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1. 1997 Q 1b P2

What do Christians learn about God from the call of Prophet Isaiah? (7 marks)

2. 1998 Q 1b,c P2
(b) Why did the Prophets of the Old Testament condemn the way the
Israelites worshiped? (10 marks)

(c) Give reasons why children should be introduced to the worship of God at
an early age (5 marks)

3. 1999 Q 3
State five failures Prophet Micah condemned Israel’s leaders for (5 marks)
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4. 2000 Q 4
Give five ways in which God used Hosea to show the Israelites that despite
theirsinfulness he still loved them (5 marks)
5. 2001 Q 2b P2
Explain the conditions of restoration of the Israelites as preached by prophet
Ezekiel. (10 marks)
6. 2003 Q 2a P2
With reference to the Old Testament, outline the characteristics of a true prophet.
(7 marks)
7. 2005 Q 2a P2
Describe the call of prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6) (9 marks)
8. 2005 Q 4
State five qualities of God from the teaching of prophet Hosea. (5 marks)
9. 2006 Q 4a
Explain the role of prophets in the Old Testament (6 marks)
10. 2007 Q 4a
Describe the characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament (7 marks)

11. 2008 Q 4a
State three differences between prophets in the Old Testament and the
Traditional African communities (6marks)
12. 2009 Q 4a
Give four similarities between prophets in the Old Testament and traditional
Africacommunities. (8marks)

13. 2010 Q 4a.

Outline six characteristics of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)

14. 2011 Q 4a
Outline seven characteristics of the prophets in the Old Testament. (7 marks)

15. 2013 Q4a

Identify six characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament (6marks)

17. 2013 Q4
(a) Identify six characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)
(b) Describe the teaching of prophet Amos on Israel’s election. (6 marks)
(c) State eight factors that hinder Christians from practicing their faith in God.
(8 marks)
18. 2014 Q4 P1
(a) Explain three categories of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)

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(b) Outline six similarities between the traditional African and true prophets in
the Old Testament. (6 marks)

19. 2014 Q1a P2

State Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the messiah. (8 marks)

20. 2015 Q4a P1

State four differences between traditional African prophets and the
Old Testament prophets. (8 marks)

21. 2017 Q1 P2
(a) Explain the Jewish expectations concerning the Messiah. (7 marks)

22. 2018 Q1 P2
(a) Outline Micah's prophecy concerning the Messiah (Micah 5: 2-5). (7 marks)


1. 1996 Q 2a
With reference to the stories of the birth and infancy of Jesus, describe the
occasions when the angel of the Lord appeared. (8 marks)

2. 2000 Q 5
List five events which took place the night Jesus was born (5 marks)

3. 2001 Q 5
State five actions that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the
temple (5 marks)

4. 2001 Q 3c
What is the importance of the baptism of Jesus to Christians today? (5 marks)

5. 2003 Q 5
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State five similarities in the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist and
that of Jesus Christ.

6. 2004 Q 5
With reference to the visit of angle Gabriel to Mary, state five revelations about
Jesus Christ. (5 marks)
7. 2005 Q 3a
With references to incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of
forty days outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about his life. (12 marks)

8. 2006 Q 1
(a) Describe the visit of the angel of the Lord to the Shepherds on the
NightJesus was born. (7 marks)

(b) State the differences between the work of John the Baptist and that
of Jesus Christ (8 marks)

(c) What lesson do Christians learn about family relationship from the
incident when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover festival (5 marks)

8. 2007 Q 1a(pp 2)
(a) Outline what Angel Gabriel revealed about John the Baptist when he
announced his birth to Zechariah (6 marks)
(b) From the story of the early life of Jesus up to twelve years, identify
ways through which he is seen as coming from a poor background (8 marks)

(c) Give reasons why children should take part in church activities (6 marks)

7. 2008 Q 1(pp 2)
a) Outline the message of Angel Gabriel to Mary in Luke 1:26-38 (6 marks)

b) Explain what the Magnificent reveals about the nature of God. (8 marks)

c) Identify six qualities shown by Jesus when he accompanied his parents

to the temple at the age of twelve. (6 marks)

8. 2009 Q 1b
State six activities that took place when Jesus was born. (Luke 2;6-20) (6 marks)

9. 2010 Q 1a,b
(a) Describe four activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus
in the Temple (Luke 2: 22 - 40). (8 marks)

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(b) Outline seven lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus
was left behind by his parents in the Temple (Luke 2: 41 - 52). (7 marks)

10. 2011 Q 1a,b( pp 2)

a)Basing your answer on the infancy narratives in Luke 1: 5-56,describe
whattook place when Mary visited Elizabeth. (6 marks)

b) Identify six lessons that Christians learn from the lives of Zechariah
andElizabeth. (6 marks)

11. 2013 Q12

With reference to Luke1;8-20 describe the annunciation of the birth of
John the Baptist (6 marks)

12. 2014 Q1b,c

(b) Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (6 marks)
c)Give three reasons why Christians present gifts to newly born babies. (6 marks)

13. 2015 Q1 P2
(a) Outline Jeremiah’s prophecies about the Messiah (Jeremiah 23: 5-6) (6 marks)

(b) Describe the incident when an angel visited the shepherds on the night
Jesus was born. (Luke 2: 8-15) (7 marks)

(c) List seven virtues which Christians acquire while celebrating the birth
of Jesus. (7 marks)

13. 2016 Q1 P2
(a) Narrate the visit of the Angel to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. (7 marks)
(b) Outline the differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of
Jesus Christ. (8 marks)
(c) What five lessons do Christians learn about family relationships from the
occasion when Jesus accompanied His parents for the Passover festival? (5marks)

14. 2016 Q2 P2

(a) Narrate Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan in
Luke 3: 21-22. (5 marks)
b) Identify four teachings by John the Baptist. (8 marks)
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c) Give reasons why Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of John
the Baptist in their lives. (7 marks)

15. 2017 Q1 P2
(b) State s e v e n similarities in the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist
and that Jesus Christ.
(7 marks)
(c) Identify s i x lessons Christians learn from the annunciation of the birth of
John the Baptist.
(6 marks)

16. 2018 Q1 P2
(b) Describe the annunciation of the birth of Jesus by angel Gabriel as recorded in
Luke 1:26-38, (8 marks)
(c) State five lessons Christians learn from the Magnificat. (5 marks)


1. 1994 Q 31
Highlight lessons from the healing of the Centurion servant.
2. 1996 Q 7
Give five reasons why the transfiguration of Jesus marked an important
event in his life. (5 marks)

3. 1996 Q 2b P2
What problems did Jesus experience during his ministry? (8 marks)
4. 1997 Q 5
Write down five teachings of John the Baptists about Jesus Christ. (5 marks)
5. 1997 Q 6
Write down five lessons that Christians can learn about the mission of Jesus
from the incident when the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought to
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him a womanwho was caught committing adultery. (5 marks)

6. 1998 Q 6
Identify five lessons from the healing of Bartimaeusthe blind beggar
(5 marks)
7. 1998 Q 7
Write down five teachings about Jesus from the cure of the paralytic (5 marks)

8. 1998 Q 13
State five ways in which Christians spread the gospel of Jesus Christ today
(5 marks)
9. 1999 Q 5
List five teachings of Jesus from the beatitudes (5 marks)

10. 1999 Q 6
List five Jewish ceremonies in which Jesus was involved (5 marks)

11. 1999 Q 8
Give five reasons why Jesus was rejected by the people of his home town
of Nazareth (5 marks)
12. 1999 Q 17
State five ways in which Christians demonstrate obedience to Jesus command
to love one’s neighbour (5 marks)

13. 2000 Q 2a(pp 2)

With reference to the story of the woman caught in adultery, explain the
teachings of Jesus on forgiveness. (10 marks)

14. 2000 Q 7
Give five lessons Christians learn about the nature of Jesus from the incident
When he cast out a demon from a man in a synagogue at Capernaum. (5 marks)
15. 2001 Q 6
Identify five teachings of Jesus about john the Baptist. (5 marks)

16. 2001 Q 7
State five lessons Christians learn from the miracle of the raising of
Jairus’daughter. (5marks)

17. 2002 Q 5
List five miracles which show that Jesus had authority over nature. (5 marks)

18. 2000 Q 7
State five actions of Jesus which show that he loved the needy. (5 marks)

19. 2000 Q 2b ( pp 2)
What is the New Testament teaching on the Jewish attitude towards sin?
(8 marks)
20. 2002 Q 3c(pp 2)
© Pyramid Consultants ǀ P.O BOX 67593-00200 Nairobi ǀ 0722614502/0733494581ǀ
Why are Christians baptized today? (5 marks)
21. 2003 Q 6
Identify five occasions in the life of Jesus when he was tempted (5 marks)
22. 2003 Q 7
List five lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the miracles of healing.
(5 marks)
23. 2003 Q 3a(pp 2)
Relate the story of the feeding of the five thousand in Mark 6:30-44
(9 marks)
24. 2004 Q 6
Give five qualities of the roman centurion, who requested Jesus to heal
his servant. (5 marks)

25. 2004 Q 2a ( pp 2)
Relate the story of the healing of the man born blind (john 9:1-14). (12 marks)

26. 2005 Q 5
Give five reasons why Jesus was baptized. (5 marks)
27. 2005 Q 6
State five reasons why Jesus healed the sick. (5 marks)

28. 2005 Q 3b ( pp 2)
What lesson did the disciples of Jesus learn from the miracle of the feeding
of the five thousand? (7 marks)
29. 2006 Q 2
(a) Outline the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain
(Luke 7: 11- 17) (8 marks)

(b) Identify ways through which the church continues with the healing
ministry of Jesus Christ (7 marks)

(c) Give the lessons that Christians learn from the transfiguration of Jesus. (5 marks)

30. 2007 Q 2a,b ( pp 2)

(a) Describe the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness before he began his
public ministry (8 marks)

(b) What lessons do Christians learn from the temptations of Jesus?

(5 marks)
31. 2007 Q 4a ( pp 2)
Describe the healing of the Gerasene demonic in Luke 8:26-39

32. 2008 Q 2 ( pp 2)
a) Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan by John the Baptist in
Luke 3:21-22 (5 marks)
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b) Outline four teachings of John the Baptist. (8 marks)

c) Why are Christians finding it difficult to apply the teachings of John

the Baptist in their lives today? (7 marks)

33. 2009 Q 2 (pp 2)

a) Describe the incident when Jesus was rejected at Nazareth.
(Luke 4:16-30) (7 marks)

b) Give four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in
Galilee (Luke5:12,6:11) (7 marks)

c)State five ways in which church leaders can respond to those who
oppose them in their work (5 marks)
34. 2010 Q 2 (pp 2)
(a) With reference to the sermon on the plain, state five teachings of Jesus
Onhow human beings should relate to one another. (5 marks)

(b) Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm (Luke 8: 22 - 25).
(10 marks)
(c) Identify five virtues that Christians learn from the miracle of the
feedingofthe five thousand. (5 marks)

35. 2011 Q 2 ( pp 2)
a) With reference to the sermon on the plain, outline five teachings of Jesus
on how human beings should relate to one another (5 marks)
b) Describe the incidence in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman in Luke
7:36-50 (8 marks)
c) Give seven reasons why Christians should ask for forgiveness from God
(7 marks)
36. 2013 Q2 P2
(a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus (Luke5:1-11)
(b) Give six reasons why Jesus chose the twelve disciples
(c)Identify Six Lessons that Christians learn from the call of the first disciples.

37. 2014 Q2a P2

What do Christians learn about Jesus from the incident when he was
baptized? (6 marks)

38. 2015 Q2 P2
(a) Describe the incident in which Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter.
(Luke 8: 40-56) (7 marks)

(b) State six lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the raising of Jairus’
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daughter. (6 marks)
(c) How is the Church in Kenya helping the sick? (7 marks)

39. 2016 Q3 P2

(a) Explain the healing of the ten Lepers. (7 marks)

(b) Discuss Jesus' teaching on the power of faith. (8 mark)
(c) What five lessons can Christians learn from the parable of the ten pounds? (5 marks)
40. 2017 Q2 P2

(a) State the teaching of John the Baptist as the forerunner of Jesus Christ. (8 marks)
(b) Outline what Jesus said about John the Baptist to His disciples. (6 marks)
(c) Explain ways in which church leaders should respond to members who
oppose them in their work. (6 marks)
41. 2018 Q2 P2
(a) Explain the teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple (Luke 6: 20-49).
(8 marks)
(b) Describe the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman (Luke 7: 36-50).
(7 marks)
(c) State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave
the sinfulwoman, (5 marks)

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1. 1990 Q 47a,b
Describe Jesus’ teaching concerning the kingdom of God.

