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R.A. Salvatore withJeffrey Ludwig,James Wyatt, and The Crystal Shard 3
Matthew Sernett
Ray Vallese Dragon’s Eye View 7
Managing Editor TEN-TOWNS 8
Kim Mohan Fishing the Lakes Ii
D&D RPG Senior Group Manager Scrimshaw 11
Mike Means Getting to Ten-Towns 12
D&D Producer Bryn Shander 12
Greg Bilsiand Easthaven 17
D&D Senior Creative Art Director Lac 1)inneshere 20
Jon Schindehette Redwaters 27
Maer Dualdon 29
Art Director
Man Kolkowsky REGHED TRIBES 38
Cover Illustration Tribe ofthe Elk 38
Tyler Jacobson Evermelt 42
Graphic Design THEDWARVES 44
Bnee Heiss, Leon Contez
The Dwarven Valley 46
Interior Illustrations Denizens ofthe Valley 48
Eric Belisle, Sam Cam, Crut, TylerJacobson,John Stanko
Locations ofNote 50
Mike Schley
Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Laura Tommervik, Shelly Followers 52
Mazzanoble, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross,John Feil Practice 52
Publishing Production Specialist Goals 53
Jessica Dubey Servants ofAuril 53
Prepress Manager The Tower ofthe Ice Witch 55
Jefferson Dunlap BEYOND ICEWIND DALE 56
Imaging Technician Shaengarne River 56
Carmen Cheung CoidRun 56
Production Manager Sea ofMoving Ice 58
Cynda Callaway Spine ofthe World 59
Chris Tulach Organization 60
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Wizards ofthe Coast, Legacy of the Goals 60
Crystal Shard, D&D, Forgotten Realms, all other Wizards Agents ofthc Brotherhood 62
ofthe Coast product names, and their respective logos are
The Ships ofLuskan 63
trademarks ofWizards ofthe Coast LLC in the USA and
other countries. All Wizards characters and their distinctive
likenesses are property ofWizards ofthe Coast LLC. This
material is protected under the copyright laws ofthe United
States ofAmerica. Any reproduction or unauthorized use
ofthe material or artwork contained herein is prohibited
without the express written permission ofWizards of the
Coast LLC. Any similarity to actual people, organizations,
places, or events included herein is purely coincidental.
Printed in the U.S.A. ©2013 Wizards ofthe Coast LLC
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6464-2
620A4538000001 EN
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After you have run the adventure, the Campaign

INTRODUCTION Guide should remain a useful resource about Icewind
Dale, one ofthe most famous locations in the world
The end ofthe Era ofUpheaval is nigh! ofthe Forgotten Realms.
The world ofthe FORGOTTEN REALMS setting
has endured one catastrophe after another for the
past century, from the Time ofTroubles through the THE CRYSTAL SHARD
Speliplague. Again and again, upheaval has reshaped As its title suggests, this adventure deals with the
the pantheon, overthrown nations and rulers, and legacy ofevents told in the novels ofR. A. Salvatore,
altered the landscape. Now, the world is being including The Crystal Shard, Passa8e to Dawn, The
shaken and reshaped again—for the last time. Silent Blade, Servant ofthe Shard, and The Ghost King,
The gods are thrown into chaos at the promise of among others. You need not have read any of these
a new reckoning ofthe pantheon, and they scramble books to run and enjoy this adventure, but under-
and grasp at power in hopes ofcementing their posi standing the role that Akar Kessell and the Crystal
tions ofauthority. Their mortal agents in the world, Shard play in the history ofthe region will help the
the Chosen, are charged with carrying out their will pieces ofthe adventure fit together.
in every aspect of life. As related in The Crystal Shard, Akar Kessell was
The Speliplague, the magical catastrophe that dra a young apprentice ofthe Arcane Brotherhood.
matically reshaped the world, has come to an end. After murdering his mentor, he was abandoned
The Weave ofmagic is rewoven, and many lingering in Icewind Dale by his fellow wizards, who had
effects oftwisted magic fade. The intermingling of manipulated him into committing the crime. On the
worlds brought about by the Speliplague comes to an brink offreezing to death on the ice-covered slopes
end, leaving Toril looking much as it did before. ofthe Spine ofthe World, Kessell stumbled upon
Partly driven by the activity ofthe gods’ Chosen Crenshinibon, the Crystal Shard—an evil artifact
and partly arising from the turbulent political situ- that took control ofthe wizard and gave him incred
ation at the end ofthe Era ofUpheaval, the nations ible power. Wielding the shard, Kessell created a
and factions ofFaerün engage in their own maneu magical tower, Cryshal-Tirith, in its likeness. He
vers, manipulations, and acts ofaggression. In raised an army ofsavage huinanoids from the Spine
particular, the empire ofNetheril attempts to con- ofthe World and threatened to conquer Ten-Towns
quer the Dalelands, Cormyr, and Myth Drannor, before he was stopped by an alliance ofthe Ten-
setting offa war that engulfs the eastern Heartlands. Towners and the Reghed tribes. Ofcourse, the aid
Nations, geography, magic, and the gods are of Drizzt Do’Urden and his companions—Bruenor
changing forever in the birth pangs that herald a Battlehammer; Wulfgar, son ofBeornegar, ofthe Elk
new creation. The world needs heroes to ensure that Tribe; the halfling Regis; and Catti-brie—was invalu
the new age dawns bright and full ofhope, with good able in stopping Akar Kessell.
still shining as a beacon against the darkness. Thwarting Akar Kessell did not put an end to
This adventure is set during the Sundering, near the threat ofthe Crystal Shard. It was eventually
the beginning ofits cataclysmic events. The year is destroyed, but not before leaving a permanent mark
1485 DR, making it roughly concurrent with the on Icewind Dale. In various places where crystal
Sundering novel The Adversary, by Erin M. Evans. towers stood, the dust ofthe destroyed towers has
Because Icewind Dale is remote and has changed fused with the ice to form a new substance. Called
little since the time ofAkar Kessell more than a cen black ice, this dusky gray material is cold and rock-
tury ago, you can adapt the adventure to any period hard, but it can be worked like metal in a forge. Now
in the history of Faerñn. a dwarfsinith crafts trinkets, weapons, and armor
Using This Adventure: This booklet, the Cam- from this strange black ice—and Auril’s Chosen has
paign Guide, provides a wealth ofinformation about erected a tower made ofthe same substance. But
Icewind Dale and the surrounding region. The other though Crenshinibon’s malign intelligence is gone,
booklet in this package is the adventure. The mate- the black ice retains traces ofits deep evil, which
rial in the Campaign Guide is background that will slowly corrupts all who come into contact with it.
help you and your players become more immersed in One Crystal Shard was enough to cause mayhem
the setting. Some ofit is used directly in the adven throughout Icewind Dale for many years. How much
ture, including descriptions ofimportant nonplayer harm will countless items formed ofblack ice cause?
characters (NPCs) and maps ofkey locations.

Freezing wind sweeps across the tundra, ceaselessly even at the height ofsummer—and the height of
battering anything that dares to grow or breathe in its summer is fleeting. During the rest ofthe year.
domain. Even in summer, when the days stretch inter- sudden storms bring driving hail or sleet that leaves
minably long, the sun blazing low in the midnight sky everything coated in a sheath ofice, or they bring
brings no respite from the chill. Without fail, the wind snow that piles in deep drifts.
finds its way through every chink and crack, every All this cold and fury is caged into one small
opening in the warmest furs, every tent flap, every region. The ice cliffs ofthe Reghed Glacier—the
roofand board ofthe strongest homes. It drains away source ofthe never-ending wind—rise up in the
any hint ofwarmth wherever it finds purchase. east like prison walls, home to white dragons and
The threat ofwinter’s fury is never far away. The enormous remorhazes. In the south loom the snow-
wind sweeping down from the Reghed Glacier howls capped peaks ofthe Spine ofthe World, crawling
its wrath and sometimes carries stinging sprays of ice with orcs, goblins, and other monsters. North and
in its grasp. The sun never rises far above the horizon west, the Sea ofMoving Ice churns bergs and floes

Moving Ice in search offish, seals, and whales to sus
tam them. Dwarves dig into the earth to find shelter
from the biting wind, mining for iron and forging
in an endless tumult, like winter grinding its teeth in weapons and armor.
anticipation of its next freezing assault. Most improbably ofall, civilized folk descended
And yet, such is the nature oflife that even in this from foolhardy and treasure-mad immigrants from
hostile place, it manages to lift its head in defiance the south manage to survive and sometimes thrive
ofthe biting cold. Lichens cling to weathered rock in ten small towns. The wooden buildings of these
despite the battering ofthe winds, providing suste towns provide only a little shelter from the cold and
nance to herds ofreindeer through the winter. Fish wind, and no protection at all from the attacks of
swim in the lakes and rivers that dot the tundra. orcs, barbarians, or the fierce tundra yeti. Though
When summer comes to the tundra, life shakes the towns are clustered around three icy lakes teem-
offthe torpor ofwinter and comes forth in full ing with knucklehead trout, resources are scarce,
flower. Grasses grow two or three feet high in the and competition between neighboring communi
span ofweeks. Birds flock to the marshes formed in ties can be fierce and occasionally deadly. But for
the thawing soil. Reindeer calves fill out the herds all the dangers, people still live in the region known
that have been diminished through the winter. as Ten-Towns, and new arrivals—outcasts, fugitives,
Ofcourse, no region ofthe Forgotten Realms is wanderers, and adventurers—still come to test them-
without its people. Human tribes follow the rein- selves against the harshest environment known to
deer herds through their annual migrations. Other the world.
humans dare the treacherous waters ofthe Sea of This is Icewind Dale.

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The Sea of Moving Ice, frigid ocean waters littered
with enormous icebergs in constant motion and col
ICE PEAK lision, borders lcewind Dale on the west and north.
The frozen Ice Peak is a desolate island
Farther north, the icebergs solidify into the polar ice
named for the crags on its northern side,
cap called the Endless Ice Sea. See page 58.
home to the white dragon called Iceclaws.
The town ofAurilssbarg, small as it is, dwarfs :
the smaller settlements of l3jorn’s Hold and
Icewolf. See page 58.

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L:’ III could choose what lf would he

mine, it would be this 1Ji’ that I now

have, at this time. 1 ani at peace, and

yet, the world around me swirls with
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turmoil, with the ever-present threat of 1% 4;cs :- F-


harbarian raids and goblin wars, with —


tnndrayetis and Bi8alltic polar wornis.


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. .The reality ofexistence here in Icewind -ç4-,-’
4 , .
Dale is harsh indeed, an environment The Trackless Sea extends from this, the western coast
nnforgivin8, where one mistake will cost of Faerân, across thousands of miles to distant and
),()yur life.
mysterious lands. Here in the north, the sea is domi
—1)rizzt Do’Urden nated by pirates from Luskan. Northlanders from the
from The Crystal Shard Ice Peak to the west, and Gundarlun and Ruathym to
the southwest, challenge the Luskan ships for control
over these waters.
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The solitary mountain called Kelvin’s Cairn stands

among three lakes—Maer Dualdon, Lac Dinneshere, and
Redwaters—that support Ten-Towns, the closest thing to
civilization that lcewind Dale can offer. Beyond this small
region is tundra—nothing but tundra. See page 50.

The edge of the great Reghed Glacier rises like
a wall to form the eastern boundary of lcewind
Dale. The fierce, howling winds that blow off the
glacier give the dale its name. See page 41.


The high peaks of the Spine of the World shelter southern lands
:, from the harsh cold oficewind Dale. Crawling with orcs, goblins, and
other monsters, the mountains are a dangerous barrier. See page 59.

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The Northern Means is a very practical description of
a practical road—the only real connection between
Luskan (and the rest ofthe Sword Coast to the south)
.‘.:. and the frozen lands beyond. See page 12.


TEN-TOWNS the Spine ofthe World are rich in mineral resources,
Who would choose to settle in a frontier land as as are the gem mines near Termalaine, so a few
brutal as Icewind Dale? The answers are as diverse hopeful prospectors make their way to the far north
as the people ofTen-Towns, who are a cross-section in hopes ofstriking a rich new vein.
ofthe whole ofthe Forgotten Realms. Still others come for the solitude. It is hard to
Some people come to Ten-Towns determined to get much farther away from the hustle and press of
make their fortunes. Although demand for knuckle- civilization than Icewind Dale—or closer to a par-
head scrimshaw in southern lands is not what it once ticularly stark, harsh form ofnature’s beauty. The
was, there is still money to be made in fishing for the dale is also a fine place to escape notice and stay out
trout and selling or carving their ivory-like bones. ofthe reach ofthe law ofthe southern cities. Like the
The valley and the slopes of famous drow Drizzt Do’Urden, many ofthe people
who come to Icewind Dale are outcasts, fugitives, or
pariahs in search ofa place where they can be toler
ated, ifnot accepted.
the Some ofthe people ofTen-Towns are descended
paCC pushifl1
DriZZt p1ck1UPI1IS he had from the Reghed barbarians who settled in
eiiilutCC Infive sTiortYeL1s Caer-Konig and Bremen for a time. They abandoned
limitS qfhis ftlJhb0hl US
thC c1u5te1 their ancient traditions and self-sufficient lifestyle
COII1C W care there Like so

andfor the ople who lived after they were decimated by the armies ofAkar Kes
Towns adfi1aY 5
h ttled sell a hundred years ago. Many oftheir kin still roam
ofthe othei outcastS who
many a11WTlC1C the tundra, but Caer-Konig and Bremen in particu
fu1T0 welC011
there, the drow only tolert lar have significant populations ofexceptionally tall
the Realms Even here he was men and women descended from the Reghed tribes.
dSC tfl jnsh1tp oLfel1OW
the tnsp0’ Ofcourse, now—four hundred years after the
by most, bitt in been luciet
peoplC bothered hUn. He’d I)inev family first settled on the shores of Lac
iUC5,f COtld look
djowid wfn1WT0
- . Diimeshere—most ofthe people ofTen-Towns are
than j5t
11 he chiaractel
nd see his true here because they were born here, grew up here, and
beyond his heritage Shard
—The Crystal never really considered leaving. They’re accustomed
to the cold, and they
smile behind their hands
at—or openly mock—the
weak southern folk who
visit their homeland
and complain about the
weather. Like the hardy
lichens and determined
reindeer ofthe tundra,
residents make a living
under the shadow of
Kelvin’s Cairn, hunker
down to endure the
brutal winters, and bring
a zesty lust for life to the
summers, enjoying what
respite they can from the
bitter cold.
Life in Ten-
Towns is hard work.
The people know the
value of cooperation,
and neighbors within a town depend on each other smaller boats and try to fish the lakes independently.
every day for survival. A pair of strong hands is too The towns frown on this activity, since it threatens
valuable a resource to waste, so when criminals are both the trout population and the delicate relation-
caught and brought to justice, they’re not locked ships among the communities, which have carefully
up—they’re put to work for the common good. divided up fishing rights on the lakes. It’s also dan-
The friendliness that suffuses each town often gerous—smaller boats don’t handle the winds as well,
stops at the edge ofthat community. The people of and it can be difficult to land a large trout on a small
other towns aren’t neighbors; they’re competitors craft. Most small boats stay close to shore, using lines
for resources. Thus, Caer-I)ineval and Caer-Konig or nets to catch smaller fish.
are always squabbling over fishing rights in Lac
Dinneshere, and the people ofLonelywood are jeal
ous ofthe lumber their forest offers. SCRIMSHAW
Scrimshaw as it is practiced in Icewind Dale includes
a variety oftechniques and styles. The simplest (which
FISHING THE LAKES is still extremely intricate involves engraving plc-
Without knucklehead trout, there would be no tures into the smooth surface ofthe bone and inking
Ten-Towns. the engraved lines. More
A dramatic statement, perhaps, but it is hard
to imagine any pioneers deciding to make a
permanent home in Icewind Dale without the - -

littlefishes, what troubleyo

1 hring”Regis
bony-headed fish. The trout are a major food muttered softjj pondering the iron-v
source for the people ofTen-Towns, and their hard, ofthe havoc the
silveryfisli wreaked on the lives
smooth bones are tremendously useful. The large, ofthegreedy people
ofTen-Towns These ten co?nfllunjtjes
fist-shaped protrusions atop their skulls are well owed their very
existence to the knucklehead trout,
suited to carving, and talented scrimshanders with their oversized,
earn a respectable living selling their wares in fist-shaped heads and bones the consistency offine
Bryn Shander and in the south—which is why ivory. The three lakes were
the only spots in the world
knucklehead bone is commonly called “white where the valuablefisl
1 were known to swim,
gold” in Icewind Dale. and
tlwuqli the region was barren
Although the fish’s head is the part best suited and wild, overruii with
hunianoids and barbarians and
for artistic carving, many ofits smaller bones can sportingfreque
Storms that couldfiatteTl the
be carved into sewing needles, arrowheads, fish sturdiest ofbuildings, the
hooks, fasteners, and similar items. Thus, a single lure ofquick wealth brought in
peoplefron thefarthest
trout (which can reach tip to five feet long) is quite reaches ofthe Realms.
valuable, even leaving aside the meat it provides. —The Crystal Shard
Each ofthe ten towns
except landlocked Bryn
Shander) maintains a fleet
offishing vessels. For the
most part, fishing is a coin-
munal activity. All the
larger boats and most of
the smaller ones are owned
by the towns, not individu
als, and the catch likewise
belongs to the town, to be
shared according to need.
Targos and Easthaven, the
largest towns after Bryn
Shander, have fleets of over
a hundred boats.
Some people—mostly
newcomers to the area who
hope to make their fortunes
offthe trout—have their own

The North/South Pass

The gateway into Icewind Dale is the North/South
Pass, where Ten Trail straddles the Spine ofthe
sophisticated scrimshanders carve the bone into small World. There—in good weather—caravans labor for
reliefs or statuettes, sometimes inking these as well to about three days to cross over the mountain range.
ensure that the details are clear. The pass is known for dangerous storms, which can
Accomplished scrimshanders are respected in dump enough snow in a matter ofhours to bury a
Ten-Towns. Several well-known town speakers have horse up to its withers, and for vicious winds, which
been scrimshanders, elected to their positions largely tear the cloaks from travelers’ necks and sting their
because their trade allowed them to travel freely to flesh. Reports ofundead in the mountain pass usu
Bryn Shander. ally turn out to be sightings ofill-fated travelers who
died ofexposure, their corpses desiccated by the
bone-dry winds. Travelers who attempt the passage
GETTING TO without the aid ofa guide are advised to obtain a
map showing the locations ofthe way stations that
TEN-TOWNS dot the pass—sturdy lean-tos. stocked with warm
blankets and dry wood, where people can wait out
Reaching Icewind Dale requires an arduous trek a storm. But those seeking refuge should take care:
along poorly maintained roads and through a brutal Yetis sometimes lurk near the stations, checking
pass at the westernmost end ofthe Spine ofthe World. them every few days the way a crab fisher checking
The journey from Luskan takes about twenty days— his pots.
eleven to reach the North/South Pass, three to cross
it, and six more to cross the tundra to Bryn Shander.
That travel time assumes summer weather in the dale.
It’s much harder to cross the pass, let alone the tundra,
when winter snows have choked the roads. Population 1,200

“What’s Bryn Shander like,ye ask? It’s sixty score

Ten Trail humans, packed together likefish in a barrel an’ smelling
Ten Trail is the name given to the route typically about as sweet. Its roads are paved with the muck o’ the
taken by travelers coIning to Icewind Dale. As its cart horsesye’re constantly rubbing shoulders with, an’
name indicates, it is not a paved road, but merely its alehouses arefilled with scoundrels that no other city
an earthen path marked by the furrows ofwagon in Faeriin would have. An’ after three weeks on Ten Trail,
wheels from the caravans that make the trip north. you’ll swear there was no lovelier sight!”
The cold weather, broken ground, and scarcity of —Beorne Steelstrike, caravan master
places to shelter or resupply make ajourney up Ten
Trail arduous at best. Add in the presence of crag When travelers following Ten Trail cross the Spine of
cats, yetis, and bandits waiting to ambush wagons the World into Icewind Dale, their first sight is ofthe
laden with trade goods, and one begins to under- circular wall ofBryn Shander rising from a distant
stand why only the bravest, most desperate, or most hilltop, with Kelvin’s Cairn looming in the distance.
foolhardy travelers attempt the trek to Icewind Dale. The twinkling lights ofthe town’s inns promise
Ten Trail begins at the town ofFireshearjust off refuge from the lashing winds, and the smoke from
the Sea ofSwords and makes its way north to the its many hearths portends warmth and sustenance.
settlement ofHundelstone, perched on the foothills After they have passed through Bryn Shander’s
at the base ofthe Spine ofthe World. Hundelstone gates, travelers are swept up in the bustle ofa pros-
marks the end ofthe Northern Means, the larger pering frontier town. Here, caravans from the south
road that leads northwest from Luskan to the far converge with traders from across Icewind 1)ale to
north. North from Hundelstone, Ten Trail leads up swap goods and rumors in the busy market square.
the mountain slopes across the North/South Pass, Fishers, trappers, traders, and sellswords rub elbows
then wends its way down into the foothills of Icewind in the town’s taprooms, and gruffdwarves, wide-
Dale. Before the settling ofBryn Shander, Ten Trail eyed travelers, and skulking ne’er-do-wells wander
ran all the way to Targos and along the east side of its streets.
Maer Dualdon. Nowadays, caravans from the south Many ofthe folk who come to Icewind Dale never
stop mainly in Bryn Shander, so as far as most people leave the relative safety ofTen-Towns, and of those,
are concerned, Ten Trail stops there, too. many have never ventured beyond Bryn Shander.

-. ---4; - , - ----
Although it’s true that the dale has a great deal more Fortunately for them, the constant need for caravan
to see than its central town, it’s also true that fortune escorts, as well as protection for the expeditions
and adventure aplenty wait within Bryn Shander’s that hope to find riches in the wild hills and frozen
sheltering walls. mountains at the Spine ofthe World, means there is
never a shortage ofwork to be had in Bryn Shander.
Trading Hub
Bryn Shander is the heart ofTen-Towns, and trade is The Tenth Town
its lifeblood. Caravans from the Sword Coast, trad Although Bryn Shander is the largest ofthe ten
ers from Ironmaster, dwarves from Kelvin’s Cairn, towns, it is also the youngest. Originally it was the
fishers and crafters from Ten-Towns, and sometimes site ofa lone cabin on the trail to Maer Dualdon
hunters from the barbarian tribes ofthe tundra all where caravanners, weary from their trip over the
meet in the market square. Here, the people of Ice- pass, would rest by a warm fire before continuing to
wind I)ale ply their wares, hawking the scrimshaw their intended destination—usually Targos, the most
and raw knucklehead ivory that is much esteemed by accessible settlement in those days. Fishers from the
those ofthe southern lands. In return, the southern towns often came to the hilltop cabin to meet the car-
caravans bring rich dyes, hardwood from the for- avans as they arrived, eager for news ofthe outside
ests ofthe heartlands, dried herbs and spices, finely world. But when scrimshanders from Termalaine
woven textiles, fruits, wines, and many other com began bringing their wares to the cabin to entice the
modities that are rare in the frozen north. caravans to make the longer trek to their town, they
All these items sell for a premium in the market, unwittingly ignited a trade war.
and travelers who are accustomed to the plenti First Targos and then the other towns began send-
ful goods and relative bounty ofplaces such as ing their own traders to the cabin, fearful of losing
Waterdeep and Neverwinter are often shocked by any advantage to the others. Outbuildings were con-
the exorbitant prices that even common goods corn- structed to hold the extra visitors, and as the towns
mand in Bryn Shander. Those without deep pockets started establishing semipermanent presences on
soon run short on coin, which contributes to the the hill, more businesses grew up to provide goods
town’s mercenary quality—many ofthe sellswords and services for the burgeoning population. Finally,
here live hand to mouth and take anyjob for pay. after a feud among traders from four towns ended

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in violence, all ofthe communities agreed to send
speakers to the new outpost to regulate the business
being carried on there. The owner ofone ofthe local Sellswords Welcome
businesses acted as speaker for the outpost, and thus The defense ofBryn Shander is overseen by the sher
Bryn Shander had its first council meeting. iff, Markham Southwell, who is appointed by the
town’s speaker and serves at her pleasure. Respon
Walls Provide Refuge sible for training the town’s militia and keeping the
The people ofthe south know Bryn Shander for peace, the sheriffis authorized to maintain a stand-
its market fthey know ofthe place at all), but the ing force oftwenty guards (typically equipped with

people ofTen-Towns know it for its walls. Despite longswords, daggers, and studded leather armor).
being a simple palisade, the walls ofBryn Shander In times ofneed, the town can raise a fighting force
loom as large in the minds ofTen-Towners as those of ofabout four hundred—mostly townsfolk outfitted
any dwarven citadel, for at times they have been all with spears and longbows, although there are nearly
that has kept the people ofthe dale from being anni always some adventurers in town who can be paid or
hilated by barbarian raids or rampaging beasts. persuaded to help by taking up arms.
The walls stand some thirty feet high and are SheriffMarkham is empowered to hire adventur
defined by two concentric rings ofwooden poles, the ers for missions undertaken in the town’s defense
gap between them filled with dirt and rubble. The (loosely defined as anything that keeps trade coming
outer ring ofpoles rises above the top ofthe wall, through Bryn Shander’s gates. Such expeditions are
providing a rampart for defenders stationed on the meant to be underwritten by the town’s exchequer
wooden-planked walkway. The wall’s hinged gates and therefore require the approval ofthe speaker.
are fifteen feet tall and can be barred from the inside Conniving merchants or other interested parties

with heavy wood beams banded with iron. often ask the sheriffto post ajob for which they are
The town’s location plays a role in its ability to willing to provide the funding (along with a small
withstand assault. Built on one ofthe tallest foothills administrative fee for Markham, naturally). In such
south ofKelvin’s Cairn, Bryn Shander has a com cases, unknowing adventurers take jobs that they
manding view of any approach from the north the believe to be official town business, doing dangerous
direction from which attacks on Ten-Towns usually and often unscrupulous work—the benefit of which
come), and an attacking force must climb the hill- they might otherwise be inclined to question—all the
side under fire from archers before it can assault while unwittingly serving the aims of an unknown
the walls. employer. But the trade to Bryn Shander keeps flow-
Moreover, barbarians or other foes from the ing, and most times neither the speaker nor the

north must approach Bryn Shander by way of Bre adventurers are the wiser.
men’s Run or Icewind Pass, and then advance past
the towns near Maer Dualdon or Lac 1)inneshere, Goods and Services
providing ample opportunity for strategically placed Anyone who walks along the central road through
ambush parties to outflank the enemy forces or Bryn Shander notices many inns, taverns, and trad
harry their movements. It was this strategy that Ten- ing posts, the largest and most profitable ofwhich
Towns employed when the barbarian tribes allied ring the central market square.
under King Heafstaag ofthe Elk Tribe in an attempt Geldenstag’s Rest, one ofthe oldest establish-
to occupy Bryn Shander, resulting in the decima ments in town, is run by Myrtle, a gray-haired widow
tion ofthe barbarians in general and the Elk Tribe who took over the inn after her husband was killed
in particular. That victory, however, was the result of in the crossfire of a dispute between two mercenary
a degree ofcooperation between the towns that has groups that had been staying there. Myrtle now
not been seen before or since, so the likelihood of makes it her business to know everyone else’s busi
Ten-Towns successfully employing the same strategy ness, asking guests a lot ofquestions about what
in the face ofnew dangers is slim. they’re up to each day. The inn’s accommodations
14 .


;j. .,4 trA.

Kelvin’s Cairn. The proprietor is a dwarf named

Ogden Flamebeard, who has a temper as fiery as
his signature drink—a Mirabarian rotgut he gets for
• ‘
cheap and rebottles as Flamebeard’s Firebrandy
;_- çi • ;r
: (reselling it at a sizable markup. In his youth, Ogden
I, ‘

worked in many ofthe famous northern mines, and
are lackluster—the small rooms are furnished with he has contacts not only in Mirabar but also in Iron-
only a stool, a chamber pot, and two cots with dirty master and Mithral Hall.
furs thrown over them. It might seem like the kind Rendaril’s Emporium is the largest trade house
ofplace that would attract lowlifes and troubleinak in Bryn Shander, on the site ofthe original cabin
ers, but Myrtle’s pestering tends to drive away people around which the town sprang up. The entrance
with secrets to keep. The absence ofthat element facing onto the town square opens into the store-
from its clientele makes Geldenstag’s Rest a popular front, where visitors can view an assortment of the
destination for travelers who aren’t looking for too finest goods for sale in all ofTen-Towns: fishing
much excitement during their stay in Bryn Shander. rods fashioned from elven yew, yeti-skin coats with
The Hooked Knucklehead is another long- scrimshaw buttons, mithral fisithooks, axe heads
standing inn, and it caters to the scrimshanders and daggers crafted by the dwarves of Kelvin’s
and traders who come from the other towns to do Cairn, and more. Around the back side ofthe build-
business. The innkeeper, Barton, was a trader from ing is the entrance for wholesalers, where caravan
Targos who stayed at the Hooked Knucklehead many traders offload their stock and local adventurers
times before offering to buy out the previous owner. sell pelts and tusks collected on their travels. The
The accommodations are meager, and the few pri owner, Rendaril, is a half-elffrom Waterdeep. The
vate rooms are bitterly cold at night. Most of the shrewd business sense he developed in the City of
clientele sleeps in the spacious common room, near Splendors has served him well in this remote corner
the large stone hearth. The prices are a little more ofthe world; more coin passes through his hands in
reasonable here than at the town’s other inns. a week than most other merchants in Bryn Shander
The Northlook is the inn most frequented by see in a season.
mercenaries and adventurers, and as such it’s the Blackiron Blades is a small shop and smithy
rowdiest and most dangerous place to stay in Bryn just north ofthe main square. Rather than attempt
Shander. At the same time, its taproom is the best to compete with the quality ofthe dwarf-crafted
place in all ofTen-Towns to get leads on profitable weapons from Kelvin’s Cairn, the smith, Garn, has
ventures, along with the latest news and rumors. found his niche manufacturing the cheapest blades
The proprietor, a retired sellsword who goes by the in Ten-Towns. His sister, Elza, runs the shop and
name Scramsax, takes advantage ofthe high hopes keeps it profitable. When she observed that Garn’s
and good fortunes ofhis customers by charging the low prices were attracting fortune-seekers coming
most exorbitant rates in town. Knowing full well the up Ten Trail whose pockets were thin after the cost
cycles of an adventurer’s life, Scramsax often cuts a ofmaking the journey, and who were frequently ill-
break for customers who are betweenjobs, allowing prepared for the hardships oflife in Icewind I)ale,
them to stay on credit and then presenting them Elza began selling adventuring supplies—rations, -.

with a bill inflated by interest charges as soon as cold-weather gear. ice picks, and snowshoes—along-
they make their next payday. Those who don’t pay side her brother’s wares at the shop. Blackiron
discover that the old mercenary still remembers Blades is now well known as a one-stop shop for
how to handle a blade, and that he doesn’t take “no adventurers and other travelers. Nonetheless, most
money” for an answer. ofthe town’s veteran sellswords eschew Garn’s
Kelvin’s Comfort is one ofthe most popular tav smithcraft, and jokes told about hapless newcomers
ems in town, owing to its extensive stock of dwarven to Icewind I)ale often end with the line “. an’ ‘e
. .

ales and brandies. Although the common room was carrying a Blackiron blade, to boot!”
is bedecked with dwarven craft of Battlehammer
make, most ofthe liquors are imported from Mira
bar, on the other side ofthe Spine ofthe World. The
one local specialty ofnote is the brew brought up
from Good Mead. Caravanners who have plenty of
coin often come here, as do visiting dwarves from

i_ - \ j
c- -.

Duvessa Shane
Speaker ofBryn Shctnder

I)uvessa Shane is the daughter of a trader from

Waterdeep who settled in Bryn Shander after falling
in love with a local tavern server. Having inherited
her mother’s sharp tongue and her father’s talent for
negotiation, it seemed unsurprising in retrospect
when Duvessa secured the position oftown speaker—
the first woman in Bryn Shander to do so. When she
showed up at the next council meeting and called it
to order, the other speakers bristled at her temerity,
and a few warned her that, as the newest member
ofthe council, she would be told when her opinion
was wanted. What followed was a tongue-lashing so
severe that even Crannoc of Caer-Dineval was left
chagrined. Since that day, Duvessa has led the coun
cii as ably as any speaker in recent memory.
Though she is a grown woman, Duvessa’s slight
frame and sparkling gray eyes lend her a girlish air.
She dresses much as her father did, in shirtsleeves
and trousers, with a vest or coat in the latest fashion.

Local Landmarks
Aside from its many shops and public houses, Bryn
Shander has several other buildings of note.
The town hail is the largest building bordering
the central square. Most days, this long, open hail
serves as an extension ofthe town square’s market,
although it is reserved for feasting on various holy deserves to be called a temple. An impressive edifice
days and other notable events. The hall is also where built by the dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn, the temple
refugees from other villages stay in times of emer stands about halfway between the southwest gate
gency when they seek shelter in Bryn Shander. and the central market. When it was first built, it
The armory is situatedjust offthe central square. honored the three gods known as the Triad: Tyr, the
Only the speaker and the town sheriffhave keys to god ofjustice; Torm, the god ofduty and loyalty; and
this building, which stores arms for the militia. Ilmater, the god of endurance in the face of suffering.
The council hail, near the southwest gate, is a Tyr is said to be dead, though he still has a handful of
warehouse where the speakers ofTen-Towns hold followers in town, and the holy days most commonly
their meetings. The building is nondescript but iden celebrated in the temple are those ofllmater. The
tifiable by the heated discussions often overheard promise ofdivine aid for those who endure suffer-
taking place inside. ing appeals to the people ofTen-Towns, and visitors
The speaker’s palace is the private residence of from other towns often stop in the House ofthe Triad
the town speaker. Located on the south side, this is before going about their other business.
the only building in Bryn Shander that stands two The shrine ofAmaunator, located near the
stories high. (Most ofthe structures are sunk into the small northeastern market square, is a converted
ground to avoid exposure to the winds, which are house that serves as a modest gathering place for
not entirely blocked by the city’s walls.) Fashioned worshipers ofthe god ofthe sun. Considering that
by dwarves out ofcut stone, with a pitched slate roof the sun vanishes for two months at a time every
and a colonnade in front, the palace is so out of place winter, it’s a wonder that Amaunator has any wor
among the squat, rough wood dwellings that it looks shipers at all in Icewind Dale. The priest who
as ifit had been magically transported here from established this shrine, a retired adventuring cleric
some other region of Faerftn. from Cormyr named Mithann, has a strong person-
The House ofthe Triad is Bryn Sharider’s larg ality and speaks a powerful message ofhope and
est place ofworship, and the only one that truly
Population 850

“I remember when the Eastway was naught but a couple o’

ruts in the mud leadin’ to some shanties on the south side
0’ the lac. Now look at the place! Seems likeye can’t turn
around without trippin’ over a new bunch o’ buildings, and
the townjust keeps getting’ bigger—along with me profits.”
—Beorne Steelstrike

The scent offreshly sawed pine hangs in the air

around the outskirts ofEasthaven, where new con-
struction pushes the town’s perimeter ever outward.
In the center, spacious shops, inns, and taverns solicit
locals and travelers alike, their brightly painted signs
clamoring for attention as loudly as the fish hawkers
down on the docks. Grizzled trappers just returned
from the wilds sell their pelts in stores that also offer
the latest Waterdhavian fashions, and prosperous
merchants step over penniless fishers in the town’s
main boulevard.

Boom Times
Walking into Easthaven is like stepping into Icewind
I)ale’s past—the place is a picture ofthe boomtown
way oflife that gripped Ten-Towns centuries ago,
when the cities ofthe south first got “white gold
fever.” In the generations since, the other towns have
settled into a predictable, ifnot always quiet, rhythm
rebirth. She calls Amaunator by old names—the oflife. Not so Easthaven. Having been overshadowed
Morninglord and the Glory ofDawn—that evoke a by the more established towns on Lac Dinneshere
different image from that ofthe stern, rigid sun god in the region’s initial rush, Easthaven languished
who is worshiped farther south. When the sun first while its neighbors thrived. But with the paving of
rises from the long winter twilight late in the month the Eastway, more and more trade began to flow
ofHaininer, Mithann leads the god’s most popular into Easthaven until it overtook Caer-Konig and
festival—a great feast in the town hall. Caer-Dineval to become the most prosperous town
Mithann takes a great interest in adventurers on the lake. Now, it rivals Targos and Bryn Shander
who come to Bryn Shander, largely because of her in size.
past but also because she genuinely cares about the Easthaven tends to attract people who are just
people ofTen-Towns. She has seen too many so- starting out in Ten-Towns, as well as those who want
called heroes try to exploit the citizens ofthe region, to start over—the place seems to welcome all comers.
so she keeps a close eye on the ones who seem shady It is a magnet for fortune-seekers and the con art-
or selfish. On the other hand, she gives as much aid ists who prey on them. From honorable warriors to
as she can muster to those who seem genuinely inter- unscrupulous merchants, from uncouth woodsmen
ested in helping the people ofthe dale. to worldly travelers, the town displays a striking
Mithann was a member oftwo different adventur assortment ofthe best and worst that life in Ice-
ing companies with Isteval, a paladin ofAmaunator wind Dale has to offer. Anything goes in Easthaven,
who has since retired to I)aggerford. Two of their according to a local saying—and that’s usually true.
companions from the first company, the Knights of
the Unicorn, have settled in Baldur’s Gate, where
characters might have encountered them if they
Contested Waters
Although Easthaven’s fishing fleet is now larger
experienced the events ofMurder in Baldur’s Gate.
than that ofCaer-Konig and Caer-Dineval com
bined, its boats are relegated to plying only a small

fraction ofthe lake thanks to an accord passed by Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval, taking whatever haul
the council back when Easthaven was a tenth of its they can before they are chased offby the other
present size. In those days, the fleets of Caer-Konig towns’ boats. Speaker Waylen knows it is only a
and Caer-Dineval dominated the waters of Lac matter oftime before one ofthese incursions is met
1)inneshere, and the accord was brokered as an with violence. He hopes to find a solution to the
attempt to placate the two rivals and keep them problem before that happens.
from each other’s throats. The rivalry would not be
so easily undone, however, and the agreement was
quickly forgotten until a few years ago, when the
Rags and Riches
With the ongoing dispute over fishing rights on the
speakers ofCaer-Konig and Caer-Dineval invoked its
lake, Easthaven’s fisherfolk are suffering. For many
terms as a way to restrict the operations of Easthav
ofthein, fishing is all they know, and there simply
en’s growing fleet offishing boats.
aren’t enough fish in the small patch ofwater the
Easthaven’s speaker, Danneth Waylen, has peti
town is allotted. Inevitably, the largest boats and the
tioned several times to renegotiate the outdated
most experienced crews pull most ofthe fish out of
agreement, but Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval have so
the water, while everyone else scrambles for what’s
far stood united behind it. I)anneth also brought the
left. Many fishers barely catch enough to feed their
matter before the council in Bryn Shander, but to no
families, let alone have anything left over to sell.
avail. Easthaven’s growth has cannibalized trade from
Many more come back after sunset with empty nets.
the other towns, and both Targos and Termalaine
Despite this state ofaffairs, more people show
have felt the effect. As a result, they support Caer
up every season hoping to make their fortune in
Konig’s and Caer-Dineval’s claims to the waters of Lac
Easthaven. The town’s reputation for opportunity is
Dinneshere. With Bryn Shander remaining carefully
greater than the reality, yet the image keeps drawing
noncommittal and the towns ofRedwaters declining
people there even as it exacerbates the problems.
to get involved, only Bremen and Lonelywood have
Still, the prospects in Easthaven aren’t entirely
spoken out in support of Easthaven.
illusory. Many people have made a comfortable
Meanwhile, Easthaven’s boats are in competition
living for themselves—just not fishers or fortune-
with one another for the best fishing spots in the
seekers. With the influx ofresidents, Easthaven’s
crowded waters. Fights over contested catches are
merchants, innkeepers, and tavern owners pull coin
common, and accidents have wrecked several ships
from purses like trout from the lakes.
and resulted in a few deaths. Some ofthe bolder
fishers operate in the northern waters claimed by
‘%_ t4
¶\c* ‘

— .

‘- .

The Eastway is the only paved road in lcewind Dale, and it runs from Bryn Shander straight
across to Easthaven Its construction linked Lac Dinneshere to the caravans that came
through Bryn Shander, resulting in the explosive growth of Easthaven and a gradual shift -

in trade away from Maer Dualdon.
On many occasions, the people ofTargos and Termalaine have considered improving the
road north from Bryn Shander to encourage more traffic, but the mistrust between the two
towns has prevented them from cooperating long enough to bring the project to fruition.

Then, too, there are those who profit from the the street, reeling them in like fish on a line. On the
town’s problems, such as the gang ofboys who other hand, his employer—a wiry, white-haired old
are paid by fishing crews to hold the best spots at man named Bartaban—seems perennially bored by
the docks until the boats come back at night. This the haifling’s tales. But the dour innkeeper is acutely
arrangement allows those crews to stay out later than aware ofthe value Rinaldo adds to his establishment
other boats and still be first out to the good fishing and strives to make himself as invisible to his guests
spots the next day. The boys make a show of compet as possible, the better to let the bard’s tales work
ing to hold places along the dock for their clients, but their magic.
they actually conspire to bid up the prices on the best The Wet Trout is the largest and loudest tavern
spots, then split the profits every night after dark. in Easthaven. A great chimney situated squarely in
the building’s center has hearths on either side to
Goods and Services warm the tavern’s two common rooms. The owner,
Henrick, mans the bar at one end ofthe tavern while
Cairn’s Crossing is the oldest ofEasthaven’s inns,
his wife, Bitholde, runs the kitchens at the other.
which is to say it has the most chinks in its walls for
The two frequently shout raunchyjeers at each other
the night winds to blow through. Still, most of the
from across the floor, which always get a hearty
caravanners who come to town stay here out of habit,
laugh from the assembled patrons and lend to the
so the inn does a respectable business. The inn-
ribald atmosphere the tavern is known for.
keeper, Vie Witters, is stout, gray-haired, and tough
as nails, and she shows no sign ofslowing down
Banrock’s Mithral Pot has the distinction of 1
being one ofthe few establishments in Ten-Towns to
despite her age. Many ofthe inn’s visitors assume
have a reputation that extends outside Icewind Dale.
that she’s a widow, but in fact she’s married to a local
Just walking into this tavern’s common room, with its
fisher who still goes out on the lake every day. They
distinctive dark wood paneling and cozy booths, is
hardly see each other, though, because Vie won’t let
enough to set one’s mouth watering. Visitors from as
him sleep in the inn ifhe reeks oftrout—which he
far away as Baldur’s Gate come here to try Banrock’s
always does.
pottage, which the dwarfcooks in his signature pot.
The White Lady Inn stands just across from
Running the tavern is a labor oflove for Banrock,
the harbor, overlooking the lake. The inn is named
who could retire on the value ofhis inithral cook-
for a local legend about the ghost ofLac Dinneshere
ware alone, but the plump, ruddy-faced dwarfwould
(see the sidebar on page 21 and capitalizes on the rather spend his days cheerfully bustling from booth
morbid fascination generated by its eponymous tale.
to booth chatting with travelers. His longest-stand-
A haifling bard named Rinaldo works the inn’s tap-
ing customer is a wizard from BlackstaffTower in
room on most nights, recounting the titular story
Waterdeep, who comes to the tavern every solstice
for the benefit of any newcomers and then segueing
to renew the wards that protect the kitchen against
into hair-raising tales drawn (he swears) from the
thieves—and, ofcourse, to sample the pottage.
true accounts ofthe many adventurers who have
Rurden’s Armory is an outlet where adventur
stayed at the White Lady Inn. Rinaldo knows how to
ers can buy dwarven blades and mail forged in the
pull in a crowd, often loudly proclaiming that “this
valley below Kelvin’s Cairn. The shop’s interior
next tale is not fit for the ears ofwomen, children, or
looks like that ofa keep preparing for siege—racks
those oftender heart” whenever he spies passersby in
ofswords and axes stand to one side, while suits of

a.•s . ,
chain mail lie stacked on crates to the other (and the
crates hold pieces ofplate armor packed in wood
Danneth Waylen
Speaker ofEasthaven
chips). Piles ofhelms stand alongside the crates,
halberds lean in the corner, and shields and cross-
Danneth Waylen is the earnest, iffretful, speaker of
bows hang on every inch ofthe room’s walls. The
Easthaven. He never wanted the position, but he was
building’s heavy, reinforced door, complete with a
nominated for it when the town’s business leaders,
thick bar, rounds out the image ofa garrison; only
after nearly tearing Easthaven apart in their contests
a painted iron sign propped against the back wall
to claim the title after the last speaker’s death, finally
identifies the shop as a place ofbusiness. Since none
decided to compromise on a neutral party. 1)anneth’s
ofthe weapons and armor are made to order, buyers
humility and forthrightness made him an ideal can-
often have to adjust to equipment that’s heavier than
didate, and his sense ofduty precluded him from
they’re accustomed to—blistered palms and aching
declining the nomination.
shoulders are common complaints among first-time
Just coming into middle age, with green eyes
customers. Even so, the quality ofthe merchandise
and tousled auburn locks that often garner him
speaks for itself, and the dwarfshopkeep, Rurden,
unwanted romantic attention, Danneth owns two
is especially helpful when showing buyers how to
ofthe town’s most profitable fishing vessels, and he
alter their swings or angle their bodies for an incom
was a fisher himselfbefore turning his attentions to
ing blow to take advantage oftheir new purchases.
the town’s myriad problems. He tends to be soft-spo
The sellswords who frequent his store have a saying:
ken, though his voice carries an undertone of steely
Once you go dwarven, you never go back.

LOCAL LANDMARKS Lac Dinneshere’s waters begin in the tundra along-
Three areas of interest lie outside Easthaven.
side Kelvin’s Cairn and stretch south to the forest
Silvanus’s temple is a grove ofwhite birch trees
that borders the banks ofRedwaters. To those who
on a hillside overlooking Lac Dinneshere, about
look down on it from the slopes ofthe mountain, the
two miles west oftown. Here, a small coven of the
lake’s broad expanse seems like a great shard of sky
nature god’s followers gather every month at the
that fell to the earth, dotted with tiny boats that tra
full moon. They are led by a self-styled druid (one
verse its icy blue firmament.
of the human residents of Easthaven) who teaches
From the water’s edge, the imagery no longer
them that the town’s sprawl is a blight on the land
seems quite so apt. Frigid winds blowing in off the
and that someday Silvanus will call on them to help
Reghed Glacier whip across the lake, its surface
restore the area to its pristine beauty.
chopping with waves that stand at odds with the
The Redrun is the stream that empties Lac
serene sky above. The lake does seem to reflect the
Dinneshere into Redwaters. Normally a series of
moods ofthe heavens; it blushes pink on tranquil
spills that are easy to cross, the stream becomes a
evenings, turns steel-gray when storms approach,
torrent of frothing whitewater during late spring.
and blanches white during quiet snows. People who
With all the competition on the lake, locals have
have spent their lives along Lac Dinneshere don’t
taken to walking down the Redrun and fishing along
bother looking up to see what the weather will be—
its banks. But twice in the past fortnight, locals have
theyjust look to the lake.
gone to fish the Redrun and did not return. The
Though as large as Maer Dualdon, Lac
other townsfolk assume they were killed by wild
Dinneshere is shallower and thus has a smaller
beasts, but no one is brave enough to investigate.
population ofknucklehead trout (but enough to keep
A memorial outside the southwest gate com
the combined fishing fleets ofCaer-I)ineval and
memorates a battle between Tiago Baenre and
Caer-Konig in business). The lake’s ecosystem is also
the balor Errtu, who came to Icewind Dale seeking
less diverse than that ofMaer Dualdon. The winds
Drizzt Do’Urden. A circle of blackened ground is
from the glacier stunt what trees manage to grow
surrounded by a rock wall, the center ofwhich has
along the shore and drive avians to the more shel
a stone statue ofTiago and a plaque that reads “On
tered areas along Maer Dualdon and Redwaters, and
this spot did Master Tiago slay the demon. And the
the lake’s rocky banks prevent seasonal flooding and
snows will cover it nevermore.” And the scorched
forestall the formation ofsandy bars capable of sup-
earth remains untouched by snow even in winter.
porting cold-water clams and the otters that feast on
the clams.

--- - ‘.‘-- . ,-.- -- - ,-- .

Still, the lure ofthe lake’s “white gold” is enough
to keep hundreds ofpeople living here in small corn-
munities carved into the steep, rocky banks, huddled
against the wind and cold.

Population 250

“When last I visited Caer-Dineval, Ifound the town

speaker livin’ in an oldfort at the top o’ the road, perched
up there like a lord in ‘is castle. What’s he lord oJ I’d like to
know. A little pride is well an’good, but never will I under-
stand the vanity o’ men!”
—Beorne Steelstrike

In generations past, travelers to Caer-Dineval had

to make their way east from the hills around Bryn
Shander and then cut north, following the rocky
shore ofLac Dinneshere until after several weary
hours they spied a small fortress (the “caer” for which
the town is named) jutting up from the prominence
where it overlooks the lake. These days, visitors to
the town can take the Eastway to Easthaven, and
then hire a ferry to take them across the lake to THE GHOST OF LAC
Caer-Dineval. Only those who have no coin to spare, DINNESHERE
or who have more than a small cart’s worth of goods Legend has it that an explorer once came to
to transport, still take the rude trail that wends its Easthaven to find his fortune after leaving his young
way up the lake’s western shore. wife behind in Luskan, promising to return to her a
Whether arriving “by land or by lac,” visitors rich man. The adventurer met with many hazards
are immediately confronted by the fortifications for on his journey, but the thought of his wife waiting
which the town is famous: its clifftop caer and the for him always gave him the strength to persevere.
now-ruined watchtower at the mouth ofthe harbor. Finally, after having made his fortune, the man
Most ofthe town’s buildings line the path that winds sought to take the next caravan home—only to
down the steep slope from the caer to the harbor, have it arrive in Easthaven bearing a note from his
perched on the rocky face like cliffside nests. Newer wife, written from her sickbed in the hours before
structures have been built out along the approach her death.
coming up the western shore. The effect is that visi The young man never returned home. He stayed
tors enter Caer-Dineval in procession, filing up the in Easthaven, where his wife’s ghost sometimes
narrow street past the buildings on either side, from walked out along the lake, calling for her husband
which the residents watch with a mixture of inter- to return to her. Finally, one night when he heard
est and suspicion. Iftravelers do not turn aside into a her calling, he loaded his fortune onto a boat and
shop or tavern, the road brings them to the top of the rowed out to the middle ofthe lake, where he was
bluffand deposits them at the gates ofthe caer. finally reunited with his beloved—a rich man,just as
he had promised.
Locals say the woman’s ghost still wanders the
The Bastion of Lac Dinneshere lake on some nights; they call her the White Lady.
The caer was built over four hundred years ago Rumor has it that she haunts the spot where her hus
by the Dinev family, before Ten-Towns existed as band met his end. A few brave souls have followed
anything more than a few scattered camps of explor the vision ofthe White Lady in hopes of finding the
ers living offthe land. A displaced Cormyrean adventurer’s sunken treasure, but none of them
family whose sire was purportedly ofnoble extrac has returned.
tion, the Dinevs built their castle on the cliffs over
Lac I)inneshere in a bid to claim sovereignty over
the unsettled lands oflcewind Dale. When the

castle—dubbed Caer-Dineval—was completed, the cliffline, the inn is spacious compared to Caer-Dine
workers and their families settled in the outbuild val’s other buildings and blessedly sheltered from the
ings they had constructed farther down the cliff winds that buffet the rest ofthe town. Inside, visitors
face, along with the families ofthe few retainers the sit in the common room around the central fire pit,
Dinevs had brought with them. Over the next several swapping stories about their travels; the walls behind
years, many explorers in the region came to see the them are adorned with faded banners bearing the
caer for themselves, and some decided to trade their Dinev coat ofarms. The innkeeper is Kadie, a viva-
tents in the hunting and fishing camps for a cozy cot- cious young romaim with fiery red hair. Her father
tage in the shadow ofthe walls of Caer-I)ineval. was the previous speaker of Caer-Dineval, and as a
No sooner had the small town taken hold than a child she lived with him and her brothers in the caer.
marauding tribe of orcs swept down from the tundra Kadie speaks about her town with pride amid can tell
to put it to the torch. Rather than flee their new- visitors all about the history ofthe caer. She doesn’t
found home, the residents rushed to the clifftop to miss living there—the keep, as she’ll readily relate, is
seek refuge in the caer. But the Dinevs, alarmed by too drafty—and she doesn’t think Crannoc has done
the size ofthe orc tribe and the speed ofits approach, poorly by the town, but Kadie is not bashful about
barred the caer’s gates and refused to open them. observing that the current speaker doesn’t listen to
The orcs fell upon the stranded people and slaugh folks as much as lie ought to not like her father did.
. . .

tered them to the last one. The Dinevs survived the The Uphill Climb is a tavern perched at the top
initial assault, thanks to their redoubt, but after three ofthe approach to the caer, with spectacular views
weeks ofconfinement in the caer, they were so weak- ofthe lake and the docks below. Although it has a
ened by hunger that they were unable to resist when solid core oflocal patrons, the Climb also caters to
the orc raiders scaled their walls. Thus, their brief the town’s more upscale clientele—well-to-do travel-
rule in Icewind Dale came to a bloody end. ers and merchants who have coin to spend on more
The caer remained in the orcs’ possession for thanjust beer amid fish chowder. The proprietor, a
the next several years, although it changed hands a ruggedly handsome fellow named Roark, takes pains
few times during that period as factions among the to stock a variety offoodstuffs from Bryn Shander’s
orcs fought each other for control ofthe castle. By market, and lie always buys the best brews out of
the end ofthat time, the small camps ofhumans in Good Mead. The tavern has a private dining area
the dale had grown larger and more numerous, and where the speaker of Caer-Dineval meets with
the future inhabitants ofTen-Towns decided that merchants, adventurers, or anyone else who has
they could ill afford to have a fortified encampment important business with die town. The intimate atmo
oforcs so close to their communities. For the first sphere is only occasionally ruined by the cheers from
time in their history, warriors from the disparate the front room when patrons from the dockside tavern
human settlements banded together. They marched finish their nightly footrace up the cliffside road to the
on Caer-Dineval and drove the orcs from its walls. Climb’s front door, usually followed by the sounds of
The victors claimed the castle, its lands, and the retching. The last runner through the door tradition-
lake beyond for their own, and those with families ally buys a round ofdrinks for the house.
brought them there to settle. The descendants of Culver’s isn’t really a shop—it’s a house, amid its
those proud people live there to this day and keep resident, Culver Ailsen, isn’t so niuch a merchant as
alive the memory oftheir ancestors’ deeds. he is a collector. An aging widower with no children,
Today, the caer’s keep is a glorified residence for Culver keeps himselfcomnpany with the niany books,
the town’s speaker, Crannoc Siever. Although its maps, and curiosities he has collected over the years.
sturdy wooden fortifications are still capable of with- Whenever traveling merchants come through town,
standing the attacks oforc and barbarian raiders, the Culver is one ofthe first to introduce himseif—shak
people ofCaer-I)ineval remember the grim lesson of ing their hands, asking their story, and then getting
the Dinevs. They flee from incursions to seek shel to the serious work ofporing over their inventory.
ter behind the better-defended and better-supplied Culver has a particular interest in the history of
walls ofBryn Shander. Ten-Towns and Icewind Dale, and he eagerly buys
anything connected with the accounts and letters he
has read.
Goods and Services Culver doesn’t restrict himselfto historical memo-
Dinev’s Rest, situated at the low end oftown on the rabilia—he picks up anything that interests him,
lakeside road, is Caer-Dineval’s inn, and one of the whether it’s a halfling stick-amid-ball game or a finely
first buildings that travelers reach ifthey arrive on etched dwarven dagger. Because ofhis tendency to
foot. Built in a shallow dell a little way back from the acquire all manner ofodds amid ends, the locals stop

--‘-- -,

by Culver’s anytime they need something they can’t Although it’s possible to get to Caer-Konig by fol
get from one ofthe town’s crafters. lowing the trail along the lakeside, only the most
As a result ofhis voracious reading, Culver knows committed caravanners bother to do so. Most
a bit about nearly everything in the dale—knowledge people come by way ofthe ferry, ifthey come at all—
that he will share with those who care to listen (he Caer-Konig being considered, as some call it, “the
prefers to talk over a pint at the Uphill Climb). In poor man’s Caer-l)ineval.” (Natives of Caer-Konig,
particular, Culver has read several accounts ofAkar naturally, charge their brethren in Caer-T)ineval
Kessell’s war against Ten-Towns a century ago, and with coining that turn ofphrase.) Only two groups
the relics he has acquired from the Battle of Icewind visit the town with regularity. The first is adventur
Dale are his most prized possessions. ers, who use Caer-Konig as a base ofoperations for
excursions into Kelvin’s Cairn. The second group
is the dwarves ofthe valley, who, when they have
Crannoc Siever cause to leave their home, generally do so by way of
Speaker of Caer-Dineval
Daledrop, which is closer to Caer-Konig than any
other ofthe ten towns.
Crannoc Siever is an able sailor and fisher known
for his hot temper. Despite his bellicose nature,
Crannoc is not prone to violence. Those who know The Ruined Caer
him well understand that belligerence is just his After Caer-Dineval was taken back from the orcs,
heavy-handed way of avoiding conflict—he would the people ofthat town decided to set up an outpost
rather shout others into silent agreement than physi farther up the lakeside that could spot any approach-
cally fight or debate with them. Because most people lug raiders from the north and signal the inhabitants
are easily cowed by his theatrics, Crannoc has never in time for them to fight or flee. They chose a site at
learned how to negotiate, so he frequently finds him- the neck oflcewind Pass where the defenders would
selfat a disadvantage when he deals with Duvessa have the best chance ofspotting anyone crossing
Shane, the speaker ofBryn Shander. the open tundra. There, they built a wooden fortress
Crannoc wears his dark hair pulled back, and his like the castle at Caer-Dineval and named it for their
weathered face seems stretched taut. Though he is leader who had proposed the project— Caer-Konig.
not particularly tall, his thick arms and chest lend The new stronghold was not like the one at
weight to his bullying remarks. He speaks in a per- Caer-Dineval in every respect. That one had been
petual shout, except when he has been intimidated constructed by trained workers under the capable
into sputtering silence by Duvessa. hand ofa master builder who had been hired for the
task. The new one was raised by stout-hearted war-
Caer-Konig riors who put great effort into its construction but
did not know how deep to sink the pylons to keep a
Population 200
thirty-foot wall from being bent by the wind, or how
to pile loose stones around the wall’s base to keep
“I remember i pair ofdwctrflasses in Mircthctr—sis
snow runofffrom eroding the earthen foundation.
ters, they were. Couldn’t stand each other, and always
Already dilapidated after only a few seasons, the caer
fightin Funny thing was, they were exactly alike! Thats
offered no protection to its garrison when the next
(‘aer-Koni(q an’ Caer-1)ineval to a tee. Too busyfightin’
band oforc raiders came down Icewind Pass. The
over their dfferences to realize how much they 8 ot in
defenders fled to Caer-1)ineval, and the orcs razed
common. Ah, well. Every time theyfouqht, I’d be havin’ to
the useless structure to the ground.
O an’ comfort one or th’ other of’ern. The sisters, I mean.”
Nothing ifnot proud, the people of Caer-Dineval
—Beorne Steelstrike
quickly took back Caer-Konig (much as they had
done with their own castle), and before long a new
Perched precariously between the slopes of Kelvin’s
settlement had sprouted at the site ofthe northern
Cairn and the waters of Lac Dinneshere is the town
stronghold. The fortress of Caer-Konig has been
of Caer-Konig, its terraced rows ofhouses climbing
rebuilt several times since then, always to fall to the
up the lake’s edge like the steps ofan amphitheater.
depredations ofwar or weather. It’s been over a gen
Visitors sailing in on the ferry from Easthaven or
eration since the last time the caer was raised, and
Caer-1)ineval canjust make out the crumbled ruins
although few people left in town remember a time
ofthe caer that gave the town its name littering the
when the fort still stood, its decrepit state is a sore
slopes above the last row of houses.
spot with many ofthe locals—especially given the
contrast with the proud bastion of Caer-Dineval.

Alden’s motives in working with Crannoc. Many of

the fishers have begun to feel that Alden sold them
out, and some think the town should negotiate a new
E::. accord with Easthaven. They know that Caer-Konig
Frozenfar . ,, .
would have to give up some ofits waters, but they
‘:• - ••
.The hope that by colluding with Easthaven they could
Northern draft an agreement that would be far more punish-
ing to Caer-1)ineval than it would be to Caer-Konig,
which would suit the spiteful townsfolkjust fine.

Goods and Services

The Northern Light is Caer-Konig’s inn, where visit-
ing traders stay before making the returnjourney to
Easthaven or Bryn Shander, and where adventurers
rest between expeditions to Kelvin’s Cairn. The inn’s
name refers to its door lamp, a magical lantern that
was enspelled by a visiting wizard decades ago. It
glows with a light that slowly shifts from green to red
to blue, resembling the iridescent ribbons ofcolor that
sometimes dance across the night sky this far north.
The inn is kept by two sisters. The younger, Allie,
Rival to Caer-Dineval is lithe and charming, and she greets guests, show-
Whatever amity might have existed between ing them to their rooms. The older, Con, is stout and
Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval disappeared with the scowling; she sees to the inn’s provisioning and does
opening ofthe ivory trade with the cities ofthe south. all the cooking. Guests often hear the sisters arguing
The bounty ofLac Dinneshere, which had always late into the night, Allie accusing Con ofspending the
supplied the two towns with more than enough fish inn’s profits on needless luxuries such as goose-feather
to eat, suddenly became a valuable commodity. For pallets and expensive spices for her meats and stews,
generations, the rivalry between Caer-Konig and and Con accusing Allie ofnot knowing how to run an
Caer-T)ineval has been the stuffoflocal legend in inn and thinking she can charm people into throwing
Ten-Towns, and many meetings ofBryn Shander’s their money away. After they run out ofthings to fight
council have been taken up by arguments between about, the sisters go offto their beds, and then get up
the towns’ speakers over fishing rights or, indeed, the next day to do it all over again.
anything else that might be construed as a market Hook, Line, and Sinker, a tavern on Caer-Konig’s
advantage for one town or the other. market square, is easily the busiest establishment in
All this changed recently with the alliance struck town. The tavern owes its popularity to the free half-
between Alden, the speaker ofCaer-Konig, and pints that the owner, Eglendar, keeps on a table by the
Crannoc, his counterpart in Caer-Dineval. Hewing front door. He presses one into the hand ofevery person
to the terms ofan old agreement ratified by the coun who stops by. Eglendar on the idea after spending a
cii generations ago over the fishing rights on Lac long time watching most ofthe town’s fishers crawl into
Dinneshere, the speakers ofthe two towns have joined a competing dockside tavern the end ofeach day, not
forces to contain the threat posed by Easthaven’s grow- bothering to walk the extra hundred feet to his build-
ing fleet ofvessels. For the first time that anyone can ing. Now, they come to his place first for the free drink
remember, the fishers ofCaer-Konig and Caer-Dineval
observe an uneasy truce, working side by side (ifnot
(the hooky, and most ofthem stay to order seconds and
thirds (the line—in local parlance, having a “long line”
exactly together) to keep Easthaven’s boats offthe lake refers to a predilection for hard drinking). The “sinker”
north ofthe Shander Line—the imaginary line running part ofthe tavern’s name refers both to the last drink
due east from Bryn Shander that was identified as the call ofthe night and—when locals challenge visitors to
farthest extent ofEasthaven’s waters. a good-natured drinking contest—to the last drink that
Old grudges die hard, however, and the folks of sends a losing contestant under the table.
Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval don’t exactly have a Frozenfar Expeditions is both a store and a
history ofmutual trust. Many people in both towns professional organization ofsorts. Run by a veteran
are dissatisfied by the arrangement, and the resi ranger named Atenas Swift, the shop is the cbs-
dents of Caer-Konig are especially suspicious of est thing that Icewind Dale has to the adventurers’

. . “.

guilds that are sometimes found in the large cities bravado inevitably crumbles, he visibly deflates, and
ofthe south. A middle-aged, steely-haired man with his speech becomes puerile.

skin the color oftanned leather, Atenas is more than
capable ofleading expeditions up Kelvin’s Cairn or
down to the Spine ofthe World, as he often did in his
The Pirates of the Howling Fiend
youth. He can boast ofhaving climbed the treacher As ifthe heightened tensions between the fishing
ous slopes ofthe Reghed Glacier. Now, age is catching fleets of Caer-Konig, Caer-Dineval, and Easthaven
up with Atenas; he is starting to feel the cold in his weren’t enough, the lake’s waters have recently
joints and goes out on the mountain less frequently become even more perilous with the appearance of
than he once did, preferring to stay by the warmth of a band ofpirates who sail a ship called the Howling
a hearth. But he remains a font ofknowledge for those Fiend. They strike indiscriminately, attacking ships
who are bent on adventure in Icewind Dale. from any ofthe three towns, looting the vessels for
He readily sells maps and supplies to explor food and valuables and then setting them afire, leav
ing their crews to perish in the flames or drown in
ers, and he gives out free advice on how to survive
an avalanche, the five mistakes people make when the frigid waters. The pirates usually strike before
trying to run from a crag cat, how to scale an ice wall dawn, when the first ships ofthe day are testing the
withjust a fishing rod and a dead yeti, and more lake’s waters, or at dusk, when the most dedicated or
such topics. In addition to seeking equipment and desperate fishers are pushing their luck to make one
advice, adventurers come to the store to see post- last catch. Sometimes, when the lake is obscured by
ings left by other explorers in the area. Some of these mist or snow, the pirates make bold daytime raids
notices advertise expeditions that are looking for on Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval, terrorizing the
recruits or hirelings who are willing to join existing residents and laying waste to the dockside, and then
ventures. Others promise leads that the posters did retreating before the fishers on the lake can respond
not have the skill or resources to pursue. Some warn to the screams oftheir kin.
about hazards encountered in the wild. Still others In truth, the appearance ofthe pirates is related
are wills and insurance policies, announcing the to the towns’ other troubles. The marauders are
poster’s expedition plan and expected date of return. former residents ofCaer-Dineval, fishers who were
Ifsuch an individual does not return, Atenas uses his eager to defend their right to the lake’s waters against
deposit either to hire other adventurers to attempt a the encroaching fleet ofEasthaven. With the aid of
rescue or to set the missing person’s affairs in order. Speaker Crannoc and financial backing from some of
the town’s businesses, the fishers commissioned a ram
for the bow oftheir ship from Baerick Hammerstone,
Alden Lowell the dwarfstone carver ofKelvin’s Cairn whose “black
Speaker of Caer-Koni8 ice” pieces have become the rage ofTen-Towns.
Wanting the ram as much for intimidation as for
Alden Lowell is a craven opportunist, with none of practical use, the fishers asked Baerick to carve it in
the qualities ofa true leader. After contriving to be the likeness ofa terrifying demon. The finished piece
named speaker ofCaer-Konig, he quickly alienated bears an obvious likeness to Errtu, the balor demon
many ofhis constituents by supporting Crannoc who has twice terrorized the people of Ten-Towns.
Siever’s proposal to enforce the terms ofthe lake’s old The head and torso extend forward from the ship’s
fishing charter. Since then, Alden’s career has been prow, and the sculpture’s mouth is agape in a silent
wedded to Crannoc’s. He spends most ofhis time in scream—imagery that prompted the fishers to change
council parroting the speaker of Caer-Dineval, and their ship’s name to the Howling Fiend.
he throws his weight around town by pretending that Equipped with their new ram, the crew began I
Crannoc is his staunch ally. In fact, Crannoc regards aggressively pushing the fishers ofEasthaven away
Alden as a simpering fool, whom he tolerates only from the central waters ofthe lake, much to the
because Alden so readily follows his lead. Alden, delight ofthe northern towns. But constant expo
meanwhile, considers himselfthe clever one and is sure to such a large quantity ofblack ice began to
convinced that it’s he who is using Crannoc. Alden affect the Ilowling Fiend’s crew. Their attacks on East-
is a coward at heart—a fact that he has not yet had to haven’s ships became increasingly vicious, and they
confront since he is protected, for the time being, by began quarreling with other crews from their own
his association with the speaker of Caer-Dineval. town. Crannoc, fearing that their belligerence would
Alden is a young man, slight ofbuild with blond endanger his tenuous alliance with Caer-Konig and
hair. He often puffs out his chest when he talks, inflame the speakers ofthe other towns, tried to rein
trying to imitate Crannoc’s bearing. When his in the crew to no avail.

