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Minutes of the Meeting

A Curriculum Revision Committee Meeting (CRCM) in International Relations was held

in the HEC Office, Lahore, on March 06, 2006. The meeting started at 9: 00 am with the
recitation of the Holy Quran. The following Chairperson/Scholars from various
universities of the country participated in the meeting:

1. Prof.Dr.Syed Khawaja Alqama Convener

Dept of Political Science& International Relations
Bahuddin Zakarya University, Multan.

2. Prof. Javed Ahmad Sheikh Member

Professor/Former Chairman
Dept of Political Science
Government College University, Lahore

3. Prof Dr Adnan Sarwar Khan Member

Dept of International Relations
University of Peshawar, Peshawar.

4. Prof Dr Ishtiaq Ahmad Choudhry Member

Dept of International Relations & Political Science
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
University of Sargodha, Sargodha.

5. Prof. Dr M. Nazrul Islam Member

Foreign Faculty/Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
International Islamic University, Islamabad.

6. Dr. Nasrullah Mirza Member

Dept of Defense & Strategic Studies
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

7. Prof Dr Syed Ahmed Hussain Shah Member

Dept of International Relations
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur.

8. Prof Dr Talat A. Wizarat, Member

Dept of International Relations
University of Karachi.

9. Mrs. Nasreen Javed, Member

Associate Professor of Political Science
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.

10. Dr Ms Muntazara Nazir Member

Lecturer in Political Science
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.

11. Prof Dr Abdul Majeed Chandio Member

Dept of International Relations
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur.

12. Mr. Khalid Rehman Member

Director General
Institute of Policy Studies
Markaz F-7, Near Chamber Block 19,

13. Prof Dr Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhary Member

Advisor to the Vice Chancellor
University of Punjab, Lahore.

14. Dr Ambreen Javed Member

Dept of Political Science
Program in International Relations and Diplomacy
University of Punjab, Lahore.

15. Mr. Ijaz Ahmad Member

Dept of Political Science
Program in International Relations and Diplomacy
University of Punjab, Lahore.

16. Dr Abdul Qadir Member

Dept of International Relations
University of Sargodha, Sargodha.

17. Dr Abdul Latif Tunio Member

Associate Professor
Dept of International Relations
University of Sindh, Jamshoro.

18. Mr.Sarfaraz Ali Khorejo Member

Dept of International Relations
Shah Abdul Latif University

19. Prof Dr Mansoor Akbar Kundi Secretary

Faculty of State Sciences
University of Balochistan, Quetta.


Following is the scheme of studies for BS 4-Year in International Relations:


1st Semester

Course Subject/Title of the course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.111 English –I 3
I.R.112 Islamic Studies 3
I.R.113 Introduction to International Relations 4
I.R.114 Optional Course: Introduction to Political 3
I.R.115 Optional Course: Introduction to History 3
Total 16

2nd Semester
Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.
I.R.121 English – II 3
I.R.122 Pakistan Studies 3
I.R.123 History of I.R-1648-1945: Important Events 4
I.R.124 Optional Course: introduction to political 3
I.R.125 Optional Course: Introduction to Economics 3
I.R.126 Computer Application 3
Total 19


3rd Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.231 English -III 3
I.R.232 Conflict Prevention & Resolution 3
I.R.233 Communication Skill 3
I.R.234 Optional Course: Introduction to Philosophy 3
I.R.235 Optional Course: Introduction to Law 3
I.R.236 Research Methodology – Computer Application 4
Total 19

4th Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course cr. Hrs.

I.R.241 English - 3
I.R.242 Geo political Structure of the World 3
I.R.243 Theories of international Relations 3
I.R.244 Area studies 3
I.R.245 Optional Course : Introduction to Journalism 3
Total 15


5th Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.351 Science Technology & international Relations 3
I.R.352 International Law 3
I.R.353 Foreign Policy of Pakistan 3
I.R.354 International Political Economy 3
I.R.355 Diplomatic History of the World – important 3
Events and Issues Since 1989-90 to date
Total 15

6th Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.361 Globalization & International Relations 3
I.R.362 Post Modernism & post Structuralism in I.R 3
I.R.363 Foreign Policy Analysis 3
I.R.364 Ideologies & Ideological Movement in the 20th 3
I.R.365 Islam And International Relations 3
Total 15


7th Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.471 Diplomacy 3
I.R.472 Arms control & Disarmament 3
I.R.473 Defense & Strategic studies 3
I.R.474 Foreign Policy of Major Power(USA,Russia,China) 3
I.R.475 Research Project 4
Total 16

8th Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.481 Peace Studies 3
I.R.482 Politics of Terrorism 3
I.R.483 Human Rights in I.R 3
I.R.484 Power and Security in South Asia 3
I.R.485 Regional & International Organizations 3
Total 15


Following is the scheme of studies for MS-2- Year in international Relations:


1st Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.511 International Relations: theoretical and Practical 3
I.R.512 Advanced Research Methodology – Computer 3
Application & Statistical Analysis
I.R.513 Politics of Globalization and Civilizations 3

I.R.514 Optional Course: Specialization/Diplomacy 3

Total 12

2nd Semester

Course Subject/Title of the Course Cr. Hrs.

I.R.521 International Economic Relations 3
I.R.522 Contemporary International relations: Latest 3
I.R.523 Optional Course: Specialization/International Law 3
I.R.524 Optional Course:Specialization/Interantional 3
Total 12

Note : In the MS First Year of taught courses three streams/groups of students will be
produced to specialize in three major areas of international Relations, namely;
Diplomacy, International Law, and International Economy/Trade, respectively, in their
advanced most forms so that, later on, the students concerned may further develop their
specializations into MS Second Year Thesis for not only theoretical importance but also
for the practical application for the relevant institutions and such as the Ministry of
foreign Affairs Office in Foreign Services Academy of Pakistan as well as those of
Foreign Countries.

List of I R Related Optional for BS 4 –Year Program

Following is the list of International Relations related optional course to be offered by

Departments concerned for the BS4-Year Integrated Program. This would be in addition
To the non-IR optional courses. The course contents and the core/recommended books of
both the IR related and non-IR Optional courses would be provided by the teacher/s at the
time of offering of particular course/s. Moreover, the decision to offer an IR related
course or a non optional course are their one or another kind of combination will be left
to the professors/instructor concerned at the time of the start of any semester of BS;

i. Ethnic Conflict in Global Perspective.

ii. Power Politics and Beyond.
iii. The 2003 Gulf War and its Consequences.
iv. Forecasting in International Relations.
v. Structural Adjustment Program – (in the 3rd world countries –Role if IMF,
World Bank, and WTO).
vi. Role of Non-State Actors in International Relations.
vii. Evolution and Development of International Political Philosophy.
viii. Ethnic Conflicts in Regional and Global Perspective.
ix. Media & International Politics.
x. Environmental Issues & International Relations.

xi. Oil, Water & International Relations.

xii. Religion, Ideology & International Relations.
xiii. Gender and International Relations.
xiv. International Humanitarian Law.
xv. Restructuring and Reforms of the United Nations.
xvi. Restructuring and Reforms of the OIC.
xvii. Enlightened Moderation and the Muslim World.
xviii. Cyber Wars.
xix. The MNC’s and the NGO’s.
xx. National Liberation Movements.

List of Non-IR Optional Courses for BS4-Year Program

i. Introduction to Political Science.
ii. Introduction to History.
iii. Introduction to Philosophy.
iv. Introduction to Law.
v. Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication.
vi. Introduction to Political Geography.


Following are the course contents and the list of core and suggested readings of the
BS 4_Year Integrated Program spread over 08 Semesters and comprising of 130
credit hours:

Semester I Introduction to International Relations 04 Cr. Hrs

Course Outlines:

i. Meaning, Definitions and Scope of International Relations.

ii. Nature, Evolution and Significance of International Relations’ Concepts and
iii. Nation State: Sovereignty and Security.
iv. System and Sub-System.
v. Foreign Policy and Diplomacy.
vi. Power and Balance of Power.
vii. National Interest.
viii. Regionalism.
ix. Globalization.
x. State and Non- State Actors.
xi. Human Rights and International Relations.
xii. Religion, Ethics, Morality and Justice in International Relations.

Core Books

1. Columbus, Theodore, Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice,

New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1992.
2. Goldstine, Josha, International Relations, Washington DC: Pearson Education,
3. Stephanie Lawson, International Relations, Cambridge; Polity, 2003.

Recommended Books

1. Am Stutz, Mark R., International Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to

World Politics. Chicago: Brown & Benchmark, 1995.
2. Bull, H.N. The Expansion of International Relations. London: Oxford University
Press, 1984.
3. Chan, Steve, International Relations in Perspective. The Pursuit of Security,
Welfare, and Justice. New York: Macmillan, 1984.
4. Genest, Marc A., Conflict and Cooperation: Evolving Theories of International
Relations. Singapore: Thomson, 1996.
5. Griffiths, Martin, and Callaghan, Terry O, International Relations: The Key
Concepts. London, Rout ledge, 2003.
6. Groom, A.J.R & Light, Margot Cotemporary International Relations: A Guide to
Theory. London: Pinter, 1999.
7. Hartman, Frederick H., The Relations of Nations. New York: Macmillan, 1983.
8. Henderson, Conway W., International Relations: Conflict & Cooperation at the
Turn of the 21st Century. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
9. Hoffman, Stanley. Cotemporary Theory in International Relations, Englewood
Cliff: Prentice Hall, 1960.
10. Holsti, K.J International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. Englewood Cliff:
Prentice Hall, 1983.

