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Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary

Sources in Philippine History

Learning Objectives:
• To familiarize oneself with the primary documents in different historical periods of the Philippines.
• To learn history through primary sources.
• To properly interpret primary sources through examining the contact and context of the document.
• To understand the context behind each selected document.

The historian’s primary tool of understanding and interpreting the past is the historical sources.
Historical sources ascertain historical facts. Such facts are then analyzed and interpreted by the
historian to weave historical narrative. Using primary sources in historical research entails two kinds
of criticism. The first one is EXTERNAL CRITICISM and the second is INTERNAL CRITICISM.

EXTERNAL CRITICISM examines the authenticity of the document or the evidence being used while

INTERNAL CRITICISM examines the truthfulness of the content of the evidence.

A Brief Summary of the First Voyage Around the World by Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta

Who is Antonio Pigafetta? – Famous Italian traveller born in Vicenza around 1490 and died in the
same city in 1534, who is also known by the name of Antonio Lombardo or Francisco Antonio
Pigafetta. Initially linked to the order of Rhodes, which was Knight, went to Spain in 1519,
accompanied by Monsignor Francisco Chiericato, and was made available from Carlos V to promote
the company initiated by the Catholic Monarchs in the Atlantic. Soon he became a great friendship
with Magallanes, who accompanied, together with Juan Sebastián Elcano, in the famous expedition to
the Moluccas begun in August of 1519 and finished in September 1522.

Who is Antonio Pigafetta? – He was wounded at the battle of the island of Cebu (Philippines) in which
Magellan found death. The output of Seville made it aboard of the Trinity; the return, along with a
handful of survivors (17 of the 239 who left this adventure), in victory, ship that entered in Sanlúcar
de Barrameda (Cádiz) on September 6, the designated year. In the last years of his life, he traveled
by land from France to finally return to Italy in 1523. He wrote the relation of that trip, which was the
first around the world, Italian and with the title of Relazioni in lathe to the primo viaggio di
circumnavigazione. Notizia del Mondo Nuovo with figure you dei paesi scoperti, which was published
posthumously, in 1536.

Who is Antonio Pigafetta? – The account of Pigafetta is the single most important source about the
voyage of circumnavigation, despite its tendency to include fabulous details. He took notes daily, as
he mentioned when he realizes his surprise at Spain and see that he had lost a day (due to its driving
direction). Includes descriptions of numerous animals, including sharks, the Storm petrel (Hydrobates
pelagicus), the pink spoonbill (Ajaja ajaja) and the Phyllium orthoptera, an insect similar to a sheet.
Pigafetta captured a copy of the latter near Borneo and kept it in a box, believing a moving blade who
lived in the air. His report is rich in ethnographic details. He practiced as an interpreter and came to
develop, at least in two Indonesian dialects.

Pigafetta’s work instantly became a classic that prominent literary men in the West like WILLIAM
SHAKESPEARE, MICHEL de MONTAIGNE, and GIAMBATTISTA VICO referred to the book in their
interpretation of the New World. Pigafetta’s travelogue is one of the most important primary sources
in the study of the precolonial Philippines.
In Pigafetta’s account, their fleet reached what he called the LADRONES ISLANDS or the “Islands of
the Thieves.” He recounted: “These people have no arms, but use sticks, which have a fish bone at
the end. They are poor, but ingenious, and great thieves, and for the sake of that we call these three
islands the Ladrones Islands.”
The Ladrones Islands
The Ladrones Islands is presently known as the Marianas Islands. Tendays after they have reached
Ladrones Islands, Pigafetta reported that they have what he called the Isle of Zamal, now Samar but
Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited island for greater security where they could rest for
a few days. – On MARCH 18, nine men came to them and showed joy and eagerness in seeing them.
Magellan realized that the men were reasonable and welcomed them with food, drinks and gifts.

Pigafetta detailed in amazement and fascination the palm tree which bore fruits called cochos and
wine. – He characterized the people as “very familiar and friendly” and willingly showed them
different islands and the names of these islands. The fleet went to Humunu Island (Homonhon) and
there they found what he referred to as the “Watering Place of Good Signs.” for it is in this place that
they found the first signs of gold in the island. They named the island together with a nearby island as
the archipelago of St. Lazarus.