2. 1996 Q 5
State five teachings of Jesus on sin. (5 marks)

3. 1996 Q 3 a,b ( pp 2)
a) Discuss the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the sower. (8 marks)
b) How did the early Christians community preserve the teachings of Jesus?
(8 marks)
4. 1996 Q 6
Write down five instructions given by Jesus regarding to prayer (5 marks)

5. 1996 Q 8
What does the story of rich man and Lazarus teach on the proper use of wealth?
(5 marks)
6. 1997 Q 2a(pp 2)
With reference to the parables of Jesus, explain his teachings about the
Kingdom of God.

7. 1997 Q 3b ( pp 2)
Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus demonstrated they live for him.
(8 marks)
8. 1998 Q 5
State five teachings of Jesus in the Parable of the lost sheep and lost coin
(5 marks)
9. 1999 Q 9
State five teachings of Jesus on the cost of discipleship (5 marks)

10. 1999 Q 1b ( pp 2)
Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus demonstrated their faith in him
(12 marks)
11. 2000 Q 8
What five lessons can a Christian learn from the parable of the prodigal son?
(5 marks)
12. 2000 Q 9
Name five characteristics of an apostle of Jesus Christ (5 marks)

13. 2001 Q 4c ( pp 2)
Describe the duties given to the apostle by Jesus. (5 marks)

14. 2002 Q 6
State five lessons Christians learn from the parable of the wheat and tares (5 marks)

15. 2003 Q 8
List five parables used by Jesus to teach about the kingdom of God. (5 marks)

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16. 2003 Q 4a (pp 2)
With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the
teachings of Jesus on responsibility to others. (10 marks)

17. 2004 Q 7
List five teachings about the kingdom of God from the parable of the
treasurer and pearl. (5 marks)

18. 2004 2b (pp 2)

What is the New Testament teaching on prayer? (6 marks)

19. 2005 Q 7
List five teachings about the kingdom of God from the parables of the Yeast and
the mustard seed. (5 marks)

20. 2005 Q 3c ( pp 2)
Why do some Christians find it difficult to share their wealth with others? (6 marks)

21. 2005 Q 4a ( pp 2)
State the teachings of Jesus on how Christians should approach God in Prayer. (6 marks)

22. 2006 Q 3a(pp 2)

Give reasons why Jesus used the parable ofthe lost son in his teaching
(6 marks)
23. 2009 Q 3a,b( pp 2)
a) Identify five teachings that Jesus made to the guests at the Pharisees house
(Luke 14:15-24)
b) Give four reasons why Jesus used the parable of the great feast in his
teachings (Luke14:1-14) (8 marks)

24. 2011 Q 3 (pp 2)

a) Outline the instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy two disciples when
he sent them on a mission. (8 marks)
b) Relate the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
(Luke 18:9-14) (5 marks)
c) Give seven reasons that make Christians pray. (7 marks)

25. 2014 Q2b,c P2

b) Describe the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13) (7 marks)
c) Outline seven lessons Christians learn from the temptation of Jesus. (7 marks)

26. 2018 Q3 P2
(a) With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teaching
of Jesus on the proper use of wealth (Luke 16: 19-31). (7 marks)
(b) Outline six signs of the end times as taught by Jesus in Luke 21: 5-38. (6 marks)
(c) Give seven ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the
second coming of Jesus Christ. (7 marks)

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1. 1998 Q 2a (pp 2)
Discuss the areas of conflict between Jesus and the Jewish Religious leaders
which eventually led to his death. (16 marks)

2. 1999 Q 7
Identify five lessons Christians learn from Jesus reply to the Sadducees question
on Resurrection (5 marks)

3. 1999 Q 3
(a) Using examples from the life and ministry of Jesus show how he tried to
promote social equality (12 marks)

(b) How did the disciples react to Jesus use of parables in his teaching? (5 marks)

(c) State ways in which Christians show their belief in God? (8 marks)

4. 2000 Q 2b (pp2)
What is the New Testament teaching on the Jewish attitude towards sin?
(8 marks)
5. 2001 Q 4a (pp2)
Give reasons why Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocrites. (12 marks)

6. 2014 Q3a P2
Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-40) (6 marks)

© Pyramid Consultants ǀ P.O BOX 67593-00200 Nairobi ǀ 0722614502/0733494581ǀ
1. 1993 Q 2
a) Describe the preparation made by disciples of Jesus for the last supper.
b) Explain the meanings of the actions of Jesus during the last supper.
c) Give reasons why Christians celebrate the Holy Communion.

2. 1993 Q 45
Describe how Jesus revealed himself to the two disciples in Emmaus.

3. 1994 Q 33
Explain the actions taken by the Jewish Leadership to ensure that Jesus was put
to death.

4. 1995 Q 31
Identify five occasions when Jesus appeared to his disciples after resurrection.

5. 1997 Q 7
State five Christian’s teachings about the Lord’s Supper. (5 marks)

6. 1998 Q 8
Write down five events that took place following Jesus death on the cross
(5 marks)
7. 2002 Q 8
State five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians. (5 marks)

8. 2003 Q 3b, c
b)How did the resurrected Christ reveal himself to his followers? (10 marks)
c)Give reasons why some people find it difficult to accept Jesus Christ.
(6 marks)
9. 2004 Q 8
Identify five ways through which Jesus prepared the disciples for his
comingdeath. (5 marks)

10. 2005 Q 8
Give five reasons why it was necessary for Jesus to have last supper with
his disciples (5 marks)

11. 2006 Q 3b, c (pp 2)

(a)Outline the preparations that Jesus made for the last supper.
( Luke 22: 7- 14) (6 marks)

(b) Identify the reasons that made Judas Iscariot betray Jesus (8 marks)

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12. 2007 Q 3( pp 2)
(a) Outline the events that took place on the Mount of Olives before the
Arrestof Jesus (7 marks)
(b)Give reasons why Peter denied Jesus (8 marks)
(c)Why is the death of Jesus important to Christians? (5 marks)

13. 2008 Q 3(pp 2)

a) How did Jesus celebrate the Last supper with his disciples? (7 marks)
b) Outline the lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Jesus
wentto pray with his disciples on the Mount of Olives. (5 marks)
c) Give four reasons why the disciples found it difficult to believe that
Jesus hadresurrected. (8 marks)

14. 2009 Q 3c (pp 2)

Write down seven reasons why Christians take part in the Lord ’s Supper (7 marks)

15. 2009 Q 4a (pp 2)

Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the Holy spirit to the disciples after
his ascension (7 marks)

16. 2010 Q 3a, b (pp 2)

(a) State four accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial
(Luke 22: 66 - 23: 1 - 23). (4 marks)
(b) Give five reasons why Jesus appeared to His disciples after resurrection.
(10 marks)
17. 2014 Q3b,c P2
(b) Outline the events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested up
to the time he was sentenced to die. (7 marks)

(c) State seven lessons Christians learn from the suffering and death of Jesus. (7 marks)

18. 2015 Q3 P2
(a) Identify the events that took place between the death and burial of Jesus.
(Luke 23: 44-56) (7 marks)
(b) How did Jesus reveal himself to the two men going to Emmaus?
(Luke 24: 13-31). (6 marks)
(c) Why is the resurrection of Jesus important to Christians? (7 marks)

19. 2017 Q3 P2
(a) Describe the incident in which Jesus had the last supper with His disciples. (7 marks)
(b) Give six reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper. (6 marks)
(c) Outline the importance of celebrating the Holy Communion in the church
today. (7 marks)

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1997 Q3
 Messiah -Chosen one of God/ God’s anointed/ messiah
 Pleasing -Pleasing to God
 Spirit filled -God’s spirit is in filling man of justice
 Patience -Patience/ tolerance/ endurance
 Humble -Humility nonviolence - gentleness/ non- violence
 Courage -Courage
 Righteousness -Righteousness/ holiness/ uprightness
 Liberator -Liberator from oppression/ saves/ redeemed/ Restores
 God is glorified in him/ reflects God glory
 Teacher -Knowledge/ teacher/ ready to learn
 Constant -Stead fastness/ constant
 Hope -Hope
 -Vindicated/ free of guilt/ innocent
 -He is faithful/ obedient
 Messenger of goods news
 Prosperity
 -Divinity/ supernatural
 -Power/ almightiness (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2000 Q6
 Was a forerunner of Christ/prepared the way for the coming of the messiah
 Baptized Jesus in river Jordan
 Witnessed that Jesus was the messiah/lamb of God/son of God / the introduced
Jesus to the crowd.
 Introduced Jesus to his disciples.
 Two of his disciples became Jesus disciples
 Preached repentance and forgiveness of sins/baptized those who repented .
 Warmed people of God’s coming judgment
 He acknowledged Jesus’ greatness /ascendancy over him
 Advised people to live Holy lives/do what is right /share with other
2001 Q3a (PP2)
 He bore the sins of the human race
 He delivered Israel by dying on the cross/crucified
 He submissively bore suffering and disgrace
 He was despised and rejected
 He was a man of sorrow/grief
 He was pieced/wounded
 He appeared before the Sanhedrin/Pilate for judgment
 He was pieced/wounded
 He was crucified with the thieves
 He was buried in a rich man’s tomb
 Through him God’s everlasting Kingdom was established
 He was without sin/holy
 Through Jesus many have been forgiven/saved.
 Jesus was exalted/made great
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 Jesus was born of a virgin/divine birth/Holy spirit
 He was of the lineage of David
 He was a wonderful counselor/prince of peace/Emmanuel
 He established justice on earth
 He was Almighty
 Jesus said he had come to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah
 He was filled with the Holy Spirit. (8x2=12marks)
2002 Q 3a (PP2)
 Preached repentance
 Told soldiers not to rob/ bear false witness/ be content with their wages
 Encouraged people to share with the poor
 Told tax- collectors not to collect what is illegal
 Baptized those who repented
 Told them that he was not the messiah
 Preached the good news
 He reprimanded Herod for marrying Herodias his brother’s wife
 Baptized Jesus in river Jordan
 Introduced Jesus as Lamb of God
 Told them not to boast about being descendants of Abraham
 Warned people of the coming judgment (6 x 2 = 12 marks)
2002 Q4
 He would conquer nations/ military ruler
 He would rule the world/ earthly king/ political leaders
 He would avenge the enemies of Israel/ punish the Romans
 He would be a descendant of David / Royal/ rich
 He was to set up a powerful kingdom of the Israelites/ make them prosperous
 Would appear in Jerusalem full of glory
 He was to appear/ come after the return of Elijah
 He was to perform miracles ( might deeds)
 He would not associate with the poor/ sinners/ gentiles/ outcasts
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2003 Q 4
 Wonderful counselor/ Mighty God
 Everlasting/ eternal father
 Prince of peace/ Just and righteous ruler
 Suffering servant/ servant of Yahweh
 Emmanuel God with us / A short of the stump of Jesse
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2009 Q 1a (PP2)
 The messiah would be a descendant of David/rule of the throne of David.
 The messiah will rule forever.
 He would be despised/ rejected by many/ a man of sorrow/ suffering servant.
 He would be born of a young woman/ virgin.
 Messianic reign/rule will bring happiness/joy to the Israelites.
 He would be wounded for people’s transgressions/ would suffers for
his sins of human beings.
 Peace/prosperity will prevail during the messianic reign.
 He will be called wonderful/counselor/mighty God/Everlasting
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Father/Prince of peace/Anointed/god Immanuel.
 He will rule with justice/ righteousness.
 He would have characteristics of normal human being/child.
 His Suffering through the will of God/ it will be initiated by God.
2012 Q1a
(a) Micah’s prophecies about the Messiah
 The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem.
 He will rule over Israel.
 His origin is from the old/ancient days.
 He will be born of a woman.
 He will feed his flock.
 He will rule in the majesty/power of God.
 In his time, Israel will be secure.
 He shall be great to the ends of the earth.
 Israel will have victory over her enemy/there will be peace in Israel.
(7x1 =7 marks)
2012 Q1a
(a) Characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament
 False prophets did not have a divine call/raised themselves.
 They spoke falsehoods/lies.
 They prophesied out of their own mind/imaginations.
 They prophesied what the people wanted to hear/according to circumstances.
 They misled people from the covenant way of life/promoted idolatry.
 They hindered the work of true prophets.
 They worked for material gain/paid for their services.
 Their prophesies were not fulfilled.
(b) The teaching of Prophet Amos on Israel's election.
 Israel's election was out of God's own initiative/favour for them/God's chosen people.
 God delivered the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt.
 He led them during the Exodus.
 He protected them in the wilderness.
 He defeated all their enemies.
 God gave them special land to inherit.
 God raised prophets among the them to lead them in their religious life.
 God was to punish the Israelites because of their disobedience. 6xl=6marks

