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Triumphant in his centuries-long pursuit of his CHARACTERS

beloved Tatyana, Strahd von Zarovich cannot help Several characters from throughout the campaign
but gloat. Wedding invitations have been sent out attend the wedding, as described in the Guest List.
across Barovia, and all are expected to witness this Given the authority Strahd wields over the valley, no
unholy union. In his arrogance, he has invited the guest would willingly rebuke his invitation. Unless
adventurers to his place of power to humiliate them slain or otherwise preoccupied, they will attend,
one last time before draining Ireena Kolyana of her bearing gifts and smiling politely.
life's blood and damning her soul for eternity. If a character is dead or indisposed in your
Might the gods watch over these wayward souls. campaign, but is mentioned here, adapt. Some
Might the strength of their sword-arms and the characters are versatile; others can be substituted. For
courage of their hearts be enough to stand boldly example, if Father Lucian died in the St. Andral's
against the devil's shadow—for here, in Barovia, all Feast event (see "Special Events," Ch. 5), then he can
is not well. It can never be well so long as this valley still officiate the wedding as a vampire spawn if his
and its people live under the curse of Strahd. body was never burned. Otherwise, Strahd forces
Donavich to officiate, and if the man can't, a
WELCOME TO THE WEDDING nondescript officiator takes his place.
The Wedding at Ravenloft is a module balanced for a Bottom line: it's your game. Make it work to the
party of four 9th-level adventurers and is intended story you've already started.
as the opening salvo to the titanic conclusion of
Curse of Strahd. FACTIONS
True to Ravenloft's nature, the deck is stacked This is not a quiet affair, but a ceremony for all
heavily against the adventurers—either they triumph nobles of the realm and loyalists of the devil Strahd.
and live forevermore as heroes or join the legion In his arrogance, the vampire has brought friend and
fools that fell before the devil's claws. They are foe alike here to gawk at his triumph.
joined, however, by several allies, as described If a faction does not make sense for you, change it.
below, to almost even the scales. You can also change the number of agents they have
The adventure spans four acts, but can be to better fit your party's capabilities.
interrupted at any time, advancing straight to the These factions include:
fourth and final act: The Devil's Wedding Night. All Comrades. These individuals stand against the
told, the entire wedding will last up five to seven devil and include Ismark Kolyanovich or Donavich.
hours depending on how quickly your players can Cultists. Eager to demonstrate her ability to Strahd,
act and whether they keep the peace until Act IV. as well as pilfer arcane secrets from his study, Fiona
Wachter has brought four cult fanatics and three
WEDDING OVERVIEW cultists, disguised as Vallakians.
The Wedding at Ravenloft spans four acts: Dusk Elves. Kasimir Velikov has been invited as
I. Greeting the Guests sees the adventurers yet another sleight against his people; he has brought
arriving to Castle Ravenloft, swearing an oath to a retinue of three dusk elf guards.
hospitality, and mingling with the guests. They also Innocents. These characters are noncombatants
have the opportunity to sneak about the castle. that flee from carnage. Some, like the Wachter
II. The Ceremony is the shortest act, featuring the brothers, can be elevated to Comrade or Loyalist
wedding ceremony between the devil and his bride. status at your discretion.
If he yet lives, the Abbot crashes the wedding to Keepers of the Feather. As nobles, the Martikovs
object, offering his flesh golem, Vasilka, instead. have been invited to the wedding. Strahd is unaware
III. The Reception is the calm before the storm. of their lycanthropic nature. They've stationed six
Strahd enjoys his victory lap and, after leaving for his other wereraven agents and 2d4 ravens outside the
marital bed, has his minions betray the adventurers. castle walls to assist the adventurers. Brom and Bray
IV. The Devil's Wedding Night is a modular act Martikov only have 7 hit points each and are
offering several side quests for the adventurers to considered Innocents. This faction is described as
complete, up until they face Strahd at the location "Wereravens" on the Guest List and other sections.
determined by their tarokka card reading.
Loyalists. These individuals include Rahadin, GUEST LIST
vampire spawn, and other characters loyal to the NAME FACTION STATISTICS PG.1
devil Strahd. Adrian Martikov Wereravens LG wereraven 174
Vistani. Strahd has need of minions unafflicted by Anna Krezkova Innocents LG noble 155
Arabelle Innocents NE commoner 38
sunlight or silver and has brought his Vistani
Arrigal Vistani NE assassin 121
servants. Led by Arrigal, these four Vistani thugs are Bray Martikov Innocents LG wereraven 98
the main instruments of Strahd's betrayal of the Brom Martikov Innocents LG wereraven 98
adventurers. Any number of additional Vistani thugs, Cult Fanatics (4) Cultists LE cult fanatic 115
bandits, or spies are at your disposal. Cultists* (3) Cultists LE cultist 115
Werewolves. The pack, led by Kiril Stoyanovich, Danika Dorakova Wereravens LG wereraven 98
attend the wedding as enforcers. These five Davian Martikov Wereravens LG wereraven 174
Dmitri Krezkov Innocents LG noble 145
werewolves hide amongst the sheep in their human Donavich Comrades LG acolyte 46
forms and roam the halls during Act I. Unless the Dusk Elves (3) Dusk Elves N guard 121
adventurers have previously met them, they're none Escher Loyalists NE vampire spawn 70
the wiser that the wolves have come to dine. Fiona Wachter Cultists LE priest 110
Heinrik van der Voort Innocents LE commoner 116
THE VAMPIRE HUNTERS Ismark Kolyanovich Comrades LG veteran 43
Both Rictavio and Ezmerelda d'Avenir can be Karl Wachter Innocents N noble 100
included in this adventure—they would no doubt like Kasimir Velikov Dusk Elf N mage 121
to capitalize on the devil's distraction. Neither, Kiril Stoyanovich Werewolves CE werewolf 201
Krezkite Nobles (8) Innocents LN noble N/A
however, have been invited unless they're the
Lief Lipsiege Innocents CE commoner 62
destined ally of the adventurers. Ezmerelda can be Lucian Petrovich Comrades LG priest 97
found stalking the castle via a Random Encounter. Luvash Vistani CE bandit captain 121
Given their importance in Curse of Strahd, it's Lydia Petrovna Innocents LG commoner 105
possible that Strahd has already found and slain Nikolai Wachter Innocents N noble 100
either of the two, in which case he would use them as Rahadin Loyalists LE (see appendix D) 237
added vampire spawn for the wedding. If Sasha Ivliskova Loyalists NE vampire spawn 89
Urwin Martikov Wereravens LG wereraven 98
Ezmerelda d'Avenir has been reduced to such a state, Vallakian Nobles* (5) Innocents LG noble N/A
she serves as a bridesmaid to Ireena Kolyana. Vargas Vallakovich Innocents NE noble 105
The status of these two are left up to you; the Vistani Thugs (4) Vistani NE thug N/A
module has been written assuming they're not Werewolves (4) Werewolves werewolf N/A
1 Found in Curse of Strahd
2 Invited to the reception, but not the ceremony
When the adventurers arrive, they're expected to THE FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT
swear to an oath of hospitality. They will offer no The adventurers' tarokka reading can affect this
violence or disrespect to their host and his guests module in several ways.
unless they've been attacked.
In truth, this fragile peace is merely a ploy by
If an artifact lies within the castle, the adventurers
Strahd to ensure that things go as planned. Once
ought to go searching for it during Acts I or III.
Ireena has been married and slain, he intends to
round up the adventurers to be her first meal come DESTINED ALLY
the hour of her dark rebirth. With exception to a few characters, Strahd would
invite the party's destined ally to the wedding as well,
whether or not he knows that the character has sided
Should any character succumb to lycanthropy,
with the adventurers.
inform them that the full moon is still days or weeks
Characters that would not normally be invited and
away—but Strahd is the Ancient. Strahd is the Land.
must then find another means of entry include:
In Act IV, he reaches out to hurl the moon from its
• Clovin Belview • Sir Godfrey Gwilym
lofty bed and into the Barovian sky so that in this • The Mad Mage • Sir Klutz Tripalotsky
newfound bloodlust, these wolves turn their fangs • Pidlwick II • Vasilka
and claws on those that once were friends. • Rictavio
See Act IV for more information.
DESTINED SHOWDOWN • Were the Vallakoviches executed?
Fate is a fickle thing. In regard to the adventurers' • Has Lady Wachter seized Vallaki?
• Was the Abbot met? Does he yet live? Does Vasilka?
tarokka reading that determines where they will find
• Were the Keepers of the Feathers helped by the
Strahd in the castle, you may need to bend the rules. adventurers in any way?
Follow these guidelines. • Has Kasimir Velikov received his dark gift from the
Before the Wedding. If the adventurers proceed Amber Temple?
immediately to their destined showdown, they find • Has the werewolf pack been annihilated?
Strahd there—but the vampire need not stay. If they
decide to fight, Strahd eventually retreats by phasing PLAYERS' PREPARATIONS
through a wall with his lair action and orders his The players are not just mute witnesses to a wedding
castle guard and minions to hold them off. This in this module and have opportunities for their own
module then becomes a dash to the chapel to stop the creativity. The players are encouraged to:
wedding—at your discretion. Write Toasts. Each adventurer should have a toast
During the Wedding. If the adventurers' destined prepared for the happy wedding couple. Incendiary
showdown is to occur in an area used for the wedding toasts are either met by Strahd's mocking smile, or
(for example, the Audience Hall (area K25)), they Rahadin's glare.
might interpret it as both the time and place of their Give Gifts. Each adventurer is expected to bring a
battle—when in fact, it is only the place. Later, in Act wedding gift and will present it during the reception.
IV, the adventurers return to this place, they will find It would be a great insult to not present their host a
Strahd there. gift for such an important event.
Scheme. The adventurers are encouraged to have a
PREPARATION battle plan ready. You can guide them through this
While this module has been written to alleviate as with a Socratic method with these questions:
much work for you as possible, it does assume you • Will you object during the wedding?
have basic knowledge of the campaign's several • How would you stop Strahd from killing and turning
Ireena Kolyana?
characters and their motivations.
• What do you intend to do after it all goes to hell?
Because this is the conclusion to a months-long
campaign, your story can hardly be expected to align
perfectly with what's written here. Characters may ARTWORK
have died off or been modified in the course of your Glory to our most-anticipated artists:
campaign. The Wedding at Ravenloft operates under
this assumption but requires you to take the initiative DEAN SPENCER
Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with
to check for plot holes when in regard to your
permission. All rights reserved.
campaign. Before you run this module, you should • Vampire: Cover Page
ask yourself the following questions, adjusting • Desert Gear: pg. 5
accordingly based off the answers: • Mage Reading: pg. 25
• Has Rahadin, Ismark Kolyanovich, or Ireena Kolyana • Skeleton Attacking: pg. 27
been slain? Have any other characters mentioned in this • Werewolf: pg. 21
• Are any of the characters at the wedding, like Arrigal, JACK HOLLIDAY
the party's destined ally? Does this conflict with the Some artwork © 2017 Jack Holliday, used with
module? permission. All rights reserved.
• Was St. Andral's Feast thwarted? If not, did Father • Dusty Ruins: pg. 11
Lucian die to Strahd? Was his body burned?

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This
material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

Might your gods watch over you. Might the strength of
ACT I: GREETINGS THE GUESTS your arms and the courage in your hearts be enough to
Dismal rain wails against the castle's windows and overcome this final challenge—for here in Barovia, all is
walls while inside guests whisper amongst not well. It can never be well so long as this valley and its
themselves. Corpses in armor stand guard against people suffer under the curse of Strahd.
spies and dissenters, and all in the air is the worry Dare you end it?
that tonight will be red—but by Strahd's hand or the
adventurers,' they do not know. 1B. OUR MOST ANTICIPATED GUESTS
When the adventurers reach the Front Courtyard
ACT I OVERVIEW (area K1), they're greeted by Cyrus Belview, Strahd's
Act I spans five chapters, and covers the adventurers' faithful mongrelfolk servant. This text assumes they
arrival to Castle Ravenloft and their efforts up until arrived via carriage and horses. Modify it as needed:
the ceremony begins. The adventurers are disarmed The courtyard teems with thick, cold fog. Lightning
(under threat of expulsion) and sworn to guest right lances the weeping clouds while thunder shakes the very
but can recover their contraband later. stones of this place. A hunched figure shelters from the
dismal rain nearby, nursing his lantern. As your carriage
1. ARRIVAL TO RAVENLOFT pulls up, his monstrous face comes into view: scales line
his left cheek; panther's ears protrude from his hood, and
It's assumed adventurers arrive in a carriage; either one foot is that of a duck's. When his yellowed gob opens,
they've brought their own or they can take the Black you find that his voice is as grating and hideous as his
Carriage (see Area I, Ch. 2). The drawbridge is no face.
longer trapped; there is no risk of falling over. "Ah, it's you! Yes, yes! Welcome to Ravenloft! Your
arrival is most anticipated, most anticipated indeed! I am
1A. APPROACHING CASTLE RAVENLOFT the master's servant, Cyrus of Belview. Welcome!" The
No matter from where the adventurers start their trek beast of a man chuckles, rubbing his hands together.
to Castle Ravenloft, they find that Barovia has no "Your horses, oh your horses! I will take your horses!
new troubles to offer them. No wolves harry their You, yes, into the keep with you! Most anticipated, oh
trip. No amount of rain can turn the Svalich Road yes!"
into mud. The land itself bends to the will of That hideous mongrel reaches out for your horses' reins
Strahd—and it is the devil's will that his greatest foes Even they seem repulsed. Cyrus points you toward the
arrive on time for their humiliation. Read: keep: the main doors are ajar. Warm light spills out into
The road that has been so fraught with peril is eerily quiet the courtyard only to be devoured by the fog.
on this last journey. Ruts of previous wagons mark the The adventurers are the last of the guests; regardless
Svalich Road like fossils as you venture closer to Castle of whether the they arrived via the Black Carriage or
Ravenloft. Through those silent hills and watchful forests by their own, Cyrus takes it and the horses to the
your carriage continues on with no music but the sound of Carriage House (K4).
hooves and nervous silence.
Farther east you go as the day darkens into dusk and the ROLEPLAYING CYRUS BELVIEW
wind begins to howl like a neglected child. The rain swells Cyrus is Strahd's chaotic evil faithful servant, and a
from mere tears to a storm that shakes the very valley. crass, rambling lunatic. He's hunched at 4 feet, 9
But the roads, you notice, do not turn to mud. They do inches and has the Keen Hearing and Smell feature.
not worsen. Curiously enough, the closer you draw to His left cheek is scaled, and his ears are that of a
Ravenloft, the quicker the wheels turn. The faster your panther. His webbed foot causes him to shamble
mounts move. As you near the belly of the beast, it seems unevenly. See pg. 77, Ch. 4 for more information.
to welcome you.
Just as you crest that last hill, the tallest of Ravenloft's
spires hails you, its awesome presence both startling and 2. THE OATH OF HOSPITALITY
ominous. A drawbridge spans a gorge that plummets into Once inside the Entry (K7), the adventurers face
unseen depths, and its chains moan with the wind. Rahadin and six wights. The chamberlain has come
And so, it has come to this, heroes: the darkest hour of to ensure that the master's most dangerous guests
your quest. You stand in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft,
in the shadow of the devil himself. The road has been
understand the rules of the evening.
paved with blood and broken hopes. Will you triumph If the adventurers offer violence, Rahadin can call
against Strahd? Or will you join the legion of fools buried for reinforcements. The Vistani, werewolves, and
beneath his iron heel? other allies of the devil in nearby areas can arrive in

