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Summer Internship Report on

Software Engineering

Submitted to

Amity Institute of Information Technology In partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Submitted to Submitted by
Prof.(Dr.) Deepak Kumar Himanshu Sharma

I Himanshu Sharma student of BCA hereby declare that the Seminar titled Software
Engineering which is submitted by me to , Amity Institute of Information
Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of the degree of , has not been previously formed the basis
for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.
The Author attests that permission has been obtained for the use of any copy righted
material appearing in the Summer Internship report other than brief excerpts requiring
only proper acknowledgement in scholarly writing and all such use is acknowledged.

Place:- Noida Himanshu Sharma

5th Semester
On the basis of the declaration submitted by Himanshu Sharma, student of BCA+MCA[DUAL]
2o17-2o22, I hereby certify that the project titled “Software Engineering” which is submitted to
Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Noida, in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor’s in Computer Applications, is an original
contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of work carried out by him/them under
my guidance and supervision.
To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree or
Diploma to this University or elsewhere.

Date :-2o-6-21 Prof.(Dr.) Deepak


Amity Institute of Information Technology

Amity University Noida


“Gratitude is not a thing of expression; it is more matter

of feeling."

There is always a sense of gratitude which one express towards others

for their help and supervision In achieving the goals. This formal piece
of acknowledgement is an attempt to express the feeling of Gratitude
towards people who helpful me in successfully completing of my

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Anand Verma and Ms.
Anubha Goyal, my training coordinator for their Constant co-operation.
They were always there with his competent guidance and valuable
suggestion Throughout the pursuance of this research project.

I would also like to place of appreciation to all the respondents

and group members whose Responses and coordination were of
utmost importance for the project.

Above all no words can express my feelings to my parents, friends all

those persons who supported Me during my project. I am also thankful
to all the respondents whose cooperation & support has Helped me a lot
in collecting necessary information.

Type Public

Industry Financial services

Predecessors J.P. Morgan & Co.

Chase National Bank
Chemical Bank
The Manhattan Company
Founded December 1, 2ooo; 2o years
John Pierpont Morgan
(J.P. Morgan & Co.)
John Thompson
(Chase National Bank)
Balthazar P. Melick
(Chemical Bank)
Aaron Burr
(The Manhattan Company

New York City, New York

Headquarters , 

Area served Worldwide


J.P. Morgan gives resource the board, speculation banking, depository and protections
administrations, private banking, and business banking administrations to a portion of
the world's biggest customers. J.P. Morgan is settled in New Yorke, and has global
workplaces in London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sao Paolo, and Mumbai,
among others.

J.P. Morgan is essential for New York-based JPMorgan Chase and Co., a monetary
administrations firm with around 257,ooo workers. JPMorgan Chase additionally
furnishes shoppers and independent company with a scope of monetary
administrations and items. J.P. Morgan's celebrated history, which incorporates a few
consolidations, dates to 1799, when the New York State Legislature sanctioned The
Manhattan Company to supply "unadulterated and healthy" water to the residents of
New York City. J.P. Morgan additionally has European roots. At the point when J.
Pierpont Morgan set up J.P. Morgan and Co. in New York in 1871, the bank at first
filled in as a New York deals and conveyance office for his dad's firm, J.S. Morgan
and Co., a guarantor of European protections.

In 2ooo, the Chase Manhattan Bank converged with J.P. Morgan and Co. In 2oo4,
Bank one and JPMorgan Chase united, with the CEo of Bank one, Jamie Dimon,
assuming control over the consolidated association's reins. In 2oo8, JPMorgan Chase
broadly got its sickly rival Bear Stearns. Albeit the firm endured the monetary
emergency better than the majority of it's anything but, a 2o12 exchanging misfortune
abundance of $5 billion discolored the association's generally perfect record.

Today, the firm is the top financier of worldwide obligation and value endorsing
volume on Wall Street, and one of the main venture banks with regards to worldwide
M&A bargain volume.


