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Felix Enrique D. Hate


Kalayaan National High School

TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer: Dr. Marian H. Alejandrino

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LO2. Apply appropriate Procedures

This module is designed to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude in performing

the Housekeeping tasks by providing a series of learning activities to achieve the
following learning competencies: 1) Demonstrate the knowledge in determining the
level of intoxication of a guest.
Read the instructions below to accomplish the objectives intended for each
• Read and understand the content for each lesson.
• Follow the instructions carefully to perform the activities given.
• You may ask guidance from your teacher or guardian to
further u nderstand the lesson.
• Assess yourself and apply the concepts and skills that you have learned.
• Perform all activities given following the instruction.
• Have fun learning.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss Dos and Don’ts in assisting intoxicated guests;
2 . Observe proper ways of dealing with intoxicated guest; and
3. Practice proper ways on how to communicate with intoxicated guests.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the answer that
best describes the given statement. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
1. You may ask the guest to reduce intake of alcoholic beverage by offering soft drinks
or eating a meal, which will allow the customer to remain on the premises.
a. Alternatives c. Keep calm
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
2. Don’t be confrontational and demeaning about the person. Your role is to explain why
you are taking a certain approach.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
3. For legal reasons you may be required to keep a written record of events as they
happen and the approach taken.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
4. Regardless of the way that you may be treated by a specific customer, you must
respect the customer and be professional and polite.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 2
5. You may merely state that at this time, the law requires them to follow a certain
action. You may want to remind the person they are welcome back when they abide
by the law.
a. Clarify Refusal c. Report
b. Echo d. Tell early
6. You may wish to notify a friend of the intoxicated person why certain actions are
taking place.
a. Clarify Refusal c. Report
b. Echo d. Tell early
7. You need to explain why a person may be refused a beverage, entry into the
premises or the right to remain on the premises.
a. Clarify Refusal c. Keep calm
b. Echo d. Report
8. You must not use loud or threatening words or tones which can further escalate the
problem with the intoxicated guest
a. Clarify Refusal c. Keep calm
b. Echo d. Report
9. Your role is to explain why you are taking a certain approach. Normally this involves
identifying how a person may be breaking the law.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
10. Ensure other people are aware of what is happening.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early

DIRECTIONS: Alcohol can affect the wellbeing of a person. Write about the bad effects
of alcohol in human’s health.  Supply each box with specific diseases/diseases that can
be acquired due to drinking too much alcohol.


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TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 3
TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion
Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 4
Every organization that serves alcohol should have established policies and
procedures that are in place to help promote the responsible service and consumption of
alcohol. One of the most powerful ways of reducing the risks of a breach of your duty of
care or local laws and regulations is to have a house policy that is visible and always
applied in the venue. This is the best way to inform both staff and customers about the
laws and rules of a specific organization. It creates a framework for how an organization
will promote the safe supply and consumption of alcohol
When it is determined that a person is intoxicated, it is wise for staff to provide
assistance where applicable, in line with company policies and relevant legislation. Just
because someone is intoxicated does not mean they need to leave the premises. There
are a range of suitable alternatives that can be provided depending on the individual
situation and level of intoxication.
It is important to remember that each situation must be handled in a professional
and discrete manner. No person likes to be told they are intoxicated or being given
instructions on how to enjoy their experience, so where possible the dignity of the
intoxicated person must be upheld.

Ways in communicating and dealing with intoxicated customers

The following T-A-K-E C-A-R-E steps can help resolve matters involving intoxicated

Tell early. If staff are aware of early signs of intoxication, they can help provide
assistance to customers which enable them to still enjoy their experience.

Avoid put-downs. You must be respectful in your approach with people. Do not judge
them or talk down to them.

Keep calm. Whilst it is not uncommon for intoxicated persons to talk in a rude manner
to you, remember you are just doing your job and try not to take the comments
personally. Try to use a calm and controlled voice. You don’t want to use loud or
threatening words or tones which can further escalate the problem.

Ever courteous. Regardless of the way that you may be treated by a specific
customer, you must respect the customer and be professional and polite. Don’t be
confrontational and demeaning about the person. Your role is to explain why you are
taking a certain approach. Normally this involves identifying how a person may be
breaking the law.

Clarify refusal. You need to explain why a person may be refused a beverage, entry
into the premises or the right to remain on the premises. Be practical in your
explanation and stick to the facts. Don’t get emotional or personal about the intoxicated
patron. You may merely state that at this time, the law requires them to follow a certain
action. You may want to remind the person they are welcome back when they abide by
the law.

Alternatives. If handled in a prompt manner, a staff member will be able to provide and
explain a range of alternatives including switching to soft drinks or eating a meal, which
will allow the customer to remain on the premises. At least you have placed some
responsibility back in the customer’s hands in relations to their actions.
Report. Ensure other people are aware of what is happening. For legal reasons you
may be required to keep a written record of events as they happen, and the approach

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 5
Echo. You may wish to notify a friend of the intoxicated person why certain actions are
taking place. They may be in a more controlled state and understand the situation more
clearly. They can also become an ally when dealing with the intoxicated person. If the
customer is a regular, you may wish to explain your actions and the reasons behind it
when they next return and in a clearer frame of mind to avoid a re-occurrence.

