Assignment Module 3

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Throughout my time in the University of San Diego Masters of Science in Law

Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership (LEPSL), developing law enforcement and public

safety knowledge and skills for the 21st century has been one of the essential goals. Out of my

works, I have chosen four papers which highlight my knowledge and skills. These include: 21 st

century city budget, an evaluation of law enforcement cyber presence, the third-party doctrine

and cell site location information analysis, and the shooting of Jacob Blake: missed


My first paper I chose to reflect upon was my final legislative review project for the

budget and finance for law enforcement. “A solid understanding of the budget will translate

into having a comprehensive grasp of what is going on in the present day and beyond.” 1 Moving

forward into the 21st century, it is more important now than ever to have a solid grasp on the

budget for your police department. With constant political threats of “defunding the police,”

law enforcement must not only justify every dollar they spend, but why they spend it and for

what causes it is useful. This paper proposed a line-item budget with 6 community priorities. It

split the budget into personnel, capital, and operational. It also included a grant the city would

receive from the state from the California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention


The second paper is an evaluation of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Cyber

Presence. I evaluated the department’s cyber presence comprised of the official department

website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Each platform was evaluated on its effectiveness in

communicating with the public. Overall the Orange County Sheriff’s Department has a robust

Presentation 7.1 LEPSL 590. Budget and Finance for Law Enforcement. University of San Diego.
and well implemented online presence that is needed in the 21st century. Modern policing

depends on open communication with the public through online platforms.

My third paper is on the third party doctrine and cell site location information analysis.

In law enforcement, officers deal with a constantly changing dynamic field. As a leader,

ensuring not only officers but citizens are constitutionally protected is of the upmost

importance. I argue in the paper for the dissenting opinion in a Supreme Court case which

expanded the right to privacy in a pivotal shift from the prior court’s Fourth Amendment


The final paper I chose for this section is on the shooting of Jacob Blake. I titled the

report “Missed Opportunities.” I evaluated the best cyber practices for law enforcement,

analyzed the Kenosha Police Department’s online response to the incident, and had an incident

overview. My main critique was the police department during this critical incident, and the

subsequent protests missed opportunities to shape the narrative not only their citizens saw,

but nationwide. The department allowed the national media to take over the narrative and to

this day receives backlash for this incident.


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