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Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2015



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Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2015


Syllabus 3

Scheme of Evaluation 6

Projections of Points 7

Projections of Straight Lines 9

Projections of Plane Surfaces 12

Projections of Solids 17

Isometric Projections 24

Assignment – I 28

Assignment – II 30

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Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2015


Subject Code : 15ME14/24 Credits :4
Hours/Week : 2+1+3 (L+T+P) CIE Marks : 50
Total Hours : 66 SEE Marks : 50
Exam Hours : 03 Course Type : Engg. Core

Course Objectives :

 To educate the students in the concepts of dimensioning, standards and conventions

related to drawings.
 To coach the students to organize, demonstrate and arrange 1D, 2D and 3D objects in
different arrangements.
 To help the students in visualizing and develop the skills in sketching of orthographic
 To train the students in 3dimensional representation of models.


MODULE 1 10 Hrs

Introduction to Computer Aided Sketching: Introduction, Drawing instruments

and their uses, BIS Conventions, Lettering, Dimensioning, geometrical constructions and
freehand practicing.

Introduction to software, commands used for engineering drawing

PROJECTION OF POINTS: Introduction, Definitions - Planes of projection, reference line

and conventions employed, Projections of points in all the four quadrants.

MODULE 2 10 Hrs

Projections of straight lines (located in First quadrant/first angle only), True and apparent
lengths, True and apparent inclinations to reference planes (No application problems).

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Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2015


MODULE 3 10 Hrs
Introduction, Definitions, projections of plane surfaces–triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus,
pentagon, hexagon and circle, planes in different positions by change of position method only
(No problems on punched plates and composite plates)

MODULE 4 20 Hrs
Introduction, Definitions – Projections of right regular tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube),
prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones in different positions (No problems on octahedrons
and combination solid).

MODULE 5 16 Hrs
Introduction, Isometric scale, Isometric projection of simple plane figures, Isometric
projection of tetrahedron, hexahedron(cube), right regular prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones,
spheres, cut spheres and combination of solids (Maximum of three solids).

1. Engineering Drawing - N.D. Bhatt & V.M. Panchal, 48 th edition, 2005-Charotar
Publishing House, Gujarat
2. Engineering Graphics - K.R. Gopalakrishna, 32 nd edition, 2005- Subash Publishers,


1. A Primer on Computer aided Engineering drawing – 2006, published by VTU,

2. Fundamentals of Engineering drawing with an Introduction to Interactive
Computer Graphics for Design and Production’ – Luzadder Warren J., Duff John
M., Eastern Economy Edition, 2005 – Prentice– Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing - S. Trymbaka Murthy, - I.K. International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 3 rd revised edition- 2006 .

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Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2015

Course Outcomes:

 Students can understand various concepts such as dimensioning, conventions and

standards related to working drawings in order to inculcate proper understanding of
the theory of orthographic projections.
 Students can organize, demonstrate and arrange solids and planes for different
 Improve visualization skills so that one can apply these skills to develop a sketch into
orthographic views.
 Students can understand 3 dimensional representations of 3D models.
 Students can understand and visualize physical dimensions before executing the

1. Three internals tests (each 30 marks) are conducted, average of best two tests marks
will be considered.
2. Submission of drawing sheets/printouts will carry 10 marks.
3. Two written surprise tests conducted and evaluated for 10 marks. Average of these
two will be considered

1. TWO Questions for 20 Marks from Part A (Unit 1 & 2) – Only Sketching
2. One Question for 20 Marks from Part B (Unit 3) – Only software drafting
3. One Question for 40 Marks from Part B (Unit 4) – Only software drafting (With
4. One Question for 20 Marks from Part B (Unit 5) – Only software drafting

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Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2015


Scheme of Evaluation:

 10% of the marks are for annotations

 10% of the marks are for dimensioning
 No Viva Voce to be conducted
 Indicated marks are for evaluation

Question No Particulars Marks Total

Drawing XY Line 01
1 Quadrant 01 05
Answer 03
Drawing XY Line 01
2 Projection of Lines 05 15
Answer 09
Initial Position 08
3 Second Position 06 20
Third Position 06
Initial Position 08
4 Second Position 12 40
Third Position 20
Orthographic View 05
5 20
Isometric Projection 15
TOTAL 100 100

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Q1. Point “A” is 30mm above HP and 25mm in front of VP. Draw its
projections and state the quadrant in which the point is situated

Q2. Point “A” is 30mm above HP and 25mm behind VP. Draw its projections
and state the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q3. Point “A” is 30mm below HP and 40mm behind VP. Draw its projections
and state the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q4. Point “A” is 15mm below HP and 25mm in front of VP. Draw its
projections and state the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q5. Point “A” is in both HP and VP. Draw its projections and state the quadrant
in which the point is situated.

