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Humanities and Arts in the Western Concept

A. Study and answer the question after each illustration or drawing.

Figure 1

Q1. What
disciplines are being
studied in Humanities?

Describe each.

(10 points)

1. Language
-the way people communicate in different speaking  countries. It brings a sense of
culture to individuals as they are likely to be taught the various history and origins of
the languages they learn.

2. History
This is arguably the most facts-based course as individuals delve into past events such
as war and politics and how societies and cultures have been affected throughout the

3. Art
The arts consist of theater, music, art and film. They are all mediums of self-expression
and these courses in particular encourage personal interpretation and analysis.

4. Philosophy
The meaning of life and the existence of God. They analyze various cultures and their
religious beliefs as well as moral codes.
Figure 2

Q2. Briefly describe the differences between art creation and art appreciation.

(5 points)

Art creation he creation of a work of art is the bringing about of a new combination of elements in the medium The elements existed
beforehand but not in the same combination; creation is the re-formation of these pre-existing materials while Art appreciation centers
on the ability to view art throughout history, focusing on the cultures and the people, and how art developed in the specific periods.
Gaining the knowledge to understand the art, Acquire the art methods and materials to discuss art verbally or by the written word and
Ability to identify the movements from ancient cultures to today's contemporary art.

Figure 3
in a
technological society than ever, it seems essential to overcome this barrier between the two cultures
(scientific and humanistic) and propose an education that integrates both branches of knowledge.
We need, as well as technological progress, individuals with a strong background in values and
with enough vision to meet new challenges in a sustainable away, people responsible with other human
beings and with their environment.
Q3. Give at least four reasons why you need to study Science and Humanities? (5 points)

a. The humanities prepare you to fulfill your civic and cultural responsibilities.
b. Studying the humanities allows you to become familiar with and use the creative ideas from great minds outside of your
c. The state-of-the-art knowledge and techniques you learn in college have a limited shelf life; mastering the humanities
provides tools for extending it.
d. Humanities study strengthens your ability to communicate and work with others.
Figure 5

The word humanitas comes from a Latin word humanus which means human, cultured and refined.
Looking at the illustration above, what distinguishes humanitas from divinitas and barbaritas? Write your answer on
the blank page of a notebook provided below. (10 points)

Humanitas- the people in the state of culture in civilized


Divinitas-Gods in the state of perfection in heaven

Barbaritas-Savage in the state of nature for survival

Figure 6
B. Write the appropriate description below each photo using the guide representation or illustration
above (Figures A-H) (5 points each)


A. Anthropocentric view in is a philosophical

viewpoint arguing that human beings are the
central or most significant entities in the world.

B. Scientific- Technocentric View-

The evolution of modern humans from our
hominid ancestor is commonly considered as
having involved four major steps: evolving
terrestriality, bipedalism, a large brain
(encephalization) and civilizatio

the worldview of Astronism, understood
as placing The Cosmos at the centre of a
person's spiritual, religious and
contemplative life.
D.Scientific-technocentric man –
a value system that is centered on technology and its abilityto control
and protect the environment. Rather, environmental problems are seen
as problems to be solved using rational, scientific and technological

E.Heliocentric View-
is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve
around the Sun at the center of the Universe. Historically,
heliocentrism was opposed to geocentrism, which placed the
Earth at the center.

F. Theocentric view-is the belief that God is the central aspect to

existence, as opposed to anthropocentrism, monotheism, or
existentialism. In this view, meaning and value of actions done to
people or the environment are attributed to God.

 humans as separate from and superior to
nature and holds that human life has
intrinsic value while other entities are
resources that may justifiably be exploited
for the benefit of humankind. 

H.Modern imageof scientific_ technocentric man Man is

dehumanized during the industrial age.

1. What is meant by Humanities and Science? Described these concepts in your

understanding. (5 points)
The humanities are studies about human culture, such as literature, philosophy, and
history. The humanities make a person educated, but not necessarily for a specific
profession. Most people require a more specific area of study beyond the humanities, while
Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and
social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. The Humanities and
Social Sciences are the study of human behavior and interaction in social, cultural,
environmental, economic and political contexts. The Humanities and Social Sciences have a
historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and consider challenges
for the future

2. How do Humanities and Arts affect or influence events in the world? (5 points)
The humanities and the arts are  central to all human cultures throughout time. Their
study can facilitate deeper intercultural understanding and lay the groundwork for a
civically engaged life. They can also prepare you to think critically, act creatively, and
succeed in a rapidly changing world.
3.How does an artist express his/her art in the following? (3 points each)

A. Visual art (painting, drawing, architecture)

The artist then proceeds to express feelings and ideas in words or paint or stone
or the like, clarifying them and achieving a release of tension. Every artist chooses
their own colors, lines and shapes that are meaningful for them.

