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CASE 0:21-cv-01812 Doc.

1 Filed 08/06/21 Page 1 of 16



BOB CAJUNE; CYNTHIA CAJUNE; Court File No. ________________

DOE #1; MARY ROE # 1-7; N.W., a
minor, by KALYNN KAY AKER.


194 and MICHAEL BAUMANN in his
official capacity as Superintendent of
Independent School District 194,


For their complaint against Defendants, Plaintiffs allege as follows:


1. In April 2021, Defendant Independent School District 194 (“ISD 194”)

created a so-called “Inclusive Poster Series” which included two posters with the political

slogan, “Black Lives Matter.” The two posters also state: “At Lakeville Area Schools we

believe Black Lives Matter and stand with the social justice movement this statement

represents. This poster is aligned to School Board policy and an unwavering commitment

to our Black students, staff and community members.” (emphasis added).

2. ISD 194 stated to Plaintiff Bob Cajune that “the inclusive posters were

requested by many staff and families in our school communities and was a project included

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within the district’s inclusion work this school year,” and was “fully supported by our

Board of Education.”

3. When other ISD 194 taxpayers, such as Bob Cajune, asked that alternative

ideological viewpoints be presented alongside the Black Lives Matter posters, such as

“Blue Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter,” ISD 194 refused to allow these rival

viewpoints, stating “[ISD 194] does not approve of All Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter

posters in the classrooms or other areas of the school, and teachers/school staff are not

allowed to wear shirts with these sayings to school;” and “the All Lives Matter and Blue

Lives Matter mottos were created specifically in opposition to Black Lives Matter” and

that those messages “effectively discount the struggle the Black students have faced in our

school buildings and that Black individuals face in our society as a whole.”

4. By posting the messages of the Inclusive Poster Series in ISD 194’s hallways,

ISD 194 approves of and allows the private expression of District taxpayers, students, and

staff who support the political ideology of the “Black Lives Matter” movement and

organization. At the same time, ISD 194 suppresses divergent viewpoints, such as


5. The link between the phrase, “Black Lives Matter” and the political

movement are inextricably intertwined in the minds of the public. Nine-year-old students

understand this. Plaintiff N.W. is a nine-year-old student of ISD 194 who stated in ISD

194’s June 8, 2021 board meeting: “We all know changing the font or the color of posters

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does not change the meaning. I am 9 years old, and I know that. You expect me to believe

that you did not know what you were doing by making these posters? Come on, people.” 1

6. N.W. also stated at that Board meeting that ““I do not judge people by the

color of their skin, I don’t really care what color their hair, skin, or eyes is. I judge by the

way they treat me….I do not care or look at the color of skin, but you make me think of it.

I have Asian, Mexican, white, Chinese, black friends and I don’t care. I like them because

some of them make me laugh, some are sweet and kind, sporty, or share the love of God.

They are just my friends. You have lied to me and I am very disappointed in all of you.”

(emphasis added).

7. ISD 194’s viewpoint discrimination has been confirmed by its collaboration

with certain individuals from ISD 194 and outside the District on an event for the upcoming

fall called “Different Places, Beautiful Faces,” which ISD 194’s Equity Coordinator told

Cynthia Cajune was to “highlight the diversity of our community, as well as to celebrate

People of Color and Indigenous people in Lakeville and its surrounding communities.” But

when Ms. Cajune sought to include all ethnic backgrounds in the event, those controlling

the event declared that “our interests are not aligned” and signed off with, “Black Lives


8. ISD 194 has instructed children as young as fifth grade that structural racism

dominates our society and that Black Lives Matter is a political movement.


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9. ISD 194’s viewpoint discrimination violates the First Amendment and

creates a hostile educational environment for students like N.W.. Plaintiffs seek an end to

this discriminatory practice.


10. Plaintiffs Bob and Cynthia Cajune are taxpayers who at all relevant times

were residents within ISD 194 and paid taxes which were forwarded to Defendant ISD 194.

11. Plaintiff LION 194 (Liberty In Our Neighborhood 194) is an unincorporated

association consisting of ISD 194 residents and taxpayers, including Bob and Cynthia

Cajune and the John Doe and Mary Roe Plaintiffs. LION 194 is a faith-based, grassroots

organization established by Lakeville parents advocating for the children in ISD 194. Its

mission is to foster a school environment that focuses on unity, facts, and the ability to use

critical thinking skills. LION 194 has associational standing to sue the Defendants in this


12. Plaintiff Kalynn Kay Aker is the parent and guardian of N.W., a minor. They

reside within ISD 194. N.W. attends school within ISD 194. Ms. Aker pays taxes that are

allocated to ISD 194.