Q6. Point “A” is 25mm above HP and in the VP. Draw its projections and state
the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q7. Point “A” is 30mm in front of VP and in the HP. Draw its projections and
state the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q8. Point “A” is 40mm behind the VP and in HP. Draw its projections and state
the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q9. Point “A” is 35mm below HP and in the VP. Draw its projections and state
the quadrant in which the point is situated.

Q10. Draw and state the quadrants in which the following points are located.
Assume any distances

A – Front view below XY line and top view above XY line

B – Front and top view are below XY line
C – Front and .top view are above XY line
D – Front view above XY line and top view below XY line

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Q11. A point 30mm above XY line is the front view of two points “A & B”.
The top view of “A” is 40mm behind VP and Top view of “B” is 45mm in front
of VP. Draw its projections and state the quadrant in which the point is

Q12. Draw all three views of a point “P” lying 60mm below HP, 70mm in front
of VP and 40mm from the RPP. Also state the quadrant in which it lies.

Q13. Draw all three views of a point “P” lying 45mm above HP, 60mm behind
VP and 30mm from the RPP. Also state the quadrant in which it lies.

Q14. The common point 40mm below XY line represents not only the front
views of three points “A, B and C” but also the top view of point "C”. The top
view of “B” is lies on XY line and “A” lies 50mm above it. Draw the
projections of the points and add the right side view to the point “A” only.

Q15. Point 30mm above XY line is the front view of three points “P, Q and R”.
Top view of “R” is 40mm behind VP, “Q” is on XY line and “P” is 45mm in
front of VP. Draw the projections and state the quadrant in which the points are

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Q1. A line AB 60mm long has its end “A” 20mm above HP and 30mm in front
of VP. The line is inclined at 40 0 to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its top and
front views.

Q2. A line AB 60mm long has its end “A” 20mm above HP and 30mm in front
of VP. The line is inclined at 40 0 to VP and parallel to HP. Draw its top and
front views.

Q3. A line AB 80mm long has its end “A” 20mm above the HP and 30mm in
front of VP. It is inclined at 30 0 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw the projections of
the line and find apparent lengths and apparent inclinations.

Q4. A line AB 80mm long is inclined to HP at 30 0 and VP at 450. Draw front

and top views of line and determine their lengths. Also measure the
perpendicular distance of end B from both HP and VP

Q5. A line AB has its end “A” 20mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP. The
other end of “B” is 60mm above the HP. The distance between end projectors is
70mm. Draw its projections and determine the true length and apparent

Q6. A line AB has its end “A” 20mm above the HP and 15mm in front of the
VP. The other end “B” is 60mm above the HP and 45mm in front of the VP.
The distance between the end projectors is 70mm. Draw its projections.
Determine the true length and true inclination. Also determine the apparent
lengths and inclinations.

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Q7. The top view PQ of a straight line is 70mm and makes an angle of 60 0 with
XY line. The end “Q” is 10mm in front of VP and 30mm above HP. The
difference between the distances of “P” and “Q” above HP is 45mm. Draw the
projections. Determine its true length and true inclinations with HP and VP.

Q8. A line PQ 85mm long has its end “P” 10mm above HP and 15mm in front
of VP. The top view and front view of line PQ are 75mm and 80mm
respectively. Draw its projections and also determine the true and apparent
inclinations of the line to the reference planes.
Q9. A line has its end “A” 10mm above HP and 15mm in front of VP. The end
“B” is 55mm above HP and line is inclined at 30 0 HP and 350 to VP. The
distance between the end projectors is 50mm. Draw the projections of the line.
Determine the true length of the line and its inclination with VP.

Q10. A line AB 60mm long has one of its extremities 20mm in front of VP and
15mm above HP. The line is inclined at 25 0 to HP and 400 to VP. Draw its top
and front views.

