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Question 1.
Who said: The task of representing the people has been given to the rich?
(a) Mirabeau
(b) Jean-Paul Marat
(c) Rousseau
(d) Georges Denton

Question 2.
The National Assembly framed a Constitution in 1791 to limit the powers of the
(a) monarch
(b) wealthy man
(c) businessmen
(d) press

Question 3.
Who wrote an influential pamphlet What is the third Estate’?
(a) Mirabeau
(b) Abbe Sieyes
(c) Jean-Paul Marat
(d) Olympe de Gouges.

Question 4.
Which group of people did not join the Jacobin club?
(a) Artisans
(b) Shopkeepers
(c) Daily-wage workers
(d) Men with property

Question 5.
French women demanded the right:
(a) to vote
(b) to be elected to the assembly
(c) to hold political office
(d) all of the above

6.A triangular slave trade took place between Europe, the Americas and:(a) Africa(b) Asia(c) Australia(d)
none of the above

7.Upon becoming free, the slave wore:(a) blue cap(b) white cap(c) red cap(d) green cap

8.Who were not considered ‘passive citizens’?(a) Women(b) children(c) Non-propertied men(d) wealthy

9.The Third Estate comprised(a) Poor servants and small peasants, landless labourers(b) Peasants and
artisan(c) Big businessmen, merchants, lawyers etc.(d) All the above

10.Which of the following decisions was taken by the convention(a) Declared France a
constitutionalmonarchy (b) Abolished the monarchy (c) All men and women above 21 years got the right
to vote
(d) Declared France a Republic
11.How does a ‘Subsistence Crisis’ happen?(a) Bad harvest leads to scarcity of grains(b) Food prices riseand the
poorest cannot buy bread(c) Leads to weaker bodies, diseases, deaths and even food riots
(d) All the above

Question 12.
Which of the following statements is untrue about the Third Estate
(a) The Third Estate was made of the poor only
(b) Within the Third Estate some were rich and some were poor
(c) Richer members of the Third Estate owned lands
(d) Peasants were obliged to serve in the army, or build roads

Question 13.
A guillotine was ____________________
(a) A device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person was beheaded
(b) A fine sword with which heads were cut off(c) A special noose to hang people
(d) none of the above

Question 14.
The word livres stands for:
(a) unit of currency in France
(b) tax levied by the Church
(c) Tax to be paid directly to the state
(d) none of these

Question 15.
What was the ‘Subsistence Crisis’ which occurred frequently in France?
(a) An extreme situation endangering the basic means of livelihood
(b) Subsidy in food grains
(c) Large-scale production of food grains
(d) None of the above

Question 16.
What was ‘Estates General’?
(a) Post of Army General
(b) A political body
(c) Head of all landed property
(d) Advisor of the king

Question 17.
The term ‘Old Regime’ is usually used to describe
(a) France before 1000 B.C.
(b) Society of France after 1789 A.D.(c) Society and institutions of France before 1789A.D.
(d) None of the above

Question 18.
Which of these books was written by John Locke?
(a) The Spirit of the Laws
(b) Two Treatises on Government
(c) The Social Contract
(d) All the above

19.In the meeting of the Estates General, the members of the Third Estate demanded that
(a) All the three Estates should have one vote altogether
(c) Each Estate should have one vote
(b) Each member of the three Estates should have one vote
(d) None of the above

20.Who led the representatives of the Third Estate in Versailles on 20th June?(a) Mirabeau(b)
AbbeSieyes(c)Louis XVI
(d) Both a and b
21.Which of these provisions were passed by the Assembly on the night of 4 August, 1789?
(a) Abolition of feudal system of obligations
(b) Clergy had to give up its privileges
(c) Tithes were abolished
(d) All the above

22.According to the new constitution of 1791, the National Assembly was to be

(a) Elected directly
(b) appointed by the king
(c) elected indirectly
(d) a hereditary body

23.Which of these rights were not established as ‘natural and inalienable’ rights by the constitution of
(a) Right to life
(b) Freedom of speech and opinion
(c) Equality before the law
(d) All the above

24. On ………………. the city of Paris was in a state of alarm. The king had
commanded troops to move into the city.
A. 15 July 1779
B. 14 July 1779
C. 15 July 1789
D. 14 July 1789

25. Some 7,000 men and women gathered in front of the town hall and decided to form
a …………?
A. Peoples party
B. Peoples’ militia
C. Peoples democracy
D. Peoples presence

26. Finally, a group of several hundred people marched towards the …………….. part
of the city and stormed the fortress-prison, the Bastille, where they hoped to find
hoarded ammunition?
A. Eastern
B. Northern
C. Western
D. Southern