(c) Factors that hinder Christians from practicing their faith in God.
 Lack of role models/mentorship.
 Job commitment.
 Social injustices.
 Peer pressure.
 False teachings/different interpretation of the Bible/devil worship.
 Greed for power/wealth.
 Permissiveness in society/moral decayance/corruption.
 Science and technology
 Poverty/unemployment.
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 Sickness/ill health.
 Influence from mass media.
 Cultural influence/ethnicity/racism/tribalism.
 Gender bias.
 Generation gap.
 Insecurity.
 Natural calamities/disaster. 8xl=8marks
2014 Q4
4. a) Categories of true prophets in the Old Testament
 Major Prophets – their messages/books are elaborate/detailed
 Minor Prophets – they have short /brief messages
 Canonical prophets- they are prophets whose utterances are recorded in books that
bear their names
 Non-Canonical prophets- they are prophets whose oracles/messages have been
compiled by other authors
 Cultic- they are prophets whose duties were associated with places of worship
 Early prophets- were sent by God for specific tasks
(3x2= 6 marks)
b) Similarities between the traditional African and true prophets in the Old Testament
 Both predicted future events/disasters/which came to pass
 Both acted as mediators between God and the people
 Both had supernatural powers to exercise their duties/charismatic/spoke with authority
 Both had a personal relationship with God/received revelations through
 they were religious leaders who could offer sacrifices/prayers
 Both played an advisory role to the political leaders/acted as the conscience of the
leader/solved dispute
 Both urged their people to be normally upright/condemned evil in society
 They led exemplary lives/were role models
 In both cases there were prophets and prophetesses (6x1= 6 marks)
2014 Q1a
a) Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the Messiah
 The Messiah would be born of a virgin/young women
 He would be called Immanuel
 He would be a wonderful counselor/might God/everlasting father/prince of peace
 The Messiah would have an everlasting kingdom
 He would be a ruler from the house of David
 He would rule with justice/righteousness/peace
 He would be humble/simple/ordinary/without beauty (nothing attractive)
 The Messiah would be rejected/despised/sentenced to die
 He would suffer for the forgiveness of the sins of many people
 It would be the will of his father for him to suffer
 He would succeed in his work/be highly honoured
 He would be filled with God’s spirit/anointed
 He would preach goods news/set the captives free (8x1 = 8marks)

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a)Differences between eh traditional African prophets and the Old Testament prophets
 The old testament prophets were called by God while traditional African prophets
inherited their roles
 Old testaments prophets delivered messages to their own people and those outside their
locality while traditional African prophets were concerned with their own communities
 The prophecies of the old testament were recorded while those of the traditional
African prophets were passed on orally
 Old test meant prophets spoke of the coming messiah while traditional African prophets
did not have this concept
 Old testament prophets were rejected / in the communities while traditional African
prophets were liked / respected by their communities

2018 Q1
a)Micahs prophecy concerning the Messiah (Micah 5:2-5)
i. The messiah would be born in Bethlemeh
ii. He will rule over Israel
iii. His origin is form the old /ancient days
iv. He would be born of a woman
v. He will feed His flock
vi. He will rule the majesty /strength of God
vii. In his time Israel will be secured / peaceful
viii. He shall be great to the ends of the earth / eternal
7x 1 =

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1996 Q2a
 The angel appeared to Mary in Nazareth and told her she would be pregnant
and will give birth a son who will be called the son of the most High God.

 The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary as
his wife, when he was contemplating on leaving her when he found out that she
was pregnant. The angel told him that she was conceived by the Holy Spirit.

 After the birth of Jesus, the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds who were
looking after their flocks at night and informed them of the birth of the saviour in

 After the visit of the Magi, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and
told him to take Mary and Baby Jesus and escape to Egypt because Herod would be
looking for the child to kill him.

 After the death of King Herod, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in Egypt
and told him to take Jesus and his mother and return to Israel because Herod who
tried to kill the child was dead(4 x 8 = 8 marks)

Occasion------------ 1 mark to be marked as a

Message ------------- 1 mark to be marked as b
2000 Q 5
 There was census/Jesus parents went to Bethlehem for the census
 No room was available for Mary and Joseph to retire for the night/went to the cattle
 Shepherds were looking after the flocks
 Angels visited the shepherds and the magi to announce the birth/angels
sang/glorified God
 The visitation of the shepherds and the magi to the place Jesus was (Bethlehem)
/Brought gifts/glorified God. (5 marks)
2001 Q 5
 Jesus parents offered a sacrifice two turtle, doves (sin offering purification)
 Simeon took the child into his arms.
 He praised God/gave thanks.
 He prophesied about Jesus mission.
 The parents of Jesus marveled at Simeon’s prophecy.
 Prophets Anna thanked God/Prayed for the child.
 She prophesied that Jesus was the redeemer of Jerusalem.
 Simeon blessed Jesus parents.
 Jesus was dedicated/Redeemed.
 Simeon was led by the Holy spirit 5x1 = 5 marks
2001 Q3c
 Christians are baptized to identify with Jesus
 It unites Christians as members of one body

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 It unites Christians as members of one body
 It is a sign of death and resurrection of Jesus
 Signifies a new life/change of status
 Use of water is symbolic as a leader.
 Signifies the complete forgiveness of sins
 It makes them children of God
 It marks the beginning of personal commitment to God
 Prepare Christians for the heavenly Kingdom
 It gives one a sense of belonging to a Christian community
 It confirmed that Jesus was the son of God/Messiah/Divinity of Jesus(5 marks)
2003 Q 5
 The angel Gabriel brought the message
 Mary and Zechariah were afraid
 They doubted the possibility of the angles message
 The angel gave the names of the children to be born
 The angel specified the children mission
 The mothers had never had children before
 Mary and Zechariah were given signs to confirm the messages
 The children were to be male
 The children were to be conceived through the power of God/ God’s
 Intervention
 Mary and Zechariah were fighters (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2004 Q 5
 Jesus was to be great
 Jesus will be the son of God
 Jesus was to rule over the house of Jacob
 Jesus was to be given the throne of David
 Jesus would have an everlasting kingdom
 He was to be conceived through the power of the Holy spirit
 He would be a holy child 5x1=5 marks
2005 Q3a
 Jesus would save people.
 He would bring glory to Israel.
 He would be a light to the gentiles.
 He would be a universal savior
 He would bring judgment to the Israelites.
 Many people would oppose his work.
 He would reveal secret thoughts of people.
 He would be the source of redemption for Jerusalem. 6x2=12 marks
2006 Q1
 The shepherds were looking after their flocks in the field at night
 The angel appeared to them
 The glory of the lord shone around them
 They were filled with fear
 The angle reassured them/ told them not to fear
 He told them of the good news of the birth of Jesus
 They were told where to find baby Jesus
 The angles gave them a sign on how they would find Jesus
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 There appeared a host of angles singing/ praising God
 The angles left them/ went back to heaven
 The shepherds went to Bethlehem/ found baby Jesus (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

 John the Baptist preached mainly in the wilderness/ the desert of Judah, while
 Jesus preached in the synagogues/ homes cities/ towns/ temple
 John the Baptist called people to repentance, while Jesus forgave/ died for their sins
 John the Baptist with water, but Jesus was baptized with the holy spirit/ fire
 John the Baptist lived the life of Nazarite, while Jesus mixed freely with all people
 The emphasis of John the Baptist preaching was in the promised Messiah, while
that of Jesus was about the kingdom of God
 John the Baptist’s message was direct whereas Jesus preached in parables
 While John the Baptist disciples fasted, the disciples of Jesus ate and drank
 John the Baptist did not perform miracles, but Jesus ministry was full of signs/
 John the Baptist was the fore runner / prepared the way while Jesus fulfilled/ was
the messiah (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
 Christians should obey their parents
 Parents should teach their children about God
 Parents should provide opportunities for their children to mix with others
 Parents should love/ be concerned about their children
 Family ties should about be broken/ families should live in unity
 God’s work takes priority over the family
 Parents should recognize their children’s talents/ abilities
 There should be open communities among family members
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)

2007 Q 1a (PP2)
 He would be a source of joy to the parents
 Many people would rejoice at his birth
 He would be great in the sight of the Lord
 He was not to take strong drink/wine
 He was to be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb
 Many Israelites would turn to God through him
 He would have the spirit of Elijah/power
 He was to prepare the people for the Lord/call people to repentance
 He would turn the fathers hearts to children / bring reconciliation
(6 x 11 = 6 marks)
 His father was a poor carpenter
 His mother was an ordinary village girl
 He was born in a manger/cattle shed
 He was born in a small town of Judah/Bethlehem
 The first people to visit him were shepherds who were lowly regarded.
 He was revealed to Simeon and Anna who were simple
 During his dedication the parents offered birds
 He grew up in Nazareth / town of low status (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
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 They are made in the image of God
 To follow the example of Christ who went to the Synagogue/Temple
 To prepare them for future roles as leaders
 To teach them religious beliefs/practices
 To lay foundation of Christian morals at an early age
 Jesus taught that the Kingdom belongs to them/He appreciated/blessed children
 For the continued growth of the Church
 To help develop/improve their talents
 To give them an opportunity to socialize with others
 To help them spend their leisure positively (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

2008 Q1 (PP2)
 She was highly favoured among women.
 She will bring forth a son/will be named Jesus.
 He will be called the son of the most highest/son of God/will be great.
 He will be given the throne of his father David.
 He will reign over the house of Jacob forever.
 The kingdom will be everlasting.
 The Holy Spirit would come upon her.
 The child to be born would be holy.
 That Elizabeth her cousin had also conceived in her old age.
 With God, nothing will be impossible. (6x1=6 marks)

 God is a saviour because he remembers the lowly.

 God is mighty for he scatters the proud/does great things.
 God is holy/holy is his name.
 God is merciful to those who fear him from generation to generation.
 God is caring/protecting because he exalts the humble.
 He is a provider/sustainer because he fills the hungry.
 He is faithful because he keeps his promises.
 He is kind/helper to his servant Israel. (4x2=8 marks)

 He was obedient.
 He was courageous.
 He was knowledgeable/intelligent/wise.
 He was respectful.
 He was cooperative.
 He was patient.
 He was honest.
 He was assertive/independent/making independent decisions.
 He was social/outgoing.
 He was inquisitive (6x1=6 marks)
2009 Q 1b
 Mary, the mother of baby Jesus wrapped him in swaddling clothes.
 She laid him in a manger.
 An angel of the lord appeared to the shepherds.
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 A multitude of angels appeared singing the praise of God.
 The shepherds hurried to see the baby.
 The shepherds spread the news to the people.
 The shepherds sung/ praise God after they had seen baby Jesus.
 The shepherds returned to their homes/work. (6x1=6 marks)
2010 Q1a,b
 Jesus was taken to Jerusalem to be represented to the Lord by his parents.
 Simeon took Jesus up in arms/blessed the Lord.
 Simeon said that he was ready to die he had seen God’s salvation/a light for
revelation to the gentles/the glory to the Israelites.
 Simeon blessed the parents of Jesus.
 Simeon told Mary Jesus’ Mother that the child was set for the fall and rising of
many in Israel.
 Anna gave thanks/prayed/spoke of Jesus to all who were looking for the redemption
of Jerusalem.
 The parents of Jesus performed everything according to the law of the Lord/offered
a pair of turtle doves/pigeons.
 Parents of Jesus returned home. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
 Christians should involve their children in prayer/worship of God.
 Christians should involve their children in day to day affairs.
 Parents should be concerned of where their children.
 Children should be taught the world of God/the Bible.
 There should be communication among family members/they should inform one
another of their whereabouts.
 Children should obey their parents.
 Parents should love their children.
 Christian should accommodate the view of the youth.
 Christians learn that Jesus is the son of God/he was in his Father’s house.
 Christian should exercise tolerance/forgiveness
 Christians should give God first priority as Jesus did. (7 x 1 = 7 marks)
2011 Q 1a,b(PP2)
 She entered Zechariah’s home
 She greeted Elizabeth
 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings the baby in her womb leaped
 Elizabeth was filled with the holy spirit
 Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry
 She blessed Mary and the child in the womb
 Elizabeth wondered why Mary the mother of her lord has visited her
 Elizabeth informed Mary that the baby in her womb had leaped for joy in her
 Mary responded by praising God
 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months
 Christian should be righteous/upright /blameless
 They should obey God’s commandments
 They should persevere/ be patient
 They should serve God faithfully with commitment
 They should be prayerful
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 They should depend on God/ask God for their needs
 They should believe God’s word
 They should thank God for blessings
 They should praise /worship the lord
 They should desire to be led by the holy spirit
 Christian should rejoice at the blessings of others
2012 Q1b, c
(b) The message of Angel Gabriel about John the Baptist: — continental
 John the Baptist was to be a son. ,
 His name was to be John.
 He would bring joy/gladness to his parents/many will rejoice athis birth.
 He will be great before God.
 He was to drink no wine/strong drink..'
 He was to be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb,
 He would turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God.
 He was to go before the Lord in the spirit/power of Elijah.
 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children/ the disobedient to
the wisdom of the just.
 He was to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.
------(7 x 1=7 marks)
(c) Lessons Christians learn from when Jesus was dedicated.
 Christians should be righteous before God in order to experience Him in their lives.
 Christians should thank God for blessing them.
 They should trust/have faith in God.
 Christians should reach out to all people/preach salvation to them.
 Christians should show compassion to the needy in society.
 Christians should be devoted in their worship of God regardless of
the challenges they face.
 Christians should dedicate their children to God/fulfil the church obligations.
(6 x 1 = 6 marks)
2013 Q1a
{a}The annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist
 He would be filled with the Holyspirit;
 He would reconcile the Israelites with God.
 He would have the spirit/power of Elijah.
 He would bring justice;
 He would prepare people for the coming of the Messiah.
2014 Q2b,c
b) Outline events that took place on the night Jesus was born (Luke 2:6-20)
 When Jesus was born his mother wrapped him in cloths
 She placed him in a manger
 There were shepherds watching over their flock
 An Angel appeared to the shepherds in the region to tell them of the birth of the
 A great company of heavenly hosts/angels/appeared singing praises to God
 The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem /hurried off to Bethlehem
 The shepherds saw the baby