Q11. A line AB measuring 70mm has its end “A” 15mm in front of VP and
20mm above HP and the other end “B” is 60mm in front of VP and 50mm
above HP. Draw the projections of the line and find the inclinations of the line
with both the reference planes of projection.

Q12. The front view of a 90mm long line which is inclined at 450 to the XY
line, measures 65mm. End “A” is 15mm above the XY line and is in VP. Draw
the projections of the line and find its inclinations with HP and VP.

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Q13. The top view of a 75mm long line AB measures 65mm, while the front
view is 50mm. Its one end “A” is in HP and 12mm in front of VP. Draw the
projections of AB and determine its inclinations with HP and VP.

Q14. A line AB 65mm long has its end “A” 20mm above the HP and 25mm in
front of the VP. The end “B” is 40mm above HP and 65mm in front of the VP.
Draw the projections of AB and show its inclination with the HP and VP.

Q15. A line PQ measures 80mm in length. The point “P” is above HP and in
front of VP by 20mm and 30mm respectively. The distance between the end
projectors is 50mm. The Line is inclined to VP by 30 0. Draw the projections of
the line and specify its true inclination with HP.

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Q1. An equilateral triangular lamina of 25mm side rests one of its edges on HP
such that the surface of the lamina is inclined to HP at 60 degree. The edge on
which it rests is inclined to VP at 60 degree. Draw its projections.

Q2. A triangular lamina of 25mm sides rests on one of its corners on VP such
that the median passing through the corner on which it rests is inclined at 30 0 to
HP and 450 to VP. Draw its projections

Q3. A triangular plane lamina of sides 25mm is resting on HP with one of its
corners such that the side opposite to the corner on which it rests is 15mm
above HP and makes an angle of 300 with VP. Draw the top and front views in
this position.

Q4. A 300-600 setsquare of 60mm longest side is so kept such that the longest
side is in HP, making an angle of 30 0 with VP. The setsquare itself is inclined at
450 to HP. Draw the projections of the setsquare

Q5. An isosceles triangular plate of negligible thickness has base 25mm long
and altitude 35mm. It is so placed on VP such that in the front view it is seen as
an equilateral triangle of 25mm sides with the side that is parallel to VP is
inclined at 450 to HP. Draw its top and front views. Also determine the
inclination of the plate with reference plane.

Q6. A square lamina of 40mm side rests on one of its sides on HP. The lamina
makes 300 to HP and the side on which it rests makes 450 to VP. Draw its

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Q7. A square plate of 40mm sides rests on HP such that one of the diagonals is
inclined at 300 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw its projections.

Q8. The top view of a square lamina of side 30mm is a rectangle of sides
30mmx20mm with the longer side of the rectangle being parallel to both HP
and VP. Draw the top and front views of the square lamina. What is the
inclination of the surface of the lamina with HP and VP?

Q9. A rectangular lamina of side 35mmx20mm rests on HP on one of its shorter

edges. The lamina is rotated about the edge on which it rests till it appears as a
square in the top view. The edge on which the lamina rests being parallel to
both HP and VP. Draw its projections and find its inclinations to HP and VP.

Q10. A rectangular lamina of sides 20mmx25mm has an edge in HP and

adjoining edge in VP, is tilted such that the front view appears as a rectangle of
20mmx15mm. The edge which is in VP is 30mm from the right profile plane.
(a) Draw the top view, front view, and left profile view in this position.
(b) Find its inclinations with the corresponding principal planes

Q11. A rectangular plate of negligible thickness of size 35x20mm has one of its
shorter edges in VP with that edge inclined at 40 0 to HP. Draw the top view if
its front view is a square of side 20mm

Q12. A pentagonal lamina of edges 25mm is resting on HP with one of its

corners such that the edge opposite to this is 20mm above HP and makes an
angle of 450with VP. Draw the top and front views of the plane lamina in this
position. Determine the inclination of the lamina with HP.

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Q13. A pentagonal lamina of sides 25mm is resting on one of its edges on HP

with the corner opposite to that edge touching VP. This edge is parallel to VP
and the corner, which touches VP, is at a height of 15mm above HP. Draw the
projections of the lamina and determine the inclinations of the lamina with HP
and VP and the distance at which the parallel edge lies from VP.

Q14. A pentagonal lamina having edges 25mm is placed on one of its corners
on HP such that the perpendicular bisector of the edge passing through the
corner on which the lamina rests is inclined at 30 0 to HP and 450 VP. Draw the
top and front views of the lamina.

