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Business Research Methods

Name: Oley, Andini Viorela Paralel Class : A NIM: 103011910158

1) Direct observation of phenomena, empirically testable hypotheses, and the ability to rule out
rival hypotheses are all essential tenets of the ________.
A) experiential method
B) scientific method
C) intuitive process
D) strategic management process
E) account planning philosophy

2) Business research ________ while data analytics ________.

A) collects data to resolve a current dilemma; analyzes historical data.
B) uses larger amounts of data; uses smaller amounts of data
C) draws data from external and internal sources; draws data from internal data warehouses
D) is referred to as big data; is referred to as small data

3) Business research ________ while data analytics ________.

A) analyzes historical data; collects data to resolve a current dilemma
B) uses smaller amounts of data; uses larger amounts of data
C) draws data from external and internal sources; draws data from internal data warehouses
D) is referred to as big data; is referred to as small data

4) Business research ________ while data analytics ________.

A) analyzes historical data; collects data to resolve a current dilemma
B) uses larger amounts of data; uses smaller amounts of data
C) draws data from external and internal sources; draws data from internal data warehouses
D) is referred to as small data; is referred to as big data

5) ________ is a form of argument that purports to be conclusive; the conclusion must

necessarily follow from the reasons given.
A) Induction
B) Deduction
C) Logic
D) Philosophy
E) Exposition

6) Which form of argument presents a conclusion based on reasons or proof?

A) Induction
B) Deduction
C) Logic
D) Philosophy
E) Exposition

7) Which of the following is a requirement for a deduction to be considered correct?
A) Validity
B) Reliability
C) Inference
D) Empiricism
E) Conclusiveness

8) Consider the following statements: "Inner-city household interviewing is especially difficult

and expensive. This survey involves substantial inner-city household interviewing. The
interviewing in this survey will be especially difficult and expensive." This is an example of a(n)
A) empirical argument
B) inductive argument
C) exposition
D) deductive argument
E) hypothesis

9) ________ is a form of reasoning that draws a conclusion from one or more particular facts or
pieces of evidence.
A) Induction
B) Deduction
C) Empiricism
D) Logic
E) Association

10) Because of the nature of induction, the conclusion can be thought of as ________.
A) fact
B) one explanation among many
C) proof
D) evidence
E) empirical

11) Consider the following example: "Retail sales increases in the 2018 holiday season were
below projections. Sales were disappointing because consumers were not confident about
economic growth." This is an example of a(n) ________.
A) inductive argument
B) deductive argument
C) empirical argument
D) fact
E) premise

12) ________ occurs when we observe a fact and ask, "Why is this?"
A) Deduction
B) Induction
C) Exposition
D) Empiricism
E) Curiosity

13) ________ is the process by which we test whether a hypothesis is capable of explaining a
A) Deduction
B) Induction
C) Exposition
D) Empiricism
E) Curiosity

14) Which term below refers to a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain
concrete, unambiguous events, objects, conditions, or situations?
A) Variable
B) Construct
C) Concept
D) Theory
E) Model

15) A ________ is an image or abstract idea specifically invented for a given research and/or
theory-building project.
A) variable
B) construct
C) concept
D) theory
E) model

16) An automobile is a(n) ________ concept, while service quality is a(n) ________ concept.
A) abstract; objective
B) subjective; objective
C) intangible; tangible
D) objective; abstract
E) factual; perceptual

17) Abstract concepts such as personality, need for variety, and materialism are often called
A) variables
B) constructs
C) concepts
D) theories
E) models

18) Concepts are more ________, while constructs are more ________.
A) concrete; abstract
B) abstract; concrete
C) intangible; tangible
D) conceptual; factual
E) intuitive; logical

19) Jack observes the history of his neighbor's purchase of new automobiles. His neighbor
purchases a new car every year and always seems to have a nicer model than the year before.
Jack thinks the dealership must appeal to his neighbor's fascination with new car styles. In this
example, interest in new car styles is a ________.
A) construct
B) fact
C) concept
D) theory
E) model

20) Bill often feels insecure about how others view him. To increase his feelings of self-esteem,
Bill often buys expensive, luxury items. Self-esteem is an example of a ________.
A) construct
B) fact
C) concept
D) theory
E) model