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 They spread the news about the baby to other people
 The shepherds returned praising /glorifying god
 The angel gave a sign on how to identify the baby

c) Give three reasons why Christians present gifts to newly born babies
 Christian give gifts in order to welcome the baby into the family world
 It is a sigh of their lover/contribution to the baby’s welfare
 It is a way of thanking God/appreciating his goodness
 It is a form of congratulating the mother/parents
 It is an expression of their joy
 It is a way of emulating biblical practices

2015Q1 P2
a)Jeremiah’s prophecies about the Messiah
 The Messiah would come from the house of David
 He would be righteous
 He would reign as a king
 The Messiah would rule wisely
 He would execute justice in the land
 He would bring salvation upon Judah
 He would provide security / safety in Israel
 He would be called the Lord 6x 1 = 6 mks

b)The incident when an angle visited the shepherds on the night Jesus was born
 The shepherds were looking after their flocks in the fields at night
 An angle appeared to them
 The glory of the Lord shone around them
 They were filled with fear
 The angle told them not to be afraid
 He told them the good news about the birth of Jesus savior in the city of David
 The angle told them how to find the baby / gave them a sign on how to identify
the baby
 There appeared a host of angels singing / praising God
 The angels left them / went back to heaven
 The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem / visit the baby 7 x 1 = 7marks

c)Virtues Christians acquire when celebrating the Birth of Jesus

 Joy / happiness
 Sharing / generosity / helpfulness/kindness
 Holiness/righteousness/purity
 Respect
 Humility
 Mercy / compassion
 Cooperation/unit
 Thankfulness/gratitude
 Love
 Peace 7 x 1 = 7 marks

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2018 Q1
b)The annunciation of the Birth of Jesus by angel Gabriel (Luke 1: 26-28
i. Angel Gabriel I appeared to Mary in Nazareth
ii. Mary was a young woman who had been engaged to a man named Joseph from
the house of David
iii. the angel greeted May “Hall, to favoured one, the Lord is with you”
iv. Mary was troubled by the greeting /wondered what it could be
v. the angle told not to be afraid since she had found favored with God was going to
conceive /give birth to a son
vi. he would be called Jesus
vii. the angle told Mary that Jesus will be great / will be called the son of the Most
High God will give him the throne of his Father David
viii. mar asked the angel how she was going to conceive without a husband
ix. The angle told her that she would conceive by the power o the Holy spirit
x. The angel told Mary that her kins woman Elizabeth had conceived of son / was
six months pregnant
xi. Mary accepted the angels message said “I am the hand maid of the Lord let it be
to me as you have said”
xii. The angel departed from her

8 x 1-
c)Lessons that Christians learn from the magnificent
i. Christian should always appreciate / thank /glorify God for his faovur
ii. Christian should always have faith in God
iii. Christian should be humble
iv. Christians should rejoice when they are blessed by God
v. Christians should obey / respect he will of God
vi. Christians should depend on God for provision

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1996 Q2b (PP2)
 Rejection by his own people in Nazareth
 Death threats in Nazareth/ by Herod
 He was accused of breaking the law of Moses ( e.g., working on the Sabbath day/
eating with unwashed hands/ etc
 He was accused of being a friend of sinners and publican/ associating with sinners
and publicans
 He was accused of being the prince of demons/ Beelzebub/ Beelzebul
 Faced opposition from the Jewish leaders
 Temptation by the devil
 Was questioned by the Jewish leaders so that they could use his answers to
arrest/trap/ put him to death
 Was betrayed by Judas
 Was arrested/ agony
 Was deserted by his disciples after his arrest
 Was denied by peter
 Was falsely accused of blasphemy/ treachery/ treason
 Faced trials before the Sanhedrin/ Pilate/ Herod
 Was sentenced to death although he was innocent
 Was whipped by Pilate
 Was forced to carry his own cross
 Was crucified on the cross
 Mocked/ humiliated when he was hanging on the cross
 Was pierced on his side/ a crown of thorns was placed on his head
 Convincing his disciples about the way he was to fulfil his messianic role (Through
suffering and death.
1997 Q5
 Jesus is great/ famous/ greater than John
 Jesus will bring God’s Salvation/ saviour/ save humanity from sin
 He will proclaim judgment
 He will punish sinners and reward he righteous/ believers/ give eternal life to those
who believe in him
 Jesus is the Messiah/ Christ/ God’s anointed
 Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world/ Jesus will die for the
sin of humanity/ save humanity from sin
 Jesus will lead the new community of believers ( Bridegroom)
 Jesus was sent by God / He is from God/ God’s messenger/ son of God
 Jesus is loved by God / God has given Jesus everything/ believed of God
 Jesus will be filled with the Holy Spirit (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1997 Q 6
 Jesus mission was to teach/ Preach the good news
 Jesus mission was to justify/ fulfill the Law of Moses/ to fulfill the Law of the

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 Jesus’ mission was to and for all people/ universal/ for all nations/ Jesus/ Mission
did not discriminate against any group of people / it was fair to all
 Jesus did not come to judge/ condemn sinners but to save them
 Jesus mission was to seek and save the lost
 Jesus mission was to challenge the Jewish leaders in their attitudes/ their hypocrisy/
their interpretation of the law
 Jesus was going to experience problems/ difficulties/ temptations in his mission
 Jesus does not condone sin although he forgives the sinner (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1998 Q 6
 Jesus came to save all from their infirmities/ailments/sicknesses
 He was the son of God.
 He healed people who had faith in Him
 He healed through command
 Christians should be grateful to god for the blessings he bestows upon them.
 Christians should always seek God
 Christians should not stop those who seek God/be a stumbling block to those who
seek God. 5 x 1= 5 marks
1998 Q 7
 Jesus was a teacher
 He had power of the Lord to heal
 People had faith in him
 He was able to forgives sins
 He was accused of blasphemy by the Jewish religious leaders.
 He had authority over sins and sickness.
 Jesus was sought by crowds who wanted to be healed.
 He had ability to read/ know people’s thoughts
 He healed by word of mouth
 He was praised by people for his mighty deeds. 5x1 = 5 marks
1998 Q 13
 Use of mass media/radio/television
 Missionary activities such as crusades/rallies seminars/evangelism
 Preaching in churches/schools/colleges
 Administering sacraments in the church as baptism/marriage
 Giving tithe/ offerings/sponsoring preachers
 Living exemplary lives/Being role models/living according to Christian
virtues/charitable deeds- e.g. visiting prison, hospitals. Etc.
1999 Q 5
 The poor in spirit shall inherit the kingdom of God.
 They should live with a hope for a better future.
 God is the God of the living
 Through resurrection there is no death/immorality.
 The righteous will resurrect and live eternally.
 At resurrection Christians are like angles 5x1=5marks
1999 Q 6
 Circumcision
 Naming
 Baptism.
 Presentation in the temple/ dedication/purification/redeemed.

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 Visit to the temple in Jerusalem during the Passover at the age of twelve.
 Celebrated the Passover with the twelve disciples/ last supper
 He participated in the feast of the Tabernacles (John 7:1 -10) 5x1=5marks
1999 Q 8
 He annoyed the people by telling them that their forefathers rejected God’s
 He failed to perform the kind of miracles that he had performed in Capernaum.
 He told the people that prophets are ignored in their own country.
 He declared that he had come to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah.
 He was the son of Joseph
 He healed on the Sabbath. 5x 1 = 5 marks.
1999 Q 17
 Praying of one another
 Being role models/living exemplary life/witness good virtues.
 Fellowships with one another by forgiving one another.
 Helping one another in various duties
 Sharing items with one another
 Consoling the needy/guiding and counseling those in problems
 Avoid hurting others either physically or emotionally. (5 marks)
2000 Q 2a (PP2)
 God is merciful towards sinners/he gives a chance to repent/come back to him
 God forgives all types of sin/(according to Jews such a sin is too big to be forgiven)
 Jesus does not condemn sinners/Jesus loves sinners(but hates sins)
 We should avoid sinning after being forgiven/those, whose sins are forgiven, should
live according to the law of God/live righteously.
 We are all sinners. No one is righteous /everyone needs forgiveness.
 We should not kill sinners/life is sacred and only God can take it away.
 We should be tolerant sinners/ we should love sinners/pray for them/help them to
change and turn them to God.
2001 Q 6
 John the Baptist is a prophet/last prophet.
 He is the greatest of the prophets
 He was prophesied about in the scriptures.
 He was to prepare the way for Christ /messenger/foreman/precursor.
 He was referred to as Elijah.
 He did not take wine/He was a Nazarene
 He fasted.
 He dwelt in the wilderness.
 Jesus said that people referred to John, as demon possessed
 The least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John . 5x1=5 marks
2001 Q 7
 Jesus gives life/power over death/there is life after death/death /death is temporary
 Faith is necessary for healing
 Christian should approach/seek God with humility
 Christian should be persistent in making requests
 God answers requests/Christians should turn to God for their needs.
 God visits his people in their places/He is available.

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 Christians should be patient/avoid desperation.
 Jesus brings hope/Joy/compassionate/Sympathetic.
 Jesus is the savior Messiah/Son of God . 5x1=5marks
2002 Q 7
 Walking on water Mt. 14: 22- 34, M k 6: 45, Jn 15: 21
 Calming the storm Mt. 8: 25 – 27 Mark 4: 35 – 46, Lk 8: 22- 25
 Feeding of the Five thousand Mt 14:13- 27, Mark 6: 14- 26
 Miraculous catch of fish
 Changing water into wine In 2: 1- 12
 Cursing the fig tree
 Healing the man born blind John 9: 1 – 34 (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2000 Q2b (PP2)
 Sinners are outcast; they are not to be mixed with.
 Sinners are stoned/killed/executed
 Sinners are despised/rebuked
 Sinners are hated
 Sinners are grouped/classified.
 Sinners is inherited .
 Sin causes ill health/sickness/suffering/ god punished sin.
 Only God can forgive sin/no human being can forgive sin.
2002 Q 3c (PP2)
 To identify themselves today
 Through baptism they receive the power of the Holy Spirit
 It enables one to become a member of the church
 It is a symbol of death and resurrection
 In some churches at baptism Christians get new name/ emulate the qualities of the
 Water in baptism symbolized the washing away of sins
 In accordance to Christ’s teachings/ church tradition (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2003 Q 6
 In the wilderness just before he began his ministry
 In the garden of Gethsemane
 During the transfiguration when Peter wanted to build a tent so that they would
stay on the mountain
 When Peter objected to his suffering and death
 At his crucifixion when he was asked to save himself
 When he was asked to prove that he was the Messiah / son of God in his home
 When they wanted to make him king after feeding the five thousand
 When the sons of Zebedee asked him to destroy the inhospitable Samaritans2003 Q
 Jesus has concern for the sick
 Jesus has power to heal/ power over evil spirits
 Jesus required faith for one to be healed
 Jesus heals all people, he doesn’t discriminate
 Jesus accepts other people’s intervention/ intercessors
 Jesus forgives sins
 Jesus heals both the spiritual and physical

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 Jesus expects those healed to be grateful
 Jesus is son of God/ Messiah (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