On March 25th, Pigafetta recounted that they saw two balanghai (balangay), a long boat full of people
in Mazzava/Mazaus. The leader whom he reffered to the king became closely bonded with Magellan
as they both exchanged gifts to one another. – After a few days, Magellan was introduced to the
king’s brother who was also a king of another island where Pigafetta reported that they saw mines of
gold. The gold was abundant that parts of the ship and of the house of the king were made of gold.
This king was named Raia Calambu, king of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua), and the first
king was Raia Siagu.
On March 31st (Easter Sunday), Magellan ordered the chaplain to preside a Mass by the shore. The
king heard about this plan and sent two dead pigs and attended the Mass with the other king.
Pigafetta then wrote: “…when the offertory of the mass came, the two kings, went to kiss the cross
like us, but they offered nothing, and at the elevation of the body of our Lord they were kneeling like
us, and adored our Lord with joined hands.” This was the first Mass in the Philippines, and the cross
would be famed Magellan’s Cross which is still preserved at present day. This was the same cross
which Magellan explained to the kings as a sign of his emperor who ordered him to plan it in the
places were he would reach and further explained that once other Spaniards saw this cross, then they
would know that they had been in this island and would not cause them troubles.

By April 7th, Magellan and his men reached the port of Zzubu (Cebu) with the help of Raia Calambu
who offered to pilot them in going to the island. The kind of Cebu demanded that they pay tribute as
it was customary but Magellan refused. By the next day, Magellan’s men and the king of Cebu,
together with other principal men of Cebu, met in an open space. There the king offered a bit of his
blood and demanded that Magellan do the same. – On April 14, Magellan spoke to the kind and
encouraged him to be a good Christian by burning all of the idols and worship the cross instead. The
king of Cebu was then baptized as a Christian. After 8 days, all of the island’s inhabitant were already

When the queen came to the Mass one day, Magellan gave her an image of the Infant Jesus made by
Pigafetta himself. – On 26th of April, Zula, a principal man from the island of Matan (Mactan) went to
see Magellan and asked him for a boat full of men so that he would be able to fight the chief name
Silapulapu (Lapulapu). Magellan offered 3 boats instead and went to Mactan to fight the said chief. –
They numbered 49 in total and the islanders of Mactan were estimated to number 1,500. Magellan
died in battle. He was pierced with a poison arrow in his right leg. The king of Cebu who was baptized
offered help but Magellan refused so that he could see how they fought. – The kind also offered the
people of Mactan gifts of any value and amount in exchange of Magellan’s body but the chief refused
and wanted to keep Magellan’s body as a memento of their victory.

Magellan’s men then elected Duarte Barbosa as the new captian. – Pigafetta also accounted how
Magellan’s slave and interpreter named Henry betrayed them and told the king of Cebu that they
intended to leave as soon as possible. Henry and the king of Cebu conspired and betrayed what was
left of Magellan’s men. The king invited these men to a gathering where he said he would present the
jewels that he would send for the King of Spain.

Pigafetta was left on board the ship and was not able to join the 24 men who went to the gathering
because he was nursing his battle wounds. – The natives had slain all the men except the interpreter
and Juan Serrano who shouted at the men on this ship to pay ransom so that he would be spared but
he was left on the island for they refused to go back to shore. – The fleet abandoned Serrano and
departed. They left Cebu and continued their journey around the world.
The KKK and the “Kartilya ng Katipunan”
The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK) or Katipunan is
arguably the most important organization formed in the Philippine history. The two principal aims of
the KKK as gathered from the writings of Bonifacio: 1. Unity of the filipino people

Bonifacio came out after the failure of the reform movement headed by Rizal and M. Del Pilar. This
paved way for a more radical and more active lines. He formed the Katipunan, a secret society which
was founded at Tondo Manila, in a house on Azcarraga Street then numbered 314, on July 7, 1892, the
same date on which Rizal was decreed to be banished to Dapitan.