With resources of $1.2 trilllion under the JPMorgan, Chase and Bank one brands, its
six significant organizations are:Investment Banking
It serves 8,ooo customers in more than 5o nations. Customers incorporate
organizations, monetary establishments, governments and institutional financial
Retail Financial Services
This area incorporates customer banking, private venture banking, auto and instruction
money, protection and home money. With almost 4,000,000 records, it is the biggest
U.S. bank originator of car advances and rents.

Card Services
The organization has 94 million cards available for use and $135 billion in oversaw
credits. It is the second-biggest backer of Mastercards in the U.S. furthermore, the
biggest trader acquirer.

Commercial Banking
JPMorgan Chase has 3o,ooo center market clients, 1,7oo corporate financial clients
and 1,1oo business land banking clients.

Treasury & Securities Services

The firm provides transaction, investment and information services to support the
CFos, treasurers, issuers and investors worldwide.
Asset & Wealth Management
This area incorporates the J.P. Morgan Private Bank and Private Client Services.
• The Private Bank gives venture and abundance the executives administrations
to institutional, high-total assets and retail financial backers and their guides, and to
retirement plan administrations and business for singular customers.
• Private Client Services gives abundance the board arrangements and everyday
help for customers. With joined resources under oversight in abundance of $1 trillion,
JPMorgan Chase is one of the biggest resource and abundance chiefs on the planet.

Best Banking Performer, United States 0f America in 2o16 by Global Brands
Magazine Award
Software Engineering Task : code changes

-Interface with a stock price data feed and create tests for it

Set up ought to have been finished. This implies, your worker and customer
applications ought to have been running without any issues without acquainting any
progressions with the code yet. You can confirm this in the event that you get a
comparative outcome to any of the accompanying that incorporate an image of the
worker and customer application running together

● In the event that you intently review the yield of the customer applications in the
screen captures, there are two wrong things …
○ (1) Ratio is always 1
○ (2) The price of each stock is always the same as its bid_price.
● These are obviously wrong the job is to fix those things…


● You’ll be making changes to the code in the some of the files within the repository
you cloned or downloaded to achieve the OBJECTIVES the task.
● To do this, you can utilize any content manager your machine has and quite recently
open the documents in the store that should be changed

Recommended Code editor

Sublime Text

As these are the most commonly used code editors

 Making changes in `` ( f0r python3)

● All the changes you have make to get the right output will be in the file
inside the repository ( if you’re in python3 REPL)
● The changes you need to make will be in the following methods of the file
○ getDataPoint
○ getRatio
○ Main

 Making changes in `` ( for python3) gettDataPoint

gettDataPoint. In this method, you'll have to make the modifications to compute for
the right stock price. This means you have to change how `price` is computed for. The
formula is (bid_price+ask_price) / 2.
YoU Do NoT NEED To CHANGE the return value as that is representational of the
entire data point. We should end up with something like:

 Making changes in `` ( for python3) gettRatio

gettRatio. In the original case, this method just returns 1 all the time. To correct this,
you must change the return value to the ratio of stock price_a to stock price_b

 Making changes in ‘’ ( for python3) main

main method. Now that we've fixed the two other methods, it's just a matter of
printing the correct values. For every iteration in the main method, you need to store
the datapoints you get from gettDataPoint method so that you can properly call
getRatio and print the right ratio out.

 Making changes in ‘’ ( for python3) main

main method.
 Making changes in ‘’ ( for python3) main
● To review the changes in main (whether it was in python2 or python3), what we did was create a
prices dictionary to store the stock prices. Think of a dictionary as a key-value store wherein you can
specify a key and be able to retrieve a value. The key was the stock name and the value was the price.
● We then used this prices dictionary at the end to pass in the right values in the getRatio function.