2 rounds. Additionally, Rahadin can shut the door "Swear to me, here and now, at this hour. Swear to me,
and wake the four red dragon wyrmlings in K7. as brother and servant of Strahd of House von Zarovich,
When the characters enter the Entry (K7) read: lord of this house, lord of Barovia. Swear to spill no
The light is almost blinding as you step from that dismal blood, unsheathe no sword, respect thine host, and obey
rain and into the entry, but it's hardly inviting. Cold and his laws. Swear to this, all of it, or begone."
distant music floats from the innards of the keep. A character that succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
Overhead, in the vaulted foyer, dragon statues glare (History) check, or has the Noble background, is
down, their glossy eyes flickering in the torchlight. quite familiar with guest right and the oath of
Corpses clad in armor stand in the corners of the room and hospitality and can find no tricks in the language
an elf motions you forward: Rahadin, chamberlain of offered by Rahadin.
Castle Ravenloft and honorary brother to Strahd himself.
The countless souls of those this fanatic has slain howl in 2B. DISARMING OUR HONORED GUESTS
the silence of the hall, only drowned out in the outside Before the adventurers may continue, Rahadin
crash of thunder. demands they relinquish their arms and armor. Given
Rahadin's grim voice intones, "Our most anticipated that they've acquired guest right, their worries should
guests. Please step forward and be recognized in the be soothed by this new development. Read:
House of von Zarovich." The wights loiter silent about, their eyes far too intelligent
2A. SWEARING OF GUEST RIGHT for your liking. They seem to regard your mortal frames
with more hunger than intrigue.
Rahadin expects the adventurers to swear to the oath With the oath sworn, you move towards the Grand
of hospitality: a mutual assurance of protection Entry—but Rahadin blocks your way. His eyes narrow.
between guest and host. So long as the adventurers "This is not yet done, guests." He throws this last word as
obey guest right—spill no blood, unsheathe no if it were an insult. "Given your history," the elf says, "I
sword, respect thine host, and obey Strahd's laws— must insist that you disarm yourselves. It is, after all, a
they need not worry about being attacked first. wedding. Your belongings will be returned to you at
Of course, this is all a ruse. After the reception, evening's end, and our lord has promised that no harm will
Strahd intends to make these most-anticipated guests come to you and yours tonight should you... behave."
Ireena Kolyana's first tasting when she awakens as a If the adventurers protest, they find that this is
vampire spawn at tomorrow's dusk. Rahadin, nonnegotiable. Rahadin will not allow even the
however, is inscrutable. smallest chance that the adventurers can disrupt his
Read the following: brother's wedding. To refuse now would be to break
Rahadin's lips are pressed into a flat line. "As honored guest right—Rahadin, as a servant of Strahd, could
guests of Count Strahd, there are expectations to be had. expel them for such a refusal.
Guest right will not be ignored, and you must swear to the The wights frisk and collect the adventurers one by
oath of hospitality. Tonight, we celebrate this union. No one. Characters can attempt to hide small objects,
harm shall come to you in these halls unless you provoke such as daggers or the hilt of the sunsword, with a
it—and so the lord of this house expects the same. DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
Once the wights have the adventurers' belongings,
they leave for the dungeons by way of the South
Tower Stair (K21) and scatter the objects throughout
the zombie-infested waters of the Torture Chamber
(K76). All guests on the main floor see this black
parade and can inform the adventurers.
"If you've brought gifts, like any sensible guest would,"
Rahadin says in his stony voice, "I shall see that they're
delivered with the others. I do hope you've brought
something worthwhile for the gracious host of this house."
Rahadin collects any gifts brought by the
adventurers, turning to the unseen servants that roam
the Grand Entry (K8), or the wights for heavier gifts.

Before the adventurers part, Rahadin has one last After being announced, the characters cross into the
warning for Ravenloft's most-anticipated guests. Grand Entry. Read:
Rahadin straightens. His hands curl into fists. The The hall vaults into a grand entry supported by
countless souls slain by the elf howl like abandoned cobwebbed columns. Under decaying frescoes guests
children in an otherwise silent hall. huddle in disparate clusters, trading hushed whispers
"No doubt, you have some plans," the elf says. "Some while the storm rages outside. Platters of wine and other
delusions of grandeur. A scheme up your sleeve, and refreshments are held aloft by unseen hands that roam
doomed hope in your hearts. throughout the hall until someone, anyone, takes a chalice
"Listen to me, and listen to me well," he says. "This is or appetizer. Organ music floats throughout the halls,
the day of my brother's wedding. A wedding he has haunting and surreal.
waited four hundred years for. For Strahd, I slaughtered All eyes, you notice, are on you, Strahd von Zarovich's
my own people—cut down to the very last mother holding most anticipated guests.
her very last child. Should you endanger this wedding, ask
yourselves what I will do to you. Have we reached an ISMARK & DONAVICH
understanding?" Ismark and Donavich (if he's not officiating the
Once done, Rahadin excuses himself to oversee wedding; otherwise, he is preparing in the chapel)
wedding preparations, heading towards the Audience lean against the wall in brooding silence. They watch
Hall (K25) via the Grand Landing (K19). the adventurers with stony faces. When they
approach, read:
Ismark Kolyanovich cradles a glass of wine in one hand,
3. MINGLING WITH THE GUESTS the other on the hilt of his longsword. "My father is rolling
The halls are occupied with the various guests and in his grave as we speak, friends. I ask you only once:
served by several unseen servants carrying platters what is the plan?"
of wine and other refreshments. There's just short of Ismark's sword-arm is strong and his heart is true. He
an hour until the ceremony begins, but with so many will not accompany the adventurers around the castle
eyes watching them, how can adventurers sneak off? in Act I, for he must give Ireena away at the start of
Announcing... As the characters cross the the ceremony, but he promises his strength later on.
threshold from area K7 to K8, the enchantment
wakes a disembodied voice that announces Strahd's THE KREZKITE PARTY
most-anticipated guests. The voice isn't omniscient; The remainder of the Krezk party, Dmitri Krezkov
it only recognizes those that Strahd has designated. and his wife Anna, along with eight Krezkite petty
If a character that Strahd did not anticipate arrives nobles, three of which are invited to the ceremony,
with the party, the voice remains silent. The flock together in the Guest Hall. They're visibly
enchantment lavishes titles and pomp on the guests. jumpy and do their best to stay away from Strahd's
An example would be, "Announcing Victor of House most-anticipated guests. If the adventurers try to
Vallakovich, heir apparent to the barony of Vallaki." speak to Dmitri Krezkov, read:
"I want nothing to do with you," Dmitri Krezkov warns.
So too does the voice mock characters when His hands tremble in manic worry. "I want only to leave
possible. When Kasimir Velikov arrived, it this wretched place and return to where things might not
announced, "Announcing Kasimir Velikov, Doom of be well, but at least make sense. Do not rope us into your
the Dusk Elves." schemes."
Guests. The guests are clumped in various groups
across areas K8, K9, K14 and K19. The adventurers THE DUSK ELVES
would be shocked to see that only they have been Much to your surprise, a small party of dusk elves led by
Kasimir Velikov himself are in attendance. The earless elf
disarmed: all the devil's minions and the Barovian
glances at you with a tangle of dejection and hope.
nobility have retained their weapons, if any.
As one last affront to the dusk elves, Strahd has
Relevant Areas. This chapter includes areas K8-
demanded their presence at the wedding—repayment
10, K14, and K19.
for the bride previously lost to Kasimir's stoning. The
dusk elf mage and his three guards wallow about
before the wedding begins.
Kasimir's Dark Gift. If Kasimir has attained the
power to restore life to the dead (see Ch. 13), he and
his dusk elves are instead defiant and confident
(while secretly nursing their nervous hope deep in the crone's notes and has gleaned—from Lysaga's
their hearts). They intend to slip away during the witches' reports—that the "Heart of Sorrow" shields
reception and make for Patrina Velikovna's crypt Strahd from harm. She would pass this information
(see Crypt 21, K84). Read: onto the Keepers, and thus Davian can add:
Kasimir wrings his hands together. His eyes are bright— "The hag of Berez—Baba Lysaga—had many agents here
desperation or hope, who knows? "We're prepared to in the castle to watch over Strahd. Her minions spoke of
move onto the catacombs during the festivities. To this crystal thing—the 'Heart of Sorrow,' they call it. So
Patrina's crypt. Will you join us?" long as it beats, the devil Strahd cannot be harmed."