11. Hursch, James A., Theories of International Relations. Washington DC: National
Defense University, 1990.
12. Jackson, Robert and Sorensen, George, Introduction to International Relations
Theories and Approaches, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
13. Jones, Walter S. The Logic of International Relations. New York: Harper Collins,
14. Kelley, Charles W. Jr., & Wit Kopf, Eugene R., World Politics: Trends &
Transformation. (4th Ed), New York: St Martin’s Press, 1993.
15. Kohekohe, Robert O., International Institutions and State Power Essay in
International Relations Theory London: West view Press, 1989.
16. Miller, Lynn H, Global Order: Values and Power in International Relations.
London: West View Press, 1990.
17. Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics among Nations. New York Knopf, 1978.
18. Palmer, Norman D and Perkins, Howard C., International Relations. New York:
Houghton Miffin Co., (Reprint 2004 by A.I.T.S Publishers, New Delhi).
19. Papp, Denial S., Contemporary International Relations. (2nd ed0. New York:
Macmillan 1988.
20. Pearson, Fredric S., & Rochester, J. Meartu, International Relations: The Global
Conditions in the Late Twentieth Century. New York: Random House, 1988.
21. Qutub, Syed, World Peace and Islam, Lahore; 1954.
22. Ray, James Lee, Global Politics.(Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.,
23. Rosen, Steven, J. The Logic of International Relations. (3rd ed) Cambridge:
Winthrop, 1980.
24. Roskin Michael G., & Berry, Nicholas, The New World of International Relations
(2nd ed), Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1993.
25. Rourke, John T., & Boyer, Mark A., International Politics on the World Stage,
Guolford: McGraw-Hall,-`996.
26. Schwazenberger, George, Power Politics. London: University College, 1982.
27. Spanier, John, Games Nations Play. New York: Harper & Row, 1981.
28. Wright, Quincy, The Study of International Relations. New York: Irvington
Publishers, 1982.
29. Zeigler, David W., War Peace and International Politics. (5th ed). Boston: Little,
Brown and Company, 1980.

Semester II History of I.R.-1648-1945: important 04 Cr. Hrs


Course Outlines:

Background (1648-1945)

1. European politics
a. Religious and political factor
b. Renaissance
c. Treaty of Westphalia 1648;Implication and effects of the treaty
2. Industrial Revolution
3. Congress of Vienna 1815
4. Major European powers
5. Balance of Power in Europe
6. First World War; Causes and consequences
7. Treaty of Versailles 1919;Implication and effects of the Treaty
8. Emergence of the League of Nations
9. The Great Economic Depression
10. Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany
11. Second World War; Causes and consequences
12. Emergence of the United Nations

Core Books:

1. Albrecht R .Carrie, A Diplomatic History of Europe Since the congress of

Vienna. London, Methuen, 1955.
2. Anderson, M.S. The Ascendancy of Europe 1815-1914.London: Longman, 1972.
3. Thompson David, Europe since Napoleons. (2nd revised Ed.)New York: Knopf,
Recommended Books:

1. Field, Little and Henry, W History of Europe since 1815. New York: Presage,
2. Graham Rose, The Great Powers and Decline of the State System 1914_1940.
London Croon Helm, 1983.
3. Langer, W.L. European Alliances and Alignments, 1871- 1914. New York:
Prentice-Hall, 1950.
4. Leeds, C.A, European History, 1789- 1914. (2nd Ed), Plymouth: Macdonald, 1979.
5. Taylor, A.J.P. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe. 1848-1914. Oxford: Claredon
press, 1954.
6. Tempe relies, H. and A.J. Grant Europe in the Nineteen and Twentieth Centuries,
1786-1950. London: Longman, 1961.

Semester _ II Computer Application 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Introduction to Computers

i. What is a Computer?
ii. Types of Computer.
iii. Classification of Computer.
iv. Importance.

2. Computer Hardware and Software

i. Input unit.
ii. Output unit
iii. CPU
iv. Computer Languages
v. Application Software

3 .Micro soft office word

i. Formatting Contents
ii. Organizing contents
iii. Formatting Documents
iv. Collaborating
v. Customizing.

3. Micro soft office Excel

i. Organizing and Analyzing Data

ii. Formatting Data and contents
iii. Collaborating
iv. Managing Data and Work books
v. Customizing Excel
4. Microsoft Office Power Point

i. Creating Content
ii. Formatting Content
iii. Collaborating
iv. Managing and Delivering Presentations

5. Control Panel

i. Installing a Program
ii. Installing Printer
iii. Removing Program from Hard Disk
iv. Removing virus from Disk.

Core Books:

1. Adams Johns, An Introduction to Computers. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998.


2. Bitter, Garry G. Computers in Today’s World. New York: John Wiley and Sons,
3. Sintia, P.K., Computers Today. New York: McGraw Hill, 1985.

Recommended Books:

1. Ayesha Sultan: Fundamental Concepts of Computer System” : Pakistan:

2. Erickson. Vonk: “Netscape Communicator and the World Wide Web”: Michigan
Technological University: Published: 1998.
3. Marshall. Donis:” Programming Microsoft Visual: The Language: C#2005:
Published Jan 2006: Microsoft Press.
4. Frencesco Balena: Programming Microsoft Visual: The Basic Class Library”
C#2005: Published Jan 2006: Microsoft Press.
5. Charles Pestzold: Application Cost + Mark up: A Guide to the Microsoft Window
Presentations Foundation: Microsoft Studies Hardcover: Published Aug 2006.
6. Dhurma Shukla: Essential Windows Workflow Foundation: Edison Wesley:
Published Oct 2006.

Semester Conflict Prevention & Resolution 03 Cr. Hrs.


Course Outlines:

1. Conflict Resolution as a Field of Study:

a. Concept
b. Scope

c. Relevance

2. Conflict Environment:
a. The Psychological Dimension
b. Political Aspects
c. Cultural Aspects
d. Economic Variables
e. The Role of the Interest Groups
f. The Role of the Media

3. Techniques of Conflict Resolution:

a. Negotiation: New Trends in Negotiation Theory

b. Good Offices
c. Role of Communications
d. Mediation in International Relations
e .Commission of Enquiry
f. Conciliation
g. Arbitration
h. Adjudication
i. Improvements in the Bargaining Strategies
j. Conflict Analysis
k. Low Intensity Conflict
l. High Intensity Conflict
m. International Conflict
n. Non_ International Conflict

4. Conflict Prevention and Provention:

a. From Prevention to Provention.
b. Problems of Prediction.
c. Systematic Analysis of Dispute and Conflict, Confidence Building Measures.

5. The Future of conflict Resolution as an Academic Discipline:

a. Conflict Resolution as a Means of Change.

b. Conflict Resolution as a Political System.
c. Case Studies; (Two case studies are compulsory).
i. Gulf War
ii. South Africa
iii. Palestinian Issue
iv. Kashmir Dispute


1. Burt an, John, Conflict: Resolution and Prevention. New York: St. Martins Press,
2. Brown, Schraub (Ed), Resolving Third World Conflict. Washington D.C, U.S.
Institute of Peace Press, 1992.
3. Cohen, Raymond, Negotiating Across Cultures. Washington D.C. U.S. Institute of
Peace Press, 1991.

Recommended Books:

1. Mond, Can Nuclear Be Controlled Adelphi Paper No.169. London: Press 1981.
2. Bartram, Charistoph (ED.), third –world conflict and international security.
London: Macmillan, 1982.
3. Fisher and Ury (ED). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in.
London : penguin, 1981
4. Rubin & Bacoritch, (ED.), Mediation in international relations, London:
Macmillan, 1992.
5. Talbott, Strobe, the Master of Game. New York: Knopf, 1988.
6. Wizarat, Talat Ayesha, conflict, Resolution in a New Era: lessons for South Asia.
Karachi: department of international Relation, University of Karachi, 1996.

Semester 111 Communication skills 03 Cr, Hrs

Course outlines:

1. An overview of communication.
a. Defining communication
b. Importance
c. Concept
d. Barriers
e. Principles of effective communication

2. message design
a. Process of preparing effective business message.
b. The appearance and design of business message
c. Good-news and neutral messages

3. written communication: Major plans for letters and memos

a. Bad- news messages
b. Persuasive written messages

4. Written communication: Reports.

 Short reports
 Long (formal) reports.
 Proposals.

5. Strategies for Oral communication.

 Strategies for successful speaking and successful listening.
 Strategies for successful informative and persuasive speaking.
6. The job application process.
 The written job presentation
 The job application process-interviews and follow-up.

Core Books:

1. Murphy. A Herta, ‘Effective Business Communication’. University of

Washington: Published 1986.
2. Munter Mary. “Strategy and Skills: Prentice Hall International. Inc.

3. R. Huseman J L Lahiff &J. Hat Field. “Business Communication”, New York:

Dryden Press 1981.

Recommended Books:
1. L.G VEEERHEYEN, training & Development Journal: Published 1988, Aug.
2. Garret, K, & L, Chen. Managerial Communication Practices in Chinese’s factories: A
preliminary investigation. Published 1992.
3. J.H. Janis,:” Writing and Communication in Business” :3rd Edition: New York:
Macmillan 1978.
4. J Ruesch “Synopsis of the theory of Human communication “: psychiatary: 1953.
5. R.Wilcox,”communication at Work”: Bosten, Houghton: Mifflin, 1977.
6. J Hinrich “communication Activity of Industrial Research Personnel”Psychology:
published 1964.

Semester III Basic Research Methodology-computer 03Cr.Hrs.


Course Structure

 Meaning and Definition of Research

 Objectives of research
 The scientific method
 Difference between social and physical sciences with respect to research
Classification of research

 Basic/Applied research
 Historical
 Exploratory
 Descriptive
 Explanatory

 Proposition
 Concepts
 Hypothesis
 Variables and indicators
 Transformation of a theoretical question into a research question and
preparation of a research design
 Sources of knowledge :Typologies of sources and their reliability

 Preparation of research proposal

 Preparation, processing and presentation of data, use of library and

bibliographic search, Methods of research, sampling techniques ,
 Quantitative Analysis, Mean, Mode, Median, Standard Deviation,
Percentage, and Diagrammatic Expression.

