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Cabiades, Sebastian Carlo O. Prof. Gecilie C.


BSIT 3 – 1

A clinic is an establishment or hospital department where outpatients

are medically treated or advised, especially of a specialist nature. A
veterinary clinic is also a clinic but its patients are animals like dogs and
cats. Veterinary clinic means a facility for the medical care and treatment of
animals and involves provisions for their overnight accommodation but does
not include any outdoor facilities such as kennels, pen runs, and enclosures.
Just like humans, animals also need proper treatment because they can get
sick and hurt. Not only humans need a doctor but also our beloved pets.
Some pet owner likes to take care of more than one pet. Some have a cat,
dog, fish, birds, and even exotic animals. Just like us, animals are also
getting older, and sometimes as they get older they can be exposed to
different diseases and get some or ill. To treat our adored pets, we need to
take care of them and they also need their checkup to the vets. That being
said, we all know that most of the time, visiting a clinic can be a long wait.
Transactions in a veterinary clinic are manual, paper-based, and time-
consuming. Have you thought about making it an online system? How about
instead of paper-based, let’s make it paperless and automated?

Veterinary Management System (VMS) is a system that was developed

by Innovative Business Systems (IBS), Capron Corporation of Dallas. All IBS
software has been in operation and constantly improved since 1979. VMS
was planned by structured programming techniques, is totally integrated and
menu driven. VMS employs ample error trapping routines, operator
assistance, and professional data entry screens to guide the operator in
easily using the computer’s resources in managing the veterinarian’s
business without extensive knowledge of computers or complex computer
terminology (Veterinary Management System (VMS), 1988). VMS is
designed to completely run single or multi-veterinarian large animal, small
animal or mixed specialty practices. The program is a totally integrated
system design needing data entry only once. This system has a lot of
modules that will help the user to lessen his/her tasks. The first one is the
Total Inventory Management and this part of the program has a large
inventory tracking system with which all inventory is automatically deducted
when an invoice is created. This module provides the user with
comprehensive reports such as: sorting products by vendor, shelf location of
products, the last wholesale cost, retail price, date last used, dispensing
units, base measure per dispensing units, quantity remaining, and reorder
reports, to mention a few. Next is the Certificates. This module generates
professional vaccination certificates and health certificates as well as
heartworm certificates. Another module is the Total Accounts Receivable
Management. This one is the part of the program that makes your
receivables cost effective by providing clients with detailed billing and
invoicing, it will age accounts and automatically include interest and carrying
charges for overdue accounts. Also, it prints delinquency accounts, collection
accounts, and open item reports. Financial Management module provides
practitioners with many management reports such as, clinic cash
disbursements, detailed daily deposit slips, department summaries,
day/month-to-date/year comparison reports, procedure reports, practitioner
production report, and other clinic reports. Query Data Base Reports Writer
is an very powerful feature that allows the operator to create specific reports
for inquiry and printing from the database. Automatic Medical Treatment
History is a module that produces medical treatment history.

The Veterinary Practice Management System (VPMS) is a fully

integrated software system created for small to medium sized practices.
VPMS is aligned toward the practice with one to three veterinarians
(Doherty, 2019). VPMS features composed of different modules. First one is
the Point-of-Sale Invoicing with clinic copy of invoice. In this module,
invoicing procedures controls all business transactions. Next module is the
Inventory Control and Purchasing. This module consist of pricing updated
upon receipt of inventory, individual item control of retail markup, sales, tax,
etc, and user-defined inventory categories for revenue and practice analysis.
Professional Fee Schedule is sensitive to animal size. It allows for identified
inventory consumables to be automatically decremented at point-of-sale.
Just like in the first system, VPMS has also Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable. Next is the Linked Client/Patient Database. It
automatically searches the primary and alternate animal owners, search by
animal name and rabies tag number, facility for medical records/text entry
for each client and patient, and cross reference facility for manual client

Management Information Systems or MIS is a term used to relate a

computer based solution which consists of a hardware and software
component. Automation plays a major role in any type of business. This will
convert a complicated process into an uncomplicated operation what will aid
in management decision making. Veterinary and Pet Shop Management
Information System is an online platform that will automate every
transactions containing the appointment scheduling, laboratory test, clients
and pet information, and many more (Ruby, 2011). The feature of the said
system has a lot of modules. First module is the Client/Pet Owner
Registration module. This stores the information of the pet owners such as
name, contact number, address, etc. Next one is the Pet Registration. It
stores the information of the pet/animal like animal name, type of animal,
breed, etc. Appointment Scheduling module sets an appointment and
schedule of consultation and check-up. Invoice Creation and Payment is the
module that will generate invoice for the customers and to produce the
payment as well. Product Management allows the user to encode the
products and accessories that is available in the store and can be examined
by the customers in the catalog section. Report Generation is the module
that will print out the records suchlike the list of the clients and pets, reports
on income, and many more.