When the adventurers enter the Guest Hall, read the Knights of carved stone line this grand hall, armed with
description for area K9 (pg. 56). The only additions marble spear and shield. Their eyes seem to regard you.
are a sign posted before the South Tower Stair (K21), Cobwebs hang from the arched ceiling like drapes while
and that the Martikovs are clumped together. dust chokes the torchlit air. At the far end, a symbol of
beaten bronze shaped into a setting sun hangs above
The posted sign reads:
double doors. Whispers bounce off the stones of this place
All Guests as nobles speak amongst themselves.
Are Asked to Remain on the Main Floor
Trespassers will be Punished Accordingly THE VALLAKIAN PARTY
and Guest Right Revoked Baron Vallakovich and wife Lydia Petrovna trade
pleasantries with well-attired peers. The baroness giggles
like a shrieking hawk, interrupting the quiet of the hall,
THE MARTIKOVS and eliciting an eyeroll from Lady Wachter nearby.
The Martikovs, dressed in blue attire, share whispers. The
six of them seem to twitch at the slightest sound, no matter
The Baron has brought as his entourage a tangle of
the distance. Vallakian petty nobles and well-to-do merchants,
Davian and Adrian have attended as part of the totaling twelve in all. Four are actually cult fanatics
envoys from Krezk, while Urwin and Danika and secretly serving Wachter and have been invited to the
their two sons, Brom and Bray, have come with the ceremony. Another three are cultists. With a detect
Vallaki party. Much to their "great honor" the boys magic spell, a character can ascertain that these
are acting as the ring bearers for the ceremony. individuals are spellcasters.
Assuming the adventurers have become privy to Heinrik van der Voort. For playing his part in
the Martikovs' secret, and are allied with the Keepers stealing the bones of St. Andral, Heinrik has been
of the Feather, Davian informs them that he has their invited (dragged) to the ceremony. He wants only to
back. Read: be free from this madness and return to his quiet life
Davian Martikov leans in for a handshake, and whispers, as the town pariah. This attention leaves him sweaty
"I have six of my finest birds out along the parapet. Say and manic.
the word, and they're yours. So... What, I must wonder, is The Wachter Sons. Nikolai and Karl stand apart
the plan?" from the rest of the party; several chalices of wine
The Keepers of the Feather have been staking out the are on the floor, and now they share a bottle—swiped
castle since the wedding was announced and can from an unseen servant's platter. They've an
offer simple information on the castle—including the escapade to offer the adventurers. Read:
insidious Heart of Sorrow. Alas, none of the agents Nikolai and Karl, already rosy in the cheeks from wine,
dared to flutter into Strahd's halls, and their pull you aside. Grinning ear to ear, Nikolai tells you,
information is limited. The Martikovs themselves "Listen to me. Listen to me very well. Somewhere in the
have only visited Castle Ravenloft a handful of times count's wine cellar lies Champagne du lu Stomp. The
winery hasn't made that vintage in years. Every ounce is
in their lives and rarely did they roam.
gold. This is a once in a lifetime chance to taste the finest
Before the adventurers part ways, the Martikovs wine of all Barovia. Will you join us on this caper,
warn them of the Heart of Sorrow. Read: friends?"
"Our birds..." Davian Martikov begins, swallowing The vintage is in area K63, the Wine Cellar. These
loudly. "They saw something in the center tower. Some...
crystal thing. Utterly massive. And on the wind, they
idiots are ready to move now or during Act III.
heard it: a heartbeat."
If Baba Lysaga was defeated in the Ruins of Berez
(see Ch. 10), then Muriel Vinshaw studied some of
K19. GRAND LANDING Rahadin will direct the characters to the Dining
When the adventurers reach the Grand Landing, read Hall (K10), and personally escort the chosen
the description for K19 (pg. 58). The only additions adventurer up to Ireena in the Guest Room (K50) via
are the Vistani drinking on the steps and a posted sign the South Tower Stair (K21).
which reads:
All Guests While preparations are under way, Strahd invites the
Are Asked to Remain on the Main Floor adventurers to a glass of wine in the Dining Hall
Trespassers will be Punished Accordingly (K10). This event runs concurrently with "The Bride
and Guest Right Revoked Asks a Favor" if the adventurers do not protest to
being split up. Unlike the default encounter, the
THE VISTANI illusion here lasts here until Strahd wills otherwise.
Six brightly-dressed men and women—Vistani, all—sit At the end of the conversation, the hall is not plunged
about the steps sharing skins of wine. They regard you
into darkness.
with grins and great interest.
The illusion here is an avatar of Strahd; he speaks
Arrigal, a Vistani assassin and his brother Luvash, a
and acts through it, but it is incorporeal and cannot
bandit captain, mill about with their brethren: four
attack and is immune to damage. A dispel magic
Vistani thugs.
spell (DC 16) destroys the avatar.
All the Vistani here are loyal to Strahd. These six
When the adventurers enter the Dining Hall,
have been invited to the wedding, while their fellows
narrate its description (pg. 56).
roam the castle (see the "Vistani Thugs" Random
You should prepare and personalize a speech that
Event, Ch. 4) and will report the adventurers' actions
references the past deeds and characteristics of the
to Strahd or Rahadin.
adventurers but also include this:
The Vistani know the suits of armor (see K19) are The devil Strahd offers a fanged smile. "You truly are the
trapped and cackle madly at any character that greatest foes I have ever faced—and that is why at dawn
triggers them. tomorrow, you may leave Barovia forever. Whatever
Luvash. If the adventurers saved Arabelle (see blood there is between, consider it washed away. So long
Area L, Ch. 2) Luvash bears them no ill will. He'll as I have Tatyana, I need nothing more in this life. We
even implore them to keep the peace, so as not to met as enemies so let us part, perhaps not as friends, but
throw away their lives. Arrigal has left Luvash in the as equals."
dark on the betrayal planned during the reception Whatever the devil promises, it's a lie. This is
(see Act III), for the cur rightfully believes Luvash Strahd's ultimate hour: the feast for his arrogance. To
has a soft spot for the adventurers now. have Tatyana and humiliate his greatest foes is far
too great to pass up. All this serves is to distract the
4. THE BRIDE AND GROOM adventurers while the true Devil moves in on their
fated ally (see "The Devil's Enemy: Charmed"
Rahadin approaches the adventurers before they can below).
run off, stark and brooding. Strahd has requested a
word with the men, and the bride has a favor to ask 4B. THE BRIDE ASKS A FAVOR
one of the adventurers. Read: Ireena Kolyana has a favor to ask one lucky
A storm approaches—some unsettling storm that rages adventurer. This event runs concurrently with "A
just beyond your hearing. Rahadin. The elf stalks up to Drink with the Groom."
you, as stony-faced as ever while the souls of his countless Relevant Areas. This section includes areas K21,
victims wail from beyond the grave. "Gentlemen. Count K47, K49, and K50 (pgs. 59 & 69-70).
Strahd would like a word over wine. A last toast before
If the adventurer is female, Ireena asks her to be her
the ceremony. He's expecting you in the Dining Hall. The
bride has a favor to ask as well; she's preparing up in the maid of honor. If the adventurer is male, she wants
Guest Room of the South Tower." him to be a groomsman.
If the adventurers have at least one female character, Rahadin leads the adventurer up the South Tower
Ireena intends to ask her to be the maid of honor. If Stair. The chamberlain will answer questions if
there are no female adventurers in the party, then asked—he's in a good mood, after all. It's his
choose one male; Ireena will ask him to be a brother's wedding, and should the happy couple tie
groomsman—as Rahadin is Strahd's best man. the knot, Rahadin knows Strahd will never be
Read the following as the characters ascend: When Rahadin returns ("The bride will see you
Rahadin leads you up the staircase. The silence is tense, now.") he holds open the door for the player. Read
broken only by the long-lost wails of the countless men the following as they enter the Guest Room (K50).
and women the elf has slain. If he notices, he does not No expense has been spared on this guest room. A four-
show it. You find yourself holding back, just to escape the corner bed canopied with a black curtain and gold
periphery of that deathly choir. trimmed sits at the center of the room.
Outside thunder cracks, and the cold rains patter upon Ireena Kolyana sits on a divan as Danika Dorakova
the windows, but here in the staircase the air is stale, fusses with the bride's hair—this woman from that dismal
stifling. Finally, after minutes of climbing, you reach a village below the mists is simply breathtaking. The devil
darkened landing. has clearly lavished his fiancé in gems and gold since
A cold wind sweeps down from a nearby offstair, seizing her. A golden locket sporting a ruby the size of a
rattling the iron ring of a trapdoor set into the floor. An pinecone drapes Ireena's neck. Her smile is as bright as
immaculate rug stretches before a framed portrait of a the sun of the distant world you dimly remember. "You've
young, handsome man with a serene yet penetrating gaze come," Ireena says. "You've actually come."
that seems to look beyond time and into the space of the Her eyes glance beyond you; you turn and see a once-
soul itself. beautiful woman in a scarlet bridesmaid's dress staring at
The characters arrive to the Portrait of Strahd (K47) you with a fanged smile.
on Map 6, (pg. 69). The rug of smothering and Ireena is terrified but puts on a brave face. She clings
guardian portrait remain dormant so long as the to a desperate hope that all will be well—and failing
adventurer remains in the presence of Rahadin, that, Strahd has promised that during their marriage,
though the portrait is alive and knows whether things the vampire will see that her people will clothed and
have gone awry. If the adventurer attempts to steal fed, and her brother equipped with the tools and
Ireena Kolyana away from this place, the portrait and funds to improve the village. Ireena doesn't believe a
rug both attack. word, but it's the only consolation she can find.
Rahadin clears his throat and leads you past the portrait The woman beside the door is Sasha Ivliskova, one
into a nearby room. Thunder shakes the tower, answered of Strahd's older vampire spawn brides. She's been
by groaning beams that one day won't be able to take the freed from her crypt (see Crypt 20, K84) and
ceiling's weight.
freshened up to serve as a bridesmaid—another layer
Bookcases line the wall, peering off through the steel
latticework windows. On an old and faded couch lounges
of security to ensure no one steals away Strahd's
a handsome young man dressed in elegant but faded beloved. Sasha is jealous of Ireena's freedom and the
fabrics. attention Strahd defers to her. More so, in her time as
Rahadin gives the young man a dismissive glance. Strahd's plaything, Sasha had to listen to Strahd
"Escher," he says. "How is our bride?" prattle on about "Tatyana." Years of being confined
The man sneers, "Heart's still beating." to her crypt has festered this resentment, but, alas,
Rahadin rolls his eyes and knocks at the door. "Ms. she obeys Strahd's command.
Kolyana? You have a guest." Danika Dorakova, a wereraven agent of the
Escher looks to you with a wolfish grin, "Enjoy this last Keepers of the Feather, is Ireena's only sympathetic
word with her; eternity's as Strahd's plaything awaits… If bridesmaid and her sole means of remaining sane
only some of us could be so lucky, no?"
with imminent death and damnation staring the poor
Rahadin checks on Ireena before letting the girl in the face. If the adventurer asked here is male,
adventurer enter, leaving him or her with Escher for Danika is instead the maid of honor.
a brief moment. After Ireena has asked an adventurer to partake in
Escher is afraid and has been taking it out on the wedding as either a maid of honor or a
Ireena. He believes that his freedom is about to come groomsman, Rahadin clears his throat and insists
to a close—what use will Strahd have for Escher they part. Ireena embraces the adventurer and asks
when at long last he's been reunited with his beloved her favor:
"Tatyana"? Escher fears that the vampire will discard As she embraces you, Ireena Kolyana whispers in your
him and confine him to the crypts like so many of ear, "Do not let me marry that monster. I would rather die
Strahd's past brides and lovers. He would like a thousand deaths than be his. He calls me… Tatyana."
nothing more than to rip out Ireena's throat, ending Rahadin then escorts the adventurer from the room,
this threat to his freedom, but knows he'd provoke and back down the South Tower Stair, passing Strahd
doom if he even tried. himself ascending to go speak with Ireena

Kolyana—to vampirically charm her before the The wights took the adventurers' gear from the
wedding. Read: Entry (K7) to the Torture Chamber (K76) South
As you and Rahadin descend the cold steps, you hear Tower Stair (K21). They were not subtle, and several
footfalls nearby. Thunder beckons outside. The spiral guests saw the undead descend the stairs into
twists—and out from the dark walks Strahd von Zarovich blackness. Many, like the Martikovs, will tell them.
himself, grinning ear to ear. "Good evening, my most- When the adventurers approach the stairwell, read:
anticipated guest. Your stay, I hope, has been pleasant. I'd The spiral staircase leads only to darkness—and your last,
stay, but there are... other matters to attend. If you'll doomed hope. What chance do you have against the devil
excuse me." Strahd without your arms? Where in those black depths
To the adventurer this hints that the encounter with have they stored your weapons?
Strahd in the Dining Hall is a farce—and all but The posted sign reads:
confirming it for any players that are watching the
scene unfold. What, they might wonder, was Strahd All Guests
Are Asked to Remain on the Main Floor
up to while they were speaking with an illusion?
Trespassers will be Punished Accordingly
4C. THE DEVIL'S ENEMY: CHARMED and Guest Right Revoked
While the adventurers sit with the illusory Strahd, the The message is merely meant to scare the
devil himself intends to isolate the destined ally of adventurers; Strahd will revoke guest right when the
the party and attempts to charm them. Later, should moment suits him. It would please him to see the
battle erupt, Strahd intends to "activate" the ally, adventurers tip-toeing around on eggshells.
turning him or her against the adventurers. The South Tower Stair leads to areas K61 and K73,
Amidst the crowd, Strahd will approach his fated the Elevator Trap and the Dungeon Hall,
enemy, and attempt to charm them (DC 17 Wisdom respectively. The wights have taken the adventurers'
saving throw; see Strahd's statblock in Appendix D). belongings and scattered them across the zombie-
If successful, he will command them to betray the infested waters of the Torture Chamber—Strahd has
adventurers at the most opportune moment. no intention of returning his foes' weapons.
The adventurers, once reunited with their ally, can
notice something's off with a DC 16 Wisdom THE ELEVATOR TRAP
(Insight) check; the character seems dazed. The South Tower Stair's first stop is at area K61, the
Most allies have a relationship with other Elevator Trap. Run it as it's written (as described on
characters present at the wedding, such as Arabelle pg. 74 of Curse of Strahd). If the adventurers fall
seeing her father, Luvash, or Victor Vallakovich prey to the Elevator Trap, the ceremony continues
speaking to his father (or his new liege, Lady without them—the devil Strahd will marry his
Wachter, if she took over Vallaki). Only the beloved without those pesky adventurers to interfere.
following characters do not have ties to other
characters or distractions that could take them away
from the party—or cannot be charmed in the first The Dungeons span areas K73-K76 (pgs. 79-82).
place—in which case this event does not occur. Run these areas as written in Curse of Strahd.
• Clovin Belview • Sir Godfrey Gwilym The wights have trudged through the black waters
• The Mad Mage • Sir Klutz Tripalotsky and scattered the adventurers' weapons across the
• Pidlwick II • Vasilka zombie-infested waters of the Torture Chamber
(K76). While submerged, the six Strahd zombies
have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to
The adventurers have one last opportunity to explore A character that spends 10 minutes searching the
the castle, complete objectives, and recover their brackish waters of the Torture Chamber can
confiscated gear before the ceremony begins—time succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to
is short, and their absence would be glaring. From the find 1d4 + 1 pieces of their equipment. The wights
time of their arrival, it was less than an hour until the did not care about emptying bags or similar
ceremony. Chapters 3 and 4 of Act I amounted to at containers, so items like quivers and packs still
most a half hour. Once the adventurers find their contain all their contents—though likely
armor, they still must don it (see Ch 5. of the Player's waterlogged, perhaps even ruined.
Handbook), and thunder back up the stairs.