-r:. .
...*.vw -

The tipping point came when a Caer-I)ineval boat their raids in broad daylight) and tends to follow his
came to the aid ofa foundering Easthaven vessel that passion, raiding for the sheerjoy ofstriking terror
had just been rammed by the Howlinq Fiend, with no into the people ofLac Dinneshere. As such, Derrick
other friendly vessels close enough to save its crew. is easily manipulated—even by his own crew—
The sailors on the Howlin8 Fiend, enraged, came back although his temper makes it dangerous to do so,
around and rammed the second boat just as the since he doesn’t hesitate to maim or kill anyone he
Easthaven crew was climbing aboard, sending three suspects oftrying to make a fool of him.
ofthe fishers—including one from Caer-Dineval-—to
the bottom ofthe lake. Before more boats came on Pyrse of Ship Rethnor
the scene, the Howling Fiend fled to the far end of
Pyrse Auliffis an agent ofShip Rethnor (see page
the lake, making berth in a hidden cove there. Its
63) sent by Vaelish Gant to infiltrate the pirate crew.
crew did not dare to return home, and two days later
At least, “Pyrse Auliff” is the name he gave to Der
Speaker Crannoc denounced the attack in a special
rick the Drownder. After tracking the pirates back
meeting ofthe council, declaring the crew of the
to their hideout, Pyrse approached them, pretend-
Howling Fiend to be outlaws.
ing to be a disaffected fisher from Caer-Konig who
Within a week ofthe incident, the ship reappeared
wanted to join their crew. As suspicious as Derrick
on Lac I)inneshere’s waters, but now as a pirate vessel.
was due to the influence ofthe black ice, the captain
The black ice had thoroughly corrupted the crew,
came within a hair’s breadth of slaying the intruder
granting them unnatural strength and poisoning their
outright. But Pyrse had timed his arrival well,
minds. Their depredations rank among the most hei
coming to the camp the night after a botched raid on
nous ofany outlaws who have ever terrorized Icewind
Caer-Dineval had left the crew two men down. One
Dale—they loot, murder, and pillage at will.
ofthe other pirates observed that they would need
At least one person in Ten-Towns does not con-
new blood to continue raiding. In the end, Derrick’s
sider the pirates’ activity on the lake to be an
thirst for pillage won out over his reservations about
unqualified disaster. Vaelish Gant, a wizard in Bryn
Pyrse’s unexpected arrival.
Shander, sees the pirate crew as a potential tool
Since then, Pyrse has been working to gain the
for furthering the Arcane Brotherhood’s agenda in
crew’s trust and subtly directing their raids according
Icewind Dale. Their ravages have made the towns
to instructions he regularly receives from Vaelish Gant
ofLac Dinneshere more receptive to the wizard’s
through a magical ritual. He has even persuaded Der
self-serving offers ofaid (the better to penetrate the
rick to bolster the pirates’ ranks by capturing, rather
fishing industries ofthose towns with his own capital
than sinking, some ofthe fishing boats they attack,
and agents). Moreover, if Gant can find a way to exert
accepting their crews as “volunteers.”
some control over the pirate crew, he can ensure that
Pyrse’s proximity to the black ice ram on the Howl-
the howling Fiend’s attacks serve his purpose by tar-
geting businesses and vessels that don’t comply, while mR Fiend is taking its toll, heightening his paranoia
and fear ofdiscovery. Pyrse now believes that Vaelish
leaving the Arcane Brotherhood’s operations alone.
Gant is watching him constantly, making his every
move a test ofloyalty. The other pirates have noticed
Derrick the Drownder that he sometimes makes strange gestures or mum-
Derrick Gaffner is the captain ofthe Howling Fiend, bles to himselfwhen he thinks no one is listening,
although ever since the attack that branded him giving rise to the suspicion that he is simply mad.
an out1a he has been known by the folk on Lac
Dinneshere as “T)errick the Drownder.” A hot-headed Creedon the Ferryman
man even before he was corrupted by the black ice,
Creedon Connelly is the ferryman of Easthaven
Derrickhas a face battered from a lifetime ofbrawling—
and has held that post since old Spiblin drowned a
his nose has been broken numerous times, and one of
decade ago. Tall, tan, and wiry, with a mop of brown
his ears was halftorn offin a nasty fight. Most recently,
hair hanging in front ofhis brow, Creedon waits at
his cheek was opened up by a fisher’s knife during one
the docks every day for passengers who need to make
ofthe pirate raids. Lacking needle and thread, Derrick
the trip across the southern shore ofLac Dinneshere,
had one ofhis men close the wound with fishhooks,
across the rivers that feed the lake. Few make that
which still hang from the angry red scar.
trip even in the height of summer, and Creedon waits
Derrick leads his crew by example, using intimi
in vain now that winter has come. He is desperate
dation to quash any dissent. He’s not much of a
for coin to support his wife, Sara, and their five small
strategist (it was one ofthe other crew members who
pointed out that they probably shouldn’t conduct

-. - •

family’s welfare. He occasionally feels pangs ofcon-

science when he hears about fishers who have lost
their boats—and sometimes their lives—to the pirates,
or when he witnesses the aftermath oftheir raids
on Caer-Konig and Caer-I)ineval. Creedon consoles I
hiinselfwith the thought that he’s only doing what he
must to provide for his family, and he imagines that
someday he rjll make up for his complicity by telling
Speaker Danneth about the hidden cove . . just as

soon as the purse in his bed gets a little fatter.

The southernmost lake oflcewind Dale is, by many
accounts, the most beautiful. Belying its name, the
waters ofthe lake are emerald green in the morn-
ing and sparkling silver at twilight. Unlike Maer
I)ualdon, which is beset by fleets offishing boats
from Targos and Terinalaine, or Lac Dinneshere,
which is blasted by frigid winds coming off the
tundra, Redwaters is a peaceful lake, plied only by
a handful ofsailboats and a few score coracles that
glide across the surface like swans with their young.
Redwaters is not without its dangers, though. The
most remote ofthe three lakes, it is visited infre
quently by caravans and other traders, so basic
supplies can be hard to come by here. Considering
how little wealth trickles into the area, sellswords and
fortune-seekers rarely visit Redwaters. As a result, the
wilds teem with the kinds ofinonstrous beasts that
children, but both he and Sara know that the ferry
elsewhere would fall to an adventurer’s blade.
trade just isn’t enough.
I)uring the winter, when the lake freezes over, food
The recent appearance ofthe pirates has pre
becomes scarce. Unlike the deeper waters ofMaer
sented Creedon with an unusual opportunity. I le
Dualdon and Lac Diimeshere, Redwaters freezes early
guessed the location oftheir hideout, having used
and thick, making the fishing season shorter and ice
the cove himselfin years past to occasionally smug-
fishing impossible in midwinter. Travelers find that
gle people or goods in and out ofthe towns on Lac
the people ofGood Mead and Dougan’s Hole guard
Dinneshere. After gathering his courage, Creedon
their provisions jealously—and sometimes aggres
sailed into the hidden cove one night and made the
sively—during these lean months. “Warm as a winter
pirates a proposition. He would bring them regular
greeting in Redwaters” is common Ten-Towns par-
shipments ofsupplies they were unable to procure, in
lance for an inhospitable welcome.
addition to information on the towns’ activities: when
The two towns ofRedwaters, Good Mcad and
and where the pirates would find the richest targets
Dougan’s Hole, are known to be fiercely indepen
to strike; what resistance they might face; and any
dent. It is ironic, then, that to most ofthe other
plans the townsfolk might formulate to strike back at
people ofTen-Towns, the two are almost always
them. In exchange, the pirates would pay him a fair
mentioned in the same breath. “Good Mead and
price and guarantee safety for him and his boat.
Dougan’s Hole” might as well be the name ofa single
To his relief, the pirates agreed to his proposition.
town, as far as residents ofthe other eight towns are
Moreover, the Luskan agent, Pyrse, made a separate
concerned. To the people ofGood Mead, this expres
arrangement with Creedon to provide information of
sion is irksome, since they consider themselves quite
particular interest to Vaelish Gant. Pyrse also asked
different from all the other townsfolk. The folk of
Creedon to filter the information he provides to the
1)ougan’s Hole find it downright insulting, because
pirates based on the wizard’s needs.
for some reason they always come second.
Now Creedon has a growing purse ofsilver stashed
in his mattress at home, even after seeing to his

- ‘S

ofwar are chipped and faded, and its hall—cramped

Good Mead by the standards ofmost southerners, though twice
Population 150 the size ofany ofthe town’s dwellings—stands empty
most days. The shrine was built over a century ago,
“Cut south offthe Eastway after the trees thin out, an’ keep when the town’s rivalry with Dougan’s Hole still
walking ‘tilye hear the buzzin’ o’ bees. That’ll be Good raged, and for a time thereafter nearly all the inhab
Mead. Ifyefall in the lake,you’ve gone toofar.” itants of Good Mead paid homage to the battle lord.
—Beorne Steelstrike Since their retreat from the waters, the shrine’s rel
evance has dwindled to the point where only a few
Visitors to Good Mead rarely have a difficult time pious residents visit it regularly, and then only to
deciding where in town to go first. The short row of observe the war god’s holy days.
squat dwellings that line the trail along the lake’s west-
em edge is overshadowed by the two-story structure of
the mead hall, its eaves carved and painted to resemble Kendrick Rielsbarrow
the wyverns that are said to roost in Kelvin’s Cairn. Speaker ofGood Mead
Like most ofTen-Towns, Good Mead originally
depended on knucklehead trout for its livelihood, Kendrick Rielsbarrow is a bluff, good-natured giant
selling smoked fish, raw ivory, and scrimshaw in the ofa man and a tireless ambassador for the town of
market at Bryn Shander. In fact, the southern lake Good Mead. The only thing he loves more than selling
got its name when the competition for fishing waters his home town’s famous brew is sharing it with good
between Good Mead and Dougan’s Hole led to a battle company, so he spends his time traveling about Ten-
between several ships that resulted in the deaths offish- Towns with a wagon full ofmead casks, delivering his
ers from both towns, staining the waters with blood. In stock to the local inns and taverns. Kendrick means
the decades following, Good Mead’s trade in its justly well, but he is not the most effective ofspeakers—he is
famous brew began to outstrip the proceeds from its easily manipulated by his peers in the council—and as
fishing hauls to the point where most ofthe town’s fish- a result, Good Mead has not prospered in recent years
ers took up mead brewing instead. A building adjoining as much as some ofthe other towns have.
the mead hail, recently erected to provide storage Standing seven feet tall, with a physique that mir
for the increasing volume ofcasks, is roofed with the rors the rocky slopes ofKelvin’s Cairn, Kendrick
town’s retired fishing vessels, and now only a handful of looks like a more civilized version ofthe barbarians
boats sail out each day from Good Mead to catch fresh that roam the tundra, causing some Ten-Towners to
fish for the stewpots. wonder about his heritage. He speaks in a booming
The only other building ofnote is the town’s voice and is quick to laugh.
shrine to Tempus. Unlike the mead hall, which is
well cared for, the shrine’s painted icons ofthe god Dougan’s Hole
Population 100

“They’re an odd lot, thefoiks o’ Dougan’s Hole. Keep to

‘emselves, and seem to like it that way. I only visited there
once. After theflrst day, Igot the sense they thought it best
for me to leave. After the third day, I got the sense they
were right.”
Mead Hall —Beorne Steelstrike

Dougan’s Hole is the smallest ofthe ten towns, and

visitors who make the trek from Bryn Shander are
Shrine to
likely to be underwhelmed when they finally reach
the small cluster ofdwellings perched on the edge
ofRedwaters. Even Good Mead, barely more popu
bus, seems more civilized with its decorated mead
hall and its cultivation ofthe surrounding forest. The
.‘.— only improvements that the people ofDougan’s Hole
have made to their bit of shoreline are the two piers
they built for launching their boats and the gravel
, . ..‘ -.‘ ...

built the structure or why; the townsfolk maintain

that the stones were there when the town’s founder,
Dougan Dubrace, first happened upon his famous
fishing spot. Many northern scholars have tried
to research the origin ofthe structure’s name, but
all they found were allusions to a creature named
Thruun in the oldest legends ofthe northern folk.
speculate that Thruun was a god who disap
peared from the pantheon ofFaerimn long ago, but
others question whether such a being ever existed.

Edgra Durmoot
Speaker ofDouqan’s Hole

Edgra Durmoot is an old trapper who has lived her

II entire life in Dougan’s Hole. A plainspoken woman of
words, Edgra is suspicious by nature and tends to
be gruffin her dealings with strangers. She is not much
warmer with her peers, frequently snapping at the
other speakers in council and dismissing their ideas.
they put down between their dwellings to keep paths Many times Edgra has refused to heed a summons
and roads from becoming a sodden mess. to council, and she never attends during the winter
The residents depend for trade entirely on the months. Some ofthe other town speakers wonder why
knucklehead trout they fish from Redwaters, since the she bothers coming to council meetings at all.
town is not large enough to support any industry—not Edgra is lean and leathery; her scarred hands and
even scrimshaw. The able scrimshanders ofTen-Towns grizzled face speak ofa hard life eked out at the edge I
reside in the larger communities ofthe two northern ofcivilization. Having survived her husband, along
lakes, so merchants from Dougan’s Hole sell raw ivory with the many dangers in the wilds oflcewind Dale,
and salted fish at Bryn Shander’s market, hoping to Edgra is as tough as they come, and only a fool would
make enough coin to buy grain for the winter in addi take her for a weak old woman.
tion to hooks and line for the next fishing season.
In winter, Dougan’s Hole becomes even more
isolated from the other towns, and the road connect- MAER DUALDON
ing it to Good Mead and the Eastway is frequently Once the primary destination of all who came to
blocked by deep drifts ofsnow. Even when the road Icewind Dale, Maer Dualdon has seen fewer visitors
is passable, the residents keep to their own, including in recent generations, with travelers staying in Bryn
the speaker, Edgra Durmoot. Although the tradi Shander or taking the Eastway to Lac Dinneshere
tional midwinter council meeting in Bryn Shander instead. Those who still make the final leg of the
is always spottily attended, Edgra is alone among journey north are rewarded with some ofthe same
the speakers ofTen-Towns in never having attended sights that greeted the first explorers and enticed
a single one. She prefers to be with her people, she them to settle here. Under the great shadow of Kel
says, who are too busy hunting, trapping, and chop- yin’s Cairn, protected by the mountain from the
ping wood for their fires—simply trying to survive the winds ofthe Reghed Glacier, sits an azure lake, its
winter—to worry about politics. deep, cold waters rich with trout, its banks sheltered
by tall growths ofpine and fir. Otters play in the river
Twenty Stones of Thruun waters that drain from Maer Dualdon, and great
eagles soar overhead, occasionally diving to rake
About the only interesting feature in Dougan’s Hole,
the lake’s surface with their talons, leaving behind a
and the only reason most travelers bother visiting the
silver scar that is quickly engulfed by the blue waters.
place, is the strange megaliths known as the Twenty
Today’s travelers are also greeted by other sights
Stones ofThruun. Standing at the town’s southern
that the first settlers could not have imagined. The
edge, these rudely fashioned granite menhirs are
lake’s southern shore is sheltered not by trees but by
arranged in a perfect triangle, with a single stone
the wooden walls ofTargos, built out over the water
anchoring the formation’s center. No one knows who
to provide safe harbor for its ships. On the eastern

L - —-
:... . ‘

shore, the town ofTermalaine stretches out beneath

the mountain, and the town ofLonelywood has
pushed back the forest’s edge to the north. West of

w Z5araos
the lake, the people ofBreinen have built along the Three
banks ofthe Shaengarne River, chasing the otters . 1 -
F1ags ‘ • - -

%, ..

downstream. Everywhere on Maer 1)ualdon, boats

skim across the surface, competing with the eagles to
pull fish out ofthe depths.

Population 1,000 .
Market Squ’r
“Thefoiks in Targos are as hard-headed as the trout in
their lake. They’d rather stay shut up behind their walls
than admit they need helpfrom anyone. Stubborn an’ A
-rco 3remez
S iy
proud, the lot of’em. Makes a dwarffrel right at home.” .—,-.. . :-,_‘e :?L.%-
500 ‘ 1000
—Beorne Steelstrike “:::‘‘:. .,... feetIiiii1itiaI4
The scene inside the gates ofTargos, the only other
walled community in Ten-Towns, invites immediate
comparison with Bryn Shander. Both towns are busy
wall has gotten in the way ofthe town’s growth, and
and crowded, but where Bryn Shander buzzes with new residents have started erecting shanties outside
the vibrant energy ofits market, Targos hums with the wall. The wall extends out over the lake, creating
the steady industry ofits docks. In Bryn Shander a safe harbor for the town’s boats and giving Targos
during the day, locals constantly look to see who aiiother advantage over its rival, Termalaine, whose
has come in the gates, while travelers wander about fleet is occasionally damaged by the storms that blow
taking in the town; at night, the taverns are full of in from the Sea ofMoving Ice.
people getting to know each other over a few pints of
mead. In Targos during the day, people walk through Goods and Services
the street quickly with their noses down, intent on The Luskan Arms is the oldest public house in
getting their work done. When night falls and the Ten-Towns, established back when Bryn Shander
last boats are in, the town goes quiet as the fishers was stilijust “the cabin on the hill” and Luskan
head for their beds, to get what rest they can before was a thriving city. Many ofthe traders who came
the dawn finds them back out on the lake. to Targos in those days hailed from Luskan, so the
Luskan Arms was built to look like an that might inn

Fishing Industry be found in the City of Sails. As a result, much of the

Almost all the towns in Icewind Dale make their decor is nearly two hundred years old, providing a
living offthe lakes, but nowhere is that fact more on snapshot ofLuskan as it was the years before its

display than in Targos. The town has always had the decline and ruin. Pennants bearing the arms of the
biggest fishing fleet, the best ships, the most knowl five ships ofLuskan’s 1-ugh Captains hang from the
edgeable sailors, and, as a result. the biggest hauls. inn’s walls, and a vellum map ofthe city is mounted
Even though Easthaven has threatened to overtake it, over the hearth. The innkeeper, a quiet, balding man

Targos has retained its dominant position in the fish- named ()wenn, knows bits and pieces ofthe city’s
ing industry by concentrating on what it does best. lore, some ofwhich were passed on to him by his
Nearly every resident is involved in some facet of the father, with the rest picked up from travelers who
fishing business, and everything that goes on in town come to stay at the Arms.
revolves around the work ofhauling the knucklehead Three Flags Sailing is the tavern where fish-
out ofMaer Dualdon’s waters. ers coming in offthe lake grab a bowl ofstew and a
quick pint before heading to bed. The atmosphere at
the Three Flags is subdued—the fishers are usually
Walled Town weary from their long day’s work, more interested in

Like Bryn Shander, Targos is encircled by a wooden eating than socializing. The mood occasionally turns
wall, which in the past has protected the town boisterous when the town celebrates a good haul or
against orc and barbarian raids. Lately, though, the when one ofthe crews recounts the tale ofa fight with

- “-- “
a quick armor patch or a simple fish-gutter usually
make do with one ofthe other resident smiths.
Triglio is the town’s general store, named for one
THE DOCKWORKERS’ ofthe chanteys that the fishers often sing when hard
GUILD at work upon the lake: “Trigl-ee-oh, lads, an’ ‘oist upon
Targos is the only community in Ten-Towns that has the line/Tri
cjl-ee-oh, lads, an’ brinqyonftshers in.” The
a guild—namely, the dockworkers’ guild, represent- proprietor is a thin, middle-aged man named Jestin,
ing the town’s shipwrights, warehouse workers, and who fished the lake until his left hand was crushed
loaders. The guild was formed to ensure standards in a collision with a rival boat from Terinalaine.
of quality and construction for the town’s fishing Now he sells foodstuffs, sackcloth, candles, lamp oil,
vessels and to prevent wildcat strikes by laborers snowshoes, wagon wheels, and various other necessi
who come to Targos during the busiest part of the ties. The one thing he doesnt sell is fishing or sailing
fishing season. supplies—in Targos, all such goods are supplied by
Town speaker Giandro Holfast is one of the specialty crafters and merchants. Adventurers can
guild’s leaders, and he is attempting to expand the find most oftheir basic supplies at Triglio, and if they
guild to the rest ofTen-Towns. Workers whojoin the can’t, Jestin can tell them where else to look.
guild would benefit from its wage and trade protec
tions, and their towns would gain the expertise of
Targos’s master shipwrights. Such expansion might Giandro Holfast
cost Targos some of its competitive advantage with Speaker ofTargos
the other fishing towns, but Giandro believes that
the increased influence such an arrangement would Giandro Ilolfast is a native ofTargos who works as a
bring to his town would finally put Targos on an master shipwright at the town’s docks. He is proud
even footing with Bryn Shander. ofhis work and proud ofhis town, and it chafes
at him to see Targos threatened by the rising star
ofEasthaven. Like many ofhis fellow residents,
Giandro deeply resents what he sees as Bryn Shand
er’s machinations to become the preeminent city
fishers from Termalaine. Three Flags Sailing is run by oflcewind Dale, with all the other towns in orbit
a plump, gray-haired widow named Ethen, whom the around it. The speaker is determined that Targos
local fishers call “Ma.” She bustles around the tavern should hold its own, and though he is not hostile
making sure everyone has a hot beer—”to take the toward his peers on the council, he rebuffs any prop-
chill off,” she says—and fusses over the men as if they osition that he believes would make Targos beholden
were her own sons which a few ofthem are. to the other towns.
Graendel’s Fine Dwarven Craft is a smithy run Giandro is middle-aged, with dark hair and a
by the aging Graendel Granitefist, one ofthe original strongjaw, and might be handsome ifnot for his per-
dwarves who fled Mithral Hall with Clan Battle- petual frown. His hands are thickly callused, and he
hammer and resettled in Icewind Dale. He has plied speaks in a stern, gravelly voice.
his trade in Targos since before most ofthe fishers’
grandsires were alive, and he is the only person left
in Targos who remembers Akar Kessell’s invasion
Population 600
and the destruction that his Cryshal-Tirith wrought
on the town, incinerating whole blocks of build-
“Thefolks o’ Termalaine will tellye theirs is the loveliest
ings with a focused beam of sunlight. The town has
part o’ Ten-Towns, an’ I reckon they’ve got the ri
ht of it.
long since built over the devastation, but Graendel
True, the charms o’ their spacious streets an’ decorated
still tells the tale ofthat terrible day to anyone
homes may ‘ave been wasted on me, but the mine! Full o’
who’ll listen—usually captive-audience guards from
gems it were, sparklin’ like the waters o’ the maer. Aye, a
Bryn Shander who have come to have their armor
lovely town indeed!”
adjusted. Graendel has a fine eye for his craft and
—Beorne Steelstrike
makes all ofhis pieces to order, fitting them perfectly
to their intended recipients, whether an adventurer
Termalaine has a well-deserved reputation as the
looking for a new blade or a boat in need ofa new
most picturesque town in Icewind I)ale. Without the
anchor. Because ofGraendel’s exacting standards, confinement of a wall, the settlement unfurls from
his work often takes some time, and those in need of
the banks ofMaer Dualdon in long, broad avenues
dotted with trees, inviting travelers to stroll down scaring the fish away, and stealing catches. Most of
to the water’s edge. The town does not feel busy or the time these grievances are voiced from a distance,
crowded—its spacious houses are widely spread along but every so often the crews nudge each other’s boats,
the avenues, and its inhabitants go leisurely about and the yelling escalates to fisticuffs. These alterca
their days. Termalaine has its own fishing fleet, and tions are usually more a chance for the fishers to
one often hears workers down on the docks calling display their bravado than an attempt to do serious
out to one another or to the boats coming in off the injury to the other party, but occasionally an encoun
lake, but the town is not dominated by its fishing ter turns truly violent, resulting in deaths. After each
industry the way Targos is. Crafters and artisans are such tragedy, the mood in Termalaine turns dark,
as numerous here as shipwrights, and their work and the residents begin recounting the transgres
improves on the town’s natural beauty. Many build- sions perpetrated by Targos over decades, which
ings feature intricate braid-work carved into their serves to reinforce the unending animosity between
wood frames and doors, and scrimshaw ornaments these two rivals.
and wind chimes hang in their windows. But per-
haps what endears Termalaine most to travelers is
its people. Though rough and hard-working like
Goods and Services
The Eastside is the inn where visitors in Terma
all the other inhabitants ofTen-Towns, the folk of
lame generally stay. What looks from the street like
Termalaine are also friendly, good-natured, and wel
a cluster ofhouses actually turns out to be a single
coming ofstrangers. Some people say that’s because
structure connected underground, with some of the
they get so few travelers compared to the likes of
coziest rooms in Ten-Towns though, as more than
Bryn Shander, but in truth it’s because the people
one traveler has doubtless reflected, only in Icewind
ofTermalaine love the small corner ofFaerfln they
Dale would a cot in the cellar be considered cozy).
have carved out for themselves, and they want visi
The owner is an aging fisher named Clyde, who still
tors to fall in love with it, too.
spends his days out on the lake, since the inn doesn’t
see a lot ofbusiness. His wife tended to visitors
during the day, until she passed away two winters
ago; now Clyde employs a 12-year-old girl named
Marta to watch the door and make meals for anyone
who comes to stay.
The Blue Clam is the dockside tavern where the
fishers ofTermalaine typically end their day, seated
on benches near one ofthe building’s long hearths
to warm their feet while they fill their bellies with
spiced chowder. The walls are decorated with fish-
ing trophies and beautiful works ofscrimshaw, and
the tables and benches are decorated with the knot-
work carvings typical ofthe town. Vernon Braig,
the owner and chef, knows some ofthe hunters and
trappers up in Lonelywood, and occasionally a sled
comes down the north road with a sack ofhares or a
haunch ofmoose, courtesy ofone ofVernon’s friends.
On those nights, the Blue Clam’s hearths are full nf
roasting meats, and the patrons stay later and sing
louder, enjoying the good times while they last.

Rival to Targos Shaelen Masthew

Termalaine’s rivalry with Targos goes back as far
Speaker of Termalaine
as anyone can remember. For as long as the folk of
these two towns have been pulling knucklehead out
Shaelen Masthew is a charming, outgoing woman
ofthe waters ofMaer Dualdon, they’ve been fight-
who seems to know the name ofevery person in
ing over who pulled which fish out ofwhat waters.
Termalaine, and her friendly manner makes strang
Every day on the lake, fishers from Termalaine and
ers feel right at home. Shaelen first attended the
Targos can be heard yelling at each other for cross-
council meeting in Bryn Shander as a proxy for
ing lines, obstructing movement across the water,
by the sense that they have left Ten-Towns. Even
though Targos, Termalaine, and Lonelywood are all
visible from the town’s docks and Kelvin’s Cairn still
THE GEM MINE dominates the skyline, the Shaengarne is like a road,
When the first explorers settled on the east bank slowly bending its way south and west, away from
of Maer Dualdon, they thought nothing ofthe small the mountain and Icewind Dale. In those prone to
cave set into a low hill behind their settlement. It wander, the shimmering band ofthe Shaengarne
wasn’t until later, when the settlers mustered up seems to ignite the imagination about what lands lie
courage to explore the cave’s depths, that they beyond at the world’s edge. On the people of Bremen,
found a load of tourmaline gemstones. Lacking the the view has the opposite effect, causing them to
expertise and resources to set up a proper mining cling to Ten-Towns like barnacles to a rock, afraid of
operation, the people of Termalaine have worked being washed away in the tide.
the mine slowly and sporadically over the years,
their efforts further hampered by creatures from the
Underdark that occasionally find their way up into Seasonal Floods
the mine. Whenever such creatures are discovered, The fear ofbeing washed away is no mere metaphor.
the mine is sealed off, and the townsfolk wait until Early every summer, when the frozen ground thaws,
a band ofsellswords or adventurers can be hired to the Shaengarne spills over its banks and sweeps the
clear it out. Currently the mine stands open, though floodplain clean. Accustomed to the annual cycle,
lately a few miners have reported strange noises and the people ofBremen do not build on the floodplain,
had tools go missing. but in some years the waters rise higher than usual
and wash away boats or even buildings erected too
— close to the riverside. Travelers are also occasionally
swept away when, unaware ofthe strength of the
current, they attempt to ford the raging waters.
the previous speaker, who had fallen ill. She was When the waters recede in midsummer, they
inspired by Duvessa Shane’s example, and when the leave behind a rich layer ofsilt along the river’s
previous speaker succumbed to his illness, Shaelen bank, practically the only soil in the area capable
convinced the people ofTermalaine to elect her as ofsustaining anything other than scrub grass. The
the new speaker. Since then, she has learned much growing season is short, and the people of Bremen
about the politics ofTen-Towns and has become one make the most ofit, planting onions and tubers that
of the council’s shrewder members. can be stored for the winter. Those who aren’t busy
Shaelen is heavyset, with straw-blond hair tied on the lake often spend their spare daylight hours
in braids and a beaming smile. She wears a simple combing through the silt for whatever the floods
woolen dress and apron, her only ornament a brass might have deposited on the river’s banks—fishhooks
wedding ring. Though she is not as fiercely intelligent and fishing rods, broken weapons, bits ofjewelry,
as Duvessa, Shaelen’s appearance and good nature pieces ofraw knucklehead ivory, and even gold nug
can be disarming, a fact she frequently exploits. gets. “Treasure hunting” is a favorite activity among
the children, and people from other towns make the
Bremen trip to Bremen once or twice a year to try their luck
Population 300 on the banks ofthe Shaengarne.

“I tried me hand at pannin’for gold along the banks o’ Goods and Services
Bremen, once. Came up with a couple o’ clams an’ ‘n ogre’s
Buried Treasures caters to Bremen’s visitors, most
tooth, but not a bit o’yellow. Seems like afool waste o’ time,
ofwhom come from other parts ofTen-Towns to
fye ask me. ‘Course, mefather always used to say the
spend a few days panning the riverbanks. Since trea
same about caravanin’!”
sure hunting is a warm-weather activity in Bremen,
—Beorne Steelstrike
the inn is sparsely occupied for most ofthe year, and
travelers in the off season might find a dark common
The town ofBremen sits sleepily on the west bank
room and a cold hearth upon arrival. Nevertheless,
ofMaer I)ualdon, at the mouth ofthe Shaengarne
the innkeeper, Cora, is always happy to have guests,
River. Those who lack a boat to sail into the town’s
and she sets her son, Huarwar, to fetching wood
harbor can reach Bremen only by fording the river,
for the fire and helping with the baggage while she
which can be a perilous proposition when the water
turns down the fur-lined cots and puts a pot of fish
is running high. In Bremen, travelers are often struck
Ewin’s Trinkets is a small shop that specializes
in buying and selling the items that local treasure-
seekers find on the riverbanks. The building is
B;4n cluttered with a miscellany ofobjects. Some look
as ifthey might have value to the right person, and
__ others look like the kind oftrash a child would stuff
in her pockets to keep it from being thrown away.
S. , , ‘ . The shop is owned by a haifling named Ewin who
came to Bremen to pan the riverbanks. In a remark-
able stroke ofluck, he pulled three gold nuggets out
ofthe river in his first two days ofprospecting, and
after much deliberation over what to do with his
newfound wealth, he decided to buy this store. Some
ofthe collection dates back to its original owner, a
wizard named Earvin who came to Ten-Towns from
II Buried Tran ets ,-—::; ,. ‘ Luskan after the fall ofthe Hosttower ofthe Arcane,
Treasures -2- ? 0 5001 1.
“ -
and who dealt exclusively in magical trinkets. Ewin

‘% —--,- ,

1 ’
feet I I

: LIfñI: has spent years trying to figure out which items in

his collection are magical and what they might do,
L but so far the only item whose function he’s sure of
is a chipped porcelain cup that instantly heats any
and leek stew on the hob. The common room is deco- liquid poured into it. Ewin is happy to buy any gems
rated with hundreds of objects dug up from the mud or jewelry that adventurers might bring him and
ofthe Shaengarne by Cora’s guests and then donated is willing to part rjtlm his trinkets for a fair price,
to the inn. Most are oflittle value—gnarled pieces of with the understanding that buyers won’t hold him
driftwood, shards ofbroken pottery, a battered shield responsible for any undiscovered or undesirable
bearing the remnants ofa Cormyrean noble’s crest— magical effects.
but displayed in a glass case on top ofthe mantle, out
ofcasual reach, is a gold nugget the size ofa man’s
knuckle. At least, that’s what Cora tells visitors it is. Dorbuigruf Shalescar
In truth, it’s a rock that she disguised with a bit of Speaker ofBremen
paint she bought from a dwarftrader years ago, but
the opportunity it promises to those who see it spar- I)orbulgruf Shalescar is a dwarffrom Iromuaster
kling above the hearth keeps hopeful visitors coming (see page 5 6) who moved to Bremen after a mining
back year after year. accident convinced him he had spent enough of his
Stones is one ofthe taverns on Breinen’s infamous life underground. His unflagging efforts helping
Five-Tavern Center. It’s known as the place where Bremen to rebuild after a bad flood earned him the
rough-and-tumble fishers drink their courage before respect ofthe locals, and his sensible, even-handed
picking fights with locals at the neighboring tav nature earned him their trust, eventually prompting
ems (sometimes they practice on each other before them to nominate him as their speaker.
taking their act across the street). The barkeep, DufE 1)orbulgrufis getting on in years, and a few wisps
is a coarse sort himself, and his broad shoulders ofgray are visible in the dwarf’s black beard. He
and broken face attest to his ability to both dole out speaks in a slow baritone that brooks no interrup
and withstand punishment. He doesn’t usually get tion, and he always treats strangers as friends until
involved in the nightly frays unless they happen in they give him a reason to do otherwise. His unflap
his bar, whereupon he delivers a thumping to any pable demeanor is a welcome counterpoint to the hot
patrons who cause property damage. The tavern tempers that often hold sway at the council meetings
takes its name from the polished river rocks that in Bryn Shander.
Duffputs at the bottom ofevery tankard ofale. If a
drinker drains the cup at a single go, the stone rolls Local Landmarks
gently down to the lip ofthe tankard, but patrons
Five-Tavern Center is the area in the middle of
who delicately sip at their beer will get a crack in the
Bremen where five taverns stand arranged in a circle
teeth when they throw back the last oftheir drink.
around a central yard. As the story goes, five brothers
In keeping with the spirit ofthe establishment, new-
had originally intended to build a tavern together,
corners are never warned about the stones.
The northernmost municipality in Ten-Towns is a
remote community ofloggers and fishers, humble
folk engaged in hard, honest labor, scratching out
FIVE-TAVERN CENTER a living at the edge ofthe rorld It is also a den of
In the middle of Bremen stand five taverns unrepentant thieves, cold-hearted killers, and mis-
arranged in a circle around a central yard, a erable derelicts. These two groups ofpeople do not
place the locals simply call Five-Tavern Center. exist separately—they are one and the same, and a
As the story goes, five brothers had originally person’s vision ofthe town’s inhabitants says more
intended to build a tavern together, but each about that individual than it does about the people of
had assumed he would be the one to run the Lonelywood. Clinging to either ofthe extreme views
business. Since none of the brothers would often causes outsiders to misjudge the residents,
work for the others, each built his own tavern, sometimes with tragic consequences. The visitors
and they all competed for customers. Every who fare best in Lonelywood are those who have a
night would find the brothers in the central yard more nuanced understanding of human nature, who
fighting over who was stealing whose business. know that good and evil do not stare at each other
Whether the story is true is anyone’s guess, but across the battlefield ofthe cosmos, but lie within
nearly every night in Bremen finds a fight break- every person’s heart in discomfiting embrace.
ing out in Five-Tavern Center.
—_z Haven for Miscreants
For as long as Ten-Towns has existed, Lonelywood
but each had assumed he would be the one to run has attracted the region’s shadiest element. The place
the business. Since none ofthe brothers would work is far enough from the other towns to be safe against
for the others, each built his own tavern, and they all idle intrusion, and its thick wood conceals the dark
competed for customers. Every night would find the and sordid dealings that sometimes transpire there.
brothers in the central yard fighting over who was Still, Lonelywood is not Luskan; people are not regu
stealing whose business. Whether the story is true larly murdered in the streets, and folk do not always
is anyone’s guess, but nearly every night in Bremen plot against one another. The realities ofsurvival this
finds a fight breaking out in Five-Tavern Center. far north demand that the folk ofLonelywood live
Wet Rock is a small island located in the head of and work together, and so they do, quite peaceably—
the Shaengarne River. Jutting up from the river like for the most part.
a miniature version ofKelvin’s Cairn, the rocky islet The fact ofthe matter is that almost every resi
stays clear ofthe flood waters most years, but in years dent ofLonelywood has a secret past. It might be a
when the flooding reaches its highest levels Wet Rock crime for which that person has yet to face justice,
is totally submerged. A determined recluse named a revelation too dangerous or shameful to divulge,
Thurdeime has rebuilt her little shack atop the
island at least six times in the last fifteen years,
but no flood can convince her to relocate into
town. Rumors around Breinen claim that the old
woman is a witch who treats with infernal powers
in the solitude ofher cabin, but the truth is much
simpler: She fled a brutal husband in Waterdeep
fifteen years ago and can’t bring herselfto trust
people anymore, especially men.

Population 150

“Mostfolk in Lonelywood went there tryin’ toforget

about somethin’ or tryin’ to beforgotten. Folks there
. . .

mind their own business, an’ they expectye to do the

same. Surest way tofind trouble in that town is to start
askin’ questions.”
—Beorne Steelstrike
a loss too great to be overcome by mourning. ever imagined that the structure would see use for
Although a few people bring their past with them to as long as it has, so all the construction has been of
Lonelywood, continuing their lives and identities as a haphazard nature and indifferent to quality. Sev
before in hopes that the remoteness ofthe location eral times, sections ofthe building have collapsed
will keep whatever chases them at bay, most new- under the weight ofthe winter snows; inevitably,
comers arrive in town intent on leaving their past the repairs to these sections were undertaken with
behind. But such truths often have a way of catching the same (minimal) amount ofcare that went into
up with people sooner or later. their original construction. Nowadays, the inn is
kept open on a permanent basis, with a retired
sawyer named DeGrootz looking after visitors. Only
Timber Industry
a handful ofrooms are in service, with the rest still
Only about halfofLonelywood’s able-bodied resi used for timber storage. Rumor has it that some-
dents trawl the lake for knucklehead, while the other times other things get stored in those rooms as well,
halfspend their days in the surrounding forest fell- hidden among the cords ofwood, but DeGrootz
ing and hewing the trees that are used to construct keeps all the rooms under lock and key. That, and
many ofthe boats and buildings in Ten-Towns. Most the heavy woodcutter’s axe he keeps close at hand,
famously, Lonelywood’s firs were used to build the deters most visitors from poking around in rooms
walls ofTargos and Bryn Shander. that aren’t theirs.
After it is cut, Lonelywood’s timber is taken by The Lucky Liar is a favorite local tavern where
cart down the north road, where most ofit is sold fishers and woodcutters spend the evenings tell-
in Termalaine and Targos. Less frequently, Lone- ing tall tales. Although the taverns in Bryn Shander
lywood’s timber drivers bring a load to market in might see a greater number oftravelers, it is at the
Bryn Shander, where the wood generally fetches a Lucky Liar Tavern that one can hear some of the
higher price. most outrageous tales ofadventure in the far-off
Lonelywood’s forest is the town’s greatest asset, corners ofFaerfln. Ofcourse, most ofthe stories are
not only for its material wealth but for the defense
it provides against orcs and barbar
ians coming down Bremen’s Run.
The woods slow oncoming pursuers,
giving the townsfolk time to escape - ‘

onto the safety ofthe lake. Most often,

though, bands ofraiders simply pass
Lonelywood by, never realizing the
town is there. --.- (
før( aet
Goods and Services

Ramshackle is Lonelywood’s aptly

named inn. The original structure
was hastily thrown up about a cen
tury ago to accommodate a surge
ofinterest in the town following its ‘

branding as the “Home ofthe Half-

ling Hero” (so named for the town’s - - - -

speaker, a haifling named Regis, who ‘,.

_\ ..

played a pivotal role in rebuffing

the barbarian invasion led by King L.
: Heafstaag ofthe Tribe ofthe Elk). I.-
r After a time, the influx of travelers
to Lonelywood returned to its usual i-’•-- .‘

h trickle’and the building was given

Tover ,o storing timber. Over the years

“the residents periodically found occa

sion to reopen the inn, sometimes

adding c-’a rooms as needed. No one
I :-

n?( ‘- - ..- ., - -

: - -.
\ -

heavily embellished, and some are outright fabrica to have histories that aren’t readily acknowledged
tions—fictional exploits invented by locals who are by the shop’s proprietor, a weaselly-looking fellow
concerned about keeping the truth concealed. From named Pave!. Travelers who purchase equipment
time to time, though, patrons whose tongues have might later find themselves in the uncomfortable
been loosened by drink let slip valuable or danger- situation ofbeing accosted by the items’ previous
ous secrets—kernels oftruth hastily covered over owners (who were not compensated for their loss)
with a wash oflies, but always noted and filed away or attacked by interested parties who have mistaken
by Danae, the tavern’s astute barkeep. A slight, plain- the travelers for said previous owners. On the other
looking woman notable for her raven-black hair, hand, adventurers who have rare or unusual objects
Danae takes advantage ofherjob at the tavern to to sell need look no further than Pavel’s shop. The sly
hide in plain sight among the people of Lonelywood merchant is willing to pay a very nearly fair price for
and goes about her serving work with a quiet just about anything—no questions asked.
circumspection. She rarely engages in extended con- The Happy Scrimshander is a little shop near
versations, and she makes small talk with patrons Lonelywood’s docks that sells the tools ofthe scrim
as a pretense to linger near an interesting conversa shander’s trade: needles and knives in a dazzling
tion taking place at another table. In fact, Danae is array ofshapes and sizes, inks in a rainbow of colors,
a Thayan agent planted in Icewind Dale years ago and waxes used to seal an engraving when it’s done.
to watch for enemies ofSzass Tam who might seek
refuge in the remote communities ofTen-Towns.
Pavel’s Used Goods is the closest thing that
Avandro Perth
Lonelywood has to a general store. Buyers can find a Speaker ofLonelywood
wide array ofgoods here, from the mundane to the
extraordinary, and generally at lower prices than Avandro Perth is a black market operator from
can be found in Bryn Shander’s market. But, like Neverwinter who headed north when Lord Never-
the people ofLonelywood, the goods sold here tend ember put a price on his head. By the time he eluded
the last bounty hunter, Avandro had ended up in
Lonelywood, where he resolved to
rebuild his business. But then, while
he was in the process of establish-
ing a local network, Avandro ended
up gaining influence among most of
the small town’s population, inadver
tently resulting in his being elected
speaker. He enjoys the expanded
clout the position grants him, but
its responsibilities place increasing
demands on his time. Still, what’s
good for Lonelywood is good for
business, so Avandro manages the
. *
town’s affairs as best he can.
With his close-cropped black hair
‘ -. and hawkish features, Avandro is
easily recognizable (which proved
- ..
a distinct liability during his flight

1 _-:-f-
j-: . , from Neverwinter). He speaks in

;: -- .
precise, clipped tones and quickly
%4:b.;ç betrays impatience when he thinks
-: --
Cc: his time is being wasted.

- -. - . -
They are children ofthe glacier, as suggested by mostly launched by the small, aggressive, and des-
their collective name. They are people ofthe wild, perate Tribe ofthe Bear. Instead, the tribes have
as revealed by their tribal names—the Elk, the Tiger, begun to engage in limited trade with the towns,
the Wolf, the Bear. They are the tribes of Icewind particularly Bremen and Caer-Konig, where many of
Dale, proud and wild and strong, bound to ancient their distant kin still dwell. Because ofthis trade, the
traditions that have kept them alive through count- barbarians are better armed, better equipped against
less harsh winters in Icewind Dale. The people of the cold, and better fed than ever before, and they
Ten-Towns and southern lands call them barbarians, seem to be gaining in strength despite their dimin
because these wilderness folk disdain what they call ished numbers.
the weakness ofcivilized people.
Markedly taller than most southerners, with some
males approaching seven feet in height, the Reghed TRIBE OF THE ELK
barbarians have blue eyes and hair ofblond, red, or The most renowned and most populous of the
light brown. Their skin is bronzed from the sun and Reghed tribes, the Tribe ofthe Elk strives to carry on
cracked by the wind, giving their faces the look of Wulfgars great legacy. For the most part, the tribe
tough leather set in an expressionless mask. They lives in peace with the Ten-Towners, and the tribe’s
dress in leather and furs, dyed in bright colors that ruler leads his people with wisdom and care.
stand out against the brown and white ofthe tundra.
The four main tribes have been bitter rivals in Jarund Elkhardt
the past. Some tribes have diminished, and some King ofthe Elk Tribe
minor tribes have disbanded over the past century,
many oftheir members settling in Ten-Towns and King Jarund Elkhardt is a towering barbarian
abandoning their traditional ways. Ofthe remaining whose deeply tanned skin and mane ofauburn hair
tribes—Elk, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear—the Tribe of the bespeak a life utterly removed from the comforts of
Elk is the most prominent. It is the tribe ofthe best- civilization. Anyone who speaks with the terse ruler,
known hero ofthe Reghed barbarians, Wulfgar, son however, learns thatJarund is no savage. At forty-two
of Beornegar. winters, he is the oldest king among all the barbarian
The Reghed tribes are nomadic, following herds of tribes and has led the Elk Tribe for over halfhis life.
reindeer on their annual migrations southwest in the Jarund has seen other kings rise and fall, has made
winter and northeast in the summer. The barbarians war with his friends and peace with his enemies, and
live in large, round tents made ofdeerskin and sup- has led tribesmen he knew as babes to their deaths
ported by beams ofwood harvested from the Spine in battle. Always he has kept the survival ofthe Elk
ofthe World or the trees near Lonelywood. After Tribe foremost in his efforts, and the strain of his
each seasonal migration, they erect their tents in an long years ofrule is written on his face.
encampment that remains more or less unchanged Some members ofthe Elk Tribe refer to their
for the length ofthe season. king as Jarund the Elder, though never in his pres
A typical camp includes a ring oflarge tents that ence. The epithet is an allusion to the king’s late son,
house the tribe’s king and the other important mem Jarund Twice-Born, who was killed three years ago
bers: its shaman, its most honored hunter, its greatest in a hunt when he tried to bring down a cave bear.
warrior, and the like. Each tent is surrounded by His spear struck true, but the creature tore open
campfires where warriors ofthe tribe sleep in the the young man’s chest in its death throes, leaving
open, protected from the cold by the flames and thick Jarund without an heir. The king never speaks of his
fur blankets. Smaller tents surround the inner circle, son and shows no favor to any other warriors of the
with campfires scattered around and among them. tribe to mark a possible successor. But as old as he
The Reghed tribes have been known to raid Ten- is, Jarund cannot ignore the matter ofsuccession for
Towns for supplies and slaves, but only a handftil long, and many warriors have already started postur
of such attacks have occurred in the last century, ing against one another in the event that the tribe
r’ ,

invokes the rite ofcombat to determine a new king Many ilijies north
s aCrQcc
after Jarund passes. Many ofthe tribesfolk speculate tUfldfl to the the trackle
edge ofland in all
that the leader’s reluctance to name a successor—and
the obvious favor he shows to Froya 1-larmoot—
Realms, thefrosts
tllegroit,id j
cJfM’jlter had already
lzardeized :$
11 a white tippedg/
indicate that he hopes to sire another heir. Some There were
no fllOUfltajfls or trees to block the
ofthe women whisper that Froya is already with cold bite oft/ic
child—much to the consternation ofjarund’s wife, rele,tless eastern
wind, carryiiig
from Reghed Glacier tlzefrostv air
TheBreat bergs oft/ic
Whatever the future holds, Jarund is a potent force Moving Ice
dred slow’y past, Sea of
for the time being, and he rules his tribe with a sure the wind howling
oftheir high-ridjg off
hand. He is gravely concerned about the early coming tips in agriin reminder
coI7liig season. of the
ofwinter, in terms ofsurviving the harsh season and 4 Andyet the nomadic
Slunmered there with the tribes who
what it might portend about the greater entities at reindeer had
wit/i tl!e herd migration notjourneyed
work in Icewind Dale. In such matters, Jarund seeks southwest along the
the counsel ofMjenir, the Elks’ shaman; the king to the iflOre hospitable coast
sea on the south
greatly respects his understanding ofthe workings of peninsula side of the
gods and spirits. The fact that both men have lost their The 55
sons serves to strengthen the bond between them. oft/ic horizon was
in One small corner broken
Jarund’s attitude toward the people ofTen-Towns by a solitary
largestgathering encampment the
is a mix ofdisinterest and disdain. He refers to city- ofbarbariauis thisfar
more than a north in
dwellers as “tamed men” and does not see much century
value in dealing with them. In Jarund’s mind, the
—The Crystal Shard
people’s refusal to live with the land, and instead
hide from it behind walls, is the source oftheir trou
bles. Although he knows the coming winter will test
his tribe sorely, Jarund believes that the barbarians’

)7 )
Apprenticed at a young age to the tribe’s previ
ous shaman, Mjenir has a deep understanding of the
ways ofthe tundra—the flow ofthe land, the rhythm
elk 3Vit’4 camp ofthe weather, the delicate interplay between herd
animals and predators. This knowledge alone would
- - . - make Mjenir an invaluable member ofthe tribe, but
even more important, he has a connection to the
: spirit realm. It is common knowledge among the
_%_ Q(
, tribesfolk that Mjenir can speak with animals, and


some believe that he can read omens in the clouds.
In truth, Mjenir’s command ofnature spirits is tenu
ous at best, and anything more than rudimentary
divinations is beyond him. Still, he enjoys the author-
ity he has gained from the tribe members’ beliefs
and does nothing to dissuade them. To the contrary,
Mjenir occasionally takes great pains to consult his
oracles conspicuously before recommending a course
ofaction to the tribe, such as when and where to find
the best hunting. More often than not, his counsel
stems not from any mystical revelation but from his
deep study ofnatural lore. Nevertheless, the tribe
enjoys the spectacle and praises Mjenir’s gift when
his advice bears fruit.
Mjenir had a son, Olaf, the sole offspring of his
short marriage to a now long-dead wife. Olafdid not
have his father’s gift for speaking with spirits or his
curiosity about the world around him, instead train-
ing as one ofthe tribe’s warriors. Perhaps as a result
oflosing his mother at a young age and growing up
with a father who seemed more interested in con-
strengths—their courage, fortitude, and knowledge of versing with birds and squirrels, Olafwas more quiet
the land—will enable them to endure. and reserved than the other warriors. When a girl
Jarund’s age and experience make him a cau named Hedrun began to manifest strange abilities
tious leader. Because he does not long for glory as and was shunned by the rest ofthe tribe, Olaf was
the younger warriors do, he is more apt to adopt a drawn to the young woman, notjust for her beauty
defensive position in battle and negotiation, opting but for the loneliness they both endured.
to endure an enemy’s assault and wait to see what Mjenir had mistrusted Hedrun’s abilities from the
develops rather than extend himselfin an attempt to start, not least ofall because they were greater than
achieve a quick resolution. Jarund commits to action his own. Though the girl apparently had no control
only ifhe believes that a failure to do so would place over her gifts, Mjenir saw her as a potential threat
his tribe at greater risk than would holding back. to his position ofimportance in the tribe. When
When he acts, it is with all the strength and fury one he belatedly realized how fascinated Olafwas with
would expect ofa barbarian war leader. the young woman, it heightened Mjenir’s fear that
1-ledrun would steal away everything that belonged
to him. He forbade Olaffrom seeing the girl, which
Mjenir Tormhaalt naturally had the effect ofdriving his son straight
Shaman ofthe Elk Tribe into Hedrun’s arms. Tragically, jealous Auril would
allow Hedrun no mortal love, and her power froze
Mjenir Tormhaalt is the shaman ofthe Elk Tribe, Olafto death at Hedrun’s touch.
and perhaps its most influential member after King When Mjenir learned ofOlaf’s death, he brought
Jarund. Though nearly as old as Jarund, Mjenir looks his son’s body before Kinglarund as proof of the
ten years younger, for he has not carried the burden danger that Hedrun posed to the tribe. Though he
ofrule nor endured the hardships ofbattle. He has could easily have demanded her life in payment
icy blue eyes and platinum blond hair, which hangs for Olaf’s, Mjenir feared that he would be haunted
in long braids across his shoulders. by the vengeful spirit ofone so great. Instead, he
At the eastern edge of Icewind Dale, the frozen tundra meets the great expanse of
the Reghed Glacier. Even the barbarians rarely venture to this bleak and barren area.
Icy winds pour offthe glacier, robbing the plains below ofmoisture, and the glacier’s
slow advance and retreat scours the earth of whatever life takes root there. Great
earthen walls, left behind by the glacier’s past retreats, stand guard over the empty
tundra. The barbarians say these walls were erected by the giants in the Dawn Ages /
to mark the boundaries oftheir kingdoms, and many otherwise brave warriors refuse
to range beyond them.
demanded that she be banished from the tribe,
believing that the girl would meet her end in the
jaws ofa wild beast.
Now that the winter storms have come unseason
a life with the dwarves to return to his rightful
place among his people, Hengar saw a sense of
duty. Where they spoke ofWulfgar’s reliance on his
own might, Hengar saw the hero’s reliance on his
ably soon, and the hunters have returned with tales friends. And where some pointed to the famed king’s
ofa witch wandering the tundra, driving beasts and journeys as a rejection ofthe sentimentality of city-
snow before her, Mjenir realizes that his decision dwellers, who foolishly die rather than leave their
to banish Hedrun might have been a mistake. He precious homes, Hengar saw the searching ofa man
has not shared his suspicion ofthe Ice Witch’s true who no longer felt at home among his people.
identity with anyone else, lest he be seen as having Now a seasoned warrior ofthe Elk Tribe, Hengar
brought her vengeance down upon the Elk Tribe. still has a habit ofseeing things differently from
Similarly, he opposed Hengar Aesnvaard’s suggestion
to find aid in Ten-Towns because he fears repercus
sions ifoutsiders discover the witch’s identity and the
source ofher grievance. Instead, he urges Jarund to
placate the gods with sacrifices and keep the tribe on
the move to stay ahead ofthe witch’s attacks. In his
heart, though, Mjenir knows he cannot outrun win-
ter’s fury, and he seeks a way to counter the witch’s
threat without admitting his culpability to the rest of
his tribe. Perhaps he can put a friend or a foe in the
witch’s way—someone who might stand a chance of
destroying her.

Warriors of the Elk Tribe

Hengar Aesnvaard: As a young man, Hengar
Aesnvaard grew up hearing tales of Wulfgar
Dragonsbane, the Elk king who slew the dragon
Icingdeath and, along with the other famed Com
panions, saved Ten-Towns from the army ofAkar
Kessell at the Battle oflcewind Dale. To hear his
fellow tribe members tell it, Wulfgar’s glorious vic
tories validated the Reghed way oflife. The king’s
loyalty to the tribes, his trust in his own strength to
win through adversity, and the restless wanderings
ofhis late career all spoke to the virtues that Hengar
had been taught since he was a boy.
Hengar took a different lesson from the tales.
Where others spoke ofWulfgar’s loyalty in rejecting

- -

:— .Icindati’s IaW

his fellows. lie has never understood the aloof’ness

between the Reghed tribes and the people ofTen-
Towns when there is so much each could offer the

Ø4 other. But on the few times when he broached the

subject, he nras harshly rebuked by his peers, so now
Hengar mostly keeps his thoughts to himself.
Recently, with the sightings ofthe Ice Witch,
Hengar has had new reason to speak his mind.
IC When the warriors spoke ofthe witch’s apparent
invincibility and Mjenir offered no advice other
Stream Chasm
than to flee, Hengar decided it was time to seek the
aid ofthe people ofTen-Towns. With King Jarund’s
blessing, he traveled to Bryn Shander in search of a
wizard or someone else knowledgeable in the ways
¶ ,.

ofmagic who might be able to tell him how the Elk .-

Tribe can fight this new menace.

Soren Arnsfirth: Fledrun’s father is one of the

t 2O
older warriors in the Elk Tribe, notable for his sky-
blue eyes and his quiet demeanor. A simple man
with no insight into the workings ofspirits or the
mysteries ofgods and magic, Soren was confused
and frightened by the strange abilities his daughter
began to manifest as she grew. lie felt helpless as he EVERMELT
watched the tribe turn its back on her, not knowing
A sacred site to the Reghed tribes, Evermelt is an
how to comfort his daughter or even relate to her.
oasis ofwarmth in the midst ofthe frozen desert,
Soren sought Mjenir’s counsel on many occasions,
a hot spring that bubbles up at the foot of the
but always came away frustrated by the shaman’s
Reghed Glacier. Walled offfrom the howling wind
insistence on treating Hedrun as a threat to be
and warmed by heat from the depths ofthe earth,
managed rather than as a loved one to be helped.
Evermelt is a sanctuary and a refuge. It is also one
Although Soren lacks the courage to speak out
ofthe entrances to the old lair ofthe white dragon
against the shaman, he resents Mjenir for turning his
Icingdeath, and it remains a place ofterrible danger
back on Hedrun and banishing her from the tribe.
even a century after the creature’s death.
His hesitancy stems also from the possibility that
Sacred Pool: The turquoise waters ofthe sacred
Mjenir might have been right to cast the girl out, and
pool appear still and calm. Sometimes a glint of gold
as a grieving father himself, Soren can understand
is visible at the bottom ofthe pool—perhaps a glimpse
Mjenir’s bitterness over the loss ofhis son.
ofa mineral embedded in one ofthe colorful boul
With the recent sightings ofthe Ice Witch, Soren
ders that make up the glacial moraine. Those who
has begun to think that Hedrun might have survived
enter the water risk being caught in a current that
her banishment. His conjecture has no basis other
cuts down into the heart ofthe glacier. A character
than his hope that his daughter yet lives, so he has
can fight the current and stay afloat in the pool, or
told no one ofhis thoughts. lie has voiced support
navigate the narrow chute without injury, by suc
for Mjenir’s policy ofavoiding encounters with the
ceeding on a hard Strength check.
witch, since Soren does not want to see his daughter
Under the influence ofHedrun the Ice Witch,
killed even ifshe has become a monster.
members ofthe Tribe ofthe Bear who have sworn

x _ -Thp_ -‘


5 -.

k. •:.

1! ---

VIv The •: At the base ofthegreLtglaCjer

4 .

Dragon’s /ij oJthe ice spurs wound through

Iüddeiz offin a small deli where
broken rfts and boulders was
Ii [4t Lair “
4 place the barbarians called
the wariiej waters waging
Everinelt. A hot springfrd a small
a relentless battle against
freezing temperatures icefloes and
TribesmeTi stranded inland by early
who could notfind their way 5110Ws,
to the sea with the reindeer
sought refuge at Everineltfor herd, often
even in the coldest months
ulifrozen, sustaining ofwjnter
water could befound
vapors ojthe pool
here. And the warming
made the ternperatires ofthe
bearable, fiiot comfortable innnediate area

—The Crystal Shard

, : ..

allegiance to Auril camp around the pooi to guard make a more controlled descent. Those who fail drop
their sacred site in the dragon’s old lair. thirty feet onto the jagged ice below.
Chute and Tunnel: The narrow chute lead- Most ofthe water drains offthrough a narrow
ing from the pooi widens as it descends, allowing channel in the floor, but some ofthe waterfall’s
creatures that get caught in the flow an opportunity spray, already halffrozen, collects in strangely
to draw a breath ofbitterly cold air as they con- beautiful heaps ofice particles that further scatter
tinue downward. The descent presents the threat the light. Several tunnels lead on from the cavern,
ofdrowning and the danger ofinjury as the waters meandering farther into the glacier’s vast expanse.
smash against the ice walls. Some run without interruption until they finally
Waterfall Cavern: No sooner has the tunnel close off, and others end suddenly where the water
widened than the stream drops into a cascade over spills down narrow crevasses. Unexplored tunnels
a shelfofice, plunging into a high, domed ice cave might open into other caverns, from which yet more
hung withjagged icicles. The floor ofthe cave is passages branch.
strewn with sharp ice spikes, like stalagmites formed The Dragon’s Lair: The widest tunnel from the
as water drips from the ceiling high above. In some waterfall cavern leads to the enormous ice cave that
places, tall columns ofice join the floor and ceiling was once the lair ofthe white dragon Ingeloakasti
in crystalline structures that scatter what little sun- mizilian, which the barbarians called Icingdeath.
light filters through the ice roof above. Though the dragon was slain by the Elk Tribe hero
Characters hurtling down the tunnel can attempt Wulfgar over a century ago, its frozen remains lie
to catch themselves before plummeting over the here still, its desiccated flesh frozen to its bones, the
waterfall, but the icy walls make that task extremely great icicle that stabbed its heart still lodged in the
difficult. As Wulfgar did, a character can attempt a creature’s ribs. The cultists ofAuril who have dis
hard Strength check tojump from the edge of the covered this lair revere the remains as ifthey were a
waterfall and catch an icicle or ice column so as to manifestation ofthe Frostmaiden herself.
accustomed to life in the wintry region (though they
remained loyal to the kings ofMithral Hall). Now
THE DWARVES ruled by a cousin ofthe Battlehammer line, Stokely
Silverstream, the dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn continue
Heirs ofthe once-mighty kingdom ofDelzoun, the
their old ways, mining the scant veins ofiron that
dwarves ofthe North are a scattered remnant ofa great
run beneath the tundra and crafting the finest weap
people. Delzoun, the Northkingdom, arose when the
oris, armor, and tools available in Icewind Dale.
dwarves were a flourishing race and expanded out-
The dwarves ofthe dale are in a situation less
ward from greater kingdoms in the southern lands. It
bleak than a century ago, not so obviously doomed
was the most grand and glorious ofseveral kingdoms
to eventual oblivion. Young dwarves are more coin-
founded across the North, and it thrived for almost four
inonly seen in the mines and tunnels ofthe valley,
thousand years before its fall fifteen hundred years ago.
and laughter more often echoes in the halls. Not that
At its height, Delzoun stretched four hundred miles
the dwarves are any less gruff, stern, or taciturn; they
from east to west, with great citadels aboveground (of
weather the hardships oflife in Icewind Dale with
which Adbar and Felbarr still survive) and vast tracts of
their characteristic stoic silence. But now, visitors
Underdark caves, mines, and tunnels.
from Mithral Hall arrive with nearly every cara
1)elzoun slid into decline as the dwarves’ num
van, come to visit kin. And rather than lament lost
bers were whittled away in endless wars against
Mithral Hall, they toast its kings in their feasts—King
goblins. orcs, and other monsters. One by one, their
Connerad, who sits on the throne now, and King
holdings—including the fortresses ofAscore and
Bruenor, who liberated it a century ago.
Gauntlgrym, and the subterranean network of the
The dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn live in their mines,
Fardrimm—fell to invaders that came out of the
but some parts ofthe mines are more hospitable
mountains and threats that rose up from the Under-
than others. As iron veins ran out, the dwarves
dark. Though surface outposts such as Citadel Adbar
converted the underground caverns into living
and Citadel Felbarr remained in dwarven hands long
spaces—homes, forges, shops, and the like. Rough-
after I)elzoun’s fall, they were cut offfrom each other
hewn walls scarred by miners’ picks were smoothed
and continued to diminish slowly over the centuries.
and squared or carved into perfect circles. Hearths
Before the fall ofDelzoun, a large clan of dwarves
were lit in alcoves where iron had been dug out from
led by Gandalug Battlehainmer established a mithral
the stone. I)oors were fitted into stone archways
mine just west ofthe kingdom and named it Mithral
and floors were leveled, creating all the comforts of
Hall. The Battlehammer dwarves and their allies
dwarven homes.
mined beneath the hall for centuries, growing wealthy
as they traded with merchants from across the North.
But they delved too deeply, inadvertently opening a 7—
portal to a shadowy plane and allowing the shadow
dragon Shimmergloom to enter their halls.
Shimmergloom scattered the dwarves of Mithral home in the rocky valley
Hall and made its lair among the deepest mines. The They had niade their lakes lonj
northerllflhost oft}ie three
fleeing dwarves spread throughout the North, some between the two had
than the barbarians,
taking refuge with their kin in Citadel Adbar. Most of before any hwnans, other rernflallt
They were a poor
Clan Battlehammer, though—including the prince of come to icewind Dale.
thrh’ifl dwarvcfl society
Mithral Hall, young Bruenor—fled the region entirely ofwhat had once been a the loss of
and came to Icewind I)ale. band ofreftiee5 beaten and broken by
a to
Thus, the dwarves ofthe dale are a remnant of heritage. They continued
their jioineland and
a remnant. These members ofClan Battlehammer elders dying as much

established their mines in the valley alongside Kel dwindle in numbers, their under the
the mmmii
yin’s Cairn and lived in the dale for two centuries. sadness as old age. Though
ood, the dwarves seemed
When Bruenor Battlehammer found lost Mithral fields qft}ie rejion was
Hall, his clanjoined him in reclaiming it and aban destined tofade away into
doned Icewind I)ale entirely. —The Crystal Shard
Over the next decades, perhaps two hundred
dwarves returned to Icewind Dale, having grown
The cleft ofearth that stretches south from the foot At first glance, the valley at the foot ofthe mountain
ofKelvin’s Cairn is known to the people of Icewind often seems desolate. No buildings or other signs of
Dale as the dwarven valley. For almost as long as habitation are evident except for the stone stairs and
people have been fishing the lakes, the dwarves of walkways carved into the cliffside. It is behind those
Clan Battlehammer have been living in the valley walls ofstone, hidden from view, that the dwarves
and mining its depths. Visitors who stand at the val ofKelvin’s Cairn go about their daily lives. In these
ley’s edge can see the dwarven tunnels running in troubled times, sentries wander the valley and stand
rows along the walls, connected by narrow walk- guard at various points on the map on the facing
ways, and hear the faint ringing ofhammer strikes page (marked as areas 1, 2, and 3).
carried on the wind. Those who pick their way down Lining the tunnels that bore into the valley’s sides
the dizzying switchback at Daledrop are transported are the dwarven halls—winding rows ofliving quarters,
to a different realm entirely. meeting halls, dining halls, storerooms, forges, temples,
Gone is the howling glacial wind, replaced by the kitchens, and armories. The map enlarges these halls
clangorous echoes ofaxes striking on steel, hammers and flattens them vertically. The complex is made of
pounding out iron, and picks chipping away at the a large number ofsinall chambers opening onto the
mountain’s stone. The wide-open expanses of the main tunnels, stacked two or sometimes three high,
lakes and tundra are replaced by the towering walls with carved staircases leading to the higher doors.
ofthe valley, blocking out any sight ofthe surround- Most ofthe living quarters are modest, consist-
ing lands. Even the craggy profile ofKelvin’s Cairn is ing ofa single room with a table, bed, and trunk, or
transformed by the view from the valley floor. What occasionally a suite ofrooms for a large family. The
others think ofas the mountain is, to the dwarves, meeting and dining halls are much larger, since
simply its peak. The heart ofKelvin’s Cairn is what these are the areas where the dwarves most fre
lies beneath, deep in its tunnels and mines. quently congregate. They are set with great tables
. -r

and benches and decorated with intricate stone carv an altar on a dais against the circular wall, and a great
ings and metalwork. forge stands in the center ofthe temple, used by dwarf
The forge is the heart of any dwarven hail, and smiths to create their finest works in honor ofthe dci-
every time the dwarves dig a new tunnel, the first ties. Before the recent troubles began, the forge was
space they carve out is a new forge room. Dwarven kept burning continuously, but its flames have gone out
forges are much more spacious than those found in since it has been left untended.
human cities—the latter typically are the provenance
ofa single specialist with perhaps a few assistants,
but the forge in a dwarven community is used by
The Mines
The first tunnels dug by the Battlehammer clan
nearly everyone.
after its arrival in Icewind Dale traced the veins of
The dwarves who are loyal to Stokely Silverstream
iron ore the dwarves found riddling the valley walls.
have gathered within this mile-long hall and named
Over the ensuing decades, the most accessible veins
it Battlehammer Hold (area 4), after their clan.
were dug out, so the dwarves were forced to delve
About eighty dwarves live in this part ofthe valley,
deeper to find more ore. The original mining tunnels
and at any given time about twenty-five ofthem are
were expanded and turned into living quarters as
on guard duty or patrolling the road. These dwarves
the miners pushed farther into the mountain’s roots.
live in twelve family homes cut into the walls; in
Now, after three centuries of activity, the mines
most cases, two families live in each home so that
extend into the bowels ofKelvin’s Cairn. Just reach-
the whole population can fit within this single, easily
ing the active loads requires nearly half an hour’s
patrolled area.
walk from the valley floor, and anyone who wasn’t
The westernmost home on the south side of the
raised to navigate below ground will likely become
hall belongs to Dam Stokely Silverstream, the leader
lost in the twisting and looping tunnels.
ofthese dwarves and, before Baerick’s rise, of the
As with the living quarters, the map simplifies
whole valley.
the layout ofthe mines, showing only the largest tun
The large hexagonal chamber on the north side of
nels. The mines are cramped and dark, and the air
the hall is the community forge, where the dwarves
is stale. Anyone taller than a dwarfis forced to stoop
continue to smelt what little iron they’re able to bring
when traveling through the passages. Even at their
up from the mines and work it into the items that
widest, the tunnels don’t have enough room for two
they trade with Ten-Towns. The forge chamber has
people to move freely. Torches and lamps burn dimly
become a sort oftown hall, where the remaining
in the poor air, and casting any kind offire spell con-
loyal dwarves discuss the pressing issues that face
sumes so munch ofthe available oxygen that creatures
the community.
in the area are left laboring to breathe.
Baerick Hanunerstone now leads the dwarves of
Ajunction in the western mines that served as
Kelvin’s Cairn from his seat in the Halls ofBlack Ice
a staging area for expeditions into the newer tun
(area 5), on the eastern side ofthe dwarven valley. nels, the nexus (area 7) is more than two miles
Like Stokely’s dwarves on the west side, Baerick’s fol
from the shaft entrance in the valley. It is a large
lowers have consolidated their homes into a single
chamber that incorporates both a forge and a
mile-long stretch oftunnel that is easily defensible—
small shrine to Dumathoin, which is typical for
though the enemies that Baerick imagines are not
new mines in the valley.
the same ones that Stokely fears.
About sixty dwarves live in the Halls of Black
Ice, sharing space in a dozen large family homes. The Abandoned Tunnels
The easternmost home on the south side ofthe hall Over the years, many dwarven tunnels fell out of use.
belongs to Baerick, and on the other side of the A tunnel might be abandoned because of exhaustion
hall is his forge, where he crafts black ice weapons of a nearby mineral lode, the movement of clans out
and armor to outfit his comrades. At the moment, ofthe valley (or into other parts ofit to be near their
the forge room holds about five hundred pounds of kin, infestations ofmonsters or vermin, or cave-ins.
unworked black ice. Sometimes a tunnel is reclaimed years later when
An enormous round chamber in the eastern mines new ore veins are discovered, clan members return
is the dwarves’ temple (area 6), honoring their four home, and vermin are driven out. Often, though, the
most important deities: Moradin, the head ofthe dwarf dwarves excavate new passages better suited to their
pantheon, called the Dwarffather and Soul Forger; needs, resulting in an expanding network of tunnels
Berronar Truesilver, the Revered Mother; Clanggedin that extend ever farther beyond the valley walls.
Silverbeard, the Father ofBattle; and Dumathoin, the The greatest concentration ofabandoned passages
Keeper ofSecrets under the Mountain. Each deity has is at the southern end ofthe valley, where a hundred

h ..
years ago the dwarves lured the army ofAkar Kessell Some have blamed him for the attacks, accusing
into the area before they collapsed many ofthe tun Stokely ofpushing too far into the mountain too
nels, burying the wizard’s forces beneath the fallen fast and placing the miners in danger. Others have
rock. Although many orcs and goblins died that day charged Stokely with being too timid in the face of
and the strategy saved the valley from further incur- the attacks. Normally, such talk would bring rebukes
sion by the wizard’s army, the dwarves lost much of from the clan members who have prospered under
their home in the bargain. Stokely’s leadership—but the taint ofthe black ice,
Following the war, the dwarves planned to exca which is prevalent in the valley, has made the usu
vate and reclaim the southern tunnels but were ally level-headed dwarves short-tempered and quick
distracted by the reclamation ofMithral Hall. After to find fault with one another. Few ofthein are cog-
many members ofClan Battlehainmer left the valley nizant ofthe change in their behavior, and no one
to return to their ancestral hall, the remaining knows the true reason for it.
dwarves were too few to manage the task, and the The situation has recently come to a head in a
existing tunnels were spacious enough to accommo schism that has erupted in the valley. On one side is
date their reduced numbers. Baerick Hammerstone, one ofthe first to discover
Although the population ofthe dwarves in the the black ice, and other dwarves who have sue-
valley has swelled since that time, they have cut new cuinbed to its influence. On the other side is Stokely,
homes from the stone, so the southern tunnels remain with dwarves who have not yet given in to its evil.
abandoned. Many ofthem are still choked with debris Each side has its soldiers, and the schism could turn
or rigged to collapse at a moment’s notice. into a full-fledged civil war.
Akar Kessell lurks in the deep mines (area 8),
from where he sends plagues ofzombies to harass
the dwarves who are loyal to Stokely while encourag
Helda Silverstream
Merchant ofMirabar
ing Baerick Hammerstone in his depravity. The most
significant zombie attack to date, which left no survi
Born ofthe union between clans Silverstream and
vors, involved a mining party that had established a
Battlehammer, Helda Silverstream is a young dwarf
camp in the nexus.

who inherited the formidable cunning ofher father’s
kin as well as the bravery associated with her moth-
er’s name. Worldly as well as wise, she has already
DENIZENS OF THE seen more ofthe world in her sixty years than her
uncle has in his many long winters. After spend-
VALLEY ing her formative years hearing about the vaunted
The dwarves who live in the valley are sharply clan Battlehammer and the splendor ofher mother’s
divided into two camps, represented by their lead- clan’s seat at Mithral Hall, Helda took it upon herself
ers—Stokely Silverstream and Baerick Hammerstone. to travel there at the tender age ofthirty-five, defying
The arrival ofStokely’s niece, Helda, who tries to her parents and the conventions ofdwarven society
bring adventurers with her to the valley, might tip to leave her home at so young an age. Helda’s father
the balance in Stokely’s favor. asked Stokely to forbid her from leaving the valley,
but the elder Silverstream—whether because of his
Stokely Silverstream own regret over never having visited the vaunted
Dam ofthe Dwarven Valley dwarven hold, or because he realized that nothing he
could say would sway the determined young dwarf—
Since arriving in Icewind Dale as a lad, the long- gave Helda his blessing, so she left with the next
time leader ofthe dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn has caravan heading south out oflcewind Dale.
become one ofthe oldest residents ofthe valley. Although Helda’s fiery personality was forged in
Stokely Silverstream has the mountain in his the valley ofKelvin’s Cairn, her skills were tempered
bones, say the dwarves—a comment on his age and in the bowels ofMithral Hall. There she learned
his uncanny knack for navigating the mountain’s mining, smithcraft, and the arts ofwar and diplomacy
depths, a skill that has enriched the Battlehainmer from her mother’s people, displaying the earnestness
clan over the years as Stokely has unearthed new ofa dwarfwho had grown up in a harsh land that
lodes in the old mines. could ill accommodate the time required to spend
But now the discovery ofzombies—dead dwarves so long at study. Even in their protected valley home,
animated by necromancy—in the mines has eroded the dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn struggle to live through
the dwarves’ confidence in Stokely’s leadership. each winter, hunting for food and resources and

fending offthe orcs, giants, and other creatures that

would claim the valley’s shelter. The clan members in
Icewind Dale must work hard simply to survive—they
do not have the luxury ofa liberal education.
Helda did not intend to spend the rest of her
winters in Mithral Hall, so after ten years there, she
moved on to Mirabar, to seek a life and a fortune
ofher own. Though she makes her home in that
city, she travels throughout the North, bringing her
metalwork and jewelry to customers ranging from
Waterdeep to Icewind Dale.
Helda Silverstream has gray eyes and dreadlocks
oflong, mahogany hair that she pulls back behind
her head. She wears the hooded silver-stitched blue
cloak ofher clan, fastened with a silver clasp in the
shape ofa dwarven war axe, marking her as a war-
nor ofthe Axe of Mirabar.