13. Plaintiffs John Doe #1 and Mary Roes #1-7 reside within ISD 194 and pay

taxes that are allocated to ISD 194. They seek to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal

from others in the community, including people who intentionally interfered with

Bittersweet Bakery’s business in Lakeville, including interference with their longstanding


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14. Defendant Independent School District 194 (ISD 194) is an independent

school district authorized by and constituting a political subdivision or agency of the State

of Minnesota and has at all relevant times operated the public schools in Lakeville.

15. Defendant Michael Baumann has at all relevant times been the

superintendent of ISD 194. He is sued in his official capacity.


16. This Court has jurisdiction over this complaint under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331,

2201, 1343(a)(3), 1343(a)(4), and 1367 because this case presents a substantial question of

federal law arising under the United States Constitution and its state law claim forms part

of the same case or controversy, specifically whether Defendants’ speech and exclusionary

conduct violates the United States Constitution’s guarantee of free speech, Title VI of the

Civil Rights Act of 1964, and ISD 194 Policy 535.

17. This Court has authority to issue a declaratory judgment and to order

injunctive relief and other relief that is necessary and proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201

and 2202.

18. Venue is appropriate in this district under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(e)(1). A

substantial part of the events giving rise to this claim occurred in this district, Defendants

maintain one or more offices and employees in this district, a substantial part of the

property subject to this action is situated in this district, and a plaintiff resides in this


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The Poster Series

19. On September 22, 2020, Superintendent Michael Baumann issued a memo

to ISD 194 educators in which he interpreted ISD 194 Policy 535 to prohibit teachers from

displaying in their classrooms posters containing the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”

20. Despite this contrary policy, around April 2021, ISD 194 approved an

“Inclusive Poster Series” that consisted of eight distinct posters, two of which included the

phrase “Black Lives Matter.” These “Black Lives Matter posters also included the

statement: “At Lakeville Area Schools we believe Black Lives Matter and stand with the

social justice movement this statement represents. This poster is aligned to School Board

policy and an unwavering commitment to our Black students, staff and community

members.” (emphasis added).

21. The slogan, “Black Lives Matter” is well-known to be a neo-Marxist

separatist slogan that identifies Black Americans as “part of the global Black family” and

seeks to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

believe/ (last visited July 23, 2021). The group “Black Lives Matter at School,” for

example, expressly includes “antiracist” doctrine as part of its principles.; https://www.blacklivesmatter (last visited July 23, 2021) This same so-called

“antiracism” can be summed up by the words of Ibram X. Kendi, the author of “How to Be

an Anti-Racist”:

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The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The

only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only
remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.

Kendi, Ibram. “Ibram X. Kendi defines what it means to be an antiracist,” Penguin June 9,

2020, available at

definition-of-antiracist.html (last visited July 23, 2021). The phrase “Black Lives Matter”

and its part in the “social justice” movement is indistinguishable from these tenets.

22. ISD 194 states in its 2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan that it

intends to build “anti-racist” classrooms by training teachers on “culturally responsive

teaching” practices.

23. On April 13, 2021, during the Equity Update portion of the ISD 194 Board

Regular Meeting, the purpose of the Inclusive Poster Series was given as “to support staff

in creating school communities where students are respected, valued and welcome.”

24. On April 26, 2021, Plaintiff Bob Cajune sent an email to Lydia Lindsoe,

Equity Coordinator for ISD 194, inquiring about the Inclusive Poster Series program and

whether posters displaying “All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter” could be displayed

by students and/or teachers in School District 194 schools.

25. That same day, on April 26, 2021, Lydia Lindsoe replied in email, stating,


a. “[ISD 194] does not approve of All Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter
posters in the classrooms or other areas of the school, and teachers/school
staff are not allowed to wear shirts with these sayings to school;”
b. the “purpose of the inclusive poster series is to create unity and ensure a sense
of belonging for every student by affirming a wide variety of student

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c. “the inclusive posters were requested by many staff and families in our
school communities and was a project included within the district’s inclusion
work this school year,” and was “fully supported by our Board of Education”
(emphasis added);
d. “the All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter mottos were created
specifically in opposition to Black Lives Matter” and that those messages
“effectively discount the struggle the Black students have faced in our school
buildings and that Black individuals face in our society as a whole;”
e. “the history of Black people in America is singular and needs to be
f. “it is important that we specifically affirm Black students in our schools;”
g. because “Black people experience [“violence, racism, and oppression”] at
the highest rate” and “[n]o other group was ever categorized as property or
chattel, and the historical consequences of that experience are real and
continue to be felt today,” ISD 194 “does not approve All Lives Matter
posters or Blue Lives Matter posters in classrooms.”

26. According to public reports, “The district said the poster series went through

a review process with focus groups that included students, school staff, school building

leaders, the School Board, community advisory groups and others.”

