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Welcome to the Warzone 2
Games Workshop stores 6
Mail Order & Internet on-line store 12
Introduction to Warhammer 40,000 14
Warhammer 40,000 short story 16
Warhammer 40,000 Artwork 20
Space Marines 24
Imperial Guard 38
Assassins 44
Sisters of Battle 45
Tau 48
Eldar 52 I

Chaos Space Marines 57

Dark Eldar 63
Orks 68
Tyranids 72
Necrons 76
Introduction to Warhammer 78
Warhammer short story 80
Warhammer Artwork
Empire 88
Dwarfs 94
Bretonnia 98
Lizardmen 104
High Elves 107
Wood Elves 112
Dark Elves 116
Ores & Goblins 120
Vampire Counts 128
Skaven 133
Realm of Chaos 136
The Lord of the Rings 142
White Dwarf 144
Black Library and Forge World 146
Warmaster 148
Inquisitor 149
Nercomunda 150
Mordheim 151
Battlefleet Gothic 152
Epic Warhammer 40,000 153
Blood Bowl 154
Hobby Support, paints and scenery 155
Warhammer, Games Workshop, Mordheim, Citadel, Forge World, Black Library, Fanatic, Space Marines and all other trademarks contained herein Product Code: 60 04 99 99 061
are the property of Games Workshop Limited. © 2001 Games Workshop Limited. All rights in this work and any designs or imagery contained herein
have been produced either in-house or as work for hire. The copyright in such works is the exclusive property of Games Workshop Ltd. No part of ISBN: 1-84154-
this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Games Workshop.
Citadel miniatures are not recommended for children under 8 years of age due to small parts and essentially pointed components. Citadel miniatures
are fine scale models designed for gamers and collectors. Be careful when using glue and make sure you read and follow the instructions on the
packaging. All miniatures supplied unpainted.
Please note that for legal and/or safety reasons Games Workshop may not be able to sell certain types of glue to people under a certain age.
Remember, all knives and saws are potentially dangerous, so take care when using them. Please note that for legal and/or safety reasons
Games Workshop may not be able to sell knives and saws, to people under a certain age. Be careful when using aerosol sprays and make sure you
read and follow the instructions on the packaging. All information correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown. 5 011921 952014

G ames Workshop is all about
games, so it is natural that most BTyJ«jinmen 4 ^ \
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devotees to the hobby consider

themselves to be gamers above all
else. Fighting battles is what
Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and
our other games are all about and fe&y&MaF.
■ W•

every player will tell you that it takes > t*


adept generalship, sound tactics and a

good knowledge of your troops’
capabilities to ensure victory. It is
sometimes claimed that a little bit of
luck helps too. Of course, before any
battles can be fought it is necessary to
recruit an army, and that means
choosing, assembling and painting a
host of warriors. Putting together an
Warhammer players in the Games Workshop headquarters store in Nottingham, England
entire army is a challenge that requires
a modicum of patience and artistic skill.
Learning how to construct, paint and Battles are rarely fought over
present models so that they look their featureless planes, so most gamers
best is one of the most rewarding create suitable scenic battlefields for
aspects of the hobby. Indeed, there their games. A selection of scenery is
are those who much prefer to paint available to buy as part of the Citadel
than to game, who enjoy simply model range, but many players
collecting and painting miniatures for make their own from whatever
display. materials come to hand.

Ore Warlord from Warhammer.

Above left: To get

started, just use a
kitchen or dining table
covered with a cloth.
r ^
Above right: A piece of *»!*’'■
hardboard painted green
makes a great gaming surface.
You can then begin to add some simple
hills and woods.

Centre: Many enthusiasts move onto

building more adventurous and
impressive looking surfaces to game or

Right: The ultimate games room!

Games Workshop model desigrvers Akam
Perry and Michael Perry aioogsoe tker
breath-taking gaming tab**-
Games Workshops Bluewater store in Kent.
m A

battlefield can be set up on a kitchen

:able for an evening’s play, or can be a
avish board with rolling hills, tumbling
streams and tangled woodlands. Only
the most fortunate have the space for a
permanent games room complete with
scenic battlefield layout - but we can all
It’s reasonable to say that most battles
are played at home where a leisurely
game can be enjoyed in relative
comfort. If you are lucky enough to
have an area dedicated to gaming, it is
possible to leave a game in progress
over several days without disrupting it
in order to clear away.
Gaming clubs are an ideal place to
meet other Games Workshop
enthusiasts, but as they usually share involve championships, knock-out as schoolrooms during dinner time, in
their premises with other organisations competitions, or huge campaigns in the canteen by off-duty postmen and
it is necessary to start and complete a which groups of players divide into even in the officers’ mess when they’re
game over the course of an evening. several teams. Some tournaments not playing at being real soldiers!
There are a growing number of clubs include painting and modelling
The many Games Workshop stores
located all over the world and more competitions as well as gaming.
that are located in every corner of the
gamers are starting to organise their Games need not be confined only to world regularly run gaming events on a
own in areas where they do not your home or gaming clubs. Here at the weekly basis. They also run tuition at all
already exist. Games Workshop Studio, the staff levels, from those who have never
pitch the might of their armies against fought a battle of Warhammer or
Tournaments are local or world-wide
each other during lunch breaks and Warhammer 40,000 before, up to
events where Warhammer and
after work. advice on advanced tactics for more
Warhammer 40,000 can be played
We are reliably informed that our experienced generals.
intensely for a whole day or, more likely,
an entire weekend. Tournaments games are played in places as diverse

Games Workshop stores

A store is a good place to start getting into the Games Workshop
Hobby you can have a close look at the different armies, skip
through the books and decide what you like best. Many stores,
especially Games Workshop stores, have specialists that know
all about the hobby and can give you advice upon where to start.
If the store has the facility, they can even play an introductory
game with you, show you how to put miniatures together and give
you some useful tips for painting your models. A lot of shops also
run regular gaming events, such as games nights, for different
levels of experience, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re a
beginner or a hardened veteran, there will be something to
suit you.
We hope to see you soon!
The Worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 have grown into much more than just games. You can read about them every
month in White Dwarf magazine where you will find news about latest releases and rules for new models. If you want
to keep up with everything that is best about the Games Workshop hobby then White Dwarf is a must.
Our worlds come to life in a series of novels by the Black Library, a publisher dedicated to the fictional
backgrounds of the Games Workshop games. These can be obtained from stores which stock
Games Workshop models and also from many bookshops. There is also a comic
featuring heroes and villains from the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000
worlds. What the future might bring is impossible to say. We are always
working on new projects of one kind or another. Why not check out our
website ( or, if you have a local
Games Workshop store, drop in and ask our staff about latest

If you are still having trouble finding an

opponent then why don’t you introduce
a friend to the game. They’ll certainly
thank you for it.
There are countless generals out there,
just waiting to find a worthy opponent to
fight against. You’d be pleasantly
surprised at how many other gaming
enthusiasts near by where you live or
work enjoy the Games Workshop
An integral part of our game systems
are the rulebooks. These books
contains all the rules you need to start
playing the game. However, rules are of
no use if you don't have any models to
fight your battles v. m oest way to
start a new army is with
Games Workshops rarge of plastic
miniatures boxed sets. Ideal for
newcomers *: /.a^anmer and
Once each year thousands of Games Workshop enthusiasts come together for Games Warhammer 40,000, they are
Day, a huge gaming event and painting competition. It is held in several countries and is
ces *: the core
THE event for anyone engaged in the Games Workshop hobby. You can play games> find
out about the latest projects going on around the country, and meet some of our staff; as
well as fellow gamers. - =:: r : - *: r-r e: :c- you will need
a - : : :“ .‘.arhammer or
The Games Workshop hobby is supported by a
Gaming Clubs can be found all full range of paints, glues, tools, gaming aids
over the country. These are and scenery pieces-
places where enthusiasts meet
regularly to fight battles, work
together to paint armies, build

GAMING terrain layouts, and a myriad of

other activities.
Getting involved in the gaming
community will deepen an
individuals’ experience of the
hobby and offer opportunities to meet new opponents and learn
some new skills. Clubs also run their own tournaments,
campaigns and other types of events.
If you want to get involved with a Gaming Club you can find
details of where they are on a special internet site:

www. gamingclub. org. uk

Warhammer 40,000 Codex book for the paint only one
army you are playing. Each book unit of troops
provides the special rules for the troops at a time,
in the army, unique equipment, and the building up
army list from which the army is your army over
selected prior to play. Although you only a period of
weeks or months. That way you can try including a modelling knife, files and
need the book for the army you are
out your growing army in battle before clippers. You will find these useful items
playing, many players like to collect all
deciding what units you want to buy near the end of this catalogue.
of the books so that they are prepared
for all opponents. Check out the current next. For example If you feel that your For now it is enough to know that our
range together with all the latest Warhammer army is lacking in long games are supported by a full range of
models on the Games Workshop range firepower you might add a unit of modelling and painting accessories
website. bowmen or maybe some artillery. If you specially designed for use with the
want to increase your army’s close models.
A comprehensive selection of models is
combat abilities you might add more
available for each army either as plastic In addition you can also purchase dice,
heavy cavalry or maybe a large
kits or metal miniatures. The models tape measures, plastic templates, and
monster, and so on.
are packaged in either boxes or blister carrying cases which can be used to
packs depending upon their design. As well as the models themselves, you transport your completed armies - in
Few players buy a complete army all at will also require glue, paint, brushes, fact everything you need to put together
once. It is far more effective to buy and and a few simple and useful tools an armv.

How do l get into the hobby thenP


Visit your local Games Workshop armies - you could even share you to decide on how to expand practice. Painting and collecting
store or stockist (or our website atthe starter set with a friend and your army. You will also find an army is an ongoing process and maybe buy a second rulebook. helpful articles in White Dwarf. which is half the fun of the hobby.
take a look at our range of games The other part is the gaming itself.
Decide upon an army, get the Paint your army! This requires
and miniatures. Again White Dwarf is always
Army book and start putting your commitment and practice, but
there to constantly provide you
Start with purchasing a starter set models together. The book, the don’t worry - you’ll get there. You with new ideas for gaming,
like Warhammer. It comes with all staff at the Games Workshop can even play games with an modelling and painting.
the rules and the core of two stockist and experience will help unfinished army, to get some

The dash of swords on
r IK
armour, the thunder of
rumbling tanks, the
guttural shout of
marauding Ores, and
the flash of alien laser
fire. All of these are
within your grasp. Find out whats happening near youJ f

for your chosen force, making able to offer you advice on modelling
them invaluable guides for the and painting your army, and will also
budding general. be able to give you hints and tips on
how to get the most out of your army
Collecting and painting your army are
on the battlefield. In addition to this
All Games Workshop stores run key points of the hobby. While you
advice, our monthly hobby magazine,
introductory' games for beginners, so can play with an unfinished army,
White Dw arf, is packed full of
if you're new to the Games Workshop there is nothing to compare to a well
modelling ideas, painting tips, battle
hobby, drop into your local store and painted army taking the field in your
reports, new miniatures and a host of
one of our friendly staff will be chosen colours. You can pick up hints
other newr ideas, events and articles
happy to help. and tips for painting your army from
about the hobby. So what are you
the Armies books. White Dw arf and
Once you’ve been introduced to the waiting for? Get down to your local
most importantly from the staff in
hobby you can take your first steps store and join in the fun!
your local store. The store staff wall be
towards building your world All Games Workshop stores provide:
conquering army! Start by purchasing
• A comprehensive range of Games
a boxed set such as the Warhammer
Workshop games, miniatures and
or Warhammer 40,000 boxed game.
Each contains the rules for the game,
Introductory games : r beginners;
templates, dice, scenery and enough
our enthusiastic - are ready to
models to form the core of two
showr vou
opposing forces. These boxed sets • A •

HUGE game» Th< : are exciting

are ideal for sharing with a friend -
battle^ fc r' ; u : *:e part in,
you could even buy a second
even* week
rulebook and split the set
Model! rs£ 2sr>c rg tips, with
between you. “I
Once you have decided on which 4 V sa -r Get all those
army you wash to lead into battle, you and older
can buy the relevant Armies book or ■*Wrrd direct to
Codex. These books provide all the 3i:«:c
specific rules, background, stories, Brand new
Come and use the Store
painting guides and special characters
If youwant to know where your nearest Games Workshop store (marked in red) or Independent Stockist (marked in black) is
then check the list below. Give them a call to find out what’s going on in the store. We also have Games Workshop stores in 16
different countries across the world - you can call Mail Order on 0115 91 40000 to find out where they are!
Games Workshop stores opening hours are: Mon, l\ies, Wed & Fri-Sat: 10am to 6pm. Thurs: Midday to 8pm. Sun: 10am to 4pm.
Independent stockists have different opening times, contact them for more details.

GW CHESTER: 112 Foregate Street. GW POOLE: Unit 12 Towngate Centre, High

ENGLAND Tel: 01244 311 967 Street. Tel: 01202 685 634
AVON GW STOCKPORT: 32 Mersey Square. MERVYN’S TOYS & MODELS: 4 The Shopping
GW BRISTOL (CENTRAL): 13 Broad Weir. Tel: 0161 474 1427 Ctr, Gillingham. Tel: 01747 823888
Tel: 0117 925 1533 ABC MODEL SPORT: 82 Nantwich Rd, Crewe. PURSUITS: Digby Road, Sherborne.
GW BRISTOL (CRIBBS CAUSEWAY): Unit 129 Tel: 01270 505048 Tel: 01935 816072
(next to M&S), Upper level,The Mall at Cribbs BATTLE-SCAR: 551-553 Charminster Road,
Causeway. Tel: 0117 959 2528 Bournemouth.Tel: 01202 258194
GW MIDDLESBROUGH: Unit 33, 39 Dundas RAZZAMATAZ: 5 St Albans Street, Weymouth.
Town Centre, Yate. Tel: 01380 723841 Tel: 01305 780601
Street. Tel: 01642 254 091
MAKIT: 20 High St, Portishead. Tel: 01275 844751
PEAK ELECTRONICS: 201 York Rd, Hartlepool.
Tel: 01429 233199 ESSEX
GW BEDFORD: 10 Greyfriars. Tel: 01234 273 663 The Meadows Centre. Tel: 01245 490 048
GW LUTON: 12 Park Street. Tel: 01582 417474
GW TRURO: Unit 1, Bridge House, New Bridge Tel: 01206 767 279
THE GUARDROOM: 38 West Room, Dunstable. Street. Tel: 01872 320 047.
Tel: 01582 606041 GW SOUTHEND: 12 Southchurch Road.
TOY WORLD: 47 Causeway Head, Penzance. Tel: 01702 461 251
Tel: 01736 251007 GW THURROCK: Unit 4158, Level 3/Food Court,
BIRMINGHAM AREA MAD FOR MINATURES: Unit 20, Market House, Lakeside Shopping Centre. Tel: 01708 867 133.
GW BIRMINGHAM: 116 Corporation Street. Market Hill, St Austell. Tel: 01726 72259 B&M CYCLES: 13 High Street, Brentwood.
Tel: 0121 236 7880 Tel: 01277 214342
GW DUDLEY: Unit 36, Merry Hill Centre, GAME ON: 30 High Street, Saffron Walden.
Brierley Hill. Tel: 01384 481 818 COUNTY DURHAM Tel: 01799 596070
GW SOLIHULL: 690 Warwick Road. Tel: 0121 705 7997 GW DARLINGTON: 78 Skinnergate. Tel: 01325
382 463 MARQUEE MODELS: Unit 79b, The Harvey
GW WOLVERHAMPTON: Unit 98, Mander Centre. Centre, Harlow. Tel: 01279 423334
Tel: 01902 310 466. WINDSOCK MODELS: 5-7 Fore Bondgate,
GW WALSALL: Unit 27 Old Square Shopping Bishop’s Auckland. Tel: 01388 609766
Centre. Tel: 01922 725207.
GW GLOUCESTER: 35 Clarence Street.
DIGITAL DRAGONS: Unit 33, Sutton Shopping CUMBRIA Tel: 01452 505 033
Centre, 65 South Parade, Sutton Coldfield. GW CARLISLE: Unit 2, Earls Lane. Tel: 01228 598 216
Tel: 0780 8547329 GW CHELTENHAM: 16 Pittville Street.
HEATHS: 76 Dalton Rd, Barrow in Furness. Tel: 01242 228419
ROY’S HOBBIES & TOYS: 155 New Rd, Rubery. Tel: 01229 820435
Tel: 0121 4533280 CYBERDYNE: 15 Union Street, Cornhill, Stroud.
ROBINSON’S MODEL SHOP: 103 Duke Street, Tel: 01453 767722
Whitehaven. Tel: 01946 66525 TOY ZONE: 7 High St, Tewkesbury.
BERKSHIRE Tel: 01684 295776
GW MAIDENHEAD: 2 Blandy House, 3/5 King
Street. Tel: 01628 621 854 DERBYSHIRE
GW READING: 111 Broad Street Mall.
GW DERBY: 42 Sadler Gate. Tel: 01332 371 657 HAMPSHIRE
Tel: 0118 959 8693 FREARSONS LTD: 10 Bridge St, Belper. GW BASINGSTOKE: 3 Potters Walk, Wote
Tel: 01773 823 244 Street.Tel: 01256 466 050
GW SLOUGH: 101 High Street.
Tel: 01753 575 675 MARTIN FRAMES: Chesterfield. Tel: 01246 231633 GW PORTSMOUTH: 34 Arundel Street.
SHAWES: 8 Bank Rd, Matlock. Tel: 01629 582482 Tel: 02392 876 266
CYBERDYNE: 63a Northbrook Street, Newbury.
Tel: 01635 521211 GW SOUTHAMPTON: 23 East Street.
Tel: 02380 331 962
DEVON GW WINCHESTER: 6 St Georges Street.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE GW EXETER: 12 Paris Street. Tel: 01392490305
Tel: 01962 860 199
GW HIGH WYCOMBE: Unit 29, The Octagon GW PLYMOUTH: 84 Cornwall St. Tel: 01752 254 121
DARKSTAR: 155 Cove Road, Farnborough.
Centre. Tel: 01494 531 494 GW TORQUAY: 12 Market Street. Tel: 01252 376050
GW MILTON KEYNES: Unit 2, West End Tel: 01803 201 036
FOLLY MODELS: Folly Arcade, Petersfield.
Extension, 504 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MODEL SHOP: 30 Royal Pd, Plymouth. Tel: 01730 267932
Shopping Centre. Tel: 01908 690 477 Tel: 01752 221851
ROUNDABOUT: 17 The Hundred, Romsey.
NOT JUST STAMPS: 17 Crenaon St, High THE BATTLEZONE: 59 Boutport Street, Tel: 01794 521027
Wycombe. Tel: 01494 441717 Barnstable. Tel: 01271 321344 HOGGOSAURUS T0YST0RE: 20 Chantry Centre,
W.G PILLAR & CO: 1 Lower Street, Dartmouth. Andover.Tel: 01380723 841
CAMBRIDGESHIRE Tel: 01803 832139
SOUTHSEA MODELS: 69 Albert Road,
GW CAMBRIDGE: 8 Bridge Street. DICE ‘N’ DUEL: 65 High Street, Totnes. Southsea.Tel: 01705 733208
Tel: 01223 313350 Tel: 01803 863049
THE GAMES SHOP: 6 Wellington Street,
GW PETERBOROUGH: 3 Wentworth Street. AUSTINS: 6 Courtney Street, Newton Abbot. Aldershot. Tel: 01252 311443
Tel: 01733 890052 Tel: 01626 201117
PAUL’S HOBBY SHOP: 34 Wellington Way,
SPORTS & FASHIONS: 51 High St, Huntingdon. GAMEZONE MODELS: 32 Rolle Street, Exmouth. Waterlooville. Tel: 01705 259186
Tel: 01480 454541 Tel: 01395 267733
ALTON MODEL CENTRE: 7a Normandy Street,
CITY CYCLE CENTRE: 7 Market St, Ely. WINGS ‘N’ WHEELS: 4 Phoenix Lane, Tiverton. Alton.Tel: 01420 542244
Tel: 01353 663131 Tel: 01884 242819


GW ALTRINCHAM: Unit 1,17 Grafton Street. GW BOURNEMOUTH: 24 Post Office Road. HEREFORD MODEL SHOP: 4 Commercial Road,
Tel: 0161 929 9896 Tel: 01202 319 292 Union Street. Tel: 01432 352809

Leominster. Tel: 01568 613782 Hinckley. Tel: 01455 230952

REVOLUTIONS: 48 Broad St. Ross on Wye. THE CARD COTTAGE: 16 Market Street. - 2 ^

Tel: 01989 562639 Ashby De La Zouch. Tel: 01530 414477 •

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GW ST ALBANS: 18 Heritage Close, GW LINCOLN: Unit SUA, Saltergate (on outside o; 7re >
off High Street. Tel: 01727 861 193 Waterside Centre). Tel: 01522 548 027 KRACXERS : sr
V H f T
GW HEMEL HEMPSTEAD: 16 Bridge Street. GW GRIMSBY: 9 West St Mary’s Gate. Te • • v a * w mn

Tel: 01442 249 752 Tel: 01472 347 757 THE ELLEItBRA * - ESS - :rary,
BOARDMANS: 14-16 North Street, Bishop’s ACCESS MODELS: 16 Market Place, Grantham. Westway. F':~r a 30
j Stortford.Tel: 01279 654033 Tel: 01636 673111 BRIGHT SPARKS. -: • - * * =: 3: S e. edon.
HAMLINS: 231 High Street, Berkhamsted. SHERMAN’S MODEL SHOP: 19 Dunstall St, Tel: 01275 34181S
Tel: 01684 591117 Scunthorpe, South Humberside. Tel: 01724 YEOVIL COLLECTOR CENT=E 6 -endford,
K S MODELS: 19 Middle Row, Stevenage. 842439 Yeovil. Tel: 01935 433739
Tel: 01438 746616
Chorleywood. Tel: 01923 284 313 SHROPSHIRE
GW MANCHESTER (CENTRAL): Unit R35 Mardsen GW SHREWSBURY: Unit 1, 2 Bnaae Street.
COMICS UNLIMITED: Unit 11, The Arcade, WaySouth, Arndale Centre. Tel: 0161 834 6871 Tel: 01743 362 007
Letchworth. Tel: 01462 480018 GW MANCHESTER (TRAFFORD CENTRE):
MARQUEE MODELS: Unit 5, The Marquee, HOBBY HORSE: 62 Whitburn St, Bridgenorth.
Unit H2, Festival Village, The Trafford Centre, Tel: 01746 766659
Railway St. Hertford. Tel: 01992 504718 Trafford Park. Tel: 0161 747 2121
F & S SCALE MODELS: 227 Droylsden, The Parade, Wellington, Telford.
ISLE OF WIGHT Audenshaw, Manchester. Tel: 0161 3703235 Tel: 01952 417747
FUN, FACT AND FANTASY: 1-3 St Johns Road, SANDA GAMES: 4 Albert Place, Donnington,
Ryde.Tel: 01983 617323 MERSEYSIDE AREA Telford. Tel: 01952 676722
THE SPORTS & MODEL SHOP: 9 Union St, Ryde. GW LIVERPOOL: 47 Lord Street. Tel: 0151 258 1404
Tel: 01983 862454 GW SOUTHPORT: Unit K2, Marble Place
Shopping Centre. Tel: 01704 501 255
GW STOKE: 27 Stafford Street. Tel: 01782 205 287
KENT GW WARRINGTON: Unit 20, Time Square (near
Currys). Tel: 01925 651 984 THE TOYBOX - UTTOXETER: The Mattings,
GW BLUEWATER: Unit 052B Upper Thames Walk Uttoxeter. Tel: 01889 565357
Bluewater, Greenhithe, Kent. Tel: 01322 427880 RS MODELS: 69 Telegraph Rd, Heswall, Wirral.
Tel: 0151 3484363 TOO FAT GOBLINS: Unit 3, The Colonade, East
GW CANTERBURY: Unit 5 Iron Bar Lane. Gate Street, Stafford. Tel: 01785 244499
Tel: 01227 452 880 FIRESIDE MINIATURES: 206 Liscard Rd, Liscard,
Wallasey. Tel: 0151 6911683 THE OLD BELL: 9 Lower Gungate, Tamworth.
GW MAIDSTONE: Unit 6,1/9 Pudding Lane. Tel: 01827 310320
Tel: 01622 677 435 J. W. BAGNALL: 18-20 Salter Street, Stafford.
GW TUNBRIDGE WELLS: 4A Camden Road. MIDDLESEX Tel: 01785 223349
Tel: 01892 525 783. A BOVILL WRIGHT LTD: 127 High Street, SPIRIT GAMES: 98 Station St, Burton on Trent.
A.J. BLUNDELL & SON: 27 High Street, Uxbridge. Tel: 01895 450 304 Tel: 01283 511293
Sittingbourne. Tel: 01795 424371
BAGAAR 58: 58 High st, Broadstairs. NORFOLK SUFFOLK
Tel: 01843 862425 GW NORWICH: 12-14 Exchange St.
GW IPSWICH: 2nd Floor, Debenhams, Waterloo
DEAL PRAMS: 30 Mill Hill, Deal. Tel: 01603 767 656
House. Tel: 01473 210 031
Tel: 01304 366 080 BLACKFISH GAMES: North Walsham.
Tel: 01692 403372 ERIC BARTLETT MODELS: 70 High St, Lowestoft.
MANKLOWS: 44 Seal Road, Sevenoaks. Tel: 01502 585666
Tel: 01732 454952 EMPIRE: 121 Norfolk St, Kings Lynn.
Tel: 01553 765174 MODEL JUNCTION: 10 Whitting St,
THE STAMP CENTRE: 45 High St, Gravesend. Bury St Edmunds. Tel: 01284 753456
Tel: 01474 534166 YOUNGSTERS WORLD: 28a High St, East
Dereham. Tel: 01788 562372 TOYMASTER KINGDOM: 56 London Rd (North),
Lowestoft. Tel: 01502 565688
GW PRESTON: 15 Miller Arcade. Tel: 01772 821 855 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE
GW BLACKPOOL: 8 Birley Street. GW NORTHAMPTON: 38 Princess Walk, SURREY
Tel: 01253 752 056 Grosvenor Centre. Tel: 01604 636 687 GW GUILDFORD: Unit 1,9/12 Tunsgate.
GREEN ANGEL CARDS & GAMES: 165 Mill Road, Tel: 01483 451 793
GW BOLTON: Unit 13, The Gate Centre.
Kettering. Tel: 01536 359248 GW WORKING: Unit 3, Cleary Court.
Tel: 01204 362 131
TOYMASTER KINGDOM: 53 Newlands, Tel: 01483771675
A & B GAMES: 57 Chapel Street, Chorley.
Tel: 01257 261833 Kettering.Tel: 01536 512507 HAMMICKS BOOKSHOP: 12-13 Belfry Ctr,
Redhill.Tel: 01737 770334
ARTHUR BENN: 4 St James St, Burnley.
Tel: 01282 422 546 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
Tel: 01942 262 981 Tel: 0115 948 0651 GW BRIGHTON: 7 Nile Street. Tel: 01273 203 333
MERCER & SONS: 21-27 Northgate, Blackburn. GW NOTTINGHAM (WARHAMMER WORLD): GW CRAWLEY: 11 Broadway. Tel: 01293 552 072
Tel: 01254 52701 Willow Road, Lenton. Tel: 0115 916 8410 GW EASTBOURNE: 13 Terminus Road.
MICROSHACK: 122 Whitworth Rd. Rochdale. ACCESS MODELS: 43-45 Castle Gate, Newark. Tel: 01323 641 423
Tel: 01706 715938 Tel: 01636 673111 K C’S GAMES SHOP: 31 West Buildings,
RICHARD LANCASTER: 35-37 Queen St, MODEL BASE: 19 Gateford St, Worksop. Worthing. Tel: 01903 237983
Morecombe. Tel: 01524 410304 Tel: 01909 501752 GENTLE GALLERY: 2 Shelly House, Bishopric,
WIGAN MODEL CTR: 58 Market St, Wigan. ILKESTON CO-OP: 12 South St, Ilkeston. Horsham, West Sussex. Tel: 01403 258567
Tel: 01942 245683 Tel: 0115 932 7777 GENTLE GALLERY: 94 High Street, Steyning,
MORTON’S MODELS: 12 Bridge St, Mansfield. West Sussex. Tel: 01903 812933
LEICESTERSHIRE Tel: 01623622215
GW LEICESTER: Unit 2,16/20 Silver Street. TYNE AND WEAR AREA
Tel: 0116 253 0510 OXFORDSHIRE GW NEWCASTLE (CENTRAL): 63 Clayton Street.
GW LOUGHBOROUGH: 22 Biggin Street. GW OXFORD: 1A Bush House, New Inn, Hall Tel: 0191 232 2418
Tel: 01509 238 107 Street. Tel: 01865 242 182 GW NEWCASTLE (METRO CENTRE):
ON LINE MODELS: 11 Belvoir Rd, Coalville. TRINDER BROS: 2-4 Broad Street, Banbury. Unit B14, First -oor (near the Mediterranean
Tel: 01530 457117 Tel: 01295262 546 Village). Telr0191 461 0950
pm ■ ■ ft"«»*«*■*»