Baerick Hammerstone
Master ofblack ice

Armed with a great maul fashioned ofblack ice and

girded in plate mail made ofthe same stuff, Baerick
Hammerstone is the leader ofa group of xenopho
bic dwarves who have severed ties with Stokely
Silverstream and brought the dwarven valley to the
brink ofcivil war.
Until recently, he was merely a simple stone
carver living peaceably with his fellow dwarves. Sev Back at his workshop, Baerick set about trying to
eral months ago, Bacrick’s fortunes changed when carve the stone. He discovered that heating the stone
he joined a small expedition formed by a wizard’s in a forge softened it enough to be carved, and he
apprentice from Luskan. The group began near the began fashioning small trinkets from the samples he
summit ofKelvin’s Cairn, where Baerick helped to had brought back. Baerick put his “black ice” trin
unearth the undead form ofAkar Kessell, the long- kets, as he dubbed them, up for sale, and they spread
dead Tyrant oflcewind Dale. quickly among the dwarves. With Kessell’s help
Under Kessell’s leadership, the expedition jour- and encouragement, Baerick excavated more of the
neyed to the northern slopes ofthe Spine of the black ice and sold his trinkets even more widely. The
World. After much searching, Baerick found what wizard apprentice who first hired him acted as his
the undead wizard sought: a black stone as smooth agent in Ten-Towns, and soon Baerick received com
as glass. Though it seemed translucent at first glance, missions for other objects made ofblack ice—knives,
a trick ofthe eye caused it to look darker the longer fishing hooks, even a ram for one ofthe boats on Lac
Baerick squinted at it, as ifthe stone were drinking Dinneshere. Eventually, he began to experiment with
in light. More impressively, when he took his pick to fashioning weapons and armor from the black ice.
the stone, he could not damage it. What Baerick did not realize was that the black
While Akar Kessell dithered about what to do stone was ice infused with the remnants ofthe
with the substance, another miner tried to seize Cryshal-Tirith erected by Akar Kessell over a cen
the stone, and Baerick buried his pick in the other tury ago. Forged from the essence ofthe evil Crystal
dwarf’s skull. The rest ofthe miners set upon him Shard, the Cryshal-Tirith carried a trace of the
and one another in a mad scramble to acquire the shard’s taint, and thus so does the black ice formed
strange stone, until only Baerick survived—much from its remnants. The taint slowly corrupts anyone
to Kessell’s amusement. With the wizard’s help, who comes into possession ofthe black ice, although
Baerick gathered as much ofthe black ice as the wiz the effect is more pronounced in those who have
ard’s magic could help him carry and returned to more contact with the substance.
Kelvin’s Cairn.



KELVIN’S CAIRN The Only Ways In: Icewind Pass and Bremen’s


Rising out ofthe desolate tundra oflcewind Dale is a Run are the two passes running along the moun
mountain ofgiant boulders, piled one atop the other tam’s eastern and western slopes, respectively. Orcs
until they narrow to a snow-capped peak. Beasts or barbarians looking to raid Ten-Towns must come
hunt upon the craggy slopes, giants tread across the down through one ofthese two passes, and which
broken rills, and dwarves mine its hidden depths. one they choose determines whether it is the people
This is Kelvin’s Cairn, the highest point in Icewind ofMaer Dualdon or Lac Dinneshere who seek refuge
Dale and also its heart; all else is fixed by its position behind Bryn Shander’s walls while their homes are
relative to the mountain. pillaged and burned.
Although the boulder-strewn slopes look about Daledrop: A natural switchback sits just below
as stable as a pile of sand, the unusual mountain has the mountain’s southern face, descending from
stood for as long as anyone can remember. Accord- the tundra into the valley at the mountain’s base.
ing to the barbarians, the cairn was formed when This route, known as Daledrop, is the only acces
Tempus, the god ofbattle, fought Kelvin, a great hero sible entry point to the valley from Lac I)inneshere
ofthe frost giants, and slew him on the plain of Ice- or Icewind Pass, and the dwarves use this natural
wind Dale. Temptis rent the ground with his axe and chokepoint to defend their valley against intrusion
took the stones from the earth to heap upon his foe’s from the north.
corpse, serving as a reminder to others ofthe conse Bruenor’s Climb: Amid the jumble of boulders
quences ofincurring the war god’s wrath. that forms Kelvin’s Cairn is a protrusion, a sort of
Although the dwarves ofClan Battlehammer spire that offers a commanding view ofthe Dwarven
live in the yalley at the foot ofKelvm’s Cairn, few Valley below and the towns and tundra to all sides.
humans or dwarves make their way onto the moun As its name suggests, it was a favorite haunt of the
tam’s rocky slopes, and no settlement has ever taken renowned dwarfBruenor Battlehammer, but it
root there. The mountain’s face is largely home to toppled during the battles against Akar Kessell and
wild beasts, the most dangerous being the crag cat. his armies, when the dwarves sealed their tunnels
Many boastful adventurers have set out from Ten- against the invaders. Years later, the dwarves pain-
Towns with the intent ofbringing back a crag cat’s stakingly recreated it in honor ofthe great king of
pelt. Those who return often have harrowing tales to Mithral Hall.
tell ofbeing hunted across the mountain’s slopes by Bruenor’s “Temple”: At the base ofthe mountain
the creature they had imagined to be their prey. stands a small grotto, accessible by way of a narrow
crevice from the northern end ofthe dwarven valley.
Light shines down through natural holes in the cay-
LOCATIONS OF NOTE em’s ceiling, and the chamber thrums with the low
Although most ofthe slopes ofKelvin’s Cairn whistle ofthe wind blowing across the mountain’s
are rough, uncharted terrain, a few locations on face. Carved into the stone here is a small forge with
and around the mountain are well known by the a freestanding anvil, created and used a century
dwarves and the handful ofhuman explorers who ago by Bruenor Battlehammer to craft his master-
venture there. work, the hammer Aegis-fang. Bruenor was the
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first to discover the grotto and sense its deep con- From this vantage
point, the Tnountaj,i Wa5
nection to the powers ofthe earth, and since then only Silhouette that the
broke thefeatitreiess
many dwarves have come to Bruenor’s “temple” to norther,z horizon The line oftlze
cairn had so
craft their own masterworks. Outsiders are seldom because it resembled a named
allowed to visit the grotto, since the dwarves of the mound ofpurposdy
l’(Jl1lder barbarian piled
valley regard it as a sacred space. legend claimed that it
served as agrave Certainfr truly
Verbeeg Lair: Travelers who range farther up the the valley where the
south face might happen upon what appears to be viov made their
4 any home did not resenbJe
a cave running into the mountainside, its entrance ilatitral landmark. In
every direction the
obscured by a boulder or a brace of frostbramble. I tundra rolled on,fiat and
earthen But the valley
Beyond the tunnel’s entrance lies a dwarven out- ,: had only sparse patches
post that was abandoned by its creators long ago but ofdirt sprinkled in among
broken boulders and
has never lain empty for long. Orcs, brigands, and
giants have all made their homes here at times. Most
memorably, a band ofverbeegs in the service ofAkar
; - the mountain on its
walls ofsolid stone. It,
northern border were
jeatures in all oflcewind
quantities ofrock, as
the only
l)ale with any mentioiitible
Kessell lived here once, striking out at the dwarves ifthey had been misplaced
in the valley below before they were exterminated by Somegod in the earliest by
days of creatioz
the Companions oflcewind 1)ale. Ever since, the out-
post has been known in the collective imagination of —The Crystal Shard
Ten-Towns as the Verbeeg Lair, though the bands of
fortune-seekers that periodically venture there never
know who, or what, they will find in residence.

Among the Reghed tribes, the people ofthe Great
- -

Glacier to the east, and a few other hardy, savage

J folk, shamans ofAuril sometimes arise to direct a
,ri k:E:rb
4 —

tribe’s worship away from its ancestral deities and

toward the Frostmaiden. These shamans teach that
PRO STMAI DEN the way to endure winter’s fury is to inflict it upon
others, raiding and pillaging to take the supplies they
The goddess Auril is the evil deity ofcold and winter, need to survive the winter.
and she is counted among the Gods ofFury along- Offering sacrifices to Auril is socially accept-
side Tabs (god ofdestructive storms), Umberlee able—even expected—in places where the threat of
( god ofoceans and sea winds, and Malar (god of the winter’s fury is very grave. Devoting oneselfto the
savage hunt). Cruel, jealous, and fickle, she thrives Frostmaiden’s service is not. Auril is known as a
on fear, not worship, causing frosts to kill crops and cruel goddess who loves to inspire fear, and those
blizzards to assault travelers when she feels her due who would devote themselves to such a deity can
has not been paid. Auril grants her favor in response hardly be thought to have the well-being ofthe com
to prayers only capriciously. Even those who earn it munity in mind. Such people do exist, ofcourse, and
are not spared the bitter cold ofAuril’s breath—only sometimes they manage to assemble groups of like-
allowed to endure it. More often, the cruel goddess minded individuals into cults that meet in secret to
will seem to grant a traveler’s prayer with clear skies offer praise and sacrifice to Auril. Sometimes a cleric
and mild weather, only to reveal her true nature with gathers such people together by displaying the Frost-
a sudden storm that assaults the traveler far from any maiden’s power; these clerics are often revered as
shelter. Though her fury often abates as quickly as it something akin to saints by their followers. Most of
is roused, those who provoke the Frostmaiden’s ire the time, though, it is simply the fevered vision of a
seldom survive it. lunatic devotee that inspires others to join the cult.
Auril’s symbol is a white snowflake on a gray dia
mond (a heraldic lozenge) with a white border.
FOLLOWERS Auril’s commandments to her followers are simple:
“Let in the cold, that it may chase away the false
Auril has few priests and fewer temples. Some druids
security ofwarmth. Embrace the cold, that you may
pay their respects to her on Midwinter Night, and feel my presence. Spread the cold, that others may
isolated cults spring up from time to time, mostly know and fear my power. Do not kill creatures of
in cold, remote regions much like Icewind Dale. A the cold except in great need, for I embrace them as
handful oftemples scattered around the North offer my own. Slay others as you will, for my chill breath
places for the common folk to offer sacrifices, in the spares neither king nor beggar, and those who do not
hope ofappeasing her and staving offher wrath. know the dangers ofthe cold can still perish by it.”
These shrines are only occasionally visited by Auril’s After autumn’s first frost, farmers take a portion
wandering priests, usually females who have sur
oftheir stored crops and scatter it in the north wind
vived an encounter with extreme cold through the
to stave offAuril’s wrath. Those who are about to
Frostmaiden’s fickle favor.
set offon ajourney into cold lands sometimes scat-
The idea ofa cleric—a character who receives ter gold or silver coins in deep snow or icy streams.
Auril’s divine energy in pursuit ofher goals—is
Hunters on the tundra offer the blood oftheir prey
almost entirely foreign to the faith. From time to to Auril, spilling it onto the ice or snow and letting it
time, however, a supplicant who seeks to wield the freeze. The most crazed and evil ofher worshipers
force ofthe winter storm to smite foes is granted a sacrifice humans to her wrath—sometimes under
shard ofAuril’s might. The Frostmaiden’s only condi the guise ofpunishing a criminal by exposure to
tion is that such a cleric use her ability openly, so that the elements.
all can see Auril’s wrath and fear it properly.

it the
north like a war
chariot, bearing upon
sweptfrom the
An icy wn winter storms that
made the worst of
her wake caine
OJdess Auril. In passed the trees
seem like gentle zephyrs. Where AunT the
AerdriC attaCS
turned hard and curled inward as ifseeifl
shivered, and their leaves
the wood.
warmth that lineredhtthhifl _Evermeet Island of

enchantments, predating the Spellplague, constitute

Followers ofthe Frostmaiden observe three holy a vast reserve ofmagical energy that her Chosen can
times each year. The Coming Storm and the Last use to augment the power ofthe goddess. Perhaps
Storm are the celebrations ofthe beginning and the she can even lock Icewind Dale in perpetual winter—
end ofwinter, respectively. Midwinter Night is the an unequivocal demonstration ofthe potency of the
most sacred time for Auril’s faithful. Frostmaiden.


Along with Malar and Umberlee, Auril serves Tabs, Auril’s harsh measures are having the desired effect, at
the god ofnature’s destructive aspect, and in a way least to some extent. With Hedrun as her agent in Ice-
the goddess represents a part ofhis portfolio—the wind Dale, she has secured new followers among the
deadly wrath ofwinter. She has always resented Reghed tribes and the Tenlbwners alike. The shaman
this subordinate position and believes that Tabs has ofthe Tribe ofthe Bear, Bjami Tengervaald, has called
trespassed on her worship for too bong, stealing her on his tribe to follow Auril exclusively and has estab
followers and overshadowing her with his own dis lished a makeshift temple in Evermelt, inside the old
plays of destruction. lair oflcingdeath. They view the ice-encrusted skeleton
Now, as the Sundering begins, Auril thinks the ofthe dragon as an manifestation ofthe Frostmaiden’s
time has come to establish her position independent blessing and offer sacrifices ofbeasts, monsters, and
ofTabos and the other Gods ofFury. She believes (as human foes in the waterfall cavern, where the spray
do most other gods) that the Sundering will end with from the falls quickly encases the offerings in ice.
a new ordering ofthe pantheon, and thus she strives Auril has also anointed a priest among the Ten-
to claim dominance over winter storms, in opposi Towners, a native ofBremen named Davrick Fain.
tion to Tabs. The Frostmaiden unleashes all the fury Though he has no temple or organized congregation,
she can muster on the northern lands of Faerñn, he travels around Ten-Towns, announcing Auril’s
from Icewind Dale to Sossal in the east, hoping to wrath and calling on the townsfolk to offer sacrifices
secure the worship and fear ofthe populace. Along and petitions to the Frostmaiden.
with brutal weather, she sends the beasts of the
tundra to harry the Reghed tribes and the people of
Ten-Towns, reminding them that flimsy walls offer
Davrick Fain
Priest ofAuril
no protection from the dark and cold ofwinter.
Like many other deities, Auril has a mortal
After the first great storm ofwinter, the people of
agent—a Chosen—to enact her will in Icewind Dale,
Ten-Towns gave a larger share oftheir harvest to
energize her faithful, and drive fear into the hearts of
Auril than ever before, and the cold streams and
her foes. For this task, Auril has selected a young bar-
rivers ofthe region are littered with copper and
barian girl named Hedrun from the northernmost
silver coins they offered to appease her.
wastes oflceland Dale. Her people, the Elk Tribe,
What’s more, a handful ofTen-Towners have
have grown too sure oftheir ability to secure a liveli
decided that Auril is a god worth their devotion.
hood from the desolate tundra, forgetting that they Davrick Fain, a merchant in Bremen, wandered out
survive to see each spring only with Auril’s blessing.
into the tundra in hopes ofreceiving Auril’s blessing
Hedrun’s first task is to make them remember. and survived after experiencing what he calls “her
Along with setting a stern example for the Reghed
embrace.” After returning to Bremen, he proclaimed
tribes, Hedrun has been charged with recovering
himselfa priest ofthe Frostmaiden and began calling
the scattered remnants ofthe Cryshal-Tirith and
loudly on his neighbors tojoin him in her service. I s
forging them anew. Aurib believes that their latent
travels around Ten-Towns, buying goods for his stoi

offer him a chance to spread his message throughout strange events occurred in her presence. Hot food
Icewind Dale, and his preaching has accounted for an swiftly grew cold. Fires had to be built higher to
increase in sacrifices to Auril. He has attracted other keep them burning. She always felt as cold as death,
devotees to her service, forming tiny, secret cells of so everyone avoided her touch—all except a young
worshipers in each ofthe ten towns. warrior ofthe tribe, the son ofthe shaman. Despite
Davrick Fain and his message seemed harmless being constantly warned to stay away from Hedrun,
enough at first, but then travelers started turning he was instead drawn to her beauty and distant sad-
up dead, drowned in icy streams or staked to the ness. They began to talk secretly, sneaking away
ground to die ofexposure—sacrifices to appease the from the camp when they could to share their pri
Frostmaiden. Davrick was never present when the vate thoughts. On one such intimate excursion, they
murders were committed, so no culprit could be kissed for the first—and last—time. The son of the
identified. Nevertheless. many people in Ten-Towns shaman instantly froze to death, touched by his love’s
are beginning to look askance at the self-proclaimed lips but killed by Auril’s jealousy.
priest, suspecting that his devotion to Auril is dan- The frightened and infuriated tribe banished
gerous to their communities. Others whisper that it’s Hedrun, stripping her ofall protection and leaving
better for strangers to die at winter’s hand than for her to die on the freezing tundra. But she did not die.
Auril’s wrath to obliterate Ten-Towns entirely. Shedding tears that froze on her cheeks and shiver-
Aside from his cult activities, I)avrick Fain oper ing so much she could hardly walk, she wandered
ates a resale shop in Bremen called Nine Knuckles. aimlessly, feeding on carrion and eating snow to slake
His work takes him to all ofthe lake towns, where he her thirst. She asked Teinpus why this fate was thrust
buys scrimshaw and local products to take back to upon her, but the god ofwarriors gave no answer.
his shop and sell to unwary travelers and traders who Similarly, she prayed to the great elk spirit, but it too
do not realize they’re paying an exorbitant markup. was silent. On a particularly hard day, she gazed into
( In Bremen, “a regular Nine Knuckles customer” is a gray sky filled with whirling snow and screamed
local parlance for a rube or an easy mark.) her question. “Because you are special,” came a tin-
Word has begun to reach Davrick that some of kling answer on the wind. “Because you are great and
the Reghed tribes have taken up Auril’s service, and
he has heard rumors ofa woman that some say is the
Frostmaiden herself—a witch who conimands the
snows and the beasts ofthe tundra, and who cannot be
harmed by mortal weapons. These tales have captured
Davrick’s imagination, and he firmly believes that the
witch who lives on the Sea ofMoving Ice is Auril, call-
ing all true believers to her side before she scours the
dale with her freezing breath. Davrick wants to prove
that he is her most loyal servant, so he plots to deliver
Ten-Towns straight into the hands ofthe Ice Witch.
Davrick Fain is a man in his mid-thirties, with
bright red hair that betrays his Reghed ancestry.
He stands well over six feet tall, though he lacks the
muscular build common among the tribes. No longer
troubled by cold, he wears fine clothes imported
from the south, with no cloak or fur linings.

Hedrun Arnsfirth
The Ice Witch, Chosen of Auril

A bright and strong-willed girl ofthe Elk Tribe,

Hedrun was secretly blessed by Auril as a Chosen
in anticipation ofthe Sundering. Although Hedrun
is not immune to the cold, she was less affected by
it and embraced the freezing death ofwinter as a
bracing time ofclarity and beauty. This alone made
her seem queer to her tribe; then, as she grew older,

beautiful in a way they could not under- —r-r r- ol 7

stand. Because you are powerful, and
they fear that power.” Black Ic :5Qw4r
Over the next months, Auril’s Chosen
learned ofthe wondrous abilities she
possessed and how she could use them
to befriend the beasts ofthe cold when
her fellow humans would not associate
with her. Now she seeks revenge against
her people, and Auril urges her in
dreams to show the folk oflcewind Dale
The Witch’s Sanctum
what winter really means.
The Ice Witch is blessed with Auril’s
power. She freezes whatever she touches,
and she can hurl icicles at distant foes.
She can walk across water by freezing
it with every step or turn the ground
beneath her to slippery ice. She com
mands absolute obedience from the
beasts ofthe tundra, and winter storms Temple of the Storm
rise at her will. What’s more, she can
shape an image ofherselfout ofice and ..

snow and imbue it with her conscious-

ness, creating a duplicate that carries out
her will (and Auril’s) while her real body
slumbers in an ice coffin in her remote
tower. Thus, the people ofthe Reghed - - -

Audience Hall

tribes believe that she cannot be harmed
by weapons, for when the icy simula
crum is destroyed, it crumbles into snow, : ‘c _
. . - .

causing the real Hedrun no harm. A few $

days later, a new simulacrum appears.
0 5 10 20 50 100
feet ,-

THE TOWER iitr.-?i tin rirnutii it i rs miii IT

. -.,. . _,i. .:‘

OF THE ICE WITCH statues ofthe goddess. A few shelves adorned with
The Sea ofMoving Ice is one ofthe most remote tribute collected from raids on Ten-Towns and the
regions in all Faerimn. Few people have ever laid eyes Reghed tribes line another wall. Cold blue flames
on this frozen realm, and fewer still have wandered flicker atop the table and shrine.
its wastes and returned to tell the tale. Glaciers and Temple ofthe Storm: The second floor is a large,
ice floes slide and crash together, grinding to finders open area with a ceiling 80 feet high, the chamber
most ships that dare to navigate its waters. Yet some- adorned only by six tall statues ofAuril. A dais in the
how, the Ice Witch has built a tower ofblack ice here, center ofthe room is decorated with the Frostmaid
infused with the evil ofthe Crystal Shard. en’s symbol. Directly above the dais, a hole in the
The tower stands over a hundred feet tall and resem ceiling offers access to the third floor by way of flight
bles the prism shape ofa quartz crystal, though it is or levitation.
black and mostly opaque. An open archway leads into Audience Hall: The ground floor ofthe tower is
the structure, in obedience to Auril’s command that the an audience hall with a throne opposite the archway.
winter wind be allowed entry into every building. Here Hedrun receives the obeisance ofthe handful
The Witch’s Sanctum: The top floor ofthe tower ofReghed barbarians and orcs from the Spine of the
is sparsely furnished, with a slab ofblack ice for a World that come to pay homage to her. The columns,
bed, a table and stool formed ofthe same substance, throne, and stairs leading up to the next level are all
and a small shrine to Auril flanked by smaller shaped from ice and slick underfoot.

The northernmost reaches ofthe Sword Coast are
commonly referred to as the Cold Run. The name is
ICEWIND DALE loosely applied, but it generally refers to the coastal
region bracketed by the Shaengarne River to the
All the lands north ofthe Spine ofthe World and north and the Iceflow River to the south. The frozen
west ofthe Reghed Glacier are sometimes called the tundra here rises to great cliffs along the coast where
Frozenfar, for they share the brutal climate and mac- the Spine ofthe World comes down to meet the sea.
cessibility ofthe dale. These lands fall into four broad
categories—the lands downriver oflcewind Dale,
the Cold Run at the western extreme ofFaerñn, the
Spine ofthe World itself, and the Sea ofMoving Ice. The city ofFireshear is the northernmost port along
the Sword Coast, known as the point ofdeparture for
caravans that take Ten Trail north to Icewind 1)ale.
SHAENGARNE RIVER Travelers that approach Fireshear by sea can take in
the city in a glance: a small central district of large
The Shaengarne River has its headwaters at Bremen,
stone buildings ascends from the docks, surrounded
where it drains Maer Dualdon and wends its way
by a vast sprawl ofcrude tenements. At the city’s far
west before spilling into the sea at Ironmaster. Along
edge is the entrance to Fireshear Vale—a rift in the
the way, it collects tributaries from Redwaters and
land that terminates at a great crater, its walls black-
the watersheds offthe northern slopes ofthe Spine
ened by fire. Sages have argued over what created
ofthe World. In midwinter, the Shaengarne freezes
the crater—whether it was formed in a volcanic erup
over, although the waters beneath the ice flow year
tion or by a star that fell from the heavens—but the
round. The river marks the southernmost extreme
violent episode sheared away the ground, revealing
ofthe Reghed tribes’ seasonal migrations. In late
the rich copper and silver veins beneath and giving
spring, the top ice breaks and the river floods as
the valley (and later, the neighboring city) its name.
its tributaries swell with snowmelt. Salmon swim
Not all visitors to Fireshear arrive on a ship. Many
upstream to spawn in Maer Dualdon, and the
travel here from Ten-Towns or the smaller surround-
Shaengarne runs with trout-like char and other fish.
ing communities such as Auckney and Hundelstone,
looking for steady work. Merchants and laborers
Ironmaster came here frequently from Luskan before that city
The dwarven city oflronmaster is perched at the descended into chaos. Now, the coastal road from
western edge oflcewind Dale, where the Shaengarne Luskan to Fireshear is plagued by monsters and ban-
River flows into the Sea ofMoving Ice. The city is dits, and the ferry across the Iceflow River no longer
nestled in a great cleft where the Shaengarne rushes runs, forcing overland travelers to ford the treacher
to the sea. Its stone towers rise like spikes from the ous waters. Regardless ofthe point oforigmn, almost
valley floor, and the rooms and passages of Ironmas everyone who comes to Fireshear arrives for the
ter weave in and out ofnever-melting ice and the same reason—to work in its mines.
stone ofthe valley walls. Mining tunnels much like The city is ruled by a merchant triumvirate, who
those under Kelvin’s Cairn extend from the valley represent the interests ofMirabar, Neverwinter, and
walls far below the tundra, providing the dwarves Waterdeep. The triumvirate sends agents to cities
l an apparently limitless supply of iron. and towns along the Sword Coast North, recruit-
Ironmaster is populated exclusively by dwarves— ing laborers to work in the mines by luring them
about nine thousand ofthem. Members of other with the promise ofsteady wages plus room and
races are forbidden to set foot in Ironmaster Vale. board. For farmsteaders accustomed to scratching
Great stone menhirs marked with the city’s arms—a an existence out ofthe soil, the offer brings with it
red anvil on a gray diamond standing on end—are the chance to make more coin in a season than they
arranged in a perimeter around the vale to warn might otherwise see in a lifetime, so the city main-
away travelers who stray too close. tains the steady influx offresh labor necessary to
drive the relentless pace ofits mining operations.

. • ‘ / ,. ;


The work in the mines is back-breaking,

over is high; many miners work only a handful of Auckney
seasons before being replaced. Since hired laborers No major trade road leads to Auckney, just a trail to
make up over two-thirds ofFireshear’s population Fireshear. Likewise, the harbor rarely sees incoming
ofabout fifteen thousand, most ofthe city’s inhabit- ship traffic. The town is too small for trade vessels to
ants have lived there only a few years and don’t really bother with it, and the perennial fog that hangs off
think ofit as their home. This attitude contributes the coast makes navigation perilous. Thus, Auckney
not only to the temporary nature ofmuch of the receives few visitors, and its guard towers, standing
at various outlying points, seldom hold any guards.
I)reyfin Auck, the lord ofAuckney, is a proud aris
tocrat in spite ofhis meager holdings. He is always
THE IRON TRAIL eager to make the acquaintance of well-connected
The Iron Trail runs from Ironmaster down the peers, as well as to hear news from the great cities
Cold Run, intersecting Ten Trail midway between ofthe Sword Coast. The town’s resources are scant,
Fireshear and Hundelstone. The road is used almost however, especially during the long winter season,
exclusively by dwarven caravans that bring their and visitors who remain in Auckney for more than a
wares to market in Fireshear, since southern cara night or two have likely overstayed their welcome.
vans know they will find no welcome in lronmaster. Most ofthe town’s inhabitants are human peas-
ants whose families have farmed the Aucks’ holdings
u_j_I, --
for generations. Growing anything in the rocky soil is
hard work, and the peasants have little time to spare
talking with strangers. For all their labor, the peasants
city’s housing but to illicit activity that would meet barely produce enough food to see them through each
with censure in a more established community. The winter, and a single poor harvest can put the town
ruling merchants do their best to maintain a modi at risk ofstarvation during the coldest months ofthe
cum oflaw and order, but they are more interested in year. As a result, the population ofAuckney hovers just
their profit margins than in the city’s welfare, so to a shy oftwo hundred souls, sometimes dropping to half
large degree lawless behavior is tolerated. that number after a particularly hard season.
Visitors spend much oftheir time in the central The only people in town who don’t live hand to
district, referred to by locals as “the Vaults” for the two mouth are the Atick family and their retainers, who
stronghouses there, where miners draw their salaries dwell in Castle Auck, a small manor house flanked
and deposit their hard-earned coin. The district is by squat towers on an outcropping ofrock in the
home to the Hall ofthe Triumvirate, a great stone cdi- middle ofthe harbor. The castle was built by the
fice where the merchant lords keep their offices and Dorgenast family over seven centuries ago, and it
conduct city business. Nearby are some of Fireshear’s has been ruled by the Aucks for the past five. The
best establishments, including the Green Garden res aging structure is the pride ofthe family, but despite
taurant and a tavern called the Singing Manticore. all attempts to keep it up, the castle is becoming
Visitors looking for a livelier scene can go to the decrepit. The Aick holdings don’t generate enough
Drunken I)warL a tavern near the tenements, where revenue for the lord to fix the buildings properly, and
many ofthe mining foremen drink and one can get the dwarfmasons he employs from Hundelstone
a sense for the pulse ofthe city. (In fact, a few of the won’t work on credit, so Dreyfin is reduced to patch-
regulars are informants employed by the Triumvirate ing the place up as best he can and watching year by
to ferret out corrupt foremen and pass along word of year as his family’s estate crumbles around him.
any strikes or uprisings planned by the miners.) Auckney has no proper inn or guest house, since
Many visitors are surprised to learn that, despite travelers on the coastal road are few and far between.
the size ofthe city, Fireshear has no inns,just a single Visitors who impress Lord Dreyfin might be invited
guest house, wryly called “the Cells” by locals. It to share the cramped lodgings ofCastle Auck. Other-
is a building ofsparse accommodations where wise, they might find a peasant family willing to open
visitors are watched and handled by agents of the their door to guests in exchange for a few coppers. Few
triumvirate, who carefully guard against any rival people have occasion to travel to markets where they
organizations such as the Zhentarim or the Shadow might spend such coin, but Dreyfin happily accepts
Thieves ofAmn gaining a foothold in the city. his yearly tithes in copper rather than crops.


; Z4Y4

The Ice Peak J4f’’ )


4-% Fireshear

.. ---


rewards. The short-lived Tribe ofthe Seal, which

SEA OF MOVING ICE emerged during the heyday ofthe tribes under Wul
Along the western edge oflcewind 1)ale is a great fgar’s leadership, violated that edict, and the people
expanse ofbroken ice that extends hundreds of miles ofthe tribes often point to that transgression as an
out to sea. Narrow runs ofopen water riddle the ice, explanation for why the tribe did not survive.
allowing passage for seafarers brave (or daft) enough
to try navigating this frozen sea. Here, free-floating
icebergs mingle with ice-covered rocks and islets, Ice Peak
and the difference between one and the other is On a clear day along the Cold Run, travelers looking
seldom apparent until tested by a ship’s hull. The ice out to sea can make out the silhouette oflce Peak
shifts constantly, opening new passages while closing on the western horizon. This frozen island is immned
others. Even the most seasoned captains can become for the snow-capped promontory that dominates its
undone when a broad waterway suddenly closes off northern half. Most ofthe inhabitants live in a few
and the jostling bergs grip their vessels like a vise. settlements clustered around the twin bays on the
The numerous hulls ofruined ships trapped in the southern shore. The muountain’s lower slopes are
ice testify to the perils ofsailing this sea. home to goats, yetis, and ice trolls, and the caves in
For all its desolation, the Sea ofMoving Ice does its peak are the lair ofArveiaturace, the white wyrm
have some inhabitants. Seals, walruses, and polar known to sailors as Iceclaws because ofher habit
bears hunt across its surface and in the waters of diving on hapless vessels and tearing them apart
beneath. Schools ofcod and char swim in the deep, with her talons. Rumors persist ofundersea caves
and occasionally whales breach among the bergs. dug by svirfneblin that connect the lower reaches of
White dragons, too, live and hunt here, and creatures Ice Peak to the mainland, but the existence of such
that cannot escape into the water find little refuge tunnels has never been confirmed.
from the terrifying aerial predators. Even a few tribes
ofhunters live here, stalking seals and bears for food Aurilssbarg
and fashioning their shelters from blocks of ice. The largest settlement on Ice Peak is the town of
The Reghed tribes oflcewind Dale are bound by Aurilssbarg, the only community on the island that
an ancient taboo that prevents them from ventur has a harbor deep enough to accommnodate ocean-
ing out onto the Sea ofMoving Ice, or “the floating going vessels. Aurilssbarg serves as a trading post for
land.” as they call it. Though shrouded in language of the other settlements on the island, whose inhabitants
superstition, the edict is ultimately practical, for the come here to trade furs, pelts, fish, oil, and scrimshaw
risks oftraveling on the ice far outweigh the potential

c: D °
for supplies that arrive on ships from Luskan, Sometimes called the XVall, the mountain range
Fireshear, Port Liast, and occasionally Neverwinter. known as the Spine ofthe World is a literal barrier
The sea trade here was dominated by Luskan until between Icewind Dale (and the rest ofthe Frozen-
the City ofSails fell into decline. The influx of trad far) and the marginally warmer lands to the south.
ers from elsewhere along the coast has benefited the Infested with orcs, goblins, giants, and bandits, the
people ofAurilssbarg, but it has also precipitated mountains are inhospitable to civilized life.
occasional acts ofviolence by Luskan captains who
still claim control over the surrounding waters. The
worst offender is a Luskan captain named Faulken
Regspie from Ship Kurth, who set fire to the docks In the highest parts ofTen Trail, only a few shrubs
at Aurilssbarg when he saw a ship from Port Liast cling to life amid patches ofmoss-covered rock. Tray-
unloading there. In the aftermath ofsuch incidents, elers on this route eventually come to Hundelstone,
locals mutter that somebody should do something perching stubbornly on the slopes like the surround-
ing flora. The town’s buildings are low to the ground,
about the belligerent Luskanites, but “somebody”
always means someone else, so nothing gets done. with most oftheir rooms cut out ofthe soil below,
Typical ofthe settlements on Ice Peak, the streets and their roofs steeply pitched against the snows that
ofAurilssbarg are paved with logs laid side by side, blanket the mountams in winter. The many dwarves
and its buildings are low wooden structures whose and gnomes in I Iundelstone are fond of warning
pitched roofs are covered in sod. The establislunent Imman visitors to stoop low as they walk about town,
best known to visitors is Green Hall, a spacious lest they be blown away by the wind.
tavern with a lengthy fire pit that can spit six goats at For most people, Hundeistone is either the last
point of civilization before taking the pass north to
a time to feed the cold and hungry crews that arrive
after unloading their ships at the docks. Locals come Icewind I)ale or the first welcome sign ofrefuge after
here as well to hear the latest news from the main- the wearying trip back. For the town’s inhabitants,
land, although by the time it reaches Ice Peak, such Hundelstone is a gateway to the riches—and dan-
news is often out of date and wildly exaggerated, gers—of the subterranean realm beneath the Spine
little better than idle rumor. Still, the isolated inhab ofthe World. Many ofthe dwarves and gnomes
itants ofAurilssbarg eat it up all the same. here spend their days excavating tunnels, Ininilig
ore, or smelting and smithing the local iron and tin.
Meanwhile, the few score human residents are gen
Bjorn’s Hold erally sellswords or would-be adventurers who earn
A fortified village offive hundred on the south- a living as caravan guards and beast Ininters in the
eastern shore oflce Peak, Bjorn’s hold is home to a crags. They make occasional forays into the tunnels
mixed population ofNorthlanders and Ice Hunters. below to gain valuable experience in learning how to
They are trappers, hunters, and fishers who sell their fight and survive in the Underdark.
goods in Aurilssbarg or risk shipping them out from
the hold’s dangerous harbor. The village has a long
history of animosity with Luskan, and a few brave
The Savage Tribes
Northlanders have even attempted raids on Ltis In caves and valleys throughout the Spine of the
kanite ships lately. World, dozens oftribes oforcs and goblins squabble
over territory and scant resources. Every few years,
when resources grow thin, one tribe or another spills
Icewolf out of the mountains to raid the nearby settlements.
This tiny hamlet lies east ofAurilssbarg on Ice No leader since Akar Kessell has been able to
Peak. Its population is descended from nomadic unite the squabbling tribes. But the Ice Witch has
Ice Hunters who settled on the island centuries recruited one group oforcs, the Blood Ice tribe, into
ago. Its residents still venture out onto the Sea of her service. Most ofthe warriors remain in the Spine
Moving Ice in their hide-covered kayaks to hunt ofthe World, though a few have joined the Ice Witch
seals and whales, selling their wares in Aurilss in her tower. Empowered by I ledrun’s magic and
barg. Legend holds that the people of Icewolf long Auril’s blessing, the Blood Ice orcs have gained the
ago discovered an icebound shipwreck laden with upper hand in conflicts with their neighbors, and if
gold and platinum coins, and jewelry made from the Ice Witch is unchecked, they might manage to
these coins has been passed down among these establish a new orc kingdom in the mountains that
people for generations. rivals Many-Arrows in the east.
Some who have mastered the use ofmagic wield it
for noble ends: to destroy monsters, dethrone tyrants,
and maintain a stable balance in the world. Some
become tyrants themselves. Others pursue the Art as
its own end, losing themselves in arcane exploration.
And some, such as the wizards ofthe Arcane Broth-
erhood, use magic to get rich. sours their relationship that it is unlikely they would
Wealth means power, ofcourse, and ultimately ever work well in concert.
the Brotherhood aims to control the North by putting What’s more, some within the Brotherhood
a stranglehold on trade along the Sword Coast, from believe that Arklem Greeth will eventually return to
Waterdeep to Icewind Dale. Sometimes associated reclaim his position as head ofthe organization. That
with the name ofits former headquarters, the Host- possibility is one ofthe factors keeping the five wiz
tower ofthe Arcane in Luskan, the Brotherhood once ards from moving too aggressively to take the reins.
ruled the so-called City of Sails. Now that Luskan The lich’s phylactery was last known to be in the pos
has devolved into chaos, the pirate captains who session ofValindra Shadowmantle, a Thayan agent in
rule the city no longer answer to the wizards of the the Neverwinter region.
Brotherhood. The Hosttower ofthe Arcane lies half
ruined, and the city around it is haunted by undead.
Whether any wizards still lurk in the Hosttower’s GOALS
alien spires, perhaps controlling the undead, is a The Arcane Brotherhood has always been ambitious,
matter ofspeculation and idle gossip. But it is clear and its current debilitated state has not altered the
that the Arcane Brotherhood still exists. Its agents group’s aims. Four main goals drive the activities of
are everywhere, from Silverymoon in the north to the would-be Archmages Arcane.
Baldur’s Gate far to the south. It might no longer be
the force it once was, perhaps, but the group is on the
way back to its former status.
Power through Profit
The Brotherhood’s aims dreams ofbeing the ulti
mate power in Faerfln. Its founder, Arkiem Greeth,
understood that coin—not titles or birthrights, nor
ORGANIZATION magical or military might—is king in the North, so he
The Arcane Brotherhood currently lacks any central made the Arcane Brotherhood as much a mercantile
leadership. Its former Archmage Arcane, the lich association as a magical one, graft and greed its most
Arklem Greeth, was forced into his phylactery over powerful spells.
a hundred years ago. The four Overwizards who In the wake ofthe lich’s defeat and the ruin ofthe
reported to him are also long gone. Currently, five Hosttower, the Brotherhood’s members are installing
wizards vie for leadership, but none ofthem is secure themselves in cities along the Sword Coast, trying
enough to lay claim to the title ofArchmage Arcane to rebuild their trade networks and bring the area
and fix the hierarchy in place once again. back under their control. The five aspiring leaders
Each ofthese five wizards has a faction of sup- have bases ofoperation across the North: Jendrick
porters within the Brotherhood, and it seems only a the Blue in Port Llast, Teyva “Magehand” Lillowind
matter oftime before one ofthcm gains enough sup- in Baldur’s Gate, Zelenn Essrenthir in Neverwinter,
port to claim the top position. After that, unless the Druette “the Raven” in Waterdeep, and the nec-
situation devolves into violence, the other four will romancer Cashaan el Farid in Luskan, where he
become the Overwizards, the Archmage Arcane’s commands the undead that haunt the Hosttower.
key assistants—though enough animosity currently
A landmark
Of1VOnder niarked
ofSail, a strange the very center
28 that
buildij oftI2e City 4’

aura ofTilagic emanated a powerful

Utilike any other
the HOSttQwer structure in all Faerâri,
ofthe Arcaze
seeTned literally a tree
boastiIlgfli,e tall Spires,
central, and the the largest q the
otJzerfrir equally
the ulaiti trunk high, growiig out of
with tllegracef
g curving
1 .,

Nowhere could any arc ofan oak.

sign ofthe masoiz
s to any
Obvio be seeTi; it Was
Physical labor had viewer that magic, not
prodzced this art Work
a The IlrcJlmage
UJldispztedjJat ofthe
resided in the celitral Hosttoier
to’er While the
the 14’izards closest otherJur housed
in the line
lesser towers °fsuCCejoTl Each of
ig thefour
represellti these
do77i7lated ( dfJrejzt COmpass directiojic
side oftlze trunk
Wizard held and its respect he
responsihilityfor lt’atelziIig
iTlJlueJlCing the over and
events in the direetio,
Thus, the Wizard he overlookeL
west ofthe trunk
out to sea, and to spent his days looking
the merchant ships
out oh Luska,-

1 and pirates riding
Streans of Silver

Rebuild Luskan elements present ample opportunities for the Arcane

Brotherhood to insinuate itselfinto the political and
Cashaan el Farid knows that quelling the chaos in economic landscape. The Brotherhood isn’t looking
Luskan is the first step in making the city a useful
to rule Neverwinter, but to hold sway over whoever
base again, since no trade will flow into the city until ends up in control.
merchants can travel there without undue risk of loss The elfwizard Zelenn Essrenthir runs opera-
(or violent death). To that end, he has started hiring tions in Neverwinter. She lived there before the
adventurers to help clear out the worst elements. To
Spellplague and has a deep knowledge ofthe city’s
keep the revival ofthe Brotherhood secret as long as past, ifnot its recent history. Many major players,
possible, recruiting wizards usually pose as members particularly Lord Neverember, want to gain her con-
ofa more respectable organization or as dispossessed fidence in the hope that she can help them secure
gentry with rights to property in the city. their position in Neverwinter. But with the perspec
Cashaan el Farid is a human necromancer from
tive that comes from living such a long life, Zelenn
Calimshan. Having grown up using his peoples’ fear
waits for the right time to use her influence to tip the
and hatred oftheir genasi oppressors to weave his
balance in the Brotherhood’s favor. Not all members
own subtle spell ofcontrol, Cashaan knows how to
ofthe organization are so patient, though, and some
use desperation to his advantage—and Luskan is full
have suggested that ifZelenn does not act soon, she
ofdesperate people.
should be replaced by someone who will.

Tip the Balance in Broker an Alliance in

Neverwinter Baldur’s Gate
Neverwinter is a key target for the Brotherhood. Its Baldur’s Gate is the richest pot for the taking on the
recent resurgence has made business boom, and
Sword Coast, and everybody is trying to get a piece.
the ongoing power struggles and other destabilizing Establishing a presence there wasn’t a challenge for
the Brotherhood, but as the new player in an estab Vaelish Gant is a heavy man ofmedium height,
lished pecking order ofguilds and regional interests, with short, black hair, dark eyes, and light brown
the organization has been hard-pressed to expand its skin that clearly marks him as a foreigner in Icewind
influence in the city. Dale. He dresses the part ofa wizard, wearing a
Teyva “Magehand” Lillowind hopes to change brown robe with a fancy white mantle fastened with
that. A half-elfthiefand self-taught mage, her a seashell brooch. His ornate metal staffis tipped
resourcefulness makes up for her meager arcane with a glowing sapphire, displaying his magical
talent. She’s hoping to broker an alliance with Nine- acumen for all to see. Though he gives the impres
Fingers Keene, her former superior at the head of sion ofmagical might, his skills at wizardry have not
Baldur’s Gate’s powerful thieves’ guild. progressed far beyond his apprenticeship. This arro
gance extends to his every mannerism—he is cocky
and confident, believing himselfto be destined for
AGENTS OF THE greatness and superior to everyone he meets.

In support ofJendrick the Blue’s aspirations to Wererat riffian
become the Archmage Arcane, a wizard named
Vaelish Gant has come to Ten-Towns. With the aid To support his efforts in Icewind 1)ale, Vaelish Gant
ofthugs and ruffians from Luskan, Gant plans to enlisted the aid ofLuskan’s Ship Rethnor. “Slim” is
bolster the Arcane Brotherhood’s interests by con- a member ofthat gang ofthugs, a sly rogue who is
trolling trade to and from Icewind Dale. quick with his rapier and equally so with his insults.
Slim is actually a wererat, though he conceals that
Vaelish Gant fact as much as possible, using his animal form only
ScheminR Brotherhood wizard to escape from overwhelming danger.
Slim is a smooth talker whose charm is mod-
Many traders profit in the lucrative market for Ice- erated a bit by a shifty, sneaky demeanor. He has
wind Dale’s “white gold,” but the way Vaelish Gant close-cropped, light brown hair, blue eyes, and fair
sees it, ivory and scrimshaw is only the beginning. skin. 1-us forearm carries the tattooed mark of Ship
Ifthe Arcane Brotherhood can gain access to the Rethnor—a sailing ship pierced by a sword coming
dwarven mines ofKelvin’s Cairn and the unex down from above as the tentacles ofa kraken rise up
ploited wealth ofthe tundra—with its rich furs and from the water beneath it.
pelts—that is currently wasted on the Reghed bar- Slim runs Vaelish Gant’s “protection” racket in
barians, the dale will be well worth holding. And if Bryn Shander, extorting payments from merchants
someone were to discover a valuable new mineral under threat ofvandalism and theft. He is cold-
lode somewhere in the Spine ofthe World, Ten- hearted and savage, and every time he bullies a
Towns might become another Mirabar. merchant, he secretly hopes that the target will put
The Brotherhood’s leadership hasn’t displayed up a fight. But he’s so good at intimidation—lower-
any interest in Icewind Dale; this operation is Gant’s ing his voice to a whisper to utter his most severe
alone. The wizard is actually less interested in Ten- threats—that he rarely gets to use his rapier.
Towns than in the prestige that success there will
bring him among his peers in the Brotherhood. He Marek “the Shank”
especially hopes that the profits generated in Ten- oblin thug
Towns will help Jendrick the Blue secure the position
ofArchrnage Arcane, and then the senior wizard Gant’s other main agent in Bryn Shander is a hob
will reward him with a position as an Overwizard. goblin named Marek, also called “the Shank.”
Vaelish Gant was born in the southern city of Hobgoblins aren’t a common sight in Icewind Dale,
Athkatla, far down the Sword Coast. He joined the so the Shank’s hood covers his red-skinned face most
Arcane Brotherhood under Jendrick’s tutelage and ofthe time. his job is recruiting the most unsavory
started his operations in Waterdeep, hoping that characters from Ten-Towns to aid Vaelish Gant’s
effort would be the key to his career. Gant was soon efforts. Scoundrels are often drawn to the hulking
frustrated by stifling competition, and he decided brute, who seems to offer an alternative to the life of
that gaining a stranglehold on the markets in Ten- community that defines most ofTen-Towns.
Towns would be a better use ofhis energy and an Marek is a tall, strong hobgoblin with long, black
easier way to impress his mentor. hair and yellow eyes. His face is heavily scarred, a
- . :* ‘ -•

testament to the brawls he has survived as part of Each ofthe High Captains is the head ofan mdc-
Ship Rethnor in Luskan. His arm bears the same pendent faction named for pirate ships and their
tattoo worn by Slim, identifying him as part of Reth captains who claimed Luskan over I SO years ago:
nor’s crew. He speaks in a harsh growl that is backed Ship Kurth, Ship Retimor, Ship Taerl, Ship Baram,
by the clear threat ofphysical violence, which helps and Ship Suijack. Following the old tradition, each
keep the local thugs under control. new I ugh Captain takes the faction’s name as his or
Although his primary role is recruitment, Marek her own. A faction’s crew. allies, soldiers, vessels, and
also backs up Slim’s worst threats. He is a trained goods are all marked with the same name.
warrior, skilled at laying ambushes in streets and Ship Kurth is the most powerful ofthe ships.
alleys. lie has rarely met his match in a fight, and high Captain Beniago Kurth, a tall, red-haired
the last time he did, he fled—to his lasting shame. In lutinan to all appearances, is actually a magically
a similar encounter, he might well question whether disguised dro a lieutenant ofBregan 1)’aerthe. The
he will master his fear or turn tail once more. mercenary company’s motives in Luskan revolve
around profit, ofcourse, but Beniago has ties to the
drow ruling family ofMenzoberranzan and surely
THE SHIPS OF LUSKAN has more complex motives. Ship Kurth controls the
docks ofLuskan and the perfume trade, and it resists
The City of Sails once thrived on trade and piracy
the rising influence ofthe Arcane Brotherhood.
and is now staggering back to its feet after a long
Ship Rethnor is led by I ugh Captain Hartouchen
period ofchaos and neglect. Before its fall, the city
Rethnor. It is perhaps the most brutally violent gang,
was ruled by a council offive High Captains who
and its agents work hard to extend its reach beyond
were under the thumb ofthe Arcane Brotherhood.
Luskan. Ship Rethnor thugs are frequently present
A century ago, a short-lived attempt to establish
in Icewind Dale, and they play an important role in
law and order in Luskan turned the city into a law-
Vaelish Gant’s activities in the north.
less ruin haunted by monsters and ruffians. Largely
The other ships spend most oftheir time squab
through the involvement of the drow mercenary
bling with one another and with visiting crews of
company Bregan D’aerthe, the city has stabilized in
Northlander longships. None ofthem is likely to pose
recent decades, and its traditional rule by five High
a serious threat to either Rethnor or Kurth in the
Captains has been restored.
immediate future.
, I



INTRODUCTION 2 Winter has come early to Icewind I)ale. The people of
Background 2 Ten-Towns are on edge; with food and supplies scarce,
What Has Come Before 3 each town looks jealously to its own survival. Beyond the
Preparing the Adventure 4 walls, wolves and yetis prowl the wilds, and few travelers
Adventure Synopsis 4 brave enough to venture there ever return. To the north,
ComingEvents 5 the Reghed tribes whisper stories ofthe Frostmaiden,
(laracter hooks 6 manifested in the world to punish those who have
PRELUDE: ARRIVAL IN BRYN SHANDER 7 strayed from her worship. And on the slopes of Kelvin’s
Yetis at the Gate 7 Cairn, an old enemy awakens to finish the conquest he
The Aftermath 7 started over one hundred years ago.
Leqacy ofthe Crystal ShardTM is an adventure for low-
8 level characters and can be run either as a stand-alone
Arcane Brotherhood
Getting Ilere 9 adventure or as a sequel to Murder in Baldur’s GateTM.
Confronting Slim 9 The adventure allows players to explore the breadth of
Talking to Mithann 9 Faerftn’s frozen north and face old foes as well as new
Aarun’s Weapons 10 threats to the people oflcewind 1)ale.
Ilelping Aglonell 10
The Wizard’s Gambit Ii
Tribe ofthe Elk 12 BACKGROUND
Getting Here 12 As the memories ofAkar Kessell and his Crystal Shard
Hengar’s Crime 12 fade into legend, a young barbarian outcast named
Freeing Ilengar I2 Hedrun Arnsfirth has accepted the mantle of Auril’s
Crossing the Tundra 13 Chosen and pledged to bring the people oflcewind 1)ale
The Elk Tribe Camp I3 to the worship ofthe Frostmaiden. With the beasts and
Key to Evermelt 14
the snows at her command, this outcast has become the
halls ofBlack Ice 15
Ice Witch, visiting her fury upon the barbarian tribes
The Situation in the Valley 15
and Ten-Towns. Left unchecked, she will help her mis-
Getting Here 15
tress cast all oflcewind Dale into an eternal winter.
Key to the Dwarven Valley 16
At the same time, Vaelish Gant—a member of the
newly revived Arcane Brotherhood—has insinuated him-
Fall ofBryn Shander 19
selfinto the trade network ofTen-Towns with the aim of
Howls from the North 20
gaining a stranglehold on the entire region. Aided by the
The Black Ice Spreads 20
ruffians and scoundrels ofLuskan’s Ship Rethnor, Gant
ACT 2: DEEPWINTER 21 has established a protection racket in Bryn Shander, the
Pirates ofLac I)inneshere 21 trading hub ofthe region. and his agents are spreading
Getting Here 21 throughout Ten-Towns to solidify his hold.
Easthaven 22
As ifthese two villainous forces weren’t enough, the
Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval 24
undead Akar Kessell, freed from a century of impris
Lac Dinneshere 24
onment in the snow and ice, has also returned to haunt
Confronting Vaelish Gant 25
25 Icewind 1)ale, seeking to finish his conquest and visit
Fangs ofthe Frostmaiden
vengeance on all who opposed him. Spreading the influ
Getting Here 25
Nine Knuckles 26 ence ofthe black ice remnants ofthe Crystal Shard, he
Missing Persons 26 hopes to weaken Icewind 1)ale with infighting, giving
The Wild Man 26 himselfa clear pathway to domination.
The Verbeeg Lair 27 These villains’ plots have spread and intermingled
over the course ofa month before the adventure begins,
29 building to a climax that pulls the player characters into
Getting Here
Sea ofMoving Ice 29 their midst. What follows is a summary ofthe key events
Tower ofthe Ice Witch 30 that have transpired, leading up to the start ofthe adven
Audience Ilall (Level 1) 30 ture on Eleint 25, 1485.
Temple ofthe Storm (Level 2) 30
The Witch’s Sanctum (Level 3) 31
Hedrun the Ice Witch. Bjami led a group of warriors
What Has Come Before to Evermelt, where they established a camp at the hot
In the winter of 1484, Hedrun Arnsfirth was cast out
spring and a makeshift temple inside Icingdeath’s lair.
ofthe Tribe ofthe Elk after the accidental death of her
On the 30th, the last northbound caravan of the
suitor, OlafTormhaalt, son ofthe tribe’s shaman. Chosen
season left Luskan for Icewind Dale. Hearing reports
by Auril, I ledrun learned of her wondrous abilities and
ofthe early winter, the caravan masters were reluctant
began plotting her revenge.
to set out at all, but the Harper agents ensured that the
caravan set out as scheduled, with a crate of silvered
Eleasias (August) 1485 weapons aboard. Ifthe player characters traveled to Ice-
On the 21 st, the first great storm ofwinter hit—about a wind Dale by caravan at the start ofthe adventure, they
month early. As usual, the people ofTen-Towns made ride with this caravan as well.
sacrifices to Auril, presenting a larger share oftheir har
vest than ever before and offering coins in cold streams Eleint (September) 1485
and rivers. Davrick Fain wandered into the tundra in the
On the 1st ofthis month, Davrick Fain befriended the
hope ofreceiving Auril’s blessing.
“wild man” Rycher in Lonelywood.
On the 22nd, Davrick Fain experienced Auril’s
On the 3rd, Akar Kessell discovered black ice on the
“embrace” and returned to Bremen, proclaiming himself
site ofthe first Cryshal-Tirith in the Spine ofthe World.
a priest ofthe Frostmaiden and calling on his neighbors
Though he was disappointed in its apparent lack of great
to serve her.
power, he was pleased to see the strife it created among
On the 23rd, Hedrun the Ice Witch sent a simula
the dwarves. Baerick Ilammerstone killed the other
crum to lead a pack oframpaging beasts in an attack on
miners and mined a supply ofblack ice. Kessell, Baerick,
the Tribe ofthe Elk, the largest ofthe Reghed tribes.
and Pallidor traveled back to the dwarven valley, return-
On the 24th, a caravan from Luskan arrived in Bryn
ing on the 8th. On that day, Akar Kessell killed a party
Shander. Traveling with the caravan were Vaelish Gant,
ofdwarfminers and, over the next few days, animated
a number ofthugs from Ship Rethnor in his employ, and
them into zombies.
a Harper agent named Aarun who trailed the Ship Reth
On the 9th, the trapper Aglonell ofBryn Shander
nor agents here.
found several ofhis traps raided, the animals stolen. The
On the 25th, Vaelish Gant secured an audience
culprits, unknown to him, are brigands recruited and
with Speaker Duvessa Shane ofBryn Shander, posing
organized by Vaelish Gant’s Ship Retimor agents.
as a friendly merchant from Waterdeep. I le gained
On the 10th, Vaelish Gant began encouraging sev
the speaker’s trust even while the Ship Rethnor thugs
eral ofthe more influential citizens ofBryn Shander
secretly in his employ started establishing a protection
to declare their lack ofconfidence in Duvessa Shane’s
racket in Bryn Shander. Meanwhile, Gants apprentice,
leadership. These citizens include Myrtle (proprietor of
Pallidor, ran away from his master and hired a crew of
Geldenstag’s Rest), Scramsax (owner ofthe Northlook),
miners from the dwarven valley. They climbed Kelvin’s
Rendaril (owner ofthe Emporium that carries his name),
Cairn, looking for signs ofAkar Kessell’s corpse.
and Sheriff Markham.
On the 26th, having discovered that several of the
On the 11th, the last caravan out ofLuskan reached
Ship Rethnor thugs were actually wererats, Aarun used
the North/South Pass.
magic to request help from Harper agents in Luskan.
On the 12th, Akar Kessell’s dwarfzoinbies attacked
The harper agents secured a supply ofsilvered weapons
another mining party, killing several dwarves.
and made arrangements to put them on the next north-
On the 1 3th, a merchant who came to Ten-Towns on
bound caravan.
the same caravan as Vaelish Gant was killed by cultists of
On the 27th, a pack ofvicious wolves attacked a group
Auril in Dougan’s Hole. This was the first murder com
oftravelers on the road from Termalaine to Lonelywood.
mitted as worshipers ofAuril grew stronger and more
This was the first ofthe Ice Witch’s attacks on the people
desperate in the face ofthe harsh winter.
ofTen-1bwns, and over the following weeks the beasts
On the 14th, the last caravan cleared the North/South
seemed to grow bolder, venturing closer to civilization.
Pass and came into a heavy winter storm in Icewind Dale.
On the 28th, Pallidor and his dwarfminers uncov
On the 15th, 1)ain Stokely Silverstream of the
ered Akar Kessell, now a wight, and freed him from his
dwarven valley had a loud public argument with Baerick
icy prison. Commanding Pallidor and the dwarves into
Hammerstone in which Baerick questioned Stokely’s
his service, Kessell started toward the Spine ofthe World
leadership, his loyalty to the clan, and his dedication
mountains in search ofsome scrap ofthe power of the
to protecting his people. After the argument, Baerick
Crystal Shard.
gathered a group ofsimilarly disaffected dwarves and
On the 29th, under the leadership ofshaman Bjami
established a sanctum on the eastern side ofthe valley—a
Tengervaald, the Tribe ofthe Bear swore allegiance to
place they called the halls ofBlack Ice.
On the 18th, the “wild man” Rycher discovered a
remorhaz egg and brought it to Davrick Fain, who estab
lished a lair in the old verbeeg cave on Kelvin’s Cairn.
On the 20th, the last caravan was expected in Bryn
Shander, but it did not arrive. It was delayed by the
The Forgotten Realms has a calendar of twelve
winter weather. Also on this day, an emissary from
Vaelish Gant arrived in the Halls ofBlack Ice, seeking an
alliance with the dwarves and access to the black ice.
On the 21st (the day ofthe autumnal equinox), the
4 months, each thirty days long. Five intercalary
holidays inserted between months bring the
year to 365 days, with one additional festival
day (Shieldmeet) added every four years. The
Elk Tribe warrior Hengar Aesnvaard left his tribe’s month of Eleint, when the adventure begins,
encampment, heading for Bryn Shander to implore the is roughly equivalent to September, and the
Ten-Towners for aid. autumnal equinox occurs on the 21st of that
On the 22nd, with more and more dwarves joining month. Winter comes early to Icewind Dale,
Baerick Hammerstone in the Halls ofBlack Ice, and however, and especially early this year.
Afterthe 30th ofEleintcomesthe intercalary
more zombie attacks making the mines increasingly
holiday ofHighharvesttide, a holiday offeasting to
dangerous, Stokely Silverstream moved the dwarves who celebrate the autumn harvest—at least in south-
remained loyal to him into the west side ofthe valley, in em lands. The following month is Marpenoth.
what he called Battlehammer Hold. The years ofthe calendar are reckoned from
On the 23rd, Baerick sold a ship’s ram made of black the ratification ofthe Dales Compact, an agree-
ice to a fisher ofCaer-Dineval named Derrick Gaffner. ment between the elves of the great forest of
On the same day, the leading citizens ofBryn Shander Cormanthor and the humans who had begun
called for the election ofa new Speaker. Duvessa Shane settling in the valleys among the forest. This
promised to call a public audience to answer their griev system is called Dalereckoning, and years are
ances. She scheduled the audience for the holiday of sometimes followed by DR. The current year,
Highharvesttide, the day after the 30th ofthe month. 1485 DR, is also called the Year ofthe Iron
Dwarf’s Vengeance, according to the ancient
On the 24th, zombies attacked another dwarf mining
Roll ofYears derived from prophecy.
party in the nexus. In addition, Hengar arrived in Bryn Akar Kessell’s first appearance in lcewind
Shander, where he was quickly identified by the cult of Dale was in 1 356 DR, over a hundred years ago.
Auril as a suitable sacrifice to the Frostmaiden. He was
falsely accused oftheft and held in irons overnight. In his - -

absence, the Tribe ofthe Bear launched an attack on the

Elk Tribe encampment. Before running the adventure, also download the
The adventure begins on the 25th ofEleint. On this encounter and treasure information for the edition of the
day, the Bear Tribe raiding party returned to Evermelt game you plan to play. To provide the greatest possible
with their Elk Tribe captives, and Hengar was sentenced flexibility, Legacy ofthe Crystal Shard is designed to be run
to death by exposure in Bryn Shander. The crew of the with any recent edition ofthe D&D® game, including
Howling Fiend, bearing the black ice ram, attacked a 3rd edition (v.3.5), 4th edition, or the current playtest of
fishing vessel on Lac Dinneshere. And finally, the last I)&D Next. Thus, this book contains no monster statis
caravan from Luskan arrives at the gates ofBryn Shander tics and only general rules material—you’ll find what you
where it is attacked by yetis, drawing the player charac need to run the adventure at www.DungeonsandDrag
ters into the action. Throughout this book, references
to the statistics available in the download are indicated
with bold type and an asterisk. Thus, marauding yetis*
PREPARING THE points you to the yeti statistics in the download packet.

