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PowerCube 1000

User Manual

Issue 03
Date 2021-03-25


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.
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written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Address: Huawei Industrial Base
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Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

PowerCube 1000
User Manual About This Document

About This Document

The PowerCube 1000 is a hybrid power supply solution that uses the solar energy,
diesel generator (DG), and mains power as the main power sources for
communications equipment. This document describes the PowerCube 1000 in
terms of its system composition, routine maintenance, troubleshooting, and parts
The figures provided in this document are for reference only.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
● Hardware installation engineers
● Installation and commissioning engineers
● Field maintenance engineers
● System maintenance engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this guide are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

PowerCube 1000
User Manual About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates warning information about device or

environment security which, if not avoided, could result in
equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration,
or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to
personal injury.

Calls attention to important information, best practices

and tips.
NOTE is used to address information not related to
personal injury, equipment damage, and environment

Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue
contains all the changes in earlier issues.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25)
Updated the cabinet interior figure.
Updated the battery busbars in the ESC330-D6 and ESC330-A6 cabinets.

Issue 02 (2020-05-30)
Optimized the contents.

Issue 01 (2020-01-02)
This issue is the first official release.
The SMU version is SMU V500R003C00.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

PowerCube 1000
User Manual Contents


About This Document................................................................................................................ ii

1 Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................1
1.1 General Safety.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Personnel Requirements....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Electrical Safety........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Installation Environment Requirements.......................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Mechanical Safety................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Battery Safety......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.7 PV Module Safety................................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.8 DG Safety................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

2 Solution Architecture........................................................................................................... 19
2.1 Site Construction Scenario................................................................................................................................................. 22
2.1.1 Solar Power Supply Solution......................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.2 Grid Power Supply Solution........................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.3 Diesel Power Supply Solution....................................................................................................................................... 26
2.1.4 Diesel-Grid Power Supply Solution............................................................................................................................. 29
2.1.5 Solar-Grid-Diesel Power Supply Solution.................................................................................................................. 32
2.2 Site Modernization Scenario............................................................................................................................................. 34
2.2.1 Lithium Battery Scenario................................................................................................................................................ 34
2.2.2 Hybrid Use of Lithium and Lead-Acid Batteries..................................................................................................... 35
2.2.3 Hybrid Use of Lithium Batteries with High and Low Cycle Performance...................................................... 36

3 Subsystem Description......................................................................................................... 37
3.1 EPS............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
3.1.1 PV Module............................................................................................................................................................................37
3.1.2 PV Module Support...........................................................................................................................................................38
3.1.3 Standard SJB........................................................................................................................................................................ 39
3.1.4 PV Antitheft Kit.................................................................................................................................................................. 40
3.1.5 DG........................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
3.2 CCS............................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
3.2.1 ICC200-N1-C10...................................................................................................................................................................43
3.2.2 ICC200-N1-C11...................................................................................................................................................................46
3.2.3 ICC330-H1-C6..................................................................................................................................................................... 49

