (Implement, use, execute…) other discipline)
Info Tech
Civic Literacy
Understanding (Can you explain ideas or concept?)
(Interpret, summarize, infer, paraphrase, classify, compare, Social Responsibility
explain…) Initiative
Knowing Representation (Modelling)
Remembering (Can you recall information?) (Recognize, list,
enumerate, describe, identify, retrieve, name, locate…)

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