ACT I 10
Role Name
The day has come at long last. For centuries, Strahd Officiator Father Lucian or Donavich
has dreamed of this moment: when his final Best Man Rahadin
campaign, his final conquest, can come to its rosy Maid of Honor Player Character or Danika Dorakova
end. Today, the devil Strahd fills the hole in his heart Groomsmen Ismark, Escher, Player Character1
with Tatyana's love. Danika Dorakova2, Anna Krezkova,
Sasha Ivliskova
ACT II OVERVIEW Flower Girl Arabelle
The ceremony is relatively short—both within the Ring Bearers Brom & Bray Martikov
story and at the tabletop. It involves all the Harpist Unnamed Harpist3 or Clovin Belview3
pleasantries and customs of a wedding ceremony, 1 If no female player characters were asked to be Maid of Honor
replete with not one but two dramatic (some would 2 If not the Maid of Honor
say cliché) objections to this unholy union. It's 3 Plays from the King's Balcony above (K28)
centered on the Chapel (K15).
If at any point the adventurers spark bloodshed, see The silver statuette is the Icon of Ravenloft (see
"Developments: A Red Wedding" at the end of this "Treasure K15" and appendix C for details).
Act, then proceed into Act IV: The Devil's Wedding The adventurers are led to their seats by a Vistana
Night. servant—and to their horror find that they've been
split up and surrounded by foes.
CHANGES TO THE CHAPEL Seating Tactics. Strahd and Rahadin have
The following changes have been made to the chapel carefully crafted the seating chart to ensure that the
for the wedding: adventurers are strung out and the most dangerous
• The corpse of Gustav Herrenghast and his mace of terror ones are farthest from the front. Should the party
have been removed. have a paladin or other strong melee warrior, Strahd
• The shattered stained-glass panes have been repaired.
would place them in the back. A physically weak
• The broken pews have been replaced.
• The Strahd zombies in the King's Balcony (K28) have character he would keep near himself or Arrigal.
been removed. Refer to the Wedding Seating graphic.
Changing Seats. It's possible to change seats but
CHARACTERS PRESENT time is short; the music's started and the flower girl
All told, there are approximately forty-four is due any moment. The adventurers have at most 2
characters present in the wedding, excluding the rounds to persuade other characters and move.
adventurers. See the Wedding Seating graphic for
their positions, and the Guest List in the introduction 2. FLOWERS AND RINGS
of this supplement. Arabelle, the seven-year-old daughter of Luvash,
skips down the aisle scattering posies that begin to
1. THE CEREMONY BEGINS wilt the moment they touch the floor. She's followed
When the adventurers reach the chapel, read the by Brom and Bray Martikov, the sons of Urwin and
following description instead of the description in Danika. They cradle together a scarlet satin pillow
Curse of Strahd. with two gold rings encrusted with a ruby, diamond,
The chapel is awash with torchlight as guests whisper and onyx—the colors of House von Zarovich.
amongst themselves. Lightning flashes through the
stained-glass panes every so often, causing the countless 3. HERE COMES THE BRIDE
bats that cling to the domed ceiling to flutter about. A harp The guests expect Ireena Kolyana to soon follow the
rings out from the balcony above, bathing the chapel in
ring bearers but are left disappointed. Outside the
gentle music.
The aisle leads to a stone platform on which an altar chapel, in area K14, Ismark is trying desperately to
stands, carved with bas-reliefs of angelic figures entwined get his sister to snap out of her daze, but the devil's
with grape vines. The light from above falls on a silver vampiric charm is too strong. Too many wights (six
statuette in the form of a priest kneeling in supplication. in all) watch with disinterest for him to escape with
Beside the altar stands Strahd, Rahadin, and the Ireena. Ultimately, Ismark gives up and
groomsmen; and to the right, Ireena's bridesmaids. The begrudgingly walks his sister down the aisle.
chamberlain of Ravenloft scowls at you; the master An adventurer can walk out to speak to Ismark
merely grins. during this—who is growing more and more
distraught and demands to know why they ("you storming skies, and before our honored guests, he will
'heroes'") are allowing this tragedy to happen. make do on a vow made so long ago. Now he shall be
Rahadin walks out to join them if necessary, reunited with his lost love, and their fates shall be
demanding that they wrap this up and proceed with entwined together for all time."
the ceremony.
Once the ceremony continues, read: 5. OBJECTIONS
The music picks up as the chapel doors swing open. Out The priest clears his throat and asks: "If there is any
from the flickering torchlight and dancing shadows comes amongst you that have just cause for why these two ought
Ireena Kolyana, escorted by her brother Ismark. The not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace."
devil's bride is beyond lovely, her radiance on full display. No wedding is complete without a dramatic
Her auburn hair burns like fire in the torchlight, and a ruby objection, and this one is no different—except that it
glows in a golden pendant around her neck.
threatens a slaughter.
The crowd hushes. Men leer, women glower. Rahadin
claps Strahd on the shoulder and the two brothers share a 5A. THE ABBOT OBJECTS
smile. The Abbot arrives with Vasilka in one last desperate
But who isn't smiling?
bid to prove the promise of his creation. So
Who amongst this flock of fools and sycophants has
nothing to wear on her face? Ireena Kolyana. Her eyes are
enraptured by his own narcissism, the Abbot must
dull and distant, her lips lax. Without so much as an succeed, lest his delusion of perfection be shattered.
expression, she lazily marches down the aisle, every step The Abbot is not here to fight and offers no
light, every motion as graceful as a brain-dead doe. violence. Unless the adventurers act then and now,
Ismark grimaces as he holds his sister for what might be Strahd's silver tongue is enough to beguile the Abbot
the last time before delivering her to the monster that into embarrassed acquiescence. At most, if violence
stopped his father's very heart and wrought havoc on his erupts, the Abbot would only decide to kill Ireena
people. Yet when he glances to you, dear heroes, hope Kolyana—this obstacle that threatens to prove his
burns bright in those eyes. imperfections. The fallen angel knows that Strahd
Rahadin tells Strahd, "She's beautiful, my lord." cannot die, and that it would be pointless to try
"So she is," the devil agrees. "My beautiful Tatyana
killing him.
returned after all these years apart."
The doors to the chapel silently swing out. Warm light
4. WORDS OF WELCOME floods out from the archway and standing there are two
Once Ireena has taken her place before the altar, the figures: a stitched-together woman in a wedding dress,
officiator—either Father Lucian, Donavich, or some and a young man in a simple monk's robe.
newfound priest if those two are unavailable for the "You will find that I object to this union."
Murmurs burst out across the crowd like lesions of a
wedding—begins his speech. Read: plague. Strahd merely stares as the Abbot steps foot into
"Dearly beloved, and dearly despised, we are gathered
the chapel, his flesh-golem creation dutifully following
here today to witness the wedding of Count Strahd of
House von Zarovich and Ireena, daughter of Kolyan
"This vapid noble," the Abbot calls out, "is by no means
Indirovich. We are here today to witness history in the
the perfect bride. Look at her: weak of mind and body,
making. To witness the culmination of a courtship that has
uncultured and brash. She is flawed, and I bear to you,
spanned four centuries and more—but this is not the final
Lord Strahd, the perfect bride. The bride that will set you
chapter, oh no.
free, and cure Barovia of its disease. Cast Ireena aside, I
"The warmth of Strahd and Ireena's love shall echo
beg you, and embrace… Vasilka."
throughout Barovia like the thunder of a just god. It shall
rain down and nourish the hopes and fortunes of
Strahd takes a moment to mull over his response,
Barovians everywhere. Their love shall shine as a beacon giving the adventurers a moment to exploit this
of hope and prosperity across this bleak land of ours distraction. Unless their actions (if any) are
forevermore. significant, the devil replies to the Abbot. Read:
"Would if Ireena's father could see the joy in her face The devil's silence is deafening. The crowd shifts
this day. She comes now as an orphan—just as our Lord uneasily, as his dark eyes narrow on the Abbot. After
Strahd has lived these past centuries. From their shared several tense moments, Strahd breaks out in a cold smile.
sorrow the seed of joy will bloom evermore. "Abbot, it is true that you have fashioned for me the
"Count Strahd—he is the Ancient; he is the Land, the perfect bride—look at her, look at that beauty, that
warrior, the conqueror… Yet the one thing has he never elegance; truly, none can compete… But I do not want
conquered has been his own heart. And now, under perfection, Abbot. All I want is Tatyana, and with her at

my side, I will never be happier. Can you not see that? Is 6B. IREENA'S VOWS
it not your divine mission to end this curse over Barovia The vows Ireena utters are a lie, a script put upon her
once for all? Is it not your duty now to trust me in this
by Strahd through his vampiric charm. In this state,
fateful hour to know my own heart's greatest desire?
her emotions seem genuine—but in her heart, the
The adventurers have one last opportunity, otherwise
poor girl is screaming into a silent void. Most
the Abbot acquiesces.
attendants to the wedding understand this truth, but
While the masses watch, the Abbot's smile melts away.
His hand quivers—but in fury, or in embarrassment, you even those that are sickened by this travesty can only
do not know. smile politely and clap at the right moments.
Finally, in a quivery voice, the angel says, "Very well, Ireena looks lost. A dreamy expression drifts across her
then. Vasilka, follow." face, finally interrupted with a smile. "Strahd, my love...
With a wave of the Abbot's hands, the chapel doors If only my father could be here to see this day. From the
swing shut behind them, and all eyes turn from their very first night you came to our home, I knew I would day
departure to the devil's fanged grin. be yours, and you mine. I vow to never leave your side, to
"Well, Father," Strahd says, "Let us go on, eh?" serve you in life and in death, and to trust in your loving
wisdom—I vow that I'm yours, now and forever."
If you cannot or do not run "The Abbot Objects" then 6C. YOU MAY KISS THE BRIDE
you can have Ismark Kolyana object to the After the vows have been exchanged, the officiator
wedding—with a blade in hand. You can even run utters those long-awaited words. The crowd is
both: dismayed by Strahd's disarming of the situation uneasy, but Strahd is not so uncouth that he would
and the adventurers' passiveness, he takes matters drain the girl's blood here before his honored
into his own hands at long last. Read: guests—that's what their marital bed is for, isn't it?
The tension in Ismark's face dissolves into unmasked The priest clears his throat and announces, "By the power
fury. "No," he growls, hardly heard throughout the hall. vested in me by House von Zarovich, I declare you lord
Then, in a louder voice, he shouts, "No! You cannot have and wife. Count Strahd, you may kiss your bride."
my sister, Strahd! I will cut you down myself before I see Queasiness ripples throughout the crowd—will there be
her stolen by you, monster!" blood? they must wonder—but when Strahd dips Ireena
Ismark draws his longsword, and charges! and plants his lips on hers, a collective sigh rises from the
guests, quickly followed by applause and cheer. They clap
The adventurers get one moment to act, otherwise
and cheer, some of it authentic. Strahd and Ireena von
Rahadin grapples and subdues Ismark. The wights Zarovich rise and present themselves to the crowd as the
that lurk in the Hall of Faith come forward to arrest storm outside rages against the stained glass—and when
Ismark. No blood is shed for Ismark's transgression. eyes are not on the happy couple, they're on you.
The peace will go on unless the adventurers break it. You've failed.
Consequences. For breaking guest right, Ismark is
sent to the dungeons. His punishment will be decided
during Act III.
If the adventurers choose to attack, the wedding
6. THE KISS OF PROMISED DEATH quickly becomes a bloodbath. Roll initiative for each
faction; alternatively, you can the prescribed results
After the objections, if the wedding has not devolved below to cut down on preparation. Strahd's initiative
to bloodshed, the officiator finishes the ceremony. is separate. Refer to the Wedding Seating graphic for
6A. STRAHD'S VOWS initial starting positions.
Strahd, of course, goes first. Read: While the battle seems daunting at first, it quickly
Ignoring the world, Strahd gazes deep into Ireena tapers out as forces leave the chapel. Strahd's first
Kolyana's eyes and says, "Tatyana. My dearest Tatyana... command is for Rahadin and Sasha Ivliskova to
After so long apart, after so many chases and escort to Ireena his bedchamber (K42) by means of
disappointments, you are finally mine. Neither time nor the North Chapel Access (K16). See "The Devil's
death can separate you and I, and I vow that never again Bride" in Act IV for more information.
will either get the chance. You and I shall be bound Crossing Pews. The pews count as difficult terrain.
together forever."

Once the peace is shattered, read: (11) Dusk Elves. If Kasimir Velikov, a mage, lacks
Chaos blooms like a plague after a grueling winter. With the dark gift to resurrect his sister (see "Kasimir's
the voice of a king, Strahd orders, "Rahadin, take my Dark Gift," Ch. 13), he and his three dusk elf guards
bride to my bedchamber." remain in the chapel and aid the adventurers.
The devil turns to you and smiles. "You've lost, fools. Otherwise they make for the catacombs.
I've no choice but to declare you traitors to the crown— (10) Cultists. This initiative includes Lady
soldiers and servants of Barovia! Children of the Night!
Kill these 'heroes'! Bring me their broken bodies and let
Wachter (a priest; see "Wachter's Spells" below), if
none survive!" present. She and her four cult fanatics cast their
The Hour of Night has finally dawned. spells on the first turn but prepare to escape via the
Roll initiative for each faction; alternatively, you can Hall of Faith (K14). Wachter intends to pilfer arcane
use the prescribed results below to cut down on secrets from Strahd's Study (K37).
preparation. Strahd's initiative is random. (6) Innocents. The bystanders cower beneath the
Strahd. The vampire fights until his bride is safely tables or flee from the carnage, perhaps accidentally
out of the chapel. His Lair Action allows him to shoving adventurers in their desperate bid to escape.
phase through the floor, walls, or ceilings. FOLLOWING A SCRIPT
(19) Rahadin. The brother of Strahd will protect This titanic battle is waged between over forty
his bride with his very life. He moves Ireena (who characters—if you do not want to control so many
willingly follows, without halving his movement forces, you can follow this script:
speed) toward area K16, the North Chapel Access. • Innocents cower beneath the pews.
(18) Vistani. The Vistani are cunning and seek to • Rahadin and Sasha Ivliskova leave immediately with
ambush the weaker adventurers. While all are loyal Ireena; Sasha will even use her spider crawl feature,
to Strahd, some fear death and would flee. If the dragging the girl along the ceiling if need be.
adventurers saved Arabelle earlier in the story, • Luvash snatches his daughter Arabelle and flees.
Luvash refuses to fight the adventurers. Even if they • The werewolves and wereravens square off; only Kiril
did not, his daughter's life is more important, and he Stoyanovich attacks the adventurers.
flees with her. Their forces include: • Lady Wachter and her cult fanatics leave with
• Arrigal, Vistani assassin Rahadin; Wachter casts hold person (spell save DC 13)
• Luvash, Vistani bandit captain on the weakest-willed adventurer.
• Four Vistani thugs • The dusk elf guards preoccupy against the Vistani
(16) Wereravens. Fearing that they're about to be thugs unless Kasimir has attained his dark gift; the elves
leave via the Hall of Faith (K14).
cut down, the Martikovs spend their action on the
first turn transforming into hybrid forms. Brom and This leaves you with Strahd, one vampire spawn,
Bray escape by hurling themselves through the glass Arrigal (Vistani assassin), Kiril Stoyanovich
and warn the other Keepers of the Feather of what's (werewolf 90 hit points), possibly four Vistani thugs
happened. The remaining four wereravens fight (if not preoccupied) and a near unlimited number of
alongside the adventurers or flee. swarms of bats (drawn from the ceiling) to run. Up
(14) Werewolves. The five werewolves spend their to six wights can be called upon from area K14 as
action on the first turn transforming into their hybrid well if need be. Strahd fights until Ireena is secure;
forms, then hurling themselves at the adventurers. his Lair Action is set to allow him to phase through
Strahd has instructed them to infect at least one walls and ceilings.
adventurer with lycanthropy. WACHTER'S SPELLS
(13) Comrades. Characters such as Donavich (an Lady Wachter has a different list of prepared spells
acolyte) act on this initiative and aid the adventurers. than a priest from the Monster Manual:
(12) Vampire Spawn. Escher and any other
Cantrips (at will): light, mending, thaumaturgy
vampire spawn you may have included attack the 1st level (4 slots): command, purify food and drink, sanctuary
adventurers but try to escape via the King's Balcony 2nd level (3 slots): augury, gentle repose, hold person
if critically damaged, using their spider crawl 3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, create food and water

This flawless, expertly drawn graphic represents the
initial positions of the wedding attendants.