2003 Q 3a(PP2)
 Not to be anxious about material and physical needs
 Jesus is the power of life
 Jesus had power over nature
 God cares for man physically, spiritually and materially
 Christians should show concern over others needs
 With prayer everything is possible
 Christians should seek the imperishable food, i.e. the word of God
2004 Q 6
 Humility
 Love/ care/ compassion/ mercifulness
 Faithfulness
 Courage/ bravery/ Respect
 Kindness/ generosity
 Confidence/ Responsibility
2005 Q 5
 To identify himself with sinners
 To be identified by John
 To be introduced to the crowd as the messiah
 To fulfill all righteousness
 It symbolized his death and resurrection
 To show that he was ready to start his work
 To acknowledge the work of John the Baptist as his forerunner
2005 Q 6
 To demonstrate God’s love for human beings
 To take away their pain/ suffering
 People believed in his healing power/ people had faith in him
 To show that physical healing sometimes symbolized spiritual healing
 As a way of destroying the work of Satan
 To glorify God/ show God’s power
 To fulfill old testament prophesies
2005 Q3b (PP2)
 To be concerned for the physical needs of people
 They should thank God.
 To serve others /demonstrate humility
 To practice obedience.
 To praise sharing
 To co-operate with others.
 To be responsible/careful. 7x1=7marks
2006 Q 2
 Jesus went to the city of Nain accompanied by his disciples/ crowd
 At the edge of the city, he met people carrying a dead man
 The dead man was the only son of the widow
 The mother/ widow was accompanied by a large crowd
 Jesus felt pity for the widow/ told her not to weep

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 Jesus touched the bier ( coffin) in which the body lay
 Jesus told the dead man to arise
 The dead man sat up/ began to speak
 Jesus gave the man to his mother
 The people were filled with fear
 The people glorified the lord
 Jesus fame spread in Judea/ in the surrounding region 8 x 1 = 8 marks
 Christians pray for/ preach to the sick
 Laying hands on the sick/ anointing them/ any other miraculous healing
 Providing guidance and counseling services
 Constructing hospitals/ health centers/ rehabilitation centers
 Providing preventive/ curative drugs/ treating the sick
 Paying medical expenses for the sick
 Producing/ disseminating literature/ electronic media on health issues
 Preaching against evil/ causes of ailments that interfere with good health
 Providing food/ clothing/ shelter/ finances to the sick/ needy
 Visiting the sick
 Training medical personnel
 Educating through seminars/ workshops (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

 Christians learn that Jesus is the son of God/ holy

 They should be always alert
 They should not be selfish/ share God’s secrets with others
 It teaches that Jesus was a fulfillment of the Old Testament law/ prophesies
 They should be prayerful
 They learnt that Jesus is the messiah foretold by the Old Testament prophets
 They should enter the presence of God with great respect/ reverence
 They should learn to endure suffering
 They should live with hope knowing that there is life after death
 They should be slow to speak/ learn more about Christ before they speak
(5 marks)
2007 Q 2a b (PP2)
 Jesus was led into the wilderness he stayed for forty days
 He ate nothing and therefore he felt hungry
 The devil asked him to command a stone to become bread if he was the son of God.
 Jesus told him that man could not live by bread alone
 The devil took Jesus up and showed him the kingdoms of the world and asked him
to worship him, so that he could give him everything.
 Jesus told the devil that only God along is to be worship
 The devil took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and asked him to throw himself
down for God would command angels to guard him.
 Jesus told the devil that one should not tempt God (4 x 2= 8 marks)
 They should be knowledgeable in scriptures/biblical verses
 They should resist the devil
 Temptations are part and parcel of Christian life
 They should have faith in God
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 They should worship God along
 They should not put God to test
 They should desire to have the Holy Spirit
 They should not misuse the power of the Holy Spirit
 They should be content with what they have
 Fasting is important in their lives (5 x 1 = 5marks)
2007 Q 4a (PP2)
 Jesus and the disciples arrived at the land of Gerasene
 They met a man who has demon possessed and lived among the tombs
 The man fall down and told Jesus not to torment him
 This is because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit out of the man
 Jesus asked the man his name
 The man replied that his name was legion which meant many demons
 The demons begged Jesus not to let them go into the abyss but into the swine that
were nearby.
 Jesus commanded the demons to go into the swine
 The swine rushed and drowned in a nearby lake
 The herdsmen then fled and went to tell people in the city concerning what had
 People came and found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus, healed, dressed and in
his right hand.
 The people got afraid of Jesus and asked him to leave their territory
 The healed man asked Jesus whether he could accompany him
 Jesus told him to go and tell others what God had done for him.
 The man went through the town proclaiming the good news about Jesus
(8 marks)
2008 Q 2 (PP2)
 All the people had been baptized by John.
 Jesus was also baptized.
 Jesus then started praying.
 The heaven opened.
 The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in a bodily form as a dove.
 Then a voice came from heaven.
 Then it said, ‘thou art my beloved son with thee am well pleased.
(5x1=5 marks)
 He told the people to repent and be baptised for forgiveness of their sins/he asked
people to prepare the way for the Lord.
 He told them to be faithful/obedient to God and not to pride in Abraham as their
 He warned them of God’s punishment on sin.
 He encouraged the rich to share with the needy.
 He told the tax collectors not to steal/be honest.
 He told the soldiers to be contented with their wages/stop greed.
 He told the soldiers to stop robbing/accusing people falsely/should be truthful.
 He told them that the messiah who was to come after him was mightier/He was
unworthy to untie his sandals.
 The Messiah would baptize the people with fire and the Holy Spirit.
 The Messiah would separate the good from the evil/the evil would be punished.
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 He condemned Herod for his adulterous life/marrying his brother’s wife.
(8 marks)
 They lack faith in God’s word.
 Divisions along tribal/racial/denominational lines affect unity among Christians.
 Clinging to the past/inability to abandon the old/previous life style.
 Negative attitude by the rich towards the needy/poor.
 The influence of the mass media/moral decadency in society.
 Some Christians lack what to share with others/poverty.
 There is rampant corruption in the society.
 The emergence of cult leaders/false prophets in the society/lack of role models.
 Some Christians lead hypocritical life.
 Peer pressure. (7x1=7 marks)
2009 Q2 (PP2)
 Jesus came to Nazareth where he was brought up.
 He went to the synagogue as he usually did on the Sabbath day.
 He was given book of prophet Isaiah when he stood up to read.
 He opened the book, found the place that was written about him and read it to the
 After reading he closed the book and gave it to the attendant and sat down.
 Everybody at the synagogue looked at him.
 He told them that the scripture he has read was fulfilled in their hearing.
 All people were happy with what he had spoken.
 People wondered aloud saying “ is this not Joseph’s son”
 Jesus told them that they would ask him to do in his own country things he had
done in Capernaum/ he told them that a prophet is not accepted in his own country.
 He told them that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah but
God sent the prophet to a widow in Nazaphath/ God only healed Naaman the Syrian
of Leprosy during the time of Prophet Elisha.
 They filled with anger/ wanted to throw him head long the cliff.
 Jesus passed through the midst and went away. (7 marks)
 Jesus touched a man with Leprosy which was against the Jewish law.
 He forgave sins which the Pharisees knew only God could do/ healed the paralyzed
 He mixed/ ate with the tax collectors who were known to be sinners.
 Jesus made it clear to them that he had not come to call the righteous but sinners to
 His disciples did not fast, like those of the John the Baptist which annoyed the
Pharisees .
 He challenged them to move from the old traditional orders to the new ones which
he had brought.
 The disciples of Jesus plucked and ate grains on the Sabbath day which was
unlawful/ he healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath.
(8 marks)
 Find out the causes/ reasons for the opposition.
 The church leader should pray for/ with them.
 Explain to them the Gospel truth in a humble manner/ guide and counsel them.
 Seek reconciliation through third party/ another person.

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 Involve them in decision making / church activities
 Recognize their efforts in supporting the church maters.
 Visit them in their homes/ fellowship with them/ preaching.
 Assist them when in problem. (financial/materially)
 Send them message of encouragement.
 Change your approach to issue/ reform where necessary. (5 marks)
2010 Q 2 (PP2)
 Human beings should love enemies.
 They should do good to those who hate them.
 They should bless those who curse them
 They should pray for those who mistreat them
 They should help those in need
 They should lend without expecting anything in return.
 They should show mercy to others
 They should not judge/condemn others
 Human being should forgive one another/not revenge.
 They should be generous.
 They should do unto others what they expect done to them.
(5 x 1 = 5marks)
 Jesus got into a boat with his disciples.
 He told them that they should go to the other side of the lake so they sent off.
 As they sailed Jesus fell asleep.
 A storm of wind came down of the lake.
 The boat was filled with water/they were in danger.
 The disciples went and woke Jesus saying “master we are perishing”
 Jesus got up, rebuked the wind/the raging water/waves
 The storm subsided/ceased/there was calm
 Jesus asked the disciples where their faith was
 The disciples were afraid/they marveled.
 The disciples wondered who Jesus was even the wind and water could obey him.
(10 marks)
 Service/ Obedience
 Faith/trust/ Humility
 Cooperation/ Thankfulness
 Carefulness/Responsibility
 Kindness/generosity/sharing
 Concern/compassion/mercy
 Respect
2011 Q 2 (PP2)
 Human beings should love one another/their enemies
 They should practice sharing/help others
 They should be merciful/ to each other
 They should not judge/condemn others
 They should forgive one another /not to revenge
 Pray for those who wrong them
 They should not discriminate against one another
 They should do good to those who hate them

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 Jesus had been invited by a Pharisee for dinner
 While he was at the table a sinful woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment
 She stood at Jesus feet weeping and wet his feet with her tears
 She used her hair to wipe the feet of Jesus
 She kissed the feet of Jesus
 She then anointed the feet of Jesus with the ointment
 The Pharisee who had invited Jesus questioned in his heart whether Jesus was a
 Jesus knew the thoughts of Simon and told him the parable of the creditor and the
two debtors.
 Jesus asked Simon who of the debtors would love the credit more
 He told Simon that the woman had shown much love because her many sins had
been forgiven
 Jesus then told the woman that her sins had been forgiven,.
 The other guests began to question who Jesus was to have the power to forgive sin.
 Jesus told the woman that her faith had saved her
 He told her to go in peace

