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Ian T. Breguera Date Performed: August 19, 2019
Michaela Joselle Navarro
Jamill De Vera Date Submitted: September 2, 2019
Risa Umblas
Normelyn De Guzman Rating: _____________


Disprove the theory that maggots could be spontaneously generated from meat using a
controlled experiment.


We used fruits (mashed banana).

JAR A = Open jar

JAR B = Sealed with clean gauze

JAR C = Tightly sealed with cap.

Jar A Jar B Jar C

Growth of The maggots in jar A The maggots in jar B There is no sign of growth
that is open can grow with clean gauze are of maggots in this jar.
maggots quickly few. They can’t even
The smell is very stinky. Still the smell in jar B is The smell is still not good
Smell You can smell the stinky. But it is better enough to sniff.
smelly banana even that the jar A.
though you’re far.
Color of the meat The color of the banana The color of the banana The color is lighter that jar
is dark brown with white in jar B is light brown B.
or fruit spots (fungi) because it is not
completely open.
Growth of The fungi can grow There are white spots in There are fungi in this jar.
quickly in this jar the banana when we Even though it is closed,
fungi because it is open and opened the jar B. there are fungi inside that
the bacteria can spread Compared in the jar A, it can also affect the smell
too fast. Color white. has small quantity. and color of the banana.

In our experiment we observed that maggots and fungi and grow depend on the
surroundings. If it is open air then the bacteria and worms an easily make or produce into a fungi
or maggots. But if the surroundings are close then the maggots and fungi have a hard time
growing. In every jar there are fungi because of the left over bacteria came from mashed banana.
The smell is not too good because of the heat temperature that the banana absorbed, it became


1. What is a controlled experiment?

A controlled experiment is a scientific test that is directly manipulated by a
scientist, in order to test a single variable at a time. The variable being tested is the
independent variable, and is adjusted to see the effects on the system being studied.

2. What are the manipulated variables in this experiment?

The manipulated variables in this experiment are the smell, color, texture, the
growth of maggots and fungi.

3. Why do you observe growth of fungi in all setups after several days of the
There is a lot of fungi in all jar even though others has sealed. The reason to this
are having bacteria inside the jar before it gets sealed. When the mashed banana became
spoiled, the bacteria grow fast.

One day, ma’am Calolot said that we we’re be having an experiment. An experiment
we’re slice of meat or fruit suh as (banana or papaya) will be put inside the 3 jars (jar a – not
sealed; jar b – sealed with gauze; jar – completely sealed). First procedure to do is to prepare all
things that are needed on the experiment. After all things prepared, we mashed the sliced banana.
Then we put inside the 3 jars. Jar A and B was put outside and the jar C will stay inside the
room. A several day had passed; we observed that mashed banana in jar A is gradually decayed.
Maggots and fungi are starting to grow. We observe also the smell, it became stinky.

After 2 days the mashed banana in jar b became light brown. The smell is becoming not
good. After 3-4 days, Fungi starts to grow. White spots are now visible. On the top of gauze
there are maggots. They are trying to go inside the jar.

The jar C is the jar with no maggots at all. But there are still white spots called fungi.
After days, we observed that the color of the mashed banana became dark. And when the
experiment is done, we opened the jar and saw everything. From fungi to color.

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