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September 17, 2021

To Whom It May Concern,

It is the responsibility of government to provide quality services to its communities, especially

during tragedy and hardship. For this reason, Wayne County created a $5.5 million flood
assistance grant to aid with filling in gaps and easing the burden of thousands of Wayne County
residents whose households were impacted by this summer’s historic rainfall.

Since the creation of the grant, we have received numerous inquiries questioning the intent
behind the requirement of a signed release attestation. The sole purpose of the release was to
protect Wayne County taxpayer dollars from subjection to frivolous lawsuits related to the grant
program. It was never the county’s intent to attempt to release itself from future litigation
pertaining to the June 25-26 flood events. It is always one of my top priorities to ensure that my
leadership produces responsible and transparent operations. In hopes to clarify the county’s
intentions and uphold our integrity, we have updated the release language to read:

“By entering my name below, I attest that I am not submitting requests for costs or items that
have been or will be paid for or reimbursed by FEMA or other property insurance.  I further
state that I release and promise not to sue Wayne County for any claim of damages related to
the funds paid through this program.” 

This language refers only to funds that are paid through the grant. Any applicant who signed the
previous attestation and release will not be subject to those terms, and Wayne County will
replace it with the new language. To allow residents who were previously hesitant about
completing the release attestation time to revisit the application process, the filing deadline has
been extended to end of business Friday, September 24, 2021.

Residents may access the application online by visiting: 


Warren C. Evans,
County Executive

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