;Before running Legacy ofthe Crystal Shard, you should ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS
read this book to familiarize yourselfwith the possibili In Legacy ofthe Crystal Shard, it’s up to the players to
ti. It’s okay to focus on the prelude and Act 1 at the decide what adventures they want to pursue, and their
outset, but you should also read the information in the choices will determine what shape the story takes.
Campaign Guide to make sure you understand the adven
The adventure begins (Prelude: Arrival in Bryn
j; three villains and their goals. Knowing the setting Shander) when a group ofheroes gathers near the south-
and its characters will help you improvise when the play- em gates ofBryn Shanderjust as an arriving caravan
ers take the action in unexpected directions. is attacked by yetis. After helping the townsfolk drive
offthe beasts, the adventurers begin to learn about the

, -- -
strange events that have plagued Icewind Dale of late,
including the recent increase in beast attacks on the

choose which evils they will vanquish and which they

will allow to endure. The fate oflcewind Dale is in their
towns and the driving snows that always seem to accom hands—and yours.
pany them. The end ofthis first encounter provides three
clear hooks leading to the three chapters ofAct 1.
The adventure then unfolds in three acts. In each act, COMING EVENTS
the three villains work their plans and schemes across Ifthe adventurers do nothing, the villains’ plans advance
Icewind Dale, and the adventurers must choose which without them. This timeline summarizes important
threats to address and in what order. Throughout, they events that will occur unless the adventurers prevent
should feel a sense ofterrible urgency, knowing that they them. You can adjust these dates ifyou wish, either to
cannot possibly deal with every threat to Icewind Dale. give the adventurers a little more time to accomplish
In the first part ofthe adventure (Act 1: The Drawing everything they set out to do, or to increase the urgency
I)own), Vaelish Gant seeks to become Bryn Shander’s they feel as they try to stave offall these evils at once.
speaker (The Arcane Brotherhood). In addition, the Ice On the night ofEleint 25, the same day the cara
Witch and her pawns seek to eliminate the Tribe of the van arrives, a warehouse in Bryn Shander burns to the
Elk (Tribe ofthe Elk. Finally, Akar Kessell sows dissent ground. The adventurers might see the flames—a strange
and disorder among the dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn (Halls green alchemical fire—but the town as a whole is power-
ofBlack Ice). The adventurers can respond to some of less to stop it. The townsfolk do manage to keep it from
these threats, but not all. spreading to any nearby buildings. (See “Aarun’s Weap
Each ofthese three chapters also includes events that ons” on page 10.) In addition, Slim lures Aarun to the
might cause the players to shift focus and pursue other Northlook with a forged note from Mithann and murders
leads. For example, while traveling to Kelvin’s Cairn to him. (See “Confronting Slim,” page 9.)
help the dwarves, they might encounter a merchant flee- On the 26th, Vaelish Gant sends Pyrse ofShip Reth
ing Bryn Shander and decide that they need to visit that nor to Caer-Konig with instructions to infiltrate the
town and deal with Vaelish Gant’s thugs. pirate crew that attacked a fishing boat the day before.
Whichever threat the players don’t stem erupts in (See “Pirates ofLac Dinneshere” on page 21.) Also,
catastrophe soon after (Interlude: A Sudden Squall), with Marek the Shank and a group ofShip Rethnor thugs
lasting effects on Icewind Dale that reflect the prog break in to Dunavan’s second warehouse to steal Aarun’s
ress ofthe villain’s plans. You can decide when to move shipment ofsilvered weapons.
to this interlude. It’s based on the assumption that the On the 28th, Hedrun (via her simulacrum) sends her
adventurers will not have time to wrap up all three parts captive father, Soren Arnsfirth, back to the Tribe of the
ofAct 1, and the villain they leave unchecked is the driv Elk to demand their obeisance. (See “Dragon’s Lair” in
ing force behind the interlude. For example, ifthey focus “Tribe ofthe Elk,” page 14.) In addition, the pirate crew
on Vaelish Gant and Akar Kessell, leaving the Ice Witch ofthe Howling Fiend attacks Caer-Konig.
relatively unhindered, she unleashes a massive attack on On the 29th, the emissary that Vaelish Gant sent to
Icewind Dale with long-lasting repercussions. Baerick Hammerstone seals an alliance with the dwarf
After that catastrophic event, all three villains continue and returns to Bryn Shander.
their schemes (Act 2: Deepwinter. The adventurers might On the 30th, Heldajourneys to the dwarven valley if
respond to the events ofthe interlude and pursue the the adventurers have not already accompanied her there.
villain they have been ignoring, or they might continue On the same day, the pirates ofthe Howling Fiend raid
to pursue the villains they opposed in Act 1. Regard- Caer-Dineval.
less, the Ice Witch begins to work with the cult ofAuril On Highharvesttide, Slim and a group ofShip Reth
in Ten-Thwns, and her cult leader attempts to unleash a nor thugs capture Duvessa Shane before her scheduled
remorhaz on the towns ofMaer 1)ualdon (Fangs of the public audience. Since she doesn’t appear at the audi-
Frostmaiden). Vaelish Gant’s agents work throughout Ten- ence, the gathered notables ofthe town elect Vaelish
Towns, but his attention is focused on a group of fishers Gant the new speaker ofBryn Shander. (See “Fall of
from Caer-Dineval whose use ofblack ice has turned them Bryn Shander” in the interlude, page 19.) In addition,
into bloodthirsty pirates (Pirates ofLac Dinneshere). the Ice Witch leads a massive assault on the heart of
Finally, the adventurers mustjourney to the Ice Icewind Dale (“Howls from the North,” page 20). Also,
Witch’s black ice tower on the Sea ofMoving Ice (Act 3: Stokely Silverstream flees the dwarven valley with the
The Claw ofWinter) and face her directly. few dwarves who remain loyal to him and uncorrupted
Ultimately, Legacy ofthe Crystal Shard is what the by the black ice. (See “The Black Ice Spreads,” page 20.)
adventurers make ofit—the whole oflcewind Dale is The next day, the 1st ofMarpenoth, dwarf zom
open for them to explore, with many plots to uncover and bies spill out ofthe mines under Kelvin’s Cairn (“The
many allies and enemies to be made. Your players must Black Ice Spreads,” page 20). In addition, thugs of Ship
Rethnor begin establishing their protection racket in thiefapprehended and brought before him as well, but
Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval, painting allegedly magi he emphasizes that the adventurers’ primary concern
cal symbols on protected boats. (See “Pirates of Lac should be retrieving the staffby any means necessary.
I)inneshere,” page 21.) The wizard is willing to advance them enough coin
On the 2nd, Vaelish Gant sends Ship Rethnor agents to cover the cost oftheir trip north, along with enough
and sellswords along with ordinary citizens to lay claim to equip themselves with basic cold-weather gear Of the
to a reindeer herd and dwarven mines, attempting to characters haggle, he might advance them an extra 50 gp
expand his economic influence out from Bryn Shander. per adventurer, at the DM’s discretion). The bulk of their
(See “The Fall ofBryn Shander,” page 19.) reward will be paid upon return ofthe staff, plus a bonus
On the 3rd, the pirates ofthe HowlinB Fiend launch a ifthey return the thief alive.
major attack on Easthaven, attempting to secure weap The thiefis none other than Vaelish Gant. Obar is not
ons from Rurden’s Armory (“Pirates ofLac Dinneshere,” a member ofthe Watchful Order, as he claims, but a rival
page 19). member ofthe Arcane Brotherhood hoping to take the
On the 5th, the remorhaz egg hatches, so Davrick stafffor his own and see Vaelish humiliated for his fail-
Fain leaves his shop in Bremen andjoins Rycher in the ure in Icewind 1)ale.
verbeeg lair. Chosen: One or more ofthe adventurers is the
On the 10th, the council ofTen-Towns, Stokely Chosen ofa god ofFaerün or perhaps is striving to
Silverstream, and King Jarund Elkhardt agree to declare become one. The Chosen receives a mission from the
war on the Ice Witch and her forces. Hundreds of warriors god, requiring the character to travel to Icewind I)ale.
start across the tundra toward the Sea ofMoving Ice in The exact nature ofthe task depends on the personal-
hopes offinding the Ice Witch’s lair and putting an end to ity and portfolio ofthe god in question, but it should be
her threat. (See Act 3, “The Claw ofWinter,” on page 29.) linked to one ofthe adventure’s main villains. For exam-
ple, a Chosen ofAinaunator or Silvanus might be tasked
with dispelling the unnaturally fierce winter gripping
CHARACTER HOOKS the region, whereas a Chosen ofMoradin or Dumathoin
Consider using one or more ofthese hooks to bring the might be sent to root out the cause ofthe corruption
adventurers together at the gates ofBryn Shander at the afflicting the dwarves of Kelvin’s Cairn.
start ofthe adventure. You can weave these hooks into an The Chosen active in the Sundering are not necessarily
earlier adventure such as Murder in Bctldur’s Gate) or pres powerftil, high-level characters—in a time such as this, even
ent them as background to the players. the least servants can make significant differences. Most
Caravan Guards: The adventurers have signed up ofthem have only minor abilities granted by their deities.
as guards on a caravan making its way to Icewind 1)ale A Chosen ofAmaunator might have darkvision or be able
from whatever city suits the purposes ofyour campaign— to stave offthe worst ofthe effects ofthe cold. A Chosen of
perhaps Baldur’s Gate Ofthe characters played through Moradin might have enhanced dwarfracial abilities. Being
Murder in Baldur’s Gate) or maybe Daggerford, Waterdeep, a Chosen shouldn’t be unbalancing to the game.
Neverwinter, or Luskan. On the Run: The adventurers are fugitives from the
Harper Agents: The characters might instead be south, seeking refuge (as so many have before) in the
hired in Luskan by a woman named Emryn I)awe, who remote frontier oflcewind Dale. They might be pursued
is secretly a harper agent. She offers to pay them 300 by villains they failed to defeat in a past adventure (or
gp, plus the cost oftheir trip north and supplies they by the friends ofvillains they did defeat), by paladins of
might need, to make sure that a crate ofgoods safely Torm hunting them down for a crime they committed (or
reaches her friend Aarun (another Harper agent) in one for which they were framed), or by agents of Netheril
Bryn Shander. The crate can be delivered to a merchant seeking to kill a player character they suspect (rightly or
named Dunavan, who can store it in his warehouse until wrongly) ofbeing a Chosen. The characters might arrive
Aarun can claim it. The crate contains silvered weapons in Bryn Shander with the ill-fated caravan from the
that Aarun plans to use against the wererat members of south, or perhaps they are already established in town,
Ship Rethnor. having left their old lives behind, and happen to be near
Bounty Hunters: The adventurers have been hired the gate when the caravan is attacked.
by Obar Nevendil, a wizard from the Watchful Order of Ties That Bind: The adventurers have a close con-
Magists and Protectors in Waterdeep, to follow the trail nection to someone who recently went missing in
ofa thiefwho stole a magic stafffrom BlackstaffTower Icewind Dale—perhaps a dwarfwho was killed in the
in that city. Obar’s sources indicate that the thief fled mines or on the expedition that uncovered Akar Kes
north to Icewind Dale (as so many thieves do). He tasks sell, a Reghed tribesman killed in one ofthe Ice Witch’s
the adventurers with retrieving the staff and return- attacks, or a Harper ally who was investigating the grow-
ing it to him in Luskan. Obar would like to have the ing cult ofAuril in Ten-Towns. The adventurers come

to Bryn Shander with a caravan making the trek north, attempting to track her finds no trace ofher passage.
seeking clues to their friend’s fate. (The figure is the Ice Witch’s sirnulacrum, through
Other: One or more adventurers might be native to which she calls the storm and directs the yetis. Its pur
the region and directly affected by Vaelish Gant’s extor pose achieved, the figure crumbles back into the snow.)
tion, the Ice Witch’s attacks, or Akar Kessell’s activities
in the dwarven valley.
In the immediate aftermath ofthe attack, events in Bryn
PRELUDE: ARRIVAL IN Shander can propel the characters in different directions
for Act 1 ofthe adventure. The adventurers can’t help but
BRYN SHANDER notice the hysterical apothecary, and their actions after
the encounter can determine whether they overhear the
The adventure begins with the arrival ofthe long- grumbling guards or speak to Helda Silverstream. The
expected last caravan from Luskan at the southwestern intent here is to put the adventurers at the start of three
gates ofBryn Shander. You can read your players the different paths, representing the three portions ofAct I,
following text to set the scene, altering it as necessary if and let them choose which one to start down.
their characters did not arrive in town with the caravan. The Hysterical Apothecary: An apothecary named
Rierdon is in hysterics over the damage that the yetis did
What should have been a six-dayjourney along Ten Trailfrom to his shop, situatedjust inside the town gate. He wails
the pass stretched into eleven qruelin days ofbitter cold, howl- about the money he paid for protection, crying, “Where
mB winds, driving snowfall, and beasts hounding the caravan’s was that bastard Slim to protect my shop when it mat-
trail. As the wagons roll at last up to the gates ofBryn Shander, tered?” Ifthe adventurers talk to him, or ifhe notices
you see townsfolk watching with easer expectation, happyfor them helping other people, he asks them to help him
the arrival ofwhat will certainly be the last caravanfrorn the recover the money he gave to someone he calls Slim,
southfor months to come. Thefaces ofthe merchants and cara saying, “I’ll need it to repair this damage!” lie offers to
van guards show reliefand anticipation that almost seem to give them halfofwhat he gets back from Slim; the origi
outweiqh the exhaustion, as they lookforward to warmfires, nal amount was 150 gp. In addition, he promises them
hotfood, soft beds, and sheltering walls. a discount at his shop, which offers simple remedies for
blisters, rash, and fever, as well as antitoxins and special
After you set the scene, proceed with the following unguents to protect against the cold. Ifthe characters
encounter. accept his offer, Rierdon asks them to meet him that
night at the Northlook, the inn where Slim is known to
hang out.
YETIS AT THE GATE Ifthe adventurers meet Rierdon at the Northlook, or
The Ice Witch has sent a group ofmarauding yetis* to later decide to investigate Slim and his protection racket,
attack the caravan. The open gates allow the yetis to spill see “Arcane Brotherhood” (page 8), and especially “Con-
into town, where they begin attacking everyone in sight. fronting Slim” (page 9).
I)epending on how they arrived on the scene, the charac The Grumbling Guards: The adventurers overhear
ters might begin the encounter inside the town, outside a pair ofguards muttering about the attack, saying things
the gates, or split between the two areas. The gates can’t like “Damn barbarian led them straight to us.” If ques
he closed until the caravan carts are moved, which is dif tioned, the guards tell the adventurers that a barbarian
ficult since the yetis’ presence sends the cart horses into from the Reghed tribes was caught stealing something
a panic. earlier in the day. Like many other Ten-Towners, the
When the characters defeat all the yetis facing them, guards believe the Reghed barbarians are somehow
any remaining yetis flee back into the snowstorm. Char- to blame for the harsh and early winter and the beast
acters attempting to give chase find that they quickly lose attacks, and the barbarian tribesman in question is a
sight ofthe retreating yetis in the worsening weather. A convenient scapegoat for all his people. “No matter,” one
character who succeeds on a moderate Wisdom check to guard says, “he’ll pay for what he’s done.” The tribesman,
track the yetis realizes that although the creatures fled I lengar Aesnvaard, is currently chained to a post in the
to the south, they originally approached from the north. marketplace at the center oftown, where he will surely
A character who succeeds on a hard Wisdom check to die from exposure overnight.
spot them can’t make out the yetis but catches a glimpse Ifthe adventurers decide to talk to the barbarian or
of a woman dressed in white robes, apparently crowned investigate his crime, see “Tribe ofthe Elk” (page 12).
with the antlers ofan elk, standing in the middle of the The DwarfMerchant: A dwarfnamed Helda
storm. The maii quickly disappears, and any character Silverstream, the owner ofone ofthe wagons in the


caravan, thanks the adventurers for their efforts in pro-

tecting the caravan from the yetis. She offers to pay them ACT 1: THE
(20 gp each) to accompany her and her wagon to her final
destination—the dwarven valley on Kelvin’s Cairn—to help DRAWING DOWN
keep her safe from further attacks. She plans to visit her
Upon their arrival in Bryn Shander, the adventurers
uncle, Stokely Silverstream, and hopes to acquire some of
probably realize that Icewind l)ale is not the peaceful
the black ice carvings she’s heard about. The attack on the
retreat they might have been expecting. Instead, the
caravan makes her unwilling to make thejourney alone.
region is beset by dangers great and small. Initially, three
Ifthe adventurers want to pursue other tasks or leads
situations intrude on the characters’ awareness: the
before leaving Bryn Shander with Helda, she is willing to activities ofVaelish Gant’s extortionists in Bryn Shander,
wait as long as five days. Iftheir attention strays for too long the threat faced by the Tribe ofthe Elk, and the unstable
(for example, ifthey deal with the thugs in Bryn Shander situation in the dwarf mines.
and then accompany Hengar to his tribe), she hires a differ-
ent group ofmercenaries and sets out without the heroes.
Ifthe characters accompany Helda to the dwarven
valley, see “halls ofBlack Ice” (page 1 5). -
The Sense ofthe Town: Everyone in Bryn Shander One ofVaelish Gant’s agents from
knows that attacks by wild beasts and monsters like the Ship Rethnor, a wererat called Slim,
yetis are nothing new. Similar attacks on travelers have is setting up a protection racket to
plagued Icewind Dale for weeks, since soon after the secure Gant’s power base in Bryn
early storm that marked the start ofthis harsh winter, Shander. Helped by a brutish hob
but this incident is the first time the creatures have been goblin named Marek the Shank. Slim
brave enough to get so close to any ofthe towns in the has put the squeeze on Bryn Shand
dale. Normally, tundra yetis don’t venture south of Kel er’s merchants. Those who are too
foolish or too stubborn to submit to the
yin’s Cairn, and the wolves and hears ofthe wilds stay
well clear ofTen-Towns and human travelers. Luskanites’ demands meet with misfortune.
Ifthe adventurers spend the evening talking to towns- Ultimately, Gant aims to be elected town speaker,
folk and gathering information about recent events, they which will afford his operations a veneer oflegitimacy as
might hear rumors or concrete information about any- he attempts to bring the rest ofTen-Towns under his con-
thing included under “What has Come Before” (page 3). trol. The only obstacle to his ambition is Bryn Shander’s
Ofcourse, the townsfolk don’t know that Vaelish Gant is current speaker, I)uvessa Shane.
a member ofthe Arcane Brotherhood or that Akar Kes Killing Duvessa would deny Gant the legitimacy he
sell is behind the zombie attacks in the dwarven valley, craves, so instead he has encouraged several ofthe town’s
but rumors and whispers spread quickly in a small leading citizens to declare their lack ofconfidence in
town like Bryn Shander. Various folk are talking about I)uvessa’s leadership, based in large part on her inability
I)uvessa Shane’s upcoming public audience to address to contain the protection racket run by his own thugs.
the grievances brought by prominent city folk, the ruth- Although her political instincts tell her that these decla
less thugs from Luskan who are extorting money from rations are a gambit arranged by a rival, Duvessa doesn’t
honest merchants, the caravan’s long delay in reaching know who is behind them, so she has little choice but to
Bryn Shander, Aglonell’s empty animal traps, and above answer the grievances in a public audience to maintain
all, the early winter and Auril’s evident wrath. her good standing as town speaker.
Ifthe adventurers decide to pursue these rumors When the heroes arrive in Bryn Shander, the public
instead ofone ofthe more blatant hooks provided in audience is six days away, scheduled for the holiday of
the aftermath ofthe yeti attack, you should still have Highharvesttide. I)uvessa’s attempts to keep things quiet
no trouble guiding them to one ofthe three main paths and orderly in the meantime have been frustrated by the
through Act 1. Most ofthese rumors will lead them to yeti attack. Meanwhile, Gant’s operations are in danger
“Arcane Brotherhood” in one way or another. ofheing unraveled by a Harper agent named Aarun,
who tailed Slim and his gang up from Luskan. Aarun has
discovered that Slim and some ofhis men are wererats,
and he has arranged a shipment ofsilvered weapons into
town. He hopes to arm a band ofadventurers and put an
end to the threat before the curse oflycanthropy spreads
throughout the town. The Harper is being aided by Mith
ann, the cleric at the shrine ofAmaunator (see page 16 in
the Cainpatjn Guide).

- -

-- -“ ---j .-
Getting Here
The adventurers might be pulled into the conflict if they
respond to Rierdon’s plight following the yeti attack VISITING DUVESSA
(“Confronting Slim”). Depending on the hooks you used
to start the adventure, they might also try to deliver the
The first time the adventurers pay a visit to
Harpers’ crate ofsilvered weapons to Dunavan and get the Speaker’s Palace to seek an audience with
involved that way (“Aarun’s Weapons”). Otherwise, they Duvessa Shane, they arrive at the speaker’s
might encounter a merchant from Bryn Shander while palace just in time to see Vaelish Gant leaving.
pursuing other adventures in the area and learn of the They overhear him assuring the speaker, “I will
oppressive situation in town (“Confronting Slim”). do my utmost to find the one you seek.” Duvessa
considers Gant an ally, and she hopes the wizard
can discover the identity of her political rival. If
Confronting Slim the characters try to engage Gant in conversa
Whether the adventurers agree to help Rierdon imme tion, he makes it plain that he has better things
diately after the yeti attack at the gate or inquire around to do than talk with them and brusquely takes
town about the extortionists running rampant through his leave.
town, it is easy enough for them to learn the identity of
their adversary: Slim, a seedy man from Luskan, is the
one who always “negotiates” the protection payments,
backed up by at least a half-dozen rough-looking thugs. ostensibly from Mithann but was forged by Slim to lure
Rierdon is anxious to get his money back after his the Harper to the Northlook. It reads, “Aarun—Problems
shop was damaged in the yeti attack. Other merchants have arisen. Please meet me at the Northlook to dis
in town resent the payments they’ve made, but are too cuss. Mithann.” (Slim intercepted a different note that
afraid ofSlim and his thugs to confront him. They can all Mithann actually sent to Aarun—see “Talking to Mith
point the adventurers to the Northlook, Bryn Shander’s ann”—and sent this forged one in its place.)
rowdiest inn, as Slim’s current residence. Aarun’s purse also contains two gems worth 50 gp
Scramsax, the proprietor ofthe Northlook, has been each. Rierdon will happily accept both gems as recom
told to expect rough-looking types looking for Slim, since pense for his property damage. Ifhe previously offered the
Slim is always collecting new recruits. Scramsax sends adventurers a stake in whatever money they reclaimed, he
the adventurers right up to Slim’s room, mistaking them will grudgingly make do with only one gem.
for such recruits. Ifthe adventurers arrive later and do not find Aarun’s
Ifthe adventurers go looking for Slim on the night body, Slim does not attack them. His position is that the
oftheir arrival (the 25th ofEleint), as Rierdon requests, protection payments he’s collecting are perfectly legal—
they find Slim in his room, standing over the corpse of Icewind Dale is a dangerous place, and his “agents” can
Aarun the Harper, with several thugs in attendance. If provide legitimate protection. lie’s willing to pay Rierdon
they go later, Aarun’s body is long gone. Slim’s reaction to a portion ofthe payments he collected from the apoth
their arrival depends on whether they have just caught ecary as a sign ofgood will, offering 50 gp. Rierdon is
him red-handed in murder. grudgingly satisfied with this settlement, especially with
Ifthe adventurers arrive when Slim hasjust killed Slim’s thugs looking on.
Aarun, they’re witnesses to his crime and therefore Ifthe adventurers try to provoke Slim into a fight, the
must be silenced. Slim and his thugs (Slim’s ambush*) wererat protests that they’re the ones engaging in extor
try their best to take down the adventurers quickly and tion. However, ifthe characters attack, he and his thugs
prevent them from escaping to raise a general alarm. fight as described above.
Slim isn’t one to prolong a losing fight, however. If the
battle turns against him, he attempts a getaway out the
window into the alley below. Slim tries to get out of sight
Talking to Mithann
The adventurers might end up interacting with Mithann
before transforming into a rat and scurrying to safety.
for one oftwo reasons. lfthey confront Slim and find
Ifthe adventurers pin him down, he uses his animal
Aarun’s corpse, the murdered Harper’s body holds a note
form to escape. After Slim has fled, any remaining thugs
ostensibly written by the priestess. Ifthey confront Slim
attempt to do likewise. Slim has a further part to play in but do not find Aarun’s corpse, she seeks them out the
the adventure, so he is meant to escape this encounter.
However, next day, having heard oftheir actions.
ifhe can’t escape, another wererat can step up
Mithann is worried about her Harper friend. She
to take his place later in the adventure.
explains that Aarun had suspicions that some of these
Ifthe adventurers arrive in time to find Aarun’s body,
Ship Rethnor thugs were wererats, and in fact he sought
they might find a crumpled note in his belt pouch. It is
to secure silvered weapons to combat them, and now

. --------- —
he has vanished. On the day ofthe yeti attack, Mith The exact contents ofthe weapons case are left to your
ann wrote to Aarun to arrange a meeting between him discretion. Ideally, the heroes should be able to equip them-
and the hunter Aglonell, believing that the hunter had selves with silvered weapons they can use proficiently.
encountered the same thugs that Aarun had been seek-
ing. She never heard back from him. Helping Aglonell
Mithann denies writing the note found on Aarun’s
For weeks, the half-elfhunter Aglonell has been finding
body, and seems genuinely confused ifshown the letter.
the traps he sets in the hills outside Bryn Shander raided,
In any case, Mithann is pleased to make the adven
his kills stolen. Recently, a trio ofthugs robbed him
turers’ acquaintance and can help them piece together
at swordpoint as he carried an elk back to town, forc
what they have learned so far about the situation in Bryn
ing him to flee for his life. When Aglonell reported the
Shander. Ifthey seem eager to help, she suggests that
incident, SheriffMarkham was reluctant to commit the
they meet with Aglonell (“Flelping Aglonell”) and secure
town’s resources to hunting down the thugs.
Aarun’s silvered weapons (“Aarun’s Weapons”) before
Although the sheriffimagines them to be a few
confronting the thugs.
ragged bandits, the outlaws poaching Aglonell’s hunting
grounds are the recruits assembled by Slim and Marek—
Aarun’s Weapons a band numbering in the dozens. The thugs come into
Dunavan is a merchant who gave up caravan travel for a town by ones and twos to help Slim and Marek with
less lucrative and (he thought less dangerous life trad their operations, but at any given time, most ofthem are
ing in Bryn Shander’s market. He also rents space in his holed up in a cave in the hills. When Vaelish Gant makes
two warehouses to other traders who lack a safe place to his power grab, Slim will move the rest ofthe thugs into
store their merchandise while they’re in town. One of the Bryn Shander to help enforce the wizard’s rule.
possible adventure hooks asks the adventurers to bring a After Aglonell received no help from the sheriff, he
crate ofsilvered weapons to him, intended for delivery to spoke with Mithann at the shrine ofAmaunator, know-
Aarun. Ifthey bring the crate to him on the day of their ing her to have a sympathetic ear and contacts among
arrival in town, he thanks them, telling them he’ll send the region’s adventurers. Mithann rightly suspected
word to Aarun and store the weapons in his warehouse that Aglonell’s outlaws were the same ones Aarun had
until the harper takes delivery. talked to her about a few days earlier, and she arranged a
That night, however, Marek the Shank another of meeting between the two at Geldenstag’s Rest. Aglonell
Vaelish Gant’s thugs) breaks into Dunavan’s warehouse arrived at the appointed hour, but Aarun never came, so
in search ofthe weapons. He ransacked the warehouse when the characters show up to help the half-elf, he is
but did not find the weapons, so he used a form of alche not optimistic.
mist’s fire to burn the warehouse down, covering the Aglonell doesn’t have any coin with which to hire the
signs ofthe break-in. heroes, but ifthey offer to help, he gladly tells them what
After this fire, Dunavan is afraid for his other ware- he knows, including the location ofthe cave where he
house, where Aarun’s weapons are safely stored. If the suspects the outlaws are hiding. It lies on the southwest-
adventurers brought him the crate ofweapons, he con- em slopes ofKelvin’s Cairn, about seven miles north of
tacts them (ifthey are still in Bryn Shander); otherwise, Bryn Shander.
Mithann urges them to contact I)unavan in order to When the characters reach the hideout, they must
secure Aarun’s silvered weapons. In either case, l)una get past the hideout guards* before venturing into the
van explains that he hasn’t been able to contact Aarun, lair. Not all of Slim’s forces are present when the heroes
and he offers to hire them to watch over his other arrive. Astute adventurers might notice that the number
warehouse in case it is attacked the following night. In ofsleeping pallets and provisions in the lair suggest that
exchange for their services, he’ll pay them 50 gp, and at least twenty more thugs stay here than are currently
he’ll also turn the crate back into their safe keeping. present (Slim recently moved more ofthem into town
That next night (the 26th ofEleint), Marek and his in preparation for Gant’s coup). Slim has left a pair of
thugs stage another nighttime breakin*. Ifthe adven his most trusted agents—both wererats—in charge of the
turers are standing guard, Marek attacks them on sight main force ofhideout thugs* while he’s gone, and they
while exhorting his thugs to find the weapons case. If raise a formidable defense in an attempt to kill or cap-
Marek or his thugs find the carton, they try to make ture the adventurers.
offwith it, after which any remaining enemies attempt Ifthe heroes overcome this main force, they still must
to flee. Otherwise, when Marek falls below halfhis hit deal with Marek the Shank*, who lives in a smaller cave
points, the hobgoblin uses a smoke bomb to cover his deeper in the mountain with his pet wolf. The hobgohlin
escape as he turns and flees, leaving the rest ofthe thugs retreated here after his failed attack on Dunavan’s ware-
to their own fate. house (and ifthe characters fought him there, he is eager

__._i - --- — ---%‘-: - 4

to take revenge on them). having resolved not to flee impatiently awaiting Duvessa’s arrival, and ifshe does not
from another encounter, Marek fights to the death. appear soon, they will surely elect a new speaker in her
In the hobgoblin’s lair, the heroes find two flasks of stead. Although the sheriffdoesn’t care who claims the
unusual green alchemist’s fire and a small locked chest title ofspeaker, he knows Duvessa well enough to know
containing 220 gp (picking the lock requires a hard that she TouldI’t willingly abandon the position, so he
l)exterity check, hut Slim has the key). They also find a fears that her absence is the result offoul play.
crumpled sheet ofparchment on the table bearing a note At this point, you can allow the players to follow a few
rritteI[ in flowing black script: different lines ofinquiry, potentially resulting in red her-
rings or further encounters with Rethnor thugs, before
“Slim, SheriffMarkham suggests that they search the speak-
I presume the ‘slight problem’you mentioned inyour last er’s palace for clues (ifthe players don’t hit on this idea
report has been dealt with. We can’t have any surprises inter- themselves). A search ofthe palace reveals no signs of a
fering with the speaker’s public audience—those not of our struggle, but a note lying on the desk in Duvessa’s office
makinB, at least. holds a clue to her whereabouts.
Duvessa has been doing a betterjob ofcourting public
opinion than I anticipated. Bring a score ofyour best into “Duvessa,
town and come see me. We will need to act more decisively f I I believe I have discovered the identity ofyour mysterious
am to be assured ofclaiming her seat at the head ofthe Coun rival, though fI am correct, the situation is more danBerous
cil of Speakers.” than we had supposed. It is imperative that I speak with you
before today’s audience; please come to my office posthaste.”
In place ofa signature at the bottom ofthe note is a
strange symbol—Vaelish Gant’s arcane mark. The adven In place ofa signature at the bottom is a strange symbol,
turers have no immediate way to recognize this symbol. which the characters might recognize as the same
wizard mark from the note in Marek’s lair. Ifthey haven’t
The Wizard’s Gambit already figured it out, Markham can confirm that the
sigil is that ofVaelish Gant. It adorns the door of the
When the feast ofHighharvesttide arrives (six days after
offices he moved into upon his arrival in Bryn Shander.
the start ofthe adventure), Vaelish Gant takes action to
The characters can find Gant’s offices* easily
unseat Duvessa Shane. That morning, the town is abuzz
enough, but the sigil on his door is actually a glyph of
with gossip and speculation, and minor scuffles break
warding, which the heroes will set offifthey aren’t care-
out between Duvessa’s supporters and her detractors
ful. Inside, Slim and several ofhis thugs hold Duvessa
(many ofwhom were planted by Slim to cause trouble). Shane bound and gagged in the wizard’s study. Slim
Slim and a group ofother Ship Rethnor thugs kidnap the
tries to goad the heroes into a fight, threatening to kill
speaker and hold her in Gant’s offices across the street
Duvessa ifthey leave to summon help. Gant’s quasit
from the council hall. Ifthe adventurers have made
familiar, which lurks invisibly in the study, joins the fight,
themselves a thorn in Vaelish Gant’s side before then, he
though ifthe battle goes poorly, it attempts to escape and
also takes action to get them out ofthe way before the
warn its master.
public audience.
Resolution: Ifthe characters rescue 1)uvessa, she
In this case, a runner, one of Slim’s gang, finds the
leads them to the town hall, where she exposes Gant as
heroes wherever they are and delivers a note that appears
a villain. Gant, in turn, mocks her and the heroes for
to be from Duvessa but is another of Slim’s forgeries.
thinking he has been defeated: “While you’ve busied
yourselves fighting my forces here, I’ve woven my plans
“Brave heroes,
throughout Ten-Towns, and Easthaven is about to feel my
I have urgent need ofyour help. Please meet me in the coun
wrath. Can you be in ten towns at once? Perhaps not ...

cil hail as soon asyou can. Make sure no one knows where you
but I can.” And with that, Gant teleports away. He only
(JO nor why—all depends on secrecy.
teleports as far as the street outside the hall, but he flees
Gratefully yours,
quickly from there.
Slim, ifhe survives, flees to Lonelywood. He might
make trouble for the heroes ifthey show up there, but the
Ifthe characters answer the summons, a group of Ship
wererat avoids any further dealings with Gant, fearful of
Rethnor thugs* lies in wait to ambush them in the coun
the wizard’s wrath.
cil hall.
Regardless ofwhether they go to the hall, the heroes
are contacted soon after by SheriffMarkham, who reveals
that Speaker IJuvessa is nowhere to be found. Most of
the leading citizens ncluding Gant are at the town hall,
tall, muscular man lashed to a thick wooden post in the
TRIBE OF THE ELK center ofthe square. He has the fair skin and bright blue
The inhabitants oflcewind Dale have eyes typical ofa northerner, with light brown hair that
been caught offguard by the unusu hangs past his shoulders. He has been stripped ofall his
ally harsh and early winter this year, belongings except for a pendant on a thong around his
and the Reghed barbarians have neck, fashioned from two pieces ofantler to look like the
borne the brunt ofit. Thanks to its rack ofan elk.
size and strength, the Tribe ofthe Elk The prisoner is Hengar Aesnvaard, and as the people
has managed to survive so far, but ofBryn Shander go about their business, he periodically
every day its situation worsens. On calls out to them in a hoarse voice, protesting his inno
top ofthat, the mysterious woman the cence and begging to be released. Locals who don’t jeer
barbarians call the Ice Witch has been leading bands of or spit at the barbarian simply ignore him, so when he
wild beasts in attacks against their camps. Every time the notices the heroes, Hengar cries out to them: “Please help
Elk Tribe warriors strike her, the Ice Witch vanishes into me, travelers! I came here seeking aid for my people, and
the storm, only to reappear a few days later during the I fear without it they will perish. Ifmy tribe falls, nothing
next attack. will shield the people ofTen-Towns from the wrath of the
At a loss as to how to combat the Ice Witch, King Ice Witch!”
Jarund has allowed Hengar Aesnvaard, one ofthe tribe’s Ifthe heroes approach Hengar, he hurriedly relates as
warriors, to venture to Ten-Towns to seek aid. Upon his much as he can about his quest and the events that led to
arrival in Bryn Shander, Hengar was targeted by local his predicament. The guard standing watch in the square
members ofthe cult ofAuril as a suitable victim to be discourages lengthy conversation, suggesting that if the
offered as a sacrifice to the Frostmaiden. The cult fab adventurers have any concerns regarding the prisoner,
ricated an accusation oftheft, and Sheriff Markham they should see Sheriff Markham.
convicted and sentenced him. Hengar now stands bound
to a post in the middle ofBryn Shander’s market square,
where he will almost certainly die ofexposure during Hengar’s Crime
the night. The yeti attack solidified the sheriff’s belief, Hengar’s accuser is a merchant named Brinna Alcott,
shared by many in the town, that the barbarians of the whose store sells wools, linens, and sewing supplies.
Reghed tribes are responsible for the beast attacks and Brinna is secretly a disciple ofDavrick Fain, a self-
the harsh winter weather. proclaimed priest ofAuril who runs a resale shop in
In Hengar’s absence, the Tribe ofthe Elk’s situation Bremen. She believes that Auril’s fury can be diverted
has become even more perilous. Their greatest rivals, the from Ten-Towns ifit is redirected elsewhere—specifically,
Tribe ofthe Bear, have pledged themselves to the wor at outsiders like the barbarian.
ship ofthe Frostmaiden at the urging oftheir shaman, At first, Brinna told the townsfolk that the barbarian
Bjami Tengervaald. Though their normal haunts are had stolen goods from her shop, but unable to explain
far to the north, the Bear Tribe warriors have set up a why a Reghed barbarian would want bolts of cloth,
shrine to Auril in the long-abandoned ice caves beneath she switched her story, saying that he actually swiped
Evermelt. Energized by the growing power of their personal effects she kept in the store. Finally, realizing
patron god, Bear Tribe warriors made an overwhelming that the sheriffprobably wouldn’t do more than take
raid on the Elk Tribe encampment, capturing a number the fingers from the barbarian’s left hand for such an
ofwarriors and dragging them offto be sacrificed in Bja act, Brinna switched her story again, telling Sheriff
mi’s bloody rites. Markham that Hengar stole her lockbox, which held a
Beset by the Bear Tribe’s warriors from the east and sizable sum of money.
the Ice Witch’s monstrous forces from the west, and with
increasingly violent storms hindering their ability to flee, Freeing Hengar
the members ofthe Tribe ofthe Elk are in a desperate Heroes who decide to help Hengar might attempt to
fight for survival. Ifhelp does not come soon, it is a fight secure his release in any number ofways. Whatever
e they might not win.
approach they take, be sure they understand that time is
ofthe essence. Ifthey don’t free him, the barbarian will
Getting Here almost certainly die before the next sunrise.
Following the attack on Bryn Shander’s southwestern Prove His Innocence: The party might learn of Brin
gate, the adventurers overhear town guards speculate na’s conflicting stories by talking to her neighbors or the
that the yeti attack following so close on the heels of Hen- sheriff, somehow extracting a confession from Brinna,
gar’s arrival in town is more than coincidence. When the or securing evidence that the theft never took place. Per-
heroes enter Bryn Shander’s market square, they see a suading SheriffMarkham to free the barbarian requires
a significant weight ofevidence and some amount of per-
suasion, since he is predisposed to blame the barbarian
soon as they can and reminds them that delay imperils not
only his tribe but the people ofTen-Towns as well.
for the yeti attack ifnot the theft. The tundra is hazardous in the best oftimes but espe
Appeal to the Speaker: Speaker Duvessa Shane cially so now that winter has come. The Elk Tribe camp
was not involved in Hengar’s arrest or conviction. She is is about twenty miles north ofKelvin’s Cairn. With no
inclined to trust SheriffMarkham’sjudgment, but she also road to follow, the adventurers risk losing their way if
worries that the Elk Tribe might retaliate ifHengar dies. they don’t travel with a guide (such as Hengar). Check for
She can be persuaded to secure the barbarian’s release, random encounters using the Open Tundra Encounters
particularly ifthe adventurers promise to take him out of table on the DM screen.
town, effectively commuting his sentence to banishment. The exact amount oftime needed to reach the camp
Break Him Free: Ifthe adventurers neutralize or varies depending on how hard and fast the characters
bypass the town guards*, they can break Hengar’s travel, but on average, it takes a group ofhumans on foot
bonds. Ifanyone sees them escorting him out of town, one day to travel from Bryn Shander to one ofthe north-
SheriffMarkham declares them outlaws. ernmost towns, and another two days to cut across the
Whatever approach they take, ifthe adventurers tundra to the camp. (The harsh winter weather makes
secure Hengar’s freedom, they earn the enmity of the the journey take twice as long as normal.)
cult ofAuril. The cult might attempt to frame them
for a crime or simply stir up resentment against them
The Elk Tribe Camp
for freeing the barbarian. Because the adventurers
The Campaign Guide offers an overview ofthe Reghed
were seen fighting yetis at the gate, the people of Bryn
tribes’ lifestyle, a typical Elk Tribe encampment, and key
Shander are less quick to condemn them. Ifthe cultists
personalities ofthe Elk Tribe. Use that information to
are driven to desperation, they send cult assassins* to
help flesh out the adventurers’ experience at the camp.
attack the adventurers.
When they reach the camp, Ilengar and the charac
Ifthe heroes want to investigate the cult further, you
ters learn about the Bear Tribe raid that occurred in his
can use the information in the Campaign Guide about
absence. The Elk Tribe is readying a group ofwarriors
Auril’s worshipers (Davrick Fain in particular) to create
to follow the raiders and rescue their prisoners before
additional adventure opportunities.
they are sacrificed to the Frostmaiden. Hengar plans to
accompany this group and invites the adventurers to join
Crossing the Tundra him. Ifthey meet with King Jarund Elkhardt, the king
Ifthe heroes free Hengar, he begs them to return with likewise urges them to help (perhaps as payment of a
him to his tribe’s camp on the tundra. Hengar is willing to blood debt ifllengar died in town).
wait a day ifthe party has other business to attend to first, Folnor IIagbarthe, the Elk Tribe’s best tracker, leads
but ifthe characters take longer than that, he sets out on the adventurers and a band ofa dozen Elk Tribe war-
his own. Before he goes, Hengar presses them to follow as riors to the Bear Tribe’s camp at Evermelt. The hot
spring is about ten miles east ofthe Elk Tribe’s camp,

and getting there takes at least as many hours—possibly
more, depending on whether the group is slowed by
storms blowing down offthe glacier. Check for random
HENGAR’S DEATH encounters using the Open Tundra Encounters table on
If Hengar dies, the adventurers still can help the
Elk Tribe before its huntersjourney to Evermelt the DM screen.
and fall in battle with their Bear Tribe foes. As they travel, Folnor tells the adventurers about his
Other ElkTribe characters they meet as random encounter with the Ice Witch when his hunting party
encounters in their travels (such as the barbar was attacked by a pack ofwild beasts. With evident
ian sympathizers in Ten-Towns) can deliver the fear and awe, he tells ofhow he shot the witch straight
same message as Hengar, urging the characters through the heart and yet somehow failed to kill her,
to act immediately to help save their tribe. Alter- having found no trace ofher body after the fight. Folnor
natively, Duvessa Shane, learning of Hengar’s also stresses that the Tribe ofthe Bear usually haunts the
demise, might ask the adventurers to travel as
far north, at the shores ofthe Sea ofMoving Ice, so their
ambassadors to the Elk Tribe in an effort to pre
presence in Evermelt is strange.
vent any reprisal for his death. Ifthe characters
don’t act to help the Elk Tribe, they will feel the
repercussions ofthat decision in the interlude.


Key to Evermelt
See the Campaiqn Guide for an overview and map of inform the adventurers that the Ice Witch lurks in the
Evermelt and the ice caves beneath it. room beyond, and that one oftheir number—Soren
Arnsfirth—was already taken there by Bjami as the
witch’s first victim.
Sacred Pool
The Tribe ofthe Bear has made its new camp on the
edges ofthe sacred pool. From here, Wolvig Barrundson, Dragon’s Lair
the tribe’s nominal chieftain, directs the warriors in their 1-lere in the dragon’s lair, next to the
raids across the tundra, while the tribe’s true leader, the bones ofthe dragon Icingdeath, the Ice )
shaman Bjami Tengervaald, performs rites of sacrifice in Witch’s siinulacrum converses with
the icy caverns below. Soren. The Elk Tribe warrior begs his -

Bear Tribe scouts watch for returning raiding parties daughter to accept his life as a sacri
and incoming threats from their perches atop the gla fice to appease Auril and to spare the
cier. Unless the adventurers and their Elk Tribe cohorts other prisoners, but it is not his life the ‘
approach stealthily under cover ofdarkness, the Bear Ice Witch wants She intends to kill the prisoners as an
Tribe camp* is alerted to their presence, and Bear Tribe example and send Soren back to the Elk Tribe to demand
warriors heave boulders down on the party while scouts their utter subservience to her and devotion to Auril,
loose arrows. After the group scales the glacial moraine starting with the banishment oftheir shaman, Mjenir.
to the level ofthe sacred pooi, Wolvig Barrundson enters When the heroes appear and it becomes evident that
the fray, engaging whomever he deems to be the invad they have broken the Bear Tribe’s hold over Evermelt,
ers’ greatest warrior. the Ice Witch becomes enraged and a cold wind begins
The camp has no sign ofthe Elk Tribe prisoners. All to whip around the cavern. “Witness the power Auril has
the Bear Tribe warriors know that Bjami took the cap- Branted her Chosen, and taste winter’sfury!” she cries, as the
tives into the caverns beneath the pool. Folnor or any ice-encrusted bones ofthe long-dead dragon shudder to
character who succeeds on a moderate Intelligence life. The party must face the dragon and witch*. The
check to search finds a pile offurs and necklaces of Elk skeletal Icingdeath, unable to fly or use a breath weapon,
Tribe manufacture sitting by the edge ofthe pool. The fights with tooth and claw while the Ice Witch’s simula
prisoners were stripped oftheir belongings before being crum hurls spells at the characters.
dragged into the waterfall cavern. When the simulacrurn is reduced to 0 hit points, it
crumbles into a pile ofsnow and the animated remains
collapse. As the wind blows out, the adventurers hear the
Waterfall Cavern Ice Witch’s laughter as iffrom afar: “Theformyou have
Bjami Tengervaald brought the Elk Tribe prisoners to
defeated is a mere vesselfor my power—as hollow as your vic
the waterfall cavern* to offer them as sacrifices to the
tory this day. Soon I will sendforth another, and fyou destroy
Ice Witch’s simulacruin, which has come to receive the
that, another, until all oflcewind Dale knows the terrible wrath
offering on behalfofthe Frostmaiden. The simulacrum
ofmy mistress!”
in the dragon’s lair beyond while Bjami and his fol
Resolution: With the Bear Tribe scattered, the Tribe
lowers prepare for the rite. The prisoners are lashed to
ofthe Elk moves its camp to Evermelt, where its mem
icy stalagmites scattered around the room and are half
bers find refuge from the winter storms and the beasts of
dead from exposure, having been stripped oftheir furs.
the tundra. King Jarund proclaims the heroes honorary
As soon as Bjami becomes aware ofthe heroes’ pres
members ofthe Elk Tribe, and Hengar Ofhe is still alive)
ence, he decries their trespass into the sacred chambers
offers tojoin them for the remainder oftheir adventurers
ofEvermelt and promises that they will share the prison-
in Icewind Dale. Although Icingdeath’s original hoard
ers’ fate. Emboldened by the presence ofthe Ice Witch’s
was plundered generations ago, the Bear Tribe brought
simulacrum in the next room, Bjami attacks the party
many treasures to the dragon’s lair as offerings to the
without hesitation and fights without fear, alternately
p Frostmaiden. For their part in rescuing the Elk Tribe
taunting the characters and calling on the Frostmaiden
captives, the heroes are allowed to claim Icingdeath’s
for her blessing during battle.
treasures as their own.
Fighting alongside Bjami is a group ofBear Tribe
c-- Hedrun is not injured by the destruction ofher simu
; furies—women ofthe tribe dressed as animal spirits who
lacrum, but it will be several days before she can recover
aid the shaman in his rituals and are deadly with their
the strength she spent to animate Icingdeath’s remains
pairs oflong, curved knives. Driven by their zealous
and create a new simulacrum. This delay buys the bar-
devotion to Auril, Bjaini and the furies fight to the death.
barians and the people ofTen-Towns a briefrespite from
Releasing the captured members ofthe Elk Tribe
the Ice Witch’s fury.
is simple, although they are in no shape to fight. They


have drifted to Baerick’s side. At this point, about half

HALLS OF BLACK ICE the dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn have been thoroughly cor
I)uring Akar Kessell’s reign of terror rupted by the black ice. Greedy, selfish, and amoral, they
over a century ago, he used the Crys ignore the laws ofthe community and its leader. Instead,
tal Shard to erect crystalline towers at they follow Baerick Hainmerstone, who leads them in
three sites around Icewind Dale. One brigandry and riot.
wasjust outside the walls of Bryn Among the other halfofthe population, the influence
Shander, where all trace ofit has long ofthe black ice has also been felt, but these dwarves keep
since vanished. The other two were its evil under control and remain loyal to Dam Stokely.
nestled in the Spine ofthe World and Between the zombie attacks and the threat posed by
far offon the tundra to the east, where Baerick’s followers, Stokely decided to gather the loyal
the crumbled remnants ofthe towers lay undisturbed for dwarves into a smaller, more easily defensible area.
more than a century. With the return ofAkar Kessell to Three days ago, he uprooted many families and brought
Icewind Dale, the evil ofthe Crystal Shard has also come them to a single hall on the west side ofthe cleft (in what
to trouble the region once more. they call Battleharnrner Hold). The dwarves of Stokely’s
Although the towers ofCryshal-firith, as it was called, faction are not immediately hostile to the others, who
had crumbled to dust and been buried under a hundred are, after all, their kin. Baerick’s dwarves are belligerent
years ofsnows, time has not washed them away corn- bullies, and they attack anyone ifthey think they have
pletely. On the slopes ofthe Spine ofthe World, where good odds ofcoming out on top.
the first tower once stood, Kessell found a great slab of Meanwhile, Akar Kessell lurks in the abandoned tun
black ice, which he recognized as a remnant ofthe Crys nels ofthe dwarves’ mines, spreading his own form of
tal Shard that was infused with its evil and at least a chaos by animating dead miners as zombies and sending
fraction ofits power. them to attack Stokely’s dwarves in the western tun
The black ice was not all that Kessell had hoped, how- nels. He has begun urging Baerick to sell his black ice
ever. It appeared to lack the flashy, destructive power of wares beyond the dwarven valley, and through his agent
the original Crystal Shard, and it refused to raise a tower Pallidor, he sold a keel for a fishing boat to a fisher from
for him. As he wrestled with it, attempting to discern Caer-Konig—who is now becoming known as 1)errick the
what it could do, he noted the dwarfrniners arguing over Drownder (See ‘Pirates ofthe Howling Fiend” on page 25
the black ice, until one ofthe miners killed the other ofthe Campaign Guide).
three and claimed it for himself. Kessell stretched his
frozen and desiccated skin into a smile, believing he
had thund the key to using the black ice. Ifhe couldn’t Getting Here
use it to dominate Icewind Dale, perhaps he could use Immediately after the initial encounter ofthe adven
it to destroy the region instead. He entrusted the surviv ture, Helda Silverstream—a dwarfmerchant who is also
ing miner, Baerick Ilammerstone, with the care of the Stokely Silverstrearn’s niece—offers the adventurers an
black ice and encouraged him to take some back to the additional reward ifthey accompany her wagon to Kel
dwarven valley, to experiment with it and craft items yin’s Cairn, where she plans to visit her uncle Stokely
from it. and hopes to acquire some ofthe black ice carvings she’s
I’he black ice does indeed contain a significant echo heard about. The attack on her caravan left her reluctant
ofthe Crystal Shard’s great evil, which influences those to make the journey alone, so she is willing to wait while
who come near it. As Baerick Hammerstone crafted the characters explore other trails, at least for a while.
more and more items—arms, armor, trinkets, and statu In addition, as the characters explore other threads
ettes—its taint began to spread. Initially, its worst effects ofthe adventure, they pick up on leads that point to the
are felt among the dwarves of Kelvin’s Cairn, where most evil unfolding in the dwarven valley. For example, Ilelda
ofBaerick’s craft has been sold. is staying at the Northlook in Bryn Shander, where the
characters might encounter her as they deal with Vaelish
Gant’s thugs. Further, a random encounter with a dwarf
The Situation in the Valley selling black ice trinkets in town can point them to the
About ten days ago, I)ain Stokely Silverstream had a loud troubles in the valley.
public argument with Baerick Hammerstone in which
Baerick questioned his leadership, his loyalty to the
clan, and his dedication to protecting his people. After
the argument, Baerick gathered a group of similarly
disaffected dwarves and established a sanctum on the
eastern side ofthe valley—a place they call the halls of
Black Ice. Over the days since, more and more dwarves

F— •

Silverstream” makes them highly suspicious (although “I

Key to the Dwarven Valley don’t know” is acceptable).
See the Ca?npai8n Guide for an over-
These dwarves know all about the recent zombie
view and a map ofthe dwarven
attacks and the conflict with Baerick’s dwarves, but
valley with its halls, mines, and
they don’t readily share such information with strang
abandoned tunnels.
cr5. Instead, ifthey can be convinced ofthe party’s good
While the characters explore the
intentions, two ofthe dwarves escort the characters into
area, check for random encounters
Battlehammer Hold to meet Stokely (see area 4).
using the DwarfMine Encounters
Ifattacked, the dwarves fight to defend themselves.
table on the DM screen. No random
Nothing short ofdeath can convince them to abandon
encounters occur within Battlehammer Hold or the
their post.
Halls ofBlack Ice. Encounters are described in the down-
load packet.
3, Black Ice Sentries
The dwarves loyal to Baerick Hammerstone, corrupted
1. South Guard Post by black ice, have established their own guard posts in
At the southern end ofthe valley, where a road leads
the valley: at both entrances to their halls, between the
south to Bryn Shander, the dwarves ofthe Halls of Black
forking passages at the east end ofthe Halls ofBlack Ice,
Ice have established a guard post to warn travelers out
and at the Daledrop that leads from the eastern tundra
ofthe valley. The initial response ofthis dwarf patrol*
down into the valley. Each ofthese posts is watched by a
to the arrival ofilelda’s wagon is to turn her—and the
dwarf patrol*.
adventurers—away, but if anyone puts up a hiss, they start
Like the dwarves at the southern post, these dwarves
getting other ideas. First they wonder ifthe wagon holds
are hostile and under orders not to let strangers into the
anything ofvalue they could claim Ot does not—Helda
mines. A dwarfwho proclaims Baerick Hammerstone’s
sold her goods in Bryn Shander), then they consider
leadership ofthe valley and shows an item ofblack ice
whether anyone would pay a ransom ifthey kidnapped
can gain admittance to the Ilalls ofBlack Ice to see
Helda and her companions. Ifthey learn ofHelda’s rela
Baerick. With some negotiation, intimidation, or brib
tion to Stokely, kidnapping is a likely course.
ery, a dwarf admitted to the halls can also persuade the
The adventurers can try to defuse this situation before
guards to admit his or her companions as well.
it develops into combat. Turning away from the dwarven
These corrupted dwarves are selfish, extremely avari
valley works. All the guards carry trinkets ofblack ice
cious, impatient, highly suspicious, quick to anger, and
and have been affected by its corrupting influence, so
prone to violence. They don’t know anything about Akar
the adventurers might be able to get past them by playing
Kessell or any zombie attacks (those have been limited to
offfeelings ofsuspicion, doubt, or paranoia. ITelda might
the western mines). As far as they’re concerned, the only
attempt to use her connection to Stokely to get past the
threat to the valley is Stokely Silverstream, who “refuses
guards, but they dismiss the mention oftheir nominal
to protect our treasures” and “holds us back.”
ruler and say, Stokely may say ye can enter, but Baerick

Ifattacked or provoked into aggression, these dwarves
says ye cannot, and so ye can’t.”
fight to the death with relish.
Ifcombat breaks out, the dwarves are more interested
in capturing the adventurers and Helda than in killing
them, although they forcibly rebuffany attempts to enter 4, Battlehammer Hold
the valley. Ifthe adventurers gain admittance to Battlehammer
I lold, they are escorted to the forge and meet with
Stokely in full view ofthe gathered community.
2. Battlehammer Sentries Stokely (see page 48 in the Campaign Guide) can tell
The dwarves ofBattlehammer Hold, mostly untainted by
the adventurers everything he knows about the zombies
black ice and still loyal to Stokely Silverstream, have four
in the mines and the problem with Baerick, and if the
guard posts set up around the valley: at the southernmost
characters seem like they might be interested, he offers
entry to the western mines, at the main entrance to Bat-
them a reward ifthey help him deal with these problems.
tlehammer Hold, nested between forking tunnels at the
The Zombies: Several mining expeditions have
west end ofthe hold, and on the side ofthe valley, where
encountered dwarfzombies in the mines. Most of these
the path forks. Each post is watched by a dwarf patrol*
encounters have occurred in the northwestern part of
at all times.
the mines, including the most recent (and most devastat
These dwarves are cautious and pay particular atten
ing) attack, which left no survivors. Other attacks have
tion to questioning any dwarves in an approaching
occurred everywhere in the mines, including the east-
party, including Helda. “Who’s the rightful leader of this
em side ofthe valley (before Baerick and his followers
valley?” they ask, and any response other than “Stokely

- --‘- - £&‘4
established themselves on that side—and maybe after-
ward, but Stokely doesn’t know).
brought expensive gifts from the markets of Bryn
Shander. Although Baerick is initially suspicious of her,
The zombies were dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn before the emissary knows how to play offthe feelings engen
their death, mostly victims ofearlier zombie attacks, dered by the black ice to bring the dwarfleader around
which leads some dwarves to call this a spreading to her way ofthinking. Left to his own devices, Vaelish
“zombie plague.” Most ofthe zombie dwarves still have Gant eventually succeeds in convincing the dwarfto ally
kin either in Battlehammer hold or across the valley with him against the people of Ten-Towns.
among Baerick’s allies. Stokely has never heard of a Whether the adventurers are captured and dragged
plague or anything else that would make a person killed before Baerick or they come to see him oftheir own voli
by a zombie turn into a zombie, unless a necromancer tion, his initial reaction to their appearance is hostile.
were animating the dead, so he assumes that such a nec- He refers to them as “Ten-Towns spies” and believes they
romancer lurks in the mines somewhere. were sent by the council to assassinate him in advance of
Stokely promises the heroes a reward of 100 gp if they a general invasion ofthe valley. The party is hard-pressed
root out the necromancer and clear the mines of zom to convince Baerick otherwise, although—as with the
bies. Ifthe adventurers agree to investigate, he suggests dwarves at the south guard post—any ploy that capital-
they begin at the nexus (area 7). izes on the fear and suspicion bred by the black ice has
Baerick Hammerstone: Stokely feels as ifhe han- a better chance ofworking. Baerick has been so heavily
dled his argument with Baerick badly and has been influenced by the ice, however, that any attempts at per-
beating himselfup over it ever since. suasion might push him to extremes offear, rage, and
Although he doesn’t know where the black ice came suspicion. Meanwhile, the emissary works to counter
from or what it did, Stokely sensed something about it the characters’ arguments and reinforce Baerick’s suspi
that didn’t feel right, which is why he never held on to cions oftheir intentions. Ifthe characters are wily, they
any. On reflection, it has occurred to him that Baerick’s might be able to make Baerick see reason and stop his
odd behavior began around the same time as he started self-destructive course ofaction, or at the very least buy
working with the black ice, but Stokely can’t offer any some time.
more insight into the situation than that. hfthe party fails to talk Baerick down (or doesn’t try),
Stokely doesn’t want Baerick or any ofthe other the dwarforders his black ice guards* to execute the
dwarves slain, although he admits that Baerick in par- characters on the spot. The dwarves fight to the death,
ticular might be so volatile that violence is unavoidable
in any confrontation with him. He asks the adventurers
to try to persuade Baerick to turn aside from the destruc
tive path. Ifthey can help Stokely reunite the clan, he
will grant them a reward of2SO gp and declare them
friends of Clan Battlehammer forever. They will have TALKING BAERICK
the aid ofhis clan whenever they need it, and he will DOWN
write them letters ofintroduction ifthey ever travel to To convince Baerick to reconsider his present
Mithral hall. course, the characters can cast doubt on the
intentions of the emissary’s master and relate
anything they might have learned about the
5. Halls of Black Ice black ice’s origins or its connection with Akar
Dwarves in Baerick’s favor are marked by the black ice Kessell (and, by extension, the zombies in the
axes they carry or the helms they wear. The corrupting mines). As the verbal tussle for Baerick’s soul
goes back and forth, you might allow the charac
influence ofthe black ice has planted the idea in Baer
ters to make moderate Wisdom checks to sense
ick’s mind ofleading his people to war against the rest motive, gaining insight into his vulnerabilities or
oflcewind Dale, though he’s not yet conscious of having the emissary’s aims, or ask them to make hard
such ambitions. Ifasked why he’s arming his people, his Charisma checks to intimidate the emissary
answer (which he truly believes) is that he seeks to pro- into silence or make an outrageous bluff. By
tect the valley from incursion by the covetous people of and large, though, the weight ofthe characters’
Ten-Towns who lust after the black ice. words—not the roll of the dice—should carry
In fact, Baerick’s deep suspicion is not entirely the scene. Checks can allow the party to gain
unfounded. An emissary intercepted a few days ago by an edge when dealing with Baerick, but don’t
the guards at I)aledrop is now a guest—or perhaps a pris let checks decide the outcome one way or the
oner—in his home. The emissary comes from Vaelish other. The characters’ arguments should do that.
Gant, who is interested in securing the production
source ofthe black ice. The emissary is a silver-tongued
woman named Baccha, a rogue ofShip Rethnor who

and ifBaerick falls, the emissary attempts to flee so she refuses to leave his hiding place in the nexus unless
can relay the news to her master. the adventurers promise to escort him safely out of the
Ifthe characters talk Baerick down, or ifthey defeat mines. He’s no good in a fight, and ifthe party encoun
him and spare his life, the dwarfremains enslaved by the ters zombies with Paldrinor in tow, he starts screaming
black ice, and it’s only a matter oftime before the corrup again and attempts to flee by whatever path he can find.
tion drives him completely insane. There’s still time for Scattered around the nexus is a wealth ofmining gear,
the heroes to bring Baerick and the other dwarves back including picks, shovels, hammers and chisels, carts, amid
from the brink ofmadness, but doing so means breaking rations that have been sustaining Paidrinor for the last
the hold over their minds—probably by ridding them of few days.
the black ice completely. That is no small task, given how
much ofthe stuffthe dwarves possess. Further, owners of
the ice try to protect their pieces, hiding them from sight
8. The Deep Mines
After the heroes venture into the deepest tunnels to the
or lying about their existence. Even after the black ice is
northwest ofthe nexus, it’s not long before they attract
removed, the dwarves suffer pangs ofregret and make
the notice ofAkar Kessell. The wight can smell the pres
efforts to reclaim it, forcing the party to go to extreme
ence ofthe living in these otherwise dead tunnels, and
lengths to keep the substance out ofthe dwarves’ hands.
he begins shadowing the characters, observing their
movements. Kessell is curious about who has come look-
6. Temple ing for him and wary offacing anyone strong enough to

There is a 30 percent chance ofan encounter with a have fought their way this far into the mines. He can’t
zombie pack* in the temple, independent ofthe normal help but bait the adventurers, though, so as they wander
chance for random encounters in the mines. through the tunnels, they hear Kessell’s soft, ruined voice
echoing from the dark, asking ifthey have come here to
die. He alludes to his plans to turn Icewind Dale against
7. The Nexus itself, starting with the towns ofLac Dinneshere. lie
Stokely believes that the nexus is the wisest place to also taunts the party with veiled references to his past,
begin an investigation ofthe zombie attacks, since it was asking, for instance, how the heroes imagine they can
the site ofthe last assaults. The nexus is littered with survive an encounter with someone who once brought
the remains ofthe lost mining expedition. Abandoned all ofIcewind Dale to its knees. (Ifyou want to draw out
mining carts and equipment lie strewn about the chain- this sequence, you can punctuate the taunts with one or
her. Signs ofa battle are evident, including dropped two encounters with a handful ofzombies or other mine
weapons and spatters ofdried blood, but there are no denizens before the wight springs his trap.)
bodies, and any characters who look for tracks find that Much as Kessell enjoys bedeviling the characters, he
the combatants seem to have stood up and walked away doesn’t intend to fight them himself. Instead, lie attempts
( having risen as zomhies. to lure them into Kessell’s trap*: a lair where a pair
One pair oftracks leads to an overturned mining cart ofgiant spiders can attack with surprise before Kes
and goes no farther. Under the cart hides the only surviv sell orders his zombies to join the fray. Ifthe characters
ing member ofthe expedition, Paidrinor Granitehelm.
realize they’re being led on or ifthey enrage the wight
After witnessing his companions being slain and rising (perhaps by calling him out for being too scared to face
as zombies, Paldrinor was driven mad with fear and fled them), Kessell loses his patience and commands his
blindly into the tunnels. He barely survived ambushes minions to attack immediately. In either case, lie doesn’t
by more ofKessell’s zombie minions, and eventually stick around to get caught up in the fight. lie promises
he found his way back to the nexus, where he has been to make the heroes suffer at their next meeting amid then
hiding ever since, with a diminishing supply offood and flees through a series ofpassages that eventually let out
water hidden under the cart with him. onto the northwestern slope ofKelvin’s Cairn. From
Ifanyone disturbs the cart, Paldrinor starts scream- there, he makes his way to safety.
ing uncontrollably, thinking the zombies have found Resolution: After Akar Kessell leaves the mines, the
him. It takes some effort to calm him down, and still zombies, bereft ofhis influence, wander the tunnels aim-
more to get a coherent story out ofhim. Ifthe party lessly and are dispatched by the dwarves remaining in
can get Paldrinor talking, he describes what befell Kelvin’s Cairn. Ifthe party fails to drive Kessell out, the
his crew and how the zombies are being created by a wight pushes farther and farther into the dwarven valley
human-sized undead creature that roams the tunnels, until most ofthe dwarves join his undead army. The only
seemingly looking for prey. holdouts are Stokely Silverstreamu and his cadre, and
Paidrinor can show the characters the direction Kes maybe Baerick, depending on how the characters leave
sell’s attack came from, leading them back toward the matters with him.
temple about a halfmile and then pointing north. Fle

h. .
him as their new speaker. Duvessa realizes too late that
INTERLUDE: A she’s been played, and Gant is quick to silence or dis
credit any accusations leveled against him. With few
SUDDEN SQUALL allies remaining in Bryn Shander, the former speaker
hires a few swords and quietly slips out oftown to try to
This interlude is an interruption to propel the adven
rally opposition to the wizard’s coup.
turers into Act 2 without allowing them to resolve
Meanwhile, Gant’s agents spread throughout Ten-
everything in Act 1 It sends the message that there is

Towns, and he starts taking steps to place some of the

more going on in Icewind Dale than they can handle all
dale’s most valuable resources under his control. He
at once, and it should heighten their sense ofurgency to
sends large, well-armed groups to mine the dwarven
deal with these threats as quickly as possible.
valley and plunder the tundra ofmeat and pelts.
Timing: As the DM, you are the bestjudge ofwhen to
Ifthe adventurers are with the Elk Tribe, warriors
launch the interlude. This section assumes that the char-
rush to King Jarund to tell him that a group from Ten-
acters have had time to get at least somewhat involved in
Towns is slaughtering a herd ofreindeer that the tribe
two ofthe three sections ofAct 1, but not enough time to
considers theirs. Jarund sends a trusted warrior (Hengar,
resolve all three.
ifhe is still alive) with a band ofwarriors to investigate,
This section presents three short interludes tied to the
and he asks the characters to go along and help mediate
three villains. Normally, you’ll run one ofthem to serve
any dispute with the townsfolk. (Ifyou need statistics
as a bridge from Act 1 to Act 2. Ifyou need to steer the
for the Elk Tribe warriors, use the Bear Tribe raiders*
players back on course, you can use one interlude to yank
their attention back to the material in Act 1 and another
Similarly, ifthe characters are in the dwarven valley,
interlude to bridge them into Act 2. You might even
Dam Stokely receives word that a group from Ten-Towns
decide to use all three interludes to keep up the pace of
has entered the mines at the south end ofthe valley and
the adventure. It’s up to you.
started digging. Stokely sends a dwarfpatrol* and the
What Happens: The interludes assume that the
adventurers to investigate.
heroes could focus on only one or two villains in Act I,
When they arrive, the leader ofthe group of poach-
leaving at least one villain free to scheme unhindered. ers* explains that the newly appointed speaker of Bryn
Essentially, the interludes present the consequences of
Shander has allied Ten-Towns with the Arcane Brother-
the adventurers failing to complete one ofthe sections of
hood, and has sent them to set up operations on behalf
Act 1.
ofthe trade alliance “for the benefit ofall ofthe dale’s
Vaelish Gant: IfVaelish Gant’s plans are unchecked,
inhabitants.” What’s more, the Rethnor agent says that
run “Fall ofBryn Shander” for the interlude.
Speaker Gant has authorized him to negotiate the sale of
The Ice Witch: Ifthe characters have not yet opposed
their lands (the dwarven mines or the Elk Tribe’s open
1-ledrun the Ice Witch, use “Howls From the North.”
tundra), which the speaker will allow them to continue
Akar Kessell: IfAkar Kessell remains in the dwarf
to live on as a token ofgoodwill. Naturally, the residents
mines, use “The Black Ice Spreads.”
ofthe land will be required to pay a tax on any ore they
Reporting Results: When you reach the interlude,
take from the mines or game they hunt on the tundra. Of
you can share your results with other Dungeon Masters
course, neither the dwarves nor the Elk Tribe barbarians
running this adventure. Ifyou’re running the adven
want to do any such thing, and unless the adventurers do
ture as part ofthe 1)&D EncountersTM program, you’re
some quick talking, the situation escalates to violence.
strongly encouraged to do so. The aggregate results from
In the course ofthe encounter, the Rethnor agent
everyone running this adventure will be incorporated
warns the dwarves or barbarians that Gant won’t take
into future storylines about Icewind 1)ale and the North.
no for an answer. He calls them fools for not accept-
Go to www.I)ungeonsandl) to
ing the wizard’s offer offriendship, reminds them that
report your results.
the Arcane Brotherhood has a broader power base and
deeper pockets than anyone in Icewind Dale, and warns
that the next group Gant sends will be much larger,
FALL OF BRYN SHANDER better armed, and instructed not to negotiate but to drive
IfVaelish Gant’s schemes in Bryn them from their land.
Shander have come to fruition, he Regardless ofthe outcome ofthis encounter, the
becomes a serious threat to the whole adventurers find that they are no longer welcome in
oflcewind I)ale. Bryn Shander’s citi Bryn Shander—the guards at the gate turn them away if
zens lose confidence in I)uvessa and they try to enter. Wherever they go next, they find evi
strip her ofoffice. Gant steps in to dence ofVaelish Gant’s schemes in motion. Around Maer
help quell the uprisings and “rescue” Dualdon, he is buying fishing boats from cash-strapped
Duvessa, for rhjcl the citizens elect

fishers and town collectives, negotiating a share of the gain a much-needed respite from battle ifthe adventur
knucklehead trade as payment for allowing the fishers to ers can fight their way up the Daledrop and keep it clear
continue using the boats. His agents are working in Good long enough for scattered patrols to come back to the
Mead as well, buying beehives that are in danger of fail- valley and bolster the defenses. The enemies come in
ing in the long winter. Dougan’s Hole is spared from his erratic waves as you see fit. You can use the Battlefield
schemes, so far, but the towns around Lac Dinneshere Encounters table on the DM screen to generate waves of
are suffering the worst. The adventurers soon encounter foes and complications.
a displaced fisher* who is fleeing the pirate activities on Buttress the Gate: While Bear Tribe warriors and
the lake as the situation there grows increasingly dire. fierce tundra yetis hammer at the North Gate of Bryn
Shander, the townsfolk desperately try to reinforce it
with anything they can find. Ifthe adventurers try to
HOWLS FROM THE NORTH help, the best aid they can provide is to stop the inces
Ifthe Ice Witch has been unchallenged until now, she has sant pounding on the gate. They can go over the wall and
become a terrible force. With the Tribe ofthe Bear firmly drop to the ground in the midst ofthe press, driving the
in her camp, the bones oflcingdeath raised as a skeletal enemies back from the gate long enough for the defend-
terror, and Auril’s favor secured with ers to strengthen it.
the sacrifice ofElk Tribe warriors, the Rally the Refugees: Dozens ofmembers ofthe Elk
witch launches a massive assault on Tribe seek shelter in Ten-Towns ahead ofthe advanc
the heart oflcewind Dale. The howl- ing horde. Weak and demoralized after the Bear Tribe’s
ing wind, a constant sound in the dale, savage attacks, these barbarians offer little help in the
grows even more intense as it comes defense ofthe towns. Ifthe characters can rally them
down from the north ahead ofthe Ice against their common foe, they might help to turn the
Witch’s forces. tide ofbattle. This effort can be a purely diplomatic one,
Packs ofwolves (wolf attack*) and yetis (yeti but the Elk Tribe warriors might be more likely to fight
attack*), angry bears (bear attack*), and bands of Bear with heroes in their midst.
Tribe raiders* accompany another siinulacrum of the Aid Embattled Forces: Having finished offa pack
witch and the animated skeletal remains of Icingdeath ofbeasts or a party ofbarbarians, the adventurers spot
a nearby group ofallies that is surrounded by another
(dragon and witch*) as they sweep into Ten-Towns. threat. These allies might be a dwarfpatrol*, Elk Tribe
Wherever the adventurers are, they can’t avoid being
caught up in battle—or perhaps trapped in the besieged warriors, or town guards*.
walls ofBryn Shander. Regardless ofthe characters’ success in the interlude,
The fight against these monstrous dangers is a mili the rise ofthe Ice Witch has lasting effects. The cult of
tary matter, not something the characters can handle Auril grows stronger in Ten-Towns and among the bar-
alone. That said, heroes always have a place in a conflict barians, and it will probably be a lasting influence in
ofthis scale and importance. You can let the players the north for years to come. Furthermore, the remaining
choose their own course ofaction in the midst of the people ofthe Elk Tribe settle in the cities ofTen-Towns as
frenzy or have leaders such as Duvessa Shane or Stokely they did after Akar Kessell’s first attempt to conquer the
Silverstream call on them to undertake a vital mission. dale. Tension between them and the other residents rises
Some examples are presented below, but feel free to and might erupt in violence at any time.
improvise based on what the adventurers want to do.
Hunt the Ice Witch or Confront Icingdeath: The
Ice Witch’s simulacrum is part ofthe horde sweeping THE BLACK ICE SPREADS
through the dale, and hunting it down is a suitably heroic IfAkar Kessell is left unhindered in
task for the adventurers. Likewise, they might decide to the dwarven valley, the fate of the
take on the huge skeletal dragon excavated from Icing- dwarf community looks grim. Baerick
death’s old lair and animated by the Ice Witch. In either Hammerstone’s black ice spreads
event, they find the two together (dragon and witch*) throughout the valley, and Stokely
and can confront them in the midst ofthe battle. You Silverstream flees the mines with a
can complicate this combat with other encounters (bear, small group ofdwarves who remain AkarKessell
wolf, or yeti attacks, or interference from the Bear Tribe). loyal. Corrupted dwarves carry black
Ifthe simulacrum is slain, it turns into snow and scat- ice trinkets into Ten-Towns, spreading the vile stuff far
ters in the wind, leaving no trace. and wide.
Clear the Daledrop: The Ice Witch’s forces spill l)epending on where the adventurers are when the
into the dwarven valley along a narrow descent called interlude begins, they might have to deal with one or
the Daledrop. It is quite defensible, and the dwarves will more significant encounters:

... .