i* SUNDERLAND: 253 York Street, . GW EALING: 52D St Saviours Mall (towards back GW EDINBURGH: 136 High Street. Tel: 0131 220 6540
_$t off the High Street near WI&S). * of the centre), Ealing Broadway Centre. GW EAST KILBRIDE: 4 Righead Gate
fit 0191 567 3646 Tel: 0208 840 0171 (at the back of M&S). Tel: 01355 224 680
S R. GLADSTONE & SON: 99 Bedford St, GW ENFIELD: 3/5 Genotin Road. GW FALKIRK: 12 Cow Wynd. Tel: 01324 624 553
.^h Shields.Tel: 0191 2570335 Tel: 0208 363 3238
GW GLASGOW: 198/200 Hope Street. Tel: 0141 332 5588
I0ATS MODELS: 44 Market Place, GW HAMMERSMITH: 161 King Street.
South Shields.Tel: 0191 4277644 Tel: 0208 846 9744 GW STIRLING: 14 Barnton Street. Tel: 01786 448 263
GW HARROW: 296 Station Street. THE HOPE CHEST: 103 High St. Kinross.
Tel: 0208 861 2350 Tel: 01577 862516
3 ,V SALISBURY: 1 b Winchester Street. GW KENSINGTON: Shop 7, Lancer Square, THE HOBBY & MODEL SHOP:
"el: 01722 330 955 Kensington Church Street. Tel: 0207 937 7011 10-12 New Row, Dumferline. Tel: 01383 722582
GW SWINDON: 17 Fleet Street. Tel: 01793 436 036 GW KINGSTON ON THAMES: THE HOPE CHEST: 22 Hunter Street, Kirkcaldy.
33 Fife Road. Tel: 0208 549 5224 Tel: 01592 260116
CYBERDYNE: 15 The Shires Centre, Trowbridge.
Tel: 01225 775980 GW OXFORD ST: Unit F10, The Plaza Shopping A1 BOOKS & COMICS: 635 Great Western Road.
Centre, 1st floor, 116-128 Oxford Street.
HOGGOSAURUS TOYSTORE: 29-30 Maryport St, Glasgow, Tel: 0141 357 6944
Tel: 0207 436 0839
Devizes. Tel: 01380 723841 GW RICHMOND: Unit 8, Westminster House, JUNNER’S T0YMASTER: South Street, Elgin.
RAW MODELS: 3-5 East Street, Warminster. Kew Road. Tel: 0208 948 6122 Tel: 01343 542 492
Tel: 01985 215418 GW ROMFORD: 12 Quadrant Arcade. BANCHORY TOY AND GIFT SHOP: 29 High St,
Tel: 01708 742 140 Banchory, Kincardine. Tel: 01330 825 586
WARWICKSHIRE GW STAINES: 52D Elmsleigh Centre (at back of SPORTS & MODEL SHOP: 66 High St, Dingwall,
GW COVENTRY: Unit 39, Upper Level, Cathedral M&S). Tel: 01784 460 675 Highlands. Tel: 01349 862 346
_anes Shopping Centre. Tel: 02476 227 311 GW SUTTON: Unit 24, Times Square Shopping INVERNESS TOYS: 15/18 The Victoria Market,
GW LEAMINGTON: 22 Park Street. Centre. Tel 0208 770 9454 Inverness. Tel: 01463 222235
Tel: 01926 435 771 GW WATFORD: Unit Q, 1A Queen Steet,
J0T0 RAILWAYS & MODELS: Rugby. Harlequin Centre. Tel: 01923 245 388
Tel: 01788 562 372 HARRODS: Knightsbridge. SW1X 7XL NORTHERN IRELAND
NUNEATON BOOKSHOP: 24 Abbey Street, ROSSIS OF LONDON: 265 Chingford Mount Rd, GW BELFAST: 70A Castle Court (towards back of
'Juneaton. Tel: 01203 342000 Chingford, NI8GD,Tel: 0207 5291920 the Centre). Tel: 02890 23 3684
WARGAMES WAREHOUSE: Queens Arcade, FREDERICK BECK LTD: 22-26 Camden Passage, GW LISBURN: 3 Smithfields Square.
Nuneaton. CV11 5JR Islington, Nl 8GD,Tel: 0207 2263403 Tel: 02892 634 150
ELYS: 16 St Georges Rd, Wimbledon, SW19 4DP, SIGHTS & SOUNDS: 6 Thomas St, Ballymena.
WORCESTERSHIRE Tel: 0208 9469191
GW WORCESTER: 4 Charles Street. Tel: 01266 630373
LEISURE GAMES: 91 Ballards Lane, Finchley,
'el: 01905 616 707 Tel: 0208 3462327 TRASH: 12 Waterloo St, Derry. Tel: 02871 372124
THE STRONGHOLD: 27 Unicorn Mill, Redditch.
Tel: 01527 60709
G'eat Malvern, Worcester. Tel:01684 891619 CAROUSEL: 36 Commercial Arcade, GW BLANCHARDSTOWN: Unit
MODEL MAYHEM: 51 Bridge St, Evesham. St. Peters Port. Tel: 01481 721721 249a.Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, Dublin.
Tel: 01386 421431 THE LITTLE SHOP: 12 Conway Street, St. Helier. Tel: 00 353 1 822 3868
Tel: 01534 732187 GW DUBLIN: Unit 3, Lower Liffey Street.
YORKSHIRE AREA Tel: 00 35 31 872 5791
GW BRADFORD: 4 Piccadilly, Bradford. BOI
3LWTel: 01274 739 430
WALES NODDY’S: The Corn Market, Cork. Tel: 021 275946
GW CARDIFF: 31 High Street, Tel: 02920 644 917 IT’S MAGIC: Unit 223, Eyre Square Shopping
GW SHEFFIELD (CENTRAL): 16 Fitzwilliam Gate. Centre, Galway. Tel: 091 563313
Tel: 0114 275 0114 GW NEWPORT: 25 Skinner Street. Tel: 01633 256 295
Unit 91B, High Street, Upper Mall (next to Tel: 01792 463 969 Killarney. Tel: 064 34000
entrance near Boots). Tel: 0114 256 9836 ACME COMPUTER GAMES: 210 High Street, THE GATHERING: 43 Lower Gerald Griffin Street,
GW YORK: 13a Lendal. Tel: 01904 628 014 Bangor. Tel: 01248371457 Limerick. Tel: 061 315133
GW LEEDS (CENTRAL): 12-16 Central Road. MERLIN MODELS: 4A Dew Street, Haverfordwest. PICK & SAVE: Unit 7, Longwalk Shopping Ctr,
Tel: 0113 242 0834 Tel: 01437 762633 Dundalk. Tel: 042 9327356
GW LEEDS (WHITE ROSE): Unit 28D (near LIGHTFOOT MODELS & TOYS: 16 Queen St, THE HOBBY SHOP: 85a The Quay, Waterford.
Debenhams), White Rose Centre. Tel: 0113 272 3470 Rhyl. Tel: 01745 331564 Tel: 051 852227
GW HULL: 30 Paragon Street. Tel: 01482 589 576 THE ALBATROSS: 29 Pier St, Aberystwyth.
GW DONCASTER: Unit 10, The Colonnades. Tel: 01970 617836
Tel: 01302 320 535 CREATION MODELS: Quay Street, Haverfordwest. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
GW HARROGATE: 29 Beulah Street. Tel: 01437 762633 HOBBYLAND TRADING: PO Box 26489, Dubai.
Tel: 01423 564 310 CHARLIE’S STORES: Market St, Newtown. Tel: 0097 14 349 3326
SPACE MYTH & MAGIC: 39-40 Queen Street, Tel: 01686 625313
Scarborough. Tel: 01723 501821 J. CLARK TOYS & GIFTS: 13-15 High St, Brecon.
COMPUTER & GAMES CENTRE: 34 St Nicholas Tel: 01874 622865 GREECE
Cliff, Scarborough. Tel: 01723 500505 RAINBOW PLAZA: Boverton Rd, Llantwit Major, KAISSA: 41 Xatzikostandl Street, Athens.
KITCRAFT: 46 Shambles St, Barnsley. Glamorgan. Tel: 01446 794118 Tel:+30 1 692 9169
Tel: 01226 206080 ARTISTS CORNER: 7 Beaufort Sq, Chepstow.
MAGAZINE WORLD: 2-6 Commercial Street, Tel: 01291 627393 MALTA
Halifax, Tel: 01422 330547 K HOBBIES: Hompesch Road, Fguva pla 13.
SCOTLAND Tel: +356 686 423
LONDON GW ABERDEEN: Unit 1,30/40 Upper Kirkgate. ICON LTD: 83 Triq misrah il-barrieri, Msida.
Tel: 01224 621 261 Tel: +356 227 999
GW BROMLEY: Unit 8, The Mall, Bromley.
Tel: 0208 466 0678 GW AYR: 10 Arran Mall, Dalblair Arcade SOUTH AFRICA
GW BRENT CROSS: Unit F9, Lower Mall (near (behind Hourstons dept, store).
Tel: 01292 610 673 ESSWEX HOBBIES: Shop 20A, Northcliff Corner
Fenwicks), Brent Cross Shopping Centre. shopping centre, Johannesburg.
Tel: 0208 202 4979 GW BRAEHEAD: 115 Braehead Shopping Centre,
King Inch Road. Tel: 0141 885 9440 Tel: +27 11 8883619
GW CROYDON: Unit 35, Drummond Centre
(outside at the back of the centre), Keeley Road. GW DUNDEE: 110 Commercial Street. WIZARDS WARH0USE: Lower level, Eden Mall,
Tel: 0208 680 4600 Tel: 01382 202 382 Eden Vale.—
What’s going on in your local store? _

Every Games Workshop store is a centre for gaming, painting and

modelling. No matter what your level of experience, from complete
newcomer to experienced veteran, you'll find something to
interest you.
Throughout each week, the focus of the store is aimed towards
different gamers' needs. If you browse over these pages you will be
able to see which activities will suit you best.

* s- • r /V* n. ~ :


Our Sunday’s are especially devoted to helping those new to the hobby
If you want to learn about the world of Warhammer, or lead a squad of
Space Marines into battle, all you need to do is come along! To help
those just starting, we run our special Beginners* program, where we
can help you take your first steps into the Games Workshop hobby
You can learn everything you need to know to get started in the Games
Workshop hobby, from learning the basic rules and controlling units, to
painting miniatures and forming battle plans for your army.
If you're already a hobbyist, why not ask a friend to come along on a
Sunday to introduce them to your hobby.
Please call your local store for details.

warn iwioor
wawpo UiM


Most Games Workshop stores stay open late on Thursday’s so that you
can play your favourite games. Thursday’s games feature team
participation battles for you to take part in, painting workshops for those
who have the basic principles, and a forum for gamers to talk about the
Thursday evenings are particularly aimed at those who have just
graduated from our Sunday Beginners’ programme. Our friendly staff
available to help with all the advice you may need. Just come down to
vour local store on Thursday to join in. Please note that not all stores are
able to stay open late.
Please call your local store for details.

jwv •

/, f fw 1 • •• 9 >, " ViWj iJ *

M $■:

Most Games Workshop stores run Veteran’s Nights. They are aimed at older
gamers with plenty of experience on the battlefield. You can play games against
equally experienced Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 opponents, share
ideas about all aspects of your hobby and also play Games Workshops more
specialised gaming systems.
To play a specific game, check with the store to see if they have the space that
day, and what scenery and hoards they may be able to provide. I hen just come
along with your army, and an opponent of course, and play.
1 ^^ wr
Please call your local store for details.
p 1
S »• : ;\m V ‘ .j
TjJ/ Sh A
vs.- m 'JLSrSn

Every Saturday our stores play a massive Warlords game. Whether you’re a
complete beginner or a seasoned veteran, everyone is welcome to take
part. The Saturday Warlords game is the highlight of the store’s gaming
schedule. All through the week leading up to the game you can get
information on the Saturday game, just ask the staff about what’s
happening, and where to sign up. Then simply turn up on the day,
bringing along whatever models you can, to join in the fun!

Saturday is also the day new products are released, so make sure you’re
there to check out the latest new miniatures!

Please call your local store for details.

Games Workshop Mail Order NEW RELEASES & ADVANCE ORDER
j provides a service for those who Don’t miss out. Get the latest releases mailed
j can’t get to a Games Workshop store to your door on the morning of release!
or who want to take advantage of the COMPONENT PART SERVICE
extra services that it offers. In addition to the range of Citadel miniatures
WHAT MAIL ORDER CAN DO FOR YOU! our stores carry, Mail Order also have a range
CUSTOMER SERVICE of older miniatures, and can provide a parts
Mail Order is the first port of call for any
Customer Service issues you may have. Our service for individual miniatures and models.
staff are trained to deal with any problems WHITE DWARF SUBSCRIPTIONS
you may have. Why risk missing a single issue?
Our Telesales staffs are all expert gamers
guaranteed to be able to help you with advice DOOR AND IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 361
about rules or what to collect next. DAYS A YEAR (FROM 8am TILL 10pm)
We have a dedicated team ready and waiting to take your calls. Phone us now to place your order,
and also find out the latest deals, special offers, and upcoming new releases on UK 0115
9140000. Our Mail Order service couldn’t be easier to use; you can simply drop into your local
store, phone, post, fax or use the internet. Check out the full details on ordering in the centre
pages of this catalogue.
We have a dedicated team ready and waiting to take your calls. Phone us now to
place your order, and also find out the latest deals, special offers, and upcoming
0115 9140000
new releases.

Deze telefoonlijn is speciaal opgezet voor onze Nederlandstalige klanten. Een

Dutch ++44115 9168255 Nederlandstalige telefoon operateur is ter beschikking voor al uw telefoontjes. Indien
de lijn bezet is wordt u doorverbonden met een Engelstalige operateur.
Denne linie er specielt lavet til de danske kunder. En Dansktalende trold sidder
Danish ++441159188506 klar og venter pa dit opkald. Hvis linien er optaget vil du blive sendt videre til en
Engelsktalende operator.__

Denna linje ar speciellt for svenska kunder. En svensk talande operator vdntar pa
Swedish++44115 9188507 ditt samtal. Om det ar upptaget koplas samtalet till en engelskoperator.


Games Workshop has numerous stockists NORWAY
across Scandinavia and Benelux, including the A - kr45 B-kr60 C - kr65 D-kr75 E-kr90 F-kr120 G-kr140 H-kr150
I - kr180 J-kr225 K - kr270 L-kr300 M-kr350 N - kr400 P-kr600 Q-kr650
seven Games Workshop stores listed below.
A - 45kr B - 60kr C-65kr D-75 E-90kr F-120kr G-140kr H-150kr
COPENHAGEN: Frederiksborggade 5. Tel: ++ 45 33 122 217
I - 180kr J - 225kr K-270kr L-300kr M-350kr N-400kr P-600kr Q-650kr
STOCKHOLM: Regeringsgatan 30, 111 47. Tel: ++ 46 821 3840
OSLO: MOIIergata 5/9,0179,Tel: ++47 (22) 33 29 90 DENMARK
A - kr40 B-kr50 C-kr55 D-kr65 E-kr17 F-krIOO G-kr115 H-kr125
I - kr150 J-kr200 K-kr225 L-kr250 M - kr300 N - kr350 P-kr500 Q-kr550
AMSTERDAM: Rokin 36, 1012KT. Tel: ++ 31 206 223 863
HAARLEM: Gierstraat 29, 2011 GA. Tel: ++ 31 23 551 7677. EURO
NIJMEGEN: Stikke Hezelstraat 48, 6511 JZ. Tel: ++ 31 24 3224 7000.
A- 5.50 B- 6.50 C- 8 D- 10 E- 11 F- 13 G- 15 H- 17.50
I- 20 J- 25 K- 30 L- 35 M- 40 N- 50 P- 70 Q- 80
ROTTERDAM: 452 Van Oldenbarneveltplaats. Tel: ++ 31 102 800 268
Price bands correct as of 1st Jan. 2002
V com NtWSi



All the latest news about the Tips from the professionals about no*:-
hobby from the people who make painting, scenery building ir 0# ~

the games! Not just rumours and and converting.

OFFICIAL TRIAL RULES Rules and articles for you to use.
Written by Andy, Gav and the rest
of the design team. Ready to use ONLINE CHATS
in your games. Speak to Games Workshop
personalities like Paul Sawyer,
Andy Chambers and Gav Thorpe.
Share your views with gamers
Find out what they think about the
around the world. Chat about
hobby and let them know what
armies, strategy, tactics and
anything else in the Games you think.

Workshop Hobby. NEW SPECIAL

A look at what’s coming up, Complete with rules to use
straight from the horse’s mouth. in your games.

1 *• .
» Workshop
Workshop i
Space Marine Scouts
With their ability to infiltrate the battlefield. Space Marine Scouts
acdleal at barftvvtng tlic enemy right from the start! You can put It's open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day from the just like Mail Order the Online Store has a huge
votr squad together aiyway you like with die following models
comfort of your own home. range of bitz, ideal for converting and modelling.
5f*er tbrtM Snaf 1 Sc%m«2 S^rilkbH»S(ul3

L. . •—--- -——j SAFE

!**. p94.xno3assorL“’ wcwoiasaoi KM70J0;0SSO4

The Online Store uses 128 bit security and GREAT SERVICE
encryption to make placing an order online even Online orders are processed by the Games
safer than using the telephone! Workshop Mail Order team so you get the same
HUGE RANGE great service as you do over the phone.
The store has the entire current range of Games
Workshop games and models including all the EASY TO USE
books, magazines and models from Fanatic and the The Online Store is well laid out and easy to
Black Library. navigate. And we've just added a search engine to
ARCHIVE make it even easier to Find exactly what you're
The Online store has an ever expanding range of looking for.
older, classic, hard to get Citadel miniatures.
So if you've never done it before why
Orders are usually dispatched within 24 hours. not give our Online Store a try?
- .• - :V---- v; *: -s-zjLr V-,
Warhammer 40,000 brings the war-torn universe of the
*• :

41st Millennium straight onto your tabletop - the ceaseless din

of gunfire, thunderous explosions, the rumble of passing tanks
and the high-pitched whining of anti-gravitic motors screaming
overhead. You are in command of squad after squad of
battle-hardened warriors, futuristic vehicles and devastating
war machines. Using Citadel miniatures, Warhammer 40,000
turns your tabletop into an action-packed battlefield. In the grim
darkness of the far future there is only war! Will you survive?

ALL YOU NEED 40,00''


The Warhammer 40,000 box contains more than ’W 21


{2MKK fHNC $AS5.M.:ir5

just the rules, it includes literally everything you

need to wage your own tabletop battles over any U**i«

type of alien terrain you can imagine. The boxed SHOO PNC

game comes with an extensive rulebook (including

rules and background information), and enough
models to field the backbone of two different
armies - the heroic Space Marines and the sinister
Dark Eldar. It also contains plastic terrain,
featuring gothic ruins and jungle trees, as well as
plastic weapon templates.


Warhammer 40,000 boxed game Q
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook M

The Warhammer 40,000 boxed set contains 31 Citadel miniatures (20 Dark Eldar,
10 Space Marine troops and 1 Space Marine Land Speeder), a 288 page rulebook,
2 gothic ruins, jungle trees, range rulers, dice, templates, and more!


Warhammer 40,000
is more than just a
boxed game, it’s the
starting point for an
entire hobby.
Above: A Dark Eldar Warrior & In no time at all you’ll
Space Marine (actual size). be building armies,
painting miniatures
and creating scenery
to add more depth to
your gaming

Above: Space Marine Land Speeder

(Shown at 80% of actual size).


The universe of the 41st Millennium
is filled with a variety of different
creatures, and for full details on any
army there’s no better place to look
than the Warhammer 40,000 Codex
army books. While you can play
with the lists in the boxed game, the
Codex series allows you to create
T*- Jj*
^DAMl * •V
truly incredible forces above and
* % if ^
beyond the basic armies. Each

volume contains the complete army

cOUKX list for your chosen battle force with
every troop type, every weapon and
all the battle gear available to them.
They’re also jammed full of
background information, special
rules and characters.
Codex books even include a special
section containing all kinds of hints
and tips on collecting, painting and
playing your army. Soon there will be
a Codex for as many armies as there
are to play in Warhammer 40,000.


Before you can play Warhammer 40,000, you’ve got to put together an army to fight your battles. To ensure that you don’t go flying off
haphazardly buying all kinds of miniatures, you should sit down and put a little thought into what army it is you want to collect. While your
nead may spin when confronted with the wide array of troops at your disposal, don’t be confused - there’s more than enough information
available here to make your decision quite a bit easier.

When choosing your army, the most obvious place to start looking is right in front of you - this very catalogue. Throughout these pages
you’ll find all sorts of information about each army for Warhammer 40,000. We’ve provided some rules tips, as well as painting, collecting,
and playing advice for just about everybody. For more in-depth write-ups of all the armies, look to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook from
the boxed game or to one of the Codex army books. Each book contains an army list and background information for many of the armies
available ta collect. They’re both staffed with people who are always eager to help you with any questions or problems you have collecting
your Warhammer 40,000 army.


Warhammer 40,000 armies are spilt into five sections. All of the squads, vehicles and Characters in an army list are placed in one of the
five sections depending upon their role on the battlefield. Characters, heroes, and officers are likely to be army leaders and are included in
the HQ section. Well trained and specially equipped squads and vehicles are quite rare and included in the Elites section. The vast
majority of basic troopers that form the core of any army are included in the Troops section. Th Fast Attack section contains fast moving
forces - for example, squads with jump packs, cavalry and bikes - that are good for making strikes
into and behind enemy lines and sweeping flank attacks. Finally the Heavy Support sections
contains Dreadnoughts, battle tanks, artillery guns and heavy weapon batteries which can lay down
supporting fire for the rest of the army. We have organised each army into these categories to help
you choose your force. For more details please look in your Codex or Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


Throughout the universe, warring races descend on each other’s cities bringing destruction with
them, in the shattered ruins, old generals are forced to learn
new tricks while their soldiers hope merely to survive.

Inside you will find:

Cityfight core rules explaining how to fight battles in urban terrain. Codex modifications needed to
amend army organisation for Cityfight. New equipment for attackers and defenders. Instructions
on how to make your own buildings and assemble a Cityfight battlezone and much, much more.
Warhammer 40,000 story by Dan Abnett

There was a ball of flame, blue hot cone to wing-struts, tumbled close
at the heart, rising into a halo of overhead, spraying flaming debris
yellow and white, and looking for and showers of igniting fuel, and due
all the many worlds like the coal of a crater twenty meters deep with its
a tinderstick raised to light an incandescent impact. Las and tracei
officer’s cigar. rounds stitched the air with bright
neon lines, and rockets banged dowr
But this ball consumed the whole
the valley, trailing blue smoke ir
horizon, edge to edge. From forty
tattered swirls. The dull dhuk-dhuk o
kilometres away down the desert
mortar brigades dug in along the
valley, they could feel the heat on
valley shelf was interminable.
their faces.
The armour brigades, poised at the
The skies of Armageddon, sulphur-
head of the Hades Valley Roac
yellow, already fading to an early,
amid burned-out habitats anc
muddy dusk, were stained deeply
manufactories, growled and revved
by monstrous blooms of smoke diesel exhaust fumes fogginc
and veils of ash. Every minute or the blasted landscape like dawr
so, a greenish line of fire raced mist. The pulped soil under their
down from the upper atmosphere, racks was two parts ash to three
streaking the air diagonally before parts human bone. Four thousanc
striking the great fire ball with an Leman Russ and Leman Rus;
impact that shook the ground. Exterminators, supported by puffing
The ball of flame was the funeral heavyweight Demolishers anc
pyre of the mighty Hades Hive, blackened Hellhounds sat reeking o
symbolically and brutally crushed leaking fycelene. Sentinel outrider;
by Ghazghkull’s forces as a stalked around the edges of the grea
statement of intent. An entire hive, phalanx.
and millions of lives, snuffed out in Most of the armour units were paintee
a few hours by a bombardment of with the green and black liveries o
asteroids gravitically loosed by the the Cadian Shock Troops or the sane
orbiting flotilla of space hulks and and grey of the Steel Legions
terror ships. Hades had famously General Valadian, sector overseer o
resisted the Ork scum until the the armour units, his noble face a;
bitter end during the last war. It dark as his Cadian fatigues, jumpe(
would not do so again. Ghazghkull down from the turret of his Lemai
would not permit its memory and Russ Vanquisher and snatched th<
defiance to endure. speaker horn from the vox-set of <
Waves of Ork warplanes, their waiting comm-officer. He aske<
ram-jets screaming like cattle in repeatedly for permission to advanc*
pain, dug through the thick smoke and engage the vast, massing
hanging over the great rift valley strength of Greenskins in the valley.
and popped donut-shaped scuds His requests were denied. The ol<
of cloud behind them with their man denied them personally.
hypersonic booms. The sky was
Eight kilometres from the armou
black with their jagged shapes.
files, in the colossal infantry position
Outnumbered packs of Imperial
ranged along the valley slopes, th<
Furies sprinted west across the
old man sighed.
ruined sky, engaging, wheeling,
many exploding in mid-air. One, Yarrick, Imperial Commissar, hero c
stricken and ablaze from nose Armageddon, turned away from hi
own vox-officer and looked out across beyond the range of our artillery. They’re horn to Yarrick.
:ne rift valley towards the pyre of Hades not stupid, you see. Ghazghkull hasn’t “Princeps Danferus of Imperius Quintus.
Hive. There was a sadness in his eye. conquered a hundred worlds by being Legio Metalica stand ready and await
Hades, spared and saved through the stupid. Their ground forces are there to your orders, sir,” the voice, transformed
toil and blood of so many, himself entice us, to fire the battle-ardour of men by vox-augmentation, sounded inhuman
ncluded, now gone, all gone. like Valadian, to spur him into hasty and boomed from the speaker.
action. And the inferno of Hades is
General Valadian repeats his request,
meant to quash our morale too, and “Emperor love you, Princeps. Move your
sir,” the vox-officer, a young Cadian
make us eager for vengeance. But see war machines down along the Hades
corporal with narrow, intense eyes, said
there...” Road and deploy as far as marker ten.
behind him. We’ll have a fight for you soon enough.”
"Valadian must learn patience. I could He indicated to the north of the main Ork
forces. The massive battle-giants plodded past
send him in but then he’d be dead.”
the waiting infantry, trembling the ground
Yarrick turned to the youth. “Do you “What’s that, Robac?” with each massive footfall. The tannoy
know why?” Robac frowned at the empty area of ash horns on their armoured shells blared
-he Cadian vox-officer shook his head. waste, a dismal, open stretch ten howls of damnation and Imperial hymns.
He stood with the old man on a kilometres across. “Nothing, sir?” he Many of the infantry cheered. Others
promontory overlooking the entire ventured. shook in fear.
mperial lines. Around them stood over “Nothing indeed. Empty. Why?” The Orks in the valley below, despite
sixty thousand Cadian and Steel Legion their terrible numbers, quailed and
Robac shrugged.
nfantry, all waiting, all gazing east down edged backwards. Sleek Warhounds,
:ne wide ash valley towards the burning “Tactically, there is no reason why the half the size of the massive Warlords,
doom of Hades. The bayonets on their Orks haven’t spread in that sector. But scurried forward to flank the advancing
shouldered arms, some short like they hold off, in a trim, disciplined line, Legio. As soon as the Titans took
daggers, others as long as cutlasses, more disciplined than we would normally forward position, Yarrick allowed
made a wild, gleaming forest of blades expect of brute-squads and buggy Valadian’s armour to move forward a
around the command position. teams.” kilometre and fan out along the valley
-he vox-officer, Robac, shook his head. “What are they waiting for, sir?” asked floor.
He had been flattered when Marshal Robac. By then, with flame-lit darkness around
Tooms had appointed him to Yarrick’s “The same as us, boy. Tell the general to them, the infantry had been ordered to
staff, Yarrick being such a hero and all, rev his engines a little longer.” rest easy. The forest of blades had fallen,
but he had been disconcerted by the and the valley slopes were thick with
Commissar in the flesh. Small, reduced By nightfall, the enormous Imperial
crouched, resting men and campfires.
by age, pain and weariness, shoulders forces at the west end of the valley were
slumped, his black leather coat hanging near to frenzy point with anticipation. The It was close to midnight when the
mply around a frame that should have Steel Legion were singing battle hymns, moment came. The moment Yarrick had
retired long since. The empty sleeve and drummers in the Cadian echelons been waiting for. A vast black shape
made it worse. Robac knew Yarrick had set up a stacatto rhythm in time to the eclipsed the moonlight and the blaze of
lost his right arm in glorious close regular tympani of mortar barks. Ork air Hades Hive, and descended towards the
combat with Ugulhard, Emperor rejoice, cover swept over them intermittently, but open, suspiciously empty sector of the
out that was years ago, and now this old the chattering Hydra batteries Yarrick valley. The smoke-thick air around the
man with his stump and his shrunken had deployed along the flank filled the air Imperials became leaden-heavy and
shank seemed a pitiful thing to be with lacerating blooms of destruction. charged with static.
rallying around. The fire-clouds of Hades Hive lit the Six million cubic tonnes of asteroid
"Observe... what is your name?” night, ten kilometres deep, flaring light fortress, supported on modified force
and shadow back down the valley. fields and traktor kannon beams,
"Robac, Commissar, sir!” lowered itself into the valley. An Ork Rok,
Distantly, the vast Ork forces, massing a
Observe, Robac.” Yarrick spoke softly, hundred thousand strong, yowled war a war-bastion of near invincible strength.
almost chillingly, as if war held no horns and bellowed chants like a chorus The bow-wave of its fields and beams
surprises for him now. Either that, or he of death-gods, jeering up the valley at seared the ash waste into glass beneath
was too tired to care about it. Yarrick the poised Imperial multitude. it, lifting scathing sheets of dust back
gestured out over the forest of bayonets
Clanking and whirring in the night, giants down the rift valley. Even the Ork
‘.owards the east with his good arm. “The
came up behind the Imperials, rising multitude shied from it.
green scum are callous and brutal, but
above the line of the valley ridge. The The force wall, compressing under the
they are not without tactics. To fight
waiting infantry turned and many cried weight of the settling Rok, pushed a
them, you must get inside their minds, as
out in wonder to see the Titans. Nine of shockwave ripple down the valley-bed.
have, Emperor spare my soul. You
them, Warlords of the Legio Metalica, Even the waiting Titans shook and
must understand their brute tactics and
burnished brass-black, eye-slits glowing vibrated. The foremost tanks of
their feral ploys. They are massing there,
red against the darkness and the stars. Valadian’s armour force were tossed
due east, in vast numbers, deploying
*rom landing pods carefully positioned Shaking, Robac handed the speaker askew by the tidal power. Nine tanks,
jerked aside by the down-pressure, And with him beside them they could The trundling vehicles crushed the
detonated and ignited. Fifty more were not fail. enemy under their tracks, chewinc
rendered immobile as the force-wave through the foot-ranks until their side!
The Imperial counter-assault began in
stripped them of tracks or turrets. A were wet with green ichor. The
the first few hours of the new day,
Warhound, close by, was crushed into Vanquisher and Demolisher main gun!
illuminated by the ceaseless death-fires
the ground like an empty ammo-can. blasted up at the Rok, while the
of Hades.
Exterminators reaped cyclic death intc
The whole world seemed to ripple as the Yarrick threw the eager armour units the Orks before them, and the
Rok made landfall. Thousands of spike- forward into the midst of the Ork clans, Hellhounds washed infernos of doom let
anchors spat from its flanks to secure it directing the Titans at the Rok itself, and right through the Ork infantry, a:
into the sub-soil. With a whine of which was currently disgorging heavy their turrets traversed over and again.
hydraulics, deployment ramps and huge armour and Gargants.
cargo shutter-mouths opened and Titans met Gargants on the open silic<
settled in the ash. The massive weapon He knew this was the one, vital plain before the Rok. Imperius Tenebrui
arrays on the top side of the Rok began opportunity to strike, the one he had gutted a Gargant with its volcano cannoi
to cycle and fire. waited for, the one that came after the and decimated two more with it!
Rok had demolished all beneath it with thundering rocket pods before it wa;
Shells dropped in amidst the armour, its force wall and before it could empty scythed in half at the waist b'
scrapping dozens of vehicles
itself of its indomitable fire power. concentrated lasfire and shelling fron
Supporting the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Rok itself.
Cannon fire and shelling also strafed the
Yarrick called up the Basilisk and heavy Tenebrus’s torso fell away, blazing an<
infantry positions, and panic started as
artillery units ranged along the valleys exploding. Its legs stood firm through th<
platoon groups ran for cover.
side to direct fire at the Rok. Their rest of the night and through the rest c
“Now we have something to fight, thunder overshook the battle, blasting the Armageddon War, a bitter monumer
Robac,” said Yarrick quietly. He strode deep wounds into the landed super¬ to the Legio’s power.
out of his field tent and surveyed the fortress. Leading the racing armour drive into th<
monumental scale of the scene.
Basilisk shells took out two of Ork legions, Valadian’s Vanquisher wa
“Assist me,” he said to the young the Rok’s landing ramps, and incinerated immobilised as stikkbombz blew out it
Cadian, stripping off his leather coat. a Gargant being lowered by pylons. starboard tracks and shoota rounds fror
Robac stepped up in time to help lift the Other shells hit a Gargant’s support buggies raked its length. It bellied in th
revered power claw that robed derricks as it was being cranked down to ash, trying to turn. The gunner screame
attendants of the Ministorum were the ash-soil, and they blew away under for a target as Ork bodies thre\
carrying from the tent. Yarrick peeled the bombardment. The Ork war-giant themselves onto the armour top an
back the blouson sleeve from his lost fell, and ruptured under its own weight, hammered on the hull. The spotter cam
arm, and Robac glimpsed connector onboard munitions blowing it out in a up through his hatch to man the pintle
plugs and synapse link ports buried in blast that lit the valley. mounted storm bolter, but was ripped oi
the folds of scar-tissue at the stump end. of the tank before he could get his hand
Yarrick called up the infantry musters,
They slid the clawed limb-weapon into on the gun-grips. His shrieking form wa
and the forest of blades rose to surround
place. Leads connected, it woke and thrown to and fro between the howlin
him once again. Switching Robac’s vox
seethed with flickering power. The finger- Greenskins. He was gleefully rippe
to all channels and loud-speaker
blades clacked and snapped as the apart.
simultaneously, he exhorted the sixty
Commissar test-flexed them. The aides thousand men with a rallying speech that Valadian cowered in his turret, an
buttoned a fresh leather coat around had many teary-eyed yet stoically firm of pulled out his guard-issue las-pistol fror
Yarrick, one specially made to purpose - Emperor willing, they would the shoulder webbing under his flak coa
accommodate his augmentation. He set rid this Imperial world of the alien He checked the clip.
his Commissar’s cap on his head with invaders or sell their lives dearly in the The hatch above his head was torn clea
his good hand, then slung his storm process. off and a tusked green monster leere
bolter over his shoulder.
They were already charging down the down at him, snarling something alie
“Robac. Open the command channel. slope of the escarpment, baying life- and vicious. Its breath bellowed
Now the fight begins.” oaths to the Golden Throne, when foul, rank stench down at him. Valadia
Robac realised his mouth was hanging Yarrick ordered them to engage. put a las-round into its left eye and the
wide open. In a few moments, the weary, burst the brain case of the next Ork wh
The forces of the Cadians and the Steel
frail old man had been transformed into a tried to paw down at him.
Legions met the charging Ork foot-brutes
charismatic giant - the weapon claw, the in a withering infantry storm three miles His third shot he used on himself.
gleaming braid on the cap, the look in the wide. Thousands were killed on both There was a brief period of confusion, c
eye. sides in the first few minutes. There was the Imperial armour tried to confirm th
Even the very build of Yarrick was now mayhem, and a murderous confusion of loss of the general. When no retui
transmuted in the face of battle. He hand-to-hand frenzy. signal was heard from Valadian, armoi
seemed huge, invulnerable, terrifying. By then, Valadian’s armour column was command fell to Major Dillai
Robac realised why Yarrick was a hero. biting into the Ork legions from the south. who rode his Leman Russ Exterminat<
into the deep, thick, unforgiving ranks of of the artillery, the thunder of the Titans, by his beloved brother Princeps
the screaming green foe. His turret- the shriek of the lasguns and the Danferus was all around. Through the
mount, the chattering exterminator drumming of the tanks. vista-plates in his throne console and the
autocannon, scythed through the enemy repeater sub-screens floating around
At the head of a Cadian storm group,
and reaped them down like corn staves. him, Goplin saw the burning ruin of
Yarrick met the Orks for the first time in
Dillan rounded his tanks into a claw¬ Imperius Quintus, sprawled amid the
two decades and relished the way his
shaped deployment that scoured into the mech-corpses of its enemies.
power claw ripped through their puffy,
Ork legions and cut their support lines pustuled green flesh like butter. Galgamech advanced into the weapon
from the Rok. bay of the Rok, small-arms fire rattling