21) A(n) ________ describes the interrelationships between concepts and constructs.
A) hypothetical construct
B) hypothesis
C) conceptual scheme
D) operational definition
E) inductive argument

22) A chair is defined as a seat, and a seat is defined as an object for sitting, a chair. This is an
example of a(n) ________.
A) hypothetical construct
B) conceptual scheme
C) operational definition
D) dictionary definition
E) mediating variable

23) To be categorized as a customer, an individual must have a history of shopping at the
establishment at least twice prior to the start of the study with expenditures of more than $10.
This is an example of a(n) ________.
A) hypothetical construct
B) conceptual scheme
C) operational definition
D) dictionary definition
E) mediating variable

24) A(n) ________ defines a variable in terms of specific measurement and testing criteria.
A) hypothetical construct
B) operational definition
C) dictionary definition
D) conceptual scheme
E) moderating variable

25) Which term below refers to an event, act, characteristic, trait, or attribute that can be
measured and to which we assign categorical values?
A) Construct
B) Concept
C) Variable
D) Schema
E) Model

26) Which of the following cannot be thought of as variables?

A) Events
B) Acts
C) Characteristics
D) People
E) All of the above can be thought of as variables.

27) Which of the following is another term for independent variable?

A) Discrete
B) Criterion
C) Moderator
D) Predictor
E) Construct

28) Which of the following is another term for dependent variable?

A) Discrete
B) Criterion
C) Mediator
D) Predictor
E) Construct

29) Rachel is interested in learning the effect of using a celebrity endorsement on sales. The
presence or absence of a celebrity endorsement is the ________ variable.
A) independent
B) dependent
C) mediating
D) criterion
E) continuous

30) Which variable listed below is the variable manipulated by the researcher, thereby causing an
effect on another variable?
A) Criterion
B) Mediator
C) Dependent
D) Predictor
E) Moderator

31) Which variable listed below is the variable measured, predicted, or otherwise monitored and
expected to be affected by manipulation of another variable?
A) Dependent
B) Moderator
C) Independent
D) Predictor
E) Extraneous

32) Variables that are included because they are believed to have a significant contributory or
contingent effect on the independent variable–dependent variable relationship are called
________ variables.
A) criterion
B) predictor
C) mediator
D) moderating
E) extraneous

33) A variable that is assumed or excluded from a research study is a(n) ________ variable.
A) criterion
B) predictor
C) mediator
D) moderating
E) extraneous

34) In the Southeast, the potato chip market share held by the Lays brand is 46 percent. This is
an example of a(n) ________.
A) research question
B) descriptive hypothesis
C) relational hypothesis
D) explanatory hypothesis
E) correlational hypothesis

35) Potato chip sales vary directly with the level of television viewing. This is an example of a
A) research question
B) descriptive hypothesis
C) correlational hypothesis
D) causal hypothesis
E) dichotomous hypothesis

36) An increase in hours of television viewing leads to increases in the sales of snack foods. This
is an example of a_____.
A) research question
B) descriptive hypothesis
C) correlational hypothesis
D) causal hypothesis
E) dichotomous hypothesis

37) Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis?

A) Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older.
B) Sales of vegetarian foods vary by season.
C) An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on
D) Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004.
E) People in the South tend to rate the President more favorably than do people in the North.

38) Which of the following is a correlational hypothesis?

A) A decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies leads to an increase in
B) Education on the process of preparing meat for consumption leads to a decrease in the
consumption of hamburgers.
C) An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on
D) Low interest rates resulted in a record year for real estate investment trusts (REITs) as
individuals invested in real estate rather than other forms of investment.
E) People in the South tend to rate the President more favorably than do people in the North.

39) Which of the following is not one of the conditions necessary for a hypothesis to be
considered strong?
A) Adequate for its purpose
B) Addresses the presence of extraneous variables
C) Testable
D) Better than rival hypotheses
E) All of these are necessary conditions.

40) A ________ is a set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that
are advanced to explain or predict phenomena.
A) conceptual scheme
B) hypothesis
C) theory
D) diagram
E) factual schema

41) Which term listed below refers to a representation of a system constructed to study some
aspect of that system or the system as a whole?
A) Conceptual scheme
B) Hypothesis
C) Theory
D) Diagram
E) Model

42) The role of a model is to ________ while a theory's role is to ________.