Recommended Books:

1. Ariffullah, Shahnaz, Bhatti. K.M., Research Process Simplified. Peshawar

Pornographic, 1998.
2. Black, Thomas R., Understanding Social Sciences Research, New Delhi:
Sage Publications, 2002.
3. F. Punich, Keith, Introduction to Social Research Quantitative and
Qualitative Approaches, London: Sage Publications, 1998.
4. Goode, William J., Methods in Social Research. New York: McGraw Hill
5. Janet, Butloph Johnson, and Richard A. Joslyn, Political Research
Methods. Englewood Clifs: Prentice Hall, 1986.
6. Kate L. Turabian, A Manual of Writer. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1996.
7. Lawrence, Neuman W., Social Research Methods: Qualitative and
Quantitative Approaches. Toronto: Allan Bacon, 2003.
8. Mcneill Patrck & Chapman Steve, Research Methods. 3rd Edition, London
Routledge, 2005
9. Somekh Bridget & Lewin, Cathy, Research Methods in the Social
Sciences. New Delhi Vistaar Publication, 2005.

Semester Geo Political Structure of the World 03 Cr. Hrs


Political geography:

 Traditional boundaries
 Modern boundaries
 Problems of boundaries

Geography of Imperialism:

 The Revolutionary Heritage

 Formal Imperialism: the creation of empires
 Informal Imperialism: Dominance without Empires

Human Topography:

 Politics of Identity.
 Politics of Ethnicity.
 Modernity and Digital Divide.

Geography of Resources:

 Water Resources
 Oil and Gas
 Food Resources

Geo Politics:

 Core and Periphery

 Choke Points
 Buffer Zones

Power Analysis and Political Geography:

 Traditional Empires
 Colonial Empires
 Offshore Empires
 Geo Economics
 Theories of Geo Economics
 Economics and Politics
 Common Economics Spaces

Core Books:

1. Cox, Keven R. Political Geography. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002.

2. Dicken, Peter Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economics Map in the 21st Century.
(4th Ed), Sage Publications, London, 2003.
3. Little, Richard and Smith, Michel Perspective on World Politics. New York: Rout
ledge, 2006.

Recommended Books:

1. Kupchan, Charles A., Adler, Emanuel, Ciocaued Jean Marc and Khong, Yuen Foong,
Power in Transition: The Peaceful Change of International Order, Tokyo: United Nations
University press, 2001.
2. Martin, I.R.A., Political Geography, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1993.
3. Miles, Edward L., Global Ocean Politics: The Decision Process on the Law of the Sea,
1973_1982, Martinus: Nijhoff, 1998.
4. Taylor, Peter J., & Fluet, Colin, Political Geography, New York: Palgrave, 2004.
5. Tellis, Ashely J., Measuring National Power in the Post Industrial Age. Santa Monica:
Rand, 2000.
6. Richard, Muir, Political Geography: A New Introduction, New York. Macmillan

Semester IV Theories of International Relations 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Introduction: Approaches and theories in International Relations.

2 Importance of Theory Building in international Relations.(Some of the macro-level


Theories of International Relations are included which would be Explained with examples and
references. Contributions of various writers’ theorists would also be discussed in detail).

a. System Theories Basic theory and contributions of Kaplan, Rosecrance, Galtung and Cortes.
b. Economic Theories: Basic Theory, Marx, Lenin, Wallerstein, Paul Baran and Frank Gunder.
c. Conflict Theories: Basic Theory, Nazli Choueri and Robert C. North, RAND Corporation, War
Project Model, Riker/ Gamson (Game Theory) and Probability Theory.
d. Decision Making _ Basic Theory: Allison, Slienburner, and Snyder.
e. Power Theory_ Basic Theory: Morganthau, the Realist Paradigm, and its Critique. Inter-Paradigm
Debate in International Relations.

3. Critical Thinking Concerning Theories and Concepts before, during and Post Cold War Era.
4. Development and Impact of Modernism and Post_ Modernism in International Relations.
5. Latest Theories: Review and analysis.

Core Books:

1. Doughtry James E. and Pfalzgraff, Jr, Robert L.ContendingTheories of International Relations

New York: Wesley-Longman, 2001.
2. Groom, A.J.R., & Light, Margot, (Ed) Contemporary International Relations: A Guide to
Theory. London: 1994.
3. Hursch, James A., Theories of International Relations. Washington DC: Defense University,

Recommended Books:

1. Aswini Ray, Western Realism and International Relation, New Delhi: Foundation Books, 2004.
2. Burchill, Scot Theories of International Relations, New York: Palgrave, 2005.
3. Buzan, Barry & Litle, Richard, International System in World History: Remarking the Study of
International Relations Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
4. Dougherty Jones & Robert Pfaltzgraff, L.Jr. Contending Theories of International Relations (2 nd
ed.), New York: Harper & Row, 1981.
5. Shimko, Keith L. International Relations Perspectives & Controversies, New York:
Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005.
6. William, Nester International Relations: Politics and Economics in the 21st Century,
Wordsworth/ Thomson Learning. United States of America, 2001.
Semester IV Area Studies 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

Politics, Economy and Foreign Relations of any one of the following regions:

1. South Asia:
a. Bangladesh
b. India
c. Pakistan
d. Sri Lanka

2. Middle East
a. Egypt
b. Iran
c. Iraq
d. Jordan
e. Saudi Arabia
f. Syria
g. Turkey

3. Central Asia:
a. Afghanistan
b. Kazakhstan
c. Kirghistan
d. Tajikistan
e. Turkmenistan
f. Uzbekistan

4. Europe:
a. England
b. France
c. Germany
d. Russia

5. Far East and the Asia-Pacific:

a. China
b. Indonesia
c. Japan
d. Korea (s)
e. Malaysia

6. Americas:
a. Brazil
b. Canada
c. Columbia
d. Cuba
e. Mexico
f. United States

7. Africa:
a. East Africa
b. Nigeria
c. South Africa
d. Sudan

Core Books:

1. Harrel, Andrew & Fawcett, Lauise (Ed), Regionalism in World Politics: Regional
Organization and International Order: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

2. Lynch, Allen, The Cold War is Over Again. Boulder: West view, 1992.

3. Stoessinger, John G., Nations in Darkness: China, Russia and America, New York:
MacGraw-Hill, 1990.

Recommended Books:

1. Edwards, Beverly Millton, Contemporary Politics in the Middle East.

London: Polity press, 2000
2. Ewans, Martin, Afghanistan: New history. Richmond : cozen press, 20001
3. Habberson, Africa in World politics. Boulder: oxford university press,
john W, & 1991. Roth child , Donald , (ED),
4. M.Nazrul Islam, consolidating Asian Democracy, Dhaka: Nipun printing
press, 2003.
5. Simon, Jeffrey, European security After the Revolution of 1989,
Washington (ED), D.C,: NDU, 1991.
6. Yahuda, Michael B, China‘s Role in World Affairs. London: Croom
Helm, 1978.

Semester 5 Science technology & international relations 03 Cr. Hrs.


Course outlines:

1. Science and Technology: Conceptual Appraisal, importance, impact on inter-state

2. Communications Technology and the international system. Types of communication
system: the role of communication Technology on states and international system.
3. The role of Technology in Development of Natural Resources: who controls
Technology and why? The role of Multinational corporations.
4. Nuclear Technology: uses of Nuclear Technology, Constraints in the Transfer of
Nuclear Technology, options for the Developing countries.
5. Impact of Technology: selected issues Areas; the North-South Gap, Transfer of
Technology, Energy and Option for the Developing countries.
6. International Institutions and the Management of Technology: Assessment of the role
Played by international and Regional institutions, Directions for the Future.

7. An Assessment of the resources of Muslim and South Asian States: availability of

Resources, Development Hurdles, Direction for the Future.
8. science & Technology Policies of selected countries : china , India , Indonesia , Japan ,
Malaysia , north and south Korea , Russia , Singapore, Taiwan and United States .
9. The making of Science policy In Pakistan: assessment of Existing Priorities, Directions
for the future.
10. Discussion of Academic and other Related Issues: Methodological and Moral issues,
Literature survey.

Core Books:

1. Hurrell, Andrew & Kingsb, Benedict, the international politics of the Environment.
Oxford :( ED), Claredon Press, 1992.
2. Jones, Graham, the Role of Science and Technology in Developing countries, London:
oxford university press, 1971.
3. Keohane, Robert & Nye, Joseph, Power and interdependence, (2nd ED), Boston: Scott,
Foremans 1989.

Recommended Books

1. Dacosta, Gerson Nuclear politics Destruction and Disarmament in a Dangerous world.

New Delhi: Kainshka Publishers, 2000.
2. Holdren, John, Retblat, Joseph, Strategic Defense and the future of the Arms Raw.
London: (ED), Macmillan press 1987.
3. Miller Bloom, Warner, Winkler, Hidden Causalities. London: ACR centre 1994. (ED).
4. Musa khan, Jalalzai, The Pipeline War in Afghanistan. Lahore: Mobile institute of
international Affairs, 2000.
5. Quester, George, Offensive and Defense in the international System. New York: John
Wiley and sons, 1997.
6. Holders, John & Strategic defense and the Future of Arms Race. London: Rotbalt, Joseph
(ED), Macmillan, 1987.

Semester 5 International Law 03 Cr. Hrs.

Courses outline:

1. Definition, Nature and scope of international law; binding Nature of

international Law: Two schools of thoughts about the Reality of
international Law, Islamic international Law.