Rizal doubtless approved the first aim but refused to accept the second and this was the reason that
he refused to go along with the “Katipuneros” (soldiers’ of the Katipunan) and voluntarily surrendered
that leads him to prison and death. – To achieve unity of the Filipinos, propaganda work must be done
and this was through massive education and civic trainings of the Katipuneros. To that end, Bonifacio
prepared his now well-known decalogue, and Jacinto his famous “Kartilya ng Katipunan” (Primer of the

These are the rules in Kartilya. The Kartilya can be treated as the Katipunan’s Code of conduct which
contains 14 rules that instruct the way a Katipunero should behave.

Below is a translated version of the rules on Kartilya

1. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a
poisonous weed.
2. To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.
3. It is rational to be charitable and love one's fellow creature, and to adjust one's conduct, acts and
words to what is in itself reasonable.
4. Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in knowledge, wealth and
beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by nature.
5. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to honor.
6. To the honorable man, his word is sacred.
7. Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.
8. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the field.
9. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets.
10. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the children, and if the guide leads to
the precipice, those whom he guides will also go there.
11. Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful companion who will share
with thee the penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will increase thy interest in her and she will
remind thee of the mother who bore thee and reared thee.
12. What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters, that do not unto the
wife, children, brothers and sisters of thy neighbor.
13. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is aquiline, and his color white, not
because he is a *priest, a servant of god, nor because of the high prerogative that he enjoys upon
earth, but he is worth most who is a man of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is
worthy and honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and
cherishes his fatherland, though he be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own.
14. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the longed-for sun of liberty shall rise brilliant
over this most unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the
confederated brethren of the same rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues and
the well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to enter (the katipunan) has informed himself of
all this and believes he will be able to perform what will be his duties, he may fill out

An Excerpt from the Second Paragraph of the Kartilya which states that “The object pursued by this
association is great and precious: to unite in ideas and purposes all filipinos by means of a strong
oath and from union derive force with which to tear the veil that obscures intelligence and thus find
the true path of reason and light” – The strong oath was documented and signed with the signed with
the blood of the “Katipuneros” (blood (blood compact). They swore at the Katipunan creed; Katipunan
creed; to defend the oppressed, fight the fight the oppressor even to the extent of supreme self-
supreme self- sacrifice.

An Excerpt from the Second Paragraph of the Kartilya which states that – One of the most important
Katipunan documents was the Kartilya ng Katipunan. – The original title of the document was “Manga
(sic) Aral Nang (sic) Katipunan ng mga A.N.B.” Or “Lesson of the Organization of the Sons of Country”.
“The Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”
June 12, 1898 - The Philippine Declaration of independence was proclaimed in Cavite el Viejo
(presentday Kawit, Cavite) – Filipino revolutionary forces under General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed
the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of Spain.

1896 - the Philippine Revolution began. Eventually, the Spanish signed an agreement with the
revolutionaries – Emilio Aguinaldo went into exile in Hongkong. At the outbreak of the Spanish-
American war.

Commodore George Dewey - sailed from Hong Kong to Manila Bay leading a squadron of U.S. Navy
ships. – May 1, 1898 - the United States defeated the Spanish in the Battle of Manila Bay. – the U.S.
Navy transported Aguinaldo back to the Philippines.

THE PROCLAMATION ON JUNE 12 Independence was proclaimed on June 12, 1898 between four and
five in the afternoon in Cavite at the ancestral home of General Emilio Aguinaldo. – The event saw the
unfurling of the National Flag of the Philippines, made in Hong Kong by Marcela Agoncillo, Lorenza
Agoncillo, and Delfina Herboza.

THE PROCLAMATION ON JUNE 12 – and the performance of the Marcha Filipina Magdalo, as the
national anthem, now known as Lupang Hinirang, which was composed by Julián Felipe and played by
the San Francisco de Malabon marching band. – The Act of the Declaration of Independence was
prepared, written, and read by Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista in Spanish.

THE PROCLAMATION ON JUNE 12 – The Declaration was signed by ninety-eight people, among them
an American army officer who witnessed the proclamation who attended the proceedings, Mr. L. M.
Johnson, a Coronel of Artillery. – The proclamation of Philippine independence was, however,
promulgated on 1 August, when many towns had already been organized under the rules laid down
by the Dictatorial Government of General Aguinaldo

HE PROCLAMATION ON JUNE 12 – The declaration was not recognized by the U.S. nor Spain and Spain
later sold the Philippines to the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish-American
War. – Philippine-American War - The Philippine Revolutionary Government did not recognize the
treaty or American sovereignty, and subsequently fought and lost a conflict with United States.