His storm bolter coughed and blew out

Princeps Danferus, of Imperius Quintus, off its armour futilely. The Titan crushed
enemy heads and guts. Yarrick waded
rode his Titan right into the maw of the Ork deck-troops underfoot.
enemy firewash. He met and engaged a Princeps Goplin rose from his command
Gargant, a clanking behemoth of armour It was like... the old days. He’d
throne and took off his mind-link coronet.
forgotten... mercifully perhaps, despite
panels, gun-ports and smoke-stacks, its Fluid trickled from the plugs.
the pain and anguish and suffering, he’d
cockpit-face a gnashing mechanical
forgotten. “Make ready munitions. Prime them all!
parody of an Ork face. Danferus blew it
Prepare for auto-destruct!” he ordered.
asunder with four spits of his volcano He’d forgotten how good it felt to take on
cannon. Another massive enemy these green scum face-to-face and kill His moderati rose from the forward
monster-machine was closing from the them. section of the Titan’s cockpit and
south-west, but it was crippled and then stoically repeated the order. Overloads
Yarrick checked himself. They had
destroyed by sustained artillery shelling. began to pulse. The turbine engines
pushed into the Ork position deeply, and
thrashed to breaking point. Dials pushed
It left Danferus with a clear approach to the Rok was threatened, but the sheer
needles into the red and beyond. Amber
the Rok. weight of numbers made a difference.
countdown runes blinked off on the main
He pounded Imperius Quintus up the There were Orks everywhere. vista-plate.
exit ramps with his full firepower melting He always knew he’d die in service of Goplin began a final prayer to the
and splintering Ork war machines in their the Emperor. Was it to be now, now with Emperor, the Lord of Terra.
cargo scaffolds before they could be so much left to be won?
launched into the war, and then sent Twenty seconds later, Imperius
missiles from Quintus’s shoulder mount Fire lit the north highway of the valley to Galgamech detonated and tore the heart
whooshing up the silos to explode deep the west. A major force was descending out of the Rok. Ork munition stockpiles
in the heart of the Rok itself. Something behind them. Yarrick prayed it was not piles went off in sequence, followed by
fundamental and crippling happened Orks. the main power system of the asteroid
deep inside the Rok. A power plant bastion. Within the space of three
It wasn’t.
ignited, perhaps. A munition store... minutes, another fireball as intense as
The Salamanders, that noble Chapter of Hades Hive lit the night sky of
The Rok trembled and lurched over the Space Marines had arrived. Armageddon.
slightly, guide hawsers snapping and
Creaking and grinding in their power Yarrick was crushing heads with his claw
anchors tearing free as the massive bulk
armour, the Salamanders moved in, when the light-blaze of the exploding
slid over. demolishing every enemy they could
Rok fell across him. The shockwave
Danferus turned his machine, chiding find. Yarrick saw Salamanders tearing whipped through the infantry lines,
the old machine-monster with gentle Orks apart limb from limb. The contours throwing most flat.
urgings through the mind impulse-link, and deposition of the battlefield changed
Yarrick hauled himself up. His infantry
and found a Gargant right beside him. abruptly, from a balanced, ferocious
front had been tangled with fierce Ork
clash where the Orks held the
Twenty five seconds sustained fire from resistance. But the sight of the destroyed
advantage of numbers, to one which
both Titans and both exploded. Mutual Rok had torn the heart out of the
swung the way of the Imperium. Yarrick’s
annihilation. The blazing skeleton of Greenskins. They were fleeing the field
counter-assault had held the enemy
Imperius Quintus toppled forward into en masse, heading east towards the
firm, bitten into them, wounded them.
the drum shape of the ruined Gargant flames of Hades.
Now the Adeptus Astartes had arrived to
and crushed it flat. Ammo stores in the
turn the tide. “How appropriate!,” thought Yarrick. He
autoloaders went up in a fearsome
ordered his men up, pulling some men
firework display. By that time, Princeps Goplin had
bodily to their feet himself.
advanced Imperius Galgamech up into
Danferus was somehow still alive as his
the Rok itself by way of one of its vast “We have them now,” he bawled into
Titan toppled, his bridge crew ablaze
boarding ramps, firing every step of the Robac’s vox-link. “In the name of the
and screaming around him.
way. Emperor, and in the memory of all that
Then ammunition chambers under his have given their lives here... for Hades’
The deck boards creaked under
throne seat ignited and blew his silent, sake, let none survive!”
Galgamech’s vast weight. Addressing
gaping skull into the troposphere. Now the true slaughter began and the
weapons, he peppered and ruined four
Below, in the valley, Yarrick led the Gargants waiting in gantries, ready to first Imperial victory of Armageddon
charge, his voice baying above the roar deploy. The destruction already wrought was assured.
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They shall be pure of heart and strong of body,
self-aggrandisement. They will be bright stars in the firmament
of battle, Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift
enemies of Man. So shall it be for
times a thousand years, unto the very end oj
eternity and the extinction of mortal flesh
Roboute Guilimcin - Prim arch of the Ultramarines


ach Space Marine is a seven-foot tall superhuman giant who strides into battle encased in
psycho-responsive ceramite armour. Their enhanced reflexes, inhuman strength and
bio-modified bodies enable them to endure even the harshest environments .of the 41st
Millennium. Space Marines are organised into small independent armies called Chapters.
Space Marine armies are powerful and extremely mobile. Depending on the size of the force
and their mission, they can be led by a high-ranking Force Commander, psychic Librarian
Codex: Space Marines is the
quintessential guide to collecting the or a zealous Chaplain. The main body of the army usually consists of versatile Space
Imperium’s finest warriors. Inside you Marine Tactical squads that are able to lay down a withering hail of fire with their bolters
will find painting tips, tactical advice, a
while shrugging off all but the most grievous of injuries. Tactical squads are a staple part of
full army list and much, much more!
every Space Marine battle force.
ammsr Other units such as cunning Scout squads, vicious Space Marine Assault squads and
1.000' — heavy weapon equipped Devastator squads can also be added to lend their particular
expertise to each mission. There are heavy-hitters such as Terminator squads and
Space Marine Dreadnoughts which can punch holes through enemy battle lines in
& seconds. Space Marine armies have access to a wide variety of vehicles, from the fast
attack Land Speeder to the Land Raider battle tank. The Space Marine range is truly
vast, and can be seen in its entirety over the next few pages.

il I


5? gQ ■ mi - ••
- -
■■ i
The Space Marine
| IW.
Battle Force contains:
: J V
SSMBiiioJl It) plastic Space Marines,
5 Terminators, / Land Speeder
4L «

3 Space Marine Bikes, &

1 Gothic Ruins frame

■visat'**: ■
Ur * '• V- •
i » a,

The Space Marine
MegaForce contains:
10 plastic Space Marines,
5 Assault Marines,
5 Terminators,
I Dreadnought, l Land Raider,
6 l Gothic Ruins frame
Space Marine Command Squad
A great boxed set, the Space Marine Command squad contains a Space Marine Space Marine Marneus Calgar
Commander, Veteran Sergeant, Apothecary, Standard Bearer, and a Tcchmarine Commander Master of the

Techmarines Space Marine Space Marine Space Marine Apothecaries

Standard Bearer Terminator Captain

Space Marine Space Marine Salamanders Space Marine Chaplains

Chaplain on Bike Terminator Chaplain Chaplain Xavier

Tigurius, Chief Librarian Space Marine

Space Marine Librarians
of the Ultramarines Terminator Librarh
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
Space Marine Terminator with
Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Heavy Flamer Stormboltcr Sergeant Chainfist Assault Cannon

Space Marine Terminators

Space Marine Space Marine

Terminator with Terminator with
Lightning Claws Cyclone

Stormboltcr Heavy Flamer Sergeant Stormboltcr Stormboltcr

Space Marine Terminators plastic boxed set


Nightbringer novel
Captain Uriel Ventris of the Ultramarines
is in a race against time for an ancient
device of galaxy-destroying power.

Space Marine Veteran Sergeants

Space Marine
Sergeants are adept
at leading your
squads into battle,
and have the
opportunity to
obtain special
equipment from the
Space Marine

Space Marine Veteran Sergeants Space Marine Dreadnought

plastic boxed set
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.


Space Marine Scouts Space Marine Scout


Space Marine Scout Space Marine Scouts Space Marine Scouts Space Marine Scouts with
with Heavy Bolter with Bolters with Shotguns Needle Rifles

Space Marine Scout Squad Boxed set Space Marine Combat Squad Boxed set

Sergeant Assault Weapon Mcltagun Plasma Gun

Heavy Weapon -
Missile Launcher Flamer
Space Marines with Assault Weapons
Space Marine Tactical Squad boxed set

Space Marine
Space Marine

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size. «•
Space Marine Land Speeder boxed set Space Marine Land Speeder Space Marine Land Speeder
Tornado boxed set Typhoon boxed set

Dark Angels Ravenwing Command Bike Squad boxed set Dark Angel Master of the Ravenwing boxed set

Space Marine Bike Squadron boxed set Space Marine Bike boxed set

Space Marine Scout Bike Squadron boxed set Space Marine Attack Bike
boxed set

Space Marine Assault Squad boxed set Space Marine Assault Sergeants

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% off actual size.
/J I
• *r f
7 r T
» • I • t f • •

• • • *•

■H 40.000

'Xi/*.*** *.V-.
- .V»A.I

Multi-Mcltcr Lascannon Missile Launcher Plasma Cannon

Space Marine Predator Annihilator boxed set Space Marine Space Marine Devastator Squad Boxed set

1. If

i • ^ .

Space Marine Predator boxed set Marine Whirlwind boxed set

ace Marine Land Raider Crusader

boxed set

Marine Land Raider

boxed set

r I'.i i k|*
+*? S’ Jlj
/>. |
. W00

Marine Vindicator boxed set

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
Codex: Space Wolves is an add on to Codex: Space Marine and all.?* • units to your Space Marine army.
Below are extra models that allow you to theme your arm\ arc_ra v.: >?__e [f of Space Marines.

Codex: Space Wolves

The Space Wolf

Battle Force contains:
10 plastic Grey Hunters,
Ht plastic Blood Claws,
3 Space Marine Bikes,
i Bhima. & l Gothic Ruins frame
k T, Ml* w [ *

■ V
U m 1 mi f ■ 9 .


i -JUS JPya)
i r• ■y

vv, VIA *

Plasma Gun

Assault Cannon Chainfist Stormboltcr Sergeant Heavy Flamer Assault Cannon

Space Marine
Wolf Guard Terminators Terminator Runepriest

Wolf Scouts with

Assault Weapons

Wolf Scouts
Space Wolf Grey Hunter Squad

Wolf Scouts

Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnought

W** r*m 4 MZSBs

Space Wolf Long Fangs Squad

■ >«*
_ \1

Wolf Guard Iron Priest Space Wolf Novels

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
Codex: Blood Angels is an add on to Codex: Space Marine and allows you to add new units to your Space Marine army.
Below are extra models that allow you to theme your army around the Blood Angels chapter of Space Marines.

Commander Dante Chief Librarian Mephiston Brother-Captain Tycho Apothecary Corbulo Space Marine
Blood Angels
Standard Bearer

Blood Angels Death Company Blood Angels Death Company boxed set
Chaplain Lemartes Chaplain

Codex: Blood Angels is

an supplement to Codex:
Space Marine and allows
you to add new units to
your Space Marine army.

Blood Angels Honour Guard boxed set

Codex: Blood Angels

Blood Angels Baal Predator boxed set Space Marine Furioso Dreadnought boxed set

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% cf actual size.
c ■

Codex: Dark Angels is an add on to Codex: Space Marine and allows you to add Codex: Dark Antzels is an
new units to your Space Marine army. Below are extra models that allow you to supplement to Codex:
theme your army around the Dark Angels chapter of Space Marines. Space Marine and allows
you to add new units to
Veteran Dark Angels
your Space Marine army.
Scout Sergeant Naaman

Codex: Dark Angels

Commander Azrael, Ezekiel, Grand Asmodai,

with Helmet Bearer Master of Librarians Interrogator Chaplain

Space Marine Dark Angels

Standard Bearer

Stormboltcr Heavy Flamer Sergeant Stormboltcr Chainfist

Dark Angels Space Marines
Deathwing Terminators (Deathwing Terminator with assault cannon not shown)

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
•-« •


SI Sft t J_k i

Space Marine Chaplain on Bike H

::«; suFFLEMErr price bands (Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Space Wolf Long Fangs K
(Boxed set of 5 multi-piece plastic models)
Space Marine Land Raider Crusader O
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Space Marine Mega Force R


Space Marine Veteran Sergeants B
(1 per blister)
SPACE MARINE BOXED SETS PRICE BANDS Space Marine with Assault Weapon A
Space Urr« Dreadnought L (1 per blister)
5-: iez se* of' model with transfers) Space Marine Scouts C
Space Alarine Whirlwind Tank K (2 per blister)
Be tec se: of 1 model with colour transfers) Space Marine Scout Sergeant B
Space Marine Predator Tank K (1 per blister)
5: «ed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers) Space Marine Scout with Heavy Bolter B
Space Marine Bike Squadron K (1 per blister)
Boxed set of 3 models - Sergeant, meltagun, Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifle C
and plasma gun, with colour banners and transfers) (2 per blister)
Space Marine Scout Bike Squadron K C
Space Marine Scouts with Shotguns
(Boxed set of 3 models - Sergeant, meltagun. (2 per blister)
and plasma gun, with colour banners and transfers)
Space Marine Scouts with Boltguns c
Space Marine Predator Annihilator Tank K
(2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Deathwing Terminator with Heavy Flamer E
Space Marine Attack Bike H
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Deathwing Terminator with Assault Cannon E .
Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought M
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Deathwing Terminator Sergeant D
Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought M
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Deathwing Terminator D
Space Marine Bike D
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Deathwing Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher E
Space Marine Rhino I (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Wolf Guard Terminator Sergeant D
Space Marine Devastator Squad K
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 5 models with colour transfers)
Wolf Guard Terminator with Assault Cannon E
Blood Angels Death Company H
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 5 models)
Wolf Guard Terminator with Heavy Flamer E
Blood Angels ‘Baal’ Predator K
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Wolf Guard Terminator Rune Priest E
Blood Angels Honour Guard J
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 5 models)
Wolf Guard Terminator D
Space Marine Vindicator K
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Wolf Guard Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher E
Space Marine Land Speeder Tornado K
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with the heavy bolter and multi-melta,
Ragnar Blackmane, Wolf Lord F
heavy flamer, assault cannon, and colour transfers)
(1 per blister)
Dark Angels Ravenwing Command Bike Squad K
Ulrik the Slayer, Wolf Priest E
(Boxed set of 3 models)
(1 per blister)
Master of the Ravenwing K
Marneus Calgar, Master of the Ultramarines F
(Boxed set of 1 model)
(1 per blister)
Space Marine Razorback K
Tiaurius. Chief Librarian of the Ultramarines F
(Boxed set of 1 model and transfers)
(1 per blister)
Space Marine Typhoon K
Commander Azrael, Supreme Grand Master F
(Boxed set of 1 model and transfers)
of the Dark Angels, with Helmet Bearer (2 per bf ster
Space Marine Battle Force Q
Asmodai, Dark Angels Interrogator Chap a s
(Boxed army)
(1 per blister)
Space Marine Tactical Squad J
(Boxed set of 10 models with colour banners and transfers) Space Marine Devastator
(1 per blister)
Space Marine Land Speeder J
(Boxed set of 1 model with both the heavy bolter and Space Marine Chaplain
multi-melta and colour transfers) (1 per blister)

Space Marine Combat Squad E Techmarine

(Boxed set of 5 models with colour transfers) (1 per blister)

Space Marine Assault Squad I Apothecary

(Boxed set of 5 models with colour transfers) (1 per blister)

Space Wolf Grey Hunters J Space Marine Standard Beaser

(Boxed set of 10 multi-piece plastic models) (1 per blister)

Space Wolf Battle Force Q Space Marine Dark Angels

(Boxed army) Standard Bearer
N (1 per blister)
Space Marine Land Raider
(Boxed set of 1 model) Librarian
J (1 per blister)
Space Wolf Blood Claws
(Boxed set of 10 multi-piece plastic models) Iron Priest
J (1 per blister)
Space Marine Terminators
(Boxed set of 5 models with colour banners and transfers) Wolf Guard
H (1 per blister)
Space Marine Scouts
(Boxed set of 5 models with colour transfers) Blood Angels Death Company c
K (2 per blister)
Space Marine Command Squad
(Boxed set of 5 models - Commander. Veteran Sergeant Apothecary, Dark Angels Marines c
Standard Bearer, Techmarine, colour banners and transfers) (2 per blister) .** - -3

»wn M
- -

i rm r.
f' 0 #» \ «,

Brother-Captain Tycho, Commander F

Space Wolves Scouts C
(2 per blister) of the Blood Angels 3rd Company
Terminator Captain E
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Terminator Librarian E Chaplain Lemartes E
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher E
(1 per blister) Veteran Scout Sergeant Naaman D

Terminator with Assault Cannon E

(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
D Logan Grimnar F
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Terminator with Heavy Flamer E
Salamander Chaplain Xavier E
(1 per blister)
Terminator with Lightning Claws D (1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Blood Angels Death Company Chaplain C
Terminator with Thunder Hammer D
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Terminator Sergeant D
Space Wolves Scout with assault weapons C
(1 per blister)
Terminator Chaplain E (1 per blister)
(1 per blister) B
Space Wolves Standard bearer
Ezekiel, Dark Angels Grand Master of Librarians F
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Apothecary Corbulo, Sanguinary Priest E C
Blood Angels Space Marines
of the Blood Angels (1 per blister)
Blood Angels Chief Librarian Mephiston, F (Random mix of 2 per blister)
Lord of Death (1 per blister) Space Marine Assault Sergeant C
Commander Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels F
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 0 - £35 P - £40 Q - £50 R - £75
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.

-• rdsnten, you cit'd our lust line of defence against the ulien hoi cles thut
' 4.-
tbremtem omr Imperium. Each one of you brave warriors is part of a vast fighting
f: rc< trill be called upon to serve in the eternal war. You will fight on countless
a thousand different worlds across the galaxy. And, whether you fight

i„ omr great crusading armies or serve with the smallest garrison, you must be proud
: . -rice \our life to save Humanity from its enemies.”
Commissar Yarrick, addressing new recruits


mperial Guard commanders have a vast number ot models to choose from when picking
_their army. The overwhelming numbers of an Imperial Guard force requires it to be led by
Command HQ squads who coordinate the army’s sprawling lorces. Zealous servants of the
Imperium, such as Commissars, can also be found leading Imperial Guardsmen to battle.
Elite troops such as Storm Troopers, Ogryns and sharp-eyed Ratlings also serve the
Emperor in limited numbers. However, the heart of the Imperial Guard is made up of the
millions of troops who form Infantry Platoons and Armoured Fist squads which man the
front lines of the battlefield in the name of the Emperor.
The Imperial Guard also contains more vehicles and armour than any other army in the
41st Millennium. Commanders can choose many mighty tanks ranging from stalwart
Leman Russ to the heavy firepower of the Basilisk
when selecting their forces. Over the next few pages is
the huge selection of Imperial Guard troops available.

Codex: Imperial Guard Codex: Armageddon

SGf?s!^*0/aiY DAHmtrr
This book contains full rules This 32 page book contains
about an Imperial Guard army background, painting and full
that are Humanity’s last line of rules for Ork Speed Freeks. Steel
defence against darkness. Legion, and Space Marines from
the Salamander and
Black Templar Chapters

Dan Abnett tells the continuing tale of Commissar Ibram Gaunt and his
regiment of brave Imperial Guardsmen, the Tanith First-and-Only,
in the stunning Gaunt’s Ghosts series:
First & Only, GhostmakerNecropolis and Honour Guard.

The Imperial Guard
Battle Force contains:
rSG 20 plastic Catachan
Jungle Fighters,
2 Sentinels, &
I Leman Russ Battle Tank
Waritammer 40 y000 Tree
frames (enough components
to make four jungle trees).
Lord Solar Colonel Iron Hand’ Sly Marbo Commissar Commissars
Macharius Straken Yarrick

Catachan Catachan Cadian Valhallan Valhallan Guardsman with Steel Legion Lieutenants
Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant comm -links

« . *. ,4i 9 .
- i mm '* ' .• mm mm ■ ■
•H '•|
i m

f |
f 1 \

W *V^ m * M' . ’ rW %

Grenade launcher Flamer Plasma gun Mcltagun

Stormtrooper Sergeants
Stormtroopers with Assault Weapons

Stormtroopers Ratling Snipers

The huge strength and the incredible

toughness of a typical Ogryn means that
they have a natural aptitude for combat,
while their stupidity means that they
benefit very little from basic training.
Because of this, Ogryns are often pressed
directly into service wearing the clothes
and using the weapons they favour on
their primitive home worlds

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.

Steel Legion Sergeants Steel Legion Troopers

Grenade La^acLer Plasma Gun

Steel Legion Heavy Bolter Steel Legion Lascannon Steel Legions
Stee! Legion Troopers
(base not included) (base not included) Missile Launcher
with Assault Weapons

Grenade Launcher Flamer Mcltagun

Valhallan with Assault Weapon Ice Warriors of Ice Warriors ci Valhalla

Valhalla Sergeants

Cadian Shock Troopers Cadian Shock

Trooper Sergeant

Valhallan Lascannon Cadian Lascannon

Plasma Gun Mcltagun

Cadians with Assault Weapon

Valhallan Heavy Bolter Cadian Autocannon

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shownrSOy & ac:u3^ize
Catachan Jungle Fighters Chimera Armoured Troop Carrier

Plasma Gun Meltagun

Catachan Autocannon Catachan Lascannon
Catachans with Assault Weapons

Catachan Mortar Catachan Missile Launcher Catachan Heavy Bolter

Colonel Schaeffers Last Chancers

-' ** v .

Codex: Catachans is a supplement

to Codex: Imperial Guard and
The Catachan models above may be used in any Imperial Guard army
allows you to field a Death World
allow you to theme your army around one of the many Deathworld In
Imperial Guard army.


■_i » i

Catachans with Catachans with Catachan Snipers

Heavy Flamers Demolition Charges

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size
Steel Leg Catachan Sentinel
Sentinel Squadron (Boxed sc
of three Sentinels)

Imperial Guard
Sentinel A

Leman Russ
Battle Tank

Leman Russ

All miniatures are supplied unpainted

Banners are not included unless
otherwise noted. Miniatures shown
60% of actual size.
—_... _ __

Catachan Jungle Fighter Heavy Bolter

(2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
Catachan Jungle Fighter Lascannon
(2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
Catachan Jungle Fighter Autocannon
(2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
Catachan Heavy Flamer Team
(2 per blister)
Catachan Jungle Fighter Mortar
(2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
Cadian Shock Trooper Lieutenant
(1 per blister)
Cadian Shock Troopers
(3 per blister)
Cadian Shock Trooper Sergeant & Assault Weapons
(2 per blister)
PRICE RANDS Cadian Shock Troopers Lascannon E
GAME SUPPLEMENT (2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
Codex: Imperial Guard F
Cadian Shock Troopers Autocannon E
(48 page book)
(2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
Codex: Catachans C
Ice Warriors of Valhalla Captain C
(24 page book)
(1 per blister)
Codex: Armageddon C
Ice Warrior of Valhalla Lieutenant B
(32 page book)
(1 per blister)
Imperial Guard Battle Force Q (3 per blister)
(Boxed Battle Force) Ice Warriors of Valhalla Sergeant & Assault Weapons D
Colonel Schaeffer’s Last Chancers L (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 12 models) Ice Warriors of Valhalla Heavy Bolter E
Imperial Guard Sentinel H (2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Ice Warriors of Valhalla Lascannon E
Imperial Guard Steel Legion Squad K (2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
(Boxed set of 10 models) Ice Warriors of Valhalla Mortar E
Imperial Guard Steel Legion Sentinel (2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Steel Legion Lieutenant B
Catachan Jungle Fighters J (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 20 multi-piece plastic models) Steel Legion Sergeant & Assault Weapons D
Imperial Guard Catachan Sentinel Squadron N (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 3 models) Steel Legion with Heavy Bolter E
Imperial Leman Russ Battle Tank K (1 per blister)
Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers) Steel Legion with Lascannon E
Leman Russ Exterminator L (1 per blister)
Boxed set of 1 model) Steel Legion with Missile Launcher E
Leman Russ Demolisher Siege Tank M (1 per blister)
Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers) D
Steel Legion Troopers
mperial Hellhound Tank L (3 per blister)
Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers) D
Storm Trooper Sergeant & Assault Weapon
mperial Basilisk Tank K (2 per blister)
Boxed set of 1 model) D
Storm Troopers
mperial Chimera Armoured Troop Carrier . K (3 per blister)
Boxed set of 1 model with colour banners and transfers)
Lord Solar Macharius F

Catachan Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken E Commissar Yarrick E

1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Catachan Jungle Fighter Captain C Sly Marbo E

(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Catachan Jungle Fighter Lieutenant B Commissar C

(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Catachan Jungle Fighters C Rough Rider Command C

Niftl Assault Weapons (2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Catachan Jungle Fighter Snipers D Rough Rider B
3 per blister) (1 per blister)
Catachan Jungle Fighter Demolition Charges C Ogryns F
2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Catachan Jungle Fighter Missile Launcher E Ratling Snipers D
2 crew and 1 heavy weapon per blister) (4 per blister)
Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
Agents of the Officio Assassinorum, Assassins are trained for glorious combat in the
name of the Emperor. Chosen during childhood, Assassins become immersed in the
doctrines of one of the four Temples of Assassination.

ssassins are a tool of the Emperor, that when used properly spell certain doom for the enemies of the Imperium. The
A ultimate harbingers of mankind, none can stand in their way. Once a target has been selected, the Assassins hunt them
down and destroy them using speed and stealth, before moving on to there next target. Each of the four Temples specialise
in a different form of death. Assassins can be included in Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle armies.