BRAY KARL KW SCALE: 0.75" = 10 FT.





TO K14. SZ










ACT III If the adventurers do not slip away, they follow the
procession into the Audience Hall (K25). Read:
Never in centuries has Strahd von Zarovich's heart The procession marches up the steps and into a great hall
sang the way it has today—for at long last, Tatyana overlooking the western slopes of the valley, lit by
is his and the devil raging in his veins demands her periodic lightning. Though torches burn in the hall, the
eternity. Now is a time to celebrate with friends and room is no less cold—and at the end of the hall stand two
gloat before foes. Now is the quiet before the storm. crimson thrones on a marble dais.
The Reception is Strahd's last hour of triumph, and Behind the throne stands a table bustling with gifts from
the vampire is enjoying every moment of it. This is the wedding guests. You spot your own amongst the piles.
the feast before the hunt, the challenge rendered Round tables dot the hall, draped in silk fineries and
before the contest begins. topped with wine, meats, savory delights and sweets. As
the bride and groom assume the throne, the guests divide
ACT III OVERVIEW themselves to their respective tables while the wind howls
The Reception spans an hour or so and is centered on outside like a forgotten child.
the Audience Hall (K25) and its adjacent areas. Once seated, the adventurers endure a welcome
Because of the lack of strenuous activity, so long as speech provided by Rahadin and other tawdry
the adventurers remain in these areas, they benefit announcements.
from a short rest; if they strike out on their own, they
forfeit that chance. 2. MINGLING
The adventurers can leave during the reception, but After the tawdry details have been announced, the
they find that all eyes are on them. Their absence guests are free to move about and socialize. The
would certainly be noticed and send up red flags adventurers quickly realize that leaving is hardly an
amongst the devil's minions. If they're willing to risk option:
it, so be it. Otherwise, they can content themselves K19. Four wights guard the stairs down to the
with scheming against the devil, speaking to Grand Landing.
characters, and watching the show unfold. K26. Four wights stand guard at the Guards' Post.
Relevant Areas. This Act includes areas K13, K25, At both locations, a posted sign reads:
and K26.
All Guests
CHANGES TO THE AUDIENCE HALL (K25) Are Asked to Remain at the Reception
The following changes have been made: Trespassers will be Punished Accordingly
• The window's broken glass has been replaced. and Guest Right Revoked
• Strahd's throne faces the north, the room, rather than the
south. A second, shorter throne for Ireena has been
• Tables have set up along the walls with guests assigned While guests mingle once more. During this time,
among them. A gift table stands in the southwest corner. toasts are made, the first being Rahadin's.
1. THE PROCESSION If one of the adventurers has been made the maid
of honor, she too must present a toast following
After Strahd and Ireena have pledged themselves to Rahadin's—it's only expected—otherwise Danika
each other for eternity, the wedding procession Dorakova makes it (see below). The adventurers can
begins. The adventurers are swept up into crowd and also make toasts, as do other wedding guests.
led from the Chapel (K15) to the Grand Entry (K8),
presenting their first chance to slip away. 3A. THE BEST MAN'S TOAST
Read: Rahadin starts things off:
As the devil and his bride join hands and rush through the Rahadin brandishes a chalice of wine in one hand and
aisle, the procession swells into a wave from which you announces to that hall with his crypt keeper's voice,
cannot escape. The guests sweep up into a throng and "Silence yourselves; I've words for our happy couple."
push into the Hall of Faith—the armored statues watch The elf turns to Strahd and smiles. "Brother, I still
with silent interest, their eyes following you. Just you. remember that day when Tatyana was to the castle. Oh,
The procession rolls into the grand entry and as the how your face lit up with first shock at such beauty. 'She
guests take to the stairs of the grand landing, you spot the is as beyond beauty' you told me, 'as a river in spring flood
south tower staircase yonder. Now is your sole chance to is beyond a drop of water.'
leave—but wouldn't that absence be glaring?

"Castle Ravenloft was dark before those days. You were 5. THE PUNISHMENT OF ISMARK
dark, brother, and your love for Tatyana lit these halls like
a virile sun—and for that, my new sister, I will always be There are two options to running this event:
grateful. Father would be proud, Strahd. I only wish he The Oathbreaker. If Ismark objected during the
could be here today to see what beauty you've brought wedding and attempted to attack Strahd, he is
into the world. brought back from the dungeons to be punished for
"To Strahd," Rahadin shouts, turning to the crowd. "To breaking guest right.
Tatyana! To a union forged in the very heavens!" A Desperate Bid. If Ismark did not object during
The crowd goes wild with fake praise. the wedding, his desperation and dismay boils into
outrage. He draws his blade and challenges Strahd to
a duel. Whomever wins keeps his sister.
Danika Dorakova's toast is anything but:
After the awkward and sycophantic applause dies down, THE OATHBREAKER
Danika Dorakova stands with her own chalice. She looks From the stairs sings the rattle of chains and march of
visibly disgusted and toasts through her teeth: "Ireena, I'm steel. Two corpse-knights come forth dragging Ismark
so... happy that you've found love. That you've found a Kolyanovich. His attire has been soaked, and it's clear that
devoted husband. his struggling has earned him more than one bruise.
"Count Strahd worships you, worships the very thought Strahd smiles and announces, "My honored guests and
of you—none can deny that. I'm sure your father rests dearest vassals. I asked but thing of you all: to respect the
easy in his grave knowing that you'll be warm with our oath of hospitality, and my dearest brother-in-law has
lord's love from this day until the end of... days. To… To gone and pissed all over it. How can I rule this realm if I
the happy couple!" show favoritism to my kin? Should they not be held to the
The applause, this time, is painful. highest standards. It pains me, but the penalties for
oathbreaking are clear: Ismark Kolyanovich must set an
4. GIVING OF GIFTS example and pay the steepest price: his life."
After the toasts have been made, it is time to present This is all just another ploy of Strahd's see what the
gifts to Strahd. Notable gifts are outlined below but adventurers will tolerate. He is not insulted in the
replace them as you see fit. All guests are expected slightest by Ismark's crime but, in fact, impressed.
to present a gift, including the adventurers. The Regardless, Ismark means nothing to the devil—and
master of Ravenloft does not expect or even need once Ireena is turned, undeath will turn her love into
much—all Barovia is his already, isn't it? ash. Charmed by Strahd, the most she can offer now
Fortunes of Ravenloft. If the adventurers have yet are weak protests easily ignored by the devil.
to claim one of the three artifacts, or lost them, it's The adventurers can negotiate with Strahd. See the
possible that one of the devil's minions presents it to following suggestions:
him as a gift. For example, if your reading indicated Amnesty. With a heartfelt plea, an adventurer can
that a treasure laid within Wachterhaus, Lady attempt a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check—this
Wachter could present it to Strahd to add to his is not just to convince Strahd, but to convince his
treasury or to destroy. assembled vassals and guests to excuse Ismark's
Krezkovs. The Krezkovs bear a family tree: an crime. Vallakovich, a sycophant, and Wachter, by
actual diagram carved into a slab of wood, chiseled default, would vote for Ismark's execution. The
to perfection and colored with dyes. It includes Martikovs would argue for a lighter sentence. The
"Tatyana" on it, along with Strahd's other brides. Krezkovs, neutral as always, go with the tide.
Martikovs. The Martikovs have brought "the last" Imprisonment. Likewise, with a DC 15 Charisma
cask of Champagne du lu Stomp. The winery stopped (Persuasion) check, an adventurer can implore
producing it years ago. Strahd to instead imprison Ismark.
Vallakoviches. Baron Vallakovich presents a Trial by Combat. If an adventurer proposes trial by
commissioned portrait of Ireena Kolyana sitting atop combat, Strahd agrees wholeheartedly. No roll is
Strahd's lap. He sent a painter to Castle Ravenloft required. Ismark will appoint a champion to fight on
mere days after the wedding was announced. his behalf, and Strahd will as well. Potential
Wachters. Fiona Wachter presents to Strahd a champions include:
manuscript entitled The Night Lord, detailing • A wight—its Life Drain attack will further hamper the
Strahd's history and "wise rule." adventurers' future efforts.
• Rahadin—though Strahd is loath to risk such a
devoted and capable servant. He will instruct Rahadin to
yield if death is imminent. Ismark's life is nothing 6. A RED RECEPTION
compared to Rahadin's.
• Kiril Stoyanovich, a werewolf with 90 hit points—the If the adventurers do absolutely nothing to stop this
chance of infecting an adventurer with lycanthropy is far tragedy, Strahd announces to a surge of applause that
too great for Strahd to pass up. he and his bride will retire for the evening. He
The rules are simple; characters with the Noble proceeds through the Guards' Post (K26). The four
background know these rules by heart, otherwise a wights inside open and then shut the doors behind
character can make a DC 12 Intelligence (History) him, sliding planks into the handles. Characters
check. within 10 feet of the doors with a passive Perception
• Ismark appoints his champion, then Strahd appoints of 17 or higher can hear the planks being slid into
his. If the former's prevails, Ismark is spared, otherwise place.
he's put to death. The reception continues for some minutes, and
• Any outside interference forfeits the duel, and the Arrigal finds a mean to share a drink with one
violator will be punished. adventurer until word arrives that everything is
• One can yield to avoid death, forfeiting the duel.
ready. Arrigal does not have a shortsword on him,
A DESPERATE BID but a dagger (1d4 + 3 piercing damage). Read:
If Ismark did not object during the wedding, his Arrigal claps you on the shoulder and says, "Truly, I
outrage forces him to act—for the sake of his family. expected you all to ruin this night, but I must say: we're
all very impressed with your restraint. Come. Share a
Ismark draws into himself, his hands trembling. When his
drink with me."
eyes open, they're hard and cruel. Desperation has boiled
into rage, and the son of Kolyan stalks out to the center of While the two drink, the Vistani move into position
the hall and shouts, "No more! No more will my family to block the steps to the Grand Landing. Characters
suffer under your shadow, Strahd! You cannot have my that succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check
sister, monster!" Steel sings as Ismark pulls his family's notice their movements; likewise, an Intelligence
longsword from its sheathe. "Duel me, devil! Blade to (Investigation) check can determine the nature of
blade, duel me for my sister's hand, lest you sit there a these movements.
coward and a thief!" Once word arrives from Strahd that he's secured
The crowd watches with rapt dismay and ecstasy. Ireena, a Vistana approaches Arrigal. Read:
Strahd merely grins and rises. "So be it," he says, As you and Arrigal share a second cup of wine, a Vistana
accepting a scimitar from Rahadin. approaches him, whispering in his ear. "Uh huh," Arrigal
Strahd fights with a scimitar (+9 to hit, 1d6 + 4 nods. He finishes his wine, sets down his glass—and in
slashing damage). One on one, Ismark stands no one fluid motion, draws a dagger that makes for your gut.
chance against the dark lord, but given that these
"heroes" continue to nothing, he cannot afford to CARNAGE
stand idly by any longer. Win or lose, live or die, he Immediately, the devil's allies spring into action.
can go to his grave knowing finally he has stepped Werewolves rip their lent attire in gruesome
out of his father's shadow. transformations; the Vistani aim for the weakest of
If defeated, the adventurers can plead for Ismark's adventurers. Roll initiative for each faction;
life, attempting a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) alternatively, you can use the prescribed results
check. On a failure, Strahd simply says, "No" and below to cut down on preparation. Rahadin's
plunges his blade into Ismark's throat. initiative is random.
The adventurers may exploit this moment to attack, Rahadin. The chamberlain of Ravenloft will not
turning the reception into a bloodbath. See "Early shirk his duty to his brother and lord. Strahd,
Blood" below. however, has other plans for him. If critically
endangered, Rahadin casts misty step to escape or
takes the secret door to area K13.
(18) Vistani. The Vistani are cunning and seek to
ambush the weaker adventurers. While all are loyal
to Strahd, some fear death and would flee. If the
adventurers saved Arabelle earlier in the story,
Luvash refuses to fight the adventurers. Even if they
did not, his daughter's life is more important, and he
flees with her. Their forces include:

• Arrigal, Vistani assassin FOLLOWING A SCRIPT
• Luvash, Vistani bandit captain This betrayal is a titanic battle waged between over a
• Four Vistani thugs
dozen characters. If you do not want to control so
(16) Wereravens. Fearing that they're about to be many forces, you can follow this script:
cut down, the Martikovs spend their action on the • Innocents cower beneath their tables.
first turn transforming into hybrid forms. Brom and • Luvash snatches his daughter Arabelle and flees.
Bray escape by hurling themselves through the • The werewolves and wereravens square off; only Kiril
window and warn the other Keepers of the Feather of Stoyanovich attacks the adventurers.
what's happened. The remaining four wereravens • Lady Wachter and her cultists leave the Audience Hall
fight alongside the adventurers or flee. by means of the Grand Landing on turn 1; Wachter casts
(14) Werewolves. The five werewolves spend their hold person (spell save DC 13) on the weakest-willed
action on the first turn transforming into their hybrid adventurer on her way out.
forms, then hurling themselves at the adventurers. This leaves you with Rahadin, two vampire spawn,
Strahd has instructed them to infect at least one Kiril Stoyanovich (a werewolf with 90 hit points),
adventurer with lycanthropy. Arrigal (Vistani assassin), and four Vistani thugs.
(13) Comrades. Characters such as Donavich (an Only Kiril will fight to the death without even
acolyte) act on this initiative and aid the adventurers. considering fleeing for his life. As subsequent turns
(12) Vampire Spawn. The two vampire spawn go on, you can have wereravens or werewolves die
(Escher and Sasha Ivliskova) attack the adventurers off.
but try to escape via the window if critically AFTERMATH
damaged. Once the carnage quells, the adventurers enter Act
(11) Dusk Elves. If Kasimir Velikov, a mage, lacks IV: The Devil's Wedding Night. All niceties and
the dark gift to resurrect his sister (see "Kasimir's hospitalities are cast away: the devil Strahd will
Dark Gift," Ch. 13), he and his three dusk elf guards crush his greatest foes and conquer his greatest love
remain in the Audience Hall and aid the adventurers. at long last.
(10) Cultists. This initiative includes Lady
Wachter (a priest; see the "Wachter's Spells"
sidebar), if present. She and her four cult fanatics DEVELOPMENTS: EARLY BLOOD
cast their spells on the first turn but prepare to escape Chaos blooms like a plague after a grueling winter. With
via the Grand Landing. Wachter intends to pilfer the voice of a king Strahd orders, "Rahadin, take Tatyana
arcane secrets from Strahd's Study (K37). to my bedchamber."
(6) Innocents. The bystanders cower beneath the The devil turns to you and smiles. "You've lost, fools.
I've no choice but to declare you traitors to the crown—
tables or flee from the carnage, perhaps accidentally
soldiers and servants of Barovia! Children of the Night!
shoving adventurers in their desperate bid to escape. Kill these 'heroes'! Bring me their broken bodies and let
BUT ONE ESCAPE none survive!"
The Hour of Night has finally dawned.
Wights lurk in the Guard's Post (K26) and at the
If the adventurers draw blood before Strahd's
landing of the South Tower Stair (K21). They intend
betrayal, follow the same guidelines described in "A
to stop fleeing characters from advancing any
Red Reception" but with the following changes.
further. Only the Grand Landing (K19) is
• Strahd orders Rahadin, and Sasha Ivliskova, a
unprotected, but characters must first make it vampire spawn, to escort Ireena to his bedchamber by
through the Vistani and werewolves. Alternatively, means of the secret door to area K13.
they might find the secret door to area K13 with a • Strahd joins the fray, fighting until half health. His
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. Lair Action is set to allow him to phase through walls,
Should the adventurers survive this carnage, they ceilings, and floors. He uses a Legendary Action to
enter Act IV: The Devil's Wedding Night. escape.
The adventurers then enter Act IV: The Devil's
REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVE Wedding Night. The game is afoot, and the devil
Three rounds after the carnage erupts, six more Strahd sets out to crush his foes—after sending
wereravens in hybrid form crash through the Ireena to an early grave.
window and join the fray.

The Hour of Night has dawned over black Barovia, Each possible site of the adventurers' showdown with
and for all ages to come the people will remember Strahd are written here and provide tips or strategies;
this night as either their anniversary of liberation or some include changes to what might be described in
greatest disappointment. Curse of Strahd. Use them at your discretion. See
This act is highly modular and will vary on what "Destiny Calls" at the end of Act IV.
the adventurers' goals are in the castle. Many side SPLITTING UP
quests have been written for you to be thrown in as "We will not go the way of Saint Markovia," Davian
you see fit. The most important determinations are Martikov tells you, dusting off his attire. "Whittled down
Strahd's location within the castle, as determined by as one angry mob until nothing is left. No, to survive this
the Fortunes of Ravenloft, and if the adventurers Hour of Night, we must distract the devil. He cannot be
have any intention of saving Ireena Kolyana. everywhere at once."
Strahd is preoccupied—he is no fool and knows The Keepers of the Feather insist on splitting up to
that this is his last chance to damn his beloved divide Strahd's attention. They can accomplish minor
Tatyana to an eternity as his vampire spawn. While quests escorting the innocents out of Ravenloft.
he's busy with Ireena, his forces act throughout the However, the adventurers only gain experience for
castle on his behalf, as does his illusion. quests they personally complete.
Leveling Up. At your discretion, these side quests
can level your players from 9th to 10th if three are A WOLF AMONG SHEEP
completed. It's assumed that, like in all of Curse of If any of the adventurers contracted lycanthropy in
Strahd, milestone leveling has been used. They do their dealings with the werewolves, they rest assured
not gain the benefits of a rest, however. that the full moon is weeks awake—except it's not.
Strahd is the Ancient. Strahd is the Land. The sun
and stars and moon obey him. Strahd will reach into
the sky and rip the full moon into view.
This event can be attached to any other quest or
area. The ideal location is the Tower Roof (K57), the
Bridge (K58), or the upper reaches of the Heart of
Sorrow itself (K20). However, any windowed room
with a view of the sky works.
Read the following:
Strahd offers a fanged smile. "Fool. You rely on the
position of the sun and stars to protect you? I am the sun!
I am the stars! I am the Ancient, and I am the Land—and
I alone control the tides of the moon! Watch!"
Strahd reaches out to the night with a single hand,
gripping at something unseen. His muscles tense; black
blood courses through his veins. Straining, he claws at the
air and rips at the fabric of the Barovian skyline! Thunder
cracks—and between the storm clouds hangs a swollen,
golden moon.
"So it begins," the devil laughs.
To those that succumb to their lycanthropy, read:
You drop to the floor, convulsing as fur erupts from your
flesh, and your nails turn to claws! Your tortured cries
become one long, hungry howl that splits the night, and
when your eyes open, they're yellow and full of hate.
The adventurers succumb to the rage of lycanthropy
and turn on their allies. Spells of remove curse or
greater restoration end their bloodlust and reverse
their curse. Otherwise, the werewolves rage until
knocked unconscious or slain.

BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT The Portcullis. As described in Area J, Ch. 2, a
patch of green slime (see Ch. 5, Dungeon Master's
So many have been invited to the devil's wedding, and so
many will perish in these black halls if left unguarded. guide) clings to the wooden portcullis and drops on
Will you let these innocents fend for themselves or escort the first character to leave the castle.
them to the gates? A character can make a DC 20 Wisdom
This quest involves spiriting the noncombatants out (Perception) check to spot or warn of the slime,
from Ravenloft. The Grand Entry and Entry are both avoiding its deadly drop. Otherwise, the triggering
trapped, as described on pgs. 54-55. Without character must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw
protection, this flock of fools will surely die. or take 5 (1d10) acid damage and again at the start of
The flock consists of up to seventeen innocents: its turns. Any sunlight, or effect that cures disease or
nobles all, but bereft of weapons and armor (AC 11). deals cold, fire, or radiant damage, destroys the green
They're effectively noncombatants. slime.
From Act II. The innocents start in area K15. The Drawbridge. As described in Area J, Ch. 2,
From Act III. The innocents must also contend there is a 5% chance that a board breaks under a
with the trapped statues in the Grand Landing (K19). character as they cross the drawbridge. The character
One noncombatant triggers a trapped statue. must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or
fall 1,000 feet. If a companion is within 5 feet of the
A. GRAND ENTRY (AREA K8) creature and reaches out to grab it, the character has
A foul wind sweeps the vaulted hall! All torchlight is advantage on the save.
devoured by the wind and in creeps the dark… and in it Once the innocents have successfully escaped
you hear the beat of wings. Grating and cruel voices cry Castle Ravenloft, read:
out in a language not of this world. You've done it. You can go to your graves knowing that
The eight gargoyles here are sadistic fiends that at the very least, you spirited away these innocent souls.
would like nothing more than to squeeze the life from This night might haunt their dreams forevermore, but
these innocents or drop them from 30 feet (inflicting they'll live. To leave with them is so, so tempting but now,
3d6 bludgeoning damage). The gargoyles are quite it's back into the belly of the beast with you.
grateful to Strahd for the opportunity and have
manned their post for centuries. BROTHER TO EVIL
B. ENTRY (AREA K7) Ismark Kolyanovich languishes in the dungeons. His
Thunder shatters the skies as you near the castle's entry. sword-arm is strong, and his heart is true. Should you
One man, screaming incoherently, races ahead of you into spring him from the prison, he will surely stand with you
the hall, wrapping one hand on the door's handle. against the devil's shadow. Dare you stage a rescue?
And that's when a gout of flame bursts from overhead, Ismark rots in the North Dungeon (K74), guarded by
washing the hall in hellish amber. wights and Emil Toranescu (if he was not previously
The man—preferably Baron Vallakovich, screeching freed), a werewolf. Strahd has offered the werewolf
that all will soon be well—is roasted alive by one of a deal: freedom so long as Ismark remains chained
the red wyrmling's fiery breath. The other three hold until tomorrow's dusk. Some events must align for
their own fire while the first recuperates. this quest to be possible in Act IV.
From Act II. Ismark objected during the wedding
C. THE GATES OF RAVENLOFT and was sent to the dungeons.
The very sky is alight with lightning chased by thunder so
From Act III. Ismark's life was spared during the
loud the stones of this place tremble with nervous ecstasy.
The gates of Ravenloft loom like the mouth of some
reception with imprisonment as his sentence. See
gargantuan beast—and you're on the wrong side of it. "The Oathbreaker" in Act III for more details.
This section spans area K1, the Front Courtyard and Once the adventurers descend to the Dungeon Hall
Area J, the Gates of Ravenloft. The adventurers (K73), read:
The dungeon's black depths yawn before you. The air is
might strike out for the Carriage House (K4), in
foul and sour, and, in the distance, you hear Ismark's
which case they find enough carriages and horses to outrage: "Free me, fiends! The devil's head will be on my
spirit their guests away. Only two more hazards lie pike before dawn! Free me, cowards!"
before the innocents:

The three wights that guard Ismark lie in wait in the "My people abandoned me, Velikov! Threw me to the
South Dungeon (K75), prepared to exploit any wolves because I wouldn't bend the knee to your petty,
confusion if the adventurers trigger any of the corrupt princeling!"
teleportation traps. The traps recharge only after 24 "You bent over for King Barov quick enough."
hours have elapsed, so any traps triggered in Act I are "Enough of this," Rahadin snarls. Steel rasps against a
scabbard, gleaming in your lamplight. "The End starts
inactive. Emil Toranescu, if he's in on this, lurks in today."
his cell, pleading for help, hoping the adventurers All around you, the floor begins to quiver with the
come to him. He transforms into his hybrid form, distant footfalls of plate on stone. In the passageways to
kicks open his cell door and attacks. your left, your right, even behind you come dead men
Unbeknownst to the wights, a gray ooze has bearing steel. Rahadin's boxed you in.
moved from Cell G to Ismark's and is slowly Rahadin's reinforcements include six wights, each
consuming the man. Read: marching two abreast to block all exits. If you need
"Hey! Hey! There's something—something's here!" to make the encounter harder, add a vampire spawn
Ismark's shouts turn to screams. "It burns! It burns! Gods or two that cling to the ceiling. The wights close
save me, it's eating me!" ranks, working in tandem, to reduce the battlefield
If Ismark is rescued from his cell, he is eternally into a slaughterhouse.
grateful and commits himself to ending Strahd. While this battle rages, Kasimir casts wall of stone
around himself and the entrance to Patrina's tomb.
DAUGHTER OF DUSK Unless the adventurers can counter this, he
Within the nighted depths of Ravenloft, the ghost of successfully raises Patrina the next turn. Read:
Patrina Velikovna yet whispers to her brother Kasimir Stone grinds against stone as Kasimir grunts, shoving his
from beyond the grave. The very woman that demanded weight against the slab until finally his footsteps recede.
the devil's hand in marriage in life has pleaded for her His voice cries out, "Come back to me, sister! Come back
brother to restore her from death. Even Kasimir doubts the from beyond your earthly grave! Live again, Patrina!"
mage has changed her ways—but she is the sole means of Violet light fills the catacombs; thunder cracks as the
saving his people from extinction and redeeming his soul. veil between this world and the next is cracked open like
Dare you stand with Kasimir and risk evil being an egg, and a shrill voice calls back, "I live!"
returned to this world, or will you condemn the dusk elves Patrina Velikovna, the devil's bride, has been reborn.
to extinction? Patrina is weakened from her time spent beyond the
Only if Kasimir has received his dark gift from the grave. She has the statistics of an archmage with no
Amber Temple (see Ch. 13) can this event be run, spells prepared. If Kasimir's guards yet live, he sends
otherwise the dusk elves either flee the castle or join them to the Brazier Room (K78) to teleport back to
with the adventurers against Strahd. Vallaki with Patrina. If his guards are dead, he
If the adventurers explore the catacombs (see Crypt demands the party accompany him back there.
21, K84, Ch. 4), they come across Kasimir with three Betrayal. If the adventurers are of the mind that
dusk elf guards. If Rahadin yet lives, he awaits in the Patrina Velikovna is too dangerous to let live, the
darkness of this place; read the following: dusk elves turn on the adventurers.
You rush through the catacombs as the ceiling pulsates
above with legion bats. "Over here!" Kasimir calls to his
men, leading further into the crypts. "Patrina's tomb—"
A voice thunders out from the dark: "This ends here, The devil's bride has been stolen away by Strahd's
elf!" minions where she awaits that fatal bite that drain her
"Rahadin!" Kasimir shouts. "Stand aside, kinslayer! My life's blood and damn her soul for all eternity.
sister will live again! Our people will live again!" It's a match made in hell. The adventurers must save
"You vermin deserve extinction!" Rahadin shouts back Ireena Kolyana from Strahd's fatal bite. Regardless
from the gloom. Then you hear it, riding the wind: the from which act the adventurers enter Act IV, Strahd
faint wails of the countless souls Rahadin has culled from lures his foes to his bedchamber and secretly spirits
this world. his beloved away to his tomb to end her life.
Kasimir visibly tenses. His hands curl into fists and
arcane fire leaps from finger to finger. "After all these
years," he asks, "how can you still harbor such hate for
your own people?"