A) represent; explain
B) explain; represent
C) propose; prove
D) describe; predict
E) examine; experiment

43) Which type of variable is ignored (not measured) as it is believed its effect on the
independent variable is randomized?
A) Confounding
B) Control
C) Dependent
D) Independent

44) Which of the following is not a condition of sound reasoning?

A) Defining the management dilemma
B) Identifying correct premises
C) Testing connections between facts and assumptions
D) Making claims based on adequate evidence
E) All of the above are conditions for sound reasoning.

45) Data blending requires
A) drawing data from separate data files to create a new data file that can be analyzed.
B) removing identical data from multiple data files so the data exists in only one data file.
C) analyzing separate data files and identifying conclusions that exist in all those files analyzed.
D) merging all data files into one massive data file that can be analyzed.
E) None of the above, as they do not describe data blending.

46) A conceptual scheme

A) identifies all concepts/constructs of interest to a research question.
B) identifies the hypothesized relationships of all concepts/constructs of interest to a research
C) provides a spatial relationship of all concepts/constructs of interest to a research question.
D) identifies key concepts/constructs that must be measured to answer a research question.
E) Does none of the above.

47) Explain the essential tenets of the scientific method and why this method is important for
business research.
Essential tenets of the scientific method, mengacu pada langkah demi langkah teknik yang
membantu memastikan bahwa hasil dicapai dengan cara yang kredibel dan bermanfaat. Prinsip-
prinsip ini meliputi:
- Merumuskan pertanyaan
- Mengembangkan hipotesis
- Merancang experiment
- Menyimpulkan
- Merefleksikan hasil

ini penting karena melalui metode penelitian ilmiah akan membantu para pelaku bisnis;
- untuk mengetahui tujuan bisnis mereka
- untuk menguji permintaan produk
- membangun strategi bersaing yang baik
- untuk memahami pesaing bisnis
- meningkatkan pemecahan masalah dan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan.
- Untuk memahami tren pasar saat ini.

Chapter 2 The Research Process: An Overview

1) Which of the following terms fails to capture the meaning of a research design?
A) Map
B) Blueprint
C) Model
D) Dictionary
E) Guidebook

2) Apple plans to survey every customer who has purchased an Apple computer in the last 5
years. Apple plans to use a ________.
A) convenience sample
B) snowball sample
C) systematic sample
D) census
E) random sample

3) Which of the following best describes the relationship between management dilemmas, key
performance indicators, and dashboards?
A) Dashboards cannot be designed to depict management dilemmas.
B) Key performance indicators may reveal management dilemmas.
C) Key performance indicators cannot be displayed on a dashboard.
D) Management dilemmas are symptoms of problems, while key performance indicators are

4) If a dashboard display revealed rising costs in an operating division of a business, this would
be a possible
A) research question.
B) management dilemma.
C) research design.
D) limitation.
E) None of the above is correct.

5) If a business does not collect data on key performance indicators, it has a more difficult time
A) defining management dilemmas.
B) creating a research design.
C) in sampling design.
D) collecting data.
E) None of the above is correct.

6) Exploration
A) is highly structured research.
B) is used to refine research questions.
C) cannot be used to solve a management problem.
D) cannot be used to understand a manager's options when solving a problem or addressing an
E) None of the above is correct.

7) The research question

A) is a possible resolution to the management problem.
B) is a hypothesis to be studied.
C) represents a selection of action choices.
D) is the focus of a research project.
E) All of the above are correct.

8) A research study
A) has value only if the information collected helps make a better decision than would be made
without the new information.
B) has value only if the budget needed to collect the data is less than the decision's estimated
C) has value only if the budget for research is exceeded by the decision's estimated value.
D) has an estimated value that is determined from the cost of acquiring the data and the value of
any possible resulting decisions.
E) All of the above are correct.

9) McGraw-Hill is planning a study of educator preferences to determine the needs of college

instructors. Because of the number of college instructors, McGraw-Hill will select a portion of
the target population, known as a(n) ________, to participate in the study.
A) element
B) sample
C) sampling frame
D) census
E) extent

10) Information collected from participants, by observation, or from secondary sources is called
A) response
B) data
C) knowledge
D) fact
E) perceptual content

11) Data collected from an article in a business magazine would be
A) primary data.
B) secondary data.
C) nominal data.
D) ratio data.
E) interval data.