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual Contents

3.2.4 ICC330-H1-C7..................................................................................................................................................................... 52
3.2.5 ICC330-HA1-C7.................................................................................................................................................................. 55
3.2.6 ICC330-HA1-C8.................................................................................................................................................................. 58
3.2.7 ICC330-HA1-C9.................................................................................................................................................................. 61
3.2.8 ICC330-HD1-C3.................................................................................................................................................................. 64
3.2.9 ICC330-HD1-C4.................................................................................................................................................................. 67
3.2.10 ICC350-H1-C5 (01075032).......................................................................................................................................... 70
3.2.11 ICC350-H1-C5 (01075032-001)................................................................................................................................. 72
3.2.12 ICC350-H1-C6................................................................................................................................................................... 74
3.2.13 ICC720-HA1-C2................................................................................................................................................................ 76
3.2.14 ICC720-HA1-C3................................................................................................................................................................ 79
3.2.15 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381)........................................................................................................................................... 82
3.2.16 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001).................................................................................................................................. 85
3.2.17 ICC720-A3-C1................................................................................................................................................................... 88
3.2.18 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148)....................................................................................................................................... 91
3.2.19 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148-001).............................................................................................................................. 95
3.2.20 ICC710-HA1H-C4............................................................................................................................................................ 99
3.2.21 ICC710-A3-C1................................................................................................................................................................. 102
3.2.22 ESC300-N1...................................................................................................................................................................... 105
3.2.23 ESC330-A6....................................................................................................................................................................... 107
3.2.24 ESC330-D6...................................................................................................................................................................... 110
3.2.25 ESC330-N2...................................................................................................................................................................... 113
3.2.26 ESC710-D2...................................................................................................................................................................... 116
3.2.27 ESC710-A1....................................................................................................................................................................... 119
3.2.28 Indoor FCB-A rack........................................................................................................................................................ 121
3.3 ICC............................................................................................................................................................................................ 122
3.3.1 DCDU-400AN5................................................................................................................................................................. 123
3.3.2 DCDU-400AS4.................................................................................................................................................................. 125
3.3.3 DCDU-200AN5 (01075196)......................................................................................................................................... 128
3.3.4 DCDU-200AN5 (01075196-003)................................................................................................................................ 129
3.3.5 ETP48400-C3B1............................................................................................................................................................... 130
3.3.6 DCDB-01D......................................................................................................................................................................... 131
3.3.7 SMU02C.............................................................................................................................................................................. 133
3.3.8 User Interface Module UIM02C................................................................................................................................. 137
3.3.9 Communications Expansion Module NIM01C3.................................................................................................... 141
3.3.10 DG Expansion Module GIM01C............................................................................................................................... 144
3.3.11 PSU.................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
3.3.12 SSU.................................................................................................................................................................................... 148
3.3.13 Power Transfer Box for the Temperature Control Device............................................................................... 150
3.3.14 ACDU................................................................................................................................................................................ 150
3.3.15 AC Transfer Switch ATS-63A2...................................................................................................................................154
3.3.16 PVDU-60A1..................................................................................................................................................................... 156

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual Contents

3.3.17 PVDU-100A1 (02312QCE-001)................................................................................................................................ 157

3.3.18 PVDU-100A1 (02312QCE)......................................................................................................................................... 158
3.3.19 PVDU-200A1.................................................................................................................................................................. 159
3.3.20 DG Battery Charger BC-1206A................................................................................................................................. 161
3.3.21 DG Battery Charger Module BCU-1203A............................................................................................................. 162
3.3.22 Inverter DJN1000-S...................................................................................................................................................... 164
3.3.23 Outdoor Wired AC Meter Box ACMB.....................................................................................................................166
3.3.24 AC Meter iACMETER.................................................................................................................................................... 169
3.3.25 Outdoor Wired DC Meter Box DCMB.................................................................................................................... 173
3.3.26 DC Meter iDCMETER................................................................................................................................................... 175
3.3.27 Temperature and Humidity Sensor........................................................................................................................ 179
3.3.28 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor.......................................................................................................... 179
3.3.29 Water Sensor.................................................................................................................................................................. 181
3.3.30 Water Sensor (Electrode type)................................................................................................................................. 181
3.3.31 Smoke Sensor.................................................................................................................................................................181
3.3.32 DC Heater (HAU02D)................................................................................................................................................. 182
3.3.33 Signal SPD (SPM01A)................................................................................................................................................. 183
3.4 ESS........................................................................................................................................................................................... 183
3.4.1 ESM-48100A3................................................................................................................................................................... 183
3.4.2 ESM-48100B1................................................................................................................................................................... 188
3.4.3 FCB-A................................................................................................................................................................................... 193
3.4.4 SCB-A.................................................................................................................................................................................. 194
3.5 OSS.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 195