+ Large numbers ofdwarfzombies spill out ofthe mines Just before the start ofthe adventure, Baerick
and wander the area. Some stray near the towns, Hammerstone crafted a ship’s ram from the black ice
while others venture into the tundra. The characters and sold it to Derrick Gaffner, a fisher of Caer-Dineval.
might have to deal with two or more waves of zombie Under the influence ofthe black ice, Derrick and his
attackers (each a separate zombie pack* encounter) crew have become notorious pirates, attacking fishing
threatening the Elk Tribe or attacking travelers on one vessels on Lac Dinneshere regardless oftheir town of
ofthe roads. origin and occasionally raiding the towns themselves.
4 Venturing too near the dwarven valley leads the (See the Campcihjn Guide for more information about the
characters to a confrontation with a belligerent pirates ofthe Howling Fiend.)
dwarfpatrol* (use the Halls ofBlack Ice patrol). The By inserting the black ice remnants ofthe Crystal
dwarves all carry black ice weapons. Shard into that situation, Akar Kessell hopes to create
such havoc and disorder around the eastern lake
+ Within Ten-Towns, an encounter with a band of ruffi
that he can establish himselfas absolute ruler of Lac
ans* points to the spreading influence ofthe black ice.
Dinneshere. From there, he plans to pursue the same
The ruffians wear amulets or rings made ofblack ice, dream that impelled him at the end ofhis life—to become
which have made them stronger and more aggressive. the Tyrant oflcewind Dale. After the ram is in place
on the Howling Fiend, he steps back and lets it work its
This interlude need not be a single, discrete event. The
mayhem, leaving the area for now.
encounters might take place over a span of a week or
Meanwhile, Vaelish Gant has sent Pyrse Auliff, one
more as the adventurers pursue other leads around
ofhis allies from Ship Rethnor, to infiltrate the pirate
Icewind l)ale. The prevalence ofthe black ice should
crew and steer its activities toward his own ends. Reth
eventually lead them to Lac Dinneshere, where tales
nor agents in Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval have begun
speak ofpirates sailing a ship whose keel is formed from
a variation on the theme used in Bryn Shander: agents
the stuff. Also, the black ice makes the cultists ofAuril
offer to sell “protection” to private craft owners and town
more aggressive and violent, perhaps lending more
fisher collectives in the form of supposedly magical
urgency to the heroes’ investigations into murders and
wards. For those who pay, the agents paint large, elabo
disappearances around the region.
rate (but meaningless) symbols on the boats, and Pyrse
ensures that the pirates don’t attack boats thus warded.
As Act 2 begins, Gant has decided to expand this
ACT 2: DEEPWINTER operation to Easthaven, and Pyrse has convinced the
As the interlude comes to an end, the adventurers are free pirate captain, I)errick the Drownder, to launch a mas
to pursue whatever threats they deem most dire. Ifthey sive attack on the town’s docks. Gant, meanwhile, uses
follow up on leads from Act 1 and the interlude, they prob agents from Ship Rethnor to get messages to Pyrse.
ably investigate Gant’s activities in Easthaven (and the role
ofblack ice in recent reports ofpiracy on the lake) or try Getting Here
to find where Akar Kessell went after he fled the dwarf A number ofevents in other parts ofthe adventure might
mines. They might also want to pursue the threat ofthe point the characters to Easthaven or the pirates:
Ice Witch, but at this point, they probably have no clear
+ Ifthey discovered Akar Kessell in the dwarven mines
idea ofher location. (Ifthe characters insist on trying, you
in Act I, they heard him gloat about the spread of the
can skip to Act 3. The threats in Act 2 won’t go away, and
black ice to Lac Dinneshere.
you can always come back to them later.)
The adventure assumes that the player characters can + Ifthey drove Vaelish Gant out ofBryn Shander in Act
address both ofthe issues presented in Act 2—the pirates 1, he taunted them with suggestions that his schemes
ofLac Dinneshere and the scheme ofDavrick Fain. are already unfolding around Ten-Towns, with
Easthaven about to feel his wrath.
4. Conversations with town speakers or merchants in
PIRATES OF LAC any part ofthe adventure, including random encoun
ters as the heroes travel around Icewind Dale, can call
D INNESHERE their attention to the difficulties in the towns around
Lac Dinneshere. IfBryn Shander fell in the interlude,
At Lac Dinneshere, the plots ofVaelish Gant and Akar
Kessell collide—or coincide. Both ofthem focus on the complaints about the situation on Lac Dinneshere are
volatile situation around Lac Dinneshere, where East- particularly loud. And ifthe black ice spread far and
haven’s growth has put the uneasy agreements between wide, tales ofpirates who sail a ship with a keel made
Caer-Konig and Caer-lJineval onto even shakier ground. ofthe stuffare also widespread.

, - ‘ - - -.
:-. . . .. .

Easthaven Raid on the Docks

See the Campaiqn Guide for an overview ofEasthaven. On This part ofthe adventure begins with a pirate raid*
the 3rd ofMarpenoth, Derrick the Drownder launches on the town ofEasthaven. About twenty pirates, led by
an attack on the town. You can adjust the exact timing of Derrick the Drownder, have sailed up to the Easthaven
this attack based on the players’ actions and the pacing of docks in the Tundra hawk and the Silversprit, a pair of
your game. It might occur right as the adventurers arrive boats captured from Caer-Dineval. (I)errick left the
in Easthaven, or it could come a day or two later, after howling Fiend back at the hidden cove, along with Pyrse
they’ve gotten their bearings in the city (and possibly and the rest ofthe pirates.) The dockworkers don’t real-
befriended key people such as Speaker Danneth Waylen ize the boats have enemies aboard until the pirates leap
or Rurden the smith). Ifthe characters go to Caer-Konig onto the docks and start attacking.
or Caer-Dineval without stopping in Easthaven, they The adventurers can hear the commotion on the docks;
might hear about the attack second-hand—or you might ifthey delay in responding, they see smoke rise from
interrupt theirjourney by telling them they see smoke where the pirates have set fire to some houses. The pirates’
rising from Easthaven. main objective is Rurden’s Armory, which holds an ample
Ifthe adventurers ask around town about Vaelish supply ofweapons and armor. (See the Campaign Guide for
Gant after driving him out ofBryn Shander, they learn more information about Rurden and his shop.)
that he is staying at the White Lady Inn. He is not in his Unfortunately for the town, most of Easthaven’s
room when they come looking for him, and the pirate guards and sellswords are out on the lake when the
raid (see “Raid on the I)ocks”) should interrupt any attack takes place, strategically hidden among the fishing
attempt to wait for him. Speaker Danneth Waylen con- fleet in a ploy to turn the tables on the pirates when the
stantly hurries them to stop the pirates. Ifthe characters howling Fiend next strikes. The pirates were tipped off to
refuse to move on with the adventure before dealing with the plot by the ferryman, Creedon, and formulated the
Gant, see “Confronting Vaelish Gant” (page 25). surprise raid to capitalize on the town’s lack of defenses.
As the pirates make their way toward the arsenal, a
handful ofbrave citizens take up whatever weapons they
can find and try to fight offthe raiders, but they’re no
match fbr the preternaturally strong and bloodthirsty
pirates. Rurden puts up a noble fight, but the dwarf is
WHAT IF DERRICK DIES? knocked unconscious. Unless the party stops them, the
If the party manages to take down Derrick in pirates succeed in raiding the armory and escaping back
the initial raid on Easthaven, the fight’s not over. to their hideout with ample equipment.
Any remaining pirates immediately retreat to In the wake ofthe attack, the adventurers might want
their boats and attempt to make it back to their to talk to Rurden or any captured pirates, and Speaker
hideout. Presuming Derrick dead, Pyrse takes Waylen is very interested in meeting with the heroes
over as captain of the Howling Fiend, directing who so ably defended the town.
the pirates’ attacks with far more cunning than
his predecessor.
Meanwhile, ifthe characters captured Der Rurden the Smith
rick alive, he readily volunteers information The inside of Rurden’s Armory is in shambles when the
about Pyrse to save his own skin (having sus pirates are through with it, and Rurden lies unconscious
pected the man all along and now convinced in a pool ofblood near one ofthe walls. He gave at least
he was sold out). Derrick tries to conceal his as good as he got before sheer numbers overwhelmed
relationship with Creedon, hopeful that the
him: three pirates lie dead inside the shop.
ferryman can still be ofsome use to him. If the
characters ask about the location of his ship or If an adventurer brings Rurden around (by healing
hideout, Derrick instead offers to take them his wounds with magic or stabilizing him and giving him
there, hoping that once they arrive, his crew a few hours to recovery, the dwarfdescribes the assault
will rescue him. (He’d also relish the chance from his perspective. Most ofhis information is self-evi
to put a knife in Pyrse’s gullet for supposedly dent—the pirates poured into his shop through the front
betraying him.) Derrick doesn’t reveal the and back doors, and some ofthem kept him busy while
hideout’s location even under threat, instead the rest carried offarmloads ofweapons and armor.
reminding the characters that the remaining Rurden also has two pertinent pieces of information.
pirates will avenge the loss of their captain if First, he reports that an “oily sort o’ man from down
the party doesn’t take him up on his offer. Luskan way” came to his shop just three days ago. Trying
to scare Rurden with the vague threat ofthe pirates on
the lake, this fellow said he could protect the armory

from such dangers in exchange for a large quantity of with the pirate raids to care about the wizard and
weapons. The dwarfbelieves that this Luskanite is in brushes offthe questions.
league with the pirates, but he hasn’t seen the man since.
Rurden also overheard a snippet of conversation that
can point to the identity ofthe pirates’ informant in town.
The Informant
As a pair ofpirates carried out weapons, Rurden recalls, The informant is Creedon Connelly, the ferryman, whom
one ofthein said, “The ferryman didn’t steer us wrong, the party might be able to identify in several ways. The
did ‘e?” The other replied, “1)idn’t tell us the dwarf was easiest is the report ofRurden the smith, who overheard
such a fighter, though. He’s worse’n a tundra yeti, an’ two pirates discussing the information provided by “the
twice as mean.” (It’s possible that Rurden invented that ferryman.” Ifthe characters don’t learn this from Rurden,
last part.) Anyone in the town can identify Creedon as they might be pointed toward Creedon by a captured
“the ferryman” in question. pirate or by asking around town about unusual shipments
or movements ofgoods. Creedon ferries a lot of merchan
dise that belongs to other people. Lately, though, he’s
Captured Pirates been buying supplies in bulk to deliver to the pirates, and
Ifthe heroes capture one ofthe pirates from the raid although the goods themselves aren’t suspicious, a few of
on the Easthaven docks, they might be able to interro the local merchants have wondered about the size and fre
gate the captive—but it won’t be easy. The black ice has quency ofhis purchases. Finally, asking around about the
twisted most ofthe pirates’ minds to the degree that get- Luskanite who threatened Rurden also points the adven
ting any useful information out ofthem is a difficult task, turers to Creedon—he deals with many travelers.
since threats ofpain and death are not necessarily effec Ifthe party confronts Creedon, he caves easily, reveal-
tive. Even ifthe adventurers get one ofthe pirates to talk, ing that the pirates forced him to become their accomplice
none ofthem other than 1)errick knows Creedon’s name. after capturing him on the lake (a lie he hopes will win
Mostjust know him as “the guy from Easthaven,” though him merciful treatment for his complicity. He tells the
SOIIELC know that he’s the ferryman, and all ofthe pirates characters everything he knows, including how to find the
can identify him on sight. They know that he provides hidden cove, though he refuses to accompany the party
them with current information about activities in all there—he is (rightly) afraid the pirates will kill him on
three ofthe coastal towns and helps the captain identify sight ifthey suspect him of betrayal.
targets for their raids. Ifthe party tells 1)aimeth about Creedon’s treachery,
The pirates don’t know anything about a Luskanite the speaker insists that the ferryman be hanged for his
threatening Rurden before the raid. They think Pyrse is crimes. IfDanneth believes that Creedon was coerced
from Caer-Konig, and they don’t know that he works for by the pirates, the speaker allows him to bequeath his
Vaelish Gant. “blood money” to his wife before he meets justice; other-
wise, Danneth donates it to families who have lost their
kin to the pirates’ attacks.
Speaker Danneth Waylen
Ifthey helped drive the pirates off, the adventurers earn
the gratitude ofDanneth Waylen, who offers to put
them up at the White Lady Inn. Even ifthe characters
didn’t intercede, their reputation soon brings the speaker
around to ask whether they might be willing to help put
a stop to the pirate menace, offering 500 gold pieces as a
reward ifthey succeed.
Ifthe party agrees, Danneth outlines a few possible
courses of action: discovering whether the pirates have
an informant, which he is sure they do (see “The Infor
mant”); locating the pirates’ hideout (see “The Hidden
Cove”); or luring the pirates into a confrontation on the
lake (see “Battle on the Lac”). The following sections
elaborate on these possibilities, although the characters
don’t need to do each one and might have their own
ideas about how to deal with the pirates.
Ifthe adventurers drove Vaelish Gant out of Bryn
Shander in Act 1, they might wonder ifDanneth Waylen
knows anything about Gant. The speaker heard about
the incidents in Bryn Shander, but he is too preoccupied

- , ____

Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval The Hidden Cove

The pirates’ activities have not been limited to Easthaven. Ifthe characters don’t have information or a guide to
The fishers ofthe other towns on Lac Dinneshere have lead them to the hideout, simply finding the pirates is
suffered greater losses, and the pirates have raided both quite a challenge. The hidden cove is concealed from
ofthe smaller towns before their assault on Easthaven. the view ofpassing boats by natural rock formations.
Ifthe adventurers decide to visit Caer-Konig or It’s difficult to spot even when passing close by, and
Caer-Dineval, they might gather additional information approaching in anything larger than a rowboat risks run-
from the speakers ofthose towns. ning aground on the cove’s shallow rocks (the pirates and
Caer-Dineval is about eight miles from Easthaven Creedon have navigated the cove enough times to know
around the western shore ofthe lake. A rough path runs how to avoid the rocks). Worse, ifthe party hasn’t dis
between the two towns, but the harsh winter has left it covered Creedon’s complicity, the treacherous ferryman
heavily covered with snow, making the journey a full is likely to be the one who takes the group on its tour of
day’s walk. Caer-Konig is another three miles beyond the lake, and he stays far enough from shore to keep the
Caer-Dineval. While the adventurers are on the journey, characters from spotting the cove’s entrance.
check for random encounters using the Eastway Encoun Circling the lake to approach the hideout on foot is a
ters table on the DM screen. fairly sure way offinding the pirates, but this method has
Fishers in both towns grumble about the pair of Lus its own drawbacks: the extra time involved in traveling
kanites who have been trying to extort protection money through rough terrain, and the possibility ofmore dan-
out ofthem recently. A few boats are painted with elaho gerous encounters.
rate sigils, supposedly magical wards that guarantee After the adventurers locate the hideout, they find
protection from pirate attacks. These boats belong to themselves up against the entire pirate crew*. The
private owners who agreed to pay the Luskanites. They pirates’ numbers are probably overwhelming in a
transferred ownership ofthe vessels to the extortionists straight-up fight, so the characters might need allies or a
and now pay a modest monthly “rent” to continue using clever strategy to come out on top. Finally, ifthe pirates
the boats. have reason to expect the party’s attack—perhaps having
The speakers ofboth towns confirm that these Lus been warned by Creedon—they set up an ambush, rig-
kanites approached them with a similar deal for boats ging the area around the camp with snares and keeping
that belong to the towns. Both speakers refused, although halftheir numbers hidden in the forest nearby.
Alden Lowell is reconsidering his decision. The cove is a roughly circular harbor, about 200 feet
Speaker Crannoc Siever: The speaker of across, almost completely encircled by high rock out-
Caer-Dineval blusters with rage when asked about the croppings. Inside, the cove is sheltered from the howling
pirates. He has good reason to be angry: he used town wind, and a frozen beach about 20 feet wide provides
hinds to pay for a significant portion ofthe black ice space for the pirates to set up tents and light fires for
ram that adorns the bow ofthe Howling Fiend, and he warmth. The pirates have two pairs ofguards posted at
feels betrayed that the ram is now being used against the the edge ofthe cove to watch for anyone approaching
people ofCaer-Dineval. Crannoc knows the name and over the tundra, and the rest are quick to notice any boat
history ofDerrick Gaffner (as described in the Campaign entering the cove from the lake.
Guide), up to the point where the black ice corrupted him.
Speaker Alden Lowell: The speaker ofCaer-Konig is Battle on the Lac
curious to know Crannoc’s response to recent events, and
Ifthe party manages to lure the pirates into a fight on
he reiterates everything the adventurers tell him they
the lake* (perhaps by posing as fishers and sailing in a
heard from Caer-Dineval’s speaker. However, he also
marked boat), the odds are more even. Ifthe fight goes
knows that the extortionists (Ship Rethnor thugs*) are
poorly for the pirates, Derrick tries to sail back to the
currently staying in the Northern Light inn in his town.
hideout to regroup; ifcaptured, he bargains for his life by
offering to show the party the hideout’s location.
Lac Dinneshere In any case, ifthe adventurers go to the hideout, they
Ifthe adventurers run out ofthings to do on land, they encounter the remainder ofthe pirate crew* there,
might head out onto the lake and try to confront the including Pyrse. Ifthe party doesn’t press on to the hide-
pirates there. After all, putting a stop to the raids prob out, the pirates there eventually disband after hearing
ably entails a showdown with the pirates, either at their that Derrick was defeated and the Howling Fiend taken.
hideout or on board the Howling Fiend. Pyrse, meanwhile, communicates the developments to
Vaelish Gant, who might send him to aid a fellow agent
elsewhere in Ten-Towns or make further trouble for the
characters in another way.

Seizing the Howling Fiend FANGS OF THE
Being aboard the Howling Fiend for even a few moments
makes characters feel edgy and irritable, thanks to the FROSTMAIDEN
influence ofits black ice ram. Ifthe adventurers are fool- Capable ofswallowing an elk whole,
ish enough to claim the vessel as their own and sail it, they a remorhaz is an enormous worm-
quickly succumb to the black ice’s influence and take a like creature native to the coldest
marked turn toward evil. How you deal with this situation regions ofthe world. Nearly forty feet
is up to you—ifyou’re comfortable running a campaign long, with dozens ofinsectlike legs, a
where the adventurers have become marauding pirates remorhaz hunts elk, reindeer, polar
in Icewind Dale, go with it. Otherwise, you might want to bears, frost giants, and even young
have the players start new characters, or urge them to get white dragons, and it eats any living
offthe vessel before their corruption is complete. thing it comes across in the frozen wastes it calls home.
Ifthe characters want to destroy the ram, their best The intense heat generated inside its abdomen can melt
bet is to load it on a wagon and take it to Baerick Ham- metal weapons that strike its back. Among the Reghed
merstone’s forge in the dwarven valley (see page 1 5), tribes, nothing—except perhaps a dragon—is more feared.
although any forge—heated to the proper temperature— Some people oflcewind Dale believe that the appear-
can melt the black ice. Ofcourse, they can also let it sink ance ofa remorhaz is a clear sign ofAuril’s wrath, even
to the bottom ofLac Dinneshere, but it might still cause more than biting winds and endless blizzards.
trouble from there. Perhaps their superstition is grounded in fact. Davrick
Fain, proprietor ofthe Nine Knuckles resale shop in
Confronting Vaelish Gant Bremen and leader ofthe cult ofAuril in Ten-Towns, has
With his plots in Bryn Shander and concocted a plot to unleash a remorhaz upon the region.
Lac 1)inneshere foiled, Vaelish Gant is Ten days ago, Rycher, a local “wild luau” who lives
no longer a major threat to Ten-Towns. on the edge ofcivilization, secured a remorhaz egg.
But ifthe adventurers failed to oust (Minutes before, the mother had been killed by a white
him from Bryn Shander in Act 1 he , dragon, and her body was still keeping the egg hot.)
might remain an influential presence Rycher brought the egg to Davrick Fain, who began
in Icewind Dale. Unlike the other working on a plan to hatch it and unleash the monster on
two villains in the adventure, dealing the inhabitants ofTen-Towns. With Rycher’s assistance,
with Gant might not be as simple as barging into his lair, the cult leader has laid the groundwork to tame the beast
weapons bared and spells at the ready. when it hatches and bind it to his will. Then Davrick
Under pressure from the characters, the Rethnor Fain will wait for several months for the creature to grow
extortionists in Caer-Konig or Pyrse on the IIowlinq Fiend large enough to be a serious threat.
can reveal that they take their orders from Vaelish Gant,
and they know his current whereabouts. Ifthe characters Getting Here
ousted him in Act I he is staying at the White Lady Inn
Several events in other parts ofthe adventure might
in Easthaven; ifthey did not, he is still in Bryn Shander. point the party toward Lonelywood and the activity of
Bringing Vaelish Gant* to justice requires finesse. 1)avrick Fain in the area:
He doesn’t attack the adventurers—otherwise, they could
plead self-defense after killing him. Ifthey attack him, he + Wherever the adventurers happen to be, they hear
tries to escape to a public place (possibly teleporting from of a foreign merchant or recent arrival disappearing
his room to the street so that witnesses will see him overnight—and a helpful local warns that they might
fleeing from mad killers. Ifthe characters collect evi be the next victims ofthe “crazed folk” who worship
dence about his criminal activities in Bryn Shander, his Auril. Ever since “that l)avrick Fain” began his apoca
extortion attempts around Lac 1)inneshere, and his con- lyptic preaching about Auril’s wrath, acts of random
nection to the pirates, it is fairly easy to convince Speaker violence have become more common, and many folks
Waylen to convict Gant, sentencing him to exile, hard blame them on desperate people seeking to appease
labor, or perhaps death by exposure. the Frostmaiden. A town speaker might hire the char-
Ifthe heroes defeat Gant in battle, they can retrieve acters to find evidence that the missing person was
the staffhe stole from BlackstaffTower in Waterdeep. He slain and bring the killers to justice.
might also attempt to use the staffto bargain for his life. + Ifthe Ice Witch’s forces attacked in the interlude,
Auril’s cult is growing rapidly and attracting some
high-profile members, including the speakers of Dou
gan’s Hole, Lonelywood, and Caer-Konig. Cult activity

rises, more and more outsiders disappear, and a group

: •


ofcult assassins* might attack the heroes wherever

they are.
Missing Persons
The adventurers might decide to investigate outsid
4- Ifthe black ice spread in the interlude, the cult doesn’t ers who have gone missing in any one ofthe ten towns.
grow in size, but it does grow in aggression and vio Anywhere they go, the story is the same: a traveler came
lence. People don’t simply disappear—they are found to town, secured a room in the inn or took shelter in
brutally murdered. a stable, and was never seen again. Some bodies have
.4 Ifthe adventurers have made friends with the been found, usually frozen to deathjust outside of town.
dwarves ofKelvin’s Cairn, a dwarftells them about a Others are presumed drowned in one ofthe lakes. A
pair ofwhite-furred cats that have started hunting on few, like Hengar in Bryn Shander, have been accused of
the southern slopes ofthe mountain. The dwarf sus crimes and publicly sentenced to die of exposure—par-
pects the cats are living in a cave on the mountainside ticularly in Lonelywood and Dougan’s hole, where the
somewhere. Further, the dwarves have spotted a thin speakers are sympathetic to the worship ofAuril.
plume of smoke rising from that area ofthe mountain. The quickest way for the characters to confront the
perpetrators ofthese crimes is to make themselves targets,
Whether the characters start their investigation with the which they can do by simply asking too many questions
cave on Kelvin’s Cairn, the missing persons in i’en-Towns, about the disappearances and murders. Ifthe party
or the plots ofl)avrick Fain, they soon find that they are makes too nuich noise about the missing persons, Auril, or
tugging on one ofseveral interconnected threads. I)avrick Fain, soon enough a group ofcult assassins* tries
to attack the nosy heroes while they sleep.
Nine Knuckles Ifthe fight goes poorly for the cultists, they try to flee
and warn Fain. Ifcaptured, the cultists break easily and
Player characters who are suspicious ofDavrick Fain and
confess to the murders. The cultists show no remorse
the cult ofAuril, or who talked to Rycher in the verbeeg
for their actions, maintaining that the party should be
lair (see “The Wild Man,” below, might decide to hunt
thankful. “They died that the rest ofus may live. Only the
down the cult leader in Breinen. Ifthe adventurers first
strong survive the coining ofwinter—it is Auril’s way.”
pursued other threads after the interlude (such as the
pirates ofLac I)inneshere), Davrick Fain is long gone by
the time they come to look for him in Bremen, already The Wild Man
havingjoined Rycher in the verbeeg lair. Ifthe charac The man who brought the remorhaz egg to I)avrick is
ters start investigating these events immediately after the a rugged human named Rycher, who keeps to himself
interlude, Fain is still operating his shop in Bremen. in a cave on the west face of Kelvin’s Cairn, overlooking
Just about everyone in Ten-Towns knows that the man Bremen’s Run. Rycher is one ofthe dwindling number
preaching apocalyptic news ofAuril’s wrath is a mer ofhumans in Icewind I)ale who can trace their lineage
chant from Bremen. Most ofthose living in the towns back to the first explorers to visit the region. Like his
around Maer 1)ualdon know that he runs the Nine father, who raised him, Rycher mostly avoids civilized
Knuckles, a resale shop with high prices. life, believing that those who reside in Ten-Thwns have
Ifthe adventurers find Davrick Fain in his shop, sacrificed the liberties that drew people to Icewind
he greets them civilly, as potential customers. If they I)ale in the first place, and that life in the wild is a truer
become confrontational or threaten him with violence, expression ofwhat it means to be human. The few people
he tries to move the conversation outside, in front of as in the small towns around Maer Dualdon who have
many witnesses as possible. He boasts ofhis devotion reason to interact with him—merchants who trade him
to Auril, claiming to have experienced “her embrace.” steel or medicine for the pelts and meat he brings—call
(See page 53 in the Campaign Guide for more about him him the Wild Man.
and his beliefs.) He protests his innocence regarding any Rycher first met Davrick on one ofhis infrequent
crimes and reveals nothing about the remorhaz egg. visits to Lonelywood. The simple kindness Davrick
IfI)avrick Fain has already left Bremen by the time extended to him that day, and the respect he showed
the characters come looking for him, they find Nine for the Wild Man’s way oflife—combined with a shared
Knuckles in the care ofa shopkeeper named Gemp, who sentiment that the people ofTen-Towns were too coin-
explains that Fain has left town, heading east to Targos or placent in believing themselves safe from the forces of

maybe Bryn Shander. Gemp is not a devotee ofAuril and nature—won Rycher’s trust. Since then, the Wild Man
has no particular insight into Fain’s plans. He expects has done favors for 1)avrick in exchange for small gifts,
Fain back within ten days. such as a new hunting knife or an open tab at the local
taproom. Naïve to the ways ofthe civilized world, Rycher
doesn’t understand that he’s being duped by the shrewd

- . — .
cult leader. Rycher is as loyal as a hound, and he does them all to serve as the reinorhaz’s first meals, strength-
Davrick’s biddmg without question. ening the beast for the carnage ahead.
Rycher is a cunning hunter with a way of handling—if The verheeg lair is described and mapped in the Cain-
not quite taming—beasts. lie shares his cave on Kelvin’s pai8n Guide.
Cairn with a pair ofwhite-furred crag cats, beasts feared
throughout the Frozenfar. While Rycher stays in the
verbeeg lair, tending the egg and waiting for Davrick, he
Front Entrance
leaves the restless cats on their own to hunt for prey on Letting out onto the mountain’s southern face, the main
the mountain slopes and in Icewind Pass. With the early, entrance is the most accessible way into the lair. It’s not
harsh winter, game is scarce, and the cats range farther immediately evident, though, shabbily concealed by a
and farther from Rycher’s cave in search of food. screen ofdry brush. Ifthe characters come up the slope
The adventurers might hear from the dwarves of the looking for the lair, they will probably spot (or be spotted
valley or from people in Caer-Konig or Termalaine that by) the goblin guards* outside the main entrance before
these two crag cats are wandering close to civilization. they notice the entrance itself. The goblins attack the party
The dwarves can steer the characters to the general loca on sight, raining missiles down from afar while taking
tion ofthe verbeeg lair, betrayed by the smoke rising cover behind the rocks. The guards fight fiercely but
from the fire that keeps the egg warm. Alternatively, the attempt to flee into the lair ifthe fight turns against them.
cats might attack the heroes as they travel toward Lac
Dinneshere for another reason. Barracks
Pursuing the fleeing cats after an ambush on the road, The barracks are where the goblins live and spend most
searching for their tracks near where they have been oftheir time when not on guard duty. Incurious and
seen, or scouring the mountainside for signs oftheir pas cowardly, they don’t respond immediately to sounds
sage can all lead the adventurers to the verbeeg lair. offighting outside. Ifthe adventurers do not proceed
quickly into the lair, halfofthe barracks goblins* come
The Verbeeg Lair outside to investigate one minute after the first sounds
This excavated complex on the slopes ofKelvin’s Cairn ofcombat, having been rousted by the verbeeg. The rest
was home to Akar Kessell’s giant minions during his first remain inside tbe barracks, ready to repel any intrud
attempt to conquer Icewind 1)ale. The verbeegs more ers, while the verbeeg lurks down the side passage. If the
intelligent cousins to ogres and hill giants) ofthat time heroes sneak past the exterior guards, they can surprise
are long gone, but one young giant has moved back into the goblins in the barracks, with the verbeeg coming to
the old lair with a band of goblins. investigate the clamor in the third round of combat.
l)avrick Fain’s demonstration ofAuril’s power cowed The barracks is filled with mounds of untanned
the goblins and convinced the verbeeg to consider an animal hides that the goblins use for bedding, as well as
alliance with the cult leader. Now the giant, the goblins, piles ofrotting food and filth. Any furniture that once
and a handful ofdevotees ofAuril guard Rycher and the was here has been chopped into kindling for the small
remorhaz egg, keeping a fire constantly burning in the hearth fire, which lights the room and takes a slight edge
kitchen to warm the egg. Secretly, Davrick Fain plans for offthe chill.

Captain’s Quarters
This suite ofchambers belongs to the verbeeg giant*,
Dardo, who styles hiinselfthe captain ofthis ragtag
FINDING DAVRICK FAIN band. The anteroom is bare, watched by two additional
If Davrick Fain is not in the verbeeg lair when
goblin guards* who are under strict orders not to aid
the adventurers arrive, he is still in his shop in
Bremen (see “Nine Knuckles,” page 26), and their fellows at the main entrance or in the barracks,
they can confront him there. If they reveal that but instead to alert the captain at the first sign of a
they have found the remorhaz egg, he flies into disturbance.
a rage and calls down Auril’s curse on them. He In the “sleeping room,” Dardo sleeps on a heap of
attacks them on the spot, justifying the char- moldering summer grass covered with furs. He is a heavy
acters’ use ofviolence in self-defense. Still, the sleeper, and ifthe lair is disturbed at night, it takes the
speaker of Bremen would prefer to have Fain goblins 1d4 + 1 rounds to wake him. When he awakes,
arrested and brought to trial rather than killed he sends the goblins to assess the situation so he can
in the street. decide whether to confront the threat or to escape out
the secret door.
Down a short hall is a small room where I)ardo keeps this part ofthe adventure immediately after the inter-
the rest ofthe treasure he has amassed. A few large sacks lude, Fain is still in Bremen. Otherwise, he is here.
hold 2,360 sp, 328 gp, and five gems worth 10 gp each. IfFain Is Not Here: The kitchen is Rycher’s lair*,
A secret door in the bedchamber’s wall lets out onto where he constantly tends a fire in the oven and keeps
the mountainside, providing an avenue for escape if the an eye on the remorhaz egg within. The goblin guards
lair comes under attack. The verbeeg does not hesitate at the back entrance are tasked with keeping an eye out
to use this secret exit ifan encounter turns against him. for danger and bringing him wood, usually from the
Finding the door from the inside or the outside requires smashed furniture in the storage rooms.
a successful hard Intelligence check to search, although Ifthe adventurers followed the crag cats to the lair,
after it’s discovered, the door can be opened easily—it’s Rycher is tending to their wounds (and might have had
neither locked nor trapped. time to heal them to full hit points). Otherwise, there is a
S 0 percent chance that the cats are in the cave when the
party arrives.
Main Hall and Storage Rooms Rycher is not immediately hostile unless the charac
The lair’s main hail is lit by a soft blue, magical light near ters attack him or his cats. He might initially assume that
the end ofthe passage. The chambers offto either side they are fellow survivalists, and although he doesn’t wel
were originally built as storage rooms, although Davrick come competition for furs, he respects such people more
Fain’s loyal cult assassins* use four ofthem as sleeping than he does the “soft” residents ofTen-Towns. If the
quarters. These rooms have crude pallets laid out on the adventurers converse with him, he shares what he knows
floor, with scant personal effects tucked into satchels in about Davrick Fain but says nothing about the remorhaz
the corners. egg—Fain has impressed on him the importance of keep-
The remaining storage rooms hold an assortment of ing the egg a secret. Asked where to find the cult leader,
broken furniture and ruined supplies. A few show signs Rycher says that he thinks Fain is still in Bremen, and he
ofhaving been animal lairs at one point, with dirty nests isn’t willing to say where Fain might be going next.
and frozen spoor scattered among the detritus. The The kitchen contains the simple effects of someone
lair’s serial residents have combed through the supplies who lives offthe land. Rycher’s bed is a heap offurs, and
dozens oftimes, leaving little ofuse. Still, the party might all his worldly possessions are stored in or attached to
find something ofuse or value hidden in a forgotten nest. the large backpack he wears everywhere he goes. Those
The cultists spend as little time as possible in their goods include nine foothold traps in three different sizes
dingy, smelly rooms, preferring to socialize in the dining
area when they aren’t sleeping.
(appropriate for otters, wolves, and bears), a tinderbox
and iron pot, a set offour skinning knives of various
sizes, a tinderbox, 30 feet ofhempen rope, a tin bucket,
Dining Room a spool offishing line, a collection ofmetal and ivory
When the cult assassins* aren’t resting or out on mis- hooks, sewing needles and thread, a miner’s pick, and a
sions, they spend most oftheir time in the lair’s dining pouch ofdried meat.
room, eating, gambling, joking, and sparring. The room IfFain Is Here: The kitchen is the remorhaz lair*,
is adorned with a long table flanked by trestles and is where Fain and Rycher struggle to bring the young
lit by whale-oil lamps in sconces along the walls. A long remorhaz (already the size of a dwarf) under control.
tunnel framed with wooden struts runs offto the side, Their efforts are quickly aborted when the adventur
leading to the scrying room. The kitchen has a pair of ers arrive, at which point Fain tries to put the intruders
hewn stumps that serve as work tables and a large hearth between himself and the remorhaz while Rycher prods
lit with a roaring fire. the creature to attack the characters.
Ifthe party intrudes on this area, the cultists leap to the
attack. Any cultists that are resting in their quarters offthe Back Entrance
main hall respond to cries for help in the fourth round of The verbeeg lair has a back entrance that comes off the
combat. The cultists use careful tactics to attempt to flank kitchen and lets out onto a small ledge that drops onto
their adversaries, split the party between the two rooms, the mountain slope. The back entrance isn’t intentionally
and draw the fight down the main hail if reinforcements concealed from view, but it’s tucked into an inaccessible
r- e available there. Ifthe fight goes against the cultists,
they attempt to break offthe engagement to warn Rycher
nil ofthe mountainside. The characters aren’t likely to
notice it on their approach unless they specifically circle
V or the verbeeg in his quarters. around to look for other entrances or they’re tracking
Rycher’s cats, and even then, reaching the ledge requires
Kitchen a successful moderate Strength check to climb up the
The contents ofthe kitchen depend on whether I)avrick broken mountainside.
Fain has come to the lair yet. Ifthe adventurers began
— -

A group ofgoblin guards* watches the back entrance,

although unless they’re under scrutiny, the goblins’ idea GETTING HERE
of”guarding” is to poke their heads out the door every Eventually, the situation in Ten-Towns becomes so bleak
so often. At your discretion, ifRycher had reason to sus as to demand action. The increasing frequency of beast
pect the arrival ofhostile adventurers, he might have and barbarian attacks, along with the heightening fury
dismissed the goblins and set three bear traps in the cave ofthe winter storms, makes it obvious that the people
entrance, but only ifhis two cats are safe with him inside ofTen-Towns will perish ifthey do not capitulate to
the lair. the Ice Witch or stop her once and for all. Ifthe party
does not take up the task ofits own accord, the council
ofTen-Towns, KingJarund ofthe Elk Tribe, or Stokely
Scrying Room Silverstream ofKelvin’s Cairn (or all three) declare war
This room has a single furnishing—a silver-rimmed on the witch and ask the adventurers to be their chain-
mirror about three feet tall, held at face height by a pions. Without heroes at the forefront, they believe, any
wrought-iron stand. This is Akar Kessell’s scrying mirror, struggle against the Ice Witch is doomed to failure.
formed from the essence ofthe Crystal Shard, which
By now, the characters or their allies have probably
Kessell used long ago to communicate with the verbeeg figured out that the manifestations ofthe Ice Witch they
leader, Biggrin. Now it is linked to a similar mirror have faced and defeated are magical constructs, not the
within the Ice Witch’s Black Ice Tower so Davrick Fain witch herself. The trick, then, is to find her true form and
can communicate with Auril’s Chosen. deal with her for good. Clues throughout the adventure
A character who examines the mirror can determine, point to her tower’s location on the Sea ofMoving Ice
with a successful moderate Intelligence check relating to (or at least in the far north, culminating in the scrying
arcane lore, that it has properties ofcommunication and mirror in the verbeeg lair, which not only reveals the
transportation. (It also radiates a strong aura of divina I
tower but allows easy transport to it.
tion and conjuration magic.) With a successful moderate Without the use ofthe mirror, the heroes must trek
Charisma check to use this magical device, a charac about twenty miles across the tundra. Depending on
ter can see into the Audience Hall in the Ice Witch’s
your preference, you can gloss over thatjourney, roll
tower. Looking through the mirror for more than a few random encounters on the tundra, force the adventur
moments brings Hedrun to her side ofthe mirror, where ers to sneak through masses ofBear Tribe warriors and
she can see the character.
packs ofbeasts, or let them lead hundreds of warriors
A second successful moderate Charisma check oftheir own against these dangers, though no army will
allows the character to open a portal to the location of follow them across the dangerous floes ofthe Sea of
the matching mirror. Adventurers who enter the portal
Moving Ice.
appear in the temple ofthe storm in the Ice Witch’s
tower. See the description ofthat room on page 30.
Ifthe characters are successful, they might claim the
scrying mirror for themselves. The mirror is a power-
ful item, but retaining possession ofit is hazardous. Like The last stage ofthe journey is the most dangerous: navi
the black ice, the mirror carries the taint ofthe Crystal gating the Sea ofMoving Ice to reach the witch’s tower.
Shard, and prolonged possession ofthe item begins to The sea itselfseems intent on blocking the adventurers’
twist the user’s mind. progress. For example, as they walk across one iceberg,
another smashes into it, tilting ft or shattering it; as they
paddle a kayak across the churning waters, two great ice-
ACT 3: THE CLAW bergs lurch together; or what they take to be a solid sheet
ofice breaks beneath their feet, plunging them into the
icy water. The Sea ofMoving Ice Encounters table on the
OF WINTER I)M screen presents several potential obstacles for the
On the Sea ofMoving Ice, the Ice Witch sits in her tower adventurers, detailed in the download packet.
ofblack ice, directing her army ofbeasts, barbarians, The characters and key NPCs (such as Hengar or
and cultists against the people oflcewind Dale in Auril’s Helda) can cross the Sea ofMoving Ice ifthey are skilled
name. Ifthe dale is to be spared the bleak fate of unending and persevere, but no additional force will dare. If the
winter, the party must confront the witch in her tower. characters led Elk Tribe hunters or Ten-Towns militia sol
diers across the tundra, those warriors stop at the edge of
the sea and wish the adventurers the best ofluck. They
might help the characters secure or build kayaks, but
they won’t—indeed, can’t—follow across the sea.
How the adventurers reach the tower is up to them. posits that Günvald might be under some kind of ensor
They can build kayaks, barter with a friendly group of cellment. (A successful moderate Wisdom check can lead
hunters, or use rope, spikes, and physical prowess to to the same conclusion.)
cross from iceberg to sheet ice to island. The challenges Although overcoming the black ice’s influence is dif
depend on whether they travel by foot or by boat, but the ficult, the party can appeal to Günvald’s better nature
journey is possible either way. and remind him ofhis sense ofhonor. I)oing so won’t
stop him from testing the characters to their limits, but
it causes him to relent ifone side is clearly beaten rather
TOWER OF THE ICE WITCH than forcing a fight to the death. Ifthe adventurers lose,
From the outside, the Ice Witch’s tower resembles a Günvald might allow them an audience with the Ice
great black spike jutting up from the icy sea,jagged and Witch—as his prisoners.
draped with snow. Hedrun raised it from the surface
ofthe iceberg using only a small seed ofBaerick Ham- Temple of the Storm (Level 2)
merstone’s black ice, brought to her by Akar Kessell, and This 80-foot-tall chamber repre
created a fortress reminiscent of Cryshal-Tirith. One dif sents about two-thirds ofthe tower’s
ference between the witch’s tower and the original is that height and is where the Ice Witch
the entrance to the black ice tower stands wide open— commonly appears to King Gun-
as Auril commands all buildings should be—to let the vald, Akar Kessell, and anyone else
winter winds inside. she cares to communicate with in
See page 55 ofthe Campaign Guide for an overview person. The chamber is wide open,
and map ofthe Ice Witch’s tower. adorned only by six large statues of Akarkessell

the Frostmaiden that ring the chamber, and a central

Audience Hall (Level 1) dais that is shaped like a diamond with Auril’s snow-
Upon passing through the pointed black archway, the flake symbol etched in its surface and inlaid with silver.
characters come to the tower’s audience hall. Two rows of A hole in the chamber’s ceiling, the same size and shape
columns stretch down the length ofthe room to a flight as the dais below it, allows entrance to the level above.
ofsteps on the far side. At the top ofthe steps is a landing The room is dark except for whatever light source visitors
that holds a small throne, beside which is the mirror that bring with them.
allows the Ice Witch to communicate with I)avrick Fain Akar Kessell has taken to lingering in the temple
in the verbeeg lair. More stairs rise to the left and right of ofthe storm*, trying invain to make contact with the
the throne, ascending along the wall to the level above. consciousness ofthe Crystal Shard within the black ice
The columns. stairs. and throne are carved ofblack ice, walls ofthe tower. lie notices the approach ofany intrud
and the chamber is lit by torches that burn in sconces ers (unless they are silent and have no light source) and
set around the walls, casting a latticework of shadows hides behind one ofthe statues.
between the rows of pillars. The Ice Witch resides in the chamber above this one
The Ice Witch almost never deigns to visit this cham and likewise notices activity below her. After a brief
ber, instead leaving King Günvald* ofthe Tribe of the moment, the air inside the temple begins to blow as if
Bear in charge ofsending barbarian raiding parties in a storm, and the witch descends from the opening
against the towns. Günvald appreciates that he has been above, levitating through the air to stop about 40 feet
allowed to maintain a nominal position ofauthority in above the party. She demands to know why the adven
the Ice Witch’s army, though he chafes at having to stay turers have come.
in the tower while his warriors range across the dale, The party’s encounter with the Ice Witch can go in
murdering and pillaging. He is spoiling for a good fight, several directions. Even ifthe characters have opposed
so he doesn’t hesitate to throw down a challenge to any her before now, she isn’t immediately hostile toward
intruders who show up at the tower. Günvald is accom them—she’d rather convert them to the worship ofAuril,
panied by a small force ofBear Tribe warriors and orcs knowing that they would make capable and useful ser
from the Spine ofthe World who have sworn fealty to the vants for her goddess. Ifthe heroes have significantly
Ice Witch, and all ofthemjoin in the fight. weakened the Ice Witch’s grasp on Icewind I)ale, they
Günvald used to be an honorable king, but under the might be able to negotiate with her, agreeing to per-
influence ofthe tower’s black ice he has become cruel farm tasks on her behalf or making concessions to the
and merciless. He orders his warriors to continue fight- Frostmaiden’s worship in Ten-Towns in exchange for a
ing even ifit is clear they are beaten, sacrificing them to cessation ofhostilities or aid against a foe. Ifthe party
gain any advantage against the party. Ifilengar is with has brought Soren from the Elk Tribe with them, he begs
the party, he notes that such reckless bloodthirst is out his daughter to make peaceful accord with the people of
ofcharacter, even for the notoriously bellicose king, and Icewind Dale, and the adventurers receive a +4 bonus on
any checks they make to negotiate with her. Ifthe party fury on the characters. The Frostmaiden heeds her Cho
has brought Mjenir, the Elk Tribe shaman, he insists sen’s call*, causing the two statues flanking the shrine
that the only road to peace is paved with the Ice Witch’s to animate and attack the party. The Ice Witch gives no
blood, and ifthe characters try to negotiate with her, they quarter and fights to the death; ifshe is defeated, the stat-
take a -4 penalty on their checks. ues wail in dismay and crumble to the floor.
As the adventurers talk with the witch, Akar Kessell
emerges from his hiding spot. He remains silent unless
they involve him in the discussion. The Ice VVitch doesn’t
put much weight on the agreement she made with Kes
sell, feeling to some extent that he outlived his usefulness
as soon as her tower was raised from the ice—and sus THE MELTING
pecting (correctly) that he is scheming to unseat her.
Neutralizing the threat ofthe Ice Witch does not bring
Ifthe characters fail to reach an accommodation with
immediate reliefto Icewind Dale. Auril’s wrath is unre
the Ice Witch, she swears to teach them respect for the
lenting, and the rest ofwinter is no less harsh than its
Frostmaiden and summons an air elemental to attack the
beginning. But the beast attacks cease, the Bear Tribe
party. She then rises back up into her sanctum, buoyed
warriors are scattered or pacified, and the people of the
by the winds that rage in the chamber. The elemental
dale settle in to wait out the winter, as they do every year.
takes advantage ofits flight and the cover provided by
I)epending on the party’s success in Act 1, Icewind
the statues to harry the party while avoiding retaliation.
Dale might still suffer under other burdens. If Vaelish
Akar Kesselljoins the fray as well.
Gant managed to take over Bryn Shander, even tempo-
Any characters who step onto the central dais are car-
rarily, the Arcane Brotherhood has secured a foothold in
ned aloft by the storm, gaining a fly speed equal to half
the dale, and rooting it out might be a significant chal
their normal speed and the ability to hover (both effects
lenge. Ifthe Ice Witch went unchecked in Act I the cult

are dispelled when a character ends his movement on a

ofAuril could remain a substantial threat in the dale and
solid surface.
across the north after the adventure ends.
The elemental fights to the death hut does not chase
Likewise, the death ofAkar Kessell doesn’t put an end
the adventurers beyond the temple. The storm subsides
to the threat he represents. Black ice items have been
after five minutes, at which point the elemental disap
sold throughout Icewind 1)ale. Ifthe characters failed
pears ifit is still alive.
to thwart Kessell in Act 1, the black ice is so widespread
that it soon finds its way down the Sword Coast, bringing
The Witch’s Sanctum chaos with it. Rooting out the black ice wherever it has
spread—and persuading those who possess trinkets or
(Level 3) weapons made from it to give them up—might form the
This chamber is the Ice Witch’s sanc
basis for future adventures.
turn, where she spends time offering
The characters might he trapped in Icewind Dale
prayers to the Frostrnaiden, corn-
until winter’s end because the North/South Pass will
rnunicating with her followers, and
be virtually impassable until the snows melt. You can
plotting her domination of Icewind
use the Campaign Guide as a resource to develop further
I)ale. The room is sparsely furnished
adventures for them until winter’s fury finally abates.
with shaped black ice: a slab against
Consider the events ofthe Sundering, too, as fuel for
one wall serves as the witch’s bed; a
adventures. Perhaps another Chosen could arise in Ice-
table and stool for meals are set against another; a few
wind I)ale, or maybe Netherese or Thayan agents arrive
shelves adorned with tribute from Günvald and the cult-
in the dale looking for Auril’s Chosen (or one of the
ists (much ofit acquired from raids on the towns and
player characters who is also the Chosen ofa deity).
other barbarian tribes) line the third wall; and a small
Even though some troubles might remain, the adven
shrine to Auril, consisting ofa plinth flanked by smaller
turers are heroes in Icewind Dale. People toast them in
versions ofthe statues from the temple below, is set
taverns, thank them on the streets, and give them places
against the fourth wall. The room is dimly lit by cold blue
ofhonor in mead halls. They have every reason to he
flames that burn atop the table and shrine. A diamond-
proud oftheir achievements.
shaped hole in the center ofthe floor drops into the
temple below.
Ifthe characters enter the sanctum, they probably have
already encountered and defied the witch in the temple,
so she wastes no time with further negotiation. Instead,
she calls to her goddess for protection and unleashes her
AGE 12 +

LEgacy of thE crystaL shard ™

EncountErs and MonstEr statistics:

d&d nExt ®

Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.

Credits Introduction
Design This document provides the encounters and the mon-
Greg Bilsland, Jeffrey Ludwig, Matt Sernett, James Wyatt ster statistics that support the Legacy of the Crystal Shard™
Development and Editing adventure. The adventure is intended to support a range
Scott Fitzgerald-Gray, Chris Sims of low-level characters. As a result, not every encounter is
D&D Group Manager designed to target characters of a specific level. Icewind
Mike Mearls Dale is a perilous place, and if the adventurers charge into
D&D Producer
danger, they might end up facing something too tough for
Greg Bilsland them to handle. Here are a few tips for helping your play-
ers succeed in the adventure despite these threats.
Senior Creative Director
Jon Schindehette F Talk to your players up front. Some players assume
Art Director that a Dungeon Master isn’t going to throw a chal-
Mari Kolkowsky lenge at the characters that they can’t handle. If your
Graphic Designers
players operate under this assumption, let them know
Bree Heiss, Leon Cortez before getting into the adventure that they’ll come
across encounters where the best approach might be
D&D Brand Team
Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Laura Tommervik, to run away.
Shelly Mazzanoble, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross, John Feil F Adjust the timeline. A sense of urgency is an inten-
Prepress Manager tional part of this adventure’s design. Players shouldn’t
Jefferson Dunlap feel as if they have time to deal with every problem.
Imaging Technician The adventure has few restrictions regarding when
Carmen Cheung characters can rest and recuperate. If they’re resting
Production Manager more often than is desirable, then use events to spur
Donna Woodcock them along. On the other hand, if they’re getting badly
Organized Play
beaten up, you can modify the timeline presented
Chris Tulach in the adventure to give them more opportunity to
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Forgotten Realms, their respective logos, Legacy regain resources.
of the Crystal Shard, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA
F Allow encounters to change. A wandering monster
and other countries. All Wizards characters and their distinctive likenesses encountered on the tundra doesn’t necessarily fight to
are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This material is protected under
the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
the death. Even a savage bear that’s likely to defeat the
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited party might retreat if it’s badly hurt. A pack of wolves
without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Any might tire of chasing after fleeing characters and give
similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included herein is
purely coincidental. up. Even the verbeeg near the front of the verbeeg lair
Published by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue can be circumvented if the adventurers think to look
Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 2 for a back entrance. If the players need it, feel free to
Roundwood Ave, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1AZ, UK.
nudge them to look for alternatives to all-out combat.
©2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
640A4538000003 EN F Modify the number of monsters. If the above sug-
gestions don’t work, and characters are consistently
dying or falling unconscious, consider modifying the
number of monsters. Many encounters will work fine
with fewer creatures. Alternatively, if the characters
are higher level and the players are getting bored
because the encounters are too easy, you can add
more monsters.

D&D Next ® Following any encounter with the ruffians, it’s a good
idea to have bystanders or a passing member of the town

guard condemn the ruffians’ behavior and thank the
characters for the good they’re doing in Bryn Shander.
It’s important for the players to know that the townsfolk
This section contains the information you need to run the appreciate the heroes’ efforts, so they don’t come to resent
adventure using the D&D Next playtest rules. the community they’re meant to be helping.
Encounters that appear in the Legacy of the Crystal
Shard™ adventure book or on its accompanying Dungeon
Master’s Screen are presented here in alphabetical order. Barbarian Sympathizers
Encounters in the adventure book (and in certain places These two brothers, Hoedin and Braedin Hewer, have come
in this section) are marked with bold type and an asterisk. to Bryn Shander to buy food to take back to Caer-Konig
For example, marauding yetis* points to the encounter by in preparation for what promises to be a long winter. The
the same name in this document. brothers’ barbarian ancestry is evident in their physique, and
Each encounter identifies the creatures that appear they sympathize with the plight of Hengar and his tribe.
in it. The names of those monsters correspond to statis- If the brothers are encountered during Act 1, they
tics presented at the end of the encounters section. The express their disapproval of the townsfolk’s insensibility
encounters also indicate the total XP award for the mon- to the plight of the barbarians and exhort the adventurers
sters. Compare this number to the encounter-building to help Hengar and the Tribe of the Elk. They volunteer to
guidelines presented in the DM Guidelines document in help the party break Hengar free if he’s still a prisoner (the
the D&D Next playtest packet to estimate the difficulty brothers have the same statistics as a human warrior).
of each encounter. If you need to, adjust encounters by If Hoedin and Braedin are encountered during Act 2,
adding or subtracting monsters. they tell the characters about the trouble the pirates of Lac
Checks: Use ability checks as described in the adven- Dinneshere have been causing. They entreat the adventur-
ture. For D&D Next, easy checks are DC 10, moderate ers to come back with them to Caer-Konig to put a stop
checks are DC 15, and hard checks are DC 20. to the pirates’ depredations, and are willing to wait a few
days if the characters have other business to conclude first.
Abandoned Mining Gear
Scattered pieces of mining gear can be found throughout Barracks Goblins
the mines: rope, hammers, picks, spikes, candles, flint, Combat Encounter (100 XP)
chalk, mirrors, waterskins, dry rations, and dwarven F 10 goblins
liquor. These were left behind by miners fleeing the
tunnels because of a zombie attack, and the dwarves of
Battlehammer Hold would be grateful for their return.
Bear Attack
Combat Encounter (200 XP)

Band of Ruffians F 1 brown bear

Combat Encounter (50 XP in Act 1 or 200 XP in Act 2) Corrupted by the activities of the Ice Witch, this brown
F 5 thugs (Act 1) or 5 tough thugs (Act 2) bear is unusually aggressive, attacking travelers and fight-
ing to the death.
These local hotheads are suspicious of any newcomers to
town, and spend their days variously blaming dwarves, Bear Tribe Camp
foreigners, barbarians, wizards, Duvessa Shane, Sheriff Combat Encounter (200 XP)
Markham, and anyone else they can think of for their own
misfortunes. They hurl accusations and insults at the party, F 1 human war chief (Wolvig Barrundson)
finding fault with whatever course of action the heroes F 2 Bear Tribe warriors
have been pursuing as of late. If other people are nearby,
the ruffians vent their spleen and then depart. If few or The Elk Tribe warriors accompanying the adventurers
no bystanders are present (particularly at night), the ruf- deal with their share of the Bear Tribe encampment. This
fians back their words up with violence. They are cowards encounter represents only the Bear Tribe warriors that
at heart, however, and if half the ruffians are defeated, the the adventurers must face themselves, including the Bear
others flee. If the ruffians are searched, the characters dis- Tribe chief. You can adjust the difficulty of the encounter
cover that they wear amulets or rings made of black ice. by forcing the characters to deal with additional warriors,
By Act 2, the black ice has begun to physically empower the or by having allies help them finish off any warriors they
ruffians. Use tough thugs instead of thugs for the encounter. can’t handle.

Bear Tribe Hero Blinding Snow
Combat Encounter (200 XP) A sudden storm fills the air with driving snow, obscur-
F 1 human war chief ing vision around the adventurers. The area is lightly
F 2 Bear Tribe warriors obscured. Roll an additional encounter.