 To be at peace with God

 To show obedience to the teachings of Jesus
 To improve their relationship with others
 It gives them confidence to serve God
 To acknowledge their weakness/ a sign of humility
 It shows their desire to lead a righteous life
 It is a sign of appreciation of God’s mercy
 It is a way of self reproach
 It is a demonstration of their faith in God
 So as to be forgiven by God.
2012 Q2
(a) The incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist
 John the Baptist baptised all the people.
 Jesus was also baptised.
 Jesus was praying.
 The heavens opened.
 The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus.
 A' voice came from heaven.
 Jesus was described as the beloved son of God with whom He was pleased.
(5 x 1=5 marks)
(b) Reasons why Christians undergo baptism today:
 Baptism enables then; to become children of God.
 It enables one to become a member of a Christian community/Christian
 It enables them to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
 It enables them to identify themselves with Christ/all that he stands for.
 It symbolises that one has died and resurrected with Christ. leaving the
old sinful nature acquisition of a new life in Jesus.
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 Through baptism, one receives complete forgiveness of sins.
 It prepares Christians for the kingdom of God.
 It unites Christians as members of the body of Christ winch is the Church, fix)
 It symbolises obedience to Jesus' teaching.
 It acts as an outward sign of their inner faith as it is done publicly.
 It is a sign of a new covenant with God.
(7x1 = 7 marks)
(c) Importance of the transfiguration of Jesus to Christian today:
 It took place when Jesus and three of his disciples were praying.
Christians should therefore take time off their duties to pray.
 Jesus and his disciples had retreated to a private place / mountain to pray
 Christians therefore should have retreats / go to a private place for prayer.
 Resurrection is a reality since' Moses who died appeared in the
transfiguration. Christians therefore should have hope for life after death.
 Moses and Elijah appeared to encourage Jesus about the suffering he was
Aboutto face. Christians therefore learn that they should accept/endure
suffering as a way to salvation.
 Jesus came to do the will of his Father/fulfil the law/prophecies.
 Christians are assured of salvation/should believe in the word of God.
 The disciples heard the voice of God which commanded them to listen
to Jesus. Christians leant that God speaks to them / they should listen to
Gods voice / Jesus/the word of God.
 The cloud symbolized God's presence with Jesus. Christians therefore
learn that God is always with them/they should call upon Him for
help/desire to be in the presence of God.
(4x 2= 8 marks.)
2012 Q3a, b
(a) The healing of the ten lepers:
 Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.
 He met ten lepers/ men who were suffering from leprosy.
 The men stood at a distance/shouted at Jesus to have mercy on them.
 Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests.
 As they went, they were healed/cleansed.
 One of them, a Samaritan came back praising God/thanked
 Jesus asked where the other nine
 Jesus wondered at the fact that only a foreigner returned to give praisetoGod
 Jesus asked him to rise/go his way for his faith had made him well.
(b) Jesus' teaching on the power of faith:
 Faith gives believers strength to overcome temptations /sin. .
 It enables them to forgive each other constantly.
 It makes even the weakest strong.
 Enables believers to perform their duties without expecting
material Rewards
 Faith enables believers to work tirelessly because there is a lot of work to be done
 Faith leads to physical healing.
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 Faith enables believers to show gratitude to God for his blessings/benefits
they have received from Him.
 It enables them to experience the kingdom of God in their hearts.
 It enables believers to enter the Kingdom of God/receive eternal life.
(4 x 2 = 8marks)
2013 Q2a
The call of the first disciples of Jesus
 JesuswasstandingbythelakeofGennesaret;
 Hesawtwoboatswithoutthefishermen;
 HeenteredSimon’sboat and askedthemtopushitintothewater;
 Hesatdown and taughtpeoplefromtheboat;
 HeaskedSimontopushtheboatintothedeepwater and castthenetsforacatch;
 SimontoldJesusthattheyhadbeen fishing thewholenightwithoutsuccess;
 HeobeyedJesus’command and letthenetsdown;
 They caught a lot offish and askedtheirpartnersintheotherboattoassistthem
 Removethenets.
 Theyfilledbothboatswith fish and theboatsbegantosink;
 SimonPeterandhiscompanionswereastonishedatthemiraculouscatchof
 Fish/PeteraskedJesustodepartfromhimbecausehewassinfulman.
 JesustoldPeternottobeafraidbecausehewastocatchmenfromthen;
 Theybroughttheirboats and/followedJesus. 8x1=8marks
2013 Q2 B
 In orderto teachthem thesecrets ofthe Kingdomof God.
 To havecompanions/person assistants;
 To forman innergrapwhichshouldassisthimduringhispublicministry;
 Tobewitnessestohissavingactsintheworld;
 Torevealhisperson/giveanunderstandingofhismessiahship;
 It symbolized thereconstructionofthetwelvetribesofIsrael.
 Totrain/preparethemforthemisafterhisdeath.
 Tolayafoundationforthe establishmentofthechurch.
 To continue with the biblical theme of election in which God choose anyone to serve him.
(c) Lessons that Christians learn from the call of the first disciples
 Christians learn that God chooses anyone regardless of their status if-the society.
 He gives them duties/responsibilities to serve him in various capacities.
 They should be obedient to Jesus instructions/commands.
 Christians should be humble/accept their weakness repent their sins.
 They learn that God can intervene in their lives.
 Christians should work together as a team.
 God reveals himself in everyday activities.
 Christians should be ready to abandon forsake their past lives for the sake of Christ;
 They should respond to Jesus' call instantly/immediately.
2014 Q2a P2
a) What do Christians learn about Jesus from the incident when he was baptized
 Jesus is prayerful
 Jesus is obedient/loyal to God
 Jesus has a human nature
 Jesus is humble
 Jesus is the son of God/divine
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 He is loved by God/pleases God
 Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit (6x1= 6marks)
2015Q2 P2
a)The raising of Jairus daughter (Luke 8: 40-56)
 Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus / fell at the feet of Jesus
 He begged Jesus to go to his house for his only daughter was dying
 Jesus agreed to go / large crowd pressed against Him
 On the way he healed a woman who had flow of blood for twelve years.
 A man from the rulers house brought a message that the daughter has already died no
need to trouble the teacher any more
 Jesus told Jairus not to fear but believe / his daughter will be well
 Jesus went into the house with Peter, James, John parents of the child.
 The people were weeping/wailing for her / Jesus told them not to weep because she was
not dead
 Jesus took the child by the hand / told her to arise
 Her spirit returned /she got up at once
 Jesus directed that something be given to her to eat
 The child’s parents were amazed
 Jesus charged them not to tell any one what had happened
7 x 1 = 7 marks

b)Lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the raising of Jairus daughter
 Jesus has power over death / source of life
 Jesus requires people to have faith in Him
 Jesus is approachable
 Jesus is always ready to assist / concerned about peoples needs
 Jesus is sociable /available/ mixes with people
 Jesus is the source of hope / healer
 He brings joy to people
 He is humble
 Jesus is a teacher

c)How the church in Kenya is helping the sick

 The church provides free/affordable medical services for the sick
 It gives financial / material assistance to the sick
 The church provides guiding and counseling services to the sick
 By constructing hospitals / mobile clinics/ recreational facilities for the sick
 The church trains medical personnel to offer health services
 By accepting the sick in church / preaching messages of hope to them
 The church prays for the sick
 The church participates in cleaning the environment for good health

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 Church members visit/ encourage the sick
 The church has rehabilitation centres where they care for the sick
Any 7 x 1 = 7 marks

2018 Q2
2a)The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true discipline (Luke 6:20-49)
i. Perseverance in the face of persecution – at rue disciple should endure suffering
ii. Unwavering faith in Jesus – a true disciple should have absolute faith in God
iii. Love for enemies- a true dispel should love even their enemies /pray for them
iv. Obedience /implementers of the teachings of Jesus a true disciple should accept the
lordship of Christ /implement his teaching.
v. Forgiving others. A true disciple should forgive others / not revenge
vi. Generosity / kindness – a true disciple should share with other / be generous
vii. Not to judge others – a true disciple should exercise self criticism before judging others
viii. Show compassion /mercy to others – a true disciple should be merciful just like God.

8 x 1 = 8 marks

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1996 Q 5
 Jesus has power to forgive sins
 God forgives people’s sins on condition that they also forgive others
 We should ask God to forgive our sin/ should repent
 We should ask God to protect us against sin.
 Nothing is covered that shall not be revealed sins will be exposed
 Sin comes from the heart
 Sin is not only the act but evil thoughts also
 We should forgive each other our sins
 Those who cause/ lead others to sin will be severely punished
 Forgiveness of sin should be limitless
 Sins that are forgiven on earth are also forgiven in heaven
 Sin leads to death ( Luke 13: 1-5) sin leads to punishment/ loss of God kingdom
/ separation from God
 All other sins are forgivable by God except the sin of blasphemy
 Sin should be condemned / rebuked

1996 Q 3a,b (PP2)

 The word of God is preached to all people, but different people take it in different
 Some people hear the word of God, but the devil come and takes it away, so that
they do not believe get saved
 Some people hear the word of God and receive it gladly, but when problems come
they forget it. Fail away.
 Some people hear the word of God, but it does not take in their hearts because the
worries/ riches/ pleasures of the world crop and in the choke the word
 Some people hear the word of God and keep it in their hearts until they bear fruits
 Christians should keep the word of God in their hearts and should spread it to
others. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
 Through worship e.g. Prayers/ praises
 Preaching the good news to others/ baptism
 Teachings/ instructions by the apostles
 Putting the teachings of Jesus into practice/ committed to Jesus teaching (e.g.
helping the poor/ sharing e. t.c)
 By witnessing about Jesus/ testimonies
 Celebrating of the Lord’s supper’
 Missionary work
 Writing/ keeping a written record of the teachings of Jesus/ what he did and said.
 Keryoma/ oral traditions
 Through their faith in Jesus Christ
 Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them
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 Welcoming/ winning the converts into the community
 Through counseling/ pastoral care
 Through writing letters/ epistles
 Through visiting other members
 Sharing of the good news among themselves/ fellowship
 Apostle training e.g. Paul trained Timothy
 Accepting to suffer/ persecution and even death for the sake of the gospel
 Incorporating people’s culture into the gospel ( E.g. Hellenism/ Greek Philosophy)
(9 x 1 = 9 marks)
1996 Q 6
 Prayers must be honest/ sincere
 To humble themselves before God during prayer/ not to exalt oneself rather be
 Prayer should be addressed to God who is the loving heavenly father
 To be persistent in prayer/ wait patiently for God to answer prayers/ Not to loose
 To have faith in God hence prayer
 Prayers should be short, clear and to the point
 Should show honour to God before making any request
 Prayer should be made in private/ silent places (Jesus always withdrew from the
crowd to go and pray). (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1996 Q 8
 Wealth should not be used to buy luxuries when others are suffering languishing in
misery and poverty/ not for ones glory
 Wealth should be sued to alleviate the suffering of others/ to help the poor and
the needy
 The rich should show concern for the suffering of others
 Wealth should be used to spread the good news/ Glorify God
 Use the earthly wealth to acquire a place in the kingdom of God
 Wealth should not be used to oppress humiliate the poor
 Wealth should not be used selfishly/ should be shared
1997 Q 2a (pp2)
 It is God who establishes His Kingdom. He is like a sower. (parable of the sower).
 God gives life to the kingdom so that it grows from within like a seed and spreads
out irresistibly as yeast permeates the dough. (Parables of the Mustard
 Jesus has brought / ushered in the Kingdom of God/ through his works and his very
 The kingdom of God is a present reality, as sower, God has sown the seed it is
 The Kingdom of God is a future reality (eschatological)/ the kingdom of God is
awaiting completion/perfection (the parable of the wheat and Tares).
 The secrets of the Kingdom are reveal. Given to a chosen few, to others they are in
parables. Hidden.
 The Kingdom of God is universal /for all peoples/nations (mustard seed).
 The Kingdom of God starts in a small way /grows secretly to include all the nations
of the world (mustard seed/Yeast).

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 There will be judgment in the Kingdom of God/ God will separate the righteous and
the sinners/ The righteous will be rewarded and sinners will be punished . (Wheat
and the Tares).
 The Kingdom of God is for the righteous ones.
 The Kingdom of God is precious / valuable (it was worthy forfeiting all else for the
sake of the Kingdom ). (e.g Treasure/the pearl)
 God searches lost individuals and bring them back/ restore them to the Kingdom.
 There is rejoicing in the kingdom when one lost individual is retrieved /brought
Note: Candidates do not have to quote the parable.

1997 Q 3b (PP2)
 They left their jobs/occupations/families and followed Jesus.
 Listened to /accepted his teachings/obeyed him.
 Invited him to their homes (Mary and Martha/Peter/Levi)
 They joined him in prayer
 Anointed him as a mark of great honour (Mary Magdalene/the sinful woman.
 Gave him physical protection (e.g. Peter).
 Served Jesus.
 Accompanied/followed him from place/kept him company.
 Helped him to spread/teach/proclaim/preach the good news (e.g Mission of the
 Showed concern/love for his well-being /cared for him.
 Advised him/sought advice from him.
 Glorified /praised him
 Put their faith/trust in him were steadfast.
 Addressed him as Rabbi/ master/Teacher/ respected him
 Paid tax for him
 Peter was prepared to die with Jesus/followed him to the home of the High Priest
during the trial.
 Peter cried when he remembered he had denied Jesus.
 Were present at the cross of Jesus/weeping.
 Removed his body from the cross/wrapped it/ buried it/were sad when he died.
 Took care of his mother.
 Were happy/ excited when Jesus resurrected.
 Accompanied him to the mount of ascension.
 Waited on his promise of the Holy spirit in Jerusalem.
 Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ after his ascension. 8x1=8marks
1998 Q 5
 Jesus came to save all from their infirmities/ ailments/sicknesses
 He was the son of God
 Healed people who had faith in Him
 He healed through command
 Christians should be grateful to God for the blessings he bestows upon them
 Christian should forgive one another
 Christian should go out and seek for sinners. 5x1=5marks
1999 Q 9
 Take up the cross and follow Jesus. /Be ready to suffer.
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 Be ready to die for the sake of the kingdom
 Should not be ashamed of Jesus.
 Follow him without expecting material gains.
 Let the dead bury their dead/be ready to proclaim the kingdom.
 Should not look back/nobody who takes the plough and looks back is fit for the
 Separate yourself from even family members/be fully committed.
1999 Q 1b (PP2)
 They accepted Jesus as their teacher/Rabbi/ Messiah/son of God /Christ
 They accompanied Jesus /Went with Him from place of place/Left everything and
followed Him
 They accepted (The mission of the twelve/ seventy two/miracles of the disciples.
 They accepted miracles of Jesus.
 They accepted miracles of Jesus.
 Peter walked on water
 Invited Jesus to their home (peter/Levi)
 Two of his disciples accepted/believe in Jesus’ teachings
 Two of his disciples brought a donkey for His triumphant entry into Jerusalem
 Peter confessed that Jesus/Peter struck off the ear of one of soldiers/Peter struck off
the ear of one of soldiers/Peter was ready to die.
 The disciples were ready to defend Jesus/ Peter struck off the ear of one of
soldiers/Peter was ready to die.
 The disciples accepted/believe in Jesus teachings
 John took care of Jesus’ mother after His death
 They were happy/believed when He resurrected
 They waited in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus..
2000 Q 8
 Christian should be ready to forgive one another
 Should repent ones sins
 Sin do separate us from God the source of true happiness
 There is rejoice in heaven/angels rejoice over repentant sinners
 Should not feel self-righteous
 Christians should accept/welcome repentant sinners
 Sin makes us loose human dignity
 Christians should not place their trust in materials wealth
2001 Q 4c (PP2)
 Preaching the Good News
 Baptizing the converts
 Healing the sick/casting out demons
 Evangelizing/spreading the kingdom of God/witnessing
 Performing miracles e.g. raising of the dead
 Counseling/teaching the converts
 Laying of hand to impart power/praying (5 marks)