12) Data collected by interview of a fan at a concert would be

A) primary data.
B) secondary data.
C) nominal data.
D) ratio data.
E) interval data.

13) Data collected by observation of which aisle a store visitor takes when entering would be
A) primary data.
B) secondary data.
C) ordinal data.
D) ratio data.
E) interval data.

14) Data collected by observation of which aisle a store visitor takes when entering would be
A) secondary data.
B) nominal data.
C) ordinal data.
D) ratio data.
E) interval data.

15) Data collected during a survey asking someone their actual age would be
A) secondary data.
B) nominal data.
C) ordinal data.
D) ratio data.
E) interval data.

16) Data collected during a survey asking someone to rank their top three favorite ice cream
flavors would be
A) secondary data.
B) nominal data.
C) ordinal data.
D) ratio data.
E) specialized data.

17) Data collected by asking a participant to rate three different movies based on character
development, each movie on the same ten-point scale, would be
A) secondary data.
B) nominal data.
C) ordinal data.
D) ratio data.
E) interval data.

18) Assume a business research study is conducted in a lab and designed to evaluate the scent of
various flavors of coffee. The design requires several data collectors to evaluate those scents.
The researcher will struggle with the data's
A) abstractness.
B) verifiability.
C) elusiveness.
D) truthfulness.
E) loudness.

19) A business wants to evaluate a participant's reaction to a sound track that contains some loud
noises, so it designs an experiment. Assume it cannot interview every participant immediately, so
it takes a video of their response and interviews each participant within 24 hours of the event.
The researcher is attempting to account for the data's
A) abstractness.
B) verifiability.
C) elusiveness.
D) truthfulness.
E) concreteness.

20) A business has two options, collect data at the time of an event or interview participants
about what they remember within 1 week after the event. By collecting data at the time of the
event, it is attempting to account for the data's
A) abstractness.
B) verifiability.
C) truthfulness.
D) concreteness.
E) categorization.

21) Data have many characteristics. If you cannot see or feel the data being measured, you are
describing their level of ________.
A) abstractness
B) elusiveness
C) verifiability
D) closeness to the phenomenon
E) replicability

22) Secondary data have a lower level of ________ than primary data.
A) abstractness
B) elusiveness
C) verifiability
D) closeness to the phenomenon
E) replicability

23) Data preparation

A) addresses recording or data entry errors.
B) clarifies unclear or unexpected responses.
C) assigns codes to reduce the responses to manageable categories.
D) determines if the preassigned codes are appropriate for subsequent analysis.
E) All of the above are correct.

24) To address out-of-range data entry errors, during data preparation, a researcher
A) summarizes the data on each variable to determine if the codes not specified were entered.
B) reviews the original data instruments to determine what response was chosen.
C) determines how to address each instance of out-of-range data.
D) may drop a question from the survey containing too many out-of-range data errors.
E) All of the above are correct.

25) If a ________ sampling design is chosen, the process for choosing the sample must give
every person within the target population a known nonzero chance of selection.
A) census
B) judgment
C) nonprobability
D) probability
E) primary

26) Which type of sample provides a group of participants who are most representative of the
target population?
A) Census
B) Judgment
C) Probability
D) Nonprobability
E) Primary

27) During the ________ stage, the analyst will look for patterns of responses by looking for
relationships among variables.
A) data editing
B) data collection
C) data analysis
D) sampling
E) reporting

28) Ensuring consistency among participants, locating omissions, and reducing errors in
recording are all benefits of ________.
A) data collection
B) data preparation
C) sampling
D) coding
E) data analysis

29) Applying statistical techniques to data is an aspect of ________.

A) sampling
B) data collection
C) pilot testing
D) data analysis
E) data transformation

30) A key pattern in the data is called ________.