A mighty hero of the Bear Tribe and his faithful followers Chasm Crossing
challenge the adventurers as they make their way across As the adventurers cross the ice, they reach a chasm that
the field of battle. must be traversed. If they cannot do so, they must turn
back and find a new route, adding 1d4 hours to their travel
Bear Tribe Raiders time. The chasm is 1d3 × 10 feet wide, and drops 30 feet
Combat Encounter (120 XP) into ice-filled water. You can adjudicate the adventurers’
attempts to cross the chasm as you see fit.
F 3 Bear Tribe warriors
A fall into the chasm deals 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
damage. In addition to the threat of drowning, a creature
These warriors have been ranging out across the tundra
that starts its turn in the water takes 3 (1d6) cold damage.
from their new camp at Evermelt to raid the other barbar-
ian tribes. Eager to win treasure and spill blood in the
Frostmaiden’s name, they attack without hesitation and Chosen’s Call
fight without mercy. Giving themselves over to their battle Combat Encounter (560 XP)
frenzy, these barbarians fight to the death. F Hedrun the Ice Witch
F 2 animated black ice statues
Beleaguered Allies
In the heat of combat, the adventurers come across a group
of allied forces fighting a losing battle against a stronger
Collapsing Tunnels
Certain tunnels in the abandoned areas of the mine were
force. Roll to determine the allies and enemies.
trapped to protect the dwarves from the invasion of Akar
1d6 Allies 1d10 Enemies Kessell’s armies. Most of those traps were triggered during
1–2 Dwarves 1–3 Bear Tribe raiders* the invasion, but a few runes remain in out-of-the-way tun-
3–4 Elk Tribe warriors 4–5 Wolf attack* nels. A character can detect a rune with a DC 15 Intelligence
5–6 Human warriors 6–7 Yeti attack* check to search the dusty ground, or with a detect magic spell.
8–9 Bear attack* The rune can be safely disabled with a DC 13 Thievery
10 Dragon and witch* check. On a failed check, a blast in the tunnel brings part
of the ceiling down. Any creature in a collapsing section
of tunnel is subject to an attack: +5 vs. Reflex; Hit: 2d6
Black Ice Guards damage, and the target falls prone and is buried under
Combat Encounter (280 XP) 1d6 feet of rubble. While buried, the target is restrained
F Baerick Hammerstone and cannot stand up, and the only action it can take on its
turn is to make a DC 13 Strength check to escape. This
F 2 dwarf warriors
check takes a penalty equal to the number of feet of rubble
F 1 human rogue (black ice emissary) covering the target. An unburied creature adjacent to the
target can attempt to pull the target free as an action by
Black Ice Merchant making the same Strength check.
This merchant—a dwarf by the name of Clagg Halfham- When a tunnel collapses, it is completely blocked off.
mer—has come from the dwarven valley to sell black ice The rune disappears and the trap is disabled. After a col-
trinkets in Bryn Shander’s market. He’s heard rumors lapse, it takes 5 hours of work to clear a space 10 feet on a
regarding the schism between Stokely and Baerick, and side; each additional character reduces this time by 1 hour.
about dwarves going missing in the mines. He is now When the characters encounter a collapsing tunnel trap,
fearful of the prospect of returning home—a fear that is no more encounters are possible until the tunnel is cleared
only exacerbated by his constant exposure to black ice. or the characters double back to explore different tunnels.
He suggests that the heroes buy his trinkets if they antici-
pate going to the valley, since Baerick shows favor to those Cult Assassins
who wear black ice. This is a falsehood, however—Baerick Combat Encounter (200 XP/260 XP in Act 2)
bestows black ice weapons and armor on his followers, but
F 5 tough thugs
characters wearing black ice gain no special advantage.
F 1 dark adept (Act 2 only)

Devotees of Auril are not a major force in Ten-Towns at the The adventurers face the skeleton of Icingdeath and the
start of the adventure, but their influence grows quickly. simulacrum either in Evermelt or elsewhere.
By fighting off the yeti at the gates of Bryn Shander, free- When the simulacrum is destroyed, the skeletal dragon
ing Hengar from Auril’s wrath, or simply asking too many collapses to a heap of bones.
questions, the adventurers can come to the cultists’ atten- Dragon’s Lair: If the characters face Icingdeath’s skel-
tion, with violent results. Cultists might also attack the eton in the dragon’s lair, they can recover some of the
adventurers simply because they’re strangers and will creature’s valuable treasure encased in ice. For every
therefore not be missed. minute they spend chipping away at ice, they uncover one
Since the cultists are otherwise normal townsfolk, of the following (to a maximum of ten treasures).
it’s easy for them to gain surprise in this encounter, and
the heroes likely have little or no warning before they’re 1d10 Description
attacked. The characters might be drinking in a tavern 1 50 gp and 250 sp
when they notice the other patrons eying them while 2 Three gems worth 50 gp each
the barkeep methodically closes the windows and doors. 3 A potion of healing
Alternatively, they might be helping a guard resolve a dis- 4 A necklace of ivory and gold worth 100 gp
pute between two bickering merchants when all three 5 400 cp
suddenly draw daggers and attack the heroes. The sense of 6 120 gp and 95 cp

strangeness surrounding these encounters is heightened 7 Six gems worth 10 gp each
by the cultists giving no indication of why they’re attack- 8 A +1 battleaxe of dwarven make
ing the characters—and by their compulsion to fight to 9 A silver bracer worth 90 gp
the death. Searching any body reveals an object bearing 10 50 gp and a gem worth 100 gp
Auril’s mark, frequently carved from black ice.
By Act 2, Auril’s power has grown to the point where
her faithful are learning to channel that power. The cult-
ists are led by a dark adept.

Displaced Fisher Hedrun’s Simulacra

Bratha Junn is a fisher from Caer-Konig who has decided Simulacrum is a spell that allows the caster to
to pack up her few worldly belongings and move to Lone- create a partially real, illusory duplicate of a
lywood. Hungry for company on the road and afraid of the creature, formed from ice and snow. The dupli-
prospect of beasts or a winter squall, she invites the adven- cate looks like the original creature and remains
turers to travel with her. Reroll or ignore this encounter if under its creator’s absolute control. If reduced
to 0 hit points, it reverts to snow and melts or
it occurs more than once, or if the adventurers are not on
blows away in the wind.
the road to Lonelywood.
The spell ordinarily creates a zombie-like
Bratha explains that she left Caer-Konig because the creature, though additional magic can imbue it
competition and violence of fishing Lac Dinneshere became with a life force and some portion of the original
too much to handle. Disputes over fishing territory were creature’s knowledge and personality. Hed-
bad enough, but now that pirates have started sinking ships, run’s ability to create a simulacrum of herself
she wants nothing more to do with her former life. She is unusual, however. In effect, her simulacrum
counts herself lucky that she had few ties to Caer-Konig, is an extension of herself, allowing her to travel
and looks forward to the peace and quiet of Lonelywood. Icewind Dale without putting herself at risk. The
simulacrum can use all of her spells and other
abilities, and it speaks and acts with Hedrun’s
Dragon Sighting full knowledge. She can have only one simula-
A white dragon flies through the sky a good distance ahead. crum active at a time.
The adventurers spot it easily before it spots them. Unless When the simulacrum is destroyed, Hedrun
they do anything to provoke it, it soars overhead without requires about a day to create a new one, and
noticing them. If they do provoke it, they face a potentially the simulacrum must then make the journey
lethal encounter. See the D&D Next bestiary, downloadable from her tower to the dale. Thus, after destroying
a simulacrum, adventurers will not encounter a
at, for the white dragon’s statistics.
new one for at least two days.

Dragon and Witch

Combat Encounter (400 XP)
F 1 Ice Witch’s simulacrum
F 1 skeletal white dragon (Icingdeath)

Dwarf Patrol of his weapons and supplies, he is stumbling half frozen
through the snow when the adventurers discover him.
Combat Encounter (120 XP) Wigleff ’s injuries are superficial, and he quickly recov-
F 3 dwarf warriors ers his strength if offered food and drink. He can help
guide the adventurers to the Elk Tribe’s camp if they don’t
On the road to Kelvin’s Cairn: The noise of this patrol have the benefit of Hengar’s aid, or can repeat Hengar’s
carries through the snow before the dwarves come into plea for help if the characters are involved in other strands
view, even on the flat tundra. These dwarves are charged of the adventure.
with keeping watch on the road, to ensure that travelers
seeking their homes in the valley remain safe. However,
they are too busy arguing among themselves to per-
Fight on the Lake
form their duty. Although these dwarves remain loyal to Combat Encounter (170 XP/530 XP if tough thugs)
Stokely Silverstream, two members of the patrol (including F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
its leader) wield axes crafted with Baerick Hammer- F 12 thugs or tough thugs (pirates); see below
stone’s black ice, and it has made them belligerent and
overbearing. Derrick and a dozen pirates sail the Howling Fiend, but at
The dwarves argue among themselves about the quality your option, more pirates might sail alongside them in a
of the black ice axes, the route the patrol takes, their pace second boat. Derrick tries to ram the adventurers’ vessel,
on the road, the approaching weather, the cause of the after which he and half his crew board the party’s boat to
harsh winter, and what to do when they spot the adven- fight hand-to-hand. The rest of the pirates attack from the
turers. In fact, it’s hard for the characters to get a word in deck of the Howling Fiend.
edgewise, so vociferous is the dwarves’ debate. If provoked, Except for Derrick, the pirate crew’s arms and armor
the dwarves wielding black ice might attack the adventur- depend on the outcome of the Easthaven raid. If the raid
ers while the third dwarf pleads for calm. was successful (or if the adventurers pursued Davrick Fain
In the Dwarf Mines: Two different dwarf patrol before turning their attention to Easthaven), the pirates are
encounters might occur in the dwarf mines. outfitted with short swords, crossbows, and better armor
Battlehammer Patrol: This patrol is cautious but not (use the tough thug statistics block). If not, they wield only
hostile, particularly if the adventurers have already made daggers in melee and at range (use the thug statistics block).
their presence known in Battlehammer Hold. If the char-
acters haven’t yet talked to Stokely, the dwarves urge them
to do so. Fleeing Merchant
The dwarves can provide information regarding what’s Gatha Dureen is a merchant from Bryn Shander driving
happening in the mines—specifically, the presence of zom- a small wagon to Targos, where she intends to relocate.
bies and the conflict with Baerick’s dwarves. They blame Three hours into the journey, the road has split off to
Baerick, not his black ice, for their troubles, but some of Targos and this encounter can’t occur. A dwarf patrol
the dwarves have kin among Baerick’s dwarves and find encounter occurs instead.
their behavior inexplicable. Gatha has operated her family’s bakery in Bryn
The dwarves fight to defend themselves, but they would Shander for twenty years, but is now fleeing to escape the
rather bring the adventurers to Stokely as captives than as vandalism and intimidation of the Ship Rethnor thugs
corpses. They try to flee if the adventurers overpower them. who work for Vaelish Gant. She is a middle-aged human
Halls of Black Ice Patrol: The dwarves of this patrol are female with coppery-red hair and gray-blue eyes. Soft-spo-
belligerent, demanding to know what the adventurers are ken and gentle, Gatha has a loud laugh—though it takes
doing in their mines, accusing them of coming to steal a great deal to make her laugh these days. She is deeply
from them, and threatening death if the adventurers don’t upset about having to leave Bryn Shander, and would love
leave the mines at once. The dwarves appear to be spoiling to be able to go back and feel safe. The bakery has been in
for a fight—or the chance to loot the characters’ corpses. her family for five generations, and she is overwhelmed
with guilt for breaking the tradition. Her wagon is loaded
Elk Tribe Hunter with flour, yeast, and various spices.

The young barbarian Wigleff was part of a larger hunting

party attacked by a group of Bear Tribe warriors while out Gant’s Offices
on the tundra. Reroll or ignore this encounter if it occurs Combat Encounter (210 XP)
more than once. F 1 wererat (Slim)
All the other Elk Tribe hunters were slain, but Wigleff F 4 human warriors
was knocked out during the fight and left for dead. Stripped
F 1 quasit

The sigil on the door of Gant’s office is a deadly magic glyph
trap. The glyph can be detected with a detect magic spell or a
Iceberg Collision
DC 15 Intelligence check. When detected, the glyph can be As the characters row through a narrow channel in the
disabled with a DC 15 Dexterity check (failure by 5 or more Sea of Moving Ice, icebergs to each side begin to close the
triggers the trap). If the trap triggers, any creature within 10 gap, threatening to crush them. Give the adventurers a
feet of the door must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. few rounds to come up with a means of escape—perhaps
On a failed save, the creature takes 10 (3d6) lightning making Strength checks to row quickly out from between
damage, or half damage on a successful save. the bergs, using magic to put a strong barrier between
them, or scaling the side of one iceberg before it hits the
other. Both icebergs feature plenty of crevices where char-
Goblin Ambush acters can hide or attempt to climb, even after the bergs
Combat Encounter (100 XP) have collided.
F 10 goblins If the characters fail to escape, their boats are destroyed
and they are dropped into the ice-cold water. In addition
Goblin sentries lurk in the verbeeg lair where Davrick to the threat of drowning, a creature that starts its turn in
Fain is planning to hatch a remorhaz. Dressed in white the water takes 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage and 3 (1d6)
furs, they hide in snowbanks waiting for travelers. As the cold damage.
adventurers pass near, the goblins attack with a barrage
of arrows. Ice Fracture
If the adventurers are not traveling on the Eastway, the As the adventurers move across a floe, the ice cracks with
goblins are en route to the road and can’t set up an effec- a thundering boom and splits beneath their feet. This
tive ambush. functions as a pit trap (DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to
avoid), dropping affected characters 1d3 × 10 feet into ice-
Goblin Guards filled water. The fall deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage per
Combat Encounter (100 XP) 10 feet. In addition to the threat of drowning, a creature
that starts its turn in the water takes 3 (1d6) cold damage.
F 10 goblins

If this encounter is being used as part of the back entrance

Ice Hunters
to Rycher’s Lair, and if Rycher had reason to suspect the The adventurers come across a group of six local hunters
arrival of hostile adventurers, then he dismisses the gob- dressed in heavy furs and steering kayaks through the
lins in favor of traps. See Rycher’s Lair*. treacherous ice. The hunters are in search of seals and
beluga whales to provide food in the harsh winter. They
are not hostile to the adventurers unless attacked, and can
Green Slime direct them to the Ice Witch’s tower. If attacked, the hunt-
Exploration Encounter (20 XP) ers fight as Bear Tribe warriors.
F 1 green slime
Ice Witch’s Raiders
A patch of green slime drops from the tunnel ceiling onto Combat Encounter (330 XP)
a passing adventurer. F 3 Bear Tribe warriors
F 3 orcs
Hideout Guards
Combat Encounter (80 XP) The servants of the Ice Witch patrol the Sea of Moving Ice
F 4 human warriors to protect her tower from intruders.

Hideout Thugs Kessell’s Trap

Combat Encounter (200 XP) Combat Encounter (120 XP)
F 2 wererats F 2 giant spiders
F 3 human warriors F 4 zombies
F Akar Kessell (noncombatant)

King Günvald Marek the Shank
Combat Encounter (570 XP) Combat Encounter (150 XP)
F 1 human war chief (King Günvald) F Marek the Shank
F 6 Bear Tribe warriors F 1 wolf
F 3 orcs
Nighttime Break-in
Lurching Iceberg Combat Encounter (230 XP)
While the adventurers are trekking across an iceberg, it F 5 human warriors
crashes into another one. The ice shakes beneath their F Marek the Shank
feet, then tilts sharply. Each character must make a DC
10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone, slide down the When he flees, Marek uses his smoke bomb as an action,
slope, and make a second DC 10 Dexterity saving throw creating a 20-foot-radius cloud centered on a point within
or slip into the ice-cold water. In addition to the threat of 20 feet of him. The cloud’s area is heavily obscured and
drowning, a creature that starts its turn in the water takes lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a wind of 11 mph
3 (1d6) cold damage. or greater.

Major NPC Orc Champion

The heroes have a chance encounter with one of the major Combat Encounter (470 XP)
NPCs (nonplayer characters) in Bryn Shander. Duvessa
F 1 orog
Shane, Sheriff Markham, Vaelish Gant, Slim, Marek the
Shank, or Helda Silverstream are all candidates for this F 5 orcs
encounter, as are any NPCs from elsewhere in Ten-Towns
who might be in Bryn Shander on business (most likely A fierce orc leader leads its lesser allies against the adven-
one of the speakers). If the characters are outside Bryn turers as they cross the battlefield.
Shander, use any NPC detailed in the Setting Book.
This is a good chance to point the characters toward Overwhelming Odds
new quests, to remind them about old ones they’ve been The adventurers find themselves faced with two deadly
ignoring, or to weave connections between disparate parts threats at once. Roll twice on the following table and refer
of the adventure. For example, if the heroes encounter to the indicated encounters.
Vaelish Gant while trying to smuggle Hengar out of town,
the wizard might offer the barbarian a black ice charm. 1d10 Enemies
He ostensibly does so to provide protection against the Ice 1–3 Bear Tribe raiders*
Witch’s magic. However, he secretly hopes that the black 4–5 Wolf attack*
ice’s corrupting influence will make Hengar an easy target 6–7 Yeti attack*
for later manipulation if Gant decides to exploit the bar- 8–9 Bear attack*
barian tribes. 10 Dragon and witch*

Marauding Yetis Pirate Crew

Combat Encounter (190 XP) Combat Encounter (XP Varies; see below)
F 1 yeti F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
F 4 young yetis F 1 human warrior (Pyrse)
F Up to 30 thugs or tough thugs (pirates); see below
This encounter represents the yetis that the player char-
acters must deal with. Additional yetis attack the caravan
The full pirate crew consists of thirty pirates, in addition
and the town, but other caravan or town guards kill and
to Derrick and Pyrse. At the hideout, the adventurers find
drive them off in the same time it takes for the adventur-
this number minus any pirates the adventurers defeated at
ers to dispatch their foes in this encounter. You can adjust
Easthaven or any time thereafter.
the difficulty of the encounter by forcing the characters to
Except for Derrick and Pyrse, the pirate crew’s arms
deal with additional yetis, or by having guards help them
and armor depend on the outcome of the Easthaven raid.
finish off any they can’t handle.
If the raid was successful (or if the adventurers pursued
Davrick Fain before turning their attention to Easthaven),

more of the pirates are outfitted with short swords, cross-
bows, and better armor (the tough thug statistics block).
Use the thug statistics block to balance out the pirates as
you see fit.
Arctic Cats
Icewind Dale is home to two varieties of white-
Pirate Raid furred great cats, both of which pose a threat to
Combat Encounter (130 XP) travelers on the northern roads.
The fabled crag cat, also called the Hunter-of-
F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder) Men, is a sure-footed predator that favors rock
F 8 thugs (pirates) ledges and cliffs in the highlands. It is a great cat
with long, sharp teeth, possessing certain magi-
cal abilities that make it particularly fearsome.
If the adventurers join the fray, half the pirates break off
Its cry sounds like a sudden, human scream of
to fight them while the rest concentrate on looting Rur-
terror. It can’t be detected or traced by magic,
den’s Armory. (If the adventurers position themselves in though some folk say they can “feel” when one is
front of the building, the other pirates circle around to try near or watching. And it has a natural resistance
to find or create another way in). Derrick joins the attack to magic that can sometimes turn a spell back
on the party, unable to resist a fight. However, despite his on its caster.
violent temper, Derrick backs off if he’s reduced to half his Tundra cats are related to crag cats, but lack
hit points, yelling at his compatriots to harry his attackers. their magical characteristics. They are more or
He’s not used to sustaining heavy losses, and if the adven- less identical to white-furred tigers, though they
turers take down five or more of his pirates, Derrick calls have the same screaming cry as their mountain-
the rest back to their ships to make a hasty getaway. dwelling cousins.

Combat Encounter (200 XP)
F 24 human commoners (miners; noncombatants) Rampaging Bear
F 8 human warriors Combat Encounter (200 XP)
F 1 tough thug F 1 brown bear

This group of townsfolk and sellswords, under the lead- A bear rampages across the battlefield, undaunted by the
ership of a member of Ship Rethnor, carries out Vaelish attacks of nearby allied soldiers.
Gant’s will beyond Ten-Towns. Though the miners stand
fast behind the better-armed warriors, they immediately
flee if a fight breaks out.
Remorhaz Lair
Combat Encounter (370 XP)

Polar Bear Attack F Davrick Fain

Combat Encounter (200 XP) F 1 human warrior (Rycher)
F 1 brown bear F 1 young remorhaz

Even more aggressive than the brown bears of the tundra Rycher’s Cats
thanks to the actions of the Ice Witch, this polar bear
Combat Encounter (240 XP)
attacks the adventurers’ boats. The polar bear’s statistics
are identical to those of the brown bear, except that it has a F 2 crag cats
swim speed of 30 feet.
These white-furred, long-fanged beasts are at least nomi-
Portage nally tamed by the “wild man” Rycher, but they hunt freely
on the western slopes of Kelvin’s Cairn and down to Maer
Two icebergs have collided ahead of the adventurers, clos-
Dualdon. They ambush travelers but flee quickly from
ing off the channel they hoped to use. They can backtrack,
prey that fights back.
adding 1d4 + 1 hours to their journey, or they can carry
One of the cats leaps out to ambush passersby, hoping
their boats across the ice to the next stretch of water,
to fell its target quickly. The other remains hidden, waiting
adding only 1 hour.
for characters to flee or become separated from the group
before striking. If the adventurers stand their ground after

the initial ambush, the cats retreat. If the beasts are pur- In Caer-Konig: Another group of thugs carries out
sued, they race back to Rycher’s cave. Vaelish Gant’s schemes around Lac Dinneshere. These
thugs do not include a wererat.
Rycher’s Lair
Combat Encounter (260 XP) Slim’s Ambush
F 1 human warrior (Rycher) Combat Encounter (190 XP)
F 2 crag cats F 1 wererat (Slim)
F 6 human warriors
At your discretion, if Rycher had reason to suspect the
arrival of hostile adventurers, he might have set his three Suspicious Merchant
bear traps in the cave entrance. However, he does so only Faedrith Guldan is a merchant from Bremen, traveling
if his two cats are safe with him inside the cave. The bear home with a wagon from a trip to Bryn Shander. Reroll
traps are hidden beneath cloths, and detecting them this encounter if it occurs more than once or if the adven-
requires a DC 15 Wisdom check. If they are not detected, turers are not on the road to Bremen.
any character moving through the lair has a 25 percent Guldan draws a sword at the adventurers’ approach
chance of stepping on one of the traps. If a trap is sprung, and challenges them, believing they might mean him
the character who triggered it must succeed on a DC 20 harm. If they manage to convince him that they don’t
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, that character intend to hurt or rob him, he explains the reason for his
takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage and is restrained until the suspicion. While in Bryn Shander, he heard tales of mer-
trap can be opened with a DC 20 Strength check or dis- chants going missing throughout Ten-Towns and along
abled with a DC 15 Intelligence check. the roads.

Ship Rethnor Thugs Temple of the Storm

Combat Encounter (Act 1, 140 XP if no wererat or
Combat Encounter (750 XP)
190 XP if a wererat is present; Act 2, 490 XP)
F Akar Kessell
F 7 human warriors, with one possibly a wererat (Act 1)
F 1 air elemental
F 7 wererats (Act 2)

Random Encounter: These thugs are going about their Until the Ice Witch is defeated or until the characters
daily business of bullying and terrorizing the local popu- leave the Temple of the Storm, freezing winds buffet the
lace. If the heroes haven’t yet had any run-ins with Slim or adventurers. At the start of each character’s turn, he or she
Marek the Shank, the thugs try to bully them into paying must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On
“traveler’s dues” to guarantee safe passage while going a failed save, the character takes 2 (1d4) cold damage and
about their business in Bryn Shander. If the characters is pushed 5 feet in a random direction. To determine the
refuse to pay, the thugs pretend to back off, then tail the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
adventurers and ambush them as soon as the opportunity
presents itself. Town Guards
If the characters have already encountered either Slim
Combat Encounter (140–240 XP)
or Marek, the thugs know who they are and attack them
on sight. They taunt the adventurers as they fight: “Slim F 5 human warriors
said to give you his regards . . .” If the characters have
already taken Slim and Marek down, the thugs vow ven- These guards patrol the streets of Bryn Shander. They
geance for their leaders’ demise: “Nobody crosses Ship spend their time keeping cart traffic moving along the
Rethnor and lives to brag about it!” town’s crowded thoroughfares, helping locals with minor
In Act 1, there is a 50 percent chance that one of building repairs, breaking up brawls, and escorting drunk-
the thugs is a wererat. By Act 2, all the thugs have been ards home so they don’t pass out and freeze to death in the
infected with lycanthropy and have become wererats. street. They also keep an eye out for newcomers to town,
In the Council Hall: A similar group of thugs awaits both to help them become properly acclimated and to
the adventurers in the council hall if they answer the make sure they don’t cause trouble.
forged note ostensibly from Duvessa Shane. In this case, The guards’ attitude is cautious by default. However,
one of the thugs is automatically a wererat. there is a 50 percent chance that they recognize the adven-
turers from the battle at the southern gate, in which case
they adopt a friendly posture. If the characters have been

seen committing any crimes in town, or if they’re traveling
in Hengar’s company without the sheriff ’s permission, the
guards attempt to place them under arrest. If the adven-
turers resist, the guards retreat but return quickly with
reinforcements (1d6 + 1 additional guards).
Zombie Attack!
When the adventurers encounter zombies
in the mines, be sure to play up the claustro-
Trapped Townsfolk phobic atmosphere, and use the terrain to the
The adventurers come across a group of ordinary towns- monsters’ advantage. Have the zombies attack
from around blind corners, come at the party
folk huddling behind flimsy shelter, trying to avoid the
from behind, or lurch out from behind support
fray. When the townsfolk spot the heroes, they call out for
beams to attack characters who think they’re
help, asking the adventurers to escort them safely back to safely in the middle of the party. After one or
the nearest settlement. two such attacks, even innocuous encounters
will put the characters on edge. Is the strange,
Vaelish Gant bent shadow hanging from the tunnel ceiling
really a broken beam? Or is a zombie’s claw
Combat Encounter (250 XP) ready to catch unwary passersby?
F Vaelish Gant, human wizard

Verbeeg Giant
Combat Encounter (200 XP) The Ice Witch spurs the beasts of the tundra to attack any
F 1 verbeeg (Dardo) humans who dare to brave the winter, making this pack of
wolves unusually aggressive. There is a 25 percent chance
that the pack is led by a winter wolf.
Waterfall Cavern
Combat Encounter (200 XP) Yeti Attack
F 1 Bear Tribe shaman Combat Encounter (220 XP)
F 2 Bear Tribe furies F 2 yetis

Winter Squall Spurred by the Ice Witch to indulge their appetite for
A sudden, violent storm blows down off the Reghed Gla- human flesh, this band of tundra yetis does not shy from
cier. The adventurers can’t make any progress across attacking even well-armed bands of travelers. The yetis
the tundra for 1 hour. There is a 20 percent chance that attempt to use the inclement weather and natural ter-
a combat encounter occurs while the party is stopped rain to their advantage, setting an ambush for unwary
during the storm. If this encounter occurs while the party adventurers.
is resting, each character takes a –2 penalty to Constitution
saving throws to withstand the effect of the cold.
Zombie Pack
Winter Wolf Combat Encounter (100 XP)

Combat Encounter (170 XP) F 10 zombies

F 2 wolves
Groups of zombie dwarves wander the mines with no real
F 1 winter wolf purpose, attacking any living beings they come across.
Some carry mining picks or shovels they use as weapons,
A winter wolf and its hunting companions catch the dealing piercing or slashing damage instead of the blud-
heroes’ scent and decide to take them down. geoning damage of the zombie’s slam attack.

Wolf Attack
Combat Encounter (100 XP or 230 XP if the winter
wolf is present)
F 5 wolves
F 1 winter wolf (25 percent chance)

D&D Next Statistics Akar Kessell
Medium Undead
Armor Class 13
Air Elemental Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Large Elemental (Air) Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 13 Senses darkvision 50 ft.
Hit Points 45 (7d10 + 7); see Traits below Str 15 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Speed 0 ft.; fly 100 ft. (hover) Int 17 (+3) Wis 9 (–1) Cha 15 (+2)
Senses darkvision 50 ft. Alignment neutral evil
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Languages Common
Int 6 (–2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment neutral Traits
Languages Auran Immunities: Akar is immune to disease, necrotic, and poison.
He cannot be put to sleep or paralyzed, and does not need to
Traits sleep, eat, or breathe.
Body of Air: Unless it has a creature restrained, the elemental
Spellcasting: Akar is a 4th-level spellcaster mage who uses
can move through any gap wide enough to permit airflow.
Intelligence as his magic ability (spell save DC 13). He has the
Other creatures can enter the elemental’s space. A creature
following spells prepared:
that does so provokes an opportunity attack from the
Cantrips—minor illusion, ray of frost
elemental, which has advantage on the attack roll.
1st Level (4/day)—cause fear, inflict wounds, magic missile, sleep
Damage Resistance: The elemental is resistant to lightning, 2nd Level (3/day)—hold person, invisibility, mirror image
thunder, and nonmagical weapons.
Immunities: The elemental is immune to disease and poison.
Melee Attack—Shocking Life Drain: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.;
It cannot be knocked prone, paralyzed, petrified, polymorphed
one creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) necrotic damage plus 4 (1d8)
against its will, or put to sleep. It does not need to sleep, eat,
lightning damage, and the target cannot take reactions until
or breathe.
its next turn. A living target must make a DC 11 Constitution
Actions saving throw. Failed Save: The target’s hit point maximum is
reduced by the amount of necrotic damage dealt. A creature
Melee Attack—Slam: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. This reduction
9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and if the elemental has
lasts until the target completes a short rest or a long rest.
no creature restrained and the target is Large or smaller, the
target must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw. Failed Save: Encounter Building
The target is pulled into the elemental’s space and restrained.
Level 5 XP 400
When the elemental moves, it pulls the target with it, and
the target remains restrained in the elemental’s space. Each
time it ends its turn restrained in this way, the target takes Animated Black Ice Statue
9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. The target can make one
Medium Construct
DC 11 Strength or Dexterity check on its turn as part of its
Armor Class 18
movement. On a success, the target is longer restrained and
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
can complete its movement.
Speed 25 ft.
A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can take an action
Senses blindsight 25 ft.
to attempt to free a creature restrained by the elemental.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 10 (+0)
Doing so requires a successful DC 11 Strength check, and the
Int 1 (–5) Wis 3 (–4) Cha 1 (–5)
creature making the attempt provokes an opportunity attack
Alignment unaligned
from the elemental.
Languages —
Encounter Building Traits
Level 5 XP 350
Immunities: The statue is immune to cold, disease, poison,
gaze effects, and other attack forms that rely on sight. It cannot
be blinded, charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, stunned,
or put to sleep. It does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe.

Multiattack: The statue makes two slam attacks.
Melee Attack—Slam: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 80

Baerick Hammerstone Bear Tribe Shaman
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf ) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 17 (splint armor) Armor Class 12 (hide armor)
Hit Points 22 (3d10 + 6) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft. Str 12 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)
Str 17 (+3) Dex 10 (+1) Con 15 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 9 (–1) Cha 13 (+1) Alignment chaotic neutral
Alignment neutral evil Languages Common
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Traits Spellcasting: The shaman is a 4th-level spellcaster who uses
Action Surge: Baerick can take an additional action on his Wisdom as his magic ability (spell save DC 12). He has the
turn. He cannot use this trait again until completes a short rest following spells prepared:
or a long rest. Cantrips—resistance, ray of frost
1st Level (3/day)—cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds
Dwarven Resilience: Baerick has advantage on saving throws
2nd Level (2/day)—silence, spiritual weapon
against poison and resistance to poison damage.
Improved Critical: Baerick scores a critical if he rolls a natural
attack roll of 19–20. Melee Attack—Longspear: +5 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Melee Attack—Black Ice Maul: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Encounter Building
creature). Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage and 1 cold Level 3 XP 120
Melee or Ranged Attack—Light Hammer: +6 to hit (reach Bear Tribe Warrior
5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) Medium Humanoid (Human)
bludgeoning damage. Armor Class 13 (hide armor)
Second Wind: Baerick regains 11 hit points. He cannot use Hit Points 15 (2d10 + 4)
this action again until he completes a long rest. Speed 40 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 13 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Encounter Building Int 9 (–1) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Level 4 XP 150 Alignment chaotic neutral
Languages Common

Bear Tribe Fury Traits

Medium Humanoid (Human) Reckless Attack: Whenever the warrior takes an action to
Armor Class 12 make a melee attack, it can do so with advantage on the attack
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) roll. Doing so grants attackers advantage on their attack rolls
Speed 40 ft. against the warrior until the start of its next turn.
Str 11 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic neutral Melee Attack—Greatsword: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Languages Common creature). Hit: 8 (1d12 + 2) slashing damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or range
20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Multiattack: The fury makes two short sword attacks.
Ranged Attack—Longbow: +1 to hit (range 150 ft./600 ft.;
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one one creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage, or 3 (1d6) slashing
damage with the second attack. Encounter Building
Ranged Attack—Javelin: +3 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one Level 2 XP 40
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 40

Brown Bear Dark Adept
Large Beast Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 16 (ring mail, shield)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 25 ft.
Senses low-light vision Str 12 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)
Str 19 (+4) Dex 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 10 (+0)
Int 3 (–4) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2) Alignment chaotic evil
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Languages —
Traits Spellcasting: The adept is a 2nd-level spellcaster that uses
Keen Senses: The bear gains a +5 bonus to all checks to detect Wisdom as its magic ability (spell save DC 12). It has the
hidden creatures. following spells prepared:
1st Level (2/day)—cure wounds, inflict wounds
Multiattack: The bear makes one bite attack and one claws Actions
attack. Melee Attack—Mace: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Melee Attack—Bite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage. Ranged Attack—Sling: +3 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Melee Attack—Claws: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Encounter Building
Encounter Building Level 2 XP 60
Level 4 XP 200
Davrick Fain
Crag Cat Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield)
Large Beast
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Armor Class 12
Speed 25 ft.
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Str 15 (+2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 14 (+2)
Speed 40 ft.
Int 10 (+0) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 13 (+1)
Senses low-light vision
Alignment chaotic evil
Str 17 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
Languages Common
Int 4 (–3) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment unaligned Traits
Languages —
Spellcasting: Davrick is a 5th-level spellcaster who uses
Traits Wisdom as his magic ability (spell save DC 13). He has the
following spells prepared:
Keen Senses: The cat gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks to
Cantrips—chill touch, resistance
detect hidden creatures.
1st Level (4/day): cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds,
Snow Stealth: The cat can attempt to hide against a snowy or sanctuary
icy background, or while obscured by falling snow or ice. It has 2nd Level (3/day): darkness, hold person, silence
advantage on Dexterity checks to hide in such conditions. 3rd Level (1/day): dispel magic

Actions Actions
Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Melee Attack—Mace: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 9
10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Melee Attack—Claw: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 Encounter Building
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Level 4 XP 200
Pounce: If the cat moves at least 10 feet and ends its
movement so that at least one creature is in its reach, it makes
two claw attacks. If both attacks hit the same Large or smaller
target, the target also falls prone and the cat can make a bite
attack against it.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 120

Dwarf Warrior Giant Spider
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf ) Large Beast
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4) Hit Points 16 (3d10)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 30 ft., spider climb
Senses darkvision 50 ft. Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Str 13 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Str 14 (+2) Dex 15 (+2) Con 10 (+0)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 2 (–4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment any Alignment unaligned
Languages Common, Dwarvish Languages —

Traits Traits
Dwarven Resilience: The dwarf has advantage on saving Spider Climb: The spider can climb at its full speed, including
throws against poison and resistance to poison damage. on smooth walls and upside down on horizontal surfaces. It
ignores movement restrictions due to webbing, including that
Actions from a web spell.
Melee Attack—Battleaxe: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Stealthy +5: The spider gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks
Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage.
to avoid detection.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Light Hammer: +3 to hit (reach
5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) Actions
bludgeoning damage. Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
(1d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 10
Reactions Constitution saving throw. Failed Save: 5 (2d4) poison damage.
Defender: If a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within
Ranged Attack—Web (Recharge 5–6): +4 to hit (range
5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can
30 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: The target is restrained by
use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on
webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a
the attack roll. The dwarf cannot use this reaction again until it
DC 11 Strength check to escape. The webbing has AC 12,
completes a short rest or a long rest.
and another creature can deal 5 fire or slashing damage to
Encounter Building the webbing to end this effect; if fire damage is used, the
restrained creature also takes the damage.
Level 2 XP 40
Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 40

Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Armor Class 13 (leather, shield)
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Speed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Str 8 (–1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 10 (+0)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 9 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Goblin

Stealthy +5: The goblin gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks
to avoid detection.

Melee Attack—Mace: +1 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 2
(1d6 – 1) bludgeoning damage (minimum 1 damage).
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 10

Green Slime Hedrun the Ice Witch
Medium Ooze (Hazard) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 14 (ice armor)
Green slime is a dangerous, unintelligent variety of normal
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
algae that forms in moist subterranean environments. Bright
Speed 30 ft.
green, wet, and sticky, it clings to walls, floors, and ceilings
Str 9 (–1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
in patches. This plant is a slow-growing hazard that feeds on
Int 15 (+2) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)
flesh, plant matter, and metal.
Alignment chaotic evil
Detect: It takes a DC 10 Wisdom check to notice the green Languages Common
slime under normal conditions and a DC 12 Intelligence check
to identify the hazard for what it is.
Animal Empathy: Beasts are aggressive toward Hedrun only if
Effect on Creatures: The slime can detect the air vibrations she harms them first.
and temperature of living creatures. When it does, a sheet of
it large enough to envelop the passing creature drops from its Auril’s Footing: Hedrun ignores difficult terrain created by ice,
resting place onto the target. The target must make a DC 12 snow, and similar wintry conditions, magical or natural. She is
Dexterity saving throw to avoid the sheet, making the saving immune to the effect of her own spike growth spell.
throw with disadvantage if the slime was unnoticed or not
Freezing Aura: Liquid water that comes within 5 feet of
considered to be a hazard. On a failed save, the target takes
Hedrun instantantly freezes. She can traverse bodies of water
1d6 acid damage, and takes another 1d6 acid damage at the
across the ice created by this trait, but the ice melts quickly
end of each of its turns during which it is still in contact with
enough to prevent other creatures from doing the same.
the slime.
Ice Armor: Hedrun’s ice armor makes her immune to cold
A creature that steps in a patch of green slime on the floor
damage. Additionally, whenever Hedrun takes damage, she
receives no saving throw to avoid taking damage.
can apply half to her ice armor. Her ice armor can absorb no
Effect on Objects: Against wood or metal, green slime deals more than 16 hit points per day.
2d6 acid damage per round, dissolving about an inch thickness
Spellcasting: Hedrun is a 5th-level spellcaster that uses
of material each round. Green slime does no harm to stone or
Wisdom as her magic ability (spell save DC 13). She has the
following spells prepared:
Countermeasures: Green slime can be scraped off or killed by Cantrips—chill touch, ray of frost
taking 11 damage or more from weapons, cold, or fire. Dealing 1st Level (4/day)—animal friendship, fog cloud, gust of wind, ice
damage to the slime also deals half damage to the creature it darts1
is covering. 2nd Level (3/day)—hold person, ice spear2, spike growth
3rd Level (2/day)—dispel magic, sleet storm
Encounter Building
1. Ice Darts: Hedrun launches three darts of magic ice at up to
Level 1 XP 20
two creatures that she can see within 50 feet of her, making an
attack roll against each target. On a hit, the target takes 5 (1d4
+ 3) cold damage and its speed is reduced by 15 feet until
Hedrun’s next turn.
At Higher Levels: When Hedrun casts this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for
each level above 1st.
2. Ice Spear: Hedrun launches a spear of ice at one creature
that she can see within 50 feet of her, making an attack roll
against the target. On a hit, the target takes 17 (5d6) cold
damage and is restrained. The target must succeed on a DC 15
Strength or Dexterity check to end the restrained condition.
On a miss, the spear explodes near the target for half as much
At Higher Levels: When Hedrun casts this spell using a 3rd-
level spell slot, it deals 24 (7d6) cold damage on a hit.

Encounter Building
Level 5 XP 400

Human Commoner Human War Chief
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 17 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 4 (1d8) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 10 (+0) Con 10 (+0) Str 14 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 11 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment any Alignment any
Languages Common Languages Common

Traits Traits
Pack Tactics: The commoner gains a cumulative +1 bonus to Commander +2: Friendly creatures with the disciplined action
attack rolls, to a maximum of +5, for each friendly creature that that can see or hear the war chief and are within 30 feet of it
is within 5 feet of its target. gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. If multiple friendly creatures
have the Commander trait, only the highest bonus applies.
Melee Attack—Club: +1 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 2 Actions
(1d4) bludgeoning damage. Multiattack: The war chief makes two long sword attacks.
Ranged Attack—Rock: +1 to hit (range 20 ft./80 ft.; one Melee Attack—Long Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Encounter Building Ranged Attack—Javelin: +4 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one

creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Level 1 XP 10
Encounter Building
Human Rogue Level 3 XP 120
Medium Humanoid
Armor Class 14 (leather)
Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4)
Human Warrior
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 12 (leather)
Str 13 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Int 11 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 13 (+1)
Speed 30 ft.
Alignment neutral evil
Str 12 (+1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1)
Languages Common
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Traits Alignment any
Languages Common
Assassinate: The rogue has advantage on attack rolls against
creatures that have not yet acted in the combat. If such a Actions
creature is surprised and the attack hits the creature, the
Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
attack is considered to be a critical hit.
ranged 20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, if the rogue attacks and hits a damage.
creature that has another creature able to take actions and
Disciplined: The warrior chooses a creature within its reach.
hostile to it within 5 feet of it, the hit deals 1d6 extra damage.
The next attack roll made against that target by a friendly
The rogue also deals this extra damage if the rogue has
creature that also has the disciplined action has advantage.
advantage on the attack roll.

Actions Encounter Building

Level 1 XP 20
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack—Sling: +4 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 50

Ice Witch’s Simulacrum Orc
The simulacrum uses the same statistics block as Hedrun the Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Ice Witch, with the adjustments noted here. Armor Class 13 (studded leather)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
Encounter Building Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 10 (+0) Con 12 (+1)
Level 4 XP 200
Int 7 (–2) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Marek the Shank Languages Common, Orc
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid, Hobgoblin) Traits
Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield)
Relentless: If the orc takes damage that reduces it to 0 hit
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
points, it can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of
Speed 25 ft.
5 + the damage taken. If the saving throw succeeds, the orc
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
drops to 1 hit point instead. If the orc has only 1 hit point at
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 13 (+1)
the end of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points.
Int 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment lawful evil Actions
Languages Common, Goblin
Melee Attack—Greataxe: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Traits Hit: 8 (1d12 + 2) slashing damage.
Commander +2: Friendly creatures with the disciplined action Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one
that can see or hear Marek and are within 30 feet of him gain creature). Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
a +2 bonus to damage rolls. If multiple friendly creatures have
the Commander trait, only the highest bonus applies. Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 70
Steadfast: Marek cannot be frightened while he can see a
friendly creature within 30 feet of him that also has this trait.

Actions Orog
Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Multiattack: Marek makes two attacks.
Armor Class 14 (ring mail)
Melee Attack—Long Sword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage. Speed 25 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +4 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2)
creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Encounter Building
Languages Common, Orc
Level 4 XP 130
Relentless: If the orog takes damage that reduces it to 0 hit
points, it can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of
5 + the damage taken. If the saving throw succeeds, the orog
drops to 1 hit point instead. If the orog has only 1 hit point at
the end of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points.

Melee Attack—Greataxe: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 120

Quasit Skeletal White Dragon
Tiny Fiend (Demon, Shapechanger) Huge Undead
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 14
Hit Points 7 (3d4); see Traits below Hit Points 51 (6d12 + 12)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 50 ft.
Senses darkvision 100 ft. Senses darkvision 100 ft.
Str 5 (–3) Dex 17 (+3) Con 10 (+0) Str 17 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (–2) Int 2 (–4) Wis 7 (–2) Cha 2 (–4)
Alignment chaotic evil Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Abyssal, Common Languages —

Traits Traits
Magic Resistance: The quasit has advantage on saving throws Ice Walk: The dragon takes no penalty to speed while
against magical effects. traversing ice or snow.
Damage Resistance: The quasit is resistant to cold, fire, and Immunities: The dragon is immune to cold, disease, and
lightning, and to nonmagical weapons except those made of poison. It cannot be charmed, frightened, or put to sleep. It
cold-forged iron. does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe.

Actions Actions
Melee Attack—Claws: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Multiattack: The dragon makes one claw attack and one bite
5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage, and the target must make a DC 8 attack or tail attack.
Constitution saving throw. Failed Save: 5 (2d4) poison damage,
Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit:
and the target has disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and
8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
saving throws, and on all attack rolls made using Dexterity, for
1 minute. This is a poison effect. Melee Attack—Claw: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Cause Fear (1/day): The quasit chooses any number of
creatures within 20 feet of it. Each target must make a DC 10 Melee Attack—Tail: +3 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
Wisdom saving throw. Failed Save: The target is frightened for 1 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Large or smaller,
minute. While frightened, the target must use its movement to the dragon also either pushes the target up to 10 feet away or
move away from the quasit. As an action, the frightened target knocks it prone.
can make a DC 8 Wisdom check to end this effect.
Encounter Building
Change Shape: The quasit polymorphs into a Medium wolf
Level 4 XP 200
or a Tiny bat, centipede, or toad and can remain in this form
indefinitely. The quasit gains a fly speed of 40 feet in bat form;
otherwise, its statistics do not change (except for its size). The
quasit reverts to its natural form when killed.
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Invisibility: The quasit turns invisible until it attacks, uses Armor Class 11
cause fear, or ends the effect. It can end the effect at any time Hit Points 9 (2d8)
without using an action. Speed 30 ft.
Str 12 (+1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 11 (+0)
Encounter Building Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Level 2 XP 60 Alignment neutral
Languages Common

Melee or Ranged Attack—Dagger: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
range 30 ft./120 ft.; one creature). Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 10

Tough Thug Vaelish Gant
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 12 (leather) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6) Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2) Str 9 (–1) Dex 13 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Alignment neutral Alignment lawful evil
Languages Common Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Orcish

Traits Traits
Thug Tactics: The thug has advantage on attack rolls against Abjurer’s Armor: Whenever Vaelish takes damage, he can
any enemy that is within 5 feet of one or more of the thug’s apply half to his mage armor. His mage armor effect can absorb
allies. no more than 13 hit points per day.

Actions Spellcasting: Vaelish is a 5th-level spellcaster that uses

Intelligence as his magic ability (spell save DC 13). He has the
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
following spells prepared:
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Cantrips—light, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
Ranged Attack—Light Crossbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 1st Level (4/day)—charm person, magic missile, shield
ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. 2nd Level (3/day)—invisibility, scorching ray
3rd Level (2/day)—fireball
Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 40 Actions
Melee Attack—Sapphire Staff: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Sapphire Staff Magic: Vaelish uses his staff to cast one of the
following spells stored within it (save DC 13).
Cantrip—ray of frost
1st Level (2/day)—detect magic
4th Level (1/day)—dimension door

Shield [1st-Level Spell]: When he is hit by an attack, makes a
Dexterity saving throw, or is the target of magic missile, Vaelish
can use a reaction to gain a +4 bonus to AC and to Dexterity
saving throws, as well as immunity to magic missile, until the
start of his next turn.

Encounter Building
Level 4 XP 250

Large Giant
Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Speed 40 ft.
Str 19 (+4) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 11 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Giant

Melee Attack—Spear: +6 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit:
11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack—Javelin: +6 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 4 XP 200

Wererat Winter Wolf
Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger) Large Beast
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3); see Traits below Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 35 ft. Speed 50 ft.
Senses low-light vision Senses low-light vision
Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 11 (+0) Int 8 (–1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 7 (–2)
Alignment neutral evil Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common (cannot speak in rat form) Languages —

Traits Traits
Cunning: The wererat has advantage on ability checks to bluff, Immunity: The wolf is immune to cold.
listen, sneak, and spot.
Keen Senses: The wolf gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks to
Damage Resistance: The wererat is resistant to nonmagical detect hidden creatures.
weapons except those made of silver.
Pack Tactics: The wolf gains a cumulative +1 bonus to attack
Opportunist: If the wererat has advantage on an attack roll, it rolls, to a maximum of +5, for each creature friendly to the
can give up the advantage to make two attacks. wolf that is within 5 feet of its target.
Rat Scurry: While in rat form, when the wererat moves on its Actions
turn, its movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Melee Attack—Bite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 8
Actions (1d10 + 3) piercing damage, or 11 (1d10 + 6) piercing damage
against a prone creature. If the attack deals 9 or more damage,
Melee Attack—Bite (rat and hybrid forms only): +5 to hit
the wolf also knocks the target prone.
(reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage,
and the target must make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw. Cold Breath: The wolf breathes an icy blast of freezing wind in
Failed Save: The target is cursed with lycanthropy. a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 10
Dexterity saving throw. Failed Save: 15 (4d6 + 2) cold damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Dagger (humanoid and hybrid
Successful Save: Half damage. The wolf must complete a short
forms only): +5 to hit (reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
rest or a long rest to use this breath weapon again.
creature). Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Change Shape: The wererat polymorphs into a Medium rat-
Encounter Building
humanoid hybrid or a Small rat and can remain in this from for Level 4 XP 130
up to 24 hours.
While in hybrid form, it can make bite and claw attacks only.
While in rat form, it can make bite attacks only, and its speed Wolf
becomes 40 feet. In both forms, the wererat gains low-light Medium Beast
vision. Armor Class 12
The wererat reverts to its natural form when killed. Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 50 ft.
Encounter Building
Senses low-light vision
Level 3 XP 70 Str 13 (+1) Dex 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1)
Int 2 (–4) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 6 (–2)
Alignment unaligned
Languages —

Keen Senses: The wolf gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks to
detect hidden creatures.
Pack Tactics: The wolf gains a cumulative +1 bonus to attack
rolls, to a maximum of +5, for each friendly creature that is
within 5 feet of its target.

Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d6 + 1 piercing damage. If the attack deals maximum
damage, the wolf also knocks the target prone.

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 20

Yeti Young Remorhaz
Large Monstrosity Medium Monstrosity
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 16
Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 35 ft., climb Speed 30 ft., burrow
Senses low-light vision Senses blindsight 25 ft., darkvision 50 ft., low-light vision
Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 15 (+2)
Int 8 (–1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2) Int 2 (–4) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2)
Alignment neutral Alignment unaligned
Languages Giant Languages —

Traits Traits
Chilling Surprise: Any creature surprised by a yeti must Burrow: The remorhaz can burrow through ice and snow at
succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or become its speed, and through earth at one-third its speed. When
frightened and paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat burrowing through earth, ice, or packed snow, the remorhaz
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending both leaves behind a 5-foot-wide tunnel.
conditions on a success.
Heat: Any creature or object that touches the remorhaz takes
Climb: The yeti can climb at its full speed. 5 (2d4) fire damage.
Immunities: The yeti is immune to cold damage. Immunities: The remorhaz is immune to fire and cold.
Protected Eyes: Windblown particles such as snow or sand Actions
cannot cause the yeti to be blinded.
Melee Attack—Bite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Snow Stealth: The yeti can attempt to hide against a snowy or 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage, and a Medium or smaller target
icy background, or while obscured by falling snow or ice. It has must make a DC 12 Strength or Dexterity saving throw. Failed
advantage on Dexterity checks to hide in such conditions. Save: The target is grappled and is restrained while grappled.
While it has a creature grappled in this way, the remorhaz
Vulnerability: The yeti is vulnerable to fire. can use its bite attack against only that creature. In addition,
whenever a creature ends its turn grappled in this way, it takes
5 (2d4) fire damage. A remorhaz can grapple only one creature
Multiattack: The yeti makes two claw attacks. If the yeti hits at a time.
one Medium or smaller target with both claw attacks, the
target is grappled and is restrained while grappled. While it Encounter Building
has a creature grappled, the yeti can use its claw attack against Level 4 XP 150
only that creature. Whenever a creature ends its turn grappled
in this way, it takes 5 (2d4) cold damage. A yeti can grapple
only one creature at a time.
Melee Attack—Claw: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 110

Young Yeti Zombie
Medium Monstrosity Medium Undead
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 8
Hit Points 13 (2d10 + 2) Hit Points 9 (2d8); see Traits below
Speed 35 ft., climb Speed 20 ft.
Senses low-light vision Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Str 15 (+2) Dex 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Str 15 (+2) Dex 6 (–2) Con 10 (+0)
Int 8 (–1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2) Int 5 (–3) Wis 7 (–2) Cha 5 (–3)
Alignment neutral Alignment neutral evil
Languages Giant Languages understands Common

Traits Traits
Climb: The yeti can climb at its full speed. Immunities: The zombie is immune to disease and poison,
and it cannot be frightened or put to sleep. It does not need to
Immunities: The yeti is immune to cold damage.
sleep, eat, or breathe.
Protected Eyes: Windblown particles such as snow or sand
Zombie Fortitude: When the zombie takes damage that
cannot cause the yeti to be blinded.
reduces it to 0 hit points, it can make a Constitution saving
Snow Stealth: The yeti can attempt to hide against a snowy or throw with a DC equal to 5 + the damage taken, unless the
icy background, or while obscured by falling snow or ice. It has damage was dealt by a critical hit. Successful Save: The zombie
advantage on Dexterity checks to hide in such conditions. instead drops to 1 hit point.

Vulnerability: The yeti is vulnerable to fire. Actions

Melee Attack—Slam: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple: The yeti uses the grapple action against a creature.
Whenever a creature ends its turn grappled by the yeti, Encounter Building
the creature takes 2 (1d4) cold damage. If it has a creature Level 1 XP 10
grappled, the yeti can use its claw attack only against that
creature. The yeti can grapple only one creature at a time.
Melee Attack—Claw: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 20

More about the Tribes win. Though he was fond of raiding Ten-Towns and the
other tribes, ambushes were not his style. He enjoyed
The following material supplements the discussion of the the thrill of the fight, even when his opponents’ efforts to
Reghed tribes in the Campaign Guide. defend themselves were futile.
The black ice has exacerbated his worst qualities and all
Tribe of the Bear but obliterated his redeeming features. He longs for battle,
The other great tribe of the Reghed is the Tribe of the Bear. looks for any pretense to start a fight, and now refuses to
Driven to desperation by Auril’s fierce winter, the Tribe of back down from any conflict, no matter the losses that he
the Bear has broken peace with the other tribes and with or his warriors might suffer. He has also grown desper-
the Ten-Towners, launching raids to steal supplies. Worse, ately afraid of losing what power he has left after allowing
the tribe has turned to the worship of the Frostmaiden and his tribe to come under the Ice Witch’s thrall. He suspects
joined forces with Hedrun, the Ice Witch. his underlings—his own younger brother, Wolvig, and the
tribal shaman Bjami Tengervaald—of plotting against him.
Günvald Barrundson
King of the Bear Tribe
Bjami Tengervaald
Shaman of the Bear Tribe
King Günvald Barrundson, true to the name of his tribe,
is a bear of a man. Approaching seven feet tall, he has For all of Günvald’s lust for power, and his fear of being
a mane of white hair and a bushy, yellow-white beard, usurped, it has been a long time since he actually steered
though he is only 35 years old. His eyes are pale blue, and the activity of the Bear tribe. For years, Bjami Tenger-
his skin is pale and chapped. vaald, the tribe’s shaman, has manipulated the king, the
King Günvald is said to have wrestled a polar bear and war chief, and every influential tribe warrior to see that
come out the victor, though he himself never makes that his own will was carried out—all while making Günvald
claim. Some say the bear he defeated is now his compan- believe that all the best ideas were his own.
ion, Hündel. In any event, the legend reveals much about Bjami is a small, withered man who has endured
his nature and his rule. Günvald is a strong man who loves over sixty winters in Icewind Dale—an accomplishment
strength. He covets power, he is willing to wrest it from the few can claim. His size and gaunt frame hide a hardy
grip of those he feels are unworthy of holding it, and he strength that can be attributed to long years spent in
keeps a tight grip on his own authority in order to dissuade communion with wintry spirits, bear totems, and the
anyone who might try to seize power from him. His rule of Frostmaiden herself. Winter seems to have taken root in
the Tribe of the Bear has been marked by violence—he has his very bones and blood, making him something slightly
killed several would-be claimants to his title, has broken more than human. He believes that his actions are the
longstanding alliances and gone to war with the Elk and will of Auril—and he’s right.
Tiger tribes, has set Hündel against warriors who failed When Auril made the Ice Witch her Chosen, Bjami
in important tasks, and now, in Auril’s deadly winter, has realized it immediately, and he was filled with an apoca-
offered human sacrifices to the Frostmaiden. lyptic religious fervor. He believes that Auril’s choice of a
The Bear Tribe suffered badly when the harsh winter woman from the Elk tribe is a sign that all the tribes will
began. It lost many members to beast attacks and was in come under her dominion, united again as they were in
danger of running out of food as the beasts and the storms Wulfgar’s day. He imagines himself and the Ice Witch,
claimed more and more reindeer. From the start, the tribe’s side by side, ruling together over a conquered Icewind
shaman proclaimed Auril’s wrath and urged his fellows and Dale that is locked in eternal winter.
his king to appease her, and Grünvald was soon forced to
acquiesce. When a yeti took the life of his wife, Affya, his Wolvig Barrundson
patience broke and he personally led the tribe in a terrible War Chief of the Bear Tribe
ritual slaughter of the warriors whose injuries prevented
them from fighting. Since then, the fortunes of the tribe King Günvald’s younger brother is Wolvig Barrundson,
have improved, and now Grünvald has sworn allegiance who holds the title of war chief while Günvald coordinates
to the Ice Witch—a bitter pill for the power-hungry man to the tribe’s efforts from the Ice Witch’s palace. Though
swallow, but a necessary concession in his mind. he believes the position is a great honor that recognizes
For all his aggressive nature and the bloody history his skill in battle, in truth he holds the position because
of his reign, Grünvald is an honorable warrior—or was, Bjami desires it—and because Bjami knows Wolvig to be
until the black ice of Hedrun’s tower worked its influ- extremely pliable to his will.
ence on him. He never ordered his warriors into a fight he Wolvig is tall and fair like most of his people, with long,
wouldn’t join in himself, and he knew enough to pull his blond hair and no beard. An angry red battle scar runs
warriors back when he led them into a battle they couldn’t across his neck, and he displays it proudly as a sign of his

strength. “I survived this,” he is fond of saying, pointing at when Bremen’s speaker rebuffed her. Perhaps fortunately
the scar, “and I think I’ll survive you too.” Few people take for both peoples, Speaker Dorbulgruf shares Fritha’s calm
him as seriously as he takes himself. head. Many members of the tribe grumble against their
Although the Tribe of the Bear, under Bjami’s com- leader now, however, saying she should have led them to
mand, is sworn to the service of Auril and the Ice Witch, war for the sake of preserving the tribe. It is possible she
Wolvig still prays to Tempus—though silently—in battle. might not hold her position much longer.
Sacrificing people to Auril by leaving them exposed to the The Tribe of the Wolf, meanwhile, has moved as far to
cold is not how warriors should behave, he believes, and the south and west as possible without leaving Icewind
he secretly resents the path that Bjami has led the tribe Dale, sheltering in the foothills of the Spine of the World
down. But his fear of the shaman, and of his older broth- near Ironmaster. Its people have suffered greatly from
er’s wrath, keeps him in line. beast attacks, though they have erected makeshift fortifi-
Wolvig is a simple man with simple tastes. He enjoys cations that protect them from the worst of the assaults.
battle, good food, and good company. He often finds They grow hungry and desperate, though, as the Ice
himself wishing that life were less complicated, and he Witch’s beasts drive reindeer and other game away, out of
believes that acting as Bjami and Günvald desire is the their reach.
simplest course of action, even if it doesn’t match his own The Tribe of the Wolf is currently without a king. The
sense of a warrior’s ethics. former chieftain, Halpstaag Kaerigson, died during the
tribe’s migration to the south, and no one has sought to
The Lesser Tribes claim his place in this dire time. The tribe’s shaman, Jütti
Merliss, leads the tribe by default.
After the united Reghed tribes attacked Ten-Towns under
the leadership of King Heafstaag of the Elk Tribe, the
tribes were sorely depleted. It is said that only fifty war-
riors survived the ill-fated assault, and the harsh winter
that followed took the lives of many of the women and
children who had not participated in the attack. Though
they clung to their traditional names, the smaller tribes
were absorbed into the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of
the Bear, living and hunting alongside the “true” members
of the two strongest tribes.
After the war with Akar Kessell, the people of the tribes
abandoned their nomadic ways for a time and settled in
Ten-Towns, particularly Bremen and Caer-Konig. Over the
succeeding decades, though, they slowly returned to their
old traditions, and the tribes took on their old identities.
Aside from the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of the Bear,
the Tiger and Wolf tribes retain a significant presence on
the tundra. The Tribe of the Seal and the Tribe of the Cari-
bou emerged for a time and then were reabsorbed into the
Tribe of the Elk.
With the coming of Auril’s deadly winter, the smaller
Tiger and Wolf tribes are struggling to survive. The Tribe
of the Tiger tried to find shelter in Bremen, but the group
was rebuffed by the suspicious townsfolk and set up a
camp instead on the northwestern shores of Maer Dual-
don. Its numbers have been whittled away by persistent
beast attacks—the people of Bremen and Lonelywood have
no idea of the extent to which this tribe has served as a
buffer between them and the Ice Witch’s fury.
The chieftain of the Tribe of the Tiger is a woman—
which would have been unthinkable before Wulfgar’s
time. Queen Fritha Craegmar is a wise and fair leader
and a mighty warrior, though she has no love of violence.
While some in the tribe wanted to attack the “weak folk”
of Bremen and take the town by force, Fritha relied on a
diplomatic envoy, and she withdrew the tribe peacefully

AGE 12 +

LEgacy of tHE crystaL sHard ™

EncountErs and MonstEr statistics:

d&d 4tH Edition ®

Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.

Credits Introduction
Design This document provides the encounters and the mon-
Greg Bilsland, Jeffrey Ludwig, Matt Sernett, James Wyatt ster statistics that support the Legacy of the Crystal Shard™
Development and Editing adventure. The adventure is intended to support a range
Scott Fitzgerald-Gray, Chris Sims of low-level characters. As a result, not every encounter is
D&D Group Manager designed to target characters of a specific level. Icewind
Mike Mearls Dale is a perilous place, and if the adventurers charge into
D&D Producer
danger, they might end up facing something too tough for
Greg Bilsland them to handle. Here are a few tips for helping your play-
ers succeed in the adventure despite these threats.
Senior Creative Director
Jon Schindehette F Talk to your players up front. Some players assume
Art Director that a Dungeon Master isn’t going to throw a chal-
Mari Kolkowsky lenge at the characters that they can’t handle. If your
Graphic Designers
players operate under this assumption, let them know
Bree Heiss, Leon Cortez before getting into the adventure that they’ll come
across encounters where the best approach might be
D&D Brand Team
Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Laura Tommervik, to run away.
Shelly Mazzanoble, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross, John Feil F Adjust the timeline. A sense of urgency is an inten-
Prepress Manager tional part of this adventure’s design. Players shouldn’t
Jefferson Dunlap feel as if they have time to deal with every problem.
Imaging Technician The adventure has few restrictions regarding when
Carmen Cheung characters can rest and recuperate. If they’re resting
Production Manager more often than is desirable, then use events to spur
Donna Woodcock them along. On the other hand, if they’re getting badly
Organized Play
beaten up, you can modify the timeline presented
Chris Tulach in the adventure to give them more opportunity to
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Forgotten Realms, their respective logos, Legacy regain resources.
of the Crystal Shard, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA
F Allow encounters to change. A wandering monster
and other countries. All Wizards characters and their distinctive likenesses encountered on the tundra doesn’t necessarily fight to
are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This material is protected under
the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
the death. Even a savage bear that’s likely to defeat the
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited party might retreat if it’s badly hurt. A pack of wolves
without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Any might tire of chasing after fleeing characters and give
similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included herein is
purely coincidental. up. Even the verbeeg near the front of the verbeeg lair
Published by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue can be circumvented if the adventurers think to look
Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 2 for a back entrance. If the players need it, feel free to
Roundwood Ave, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1AZ, UK.
nudge them to look for alternatives to all-out combat.
©2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
640A4538000001 EN F Modify the number of monsters. If the above sug-
gestions don’t work, and characters are consistently
dying or falling unconscious, consider modifying the
number of monsters. Many encounters will work fine
with fewer creatures. Alternatively, if the characters
are higher level and the players are getting bored
because the encounters are too easy, you can add
more monsters.

D&D 4th Edition ® Following any encounter with the ruffians, it’s a good
idea to have bystanders or a passing member of the town

guard condemn the ruffians’ behavior and thank the
characters for the good they’re doing in Bryn Shander.
It’s important for the players to know that the townsfolk
This section contains the information you need to run the appreciate the heroes’ efforts, so they don’t come to resent
adventure using the 4th Edition D&D rules. the community they’re meant to be helping.
Encounters that appear in the Legacy of the Crystal Shard
adventure book or on its accompanying Dungeon Master’s
Screen are presented here in alphabetical order. Encoun- Barbarian Sympathizers
ters in the adventure book (and in certain places in this These two brothers, Hoedin and Braedin Hewer, have
section) are marked with bold type and an asterisk. For come to Bryn Shander to buy food to take back to Caer-
example, marauding yetis* points to the encounter by the Konig in preparation for what promises to be a long winter.
same name in this document. The brothers’ barbarian ancestry is evident in their phy-
Each encounter identifies the encounter level and the sique, and they sympathize with the plight of Hengar and
creatures that appear in it. The names of those monsters his tribe.
correspond to statistics presented at the end of the encoun- If the brothers are encountered during Act 1, they
ters section. If you need to, adjust encounters by adding or express their disapproval of the townsfolk’s insensibility
subtracting monsters. to the plight of the barbarians and exhort the adventurers
Checks: Use ability checks as described in the adven- to help Hengar and the Tribe of the Elk. They volunteer to
ture, but skill checks can replace or modify those checks. help the party break Hengar free if he’s still a prisoner (the
For example, an Intelligence check to search is a Percep- brothers have the same statistics as a human warrior).
tion check to search, while ability checks to open locks or If Hoedin and Braedin are encountered during Act 2,
disable traps are Thievery checks. Easy checks are DC 9, they tell the characters about the trouble the pirates of Lac
moderate checks are DC 13, and hard checks are DC 21. Dinneshere have been causing. They entreat the adventur-
ers to come back with them to Caer-Konig to put a stop
Abandoned Mining Gear to the pirates’ depredations, and are willing to wait a few
days if the characters have other business to conclude first.
Scattered pieces of mining gear can be found throughout
the mines: rope, hammers, picks, spikes, candles, flint,
chalk, mirrors, waterskins, dry rations, and dwarven Barracks Goblins
liquor. These were left behind by miners fleeing the Level 1 Encounter
tunnels because of a zombie attack, and the dwarves of F 6 goblins
Battlehammer Hold would be grateful for their return.

Band of Ruffians Bear Attack

Level 1 / Level 2 Encounter Level 1 Encounter

F 8 thugs and 2 tough thugs (Act 1) or 5 tough thugs (Act 2) F 1 brown bear

Corrupted by the activities of the Ice Witch, this brown

These local hotheads are suspicious of any newcomers to bear is unusually aggressive, attacking travelers and fight-
town, and spend their days variously blaming dwarves, ing to the death.
foreigners, barbarians, wizards, Duvessa Shane, Sheriff
Markham, and anyone else they can think of for their own
misfortunes. They hurl accusations and insults at the party, Bear Tribe Camp
finding fault with whatever course of action the heroes Level 5 Encounter
have been pursuing as of late. If other people are nearby, F 1 human war chief (Wolvig Barrundson)
the ruffians vent their spleen and then depart. If few or
no bystanders are present (particularly at night), the ruf- F 6 Bear Tribe warriors
fians back their words up with violence. They are cowards
at heart, however, and if half the ruffians are defeated, the The Elk Tribe warriors accompanying the adventurers
others flee. If the ruffians are searched, the characters dis- deal with their share of the Bear Tribe encampment. This
cover that they wear amulets or rings made of black ice. encounter represents only the Bear Tribe warriors that the
By Act 2, the black ice has begun to physically adventurers must face themselves, including the Bear Tribe
empower the ruffians. Use tough thugs instead of thugs for chief. You can adjust the difficulty of the encounter by forcing
the encounter. the characters to deal with additional warriors, or by having
allies help them finish off any warriors they can’t handle.