THE PROCLAMATION ON JUNE 12 – ended when Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by U.S. forces, and
issued a statement acknowledging and accepting the sovereignty of the United States over the
Philippines. – Following World War II, the US granted independence to the Philippines on July 4, 1946
via the Treaty of Manila.
ANTONIO PIGAFETTA - around 1491 when he was born at Vicenza, Republic of Venice or was know
now as Italy and died at the aged of 39-40 around 1531 - He studied astronomy; geography and
cartography - an Italian scholar and explorer from the Republic of Venice - He travelled with the
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his crew on their First Voyage around the world - He was
one of the 18 men who returned to Spain in 1522

The first Catholic Mass in the Philippines was held on March 31, 1521 (Eastern Sunday) headed by
Father Pedro de Valderrama

located at the Southern Leyte a popularly known as the birthplace of the Church in the Philippines.
Holy First Mass marked the birth of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines.

1872 : A monument to commemorate the site of first mass on the Philippines was erected in Butuan.
*1953: The people in Butuan asked the Philippine Historical Committee to rehabilitate the monument
or place a marker on the site.

On the basis of this objection the monument was re erected but the marble slab stating it was the site
of first mass was removed. *Zaide identified Masao in Butuan as the location of the first mass. The
basis Zaide’s claim is the diary of Antonio Pigafetta, chronicle of Magellan’s voyage
Jaime de Veyra stated that the first mass was celebrated in Limawasa not in Butuan. *Historian Pablo
Pastells stating by the footnote to Francisco Colin’s Labor Evangelica that Magellan did not go to
Butuan but form Limasawa to Cebu.

Francisco Albo ( pilot of Magellan’s flagship does not mention the first mass but he writes that they
erected a cross on a mountain which overlooked three islands the west and the southwest. *James
Robertson agreed with Pastells in a footnote that “Mazua” was actually Limasawa.

in the authentic account of Pigafetta, the port was not in Butuan but an island named Mazua
( Masawa) *Father Bernard studied all the Pigafetta’s maps, which place in Mazau off the southern tip
of the larger island of Leyte., a check with the modern maps will show that this jibes with Limasawa
and not Masao or Butuan.

The evidence of Albo’s Log-Book

The Evidence of Pigafetta

a) Pigafetta’s testimony regarding the route;

b)The evidence of Pigafetta’s map
c)The two native kings
d) The seven days at “Mazaua”
e)An argument from omission
Cavite Mutiny 1872

The Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was an uprising of military personnel of Fort San Felipe, the Spanish
arsenal in Cavite, Philippines on January 20, 1872. Around 200 soldiers and laborers rose up in the
belief that it would elevate to a national uprising. The mutiny was unsuccessful, and government
soldiers executed many of the participants and began to crack down on a burgeoning nationalist
movement. Many scholars believe that the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was the beginning of Filipino
nationalism that would eventually lead to the Philippine Revolution of 1896. (Wikipedia)
This event has been unforgettable and reflected in the 12 events that changed influenced the
Philippine History in a major way.

This event is meaningful to the following Filipinos – Gomburza [an acronym denoting the surnames of
the priests Mariano Gómez, José Apolonio Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, three Filipino priests who were
executed on 17 February 1872 at Bagumbayan in Manila, Philippines by Spanish colonial authorities
on charges of subversion arising from the 1872 Cavite mutiny. Their execution left a profound effect
on many Filipinos; José Rizal, the national hero, would dedicate his novel El filibusterismo to their

Mariano Gómez
José Apolonio Burgos
Jacinto Zamora
Mariano Gomez – born on August 2, 1799 at Santa Cruz Manila by Marina Guard and Francisco
Gomez, he was designated as head priest in Cavite in 1824 and was a member of GOMBURZA later
on. He was executed during the Cavite Mutiny in 1872.