4 Routine Maintenance.........................................................................................................196
4.1 Preparations......................................................................................................................................................................... 196
4.2 EPS Routine Maintenance............................................................................................................................................... 197
4.2.1 Routine Maintenance for PV Modules..................................................................................................................... 197
4.2.2 Routine Maintenance for an SJB................................................................................................................................199
4.2.3 DG Routine Maintenance............................................................................................................................................. 199
4.3 CCS Routine Maintenance............................................................................................................................................... 200
4.4 ICC Routine Maintenance................................................................................................................................................ 202
4.5 ESS Routine Maintenance................................................................................................................................................202
4.5.1 Routine Maintenance for Lead-Acid Batteries...................................................................................................... 203
4.5.2 Routine Maintenance for ESMs..................................................................................................................................205

5 Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................206
5.1 General Troubleshooting Process.................................................................................................................................. 206
5.2 Common Component Troubleshooting Instructions.............................................................................................. 207
5.2.1 PV Module Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................ 207
5.2.2 SMU Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................... 207
5.2.3 PSU Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................................................208
5.2.4 SSU Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................................................... 209
5.2.5 ATS Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................................................... 209

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual Contents

5.2.6 AC SPD Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................... 210

5.2.7 Inverter Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................................. 211
5.2.8 BCU-1203A Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................... 211
5.2.9 Circuit Breaker Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................. 212
5.2.10 Lead-Acid Battery Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................ 212
5.2.11 ESM Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 213

6 Parts Replacement.............................................................................................................. 214

6.1 Replacing an SMU02C...................................................................................................................................................... 214
6.2 Replacing a UIM02C Board............................................................................................................................................. 216
6.3 Replacing an NIM01C3..................................................................................................................................................... 218
6.4 Replacing a GIM..................................................................................................................................................................219
6.5 Replacing a PSU.................................................................................................................................................................. 220
6.6 Replacing an SSU................................................................................................................................................................221
6.7 Replacing an ATS Main Control Box............................................................................................................................ 223
6.8 Replacing an AC SPD Module........................................................................................................................................ 224
6.9 Replacing a Circuit Breaker............................................................................................................................................. 225
6.10 Replacing a PVDU-60A1................................................................................................................................................ 227
6.11 Replacing a PVDU-100A1.............................................................................................................................................. 228
6.12 Replacing a PVDU-200A1.............................................................................................................................................. 229
6.13 Replacing a BCU-1203A................................................................................................................................................. 230
6.14 Replacing a BC-1206A.................................................................................................................................................... 231
6.15 Replacing a DJN1000-S.................................................................................................................................................. 232
6.16 Replacing an Outdoor Box............................................................................................................................................ 233
6.17 Replacing an iACMETER................................................................................................................................................ 235
6.18 Replacing an iDCMETER................................................................................................................................................ 236
6.19 Replacing a Direct Ventilation Fan............................................................................................................................ 237
6.20 Replacing a Heat Exchanger Fan................................................................................................................................ 242
6.21 Replacing an Air Conditioner....................................................................................................................................... 251
6.22 Replacing a TCUC Control Board................................................................................................................................ 258
6.23 Replacing a DC Heater................................................................................................................................................... 260
6.24 Replacing a Temperature and Humidity Sensor....................................................................................................261
6.25 Replacing a Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor..................................................................................... 263
6.26 Replacing a Smoke Sensor............................................................................................................................................ 264
6.27 Replacing a Water Sensor............................................................................................................................................. 266
6.28 Replacing a Water Sensor (Electrode Type)........................................................................................................... 267
6.29 Replacing a Light..............................................................................................................................................................268

A Operating Environment.................................................................................................... 269

B EMC Specifications..............................................................................................................270
C Acronym/Abbreviation.......................................................................................................272

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vii

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

1 Safety Precautions

1.1 General Safety

Before installing, operating, and maintaining the equipment, read this document
and observe all the safety instructions on the equipment and in this document.
The "NOTICE", "CAUTION", "WARNING", and "DANGER" statements in this
document do not cover all the safety instructions. They are only supplements to
the safety instructions. Huawei will not be liable for any consequence caused by
the violation of general safety requirements or design, production, and usage
safety standards.
Ensure that the equipment is used in environments that meet its design
specifications. Otherwise, the equipment may become faulty, and the resulting
equipment malfunction, component damage, personal injuries, or property
damage are not covered under the warranty.
Follow local laws and regulations when installing, operating, or maintaining the
equipment. The safety instructions in this document are only supplements to local
laws and regulations.
Huawei will not be liable for any consequences of the following circumstances:
● Operation beyond the conditions specified in this document
● Installation or use in environments which are not specified in relevant
international or national standards
● Unauthorized modifications to the product or software code or removal of the
● Failure to follow the operation instructions and safety precautions on the
product and in this document
● Equipment damage due to force majeure, such as earthquakes, fire, and
● Damage caused during transportation by the customer
● Storage conditions that do not meet the requirements specified in this