Bear Tribe Hero Blinding Snow
Level 4 Encounter A sudden storm fills the air with driving snow, obscur-
F 1 human war chief ing vision around the adventurers. The area is lightly
obscured. Roll an additional encounter.
F 4 Bear Tribe warriors

A mighty hero of the Bear Tribe and his faithful followers

Chasm Crossing
challenge the adventurers as they make their way across As the adventurers cross the ice, they reach a chasm that
the field of battle. must be traversed. If they cannot do so, they must turn
back and find a new route, adding 1d4 hours to their travel
time. The chasm is 1d3 × 10 feet wide, and drops 30 feet
Bear Tribe Raiders into ice-filled water. You can adjudicate the adventurers’
Level 1 Encounter attempts to cross the chasm as you see fit.
F 4 Bear Tribe warriors A fall into the chasm deals 3d10 damage. In addition to
the threat of drowning, a creature that starts its turn in the
These warriors have been ranging out across the tundra water takes 1d6 cold damage.
from their new camp at Evermelt to raid the other barbar-
ian tribes. Eager to win treasure and spill blood in the Chosen’s Call
Frostmaiden’s name, they attack without hesitation and Level 6 Encounter
fight without mercy. Giving themselves over to their battle
frenzy, these barbarians fight to the death. F Hedrun the Ice Witch
F 2 animated black ice statues
Beleaguered Allies
In the heat of combat, the adventurers come across a group Collapsing Tunnels
of allied forces fighting a losing battle against a stronger Certain tunnels in the abandoned areas of the mine were
force. Roll to determine the allies and enemies. trapped to protect the dwarves from the invasion of Akar Kes-
sell’s armies. Most of those traps were triggered during the
1d6 Allies 1d10 Enemies invasion, but a few runes remain in out-of-the-way tunnels. A
1–2 Dwarves 1–3 Bear Tribe raiders* character can detect a rune with a DC 13 Arcana check or a
3–4 Elk Tribe warriors 4–5 Wolf attack* DC 13 Perception check to search the dusty ground.
5–6 Human warriors 6–7 Yeti attack* The rune can be safely disabled with a DC 13 Thievery
8–9 Bear attack* check. On a failed check, a blast in the tunnel brings part
10 Dragon and witch* of the ceiling down. Any creature in a collapsing section
of tunnel is subject to an attack: +5 vs. Reflex; Hit: 2d6
Black Ice Guards damage, and the target falls prone and is buried under
1d6 feet of rubble. While buried, the target is restrained
Level 3 Encounter
and cannot stand up, and the only action it can take on its
F Baerick Hammerstone turn is to make a DC 13 Strength check to escape. This
F 4 dwarf warriors check takes a penalty equal to the number of feet of rubble
F 1 human rogue (black ice emissary) covering the target. An unburied creature adjacent to the
target can attempt to pull the target free as an action by
making the same Strength check.
Black Ice Merchant When a tunnel collapses, it is completely blocked off.
This merchant—a dwarf by the name of Clagg Halfham- The rune disappears and the trap is disabled. After a col-
mer—has come from the dwarven valley to sell black ice lapse, it takes 5 hours of work to clear a space 10 feet on a
trinkets in Bryn Shander’s market. He’s heard rumors side; each additional character reduces this time by 1 hour.
regarding the schism between Stokely and Baerick, and When the characters encounter a collapsing tunnel trap,
about dwarves going missing in the mines. He is now no more encounters are possible until the tunnel is cleared
fearful of the prospect of returning home—a fear that is or the characters double back to explore different tunnels.
only exacerbated by his constant exposure to black ice.
He suggests that the heroes buy his trinkets if they antici-
pate going to the valley, since Baerick shows favor to those Cult Assassins
who wear black ice. This is a falsehood, however—Baerick Level 3 Encounter
bestows black ice weapons and armor on his followers, but F 6 tough thugs
characters wearing black ice gain no special advantage.
F 1 dark adept (Act 2 only)

Devotees of Auril are not a major force in Ten-Towns at the The adventurers face the skeleton of Icingdeath and the
start of the adventure, but their influence grows quickly. simulacrum either in Evermelt or elsewhere.
By fighting off the yeti at the gates of Bryn Shander, free- When the simulacrum is destroyed, the skeletal dragon
ing Hengar from Auril’s wrath, or simply asking too many collapses to a heap of bones.
questions, the adventurers can come to the cultists’ atten- Dragon’s Lair: If the characters face Icingdeath’s skel-
tion, with violent results. Cultists might also attack the eton in the dragon’s lair, they can recover some of the
adventurers simply because they’re strangers and will creature’s valuable treasure encased in ice. For every
therefore not be missed. minute they spend chipping away at ice, they uncover one
Since the cultists are otherwise normal townsfolk, of the following (to a maximum of ten treasures).
it’s easy for them to gain surprise in this encounter, and
the heroes likely have little or no warning before they’re 1d10 Description
attacked. The characters might be drinking in a tavern 1 50 gp and 250 sp
when they notice the other patrons eying them while 2 Three gems worth 50 gp each
the barkeep methodically closes the windows and doors. 3 A potion of healing
Alternatively, they might be helping a guard resolve a dis- 4 A necklace of ivory and gold worth 100 gp
pute between two bickering merchants when all three 5 400 cp
suddenly draw daggers and attack the heroes. The sense of 6 120 gp and 95 cp
strangeness surrounding these encounters is heightened 7 Six gems worth 10 gp each
by the cultists giving no indication of why they’re attack- 8 A +1 magic battleaxe of dwarven make
ing the characters—and by their compulsion to fight to 9 A silver bracer worth 90 gp
the death. Searching any body reveals an object bearing 10 50 gp and a gem worth 100 gp
Auril’s mark, frequently carved from black ice.
By Act 2, Auril’s power has grown to the point where
her faithful are learning to channel that power. The cult-
ists are led by a dark adept.

Displaced Fisher Hedrun’s Simulacra

Bratha Junn is a fisher from Caer-Konig who has decided Simulacrum is a spell that allows the caster to
to pack up her few worldly belongings and move to Lone- create a partially real, illusory duplicate of a
lywood. Hungry for company on the road and afraid of the creature, formed from ice and snow. The dupli-
prospect of beasts or a winter squall, she invites the adven- cate looks like the original creature and remains
turers to travel with her. Reroll or ignore this encounter if under its creator’s absolute control. If reduced
to 0 hit points, it reverts to snow and melts or
it occurs more than once, or if the adventurers are not on
blows away in the wind.
the road to Lonelywood.
The spell ordinarily creates a zombie-like
Bratha explains that she left Caer-Konig because the creature, though additional magic can imbue it
competition and violence of fishing Lac Dinneshere became with a life force and some portion of the original
too much to handle. Disputes over fishing territory were creature’s knowledge and personality. Hed-
bad enough, but now that pirates have started sinking ships, run’s ability to create a simulacrum of herself
she wants nothing more to do with her former life. She is unusual, however. In effect, her simulacrum
counts herself lucky that she had few ties to Caer-Konig, is an extension of herself, allowing her to travel
and looks forward to the peace and quiet of Lonelywood. Icewind Dale without putting herself at risk. The
simulacrum can use all of her spells and other
abilities, and it speaks and acts with Hedrun’s
Dragon Sighting full knowledge. She can have only one simula-
A white dragon flies through the sky a good distance crum active at a time.
ahead. The adventurers spot it easily before it spots them. When the simulacrum is destroyed, Hedrun
Unless they do anything to provoke it, it soars overhead requires about a day to create a new one, and
without noticing them. If they do provoke it, they face a the simulacrum must then make the journey
potentially lethal encounter. See the D&D Compendium from her tower to the dale. Thus, after destroying
a simulacrum, adventurers will not encounter a
or page 73 of Monster Vault for the white dragon’s statistics.
new one for at least two days.

Dragon and Witch

Level 3 Encounter
F 1 Ice Witch’s simulacrum
F 1 skeletal white dragon (Icingdeath)

Dwarf Patrol Wigleff ’s injuries are superficial, and he quickly recov-
ers his strength if offered food and drink. He can help
Level 1 Encounter guide the adventurers to the Elk Tribe’s camp if they don’t
F 5 dwarf warriors have the benefit of Hengar’s aid, or can repeat Hengar’s
plea for help if the characters are involved in other strands
On the Road to Kelvin’s Cairn: The noise of this patrol of the adventure.
carries through the snow before the dwarves come into
view, even on the flat tundra. These dwarves are charged
with keeping watch on the road, to ensure that travelers
Fight on the Lake
seeking their homes in the valley remain safe. However, Level 1 / Level 3 Encounter
they are too busy arguing among themselves to perform F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
their duty. Although these dwarves remain loyal to Stokely F 12 thugs and tough thugs (pirates); see below
Silverstream, three members of the patrol (including
its leader) wield axes crafted with Baerick Hammer-
Derrick and a dozen pirates sail the Howling Fiend, but at
stone’s black ice, and it has made them belligerent and
your option, more pirates might sail alongside them in a
second boat. Derrick tries to ram the adventurers’ vessel,
The dwarves argue among themselves about the quality
after which he and half his crew board the party’s boat to
of the black ice axes, the route the patrol takes, their pace
fight hand-to-hand. The rest of the pirates attack from the
on the road, the approaching weather, the cause of the
deck of the Howling Fiend.
harsh winter, and what to do when they spot the adven-
Except for Derrick, the pirate crew’s arms and armor
turers. In fact, it’s hard for the characters to get a word in
depend on the outcome of the Easthaven raid. If the raid
edgewise, so vociferous is the dwarves’ debate. If provoked,
was successful (or if the adventurers pursued Davrick Fain
the dwarves wielding black ice might attack the adventur-
before turning their attention to Easthaven), three of the
ers while the other dwarves plead for calm.
pirates accompanying Derrick are outfitted with short
In the Dwarf Mines: Two different dwarf patrol
swords, crossbows, and better armor (use the tough thug
encounters might occur in the dwarf mines.
statistics block). The others wield only daggers in melee
Battlehammer Patrol: This patrol is cautious but not hostile,
and at range (use the thug statistics block).
particularly if the adventurers have already made their pres-
ence known in Battlehammer Hold. If the characters haven’t
yet talked to Stokely, the dwarves urge them to do so. Fleeing Merchant
The dwarves can provide information regarding what’s Gatha Dureen is a merchant from Bryn Shander driving
happening in the mines—specifically, the presence of zom- a small wagon to Targos, where she intends to relocate.
bies and the conflict with Baerick’s dwarves. They blame Three hours into the journey, the road has split off to
Baerick, not his black ice, for their troubles, but some of Targos and this encounter can’t occur. A dwarf patrol
the dwarves have kin among Baerick’s dwarves and find encounter occurs instead.
their behavior inexplicable. Gatha has operated her family’s bakery in Bryn
The dwarves fight to defend themselves, but they would Shander for twenty years, but is now fleeing to escape the
rather bring the adventurers to Stokely as captives than as vandalism and intimidation of the Ship Rethnor thugs
corpses. They try to flee if the adventurers overpower them. who work for Vaelish Gant. She is a middle-aged human
Halls of Black Ice Patrol: The dwarves of this patrol are female with coppery-red hair and gray-blue eyes. Soft-spo-
belligerent, demanding to know what the adventurers are ken and gentle, Gatha has a loud laugh—though it takes
doing in their mines, accusing them of coming to steal a great deal to make her laugh these days. She is deeply
from them, and threatening death if the adventurers don’t upset about having to leave Bryn Shander, and would love
leave the mines at once. The dwarves appear to be spoiling to be able to go back and feel safe. The bakery has been in
for a fight—or the chance to loot the characters’ corpses. her family for five generations, and she is overwhelmed
with guilt for breaking the tradition. Her wagon is loaded
Elk Tribe Hunter with flour, yeast, and various spices.
The young barbarian Wigleff was part of a larger hunting
party attacked by a group of Bear Tribe warriors while out Gant’s Offices
on the tundra. Reroll or ignore this encounter if it occurs Level 4 Encounter
more than once.
F 1 wererat (Slim)
All the other Elk Tribe hunters were slain, but Wigleff
was knocked out during the fight and left for dead. Stripped F 4 human warriors
of his weapons and supplies, he is stumbling half frozen F 1 quasit
through the snow when the adventurers discover him.

The sigil on the door of Gant’s office is a deadly magic few rounds to come up with a means of escape—perhaps
glyph trap. The glyph can be detected with a DC 13 making Athletics checks to row quickly out from between
Arcana check. When detected, the glyph can be disabled the bergs, using magic to put a strong barrier between
with a DC 13 Thievery check (failure by 5 or more triggers them, or scaling the side of one iceberg before it hits the
the trap). If the trap triggers, any creature within 10 feet other. Both icebergs feature plenty of crevices where char-
of the door is subject to an attack: +5 vs. Reflex; Hit: 3d6 acters can hide or attempt to climb, even after the bergs
lightning damage; Miss: Half damage. have collided.
If the characters fail to escape, their boats are destroyed
Goblin Ambush and they are dropped into the ice-cold water. In addition
to the threat of drowning, a creature that starts its turn in
Level 3 Encounter the water takes 5 cold damage.
F 8 goblins
Ice Fracture
Goblin sentries lurk in the verbeeg lair where Davrick Fain As the adventurers move across a floe, the ice cracks with
is planning to hatch a remorhaz. Dressed in white furs, they a thundering boom and splits beneath their feet. This
hide in snowbanks waiting for travelers. As the adventurers functions as a pit trap (+5 vs. Reflex), dropping affected
pass near, the goblins attack with a barrage of arrows. characters 1d3 × 10 feet into ice-filled water. The fall
If the adventurers are not traveling on the Eastway, the deals 1d10 damage per 10 feet. In addition to the threat of
goblins are en route to the road and can’t set up an effec- drowning, a creature that starts its turn in the water takes
tive ambush. 1d6 cold damage.

Goblin Guards Ice Hunters

Level 1 Encounter The adventurers come across a group of six local hunters
F 6 goblins dressed in heavy furs and steering kayaks through the
treacherous ice. The hunters are in search of seals and
beluga whales to provide food in the harsh winter. They
If this encounter is being used as part of the back entrance
are not hostile to the adventurers unless attacked, and can
to Rycher’s Lair, and if Rycher had reason to suspect the
direct them to the Ice Witch’s tower. If attacked, the hunt-
arrival of hostile adventurers, then he dismisses the gob-
ers fight as Bear Tribe warriors.
lins in favor of traps. See Rycher’s Lair*.

Green Slime Ice Witch’s Raiders

Level 3 Encounter
Level 1 Encounter
F 2 Bear Tribe warriors
F 1 green slime
F 3 orcs
A patch of green slime drops from the tunnel ceiling onto
The servants of the Ice Witch patrol the Sea of Moving Ice
a passing adventurer.
to protect her tower from intruders.

Hideout Guards Kessell’s Trap

Level 1 Encounter
Level 3 Encounter
F 2 human warriors
F 2 giant spiders
F 4 zombies
Hideout Thugs F Akar Kessell (noncombatant)
Level 3 Encounter
F 2 wererats King Günvald
F 3 human warriors
Level 4 Encounter
F 1 human war chief (King Günvald)
Iceberg Collision F 3 Bear Tribe warriors
As the characters row through a narrow channel in the
Sea of Moving Ice, icebergs to each side begin to close the F 2 orcs
gap, threatening to crush them. Give the adventurers a

Lurching Iceberg Nighttime Break-in
While the adventurers are trekking across an iceberg, it Level 3 Encounter
crashes into another one. The ice shakes beneath their F 3 human warriors
feet, then tilts sharply. Each character is subject to an
attack: +5 vs. Reflex. On a hit, the character falls prone, F Marek the Shank
slides down the slope, and must succeed on a saving throw
or slip into the ice-cold water. In addition to the threat of When he flees, Marek uses his smoke bomb (a standard
drowning, a creature that starts its turn in the water takes action), creating a zone in a burst 4 within 4 squares of
1d6 cold damage. him. The zone is heavily obscured and lasts for 1 minute.

Major NPC Orc Champion

The heroes have a chance encounter with one of the major Level 3 Encounter
NPCs (nonplayer characters) in Bryn Shander. Duvessa F 1 orc reaver
Shane, Sheriff Markham, Vaelish Gant, Slim, Marek the
Shank, or Helda Silverstream are all candidates for this F 4 orcs
encounter, as are any NPCs from elsewhere in Ten-Towns
who might be in Bryn Shander on business (most likely A fierce orc leader leads its lesser allies against the adven-
one of the speakers). If the characters are outside Bryn turers as they cross the battlefield.
Shander, use any NPC detailed in the Setting Book.
This is a good chance to point the characters toward Overwhelming Odds
new quests, to remind them about old ones they’ve been The adventurers find themselves faced with two deadly
ignoring, or to weave connections between disparate parts threats at once. Roll twice on the following table and refer
of the adventure. For example, if the heroes encounter to the indicated encounters.
Vaelish Gant while trying to smuggle Hengar out of town,
the wizard might offer the barbarian a black ice charm. 1d10 Enemies
He ostensibly does so to provide protection against the Ice 1–3 Bear Tribe raiders*
Witch’s magic. However, he secretly hopes that the black 4–5 Wolf attack*
ice’s corrupting influence will make Hengar an easy target 6–7 Yeti attack*
for later manipulation if Gant decides to exploit the bar- 8–9 Bear attack*
barian tribes. 10 Dragon and witch*

Marauding Yetis Pirate Crew

Level 1 Encounter Level Varies
F 1 yeti F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
F 4 young yetis F 1 human warrior (Pyrse)
F Up to 30 thugs and tough thugs (pirates)
This encounter represents the yetis that the player char-
acters must deal with. Additional yetis attack the caravan
and the town, but other caravan or town guards kill and The full pirate crew consists of thirty pirates, in addition
drive them off in the same time it takes for the adventur- to Derrick and Pyrse. At the hideout, the adventurers find
ers to dispatch their foes in this encounter. You can adjust this number minus any pirates the adventurers defeated at
the difficulty of the encounter by forcing the characters to Easthaven or any time thereafter.
deal with additional yetis, or by having guards help them Except for Derrick and Pyrse, the pirate crew’s arms
finish off any they can’t handle. and armor depend on the outcome of the Easthaven raid.
If the raid was successful (or if the adventurers pursued
Davrick Fain before turning their attention to Easthaven),
Marek the Shank more of the pirates are outfitted with short swords, cross-
Level 2 Encounter bows, and better armor (the tough thug statistics block).
F Marek the Shank Use the thug statistics block to balance out the pirates as
you see fit.
F 3 wolves

Pirate Raid
Level 2 Encounter
F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
Arctic Cats
F 3 tough thugs (pirates) Icewind Dale is home to two varieties of white-
F 5 thugs (pirates) furred great cats, both of which pose a threat to
travelers on the northern roads.
The fabled crag cat, also called the Hunter-of-
If the adventurers join the fray, half the pirates break off Men, is a sure-footed predator that favors rock
to fight them while the rest concentrate on looting Rur- ledges and cliffs in the highlands. It is a great cat
den’s Armory. (If the adventurers position themselves in with long, sharp teeth, possessing certain magi-
front of the building, the other pirates circle around to try cal abilities that make it particularly fearsome.
to find or create another way in). Derrick joins the attack Its cry sounds like a sudden, human scream of
on the party, unable to resist a fight. However, despite his terror. It can’t be detected or traced by magic,
violent temper, Derrick backs off if he’s reduced to half his though some folk say they can “feel” when one is
hit points, yelling at his compatriots to harry his attackers. near or watching. And it has a natural resistance
He’s not used to sustaining heavy losses, and if the adven- to magic that can sometimes turn a spell back
on its caster.
turers take down five or more of his pirates, Derrick calls
Tundra cats are related to crag cats, but lack
the rest back to their ships to make a hasty getaway.
their magical characteristics. They are more or
less identical to white-furred tigers, though they
Poachers have the same screaming cry as their mountain-
dwelling cousins.
Level 5 Encounter
F 24 human commoners (miners; noncombatants)
F 6 human warriors 

F 1 tough thug
Rampaging Bear
This group of townsfolk and sellswords, under the lead- Level 1 Encounter
ership of a member of Ship Rethnor, carries out Vaelish F 1 brown bear
Gant’s will beyond Ten-Towns. Though the miners stand
fast behind the better-armed warriors, they immediately A bear rampages across the battlefield, undaunted by the
flee if a fight breaks out. attacks of nearby allied soldiers.

Polar Bear Attack Remorhaz Lair

Level 1 Encounter Level 3 Encounter
F 1 brown bear F Davrick Fain

Even more aggressive than the brown bears of the tundra F 1 human warrior (Rycher)
thanks to the actions of the Ice Witch, this polar bear F 1 young remorhaz
attacks the adventurers’ boats. The polar bear’s statistics
are identical to those of the brown bear, except that it has a Rycher’s Cats
swim speed of 30 feet.
Level 1 Encounter

Portage F 2 crag cats

Two icebergs have collided ahead of the adventurers, clos-

ing off the channel they hoped to use. They can backtrack, These white-furred, long-fanged beasts are at least nomi-
adding 1d4 + 1 hours to their journey, or they can carry nally tamed by the “wild man” Rycher, but they hunt freely
their boats across the ice to the next stretch of water, on the western slopes of Kelvin’s Cairn and down to Maer
adding only 1 hour. Dualdon. They ambush travelers but flee quickly from
prey that fights back.
One of the cats leaps out to ambush passersby, hoping
to fell its target quickly. The other remains hidden, waiting
for characters to flee or become separated from the group
before striking. If the adventurers stand their ground after

the initial ambush, the cats retreat. If the beasts are pur-
sued, they race back to Rycher’s cave.
Slim’s Ambush
Level 3 Encounter

Rycher’s Lair F 1 wererat (Slim)

F 4 human warriors
Level 1 Encounter
F 1 human warrior (Rycher)
F 2 crag cats
Suspicious Merchant
Faedrith Guldan is a merchant from Bremen, traveling
home with a wagon from a trip to Bryn Shander. Reroll
At your discretion, if Rycher had reason to suspect the this encounter if it occurs more than once or if the adven-
arrival of hostile adventurers, he might have set his turers are not on the road to Bremen.
three bear traps in the cave entrance. However, he does Guldan draws a sword at the adventurers’ approach and
so only if his two cats are safe with him inside the cave. challenges them, believing they might mean him harm. If
The bear traps are hidden beneath cloths, and detecting they manage to convince him that they don’t intend to hurt
them requires a DC 13 Perception check. If they are not or rob him, he explains the reason for his suspicion. While
detected, any character moving through the lair has a 25 in Bryn Shander, he heard tales of merchants going missing
percent chance of stepping on one of the traps. If a trap throughout Ten-Towns and along the roads.
is sprung, it makes an attack against the triggering char-
acter: +5 versus Reflex; Hit: 2d8 damage and the target is
restrained until the trap can be opened with a DC 15 Ath- Temple of the Storm
letics check or a DC 15 Thievery check. Level 4 Encounter
F Akar Kessell
Ship Rethnor Thugs F 6 air elementals
Level 4 / Level 5 Encounter
Until the Ice Witch is defeated or until the characters
F 6 human warriors, with one possibly a wererat (Act 1)
leave the Temple of the Storm, freezing winds buffet the
F 7 wererats (Act 2) adventurers. At the start of each character’s turn, he or
she is subject to an attack: +5 vs. Fortitude; Hit: The target
Random Encounter: These thugs are going about their takes 1d4 cold damage and is pushed 5 feet in a random
daily business of bullying and terrorizing the local popu- direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign
lace. If the heroes haven’t yet had any run-ins with Slim or a direction to each die face.
Marek the Shank, the thugs try to bully them into paying
“traveler’s dues” to guarantee safe passage while going
about their business in Bryn Shander. If the characters
Town Guards
refuse to pay, the thugs pretend to back off, then tail the Encounter Level Varies; see below
adventurers and ambush them as soon as the opportunity F 4 human warriors
presents itself.
If the characters have already encountered either Slim These guards patrol the streets of Bryn Shander. They
or Marek, the thugs know who they are and attack them spend their time keeping cart traffic moving along the
on sight. They taunt the adventurers as they fight: “Slim town’s crowded thoroughfares, helping locals with minor
said to give you his regards . . .” If the characters have building repairs, breaking up brawls, and escorting drunk-
already taken Slim and Marek down, the thugs vow ven- ards home so they don’t pass out and freeze to death in the
geance for their leaders’ demise: “Nobody crosses Ship street. They also keep an eye out for newcomers to town,
Rethnor and lives to brag about it!” both to help them become properly acclimated and to
In Act 1, there is a 50 percent chance that one of make sure they don’t cause trouble.
the thugs is a wererat. By Act 2, all the thugs have been The guards’ attitude is cautious by default. However,
infected with lycanthropy and have become wererats. there is a 50 percent chance that they recognize the adven-
In the Council Hall: A similar group of thugs awaits turers from the battle at the southern gate, in which case
the adventurers in the council hall if they answer the they adopt a friendly posture. If the characters have been
forged note ostensibly from Duvessa Shane. In this case, seen committing any crimes in town, or if they’re traveling
one of the thugs is automatically a wererat. in Hengar’s company without the sheriff ’s permission, the
In Caer-Konig: Another group of thugs carries out guards attempt to place them under arrest. If the adven-
Vaelish Gant’s schemes around Lac Dinneshere. These turers resist, the guards retreat but return quickly with
thugs do not include a wererat. reinforcements (1d6 + 1 additional guards).

Trapped Townsfolk
The adventurers come across a group of ordinary towns-
folk huddling behind flimsy shelter, trying to avoid the
fray. When the townsfolk spot the heroes, they call out for Zombie Attack!
help, asking the adventurers to escort them safely back to When the adventurers encounter zombies
the nearest settlement. in the mines, be sure to play up the claustro-
phobic atmosphere and use the terrain to the
monsters’ advantage. Have the zombies attack
Vaelish Gant from around blind corners, come at the party
Level 1 Encounter from behind, or lurch out from behind support
beams to attack characters who think they’re
F Vaelish Gant, human wizard safely in the middle of the party. After one or
two such attacks, even innocuous encounters
Verbeeg Giant will have the characters on edge. Is the strange,
bent shadow hanging from the tunnel ceiling
Level 1 Encounter really a broken beam? Or is a zombie’s claw
F 1 verbeeg (Dardo) ready to catch unwary passersby?

Waterfall Cavern
Level 2 Encounter
F 1 Bear Tribe shaman Yeti Attack
F 3 Bear Tribe furies Level 1 Encounter
F 3 yetis
Winter Squall
A sudden, violent storm blows down off the Reghed Gla- Spurred by the Ice Witch to indulge their appetite for
cier. The adventurers can’t make any progress across human flesh, this band of tundra yetis does not shy from
the tundra for 1 hour. There is a 20 percent chance that attacking even well-armed bands of travelers. The yetis
a combat encounter occurs while the party is stopped attempt to use the inclement weather and natural ter-
during the storm. If this encounter occurs while the party rain to their advantage, setting an ambush for unwary
is resting, each character takes a –2 penalty to Endurance adventurers.
checks to withstand the effect of the cold.
Zombie Pack
Winter Wolf Level 1 Encounter
Level 2 Encounter F 5 zombies
F 4 wolves
F 1 winter wolf Groups of zombie dwarves wander the mines with no real
purpose, attacking any living beings they come across.
A winter wolf and its hunting companions catch the Some carry mining picks or shovels they use as weapons,
heroes’ scent and decide to take them down. dealing the same damage as the zombie’s slam attack.

Wolf Attack
Level 2 / Level 3 Encounter
F 5 wolves
F 1 winter wolf (25 percent)

The Ice Witch spurs the beasts of the tundra to attack any
humans who dare to brave the winter, making this pack of
wolves unusually aggressive. There is a 25 percent chance
that the pack is led by a winter wolf.

D&D 4th Edition Animated Black Ice Statue
Medium elemental animate (construct)
Level 2 Soldier
XP 125

Statistics HP 42; Bloodied 21

AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 12, Will 13
Initiative +1
Perception +1
Speed 5 (ice walk)
Air Elemental Level 1 Lurker
Brittle Skin
Small elemental magical beast (air) XP 100
Whenever the statue takes thunder damage, it takes a –2 penalty
HP 23; Bloodied 11 Initiative +7
to all defenses until the end of its next turn.
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +5
Standard Actions
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover)
m Slam F At-Will
Vulnerable 5 fire
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Traits Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target cannot shift until the end of
Phantom on the Wind
the statue’s next turn.
The lesser air elemental becomes invisible whenever it starts its
Triggered Actions
turn without an enemy adjacent to it. The invisibility lasts until
Overwhelming Ice F Recharge when first bloodied
the end of its next turn or until it hits or misses with an attack.
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the statue hits one of the statue’s
Standard Actions allies with a melee attack.
m Slam F At-Will
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering enemy). The
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
target falls prone.
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage.
Str 17 (+4) Dex 6 (–1) Wis 11 (+1)
M Grasp of Storms F At-Will
Con 18 (+5) Int 2 (–3) Cha 6 (–1)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature that can’t see the elemental); +4
Alignment unaligned Languages —
vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the elemental grabs the target (escape
DC 12) if it does not have a creature grabbed. Until the grab Baerick Hammerstone Level 5 Soldier
ends, the target takes ongoing 5 damage, and any ranged or Medium natural humanoid, dwarf XP 200
melee attacks that hit the elemental deal half damage to the HP 64; Bloodied 32 Initiative +4
target. AC 21, Fortitude 18, Reflex 15, Will 17 Perception+4
Skills Stealth +8 Speed 5 Low-light vision
Str 16 (+3) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 11 (+0) Traits
Con 11 (+0) Int 5 (–3) Cha 8 (–1) Stand the Ground
Alignment unaligned Languages understands Primordial Baerick can move 1 square fewer than the effect specifies when
subjected to a pull, push, or slide.
Akar Kessell Level 4 Elite Controller
Baerick can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone when an
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 350
attack would knock him prone.
HP 108; Bloodied 54 Initiative +4
Standard Actions
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 17 Perception+6
m Black Ice Maul (weapon) F At-Will
Speed 6 Darkvision
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage.
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
R Throwing Hammer (weapon) F At-Will
Standard Actions Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
m Claw (necrotic) F At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Minor Actions
Hit: 1d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the
M Maul Bash (weapon) F Recharge 5 6
start of its next turn and loses a healing surge.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Fortitude
r Grave Bolt (necrotic) F At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and Baerick either knocks the target prone
Attack: Ranged 20 (one or two creatures); +7 vs. Reflex
or pushes it 1 square.
Hit: 1d6 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized (save
Triggered Actions
M Stubborn F At-Will
C Horrific Visage (fear, psychic) F Recharge 4 5 6
Trigger: An enemy tries to push Baerick or knock him prone.
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +7 vs. Will
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Baerick makes a melee basic attack
Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target must use a move
against the triggering enemy.
action as the first action on its next turn to move its speed
Str 17 (+5) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 14 (+4)
away from Akar.
Con 16 (+5) Int 11 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)
Miss: Half damage.
Alignment evil Languages Common, Dwarven
Skills Arcana +10, Religion +10
Equipment black ice plate armor, 3 throwing hammers, black ice maul
Str 10 (+2) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 9 (+1)
Con 14 (+4) Int 16 (+5) Cha 18 (+6)
Alignment evil Languages Common

Bear Tribe Fury Level 4 Skirmisher Bear Tribe Warrior Level 3 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150
HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +8 HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +5
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +10 AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 14, Will 14 Perception +3
Speed 6 Speed 6
Traits Standard Actions
Adept Charger m Longspear (weapon) F At-Will
The fury is not limited to taking only free actions immediately Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
after a charge. Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage.
Bear Tribe Flurry Effect: The target is marked until the end of the warrior’s next
While bloodied, the fury gains a +2 power bonus to speed and a turn.
+4 power bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks. R Bear Tooth Arrow (weapon) F Recharge when first bloodied
Standard Actions Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC of its next turn.
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, or 3d6 + 4 if the attack was part of a Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of its
charge. next turn.
r Javelin (weapon) F At-Will Triggered Actions
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC M Spear Jab (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the warrior and marked by it shifts.
M Furious Strike (weapon) F Recharge if the power misses every Effect (Opportunity Action): The warrior uses longspear against the
target triggering enemy.
Attack: Melee 1 (one or two creatures); +7 vs. Fortitude Skills Athletics +9
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 14 (+3)
Triggered Actions Con 17 (+4) Int 8 (+0) Cha 10 (+1)
Wild Instinct F At-Will Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Trigger: An enemy ends its movement in a square where it flanks Equipment hide armor, longspear, shortbow, 20 arrows
the fury.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The fury shifts up to 2 squares.
Brown Bear Level 5 Brute
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +11
Large natural beast XP 200
Str 14 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 17 (+5)
HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +3
Con 15 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Cha 10 (+2)
AC 17, Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 16 Perception +3
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Speed 8
Equipment 2 short swords, 2 javelins
Bear Tribe Shaman Level 5 Controller Any creature grabbed by the bear at the start of the bear’s turn
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 200 takes 1d8 + 5 damage.
HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +5 Standard Actions
AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 19 Perception +11 m Claw F At-Will
Speed 6 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Standard Actions Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage.
m Longspear (weapon) F At-Will M Bear Grab F Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Effect: The bear uses claw twice against the same target. If either
Hit: 1d10 + 8 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of attack hits, the target falls prone, and the bear grabs the target
its next turn. (escape DC 15) if it has fewer than two creatures grabbed.
R Phantom Fangs (implement, psychic) F At-Will Str 20 (+7) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 13 (+3)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Will Con 20 (+7) Int 2 (–2) Cha 12 (+3)
Hit: 2d8 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized until Alignment unaligned Languages —
the end of its next turn.
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Minor Actions
C Concussive Roar F Encounter
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +8 vs. Will
Hit: The shaman pushes the target up to 3 squares, and the
target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: The shaman can push the target 1 square.
Skills Heal +11, Nature +11, Religion +9
Str 13 (+3) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 18 (+6)
Con 12 (+3) Int 15 (+4) Cha 14 (+4)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment hide armor, longspear, totem

Crag Cat Level 3 Soldier Davrick Fain Level 3 Elite Controller (Leader)
Large natural beast XP 150 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 300
HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +7 HP 92; Bloodied 46 Initiative +2
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +8 AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception +5
Speed 8, climb 4 Low-light vision Speed 6
Standard Actions Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
m Bite F At-Will Standard Actions
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC. If the cat is grabbing a m Mace (cold, fear, weapon) F At-Will
creature, it can make this attack only against that creature. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC 15). Hit: 1d8 + 2 damage, ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends), and
M Puncturing Fangs F At-Will Davrick slides the target up to 2 squares.
Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the cat). The target A Icy Tendrils (cold) F At-Will
takes 2d6 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +6 vs.
Skills Athletics +10, Acrobatics +10, Stealth +10 Reflex
Str 18 (+5) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 15 (+3) Hit: 1d6 + 5 cold damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (–3) Cha 11 (+1) Davrick’s next turn.
Alignment unaligned Languages — Minor Actions
R Chilling Words (charm) F Recharge 5 6
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Will
Dark Adept Level 1 Controller (Leader)
Hit: The target cannot use a standard action during its next turn.
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 100
Dark Imperative (cold) F Recharge when first bloodied
HP 32; Bloodied 16 Initiative +2
Effect: Close burst 5 (one ally in the burst). Davrick slides the
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 14 Perception +1
target up to 3 squares, and the target gains 10 temporary hit
Speed 6
points. Until the target has no temporary hit points, its melee
Standard Actions attacks deal 3 extra cold damage.
m Mace (weapon) F At-Will
Skills Arcana +8, Religion +8
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Str 13 (+2) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 18 (+5)
Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, and the adept can slide the target 1 square.
Con 14 (+3) Int 15 (+3) Cha 13 (+2)
R Sling (weapon) F At-Will
Alignment evil Languages Common
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Equipment chainmail, shield, mace
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage.
R Biting Hex F Recharge 5 6
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +4 vs. Will Dwarf Warrior Level 1 Soldier
Hit: The target takes 2d6 + 6 damage if it moves during its turn Medium natural humanoid XP 100
(save ends). HP 33; Bloodied 16 Initiative +3
Skills Religion +7 AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 15 Perception +8
Str 10 (+0) Dex 15 (+2) Wis 13 (+1) Speed 5 Low-light vision
Con 14 (+2) Int 14 (+2) Cha 14 (+2) Traits
Alignment evil Languages Common Stand the Ground
Equipment robes, mace, sling, 20 sling stones The dwarf can move 1 square fewer than the effect specifies
when subjected to a pull, a push, or a slide.
The dwarf can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone when
an attack would knock it prone.
Standard Actions
m Battleaxe (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage, and the dwarf can push the target 1
square. The dwarf can then shift 1 square to a square the
target vacated.
Effect: The dwarf marks the target until the end of the dwarf’s
next turn.
R Throwing Hammer (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, and the dwarf marks the target until the
end of the dwarf’s next turn.
M R Double Hammer Strike (weapon) F Recharge 4 5 6
Effect: The dwarf uses battleaxe and then uses throwing hammer.
The dwarf does not provoke opportunity attacks for this use of
throwing hammer.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 17 (+3)
Con 17 (+3) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven
Equipment chainmail, heavy shield, battleaxe, 4 throwing hammers

Giant Spider Level 4 Skirmisher Green Slime Level 4 Lurker
Medium natural beast (spider) XP 175 Medium natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 175
HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +5 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +9
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +7 AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 14 Perception +2
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5 Speed 4, climb 4 Blindsight 10
Resist 5 poison Immune blinded, gaze effects; Resist 5 acid; Vulnerable 5 fire, 5
Traits radiant
Web Walk Traits
The spider ignores difficult terrain composed of webs. Ooze
Standard Actions While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half
m Bite (poison) F At-Will speed, it doesn’t take the –5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn’t
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC grant combat advantage for squeezing.
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison Standard Actions
damage (save ends). m Slam (acid) F At-Will
M Death from Above F Recharge 4 5 6 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Effect: The spider jumps up to 6 squares. This movement does Hit: 5 acid damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
not provoke opportunity attacks. After the jump, the spider M Engulf (acid) F At-Will
uses bite, knocking the target prone on a hit. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Move Actions Hit: 1d6 + 3 acid damage, and the slime grabs the target (escape
Prodigious Leap F Encounter DC 18). Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 10 acid
Effect: The spider jumps up to 10 squares. This movement does damage. Attacks that hit the slime deal half damage to the
not provoke opportunity attacks. slime and half damage to a single creature grabbed by the
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +8 slime.
Str 14 (+4) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 10 (+2) Skills Stealth +10
Con 12 (+3) Int 1 (–3) Cha 8 (–1) Str 11 (+2) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 11 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages — Con 17 (+5) Int 1 (–3) Cha 1 (–3)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Goblin Level 1 Skirmisher
Small natural humanoid XP 100
HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +5
AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2
Speed 6 Low-light vision
Standard Actions
m Short Sword F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 if the goblin has combat advan-
tage against the target. In addition, the goblin can shift 1
R Dagger F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage.
Move Actions
Deft Scurry F At-Will
Effect: The goblin shifts up to 3 squares.
Triggered Actions
Goblin Tactics F At-Will
Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8
Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment leather armor, light shield, short sword, 2 daggers

Hedrun the Ice Witch Level 5 Solo Controller Human Rogue Level 5 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1,000 Medium natural humanoid XP 200
HP 252; Bloodied 126 Initiative +4 HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +11
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 18 Perception +10 AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 19, Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 6 (ice walk) Speed 6
Immune cold Standard Actions
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Traits Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
O Freezing Aura F Aura 3 Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
Liquid water in the aura instantaneously freezes. Hedrun can M Garrote (weapon) F At-Will
traverse bodies of water across such ice, but the ice melts to pre- Requirement: The rogue must not be grabbing a creature.
vent other creatures from doing the same. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex
O Blood Ice (cold, necrotic) F Aura 3 Hit: The target is grabbed (escape DC 22) until the end of the
While Hedrun is bloodied or has at least 1 hit point and is unable rogue’s next turn. Until the grab ends, the rogue has superior
to take actions, the ground in the aura is difficult terrain and each cover, and neither it nor the target can be pulled, pushed, or
enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 10 cold and necrotic slid.
damage, or 15 cold and necrotic damage if Hedrun is bloodied and M Arterial Cut (weapon) F At-Will
has at least 1 hit point and is unable to take actions. Effect: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the rogue). The target
Animal Empathy takes 2d10 + 5 damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
Beasts are aggressive toward Hedrun only if she harms them first. The grab then ends.
Standard Actions Triggered Actions
m r Ice Spear (cold) F At-Will M Quick Cut F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 or Ranged 10 (one or two creatures); +10 vs. AC Trigger: An enemy escapes the rogue’s grab.
Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage, Hedrun pushes the target up to 2 Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The rogue uses short sword against
squares, and the target is slowed (save ends). the triggering enemy.
Effect: Hedrun creates an ice spear to replace any she has lost. Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +12
r Snow Blindness (cold, radiant) F At-Will Str 14 (+4) Dex 20 (+7) Wis 14 (+4)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +8 vs. Fortitude Con 13 (+3) Int 10 (+2) Cha 6 (+0)
Hit: 2d6 + 5 cold and radiant damage, and the target can’t see Alignment evil Languages Common
anything that is more than 2 squares away from it (save ends). Equipment leather armor, short sword, garrote
Chosen Action F At-Will
Effect: Hedrun makes two basic attacks.
Human War Chief Level 5 Brute
C Icy Blast (cold, zone) F Recharge 5 6
Medium natural humanoid XP 200
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +8 vs. Fortitude
HP 77; Bloodied 38 Initiative +5
Hit: 2d12 + 5 cold damage, and the target falls prone.
AC 17, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +4
Miss: Half damage.
Speed 6
Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of Hed-
run’s next turn. The ground in zone is difficult terrain for
Standard Actions
m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
creatures without ice walk.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of Hedrun’s next turn.
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage.
Skills Arcana +10, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Nature +10
r Javelin (weapon) F At-Will
Str 14 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 16 (+5)
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Con 15 (+4) Int 17 (+5) Cha 12 (+3)
Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage.
Alignment evil Languages Common
M Daring Strike (weapon) F Recharge 5 6
Equipment ice armor
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d12 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone. If the war chief
Human Commoner Level 2 Minion Soldier scores a critical hit, the target also takes ongoing 5 damage
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 31
(save ends).
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3 Skills Athletics +11
AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception +2 Str 18 (+6) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 14 (+4)
Speed 6 Con 17 (+5) Int 8 (+1) Cha 10 (+2)
Traits Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Mob Rule Equipment hide armor, longsword, 3 javelins
While at least two other human commoners are within 5 squares
of the commoner, it gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses.
Standard Actions
m Club (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 13 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment club

Human Warrior Level 3 Soldier Marek the Shank Level 3 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, XP 150 Medium natural humanoid, hobgoblin XP 300
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 HP 94; Bloodied 47 Initiative +3
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6 AC 17, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 15 Perception +1
Speed 5 Speed 6 Low-light vision
Standard Actions Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will Traits
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Beast Master’s Exhortation
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the warrior marks the target until the When an allied beast or magical beast that is adjacent to Marek
end of the warrior’s next turn. hits with an attack, that beast gains 5 temporary hit points.
M Powerful Strike (weapon) F Recharge 5 6 Elite Action
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC On each of his turns, Marek can choose two standard actions
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone. and take each of them.
Triggered Actions Standard Actions
M Interceding Strike (weapon) F At-Will m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the warrior makes an attack that Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
doesn’t include the warrior as a target. Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and Marek can shift 1 square, and an ally
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy); +8 adjacent to him can shift 1 square into the space Marek just
vs. AC left. If Marek triggers an attack due to this movement, he can
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage. designate his ally as the attack’s target instead of him.
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) R Shortbow (weapon) F At-Will
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage, and the target grants combat advantage
Equipment hide armor, longsword until the start of Marek’s next turn.
M War Whip (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Ice Witch’s Simulacrum Level 5 Elite Controller
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone.
Medium natural animate XP 400
Effect: Marek can slide the target 1 square.
HP 126; Bloodied 63 Initiative +4
Attack Command F At-Will
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 18 Perception +5
Effect: Melee 1 (one ally that is a beast or magical beast). The
Speed 6 (ice walk)
target can make a basic attack as a free action.
Immune cold
Str 19 (+5) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 10 (+1)
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 15 (+3)
Traits Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
O Freezing Aura F Aura 3
Equipment leather armor, longsword, whip, shortbow, 20 arrows
Liquid water in the aura instantaneously freezes. Hedrun can
traverse bodies of water across such ice, but the ice melts to pre-
vent other creatures from doing the same. Orc Level 3 Soldier
Animal Empathy Medium natural humanoid XP 150
Beasts are aggressive toward Hedrun only if she harms them first. HP 50; Bloodied 25 Initiative +5
Standard Actions AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +1
m r Ice Spear (cold) F At-Will Speed 6 (8 when charging) Low-light vision
Attack: Melee 1 or Ranged 10 (one or two creatures); +10 vs. AC Standard Actions
Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage, Hedrun pushes the target up to 2 m Greataxe (weapon) F At-Will
squares, and the target is slowed (save ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Effect: Hedrun creates an ice spear to replace any she has lost. Hit: 1d12 + 4 damage, or 1d12 + 9 with a charge attack.
C Icy Blast (cold, zone) F Recharge 5 6 R Shortbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +8 vs. Fortitude Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 5 cold damage, and the target falls prone. Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.
Miss: Half damage. C Hacking Frenzy (weapon) F Recharge 5 6
Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of Hed- Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. AC
run’s next turn. The ground in zone is difficult terrain for Hit: 1d12 + 4 damage, and the orc marks the target until the end
creatures without ice walk. of the orc’s next turn.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of Hedrun’s next Effect: The orc grants combat advantage until the start of its next
turn. turn.
Skills Arcana +10, Nature +10 Triggered Actions
Str 14 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 16 (+5) Savage Demise F Encounter
Con 15 (+4) Int 17 (+5) Cha 12 (+3) Trigger: The orc drops to 0 hit points.
Alignment evil Languages Common Effect (Free Action): The orc takes a standard action.
Equipment ice armor Str 18 (+5) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 10 (+1)
Con 18 (+5) Int 8 (+0) Cha 9 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
Equipment studded leather, greataxe, shortbow, 20 arrows

Orc Reaver Level 5 Skirmisher Skeletal White Dragon Level 5 Elite Brute
Medium natural humanoid XP 200 Large natural magical beast (dragon, undead) XP 400
HP 63; Bloodied 31 Initiative +7 HP 160; Bloodied 80 Initiative +2
AC 19, Fortitude 18, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +3 AC 17, Fortitude 17, Reflex 12, Will 11 Perception +6
Speed 6 (8 when charging) Low-light vision Speed 4 (ice walk) Darkvision
Traits Immune cold, disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic
Charging Mobility Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
While charging, the orc gains a +4 bonus to all defenses. Traits
Standard Actions Instinctive Rampage
m Battleaxe (weapon) F At-Will On an initiative of 10 + the dragon’s initiative check, the dragon
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC can move up to its speed as a free action. The dragon can move
Hit: 1d10 + 8 damage. through enemies’ spaces and gains resist 5 to all damage during
Effect: After the attack, the orc can shift 1 square. the move. Each time the dragon enters an enemy’s space for the
R Javelin (weapon) F At-Will first time during the move, it can use claw against that enemy. If
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +10 vs. AC the attack hits, the target also falls prone.
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the orc can push the target 1 square. If the dragon cannot use a free action to make this move due to
Triggered Actions a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of
M Blood-Crazed Charge F Encounter the dragon making this move.
Trigger: The orc hits an enemy. Standard Actions
Effect (Free Action): The orc charges an enemy. m Bite F At-Will
Savage Demise F Encounter Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Trigger: The orc drops to 0 hit points. Hit: 3d10 + 6 damage.
Effect (Free Action): The orc takes a standard action. M Claw F At-Will
Str 18 (+6) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 13 (+3) Attack: Melee 1 (one or two creatures); +8 vs. AC
Con 15 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 8 (+1) Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant Str 18 (+6) Dex 11 (+2) Wis 9 (+1)
Equipment hide armor, battleaxe, 4 javelins Con 20 (+7) Int 1 (-3) Cha 1 (-3)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Draconic
Quasit Level 3 Lurker
Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 150 Thug Level 2 Minion Brute
HP 40; Bloodied 20 Initiative +8 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 31
AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +8 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1
Speed 4, fly 6 Darkvision AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 14 Perception +2
Standard Actions Speed 6
m Bite F At-Will Standard Actions
Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +8 vs. AC m/r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 1d6 + 10 damage if the quasit was invis- Attack: Melee 1 or ranged 5/10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
ible when it attacked. Hit: 6 damage.
Vanish (illusion) F At-Will Str 11 (+1) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
Effect: The quasit becomes invisible until the end of its next turn Con 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)
or until it hits or misses with an attack. Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9, Stealth +9 Equipment dagger
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 16 (+4) Int 16 (+4) Cha 16 (+4) Tough Thug Level 2 Brute
Alignment evil Languages Common, Primordial Medium natural humanoid, human XP 125
HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +1
AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 14 Perception +2
Speed 6
Thug Tactics
While the thug is within 5 squares of another tough thug, it gains
a +4 power bonus to damage rolls.
Standard Actions
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage.
r Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 1 damage.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 13 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment short sword, crossbow, 20 bolts

Vaelish Gant Level 4 Controller Verbeeg Level 6 Elite Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175 Large fey humanoid (giant) XP 500
HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +4 HP 150; Bloodied 75 Initiative +8
AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +5 AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +3
Speed 6 Speed 8 Low-light vision
Standard Actions Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
m Quarterstaff (weapon) F At-Will Traits
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Verbeeg Stealth
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and Vaelish can slide the target 1 square. The verbeeg can make a Stealth check to become hidden as long
r Magic Missile (force, implement) F At-Will as one square it occupies has superior cover or total concealment
Effect: Ranged 20 (one creature). The target takes 5 force damage. from the creature it is attempting to hide from.
R Brilliant Chains (implement, lightning) F Encounter Standard Actions
Primary Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex m Spear (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 2d8 + 3 lightning damage, and Vaelish makes the Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
following secondary attack. Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
Secondary Attack: Ranged 10 (two creatures within 5 squares of Bounding Assault F At-Will
the primary target); +7 vs. Reflex Effect: The verbeeg ends any marked condition affecting it,
Hit: 3 lightning damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). makes a spear attack, shifts up to half its speed, and makes
Whenever the target ends its turn more than 5 squares away another spear attack. The verbeeg can move through enemies’
from the primary target while it is slowed, it takes 5 lightning spaces during the shift.
damage and falls prone. Minor Actions
A Cacophonous Burst (implement, thunder) F Encounter M Cunning Trick F Recharge 5 6
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +7 vs. Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +9 vs. Will
Fortitude Hit: The verbeeg knocks the target prone or slides it up to 3
Hit: 2d6 + 5 thunder damage, Vaelish can push the target 1 squares.
square from the center of the burst, and the target is dazed Skills Bluff +10, Stealth +10, Thievery +10
(save ends). Str 24 (+10) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 11 (+3)
Move Actions Con 19 (+7) Int 13 (+4) Cha 14 (+5)
Dimension Door (teleportation) F Encounter Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven, Giant
Effect: Vaelish teleports up to 20 squares. He needs no line of Equipment hide armor, light shield, spear
sight to his destination if it is a space that he has seen in the
past 24 hours.
Triggered Actions
Deflecting Shield F Encounter
Trigger: Vaelish is the target of a melee or ranged attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Vaelish gains a +4 bonus to the
defense targeted by the triggering attack until the end of his
next turn.
Skills Arcana +11
Str 10 (+2) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 17 (+5)
Con 12 (+3) Int 18 (+6) Cha 12 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common
Equipment robes, quarterstaff, orb

Wererat Level 3 Skirmisher Winter Wolf Level 5 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger), human XP 150 Large natural beast (mount) XP 200
HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +7 HP 67; Bloodied 33 Initiative +7
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +7 AC 19, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 6, climb 4 (rat or hybrid form only) Low-light vision Speed 8 Low-light vision
Traits Traits
Regeneration O Freezing Aura F Aura 1
The wererat regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and Any creature that ends its turn in the aura takes 5 cold damage.
has at least 1 hit point. When the wererat takes damage from a Pack Harrier
silvered weapon, its regeneration does not function on its next The wolf has combat advantage against any enemy that is
turn. adjacent to two or more of the wolf’s allies.
Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will m Bite F At-Will
Requirement: The wererat must be in human or hybrid form. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, or 3d6 + 4 against a prone target. If the wolf
Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, or 2d6 + 6 if the wererat has combat has combat advantage against the target, the target falls prone.
advantage against the target. Str 19 (+6) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 14 (+4)
m Bite (disease) F At-Will Con 19 (+6) Int 5 (–1) Cha 11 (+2)
Requirement: The wererat must be in rat or hybrid form. Alignment unaligned Languages —
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 4 damage. If the target is granting combat advantage
to the wererat, it also takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). At
Wolf Level 2 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast XP 125
the end of the encounter, the target makes a saving throw. On
a failure, the target contracts wererat filth fever (stage 1). HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +6
Move Actions AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +7
Rat Scurry F At-Will Speed 8 Low-light vision
Requirement: The wererat must be in rat form. Standard Actions
Effect: The wererat shifts up to its speed. m Bite F At-Will
Minor Actions Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Change Shape (polymorph) F At-Will Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 against a prone target. If the wolf
Effect: The wererat alters its physical form to appear as a Tiny rat, has combat advantage against the target, the target falls prone.
or a Medium unique human or hybrid. Str 13 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 13 (+2)
Skills Bluff +6, Stealth +10 Con 14 (+3) Int 2 (–3) Cha 10 (+1)
Str 10 (+1) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 12 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages —
Con 15 (+3) Int 13 (+2) Cha 11 (+1)
Alignment evil Languages Common Yeti Level 4 Controller
Equipment dagger Large natural beast XP 175
HP 58; Bloodied 29 Initiative +5
Wererat Filth Fever Level 3 Disease AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +11
Those infected by this disease waste away as they alternately suffer chills Speed 6 (ice walk), climb 6 Low-light vision
and hot flashes. Resist 5 cold
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
O Chilling Wail F Aura 3
Stage 1: While affected by stage 1, the target loses a healing surge.
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 5 psychic damage
Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, the target loses a healing surge.
and takes a –2 penalty to all defenses until the end of its next
The target also takes a –2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex.
Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, the target loses all healing surges
and cannot regain hit points. The target also takes a –2 penalty to
Standard Actions
m Claw F At-Will
AC, Fortitude, and Reflex.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.
Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
C Fearsome Howl (fear, thunder) F Encounter
8 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
Attack: Close blast 4 (enemies in the blast); +7 vs. Will
9–12: No change.
Hit: 1d8 + 4 thunder damage, and the yeti pushes the target up
13 or Higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
to 3 squares.
C Piercing Shriek (thunder) F Encounter
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage, and if the target ends its next turn within
5 squares of the yeti, it takes 5 thunder damage.
Skills Intimidate +9
Str 18 (+6) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 18 (+6)
Con 18 (+6) Int 10 (+2) Cha 15 (+4)
Alignment unaligned Languages —

Young Remorhaz Level 4 Elite Brute Zombie Level 1 Brute
Medium elemental beast XP 350 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 100
HP 128; Bloodied 64 Initiative +5 HP 33; Bloodied 16 Initiative –1
AC 16, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 13 Perception +9 AC 13, Fortitude 14, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception –1
Speed 6, burrow 4 (tunneling) Low-light vision Speed 4 Darkvision
Resist 10 cold, 10 fire Immune disease, poison
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Traits
Traits Zombie Weakness
O Blistering Heat (fire) F Aura 1 If the zombie takes a critical hit, it drops to 0 hit points, and it
Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 5 fire damage. takes a –5 penalty on the d20 roll for zombie fortitude.
Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Bite F At-Will m Slam F At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the remorhaz grabs the target (escape Hit: 1d12 + 3 damage, and the zombie grabs the target (escape
DC 14). While grabbing a target, the remorhaz can bite only DC 12). While grabbing a creature , the zombie can slam only
that target. If a Medium or smaller creature grabbed by the that creature, but gains a +4 bonus to damage rolls against that
remorhaz fewer than 1 hit point, the remorhaz can swallow the creature.
creature as a free action. The creature then dies. Triggered Actions
C Immolating Carapace (fire) F Recharge 5 6 or when the Zombie Fortitude F Encounter
remorhaz starts its turn while grabbing a creature Trigger: The zombie drops to 0 hit points.
Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +7 vs. Reflex Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is
Hit: 1d8 + 3 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage until the instead reduced to 1 hit point.
target ends its turn in a space that is not adjacent to the Str 16 (+3) Dex 8 (–1) Wis 8 (–1)
remorhaz. Con 13 (+1) Int 1 (–5) Cha 3 (–4)
Str 17 (+5) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 15 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages —
Con 14 (+4) Int 5 (–1) Cha 10 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages —

Young Yeti Level 1 Soldier

Medium natural beast XP 100
HP 28; Bloodied 14 Initiative +3
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 11 Perception +5
Speed 6 (ice walk), climb 6 Low-light vision
Resist 5 cold
Standard Actions
m Claw F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 1 damage.
M Twin Claw Grab F At-Will
Effect: The yeti uses claw twice. If both attacks hit the same
target, the yeti grabs the target (escape DC 12).
C Challenging Howl (thunder) F Recharge when no creature is
marked by the yeti
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + 4 thunder damage, and the target is marked (save
Str 14 (+2) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (–1) Cha 11 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages —

More about the Tribes win. Though he was fond of raiding Ten-Towns and the
other tribes, ambushes were not his style. He enjoyed
The following material supplements the discussion of the the thrill of the fight, even when his opponents’ efforts to
Reghed tribes in the Campaign Guide. defend themselves were futile.
The black ice has exacerbated his worst qualities and all
Tribe of the Bear but obliterated his redeeming features. He longs for battle,
The other great tribe of the Reghed is the Tribe of the Bear. looks for any pretense to start a fight, and now refuses to
Driven to desperation by Auril’s fierce winter, the Tribe of back down from any conflict, no matter the losses that he
the Bear has broken peace with the other tribes and with or his warriors might suffer. He has also grown desper-
the Ten-Towners, launching raids to steal supplies. Worse, ately afraid of losing what power he has left after allowing
the tribe has turned to the worship of the Frostmaiden and his tribe to come under the Ice Witch’s thrall. He suspects
joined forces with Hedrun, the Ice Witch. his underlings—his own younger brother, Wolvig, and the
tribal shaman Bjami Tengervaald—of plotting against him.
Günvald Barrundson
King of the Bear Tribe
Bjami Tengervaald
Shaman of the Bear Tribe
King Günvald Barrundson, true to the name of his tribe,
is a bear of a man. Approaching seven feet tall, he has For all of Günvald’s lust for power, and his fear of being
a mane of white hair and a bushy, yellow-white beard, usurped, it has been a long time since he actually steered
though he is only 35 years old. His eyes are pale blue, and the activity of the Bear tribe. For years, Bjami Tenger-
his skin is pale and chapped. vaald, the tribe’s shaman, has manipulated the king, the
King Günvald is said to have wrestled a polar bear and war chief, and every influential tribe warrior to see that
come out the victor, though he himself never makes that his own will was carried out—all while making Günvald
claim. Some say the bear he defeated is now his compan- believe that all the best ideas were his own.
ion, Hündel. In any event, the legend reveals much about Bjami is a small, withered man who has endured over
his nature and his rule. Günvald is a strong man who loves sixty winters in Icewind Dale—an accomplishment few
strength. He covets power, he is willing to wrest it from the can claim. His size and gaunt frame hide a hardy strength
grip of those he feels are unworthy of holding it, and he that can be attributed to long years spent in communion
keeps a tight grip on his own authority in order to dissuade with wintry spirits, bear totems, and the Frostmaiden her-
anyone who might try to seize power from him. His rule of self. Winter seems to have taken root in his very bones and
the Tribe of the Bear has been marked by violence—he has blood, making him something slightly more than human.
killed several would-be claimants to his title, has broken He believes that his actions are the will of Auril—and he’s
longstanding alliances and gone to war with the Elk and right.
Tiger tribes, has set Hündel against warriors who failed When Auril made the Ice Witch her Chosen, Bjami
in important tasks, and now, in Auril’s deadly winter, has realized it immediately, and he was filled with an apoca-
offered human sacrifices to the Frostmaiden. lyptic religious fervor. He believes that Auril’s choice of a
The Bear Tribe suffered badly when the harsh winter woman from the Elk tribe is a sign that all the tribes will
began. It lost many members to beast attacks and was in come under her dominion, united again as they were in
danger of running out of food as the beasts and the storms Wulfgar’s day. He imagines himself and the Ice Witch,
claimed more and more reindeer. From the start, the side by side, ruling together over a conquered Icewind
tribe’s shaman proclaimed Auril’s wrath and urged his fel- Dale that is locked in eternal winter.
lows and his king to appease her, and Grünvald was soon
forced to acquiesce. When a yeti took the life of his wife, Wolvig Barrundson
Affya, his patience broke and he personally led the tribe War Chief of the Bear Tribe
in a terrible ritual slaughter of the warriors whose injuries
prevented them from fighting. Since then, the fortunes of King Günvald’s younger brother is Wolvig Barrundson,
the tribe have improved, and now Grünvald has sworn alle- who holds the title of war chief while Günvald coordinates
giance to the Ice Witch—a bitter pill for the power-hungry the tribe’s efforts from the Ice Witch’s palace. Though
man to swallow, but a necessary concession in his mind. he believes the position is a great honor that recognizes
For all his aggressive nature and the bloody history his skill in battle, in truth he holds the position because
of his reign, Grünvald is an honorable warrior—or was, Bjami desires it—and because Bjami knows Wolvig to be
until the black ice of Hedrun’s tower worked its influ- extremely pliable to his will.
ence on him. He never ordered his warriors into a fight he Wolvig is tall and fair like most of his people, with long,
wouldn’t join in himself, and he knew enough to pull his blond hair and no beard. An angry red battle scar runs
warriors back when he led them into a battle they couldn’t across his neck, and he displays it proudly as a sign of his

strength. “I survived this,” he is fond of saying, pointing at when Bremen’s speaker rebuffed her. Perhaps fortunately
the scar, “and I think I’ll survive you too.” Few people take for both peoples, Speaker Dorbulgruf shares Fritha’s calm
him as seriously as he takes himself. head. Many members of the tribe grumble against their
Although the Tribe of the Bear, under Bjami’s com- leader now, however, saying she should have led them to
mand, is sworn to the service of Auril and the Ice Witch, war for the sake of preserving the tribe. It is possible she
Wolvig still prays to Tempus—though silently—in battle. might not hold her position much longer.
Sacrificing people to Auril by leaving them exposed to the The Tribe of the Wolf, meanwhile, has moved as far to
cold is not how warriors should behave, he believes, and the south and west as possible without leaving Icewind
he secretly resents the path that Bjami has led the tribe Dale, sheltering in the foothills of the Spine of the World
down. But his fear of the shaman, and of his older broth- near Ironmaster. Its people have suffered greatly from
er’s wrath, keeps him in line. beast attacks, though they have erected makeshift fortifi-
Wolvig is a simple man with simple tastes. He enjoys cations that protect them from the worst of the assaults.
battle, good food, and good company. He often finds They grow hungry and desperate, though, as the Ice
himself wishing that life were less complicated, and he Witch’s beasts drive reindeer and other game away, out of
believes that acting as Bjami and Günvald desire is the their reach.
simplest course of action, even if it doesn’t match his own The Tribe of the Wolf is currently without a king. The
sense of a warrior’s ethics. former chieftain, Halpstaag Kaerigson, died during the
tribe’s migration to the south, and no one has sought to
The Lesser Tribes claim his place in this dire time. The tribe’s shaman, Jütti
Merliss, leads the tribe by default.
After the united Reghed tribes attacked Ten-Towns under
the leadership of King Heafstaag of the Elk Tribe, the
tribes were sorely depleted. It is said that only fifty war-
riors survived the ill-fated assault, and the harsh winter
that followed took the lives of many of the women and
children who had not participated in the attack. Though
they clung to their traditional names, the smaller tribes
were absorbed into the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of
the Bear, living and hunting alongside the “true” members
of the two strongest tribes.
After the war with Akar Kessell, the people of the tribes
abandoned their nomadic ways for a time and settled in
Ten-Towns, particularly Bremen and Caer-Konig. Over the
succeeding decades, though, they slowly returned to their
old traditions, and the tribes took on their old identities.
Aside from the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of the Bear,
the Tiger and Wolf tribes retain a significant presence on
the tundra. The Tribe of the Seal and the Tribe of the Cari-
bou emerged for a time and then were reabsorbed into the
Tribe of the Elk.
With the coming of Auril’s deadly winter, the smaller
Tiger and Wolf tribes are struggling to survive. The Tribe
of the Tiger tried to find shelter in Bremen, but the group
was rebuffed by the suspicious townsfolk and set up a
camp instead on the northwestern shores of Maer Dual-
don. Its numbers have been whittled away by persistent
beast attacks—the people of Bremen and Lonelywood have
no idea of the extent to which this tribe has served as a
buffer between them and the Ice Witch’s fury.
The chieftain of the Tribe of the Tiger is a woman—
which would have been unthinkable before Wulfgar’s
time. Queen Fritha Craegmar is a wise and fair leader
and a mighty warrior, though she has no love of violence.
While some in the tribe wanted to attack the “weak folk”
of Bremen and take the town by force, Fritha relied on a
diplomatic envoy, and she withdrew the tribe peacefully

AGE 12 +

LEgacy of thE crystaL shard ™

EncountErs and MonstEr statistics:

d&d nExt ®

Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.

Credits Introduction
Design This document provides the encounters and the mon-
Greg Bilsland, Jeffrey Ludwig, Matt Sernett, James Wyatt ster statistics that support the Legacy of the Crystal Shard™
Development and Editing adventure. The adventure is intended to support a range
Scott Fitzgerald-Gray, Chris Sims of low-level characters. As a result, not every encounter is
D&D Group Manager designed to target characters of a specific level. Icewind
Mike Mearls Dale is a perilous place, and if the adventurers charge into
D&D Producer
danger, they might end up facing something too tough for
Greg Bilsland them to handle. Here are a few tips for helping your play-
ers succeed in the adventure despite these threats.
Senior Creative Director
Jon Schindehette F Talk to your players up front. Some players assume
Art Director that a Dungeon Master isn’t going to throw a chal-
Mari Kolkowsky lenge at the characters that they can’t handle. If your
Graphic Designers
players operate under this assumption, let them know
Bree Heiss, Leon Cortez before getting into the adventure that they’ll come
across encounters where the best approach might be
D&D Brand Team
Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Laura Tommervik, to run away.
Shelly Mazzanoble, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross, John Feil F Adjust the timeline. A sense of urgency is an inten-
Prepress Manager tional part of this adventure’s design. Players shouldn’t
Jefferson Dunlap feel as if they have time to deal with every problem.
Imaging Technician The adventure has few restrictions regarding when
Carmen Cheung characters can rest and recuperate. If they’re resting
Production Manager more often than is desirable, then use events to spur
Donna Woodcock them along. On the other hand, if they’re getting badly
Organized Play
beaten up, you can modify the timeline presented
Chris Tulach in the adventure to give them more opportunity to
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Forgotten Realms, their respective logos, Legacy regain resources.
of the Crystal Shard, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA
F Allow encounters to change. A wandering monster
and other countries. All Wizards characters and their distinctive likenesses encountered on the tundra doesn’t necessarily fight to
are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This material is protected under
the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
the death. Even a savage bear that’s likely to defeat the
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited party might retreat if it’s badly hurt. A pack of wolves
without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Any might tire of chasing after fleeing characters and give
similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included herein is
purely coincidental. up. Even the verbeeg near the front of the verbeeg lair
Published by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue can be circumvented if the adventurers think to look
Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 2 for a back entrance. If the players need it, feel free to
Roundwood Ave, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1AZ, UK.
nudge them to look for alternatives to all-out combat.
©2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
640A4538000003 EN F Modify the number of monsters. If the above sug-
gestions don’t work, and characters are consistently
dying or falling unconscious, consider modifying the
number of monsters. Many encounters will work fine
with fewer creatures. Alternatively, if the characters
are higher level and the players are getting bored
because the encounters are too easy, you can add
more monsters.

D&D Next ® Following any encounter with the ruffians, it’s a good
idea to have bystanders or a passing member of the town

guard condemn the ruffians’ behavior and thank the
characters for the good they’re doing in Bryn Shander.
It’s important for the players to know that the townsfolk
This section contains the information you need to run the appreciate the heroes’ efforts, so they don’t come to resent
adventure using the D&D Next playtest rules. the community they’re meant to be helping.
Encounters that appear in the Legacy of the Crystal
Shard™ adventure book or on its accompanying Dungeon
Master’s Screen are presented here in alphabetical order. Barbarian Sympathizers
Encounters in the adventure book (and in certain places These two brothers, Hoedin and Braedin Hewer, have come
in this section) are marked with bold type and an asterisk. to Bryn Shander to buy food to take back to Caer-Konig
For example, marauding yetis* points to the encounter by in preparation for what promises to be a long winter. The
the same name in this document. brothers’ barbarian ancestry is evident in their physique, and
Each encounter identifies the creatures that appear they sympathize with the plight of Hengar and his tribe.
in it. The names of those monsters correspond to statis- If the brothers are encountered during Act 1, they
tics presented at the end of the encounters section. The express their disapproval of the townsfolk’s insensibility
encounters also indicate the total XP award for the mon- to the plight of the barbarians and exhort the adventurers
sters. Compare this number to the encounter-building to help Hengar and the Tribe of the Elk. They volunteer to
guidelines presented in the DM Guidelines document in help the party break Hengar free if he’s still a prisoner (the
the D&D Next playtest packet to estimate the difficulty brothers have the same statistics as a human warrior).
of each encounter. If you need to, adjust encounters by If Hoedin and Braedin are encountered during Act 2,
adding or subtracting monsters. they tell the characters about the trouble the pirates of Lac
Checks: Use ability checks as described in the adven- Dinneshere have been causing. They entreat the adventur-
ture. For D&D Next, easy checks are DC 10, moderate ers to come back with them to Caer-Konig to put a stop
checks are DC 15, and hard checks are DC 20. to the pirates’ depredations, and are willing to wait a few
days if the characters have other business to conclude first.
Abandoned Mining Gear
Scattered pieces of mining gear can be found throughout Barracks Goblins
the mines: rope, hammers, picks, spikes, candles, flint, Combat Encounter (100 XP)
chalk, mirrors, waterskins, dry rations, and dwarven F 10 goblins
liquor. These were left behind by miners fleeing the
tunnels because of a zombie attack, and the dwarves of
Battlehammer Hold would be grateful for their return.
Bear Attack
Combat Encounter (200 XP)

Band of Ruffians F 1 brown bear

Combat Encounter (50 XP in Act 1 or 200 XP in Act 2) Corrupted by the activities of the Ice Witch, this brown
F 5 thugs (Act 1) or 5 tough thugs (Act 2) bear is unusually aggressive, attacking travelers and fight-
ing to the death.
These local hotheads are suspicious of any newcomers to
town, and spend their days variously blaming dwarves, Bear Tribe Camp
foreigners, barbarians, wizards, Duvessa Shane, Sheriff Combat Encounter (200 XP)
Markham, and anyone else they can think of for their own
misfortunes. They hurl accusations and insults at the party, F 1 human war chief (Wolvig Barrundson)
finding fault with whatever course of action the heroes F 2 Bear Tribe warriors
have been pursuing as of late. If other people are nearby,
the ruffians vent their spleen and then depart. If few or The Elk Tribe warriors accompanying the adventurers
no bystanders are present (particularly at night), the ruf- deal with their share of the Bear Tribe encampment. This
fians back their words up with violence. They are cowards encounter represents only the Bear Tribe warriors that
at heart, however, and if half the ruffians are defeated, the the adventurers must face themselves, including the Bear
others flee. If the ruffians are searched, the characters dis- Tribe chief. You can adjust the difficulty of the encounter
cover that they wear amulets or rings made of black ice. by forcing the characters to deal with additional warriors,
By Act 2, the black ice has begun to physically empower the or by having allies help them finish off any warriors they
ruffians. Use tough thugs instead of thugs for the encounter. can’t handle.