The devil has laid a trap for those that would dare The Keepers of the Feather have caught something on the
rescue his bride. Within the King's Bedchamber wind: a heartbeat. Amidst the spires of Ravenloft hangs a
(K42), Strahd has dressed Gertruda, Mad Mary's crystalline sculpture that, according to the wereravens'
daughter of the village of Barovia, in a wedding sources, magically protects the devil from harm. Dare you
dress. She is naive enough to believe Strahd's lies— sever Strahd from his shield?
that he will marry her on his return if she remains While mechanically, the Heart of Sorrow does not
absolutely silent, no matter who calls out to her. pose a significant threat to the adventurers (as it gives
Four vampire spawn lurk nearby: one under the the devil a mere 50 hit points), it ought to be
bed; one crouching on the ceiling; one behind the conveyed as a drastic hurdle in the story. The
secret door to area K45; and another in the Bath wereravens warn them of its location, and, due to that
Chamber (K43), hiding under the surface of the meeting with Ireena Kolyana in Act I, the
illusory blood (see the "Tormented Spirit" event). adventurers know how to reach K57, the Tower
When the adventurers enter the room, narrate the Rooftop.
room as written with only the following change: Destroying the Heart is no easy task; Strahd has
rather than in a nightgown, the young woman is in a placed minions there to guard it, knowing full well
wedding dress. that tonight is to be bloody.
Once the adventurers realized they've been duped,
a character can attempt a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) or RELEVANT AREAS
Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine that The battle there can span multiple areas and maps, as
if Strahd would not spend his wedding night in his described below:
K20. The tower pitches and rolls on the Heart's initiative
bed, he would undoubtedly spend it in his coffin,
count, subjecting characters within the tower to a DC 10
with his delightful bride at his side. Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, that character falls
B. THE BLACK TRUTH to the base of the tower.
K45. While on the rooftop, a character might scramble
The truth is grim. Strahd dared not to let Ireena slip
to the hole that drops into the Hall of Heroes.
away from his grasp again. If the adventurers reach K46. Once a character falls to the parapets, Strahd's
Strahd's Tomb (K86) in the catacombs, read its animated armor will join the fray.
description and add: K53. A character must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
The coffin's lid scrapes by... And in the darkness, you find (Acrobatics) check to traverse the roof. The check
Ireena Kolyana—dead, with two bloody pinpricks in her succeeds automatically if the character crawls. If the
neck. The silence is deafening. The black truth has check fails by 5 or more, the character slides off the edge
shocked you to your core, but you don't know why you're of the roof and falls 40 feet to the castle parapets (K46).
surprised—would the devil not take every precaution to They might also crawl to the hole in the roof that drops
ensure he got his beloved? Would he not send her to an into area K45.
early grave now than risk losing her forever? K57. The Tower Roof sets the stage for this titanic
You've failed. You've failed Ismark, Kolyan Indirovich, battle. Strahd has positioned 4 vampire spawn below the
and Ireena herself. Every cost, every defeat, every bridge and along the walls of the tower.
sacrifice you've made to get here comes roaring back in K58. Characters on the bridge must succeed on a DC 10
your blood and heart. Dexterity saving throw whenever they receive damage or
You've failed, heroes. fall 60 feet to the Rooftop (K53) and take 6d6
A character that succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence bludgeoning damage.
(Arcana) check knows that if they do not burn her
body, she will rise next dusk as a vampire spawn of A WOLF AMONG SHEEP
Strahd. See Endings at the end of this module for If any of the adventurers contracted lycanthropy
more information regarding Ireena's fate. earlier in the module, this area is the ideal location
Strahd's Brides. The vampire left his three for Strahd to force an early full moon. Strahd's
vampire spawn brides to guard Ireena's corpse, and avatar, described below, changes the tide of the stars.
pounce from their earthen graves a moment after the See "A Wolf Among Sheep" at the start of Act IV for
adventurers lift the coffin but before fire can be put more information.
to Ireena's body.

Assuming the adventurers approach via K57, the
Tower Rooftop, read:
You hear it. You hear it not on the wind but in your very
blood: that infernal heartbeat. Lightning paints the sky in
bright colors, giving you one opportunity to see it: the
sheen of a massive crystalline heart.
Thunder cracks its titanic whip and a tide of bats burst
forth from awning—and in its wake stands Strahd von
Zarovich himself. "Turn back, fools," the vampire snarls,
"or be thrown away from this bridge like a broken dream."
Strahd is busy elsewhere with Ireena Kolyana; this is
a projected avatar of Strahd, an illusion of the exact
same nature as the one used in "A Drink with the
Groom" in Act I. Strahd speaks and acts through it,
but can only cast gust of wind through it, seizing
control of the storm. It cannot attack and is immune
to damage. Only a spell of dispel magic (DC 16) can
destroy the illusion.
Animated Halberds. As described on pg. 59, ten
animated halberds (use the statistics of a flying WACHTERCULT
sword but with an AC of 15 and an attack dealing The devil Strahd undoubtedly has countless sources of
1d10 +1 slashing damage), accost the adventurers arcane lore and power on his shelves—and it's clear Lady
once one nears the Heart of Sorrow. Wachter means to pilfer them to advance her cult's own
Bats. Strahd has woken 6 (2d4 + 2) swarms of bats agenda. Should they leave Ravenloft with such secrets,
to harry the adventurers in this venture. Barovia may find itself under the rule of another iron
Vampire Spawn. Three vampire spawn scuttle tyrant, even if Strahd von Zarovich is slain tonight.
along the walls of the South Tower, hidden from Among her, Lady Fiona Wachter, a priest with
view while a fourth clings to the underside of the alternative spells, has four cult fanatics (which were
bridge (K58), readying an action to attack a character invited to the ceremony and reception) three cultists,
that crosses the bridge. and an imp at her disposal. They've taken to Strahd's
Fortunes of Ravenloft. If your card reading Study (K37) and are plundering its shelves. Once the
indicates an encounter with Strahd at the North adventurers reach the Study, read its description with
Tower Peak (K60), he can be included later in this the addition that the cultists are present.
fight at your discretion. He rides his nightmare Lady Wachter. The cult leader is shrewd and
steed, Beucephalus. cunning. If she can talk her way out of a slaughter,
she will. She cares not for Ireena Kolyana, only
DEVELOPMENTS: FALL TO RUIN herself, and doesn't stand between the adventurers
If the adventurers sustain damage on the bridge or are and their goals. Only if her sons Nikolai and Karl are
blown off by Strahd's gust of wind spell, they fall to held hostage will she waver.
the Rooftops (K53) where another vampire spawn Fortunes of Ravenloft. If your card reading
joins the fray. A character might continue to slip, indicates an encounter with Strahd here, the cultists
falling to the castle's parapets (K46) where Strahd's are posing as loyalists to Strahd and fight beside him.
animated armor comes to attack.
Lady Wachter has a different list of prepared spells
than a priest from the Monster Manual:
Cantrips (at will): light, mending, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): command, purify food and drink, sanctuary
2nd level (3 slots): augury, gentle repose, hold person
3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, create food and water

To free Barovia, you must challenge the beast from atop Using an action before combat erupts, Strahd turns
his throne. Within the darkness of the audience hall will from a bat into his humanoid form and drops from
the fate of this land and its people be decided. the ceiling to land atop the adventurer of his choice.
If your card reading indicates the Audience Hall Countless bats teem above. Strahd is joined by 2d4
(K25) as the adventurers' destined showdown with + 2 swarms of bats that descend from the ceiling.
Strahd, he sits atop his throne. No light shines here, At your discretion, the King's Balcony (K28) can
only darkness. Read: be stocked with 1d4 + 1 skeletons that fire arrows at
You burst into the hall. Brooding darkness has swallowed the adventurers. Should a character ascend or fly to
this place. The reception decorations loom like ghastly the balcony, they're accosted by the two Strahd
reminders of another world… and from atop his throne zombies in the chairs (previously absent during the
sits the king of this hell. wedding ceremony).
A wine chalice in one hand, and a deck of cards in the
other, the devil welcomes you with a smile. "You know…
All my life, I worried about fate. The war years and the DESTINY CALLS: HALL OF BONES
killing years stole my youth just I stole my enemies' Destiny will be decided among the dead. Within a hall of
lives—and always, at the back of my mind, gnawing, bones and desecrated graves will you find the devil.
gnawing, was doubt. How fickle it all was. How If your card reading indicates the Hall of Bones
pointless." The devil flips a card and tosses it to the floor. (K67) as the adventurers' destined showdown with
You see it to be the Beast of the tarokka deck. Its Strahd, sits at the head of the table, with the skull of
monstrous visage lands with other cards you recognize. a long-dead foe: Vladimir Horngaard. Read:
"Fate. What a joke. Men are powerless to twist it, but I In this morbid hall sits the master of Ravenloft, sipping
am no mere man. Neither, it seems are you. So come then, wine and gazing into a skull's eyeless pockets. He hardly
'heroes.' Today is a day of destiny. Today, we're all seems to notice you.
masters of our own fate. Face your end and finally learn "Nothing," Strahd murmurs, "can compare to
that this is my world." triumphing over your hated foes. Vladimir here?" The
AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS devil shakes the skull. "A knight of the Order of the Silver
Dragon. I cut down his lover before his very eyes before
The room is heavily obscured by darkness. With the butchering his men. All of it, a red delight.
reception decorations still up, Strahd has a plethora "And you fools truly expect to best me? I, who
of objects for his animate objects spell. It includes slaughtered the elves? Who trampled my father's foes?
cutlery, tables, unwrapped gifts, and more. Who thundered across this world like the wrath of a just
god?" The devil raises his glass toward the dragon skull
DESTINY CALLS: THE CHAPEL mounted upon the wall.
"My work," he says. "I tore the drake from the sky.
Once the chapel of Ravenloft was a sacred place. A place
Butchered him in his own home. His greatest knights fell.
of prayer and devotion. The Morninglord's light has long
The elves fell. Saint Markovia fell. Even Khazan would
since been banished from this place, and now, in the
not challenge me. All of them—dead, buried, gone.
darkness of it all, lurks only the devil Strahd. "And yet here you stand in their ashes. You truly are the
If your card reading indicates the Chapel (K15) as the greatest foes I have ever faced. Bring your wrath, 'heroes.'
adventurers' destined showdown with Strahd, he is Bring your wrath to bear and learn why nothing in this
among the bats clinging to the ceiling. There is no world can stop me."
light shining here, only swollen darkness.
Weapons drawn, you burst into the chapel. The posies AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS
scattered during the ceremony have withered and rotted. At your discretion, the ten skeletons from the nearby
Darkness reigns here unchecked, and in its depths above Guards' Quarters (K69) can be included in this battle.
teems a horde of nightwings. As you challenge the devil Eight lie amongst the remains in the massive bone
for Barovia's freedom, his voice thunders across every piles (two in each pile), while the remaining two
stone and brick of this place: skeletons wait in area K68 to flank characters.
"You'll find no gods for you here, heroes. The
Morninglord fell to night long ago. His light will never
again shine over Barovia. His light is dead and gone.
Neither do your own gods have power here. There's but
one god left in this world, and He is the Ancient. He is the
Land itself. This, heroes, is my world."

Amidst ancient knowledge and black despair will you find
the devil finally satisfied. End him, and free this land.
If your card reading indicates the Study (K37) as the
adventurers' destined showdown with Strahd, he's
lounging in a chair, gazing into the fire as the
Wachtercult leafs through his arcane tomes. The
devil hardly cares; he's in full bliss, marveling at the
rosy song singing in his black heart.
Read the description for K37, and add:
Cultists pilfer secrets from the shelves. Ancient magic.
Wicked secrets. Lady Watcher smirks and leafs through a
heavy tome, lost to the world.
You're aware of a weight in one of the chairs facing the
hearth. The flames cast the devil's shadow across the wall.
"You know, I didn't think that things could be this well.
That all could be well. That love, sweet, warm love, could
fill such a hole in one's heart—and that one could have it
all and humiliate his greatest foes." The devil sighs
dreamily. "You've failed. Know that. You failed; Tatyana
DESTINY CALLS: THE OVERLOOK is mine in flesh and spirit. All that's left is to provide her
The devil cannot help but smile at this tortured land from with a first meal: you."
his lofty perch. There on the edge of the overlook will The devil stands and sweeps his wedding cloak aside
Barovia's fate be decided. and beckons you forward. The Hour of Night is to draw
to its bloody close at long last.
If your card reading indicates the Overlook (K6) as
the adventurers' destined showdown with Strahd, he WACHTERCULT
gazes out from the overlook. The rain douses open Unless their numbers were culled earlier, Wachter's
flames, while periodically lightning brightens the cult stands with the devil. They have up to four cult
sky. Read: fanatics, three cultists, Wachter's imp, Majesto, and
Rain smashes down onto the flagstones, running towards Fiona Watcher herself, a priest with alternative
the edge. The storm rages above, weeping flashes of light spells. See "Wachtercult" above for her spell list.
and thunder as a cloaked figure gazes out from the
"This valley is mine," the devil whispers—even the At your discretion, the devil can call the four
wind dares not swallow his words, its screams muted by vampire spawn he's left in his bedchamber (K42) to
his very tongue. "Its people are mine. Its future: mine.
join the fray. Otherwise, treat that room as empty
Nothing you do tonight will change that, fools. Your end
lies at the bottom of this cliff. So come, 'heroes'! Let us save Gertruda.
meet your end together." AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS
AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS Strahd has at his command a plethora of tomes for an
Strahd's prevailing tactic is to push his foes closer to animate objects spell. He can also call for swarms of
the edge by circling behind them. Once in position, bats or vampire spawn from the chimney; the fire
he lines up a gust of wind spell. Characters that fail snuffs by his will.
their saving throw may use their reaction to snatch at
the low wall's edge, making a DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw. On a success, the character does not
fall. On a failure, they fall 1,000 feet below.
If adventurers succeed, Strahd also attempts to kick
a character from the edge (via the Shove action) by
using Legendary Actions to close the gap and attack.