27. Based on ISD 194’s statement on the Black Lives Matter posters themselves

(quoted herein), and Defendants’ response to Plaintiff Cajune, Defendants’ inclusion of

these posters is intended to promote the political organization Black Lives Matter and its

position in the “social justice movement,” which, to a reasonable member of the public,

means that ISD 194 supports the viewpoint of Black Lives Matter and its Marxist and Black

separatist, supremacist, and racist ideology that is hostile to White people as well as

demeaning to Black people.

28. Again, nine-year-olds within ISD 194 understand this. N.W. told the School

Board at a recent meeting that its imposition of the Black Lives Matter posters in Lakeville

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schools makes her think of the political movement and its judgment of people based on the

color of skin.

29. Further, Defendants’ argument to Plaintiff Cajune for excluding the phrases

“All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter” acknowledges that Defendants understand that

the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is associated with the private political organization of the

same name, and, moreover, acknowledges that they intend that association to be understood

by their use of the phrase.

30. In addition, because the posters “were requested by many staff and families

in our school communities,” they are favored private speech of certain members of the ISD

194 community.

The District’s Other Racially Biased Actions

31. The District’s other actions indicate its knowledge and support of the racially

biased goals of the Black Lives Matter political organization and ISD 194’s commitment

to viewpoint discrimination.

32. Superintendent Michael Baumann’s memo of September 22, 2020,

acknowledges that the display of the phrase “Black Lives Matter” carries political

significance in violation of ISD 194 Policy 535’s prohibition on “conduct that is intended

to be or that reasonably could be perceived as endorsing or opposing specific political

issues or political candidates.” ISD 194 Policy 535(IV)(A)(5).

33. In addition, when Plaintiff Cynthia Cajune proposed that all cultures, such as

Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Irish, and so on be represented in an event in which ISD 194

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is participating, ISD 194’s equity coordinator at first stated, “I like where you are going”

and then connected her with those leading the planning for the event.

34. But when Ms. Cajune asked those to whom ISD 194 referred her about being

part of the planning committee for the event, the response was cold:

Let me be explicitly clear about the goal and objective of this committee and
event: Our committee is focused on centering equity and bringing awareness
to the beautiful diversity from the BIPOC community that is becoming
lakeville. Fortunately for European heritage and culture, it is represented and
overly represented 365 days a year and has been for centuries. This is not the
space for that. This event will only focus on the Cultures and Communities
of Color that are underrepresented, specifically the BIPOC community….

Finally, let me also be explicitly clear: our interests are not aligned. So while
there is no place for you or your husband on this committee, you are welcome
to attend the event in October and be enlightened….

The writer of this email signed off with the tag line, “Black Lives Matter.”

35. After Ms. Cajune followed up with ISD 194 seeking to know to what extent

ISD 194 is “collaborating” with this racially biased event and apparently ISD-194-

supported event, ISD 194 went silent and failed to respond to her request for clarification.

36. ISD 194 has also contracted with “equity consultants” who presented to

District essential tenets of Critical Race Theory, such as the premise that “Race Neutral”

policies and practices “continue to uphold a system where Black, Indigenous, and people

of color (BIPOC) experience disproportionately negative outcomes in comparison to white


37. As just one other example, ISD 194 has shown to fifth-grade students at

Eastview Elementary a video from the “BrainPOP” collection that states that “structural

racism” in America “makes life easier for White people and more difficult for Black people

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and People of Color.” That same video told these fifth-graders that “Black Lives Matter

grew into a movement” and praised the City of Minneapolis’ 2020 resolution to dismantle

the Minneapolis Police Department.

Refusing to Display Diverging Viewpoints

on Race Relations Is Viewpoint Discrimination

38. By displaying the two posters bearing the organizational slogan for Black

Lives Matter, ISD 194 violated its own policy against engaging in “conduct that is intended

to be or that reasonably could be perceived as endorsing or opposing specific political

issues or political candidates.” ISD 194 Policy 535(IV)(A)(5).

39. By displaying the “Black Lives Matter” posters on school property,

Defendants have made that property a designated public forum and must abide by “the

same standards as apply in a traditional public forum,” Perry Educ. Ass’n, 460 U.S. at 46,

“ensuring equality of treatment toward all candidate[s] and issues.” ISD 194 Policy


40. By refusing to allow Plaintiffs to display the phrases “All Lives Matter” and

“Blue Lives Matter” in classrooms, Defendants intentionally discriminated against those

viewpoints in violation of the First Amendment.

41. Moreover, Defendants’ intentional display of the “Black Lives Matter”

posters has the effect of inciting a racially hostile school environment in violation of Title

VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

42. This racially hostile environment created by Defendants is harassing to N.W.

and students like her because it promotes racism and racial inequality, instead of unity and

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equality. The racially hostile environment created by Defendants leads N.W. and students

like her to think of race as a dividing concept.



43. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations set forth above

as if fully set forth herein.

44. “It is axiomatic that the government may not regulate speech based on its

substantive content or the message it conveys.” Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of U.

of Virginia, 515 U.S. 819, 828 (1995). When the government discriminates in this way,

such discrimination “is presumed to be unconstitutional.” Id.

45. When the government engages in viewpoint discrimination, it “targets not

subject matter, but particular views taken by speakers on a subject.” Id. at 829. Thus, the

government “must abstain from regulating speech when the specific motivating ideology

or the opinion or perspective of the speaker is the rationale for the restriction.” Id.;

see Perry Ed. Assn., 460 U.S. at 46.

46. “[T]he test for viewpoint discrimination is whether—within the relevant

subject category—the government has singled out a subset of messages for disfavor based

on the views expressed.” Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744, 1766 (2017) (Kennedy, J.,

concurring in part).

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47. Defendants designated ISD 194 school property as de facto designated public

forum when they displayed on ISD 194 school property signs bearing the organizational

slogan “Black Lives Matter.”

48. Defendants then discriminated against Plaintiffs’ viewpoint when they

prohibited them from displaying on ISD 194 school property posters with the phrases “All

Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter” because those posters constitute the same “subject

matter” as “Black Lives Matter.” Id.

49. Defendants violated Plaintiffs’ First Amendment Free Speech rights when

Defendants excluded, and thereby discriminated against, Plaintiffs’ viewpoint that

Plaintiffs wanted displayed alongside Defendants’ “Black Lives Matter” posters.


50. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations set forth above

as if fully set forth herein.

51. Upon information and belief, ISD 194 receives federal funding and is subject

to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000 et seq.

52. Defendants have subjected students at ISD 194 to severe, pervasive, and

objectively offensive racial harassment by displaying inherently racially discriminatory

posters bearing the organizational slogan “Black Lives Matter,” a private political

organization advocating a Marxist and Black separatist, supremacist, and racist ideology

that is hostile to White people as well as demeaning to Black people.

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53. Plaintiff N.W. publicly stated the impact of these posters—that they caused

her to think of distinctions between people based on the color of their skin, instead of the

content of their character.

54. Plaintiff N.W. also publicly stated that these posters invoke “getting rid of

police officers, rioting, burning buildings down.”

55. The harassment has a systemic effect on education within the District as a


56. Defendants have control over the source of harassment and the environment

in which the harassment occurs.

57. Defendants know of the harassment and are not only deliberately indifferent

to it, they encourage it.

58. Defendants’ deliberate indifference to the ongoing racially hostile

environment violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.


59. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference the allegations set forth above

as if fully set forth herein.

60. ISD 194 Policy 535 states that the District and its employees shall not engage

in “conduct that is intended to be or that reasonably could be perceived as endorsing or

opposing specific political issues or political candidates.” ISD 194 Policy 535(IV)(A)(5).

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61. Defendant Baumann himself issued a memo to ISD 194 educators in which

he interpreted ISD 194 Policy 535 to prohibit teachers from displaying in their classrooms

posters containing the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”

62. Nonetheless, ISD 194 is violating that policy by posting “Black Lives

Matter” posters in its schools.


Plaintiffs respectfully request that this Court:

A. Enter a declaratory judgment that Defendants’ refusal to allow Plaintiffs to

display posters on ISD 194 school property stating “All Lives Matter” or “Blue Lives

Matter,” while “Black Lives Matter” posters are allowed, violates their First Amendment

Free Speech rights promised in the United States Constitution;

B. Enter a declaratory judgment that Defendants’ display of the “Black Lives

Matter” posters violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by creating a hostile educational


C. Enter a declaratory judgment that Defendants’ display of the “Black Lives

Matter” posters violates ISD 194 Policy 535;

D. Enter an order preliminarily and permanently enjoining Defendants from

displaying the “Black Lives Matter” organizational slogan posters, or in the alternative

allowing Plaintiffs’ viewpoint, including “All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter,”

equal space within ISD 194;

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E. Award attorney fees in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants upon

Plaintiffs prevailing in this litigation and after an appropriate motion, pursuant to 42 U.S.C.

§ 1988;

F. Award costs in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants upon Plaintiffs

prevailing in this litigation and after filing of a notice of taxation of costs and


G. Grant Plaintiffs such other and further relief as the court deems appropriate.


Dated: August 6, 2021 /s/ James V. F. Dickey

Douglas P. Seaton (#127759)
James V. F. Dickey (#393613)
8421 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 300
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55426
[email protected]
[email protected]
(612) 428-7000

Attorneys for Plaintiffs


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