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

General Requirements
● Before installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment, remove any
conductive objects such as watches or metal jewelry like bracelets, bangles,
and rings to avoid electric shock.
● When installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment, wear dedicated
protective gears such as insulation gloves, goggles, and safety clothing,
helmet, and shoes, as shown in the following figure.

● Use insulated tools or tools with insulated handles, as shown in the following

● Follow the specified procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance.

● Ensure that bolts are tightened with a torque wrench and marked using red or
blue color. Installation personnel mark tightened bolts in blue. Quality
inspection personnel confirm if the bolts are tightened and then mark them in
red. (The marks should cross the edges of the bolts, as shown in the following

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Before installing, operating, or maintaining a cabinet, clean up any water, ice,

snow, or other sundries on the top of the cabinet to prevent sundries from
falling into the cabinet when you open the cabinet door.
● Do not install, use, or operate outdoor equipment and cables (including but
not limited to moving equipment, operating equipment and cables, inserting
connectors to or removing connectors from signal ports connected to outdoor
facilities, working at heights, and performing outdoor installation) in harsh
weather conditions such as lightning, rain, snow, and level 6 or stronger wind.
● Before handling a conductor surface or terminal, measure the contact point
voltage and ensure that there is no risk of electric shock.
● Ensure that all slots are installed with boards or filler panels. Avoid hazards
caused by hazardous voltages or energy on boards. Ensure that the air
channel is normal, control electromagnetic interference, and prevent dust and
other sundries on the backplane, baseplate, and boards.
● After installing the equipment, remove idle packing materials such as cartons,
foam, plastics, and cable ties from the equipment area.
● In the case of a fire, immediately leave the building or the equipment area,
and turn on the fire alarm bell or make an emergency call. Do not enter the
building on fire in any case.
● Do not stop using protective devices. Pay attention to the warnings, cautions,
and related precautionary measures in this document and on the equipment.
Promptly replace warning labels that have worn out.
● Keep irrelevant people away from the equipment. Only operators are allowed
to access the equipment.
● All cable holes should be sealed. Seal the used cable holes with firestop putty.
Seal the unused cable holes with the caps delivered with the cabinet. The
following figure shows the criteria for correct sealing with firestop putty.

● Do not use water, alcohol, oil, or other solvents to clean electrical components
inside and outside a cabinet.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

Personal Safety
● If there is a probability of personal injury or equipment damage during
operations on the equipment, immediately stop the operations, report the
case to the supervisor, and take feasible protective measures.
● To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits
to telecommunication network voltage (TNV) circuits.
● Do not power on the equipment before it is installed or confirmed by

Symbol Conventions
To ensure personal and equipment safety, observe all the safety instructions
marked on the equipment when installing, operating, and maintaining the

Symbol Description

Indicates a part exposed to high voltage. This symbol

warns operators that both direct and indirect contact with
the power grid is fatal. Such areas include hazardous
voltage points or protective power supply covers that may
be removed during maintenance.

Warns users of overheating. This symbol is attached to a

device surface that may overheat and cause scalding. It
warns users not to touch the surface during operations or
maintenance. Users should wear heat insulation gloves
before operations to prevent scalding.

Indicates protection earthing. This symbol is attached next

or to a protection ground terminal next to grounded
equipment and an external ground system. An equipment
ground cable is connected to an external ground bar
through the protection ground terminal.

Indicates equipotential bonding. This symbol is found with

equipotential terminals inside equipment.