Each medication typically requires specific instructions, including and

alerts for indications of possible side effects. Because there is such a notable
increase in the amount of medical information that a person must know to
optimally treat an animal’s condition, errors can occur that adversely affect
treatments and/or counteract or minimize the beneficial impact of the
medications. Problems arise when either the veterinarian making the
prescription or the person filing the prescription makes an error or provides
information that is not understood by one of the other parties. These errors
can be from transcription, misinterpretation, or insufficient information being
made accessible to the handler/owner. Giving incorrect doses to the animal,
giving doses to the animal at the wrong time, forgetting to give a dose,
stopping the medication too soon, or giving or administering the dosage
improperly that causes interactions are the most common owner originated
errors (Valley, 2002). A system following the present invention includes a
device for an animal handler or owner to use better control implementation
of medication therapies. The device will among other functions, the track
displays the medication name and purpose, the dosage, frequency, and
duration, possible side effects, the record of medications administered, and
the special instructions for regulating medications, such as with giving the
medication with or without meals, fluids, avoiding sunlight, etc.
The efficiency and accuracy through which an inventory system
operates are of utmost importance. Without an efficient system, it is unlikely
that participants will adhere to its use (Rooker, 2019). While many inventory
systems live from token/bin systems, third-part adapted systems, and even
veterinary software systems, no one system fits all practices. In
implementing an inventory system, there are things you should consider.
The first thing is that the system must be portable. It means that it can run
on a smartphone or tablet and can process in the field. Secondly, the system
must have real-time or delayed time synching. This means it will synch when
the practitioner has a data connection, which allows for more accurate
tracking as well as up-to-date inventory counts across the practice. Lastly, it
must be easy to use. This means that the categories must be easy to
navigate for staff as well as field operators and void of excessive menus or

The Short Message Service (SMS) lets text-based messages to be sent

to and from mobile telephones on a Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) networks. Each message has a limit of 160
characters. The possibility of using SMS in Africa is growing quickly high. It
is mainly used for things such as medicine awareness and warning
notifications. Many applications require the ability to do real-time notification
when events occur (Buxmann et al., 2020). Modern societies have begun
different market information systems such as Mobile application and Web-
based applications.

Of course, if we want to upgrade our system in terms of inventory and

other things, might as well upgrade our ways of notifying our patients’
owner when will be the follow-up checkup of their dear pets. One way to do
it is by using the SMS Notification System. Existing mass Short Message
Service (SMS) mailing systems are modeled to work with a specific SMS
gateway hence resulting in user lock-in to an SMS vendor. Also, some SMS
gateways support scheduling of SMS messages to be sent at a later time and
date, others do not support it. Moreover, those gateways that support
scheduling don't mostly allow users to cancel a scheduled SMS message
(Olaleye et al., 2013). The use of SMS as an effective means of personal
communication has widened the market of text messaging. This system has
a lot of purposes. It can be applied as a tool to provide SMS car parking
technique, as an administrative tool to support communication in higher
institutions of learning, and so much more. That being said, I think it can be
also used to merge with the system of our clinic. The system architecture is
composing of three tiers. These tiers are the Client Tier, Application Tier, and
the Back-End Tier. The Client Tier is the client-side. The user will be shown
formatted HTML pages resulting from JSP code, which will be presented to
the application middleware for processing. This will be the front-end of the
system and it is where the user will interact with the system. Application Tier
is the middleware side. The main application operated in this layer is JSP,
which will be processed by a web server. Furthermore, in this tier will be the
SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) if it exists, to make sure the system
and data are secure from unauthorized users. The application tier is
composed of different components. The first component is a naming service
for storing instances of the various SMS gateways supported by the system.
Next is the thread pool of n size where n is the number of threads in the
pool. An executor service that will use the thread pool to perform tasks
submitted to it asynchronously. The system will also maintain a single
instance of a thread-safe collection object that will hold scheduled task
objects. To send a new SMS message, the system will obtain the appropriate
SMS gateway object from the naming service and call the gateway object to
send the method. To schedule a new SMS message, the system will acquire
the appropriate SMS gateway object from the naming service, create a task
object that will act as a closure for calling the SMS gateway object send
method, submit the task object to the scheduler instance in company with
the specified date and time of executing the task, store the scheduled task
object give back by the scheduler in the scheduled task list. The Back-End
Tier is the back-end side of the architecture and where all the data and
records are kept. It is also known as business data.

Buxmann, P., Hess, T., & Thatcher, J. B. (2020). AI-Based Information

Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering.

Doherty, C. (2019). Veterinary practice management. Canadian Veterinary

Journal, 60(7), 779–781.

Olaleye, O., Olaniyan, A., Eboda, O., & Awolere, A. (2013). SMS-Based
Event Notification System. 3(10), 55–62.

Rooker, E. J. (2019). Inventory management in the large animal veterinary

practice. 52(2), 227–229.

Ruby, R. (2011). Online Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information


Valley, P. (2002). ( 12 ) United States Patent. 1(12).

Veterinary Management System (VMS). (1988). 29(March), 1988. Bachelor - Animal Health
System-Pet Health Clinic.pdf

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