2. origin and Development of international Law ; Theories of international

Law: relationship between Municipal and international Law:
3. Sources of international Law.
4. Subjects of international Law: states individual and Non-state Entities.
5. states as international Persons: Pre-requisites of Statehood, Kinds of
6. Recognition of states and Government. Dejure and Defacto Recognition,
Legal Effects of Recognition, Recognition of insurgency and Belligerency
and its impacts.
7. States Succession and its effects.
8. State Sovereignty: Acquisition of Territorial Sovereignty.
9. state Jurisdiction : Territorial Jurisdiction , jurisdiction over Maritime
Belt , Contiguous Zones, continental Shelf: Jurisdiction over High seas :;
Right of Hot Pursuit on High Seas; Jurisdiction over Airspace and Outer-
10. Individuals in international Law: Nationality, conflict of Nationality Laws,
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality.
11. International Humanitarian Law.
12. Extradition: conditions and States ‘Practice, Offences exempted from
13. Asylum, Territorial and Extra Territorial Asylum, Humanitarian Aspect of
Asylum in international Law.
14. Gents of international Transaction: Diplomatic Envoys, Counsels, rights,
Privileges and immunities of Diplomatic Envoys and Counsels.
15. Law of Treaties: Kinds and Nomenclature of Treaties, Formation of
Treaties, invalidation and Termination of Treaties.
16. International Disputes: Peaceful and Coercive Means of Settlement of
international Disputes.
17. ROLE OF UN in solving international disputes and maintain of
international peace and good order.
18. Laws of War and Arms Conflicts; Difference between Combatants and
Non-Combatants, Lawful and Unlawful Combatants; Rights of Prisoners
of War; War and Human Rights.

Core Books:

1. Akehurest, Michael, A Modern Introduction to International Law, London: Allen

& Unwin, 1997.
2. August, Ray S., Public International Law: Test, Cases, and Readings, NY:
Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. Shaw, Malcolm N., International Law. (4th ed). London: Cambridge University
Press, 1997.

Recommended Books:

1. Brierly. J.J. The Law of Nations: An Introduction to International Law of Peace

edited by Humphrey Wedlock 6th edition.. NY. Oxford University Press. 1963.
2. Briggs, Her bert W., The Law of Nation: cases, Documents and Notes, London:
Steven, 1953.
3. Brownlie, Ian. Basic Principles of International Law. 3rd edition. Oxford
University Press, 1986.
4. Collins, Edward, International Law in a changing world: cases, Documents and
Readings. New York: Random House, 1970.
5. Dixon, Martin, Textbook on International Law, London: Blackstone Press, 2002.
6. Galhn, Gerhard Von, Law among Nations: An Introduction to Public International
Law, London: Mac Millan, 1986.
7. Oppenheim, L., International Law: A Treatise (Vol. 1 & II): London: Longman:
8. Ott., D. H. Public International Law in the Modern World. London: Pitman, 1987.
9. Starke, J. G., an Introduction to International Law. (4th Ed). London: Butterworth,

Semester V Foreign Policy of Pakistan 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

a. Major determinants and objectives
b. Geo-Political and Geo-strategic position of Pakistan

Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy (Brief Review)

a. Phase (1947-1953): The Formative Phase.

b. Phase (1954-62): The Period of Alignment.
c. Bilateralism (1962_ 1971).
d. Post 1971 Pakistan: New direction of Foreign Policy (1971-1979).
e. Pakistan and Soviet Military Intervention in Afghanistan (1979-1988).
f. The End of Cold War, the new world order and Pakistan.
g. Post 9/11 to date

Relations with Muslim World

a. Pan-Islamism and the issues of the Muslim World

b. Pakistan’s Relations with the Muslim countries

Relations with Great Powers

a. Relations with the United States

b. Relations with China

c. Relations with Russia

d. Relations with European Union
e. Relations with Japan

Pakistan and its Neighbors: Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran.

Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy: A brief review

Core Books:

1. Burke, S.M., Pakistan’s Foreign Policy, An Historical Analysis, Karachi:

Oxford University Press, 1980.
2. Shahid M. Amin, Pakistan Foreign Policy: A Reappraisal, Oxford
University Press, Karachi, 2004.
3. Z.A. Bhutto the Myth of Independence, Karachi. Oxford University Press,

Recommended Books:

1. Agha Shahi, Pakistan Security and Foreign Policy. Lahore: Progressive

Publishers, 1988.
2. Ahmad, Ishtiaq and Bashir Aamir, India and Pakistan Charting a Path to Peace,
Pan Graphics Islamabad 2004.
3. Akhund, Iqbal, Memories of a Bystander: A Life in Diplomacy, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1973.
4. Bhutto, Z.A., the Third World New Directions. Karachi: Oxford University Press,
5. Hassan, Masuma (ed). Pakistan in a Changing World. Karachi: PIIA, 1978.
6. Khan, Humayun, & Parthasarathy, G., Cross-border Talks: Diplomatic Divide,
Jhajjar Roli Books, 2004.
7. Mehrunnisa Ali, Reading in Pakistan Foreign Policy 1971-1988, New Delhi,
Oxford University Press, 2001.
8. Mehtab Ali Shah, The Foreign Policy of Pakistan: Ethics Impacts on Diplomacy,
Oxford: I.B. Tauris, 1997.
9. Mujtaba, Rizvi. The Frontiers of Pakistan Karachi: National Publishing House,
10. Riffat Hussain, Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: A Reader, 2 Volumes Rawalpindi:
Feroz Sons, 1988.
11. Tarik Jan, Pakistan’s Foreign’s Policy: The Years Ahead, Islamabad: Institute of
Policy Studies, 1994.

Semester V International Political Economy 03 Cr. Hrs.


Course Outlines:

International Political Economy: Definition, nature and evolution

Theories of International Political Economy:
Economic Nationalism.

Interdependence and Dependence: Definition, nature, structure and significance.

4. Role of Multinational Corporations: Foreign Investment.
5. International Trade: Definition, nature: GATT and WTO.
6. International Monetary System: Market Economy, Loans, Debts, Foreign
Assistance, role of International Economic Institutions.
7. Recent developments: Revival of Economic Nationalism, Neo-Imperialism, and
8. Protectionism, Sanctions.

Core Books:

1. Adams, John, (Ed). The Contemporary International Economy. New York St.
Martins, 1985.
2. Ansari, Jawed, the Political Economy of International Economic Organizations.
Boulder: Lynre Reinners, 1986
3. Keohane,Robert O, Beyond Hegemony: Cooperation and Discard in the World
Political Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.
4. Kundi, Mansoor Akbar. Elements of International Political Economy. (2nd Ed)
Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2004.
5. Spero Joan E. and Hart Jeffry A., The Politics of International Economic
Relations, (5th Ed) New York: Routledge, 2000.

Recommended Books:

1 .Arthur Lewis W., The Evaluation of the International Economic Order.

Princeton; Princeton University Press, 1979.

2. Blake, David M.,& Walters, Robert H., The Politics of Global Economic
Relations. Englewood Cliffs; Prentice Hall, 1987

3. Haq, Mehboob ul, The Poverty Curtain; Choices for the Third World. New York;
Columbia Press, 1976.

4. Knorr, Klaus, The Power of Nations; The political Economy of International

Relations. New York; Basic Books, 1975.

5. Oppenheimer Peter(Ed) Issues in international Economics, Rutledge, 1980


6. Spero, John Edelman The Politics of International Relations. (3rd Ed), London:
Allen & Unwin, 1985.

Semester V Diplomatic History of The World 03 Cr. Hrs.

Important Events And Issues Since 1945

Course Outlines:

1. East – West Relations:

a. Impact of World War II on the structure of World Politics.

b. Emergence of Super Powers, Bipolarity, East-West Confrontation, Cold
c. Sino-Soviet Split, Sino-American Rapprochement.
d. Detente: East-West Cooperation: Peaceful Co-existence.

2. Post-Cold War Era/New World Order:

a. United Nation in the Unipolar World.

b. The Disintegration of the Soviet Union.
c. East European after the Cold War.
d. Russian in the Post-Soviet Setting.
e. Emerging Regionalism, Economic Organizations: EU, ECO, ASIAN, NAFTA,

3. New Poles of International Power and Influence:

a. Rise of China as a Major Power.

b. Emergence of Japan and Germany as Economics Powers.
c. Emergence of United Europe.
d. Rise of the Asia-Pacific region.

4. The Third World:

a. Decolonization.
b. Non-aligned Movement in the New World Order.
c. Muslim World and the OIC.
d. North-South Dialogue.
e. Selected Regional and International Issues: The Gulf War, the Bosnian Tragedy,
the Kashmir Dispute, the Islamic Revivalism and the West, Muslim World and
the New World Order, Palestinian Issue, Afghan Crisis, and he new role and
expansion of NATO.

5. Selected Global Issues:


Politics of International Resources (Food, Energy, Minerals, etc), Environment and

Ecology. Population, Human Rights, Terrorism, Non-Proliferation, Earth Matters, and
Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Core Books:

1. Kegley, C. W. Jr., World Politics: Trend and Transformation. (4th ed), &
Wittkopf, Eugene R: New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993.
2. Leaver, R., & Charting the Post Cold Order. Boulder: West view, 1993.
James, L., (Ed).
3. Spiegel, Steven L., World Politics in New Era, Harcort: Brace College &
Wehling, Fred L., 1999.

Recommended Books:

1. Ahmad, Ishtiaq New Nuclear Order: From Chagai & Pokhram. Islamabad:
Institute of Regional Studies, 1998.
2. Ahmer, Moonis, (Ed) The Arab_Islaeli Peace Process: Lesson for India and
Pakistan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
3. Anderson, John, The International Politics of Central Asia. Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 1997.
4. Bacher, Peter R., & Gordenker Leon, The United Nations In the1990s. (2nd ed),
London: Macmillan, 1994.
5. Bagby, Wesley M., Contemporary International Problems. Chicago: Nelson- Hall,
6. Bidwal, Praful & Vaniel, Achin, South Asia on a Short Fuse: Nuclear Politics and
the Future of Global Disarmament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Semester VI Globalization and International Relations 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines

 Globalization: Definition, Nature Conceptual Development and significance.

Dimension and Impact of Globalization:

 Political
 Economic
 Cultural
 Psychological
 Technological
 Globalization in the Historical Perspective
 Regionalism and Globalization
 Globalization and the Underdeveloped Countries

 Globalization and the Developed Countries

 Collective Security and Globalization
 Globalization: Problems and Prospects

Core Books:

1. Baylis, J., & Smith, S., (ed), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction
to International Relations, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
2. Clark. Ian, Globalization and International Relations Theory. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999.
3. Kofman, E., & Youngs, G. (ed), Globalization: Theory and Practice, London:
Oxford University Press, 1996.