2002 Q 6
 Sinners belong to the devil
 The righteous belong to God
 both will face judgment on the last day
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 There is punishment for sinners
 The righteous will be rewarded
 Sinners should be given time to repent
 Satan is an enemy of God/ his people
 Angles are actively involved in God’s work
 Good and evil coexists in the world
 Christians should strive to overcome evil
 Christians should not judge others ( discriminations) (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2004 Q 7
 It is hidden/ secret/ discovered
 It is precious/ valuable
 It is worth a sacrificing for/ self denial
 It should be a priority/ given preference over everything else
 It brings joy when found/ happiness
 It is worth search for
2004 2b (PP2)
 God is powerful
 God is moral / righteous/ good
 God punishes evil/ sin
 God is holy
 God is defender of the defenseless
 God protects/ saves his people
 God provides for his people
 God is faithful
 God answers prayers
 God is kind merciful/ forgiving
 God is loving/ caring
2005 Q7
 It grows/ keeps on expanding
 It is hidden/ mysterious/ secret
 It is powerful
 It is universal
2005 Q 3c (PP2)
 There is selfishness/ individuals in modern society
 The high costly of living has led to economic constraints
 Some only share with members of their tribe/ race/ clan/ family
 Denominational differences hinder the spirit of sharing
 It can encourage dependence/ laziness
 It is difficult to identify those who may genuinely require help/ assistance
 Those receiving help may be suspicious
 Those receiving the assistance may not show appreciation
 They have not understood the biblical concept of sharing (1 x 6 = 6 marks)
2005 4a (PP2)
 Prayer should be addressed to God the father
 One should go to a secret place/ quiet place
 A Christian should be specific/ precise when praying
 One should have faith/ pray expectantly
 On should be persistent in prayer
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 One should praise/ adore God when praying
 One should confess his / her sins
 One should forgive others while praying
 One should ask for his/ her need
 One should be humble when praying
 One should pray for God’s will to be done (7 x 1 = 7 marks)
2006 3a (PP2)
 To encourage sinners to accept the word of God
 To show consequences of loose living
 To encourage people to realize their sinfulness / be willing to repent/ reconcile
 To teach about God’s love for all people/ kingdom of God is for all people
 To show God’s unconditional forgiveness
 To warn against judging others/ condemning them
 To teach his audience the need to rejoice for/ welcome repentant sinners
 He wanted to encourage families to live in harmony / unity (6 x 1 = 6 marks)
2009 Q 3 a, b (PP2)
 Saving a life can be done on a Sabbath day.
 Its well to respond to an emergency even on the Sabbath.
 Human life is important than the animal which the Pharisees accept to rescue on the
Sabbath day.
 It is good for to humble him/ sit in lowly place when invited.
 Those who exalt themselves will be humbled those who humble themselves will be
 It is blessed to invite the poor/ maimed/ lame/ blind to the feast instead of ones
relatives/ friends who can invite you in return.
 Those who do good for the less fortunate will be prepared during the resurrection of
the just. (5 marks)
He wanted to explain that invitation to God’s Kingdom is open to many people
 He wanted to show that the Jews were given the first chance to be part of God’s
Kingdom, but they rejected
 He wanted to show that people reject God’s call due to material possession/family
commitment which can be a stumbling block to ones spiritual life
 He wanted to show that gentiles/outcast are called to God’s Kingdom to replace the
non responding Jews
 He needed to explain that the God’s invitation/call are extended to many
people/God offers universal salvation
 In order to show that it is important for all people to honours God’s call will not
receive blessing of God’s Kingdom/will not enter the kingdom of God
 So as to explain that those who refuse /do not accept God’s call will not receive
blessing of God’s Kingdom/will not enter the Kingdom of God.
 He wanted to challenge the Jews/Pharisees who counted themselves as righteous yet
they failed to respond to God’s call. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
2011 Q 3 (PP2)
 The disciples were to pray for more labourers to be sent for the harvest
 The disciples were not to carry any pulse / bag/ sandals
 They were not to salute anyone on the road

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 They were to say peace to any house they entered.
 They were to remain in the same house/ NOT to go from house to house
 They were to eat / drink whatever was provided
 They were to heal the sick
 They were to tell the people that the kingdom of God has come near
 They were to wipe off the dust on their feet against the people if not received.
 Two men went into the temple to pray, a Pharisee and a tax collector
 The Pharisee praised himself in prayer.
 He said he was holy/ better than others/ tax collector
 The tax collector also prayed but could not lift his eyes to heaven
 The tax collector beat his breast saying he is a sinner/ asked for God’s mercy
 It was the prayer of the tax collector that was accepted / the tax collector was
 Jesus concluded by saying that whoever exalts himself will be humbled / who ever
humbles himself will be exalted
 To show their dependence on God/ faith in God
 To express the power/ greatness of God/ adore/ honour God
 They pray to ask for their needs/ seek for forgiveness
 To thank God for his faithfulness/ goodness/ blessings
 Prayer helps to relieve fears/ anxiety/ worries
 It is an instrument through which the work of Satan is destroyed
 To communicate with God/ have fellowship with God
 To follow the example of Jesus
 It is a command for God/ a sign of obedience.
 To intercede for others
2012 Q3c
(c) Lessons Christians learn from the parable of. the ten pounds:
 Christians should use the abilities that God has given them for the benefit
of others
 Christians will be rewarded according to their performances.
 Christians have been given different gifts/abilities by God.
 Christians will give an account of how they used their abilities.
 Christians need to be obedient/honest.
 God expects Christians to use opportunities provided for His glory.
 Christians will lose their abilities if not put to use/punished.
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2014 Q2b,c
b) The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13)
After temptation Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness.
 Jesus ate nothing for forty days/was hungry
 The devil told Jesus to command a stone to turn into bread if he is the son of God
 Jesus responded that human beings do not live on bread alone
 Then the devil led Jesus to a high place/showed him all the kingdoms of the world.
 The devil told Jesus that he would give him all worldly authority/glory if he
worshiped him.
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 Jesus responded by saying that only the Lord God should be worshipped/served.
 The devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem
 The devil told Jesus to throw himself down from there
 Jesus responded by saying that God should not be tempted /put to test

c) Lessons Christian learn from the temptation of Jesus

 Christian should know that their faith can be tested temptation are a must
 Christian should know the word of God use it to fight the doubts brought by the devil
 Christian need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to overcome temptations in their lives.
 Christians should put God first/worship the Lord only
 They should stand firm/ not give into temptations/be ready to overcome
 Overcoming temptation strengthens one’s faith in God
 Christians should not use their God given power for their own material gain
 Christians should not put god to test/should lead a responsible life
 Christians should be contented with what they have

2018 Q2
b)The incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman (Luke 7: 36-50)
i. Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to his house to eat with him
ii. A woman who was known to be a sinner came to Jesus with an alabaster flask of ointment
iii. She started weeping /wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair /kissed / anointed the feet of
iv. Simon wondered how Jesus could allow such a sinner to touch Him
v. Jesus knew Simons thoughts / decide dot tell him the parable of the two debtors who owed
their master different amountsof money and the master forgave them.
vi. Jesus asked Simon who among the two debtors was more grateful
vii. Simon answered that the debtor who had more was more grateful 7 marks
viii. Jesus told Simon that the sinful woman had shown a lot of love because her many sins had
been forgiven
ix. Jesus told the woman to go in peace for her faith had saved her

c)Lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman
i. Christian should confess /repent their sins
ii. The kingdom of God is open to all/ universal
iii. Christians should have faith in God
iv. Christians should be merciful /s how compassion to those who are lost in sin
v. Christians should not judge others
vi. Christians should be grateful /thankful for the free fifth salvation / forgiveness of sins

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vii. Christians should be humble.


1998 Q2a (PP2)
 The Sabbath- The law said no work should be done on the Sabbath day BUT, Jesus
healed on the Sabbath healed on the Sabbath declaring that he is the of the Sabbath
(saving human life is more important than keeping the laws of the Sabbath).
 The divinity of Jesus- Jesus claimed to be equal to God (The father and
 I are one” / He had the power to forgive sins. But the Pharisees reasoned that a
holy person associate with sinners/outcasts- The Pharisees reasoned that a holy
person associate with sinners who are outcasts.
 Jesus association with sinners/outcasts-The Pharisees reasoned that a holy person
associate with sinners who are outcasts.
 Jesus teachings- Jesus directly condemned the religious practices of the
Pharisees/He called them blind leaders/hypocrites/white washed tombs, But this
abuse ultimately brought hatred for Jesus (He spoke of destroying the temple and
rebuilding it in three days)/ any other relevant teaching.
 Jesus claim to be a Mesiah – The Pharisees expected a political conquering
messiah. But Jesus stated that he was humble serving Messiah/ His concern was for
the spiritual kingdom (as a result the Pharisees were confused and could not read
and interpret the signs of the time).
 The popularity of Jesus brought him into conflict with Jewish religious leaders who
were afraid of losing their own authority.
 Jesus failure to observe the traditions of elders (e.g fasting /not washing hand before
 Jesus style of doing things e.g cleansing the temple/ teaching with authority brought
him into conflict with Jewish religious leaders.
Note: THE CONFLICT HAS TO BE SHOWN 6 x2= 12marks
1999 Q7
 In life after death there is no marriage/no husband-wife relationship
 They should live with a hope for a better future.
 God is the god of the living
 Through resurrection Christians become sons of god
 After resurrection there is no death/immortality.
 The righteous will recurrent and live eternally.
 At resurrection Christians are like angles. 5x1=5marks.
2000 Q2b (PP2)
 Sinners are outcast; they are not to be mixed with.
 Sinners are stoned/killed/executed
 Sinners are despised/rebuked
 Sinners are hated
 Sinners are grouped/classified.
 Sinners is inherited .
 Sin causes ill health/sickness/suffering/ god punished sin.
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 Only God can forgive sin/no human being can forgive sin.

2001 Q 4a (PP2)
 They considered themselves self-righteous
 They despised others/looked down upon others
 They lacked humility/exalted themselves
 They knew the commandments but did not apply them appropriately (observed
them for their own gain/they were shy)
 They followed Jesus with an intention of finding faults/trapping him
 They followed rules made by human beings/traditions of elders opposed to God’s
 They emphasized the outward cleanliness as opposed to purity of heart
 They altered the Law of Moses to suit their selfish motives
 They were a bad influence to the people /misled others
 Their effect on the people was hidden yet wide spread (like yeast in the dough
(5 marks)
2014 Q3a
a) The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-40)

1. When Jesus came to Mt.Olives, he sent two of his disciples/he gave instructions about a
colt which they were to bring to Him
2. The disciples found the colt /untied it
3. The owner of the colt sought to know where it was being taken
4. The disciples told them that the Lord needed it
5. The disciples brought the colt to Jesus /put their garments on its back /set Jesus on it.
6. As Jesus went along on the colt, people spread their garments on the road where he
7. The whole crowd of disciples praised/glorified God joyfully in loud voices for all the
mighty works they had seen
8. Jesus answered them that if the disciples kept quiet, the stones would cry out
2018 Q3
3a)The teaching of Jesus on the proper use of wealth. Luke 16-1-31
i. Jesus taught that wealth should be used to alleviate the suffering of others / help the
ii. Wealth should be used to spread the good news
iii. Wealth should be used to serve others / glorify God.
iv. Wealth should not be used to buy unnecessary materials for luxuries when others are
v. Proper use of wealth enables one to be rewarded in heaven
vi. Wealth should not be used to oppress / humiliate the poor
vii. Too much trust in wealth can prevent someone from having external life /entering the
kingdom of God
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viii. Wealth is a gift /blessing from God /Christians are custodians of wealth
ix. Wealth is temporary / not permanent

7 x 1 = 7 marks

3b)Signs of the end times as taught by Jesus according t Luke (21: 5-38)
i. Strange things will happen to the celestial bodies s/sun /moon/star/cosmic signs
ii. People will come claiming to be the Messiah
iii. There will be wars between nations
iv. Natural calamities like earthquakes /roaring of the seas will occur
v. The followers of Christ will be hated prosecute
vi. There will be famine / pestilence

c)Ways in Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ
i. Christians pray / fast in readiness for the second coming of Jesus
ii. By accepting /confessing Jesus as their personal savior
iii. Living holy lives / pursuing righteousness
iv. Through preaching the gospel to others / winning souls for Christ
v. Reading /practicing the word of God
vi. By fellowshipping /encouraging one another
vii. By helping the poor / needy
viii. Christians confess repent their sins
ix. Christians practice the Holy Union breaking the bread
7 x 1= 7 marks