A) a finding
B) an insight
C) a fact
D) a recommendation
E) data

31) In a research study on implementing new safety practices, the research discovered that
employees with fewer years of experience had different preferences than those with more
experience. This is an example of ________.
A) a finding
B) an insight
C) a fact
D) a recommendation
E) data

32) Using the research question to interpret a pattern in the data is called ________.
A) a finding
B) an insight
C) a fact
D) a recommendation
E) data

33) In a research study on choosing a new compensation system, the research discovered that
men had different preferences than women. This is an example of ________.
A) a finding
B) an insight
C) a fact
D) a recommendation
E) data

34) Offering the manager direction on a decision related to the research question is called
A) a finding
B) an insight
C) a fact
D) a recommendation
E) data

35) "Option A is far more strongly supported by the data than Option B. You should implement
Option A." This is an example of ________.
A) a finding
B) an insight
C) a fact
D) a recommendation
E) data

36) Which of the following can be used to develop a research project time frame?
B) Gantt chart
C) Research Process
D) CPM and Gantt chart
E) CPM and research process

37) Jason is entering the data analysis portion of his research project. Data preparation and
examination involves all of the following activities except ________.
A) reducing data to a manageable size
B) developing summaries
C) coding of responses
D) looking for patterns
E) applying statistical techniques to the data

38) A researcher who is method-bound is likely to ________.

A) be responsible for data analysis
B) utilize a probability sample
C) prefer one research approach over all others
D) mine a client's database
E) All of the above

39) Which of the following is not a common research process problem?

A) A manager's hidden agenda
B) Overembracing data analytics
C) Unresearchable questions
D) Ill-defined management problems
E) Pilot testing

40) Ill-defined problems are those that ________.
A) have too many interrelated facets for measurement to handle with accuracy
B) will take expensive methods to answer.
C) can be answered through data mining
D) cannot be addressed with secondary data
E) develop in method-bound research projects

41) The question, "Should products be withdrawn if even one death is associated with its
prescribed use, even if no fault for the tampered product accrues to the manufacturer?" is an
example of a(n) ________.
A) ill-defined problem
B) overembracing data analytics
C) favored-technique problem
D) unresearchable question
E) manager's hidden agenda

42) A researcher has exceptional experience in moderating focus groups and prefers to include
this group interview method in all research projects, regardless of its appropriate application.
This is an example of which of the following potential research process problems?
A) Ill-defined problem
B) Overembracing data analytics
C) Favored-technique problem
D) Unresearchable question
E) A manager's hidden agenda

43) A researcher chooses the wrong statistical test to assess the strength of a relationship
between two variables. This is an example of which of the following potential research process
A) Ill-defined problem
B) Overembracing data analytics
C) Researcher inexperience
D) Unresearchable question
E) A manager's hidden agenda

44) A researcher cannot identify a currently available research technique that can be used to
address a particular research question. This is an example of which of the following potential
research process problems?
A) Ill-defined problem
B) Overembracing data analytics
C) Researcher inexperience
D) Unresearchable question
E) A manager's hidden agenda

45) A manager always turns to his extensive data warehouse to find data related to his research
question, regardless of the data's age or applicability to current conditions, rejecting a problem-
specific research project. This is an example of which of the following potential research process
A) Ill-defined problem
B) Overembracing data analytics
C) Favored-technique problem
D) Unresearchable question
E) A manager's hidden agenda

46) Planning the research design involves decisions regarding ________.

A) data collection mode
B) type of study
C) measurement
D) sampling plans
E) All of the above

47) The federal government conducts a census of the U.S. population rather than a sample
because ________.
A) a census is less expensive than a sample
B) a sample may not fully represent the population
C) it is faster to collect data using a census
D) data collection is more manageable
E) All of the above

48) Which of the following questions is considered when discussing the management dilemma?
A) How can management eliminate negative symptoms?
B) What does the manager need to know to choose the best alternative from the available sources
of action?
C) What is the recommended course of action?
D) What symptoms cause management concern?
E) What should be asked or observed to obtain the information the manager needs?

49) The fundamental weakness in the research process is ________.

A) incorrectly defining the research question
B) identifying a flawed sampling frame
C) misdefining the target population
D) failing to identify all relevant secondary information
E) skipping the exploratory phase

50) Secondary data as a means of addressing a management problem are considered weaker than
primary data because the data
A) were potentially collected to address a different problem.
B) are older, and therefore, irrelevant to current conditions.
C) are less specific to the current problem.
D) All of the above are true.
E) None of the above is true.

51) The target population

A) is identical to the sample population.
B) is smaller in size than the sample population.
C) must be defined before research begins.
D) must be able to be captured in a sample frame.
E) None of the above is correct.