Q15. A pentagonal lamina of sides 25mm is having a side both on HP and VP.
The corner opposite to the side on which it rests is 15mm above HP. Draw the
top and front views of the lamina.

Q16. A regular pentagonal lamina of 25mm side is resting on one of its corners
on HP while the side opposite to this corner touches VP. If the lamina makes an
angle of 600 with HP, draw the projections of the lamina.

Q17. A regular pentagonal lamina of 25mm side is resting on one of its sides on
HP while the corner opposite to this side touches VP. If the lamina makes an
angle of 600 with HP, draw the projections of the lamina

Q18. A pentagonal lamina having edges 25mm is placed on one of its corners
on VP such that the surface makes an angle 30 0 with VP and perpendicular
bisector of the edge passing through the corner on which the lamina rests is
inclined at 450 to HP. Draw the top and front views of the lamina

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Q19. A hexagonal lamina of 30mm sides rests on HP with one of its corners
touching VP and surface inclined at 45 0 to it. One of its edges is inclined to HP
at 300. Draw the front and top views of the lamina in its final position.

Q20. Draw the top and front views of a hexagonal lamina at 30mm sides having
two its edges parallel to both vertical and horizontal planes and one of its edges
is 10mm from each of the planes of projection. The surface of the lamina is
inclined at an angle of 60 0 to the HP.

Q21. A regular hexagonal lamina of side 30mm is lying in such a way that one
of its sides touches both the reference planes. If the side opposite to the side on
which it rests is 45mm above HP. Draw the projections of the lamina

Q22. A regular hexagonal lamina of sides 25mm is lying in such a way that one
of its sides on HP while the side opposite to the side on which it rests is on VP.
If the lamina makes 600 to HP draw the projections of the lamina.

Q23. A regular hexagonal lamina of side 25mm is lying in such a way that one
of its corners on HP while the corner opposite to the corner on which its rests on
VP. If the lamina makes 60 0 to HP, draw the projections of the lamina

Q24. A hexagonal lamina of sides 30mm is resting with one of its corners on
VP and its surface inclined at an angle of 30 0 with VP. The diagonal passing
through the corner which is in VP is inclined at 45 0 to HP. Draw the projections
of the lamina

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Q25. A hexagonal lamina of sides 25mm rests on one of its sides on VP. The
side opposite to the side on which it rests is 30mm in front of VP and the side
on which it rests makes an angle 45 0 to HP. Draw the projections. Also
determine the inclination of the lamina with reference plane

Q26. A hexagonal lamina of sides 25mm rests on one of its corners on HP. The
corner opposite to the corner on which it rests is 35mm above HP and the
diagonal passing through the corner on which it rests is inclined at 30 0 to VP.
Draw its projections. Find the inclinations of the surface with HP

Q27. A circular lamina of 50mm diameter is standing with one of its points on
the rim on HP and the lamina inclined at 45 0 to HP. The diameter at right angles
to the diameter which is passing through the point on which the lamina rests is
parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

Q28. A circular lamina of 50mm diameter rests on HP such that one of its
diameters is inclined at 30 0 to VP and 450 to HP. Draw its top and front views in
this position

Q29. A circular lamina inclined to the VP appears in the front views as an

ellipse of major axis 30mm and minor axis 15mm. The major axis is parallel to
both HP and VP. One end of the minor axis is in both HP and VP. Draw the
projections of the lamina and determine the inclination of the lamina with the

Q30. A circular lamina of 30mm diameter rests on VP such that one of its
diameters is inclined at 30 0 to VP and 450 to HP. Draw its top view and front
view in this position.

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Q1. A square prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests
on HP on one of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP at 30
degrees. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis of the prism
is inclined to HP at 45 degree.

Q2. A square prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests
on HP on one of its base corner. Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis of the prism is inclined to HP at 40 degree and appears
to be inclined to VP at 30 degree.

Q3. A square prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests
on HP on one of its base corner. Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis of the prism is inclined to HP at 40 degree and to VP
at 30 degree.

Q4. A square prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests
on HP on one of its edges of the bases. Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis of the prism is inclined to HP at 45 degree and
to VP at 30 degree.

Q5. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base. Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis is inclined to HP at 40 degree and appears to be
inclined to VP at 30 degree.