Dos and Don’ts in handling complaints

Like in any business, there will always be complaints that will be brought to the
attention of staff and management. When alcohol is involved, the number and types of
complaints may vary. Some may be logical whilst others unreasonable and resulting
from the requests of people who are intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol.

Dealing with a complaint can be complicated. If you handle it well, you will have
brought the customer round from being dissatisfied to being happy. However, if dealt
with badly, the customer will feel less happy and is likely to tell as many people as
possible about the situation, leading to a loss of potential customers.

Quite often intoxicated people will just complain and any solution you may offer,
whilst reasonable to you, may never satisfy their needs. Regardless of the complaint,
key points to dealing with them include:
1. Listen carefully to the complaint, without interrupting
2. Show that you understand
3. Apologize
4. Seek a solution.

It is important to remain professional and treat every complaint with respect,

even if it does not warrant it.
Remember, when people are angry, they often throw insults. Do not take
insults personally or retaliate, you must remain professional. Dealing with complaints
requires you to have patience and to keep others around you calm.

DIRECTIONS: Briefly explain the ACRONYM “T-A-K-E-C-A-R-E” in dealing with intoxicated
guests. Define each letter and briefly discuss its meaning.

1.T_____________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ 4. E______________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
2. A ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ 5. C______________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
3. K ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ 6. A______________

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 6
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ 8. E______________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
7. R______________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________


DIRECTIONS: Identify the DO’s and DON’TS in handling intoxicated guests by
rewriting the given statement below inside the corresponding bottle.
a. Do not take insults personally or retaliate.
b. Ask the security personnel to bring the guest back to his/her room immediately.
c. Listen carefully to the complaint, without interrupting.
d. Throw bad words to guests.
e. Interrupt the guest while talking so he/she cannot proceed with her complaints.
f. Show that you understand
g. Seek a solution.
h. Ignore guest complaints.
i. Ask the guest to leave the premises without giving any explanation.
j. Apologize


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_________________________________ _________________________________
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_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
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_________________________________ _________________________________

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 7
❖ When handling intoxicated persons, there are numbers of approaches that can
be taken, depending on the individual situation and severity of the problem.
Regardless of the action taken, it is important for staff to be professional and
respectful in their approach. Handing intoxicated people should be done in a
sensitive and discreet manner which solves the situation, not escalates it

FACT OR BLUFF on proper ways how to deal with intoxicated guest.

Directions: Write FACT if the statement is correct, BLUFF if not. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

_ 1. Listen carefully to the complaint of the guest without interrupting.

_ 2. Dealing with complaints requires you to have patience and to keep others
around you calm.
_ 3. It is your right to react and confront the intoxicated guest who will
disrespects your position.
_________4. Make sure other people will not know what is happening while dealing
with intoxicated guest.
5. You need to explain why a person may be refused a beverage, entry into
the premises or the right to remain on the premises.
6. Regardless of the way that you may be treated by a specific customer,
you must respect the customer and be professional and polite.
7. Avoid speaking loud or threatening words or tones to the intoxicated guest
which can further escalate the problem.
8. Avoid being confrontational and demeaning to the intoxicated person.
9. When alcohol is involved, the number and types of complaints may vary.
10. Handing intoxicated people should be done in a sensitive and discreet
manner which solves the situation, not escalates it further.


Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the answer that best
describes the given statement. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 8
1. You may wish to notify a friend of the intoxicated person why certain actions are
taking place.
a. Clarify Refusal c. Report
b. Echo d. Tell early
2. You need to explain why a person may be refused a beverage, entry into the
premises or the right to remain on the premises.
a. Clarify Refusal c. Keep calm
b. Echo d. Report
3. You must not use loud or threatening words or tones which can further
escalate the problem with the intoxicated guest
a. Clarify Refusal c. Keep calm
b. Echo d. Report
4. Your role is to explain why you are taking a certain approach. Normally this
involves identifying how a person may be breaking the law.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
5. Ensure other people are aware of what is happening.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
6. You may ask the guest to reduce intake of alcoholic beverage by offering soft
drinks or eating a meal, which will allow the customer to remain on the
a. Alternatives c. Keep calm
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
7. Don’t be confrontational and demeaning about the person. Your role is to
explain why you are taking a certain approach.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
8. For legal reasons you may be required to keep a written record of events as they
happen, and the approach taken.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
9. Regardless of the way that you may be treated by a specific customer, you must
respect the customer and be professional and polite.
a. Alternatives c. Report
b. Ever courteous d. Tell early
10. You may merely state that at this time, the law requires them to follow a
certain action. You may want to remind the person they are welcome back when
they abide by the law.
a. Clarify Refusal c. Report
b. Echo d. Tell early

Based on what I learned in this module,

How do the sills and other things I learned relate to my daily life?
How can the skills and what I learned help me work better?
What steps can I take to improve any of the skills or attitudes that I learned more about?

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 9
Use this space to answer these questions and reflect about your ongoing learning.

TLE 9/10 – HOUSEKEEPING 9/10 Writer: Maria Angelica S. Incion

Quarter 4 - Week 7
Page 10

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