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Emmanuel Cafirma Rivera

Exercise 3

1. What are the attributes of human acts? Explain each.

Knowledge- it is an act performed having an awareness of what you are doing. Having wisdom
before deciding to do an action.
Freedom- it is an act that must performed freely. Without being controlled or doing an action
that does not against by anyone.
Actual Choice- it is an act that must performed according to your choice. Wherein you will
perform that choice willfully.

2. In what sense are human acts deliberate?

Human acts are deliberately performed when it is done knowingly and freely. Wherein you have
the knowledge before doing the action and acting it with freedom and wilfully.

3. Distinguish between elicited act and commanded act?

Elicited act is an act which started and completed in the will. It is where you are intended to do
an act. It is voluntary.
Commanded act is an act from the word command are ordered by the will.

4. Give an example of an amoral act which becomes evil due to circumstances.

Stealing is an example of amoral act that becomes evil due to circumstances because the person
like this knows what they are doing. They already know what is right and wrong but still, they did it
without concern about what could happen. Like also stealing from the people who's poorest to the poor,
stealing what they have even the stealer already know that's all they have. 

5. Give an example of an amoral act which becomes good due to circumstances.

Telling a lie just to save your friend. When you were asked by a gun man wherein that man is the
enemy of your friend’s father. He asked you where is the son of your friend’s father which is your
son so you decided to tell a lie just to save the life of your friend.
Exercise 4

Identity the following

Acts of man 1. An instinctive action.

Morality 2. An act which is neither moral or immoral.

Imputability 3. Quality of a human act making the doer liable

Immoral Actions 4. Evil which is rooted on the nature of the thing itself.

Simple Voluntariness 5. Another description of a willful act.

Simple Voluntariness 6. The type of voluntariness present in every act, regardless of whether

it is liked or not

Elicited Acts 7. An act performed and completed by the will

Indirectly Voluntary 8. Voluntariness present in foreseen consequences of an act.

Death by execution 9. A form of spiritual death.

Extrinsically Evil 10. Evil which comes from external factors.

Human Acts 11. Action which is knowing, free and willful.

Direct Voluntariness 12. Voluntariness present in an act directly intended.

Conditional Voluntariness 13. Action done without full knowledge or freedom.

Indirectly Voluntary 14. Action which you would not do if you could avoid doing it.

Human Rational Behavior 15. The subject matter proper of Ethics.

Heinous Crimes 16. Punishment for wrongdoings.

Immoral Actions 17. Cheating

Fruition 18.The enjoyment of the will coming from the attainment desired.

Commanded Acts 19. Action done by an external faculty of man under the motivation of the will

Acts of Man 20. Metabolism

Consent 21. The employment of the will of those means necessary for carrying out

Voluntariness 22. "Voluntas”

Intention 23. The tendency of the will towards something as attainable.

Conditional Voluntariness 24. An act done without knowledge and freedom.

Human Act 25. A knowing and free act which is fully accepted by the will.

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