27. Why was the fortress-prison, the Bastille, hated by all?

A. It stood for the despotic power of the king.
B. Because of dictatorship
C. Aristocracy
D. None of these

28. What was the main protest by the people?

A. Price of bread
B. Behavior of the king
C. Poverty of the people
D. High taxes

29. Who said “ the task of representing the people has to be given to the rich”?
A. Mirabeau B. Jean Paul Marat C. Rousseau D. Georges Denton
30. The National Assembly formed a constitution in 1791, to limit the power of the
A. Wealthy men
B. Businessmen
C. Monarch
D. Press

31. Who wrote the influential pamphlet- ‘What is the Third Estate"?
A. Mirabeau
B. Jean Paul Marat
C. Abbe Sieyes
D. Georges Denton

32. Which group of people did not join the Jacobin Club?
A. Artisans
B. Shopkeepers
C. Daily wage workers
D. Men with property

33.French women demanded the right to…..?

A. Vote
B. To be elected in the assembly
C. To hold political office
D. All

34.A triangular slave trade took place between Europe, the Americas and…..?
A. Asia
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. None

35. What did the slaves wear after becoming free?

A. Blue cap
B. Red cap
C. White cap
D. Green cap

36. Who were not considered passive citizens?

A. Women
B. Children
C. Non property men
D. Wealthy people

37. The third estate comprised……?

A. Poor and small peasants
B. Land less labour
C. Peasants and artisans
D. All
38. Which of the following decisions was taken by the convention?
A. It declared France a constitutional Monarchy
B. Abolished the Monarchy
C. All men and women above 21 got the right to vote
D. Declared France a Republic
39.How does a subsistence crisis happen?
A. Bad harvest leads of scarcity of grainsB. Food prices rise and the poor cannot buy
bread C. Leads to disease and death D. All

40.Which of the following statements is false about the Third Estate?

A. It comprised of poor only
B. Some were rich some were poor
C. Rich members owned land
D. Peasant were obliged to serve in the army

41.What was a guillotine?

A. A device consisted of two poles and a blade to behead people
B. A fine sword to behead people
C. A special noose to hang people
D. None 0f these
42. What does the word livres stand for?
A. Unit of currency in France
B. Tax levied by the state
C. Tax levied by the Church
D. Tax to the Landlord

43. What was Estates General? A. Post of army general B. A political body C. Head of
all landed property D. Advisor of the king

44.The term old regime is used to describe……?

A. France before 1000 BC
B. Society of France after 1789
C. Society of France before 1789
D. None

45. Which of these books was written by John Locke?

A. The spirit of the laws
B. Two treatises on Government
C. The social contract
D. All

46. In the meeting of the Estates General, the members of the Third Estate demanded
A. All the estates have one vote together
B. Each estate should have one vote
C. Each member of all three estates should have one vote each
D. None

47. Who led the representatives of the Third Estate in Versailles on 20th June?
A. Mirabeau
B. Abbe Sieyes
C. Louis XVI
D. A & B

48. Which of these provisions were passed by the Assembly on night of 4th August
A. Abolition of feudal system B. Clergy had to give up its privilegesC. Tithes was
abolished D. All
49. According to the new constitution 1791, the National Assembly was to be ----A.
Elected directly B. Appointed by the king C. Elected indirectly D. A hereditary body
50. Which of the following is true is about Bastille Storming?
A. It was a fortress prison in France
B. It represented despotic powers
C. French common man hated Bastille
D. All

51. When did the fall of Bastille take place?

A. 14 July 1789
B. 20 June 1789
C. 4 August 1789
D. 5 May 1789

52. Which estates in France were exempted from paying taxes?

A. The first Estate
B. The second Estate
C. First and Second estate both
D. The Third estate

53. What was Tithes?

A. A tax levied by the Church
B. Tax by the state C. Tax by the Monarch D. None

54. On which of the following day did ‘Storming of the Bastille’ occur?
(a) 14th July, 1789
(b) 14th July, 1798
(c) 14th June, 1789
(d) 14th June, 1798

55. What did Bastille symbolize?

(a) Benevolence of the king
(b) Despotic power of the king
(c) Armed might of France
(d) Prestige and power

56. 18th century French society was divided into

(a) Castes
(b) Four Estates
(c) Three Estates (d) Two Estates

57. Which of the following constituted the privileged class?

(a) Clergy and peasants
(b) Peasants and nobility
(c) First and Third Estate
(d) Clergy and nobility

58. The most important of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobility
(a) Right to collect dues
(b) Ownership of land
(c) Participate in wars
(d) Exemption from taxes to the state

59. Which of the following believed social position must depend on merit?
(a) Middle class
(b) Nobility
(c) Workers
(d) Peasants

60. Society based on freedom, equal laws and opportunities was advocated by
(a) Middle class and people of the Third Estate
(b) Clergy and nobility
(c) Philosophers such as John Locke and Rousseau
(d) Englishmen Georges Danton and Arthur Young

