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Asian Civilization

African Civilization
Western Civilization
Asia is the birthplace of the world’s three ancient China, ancient India, and

Each gave the world different architectural styles and global landmarks such Great
wall of China, Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat and Burj Khalifa Tower.

Asia is not only the most populous continent but also the cradle the world’s oldest

It has played a leading role in the history of human development.

The complex natural and geographical environment and diverse cultures and
customs of Asia have given birth to a variety of distinctive regional civilizations
over its thousands-year-long history.

Asia is the world’s most populated continent with the greatest diversity of culture.

Asian culture is colorful and immensely interesting. It is a result of the continent’s

long history.

Different ancient civilizations have passed down their traditions and practices to
their descendants.

With the goal of common development and prosperity, Asian civilizations embrace,
learn from and respect one another, leading to the flourishing of individual
civilizations as well as the emergence of a "community with shared future for
mankind" where countries come together and unite. 

Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources.

Science also emerged in this part of the planet long before the Europeans
colonized it.

Four major areas of civilization emerged in early Africa: the grasslands south of
the Sahara, western Africa, the northern desert regions, and eastern Africa. 

Each area was unique, but the regions became more interconnected as a result of
two major developments: the domestication of the camel and the arrival of Islam in

The camel facilitated trade over long distances, including the vast Sahara Desert,
while Islam connected Africa more closely to cultures and trade systems in the
Mediterranean and the Middle East.

The leading civilizations of this African rebirth were the Axum Empire,

the Kingdom of Ghana, the Mali Empire, the Songhai Empire, the Ethiopian
Empire, the Mossi Kingdoms and the Benin Empire.

Second-largest continent (after Asia), straddling the equator and lying largely
within the tropics. Africa's first great civilization emerged in ancient Egypt in
c.3400 BC. Carthage was founded by Phoenicians in the 9th century BC.

The ancient Egyptian civilization has contributed immensely and made significant
advances in the field of the astronomy, mathematics, and medicine alongside other

It refers broadly to a constellation of beliefs, political systems, and events rooted

in European history and Western culture.

Greek civilization known as the birthplace of Western philosophy.

What one can say with confidence is that Western civilization has had a massive
influence across the globe, in all domains of life.


They have their own origins.

They have their own cultures, beliefs, architectural structures, landmaks, and

They have their own native languages.

They have a culture of ancestor worship and have respect for elders.

They share a colonial heritage and duality of language; local and colonial.

Both share a belief in superstitious; ghost, black magic.

Rice is central to the cuisine.

They have their own inventions,

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