Recommended Books:

1. Barry Jones, R.J, Globalization and Interdependence in the International Political

Economy: Rhetoric and Reality, London: Oxford University Press, 1995.
2. Brown, Seymen, International Relations in a Changing Global System: Toward a
Theory of the World Polity, Boulder: West view, 1992.
3. Clarke, I., Globalization and Fragmentation: International Relations in the
Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
4. Czempiel, E.O., & Rosenau J.N., Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges:
Approaches to World Politics for the 1990s. Massachusetts: Irvington, 1989.
5. Hussell, Andrew & Wood, Nagaire, Inequality, Globalization & World
Poltics.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
6. Jefery Haynes, Comparative Politics: Globalized World, New York: Polity, 2005.
7. Rana Eijaz Ahmad, Globalization and its Impact on Pakistan, Lahore: Area
Publications, 2004.

Semester VI Post Modernism & Post 03 Cr. Hrs.

Structuralism in International

Course Outlines:

1. Positivism: Definition, Nature and Significance.

2. The Continued Significance of Positivism.
3. Historicism: Definition, Nature and Significance.
4. Nature of Debate between Two Schools.
5. Post Modernity and Epistemology.
6. Some Currents within Post-Structuralism.
7. Post Modernism and its Difference from Modernity and Post Structuralism.

Core Books:

1. Ayer, A. J. (ed), Logical Positivism. New York: Free Press, 1959.

2. Sarup, Madan, An Introductory Guide to Post-Structuralism and
Positivism. London: Wiking, 1988.
3. Steve, Smith, International Theory: Positivism. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Maryeshia Press, Kenbooth & 1966. Zalewski, (Eds).
Recommended Books:

1. Albrow, M., The Global Age: State and Society beyond Modernity. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
2. Bernstein, Richard, Beyond Objection and Relativism: Science, hermeneutics, and
Practices. Philadelphia: university of Pennsylvania Press, 1983. ,
3. Collingswood, R.G., The Idea of History. London: Oxford University Press, 1946.
4. J.F. Lyotard, The Post Modern Condition: Report on Knowledge Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 1984.
5. J.Habermas, (ed.), Post Modern Culture. London; Pluto Press, 1985.
6. Rosenau, Pauline Marine, Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences: insides,
Inroads and Intrusions. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992

Semester Foreign Policy Analysis 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Importance of Foreign Policy in International Relations.

2. Principles and Objectives of Foreign Policy.
3. Determinants of Foreign Policy.
4. Internal and External Inputs/Pressures and Limitations in the Formulation of
Foreign Policy.
5. Approaches to the Study of Foreign Policy Formulation.
6. Foreign Policy Formulation Process:
a. Leaders, Institutions and Process.

b. Foreign Policy, Media, Public Opinion and Domestic Politics.

c. Foreign Policy: National and Transnational Actors.
7. Common Patters in the Formulation of Foreign Policies.
8. Various Strategies for the achievement of the aims and objectives of Foreign
9. Foreign Policy Formulation and the Political Systems.
10. Foreign Policy Formulation of the following states:
USA, China, Russia, Turkey and Iran
11. New Trends in Foreign Policy Formulation.

Core Books:

4. Muhammad Younas, Foreign Policy: A Theoretical Introduction, Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2003.
5. Rosenau, James, (Ed), International Politics and Foreign Policy. London:
Francis Pinter, 1980.
6. Rosenau, James, N., The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy, London:
Francis Pinter, 1970.

Recommended Books:

1. Deutsch, K.W., The Analysis of International Relations. New York: Prentice Hall,
2. Fuller, Graham E., The Center of the Universe: The Geo-Politics of Iran. New York:
West view, 1991.
3 .Holsti, KJ, International Politics: A Framework for Analysis: Prentice_Hall,.1978.
4. Kim, Sannel S., China and the World. London: West View Press, 1984.
5. Kissinger, Henry American Foreign Policy: A Global View, New York: Brook Field,
6. Macridis, Roy C., Foreign Policy in Eorld Politics. (6th Ed). Englewood Cliffs: (Ed)
Prentice _ Hall, 1985.

Semester VI Islam And International Relations 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Islamic Sources and Guidelines for International Relations:

c.Practice of the Pious Caliphs.
d. Ijtehad

e. Works of any two of the following Muslim Scholars: Ibn-i-Khuldun, Shah

Waliullah, Jamaluddin Afghani, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Syed Abul ala Moududi,
Ayatullah Khomini, Syed Qutab, Ali Shariti,

2. Concepts of International Relations:

a. Jihad
b. Refugees
c. Treaties
d. Peace and Asylum
e. International Law
f. Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
g. Islamic Political Economy
h. Democracy
i. Sovereignty
j. Ummah

3. Contemporary Islamic Movements:

a. The Muslim Brotherhood.

b. Islamic Salvation Front (FIS).
c. The Islamic Revolution of Iran.
d. The Taliban Movement.
e. Growth of Islamic Consciousness in the Middle Countries.
f. Islamic Movements and their impacts.

Core Books:

1. Bannerman, Patrick, Islam in Perspective: A Guide to Islamic Society, Politics

and Law. London: Routledge, 1988.
2. Dawisha, Adeed, (ed), Islamic Foreign Policy, London: Cambridge University
Press, 1983.
3. Kurdi, Abdurrahman, The Islamic State: A Study Based on the Islamic Holy
Constitution. London: Mansell Pub. 1984.

Recommended Books:

1. Ahmad, Ishtiaq, The Concepts of an Islamic State, Lahore: Vanguard books,

2. Ahmad, Khurshid, Islam and the West. London: Islamic Publications, 1970.
3. Ausaf Ali, The Political Economy of the Islamic State: A Comparative Study.
California: University of Southern, California, 1070.
4. Fathi, Yakan, Islamic Movement: Problems and Perspective. Indianapolis:
American Trust Publication, 1984.
5. G.W. Choudhary, Islam and Contemporary World, Dhaka: Academic Publishers,

6. Istanbuli, Yasin, Diplomacy and Diplomatic Practice in the Early Islamic Era,
Karachi: Oxford University press, 2001.
7. John L. Esposito (Ed), Islam and Development, New York: Syracuse University
Press, 1982.
8. Kaukab, Siddique, Islam: the Wave of the Future. Washington DC: American
Society for Education & Religious, 1988.
9. Siddiqui, Kalim (Ed), Issues in the Islamic Movement 1982_83. New York: The
Open Press, 1984.

Semester VI Ideologies & Ideological Movements in the 03 Cr. Hrs.

20th Century

Course Outlines:


a. Ideology: Definition, Nature and Significance.

b. Ideology: Implementation as a Policy in International Politics.

2. Some Major Ideologies:

a. Nationalism: Its Characteristics and Developments.

b. Nationalism: It’s Role in International System/Western and Eastern

3. Totalitarianism and its Impact on the Present Day International System.

4. Fascism
5. Nazism
6. Hinduism
7. Zionism
8. Communism and the International System
9. The Marxist Communism
10. Communism in the Former Soviet Union: Leninist-Actualization and Stalinist
a. Communism in China.
b. Euro-Communism.

11. Guerilla Communism-China, Vietnam and Cuba.

12. Ideologies and Their Role in Modern Politics.

a. Political Democracy: Definition, Nature and Significance.

b. Democracy: Classical and Modern Representative.
c. Economic Democracy: Capitalism, Socialism and Mixed Economy.
d. Democracy and its Impact on Present International System.

13. Islam and the International System:

a. Islam: Definition, Nature and Significance.

b. Islam as a Factor in International Politics.
c. Islamic Movement and Resurgence in the New World Order.

Core Books:

1. Akbar G. Ahmed & Hastings Dounan (ed), Islam, Globalization and Post
Modernity. London: Rutledge, 1994.
2. Ashford, Douglas E., Ideology and Participation. Beverly Hills/Sage Publication,
3. Felice, Renzo, Fascism An Informal to its Theory and Practice. New Brunswick:
Translation Books, 1976.

Recommended Books:

1. Hasan Mutalib & Tajul/Islam Hashmi (Ed), Islam, Muslim and the Modern State.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.
2. Bell, Danial, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. (New York: Basic
Books, 1976.
3. Ebenstein, William, Today Isms: Communism Facism, Socialism, Capitalism. (7th
ed) Englewood Cliffs. (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
4. Meyeer, Alferd G., Communism (3rd Ed) New York: Random House, 1967.
5. Weeler, Horvey, Democracy in a Revolutions Era. Santa Barbra Centre for the
Study of Democratic Institutions.
6. Ahmad, Khurshid, Islam: Its meaning & Message. Leicester: Islamic Foundation
Publisher, 1999.

Semester VII Diplomacy 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Definitions, Nature and Development of Diplomacy.

2. Kinds of Diplomacy: Old Versus New Diplomacy.
3. Open Versus Secret Diplomacy
4. Informal Channels of Diplomacy: Media & NGOs.
5. Classification of Diplomats.
6. Function and Role of Diplomats.
7. Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities
8. Embassy in Action:

a. Embassy and Reporting

b. Defense and Propaganda

c. Trade and Consular Relations

d. Embassy and Espionage

9. Organization of a Foreign Office: Administration and Control of

Diplomatic Missions Abroad, Relations with Diplomatic Missions of the
Foreign Countries.
10. Diplomatic Services-Selected Models (US, UK, Pakistan and China).

Core Books:

1. Kissinger, Henry, Diplomacy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994.

2. Muhammad Younas, Foreign Policy: A Theoretical Introduction, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2003.
3. Nicolson, Harold, Diplomacy. Washington D.C: Institute for the Study of
Diplomacy, 1988.