Indicates electrostatic discharge (ESD). This symbol is used

in all electrostatic sensitive areas. Before operating
equipment in these areas, wear ESD gloves or an ESD
wrist strap.

Capacitors store hazardous energy.Do not remove cover

until 1 minutes after disconnecting all sources of supply.

Indicates that the equipment is safe to use at altitudes

below 2000 m (6561.6 ft.).

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

Symbol Description

Indicates that the equipment is not safe to use in tropical


Indicates a fan assembly or moving part. This symbol is

silkscreened on or attached to the panel of a fan
or assembly, warning operators to keep away. Do not touch
the blades when the fan is rotating.

Indicates that users should refer to the instruction. This

symbol is used when the usage of a device port cannot be
or clearly described. For example, this symbol can be used in
but not limited to the following scenarios:
1. For a multi-power device, use it near the power supply
to replace the multi-power supply identifier. The
symbol indicates that the device has multiple power
inputs. Therefore, when powering off the device, you
must disconnect all power inputs.
2. If there are multiple output ports, use the symbol near
the output ports. Connect cables according to the rated
power output and configuration parameter information
in the instruction.
3. If there are multiple slots, use the symbol near the slot
information. For details, see the description of slot
information, restrictions on boards, and usage
conditions in the instruction.

1.2 Personnel Requirements

● Personnel who plan to install or maintain Huawei equipment must receive
thorough training, understand all necessary safety precautions, and be able to
correctly perform all operations.
● Only qualified professionals or trained personnel are allowed to install,
operate, and maintain the equipment.
● Only qualified professionals are allowed to remove safety facilities and inspect
the equipment.
● Personnel who will operate the equipment, including operators, trained
personnel, and professionals, should possess the local national required
qualifications in special operations such as high-voltage operations, working
at heights, and operations of special equipment.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions


● Professionals: personnel who are trained or experienced in equipment operations and

are clear of the sources and degree of various potential hazards in equipment
installation, operation, and maintenance
● Trained personnel: personnel who are technically trained, have required experience, are
aware of possible hazards on themselves in certain operations, and are able to take
protective measures to minimize the hazards on themselves and other people
● Operators: operation personnel who may come in contact with the equipment, except
trained personnel and professionals

1.3 Electrical Safety

● The protective ground of the equipment should be reliably connected to the
ground screw on the metal enclosure (grounding resistance ≤ 0.1 ohm).
● For the equipment that needs to be grounded, install the ground cable first
when installing the equipment and remove the ground cable last when
removing the equipment.
● Do not damage the ground conductor.
● Do not operate the equipment in the absence of a properly installed ground
● For the equipment that uses a three-pin socket, ensure that the ground
terminal in the socket is connected to the protection ground.

AC and DC Power


● The power system is energized by power sources with hazardous voltage. Direct
or indirect contact (through damp objects) with the power sources may result
in electric shock.
● Non-standard and improper operations may result in fire or electric shock.
● Do not connect or disconnect power cables with power on. Transient contact
between the core of the power cable and the conductor will generate electric
arcs or sparks, which may cause fire or personal injury.

● If the power supply to the equipment is permanently connected, install an

easily accessible disconnector at the exterior of the device.
● Before making electrical connections, switch off the disconnector on the
upstream device to cut off the power supply if people may contact energized
● If a "high electricity leakage" tag is attached on the equipment, ground the
protective ground terminal on the equipment enclosure before connecting the
AC power supply; otherwise, electric shock as a result of electricity leakage
may occur.
● Before installing or removing a power cable, turn off the power switch.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Before connecting a power cable, check that the label on the power cable is
● Before connecting the power supply, ensure that cable connections are
● If the equipment has multiple inputs, disconnect all the inputs before
operating the equipment.