Vindicare Assassin E
(1 per blister)
Vindicare Assassins Callidus Assassin E
(1 per blister)
The Vindicare Temple trains Eversor Assassin E
their agents in the use of (1 per blister)
deadly sniper rifles. Their Culexus Assassin E
ability with a rifle is (1 per blister)
unmatched anywhere within Price band table.
the Imperium. Death is a mere A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8
heartbeat away when you are G - £8 H - £10 I-£12 J-£15 K-£18 L - £20
in the crosshairs of a Vindicare
M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press.
Contents may vary from those shown.

Callidus Assassins
The Callidus Temple employs
subtlety and deceit to
accomplish the edicts of the
Emperor. Through the Temples
ancient teachings, the Assassin
learns to change the very shape
of its body allowing it to
infiltrate the enemy’s lines and
achieve its goal.

Culexus Assassins
The twisted agents of the
Culexus Temple maximises
their strange psychic mutation
to benefit the Imperium. They
cause a natural revulsion in
anyone they encounter, causing
a distraction in an enemy
which often proves fatal.

Evcrsor Assassins
Warriors of the Eversor
Temple arc relentless in the
pursuit of their targets. They
train constantly and use
powerful drugs to increase
their already impressive array
of combat abilities. The
Eversor Assassin is the most
hiehlv trained and brutal killer
in the Emperor’s arsenal.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown.60°o of actualize.
To most of humanity, the Emperor is venerated as a living god. The vast organisation
known as the Ecclesiarchy is the official church which controls and regulates the
worship of the Imperium’s saviour. The Adepta Sororitas is the fighting arm of the
Ecclesiarchy. Trained to the highest standards and equipped with the finest weapons,
these zealous female warriors smite the foes of the Emperor across the length and
breadth of the galaxy!

The Sisters of Battle army is very similar to the the forces of the Imperial

particular traditions and heraldry which they apply to their uniforms and
battle gear. However, the Sisters of Battle are not bio-genetically modified
superhumans. They are raised from birth to believe in the ideals of the
Ecclesiarchy and are the finest warriors the Imperium has to offer, second
only to the Mighty legions of the Adeptus Astartes.
The majority of the Adepta Sororitas forces are made up of Battle Sisters
who fight in close knit units and can be used for a variety of tactical
situations. Other units like the elite Celestian Squads, high-flying
Seraphim Squads and heavy-weapon wielding Retributor Squads utilise
their specialised battle skills to make sure that the Sisters of Battle triumph
over all heretics who would oppose their righteous causes. Additionally,
Battle Sister armies are often accompanied by veteran members of the
Ecclesiarchy, like Missionaries and Preachers, who use their faith and
combat experience to aid the Orders Militant on the field.

Chapter Approved is a compilation of the best of White Dwarf's

WAWHAMMR* ’Tfrr'J-' ' Chapter Approved feature, plus a number of new articles, all
, %• |«
i £ j. K

adding to the Warhammer 40,000 game system.

ii» a
\VH n;) m m-r • *
aL It contains new army lists, updates, clarifications, additional
' V
wargear and special characters, vehicle design rules, questions and
answers on all of the currently published Codexes, plus a host of
other bits contributed by players.
Inside Chapter Approved you will find:
Army lists: Additional Rules:
• Sisters of Battle • Dark Lords of Chaos
• Revised Necrons • Grey Knights
• Blood Angel Death Company • Cult Terminators
• Imperial Guard Armoured Company • Night Fighting Expanded Rules
• Ultramarines Special Characters
• Advanced Mission Selection
Vehicle Rules:
• Army of Death • Transport Vehicles
• Assassins • Vehicle Design Rules
• Battle at the Camp • Tyranid Monstrosities
• Capture the Hulk
Sena! for Warhammer 40,000
Gaming mu • Carnage Plus: Questions & Answers, letters,
• Dawn Assault battle statistics and much more!

A Canoness is the overall commander

of one of the Orders Militant. She is
Each of the Orders Militant
responsible for the spiritual well-being
po>>e>se> ancient battle banners
of the Battle Sisters under her
pa»ed dow n through the
command and her non-military duties
generations from the time when
include leading the Order in its prayer
Orders .sere first founded. They are
services, performing rites of initiation
proudly borne into battle and help
for new recruits and supervising the
to bolster the morale of the Battle
running of the order. She is directly
Sisters and inspire them to ever
answerable to the Prioress of her
greater feats of glory.
Convent. In most military campaigns,
other servant of the Ecclesiarchy bow
to her superior skill and knowledge.
Battle Sister Canoness Battle Sister Banner Bearer

Confessor Imperial Missionaries Imperial Missionary 2 Imperial Preachers

> To

■ Jjit

Battle Sisters

The zealous Battle Sisters fight

in small units at close quarters.
favouring meltaguns and
flamers to purify their enemies.

Flamer MeltagUD
Sister Superiors
Battle Sisters with Assault Weapon

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actuaf.size.

The most zealous and aggressive Battle

Sisters are trained in the use of jump packs
and are schooled in the methods of close
combat. The avenging angels of the Seraphim
are able to traverse the battlefield quickly and
are more than willing to take the fight to the
enemy. The addition of a Sister Superior or
Veteran Sister Superior makes these assault
troops even more dangerous!

Battle Sister Seraphim

Heavy Weapon Heavy Weapon - Heavy Weapon -

Heavy Flamer Heavy Bolter Multi-mclta

Battle Sister Retributor

Battle Sister Immolator

Battle Sister with Assault weapons D

Battle Sisters Seraphim Squad K
Seraphim Battle Sister C
(Boxed set of 5 models and colour transfers)
(1 per blister)
Sisters of Battle Immolator K
Seraphim Battle Sister Superior C
(Boxed set of 1 model and colour transfers)
(1 per blister)
Sisters of Battle I
(Boxed set of 6 models and colour transfers) Battle Sister Icon Bearer B
(1 per blister)
Battle Sister Canoness
Battle Sisters D (1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Imperial Confessor B
Sister Superior B
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Imperial Missionary B
Battle Sister with Heavy Bolter C
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Imperial Missionary 2 E
Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer C
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Battle Sister with Multi-melta C Imperial Preacher B

(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J-£15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
tt*, w rfc'wfUBftjyi# • f V'; r^frigT^
■'- %?
jjftMWJBr iTljr >^fr # HOm
jS **-j
y „ .
»Tl! Ta c 7
1 . % ,: .,-. ><■
* • 5’W V- -', : - ’ '

v >

77be 22* w inhabit an area of space near the eastern fringe of

galaxy. They are a young, dynamic race, with highly advan
weaponry and technology. Though less than two thousand ye
their fledgling
of the galaxy. In galactic terms
empire is small, based around a densely packed globular cluster
of stars, which enables the Tau to travel between them without
many of the dangers normally associated with warp travel. The
Tau empire also encompasses several alien races who have been
subsumed into the empire voluntarily or whose services are
bought through trade agreements.


The Tau are a very powerful army with many specialised troops at their disposal. Their main
This 64 page rule book contains
background, painting and
strength lies in the different types of Battlesuit equipped warriors. These warriors are hardened
modelling guides, and full rules
veterans and their Battlesuits are capable of mounting a fearsome array of firepower. Combined
for fielding a force of the
technologically advanced Tau
with their exceptional armour protection, this makes them very difficult to take out with most
and their savage Kroot allies.
troopers’ basic weapons. If you’re looking for an army that can pack a heavy punch while being
able to soak up the enemy ’s return fire, then the Tau are the force for you. Tau technology is highly advanced with many
exciting devices and upgrades with which you can equip the Battlesuits to further enhance their
ability to deal death.
Tau Fire warriors are courageous fighters with solid leaders, and if a member of the Ethereal caste accompanies them,
their confidence and self belief will keep them fighting in the face of insurmountable odds. The Tau dislike close combat,
preferring to destroy their enemies at long range with hi-tech weaponry as they are neither
particularly strong or tough. When the fighting is likely to get close and bloody, the Tau can
call upon allies in the shape of the Kroot. These ferocious carnivores, employed as
mercenaries, are capable of holding their own against most opponents.

The ongoing expansion of the Tau empire ensures that they are frequently encroaching into
other races’ territories and border disputes are quick to flare up on the frontiers. Tau space
borders on many Ork-held systems and several Imperial sectors. Craftworlds have passed
through their space and the first tendrils of the Tyranid hive fleets are approaching. This
means that whatever army your opponent has, a Tau player can fight him with no qualms
about whether or not such a battle would ever actually arise.

:< -

The Tau _• *J*

Battle Force
12 Tau Fire Warriors,
12 Kroot Warriors,
3 Crisis XV8 vs* '.;

10 Drones, & • ^
. f
4 '
‘ ■*'.

1 Jungle Tree frame

•- % *tr

Little is known of the Tau Ethereal caste, appearing

as shrouded, enigmatic figures that eschew the
advanced equipment favoured by the Tau Fire caste.
Ethereals seem to combine the roles of priesthood
Commander Farsight Aun’shi Tau Ethereal and royalty within Tau society, and command
O’shovah unquestioning loyalty from all of the other castes

XV15 Stealth Team Shas’ui XV15 Stealth unit

6 Shield Drone

Those Fire warriors who prove themselves in

battle earn the right to wear a battlesuit and bear
the name of Shas’ui. They are experienced
fighters who have fought the deadliest foes and
triumphed. Their loyalty and skill is beyond
question and the best and bravest of them may be
honoured by being elevated to become a member
of the bodyguard to their Shas'o or Shas’el.
Teams of Crisis Battlesuit warriors will have
fought together for many years and, in many
cases, will have performed the Ta’lissera ritual
where the warriors swear oaths of communion
and loyalty to one another, placing the welfare of
the team ahead of their own personal desires.

XV8 ‘Crisis- Battlesuit

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
49 X 7*'..
Dfflflr'-jit -

• .• m . c+ 4l> A*. " A* * •

i V
c i, i ■■
1 + ' ml •

Tau Fire Warrior Team (2 Gun Drones)

Devilfish Troop Carrier


Kroot Shaper
Kroot Carnivore Squad

Kroot Hound Pack


Pathfinder Shas’ui 6 Shield Drone

Pathfinder Team
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of artual size.
The Hammerhead Gunship comes with an
Ion cannon as an optional weapon choice.

Hammerhead Gunship shown with Railgun option

Last Chancers - Kill Team

Games developer Gav Thorpe is the
author behind the guts-and-glory missions
of the worst scum the Imperial Guard has
to offer. Read about their first explosive
contact with the Tau in Kill Team.
XV-88 Broadside Battlesuit


Codex: Tau H Tau Ethereal Caste c
(64 page army book) (1 per blister)
Aun’shi, Tau Ethereal E
(1 per blister)
Tau Hammerhead Gunship L
Tau Pathfinders D
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Tau Devilfish Troop Carrier K (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Tau Pathfinder Shas’ui D
Tau XV-88 Broadside Battlesuit J (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Tau XVI5 Stealth team D
Tau XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit H (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Tau XVI5 Stealth team Shas’ui D
Tau Commander Farsight J (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Kroot Hounds C
Tau Fire Warrior team J
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 14 models)
Kroot Shaper B
Kroot Carnivore Squad J
(Boxed set of 16 models) (1 per blister)
Tau Battleforce Q Krootox F
(Boxed set of 37 models) (1 per blister)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
The Eldar are a dying race having suffered
that stolit their once mi eh tv civilisation. They
before humans first
dar are a race of
anderers, fighting t
galaxy of barbaric


cross the galaxy the scattered remnants of the Eldar race cling to existence in mighty
A floating fortresses of living wraithbone called craftvvorlds. Each of these houses an
entire world of Eldar warriors, craftsmen, artisans and scientists. Normally, an Eldar army
is made up of troops from one particular craftworld, although you may choose to combine
many into one force if you wish. These are normally led into battle by the Farseer, a powerful
Eldar psychic who guides the craft world’s forces into the fray.
In general, the Eldar are good fighters, with even the most common citizen serving in
the Guardian Defender squad if the need arises. The Phoenix Lords are some of the
oldest Eldar warriors, whose skill in battle is nearly unmatched. Additionally, the Eldar
possess advanced technology which has baffled all who have attempted to replicate it.
Their armies contain a strange and sophisticated combination of anti-grav vehicles
such as high-flying Jetbikes and Falcon Grav Tanks, as well as a myriad of strange
war machines such as the spirit-empowered Wraithlord. Although Eldar armies are
Codex: Eldar is the first step in gathering an often outnumbered on the battlefield, their
Eldar warhost. Complete with a detailed army immense speed, frightening skill at arms and
list, special rules, interesting characters and
plenty of colour photos, this book is essential
extremely powerful weapons make them one of
for collecting this ancient race. Also out now the most dangerous armies in Warhammer 40,000.
is Codex: Craftworld Eldar. Never underestimate them!

Battle Force contains

20 plastic Eldar
3 Eldar Jetbikes,
1 Falcon Grav Tank,
1 Vyper Jetbikey & m

I Jungle Tree frame

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60%'of actu# size.

Eldar Farsccr Ulthran


Phoenix Lord Phoenix Lord Phoenix Lord Phoenix Lord Phoenix Lord Phoenix Lord
Karandras Fuegan Baharroth Asurmen Jain Zar Maugan Ra

Striking Scorpion Striking Scorpions

Fire Dragon Fire Dragons
Exarch Exarch
By using fusion guns and melta bombs, these close quarter combatants can Striking Scorpions use cover to protect their advance and then spring forward with a hail
devastate any armour or emplacement. of lasers from helmet-mounted mandiblasters before attacking with whining chainswords.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size
Howling Banshee Exarch Howling Banshees Warp Spiders Warp Spider

Warp Spiders utilise warp jump generators to materialise next

to their foes. With a blast from their monofilament-spraying
death spinners they reduce enemy squads to a pulp and then
escape before a bead can be drawn.

Wraithguard are actually wraithbonc constructs housing the

immortal spirit of a dead Eldar warrior. These living machines
are awakened only in the most dire of circumstances, where
their strength, resilience and potent wraithcannons can turn the
tide of the battle. They are usually fielded in small numbers,
and a good way to support your Wraithguard is with a Warlock
from the Farseer’s retinue.


jttairr ~ •?

All citizens residing on a craftworld are trained in the

ways of battle so that when danger does arise, they can
take up arms and defend their dying civilisation.

Eldar Rangers Eldar Guardians

Eldar Heavy
Weapon Platforms


Dire Avenger Exarch Dire Avengers

Dire Avengers are the most tactically flexible of the Aspect Warriors, Heavy weapon platforms may join
representing the War God as a noble warrior. Guardian Defender squads for added firepow'er.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actualize.

- .
■IB 40.000 ■■■

Eldar Shrieker
Swooping Hawk Swooping Hawks

A' jjm » tJi

v xjl .
ti. ' » n. JC'A
fw\ ^ • M

Eldar Shining Spear Eldar Shining Spear Exarch

ft ■ ^

./ • vfic

’ - ‘i

Implacable in combat and able to devastate Support weapon batteries consist

Eldar Support Weapon
entire squads on the battlefield, these mighty of one to three weapons and are
machines are some of the Eldar's most
Platforms extremely potent.
powerful war engines.

■ 1

Shadow Weaver

>’ r*A

^ 1
■ “

Dark Reaper Exarch Dark Reapers

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size
Enemy tanks and artillery don't have a chance against the advanced laser technology of
the Eldar Fire Prism. Able to vaporise scores of enemy infantry and blow tanks to bits, the
Eldar Fire Prism
Fire Prism is an essential anti-tank weapon for any Eldar arsenal. Like all Eldar vehicles, Grav-Tank
the Fire Prism is a skimmer, able to travel over all types of terrain and still deliver its
tremendous Firepower to practically anywhere on the battlefield.

Eldar Falcon

The Falcon is the standard mobile combat vehicle of an Eldar army. Fast,
elegant and carrying a devastating variety of hull and turret-mounted
weapons, the Falcon is an excellent choice for transporting small units of
Aspect Warriors or Guardians to the front, or extracting your forces after a
quick and hard-hitting raid!

Eldar Avatar I
Codex: Eldar F Eldar War Walker I
(48 page army book) (1 per blister)
Codex: Craftworld Eldar C Eldar Wraithlord I
(24 page army book) (1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Eldar Shrieker Jetbike F
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour transfers and colour banner) Warp Spider Exarch C
(1 per blister)
Eldar Vyper Jetbike I
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour transfers) Eldar Rangers D
Eldar Jetbike D (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour transfers and colour banner) Phoenix Lord Karandras E
Eldar Shining Spear Squad K (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 3 models) Phoenix Lord Jain Zar E
Eldar Shining Spear Exarch F (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Phoenix Lord Asurmen E
Eldar Battle Force Q (1 per blister)
(Boxed army) Phoenix Lord Fuegan E
Eldar Guardians J (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 16 multi-piece plastic models) Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra E
Eldar Fire Prism Grav-Tank L (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour transfers) Phoenix Lord Baharroth E
Eldar Falcon Grav-Tank K (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with colour transfers) Wraithguard E
Eldar Dire Avengers Squad I (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 10 models) Striking Scorpion C
(2 per blister)
Striking Scorpion Exarch B
Dark Reapers E
(1 per blister)
(2 per blister)
Swooping Hawks C
Dark Reaper Exarch B
(1 per blister) (2 per blister)
Howling Banshees C Swooping Hawk Exarch B
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Howling Banshee Exarch B Fire Dragons C
(1 per blister) (2 per blister)
Eldar Farseer D Fire Dragon Exarch B
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Eldar Warlock B Heavy Weapon Platform E
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Eldrad Ulthran, Farseer of Ulthwe G Support Weapon Platform G
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60°o of actua s:ze.
Ten thousand years ago the Imperium was racked by a terrible civil war called the
Horus Heresy. The rebellion was led by Warmaster Horus, the most trusted of the
Emperor’s Primarchs, who had been led to believe by the Chaos gods that it was he,
of Humanity. Almost half of
Marines Legions of that
galaxy-wide war from which it has never fully recovered.
The war ended with the death of Horus at the hands of
Golden Throne. With the defeat of Horus the surviving Sp
Marines that had followed him fled to the Eye of Terror - the
greatest warp storm in the galaxy. The Chaos Space Marines, or
Traitor Legions as they are now called, lurk there to this day,
of the Emperor,
Marines ,

art of the
Codex: Chaos Space Marines is the first step have their revenge...
in collecting a Chaos army for Warhammer
40,000. With a full army list, special rules
and plenty of colour pictures, this
indispensable guide also contains painting he Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Space Marine army has one of the widest selections
advice, special characters and background.
of troop types. Not only do Chaos commanders get to pick from the heretical forces
This boxed set is the perfect way to start
of the Chaos Space Marine Legions, but there are tons of speciality troops including
collecting that murdering force bent on a
Black Crusade! Pictured below is this battle Chaos Space Marine Bikers, high-flying Raptor’s and the living weapons of the
force in all of its corrupted glory. Chaos Obliterators. There are also cults within the Chaos Space Marine army
dedicated to the four major powers of Chaos (Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and
Slaanesh), such as the blood-soaked Khorne Berzerkers and the ear-shattering Noise
Marines. Each one specialises in a particular form of destruction. In addition. Chaos
Space Marines can summon help from the Warp itself by enlisting the aid of Daemon
Packs and Daemon Beasts to crush their opponents’ bodies and souls. As if that wasn't
enough, the army has a wide array of vehicles including the Chaos Dreadnought,
whose only purpose is to blast opposing forces to bits. Above all, Chaos Space Marine
armies are about variety and there are plenty of models available to suit even the most
warped Chaos Space Marine Lord.

j >r~ a .< m
•t. *r mm*. , MARINE
_IE L'w v
1 • J? >

•V ^
The Chaos Space Marine
t S'*, Battle Force contains:
• . r
10 plastic Chaos
•Vi 4
if V '^
Space Marines,
mm »P5 12 Khorne Berzerkers,
? Si
±z\ri' 4 Chaos Space Marine Bikes,
/ Rhino,
1 Chaos Spiky Bitz frame &
* ^
• - a set of Gothic Ruins


8H • m ’
——-—-:—- .

Abaddon the Despoiler Ahriman Fabius Bile Kharn the Betrayer

Abaddon the Despoiler is the Ancient and powerful, Ahriman is the Known by many names on many Kharn the Betrayer is
most powerful Chaos Lord to greatest Sorcerer of the Thousand worlds, Fabius Bile is the Khornc’s most dedicated
plague the universe since Horus. Sons Space Marine Chapter. Able to disgusting corrupter of the human champion. This special
Rumoured to have been created effortlessly wield a plethora of deadly body and soul. His goal is simple: character is so violent that
from the genetic material of psychic powers, Ahriman has fought using his vast knowledge of he has been known to
Horus himself, this special the forces of the False Emperor for genetic manipulation he attack his own troops in a
character is death incarnate! the last 10.000 years. This special wishes to warp Humanity into his berserk fury!
character is one of T/eentch’s insane vision of the New Man!
greatest mortal champions.

Cypher, the Fallen One

Cypher, the Fallen One is an
enigma to even the most
learned minds of the galaxy. Chaos Space Doomrider
Spreading strife and animosity
whenever he appears, this Marine Lord
special character can lend his
fighting prowess to any
Chaos Space Marine or
Imperial Guard army.

Chaos Space Marine Sorcerers

Chaos Space Marine Plague Marine
A Space Marine Librarian opens his mind to whole new paths of dark magical
Icon Bearer Icon Bearer
power when the corrupting power of Chaos courses through his veins. With his
soul tightly in the grasp of his patron god, a Chaos Sorcerer gains access to
There are five different icons available for you to place
psychic Powers such as Doom Bolt or Flames of Tzeentch.
on top of your Chaos Space Marine Icon Bearer.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown.60°o of actual ize.

Although they are indomitable in
close combat. Chaos Space Marine
Terminators are almost without equal
in a firefight. Their variety of
powerful weapons, combined with
their amazing armour save, makes
these walking emplacements
extremely tough when the bolter
shells start to fly.

Chaos Terminators Chaos Terminator

with Reaper Autocannon

Khorne Berzerkers Aspiring Champions Chaos Terminator Chaos Terminator

with Heavy Flamer Champion

Khorne Berzerkers live for nothing

else but the spilling of blood and
crack of bone in brutal close
combat. If you like to shred your
enemy’s forces in an assault, then a
few units of Khorne Berzerkers will
make sure that you see more than
enough gore on the tabletop!
Blood for the Blood God!

Khorne Berzerkers
These Plastic Khorne Berzerkers can be posed in numerous of different positions!

Plague Marines have pledged

their allegiance to that glorious
lord of disease and putrescence,
Nurgle. In return he has gifted
them with a plague-enhanced Plasma
constitution making them fearless Gun
in combat and the toughest Elite
troops available to Chaos Space
Marine armies. Plague Marine
Plague Marines with Assault Weapon

Plague Marines,
Plague Marine Champions
and Plague Marine with
Assault Weapon

Champiion Meltagun

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size

Plasma Gun Flamer

Champion Champiion

Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Space Marine Champions and Chaos Space Marines with Assault Weapons

Plastic Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Space
Marine Rhino

Chaos Space Marine Bikes

make an excellent flanking
force for supporting your main
units of troops. Tie your
opponent down with a unit of
Khorne Bcrzerkers, then crush
your enemy's flank with
Chaos Space Marine Bikers.

Chaos Space Marine Bike Squadron Chaos Space Marine Biker

fm |B l«

,-%v ** 41 ft

• *V;>1
• •. •

Mcltagun Plasma Gun Flamer

Chaos Space Marine Raptors
Chaos Space Marine Raptors with Assault Weapons

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures ^hown .SO^o of actual size.-
i 40,000 i

Noise Marines

0 V •
» ^ k kWtJJ*
' ^4 * *1 • F .

Tr •
0 z 1* • . 1’

r* r

fr ^

* i 1 J »

M ■ C/ Ai . v a < V*

Blastmaster Sonic Blaster Doom Siren

Dedicated to the Chaos god Siaanesh. Noise Marines use an assortment
of deadly sonic weapons to destroy enemy units in an orgy of musical
fury. These troops are great for short-ranged support actions.
Chaos Space Marine Predator

ir Vi/* •..

taos Space Marine haos Space Marine

with Lascannon with Autocannon

Chaos Space Mi
Chaos Space Marine

Chaos Space Marine Chaos Space Marine

with Heavy Bolter with Missile Launcher

Chaos Space Marine

Land Raider

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.

V _
Noise Marine with Doom Siren B
Codex: Chaos Space Marines F
(48 pages Codex) Noise Marine with Sonic Blaster B
(1 per blister)
Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought M (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model plus six different arms
and colour transfers) Chaos Space Marine Icon Bearer B
(1 Chaos Space Marine and 1 random icon per blister)
Plague Marines E

(Boxed set of 5 plastic models and colour transfers) Chaos Space Marine Obliterator D
Chaos Space Marine Bike Squadron K (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 5 models) Chaos Space Marine Raptor B
Chaos Space Marine Predator K (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Chaos Space Marine Raptor with B
Chaos Space Marine Land Raider N Assault Weapon (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Chaos Space Marine Lord E
Chaos Space Marine Doomrider H
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Khorne Berzerkers Abaddon the Despoiler, Warmaster of Chaos G
(Boxed set of 12 multi-piece plastic models) (1 per blister)

Chaos Space Marine Rhino 1 Fabius Bile F

(Boxed set of 1 plastic model) (1 per blister)
Chaos Space Marine Bike D Kharn the Betrayer F
(Boxed set of 1 bike, colour transfers and banners) (1 per blister)
Chaos Space Marine Battle Force Q %
Ahriman F
(Boxed Army)
(1 per blister)
Chaos Space Marines E
(Boxed set of 5 multi-posed plastic models and colour transfers) Cypher, the Fallen One E
(1 per blister)
Chaos Space Marines c (1 per blister)
(2 per blister with 1 power-specific shoulder pad and
3 non-specific shoulder pads) Chaos Plague Marines C
(2 per blister)
Chaos Space Marine Champion B
(1 per blister) Chaos Plague Marine Champion B
Chaos Space Marine with Assault Weapon A (1 per blister)
(1 per blister) Chaos Plague Marine with Assault Weapon A

Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer C (2 per blister)

(1 per blister)
Chaos Terminator D
Chaos Space Marine Havoc with Heavy Bolter B (1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Chaos Terminator with Reaper
r Autocannon E
Chaos Space Marine Havoc with Missile Launcher B
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Chaos Terminator with Heavy Flamer E
Chaos Space Marine Havoc with Lascannon B
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Chaos Space Marine Havoc with Autocannon B Chaos Terminator Champion D

(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table.

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D- £5 E- £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N- £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
The piratical Dark Eldar are a curse upon every inhabitant of the galaxy. Cruel,
vicious and merciless, these heartless raiders strike with inhuman speed and skill.
Whether on a mission to capture slaves or simply out to murder all in their path, all
you can do is pray that the Dark Eldar don’t take you alive.


T he Dark Eldar army is like a fast (and cruel) scalpel, able to make razor strikes against the
enemy. To command them properly will require stealth, cunning and guile - certainly
different abilities from the sledgehammer tactics of an Ork player!
A Dark Eldar army will be led to battle by a vicious Archon or Dracon who has risen to power
over the corpses of many opponents. Often this wicked battle leader will be
accompanied by a retinue of heavily armoured Incubi or even a pain loving Haemonculus.
The other forces of a Dark Eldar army can range from the combat drug enhanced Wyches to
the high-flying terror ol the Scourges. You can combine these units with a wide selection of
ultra-fast vehicles such as the Reaver Jetbikes or the troop carrying Raiders. Speed and
mobility are essential to any Dark Eldar Lord looking for conquest! Over the next few pages
you can see at least one example of every Dark Eldar model available. What are you waiting
for? There’s a whole galaxy of souls out there to reap, so get out there and show no mercy!

Codex: Dark Eldar is the place to

start collecting a malicious Dark Eldar
army. With a full army list, special
rules and plenty of colour pictures,
this indispensable guide also contains
painting advice, kabal ideas,
conversion tips and more.

tlATTLE force / VMKS*0?

Cl I Ain \

The Dark Eldar Battle
Force contains:
20 plastic Dark Eldar
1 Dark Eldar Raider,
5 Reaver Jetbikes, &
Warhammer 40,000 Tree
frame (enough
components to make
four jungle trees).