Recommended Books:

1. Abba, Eban, Diplomacy for the Next Century. London: Yale University Press,
2. Hissman, Roger, The Politics of Policy Making in Defense and Foreign Affairs.
New York: Harper & Row, 1971.
3. Kaplan, Stephan, Diplomacy and Power. Washington DC: Brookings, 1981.
4. Lauren, Paul (Ed), Diplomacy: New Approaches in History. Theory and Practice.
New York: Free Press, 1979.
5. Moreton. E, Soviet Strategy Towards Western Europe. London: Allen & Unwin:
Segal G. (Ed), 1984.
6. Rana, Kishan S., Bilateral Diplomacy. New Delhi: Nanas Publications, 2002.

Semester VII Arms Control And Disarmament 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

a. Definition and Theories of Armaments: Conventional and Nuclear Arms Race.

b. Case Studies: Arms Race between Superpowers, Great Powers & Third World
States (India v/s Pakistan).
c. Development of Strategic Weapons.
d. Disarmament & Arms Control: Relationship between Disarmament & Arms
e. Types, causes & Consequences of disarmament and Arms Control.
f. Theories and Approaches of Disarmament and its Critics.
g. Disarmament as an Effort to International Peace and Inspection, Verification and

2. Nuclear Supplier Group, Zangger Committee 1971.


3. Arms Control: Theory of Arms Control, Brief outlines of Pre-World War-I efforts
toward Arms Control and Post-World War-II Process and Arms Control Agreements
– Antarctic Treaty, PTBT, Outer Space Treaty , Treaty of Tlatelolco, NPT,
CWC,SALT-I, ABM Treaty, Sea-Bed Treaty, BW Convention, CTBT, PNET,
ENMOD Convention, SALT-II Treaty, & START, FMCT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation
and their present status, National Missile Defense, Current Trends in Arms Control
and Disarmament and Development.
4. Case Studies of the Arms Control Policies of any two of the existing and emerging
Nuclear Powers/States.
5. Alternative Security Strategies: Confidence-Building Measures, Non-Offensive
Defense. Nuclear Restraint Regimes, Nuclear Weapons Free Zones. Proliferation
Security Initiative (PSI).

Core Books:

1. Allan, Pierre, Crisis Bargaining and the Arms Race.MA: Ballinger, 1983.
2. Blacker, Coit D., & Duffy, Glors, International Arms Control. (2nd ed),
Stanford: Calift: Stanford University Press, 1984.
3. Goldblat, Jozef, Agreements for Arms Control: A Critical Survey.
London: Taylor & Francis Ltd., 1982.

Recommended Books:

1. Alison, Graham T., and Carnesale, Albert, An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War.
New York: St. Martins, 1985.
2. Carnesale, Albert, Learning From Experience with Arms Control. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
3. Charles H. Jr., & Shulsky, From Arms Control to Arms Reduction: The Historical
Experience, the Washington Quarterly, Summer1987.
4. Dean, Johnathan, Watershed in Europe: Dismantling the East-West Military
Confrontation. Irvington, Irvington Books, 1986.
5. Haley, Edward P., & Merritt Jack (Ed), Nuclear Strategy Arms Control and the
Future, (Second Ed) Boulder and London: West view Press, 1988.
6. Halloran, Bernard E. (Ed), Essays on Arms Control and National Security.
Washington DC: United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1987.

Semester VII Defense and Strategic Studies 03 Cr. Hrs. 3

Course Outlines:

1. Definition and Scope of Strategic Studies.

2. The Importance of Strategic Studies
3. Fundamental Strategic Concepts.
4. Theories and Ideas of Important Strategists:

a. Karl Von Clausewitz

b. Alfred Mahan
c. Henry Jomini
d. Galio Douhet
e. Henry Kissinger
f. Mao Tse-tung
g. Thomas Schelling
h. Joshua Gamson
i. Liddell Hart
j. Mackinder

5. Contemporary Strategic Problems.

6. Development of Military Technology since 1945 and its Impact on Strategic

a. War as a Political Institution

b. Deterrence
c. Nuclear Strategy
d. Crisis Management
e. Conflict Resolution
f. Preemptive Action
g. Media as Strategic Tool

7. Emerging Issues in Strategic Studies

Core Books:

1. Adelman, Kenneth L., The Defense Revolution, Strategy for the Brave
New World San Francisco: Institute of Contemporary Studies, 1990.
2. Beafre, Indre, An Introduction to Strategic Studies, London: Faber &
Faber, 1967.
3. Buzan, Berry, An Introduction to Strategic Studies. London: Faber &
Faber, 1967.

Recommended Books:

1. Clausewitz, K.V., On War (Translated Ed) Princeton: Princeton University Press,

2. George, Alexander L., Avoiding War: Problems of Crisis Management. Boulder:
West view, 1991.
3. Kissinger, Henry A., Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. New York:
Doubleday Anchor Books, 1983.
4. Knorr, Klaus (Ed), Power, Strategy and Security. Princeton University Press,
5. Schelling, Thomas, C. The Strategy of Conflict. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1963.

6. Wright, Quincy, A Study of War: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965.

Semester VII Foreign Policy of Major Powers (USA, 03 Cr. Hrs.

Russia, & China)

Course Outlines:
Foreign Policy of any one of the following:

1. United States
a. Foreign Policy:Theoritical Framework
b. Foreign Policy Decision making process
i. Role of Department of State
ii. Role of National Security Council
iii. Role of Department of Defense
iv. Role of Congress
v. Role of Think Tanks
vi. Role of Lobbing Organizations and Political Groups
vii. Role of Military-Industrial Complex
c. Outlines, Characteristics and features of Foreign Policy during 1st World War, 2nd
World War and Cold War Era.
d. Post Cold War Era to 9/11 (Emergence of Neo cons)
e. Post 9/11 to date
f. Priority Issues of Interest in South Asia.

2. Russia

a. Historical Background
b. Foreign Policy Decision making process
c. Salient Features of Foreign Policy after Disintegration of Soviet Union
d. Russia and CIS
e. Russia and OIC
f. Russia and China
g. Russia and India
h. Russia and USA

3. China

a. Historical Background
b. Foreign Policy Decision Making Process
c. Maoist Philosophy of Communism and his era
d. Geo Political and Economic Influence of China
e. Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution and its impact
f. Aims and Objectives of Chinese Foreign Policy
g. Sino-Russian Relations
h. Sino-American Relations

i. China-India from Hostility to normalization

j. China’s Relations with Neighboring countries since 9/11

Core Books

1. Breslauer, George W. & Tetlock Philip, E., Learning in US and Soviet Foreign Policy.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.
2. Jentleson, Bruce W., American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st
Centuary. New York: WW Norton &Co., 2004
3. Pijl, Kees Van Der. Global Rivalries: from the Cold War to Iraq, New Delhi:
Vistaar/Sage Publications, 2006.

Recommended Books

1. Barnett, D.A., The Making of Foreign Policy in China: Structure and Process,
Boulder: West view, 1985.
2. Immanual, C.Y., The Rise of Modern China. New York: Oxford University Press,
3. Kim, Sannel S., China and the World.London: West view Press, 1984.
4. Macridis, Roy C., Foreign Policy in World Politics. (6th Ed), Englewood Cliffs:
(Ed) Prentice-Halla, 1985.
5. Seymon, Brown, The Faces of Power: Constancy and Change in the United States
Foreign Policy: From Truman to Reagan. New York: Columbia University Press. 1983.
6. Yahuda, Michael B, China’s Role in World Affairs. London: Croom Helm, 1978.s

Semester VII Research Project With Practical application 04 Cr. Hrs

The research projects would be independently assigned by the teachers/instructors

concerned to the students on the various topics related to International Relations.

Semester VIII Peace Studies 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. The Pedagogy of Peace: Approaches to the Study of Peace.

2. Peace Studies: An Evolutionary Perspective.
3. Peace Studies and Strategies Studies: Towards a Theory of Peace.
4. The Institution of War and the War Resistance Movement. Disarmament
and Development: Changing Concept of Security.
5. Major Peace Movement.
6. Approaches to Peace in Specific Areas: Human Rights. Feminist
Movements, Nonproliferation, Weapons of Mass Destruction.

7. Patterns of Peace Making: Diplomacy, International Law and the United

Nations, and its Peace Keeping Operations Conflict Resolution.
8. The Role of Media and People in Peace Making.
9. Islamic Concepts of Peace
10. Peace Studies and World Future.

Core Books:

1. Clarke, Robin, The Science of War and Peace. New York: Macmillan,
2. Jack, Andrew, Peace Research in the 1980. Canberra: Macmillan, 1985.
3. Lebrow, R.N., Between Peace and War: The Nature of International
Crises. (2nd Ed), Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1984.

Recommended Books:

1. Barnet, Richard J. Security in Disarmament, “Princeton: Princeton University

Press, 1965.
2. Bell, D., The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting.
(2nd Ed), New York: Basic Books, 1976.
3. Brown, L.R., & Shaw, P., Six Steps to a Sustainable Society. Washington DC:
World watch Institute, 1982.
4. Carter, A., Success and Failure in Arms Control Negotiation. New York: 1972.
5. Chaudhri, Muhammad Ahsan, United Nations Peace Mechanism and Rules.
Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1973.
Semester VIII Politics of Terrorism 03 Cr. Hrs.

6. Smith D., & Thompson E.P., Protest and Survive. London: Penguin, 1981.

Course Outlines:

Terrorism: Theoretical Framework

1. Definition, Nature and Significance.
2. A Brief History of Terrorism
3. Kinds of Terrorism: State and Non State
4. Terrorism: Causes and Consequences
5. Conventions, Treaties, Resolutions against Terrorism
6. Terrorism and National Liberation Movements
7. Terrorism: Impact on World Politics
8. Islamic Concepts of Jihad and Contemporary Discourse on Terrorism
9. Globalization of Terrorism
10. Counter Terrorism: Measures and Strategies: Short and Long Term.