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1997 Q 7
 The Lord’s Supper was inaugurated by Jesus
 It is celebrated Jesus death and resurrection/ memorial of crucified and
risen Christ ( Anamnesis).
 The Lord’s supper is a gift from the lord
 It is a sacrifice of praise and thanks giving
 It is the Church’s effective proclamation of God’s mighty acts and promises
 It is a sign of the unity of the church/ believers
 It is the new Paschal meal of the church/ the meal of the new covenant which
Christ gave to his disciple
 It is a sacramental meal which by visible signs communities God’s love in Jesus
Christ / sacrament of Christ real presence
 The bread is a symbol of the body of Christ which was crucified
 The wine/ cup is a symbol of his blood which was shed/ blood of the new covenant.
 It is a foretaste of Christ poising and of the final kingdom/ symbolic of the heavenly
 It is central to Christian worship/ Eucharistic. (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1998 Q 8
 There was darkness from twelve non to three o’clock
 the curtain of the temple was torn into two
 Jesus cried out with a loud voice ‘father into Thy hands I commit my spirit’
 Jesus’ body was laid by Joseph of Arimathea in a new tomb
 The army officer who was present was a good man/ innocent/ son of god
 Those who had followed Jesus went away in great sorrow
 There was an earthquake / rocks split/ tombs opened /the dead resurrected
 Jesus’ body was removed from the cross
 One of the soldier s divided Jesus garments and casted lost on his tunic
 The soldiers divided Jesus garment sand casted lot on his tunic
 Jesus handed over his mother to the beloved disciple, who took her to his home.
5 marks
2002 Q 8
 It is the basis of their faith/ confirms Christians faith/ foundation
 It gives them hope for eternal life/ confirms there is life after death
 Through it, death has been conquered/ overcome
 Confirms Jesus as the son of God/ messiah/ savior
 It gives Christians courage to face suffering/ death/ persecution
 Led to the coming of the holy Spirit
 It is the basis of Christian teaching
 It is a fulfillment of Jesus promises to his disciples prophecies
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 Confirms that Jesus is alive
 Confirms that Christians will resurrect in a new body form
 Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)

2003 Q 3b,c
 He appeared to the disciples in a room when Thomas was not there
 Jesus appeared to the woman in the garden (Magdalene, Joarna, Mary the mother
of Jesus and other women in John 20:1
 He appeared to Simon Peter and other disciple when they were fishing at the sea
of Tuberous ( John 21: 1-4)
 He appeared to Peter (Lk 24: 34)
 He revealed himself to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus ( Lk 24: 13- 24)
 He appeared to the eleven disciples when Thomas was with them
 He revealed himself to the two disciples when Thomas was with them
 He revealed himself to Thomas by allowing him to feel the scars in Jesus hands
 He appeared to Mary Magdalene
 He shared a meal with the disciples after his resurrection

 They lack faith

 Due to ignorance about the teaching of the bible
 Since it has not been scientifically proved
 They believe on the resurrection since the message was brought by women who
were disputed in the society
 Since other men of God e.g. priest commit sin e.g. misusing church funds
2004 Q 8
 He talked to the disciples about his death
 He allowed them to witness the transfiguration which was a pointer to the death
 He accepted to be anointed by a sinful woman
 He had a last meal with them
 He told them of a betrayal among them
 Talked of his resurrection
 He told Peter that he would deny him
 He asked the disciples to pray with him in the garden of Gethsemane/ prayed for
them/ pray for him
 Promised a helper/ holy spirit
 Appointed Peter as the leader to take over from him
 He demonstrated to them humility by washing their feet
 Instructed them to prepare themselves for the future 5 x 1 = 5 marks
2005 Q 8
 He wanted to inform them of his coming death
 He wanted to identify his betrayer
 To establish the institution of the Holy communion/ supper
 To bestow authority to the disciples
 To share the last meal with them
 To show that the bread and wine symbolized his body and blood respectively
 To institute the new covenant
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 To identify Peter as the leader
 To warn them about coming persecution after his departure

2006 Q 3b,c (PP2)

 Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare for the last supper/ Passover
 He instructed two disciples to go into the city/ Jerusalem

 He told them that they would meet a man in the city carrying a jar of water
 Jesus told them that they should follow the man into the house he would enter
 Once in the house, the disciples were to ask the owner/ householder to show them
the guest room
 Jesus told the disciples that the householder/ owner would show them a large
furnished upper room
 He instructed the disciples to prepare the room
 The disciples to prepare the meal
 Jesus together with his disciples sat down in the prepared room (6 x 1 = 6 marks)
 Greed for money/ material possession
 It was God’s will for the fulfillment of the scriptures to be realized
 Judas was unable to overcome/ conquer the power of evil/ he was tempted by
Satan (Diabalos)
 He was looking for fame/ recognition
 He was unhappy with Jesus activities
 He was an informer of the Jewish religious leaders
 He was expecting a political messiah yet Jesus was a spiritual Messiah
(8 marks)
2007 Q 3 (PP2)
 Jesus told the disciples to pray
 Jesus moved a distance away from the disciples
 Jesus knelt down and prayed
 An angel from heave strengthened him
 The disciples fell asleep
 Jesus awoke the disciples
 There came a crowd led by Judas one of his twelve disciples
 Judas wanted to kiss Jesus
 One of the disciples struck off a slave’s ear
 Jesus healed the man’s ear
 Jesus asked the religious leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he
was a criminal (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

 Peter was afraid of being arrested/killed

 He was overcome by the devil/satan
 The denial had been predicted by Jesus
 Peter was confused by the turn of events
 He was disappointed by the fact that Jesus did not fight back
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 He lacked faith in Jesus
 He had not support /solidarity with other disciples (4 x 2 =8marks)

 Through the death of Jesus Christians are forgiven their sins

 Christians are not supposed to make animal sacrifices to God
 It demonstrates God’s love for human beings
 Christians have a personal relationship with God
 Christians are able to commit themselves to the will of God.
 It enables Christians to face death with courage
 Through his death, salvation/eternal life is availed to all people
 He has become their everlasting high priest by offering his own body(5 marks)

2008 Q 3 (PP2)
 Jesus sat with his disciples at one table.
 He told them that he had desired to have the meal with them.
 He took the cup, gave thanks and asked the disciples to share.
 He also took bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave to them.
 He explained to them the meaning of the bread and wine/the bread was his body/the
wine was his blood that would seal the new covenant.
 He commanded the disciples to hold the ritual in memory of him.
 He informed them that he would be betrayed by one of them.
 He taught the disciples qualities of good leadership/humility/service to others.
 He told Simon that he would be tested by Satan/He told him that he had already
prayed for him.
 He asked Simon/Peter to strengthen others in their faith.
 Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed.
 He commanded the disciples to acquire swords/have their own provisions/ personal
belongings. (7x1=7marks)

 They should be prayerful.

 They should put God’s will first/desire God’s will to be done in their lives.
 They should depend on God for strength/support/guidance.
 They should encourage others in their weaknesses.
 They should be ready to suffer for God’s sake.
 They should be watchful/alert for the enemy strikes when they least expect it.
 They need to have close friends/associates that they can lean on.
(5x1=5 marks)

 The message was first taken to them by women who were regarded as lowly in
society. Hence it seemed an idle talk.
 They had witnessed the helplessness of Jesus at the time of crucifixion, hence had
lost hope in him.
 They had witnessed the burial/could not imagine how the stone could be rolled
away from the tomb.
 They felt ashamed for having denied/betrayed him, hence wished that it was not
 They had not understood the teaching of Jesus which indicated that he would
resurrect on the third day.
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 It was a new experience they had never seen/heard of people coming to life after
death on their own.
 They lacked faith in the teachings of Christ.
 They expected a political messiah who was to die in dignity/would not resurrect.
(8 marks)

2009 Q 3c (PP2)
 Through it, they remember the death of Jesus as a sacrifice for the forgives of sin.
 The ceremony is a form of thanking for God’s love/redemption plan
 It is time that Christians reaffirm/renew their faith in God/bind themselves in the
 It gives Christians an opportunity to repent/ask for forgiveness of sin
 It unites the believers/they fellowship/share with one another
 The partakers experience the presence of God through the sharing of the bread and
wine which represent his body and blood respectively.
 It is a sign of obedience to Christ who commanded the disciples to do it in his
 Through the Christians participate the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
 It is a foretaste of the heavily banquet/heavenly feast which Jesus promised his
disciples (7 x 1 = 7 marks)

2009 Q 4a (PP2)
 The Holy Spirit would comfort the disciples
 He was to council the disciples
 He would guide the disciples on what is right /God’s righteousness
 He was to convict people of their sins
 He was to remind the disciples on what Jesus had taught them
 He would teach people the ways /truths of Kingdom of God
 He was to reveal the future/enable the disciples to prophets/God’s will
 He would glorify Jesus through the work of the disciples
 He would enable the disciples to witness Christ throughout the world
 He would replace the physical presence of Jesus/stay with the disciples forever
 He would empower the disciples to be able to speak with
courage/confidence/authority. (7 x 1 = 7marks)

2010 Q 3a,b (PP2)

 Jesus called himself the Christ/Messiah.
 He claimed to be the son of God.
 He was inciting people with his teaching.
 He was opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar.
 He had made himself the King of the Jews against the Roman authority.
 Jesus had stirring up the people to revolt.
 He was equating himself to god/blasphemy. (4 x 1 = 4marks)

 He wanted to strengthen their faith.

 So as to comfort them
 Inorder to empower them to serve
 He wanted to reassure them that he was the messiah.
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 So as to commission them to be his witness.
 He wanted to tell them about the coming of the Holy spirit/wait for the Holy Spirit.
 So as to bless them
 In order to confirm to them the Old Testament prophesies had been fulfilled.
 He wanted to confirm to them that he alive/had power over death.
 He wanted to represent to them the correct interpretation of the suffering

2014 Q3b, c
 Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest
 Peter denied Jesus three times
 Jesus was mocked/ beaten /blindfolded
 Jesus was taken to the Sanhendrin /they made religious accusations against him
 Jesus was taken to Pilate/they made political accusations against him
 He was sent to Herod who questioned Jesus/ridiculed/dressed him in a royal robe
 Pilate said that he had not found Jesus guilty
 Pilate chose to have Jesus flogged/chastised
 The crowd shouted that Jesus should be crucified/demanded release of Barabas
 Pilate surrendered Jesus to be crucified
c)State seven lessons Christians learn from the suffering and death of Jesus
 Christians should have faith in God
 They should endure suffering /be ready to be rejected
 They should forgive their enemies
 Christians should repent /confess their sins
 They should be obedient /loyal to God
 They should stand for the truth at all times
 Christians should sacrifice for the service of others
 They should be prayerful/pray for others
 Christians should witness /surrender to the Lordship of Christ
 Christians should be courageous /brave
2015Q3 P2
a)Events that took place between the death and the burial of Jesus (Luke 23: 44-56)

 The sun stopped shining / there was darkness over the land
 The curtain of the temple was torn into two
 Jesus committed his spirit into his father’s hand / breathed his last breath
 The centurion who witnessed the death of Jesus praised God/confessed that Jesus was
an innocent man
 The multitude who witnessed the death beat their breasts as they went away
 The women from Galilee to do at a distance /watched in silence
 Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus
 He took down the body from the cross/wrapped it in linen cloth / laid it in a tomb
 The women from Galilee followed Joseph / saw the tomb / how the body was laid
Any 7 x 1= 7 marks

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b) How Jesus revealed himself to the two men going to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-31)

 Jesus joined the two men as they walked to Emaus

 He listened to what they were discussing / their conversation
 He questioned them on what they were talking about
 Jesus rebuked them for their foolishness / lack of faith in the scripture
 The explained the scriptures about the life of Christ to them
 He went to stay with them for the evening
 At the table, he took bread / gave thanks

 He broke the bread /served them and their eyes were opened / they recognized him
Any 6 x 1 = 6 marks

c) Why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians

 The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation / basis of Christian faith / unifies

 It gives Christians hope for eternal a life
 The resurrection of Jesus confirms that there is life after death
 Through the resurrection of Jesus, death has been conquered / overcome
 It confirms Jesus as the Son of God /Messiah
 It gives Christians courage to f ace suffering /death / persecution
 The resurrection of Jesus led to the coming of the Holy Spirit
 It is the central theme in Christian preaching /teaching
 It confirms that the scriptures are true /fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies
 It assures Christians that they worship a living savior / Jesus is alive
 It confirms that Christians will resurrect /have a new body
Any 7 x 1 = 7 marks

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