52) A researcher is to conduct a survey of college graduates to study their 5-year post-graduation
job placement. In this example, ________ is the target population and ________ is the case.
A) any single college graduate; all college graduates
B) all college graduates; any single college graduate
C) all college graduates who graduated 5 years ago; any single college graduate who graduated 5
years ago
D) any single college graduate who graduated 5 years ago; all college graduates who graduated 5
years ago
E) None of the above is correct.

53) If a research's scope has been defined, this is one step toward achieving which standard of
effective research?
A) Purpose clearly defined
B) Research design thoroughly planned and executed
C) High ethical standards applied
D) Adequate analysis for decision maker's needs
E) Limitations frankly revealed
F) Findings reported unambiguously; insights and recommendations justified

54) If a researcher avoids using his personal bias to select the method for collecting data, this is
one step toward achieving which standard of effective research?
A) Purpose clearly defined
B) Adequate analysis for decision maker's needs
C) High ethical standards applied
D) Limitations frankly revealed
E) Findings reported unambiguously; insights and recommendations justified

55) If a researcher operationally defines all concepts, constructs, and variables, this is one step
toward achieving which standard of effective research?
A) Purpose clearly defined
B) Research design thoroughly planned and executed
C) High ethical standards applied
D) Adequate analysis for decision maker's needs
E) Findings reported unambiguously; insights and recommendations justified

56) If a researcher includes design safeguards to protect participants, this is one step toward
achieving which standard of effective research?
A) Purpose clearly defined
B) Adequate analysis for decision maker's needs
C) High ethical standards applied
D) Limitations frankly revealed
E) Findings reported unambiguously; insights and recommendations justified

57) If a researcher connects findings to the research question, this is one step toward achieving
which standard of effective research?
A) Purpose clearly defined
B) Adequate analysis for decision maker's needs
C) High ethical standards applied
D) Limitations frankly revealed
E) Research design thoroughly planned and executed

58) If a researcher reveals the impact of data collection problems on findings and insights, this is
one step toward achieving which standard of effective research?
A) Purpose clearly defined
B) Adequate analysis for decision maker's needs
C) High ethical standards applied
D) Limitations frankly revealed
E) Findings reported unambiguously; insights and recommendations justified

59) A series of sequential, clearly defined stages for collecting, analyzing and reporting data
defines the
A) management dilemma.
B) study limitation.
C) research process.
D) research question.
E) None of the above is correct.

60) During the process of clarifying the research question, which ethical issue is of concern?
A) Participant's right of confidentiality
B) Researcher's right of adequate compensation
C) Researcher's right to absence of sponsor deception
D) Participant's right of informed concept
E) None of the above is correct.

61) During the stage of research design which ethical issue is of concern?
A) Sponsor's right to quality research
B) Sponsor's right to finding's non-disclosure
C) Researcher's right to adequate compensation
D) Researcher's right to absence of participant deception
E) None of the above is correct.

62) Researcher's right to consenting participant's completion affects which stage in the research
A) Stage 1: Clarify the Research Question
B) Stage 2: Design the Research
C) Stage 3: Collect and Prepare the Data
D) Stage 4: Analyze and Interpret the Data
E) Stage 5: Report Insights and Recommendations

63) Sponsor's right to quality research affects which stage(s) in the research process?
A) Stage 1: Clarify the Research Question
B) Stage 2: Research Design
C) Stage 3: Collect and Prepare the Data
D) Stage 4: Analyze and Interpret the Data
E) All of the above are correct.

64) Explain the difference between the following: data, finding, insight, and recommendation.

- Data adalah merupakan segala bentuk fakta dan angka yang bisa dijadikan bahan untuk
menyusun suatu informasi.

- Finding, Hasil utama dari proyek penelitian; apa yang disarankan, diungkapkan, atau
ditunjukkan oleh proyek. Ini biasanya mengacu pada totalitas hasil, bukan kesimpulan
atau rekomendasi yang diambil darinya.

- Insight, investigasi sistematis untuk menetapkan fakta atau prinsip atau untuk
mengumpulkan informasi tentang suatu subjek.

- Recommendation, merekomendasikan sesuatu seperti rekomendasi untuk studi lebih

lanjut, atau rekomendasi untuk perubahan, atau keduanya.


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