Core Books:

1. Both, Ken and Dune, Tim, Worlds on Collision: Terror and the Future of Global
Order, London: Pal grave/ Macmillan, 2002.
2. Chomsky, Noam, The Culture of Terrorism, London: Pluto Press, 1987.
3. Stohl, Michael, The Politics of Terrorism, London. Marcel Dekker, 1988.s

Recommended Books:

1. Freedman L., Terrorism and International Order. London: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1986.
2. Janke, P., Guerrilla and Terrorist Organizations. Brighton: Harvester, 1983.
3. Laqueur, W. The Age of Terrorism. London: Weidenfeld, 1987.
4. Laqueur, Walter, The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass
Destruction, London: Phoenix Press, 1999.
5. Rosei, G., The Directory of International Terrorism. London: Maintstream, 1986.
6. Turner, S., Terrorism and Democracy. Boston: Houghton Miffin, 1991.
7. Wilkinson, P. Terrorism and the Liberal State. London: Macmillan, 1986.

Semester VIII Human Rights in International 03 Cr. Hrs.


Course Outlines:
1. Conceptual Frame Work of Human Rights.
2. Human Rights and Cultural Relativism: What Rights are? Hohfield’s Concept,
Human Rights as Minimum Standard, the Sources and Significance of Social
Rights, Moral Diversity, Religion and Ideology.
3. Theories of Human Rights: Theory of Natural Rights, Historical Theory of
Rights, Legal Theory of Rights, Moral and Legal Rights.
4. The World Institutions and Human Rights: The League of Nations and United
Nations, Human Rights Convention.
5. Concepts of Human Rights and Justice in Islam: Protection of Minorities in Islam,
Islamic Charter and Declarations, Democracy and Human Rights in Islam.
6. The Rights of the People: the Rights under International Law. The Rights to
Development, the Rights of Peoples and Individuals, Conflict or Harmony.
7. Helsinki Accords and After.
8. Regionalization of Human Rights: European Convention on Human Rights,
American convention and Human Rights, African Charter on Human Rights,
Tehran Declaration.
9. Non-Governmental Organizations and Human Rights: Amnesty International,
Helsinki Watch, Asia Watch: Case Study of any of two.
10. Refugee and Immigrant Laws.

Core Books:

1. Ezejiofor, Gaive, Protection of Human Rights under the Law. London:

Butterworths, 1964.

2. Kazmi, Fareed, Human Rights_ Myth and Reality. Delhi: International

Pub.House, 1987.
3. Vincent, R.J., Human Rights and International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1988.

Recommended Books:

1. Forsthe, David, P., Human Rights and Development. London: Macmillan, 1989.
2. Haider, S.M. (Ed), Islamic Concept of Human Rights Guide. Lahore: Books
House, 1978.
3. Humana, C., World Human Rights Guide. London: Hutchinson, 1983.
4. Joyee, J, The New Politics of Human Rights. London: Macmillan, 1978.
5. Lawson, Edward, Encyclopedia of Human Rights. New York: Francis & Taylor,
6. Robertson, A.H., Human Rights in the World. Manchester: Manchester University
Press, 1982.

Semester VIII Power and Security in South Asia 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Theoretical Framework
a. Definitional aspects
b. Elements of National Power

2. Power and Security Dynamics in South Asia

a. Military Power
b. Economic Power
c. Political Power
d. Social and Cultural

3. Impact of Nuclearization on Security Paradigm in South Asia

a. Transition from balance of power to deterrence
b. War avoidance
c. CBMs
d. Nuclear restraint regime in South Asia

4. Future of Power and Security in South Asia

Core Books:

1. Buzan B., & G. Rizvi, South Asian Insecurity and the Great Powers. London:
Macmillan, 1986.
2. Khalizad, Z., Security in Southern Asia. London: Gower, 1984.

3. Mustafa, Zubeida, The South Asian Century, 1900-1999. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2001.

Recommended Books:

1. Ahmar, Moonis (Ed), The CTBT Controversy: Different Perception in South

Asia: Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi,
2. Baxter, Craig, Malik, Yogendra K. Kennedy, Charles H. and Oberst Robert C.,
Government and Politics in South Asia. Boulder: San Francisco Oxford West
view Press, 1991.
3. Bidwal, Praful & Vaniel, Achin, South Asia on a Short Fuse: Nuclear Politics and
the Future of Global Disarmament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
4. Craig, Baxter, Bangladesh A New Nation in an Old Setting. Boulder: West view
Press, 1984.
5. Matinuddin, Kamal, Nuclearization of South Asia. Karachi: Oxford University
Press, 2002.
6. Ram, M., Srilanka. London: Pengiun, 1989.
7. Rizvi, Gowher, South Asia in a Changing International Order. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1993.
8. Tiwari, C.K., Security in South Asia. New York: University Press of America,

Semester VIII Regional & International Organizations 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. Nature and development of International Organizations.

2. Definitions, Importance, role, needs and evolution of the concepts.
3. Historical and intellectual evolution of International Organizations.
4. Holly Alliance, Congress of Vienna, Hague Conference, Concert of Europe.
5. The League of Nations_ Development and failure:
a. Structure and Organization
b. Weaknesses of the League

6. The United Nations_ Development and Issues:

a. Charter, Organs and Specialized Agencies.
b. Membership & Decision Making Role.
c. From Colonialism to Independence and its changing charter.

7. Conflict Resolution under the auspices of the United Nations:

a. The maintenance of Peace and Security with special reference to Kashmir,
Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq & Afghanistan.
b. Collective Security / Peace keeping efforts

c. Arms Control and Disarmament

d. Preventive Diplomacy
e. Human Rights

8. Cooperation for Economic and Social Progress:

a. UN Specialized Agencies and their performance.
b. Three Bretton-Woods Sisters (World Bank, IMF, WTO).
c. G-8.

9. Non Aligned Movement: Structure and Role

10. Organization of Islamic Conference: Structure and Role
11. Common Wealth of Nations: Structure and Role
12. Future of International Organizations:
a. Evaluation of the Performance.
b. Restructuring the United Nations.

Core Books:

1. Armstrong, David, Lorna, Lloyd & Redmond John, International Organization in

World Politics, (3rd Ed), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
2. Darby, John, Contemporary peace Making, New York: Palgrave and Macmillan,
3. Good Speed, S.S. The Nature and Functions of International Organization,
Oxford: Oxford University Press: 1967.
Recommended Books:

1. Archer, Clive, International Organization, London: Unwin Hyman.1983.

2. Bennett A.L., International Organizations: Principles and Issues. London: Prentice
Hall 1995.
3. Bucher Peter R & Godenker, Leon. The United Nations at the End of 1990s,
London: Palgrave and Macmillan, 1999.
4. James, Alan, Peace keeping in International Politics, London: Macmillan.1990.
5. Ryan Stephen. The United Nations and International Politics. New York: St.
Martin Press 2000.
6. The Blue Helmet: A Review of UN Peace Keeping, New York: United Nations
Press 1990.

MS – International Relations

Following are the courses of MS-2 Year International Relations in which two semesters
of the First Year will have 24 credits hours of courses while the MS second year will be
exclusively reserved for Thesis writing of 06 credit hours.

Semester I International Relations: Theory and Practice 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. The Linkage between theory and practice in International Relations.

2. Controversies in Theory Building in International Relations
3. International Implications of the Classic Theories of Nationalism: From Nation –
State to Post Nationalism.
4. Theories of Cooperation and Interdependency; The Dialogue among Civilizations;
Selected Case Studies.
5. Theories of Conflict; The Clash of Civilizations: Selected Case Studies.
6. Theories of International Relations, Racial Capitalism and Global Apartheid.
7. The Politics of Pan Proletarianism: Third World Challenges to the International
Division of Labor.
8. Decision Making Power and Rationality in International Relations: Selected Case
9. The Policy Orientation of the Practitioner in the Traditional (Developed) and
Transitional (developing) States.
10. Theory and Practice in International Relations: Problems and Prospects.

Core Books:

1. Darryl C Thomas Praeger/Greenwood. The Theory and Practice of Third World

Solidarity, London: Praeger, 2001.
2. Jackson, Robert and Sorensen, George, Introduction to International Relations
Theories and Approaches, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
3. Maric-Claude, The New International Relations, Paris: Smouts C. Hurst & Co.

Recommended Books:

1. David A Baldwin (Edn) Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary

Debate, New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
2. Groom, A.J.R., & Light, Margot, (Ed), Contemporary International Relations: A
Guide to Theory. London: 1994.
3. James E. Doughtry and Robert L. Pfalzgraff, Jr., Contending Theories of
International Relations, New York: Wesley – Longman, 2001.
4. Raymond, Aaron, A Theory of International Relations, Melbourne: Kreiger, 1981.
5. Roger D. Spegele, Political Realism in International Theory, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
6. Scott, Burchill, Theories of International Relations, New York: Macmillan, 2005.

7. Suko, Ichijo & Gordana, Uzelac, When is the Nation Towards an Understanding
of Theories of Nationalism, New York, Rutledge, 2005.

Semester I Advanced Research Methodology – Computer 03 Cr. Hrs.

Application & Statistical Analysis

1. Principles and Methods of Advanced Research.

2. Requisite Skills and Knowledge for conducting Advance Research
3. Quantitative Research Methods: Model of Scientific Inquiry.
4. Role of Measurement error in Quantitative data based inference and quantitative
methods of enquiry.
5. Advanced quantitative / Qualitative methodologically oriented studies in
evaluation and statistics.
6. Interpretive Research.
7. Statistical Methods in Survey, Sampling and data analysis: Mean, Mode, Median,
Standard Deviation, Percentage and Diagrammatic expression.
8. SPSS.
9. Advanced Qualitative Research: Analysis, Interpretation and Writing.
10. Seminar on Advanced Research Methodology.

