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Tingkatan dan fokus Teori

Numan (2003) mengemukakan tingkatan teori (level of theory) menjadi tiga yaitu:
Micro, meso, dan macro.

1. Micro level theory : small slices of time, space, or number of people. The concept are usually
not very abstract.

2. Meso-level theory: attempts to link macro and micro levels or to operate at an Intermediate
level. Contoh teori organisasi dan gerakan sosial, atau komunitas tertentu.

3. Macro level theory: concerns the operation of larger aggregates such as social institutions,
entrire culture systems, and whole Societies. It uses more concept that are abstract.

Selanjutnya fokus teori dibedakan menjadi 3 yaitu teori substantif, teori formal, dan midle
range theory.

1. Subtantive theory is developed for a specific area of social concern, such A's deliquent gangs,
strikes, diforce, or ras relation.

2. Formal theory is developed for a broad conceptual area in general theory, such A's deviance,
socialization, or power.

3. Middle range theory are slightly more abstract then empirical generalization or specific
hypotheses. Midle range theories can be forlmal or subtantive. Midle range theory is principally
used in sociology to guide empirical Inquiry.

Teori yang digunakan untuk perumusan hipotesis yang akan diuji melalui pengumpulan data
adalah teori substantif, karena teori ini lebih fokus berlaku untuk obyek yang akan diteliti.

C. Kegunaan Teori dalam Penelitian

Cooper dan Schindler (2003), menyatakan bahwa kegunaan teori dalam penelitian

1. Theory narrows the range of fact we need to study.

2. Theory suggest which research approaches are likely to yield the greatest meaning.

3. Theory suggest a system for the research to impose on data in order to classify them in the
most meaningful way.
4. Theory Summarizes what is known about object of study and states the uniformities that lie
beyond immediate observation.

5. Theory can be used to predict further fact that should be found.

William wiersma (1986) menyatakan bahwa " Basically, theory helps provide a frame work
by serving as the point of departure for persuit of a research problems. The theory identifies
the crucial factors. It provides a guide for Systematizing and Interrelating the various facets of
research. How ever, besides Providing the systematic view of the factors under study, the
theory also may very well identify gaps, weak points, and inconsistencies that indicate the need
for additional research. Also, the development of theory may light the way for continued
research on the phenomena under study. Another function of theory is provide one or more
generalization that can be test and used in practical Applications and further research.

Semua penelitian bersifat ilmiah, oleh karena itu semua penelitian harus berbekal teori.
Dalam penelitian kuantitatif, teori yang digunakan harus sudah jelas, karena teori di sini akan
berfungsi untuk memperjelas masalah yang diteliti, sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan hipotesis
dan sebagai referensi untuk menyusun instrumen penelitian. Oleh karena itu landasan teori
dalam proposal penelitian kuantitatif harus sudah jelas teori apa yang akan dipakai.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kombinasi (Mixed Method),(Bandung: CV Alfabeta, 2013) hlm.86-88

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