Then download the Patch file

After Completing the task. We have to upload the patch file here :
- Use JPMorgan Chase frameworks and tools

 Essential
Set up ought to have been finished. This implies, your worker and customer
applications ought to have been running without any issues without acquainting any
progressions with the code yet. You can confirm this in the event that you get a
comparative outcome to any of the accompanying that incorporate an image of the
worker and customer application running together
 Notice Initial State of Client App in Browser

This is the way the underlying condition of the customer application seems as though
when you click the blue “Start Streaming Data” button a number of times

In the event that you tapped on the 3-specked catch on the upper left corner of the diagram you'll
see something like

Image(a) on this page. This tells you that the graph is configurable

Image(b) further shows you the different types of views you can use to visualize the data you have
so far
 Notice Initial State of Client App in Browser

If looked back at the data again, you’ll also observe it’s just a bunch of duplicate data
being printed for stocks ABC and DEF until such point that there becomes newer data
i.e. different timestamp, ask_price and bid_price for ABC and DEF stocks But the
printing of duplicated data doesn’t seem useful at all...

● There are two things we need to accomplish here to finish this task
○ (1) Make the graph continuously update instead of having to click it a bunch of
times. Also the kind of graph we want to serve as visual here is kind of a continuously
updating line graph whose y axis is the stock’s top_ask_price and the x-axis is the
timestamp of the stock
○ (2) Remove / disregard the duplicated data we saw earlier…
● The kind of graph we want to up with is something like this:
● To accomplish this we need to change (2) files: src/App.tsx and src/Graph.tsx
● You can utilize any content tool your machine has and quite recently open the
documents in the vault that should be changed

 Making changes in `App.tsx`

● Red box: The App component (App.tsx)

● Yellow box: The Graph component (Graph.tsx)

● First you’ll need to add the `showGraph` property in the IState interface defined in
App.tsx. It should be of the type` boolean`

● Next, in the constructor of the App component, you should define that the initial
state of the App not to show the graph yet. This is because we want the graph to show
when the user clicks ‘Start Streaming Data’. That means you should set `showGraph`
property of the App’s state to `false` in the constructor

● To ensure that the graph doesn’t render until a user clicks the ‘Start Streaming’
button, you should also edit the `renderGraph` method of the App. In there, you must
add a condition to only render the graph when the state’s `showGraph` property of the
App’s state is `true`.

● Finally, you must also modify the `getDataFromServer`method to contact the server
and get data from it continuously instead of just getting data from it once every time
you click the button.

● Javascript has a way to do things in intervals and that is via the setInterval function.
What we can do to make it continuous (at least up to an extended period of time) is to
have a guard value that we can check against when to stop / clear the interval process
we started.

● If you noticed in the image, it's in the same method, getDataFromServer, that we set
showGraph to true as soon as the data from the server comes back to the requestor.
● The line DataStreamer.getData(... => ...) is a nonconcurrent cycle that gets the
information from the worker and when that interaction is finished, it then, at that point
performs what comes after the => as a callback function
● Changes in App.tsx end here.
● By now you should’ve accomplished modifying the client to request data from
server continuously
● By now you should’ve also accomplished setting the initial state of the graph not to
show until the user clicks the “Start Streaming Data” button

 Making changes in `Graph.tsx`

● To completely achieve the desired output, we must also make changes to the
`Graph.tsx` file. This is the file that takes care of how the Graph component of our
App will be rendered and react to the state changes that occur within the App.
● First, you must enable the `PerspectiveViewerElement` to behave like an
HTMLElement. To do this, you can extend the `HTMLElement` class from the
`PerspectiveViewerElement` interface.

● After doing this, we now need to modify `componentDidMount` method. Just as a

note, the componentDidMount() method runs after the component output has been
rendered to the DoM. If you want to learn more about it and other lifecycle
methods/parts of react components, read more here.
● Since you’ve changed the `PerspectiveViewerElement` to extend the
`HTMLElement` earlier, you can now make the definition of the `const elem` simpler,
i.e. you can just assign it straight to the result of the