● When routing cables, ensure that a distance of at least 30 mm exists between
the cables and heat-generating components or areas. This prevents damage
to the insulation layer of the cables.
● Do not route cables behind the air intake and exhaust vents of the
● Ensure that cables meet the VW-1 flame spread rating requirements.
● Bind cables of the same type together. When routing cables of different types,
ensure that they are at least 30 mm away from each other.
● Ensure that all cables are securely bound. Route and bind cables so that they
appear neat and tidy and their cable sheaths are intact.
● If an AC input power cable is connected to the cabinet from the top, bend the
cable in a U shape outside the cabinet and then route it into the cabinet.
● Ensure that the bending radius of each cable is at least five times the
diameter of the cable.
● When routing power cables, ensure that there is no coiling or twisting. Do not
join or weld power cables. If necessary, use a longer cable.

● When installing, operating, and maintaining the equipment, comply with the
ESD protection regulations and wear the ESD clothing, gloves, and wrist strap.
● When holding a board, hold its edge without touching any components. Do
not touch the components with your bare hands.
● Package boards with ESD packaging materials before storing or transporting

1.4 Installation Environment Requirements

● To prevent fire due to high temperature, ensure that the ventilation vents or
heat dissipation system are not blocked when the equipment is running.
● Ensure that there are no acid, alkaline, or other corrosive gases in the
installation place.
● Do not place the equipment near heat sources or exposed fire sources, such
as electric heaters, microwave ovens, roasters, water heaters, furnace fire,
candles, or other places where high temperature may occur. Otherwise, the
enclosure will melt or the equipment will heat up, which can cause a fire.
● Install the equipment in an area far away from liquids. Do not install it under
areas prone to condensation, such as under water pipes and air exhaust vents,
or areas prone to water leakage, such as air conditioner vents, ventilation

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

vents, or feeder windows of the equipment room. Ensure that no liquid enters
the equipment to prevent faults or short circuits.
● Before installing the equipment into a cabinet, ensure that the cabinet is
secured and will not tilt or fall down due to loss of balance, which can cause
personal injury or equipment damage.
● Do not expose the equipment to flammable or explosive gas or smoke. Do
not perform any operation on the equipment in such environments.

Installation at Heights
Working at heights refers to operations that are performed at least 2 meters
above the ground.
Do not at heights in any of the following situations:
● Rainwater remains on steel pipes or other risky conditions exist. After the
preceding conditions no longer exist, the safety director and relevant technical
personnel need to check the involved equipment. Operators can begin
working only after obtaining consent.
● When working at heights, comply with local relevant laws and regulations.
● Only trained and qualified personnel are allowed to work at heights.
● Before working at heights, check the climbing tools and safety gears such as
safety helmets, safety belts, ladders, springboards, scaffolding, and lifting
equipment. If they do not meet the requirements, take corrective measures or
disallow working at heights.
● Wear personal protective equipment such as the safety helmet and safety belt
or waist rope and fasten it to a solid structure. Do not mount it on an
insecure moveable object or metal object with sharp edges. Make sure that
the hooks will not slide off.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions


● Set a restricted area and eye-catching signs for working at heights to warn
away irrelevant personnel.
● Carry the operation machinery and tools properly to prevent them from falling
off and causing injuries.
● Personnel involving working at heights are not allowed to throw objects from
the height to the ground, or vice versa. Objects should be transported by tough
slings, hanging baskets, highline trolleys, or cranes.
● Do not perform operations on the upper and lower layers at the same time. If
unavoidable, install a dedicated protective shelter between the upper and lower
layers or take other protective measures. Do not pile up tools or materials on
the upper layer.
● Ensure that guard rails and warning signs are set at the edges and openings of
the area involving working at heights to prevent falls.
● Do not pile up scaffolding, springboards, or other sundries on the ground under
the area involving working at heights. Do not allow people to stay or pass
under the area involving working at heights.
● Inspect the scaffolding, springboards, and workbenches used for working at
heights in advance to ensure that their structures are solid and not overloaded.
● Dismantle the scaffolding from top down after finishing the job. Do not
dismantle the upper and lower layers at the same time. When removing a part,
ensure that other parts will not collapse.
● Do not loiter when working at heights. Do not sleep at heights.