Dark Eldar Lords Dark Eldar Haemonculi Urien Rakarth, Kruellagh Lclith
Master Haemonculus the Vile Hesperax

Dark Eldar Incubi Dark Eldar Incubi with Drazhar,

Assault Weapons Master of Blades

Asdrubael Vect

Asdrubael Vect is the lord and master of the Kabal of the Black
Heart and holds an iron grip over his vicious minions. Vect rides
upon the Dais of Destruction, an ornate version of the Ravager,
which carries not only the Kabal Master but also his own personal
bodyguard into the thick of battle to gather more slaves!

Dark Eldar Mandrakes

Dark Eldar Beastmaster and Warp Beasts

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60%t)f actual size.

- -- ;
Wyches with Wych Weapons

Dark Eldar Succubi Wyches with Assault Weapons

Dark Eldar Wyches Boxed Set

Each Dark Eldar Wych unit has the ability to upgrade one
Wych model to carry a razorsnare and falchion, one with
hydraknives, and one model with a shardnet and impaler at
no additional cost. These expert warriors are veterans of
the murderous gladiatorial pits, making each unit even
more deadly with their unique combat skills!

Combining incredible combat expertise with powerful

weapons and ability enhancing combat drugs. Dark Eldar
Wyches are some of the finest close combat troops
available to Dark Eldar Kabals.
Dark Eldar Grotesques

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.

~\3T '

¥ m •

L 1,4 tP

Dark Eldar Warriors

i .i i1.»
with Dark Lances

Dark Eldar Warriors

Dark Eldar Raider Dark Eldar Sybarites

Blaster Shredders

Dark Eldar Warriors with

Assault Weapons


Dark Eldar Jetbike Squad

Jetbike squads consist of between three and ten Reavers. To bulk up an already deadly squad
single jetbikes are also available in a boxed set.

Dark Eldar Hellions Dark Eldar Scourges with Dark Eldar

Dark Lances 6 Splinter Cannons Scourge Sybarite
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actualize.

■v _
'* M S-lfi ‘’fea ' S' rli % -T< **
* ;
A' •
_ *L* _ l_- _: 7



^ i

1:: : ■i life >;

Dark Eldar Talos

Powered by the victims it captures and tortures The Ravager is the bane of any tank commander. Combining the
within itself, this mechanised monstrosity lashes speed of the troop carrying Raider and armd with three Dark Lance
out in all directions with its massive claws and laser weapons makes this vehicle a force to be reckoned with.
deadly salvos from its Talos sling.

Dark Eldar Scourge with Heavy Weapon E

Codex: Dark Eldar F Dark Eldar Mandrakes D
(48 pages) (3 per blister)
Dark Eldar Hellion A
Dark Eldar Warriors J D
Dark Eldar Grotesques
(Boxed set of 16 multi-piece plastic models)
(3 per blister)
Dark Eldar Battle Force Q A
Dark Eldar Beastmaster
(Boxed army) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar Raider J Dark Eldar Warp Beasts B
(Boxed set of 1 model) (2 per blister)
Dark Eldar Ravager K Dark Eldar Wyches D
(Boxed set of 1 model) (3 per blister)
Dark Eldar Jetbike Squadron K Dark Eldar Wych with Wych Weapons A
(Boxed set of 3 models) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar Jetbike D Dark Eldar Wych with Assault Weapon C
(Boxed set of 1 model) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar Wyches H Dark Eldar Incubi D
(Boxed set of 5 models) (2 per blister)
Dark Eldar Talos J Dark Eldar Incubi with Assault Weapon A
(Boxed set of 1 model) (1 per blister)
Asdrubael Vect, Supreme Lord of the Kabal N Dark Eldar Succubus A
(Boxed set of 1 model) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar Lord D
Dark Eldar Sybarite B Dark Eldar Haemonculus A
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar with Assault Weapons C Kruellagh the Vile E
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar with Heavy Weapons B Urien Rakarth, Master Haemonculus E
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar Scourges with Splinter Rifle C Drazhar, Master of Blades E
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Eldar Scourges Sybarite C Lelith Hesperax F
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Price band table
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H - £10 I-£12 J-£15 K-£18 L-£20 M - £25 N - £30 P-E40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.

“The Orks plague the galaxy from end to end with their ceaseless warring and strife.
They are a race rooted so deeply in war that peace is utterly incomprehensible to
them. They cannot be bargained with or bought, save with weapons which they will
inevitably turn against those who tried to bribe them. I pray with all my faith that
some great catastrophe will annihilate them, but I fear that ultimately it is they, not
we, who will rule the galaxy”
Imperial High Lord Xanthias
he Orks aren’t the most organised race in the universe, but when they put
their minds to fighting, nothing is gonna stand in their way! Using the sound
tactic of the biggest and toughest one being in charge, the Ork Warboss leads
massive mobs of troops forward, consuming the enemy in a sea of green fury. As
you may have guessed, the basic idea behind any Ork army is to gather the boyz,
and when you think you've got enough, gather some more. Employ this
philosophy when putting your army together. Ork Slugga Boyz use all manner
of sharp-edged choppas and the Ork-made slugga pistol for crude combat. Stikk
Bomnias lead the charge on bunkers and emplacements with destructive
stikkbomb grenades, while Shoota Boyz provide covering fire with their heavy
weapons. Mingling throughout the boyz are the Gretchin. Smaller and weaker
Codex: Orks is the place to start collecting a Ork
than Orks, these troops are led by Ork Slavers. Gretchin are relegated to doing
army. With a full army list, special rules and things like clearing mine fields and digging ditches for the rest of the army.
plenty of colour pictures, this indispensable guide
also contains painting advice, army ideas, Those Orks tough (or lucky) enough to survive more than a few battles can form
conversion tips and more.
up into elite units. "Ard Boyz have collected enough metal to craft crude suits of
armour. Stormboyz rain death upon enemy forces before assaulting with their
rokkit packs.
Orks are mad for speed and have an unhealthy love for driving big vehicles
armed with big guns around the battlefield. Mekboyz hammer together all sorts
of vehicles and Dreadnoughts, which are used to carry their battle-hungry
comrades right into the thick of combat!

Check out all the Ork models on the following these pages along with all sorts
of Orky advice and start your own WAAAGH!

The Ork
Battle Force contains
16 plastic Ork Boyz,
->-• --

5 Warbikes,
1 Wartrukky
1 Warbuggy, &
1 Barricade frame
f * v T ? 'T)1

■ ^gr


Ork Warlord Ork Warboss Ork Nobz 6 Ork Nobz in Eavy Armour
Ghazghkull Thraka

Orks Nobz in Mega Armour Ork Mekboyz Mad Dok Grotsnik Ork Slaver

’Ard Boy/ wear heavy armour pieced together

from steel plates and equipment scavenged :r -
defeated foes. Their thick armour combined
the natural toughness of Orks means tha:
’Aid Boyz are able to wade through the fierce^:
fire fights with barely a scratch.

Stormboy/ are fierce Ork warriors who are ::

to gamble with their lives (and their sanir-i b>
strapping on crude Ork rokkit packs to b-a^t them
towards the enemy.

Ork Ard Boyz

Ork Stormboyz Ork Stormboyz Nob


All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.

■< ! -f-%v cjfv iv vii /

Uji ;•; £• .* i fa* w
• •>

T' ‘ r •

^ IT15KX


Ork Boyz with
Ork Boyz Boxed Eavy Weapons


Ork Stikk Bommas Ork Tankbustas

Ork Wartrukk Ork Wartrak Scorcher Ork Wartrak

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size
V • «

Ork Buggy Ork Warn*

Some Orks feel such a need

for speed that their warbands Tk Ork
consist solely of wheeled Mttmz sriT' up
mayhem. ‘Knits of Speed' ■rtnc crises its
substitute vehicles in place pafe i rr i * ickxis
of their Troop choices when mm Ini fees shoota.
selecting their army.

Ork Ork
Dreadnought Killer Kan

Zzap gun




Codex: Orks F Ork Killer Kans H
(48 pages of green skinned mayhem!) (1 per blister)
Ork Burna Boyz D
Ork Buggy H
Grotz C
(Boxed set of 1 model, colour transfers and banners)
(4 per blister)
Ork Warbike D
Ork Boyz with ’Eavy Weapons D
(Boxed set of 1 model, colour transfers and banners)
(2 per blister)
Ork Stormboyz J
Ork in Mega Armour D
(Boxed set of 8 models)
(1 per blister)
Ork Dreadnought M
(Boxed set of 1 model) Ork Mekboy B
K (1 per blister)
Ork Nobz
(Boxed set of 5 models) Ork Slaver B
Ork Stikk Bommas I (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 12 models) Ork Warboss F
Ork ’Ardboyz J (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 8 multi-piece plastic models) Ork Nob B
Ork Boyz J (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 16 multi-piece plastic models) E
Ork Big Gunz
Ork Battle Force Q (1 per blister)
(Boxed army)
Mad Dok Grotsnik E
Ork Wartrak Scorcher I
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 metal and plastic model and colour transfers)
Ork Nob in ’Eavy Armour B
Ork Wartrukk H
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 plastic model and colour transfers)
Ork Stormboyz Nob C
Ork Wartrak H
(Boxed set of 1 model and colour transfers) (1 per blister)

Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka Ork Tankbustas D

(Boxed set of 1 model) (2 per blister)

Price band table.

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J-£15 K-£18 L-£20 M • £25 N - £30 P-£40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
“There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it advances deeper,
leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. ”
“This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose which functions on an
unimaginable, galactic scale and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bio-
engineered monsters it unleashes upon us almost by instinct. ”
“We have given the horror a name to salve our fears; we call it the Tyranid race, but
if it is aware of us at all it must know us only as Prey. ”
Inquisitor Czevak at the Conclave of Har
The Tyranids are amongst the most powerful armies in Warhammer 40,000, with a unique
fighting style dictated by their use of bio-technology to engineer fighting creatures. The
beasts of war available to the hive mind range from the simple Ripper Swarms and
Spore Mines to the Dreadnought-sized Carnifex and Hive Tyrant. Even Tyranid tanks
and Titans are bio-engineered organisms; everything in the army is a living creature that
walks, crawls or flaps into battle under its own power. This wide variety of creatures
makes the army extremely flexible, enabling you to create swarms ranging from those
which rely purely on tooth and claw to rip the enemy apart in close combat, to those
which use symbiote weapons to destroy them from a distance with corrosive acid or
envenomed missiles.

This 48 page Codex contains all the information

you need to terrorise the galaxy with an
all-consuming horde of aliens. Unleash the
hive mind, and overrun the Imperium!
(except by chance), or hopes or fears; they are cogs in a merciless alien killing
TTHAMIO MTTIWO^CI machine which exists only to serve the god-like racial consciousness of the hive
f /lb*'?*-'3


mind. As such you can cheerfully expend your creatures with no more angst than
any other general would have expending ammunition, or to put it in the words of
the famed Colonel Cockroach, “There's plenty more where they came from!".
This cinematic ‘alien terror' makes Tyranid swarms ideal opponents for new
players (they can easily see who are the bad guys and what they're fighting for-
usually their own survival!). It works well with experienced players too, making
for a dramatic conflict, win or lose.
The other great plus of collecting a Tyranid army is the modelling and converting
of them. The Tyranid model range are superbly adapted so that you can easily
interchange different parts such as claws and heads to create unique creatures or
mutations based on existing ones.

The Tyranids
Battle Force contains
3 Tyranid Warriors
12 Genestealers
3 Rippers Swarms
32 Gaunts
• ^
* 4K

nBK at ■ k • A'

3KE sM
Tyranid Tyrant Guard Old One Eye

Tyranid Lictor Warriors rippers

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.

Gaunts and Tyranid Ripp ers

The Imperium first encountered Genestealers on

the moons of Ymgarl long before they were
alerted to the approach of the hive fleets. Only
with time has it been determined that
Genestealers are vanguard organisms of the
Hive, created to seek out and undermine
potential prey-worlds by infiltration.
Genestealers arc legendary ferocious cldsc
combat opponents with lightning fast reflexes
and deadly claws, capable of ripping right
through adamantium.


Tyranid Ravener Tyranid Gargoyles

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size

74 I BBSS yity^ i 1 n •.

• • % tr

- AA -A 4. W- iyV 1 A I A
The Camifex is a living engine of destruction evolved for use in
shock assaults, spaceship hoarding actions and massed battles
where it can smash through almost any obstacle, whether it is a
defensive line, enemy tanks or a fortified position. The assault of
these creatures is terrifying to behold, a primeval force which
smashes men and vehicles aside like children’s toys.

Tyranid Spore

Tyranid Zoanthrop Tyranid Carnifex Tyranid Biovrr:


Codex: Tyranids Tyranid Zoanthrope
(48 pages) (1 per blister)


(1 per blister)
Tyranid Battle Force Q
(Boxed set) Tyranid Lictor
Tyranid Genestealers I (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 12 models) Tyranid Gargoyles
Tyranid Warrior J (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 3 models) Tyranid Red Terror
Tyranid Gaunts J (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 16 models)
Tyranid Biovore
Tyranid Hive Tyrant K
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Tyranid Spore Mines
Tyranid Carnifex K
(Boxed set of 1 model) (3 per blister)

Tyranid Carnifex ‘Old One Eye’ L Tyranid Tyrant Guard

(Boxed set of 1 model) (1 per blister)

Price band table.

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25
N - £30 P - £40 C l?:
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual size.
Across the galaxy, something ancient and sinister stirs in the darkness. The Necrons
have awakened from their millennia-long sleep for purposes known to none but
themselves. All that is known is that their violent raids and grisly biological
experiments are a threat to all life in the Imperium!

ecrons are cold, inhuman bio-mechanical constructs, whose obviously advanced intellect and totally ruthless raiding parties
N have caused them to become a terrifying new opponent for the other races of the battlefield. This is but a sample ol the new
units, vehicles and troops waiting to rise in the near future from the deathless sleep of their stasis chambers.
The Necron Raiders’ rank and file is made up of legions of robotic Necron Warriors, who resolutely move forward and gun down
anything they perceive as a threat. These soulless killers are led into battle by even more advanced and powerful constructs known
as Necron Lords, whose computerised intellect and powerful wargear make them highly dangerous opponents. Other troop types
include massive Immortals, scurrying Scarabs and powerful Destroyer weapon platforms. Mechanically-minded and untouched
by emotion, each Necron commander should carefully reflect on the nature of the mission and how each unit should be best used
on the battlefield when choosing and deploying his troops.

Necron Lord Necron Immortals Necron Warriors


Necron Raiders i
(Boxed set of 7 models)


Necron Warriors B
(2 per blister)
Necron Lord D
(1 per blister)
Necron Immortal D
(1 per blister)
Necron Destroyer D
(1 per blister) .
Necron Scarabs C
(1 per blister)
Necron Scarabs

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-E3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F-£8 G - £8 H-E10 I-£12 J - £15 K-E18 L-E20 M - £25 N ■ £30 P-£40 Q-£50

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 60% of actual a*ze.
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JWr .0' ilFI i It*.
In the Warhammer world mighty armies march to war heralded by blaring
trumpets and pounding drums. Knights in shining armour crash into regiments of
bloodthristy warriors, while archers darken the sky with arrows. Powerful war
machines belch forth death with deafening fury, while great heroes on fantastic
monsters sweep into combat, turning the tides of battle and saving your kingdom.


Warhammer is set in a fantasy world where you can
control any number of armies, from the human
realms of the mighty Empire and the chivalrous land of
Bretonnia, to the hordes of Ores that reside in distant
lands, or the insidious ratmen known as Skaven whose
vast tunnel-empire lies below most of the Old World.
Building up your own army by collecting and painting
our range of Citadel Miniatures, you can reenact
exciting battles on the table top, fighting the armies of
your friends to see who is the greatest general.


Warhammer boxed game Q
Warhammer rulebook M

Everything you need to get started playing
Warhammer is in the Warhammer boxed game. It
comes with all the dice, rulers, templates and
scenery you need to get started, as well as a
rulebook and enough models to start two armies
the troops of the Empire and the fearsome Ores.
Once you pick up the boxed set you'll be ready to
deploy your archers, align your charges,
and start the battle! Only one can raise the
bloody banner of victory, and it will take
clever moves and sound tactics to win!

T he Warhammer world is a large
place, inhabited by many races. Once
you’ve mastered the contents in the
boxed set you'll be ready to start on
expanding those core forces, or
begin a completely new army of
your choice. In addition to new
armies, there are advanced rules
that allow you to besiege castles
and fortifications and add powerful magic
items and war machines to your force, so you can
embark upon your conquest of the Warhammer world.

fast cavalry
tWk-V ,XM rtB "*• «■•,
*k» vkw**tr* -«. w
W!’m''"^ “-t* * •»**.». ««,,
4 ti.
The box contains
4«IHM|«m. rftfefcuUrfeM^ U **’’**'”• *

Ibfttft M.lK,.
1 iV * . ~ fleeinc fast cav ** ,,*u' *- •
rji* * §*W+
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lUrcr ***
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^T^rr** *■* **• "w m ,# *,


enough kits to
0*rt|^V« JW *fcn*r*« 2;*';'•' p »Li ij w it* ,^f Jttr, *
,*iW> *l^-r ii«i*olui«.

build two small

•fltW fWU.fktBHOjU ^
liwht ■•« U»W#«*» «* <v'* •«IM «• iftr |Vi.,r, ,|IL*k|
«.*** <*. ••*rrv? V t%C Bp
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DtPlOTMEATT *♦• - .W- T» ^f^"*** r,.| mj.
" T,** 1fc* *U"' »*• *'«»

> ***c «| .*r.
•** tfcnj.* Arr v
laAt I ihi (mm
armies ready to go
*'u*,h ■*•«••« TK *•«. fe* M *r^

v 4.0
V*.,. .« .jfc*.
u,t*" * *
CHARACTfcl Jl« •tvkMkm ii
fe||*M». ••T «n
^ „ 4, dutu*, h..

and fast cav ^ *fw f*Ji%r* M for each other’s

ssrrs^s ^•■w*** k*
. " ^ -rx ««| ^,4k.

± CMi 1-0.^ ZL^L' !* V* ,..irtt

|KI » K» »*»HM
• k>IA »U»y » • • *«** few, ,
U* riw., AHn* —«■ ...U
throats! These
» ** '*' Tutnioj iw» l,AwJ* •MOC.fHU,

plastic models
W/rfwM *T *i
»»• JM) W. »W1 n*s,i

include the newly

M uu in m,%r ^
nvw# lift m iU ^ ^
u^‘ •«•■• UA!«« «! u*fe
shooting '" •* fe 'USuilH

released range of

))•'wru.«i.| ^kMM
Empire troops
»l>.1ni|-feB,| Md k« fe wwfe ^ fe
*■"* r*»nfc M k*M> ^ M
(sculpted by
•r Mih. 4 "fWjl (a«iM «■( « |n,|
P»«M »*«M Id fetHfe

« fe* Mivfel 1>V^«

Michael Perry, Alan
Perry and Tim
Adcock) and the
fearsome looking
MAGIC Ore army (sculpted by the
combined talents of Brian
Nelson, Aly Morrison, Trish
Morrison. Shane Movie and
Tim Adcock).

Aside from the mighty

generals, the highlights have
to be the new war machines:
the Ore Boar Chariot is as
intimidating as it is detailed, and the Imperial Great Cannon comes
with enough equipment to practically start your own artillery school!

Aside from the obvious stuff, there are lots of other goodies to sift through inside the box. Not only do you get all the
necessary paraphernalia to play the game, such as templates, six standard dice, a Scatter dice, an Artillery dice and two useful
range rulers, but there is also a superb ruined building model to place on your battlefield. Everything you need to play
Warhammer is provided in this starter set, so grab some polystyrene cement and a paintbrush, paint up your models and get
stuck in!


Warhammer Armies are divided into six sections: Lord: powerful individuals and extraordinary leaders. Heroes: able and
skilled champions. Core units: represent the most common warriors. Special units: are the best of your warriors and include
common engines of war and Rare units: are so called because they are scarce compared to your ordinary troop. We have
organised each race into these categories to help you choose your army. For more details please look in your Army book or
Ravening Hordes.
Warhammer story by Space James McQuirk (part 1)
S nikkit ducked as the cannon ball alone coordinating the attack of a dozen
or so of them. He’d already seen the
the stronghold. As he spoke he could
see Dwarfs flinging themselves from the
thundered into the rock face, inches
above his head. Shards of granite Blackfangs let a hail of arrows loose on parapets. Falling to their doom seemed
scattered through the air. Under the light the Broken Tooth tribe. Fortunately, most preferable to suffocation and poisoning
of the full moon, he could clearly make of the Goblins seemed intent on killing amongst the choking fumes. The Goblin
out thousands of dark-robed Goblins the Dwarfs and the army’s formation was army was on the verge of storming the
moving like shadows through the steep holding. Admittedly not holding in fort and the Bosses were desperately
valley. tightly knit formations or organised trying to hold the lines back. Slowly the
ranks, but the fact that they were facing doors to the stronghold opened. It was
“Boss, are you sure that dis cunning plan
the right way was as good a sign as any. the moment he’d been waiting for - the
of yours iz gonna work?" he whined,
Dwarfs were unable to stay within the
brushing a thick layer of dust off his “Snikkit, me old mate," said Grotbag,
thick walls of the hold. He knew
black robes. “Dat wall looks pretty thick grasping his companion tightly by the
Dwarfs too well, they would rather die
and I don t fink we iz gonna get over it, throat, “now is not the time to question
fighting than choke to death in the thick
even without those Stunties shootin’ me. Right!.” The Goblin warboss let go
noxious gases.
stuff at us." His words were drowned of his banner bearer. “Da rat fing said

out by a scream that was half terror, he’d be here, and be here he’d better be." “Charge! Get ’em ladz! We ll be roastin’

half delight. A Goblin Doom Diver Grotbag was beginning to have doubts stunties before dawn." With a high

sailed over their heads, catapulted high himself. Those Skaven hated Dwarfs pitched roar the whole Goblin army

into the night air towards the thick almost as much as the Gobbos did, but charged forward. Thick ranks of spears

walls of the Dwarf stronghold. The solid he knew better than to trust them. Their closed in upon the Dwarfs and the moon

Dwarf bastion was dotted with small leader had made a deal with Grotbag disappeared, obscured by missile fire
that would sort out those Dwarfs from the hundreds of Night Goblins
indentations from other Doom Divers’
forever, but whilst Grotbag’s boyz were that lined the slopes of the mountain
failed attempts at flight and yet, much
getting blown to smithereens, the rats pass. The first wave of Night Goblins
to the amusement of Snikkit, a long
were nowhere to be seen. He’s probably hit the Dwarf formation, but the Dwarfs
queue of enthusiastic Goblins still
skulkin’ down some comfy hole were disciplined troops and Grotbag was
stretched back quite some distance.
munchin’ on some cheese, the Goblin dismayed to see his attack faltering.
Along the length of the east wall of the mused to himself. Wave after wave of Goblins smashed
hold, siege machines covered the flat against the solid shield wall of the
As the bitter thought of betrayal crossed
granite surface like vines. From this Dwarfs, only to be cut down within a
the Goblin general’s mind he heard a
distance the Goblins manning the towers matter of seconds. The stunties were
loud cheer go up from the Goblin
were just small specks. Occasionally, a resolute in the defence of their hold and
throng. From the arrow slits and
ladder would be raised and the Goblins what should have been a great Goblin
windows in the walls of the hold he
would begin to scale it. Each time, victory was slowly turning into a
could make out a strange gas escaping. It
defenders would appear at the top of the slaughter. Looking for his best Shaman.
was a putrid green colour, thick and
wall and send the ladder, and the Grotbag spied the tall, brightly-coloured
noxious. Even the Goblin general could
unfortunate Goblins, crashing back to the hat of the strange Goblin in the centre
smell it from a good distance away.
ground, but for each ladder they felled of a unit of Boyz. Making his way
More and more of the foul fumes poured
another would take its place. The siege towards him, he pushed through the
from the hold. The Skaven had done it,
of Karak Eight Peaks had reached a dense ranks of troops between them.
they had penetrated the lower levels and
horrible stalemate and at some point Snikkit ran behind him. proudly waving
released poisoned gas, just as planned.
soon one army would have to give. the battle standard before him. Fazbang
“I knew old Skarclaw wouldn’t let us the Shaman had spent the last few hours
Countless numbers of Goblins scurried
down. I knew I could depend on dem gathering a personal retinue of Night
to and fro. Somewhere amongst the sea
rats.” The Goblin general waved his Goblin Fanatics, but instead of fighting
of Greenskins, Grotbag Dungbreath
sword high in the air. at the front of the Goblin attacking
hoped that the warbosses were keeping
force, they stood gibbering together at
some kind of order amongst the “Wait for my signal boys, wait for it."
the rear of the army.
thousands of Gobbos that had converged Grotbag hollered above the chanting mass
in the pass. It was hard enough keeping of elated Goblins. The green gas was "What’s goin on 9 Grotbag growled as
his own small tribe under command let now beginning to seep over the top of he ^eventually reached the Shaman. “You
et the world’s best selling wargames magazine delivered
to your door for 3 months, for only £5. Take out a
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said we’d easily smash through those Crooked Moon tribe launched a full mountain. Tomorrow well kick cm c::
Dwarfs.’’ He could sense a Goblin retreat scale charge. Before the Dwarfs could the face of the world, but tonight
was imminent; already he’d spied some close up the holes in their defensive let’s feast"
fleeing the field of battle and to be position the Goblins had broken through
With his victory speech over Grotbic
quite honest the way things were going The rest of the green horde was soon
jumped from the throne and made hii
he was tempted to follow. crashing against the Dwarf line. In a
way to the cellars where the banquet wii
brief moment the stout defenders were
“And so we shall. See these?" Fazbang being prepared. He grabbed the Shaman
overcome. Each Dwarf was skewered by
calmly replied. The Shaman pulled out a as he passed him “Fazbang me old mate,
dozens of sharp spear points. Engulfed
handful of mushrooms from a small do ya know what I fancy to eat 9

by the sheer number of attackers, the

pouch, their caps sparkled with a golden Fazbang looked at Grotbag his suspicions
brave Dwarfs stood little chance. The
glow in the dark night. One by one already raised. “Err, no. What Boss?"
gates to Karak Eight Peaks stood open
Fazbang handed them out to a select few Grotbag snatched the small pouch from
to the whole Goblin horde. Regiment
Goblins who had gathered around him, around Fazbang’s neck “Dwarf and
after regiment of the Grcenskins poured
each taking one and carefully nibbling mushroom stew”
through the gigantic archway to plunder
on it.
the citadel.
“What’s dem?” Snikkit asked pointing to
Hours after the battle, Grotbag could
the glowing fungus which the Shaman
hear the screams of Dwarfs as they were
was carefully placing back in his pouch.
hideously tortured by his Boyz. The
“Wait and see,” the Shaman replied fumes had dissipated quickly and
pointing to the Goblins who had eaten Grotbag now sat upon the King’s
them, Snikkit raised a puzzled brow. The throne in the Great Hall. All around
fanatics picked up their heavy metal balls the hall Goblins had gathered, and at
which were attached to each Goblin by his left stood a small number of
means of a short length of chain. As Skaven. These were the Skaven Seer’s
they passed through the crowded troops guard, whom he had already reached
Snikkit noticed that the other Gobbos an agreement with. The Skaven could
were quickly making way for them and keep possession of the lower mines
within a matter of seconds they had whilst the Night Goblins would take
reached the front line. Then he realised command of the stronghold itself. ^ • : vaKiBlcaB . (fUr
<36. < 9
why such a wide berth had developed. Grotbag had little trust that the J '1 If
jfj DMu
-■ * kg 0
-j ^' '* *