● Finally, you need to add more attributes to the element. For this you have to have
read thru the Perspective configurations particularly on the table.view configurations.
You’ll need to add the following attributes: `view`, `column-pivots`, `row-pivots`,
`columns` and `aggregates` . If you remember the earlier observations we did in the
earlier, this is the configurable part of the table/graph. The end result should look
something like:
● ‘view’ is the the kind of graph we wanted to visualize the data as. Initially, if you
remember this was the grid type. However, since we wanted a continuous line graph
to be the final outcome, the closest one would be y_line
● ‘column-pivots’ is what will allow us to distinguish stock ABC with DEF. Hence
we use ‘[“stock”]’ as its corresponding value here. By the way, we can use stock here
because it’s also defined in the schema object. This accessibility goes for the rest of
the other attributes we’ll discuss.
● ‘row-pivots’ takes care of our x-axis. This allows us to map each datapoint based on
the timestamp it has. Without this, the x-axis is blank.
● ‘columns’ is what will allow us to only focus on a particular part of a stock’s data
along the y-axis. Without this, the graph will plot different datapoints of a stock ie:
top_ask_price, top_bid_price, stock, timestamp. For this instance we only care about
● ‘aggregates’ is what will allow us to handle the duplicated data we observed earlier
and consolidate them as just one data point. In our case we only want to consider a
data point unique if it has a unique stock name and timestamp. otherwise, if there are
duplicates like what we had before, we will average out the top_bid_prices and the
top_ask_prices of these ‘similar’ datapoints before treating them as one.
● Changes in Graph.tsx are done too

-Display data visually for traders
 Essential
● Set up ought to have been finished. This implies, your worker and customer
applications ought to have been running without any issues without acquainting any
progressions with the code yet. You can confirm this in the event that you get a
comparative outcome to any of the accompanying that incorporate an image of the
worker and customer application running together
 Notice Initial State of Client App in Browser

This is the way the underlying condition of the customer application seems as though
when you click the blue “Start Streaming Data” button It’s pretty much like the state
of task 2.
You have two stocks displayed and their top_ask_price changes being tracked through
a timeline

In the event that you tapped on the 3-specked catch on the upper left corner of the
diagram you'll see something like image on this slide.
This tells you that the graph is configurable.

● There are two things we need to accomplish here to finish this task
○ (1) We currently need to make this chart more valuable to merchants by making it
track the proportion between two stocks after some time and NoT the two stocks'
top_ask_price over the long haul.
○ (2) As referenced previously, brokers need to screen the proportion of two stocks
against a recorded connection with upper and lower edges/limits. This can assist them
with deciding an exchanging opportunity.That said, we additionally need to make this
diagram plot those upper and lower edges and show when they get crossed by the
proportion of the stock
● In the end we want to achieve a graph that looks something like this

● To achieve this we have to change (2) files: src/Graph.tsx and

● Don’t worry we’ll walk you through how to get these things done
● You can use any text editor your machine has and just open the files in the
repository that must be changed

 Making changes in `Graph.tsx`

● To accomplish our first objective, we must first make changes to the `Graph.tsx`
file. Recall, this is the file that takes care of how the Graph component of our App will
be rendered and react to the state changes that occur within the App.
● We’re not starting from a static graph anymore and we’re basically jumping off
from where we’ve finished in task 2. So the changes we’ll be making here aren’t
going to be as much. What we want to do here is to have one main line tracking the
ratio of two stocks and be able to plot upper and lower bounds too.
● To do this, we need to modify `componentDidMount` method. Recall, the
componentDidMount() method runs after the component output has been rendered to
the DoM
In this strategy, we initially need to change the pattern object as that can direct how
we'll arrange the Perspective table perspective on our graph

● Notice the changes we’ve made to schema:

○ Since we would prefer not to recognize two stocks now, yet rather need to follow
their proportions, we made a point to add the proportion field. Since we also wanted to
track upper_bound, lower_bound, and the moment when these bounds are crossed i.e.
trigger_alert, we had to add those fields too.
○ Finally, the reason we added price_abc and price_def is just because these were
necessary to get the ratio as you will see later. We won’t be configuring the graph to
show them anyway.
○ of course since we’re tracking all of this with respect to time, timestamp is going to
be there
● Next, to configure our graph you will need to modify/add more attributes to the
element. We’ve done this before in task 2 so it should be slightly more familiar to you
now. The change should look something like:

● ‘view’ is the the kind of graph we wanted to visualize the data as. Initially, this is
already set to y_line. This is the type of graph we want so we’re good here.
● ‘column-pivots’ used to exist and was what allowed us to distinguish / split stock
ABC with DEF back in task 2. We removed this because we’re concerned about the
ratios between two stocks and not their separate prices
● ‘row-pivots’ takes care of our x-axis. This allows us to map each datapoint based on
the timestamp it has. Without this, the x-axis is blank. So this field and its value
● ‘columns’ is what will allow us to only focus on a particular part of a datapoint’s
data along the y-axis. Without this, the graph will plot all the fields and values of each
datapoint and it will be a lot of noise. For this case, we want to track ratio,
lower_bound, upper_bound and trigger_alert.
● ‘aggregates’ is what will allow us to handle the cases of duplicated data we
observed way back in task 2 and consolidate them as just one data point. In our case
we only want to consider a data point unique if it has a timestamp. otherwise, we will
average out the all the values of the other non-unique fields these ‘similar’ datapoints
before treating them as one (e.g. ratio, price_abc, …)
● Finally, we have to make a slight update in the componentDidUpdate method. This
method is another component lifecycle method that gets executed whenever the
component updates, i.e. when the graph gets updated in our case. The change we want
to make is on the argument we put in this.table.update. This is how it’s supposed to
look like after the change:

There’s a reason why we did this change. That we’ll see in next change which is
changes in DataManipulator.ts

 Making changes in `DataManipulator.ts`

● To fully achieve our goal in this task, we have to make some modifications in the
DataManipulator.ts file. This file will be responsible for processing the raw stock data
we’ve received from the server before it throws it back to the Graph component’s
table to render. Initially, it’s not really doing any processing hence we were able to
keep the status quo from the finished product in task 2
● The first thing we have to modify in this file is the Row interface. If you notice, the
initial setting of the Row interface is almost the same as the old schema in Graph.tsx
before we updated it. So now, we have to update it to match the new schema. See next
slide to better visualize the change that’s supposed to happen.
● This change is vital in light of the fact that it will be the construction of the return
object of the lone capacity of the DataManipulator class, for example the generateRow
● It's significant that the return object relates to the outline of the table we'll refresh in
the Graph segment since that is the solitary way that we'll have the option to show the
right yield we need.
● Finally, we have to update the generateRow function of the DataManipulator class
to properly process the raw server data passed to it so that it can return the processed
data which will be rendered by the Graph component’s table.
● Here we can compute for price_abc and price_def properly (like what we did back
in task 1). Afterwards we can also compute for ratio using the two computed prices,
(like what we did in task 1 too). And, set lower and upper bounds, as well as

● observe how we’re able to access serverRespond as an array where in the first
element (0-index) is about stock ABC and the second element (1-index) is about stock
DEF. With this, we were able to easily just plug in values to the formulas we used
back in task 1 to compute for prices and ratio properly
● Also note how the return value is changed from an array of Row objects to just a
single Row object This change explains why we also adjusted the argument we passed
to table.update in Graph.tsx earlier so that consistency is preserved.
● The upper_bound and lower_bound are pretty much constant for any data point.
This is how we will be able to maintain them as steady upper and lower lines in the
graph. While 1.o5 and o.95 isn’t really +/-1o% of the 12 month historical average
ratio (i.e. 1.1 and o.99) you’re free to play around with the values and see which has a
more conservative alerting behavior.
● The trigger_alert field is basically a field that has a worth (for example the
proportion) if the limit is passed by the proportion-. otherwise if the ratio remains
within the threshold, then no value/undefined will suffice.
● Changes in Graph.tsx and DataManipulator.ts are done.

Summer Internship
For the week commencing on: 17/05/2021

Program: BCA-5-C Student Name: Himanshu

WPR: 1st Enrollment Number:
Company Name: JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Faculty Guide’s Name: Prof.(Dr.) Deepak Kumar
Summer Internship Title: Software Engineering Internship


Looking for internhip and to know more about the company and work
environment with the project on which I will work.


