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8418, National Road, Del Carmen, Surigao del Norte

Member: Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
Surigao Association of Catholic Schools (SACS)
Email: [email protected]
Cell No.: 0910-226-9709
Mt. Carmel School of Siargao, Inc.


1 Quarter I 1st Semester I SY 2021-2022


Topic: Defining Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences
Expert Teacher: Rufa S. Penson
Activity No.: 1.1
MELC’S: The learners clarify the relationships and differences between social sciences and
applied social sciences.
Learning Target: I can make a clear differentiation of social sciences and applied social sciences.

Values/Attitudes: Excellence.

Type of Activity: Concept Notes

I. Concept Notes

Defining Social Sciences – is made of several disciplines and these include history, political science,
sociology, psychology, economics, geography, demography, anthropology and linguistics. As a body of
scientific knowledge, the social sciences provide diverse set of lens that help us understand and explain
the different facets of human society. The varieties of lens that social sciences study refer to the different
fields of the social sciences that investigate human society.

Branches of the Social Sciences

Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources and

the production and exchange of goods and services in
Anthropology is the scientific study of humans and their
cultures in the past and present time.
Archeology studies human life in the past through the
examination of things left behind by the people.
Political Science primarily studies human behavior in relation to political systems, governments, laws, and
international relations.
Psychology studies how the human mind works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts that
lead to individual actions.
Sociology a systematic study of people’s behavior in groups
Geography is the study of interaction between people and their environments.
Demography according to the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2016) demography is the
scientific study of human populations across time.

Defining the Applied Social Sciences- branch of study that applies the different concepts, theoretical
models, and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different
problems and issues. The applied social sciences is utilized to provide alternative solutions to the diverse
problem of the society.

Three main career tracks for applied social

 Counseling is one of the fields of
applied social sciences as an
application of the social sciences,
counseling provides guidance,
help, and support to individuals
who are distraught by a diverse
set of problems in their lives.

Counseling can be done by the

 Guidance counselor and life coaching are applications of the social sciences and these
professions, expert help are given to individuals who needed guidance or advice pertaining to
their business successes, general conditions and personal life transitions, relationships and
 Life coach analyzes the present condition of the client, discovers different obstacles or
challenges that a client faces, and provides a certain course of action to make the client’s life
 Career counseling is needed by people who are in the process of entering the job market,
searching for possible career change, or those wanting career advancements.
 Personal growth counseling concentrates on the evaluation of different aspects of a client’s life.
 Social work practitioners help individuals, families, and groups, communities to improve their
individual and collective well-being.
 Communication Studies- Applied social science provide adequate training for careers in the
field of journalism and mass communication because of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills
that graduates learn from social sciences.

II. Learning Experiences

A. Checking for Understanding
Act. 1 Data Retrieval Chart Completion
Direction: Complete the data retrieval chart. Classify the following disciplines and categorize them if they
belong to the Pure Social Sciences or to the Applied Social Sciences








Activity 2. Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

Direction: Using the graphic organizer below answer the folowing questions. Write your answer in the table.

Social Science Applied Social Science

How are they alike? (similarities)

Both are social sciences that shares one goal and that is developing
and making a certain society works properly. And according to, One such similarity lies in the fact that they both adopt
the use of observations in their research.

How are they different? (differences)

Social Science focuses on Applied Social Science aims to present

human society or the human well-developed understanding of
social systems, social theory and social
condition in general.

B. Processing Questions

Having the knowledge of what is social sciences, how does it improve yourself?

- Social Sciences make sense of the institutions that shape our lives. These studies provide a
better evidence-based grounding for evaluating our social and political world. It also improves
my knowledge about social sciences with its disciplines, ideas, functions, and uses.

In your own opinion how applied social sciences helps the people?

- Applied Social Sciences helps the people by understanding on how to interact with the social
world. It helps us to know more about the duties towards human society. It also provides
knowledge of the social environment and nature. With this it can improve the society and the
lives of people.

What is counselling in your own word? Give 1 scenario.

- Counselling is an applied social science that helps individuals get better understanding
of themselves to handle their roles and relationships effectively. One scenario is to assist clients in
exploring their problems and guide them to solutions.

Prepared by:

Rufa S. Penson, LPT

Subject Teacher Submitted by:

You have completed the 1st week activity. You can now proceed to the next task. Good Luck!

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