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Q6. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base. Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis is inclined to HP at 40 degree and VP at 30

Q7. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two base
edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal inclinations
with HP .Draw the projection of the prism when the axis of the prism
is inclined to HP at 40 degree and to VP at 30degree.

Q8. A hexagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis of the prism is inclined to HP at 45 degree and
appears to be inclined to VP at 30degree.

Q9. A hexagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis of the prism is inclined to HP at 45 degree and
VP at 30degree.

Q10. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the bases which is inclined to VP at
30 degree. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis is inclined
to HP at 40 degree.

Q11. A square prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length is
suspended freely from a corner. Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45degree.

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Q12. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
is suspended freely from a corner. Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45degree.

Q13. A hexagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length is
suspended freely from a corner. Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45degree.

Q14. A square pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two base
edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal inclinations
with HP. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis of the
pyramid is inclined to HP at 40degree and appears to be inclined to
VP at 30degree.

Q15. A square pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two base
edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal inclinations
with HP. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis of the
pyramid is inclined to HP at 40degree and to VP at 30degree.

Q16. A square pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base. Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis is inclined to HP at 45degree and appears to
be inclined to VP at 30 degree.

Q17. A square pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base. Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis is inclined to HP at 45degree and to VP at 30

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Q18. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two
base edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal
inclinations with HP. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the
axis of the pyramid is inclined to HP at 40degree and appears to be
inclined to VP at 30degree.

Q19. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two
base edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal
inclinations with HP. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the
axis of the pyramid is inclined to HP at 40degree and to VP at

Q20. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its edges of the base .Draw the
projection of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to HP at 45degree
and appears to be inclined to VP at 30degree.

Q21. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its edges of the base .Draw the
projection of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to HP at 45degree
and VP at 30degree.

Q22. A hexagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP at
30 degree. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis is
inclined to HP at 45degree.

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Q23. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its edges of the base which is inclined to
VP at 30 degree. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis is
inclined to HP at 45degree.

Q24. A hexagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two base
edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal inclinations
with HP. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis of the
pyramid is inclined to HP at 40degree and appears to be inclined to
VP at 30 degree.

Q25. A hexagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two base
edges containing the corner on which it rests make equal inclinations
with HP. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis of the
pyramid is inclined to HP at 40degree and to VP at 30 degree.

Q26. A square pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length is
suspended freely from a corner of its base. Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45degree.

Q27. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis

length is suspended freely from a corner of its base. Draw the
projection of the pyramid when the axis appears to be inclined to VP
at 45degree.

Q28. A hexagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
is suspended freely from a corner of its base. Draw the projection of
the pyramid when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45degree.

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Q29. A square pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its slant triangular faces. Draw the projection
of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to VP at 45 degree.

Q30. A square pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its slant edge. Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis is inclined to VP at 45 degree.

Q31. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its slant edges. Draw the projection of
the pyramid when the axis is inclined to VP at 45 degree.

Q32. A pentagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis

length rests on HP on one of its slant triangular face. Draw the
projection of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to VP at 45

Q33. A hexagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its slant edges. Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45 degree.

Q34. A hexagonal pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length
rests on HP on one of its slant triangular faces. Draw the projection
of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to VP at 45 degree.

Q35. A cube of 40mm sides rests on HP on an edge which is inclined

to VP at 30 degree. Draw the projection when the lateral square face
containing the edge on which it rests makes an angle of 50 degree to

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Q36. A tetrahedron of 55mm sides rests on one of its corners such

that an edge containing that corner is inclined to HP at 50degree and
VP at 30 degree. Draw its projections.

Q37. A cone of 50mm base diameter and 60mm axis length rests on
HP on one of its generators. Draw the projections when the axis is
inclined to VP at 30 degree.

Q38. A tetrahedron of sides 40mm is resting on one of its sides on

HP. This side is parallel to VP and 40mm away from it. It is tilted
about resting side such that the base containing this side is inclined
at 30degree to HP. Draw the projections of the solid.

Q39. A hexahedron of 30mm side is resting on one of its corners on

HP such that one of its solids diagonals is perpendicular to VP. Draw
the projections of the solid.

