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Senior High School


P hysical
E ducation 3
1 st Semester - Module 1


Optimize Energy Through


Direction: Identify the words or terminology of the following statements from topic Optimizing
Energy using the word cloud.

____________________ 1. The ability to do

work. ____________________ 2. The unit
use to measure energy.

Also known as Calories.

____________________ 3. An energy
movement lasting about 5 to 15 seconds
and does not require energy
____________________ 4. An energy
system that breakdowns carbohydrates
using 1 to 2 minutes of energy
____________________ 5. An energy
system that requires carbohydrates, fats
and protein where energy is used in longer
period of time

____________________ 6. The term for

energy system that
does not require oxygen
____________________ 7. The term for
energy that requires
____________________ 8. In the glycolytic
system, carbohydrates are breakdown
____________________ 9. In the glycolytic
system, glucose is breakdown into…

____________________10. In the glycolytic

system, the ATP is then known as…
____________________11. This energy
system is also known as “Kerbs
Cycle” – electron transport chain ATP

Define the following abbreviations:

12. ATP - _________________________________

13. PCr - __________________________________

Give the two classification of energy system


15. _________________________

 Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved performance
 Explains the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress
 Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
 Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation

Food Fuels for Energy

1. Carbohydrates (CHO) – preferred source of fuel during exercise (glycogen)
2. Fat – concentrated fuel used during rest and prolonged sub0maximal exercise
3. Protein – used for growth and repair (negligible use during exercise)

Energy is the ability or capacity to do work and is measured in calories or joules.

There are three energy systems:

1. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate – an organic compound that provides energy to
drive many processes in living cells such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse
2. Glycolytic System – the breakdown (lysis) of glucose and consists of a series of
chemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes
3. Oxidative System – also known as Krebs Cycle and the citric acid cycle. In this
system, carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources converted into ATP
and this process takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. If we have enough oxygen
present in the blood, then pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, is shuttled to the
mitochondria and we enter the oxidative energy system.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic
Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio”. During the
cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained period of
time. Oxygen is your main energy source during aerobic workouts, therefore Oxidative
System energy is used.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercises:

 Reduce risk of heart attack
 Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
 Recue risk of stroke
 Help lose weight and keep it off
 Help lower and control blood pressure
 Increase stamina and reduce fatigue during exercise
 Activates immune systems, making you less likely to get colds or flu
 Strengthens the heart
 Boosts mood
 Help you live longer than those who doesn’t exercise

Anaerobic exercises involve quick burst of energy and are performed at maximum effort for
a short time. The energy system used are the ATP and Glycolytic System.

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises:

 Build muscles
 Lose weight
 Maintain muscle mass as you age
 Strengthens bones
 Burns fat
 Increase stamina for daily activities like hiking, dancing or playing


1. Enumerate 3 things you have realized about optimizing energy?

2. What are the 2 things you want to clarify in this topic?
3. Express 1 “shout out” to encourage others optimize their energy for a better health.

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