B. Performing Arts (music, dance, drama)

Artists create art that conveys to us how they think and feel about things.  Artists use
different lines, shapes, and colors to express their feelings. Every artist chooses their
own colors, lines and shapes that are meaningful for them.  He used intense colors,
shapes and lines to show his feelings.

C.Linguistic (Literary arts)

One view of emotional expression in art is that it is preceded by a perturbation or

excitement from a vague cause about which the artist is uncertain and therefore
anxious. The artist then proceeds to express feelings and ideas in words or paint
or stone or the like, clarifying them and achieving a release of tension.


The Humanities and the Filipino Personhood (Pagkatao)

You can do th ese !

Figure 1 Figure 2


Activity 1: What are the similarities and differences found in figure 1 and figure 2?
(5 points)

The similarities between fig. 1 and fig. 2 represent self, while

dissimilarities in fig.1 and fig.2, In figure 1 shows the basis
of method in the humanities in western thinkers. It shows how
we know ourselves, while figure 2 shows a question who am I?


1.What are your thoughts/ideas about Western concept of Humanities? (refer to slides A-E) (10 points)

The western concept of humanities has seven major arts in western Civilization first is
visual are painting, sculpture, and architecture. The second is Performing Are Music,
dance, and drama last is Linguistic is Literature. In the western concept of art are
Academic, Elitist, and Hierarchical. Academic is the only schooled person are an artist.
The Elitist is for higher social class, and the Hierarchical is for liberal arts.

2.What are your thoughts/ideas about Filipino concept of Humanities? (refer to slides 1-7). Explain this
saying - “Madaling maging tao mahirap magpakatao. (10 points)

This saying has two first the "madaling maging tao" for me it answers the question of
who we really are in other words, when we're born we have the traits and abilities that were
never taught to us by other people. It is the ability to think our free will, concerns, and dignity
these are the traits that will never be taken from us. The second part is "mahirap
magpakatao" it's not easy because at distant human beings if only we knew a little more
about what we are all against as a member of a species, struggling to maintain our dignity.
Being human is a way a human can act if you care about is your money, it means you are not
only focusing on yourself. It means you recognize the humanity that is also present in the
people around you. It means you want to treat other people the way you want to be treated

3. Write something about your personal experiences with your self-discovery (interests,
hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, favorite activities, activities you dislike most, etc). (10 points)

My hobbies in life are watching Kdramas, listening to the song, reading short stories,
reading inspirational stories, taking selfies, taking videos, watching short videos and
making friends. My strength in life is my family. They give me unconditional love and
support. My weakness is also my family because when we have problems like financials
and also our illness strike. The thing that I don't like is if someone backstabbing me and
makes gossip about me.

4. Choose and take a photo/documentation of at least one Filipino arts and crafts found in your
immediate environment (inside your house, internet or within the community) and describe it.
Use these questions as your guide: What is it? Who made it? When? Where? How much? t?
Who made it? When? Where? How much? (5 points)

Philippine ceramics refers to ceramic art and pottery designed or produced as a form

of Philippine art. Made exclusively byPhilippine Kalinga women, banga (ba-nga) were post
used for cooking, water, food storage and bartering. Stacked as many as seven or eight at a
time, pots are balanced on the heads of women as they dance to the beat of gongs and the
melody of “gangsa", or wind chimes.
 What is it?
Philippine Ceramics

 Who made it?

My grandmother

 When?
When she is a Maiden

 Where?
Cebu City

 How much?
300.00 pesos

3. What Filipino world view and characteristics are express in that art or craft? (5
Every country has its own special Arts and Craft. So do Philippines have. Every
piece of art or craft produced bears the identity of the country and makes a fine
example of the artistic and creative faculties of the people. The cultivation of art or
craft requires years of dedication and practice and is the outcome of hard work and,
more than that, love for the art on the part of the artisans. Excellence in Arts and
Crafts in a particular country comes from within and requires some technical
knowledge along with a sound knowledge of the country’s history and culture as many
a time the replicas of famous events are portrayed through the medium of arts and
The concept of Arts and Crafts is related to the making of objects with the artist’s
own hands, at times with the help of some specialized instruments, skillfully blended
with his or her sensitivity and artistic sense. Many villages in Philippines are dedicated
to Art and Craft industries which not only earn tourist acclaim but are also the sources
of employment to many Filipinos. Traditional arts like weaving, metal smith, pottery,
woodcarving and gold smith are famous all over the country and are valued both by
the locals and tourists. The valuable ornate carvings are a specialty in the southern
Philippine Islands.

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