● Any violations must be promptly pointed out by the site manager or safety
supervisor and the involved personnel should be prompted for correction.
Personnel who fail to stop violations will be forbidden from working.
● Operators who violate the safety regulations are responsible for accidents
caused. The supervisor has to bear the responsibility accordingly.

1.5 Mechanical Safety

Hoisting Devices


Do not walk under hoisted objects.

● Only trained and qualified personnel should perform hoisting operations.

● Check that hoisting tools are available and in good condition.
● Before hoisting objects, ensure that hoisting tools are firmly secured onto a
load-bearing object or wall.
● Ensure that the angle formed by two hoisting cables is no more than 90
degrees, as shown in the following figure.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Do not drag steel ropes and hoisting tools or bump hoisted objects against
hard objects during hoisting.

Using Ladders
● Use wooden or fiberglass ladders when you need to perform live working at
● When a step ladder is used, ensure that the pull ropes are secured and the
ladder is held firm.
● Before using a ladder, check that it is intact and confirm its load bearing
capacity. Do not overload it.
● Ensure that the wider end of the ladder is at the bottom, or protective
measures have been taken at the bottom to prevent the ladder from sliding.
● Ensure that the ladder is securely positioned. The recommended angle for a
ladder against the floor is 75 degrees, as shown in the following figure. An
angle rule can be used to measure the angle.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

When climbing a ladder, take the following precautions to reduce risks and ensure
● Keep your body steady.
● Do not climb higher than the fourth rung of the ladder from the top.
● To climb onto a roof, ensure that the ladder top is at least one meter higher
than the roof line, as shown in the following figure.

● Ensure that your body's center of gravity does not shift outside the legs of the

Drilling Holes
When drilling holes into a wall or floor, observe the following safety precautions:


Do not drill holes into the equipment. Doing so may affect the electromagnetic
shielding of the equipment and damage components or cables inside. Metal
shavings from drilling may short-circuit boards inside the equipment.

● Wear goggles and protective gloves when drilling holes.

● When drilling holes, protect the equipment from shavings. After drilling, clean
up any shavings that have accumulated inside or outside the equipment.

Moving Heavy Objects

● Be cautious to avoid injury when moving heavy objects.

● When moving the equipment by hand, wear protective gloves to prevent


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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Move or lift the equipment by holding its handles or lower edges. Do not hold
the handles of modules (such as power supply units, fans, and boards) that
are installed in the equipment because they cannot support the weight of the

1.6 Battery Safety

If no battery is involved, skip this section.
Before installing, operating, or maintaining batteries, read the battery
manufacturer's instructions. The safety precautions specified in this document are
highly important precautions that require special attention. For additional safety
precautions, see the instructions provided by the battery manufacturer.

Basic Requirements
Before operating batteries, carefully read the safety precautions for battery
handling and master the correct battery connection methods.


● Do not expose batteries at high temperatures or around heat-generating

devices, such as sunlight, fire sources, transformers, and heaters. Excessive heat
exposure may cause the batteries to explode.
● Do not burn batteries. Otherwise, the batteries may explode.
● To avoid leakage, overheating, fire, or explosions, do not disassemble, alter, or
damage batteries, for example, insert sundries into batteries or immerse
batteries in water or other liquids.
● When replacing a battery, use a battery of the same model or type. Improper
replacement may cause the battery to explode.
● Do not connect a metal conductor to the battery poles or touch the battery
terminals. Otherwise, the battery may be short-circuited and heat up, which
can cause injuries such as burning.

To ensure safety during battery installation, operation, and maintenance, pay

attention to the following:
● Do not wear conductive articles such as watches, bracelets, bangles, and rings.
● Wear goggles, rubber gloves, and protective clothing to prevent skin contact
with electrolyte in the case of electrolyte overflow. If a battery leaks, protect
the skin or eyes from the leaking liquid. If the skin or eyes come in contact
with the leaking liquid, wash it immediately with clean water and go to the
hospital for medical treatment.
● Use dedicated insulated tools.
● Move batteries in the required direction. Do not place a battery upside down
or tilt it.
● Keep the battery loop disconnected during installation and maintenance.
● Do not drop, squeeze, or puncture a battery. Protect batteries from external
high pressure to prevent internal short circuits and overheating.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Dispose of waste batteries in accordance with local laws and regulations. Do