Bear Tribe Hero Blinding Snow
Combat Encounter (200 XP) A sudden storm fills the air with driving snow, obscur-
F 1 human war chief ing vision around the adventurers. The area is lightly
F 2 Bear Tribe warriors obscured. Roll an additional encounter.

A mighty hero of the Bear Tribe and his faithful followers Chasm Crossing
challenge the adventurers as they make their way across As the adventurers cross the ice, they reach a chasm that
the field of battle. must be traversed. If they cannot do so, they must turn
back and find a new route, adding 1d4 hours to their travel
Bear Tribe Raiders time. The chasm is 1d3 × 10 feet wide, and drops 30 feet
Combat Encounter (120 XP) into ice-filled water. You can adjudicate the adventurers’
attempts to cross the chasm as you see fit.
F 3 Bear Tribe warriors
A fall into the chasm deals 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
damage. In addition to the threat of drowning, a creature
These warriors have been ranging out across the tundra
that starts its turn in the water takes 3 (1d6) cold damage.
from their new camp at Evermelt to raid the other barbar-
ian tribes. Eager to win treasure and spill blood in the
Frostmaiden’s name, they attack without hesitation and Chosen’s Call
fight without mercy. Giving themselves over to their battle Combat Encounter (560 XP)
frenzy, these barbarians fight to the death. F Hedrun the Ice Witch
F 2 animated black ice statues
Beleaguered Allies
In the heat of combat, the adventurers come across a group
of allied forces fighting a losing battle against a stronger
Collapsing Tunnels
Certain tunnels in the abandoned areas of the mine were
force. Roll to determine the allies and enemies.
trapped to protect the dwarves from the invasion of Akar
1d6 Allies 1d10 Enemies Kessell’s armies. Most of those traps were triggered during
1–2 Dwarves 1–3 Bear Tribe raiders* the invasion, but a few runes remain in out-of-the-way tun-
3–4 Elk Tribe warriors 4–5 Wolf attack* nels. A character can detect a rune with a DC 15 Intelligence
5–6 Human warriors 6–7 Yeti attack* check to search the dusty ground, or with a detect magic spell.
8–9 Bear attack* The rune can be safely disabled with a DC 13 Thievery
10 Dragon and witch* check. On a failed check, a blast in the tunnel brings part
of the ceiling down. Any creature in a collapsing section
of tunnel is subject to an attack: +5 vs. Reflex; Hit: 2d6
Black Ice Guards damage, and the target falls prone and is buried under
Combat Encounter (280 XP) 1d6 feet of rubble. While buried, the target is restrained
F Baerick Hammerstone and cannot stand up, and the only action it can take on its
turn is to make a DC 13 Strength check to escape. This
F 2 dwarf warriors
check takes a penalty equal to the number of feet of rubble
F 1 human rogue (black ice emissary) covering the target. An unburied creature adjacent to the
target can attempt to pull the target free as an action by
Black Ice Merchant making the same Strength check.
This merchant—a dwarf by the name of Clagg Halfham- When a tunnel collapses, it is completely blocked off.
mer—has come from the dwarven valley to sell black ice The rune disappears and the trap is disabled. After a col-
trinkets in Bryn Shander’s market. He’s heard rumors lapse, it takes 5 hours of work to clear a space 10 feet on a
regarding the schism between Stokely and Baerick, and side; each additional character reduces this time by 1 hour.
about dwarves going missing in the mines. He is now When the characters encounter a collapsing tunnel trap,
fearful of the prospect of returning home—a fear that is no more encounters are possible until the tunnel is cleared
only exacerbated by his constant exposure to black ice. or the characters double back to explore different tunnels.
He suggests that the heroes buy his trinkets if they antici-
pate going to the valley, since Baerick shows favor to those Cult Assassins
who wear black ice. This is a falsehood, however—Baerick Combat Encounter (200 XP/260 XP in Act 2)
bestows black ice weapons and armor on his followers, but
F 5 tough thugs
characters wearing black ice gain no special advantage.
F 1 dark adept (Act 2 only)

Devotees of Auril are not a major force in Ten-Towns at the The adventurers face the skeleton of Icingdeath and the
start of the adventure, but their influence grows quickly. simulacrum either in Evermelt or elsewhere.
By fighting off the yeti at the gates of Bryn Shander, free- When the simulacrum is destroyed, the skeletal dragon
ing Hengar from Auril’s wrath, or simply asking too many collapses to a heap of bones.
questions, the adventurers can come to the cultists’ atten- Dragon’s Lair: If the characters face Icingdeath’s skel-
tion, with violent results. Cultists might also attack the eton in the dragon’s lair, they can recover some of the
adventurers simply because they’re strangers and will creature’s valuable treasure encased in ice. For every
therefore not be missed. minute they spend chipping away at ice, they uncover one
Since the cultists are otherwise normal townsfolk, of the following (to a maximum of ten treasures).
it’s easy for them to gain surprise in this encounter, and
the heroes likely have little or no warning before they’re 1d10 Description
attacked. The characters might be drinking in a tavern 1 50 gp and 250 sp
when they notice the other patrons eying them while 2 Three gems worth 50 gp each
the barkeep methodically closes the windows and doors. 3 A potion of healing
Alternatively, they might be helping a guard resolve a dis- 4 A necklace of ivory and gold worth 100 gp
pute between two bickering merchants when all three 5 400 cp
suddenly draw daggers and attack the heroes. The sense of 6 120 gp and 95 cp

strangeness surrounding these encounters is heightened 7 Six gems worth 10 gp each
by the cultists giving no indication of why they’re attack- 8 A +1 battleaxe of dwarven make
ing the characters—and by their compulsion to fight to 9 A silver bracer worth 90 gp
the death. Searching any body reveals an object bearing 10 50 gp and a gem worth 100 gp
Auril’s mark, frequently carved from black ice.
By Act 2, Auril’s power has grown to the point where
her faithful are learning to channel that power. The cult-
ists are led by a dark adept.

Displaced Fisher Hedrun’s Simulacra

Bratha Junn is a fisher from Caer-Konig who has decided Simulacrum is a spell that allows the caster to
to pack up her few worldly belongings and move to Lone- create a partially real, illusory duplicate of a
lywood. Hungry for company on the road and afraid of the creature, formed from ice and snow. The dupli-
prospect of beasts or a winter squall, she invites the adven- cate looks like the original creature and remains
turers to travel with her. Reroll or ignore this encounter if under its creator’s absolute control. If reduced
to 0 hit points, it reverts to snow and melts or
it occurs more than once, or if the adventurers are not on
blows away in the wind.
the road to Lonelywood.
The spell ordinarily creates a zombie-like
Bratha explains that she left Caer-Konig because the creature, though additional magic can imbue it
competition and violence of fishing Lac Dinneshere became with a life force and some portion of the original
too much to handle. Disputes over fishing territory were creature’s knowledge and personality. Hed-
bad enough, but now that pirates have started sinking ships, run’s ability to create a simulacrum of herself
she wants nothing more to do with her former life. She is unusual, however. In effect, her simulacrum
counts herself lucky that she had few ties to Caer-Konig, is an extension of herself, allowing her to travel
and looks forward to the peace and quiet of Lonelywood. Icewind Dale without putting herself at risk. The
simulacrum can use all of her spells and other
abilities, and it speaks and acts with Hedrun’s
Dragon Sighting full knowledge. She can have only one simula-
A white dragon flies through the sky a good distance ahead. crum active at a time.
The adventurers spot it easily before it spots them. Unless When the simulacrum is destroyed, Hedrun
they do anything to provoke it, it soars overhead without requires about a day to create a new one, and
noticing them. If they do provoke it, they face a potentially the simulacrum must then make the journey
lethal encounter. See the D&D Next bestiary, downloadable from her tower to the dale. Thus, after destroying
a simulacrum, adventurers will not encounter a
at, for the white dragon’s statistics.
new one for at least two days.

Dragon and Witch

Combat Encounter (400 XP)
F 1 Ice Witch’s simulacrum
F 1 skeletal white dragon (Icingdeath)

Dwarf Patrol of his weapons and supplies, he is stumbling half frozen
through the snow when the adventurers discover him.
Combat Encounter (120 XP) Wigleff ’s injuries are superficial, and he quickly recov-
F 3 dwarf warriors ers his strength if offered food and drink. He can help
guide the adventurers to the Elk Tribe’s camp if they don’t
On the road to Kelvin’s Cairn: The noise of this patrol have the benefit of Hengar’s aid, or can repeat Hengar’s
carries through the snow before the dwarves come into plea for help if the characters are involved in other strands
view, even on the flat tundra. These dwarves are charged of the adventure.
with keeping watch on the road, to ensure that travelers
seeking their homes in the valley remain safe. However,
they are too busy arguing among themselves to per-
Fight on the Lake
form their duty. Although these dwarves remain loyal to Combat Encounter (170 XP/530 XP if tough thugs)
Stokely Silverstream, two members of the patrol (including F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
its leader) wield axes crafted with Baerick Hammer- F 12 thugs or tough thugs (pirates); see below
stone’s black ice, and it has made them belligerent and
overbearing. Derrick and a dozen pirates sail the Howling Fiend, but at
The dwarves argue among themselves about the quality your option, more pirates might sail alongside them in a
of the black ice axes, the route the patrol takes, their pace second boat. Derrick tries to ram the adventurers’ vessel,
on the road, the approaching weather, the cause of the after which he and half his crew board the party’s boat to
harsh winter, and what to do when they spot the adven- fight hand-to-hand. The rest of the pirates attack from the
turers. In fact, it’s hard for the characters to get a word in deck of the Howling Fiend.
edgewise, so vociferous is the dwarves’ debate. If provoked, Except for Derrick, the pirate crew’s arms and armor
the dwarves wielding black ice might attack the adventur- depend on the outcome of the Easthaven raid. If the raid
ers while the third dwarf pleads for calm. was successful (or if the adventurers pursued Davrick Fain
In the Dwarf Mines: Two different dwarf patrol before turning their attention to Easthaven), the pirates are
encounters might occur in the dwarf mines. outfitted with short swords, crossbows, and better armor
Battlehammer Patrol: This patrol is cautious but not (use the tough thug statistics block). If not, they wield only
hostile, particularly if the adventurers have already made daggers in melee and at range (use the thug statistics block).
their presence known in Battlehammer Hold. If the char-
acters haven’t yet talked to Stokely, the dwarves urge them
to do so. Fleeing Merchant
The dwarves can provide information regarding what’s Gatha Dureen is a merchant from Bryn Shander driving
happening in the mines—specifically, the presence of zom- a small wagon to Targos, where she intends to relocate.
bies and the conflict with Baerick’s dwarves. They blame Three hours into the journey, the road has split off to
Baerick, not his black ice, for their troubles, but some of Targos and this encounter can’t occur. A dwarf patrol
the dwarves have kin among Baerick’s dwarves and find encounter occurs instead.
their behavior inexplicable. Gatha has operated her family’s bakery in Bryn
The dwarves fight to defend themselves, but they would Shander for twenty years, but is now fleeing to escape the
rather bring the adventurers to Stokely as captives than as vandalism and intimidation of the Ship Rethnor thugs
corpses. They try to flee if the adventurers overpower them. who work for Vaelish Gant. She is a middle-aged human
Halls of Black Ice Patrol: The dwarves of this patrol are female with coppery-red hair and gray-blue eyes. Soft-spo-
belligerent, demanding to know what the adventurers are ken and gentle, Gatha has a loud laugh—though it takes
doing in their mines, accusing them of coming to steal a great deal to make her laugh these days. She is deeply
from them, and threatening death if the adventurers don’t upset about having to leave Bryn Shander, and would love
leave the mines at once. The dwarves appear to be spoiling to be able to go back and feel safe. The bakery has been in
for a fight—or the chance to loot the characters’ corpses. her family for five generations, and she is overwhelmed
with guilt for breaking the tradition. Her wagon is loaded
Elk Tribe Hunter with flour, yeast, and various spices.

The young barbarian Wigleff was part of a larger hunting

party attacked by a group of Bear Tribe warriors while out Gant’s Offices
on the tundra. Reroll or ignore this encounter if it occurs Combat Encounter (210 XP)
more than once. F 1 wererat (Slim)
All the other Elk Tribe hunters were slain, but Wigleff F 4 human warriors
was knocked out during the fight and left for dead. Stripped
F 1 quasit

The sigil on the door of Gant’s office is a deadly magic glyph
trap. The glyph can be detected with a detect magic spell or a
Iceberg Collision
DC 15 Intelligence check. When detected, the glyph can be As the characters row through a narrow channel in the
disabled with a DC 15 Dexterity check (failure by 5 or more Sea of Moving Ice, icebergs to each side begin to close the
triggers the trap). If the trap triggers, any creature within 10 gap, threatening to crush them. Give the adventurers a
feet of the door must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. few rounds to come up with a means of escape—perhaps
On a failed save, the creature takes 10 (3d6) lightning making Strength checks to row quickly out from between
damage, or half damage on a successful save. the bergs, using magic to put a strong barrier between
them, or scaling the side of one iceberg before it hits the
other. Both icebergs feature plenty of crevices where char-
Goblin Ambush acters can hide or attempt to climb, even after the bergs
Combat Encounter (100 XP) have collided.
F 10 goblins If the characters fail to escape, their boats are destroyed
and they are dropped into the ice-cold water. In addition
Goblin sentries lurk in the verbeeg lair where Davrick to the threat of drowning, a creature that starts its turn in
Fain is planning to hatch a remorhaz. Dressed in white the water takes 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage and 3 (1d6)
furs, they hide in snowbanks waiting for travelers. As the cold damage.
adventurers pass near, the goblins attack with a barrage
of arrows. Ice Fracture
If the adventurers are not traveling on the Eastway, the As the adventurers move across a floe, the ice cracks with
goblins are en route to the road and can’t set up an effec- a thundering boom and splits beneath their feet. This
tive ambush. functions as a pit trap (DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to
avoid), dropping affected characters 1d3 × 10 feet into ice-
Goblin Guards filled water. The fall deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage per
Combat Encounter (100 XP) 10 feet. In addition to the threat of drowning, a creature
that starts its turn in the water takes 3 (1d6) cold damage.
F 10 goblins

If this encounter is being used as part of the back entrance

Ice Hunters
to Rycher’s Lair, and if Rycher had reason to suspect the The adventurers come across a group of six local hunters
arrival of hostile adventurers, then he dismisses the gob- dressed in heavy furs and steering kayaks through the
lins in favor of traps. See Rycher’s Lair*. treacherous ice. The hunters are in search of seals and
beluga whales to provide food in the harsh winter. They
are not hostile to the adventurers unless attacked, and can
Green Slime direct them to the Ice Witch’s tower. If attacked, the hunt-
Exploration Encounter (20 XP) ers fight as Bear Tribe warriors.
F 1 green slime
Ice Witch’s Raiders
A patch of green slime drops from the tunnel ceiling onto Combat Encounter (330 XP)
a passing adventurer. F 3 Bear Tribe warriors
F 3 orcs
Hideout Guards
Combat Encounter (80 XP) The servants of the Ice Witch patrol the Sea of Moving Ice
F 4 human warriors to protect her tower from intruders.

Hideout Thugs Kessell’s Trap

Combat Encounter (200 XP) Combat Encounter (120 XP)
F 2 wererats F 2 giant spiders
F 3 human warriors F 4 zombies
F Akar Kessell (noncombatant)

King Günvald Marek the Shank
Combat Encounter (570 XP) Combat Encounter (150 XP)
F 1 human war chief (King Günvald) F Marek the Shank
F 6 Bear Tribe warriors F 1 wolf
F 3 orcs
Nighttime Break-in
Lurching Iceberg Combat Encounter (230 XP)
While the adventurers are trekking across an iceberg, it F 5 human warriors
crashes into another one. The ice shakes beneath their F Marek the Shank
feet, then tilts sharply. Each character must make a DC
10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone, slide down the When he flees, Marek uses his smoke bomb as an action,
slope, and make a second DC 10 Dexterity saving throw creating a 20-foot-radius cloud centered on a point within
or slip into the ice-cold water. In addition to the threat of 20 feet of him. The cloud’s area is heavily obscured and
drowning, a creature that starts its turn in the water takes lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a wind of 11 mph
3 (1d6) cold damage. or greater.

Major NPC Orc Champion

The heroes have a chance encounter with one of the major Combat Encounter (470 XP)
NPCs (nonplayer characters) in Bryn Shander. Duvessa
F 1 orog
Shane, Sheriff Markham, Vaelish Gant, Slim, Marek the
Shank, or Helda Silverstream are all candidates for this F 5 orcs
encounter, as are any NPCs from elsewhere in Ten-Towns
who might be in Bryn Shander on business (most likely A fierce orc leader leads its lesser allies against the adven-
one of the speakers). If the characters are outside Bryn turers as they cross the battlefield.
Shander, use any NPC detailed in the Setting Book.
This is a good chance to point the characters toward Overwhelming Odds
new quests, to remind them about old ones they’ve been The adventurers find themselves faced with two deadly
ignoring, or to weave connections between disparate parts threats at once. Roll twice on the following table and refer
of the adventure. For example, if the heroes encounter to the indicated encounters.
Vaelish Gant while trying to smuggle Hengar out of town,
the wizard might offer the barbarian a black ice charm. 1d10 Enemies
He ostensibly does so to provide protection against the Ice 1–3 Bear Tribe raiders*
Witch’s magic. However, he secretly hopes that the black 4–5 Wolf attack*
ice’s corrupting influence will make Hengar an easy target 6–7 Yeti attack*
for later manipulation if Gant decides to exploit the bar- 8–9 Bear attack*
barian tribes. 10 Dragon and witch*

Marauding Yetis Pirate Crew

Combat Encounter (190 XP) Combat Encounter (XP Varies; see below)
F 1 yeti F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder)
F 4 young yetis F 1 human warrior (Pyrse)
F Up to 30 thugs or tough thugs (pirates); see below
This encounter represents the yetis that the player char-
acters must deal with. Additional yetis attack the caravan
The full pirate crew consists of thirty pirates, in addition
and the town, but other caravan or town guards kill and
to Derrick and Pyrse. At the hideout, the adventurers find
drive them off in the same time it takes for the adventur-
this number minus any pirates the adventurers defeated at
ers to dispatch their foes in this encounter. You can adjust
Easthaven or any time thereafter.
the difficulty of the encounter by forcing the characters to
Except for Derrick and Pyrse, the pirate crew’s arms
deal with additional yetis, or by having guards help them
and armor depend on the outcome of the Easthaven raid.
finish off any they can’t handle.
If the raid was successful (or if the adventurers pursued
Davrick Fain before turning their attention to Easthaven),

more of the pirates are outfitted with short swords, cross-
bows, and better armor (the tough thug statistics block).
Use the thug statistics block to balance out the pirates as
you see fit.
Arctic Cats
Icewind Dale is home to two varieties of white-
Pirate Raid furred great cats, both of which pose a threat to
Combat Encounter (130 XP) travelers on the northern roads.
The fabled crag cat, also called the Hunter-of-
F 1 human rogue (Derrick the Drownder) Men, is a sure-footed predator that favors rock
F 8 thugs (pirates) ledges and cliffs in the highlands. It is a great cat
with long, sharp teeth, possessing certain magi-
cal abilities that make it particularly fearsome.
If the adventurers join the fray, half the pirates break off
Its cry sounds like a sudden, human scream of
to fight them while the rest concentrate on looting Rur-
terror. It can’t be detected or traced by magic,
den’s Armory. (If the adventurers position themselves in though some folk say they can “feel” when one is
front of the building, the other pirates circle around to try near or watching. And it has a natural resistance
to find or create another way in). Derrick joins the attack to magic that can sometimes turn a spell back
on the party, unable to resist a fight. However, despite his on its caster.
violent temper, Derrick backs off if he’s reduced to half his Tundra cats are related to crag cats, but lack
hit points, yelling at his compatriots to harry his attackers. their magical characteristics. They are more or
He’s not used to sustaining heavy losses, and if the adven- less identical to white-furred tigers, though they
turers take down five or more of his pirates, Derrick calls have the same screaming cry as their mountain-
the rest back to their ships to make a hasty getaway. dwelling cousins.

Combat Encounter (200 XP)
F 24 human commoners (miners; noncombatants) Rampaging Bear
F 8 human warriors Combat Encounter (200 XP)
F 1 tough thug F 1 brown bear

This group of townsfolk and sellswords, under the lead- A bear rampages across the battlefield, undaunted by the
ership of a member of Ship Rethnor, carries out Vaelish attacks of nearby allied soldiers.
Gant’s will beyond Ten-Towns. Though the miners stand
fast behind the better-armed warriors, they immediately
flee if a fight breaks out.
Remorhaz Lair
Combat Encounter (370 XP)

Polar Bear Attack F Davrick Fain

Combat Encounter (200 XP) F 1 human warrior (Rycher)
F 1 brown bear F 1 young remorhaz

Even more aggressive than the brown bears of the tundra Rycher’s Cats
thanks to the actions of the Ice Witch, this polar bear
Combat Encounter (240 XP)
attacks the adventurers’ boats. The polar bear’s statistics
are identical to those of the brown bear, except that it has a F 2 crag cats
swim speed of 30 feet.
These white-furred, long-fanged beasts are at least nomi-
Portage nally tamed by the “wild man” Rycher, but they hunt freely
on the western slopes of Kelvin’s Cairn and down to Maer
Two icebergs have collided ahead of the adventurers, clos-
Dualdon. They ambush travelers but flee quickly from
ing off the channel they hoped to use. They can backtrack,
prey that fights back.
adding 1d4 + 1 hours to their journey, or they can carry
One of the cats leaps out to ambush passersby, hoping
their boats across the ice to the next stretch of water,
to fell its target quickly. The other remains hidden, waiting
adding only 1 hour.
for characters to flee or become separated from the group
before striking. If the adventurers stand their ground after

the initial ambush, the cats retreat. If the beasts are pur- In Caer-Konig: Another group of thugs carries out
sued, they race back to Rycher’s cave. Vaelish Gant’s schemes around Lac Dinneshere. These
thugs do not include a wererat.
Rycher’s Lair
Combat Encounter (260 XP) Slim’s Ambush
F 1 human warrior (Rycher) Combat Encounter (190 XP)
F 2 crag cats F 1 wererat (Slim)
F 6 human warriors
At your discretion, if Rycher had reason to suspect the
arrival of hostile adventurers, he might have set his three Suspicious Merchant
bear traps in the cave entrance. However, he does so only Faedrith Guldan is a merchant from Bremen, traveling
if his two cats are safe with him inside the cave. The bear home with a wagon from a trip to Bryn Shander. Reroll
traps are hidden beneath cloths, and detecting them this encounter if it occurs more than once or if the adven-
requires a DC 15 Wisdom check. If they are not detected, turers are not on the road to Bremen.
any character moving through the lair has a 25 percent Guldan draws a sword at the adventurers’ approach
chance of stepping on one of the traps. If a trap is sprung, and challenges them, believing they might mean him
the character who triggered it must succeed on a DC 20 harm. If they manage to convince him that they don’t
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, that character intend to hurt or rob him, he explains the reason for his
takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage and is restrained until the suspicion. While in Bryn Shander, he heard tales of mer-
trap can be opened with a DC 20 Strength check or dis- chants going missing throughout Ten-Towns and along
abled with a DC 15 Intelligence check. the roads.

Ship Rethnor Thugs Temple of the Storm

Combat Encounter (Act 1, 140 XP if no wererat or
Combat Encounter (750 XP)
190 XP if a wererat is present; Act 2, 490 XP)
F Akar Kessell
F 7 human warriors, with one possibly a wererat (Act 1)
F 1 air elemental
F 7 wererats (Act 2)

Random Encounter: These thugs are going about their Until the Ice Witch is defeated or until the characters
daily business of bullying and terrorizing the local popu- leave the Temple of the Storm, freezing winds buffet the
lace. If the heroes haven’t yet had any run-ins with Slim or adventurers. At the start of each character’s turn, he or she
Marek the Shank, the thugs try to bully them into paying must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On
“traveler’s dues” to guarantee safe passage while going a failed save, the character takes 2 (1d4) cold damage and
about their business in Bryn Shander. If the characters is pushed 5 feet in a random direction. To determine the
refuse to pay, the thugs pretend to back off, then tail the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
adventurers and ambush them as soon as the opportunity
presents itself. Town Guards
If the characters have already encountered either Slim
Combat Encounter (140–240 XP)
or Marek, the thugs know who they are and attack them
on sight. They taunt the adventurers as they fight: “Slim F 5 human warriors
said to give you his regards . . .” If the characters have
already taken Slim and Marek down, the thugs vow ven- These guards patrol the streets of Bryn Shander. They
geance for their leaders’ demise: “Nobody crosses Ship spend their time keeping cart traffic moving along the
Rethnor and lives to brag about it!” town’s crowded thoroughfares, helping locals with minor
In Act 1, there is a 50 percent chance that one of building repairs, breaking up brawls, and escorting drunk-
the thugs is a wererat. By Act 2, all the thugs have been ards home so they don’t pass out and freeze to death in the
infected with lycanthropy and have become wererats. street. They also keep an eye out for newcomers to town,
In the Council Hall: A similar group of thugs awaits both to help them become properly acclimated and to
the adventurers in the council hall if they answer the make sure they don’t cause trouble.
forged note ostensibly from Duvessa Shane. In this case, The guards’ attitude is cautious by default. However,
one of the thugs is automatically a wererat. there is a 50 percent chance that they recognize the adven-
turers from the battle at the southern gate, in which case
they adopt a friendly posture. If the characters have been

seen committing any crimes in town, or if they’re traveling
in Hengar’s company without the sheriff ’s permission, the
guards attempt to place them under arrest. If the adven-
turers resist, the guards retreat but return quickly with
reinforcements (1d6 + 1 additional guards).
Zombie Attack!
When the adventurers encounter zombies
in the mines, be sure to play up the claustro-
Trapped Townsfolk phobic atmosphere, and use the terrain to the
The adventurers come across a group of ordinary towns- monsters’ advantage. Have the zombies attack
from around blind corners, come at the party
folk huddling behind flimsy shelter, trying to avoid the
from behind, or lurch out from behind support
fray. When the townsfolk spot the heroes, they call out for
beams to attack characters who think they’re
help, asking the adventurers to escort them safely back to safely in the middle of the party. After one or
the nearest settlement. two such attacks, even innocuous encounters
will put the characters on edge. Is the strange,
Vaelish Gant bent shadow hanging from the tunnel ceiling
really a broken beam? Or is a zombie’s claw
Combat Encounter (250 XP) ready to catch unwary passersby?
F Vaelish Gant, human wizard

Verbeeg Giant
Combat Encounter (200 XP) The Ice Witch spurs the beasts of the tundra to attack any
F 1 verbeeg (Dardo) humans who dare to brave the winter, making this pack of
wolves unusually aggressive. There is a 25 percent chance
that the pack is led by a winter wolf.
Waterfall Cavern
Combat Encounter (200 XP) Yeti Attack
F 1 Bear Tribe shaman Combat Encounter (220 XP)
F 2 Bear Tribe furies F 2 yetis

Winter Squall Spurred by the Ice Witch to indulge their appetite for
A sudden, violent storm blows down off the Reghed Gla- human flesh, this band of tundra yetis does not shy from
cier. The adventurers can’t make any progress across attacking even well-armed bands of travelers. The yetis
the tundra for 1 hour. There is a 20 percent chance that attempt to use the inclement weather and natural ter-
a combat encounter occurs while the party is stopped rain to their advantage, setting an ambush for unwary
during the storm. If this encounter occurs while the party adventurers.
is resting, each character takes a –2 penalty to Constitution
saving throws to withstand the effect of the cold.
Zombie Pack
Winter Wolf Combat Encounter (100 XP)

Combat Encounter (170 XP) F 10 zombies

F 2 wolves
Groups of zombie dwarves wander the mines with no real
F 1 winter wolf purpose, attacking any living beings they come across.
Some carry mining picks or shovels they use as weapons,
A winter wolf and its hunting companions catch the dealing piercing or slashing damage instead of the blud-
heroes’ scent and decide to take them down. geoning damage of the zombie’s slam attack.

Wolf Attack
Combat Encounter (100 XP or 230 XP if the winter
wolf is present)
F 5 wolves
F 1 winter wolf (25 percent chance)

D&D Next Statistics Akar Kessell
Medium Undead
Armor Class 13
Air Elemental Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Large Elemental (Air) Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 13 Senses darkvision 50 ft.
Hit Points 45 (7d10 + 7); see Traits below Str 15 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Speed 0 ft.; fly 100 ft. (hover) Int 17 (+3) Wis 9 (–1) Cha 15 (+2)
Senses darkvision 50 ft. Alignment neutral evil
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Languages Common
Int 6 (–2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment neutral Traits
Languages Auran Immunities: Akar is immune to disease, necrotic, and poison.
He cannot be put to sleep or paralyzed, and does not need to
Traits sleep, eat, or breathe.
Body of Air: Unless it has a creature restrained, the elemental
Spellcasting: Akar is a 4th-level spellcaster mage who uses
can move through any gap wide enough to permit airflow.
Intelligence as his magic ability (spell save DC 13). He has the
Other creatures can enter the elemental’s space. A creature
following spells prepared:
that does so provokes an opportunity attack from the
Cantrips—minor illusion, ray of frost
elemental, which has advantage on the attack roll.
1st Level (4/day)—cause fear, inflict wounds, magic missile, sleep
Damage Resistance: The elemental is resistant to lightning, 2nd Level (3/day)—hold person, invisibility, mirror image
thunder, and nonmagical weapons.
Immunities: The elemental is immune to disease and poison.
Melee Attack—Shocking Life Drain: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.;
It cannot be knocked prone, paralyzed, petrified, polymorphed
one creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) necrotic damage plus 4 (1d8)
against its will, or put to sleep. It does not need to sleep, eat,
lightning damage, and the target cannot take reactions until
or breathe.
its next turn. A living target must make a DC 11 Constitution
Actions saving throw. Failed Save: The target’s hit point maximum is
reduced by the amount of necrotic damage dealt. A creature
Melee Attack—Slam: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. This reduction
9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and if the elemental has
lasts until the target completes a short rest or a long rest.
no creature restrained and the target is Large or smaller, the
target must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw. Failed Save: Encounter Building
The target is pulled into the elemental’s space and restrained.
Level 5 XP 400
When the elemental moves, it pulls the target with it, and
the target remains restrained in the elemental’s space. Each
time it ends its turn restrained in this way, the target takes Animated Black Ice Statue
9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. The target can make one
Medium Construct
DC 11 Strength or Dexterity check on its turn as part of its
Armor Class 18
movement. On a success, the target is longer restrained and
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
can complete its movement.
Speed 25 ft.
A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can take an action
Senses blindsight 25 ft.
to attempt to free a creature restrained by the elemental.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 10 (+0)
Doing so requires a successful DC 11 Strength check, and the
Int 1 (–5) Wis 3 (–4) Cha 1 (–5)
creature making the attempt provokes an opportunity attack
Alignment unaligned
from the elemental.
Languages —
Encounter Building Traits
Level 5 XP 350
Immunities: The statue is immune to cold, disease, poison,
gaze effects, and other attack forms that rely on sight. It cannot
be blinded, charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, stunned,
or put to sleep. It does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe.

Multiattack: The statue makes two slam attacks.
Melee Attack—Slam: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 80

Baerick Hammerstone Bear Tribe Shaman
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf ) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 17 (splint armor) Armor Class 12 (hide armor)
Hit Points 22 (3d10 + 6) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft. Str 12 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)
Str 17 (+3) Dex 10 (+1) Con 15 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 9 (–1) Cha 13 (+1) Alignment chaotic neutral
Alignment neutral evil Languages Common
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Traits Spellcasting: The shaman is a 4th-level spellcaster who uses
Action Surge: Baerick can take an additional action on his Wisdom as his magic ability (spell save DC 12). He has the
turn. He cannot use this trait again until completes a short rest following spells prepared:
or a long rest. Cantrips—resistance, ray of frost
1st Level (3/day)—cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds
Dwarven Resilience: Baerick has advantage on saving throws
2nd Level (2/day)—silence, spiritual weapon
against poison and resistance to poison damage.
Improved Critical: Baerick scores a critical if he rolls a natural
attack roll of 19–20. Melee Attack—Longspear: +5 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Melee Attack—Black Ice Maul: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Encounter Building
creature). Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage and 1 cold Level 3 XP 120
Melee or Ranged Attack—Light Hammer: +6 to hit (reach Bear Tribe Warrior
5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) Medium Humanoid (Human)
bludgeoning damage. Armor Class 13 (hide armor)
Second Wind: Baerick regains 11 hit points. He cannot use Hit Points 15 (2d10 + 4)
this action again until he completes a long rest. Speed 40 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 13 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Encounter Building Int 9 (–1) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Level 4 XP 150 Alignment chaotic neutral
Languages Common

Bear Tribe Fury Traits

Medium Humanoid (Human) Reckless Attack: Whenever the warrior takes an action to
Armor Class 12 make a melee attack, it can do so with advantage on the attack
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) roll. Doing so grants attackers advantage on their attack rolls
Speed 40 ft. against the warrior until the start of its next turn.
Str 11 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic neutral Melee Attack—Greatsword: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Languages Common creature). Hit: 8 (1d12 + 2) slashing damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or range
20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Multiattack: The fury makes two short sword attacks.
Ranged Attack—Longbow: +1 to hit (range 150 ft./600 ft.;
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one one creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage, or 3 (1d6) slashing
damage with the second attack. Encounter Building
Ranged Attack—Javelin: +3 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one Level 2 XP 40
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 40

Brown Bear Dark Adept
Large Beast Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 16 (ring mail, shield)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 25 ft.
Senses low-light vision Str 12 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)
Str 19 (+4) Dex 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 10 (+0)
Int 3 (–4) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2) Alignment chaotic evil
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Languages —
Traits Spellcasting: The adept is a 2nd-level spellcaster that uses
Keen Senses: The bear gains a +5 bonus to all checks to detect Wisdom as its magic ability (spell save DC 12). It has the
hidden creatures. following spells prepared:
1st Level (2/day)—cure wounds, inflict wounds
Multiattack: The bear makes one bite attack and one claws Actions
attack. Melee Attack—Mace: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Melee Attack—Bite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage. Ranged Attack—Sling: +3 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Melee Attack—Claws: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Encounter Building
Encounter Building Level 2 XP 60
Level 4 XP 200
Davrick Fain
Crag Cat Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield)
Large Beast
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Armor Class 12
Speed 25 ft.
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Str 15 (+2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 14 (+2)
Speed 40 ft.
Int 10 (+0) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 13 (+1)
Senses low-light vision
Alignment chaotic evil
Str 17 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
Languages Common
Int 4 (–3) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment unaligned Traits
Languages —
Spellcasting: Davrick is a 5th-level spellcaster who uses
Traits Wisdom as his magic ability (spell save DC 13). He has the
following spells prepared:
Keen Senses: The cat gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks to
Cantrips—chill touch, resistance
detect hidden creatures.
1st Level (4/day): cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds,
Snow Stealth: The cat can attempt to hide against a snowy or sanctuary
icy background, or while obscured by falling snow or ice. It has 2nd Level (3/day): darkness, hold person, silence
advantage on Dexterity checks to hide in such conditions. 3rd Level (1/day): dispel magic

Actions Actions
Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Melee Attack—Mace: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 9
10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Melee Attack—Claw: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 Encounter Building
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Level 4 XP 200
Pounce: If the cat moves at least 10 feet and ends its
movement so that at least one creature is in its reach, it makes
two claw attacks. If both attacks hit the same Large or smaller
target, the target also falls prone and the cat can make a bite
attack against it.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 120

Dwarf Warrior Giant Spider
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf ) Large Beast
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4) Hit Points 16 (3d10)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 30 ft., spider climb
Senses darkvision 50 ft. Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Str 13 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Str 14 (+2) Dex 15 (+2) Con 10 (+0)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 2 (–4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment any Alignment unaligned
Languages Common, Dwarvish Languages —

Traits Traits
Dwarven Resilience: The dwarf has advantage on saving Spider Climb: The spider can climb at its full speed, including
throws against poison and resistance to poison damage. on smooth walls and upside down on horizontal surfaces. It
ignores movement restrictions due to webbing, including that
Actions from a web spell.
Melee Attack—Battleaxe: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Stealthy +5: The spider gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks
Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage.
to avoid detection.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Light Hammer: +3 to hit (reach
5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) Actions
bludgeoning damage. Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
(1d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 10
Reactions Constitution saving throw. Failed Save: 5 (2d4) poison damage.
Defender: If a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within
Ranged Attack—Web (Recharge 5–6): +4 to hit (range
5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can
30 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: The target is restrained by
use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on
webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a
the attack roll. The dwarf cannot use this reaction again until it
DC 11 Strength check to escape. The webbing has AC 12,
completes a short rest or a long rest.
and another creature can deal 5 fire or slashing damage to
Encounter Building the webbing to end this effect; if fire damage is used, the
restrained creature also takes the damage.
Level 2 XP 40
Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 40

Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Armor Class 13 (leather, shield)
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Speed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Str 8 (–1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 10 (+0)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 9 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Goblin

Stealthy +5: The goblin gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks
to avoid detection.

Melee Attack—Mace: +1 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 2
(1d6 – 1) bludgeoning damage (minimum 1 damage).
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 10

Green Slime Hedrun the Ice Witch
Medium Ooze (Hazard) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 14 (ice armor)
Green slime is a dangerous, unintelligent variety of normal
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
algae that forms in moist subterranean environments. Bright
Speed 30 ft.
green, wet, and sticky, it clings to walls, floors, and ceilings
Str 9 (–1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
in patches. This plant is a slow-growing hazard that feeds on
Int 15 (+2) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)
flesh, plant matter, and metal.
Alignment chaotic evil
Detect: It takes a DC 10 Wisdom check to notice the green Languages Common
slime under normal conditions and a DC 12 Intelligence check
to identify the hazard for what it is.
Animal Empathy: Beasts are aggressive toward Hedrun only if
Effect on Creatures: The slime can detect the air vibrations she harms them first.
and temperature of living creatures. When it does, a sheet of
it large enough to envelop the passing creature drops from its Auril’s Footing: Hedrun ignores difficult terrain created by ice,
resting place onto the target. The target must make a DC 12 snow, and similar wintry conditions, magical or natural. She is
Dexterity saving throw to avoid the sheet, making the saving immune to the effect of her own spike growth spell.
throw with disadvantage if the slime was unnoticed or not
Freezing Aura: Liquid water that comes within 5 feet of
considered to be a hazard. On a failed save, the target takes
Hedrun instantantly freezes. She can traverse bodies of water
1d6 acid damage, and takes another 1d6 acid damage at the
across the ice created by this trait, but the ice melts quickly
end of each of its turns during which it is still in contact with
enough to prevent other creatures from doing the same.
the slime.
Ice Armor: Hedrun’s ice armor makes her immune to cold
A creature that steps in a patch of green slime on the floor
damage. Additionally, whenever Hedrun takes damage, she
receives no saving throw to avoid taking damage.
can apply half to her ice armor. Her ice armor can absorb no
Effect on Objects: Against wood or metal, green slime deals more than 16 hit points per day.
2d6 acid damage per round, dissolving about an inch thickness
Spellcasting: Hedrun is a 5th-level spellcaster that uses
of material each round. Green slime does no harm to stone or
Wisdom as her magic ability (spell save DC 13). She has the
following spells prepared:
Countermeasures: Green slime can be scraped off or killed by Cantrips—chill touch, ray of frost
taking 11 damage or more from weapons, cold, or fire. Dealing 1st Level (4/day)—animal friendship, fog cloud, gust of wind, ice
damage to the slime also deals half damage to the creature it darts1
is covering. 2nd Level (3/day)—hold person, ice spear2, spike growth
3rd Level (2/day)—dispel magic, sleet storm
Encounter Building
1. Ice Darts: Hedrun launches three darts of magic ice at up to
Level 1 XP 20
two creatures that she can see within 50 feet of her, making an
attack roll against each target. On a hit, the target takes 5 (1d4
+ 3) cold damage and its speed is reduced by 15 feet until
Hedrun’s next turn.
At Higher Levels: When Hedrun casts this spell using a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for
each level above 1st.
2. Ice Spear: Hedrun launches a spear of ice at one creature
that she can see within 50 feet of her, making an attack roll
against the target. On a hit, the target takes 17 (5d6) cold
damage and is restrained. The target must succeed on a DC 15
Strength or Dexterity check to end the restrained condition.
On a miss, the spear explodes near the target for half as much
At Higher Levels: When Hedrun casts this spell using a 3rd-
level spell slot, it deals 24 (7d6) cold damage on a hit.

Encounter Building
Level 5 XP 400

Human Commoner Human War Chief
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 17 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 4 (1d8) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 10 (+0) Con 10 (+0) Str 14 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 11 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment any Alignment any
Languages Common Languages Common

Traits Traits
Pack Tactics: The commoner gains a cumulative +1 bonus to Commander +2: Friendly creatures with the disciplined action
attack rolls, to a maximum of +5, for each friendly creature that that can see or hear the war chief and are within 30 feet of it
is within 5 feet of its target. gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. If multiple friendly creatures
have the Commander trait, only the highest bonus applies.
Melee Attack—Club: +1 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 2 Actions
(1d4) bludgeoning damage. Multiattack: The war chief makes two long sword attacks.
Ranged Attack—Rock: +1 to hit (range 20 ft./80 ft.; one Melee Attack—Long Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Encounter Building Ranged Attack—Javelin: +4 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one

creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Level 1 XP 10
Encounter Building
Human Rogue Level 3 XP 120
Medium Humanoid
Armor Class 14 (leather)
Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4)
Human Warrior
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 12 (leather)
Str 13 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Int 11 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 13 (+1)
Speed 30 ft.
Alignment neutral evil
Str 12 (+1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1)
Languages Common
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Traits Alignment any
Languages Common
Assassinate: The rogue has advantage on attack rolls against
creatures that have not yet acted in the combat. If such a Actions
creature is surprised and the attack hits the creature, the
Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
attack is considered to be a critical hit.
ranged 20 ft./60 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, if the rogue attacks and hits a damage.
creature that has another creature able to take actions and
Disciplined: The warrior chooses a creature within its reach.
hostile to it within 5 feet of it, the hit deals 1d6 extra damage.
The next attack roll made against that target by a friendly
The rogue also deals this extra damage if the rogue has
creature that also has the disciplined action has advantage.
advantage on the attack roll.

Actions Encounter Building

Level 1 XP 20
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack—Sling: +4 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 50

Ice Witch’s Simulacrum Orc
The simulacrum uses the same statistics block as Hedrun the Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Ice Witch, with the adjustments noted here. Armor Class 13 (studded leather)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
Encounter Building Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 10 (+0) Con 12 (+1)
Level 4 XP 200
Int 7 (–2) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Marek the Shank Languages Common, Orc
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid, Hobgoblin) Traits
Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield)
Relentless: If the orc takes damage that reduces it to 0 hit
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
points, it can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of
Speed 25 ft.
5 + the damage taken. If the saving throw succeeds, the orc
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
drops to 1 hit point instead. If the orc has only 1 hit point at
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 13 (+1)
the end of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points.
Int 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment lawful evil Actions
Languages Common, Goblin
Melee Attack—Greataxe: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Traits Hit: 8 (1d12 + 2) slashing damage.
Commander +2: Friendly creatures with the disciplined action Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one
that can see or hear Marek and are within 30 feet of him gain creature). Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
a +2 bonus to damage rolls. If multiple friendly creatures have
the Commander trait, only the highest bonus applies. Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 70
Steadfast: Marek cannot be frightened while he can see a
friendly creature within 30 feet of him that also has this trait.

Actions Orog
Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Multiattack: Marek makes two attacks.
Armor Class 14 (ring mail)
Melee Attack—Long Sword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage. Speed 25 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +4 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2)
creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Encounter Building
Languages Common, Orc
Level 4 XP 130
Relentless: If the orog takes damage that reduces it to 0 hit
points, it can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of
5 + the damage taken. If the saving throw succeeds, the orog
drops to 1 hit point instead. If the orog has only 1 hit point at
the end of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points.

Melee Attack—Greataxe: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 120

Quasit Skeletal White Dragon
Tiny Fiend (Demon, Shapechanger) Huge Undead
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 14
Hit Points 7 (3d4); see Traits below Hit Points 51 (6d12 + 12)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 50 ft.
Senses darkvision 100 ft. Senses darkvision 100 ft.
Str 5 (–3) Dex 17 (+3) Con 10 (+0) Str 17 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (–2) Int 2 (–4) Wis 7 (–2) Cha 2 (–4)
Alignment chaotic evil Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Abyssal, Common Languages —

Traits Traits
Magic Resistance: The quasit has advantage on saving throws Ice Walk: The dragon takes no penalty to speed while
against magical effects. traversing ice or snow.
Damage Resistance: The quasit is resistant to cold, fire, and Immunities: The dragon is immune to cold, disease, and
lightning, and to nonmagical weapons except those made of poison. It cannot be charmed, frightened, or put to sleep. It
cold-forged iron. does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe.

Actions Actions
Melee Attack—Claws: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Multiattack: The dragon makes one claw attack and one bite
5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage, and the target must make a DC 8 attack or tail attack.
Constitution saving throw. Failed Save: 5 (2d4) poison damage,
Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit:
and the target has disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and
8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
saving throws, and on all attack rolls made using Dexterity, for
1 minute. This is a poison effect. Melee Attack—Claw: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Cause Fear (1/day): The quasit chooses any number of
creatures within 20 feet of it. Each target must make a DC 10 Melee Attack—Tail: +3 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
Wisdom saving throw. Failed Save: The target is frightened for 1 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Large or smaller,
minute. While frightened, the target must use its movement to the dragon also either pushes the target up to 10 feet away or
move away from the quasit. As an action, the frightened target knocks it prone.
can make a DC 8 Wisdom check to end this effect.
Encounter Building
Change Shape: The quasit polymorphs into a Medium wolf
Level 4 XP 200
or a Tiny bat, centipede, or toad and can remain in this form
indefinitely. The quasit gains a fly speed of 40 feet in bat form;
otherwise, its statistics do not change (except for its size). The
quasit reverts to its natural form when killed.
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Invisibility: The quasit turns invisible until it attacks, uses Armor Class 11
cause fear, or ends the effect. It can end the effect at any time Hit Points 9 (2d8)
without using an action. Speed 30 ft.
Str 12 (+1) Dex 12 (+1) Con 11 (+0)
Encounter Building Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Level 2 XP 60 Alignment neutral
Languages Common

Melee or Ranged Attack—Dagger: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
range 30 ft./120 ft.; one creature). Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 10

Tough Thug Vaelish Gant
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 12 (leather) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6) Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2) Str 9 (–1) Dex 13 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Alignment neutral Alignment lawful evil
Languages Common Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Orcish

Traits Traits
Thug Tactics: The thug has advantage on attack rolls against Abjurer’s Armor: Whenever Vaelish takes damage, he can
any enemy that is within 5 feet of one or more of the thug’s apply half to his mage armor. His mage armor effect can absorb
allies. no more than 13 hit points per day.

Actions Spellcasting: Vaelish is a 5th-level spellcaster that uses

Intelligence as his magic ability (spell save DC 13). He has the
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
following spells prepared:
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Cantrips—light, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
Ranged Attack—Light Crossbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 1st Level (4/day)—charm person, magic missile, shield
ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. 2nd Level (3/day)—invisibility, scorching ray
3rd Level (2/day)—fireball
Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 40 Actions
Melee Attack—Sapphire Staff: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Sapphire Staff Magic: Vaelish uses his staff to cast one of the
following spells stored within it (save DC 13).
Cantrip—ray of frost
1st Level (2/day)—detect magic
4th Level (1/day)—dimension door

Shield [1st-Level Spell]: When he is hit by an attack, makes a
Dexterity saving throw, or is the target of magic missile, Vaelish
can use a reaction to gain a +4 bonus to AC and to Dexterity
saving throws, as well as immunity to magic missile, until the
start of his next turn.

Encounter Building
Level 4 XP 250

Large Giant
Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Speed 40 ft.
Str 19 (+4) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 11 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common, Giant

Melee Attack—Spear: +6 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Hit:
11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack—Javelin: +6 to hit (range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 4 XP 200

Wererat Winter Wolf
Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger) Large Beast
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 12
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3); see Traits below Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 35 ft. Speed 50 ft.
Senses low-light vision Senses low-light vision
Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 11 (+0) Int 8 (–1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 7 (–2)
Alignment neutral evil Alignment neutral evil
Languages Common (cannot speak in rat form) Languages —

Traits Traits
Cunning: The wererat has advantage on ability checks to bluff, Immunity: The wolf is immune to cold.
listen, sneak, and spot.
Keen Senses: The wolf gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks to
Damage Resistance: The wererat is resistant to nonmagical detect hidden creatures.
weapons except those made of silver.
Pack Tactics: The wolf gains a cumulative +1 bonus to attack
Opportunist: If the wererat has advantage on an attack roll, it rolls, to a maximum of +5, for each creature friendly to the
can give up the advantage to make two attacks. wolf that is within 5 feet of its target.
Rat Scurry: While in rat form, when the wererat moves on its Actions
turn, its movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Melee Attack—Bite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 8
Actions (1d10 + 3) piercing damage, or 11 (1d10 + 6) piercing damage
against a prone creature. If the attack deals 9 or more damage,
Melee Attack—Bite (rat and hybrid forms only): +5 to hit
the wolf also knocks the target prone.
(reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage,
and the target must make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw. Cold Breath: The wolf breathes an icy blast of freezing wind in
Failed Save: The target is cursed with lycanthropy. a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 10
Dexterity saving throw. Failed Save: 15 (4d6 + 2) cold damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Dagger (humanoid and hybrid
Successful Save: Half damage. The wolf must complete a short
forms only): +5 to hit (reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft./120 ft.; one
rest or a long rest to use this breath weapon again.
creature). Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Change Shape: The wererat polymorphs into a Medium rat-
Encounter Building
humanoid hybrid or a Small rat and can remain in this from for Level 4 XP 130
up to 24 hours.
While in hybrid form, it can make bite and claw attacks only.
While in rat form, it can make bite attacks only, and its speed Wolf
becomes 40 feet. In both forms, the wererat gains low-light Medium Beast
vision. Armor Class 12
The wererat reverts to its natural form when killed. Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 50 ft.
Encounter Building
Senses low-light vision
Level 3 XP 70 Str 13 (+1) Dex 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1)
Int 2 (–4) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 6 (–2)
Alignment unaligned
Languages —

Keen Senses: The wolf gains a +5 bonus to all ability checks to
detect hidden creatures.
Pack Tactics: The wolf gains a cumulative +1 bonus to attack
rolls, to a maximum of +5, for each friendly creature that is
within 5 feet of its target.

Melee Attack—Bite: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d6 + 1 piercing damage. If the attack deals maximum
damage, the wolf also knocks the target prone.

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 20

Yeti Young Remorhaz
Large Monstrosity Medium Monstrosity
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 16
Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 35 ft., climb Speed 30 ft., burrow
Senses low-light vision Senses blindsight 25 ft., darkvision 50 ft., low-light vision
Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 15 (+2)
Int 8 (–1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2) Int 2 (–4) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2)
Alignment neutral Alignment unaligned
Languages Giant Languages —

Traits Traits
Chilling Surprise: Any creature surprised by a yeti must Burrow: The remorhaz can burrow through ice and snow at
succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or become its speed, and through earth at one-third its speed. When
frightened and paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat burrowing through earth, ice, or packed snow, the remorhaz
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending both leaves behind a 5-foot-wide tunnel.
conditions on a success.
Heat: Any creature or object that touches the remorhaz takes
Climb: The yeti can climb at its full speed. 5 (2d4) fire damage.
Immunities: The yeti is immune to cold damage. Immunities: The remorhaz is immune to fire and cold.
Protected Eyes: Windblown particles such as snow or sand Actions
cannot cause the yeti to be blinded.
Melee Attack—Bite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Snow Stealth: The yeti can attempt to hide against a snowy or 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage, and a Medium or smaller target
icy background, or while obscured by falling snow or ice. It has must make a DC 12 Strength or Dexterity saving throw. Failed
advantage on Dexterity checks to hide in such conditions. Save: The target is grappled and is restrained while grappled.
While it has a creature grappled in this way, the remorhaz
Vulnerability: The yeti is vulnerable to fire. can use its bite attack against only that creature. In addition,
whenever a creature ends its turn grappled in this way, it takes
5 (2d4) fire damage. A remorhaz can grapple only one creature
Multiattack: The yeti makes two claw attacks. If the yeti hits at a time.
one Medium or smaller target with both claw attacks, the
target is grappled and is restrained while grappled. While it Encounter Building
has a creature grappled, the yeti can use its claw attack against Level 4 XP 150
only that creature. Whenever a creature ends its turn grappled
in this way, it takes 5 (2d4) cold damage. A yeti can grapple
only one creature at a time.
Melee Attack—Claw: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 110

Young Yeti Zombie
Medium Monstrosity Medium Undead
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 8
Hit Points 13 (2d10 + 2) Hit Points 9 (2d8); see Traits below
Speed 35 ft., climb Speed 20 ft.
Senses low-light vision Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Str 15 (+2) Dex 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Str 15 (+2) Dex 6 (–2) Con 10 (+0)
Int 8 (–1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 7 (–2) Int 5 (–3) Wis 7 (–2) Cha 5 (–3)
Alignment neutral Alignment neutral evil
Languages Giant Languages understands Common

Traits Traits
Climb: The yeti can climb at its full speed. Immunities: The zombie is immune to disease and poison,
and it cannot be frightened or put to sleep. It does not need to
Immunities: The yeti is immune to cold damage.
sleep, eat, or breathe.
Protected Eyes: Windblown particles such as snow or sand
Zombie Fortitude: When the zombie takes damage that
cannot cause the yeti to be blinded.
reduces it to 0 hit points, it can make a Constitution saving
Snow Stealth: The yeti can attempt to hide against a snowy or throw with a DC equal to 5 + the damage taken, unless the
icy background, or while obscured by falling snow or ice. It has damage was dealt by a critical hit. Successful Save: The zombie
advantage on Dexterity checks to hide in such conditions. instead drops to 1 hit point.

Vulnerability: The yeti is vulnerable to fire. Actions

Melee Attack—Slam: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple: The yeti uses the grapple action against a creature.
Whenever a creature ends its turn grappled by the yeti, Encounter Building
the creature takes 2 (1d4) cold damage. If it has a creature Level 1 XP 10
grappled, the yeti can use its claw attack only against that
creature. The yeti can grapple only one creature at a time.
Melee Attack—Claw: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 20

More about the Tribes win. Though he was fond of raiding Ten-Towns and the
other tribes, ambushes were not his style. He enjoyed
The following material supplements the discussion of the the thrill of the fight, even when his opponents’ efforts to
Reghed tribes in the Campaign Guide. defend themselves were futile.
The black ice has exacerbated his worst qualities and all
Tribe of the Bear but obliterated his redeeming features. He longs for battle,
The other great tribe of the Reghed is the Tribe of the Bear. looks for any pretense to start a fight, and now refuses to
Driven to desperation by Auril’s fierce winter, the Tribe of back down from any conflict, no matter the losses that he
the Bear has broken peace with the other tribes and with or his warriors might suffer. He has also grown desper-
the Ten-Towners, launching raids to steal supplies. Worse, ately afraid of losing what power he has left after allowing
the tribe has turned to the worship of the Frostmaiden and his tribe to come under the Ice Witch’s thrall. He suspects
joined forces with Hedrun, the Ice Witch. his underlings—his own younger brother, Wolvig, and the
tribal shaman Bjami Tengervaald—of plotting against him.
Günvald Barrundson
King of the Bear Tribe
Bjami Tengervaald
Shaman of the Bear Tribe
King Günvald Barrundson, true to the name of his tribe,
is a bear of a man. Approaching seven feet tall, he has For all of Günvald’s lust for power, and his fear of being
a mane of white hair and a bushy, yellow-white beard, usurped, it has been a long time since he actually steered
though he is only 35 years old. His eyes are pale blue, and the activity of the Bear tribe. For years, Bjami Tenger-
his skin is pale and chapped. vaald, the tribe’s shaman, has manipulated the king, the
King Günvald is said to have wrestled a polar bear and war chief, and every influential tribe warrior to see that
come out the victor, though he himself never makes that his own will was carried out—all while making Günvald
claim. Some say the bear he defeated is now his compan- believe that all the best ideas were his own.
ion, Hündel. In any event, the legend reveals much about Bjami is a small, withered man who has endured
his nature and his rule. Günvald is a strong man who loves over sixty winters in Icewind Dale—an accomplishment
strength. He covets power, he is willing to wrest it from the few can claim. His size and gaunt frame hide a hardy
grip of those he feels are unworthy of holding it, and he strength that can be attributed to long years spent in
keeps a tight grip on his own authority in order to dissuade communion with wintry spirits, bear totems, and the
anyone who might try to seize power from him. His rule of Frostmaiden herself. Winter seems to have taken root in
the Tribe of the Bear has been marked by violence—he has his very bones and blood, making him something slightly
killed several would-be claimants to his title, has broken more than human. He believes that his actions are the
longstanding alliances and gone to war with the Elk and will of Auril—and he’s right.
Tiger tribes, has set Hündel against warriors who failed When Auril made the Ice Witch her Chosen, Bjami
in important tasks, and now, in Auril’s deadly winter, has realized it immediately, and he was filled with an apoca-
offered human sacrifices to the Frostmaiden. lyptic religious fervor. He believes that Auril’s choice of a
The Bear Tribe suffered badly when the harsh winter woman from the Elk tribe is a sign that all the tribes will
began. It lost many members to beast attacks and was in come under her dominion, united again as they were in
danger of running out of food as the beasts and the storms Wulfgar’s day. He imagines himself and the Ice Witch,
claimed more and more reindeer. From the start, the tribe’s side by side, ruling together over a conquered Icewind
shaman proclaimed Auril’s wrath and urged his fellows and Dale that is locked in eternal winter.
his king to appease her, and Grünvald was soon forced to
acquiesce. When a yeti took the life of his wife, Affya, his Wolvig Barrundson
patience broke and he personally led the tribe in a terrible War Chief of the Bear Tribe
ritual slaughter of the warriors whose injuries prevented
them from fighting. Since then, the fortunes of the tribe King Günvald’s younger brother is Wolvig Barrundson,
have improved, and now Grünvald has sworn allegiance who holds the title of war chief while Günvald coordinates
to the Ice Witch—a bitter pill for the power-hungry man to the tribe’s efforts from the Ice Witch’s palace. Though
swallow, but a necessary concession in his mind. he believes the position is a great honor that recognizes
For all his aggressive nature and the bloody history his skill in battle, in truth he holds the position because
of his reign, Grünvald is an honorable warrior—or was, Bjami desires it—and because Bjami knows Wolvig to be
until the black ice of Hedrun’s tower worked its influ- extremely pliable to his will.
ence on him. He never ordered his warriors into a fight he Wolvig is tall and fair like most of his people, with long,
wouldn’t join in himself, and he knew enough to pull his blond hair and no beard. An angry red battle scar runs
warriors back when he led them into a battle they couldn’t across his neck, and he displays it proudly as a sign of his

strength. “I survived this,” he is fond of saying, pointing at when Bremen’s speaker rebuffed her. Perhaps fortunately
the scar, “and I think I’ll survive you too.” Few people take for both peoples, Speaker Dorbulgruf shares Fritha’s calm
him as seriously as he takes himself. head. Many members of the tribe grumble against their
Although the Tribe of the Bear, under Bjami’s com- leader now, however, saying she should have led them to
mand, is sworn to the service of Auril and the Ice Witch, war for the sake of preserving the tribe. It is possible she
Wolvig still prays to Tempus—though silently—in battle. might not hold her position much longer.
Sacrificing people to Auril by leaving them exposed to the The Tribe of the Wolf, meanwhile, has moved as far to
cold is not how warriors should behave, he believes, and the south and west as possible without leaving Icewind
he secretly resents the path that Bjami has led the tribe Dale, sheltering in the foothills of the Spine of the World
down. But his fear of the shaman, and of his older broth- near Ironmaster. Its people have suffered greatly from
er’s wrath, keeps him in line. beast attacks, though they have erected makeshift fortifi-
Wolvig is a simple man with simple tastes. He enjoys cations that protect them from the worst of the assaults.
battle, good food, and good company. He often finds They grow hungry and desperate, though, as the Ice
himself wishing that life were less complicated, and he Witch’s beasts drive reindeer and other game away, out of
believes that acting as Bjami and Günvald desire is the their reach.
simplest course of action, even if it doesn’t match his own The Tribe of the Wolf is currently without a king. The
sense of a warrior’s ethics. former chieftain, Halpstaag Kaerigson, died during the
tribe’s migration to the south, and no one has sought to
The Lesser Tribes claim his place in this dire time. The tribe’s shaman, Jütti
Merliss, leads the tribe by default.
After the united Reghed tribes attacked Ten-Towns under
the leadership of King Heafstaag of the Elk Tribe, the
tribes were sorely depleted. It is said that only fifty war-
riors survived the ill-fated assault, and the harsh winter
that followed took the lives of many of the women and
children who had not participated in the attack. Though
they clung to their traditional names, the smaller tribes
were absorbed into the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of
the Bear, living and hunting alongside the “true” members
of the two strongest tribes.
After the war with Akar Kessell, the people of the tribes
abandoned their nomadic ways for a time and settled in
Ten-Towns, particularly Bremen and Caer-Konig. Over the
succeeding decades, though, they slowly returned to their
old traditions, and the tribes took on their old identities.
Aside from the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of the Bear,
the Tiger and Wolf tribes retain a significant presence on
the tundra. The Tribe of the Seal and the Tribe of the Cari-
bou emerged for a time and then were reabsorbed into the
Tribe of the Elk.
With the coming of Auril’s deadly winter, the smaller
Tiger and Wolf tribes are struggling to survive. The Tribe
of the Tiger tried to find shelter in Bremen, but the group
was rebuffed by the suspicious townsfolk and set up a
camp instead on the northwestern shores of Maer Dual-
don. Its numbers have been whittled away by persistent
beast attacks—the people of Bremen and Lonelywood have
no idea of the extent to which this tribe has served as a
buffer between them and the Ice Witch’s fury.
The chieftain of the Tribe of the Tiger is a woman—
which would have been unthinkable before Wulfgar’s
time. Queen Fritha Craegmar is a wise and fair leader
and a mighty warrior, though she has no love of violence.
While some in the tribe wanted to attack the “weak folk”
of Bremen and take the town by force, Fritha relied on a
diplomatic envoy, and she withdrew the tribe peacefully

Iv —---

I( The leader of the dwarves of Kelvin’s (airn’

Stokely is a cousin of the great hero Bruenor
Battlehammer. After leading his “boys” to help
Bruenor in Gauntigrym, he returned to his home
and ruled in peace until Baerick Hammerstone
brought black ice into the dwarven valley.

• Always ready to drink a toast to Bruenor,
the Battlelsainisier clan, or Mithral hall
+ Beleaguered
+ Simple but not stupid, practical,
down to earth
+ Worried, concerned for his people
A young wizard ofthe Arcane Brotherhood
in Luskan, Vaelish Cant has grand vissons of
extending the Brotherhood’s influence up and
down the Sword Coast.

Sleazy and slimy; ingratiating in an
unctuous way
+ Ambitious
+ Arrogant
+ Self-aggrandizing
+ Visionary, at least in his own mind
Three weeks ago, Baerick was a simple miner
in the dwarven valley. When Vaelish Gant’s
apprentice hired him to look for Akar Kessell’s
remains, isis life was transthrined. He now rules
half of the dwarven valley in open rebellion
against Stokely Silverstream.

+ Suspicious of everyone and everything
+ Easily insulted
+ hostile to outsiders
+ hIot-teml)ered
— •w:e
• Formerly a simple merchant of Bremen, l)avrick
Fain became a disciple ofAuril after this winter’s
first great storm. He now leads a small, scattere(l
cult of the Frostinaiden in Ten-Towns.

+ Fanatical, devoted to Auril, the goddess
of winter
+ 1)oonssayer
Enthusiastic and emphatic
loud and talkative
I)errick Gaffner is captain of the howling
Fiend, a fishing boat turned pirate vessel on
Lac I)inneshere. Corrupted by the black
ice used to make his ship’s keel, I)errick is ‘

vicious and hateful.

‘f. Authoritarian, intolerant of dissent
+ Hot-headed
‘ Intimidating, enjoys causing fear

1! Loud -
Over a hundred years ago, Kessell was a
bumbling apprentice usage who stumbled upon
the po’ver of the Crystal Shard awl attempted
to conquer Icewmnd I)ale. Now a wight, he seeks
once more to bring the dale under his influence.

Ashamed to subnsit to the Ice Witch
+ Bitter that the power of the Crystal
Shard eludes Isimis
+ Cocky, and confident he cams’t lose
+ Furious at Drizzt l)o’Ilrden for
killing hums
+ Self-centered, believing that no omse
else niatters
Ilengar is a young warrior of tbe iribe of the Elk
who idolizes his tribe’s great hero, Wu1fjar son
of Beornegar. lie believes in duty to isis people
and the interdependence of the Reghed tribes
and the Ten-Towners.

+ Concerned for his people’s well being
+ Friendly
Optimistic .
A young woman of the Tribe of the Elk, Hedrun
was made Auril’s Chosen and blessed with
powers of ice and cold. Unable to control them,
she accidentally killed the young man she
loved—the son of the tribe’s shaman. Sent into
exile, she has come into her own in the service of
the Frostinaiden.

+ Haunted by the death of a loved one
+ Filled with Auril’s fury
+ Isolated
+ Merciless
+ Vengeful
The speaker of Bryn Shander is a young woman
who has fought against prejudice to become
the most capable leader the town has seen
in nsany years.

+ Sliarp-toiigued; she’s not hot-tempered,
but when she gets angry she really
cuts loose
+ Skilled at negotiation; she listeiss
carefully, clarifies what she hears,
and finds common ground
+ Strong leader witls a clear vision for
the future
A cleric of Amaunator, Mithann is a retired
adventurer from Cormyr who spent years
fighting evil ac-ross Faerfln before settling
in kewind l)ale. Tier adventuring days are
done, hut she tries to help other good-hearted
adventurers as smsch as she can.

+ hopeful, always sees the best in people
+ Caring
+ Cheerful
+ Devout
+ Vigilant against evil

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