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TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Senate Republican Communications Center
RE: Senate’s Vote-A-Rama Leaves House Democrats In A Difficult Position
DATE: August 16, 2021
Next Monday, the House will return from their recess to take up the Democrats’ reckless tax
and spending spree. House Democrats, never known for their work ethic, were on recess
last week, so they might have missed what the Senate did during Vote-a-Rama. Below is a
compilation of important changes Senate Republicans made to the budget resolution, as
well as a roundup of difficult votes Senate Democrats took against Republican
The Senate Adopted Key Republican Amendments
As Speaker Nancy Pelosi likes to say, “show me your budget, show me your values.”
Because of successful Senate Republican amendments, House Democrats could be forced
to pass a budget resolution that upholds mainstream values antithetical to their radical
 Fighting the spread of Critical Race Theory: Senator Tom Cotton’s amendment to
“prevent federal funds from being used to promote Critical Race Theory” passed with
Senator Manchin joining all Senate Republicans present to successfully adopt the
amendment. Now House Democrats, who blocked an attempt to pass similar
legislation last month, will potentially have to vote for a budget resolution that
enshrines opposition to the extreme Critical Race Theory.

 Protecting the Hyde Amendment: Since 1976, when the Hyde Amendment was
adopted, preventing government funding of abortion has enjoyed the support of a
majority of Americans. Yet, this year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
Appropriations Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro have made it their mission to undermine
this critical protection against tax payer funding of abortion. The successful adoption
of Senator Lankford’s amendment that will “prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars for
funding of abortions,” is thus a major problem for radical House Democrats who want
taxpayer money to pay for elective abortions.

 Opposition to Fracking Ban: As Senator Markey helpfully admitted on MSNBC, a

central component of the Democrats’ reckless tax and spending spree is the job-
killing Green New Deal. The successful passage of Senator Cramer’s amendment,
which prohibits “the Biden Administration from banning hydraulic fracturing,”
underscores that there is a bipartisan majority against the far-left, job-killing
environmental policies that House Democrats will want to include in their $5.5 trillion
reckless tax and spending spree.
Senate Democrats Voted Against The American People In Fundamental Areas
While Senate Republicans successfully amended the Democrat budget resolution in key
areas, all 50 Senate Democrats voted against amendments on other significant issues that
will present problems for them in the future:
 Schools: At a time when Democrats’ teachers’ union allies are once again putting up
roadblocks to in-person learning, every single Senate Democrat voted against
Senator Scott’s amendment “to ensure elementary and secondary schools are open
for in-person learning.”

 Crisis At The Border: Last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection data showed
the highest number of illegal crossings in 21 years. Given the combined threat of the
pandemic and the crisis at the border, you’d think Senate Democrats would have
supported Senator Cruz’s common-sense amendment that would have denied entry
to illegal immigrants who tested positive for COVID. However, all 50 Senate
Democrats voted against the amendment.

 Tax Hikes: Congressional Democrats are planning to pay for their reckless tax and
spending spree with trillions in new tax hikes. Senator Romney offered an
amendment that would have prevented “the largest tax increase in American
history.” Sadly for the bank accounts of ordinary Americans, all 50 Senate
Democrats defeated that amendment.

 Tax Cut For Blue State Millionaires: While planning to raise trillions in new taxes this
fall, Senate Democrats also want to give a tax cut to blue state millionaires via the
SALT deduction. That wish is why all 50 Senate Democrats voted against Senator
Grassley’s amendment to ensure blue state millionaires didn’t receive a tax cut.
 Shortchanging Defense: With the world in crisis, Senate Democrats still opposed
boosting our national defense. All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Senators
Shelby, Inhofe, and Wicker’s amendment “that would have provided badly-needed
upgrades for our military to keep pace with China and Russia.”

 IRS Safeguards: Under the last Democratic president, the IRS was found to have
targeted conservative organizations. Yet, when presented with Senator Crapo’s
amendment “to protect ordinary Americans’ financial transactions from an IRS
dragnet” all 50 Senate Democrats voted against it.

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