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Session 2020-2021


Check list for case studies (Check List is not limited to the points mentioned
List is prepared keeping in mind architectural projects for urban design projects students need to refer
wherever applicable.

1. Basic Information

Project Name



Site area

B/U area

Date of completion

Project location with maps

Geographic location
With Maps


2. Climatic Conditions

Summer- Max-Min Temp

Rainfall- max in mm (average
annual) Winter – max – min
Earthquake zone
Wind direction & Sun path analysis (Presentation form)


3. Architect’s concept & implication of site analysis in his/her design (Refer site analysis check

 Write about concept by Architect.

 Study Architectural plans li st of functions/Activities
 Study & present it graphic ally inter –relation of activities
 Circulation within the building/campus & site.
 Mark different zones within building & on site as well.
 Mark entry exit points with respect to roads
 Parking, toilets n(numbers & sizes) as/ NBC
 Provision for handicapped, disables etc.(As/ NBC)
 Mark vertical zoning/ circulation in sections.
 Elevations - mark & write about special features,
 Study & mention implications of byelaws, NBC, fire norms, environmental & air
authority norms applicable to that area
 Your analytical comments / (+Ve & -Ve points) with your analytic al observation (it should
come with plans, sections. Elevations, blow ups etc. Do not mention like summery)
 Special materials used, find out any local materials, any special construction techniques
used, green features etc.
 Typology of the building with respect to surrounding settlement Architecture style or any
historic al significance of using elements.
 Interior – lighting, materials, opening sizes, room sizes, as per standards, any green
features etc.
 Lands ape – type of trees indigenous plants, green features used for landscaping etc.
 Behavior of the building in different times/Changing dynamics of the building / place at
different interval of timings i.e. early morning / morning, afternoon, evening, night etc.
 Different Users & opinions about building’s user friendliness.
 Try to trace Impact of building in surrounding morphology over the years
(transformation in surrounding morphology due to building)
 Try to find out any social, cultural, economic or any other changes have come due to

Note: After finishing both the case studies students are expected to prepare area inferences chart &
Present Area program of your project.
Check list for urban design case studies (Check List is not limited to the points
mentioned below)
1. Introduction
Project Details
a. Name
b. Stakeholders involved (State actors, non state actors, Architectural consultant etc.)
c. Date of completion
d. Site area and Location map
e. Connectivity
History and evolution
a. Population
b. Population Density or Household size
c. Sex ratio
d. Literacy rate
e. Composition (community)

2. Ecology and landscape

Climatic condition (Summer/Winter- Max-Min Temp, Rainfall- max in mm (average annual),
Relative Humidity, Wind direction and sun path analysis)
Major ecological systems
Land profile and characteristics
Open space systems, et cetera.

3. Morphology (to understand spatial Structure of that area)

Distribution and relation between built-open spaces (figure ground map)
Public space–street interface structure/ street pattern (green, blue and street networking)
Land ownership
Functional structure (Landuse character zones of institutions; industries; commerce, activity
cycle, et cetera.)
Building types/use
Building Height
Building age
Activity nodes (behavior mapping, street characteristics and behavior)
Architectural expressions (building typologies)
Heritage precincts
Historic buildings and spaces (if any)
Community mapping
Occupations mapping

4. Transportation and Infrastructure

Physical infrastructure
a. Movement networks, public transportation systems, transport nodes and terminals,
b. Water supply, drainage, power, sewage and solid waste disposal systems, et cetera. Social
a. Educational centre, Healthcare facilities, Recreational activities, religious precincts et cetera.

5. Understanding the Design

Aim and Objectives
The process involved (data collection, formulation and implementation)
Phase wise distribution
Potentials and issues (user involvement)
Strategies taken up
Design Solutions (will be different for different cases so study accordingly and in what depth decide)
*Also in this can refer to the earlier checklist provided
6. User study
(To study how successful is the design implemented, and the process will be case specific.)
Interviews and Focus Group Discussions of the users involved. (Household, establishment,
traffic, environment surveys)
Comparison of before and after
Assess the quality of life after the development
Are the users satisfied? Or find out the changes or limitations after the development. Impact on the
surroundings (if any)
Try to find out any social, cultural, economic or any other changes have come due to project.
Check list for Site analysis.

These are broad requirements.

Site analysis is not limited to this list
Geographic location With Maps
Climatic Conditions
Summer- Max-Min Temp
Rainfall- max in mm
Winter -max-min
Relative Humidity
Wind speed
Earthquake zone
Wind direction & Sun path analysis
Existing features on the site.
Adjacent settlement & Architecture style typology etc
Historical significance of the area / precinct
Soil Type
Local materials available
Vernacular style developed due to culture & climatic conditions.
Socio economic structure of the region(Occupation, new Businesses, traditional Businesses etc)
Land use
Local Byelaws
Existing services been provided at the site (Electricity, Water supply etc)

Professor Resha Patil

Principal, BMSA

Ar. Sunakshi Shokeen

Research Coordinator, BMSA

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