Q40. A cylinder of diameter of base 40mm and axis length 60mm is

suspended through a point on the circumference of its top face such
that the top view of axis is inclined at 30 degree to VP. Draw its

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Q1. Three rectangular slabs (lxbxh) 100mmx60mmx20mm,

100mmx40mmx20mm and 100mmx20mmx20mm are placed one above the
other in the descending order of their width-b, such that their longer axes are co-
planar. Draw the isometric projection of the combination.

Q2. Three cubes of sides 60mm, 40mm and 20mm are placed centrally one
above the other in the descending order of their side. Draw the isometric
projection of the combination.

Q3. A triangular prism base side 30mm and length 70mm is resting on its
rectangular face on top of a square slab side 70mm and 25mm thick. Draw the
isometric projection of the combination.

Q4. A sphere of diameter 60mm is placed centrally on the top face of a square
prism side 60mm and height 70mm. draw the isometric projection of the

Q5. A hemisphere of diameter 50mm is centrally resting on top of a square

prism of base side 60mm and height 30mm such that the curved surface of
hemisphere is touching the top face of the prism. Draw its isometric projections

Q6. Draw the isometric projection of a hexagonal prism of side of base 40mm
and height 60mm with a right circular cone of base 40mm diameter and altitude
50mm, resting on its top such that the axes of both the sides are collinear

Q7. A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rests symmetrically
on a cube of side 50mm, which itself is placed on a cylinder of diameter 80mm
and thickness 30mm. Draw the isometric projection of the solids, if the axes of
the three solids are in common line.

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Q8. A sphere of diameter 30mm rests on the frustum of a hexagonal pyramid of

base 30mm, top face 18mm side and height 50mm, such that their axes
coincide. Draw the isometric projection of the combined solids

Q9. A hemisphere of 40mm diameter is supported co-axially on the vertex of a

cone of base diameter 60mm and axis length 50mm. The flat circular face of the
hemisphere is facing upside. Draw the isometric projection of the combination
of solids.

Q10. A hemisphere diameter 70mm is placed on the ground on its curved

surface. A cone base diameter 70mm and height 70mm is placed centrally on it.
Draw the isometric projection of the combination

Q11. A frustum of cone base diameter 50mm, top diameter 25mm and height
50mm is placed centrally on a square slab side 80mm and thickness 30mm.
Draw the isometric projection of the combination.

Q12. A regular pentagonal prism of base edge 30mm and axis 60mm is
mounted centrally over a cylindrical block of 80mm diameter and 25mm thick.
Draw isometric projection of the combined solids.

Q13. A pentagonal pyramid of base side 30mm and axis length 60mm is resting
on HP on its base with a side of base perpendicular to VP. Draw its isometric

Q14. Draw isometric projections of a hexagonal prism of side of base 40mm

and height 60mm with a right circular cone of base 40mm as diameter and
altitude 50mm, resting on its top such that the axes of both the solids are

Q15. A cone of base diameter 40mm and height 50mm rests centrally over a
frustum of a pentagonal pyramid of base side 45mm and top side 35mm and
height 55mm. Draw its isometric projections.

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Q16. A sphere of diameter 45mm rests centrally over a frustum of cone of base
diameter 60mm, top diameter 40mm and height 60mm. Draw its isometric

Q17. Following figure shows the front and side views of solid. Draw the
isometric projection of the solid

Q18. Following figure shows the front and side views of solid. Draw the
isometric projection of the solid.

Q19. Following figure shows the front and side views of solid. Draw the
isometric projection of the solid.

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Q20. Following figure shows the front and side views of solid. Draw the
isometric projection of the solid.

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Q1. Draw and state the quadrants in which the following points are located.
Assume any distances
A – Front view below XY line and top view above XY line
B – Front and top view are below XY line
C – Front and .top view are above XY line
D – Front view above XY line and top view below XY line

Q2. Draw and state the quadrants in which the following points are located.
A – 20mm above HP & 40mm in front of VP
B – 20mm above HP & 40mm behind of VP
C – 20mm below HP & 40mm behind of VP
D – 20mm below HP & 40mm in front of VP

Q3. Point 20mm above XY line is the front view of three points “A, B and C”.
Top view of “C” is 30mm behind VP, “B” is on XY line and “A” is 35mm in
front of VP. Draw the projections and state the quadrant in which the points are

Q4. Draw all three views of a point “A” lying 65mm above HP, 50mm behind
VP and 40mm from the RPP. Also state the quadrant in which it lies

Q5. Draw all three views of a point “A” lying 50mm below HP, 70mm in front
of VP and 30mm from the RPP. Also state the quadrant in which it lies.