They began to swing their balls and devious Skaven would keep their word,
before long the momentum combined but he had plans to deal with them ^ ^ JK lj'4 ,1^09
Or I

with the weight of the balls sent the too. Before long Karak Eight Peaks
crazy Goblins hurtling forward, spinning would belong to the Goblins and the
towards the Dwarfs’ defensive formation. Goblins alone. Tonight though, united in
Foam drooled from their mouths and a glorious victory, the two races drank
their manic cackles sent a shiver down together. It was a night to celebrate.
Snikkit’s spine. Most of them were cut
“Boyz, Gobbos and rat fings, lend
down by crossbow bolts, but a couple
me your ears." At this a number of
hit the solid line and sent fragments of
necklaces, each made from the grisly
shields, helmets and Dwarf flesh flying
trophies of Dwarf victims were
through the cold night air.
hurled towards him. Grotbag
Just two single crazed Goblins had continued: "I tell yer, today is a great
punched a small hole in the defensive day for da Gobbos - today we
line, but it was enough. Seeing the gap kicked dem Stunties outta our . ,
in the formation the Goblins of the
Warhammer (part 2)
he warriors gathered together in Mad Dog Pass was open to his passage. gave Duregar a good idea of what had
close ranks atop the ancient burial With a mighty swing of his axe, the happened.
mound. They were grouped in a head of a Goblin fighting him was
Whilst the solid front rank prepared
defensive formation, the Dwarfs’ sturdy sliced from its shoulders. In the brief
itself for the inevitable charge of the
shields creating a circle which protected respite Duregar surveyed the carnage
Goblins, the centre of the formation
the crossbowmen at the centre of the around him. The last few Goblins of
was all but destroyed as a massive
mound. Totally surrounded by the that wave of attackers were currently
boulder crashed down into the tightly
cncmv, they were but a small island in running from the mound.
grouped ranks. The Night Goblins
the centre of a vast sea of Greenskins. “Crossbowmen, ready your bolts.” he
manning the stone thrower positioned
Another wave of Night Goblins surged called out to the line of troopers who
on the gate tower had finally found
forward, once again assaulting their stood behind him on the top of the
their target.
position. A great pile of the vile mound. As he spoke he could see the
creatures lay dead or dying at the Night Goblins, the hems of their robes A large Goblin wielding a wickedly
Dwarfs’ feet. These Goblins were no wet with the blood that flowed down barbed squig prodder pointed towards
match for the courageous fighting skill the mound, readying themselves for the Duregar, screaming what could only be
of the Dwarfs, and more of the small next charge. “Watch for their arrows, a challenge of some sort in his savage
fiends fell to the blows of the Dwarfs’ shields high.” Duregar commanded, his guttural language. At the Goblin s side
finely crafted axes. Nonetheless three of warriors raised their shields. These lulls an enormous squig bared its bloodied
the stout defenders collapsed as the in fighting were always followed with a fangs. This was obviously the leader of
Goblins’ sharp spears pierced through cloud of arrows that would fall onto the Goblin force. Duregar felt the
gaps in the Dwarfs’ shieldwall. More the mound. It was a standard Goblin courage of his ancestors flow through
and more of the Greenskins came tactic, weaken the foe with missile fire, his veins. If he were to die then this
scrambling over the still warm bodies before committing masses of troops in loathsome creature’s head would be held
of their dead brethren. Every muscle in a savage assault. The clatter of arrows in his hand as he fell. The Dwarf Lord
Lord Duregar’s body ached from the striking shields was accompanied by stepped forward raising his axe high to
endless slaughter, but he knew there groans from those whose armour had respond to the challenge, “I Duregar,
would be no respite from the fighting. failed to save them. kinsman to King Belegar of Karak
Eight Peaks, command these warriors. I
"Hold. Keep the line.” His voice was The Dwarf Lord wiped Goblin blood
tell you now that we shall all willingly
calm, remarkably so considering the from his thick brow. If only the Troll
die here on the land of our ancestors
Dwarf army’s predicament. Though a Slayers still fought by their side then
before surrendering to you, foul
dozen or more Goblins had fallen for they might stand some chance. As his
Greenskin!" As he spoke Duregar saw
each Dwarf, hundreds more still relief force had advanced through the
malicious intent spark within the
surrounded the mound. It seemed to pass he had expected severe resistance.
Goblin Warboss’s eye. In response the
Duregar that his warriors had been They had met none. That was until
Goblin horde charged forward gibbering
fighting for an eternity. Ever since they they came within sight of the gate. It
and cackling maniacally.
had hurriedly left their hold, the was then his suspicions were confirmed,
Dwarfs of Karaz-a-Karak had been at they were marching into a trap. With the once disciplined central ranks
war. It had been nearly a week since Hundreds of Goblins had poured out in disarray behind them, the Dwarf’s
they had received word from King from the ruined tombs of the Dwarfs’ formation began to collapse. Duregar
Belegar that he had managed to take ancient ancestors. The Ore force they knew that it would soon be all over.
the inner keep of Karak Eight Peaks. had defeated at the jaws of the pass He called out defiantly to his warriors.
The King’s warriors had suffered heavy had regrouped and blocked any retreat. “Kinsmen, we will sell our lives dearly
losses and needed reinforcements if he Before them the gates of the Karak today. Though we may perish, the
was to keep control of the hold. were shut. Spying Stone Trolls Grobi victory will be bitter for them
Duregar had quickly mustered his clans descending from the steep slopes, the to taste.” As he said this an almighty
together and marched south. As his Troll Slayers had marched off to explosion blew shards of rock and
force had reached the mouth of the intercept them and meet with their debris into the air. “What manner of
Mad Dog Pass which led to the destiny. What became of the fearless foul trickery do they play now?”
besieged stronghold, an Ore force had warriors? Duregar knew not. He had Duregar cursed. His standard bearer
suddenly attacked. His warriors, filled been kept occupied with organising his called to his general. “My Lord, tis no
with vigour and resolve to aid their own forces. The fact that no Trolls had evil. Our salvation is at hand for tis
kinsfolk had quickly seen off the Ores. yet reared their ugly heads before them Belegar and his kinsmen.” Duregar
it. /

v if

turned round to face the gates. He saw Belegar shouted a command to his Duregar, who sat beside Belegar’s
that the gates to the karak had been army. ’ Ironbreakers, form a rearguard. throne, spoke up. ‘ I hough tomorrow
blown apart. Through the cloud of Back to the hold.” Arrows, fired from we shall mourn, tonight is a night of
debris he could make out the standards the slopes of the pass, rained down on celebration. Gathered under the roof of
of King Belegar’s Dwarf host marching the united Dwarf clans. The missiles this hall are enough Dwarfs to
forward, cutting a swathe through the hit both Dwarf and Goblin ensure this hall never again

Night Goblins. indiscriminately and many Greenskins falls into Grobi hands. Long

fell, killed by their own troops. The live the King of Karak
“To Belegar! The Dwarf Lord
well forged armour of the Dwarfs Eight Peaks!’’ With this
commanded. With fresh hope flowing
protected them from most of the he raised his tankard
through them the Dwarfs fought with
barbed arrowheads. Slowly, the solid towards Belegar and
a new determination. The Goblins fell
mass of Dwarfs pushed its way back to emptied the contents
before the Dwarfs’ fury as they V\
the gate where a unit of handgunners in one gulp. A loud
descended from their position. As
waiting at the entrance fired their lead cheer echoed around
Duregar battled through the massed
shot, quickly seeing off any Goblins the hall as the * « f

ranks of Night Goblins he could see

who tried to pursue after the retreating Dwarfs joined in
Belegar’s force. His cousin fought to
Dwarfs. the toast and
the fore of a wedge shaped formation,
celebrated the
surrounded by his bodyguard. On his Torches illuminated the walls of the
retaking of
head the gold crown of Karak Eight great hall, where stone carvings depicted
Karak Eight
Peaks glittered in the evening’s light. the history of the Dwarfs of the karak.
Peaks until
The Hammerer’s great weapons crushed The remnants of the two armies sat on
the early
the skulls of any Greenskin that dared long benches at the front of the hall.
stand between them and Duregar s men. The mood was sullen. Many Dwarfs
Within minutes the two Dwarf armies had fallen that day and every warrior in
met and the two cousins, Belegar and the massive chamber contemplated the
Duregar, stood back to back hacking at loss of their kinfolk. Belegar raised his
the Night Goblins, who had by now tankard and spoke to the gathered
recovered from the shock of the initial Dwarfs. Tomorrow we shall mourn the
assault. loss of many of our family and dearest
friends. Tis a sorrow that we cannot
“Well met Duregar. Doth thee fancy
bury them in the tombs to rest with
heading back to my grand hall for
their ancestors. For that we shall neer
some ale?’ Belegar called out as he
forget.” He opened a thick leather
clove straight through a particularly
bound tome. ’For over two thousand
ugly looking Goblin.
years the Eight Peaks’ Book of
* Aye. Slaying Grobi builds up a thirst Grudges has been silent. Now let us
for sure,” Duregar replied, matching his mark this day with a new account.” He
kinsman s prowess with the axe as dusted off one of the pages and
another assailant fell to the
Dwarf’s weapon.

VfUiA IT 1i


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The Empire is the largest and most powerful realm in the Old World. It is a
sprawling domain encompassing great mountains, mighty rivers, dark forests and
vast cities. Its citizens and soldiers are as different as the citystates and provinces
that make up the Empire.


A n Empire General is overloaded with different troop types to choose from. There are
countless ways to build an Empire army, so we'll start with the basics - infantry, cavalry,
and artillery.
Let’s start by looking at the backbone of most Empire armies - infantry. The hallmark Empire
troops are Halberdiers - sturdy warriors on the attack. More defensive minded players might
choose massed ranks of Spearmen. Other Empire infantry includes Swordsmen, Greatswords
and Flagellants. It is no wonder that no two Empire armies ever look alike! For far and ranged
support don’t forget about Handgunners, Archers, Crossbowmen.
Bretonnian cavalry may be more famous, but the Empire has quite a few as well, from
traditional heavily armoured knights, like the Knights Panther and the mounted Reiksguard,
to the great hammer-wielding Knights of the White Wolf. As for the more unusual cavalry
Warhammer Armies: The Empire is
types, check out the highly mobile Pistoliers.
the essential guide for putting
Unlike the lands of Bretonnia, gunpowder technology is embraced by the Empire. From the
together an Empire army. Inside
you will find a complete army list design tables of the Imperial Engineers come such war machines as Great Cannons,
with loads of troop types, special Helblaster Volley Guns and Mortars.
rules, background information,
painting tips and more. On the next few pages you will find an example of nearly every Empire unit pictured in full
colour. Unfurl the banner, sound the trumpet, and long live the Emperor!


The Empire Battalion boxed set contains a complete army at a great

price. Use it to start a new Empire force or to expand your existing
Empire army.

* 'T. * 3

4VS The Empire Battalion

• 1 General
8 Knights
19 Spearmen

Champion and
Command group
18 Handgunners
'• • —Jr - **4- including
v -
■*3 Command group
1 Cannon/Mortar

— . —
Empire Elector Count Balthasar Gelt,
on Griffon Supreme Patriarch

Griffons are wild and dangerous creatures that hunt

from the tallest crags of the northern Worlds Edge
Mountains. Brave adventurers seek out their high
nests and steal their chicks to raise in captivity.
Only in this way can a griffon ever be made tame
enough to alow anyone to ride it. and even then
they are temperamental and ferocious beasts.
Griffons have fierce heads with hooked beak like
that of a huge bird of prey. Their forequarters too
are feathered, with scaly limbs bearing powerful
claws that are bird-like and razor sharp. Behind its
huge feathered wings, the Griffon s body is furred
and it has huge taloned paws and a tail like that of
a great hunting cat such as a lion or tiger. Some
Griffons have great golden pelts like mountain lions,
other have skins which are spotted or striped,
or which are as black as night. Empire Grand Masters

Empire Elector Counts


All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

r» V* \'{r'-/ ' -'■ '■ ■ ■*' y"'’-i“a.. />* **^.i * /*

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G -• * J ■ '■ ^ * j .> ' , l&r/T'

\\ SVM
WARHAMMER .:>.... xv.

Luthor Huss, Prophet of Sigmar Empire Mounted Wizards

Empire Wizards Empire Engineers

Master Engineers are eccentric scientists who are mostly found

in Altdorf, tinkering with new technological weapons for the
Emperor s arsenal. Their burning need to try out their latest
creations also brings them onto the battlefield, where they
employ their most successful pieces of machinery to the
advantage of the Empire’s force. Engineers are normally
occupied sniping at the enemy with a variety of powerful
experimental handguns, but sometimes they can’t resist the
appeal of being in charge of artillery fire.
Empire Warrior Priests

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75°/<? of actual size.
i>) *J
• % 1

r 1

ire Soldiers

These multi-part plastic models can be constructed in a

number of ways. With either halberds or swords. Inside yi
will also find the special parts needed to make a
Commander. Standard Bearer and a Drummer.

Broadly referred to as irregular troops,

militia units are called up as required,
and none can foretell how many men
will turn up at the muster. These troops
receive no formal training or discipline,
and arc armed with their own equipment
at their own expense. Such troops are
often either mercenaries such as
crossbowmen from Tilea, or recruited

ire Knightly Orders

Elector Counts often call upon the Knightly Orders to

come to arms and fight as part of their army. To add
this heavy cavalry to their army is vital for the Counts.
This makes the Grand Masters very powerful individuals
because theirs is the final decision whether the Order
will join the Count’s army or not. Often the condition
for this help is that the Grand Master himself assumes
command of the army.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
Greatswords with Command Group

Empire Great Cannon

Pistoliers are young nobles, knights

sons who are not old or experienced
enough to win their spurs or join
the Heiksguard. Many pistoliers will
be fighting in battle for the first
time. They ride to war alongside
their fathers, and join together with
other young nobles to fight as units
of pistoliers on the battlefield. Being
rather young and inexperienced they
are inclined to be hot-headed and
rather wild, bravely dashing into the
jaws of danger where an older
warrior might bide his time. The
armour and weapons carried by a
pistolier are provided by his family.
His allegiance is to his father,
Empire Pistoliers family and ultimately to his Count
Empire Mortar
and the Emperor.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actualize.
Empire Flagellants Empire Helblaster Volley Gun

Empire Warrior Priests B

(3 per blister)
Empire Army book H
Empire Pistoliers B
(80 pages Empire Armies book supplement)
(1 per blister)
EMPIRE BOXED SETS PRICE BANDS Empire Helblaster Volley Gun H
Empire Soldiers j (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 20 models)
Empire Flagellants D
Empire Knightly Orders j
(3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 8 models)
Empire Battalion Empire Engineers C
(Boxed set) Q (1 per blister)
Empire Hero on Griffon K Empire Wizards F
(Boxed set of 1 model) (2 per blister)
Empire Militia J
Empire Greatswords D
(Boxed set of 20 models)
(3 per blister)
Empire Cannon or Mortar H
(Boxed set of 1 model) Empire Greatsword Command E
(3 per blister)
Luthor Huss, Prophet of Sigmar E
Empire Elector Counts E
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
E Balthasar Gelt, Supreme Patriarch I
Empire Grand Masters
(1 per blister). (1 per blister)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L ■ £20 M - £25 N - £30 P ■ £40 Q - £50

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
“We fight to protect our kinfolk, we fight to defend our clans, but more importantly
we fight to uphold our honour. Ne’erforget the torment we have suffered andfor each
and every wrong our enemies heaped upon our ancestors, they shall repay the debt
in blood. For we are sons of Grugni; alone we are rocks, united we stand with the
strength of a mountain. ”
Dwarf King Alrik at the defence of Karak Him.


D warfs are as tough and unyielding as their rocky habitat. In truth their stature and the
fact that they come from an underground, mountainous realm helps to define how
Dwarfs work on the battlefield. Dwarfs make doughty warriors, and their high Leadership
and Toughness makes them determined troops who give up ground begrudgingly and only
at a high cost to the enemy. Primarily, Dwarf armies are made up of solid, sturdy infantry.
The bulk of a Dwarf army is made up of Dwarf Warriors - determined fighters who only
run away in the most desperate of situations. As they have been embroiled in countless
battles, it is no wonder that the Dwarfs have developed many elite troop types. The oldest
and most veteran warriors form into a unit of Longbeards. These highly skilled fighters
have fought and survived for so long that they are named for the length and girth of their
Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs is the enormous beards. Other elite regiments include the heavily armed Hammerers, and the
essential guide for putting together a
Dwarf army. Inside you will find a well-armoured Ironbreakers. The most unusual Dwarf units are the Slayers. Due to some
complete army list with lots of troop loss of honour or great personal tragedy these forlorn Dwarfs have vowed to seek a
types, special rules, background
information, painting tips and more.
glorious death in battle at the hands of as large a foe as they can find!

Thorek Ironbrow, Dwarf Runelord 6 Anvil of Doom

Dwarf King Alrik Dwarf Lord

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size

Gotrck 6 Felix
r f?
Join the doomed Dwarf Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and
his travelling companion Felix Jaeger, on their journeys Dwarf Engineer
Dwarf Runesmith
across the known world in William Kings Gotrck 6
Felix series: Trollslaycr, Skavenslaver. Dacmonslayer.
Dragonslayer, Beastslayer and Vampireslaycr,

Dwarf Warriors with Command Group

0t h
Dwarf Rangers with Command Group

Dwarf Thunderers with Command Group

Dwarfs have an insatiable thirst for gold, and

construct deep shafts into the heart of the mountains
in their quest to acquire the valuable metal. They
also mine for ores and gemstones, and are very
skilled at digging tunnels at incredible speed. The
networks of mines and tunnels run through every
mountain range. In battle, the Dwarfs use their
knowledge of the tunnels and mastery of the pick
axe with deadly intent. Dwarf Miners with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
* jj «]

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L_ / 1 jPFJ
f \ \ I | 1 ky^iV] Ij

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i Vv

^ WWW 1



-■ A'l
T-> 1

Dwarf Ironbreakers with Command Group

Dwarf Longbeards with Command Group

Dwarf Hammerers with Command Group

Dwarf Slayer & Command Group

Dwarf Bolt Thrower

w .V 5' - v7^-,
V\ ri
'J 3 ' 11 fl 1
W V i1
lito V
T i L V iff

Dwarf Stone Thrower Dwarf Cannon

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

Dwarf Flame Cannon

Dwarf Organ Gun Dwarf Gyrocopter

Dwarf Ironbreakers D
Dwarf Army book H E
Dwarf Ironbreakers Command
(80 pages Dwarf Armies book supplement)
(3 per blister)
Dwarf Warriors j (3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 20 models) Dwarf Hammerers Command E
Thorek Ironbrow & the Anvil of Doom K (3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 5 models) D
Dwarf Miners

Dwarf King Alrik i Dwarf Miners Command E

(1 per blister) (3 per blister)
Dwarf Lord D Dwarf Slayers D
(1 per blister) (3 per blister)
Dwarf Runesmith C E
Dwarf Slayers Command
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Dwarf Engineer C
Dwarf Cannon H
(1 per blister)
D (1 per blister)
Dwarf Thunderers
(3 per blister) Dwarf Stone Thrower H

Dwarf Thunderers Command E (1 per blister)

(3 per blister) Dwarf Organ Gun H
Dwarf Rangers D (1 per blister)
(3 per blister) Dwarf Bolt Thrower H
Dwarf Rangers Command E (1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Dwarf Flame Cannon
Dwarf Longbeards D
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
E Dwarf Gyrocopter
Dwarf Longbeards Command
(3 per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D-£5 E-£6 F-£8 G - £8 H-E10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L-E20 M • £25 N - £30 0-£35 P-£40 Q - £50 R • £75
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
Dwarf Ironbreakers with Command Group

Dwarf Longbeards with Command Group

Dwarf Hammerers with Command Group

Dwarf Slayer 6 Command Group

Dwarf Bolt Thrower

i 1/ -


Dwarf Stone Thrower Dwarf Cannon

Dwarf Flame Cannon

V ‘j

i t ' ‘ t- '

Dwarf Organ Gun Dwarf Gyrocopter

Dwarf Ironbreakers D
)warf Army book H E
Dwarf Ironbreakers Command
80 pages Dwarf Armies book supplement)
(3 per blister)

Dwarf Warriors j (3 per blister)

Boxed set of 20 models) Dwarf Hammerers Command E
rhorek Ironbrow & the Anvil of Doom K (3 per blister)
Boxed set of 5 models) D
Dwarf Miners

i Dwarf Miners Command E

Dwarf King Alrik

;i per blister) (3 per blister)

Dwarf Lord D Dwarf Slayers D
[1 per blister) (3 per blister)
Dwarf Runesmith C E
Dwarf Slayers Command
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Dwarf Engineer C
Dwarf Cannon H
(1 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Dwarf Thunderers D
Dwarf Stone Thrower H
(3 per blister)
Dwarf Thunderers Command E (1 per blister)
(3 per blister) Dwarf Organ Gun H

Dwarf Rangers D (1 per blister)

(3 per blister) Dwarf Bolt Thrower H
Dwarf Rangers Command E (1 per blister)
(3 per blister) I
Dwarf Flame Cannon
Dwarf Longbeards D
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Dwarf Gyrocopter H
Dwarf Longbeards Command E
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister)

Price band table

£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G ■ £8 H - £10 I-£12 J - £15 K - £18 L - £20 M ■ £25 N - £30 0 - £35 P - £40 Q - £50 R - £75
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

The human realm of Bretonnia is famed throughout the Old World as the homeland
of chivalry. Rich in tradition and steeped in honour, a Bretonnian army with its
resplendent knights is a magnificent sight to behold.


T he pride of Bretonnia is not its many fertile plains or picturesque valleys, bu
instead its gallant orders of knighthood. While many armies in the Warhammei
world can muster some units of heavy cavalry, none can match the quantity and quality
of choices that a Bretonnian General can choose from.
Knights Errant are the first and lowest order of knighthood. These are young knights
still trying to make a name for themselves. Those who do prove themselves in battle
become Knights of the Realm. The next two types of knights are so rare and powerfu
that a Bretonnian army may only have one unit of each. Questing Knights are valian
warriors who have put aside worldly possessions and joined the dangerous quest foi
the Grail. Those brave individuals who have been deemed worthy and fulfil their ques
become Grail Knights - the living embodiment of chivalry and martial prowess.
White Dwarf 261 includes the While Bretonnians depend heavily on their knights in times of need, the humble
special preview Bretonnian army commoners, or Men-at-Arms, are called into service. These peasants are outfitted anc
list which replaces the one in
equipped by their lord with halberds, spears and swords. Bowmen are equall)
Ravening Hordes. You will also
find special rules, background invaluable, as the strict vows of chivalry deny knights the use of missile weapons a.<
information and more. a matter of honour - a viewpoint absolutely NOT shared by their foes.
A Bretonnian player has a massive choice of troops, miniatures and even paint schemes. On the following page;
you will find at least one full colour example of every unit available in a Bretonnian army. So, in the sacred name
of the Lady of the Lake and for the glory of the King, lower lances and charge!

The most powerful heroes

and kings can ride into battle
on the backs of fantastic
beasts. Not only does this
make them even more
effective in combat, they also
make a stunning but
centrepiece for your army.

Bretonnian Prophetess 6 Damsels King of Bretonnia on Hippogriff

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actudi size.
t7 a r 'y *,i
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VV fc A /M V 4
yjjk j l

Bretonnian Questing Knight Knight of the Realm Hero

Hero with a lance with a morning star

Bretonnian Knight Heroes on foot Bretonnian Grail Knight Hero

The Knight of the Realm belongs to the most numerous of the order of chivalry. He
has proven himself in battle and assumed his full responsibilities as a knight. The
Knight .of the Realm is a noble whose task is to rule and protect his people, serve his
feudal lord, and provide an example of knightly virtue for others to aspire towards.

Bretonnian Knights of the Realm with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
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The Seven Commandments

of Chivalry
To serve the Lady of the Lake.
To defend the domain entrusted to him.
To protect the weak and fight for the right
Always to fight the enemies of
virtue and order.
Never to give up the fight until
the foe are defeated.
Never to break faith with a friend and ally
Always to display honour and courtesy.

The first and lowest order of knighthood is that of the

Knight Errant. According to the traditions of chivalry a
young knight must prove his worth with brave and noble Bretonnian Knights Errant with
deeds, and in this fashion he establishes his right to Knights Command Group
ascend the orders of knighthood.

Bretonnian Men-at-Arms Command Group

Bretonnian Men-at-Arms Halberdiers

with Command Group

Bretonnian Men-at-Arms Command Group

Bretonnian Men-at-Arms Spearmen

with Command Group

Bretonnian Men-at-Arms Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures sho'wn 7&% of actbal size.
V*. *


While the Knights steal most of the glory, a few

blocks of infantry can form solid bastions of defence
on the battlefield. To bolster these units, try adding
Standard Bearers, Musicians. Champions, or even a
Knight Hero on foot!

Plastic Bretonnian Bowmen

Bowmen Men-at-Arms Command Groups

Mounted Squires come with separate arms so you can pose

them in a variety of different ways.

Bretonnian Mounted Squires

Squires with Bows Squire Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
selection of Questing Knights
available, with them you can personalise your
unit and make it unique!.

Bretonnian Questing Knights with Knight Command

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise notedl Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
— r—
-- ---’--- TV
Bretonnian Grail Knights

Bretonnian Grail Knight Command Group

Bretonnian Knight Heroes on Foot

(1 per blister)
White Dwarf 261 £3.50
Bretonnian Mounted Squire B
(Bretonnia Army list)
(1 per blister)
BRETONNIAN BOXED SETS Bretonnian Prophetess & Damsels F
King of Bretonnia on Hippogriff
(2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model with a colour banner)
Bretonnian Questing Knight C
Plastic Bretonnian Knights of the Realm
(Boxed set of 2 plastic models with a set of transfers) (1 per blister)

Plastic Bretonnian Bowmen D Bretonnian Questing Knight Command C

(Boxed set of 8 models) (1 per blister)

BRETONNIAN BUSTERS PRICE BANDS Bretonnian Men-at-Arms with Spears D

(3 per blister)
Bretonnian Knight Errant c
(1 per blister) Bretonnian Men-at-Arms with Halberds D

Bretonnian Knight Command c (3 per blister)

(1 per blister) Bretonnian Men-at-Arms Command E
Bretonnian Knight Heroes c (3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer, & Musician)
(1 per blister)
Squires with Bows D
Bretonnian Grail Knight D
(3 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Squires Command Group E
Bretonnian Grail Knight Command D
(1 per blister) (3 per blister)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G ■ £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size

The descendants of a civilisation that once ruled the Old World and created its
inhabitants, the Lizardmen, now fight to realise the prophecies of their reptilian
ancestors. War drums sound the rallying call from the deep jungles of Lustria,
bringing forth scaly, cold-blooded warriors to defend and conquer.


L izardmen have inhabited the Old World since before the dawn of time. Their creators, the Old Ones, are
long gone, but their directives are kept alive to this day by their surviving progenies. With one of the most
extensive histories of any Warhammer army, the Lizardmen offer you the chance to bring these ancients to
life on the battlefield.
Lizardmen are guided into battle by a Slann Mage-priest, the direct descendant of the Old Ones and a master
of the highest form of magic. A Mage-priest is the centrepiece of the army, riding into battle on his palanquin
carried by four Saurus Temple Guards, specially equipped Saurus Warriors that are adorned with
ceremonial armour making them all but unstoppable in battle. The Saurus Warriors are the main fighting
strength of Lizardmen armies. Their extremely short range of emotion, limited almost entirely to a savage
thirst for killing, precisely suits the army’s purpose.
Skinks were developed by the Old Ones when they realized that they needed a set of followers more
intellectually advanced than the Saurus. Skinks work best in large groups and suffer no penalties when
moving through bodies of water. They can be equipped with bows or javelins (both of which can carry poison
tips), and can even be accompanied by the monstrous Kroxigors, larger, meaner cousins of the Saurus.
White Dwarf 256 includes the
special preview Lizardmen army Naturally, Lizardmen troops are backed up by more primitive relatives, such as poison spitting Salamanders,
list which replaces the one in flying Terradons and mammoth Stegadons, giant lizards carrying Skink troops to tear the enemy apart. Even
Ravening Hordes. You will also the jungles open up, with Swarms slithering into battle.
find special rules, background
information and more.
Here yoifll find the entire range of models available, as well as painting and tactical advice, to help revive
the past glory of the Old Ones.

The bloated Slann Mage-priest

is carried into battle by the
strongest and most dedicated
Lizardmen Temple Saurus Hero
Saurus. who are chosen to
Guard Hero
become part of the elite
Temple Guard.
Slann Mage-priests are
perhaps the most powerful
Wizards in Warhammer.

Skink Shaman (H ero) Skink Heroes

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted.
Slann Mage-priest on Palanquin (Lord) Miniatures shown 75% of actuk! size.

Plastic Lizardmen Saurus
with hand weapons and Command

We’ve included a standard and musician with

the Skink unit shown here, to enhance its
appearance. However. Skinks are a Lizardmen Saurus
skirmishing unit, and fight in a loose
with spears and Command Group
formation without a standard or musician like
the ones found in the Saurus unit above.

Skink Archers
with Command Group


Salamander with Skink Runners Lizardmen Temple Guard

Command Group

supolied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
All miniatures are
Kroxigors arc giant cousins of
the Saurus. They arc much
bigger and more powerful
creatures, but less intelligent and
their speech is limited to a
blood curdling roar. Kroxigors
need to be goaded into activity
by the Saurus or Skinks, and
will obey their instructions
diligently, showing that they
understand rather more than
might be thought from
their appearances.

w* §
These monstrous, hulking beasts carry
well armed Skinks in bronze-clad
howdahs on their broad backs. Crashing
into the ranks of their foe they leave a
immense trail of damage in their wake.


Terradon E
LIZARDMEN BOXED SETS PRICE BANDS (1 Terradon and 2 Skinks per blister)
Slann Mage-priest on Palanquin L
Lizardmen Salamander G
(Boxed set of 1 model)
(1 Salamander and 4 Skink Runners per blister)
Lizardmen Saurus D
(Boxed set of 6 plastic models) Lizardmen Saurus Command E
D (3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Drummer)
Lizardmen Skinks
(Boxed set of 8 plastic models) Lizardmen Kroxigors F
Stegadon M (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Lizardmen Saurus with Spears D
(3 per blister)
Lizardmen Temple Guard Command F
Skink Command E
(4 per blister - Champion, Standard, Shaman & Drummer) (3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Drummer)

Jungle Swarms • B Lizardmen Temple Guard D

(1 per blister) (2 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown. 75% of actualize.
The High Elves will be available early in 2002.

of the
of their island homeland Ulthuan. Noble, mysterious masters of the arts of
they fight to protect their home and preserve their way of life.


High Elves do not attack with sheer numbers as many other armies do. They prefer to use tact and
skdl to finish battles as swiftly and efficiently as possible. Elite fighters stride into battle,
supported by thundering cavalry and the swirling winds of High Magic.
Those troops are some of the best in all of Warhammer. While High Elf Spearmen are not to be
overlooked, and their Archers are the finest in the land, it is the specialised units that evoke real
fear. White Lions wield mighty axes they’ve trained to use since youth. Sword Masters of
Hoeth are expert at handling their massive blades. The stealthy Shadow Warriors, and
venerable Phoenix Guard complete the roll call. Any combination of these units forms a solid
foundation for a successful High Elf army.
Fighting beside them are some of the best mounted troops in the game. Silver Helms, highly
manoeuvrable Ellyrian Reavers, and the Dragon Princes of Caledor are all valuable
additions, as well as the Elven war machines, the Repeater Bolt Thrower and the dreaded
Tiranoc Chariots.
Warhcwuner Armies: High Elves is
the essential guide for putting The High Elves are often led by heroic individuals who are some of the most powerful
together a High Elf army. Inside
characters in any army. Highest among them being the High Elf Prince Tyrion.
you will find a complete army list
with loads of troop types, special These models and more are shown here for your perusal. Among them you'll find tactical
rules, background information,
painting tips and more.
advice and some painting tips to help you strike forward and carry on the tradition of High Ell
excellence in battle.

4* -

Prince Tyrion is the greatest living warrior of the

High Elves. He is a descendant of the first Phoenix
King, and some Elven bards say that he is in fact
Aenarion reborn, so valiant and skilled is he. Tyrion
was commander at the glorious battle ot Finuval
plain, when he routed the host of Malekith and slew'
the Witch King's personal champion, Urian
Poison blade. He is the protector of the Everqueen,
and defender of all of Ulthuan.

Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan


All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
Imrik, Dragon Prince
of Caledor, riding Dragon

Caledor is now a silent realm. No longer do the skies ring to the cries of dragons and the roar of their fiery breath. No
more do the caves nimble with their sounds nor does the earth shake beneath their heavy tread. Instead, there is
nothing but the hollow echo of the Elves’ footsteps in the ancient halls.

Most noble of these princes of dragons is Imrik, last of the line of the Phoenix King Caledor. It is he who remains
one of the few that can wake the dragons in time of need, and then only a few. Gone are the days when his followers
rode into battle atop mighty fire drakes. Now it is Imrik alone who fights in the traditional manner of his house.

And fight he does! In the defence of his homeland, and indeed of all Ulthuan, Imrik is a stalwart bastion of strength.
Together with Tyrion and Teclis, the descendants of the great house of Aenarion, he stands as an unbreachable wall
between the many foes of the High Elves and the mystical isle of Ulthuan.

High Elf Mages High Elf Lords

The noble families have led our people through times of peace and conflict for thousands of years. They pride themselves in their deep sense of honour and mastery of 1
the arts of diplomacy and war, taught to them from a young age. In times of conflict they demonstrate this prowess through their flexibility, perfectly capable of fighting
unmatched skill in the thick of the melee, or commanding our armies from a distance, directing the flow of battle as need dictates.

Foolish weaklings of the lesser races sometimes misinterpret this as cowardice, but they are mistaken. On the contrary, far too many of our nobles die fighting in the pre
combat and our people would often be better served if our commanders were less brave, not more so. While other races may throw their leaders recklessly into the thicl
battle, we the Asur are not a prolific race and so when a noble falls, he is mourned, and the loss keenly felt.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual£ize.
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The majority of warriors in High Elf armies are citizen militia rather
than professional soldiers. This militia is a part-time army in which all
take their turn to serve, even' Elf providing his ow n battle gear in
defence of his home and country.

When a High Elf is inducted into the citizen levy, a keen-eyed young
Elf will begin his training in Archery. Lacking the battle experience of
his older brethren, he fights from a distance - experiencing the carnage
of war from a relatively safe place. As his familiarity w ith the horrors
of battle grows, he will eventually be promoted to the Spearmen. This is
the senior arm of the militia, and is expected to fight bravely in the
main line of battle. With decades of experience behind him. an Elf can
don the armour of a Spearman and join his fellows in the rigorous
training needed to fight efficiently as one body.

High Elf Archers

The provinces of Eataine does not field a citizen militia as all

the others do, instead contributing the Lothern Sea Guard to
the Phoenix King’s army. Unlike the normal levy, they are not
only called up in times of need, but remain at arms at all times.

The riches of the High Elves are great, and the legends greater
still, so there is never any shortage of villainous cut-throats
who will stoop to any depth to steal their way into the fair
capital and plunder the High Elves ancestral wealth. The
Seaguard patrol the shores around Lothern.

High Elf Spearmen

Many of the famed regiments of the High Elf army come from
one or other of its provinces, but not so the Silver Helms. They
are formed from the sons of our nobility, given a chance to
fight the enemies of the High Elves and possessing the means
to equip themselves in all the expensive panoply of a fully
armoured horseman.

In these troubled times all High Elf nobles prepare themselves

for war, and teach their sons the ways of the sw ord and bow as
w'ell as the finer arts such as poetry and song. It is not only the
High Elf way of life that lies threatened, but their very
existence. To this end, all noble houses send their sons to fight
in the w'ars for the survival of there race.

High Elf Silver Helms

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
B Ifr 1
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Elf Swordmasters of Hoeth

In ancient times the noble warriors of Caledor rode into battle

astride mighty dragons. Few indeed were those who could stand
before their charge, the dragons incinerating those that escaped the
lances of their masters. Now those days are gone, and the great
beasts can only rarely be roused from their slumber. Instead, the
Dragon Princes carry on their ancient martial tradition, Fighting on
the backs of Elven steeds instead of great wyrms.

on Princes of Caledor

High Elf
Tiranoc chariot

High Elf Shadow Warriors

High Elf
Ellvrian Reavers

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% oj actual£ize.

High Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower High Elf White Lions

High Elf Phoenix Guard High Elf Great Eagles

The High Elves will be available early in 2002.

High Elf Lords E
(1 per blister)
High Elves Armies book H
(80 pages High Elves Armies supplement) High Elf Sword Masters of Hoeth Command E
(3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Musician)
High Elf Sword Masters of Hoeth D
Imrik, Dragon Prince of Caledor, riding Dragon M
(3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
High Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower H
High Elf Warriors J
(Boxed set of 16 High Elf spearmen or High Elf seaguard) (2 crew and 1 Bolt Thrower per blister)
High Elf Archers _ J Ellyrian Reaver B
(Boxed set of 16 models) (1 per blister)
High Elf Silver Helms J Ellyrian Reaver Command B
(Boxed set of 8 models) (1 per blister)
High Elf Dragon Princes M D
High Elf Shadow Warriors
(Boxed set of 5 models)
(3 per blister)
High Elf Tiranoc Chariot I
(Boxed set of 1 model and a colour banner) Tyrion I
(1 per blister)
High Elf White Lions of Chrace Command E (3 per blister)
(3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Musician)
High Elf Phoenix Guard Command E
High Elf White Lions of Chrace D
(3 per blister)
(3 per blister)
High Elf Mages F High Elf Great Eagle E
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Price band table
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size
Stranded in the Old World long ago, the Wood Elves adapted to life in their new home
-the forest realm of Athel Loren. Invaders of this woodland paradise are dealt with
swiftly and silently by the Wood Elves and their forest allies.


T he Wood Elf commander has a wide selection of troops to call to his banner in times of need. Not only are there
numerous Wood Elf troop types to select from but, during their years in the forest realm, the Wood Elves have
befriended many of its fantastic inhabitants - calling upon them in times of dire need.
The Wood Elf glades are protected from invasion by scores of Archers. They are, without a doubt, the best marksmen
anywhere, able to shoot further and hit harder than any other army. Armed with spears, the Glade Guard form the main
defensive force. These warriors make up the majority of Wood Elf forces.
Some Wood Elves developed remarkable skills and abilities. Wood Elf Scouts are exceptional archers who patrol the forest,
ambushing intruders well ahead of the main Wood Elf army. The very best Scouts become Waywatchers, setting deadl>
traps for the unwary. Not all Wood Elves depend on the longbow - Wardancers are the best known (and rightly feared;
Wood Elf close combat troop type, their artistic and graceful dances becoming deadly on the battlefield.
The Wood Elves’ only cavalry troops, the Glade Riders, strike hard and fast at the heart of the enemy. The Wood Elves alsc
ride giant hawks to battle, these Warhavvk Riders appear out of nowhere and pounce upon unsuspecting enemy troops
and war machines.
The Wood Elves can also ask for aid from the other denizens of Athel Loren. The ancient Treemen can smash apart the mosi
powerful of opponents, while the Dryads are vengeful tree spirits which that can shape-shift at will.
On the following pages you’ll find at least one full colour picture of every Wood Elf troop type and some helpful tips or
getting the most out of them on the battlefield. The Wood Elves have defended their lands for centuries, so grab your quivei
and start stringing your longbow!

Wood Elf Mages Wood Elf Mage Mounted Wood Elf Lord
on Warhawk

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75°^ of actual size.
Glade Guard with Command Group

A unit of these mysterious

and vengeful tree spirits is a
great addition to any Wood
Elf army. Dryads can change
their shape to different tree¬
like aspects, giving them
awesome powers in close

Elf Scouts

Wood Elf Wardancers

Wardancers are so athletic that they can move over friendly and enemy
troops with ease, striking at the very heart of the foe. Once combat
Wood Elf Glade Riders with Command Group begins, their intricate combat dances spell certain doom!

Flying troops are great for striking

at the tender underbelly of the
enemy army. Warhawk Riders can
take out your opponent's war
machines or chase down fleeing
units with ease.

Wood Elf Warhawk Riders with Spears

Very few troops can stand
up to the full fury of a
Treeman. They are so
strong, tough and
stubborn that unless you
beat and wound them in
close combat, they simply
refuse to break!

Wood Elf Waywatchers

Waywatchers unleash volley after volley of

arrows while remaining undetected in the safety
of the forest. Using stealth the Waywatchers set
deadly traps for any that would attack their
forest home land of Loren.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
Wood Elf Warhawk Rider E
Wood Elf Plastic Archers D Wood Elf Wardancers D
(Boxed set of 8 models) (3 per blister)
Wood Elf Command E
WOOD ELVES BLISTERS PRICE BANDS (3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Musician)
Dryads C Wood Elf Glade Guard D
(2 per blister) (3 per blister)
Wood Elf Waywatchers C Mounted Wood Elf General • E
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Wood Elf Scouts D Wood Elf Mages F
(3 per blister) (2 per blister)
Glade Rider B Wood Elf Mage on Warhawk F
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Glade Rider Command B Treeman H
(1 per blister - Champion or Standard Bearer or Musician) (1 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press- Contents may vary from those shown.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size
Many thousands ofyears ago, the Elven Kingdom erupted in civil war. Forsaking the
ancient traditions and embracing the powers of dark sorcery, the Dark Elves, as they
came to be known, were driven off to the bleak lands of Naggaroth where they stilt
plot their revenge.
lthough often small in size, Dark Elf armies are loaded with dangerous troop types. Dari
A Elf Warriors are deadly fighters, whether wielding long heavy-bladed spears, or the mucl
feared repeater crossbow. These regiments often form the backbone of the army from which th
more powerful threats are launched.
In the harsh lands of Naggaroth, the Dark Elves have developed many deadly new skills
Issuing forth from their Black Arks are regiments of Corsairs, sea-faring cutthroats who usi
Sea Dragon skins as armour. The Black Guard are the powerful and well-equipped bodyguai
of the Dark Elf King. The most bloodthirsty Dark Elf troops are the Witch Elves - deprave*
warrior women who use their speed, high weapon skill, and sheer ferocity to butcher an;
opponent they can get close to. For cavalry, the Dark Elves use speedy Dark Riders t*
range ahead of the main force, spying, spreading terror, and reaping havoc
The real heavy hitters are the Cold One Knights - highly skilled warriors mounted on th
Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves is the
back of huge and savage reptiles.
essential guide for putting together an
Dark Elf army. Inside you will find a Laid out on the following pages you will find full-colour pictures for nearly all the Citade
complete army list with loads of troop
types, special rules, background
Miniatures Dark Elf line. These cruel-hearted warriors make the kind of army that can put tea
information, painting details and more. into your opponent before the game even starts!

Morathi, the Hag sorceress Malus Darkblade, Scion of Hag Graef Malekith, King of Naggaroth

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
PT n u fid ■11 iTf

fCV4 *
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Dark Elf Assassins Dark Elf Beastmaster Dark Elf Beastmaster on Manticore

Dark Elf Warriors with

Command Group

Dark Elf Dark Riders with Command Group

Dark Elf Corsairs with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

Dark Elf Shades


Dark Elf Cold One Knights

with Command Group
HiIN*' ■ ,*
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Dark Elf Cold One Chariot

Dark Elf Executioners with Command Group

Dark Elf Witch Elves of Khaine with Command

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75°*. of actual size.
mmu « ■ - nrr— r-

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Dark Elf Cauldron of Blood

Dark Elf Reaper

Bolt thrower

Dark Elf Black Guard with Command Group

Dark Elf Sorceress on Cold One E

Dark Elf Army Book H
Dark Elf Witch Elf D
(80 pages Empire Armies book supplement)
(3 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Dark Elf Warriors j
(Boxed set of 20 models) Dark Elf Corsairs D
Malekith, Witch King of Naggaroth M (3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 models) Dark Elf Corsair Command E
Dark Elf Cold One Chariot I (3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Dark Elf Sorceress C
Dark Elf Cauldron of Blood K (1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Dark Elf Executioners D
Dark Elf War Hydra L (3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Dark Elf Executioner Command E
Dark Elf Beast Master on Manticore K (3 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Dark Elf Black Guard D
(3 per blister)
Dark Elf Black Guard Command E
Morathi, the Hag Sorceress i
(3 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Malus Darkblade F Dark Elf Shades D
(1 per blister) (3 per blister)
Dark Elf Beastmasters C Dark Elf Dark Rider B
(1 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Elf Assassins C Dark Elf Dark Rider Command B
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Elf Harpies D Dark Elf Cold Ones D
(2 per blister) (1 per blister)
Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Thrower H Dark Elf Cold One Command D
[1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
\-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I - £12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q-

y:/ J
Like a massive green tidal wave crashing down across the landscape, ravaging
hordes of Ores and Goblins leave destruction and ruin in their wake. Unruly mob:
raise an earsplitting din, forcing their enemies to run for cover.


res and Goblins are one of the most maniacal and diverse forces in Warhammer, with enougl
troop types to make your head spin. If they can stop arguing with each other long enough t(
attack, Ores and Goblins can be nigh unstoppable.
The key to an Ore and Goblin victory has always been troops, and plenty of them. Start with th<
basics, Ore Boyz and their wilder cousins. Savage Ore Boyz. Backing up da ‘boyz’ are horde:
of Goblins and Night Goblins. These diminutive, inexpensive, yet highly valuable troops cai
be used to absorb enemy fire, or simply, overwhelm opponents. You'll find plenty of elite troop:
such as Black Ores, which are extra strong and tough - even for Ores. Accompanying them an
many forms of cavalry, from the fast and wily Goblin Wolf Riders, to the brutish charge o
Ore Boar Boyz. We don't even have the room here to go into details about all of th<
different special troop types available to the sly Gobbos, or the various kinds of Trolls
the deadly Wyvern, towering Giant, and more.

Containing the army list and

The Greenskins have war machines as well. You'll find the Rock Lobber, the Goblir
extensive background information, Wolf Chariot, the deadly Doom Diver Catapult and the Snotling Pump Wagon.
as well as special characters and
magic items, Warhammer Annies: Over the next few pages you'll come across painted examples of just about every typ<
Ores and Goblins is the starting of Ore and Goblin you can choose, along with painting tips, tactics, and collectin £
point for any Greenskin army.
This indispensable tome contains
advice. So tilt your head skyward, shout a loud WAAAGH and get ready to fight.
all the history, achievements, and
petty squabblings the Ores and
Goblins have become famous for.

army at a great price. Use it to start a new Ore

The Ore Battalion

19 Boyz including
Command group
18 Arrer Boyz

Command group
10 Goblin Wolf
Riders including
Champion and
Command group
1 Ore Boar

Ore Shaman Ore Shaman Goblin Shamans

(Hero) (Hero)

Grimgor Ironhide, Wurrzag Savage Ore Shaman

Blaek Ore Warboss (Lord) (Lord)

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

Snotlings Savage Ore Boyz with Command Group

j L> J 1

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A L. •

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Night Goblin Netters

Ore Boyz Regiment with Command Group

Goblin Fanatics

Night Goblin Regiment with Command

Goblin Wolf Riders Regiment with Command Group Goblin Regiment with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual syze.
Goblin Spear Chukka

» » f
& IaL

Black Ores with Command Group

Boyz with Command

Goblin Rock Lobber

Ore Boar Chariot

The Goblin Chariot wreaks havoc

and cuts down all in its path with its
evil scythes.

Night Goblin Squig Herd

Night Goblin Squig Hoppers

Goblin Chariot

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size
The Doom Diver catapult has no
range or line of sight restriction. It
can target any spot on the tabletop
upon which to unleash its flying
fury, capable of taking out anything
with one lucky shot!

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Goblin Doom Diver iWgl i

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Snotling Pump Wagon

River Trolls, aside from being big and stupid and smelling like fish,
have slimy skin which can cause attacking strikes to glance off their
bodies without doing any damage.

Stone Trolls eat everything - even rocks if they can find nothing better!
As they digest the rocks into their systems, the Stone Trolls acquire the
natural magic resistance that stones absorb over the years. This gives
Stone Trolls a natural resistance to enemy spells.

Stone Trolls

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% oi actual Sjize.
Savage Ore Shaman
Ores & Goblins Armies Book H Black Ores
(80 pages of Armies book) (2 per blister)
Ores & Goblins Battalion Q (2 per blister - Standard Bearer & Musician)
Ore Boyz Regiment . J Savage Ore Boar Boyz
(Boxed set of 16 models) (1 per blister)
Goblin Chariot I Savage Ore Boar Boyz
(Boxed set of 1 model and a colour banner) (1 per blister)
Goblin Doom Diver Ore Boar Boyz Command
(Boxed set 1 Doom Diver model and crew) (1 per blister)
Snotling Pump Wagon River Troll
(1 Snotling Pump Wagon and crew) (1 per blister)
Ore Boss on Wyvern K
Stone Troll
(Boxed set of 1 model) (1 per blister)
Goblin Rock Lobber J
Ore Warlord on Boar
(Boxed set of 1 model)
(T per blister)
Goblin Wolf Riders J
(Boxed set of 1 model)
(9 per blister)
Ore Boar Chariot I
(Boxed set of 1 model) Night Goblin Fanatics
(3 per blister)
Goblin Regiment J
(Boxed set of 20 model) Night Goblin Netters
J (3 per blister)
Night Goblin Regiment
(Boxed set of 20 model) Night Goblin Squig Herders
L (4 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model) Night Goblin Squig Hoppers
(2 per blister)
Goblin Shaman
Ore Shaman
(2 per blister)
(1 per blister)
C Goblin Spear Chukka
Ore Boar Boyz
(1 spear chukka with crew)
(1 per blister)
Savage Ore Boyz D Grimgor lronhide
(3 per blister) (1 per blister)

Savage Ore Boyz Command C Wurrzag, Savage Ore Shaman

(1 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Musician) (1 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B- £4 C- £4 D - £5 E- £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J-£15 K-£18 L ■ £20 M - £25 N-£2I : 1- 1
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.

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Long-dead warriors march again under tattered banners raised by skeletal hands.
Evil magics radiate out, awaking corpses and binding ethereal creatures to fight
once more for cruel masters bent on revenge, world conquest and immortality.


M any evils inhabit the Warhammer world and none are more terrifying than the horrible
Undead armies. Assembled by powerful Vampire Lords, the spectral legions ot the
Undead march with grim determination to face the forces of the living. They have but one goal
- to make everyone as dead as they are.
There will never be a shortage of recruits for Undead armies. The Vampire Lord has a vast
supply of warriors to choose from for there are many battlefields in the Warhammer world
where the dead rest uneasily! Amongst his choices are such units as Skeleton Warriors,
corpses that have been raised to fight again by evil Necromancers. Also answering the call to
battle are Grave Guard, Wights that once were powerful fighters, were buried with then-
weapons and armour. Grave Guard are frequently supported by Black Knights - long-dead
men who were once proud knights in life. Finally, there is the Black Coach which protects the
remains of a dead Vampire while carrying it into battle. It is rumoured that the death ol
thousands will have the power to revive the fallen Vampire.
Warhammer Annies: Vampire Counts Even simple village graveyards are no refuge, for the recent dead are risen and formed into
is the essential guide tor putting mindless Zombie hordes, while terrifying Wraiths and Spirit Hosts are called forth ftoni the
together a Vampire Counts army.
Inside you will find a complete army
Ethereal plane to make men's hearts grow cold. From the woods are called packs of Dire
list with loads of troop types, special Wolves to tear asunder those who were lucky enough to escape the bony clutches ot the rest
rules, background information,
of Vampire Counts army. Still more Undead horrors await the call to rise again and wage an
painting details and more.
eternal war upon the living, all in an effort to turn the world into one Undead kingdom under
the rule of the Vampire Counts!

Blood Dragon Vampires are the most powerful fighters of all the Vampire bloodlines. They excel in the tactical
art of war and with the blade. Blood Dragon Vampire Counts have many bloodline attributes that they can
choose from to further enhance their already potent abilities in close combat, making them rival the skills ol
even the great Champions of Khorne who wander the Chaos Wastes.

Blood Dragon Vampires

/ARJ 1 ER 1


Zacharies Vampire
)n Zombie Draeot

Necrarch Vampires with Familiar

Von Carstein Vampires Mannfred Von Carstein


All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size

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Lahmia Vampires Strigoi Vampires

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Lahmia Vampires Wight Lord Battle Wraiths (H eros)

Standard Bearer (Hero)

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Zombies Ghouls

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actypl size.
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Dire Wolves

Skeleton Warriors with Command Group

Bat Swarms
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Black Knights with

Command Group

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Grave Guard with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
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Lahmia Vampires Strig oi Vampires

Lahmia Vampires Wight Lord Battle Wraiths

Standard Bearer (Hero)


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Zombies Ghouls

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

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Skeleton Warriors with Command Group

Bat Swarms
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Black Knights with

Command Group

Grave Guard with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.

Black Coach


Bat Swarms B
Vampire Counts Army Book

Blood Dragon Vampire G

(80 pages of Armies book)
(2 per blister)
Skeleton Warriors Regiment j (2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 20 models with a movement tray) •

Lahmia Vampire G
Black Coach J
(2 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Zombie Regiment J Von Carstein Vampire G
(Boxed set of 20 models with a movement tray) (2 per blister)
Blood Dragon Vampire on a Winged Nightmare K Dire Wolves C
(Boxed set of 1 model) (2 per blister)
Zacharias Vampire on Zombie Dragon M Banshee A
(Boxed set of 1 model) (1 per blister)
Necromancers F (2 per blister)
(2 per blister) Grave Guard command E
Black Knights C (2 per blister)

(1 per blister) r Mannfred von Carstein F


Black Knights Command (1 per blister)

(1 per blister)
Strigoi Vampires B
Spirit Host D
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister)
Wight Lord Battle Standard Bearer D
Ghouls D
(3 per blister) (1 per blister)

Wraiths A Fell Bats D

(1 per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table

A- £3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K - £18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
Skittering and crawling under the surface of the Old World itself the Skaven emerge
in a seething horde of glittering red eyes and gnashing yellow teeth. Their goal is to
dominate the entire Warhammer world in the name of their vile god and master; the
Homed Rat!


S pawned in the dark recesses of the past by the mutating power of warpstone, Skaven are a hideous combination of man
and rat. Fast, vicious and filled with a malign intelligence, a Skaven army fills the tabletop with hordes ot vile ratmen
and their mutated minions.
The bulk of the Skaven army is built upon the fur-covered backs of a living swarm of Skaven warriors. Skaven armies on
the march are a terrifying sight, drowning the battlefield in a sea ot verminous troops. Since Skaven fight more effectively
and are less prone to flee in large groups, Skaven Warlords should make sure that they have at least one or two big units ot
Skaven Clanrats to make up the core of their army.
In addition, a Skaven General will have a choice of many bizarre and powerful special troops drawn from the most powerful
Skaven Warlord clans. From the stealthy Assassins and Gutter Runners of Clan Eshin, to the warpstone mutated
war-beasts of Clan Moulder, Skaven armies have troops to handle any situation. The arcane weapons of Clan Skryre, like
the dreaded Warpfire Thrower, specialise in mass destruction, and the festering Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens arc
perfect for destroying enemy cavalry or even entire regiments!
Successful Skaven armies depend on a little luck, rat-like ingenuity and lots of troops. Over the next few pages players can
see at least one full colour picture of every available Skaven regiment. So what are you waiting for? The Florned Rat doesn't
appreciate lazy servants or, as the Skaven would say - *kDie-die manthings, Skaven rule all!"

Skaven Warlord

Grey Seer

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
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Inside the Skaven Clanrats Regiment boxed set are multi-part

plastic models which can be constructed in an almost infinite
number of ways. The Regiment can be armed with either hand
weapons or spears. Inside you will also find a movement tray and
the special parts needed to model a Commander,
a Standard Bearer and a Musician.


Skaven Clanrats

. , . - , ■. ~T ~ .

Gutter Runners Skaven Plague Monks with Command Group

Warpfire Throwers team Poison Wind Globadiers

vyi O i.ilf ^ 4-

>KAV-.; - VvM-fWWW

Plague Censer Bearers

Possessing an insane hatred of everything and a massive spiked flail

bigger than a man’s head, the Plague Censer Bearers of Clan Pestilens can
chew through a regiment like a knife through butter. In addition, the
burning piece of Warpstone in their Plague Censer shrouds them in a Fog
of Death which can penetrate any armour or defence!

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures showrr75% 6f actualize.
(BL/ $ \ i .
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Plague Censer Bearers

(2 per blister)
Skaven Clanrat Regiment
Poisoned Wind Globadiers A
(Boxed set of 20 models with a movement tray)
(1 per blister)
SKAUEN BLISTERS PRICE BAHDS Skaven Packmaster with Giant Rats
Plague Monks D (1 Packmaster and 4 Giant Rats per blister)
(3 per blister)
Skaven Warlord D
Plague Monks Command
(1 per blister)
(3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Musician)
Grey Seer D
Warpfire Thrower Team D
(1 Warpfire Thrower Team per blister) (1 per blister)

Price band table

A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D- £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H - £10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L-£20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q - £50
All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size

Jr "
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To the north, past any dwellings of mortal man and beyond even the dangerous Troll
Country, resides the Realm of Chaos. Here, where the swirling eddies of raw magic
are strongest, mighty forces gather to sweep southwards into the land of Men.


A s their name implies, a Chaos force can take many different forms. In fact, there are three distinct armies to choose
from : the feral Beastmen, heavily armoured Chaos Warriors and the fell Daemons from the Waip.
Known as the Children of Chaos, the Beastmen are wild and brutish creatures. Beastmen (known as Gors) are tough
opponents, and the biggest and strongest of these troops form into a unit of Bestigors. Ungors are less powerful but more
numerous than their larger brothers, and when used correctly they can swamp the enemy with their sheer numbers. Tuskgor
pulled Chariots, towering Minotaurs, and vicious packs of Chaos Hounds fill support roles or act as shock troops
for a Beastmen army.
The Chaos Warrior army is filled with men who have sold their souls for mortal powers. Protected by spiky steel armour,
these highly skilled warriors can cleave a bloody path through any opposition. Chaos Knights are the hardest hitting heavy
cavalry in the Warhammer world.
Last, but certainly not least, are the Daemon warbands who are each allied with one of the four main Chaos gods - Khorne
the blood god, Tzeentch the Lord of Change and magic, Nurgle the master of plagues, and Slaanesh, the god of luxury and
decadence. Each provides their followers with powers. For instance. Daemon followers of Khorne abhor magic and excel in
hand-to-hand, while the followers of Tzeentch can cast spells, shapeshift, or shoot magical flames.
On the following pages you will find every troop type for the foul minions of the dark gods. Proceed if you dare.

All miniatures are Banners

Beastmen with Command Group Chaos Hounds

Beastmen i\

i j
\JBbs '

Bestigors with
Command Group


Minotaur Champion

Dragon Ogres

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shoyvn 75% of actual size

Daemon Prince Bloodthirster Khorne

Great Unclean One Daemon Prince

Plaguebearers with Bloodletters with

Command Group Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size
Pink Horrors are the
servants of Tzeentch and
are made of pure magic.
They are also an insidious
foe to meet on the
battlefield for when you
manage to kill one. they
split into two Blue Horrors,
doubling your trouble!

Horrors with Command Group

Daemoncttes of Slaancsh with Command Group

Fiends of Slaanesh Flesh Hounds

Flamers of Tzeentch

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size
■m j
Chaos Sorcerers Chaos Lords on Steeds

Chaos Hounds Chaos Warriors Regiment with Command Group

Chaos Chariot Chaos Knights with Command Group

All miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners are not included unless otherwise noted. Miniatures shown 75% of actual size.
Flesh Hound of Khorne B

Chaos Beastman Chariot Khorne Bloodletters Command Group F

(Boxed set of 1 model and a colour banner) (3 per blister - Standard Bearer, Horn Blower & Champion)
Chaos Beastlord Chariot K Fiend of Slaanesh B
(Boxed set of 1 model) (2 per blister)
(2 per blister)
Beastmen D
Daemonette on Steed of Slaanesh F
(2 per blister)
(1 per blister)
Beastmen Command Group E
Daemonette Command Group F
(3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Horn Blower)
(3 per blister)
Beastmen Shaman C
Nurgle Plaguebearers D
(1 per blister)
(2 per blister)
Ungor with Spears D
Nurglings B
(4 per blister)
(9 per blister)
Beastman Lord D
Nurgle Plaguebearers Command Group F
(1 per blister) (3 per blister - Standard Bearer, Musician & Champion)
Ungor Skirmishers C I
. Daemon Prince
(4 per blister) (1 per blister)
Chaos Minotaurs F C
Flamers of Tzeentch
(1 per blister) (2 per blister)
Chaos Minotaur Lord H C
Horrors of Tzeentch
(1 per blister) (1 Pink Horror and 2 Blue Horrors per blister)
Bestigors C Horrors of Tzeentch Command Group F
(2 per blister) (3 per blister - Standard Bearer, Drummer & Champion)
Bestigors Command Group F
(3 per blister - Champion, Standard Bearer & Horn Blower) CHAOS WABBIOBS BOXED SETS PBICE BANDS
Dragon Ogres F Chaos Chariot I
(1 per blister) (Boxed set of 1 model)
Chaos Warrior Regiment I
DAEMON BOXED SETS PBICE BANDS (Boxed set of 12 models and a movement tray)
Greater Daemon of Nurgle - Great Unclean One M
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Greater Daemon of Slaanesh - Keeper of Secrets M Chaos Lord on Steed F
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Chaos Knight D
Greater Daemon of Khorne - Bloodthirster M
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Chaos Knight Command Group D
Greater Daemon of Tzeentch - Lord of Change M
(1 per blister)
(Boxed set of 1 model)
Chaos Sorcerer C
Khorne Bloodletters D Chaos Hounds C
(2 per blister) (2 per blister)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E-£6 F-£8 G - £8 H - £10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L-£20 M - £25 N - £30 P-£40 Q-£50

“The world is divided into

those who have read The
Hobbit and The Lord of
the Rings and those who
are going to read them.
The Sunday Times Battle games in the world of Middle-earth

he above quote perfectly |S &

sums up the impact the WE mmk Mm
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Lord of the Rings has had on w* \m
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the world. One of the best -•« * $I

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selling book of all time, the %>u.;

trilogy has captivated all

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December 2001 sees the first Lord of the '.T'T1 nT

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Rings film hit the silver screen and, in

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conjunction with New Line Cinema, ¥<■ *-r

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Games Workshop is proud to be KV
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releasing the first of its battle games for *.a‘

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these awesome films. 1


Our new Lord of the Rings battle game

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is a tabletop strategy game that lets you
relive the battles and adventures of the ta> !*i
. • • . ^

film. The model design has been carried

f 'A

out by a sculpting team consisting of ‘« ^

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hm Li
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Right: The Elves meet the charge of the /i-



Mordor Ores and Moria Goblins. tsl.