Core Books:

1. Mcneill, Paatrick, & Chapman, Steve, Research Methods, London, Rutledge,

2. Rougledge, Peterwoods, Successful Writing for Qualities Researchers, New York
Spain University Press, 2006.
3. Somekh, Bridget & Lewin, Cathy, Research Methods in the Social Sciences, New
Delhi: Vistaar Publication, 2005.

Recommended Books:

1. Ariffullah, Shahnaz & Bhatti. M. K. Research Process Simplified, Peshawar

Pornographic, 1998.
2. F. Punich, Keith, Introduction to Social Research Quantitative and Qualities
Approaches, London: Sage Publications, 1998.
3. Goode, William J., Methods in Social Research, New York, McGraw, Hill Co.
4. Johnson, Janet Butloph & Joslyn, Richard A., Political Research Methods
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall, 1986.
5. Lawrence, Neuman W., Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantities
Approache. Toronto: Allan Bacon, 2003.
6. Maxim, Paul S., Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences. Oxford
University Press, 1999.
7. Thomas R. Black, Understanding Social Sciences Research. New Delhi: Sage
Publications, 2002.

8. Turabian, Kate L., A Manual of Writers, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,


Semester I Politics of Globalization and 03 Cr. Hrs.


Course Outlines:

1. Civilization and Globalization: Meanings and Definitions.

2. A Critical Appraisal of Huntington’s Model: The Clash of Civilizations.
3. Globalization and its Range of Influence: Political, Economic, and Cultural.
4. Role of Media in the Age of Globalization.
5. Globalization and Civilization: Challenges and Opportunities.
6. Globalization and its Discontents.
7. Globalization as a Syndrome.
8. Globalization: The Islamic Perspective.
9. Globalization: A Threat to Civilization; Myth or Reality?
10. Globalization and Developing World: Impact and Responses.
11. Globalization and Developed World: Impact and Responses.

Core Books:

1. Baylis, John, & Smith, Steve, The Globalization of World Politics, New York,
Oxford University Press, 2001.
2. Mozaffari, M., Globalization and Civilization, London: Routledge, 2002.
3. Stiglitz, Joseph E., Globalization and its Discontents London: Allen Lane, 2002.

Recommended Books:

1. Ahmad, Eijaz Rana, Globalization and its Impact on Pakistan, Lahore: Areas
Publications, 2004.
2. Clark, Ian, Globalization and International Relations Theory, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991.
3. Hirst, Paul and Grahame, Thomas, Globalization in Question: The International
Economy and the Possibilities of Governance, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998.
4. Islam, M., Nazrul, “Globalization and Bangladesh: New Threats and Old
Insecurities” in Edward Lee (ed). The Global Economy. St. Paul Minnesota: A
PWPA Books, 2001.
5. Narasaiah, M., Lakshmi, Globalization and Economic Growth, New Delhi:
Discovery Publishing House, 2003.
6. Tehranian, Majid, & Lum, B. Jeannie, Globalization & Identity: Cultural
Diversity Religion and Citizenship, London: Transaction Publishers, 2006.

Semester II Politics of International Economic 03 Cr. Hrs.


Course Outlines:

1. Important of Economics in International Relations.

2. Economic Power as an Instrument of Foreign Policy.
3. Politics of Foreign Aid: The Use of Aid as an Objective.
4. The Bretton Woods System 1944-1971: World Bank and IMF.
5. GATT and WTO: Structural/Functional Roles.
6. Globalization: Economic Development and Internationalization.
7. G-8, G-77, D-10, World Economic Forum, North-South Dialogue and NIEO.
8. OPEC: Its Structure and Functions.
9. International Trades, Trade as an Instrument of International Politics.
10. Role of Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank with particular
reference to Pakistan.
11. Regional Integration and Common Economic Spaces.
12. Alliances for Economic and Trade Integration.
13. Multinational Corporations (MNCs).
14. International Dept Problem: Implications and Remedies.
15. Pakistan’s Interaction with International Financial Institutions: IMF, World Bank
and WTO.

Core Books:

1. Hocking, Brain, and Macgiure, Steve, Politics of Trade, New York: Routledge,
2. Lairson, Thomas D. & Skidmore, David, International Political Economy: The
Struggle for Power and Wealth: Harcourt, Brace Javanovich, 1997.
3. Watson, Matthew, Foundations of International Political Economy, London:
Palgrave, 2005.

Recommended Books:

1. Ahmed, Syed Salahuddin, The Politics of International Economic Relations.

Karachi: Comprehensive Books Service, 1997.
2. Gilpin, Robert and Gilpin, Jean M., (Ed) Global Political Economy:
Understanding the International Economic Order, Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2001.
3. Kundi, Mansoor Akbar, Elements of International Political Economy, Islamabad:
National Books Foundations, 2nd ed. 2004.

4. Peet, Richard, Unholy Trinity: IMF, World Bank and WTO, London: Zed Books,
5. Tadoro, Michael, Economic Development in the Third World, New York:
Longman, 1998.
6. UN Document, Sustainable Economic Development, United Nations Press, New
York: 1994.

Semester II Contemporary International Relations 03 Cr. Hrs.

Course Outlines:

1. International Relations: From the Bipolar to the Unipolar World

2. The New World Order (NWO): Main Characteristics and Features.
3. The End of the East-West Confrontation.
4. The Disintegration of the Soviet Union and its aftermath.
5. The Regional and Global Impact of the end of the Cold War.
6. The Concept of Global Village and the Phenomenon of Globalization.
7. The Gulf War of 1990 – 1991: Causes and Consequences.
8. Impact of the UniPolar World on the Palestinian Problem.
9. The Disintegration of Yugoslavia: Causes and Consequences.
10. The Separatist Movement in Chechnya: Causes and Consequences.
11. The Kashmir Dispute and the Nuclearization of South Asia.
12. The New Millennium: International Relations at the turn of the Century.
13. Taliban and Post Taliban Afghanistan.
14. The US _ Saddam Hussain Confrontation: Causes and Consequences.
15. The US _ Iran Nuclear Stand off.
16. The US _ North Korea Nuclear Stand off.
17. Latest Developments in International Relations.

Core books:
1. Kennedy, Paul, Entering the 21st Century, London: Fontana Press 1990.
2. Leaver, R. & James L. (EDS.,) Charting The Post Cold Order. Boulder: west view
3. Spiegel, Steven L., World politics in New Era, Harcort: Brace College & Wehling
Fred L. publishers, 1999.

Recommended Books:
1. Brezeninski, Zbigniew, out of Control: Turmoil or the Eve of 21st Century, New
York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
2. Brown, Seyom, New Forces, Old Forces and the Future of World Politics: New
York, Harper & Collins, 1995.

3. Crocker, Chester A. & Hampson, Fen Osler. Managing Global Chaos: sources
and Responses to international conflict. Washington DC: United States Institute
of Peace Press, 1996.
4. Fukuyama, Francis, The End of History and the Last Man, London: Penguin,
5. Kissinger, Henry, Does America Need a Foreign Policy: Towards a Diplomacy
for the 21st Century, New York: Simmon & Schuster, 2001.
6. Lynch, Allen, The Cold War is Over –Again, Boulder: West view, 1992.

List of Journal and Magazines

In addition to the core/ recommended books, the students of International Relations

should regularly consult latest journals, periodicals and magazines, as well as renowned
national and International newspapers, concerned with the discipline. Moreover, the
students/ candidates are also advised to be constantly in touch with the electronic media
by listening to and seeing national and international news bulletins; of national and
international Radio and TV networks, currents/international affairs programmes and
discussions shows on the issues of national and international importance. The students
may also use the internet facilities to keep themselves updated and informed.

Following is the list of some of the important Journals, magazines and newspapers:

1. Journals

 American Journal of International Law.

 Arms Control Today
 Asia & Pacific Defence Forum
 Australian Outlook
 “B.I.I.S” _ Bangladesh Institute of International Studies.
 Brookings Papers on Economy Activity
 Central Asia
 Conflict
 Current History
 Far Eastern Affairs
 Foreign Policy
 Globalization
 Harvard Law Review
 India International
 Insight
 International Defense Review
 International Journal of Middle East Studies
 International Studies
 International Organization
 International Negotiation

 International Strategic Studies

 International Security
 International Studies Quarterly
 International Law
 Iranian Journal of International Affairs
 Journal of Islamabad Policy and Research Institute
 Journal of American History
 Journal of Asian Studies
 Journal of International Affairs
 Journal of International Relations
 Journal of Law and Economics
 Journal of Political Economy
 Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies
 Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
 The Muslim World
 Millennium: Journal of International Studies
 Military History
 National Interest
 National Security Studies
 Orbis
 Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
 NATO Review
 National Development and Security
 Polish Perspective
 Pakistan Horizon
 Peace Magazine
 Problems of Communism
 Strategic Studies
 Terrorism
 The China Review
 The Third World Quarterly
 World Affairs
 World Politics

2. Magazines (National)

 Asia Week
 Business Week
 Diplomat
 Economist
 Globe
 Herald
 The Independent

 News line
 The Republic
 The Friday Times
 Viewpoint

3. Magazines (Foreign)

 Impact
 Asian Survey
 Asia – Pacific Community
 Beijing Review
 Far Eastern Economic Review
 Readers Digest
 The Economist
 Time
 New Times
 Newsweek

4. Newspapers (National)

 The Business Recorder

 The Daily Times
 Dawn
 The Frontier Post
 The Statesman
 The Nation
 The News
 The Pakistan Times
 Pakistan Observer

5. News Paper (Foreign)

 Gulf News
 Kayhan International
 Khaleej Times
 Le Monde
 The Daily Telegraph
 The Guardian
 The New York Times
 The Statesman
 The Times of India
 The Hindu
 The Washington Post
 The Washington Times

Moreover, for quality students and research of international standard – besides the above
mentioned journals, magazines, and newspapers – all other available relevant reading
material/accessible official documents in the concerned offices and libraries / on the
internet need to be looked at by the scholars, students, and researchers concerned in the
discipline of International Relations. It may be in addition to contact with policy makers.

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