Q6. A line “AB” 60mm long has its end “A” 20mm above HP and 30mm in
front of VP. The line is inclined at 40 0 to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its top
and front views.

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Q7. A line “AB” 60mm long has its end “A” 20mm above HP and 30mm in
front of VP. The line is inclined at 400 to VP and parallel to HP. Draw its top
and front views.

Q8. A line “AB” 80mm long has its end “A” 20mm above the HP and 30mm in
front of VP. It is inclined at 30 0 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw the projections of
the line and find apparent lengths and apparent inclinations.

Q9. A line AB 80mm long is inclined to HP at 30 0 and VP at 450. Draw front

and top views of line and determine their lengths. Also measure the
perpendicular distance of end B from both HP and VP

Q10. A line AB has its end “A” 20mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP. The
other end of “B” is 60mm above the HP. The distance between end projectors is
70mm. Draw its projections and determine the true length and apparent

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Q1. A triangular lamina of 25mm sides rests on one of its corners on VP such
that the median passing through the corner on which it rests is inclined at 30 0 to
HP and 450 to VP. Draw its projections
Q2. An isosceles triangular plate of negligible thickness has base 25mm long
and altitude 35mm. It is so placed on VP such that in the front view it is seen as
an equilateral triangle of 25mm sides with the side that is parallel to VP is
inclined at 450 to HP. Draw its top and front views. Also determine the
inclination of the plate with reference plane.
Q3. The top view of a square lamina of side 30mm is a rectangle of sides
30mmx20mm with the longer side of the rectangle being parallel to both HP
and VP. Draw the top and front views of the square lamina. What is the
inclination of the surface of the lamina with HP and VP?
Q4. A rectangular lamina of sides 20mmx25mm has an edge in HP and
adjoining edge in VP, is tilted such that the front view appears as a rectangle of
20mmx15mm. The edge which is in VP is 30mm from the right profile plane.
(a) Draw the top view, front view, and left profile view in this position.
(b) Find its inclinations with the corresponding principal planes
Q5. A pentagonal lamina having edges 25mm is placed on one of its corners on
HP such that the perpendicular bisector of the edge passing through the corner
on which the lamina rests is inclined at 30 0 to HP and 450 VP. Draw the top and
front views of the lamina
Q6. A pentagonal lamina of sides 25mm is having a side both on HP and VP.
The corner opposite to the side on which it rests is 15mm above HP. Draw the
top and front views of the lamina.
Q7. A hexagonal lamina of 30mm sides rests on HP with one of its corners
touching VP and surface inclined at 45 0 to it. One of its edges is inclined to HP
at 300. Draw the front and top views of the lamina in its final position

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Q8. Draw the top and front views of a hexagonal lamina at 30mm sides having
two its edges parallel to both vertical and horizontal planes and one of its edges
is 10mm from each of the planes of projection. The surface of the lamina is
inclined at an angle of 60 0 to the HP.
Q9. A regular hexagonal lamina of side 30mm is lying in such a way that one of
its sides touches both the reference planes. If the side opposite to the side on
which it rests is 45mm above HP. Draw the projections of the lamina
Q10. A circular lamina inclined to the VP appears in the front views as an
ellipse of major axis 30mm and minor axis 15mm. The major axis is parallel to
both HP and VP. One end of the minor axis is in both HP and VP. Draw the
projections of the lamina and determine the inclination of the lamina with the
Q11. A square prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests on HP on
one of its base corner. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis of the
prism is inclined to HP at 40 0 and appears to be inclined to VP at 30 0
Q12. A square prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests on HP on
one of its base corner. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis of the
prism is inclined to HP at 40 0 and to VP at 300.
Q13. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests on
HP on one of its edges of the base. Draw the projection of the prism when the
axis is inclined to HP at 40 0 and appears to be inclined to VP at 30 0.
Q14. A pentagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rests on
HP on one of its corners of the base such that the two base edges containing the
corner on which it rests make equal inclinations with HP .Draw the projection
of the prism when the axis of the prism is inclined to HP at 40 0 and to VP at 300.
Q15. A hexagonal prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rests on HP
on one of its edges of the base .Draw the projection of the prism when the axis
of the prism is inclined to HP at 45 0 and VP at 300.

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