 Contacted companies via different platforms and even cleared some
selection procedures
 Got internship at JP Morgan Chase & Co
 Got to know about the working environment of the company
 Try to get grips to the project assigned or task at hand
 To study more about REPL and PERSPECTIVE
Summer Internship
For the week commencing on: 24/05/2021

Program: BCA-5-C Student Name: Himanshu

WPR: 2nd Enrollment Number:
Company Name: JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Faculty Guide’s Name: Prof.(Dr.) Deepak Kumar
Summer Internship Title: Software Engineering Internship


 Try to get grip to the project assigned or task at hand
 To study more about REPL and PERSPECTIVE
Studied about different tools such as REPL and PERSPECTIVE about what is
their use and how are they used….studied about the tasks assigned to me and
about how they need to be done.
 To study about GIT Basic Link
 To study about Windows command line basics
 To study about the python
 Start coding and building the base of the tasks
Summer Internship
For the week commencing on: 31/05/2021

Program: BCA-5-C Student Name: Himanshu

WPR: 3rd Enrollment Number:
Company Name: JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Faculty Guide’s Name: Prof.(Dr.) Deepak Kumar
Summer Internship Title: Software Engineering Internship


 To study about GIT Basic Link
 To study about Windows command line basics
 To study about the python
 Start coding and building the base of the tasks
 Get to know and learn about different technologies and languages
 Getting started in taking grip on the project assigned to me.


Make use of the tools to do the coding work and make the necessary graphs and
display the data virtually for traders.
Summer Internship
For the week commencing on: 07/06/2021

Program: BCA-5-C Student Name: Himanshu

WPR: 4th Enrollment Number:
Company Name: JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Faculty Guide’s Name: Prof.(Dr.) Deepak Kumar
Summer Internship Title: Software Engineering Internship


Make use of the tools to do the coding work and make the necessary graphs and
display the data virtually for traders.
Achieved all the targets set for the week.
Completing the project and submitting it to the company on time.

WPR of Week: First WPR’s remaining: 3

Student Name: Himanshu Sharma
Enrollment Number: A1004819195 Program: BCA-5-C
Internship Area: Software Engineering

Week’s Summary

Days/ Time

Monday Search for internship and applied at lot of places

Tuesday Waited for responses, and even cleared some rounds for selection

Wednesday Getting in touch with JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Thursday Got the internship at JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Friday -

Saturday Weekend Break

Sunday Weekend Break


WPR of Week: Second WPR’s remaining: 2

Student Name: Himanshu Sharma
Enrollment Number: A1004819195 Program: BCA-5-C
Internship Area: Software Engineering

Week’s Summary

Days/ Time

Monday Scope and methodology opted by company

Tuesday -

Wednesday Got to know to about the project assigned

Thursday Got to know about the different technologies and laguages to be used.

Friday Learning more about REPL and PERSPECTIVE and how they work.

Saturday Try to get grip to the project assigned or task at hand

Sunday Weekend Break


WPR of Week: Third WPR’s remaining: 1

Student Name: Himanshu Sharma
Enrollment Number: A1004819195 Program: BCA-5-C
Internship Area: Software Engineering

Week’s Summary

Days/ Time

Monday Learned about the various applications of REPL and PERSPECTIVE.

Tuesday Studied about GIT Basic Link.

Wednesday Studied about Windows command line basics

Thursday Studied about python

Friday Started coding

Saturday Building the base of the tasks

Sunday Weekend Break


WPR of Week: Fourth WPR’s remaining: None

Student Name: Himanshu Sharma
Enrollment Number: A1004819195 Program: BCA-5-C
Internship Area: Software Engineering

Week’s Summary

Days/ Time

Monday Made use of the tools

Tuesday Did the coding work.

Wednesday Made the necessary graphs.

Thursday Displayed the data virtually for traders.

Friday Compiled all the tasks together

Saturday Submitting it to the company on time.

Sunday Weekend Break



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