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Exercises on Quadratic Functions

1. Definition of Quadratic Function. What conditions on a, b, c will ensure that

is a quadratic function?

2. Vertex Form. Write the following in vertex form and give the vertex:

Quadratic Vertex Form Vertex


3. Concavity/Vertex/Domain/Range. Complete the table below and sketch the graph on a graphing paper:
(Fill up the upper 4x6 table vertically the remaining shaded cells horizontally. To practice your use of
vertex formula, except for m(x), use the vertex formula in getting the vertex of & ,
then verify using the result of from the previous table.)

Quadratic Concavity Vertex Domain Range -int/s -

Function (upward or int/s

4. Axis of Symmetry/Behavior. Complete the table below: (Fill up the upper 4x3 table vertically then the
remaining shaded cells horizontally.)

Quadratic Axis of Interval where graph is Interval where graph is

Function Symmetry increasing decreasing
5. More on behavior. Complete the table below: (Fill up the upper 4x4 table vertically then the remaining
shaded cells horizontally.)

Quadratic Solution Set of Solution Set of Solution Set of Solution Set of


6. Complex Numbers. Evaluate/Simplify the following.

a. e.

b. f.

d. h.

7. Complex Numbers. Summarize the rule for simplifying powers of .

8. Discriminant and Zeros. Complete the table below: (Fill up the upper 4x3 table vertically then the
remaining shaded cells horizontally.)

Quadratic Discriminant Nature of Zeros Zeros

9. More on zeros. Find the zeros of the following. Use the quadratic formula for e and f:

a. d.

b. e.


10. More on zeros. Find the quadratic function that will give the enumerated zeros.

1. and 3.
2. and 4.

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