Jose Apolonio Burgos – was a Filipino mestizo secular priest, accused of mutiny by the Spanish
colonial authorities in the Philippines in the 19th century (wiki) he was born on February 9 1837 by
Florencia Garcia and Don Jose Burgos in Vigan Ilocos Sur. He was executed along with Mariano Gomez
and Jacinto Zamora.

Jacinto Zamora – born August 14, 1835 in Manila. He was placed in a mock trial and summarily
executed in Manila along with two other clergymen. He was a Roman Catholic priest. The Gomburza
execution was carried out on February 17, 1872 at Bagumbayan Field in Manila during Cavite mutiny
in the 19th century.
The Retraction of Rizal

One of the most intriguing of all was the issues of Jose Rizal was his alleged retraction which was all
about his reversion to the Catholic Faith and all other issues linked to it such as his marriage to
Josephine Bracken. That issue was claimed to be true by the Roman Catholic defenders but asserted
to be deceptive by anti-retractonists. They claim that the retraction document is a forgery, but
handwriting experts concluded a long time ago that it is genuine. Rafael Palma’s opus on Rizal, titled
“Biografia de Rizal” is so anti-Catholic that the Church successfully opposed its publication using
government funds. In an article authored by Romberto Poulo, Rizal’s affiliation in Masonry was
accounted to have caused drastic change to his religious ideas. It was in the moment Rizal set foot on
European soil when he was exposed to a great deal of distinctions between what was happening to
his country, the discriminations, abuses, partialities, injustices, and some other things made to cause
sufferings to his countrymen, and what was the actual scene of the European nations. He observed
that Europe was a lot more different compared to the Philippines in terms of way of life, attitudes
towards Roman Catholicism, and most importantly, the freedom all the citizens enjoy.

The exact copy had been received by Fr. Balaguer in the evening immediately preceding Rizal's
execution. Jose Rizal with the addition of the names of the witnesses taken from the texts of the
retraction in the Manila newspapers. Fr. Pi's copy of Rizal's retraction has the same text as that of Fr.
Balaguer's "exact" copy but follows the paragraphing of the texts of Rizal's retraction in the Manila
newspapers. In order to marry Josephine, Rizal wrote with the help of a priest a form of retraction to
be approved by the Bishop of Cebu. This incident was revealed by Fr. Antonio Obach to his friend Prof.
Austin Craig who wrote down in 1912 what the priest had told him; "The document (the retraction),
inclosed with the priest's letter, was ready for the mail when Rizal came hurrying I to reclaim it." Rizal
realized (perhaps, rather late) that he had written and given to a priest what the friars had been
trying by all means to get from him.

Surely whether Rizal died a Catholic or an apostate adds or detracts nothing from his greatness as a
Filipino. It is because of what he did and what he was that we revere Rizal. Catholic or Mason, Rizal is
still Rizal: the hero who courted death “to prove to those who deny our patriotism that we know how
to die for our duty and our beliefs”
Cry of Pugadlawin or Balintawak

The Philippine Revolution against over three centuries of Spanish domination began with Andrés
Bonifacio, leader of the Katipunan, a liberalist movement that sought independence for the
Philippines from Spanish colonial rule.

The Katipunan was an offshoot from José Rizal’s La Liga Filipina, a movement that sought to bring
about political reform in the colonial government of the Spanish. Rizal had been deported just after
his organization was formed with their first meeting.

After a few years had passed with virtually no changes in the constitution, Bonifacio and others lost
all hope of any peaceful reform being brought about by La Liga Filipina. Abandoning the organization
altogether, they concentrated their efforts into the Katipunan to bring about a revolution with the use
of violence and arms. The organization consisted of both male and female supporters, including
Bonifacio’s wife, who led the female faction.

Bonifacio recognized the strategic importance of the city of Manila and resolved to take control of it,
convinced that once he did the residents, being fed up with Spanish rule, would support his cause.
However, this plan was foiled before it got off the ground as a result of a conflict between two
Katipuneros, one of whom spilled the beans about the plot to the Spanish friars.