61. Which of the following refuted the doctrine of divine and absolute right?
(a) John Locke
(b) Rousseau
(c) Montesquieu
(d) Voltaire

62. Who advocated government based on Social Contract?

(a) Darwin
(b) Spencer
(c) Rousseau (d) Montesquieu

63. Division of power within the government was put forth in

(a) 'Two Treaties of Government'
(b) 'The Spirit of the Laws'
(c) 'Le Moniteur Universal'
(d) 'The Social Contract'

64. Who was the King of France at the time of the Revolution?
(a) Louis XIV
(b) Louis XVI
(c) Marie Antoinette
(d) Nicholas II

65. Political body of France

(a) Duma
(b) Reichstag
(c) Lok Sabha
(d) Estates General

66. Voting in the Estates General was conducted on the principle of

(a) Each member one vote
(b) Male adult franchise
(c) Universal adult franchise
(d) Estates General

67. The Estates General was last convened in

(a) 1604
(b) 1614
(c) 1416
(d) 1641

68. Where did the Third Estate form and announce the National Assembly?
(a) Indoor Tennis Court
(b) Hall of Mirrors
(c) Firoz Shah Ground (d) Winter Palace

69. Members of the Third Estate were led by

(a) Louis XVI and Marie Antionette
(b) Lenin and Kerensky
(c) Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes
(d) Rousseau and Voltaire

70. Which of the following was the main objective of the Constitution of 1791?
(a) To limit the powers of the king alone
(b) Do away with feudal privileges
(c) Give equal rights to women
(d) Establish a constitutional monarchy

71. A broken chain symbolized

(a) Chains used to fetter slaves
(b) Strength lies in unity
(c) Royal power
(d) Act of becoming free

72. The winged woman personified

(а) National colours of France
(b) Act of becoming free
(c) Personification of Law
(d) Rays of the Sun will drive away the clouds of ignorance

73. Bundle of rods or fasces symbolized

(a) Royal power
(b) Equality before law
(c) Law is the same for all
(d) Strength lies in unity

74. Which of the following symbolized Eternity?

(a) Sceptre
(b) Eye within a triangle radiating light
(c) The Law Tablet (d) Snake biting its tail to form a ring

75. Which of the following were the national colours of France during the?
(a) Blue-green-yellow
(b) Red-green-blue
(c) Blue-white-red
(d) Yellow-red-white
76. National Anthem of France
(a) Vande Matram
(b) Roget de L Isle
(c) Le Moniteur Universal
(d) Marseilles
77. Members of the Jacobin Club were known as
(a) Conservatives
(b) Revolutionaries
(c) Terrorists
(d) San-culottes
78. France on 21st September, 1792 was declared a
(a) Socialist State
(b) Democracy
(c) Communist State
(d) Republic

79. Which of the following was a factor in the rise of Napoleon?

(a) Fall of the Jacobin government
(b) Robespiere’s Reign of Terror
(c) Political instability of the Directory
(d) Nationalist forces

80.. French legacy to the world

(a) Democracy
(b) Socialism and nationalism
(c) Republicanism
(d) Liberty, Freedom and Equality
81.In the context of France the volunteers from Marseilles sang the Marseillaise, a patriotic songwhen
they marched into Paris. Who composed this song?(a) Maximilian Robespierre(b)MarieAntoinette

(c) Roget de L’Isle (d) Mirabeau

82.. What did the Red Cap worn by Sans Culottes in France symbolize?
(a) Liberty
(b) Brotherhood
(c) Love
(d) Equality

83. Which of the following refers to the political body representing the three
estates of pre-revolutionary France?
(a) Parliament of France
(b) National Assembly
(c) Estates General
(d) Estates Committee

84. The word ‘Guillotine’ during French Revolution era refers to

(a) Beheading a person
(b) Awarding a person
(c) Taxing a person
(d) Threatening a person

85. The French Revolution took place on…..

(a) July 14, 1789
(b) July 14, 1788
(c) July 14, 1786
(d) July 14, 1785

86. On what charges was Louis XVI guillotined?

(a) Cruelty
(b) Treason
(c) Absolute Role
(d) Misgovernance

87. The tax called tithe was collected from French Peasants by
(a) The Church (b) The emperor (c) The Nobles (d) Chief of the Army
88. Why was the subsistence crisis caused in France?
(a) The wages of the people were low
(b) There was widespread unemployment
(c) Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand of food grains
(d) The government imposed various taxes

89. The Bastille was hated by all in France because

(a) It stood for the despotic power of the king
(b) It was a fortress prison
(c) Prison In charge tortured the inmates
(d) It housed dreaded criminals

90.In the war against Prussia and Austria, the army sang which patriotic song?


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