Strahd spent his youth escaping the shadow of his father, If Strahd can get a good enough angle on all but one
and under Barov's dead eyes will you topple this beast of the adventurers, he casts gust of wind to blow them
from the throne of Barovia. out of the tomb, then pulls the portcullis lever,
If your card reading indicates the Tomb of King separating the party. With Legendary Actions, he
Barov and Queen Ravenovia (K88) as the then grapples the remaining adventurer while the
adventurers' destined showdown with Strahd, he's in poor fool's companions try so desperately to lift the
a frenzy of rage and despair. Read: portcullis (a DC 25 Strength check).
Dim light from that hazy, otherworldly curtain paints the
tomb shifting hues of blue. Lightning flashes through the DESTINY CALLS: TOMB OF STRAHD
stained glass—and in that split of a second stands the
darkened figure of Strahd von Zarovich himself. The Hour of Night is to be drawn to its bloody close. In
"You would dare step foot in this place?" the devil the depths of Ravenloft, in a place of utter death and pure
snarls. The stones quiver beneath your feet, but the darkness, will you find Strahd von Zarovich: his tomb.
thunder has yet to come. "You would dare to stand where Unlike in Curse of Strahd, if your card reading
my father rests? The man that shook this very world and indicates Strahd's Tomb (K86) as the adventurers'
draped it in his shadow?" destined showdown with Strahd, he is not in his
The devil's hands curl into fists. Outside the storm coffin but an amorphous cloud of mist from which
worsens, railing against the glass. "You would never have his voice thunders. Ireena Kolyana is instead in his
the honor to be buried here, fools, but it will be your tomb coffin. Read:
all the same. Pray now in the shadow of Barov, heroes. The crypt teems with mist out from which the devil's
You'll never escape it." voice thunders:
"This place will be your tomb, fools. Do you really
AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS think you can hope to stop me? Me? I, who slaughtered
Strahd is aware of the otherworldly curtain in area the elves? Who trampled my father's foes? I tore
K87, and lines up a gust of wind spell on characters Argynvost from the sky and butchered him in his own
he knows to have evil in their hearts. The curtain then home! Saint Markovia starved in these very crypts! Even
teleports the adventurer to the top of the stairs, Khazan could not best me! All of them—dead and buried!
separating them from the party. And yet here you stand in their ashes. You truly are the
If an adventurer nears the stained glass, Strahd will greatest foes I have ever faced.
shatter the glass and either shove the adventurer or "Well, there's no more running. No more games of cat
cast gust of wind. A character that falls drops 900 feet and mouse. Today I die or live for the very first time.
Come, heroes! Come! Face your end and finally learn that
to the base of the Pillarstone of Ravenloft.
this is my world!"


For his beloved Tatyana, the devil murdered his own As described in the quest, Ireena lies dead in Strahd's
brother and plunged Barovia into darkness. Now, in coffin. Blood trickles from two pinpricks in her neck.
Sergei's resting place, will the valley's fate be decided. See "The Black Truth" in the "The Devil's Bride."
If your card reading indicates Sergei's tomb (K85) as
the adventurers' destined showdown with Strahd,
Before combat erupts, the mist condenses into the
he's lies across the coffin, weeping… in triumph.
Wails echo throughout these wretched depths. Carven gaunt form of Strahd; he appears behind the
angels watch as the devil weeps over his brother's adventurer of his choice. Strahd's three vampire
coffin… but when Strahd looks to you, it's with a smile. spawn brides then erupt from the earth.
"You've lost," the devil laughs, wiping a tear from his If any of the teleportation traps are yet active,
eye. "You've lost, 'heroes'! Tatyana is mine! Sergei Strahd tries to bait the adventurers from his tomb and
himself could not stop me from taking her as my own. For towards one, kicking or casting gust of wind on a
her, I murdered my very own brother. Shoved that blade character so as to send them to Crypt 14 and
deep into his breastbone and drank deep of his life's blood. conjuring a wight in their place (see Crypt 14, K84).
It was necessary. His death was necessary to have my
beloved. So too is yours."

Only by pounding a stake through the devil's black heart Behind great beauty will you find the heart of greed and
might this valley be free from his tyranny—and fate has draw the curtains on this terrible night once and for all.
decreed that near the castle's beating heart, Barovia's If your card reading indicates the Treasury (K41) as
destiny will be decided once and for all. the adventurer's destined showdown with Strahd, he
If your card reading indicates the North Tower Peak stands atop the tower (a Daern's instant fortress).
(K60) as the adventurers' destined showdown with Read the description for area K41, and add:
Strahd, he stares outside the window. A strong wind The starry ceiling paints the vault in a strange glow. Atop
afflicts this place unless Strahd wills otherwise. Once the tower, the devil leans from the battlements, sneering
they reach the chamber, read its description on pg. 74 down at you. "There's but two treasures in this world: the
and add: devotion of your beloved, and sweet triumph over one's
The wind screams, whipping through the window while foes. And by dawn, I will have both. Come, fools. Race to
thunder promises ruin. The devil gazes into the storm your end."
raging across the Balinok Mountains. Circumventing the Tower. The adventurers will be
"This valley is mine," the devil whispers—even the hard-pressed trying to break down the walls of the
wind dares not swallow his words, its screams muted by tower. Solutions include:
his very tongue. "Its people are mine. Its future: mine. • Casting identify on the tower to learn its command
Nothing you do tonight will change that, fools. Your end word, and thus opening the doors.
lies at the bottom of this tower. So come, 'heroes'! Let us • Using the space between the vault and tower walls to
meet your end together." slowly scale the tower by bracing one's legs against the
tower, moving at half their movement speed.
AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS • Guessing Strahd's command word; if there were any
At half health, Strahd phases through the ceiling, keywords or refrains oft repeated by the devil throughout
moving to the North Tower Rooftop (K60A). After 3 your campaign, they might try repeating them. It's up to
rounds, ten swarms of bats accost the adventurers. your discretion.
Strahd also casts gust of wind when he gets a good
angle on the adventurers, potentially blowing them AREA-SPECIFIC TACTICS
off the tower. They fall 130 feet below to the rooftop, Strahd has the high ground against his foes and can
taking 13d6 bludgeoning damage. A creature that is resort to his ranged spells, such as ray of frost or
within 5 feet of a falling character can reach out to fireball to rain death down upon his foes.
snatch at them, making a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw. On a success, the character doesn't fall.

Never in Barovia's history has its people come so If the Blood of the Innocents quest was not
close to seeing the sun in its full glory… Will they? completed in any fashion, several sheep fall prey to
the deprivations of Ravenloft. Those that survive are
THE DEVIL TRIUMPHANT rounded up by the devil's minions and kept as cattle.
Should the devil emerge triumphant from the Hour Over the next several nights, a few of the captives are
of Night, Barovia scatters its slivered hope and falls loosed from the dungeons for Ireena von Zarovich to
to black despair. To come so close to freedom just hunt down throughout the halls of Castle Ravenloft.
for it be torn away is far too much. Despair blooms As part of the game, the devil arms them with rapiers,
like a winter plague, consuming all the valley. for all the good that does them.
Only Strahd's direct vassals are spared this bloody
HERE COMES THE DEVIL'S BRIDE end, sent back to their hovels to live with the horrors
If Ireena's corpse goes unburned, and Strahd defeats of this night forevermore.
the adventurers, his final blow against the last
survivor is nonlethal; if any other adventurers are BROTHER TO EVIL.
unconscious but alive, he stabilizes them as well. The If Ismark Kolyanovich was never rescued from the
devil then leaves his vanquished foes in the dungeons, or lived through the Hour of Night, Strahd
dungeons. These characters cannot achieve the returns him to the village of Barovia where the poor
benefits of a short or long rest while languishing in man lives under the shadow of his failure until the
the dungeons; it's too cold, too foul, and the devil's end of his days—or until the next batch of
minions wake and prod the adventurers just as they adventurers are lured into Barovia as Strahd (and his
reach a deep slumber. They merely meander through lovely wife's) playthings.
restless sleep haunted by red nightmares. THE IRON LADY OF VALLAKI
At dusk the next evening, the devil Strahd returns Armed with the knowledge pilfered from Strahd's
with his newly turned bride to sic Ireena on her those study, Lady Wachter closes her grip around Vallaki
that failed to save her. Read: at long last, turning it into a bastion of fiend worship.
You awaken in darkness. A chill hangs in the air and foul Weekly rituals and parades devoted to praising
water laps at your knees. Steel rattles as you try to stand.
Strahd replace Baron Vallakovich's dismal festivals.
Manacles. Manacles that bite into your wrists. Memories
trickle in a few at a time until thunder cracks and the dam UPROOTED AND BURNED
splits. It all comes rushing back to you: the blood, the If the Martikovs aided the adventurers through the
bodies, the devil standing triumphant. With a shiver you
wedding, Strahd wastes no time in revoking their
realize he's left you for last. How much time has passed
in this accursed dungeon? lands and titles, and destroys them utterly—starting
A voice in the dark startles you. "You're awake at long first with the children and working his way up the
last. Good." The devil's voice, cold and satisfied. "It's as I family tree. The Keepers of the Feather disband,
promised, my love. Betrayal is truly the sweetest of hiding amongst the villagers or taking to the wild.
nectars. Drink deep of our most anticipated guests and
emerge… more than the mortal. Emerge perfect in THE DEVIL DEFEATED
undeath. Emerge as one with the Night."
The door to your cell creaks open. Steps plod into the The Hour of Night has drawn to its bloody close, and
water. The devil strikes a lantern so that you might see all of Barovia will know this night that the devil
your bloody end coming: Strahd has been thrown to the hellish depths he
Ireena von Zarovich. Her pale hands end in talons. deserved.
Shivering, she licks at her newfound fangs, and whispers
to you, "Most anticipated, indeed. And where you failed AFTERMATH OF THE WEDDING
in life, I… I will triumph. Your Hour of Night is over, but The aftermath of the wedding hinges upon what's
this is just my beginning. Black Barovia will remember already transpired in your campaign before the
you always." wedding as well as during it. Assuming these
The devil's bride hurls herself forward. Your screams characters have lived, they do the following:
and prayers to impotent gods rend the nighted depths but Dusk Elves. Kasimir Velikov either breaks down
there can be nothing more you but a cold, crimson end. weeping at this pyrrhic triumph for his doomed
people, or escorts his sister out of Ravenloft by

means of the Brazier Room (K78) if she was THE RETURN OF STRAHD
If you were to tell your players of the inevitable,
Innocents. Unless escorted by the adventurers,
disappointing fate of Barovia, you can use this
only a quarter of innocents survive. Most fell to the
speech. Modify it as you see fit.
castle's wards and traps. Others escaped into the
Do you wish to know the truth? Dare you ask for the truth,
storm, dying of exposure. Some cowered in the though it might break your hearts?
castle, hunted down like rabbits by night-horrors. So be it.
Keepers of the Feather. The Martikovs and their Months would pass in Barovia. Months of peace.
allies rejoice and spirit the battle-weary adventurers Months in which the Barovians knew what joy and hope
away from this accursed place; either down to the could feel like. And all would be well… Until it wasn't.
burgomaster's mansion of the village of Barovia (if For men can sense the ill wind when it blows, don't you
Ismark yet lives) or Vallaki. know? They can hear it. They can feel it in their very souls
Vistani. Arrigal and his henchmen set about and carry it as a weight in their hearts.
securing the castle for their own purposes if possible; The days would shorten. The skies would grow grayer.
the assassin has regal ambitions. Otherwise they join The rain would kick up a foul mist in the morning that
would not leave until dawn… And there would finally
the Vistani exodus, fearing retribution by the
come a day when the sun did not shine over Barovia, but
Barovians. from behind a gray shroud.
Werewolves. If Kiril Stoyanovich has been slain, Like a creeping claw, the mists would rise again to
any surviving werewolves turn to freeing Emil snatch Barovia by the throat… For the curse of Strahd
Toranescu from the dungeons and elevate him to cannot be so easily ended, you must see. The Dark Powers
packleader; otherwise, his wife, Zuleika, usurps that lie imprisoned in the nighted depths of the earth will
command once news arrives. The attacks on the not allow it. They will not allow it, oh no, for Strahd is the
Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms setting comes darkness that sustains them. Strahd von Zarovich is their
to an end. plaything evermore, cursed to run along the wheel of time
again, and again, and again. His return is but another black
IREENA AND SERGEI beginning for Barovia.
If the adventurers defeat Strahd and burn Ireena's And the devil? The devil remembers his death. His
corpse, her soul is saved from eternal damnation. revenge is quick, and savage. Those that saw to his end
Follow the "Sergei and Ireena" event described in would go screaming to theirs. Some would escape, hiding
Curse of Strahd's epilogue. If the adventurers burn amongst the sheep and away from the wolves, plotting
their next move. Plotting. Praying.
her corpse after defeating Strahd, you can start the
And for those that left? For those heroes that left
event with this. It assumes they burned her in Barovia? There would come a day when they would wake
Strahd's tomb instead of taking her corpse elsewhere. to a letter at their doorsteps, no matter where in the world
Ireena's pyre begins to shine with a newfound light. From they were; no matter what world they stood on. A letter
her bloodied, dusted lips escapes a wisp of light. It soars sealed in a familiar wax. A letter that invites them to dine
from the fire and hangs at the threshold of Strahd's tomb, at Castle Ravenloft once more as the honored guests of
almost beckoning for you to follow. Strahd von Zarovich.
You follow the wisp through the nighted halls of With his dark rebirth, the mists would surround the
Ravenloft, over corpses and cobwebs, and through the valley once more, carving it away from the world. The
depths of nightmare, until finally you emerge upon souls of the dead would never find an ever after, forced
Ravenloft's overlook. once again to live and die and live again in this hell. The
Continue on with the narration provided in the event. Vistani would return to the valley, Madam Eva at the
helm. The beasts of the land would fall under Strahd's
spell, while the burgomasters fortify their settlements,
praying to a dead god that someone—anyone—can once
again save them from the curse of Strahd.


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