Introduction To Research Track 230221

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Introduction to

Enrichment Program
Research Track

Research and Technology Transfer Office

The Opening
Who is a researcher?

When you think

of a researcher…
Real Life Research Examples

“I did not understand why my electric bill was so high, so I did

some research to figure out what had changed from previous

“I did a bit of research on my competitor on this project
bidding, and I got the deal.”

“I researched the impact of my previous decision on my unit,
and I found that it works well.”

You will do research, voluntarily or involuntarily. For sure.

So why not to have an edge over others by exploring it.
The Research Track
What is Research Track?
Merupakan program penelitian kolaboratif antara dosen dengan
mahasiswa dimana mahasiswa terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan penelitian
yang mengasah kemampuan mahasiswa dalam penulisan ilmiah.
Value Proposition
Mempersiapkan mahasiswa agar memiliki kemampuan analisis
yang baik. Dalam kegiatan penelitian ini, mahasiswa bertindak
selaku anggota team peneliti.
Skills you will get
How to Evaluate How to Report
Information Clearly
and Accurately
Reviewing Skills Writing Skills

1 2 3 4 5

Searching Skills Engineering /

Scientific Skills
How to find the right
How to Develop /
When this program ends, you will have:

Tangible Output Intangible Output
- International Article - Searching Skill
- Training Certificates - Reviewing Skill
- Research Track - Engineering / Scientific
Certificate Skill
- Writing Skill
- Network Development
For your future, it will be easier to:

Work in a data-driven job positions,

Continue your Study to Master / Doctoral Degree,
Start your Career as a Researcher.
Your Research Location


Join BINUS on the road to Join our Partners from Recommend your
Research and Publication Ministry, Industry, or own Lecturer /
Empowerment along with Non-Profit Organization Company /
your Lecturer Organization
Your Basecamp - BeeHub
Your Activities during research

Brainstorm Gather Analyze Write

Brainstorm your topics, Gather data and Analyze what you have Write it in a systematic
problems, roadmap, and information needed for gathered using your skill report that everyone in
activities with your your research and expertise the world can
Research Supervisor acknowledge
Your Journey

1 2 3 4
Join Forum Telegram Briefing RTTO Penempatan Final Submit Learning Plan

5 8
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pengisian Logbook Pengisian Monthy report
Proposal Research Harian (setiap bulan)
(Sesuai Learning Plan) Deadline : (Setiap Hari)
1 bulan setelah aktif

9 11
Pengumpulan Laporan Pengumpulan Artikel
Akhir Research Pengumpulan Laporan Ilmiah
Akhir Enrichment
(Akhir Periode Learning (Kalender Perkuliahan) (Akhir Periode Learning
Plan Mahasiswa) Plan Mahasiswa)
Your contact
Curriculum and Academic
Discuss about learning plan, proposal, time
line, progress of your research with your site

Enrichment Information


Monitoring enrichment process Student

Give information about
your research track
1 Mengikuti Briefing Enrichment Program

2 Memilih track di research apps

3 Mengikuti Brifing oleh Tim RTTO

4 Melakukan Penelitian

5 Mengumpulkan Laporan akhir

Our Big Partner – Ministry of Defense
Our Big Partner – Ministry of Agriculture
Our Activities
Our Online Discussion
The Closing
More Info:
Erma Lusia Risma Nurdyani W.
Research Capacity Building Student Research Staff
[email protected] [email protected]
0855-994-6688 0819-0885-5966


Get in touch through our Social Media:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976 7286 1809

Q&A Passcode: 758175

Every Monday
10.00 – 12.00

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