1 e lv.-
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j . »• • ijii Mr

Brian Nelson, Gary Morley, Alan

Perry and Michael Perry. These
. «
world renowned designers have
pulled out all the stops on these
miniatures and each model
accurately reproduces the
appearance of the characters in the
film. Even the tiniest models of
Frodo and Sam bear a remarkable
likeness to their screen
Our plan for the Lord of the Rings
project is to produce three editions
of the game to coincide with the
release of the three films in 2001,
% 2002 and 2003. Each game will
£ «J

build upon the last by adding even

more models and gaming rules,
to expand the scope of the
^ m.

battlefield action as it unfolds

from film to film.

Left: Ringwraiths mass for the attack.


Our Lord of the Rings range consists of

the boxed game itself, containing plastic
miniatures featuring
High Elves, Men of Gondor and
the evil Moria Goblins.
Further boxed sets include the Fellowship
of the Ring, Warriors of Middle-earth,
Ambush at Amon Hen, Escape from
Orthanc, and the Bridge at Kiiazad Dum.
The boxed range is fully supported by a
comprehensive blister range including
more troops such as
Uruk-Hai and Mordor Ores, and
characters like the Ringwraiths,
Isildur and Elrond.
If you want to know more, pop in to your
local Games Workshop store and ask one
of our helpful 1 staff for details, or check
out Games Workshops website: com/lotr

Gandalf Boromir Frodo Ringwraith Mordor Ore

Some boxed sets will contain allied characters, like the Fellowship of the Ring. Others will have all the miniatures you need to re-enact a particular
battle from the movie, such as the Ambush at Amon Hen, and Bridge of Khazad Dum. Models shown above at 100%.


• r- +
Above: The Ringwraiths pursue the Hobbits.

A wizard is never late, Frodo

nor is he early. He arrives
precisely when he means to. ”
Above: The Ringwraiths lead Moria Goblins against Gandalf to Frodo
warriors of the Free People.

The Lord of the Rings, The fellowship of the Ring and the characters and places therein, TM The Saul Zaentz Company dJb/a
• • # • • •••••.» •••• •• ** * •• . * . % • j* ». If * •« » » • *. I

Tolkien Enterprises under licence to New Line Production, inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2001 New Line Productions, inc.
• empire steam tank
IRON hands
battle report

G ames Workshops monthly hobby

magazine White Dwarf is a great
place to look if you want more
information about the wargaming
worlds of Warhammer, Warhammer
40,000 and The Lord of the Rings.
The magazine keeps you up to date
with the latest in the hobby and you
can buy White Dwarf from any
Games Workshop store or
independent hobby stockist, plus
most major newsagents including
selected WH Smith outlets.
To be absolutely sure that you don’t
miss an issue, Games Workshop
Mail Order also provides a
subscription service. They send your
copy direct to your door each
Nrk*^ ALiO . . ,
woatj Wtikoi o.v3
month, as well as saving on the
* a*?* SHAOOWS
' 11“ ws tyran.o
°Aruc hfpoht
cover price, subscribers also gain
!£?** AStaRTes

access to exclusive offers.

W hite Dwarf magazine has stood at the core of the hobby for over 20 years. Its
pages have seen the emergence and evolution of Warhammer Fantasy,
Warhammer 40,000 and all the specialist games, providing the latest information,
rules, background and hobby news every month.
White Dwarf contains features on both Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, and now
includes a section every month on Games Workshops The Lord of the Rings.
Fellowship of the Ring’ game.
In addition it includes painting and hobby articles, showing basic painting techniques
through to advanced terrain making and conversion projects. It also reports on the
hobby in action, from local games clubs to reports from the Grand Tournaments and
Games Day, including detailed pictures of the Golden Demon winning entries.
White Dwarf features the very latest releases every month, but the best read section
of every magazine is the Battle Report. This detailed account of a hard fought battle is
fought out by the designers of the games themselves, and reported step by step so
that you can follow the ebb and flow of the conflict itself.
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The Black Library is Games Workshop's publishing arm, specialising in amazing
fantasy and science fiction set in the grim worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer
40,000. From comic books to novels, calendars to art books, the Black Library's
products are created by some of the industry's leading writers and artists.

A huge range of pulse-pounding novels
set in the Warhammer and Warhammer
40,000 universes! From the deadly
intrigue of Inquisitor Eisenhorn to
savage combat with the dwarf Slayer
Gotrek and young Space Wolf Ragnar;
from perilous adventure in the fantasy
world with the vampire Genevieve and
the stalwart Konrad, to explosive action
in the 41st millennium with
Commissar Gaunt and his regiment of
'Ghosts', these novels plunge you head
first into the action-packed worlds of
Warhammer! All novels £5.99

Look out for these great titles...

(Warhammer 40,00) Gaunt's Ghosts: Honour Guard • Last Chancers: Kill Team • Deathwing • Eisenhorn:
Malleus • Nightbringer • Space Wolf: Grey Hunter • (Warhammer) Gotrek & Felix: Vampireslayer • Drachenfels
• Zavant • Konrad • Genevieve Undead • Konrad: Shadowbreed. Our full range of novels is available from
Games stores, the Black Library website and all good bookshops.

Warhammer Monthly
Inferno! and Graphic Novels
The best in comic strips and short fiction,
brought to you from the fabled halls of the
Black Library. From high fantasy within the Old
World, tooth-and-nail gangfights in the
Underhive of Necromunda, heroic Space Marine
action to the illuminated chronicles of epic
battles. Your favourite strips from the pages of
Warhammer Monthly and Inferno! are collected
together in our range of graphic novels.
Inferno!: £5 • Warhammer Monthly: £2.20
Graphic novels: from £4.99 to £7.50

Art books
Concept sketches, designs and finished
works from some of the most influential
artists and figure designers of the
Warhammer worlds. All bound in lavish,
oversized editions an essential purchase
for anybody with an interest in the
Games Workshop hobby or fantasy &
SF art in general.
The Face of Battle: £15
The Inquisitor Sketchbook: £15
Inquis Exterminatus: £20
The Gothic and the Eldritch: £15

Games Workshop Calendar 2002

With some of the finest full-colour artwork from the
. •.

most talented Games Workshop artists, the Black

Library's 2002 Calendar provides a packed collection of
the latest imagery of the dark and gothic world of
Warhammer 40,000.
Calendar 2002: £10

For more details on these

products and more check our
website at:
Highly detailed resin^models from the wo
of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000
». • % r f ^.'a, r| • . 4 ^ \ ^

Multitudes march to war.. Through the smoke and ruin of destruction they adavnce, an itnstoppable army whose
ranks spill into the broad plain as effortlessly as the flood tide. You look upon them with the unshakeable pride of
the indomitable Warmaster'
Warmaster is a tabletop wargame where players control huge armies of infantry, cavalry, artillery and massive monsters
culminating in the ultimate big battle. This game is decided as much by a general’s ability to command as his troops’
. .«>.•“ ■ m « 4. « ’ - . .L | | . y. I*,!.*. | ) m | , • . Wr ... J *1 . .. i —[ .

prowess in combat. In Warmaster manoeuvre and counter-manoeuvre are more important tha'n mere brute strength.
Players get to execute bold battlefield strategies as imaginative as they are ambitious and can become embroiled in vast
campaigns the outcome of which will determine the fate of the entire Warhammer world.


“ *.

•: -

• • • • • * ,
* Jft

t 4

Warmaster Rulebook Warmaster Armies

All of the rules needed Games Workshop Mail
to play Warmaster can Order carries an extensive
be found in the range of Warmaster
Warmaster rulebook. It miniatures. The range
includes information includes models for all of
for creating and the armies featured in the^ 1^ , I*

collecting an army, Warmaster rulebook, and

combat rules, scenarios more besides! We are
to play, and details of regularly adding new
how to run a models to the current
Warmaster campaign. range of Warmaster
miniatures. From
w -

reinforcements to existing
armies to brand new
armies, you can expand
upon your Warmaster

Games Workshop
publishes a bimonthly
Warmaster magazine filled
With great articles, trial
rules, new armies and
news about the game.
Welcome to the dark world of Inquisitor. This is a narrative wargame • _ _ ^ ^ ^

that allows you to play the part of a bold hero or cruel villain in the
horrifying universe of the 41st millennium, battling in the dark and
forgotten shadows of the galaxy. ^
i W I • ^ B 0 * 4 # i y /fc I | w ' f f J v ^ t A t a i ^ J a Off1 % A L j• 4 ^ f 4 *j • V ' *
M If f i# • v f #. v« ^ aml. teAflf !■ #« # • I^T • IF Iff r • # Jc f ^ • • * « ^ • m a • ^ ^ • % # 1 § 4 j 9 t #• ^if iw « A• AiA 9 * « if • ^ 99 ^ «% * * # ^™ ^

In Inquisitor each player controls one or more characters, who are

represented by large scale miniatures that move aftd fight over a
tabletop battlefield. The rules allow you to recreate the bitter struggle^
fought all across the galaxy in the dark future of Warhammer 40,000.

All of the rules needed to play Inquisitor can be found in the Inquisitor rulebook
It includes information for creating a characters, combat rides, a comprehensive
armoury and ready to play scenario, and extensive guidance for gamesmasters
and players.


Exterminatus magazine is released quarterly and
• * ••d ® — »* _ ^ A ^ V J - ^ m INQUISITOR
contains new rules and articles for the game. You
can follow the adventures of Inquisitor Defay hi MINIATURES
the Warhammer monthly comic and read about Games Workshop Mail Order
Inquisitor Eisenhorn in the first book of the carries an extensive range of
Eisenhorn trilogy. Inquisitor miniatures. The
range includes models for all
of the characters featured in
the Inquisitor rulebook, and
more besides! We are
IO0K ME Of THE BSEXHOM flT0W regularly adding new models
to the current range
of Inquisitor miniatures. From
new Imperial agents and
BfA k * t •* • • *

Aliens to terrain pieces, you

Can expand upon < your
existing Inquisitor collection

Necromunda is a tabletop skirmish game where players control fierce gangs of warriors battling
each other for supremacy in the dangerous underworld of the hives of Necromunda.

The Necromunda game allows you to fight conflicts between rival Underhive gangs on the tabletop. The
VV • ft* ‘ * * 1 ' *> > . • ■ ■ m 9 . t . . . W . . . . . . . f . , .r* . J jC k, mm ... • • . iV’ ■ • V •- •- j *■ • •

opposing gangs are represented by about a dozen models, each representing an individual gang fighter.
The aim of the game is to outfight your opponent. Every time you play Necromunda, your gang
members gain in skill and experience, and you will gain money with which to buy new equipment or
hire new members. Over a series of games you will see your gang grow from a bunch of young hopefuls
to hardened fighters feared throughout the Underhive.

J it | n


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All of the rules needed to
play Necromunda can be
found in the Necromunda
rulebook. It includes
information for creating a
gang, combat rules, a list of
all the weapons and
equipment you can use,
scenarios to play, and
details of how to run a
Necromunda campaign.

. <?
the Of f


Games Workshop Mail Order carries an

*3^ J * I- 9u •
extensive range of Necromunda miniatures,
Games Workshop publishes a The range includes models for all of the
bimonthly Necromunda gangs featured in the Necromunda
magazine filled with great rulebook, and more besides! We are 1 • $ B '

articles and news about the regularly adding new models to the current
game. Stories set on range of Necromunda miniatures. From new
Necromunda feature regularly Gangs and Hired Guns to terrain pieces, you
in Warhammer Monthly, can expand upon your existing Necromunda
Inferno and in the Black collection.
■ I 'N

Library range of novels.

A(\ordheim, city of the damned, a terrible place oj
/nightmarish ruins, where death awaits in every
shadow. Here hard-bitten warriors stalk through the
crumbling palaces and twisting streets, fighting and
dying for the promise of riches and fame.

Mordheim is a dark, atmospheric game set in the

troubled history of the Warhammer World. As a player
you control a warband of warriors who are out to earn
fame and fortune amongst the devastated rums of
Mordheim, the city of the damned. Mordheim is a
skirmish game, the rules being similar to Warhammer
but adding a complexity not possible when
controlling armies of figures. Detailed campaign
rules allow players to link together a series of games
J _in flip warhiinH HpvelOD flCW skills.

Town Cryer magazine is released every
he Mordheim boxed
two months and contains new rules
(shown above)
and articles for the game. It is a vital
contains everything
purchase for any serious Mordheim
need to play, including a
player. Stories set on Mordheim
174 page lavishly
feature regularly in Warhammer
illustrated book, highly
Monthly, Inferno and in the Black
detailed card and plastic
Library range of novels including the
city ruins, 10 Skaven
tales of those two traitorous dogs Ulli
and 8 Mercenaries.
and Marquand.

Coming 6oon: ^irtuaf JDot^etm

Coming soon at
• Check the rumours
page to find out what’s
[happening in the

• Visit the chat room
The Worfands and talk to fellow
Tc*f> Ctyot Pvb'nhad on lho firtl Ai>g*stag of etch Mirntweb
Mordheim FAQ mercenaries
of £>amne$ • Leave reports of your
JOt&tytm ^miatutes Mofdhe«m Web Stare
Mordheim, Ctty of the Damned, o terrible
daring exploits in the
<*X$ct 0*ainr* 6<t in ttk place of nightmarish r\*ns where death
l Order stock a wide range of Mordheim models, tUirkunna awaits in every shadow Here, hardb tten damned city and read
Wwmister wamors stalk through the crumbling peaces
o Mercenary Captains to the daemonic Possessed, Wjihamrn^r

Blood Ocr#»f
and twisting streets, fighting and dying for
the promise of nehes and fsme
|what others have been
range is constantly growing as we bring out new up to.
Comics ©pat it it?
iels like the Amazons shown above for our CetSedtble*

tria setting.
ere is no peace amongst the stars. The Gothic War: a grim time when the
of Mankind battles for survival in a hostile galaxy, plagued by Ork pirates,
corsairs and the most dangerous foe of all... Chaos.
Battlefleet Gothic allows you to command fleets of warships in deadly conflict in the
space. The game system is geared towards out-thinking and out-manoeuvre your opponent
than simply moving forward into combat. However when it is time to fire the game
concentrated fire and deals with damage in a fast and elegant manner. Detailed background
fleet lists are included for the four main space-faring races.

The Battlefleet Gothic

boxed set contains New Threat Alert!!!
everything you need to
get started including, Necron Raiders
Battlefleet Gothic rule
book with campaign
rules, four Imperial
Cruisers, four Chaos
Cruisers, 12 assorted
dice, fleet registry pad,
reference sheets, and
over 100 game counters

Battlefleet Gothic Magazine

is the essential BFG player’s
companion and includes
new rules, fleets lists and The Battlefleet Gothic range of models is
scenarios. Also out is a available from Mail Order. New models and
l brand new Gothic novel by fleets are being added all the time like the
\ Gordon Rennie published Necron Reaper fleets and the Vengeance
^ by the Black Library. class Grand Cruiser. /
In a galaxy tom apart by endless war, huge armies or tanKs ana migniy war
engines unleash untold destruction across the ravaged battlefields of the
41st millennium. Only the fiercest and most cunning general will lead
their army to victory!
Epic 40 000 is a game of conflict on a massive scale. It is designed to put you in the role of an army
commander, deciding how best to use the troops under your command to outwit and destroy the enemy.
In Epic you command 6-12 units called ‘detachments’ each of which is the same size as a whole
Warhammer 40,000 army. The game is designed to be very fast-playing, so you will need to be able to
make decisions quickly, and react to sudden changes in fortune rapidly and decisively. The Epic 40,000
rules emphasise the importance of using firepower to soften up the enemy for a decisive assault.
Because of this you must plan your attacks very carefully; a
but a mistimed one can lead to a fatal reverse!

■ _9 I V •
1 *4

'■y- EA L %]

^ ft 1 M

% I •

The Player's
magazine filled with great
articles and news about the
• »

game. Look out for the IPLAYER’S EDITION

Epic 40,000,
’ exploits of the Titan \
Imperious Dictate and it’s
crew in the pages of painting your own Epic sea
i Warhammer Monthly and in army of Citadel Miniatures
\ Graphic Novels.
Games Workshop Mail Order ^ ^ •*
' SZ-

carries an extensive range of •P5


Epic scale miniatures, including ^ —


titans, vehicles, aircraft and

infantry. The Mail Order range
is complemented by a growing
selection of resin models ; S
produced by the talented Forge ^
World design team. See the y .< MASSIVE ARMIES CLASH IN TH

Forge World page for details of

how to order. . . : Ld


The Gothic War,

of Mankind battles for
dangerous foe of all. $

Battlefleet Gothic allows you to command fleets of warships in deadly conflict in the voids of
space. The game system is geared towards out-thinking and out-manoeuvre your opponent rather
than simply moving forward into combat. However when it is time to fire the game rewards
concentrated fire and deals with damage in a fast and elegant manner. Detailed background and
fleet lists are included for the four main space-faring races.

, •


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The Battlefleet Gothic

boxed set contains New Threat Alert!!!
everything you need to
get started including, Necron Raiders
Battlefleet Gothic rule
book with campaign
rules, four Imperial
Cruisers, four Chaos
Cruisers, 12 assorted
dice, fleet registry pad,
K 'J4 reference sheets, and
over 100 game counters


Battlefleet Gothic Magazine

is the essential BFG player’s
companion and includes
new rules, fleets lists and The Battlefleet Gothic range of models is
J n.
scenarios. Also out is a available from Mail Order. New models and
i brand new Gothic novel by fleets are being added all the time like the
| Gordon Rennie published Necron Reaper fleets and the Vengeance
jgi by the Black Library. class Grand Cruiser. }
r *


Pi ^^

In a galaxy tom apart by endless war, huge armies of tanks and mighty war
engines unleash untold destruction across the ravaged battlefields of the
41st millennium. Only the fiercest and most cunning general will lead
their army to victory!
Epic 40,000 is a game of conflict on a massive scale. It is designed to put you in the role of an army
commander, deciding how best to use the troops under your command to outwit and destroy the enemy.
In Epic you command 6-12 units called ‘detachments’ each of which is the same size as a whole
Warhammer 40,000 army. The game is designed to be very fast-playing, so you will need to be able to
make decisions quickly, and react to sudden changes in fortune rapidly and decisively. The Epic 40,000
rules emphasise the importance of using firepower to soften up the enemy for a decisive assault.
Because of this you must plan your attacks very carefully; a well-timed attack will break the enemy line,
but a mistimed one can lead to a fatal reverse!

We publish a bi-monthly Epic The Player’s Edition pf Epic yWABHAJVIMttt/

magazine filled With great

40,000 includes all of the rules
articles and news abput the
and counters you need to plai
game. Look out for the PLAYER’S EDITION
exploits of the Titan * Epic 40,000, and guides you
Imperious Dictato and it’s through collecting and
i crew in the pages of painting your own Epic scale
l Warhammer Monthly and in army of Citadel Miniatures.
i Graphic Novels.

Games Workshop Mail Order

carries an extensive range of
Epic scale miniatures, including
titans, vehicles, aircraft and
infantry. The Mail Order range
is complemented by a growing
selection of resin models ..
produced by the talented Forge
World design team. See the
Forge World page for details of
how to order.
"Good evening sports fans and welcome to the Blood Bowl for tonight’s contest. You join a capacity crowd,
packed with members from every race from across the Known World, all howling like banshees in
anticipation of tonight’s game. Can you give a quick recap, Jim, for all those who have just joined us”
“Certainly can Bob! Blood Bowl is a violent ‘game’ between two teams of heavily-armoured and quite
insane warriors. Players pass, throw or run with the ball attempting to get it to the other end of the field. Of
course the other team must try and stop them, and recover the ball for their side. If a team gets the ball
into the opponents End Zone it’s called a touch down; the team that scores the most touchdowns by the
end of the match wins the game and are declared Blood Bowl Champions!”

i *
m M


Mail Order has the whole Blood Bowl range in stock, The Blood Bowl boxed game contains everything
including classic models as well as brand new teams you need to play Blood Bowl, This includes two
like the Lizardmen. Don’t forget the all important highly detailed plastic teams (Ores and Humans)
cheerleaders and refs. full colour game board and dugouts, game
counters and dice. Death Zone expands upon the
Visit core rules and allows you to field your teams in
for the best game support leagues, use Special Plays and cast magic.
«H! on the web!

Blood Bowl Magazine is a small slice of BB action cunningly hidden inside the
Citadel Journal every issue. If you prefer a more meaty bite of Blood Bowl we
publish the BB annual once a year which contains ail the articles from the Citadel
Journal and more besides. * ^f
Over r _ few pages you’ll find plenty to help you out get your army started and begin creating a
ba::.-:. _ : _ • er If you are new to wargaming, collecting and painting an army like the ones in this
bock car. seer like a very daunting task. However, putting together a great looking army isn’t difficult, it just
require' .. : . .. ..mce. In this section we’ll give you some hints & tips on how to assemble, paint and base
or rr.n.itures. Your local Games Workshop store is also a great source of hobby advice.

'litere a ays to enjoy the Games

Works h - including painting.
l. collecting and making
*a of the website:
(ivu u . games-u orkshop. com!!hobby {hobby. htm)
you 11 hrsC lots of hobby projects to try.
plus a huge archive of hobby-related
material to explore.


ti» befcre we'd recommend you Iwc a
jre firyiog way of the projects in the main • SET DE INICIACION AL HOBBY • HOBBY STARTERSET • wOmufvo
t t.vpcuil you need, bow to me it, and
project to gel you started. If youVe jmt • SET 01 INTR0DUZI0NE ALL' HOBBY • **-*-te? h* WOJHtSHQJ*
woex 40.000 game, you 11 find instruction'
£* vou get in these boxed sets.

The Hobby starter set is a great way to begin painting your models. It
includes everything a beginner will need to start learning how to paint their
FUftrinm' tiwda t«
miniatures. This boxed set contains eight Citadel paints, a starter paintbrush,
Hew to pan* your modeb
two types of glue, clippers, modelling flock, and a simple guide on how to
paint your miniatures.

Whether you've been playing Games Workshop

games for years, or just want to know where to
start, look no further! There are lots of painting
and modelling projects to try; plus advice on
what tools and equipment you’ll need, and how
to use them. Try playing some of the new
scenarios, or browse through the archive of
new rules, tactics features and battle reports.
Why not liven up your battlefields with some
home-made terrain - making scenery is

r^Cu?5 • • it&tymcPy < • Cfc Ijoocy • covvxsrpcj


Tlw lablr. Tot pautm* and moddkngyoa wfl need a »t**4y UWc. poeftcoed sefeewbere
whir* the hghfang is good, ike nod la a wuviow UnUsi it's a very aid, unwanted table, it’s
best to cover it vnih a lhtek layer of newipaper to protect the surface from scratches and
water spdls If you are domg my modefiag, you!need a cutting mat aa well
Lighting. Hatiral daybghi ti ben for punting. as *t£oal hght distort* the colouri To get
PasMTHiO round tfaes problem, many painters fit a dayfcgb* bulb mto a standard lamp Daybgbi buft>i cart
a bah: that is raid* to real runbght. which makes a better for panting by

Storing your equipment, ti’i • lot more

ccnveaenl £ you can keep your tools and
eqiaptnem eo or near the table where you week If
this isn't possible, ywl need a box or tome fort of
portable c otflaaver to store your rti*T m
PWJtt loaiWPir Afcenubvely. Game* Workshop teds a sturdy
pant station wbch you can use for storage and as
a wosksng wea
SVOftKF\M£ Safety. Ahrayt keep sharp tool* and glue cut of the way of small chfidren and pets

White Dwarf contains features on both Warhammer and Warhammer

F.rtum to man Parting page

40,000, and now includes a section every month on Games Workshop’s

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring’ game. In addition it includes
painting and hobby articles, showing basic painting techniques through to
www. games com advanced terrain making and conversion projects.

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 P - £40 Q-£50S-£100
The first thing you’ll need to do is sort out somewhere to do your painting and modelling. Not all of us are
fortunate enough to have a dedicated area for our hobby, but
any table or desk will do. Make sure that the surface is
covered; newspaper will guard against paint
spillages, but if you are going to be doing any
cutting you’ll need something more substantial,
like an old tray, or a spare piece of board. A good
light source is also important. Natural light is best
and many painters invest in a daylight
bulb to show the colours more truly.
Desk lamps are a good way to ensure
that you get plenty of light on the
subject matter.

A paint station like this one will keep all

your paints and modelling equipment tidy.
See the paint station over the page.

Be careful when using glue and

make sure you read and follow the
instructions on the packaging.

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A- £3 B-E4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F-£8 G - £8 H-E10 I-£12 J - £15 K-E18 L-E20 M-£25'N-£30 PJ- £40 Q-E50S-E100
f4 • • •

Before you can paint your models yotfll need
to assemble them. Plastic miniatures usually
come attached to a frame and the easiest way
to remove them is with a pair of modelling
clippers, being careful not to clip the model
itself. Miniatures often have small pieces of
unwanted metal or plastic attached to them,
which is a necessary part of the moulding
process (you may hear this described as
‘flash’). This can easily be removed using a
modelling knife or a small file. Polystyrene
cement is best for sticking plastic miniatures
together and comes in different forms.
Superglue is the only practical way to stick
metal miniatures (or metal to plastic), but do
be careful because it really does stick to
anything, especially fingers.



Tweezers B

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B • £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F - £8 G - £8 H-£10 I- £12 J - £15 K - £18 L - £20 ML-85 N-£30 P:£40 Q -£50 S • £100
liaVwv*>« V WMn^Oi ^ ^ )»•#% ■■ ^ «

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Here 's a way to paint Empire Spearmen from the Imperial province of over the lighter. Paint the body armour, helmet and spear tip Boltgun
NordUincl. Troops from Nordland wear a split blue and yellow uniform. Metal and any straps Chaos Black. Paint the hands and the face
Start by painting the lighter half of the split colour scheme Bad Moon Bronzed Flesh. Finally use Bubonic Brown on the spear staff. The
Yellow. It’s much easier to apply the darker colour (Enchanted Blue) Spearman is now ready for battle.

Fine detail brush. .£2.00 —v.v»-

Detail brush. .£2.00

Standard brush. .£2.00
Large brush. .£2.50 ''Sent eV.Uoty

Small dry brush. .£2.50 CITM7EJ, > IAIMA * UHUUUfsi

Large dry brush. .£2.50 chapel

Paint brush set. .£6.00
Tank brush. .£3.00
Base coat brush. .£2.00 CITADEL COLOUR
CITADEL COLOUR PAINTS £1.50 EACH 400ml Skull White.D
400ml Chaos Black.D
Skull White Pallid Flesh Rotting Flesh
Chaos Black Nauseating Blue Codex Grey 400ml Matt Varnish.D
Scab Red Imperial Purple Fortress Grey M.jriji [{
Games Workshop sell a variety of spray
Red Gore Liche Purple Shadow Grey paints, in a selection of colours. Ask 'I

Blood Red Warlock Purple Space Wolf Grey staff for details. Citadel Colour paints
Blazing Orange Tentacle Pink Ghostly Grey are almost impossible to remove from
Fiery Orange Midnight Blue Metallics fabrics and other materials once they
Golden Yellow Storm Blue Boltgun Metal have dried. Accidents do happen, so
Sunburst Yellow Regal Blue Chainmail please only start painting if you are CHAOS
Bad Moon Yellow Ultramarines Blue Mithril Silver wearing clothes that you don’t mind
Scorched Brown Enchanted Blue Tin Bitz BLACK
getting paint on.
Bestial Brown Lightning Blue Shining Gold y
Snakebite Leather Ice Blue Burnished Gold
Bubonic Brown Hawk Turquoise Beaten Copper
Vomit Brown Dark Angels Green Brazen Brass
Bleached Bone Snot Green Dwarf Bronze
Dark Flesh Scorpion Green Inks_
Vermin Brown Bilious Green Black
Leprous Brown Scaly Green Yellow
Dwarf Flesh Jade Green Flesh Wash
Bronzed Flesh Vile Green Red
Elf Flesh Camo Green Purple
Sky Blue
ft Orange
Dark Green f*Jk.fO*|UWY If**#


Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F-£8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-£18 L-E20 M-£25'N-£30 F# - £40 Q-£50S-£100
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>jK+y&ar*>‘ P Cutting set

1 Cutting mat, 1 steel rule and
one Modelling Knife

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Self assembly modelling & painting area

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Modelling Gravel Static Grass



One »to base miniatures is to use flock. Start by painting the base all over, in this case with Goblin Green. Be careful not to get any paint on the
feet. Once the paint is dry. paint PVA glue over the top of the base. Put the top of the base into some flock for a few seconds. Take it out and tap the
base to get rid of an excess flock. If there is any flock on the feet, brush it away with a damp paint brush before it dries.

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
C - £4 D - £5 E • £6
A-n B-£4 -^ F • £8 G • £8, ,H - £10 I-£12 J - £15 K - £18 L - £20 " *
E^BL Q-^i° S ‘. £-M
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Large bases

Cavalry bases
• , .•/*f if * v " nBw

Monster bases

Large regimental bases


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Round bases

Warmaster bases

40K Battlefield accessories

(two different sets available)

Price band table. All prices correct at time of going to press. Contents may vary from those shown.
A-£3 B - £4 C - £4 D - £5 E - £6 F-£8 G - £8 H-£10 I-£12 J - £15 K-E18 L - £20 M - £25 N - £30 ^ - £40 Q - £50 S-E100
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BATTLE report



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