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“Role of internet in our lives ”


Prof. Violet Miranda


Chundelikat Alvin Jaymon


Div C

INTRODUCTION: The world wide web [WWW] also famously known the internet has
changed our life drastically. It plays a very vital and crucial role in our daily life. Tim berners–
lee invented the internet in the year 1990 but it gained popularity after a decade. Nowadays
every single thing is available on the internet ,from clothes for infants to coffins for the dead.
Countless amount of information is available for a person to learn and acquire knowledge for his
benefit. It’s a system of millions of networks available ,accessible by anyone on this planet. As
every thing else in this universe the internet has it’s pros and con. The internet has changed the
way we interact with people, how we work, how we organise ,etc. It is an evolution in the
human race . This modern technology helped us achieve wonderful things. The number of
internet users in 2018 was 4.021 billion , that’s more than half of the worlds population which is
actively using the internet. Such is the impact and role of internet in our life.

SOCIAL ROLE: Social media is one of the major branches of the internet and also one of
the biggest impact and plays an influential role in our life. Social media apps such as Whatsapp,
Facebook, Instagram , Snapchat, Tik Tok have teenagers under their control. For example when
they go to a restaurant, before eating they click pictures of they’re food and put it on their
social media stories to make sure all of their followers know about it. It doesn’t matter if the
food goes cold or not but everyone should know about it,which has become a priority which is
very wrong. The amount of face to face conversations have reduced a lot cause people prefer
talking on these apps. They think they will be considered cool by the society if they behave in
such ways. People have two different personalities; one online and one offline. So u may never
know how actually a person is deep inside. Its like a mask which has been adapted mainly due to
peer pressure and this has a negative impact and role in our life. The addiction to such websites
reduces the iq of a child and makes him/her lazy. Lets talk about apps such as Tik Tok which is
slowly ruining the teenagers in India. Several cases have been recorded regarding accidents and
even death due to this app. According to me there are 4 genders in our country. 1.male. 2.
Female. 3. Others. 4 Tik Tok users. The country tried to ban this app and was successful
partially for a small period of time. There are many such apps which drive teenagers to do things
they are not supposed to. And it’s not only the teenagers who are addicted to this vicious and
toxic thing. Even the elderly started wishing people good morning on whatsapp rather than face
to face. Mothers believe all the hoax material send on whatsapp and tend to believe it to be true.
It’s the modern way of spreading superstitions!. It does help us chat instantly with another
person no matter how far they are, help us develop a sense of humour and even sometimes(very
rarely) provide us with useful information. It helps us make international calls for free which is
one of the best benefits of these apps. Outdoor activities are no more trending. These apps help
advertise and let people be informed about different products.
OTHER ROLES OF INTERNET : There was a time when parents used to go markets
after working the whole day to buy groceries. But now u can do that by few clicks on your
phone and the groceries are delivered at your doorstep. Buying electronic gadgets , booking cabs
, paying electricity bills directly online using the internet without having to wait in queue.
Banking also can be done online. In the early eras songs were played using a tape recorder and
now that can be done on your smartphone, laptop without downloading the song but nowadays
it is done online using apps such as spotify, saavn etc. You can even find true love these days on
the internet!!!!, by using apps such as tinder. Various study material can be found online on the
internet. Live class sessions are available these days. It has helped researching much more
easier. In a gist it has helped us to be more efficient in nature if used wisely. E-wallets are
another useful feature which is being used via internet. Netflix. Getting online degrees is now
possible with the help of the internet. The INTERNET has a positive role and a negative role in
our life as mentioned in the introduction. Some of them are as follows.

POSITIVE ROLE: World wide connectivity has become much simpler, if you are searching
for a long lost school friend ,your third grade teacher, there is no easier way to make a
connection via the internet. These connections can help one with a variety of things such as
seeking a new job , locating assistance, making or receiving advice on career or personal issues.
When you are using the internet you tend to find people who are like minded as you , people
who have the same likes and dislikes as you , which helps increasing our own social group.
Sharing of information has become much simpler and faster compared before the internet era.
Pigeons or message men on horses used to take days or sometimes weeks to deliver a single
message .That same message can be delivered in a matter of seconds with the help of the
internet. Imagine how the course of history would change if there was internet during the old
eras. This vast networking society helps us in advertising anything online which helps increase
demand and thus profits. Its one of the easiest and cheapest ways to advertise in front of millions
simultaneously. The news and current affairs are available and for free on the internet at a
greater speed compared to newspapers.
NEGATIVE ROLE: Even though it increases connectivity face to face connections are
endangered. Face to face socialization is a fading concept. People prefer talking on the internet
instead of face to face. Socialization skills are being stunted in today’s generation. Teenagers
are at a higher risk since they are at that point of time in life where they learn to interact with
others or build and maintain relationships. Cyber bullying is another major negative role or
effect of the internet . Another major negative role is risks of fraud and identity theft, anything
on the internet can be hacked easily by hackers and commit crimes by stealing confidential
information or bank details by acting as an imposter of the bank and getting your pin and
account number. Cyber law have been introduced in our country . efforts are being made by the
government by trying to inform the citizens using tv advertisments , celebrities , etc. The
internet is a real time waster , we start distracting ourselves watching cute dog videos and funny
videos and we don’t keep a track of time and end up delaying the important work we had which
we supposed to do. The internet invites major corporations to invade your privacy and sell your
personal information . Due to over time spend on the internet it affects the health of an
individual. It slows down our brain and makes us mentally tired. Pornography is another major
issue with the internet.

CONCLUSION: According to me the internet is one of the best things that could happen to our
race kind. It helps make work faster and easier with minimal effort. Lot of time saving as well as
lot of time wasting is done. Educationally a very good boom for students , its better to save
hours of searching a book in a library while you can just type the name of the book on the
internet and obtain it in minutes. Misuse of the internet such as fraud and bullying can be
stopped if we put an effort to have less negativity. Places such as the dark net have to be
eradicated for a safe and clean environment. New technologies such as block chain are being
developed for a safer way to store data online. One thing is definite for sure that the internet has
changed the way of our lives and has a huge role to play. It is obvious that the internet will
change the way people live. I cannot say with complete certainty that does the internet does us
harm or good. It is like a double edged sword. Whether it does good or harm depends on how
we utilise the internet. The role that the internet plays is quite essential in our daily lives without





CYBER CRIMES : Cyber crime is a criminal activity involving a computer, either to steal data or
use the computer as a weapon ( use computer to launch missles) or any other malicious intent.
Crimes like identity theft , theft of bank details , fraud, illegal gambling, selling of child
pornography are few examples of cyber crimes. Cyber crime can begin wherever there is data ,
opportunity and motive. In response to this new type of crime coming up around the globe the
government of India has established various cyber crimes units and cyber crime police station
all around the country. They also have a portal online for cyber crimes. This is a major negative
setback for the internet.

DATA PRIVACY: Privacy of information is extremely important in this digital age where
everything is interconnected and can be accessed and used easily. The possibilities of our private
information being extremely vulnerable are very real, which is why we require data privacy. We
can describe the concept as:

Data privacy, also known as information privacy, is the necessity to preserve and protect any
personal information, collected by any organization, from being accessed by a third party. It is a
part of Information Technology that helps an individual or an organization determine what data
within a system can be shared with others and which should be restricted.

The irony is that I used the internet itself to reseach about the role of internet in our lives.

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