The traitor was one Mariano Gil who, along with other friars, had previously been trying to get the
Spanish Governor to take action regarding his suspicions of a revolution.
Without concrete proof, the Governor merely saw their suggestions as accusations and could do
nothing about it. The parish priest of Tondo reported his findings to the owner of the Diary de Manila,
the printing press where the two Katipuneros worked, and on searching the place they found the
paraphernalia used in printing Katipunan documents and other items proving the existence of the
Katipunan, it was August 19, 1896.

A series of arrests of Katipuneros in Manila followed and several Filipinos were jailed or imprisoned.
Amongst them were some wealthy and prominent Filipinos, some of whom were innocent.

Jose Rizal was tried and executed later at the old Bagumbayan field on December 30. With the hunt
for Katipunan members still ongoing, Manila had become a dangerous place for them. As many as five
hundred arrests had been made and many fled the city for fear of been captured, tortured or killed.

Bonifacio was not amongst those captured, however. He and many others had escaped to
Pugadlawin, and in a meeting at the house of Juan Ramos on 23 August 1896, Bonifacio urged his
followers to tear into pieces their Cédulas (residence certificates) as a sign of revolt against the
Spanish government.

The men, highly motivated by the killings and arrest of their members in Manila, tore up the
documents and let out the cry “Long live the Philippines,” which is known as the Cry of Pugadlawin in
Philippine history.

It was decided that all their supporters in the surrounding towns be alerted of the impending strike on
Manila which would take place on 29 August. To this effect, Bonifacio released a manifesto on the 28 th:
“This manifesto is for all of you. It is absolutely necessary for us to stop at the earliest possible time
the nameless oppressions being perpetrated on the sons of the people who are now suffering the
brutal punishment and tortures in jails, and because of this please let all the brethren know that on
Saturday, the revolution shall commence according to our agreement.

For this purpose, it is necessary for all towns to rise simultaneously and attack Manila at the same
time. Anybody who obstructs this sacred ideal of the people will be considered a traitor and an
enemy, except if he is ill or is not physically fit, in which case he shall be tried according to the
regulation we have put in force.”

The first battle of the Philippine Revolution took place on 30 August 1896 at San Juan del Monte with
a thousand men behind Andrés Bonifacio. On the eve of the 29 th, they attacked civil guards present at
San Felipe Neri, a city located east of Manila, who on seeing the mob surrendered their weapons and
were taken captive.

The Katipuneros had little in the way of ammunition; generally equipped with bolo knives, they also
had a few guns with them. By the early hours of the morning of the next day, Bonafacio’s army had
been joined with two fresh groups of Katipuneros, about four hundred in number.

After gathering the weapons obtained from two successful encounters with civil guards, Bonifacio and
his men began their attack on El Polvorin, a Spanish depot located in San Juan del Monte where they
were met by Spanish Infantry and gunmen armed with German Mauser rifles.

However well armed this Spanish contingent was, they suffered the loss of two of their soldiers, one
of whom was the commander in charge. This and the intimidating number of Katipuneros behind
Bonifacio, who it seemed was always able to evade capture, caused them to retreat to the Manila
Water Works Deposit office that was situated nearby while they awaited reinforcements.

The Kaptipuneros advanced towards the building in hopes of eliminating what was left of the Spanish
resistance and claiming victory over San Juan Del Monte. It wasn’t long before shots of the 73 rd Jolo
regiment of Spanish cavalry, led by General Bernado Echaluce y Jauregui, struck the bodies of the
Filipino comrades, leaving over a hundred dead and two hundred captured.

Bonifacio and his army was no match for the Remington Rolling Block Rifle wielders that swarmed the
terrain. The bodies of Kaptipuneros littered the streets, some in gutters and others on the road.

Bonifacio once again evaded capture and retreated with other survivors to the Pasig River. Even
though defeated, his actions triggered a series of rebellious uprisings against Spanish rule around the

The seeds of a revolution that had been sown deep into the hearts of the Filipinos brought about new
leadership under the person of Emilio Aguinaldo in the Cavite region, who led more successful
campaigns against the Spanish.

However untrained, the revolutionaries showed real bravery and courage in their fight for freedom.
Every last Sunday of the month of August is celebrated every year in the Philippines to mark the Cry
of Pugadlawin and the birth of the Philippine Revolution.

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