not dispose of batteries as household waste. If a battery is disposed of
improperly, it may explode.
● Do not use a damaged battery.
● To prevent injuries or explosion, do not allow children or pets to swallow or
bite a battery.
● If batteries experience discoloration, deformation, abnormal heating, or other
abnormalities during working, charging, or storage, stop using the batteries
and replace them with new ones.
● Batteries can work properly with the allowed charge and discharge
parameters when the temperature is within the specified range. If the
temperature is outside the specified range, the battery charge and discharge
performance and safety are affected.

Battery Installation
Before installing batteries, observe the following safety precautions:

● Install batteries in a dry and cool environment with good ventilation, which is
away from high temperature and flammable materials, and take precautions
against fire.
● Place and secure batteries horizontally.
● Note the polarities when installing batteries. Do not short-circuit the positive
and negative poles of the same battery or battery string. Otherwise, the
battery may be short-circuited.
● When installing a battery string, retain at least one breakpoint to prevent a
loop being formed. After checking that the installation is correct, close the
breakpoints to finish the installation.
● During the installation, insulate the terminals of cables connecting batteries.
Ensure that the terminals do not come into contact with metal components
such as the cabinet.
● Secure battery cables or copper bars by tightening bolts to the required
torque. Loose connections will result in excessive voltage drop or cause
batteries to burn out in the case of excessive current.
● Check battery connections periodically, ensuring that all bolts are securely

Battery Short Circuit


Battery short circuits can generate high instantaneous current and release a great
amount of energy, which may cause equipment damage or personal injury.

● If permitted, disconnect the batteries in use before performing any other

● To avoid battery short-circuit, do not maintain batteries with power on.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

Flammable Gas


● Do not use unsealed lead-acid batteries.

● To prevent fire or corrosion, ensure that flammable gas (such as hydrogen) is
properly exhausted for lead-acid batteries.

Lead-acid batteries emit flammable gas when used. Ensure that batteries are kept
in a well-ventilated area and take preventive measures against fire.

Battery Leakage


Battery overheating causes deformation, damage, and electrolyte spillage.

If the battery temperature exceeds 60°C, check for and promptly handle any
Electrolyte overflow may damage the equipment. It will corrode metal parts and
boards, and ultimately damage the boards.


When the electrolyte overflows, absorb and neutralize the electrolyte immediately.
When moving or handling a battery whose electrolyte leaks, note that the leaking
electrolyte may hurt human bodies.

If the electrolyte overflows, follow the instructions of the battery manufacturer or

neutralize the electrolyte by using sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3).

Lithium Battery
The safety precautions for lithium batteries are similar to those for lead-acid
batteries except that you also need to note the precautions described in this


There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced with an incorrect model.

● A battery can be replaced only with a battery of the same or similar model
recommended by the manufacturer.
● When handling a lithium battery, do not place it upside down, tilt it, or bump
it with other objects.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Keep the lithium battery loop disconnected during installation and

● When the ambient temperature is lower than the lower limit of the operating
temperature (charge is forbidden at 0°C), do not charge the battery.
Otherwise, a short circuit would occur inside the battery.
● Do not throw a lithium battery in fire.
● When maintenance is complete, return the waste lithium battery to the
maintenance office.

1.7 PV Module Safety

If no photovoltaic (PV) module is involved, skip this section.
Before installing, operating, and maintaining PV modules, read the instructions
provided by the PV module manufacturer. The safety precautions specified in this
document are highly important precautions that require special attention. For
additional safety precautions, see the instructions provided by the PV module


● Before installation and maintenance, put on a safety helmet, goggles,

insulation gloves, and protective clothing to avoid personal injury.
● Before installation and maintenance, cover all PV modules totally using opaque
materials to avoid electric shocks caused by generated currents.
● Do not focus sunlight on PV modules using a mirror or lens, because this may
damage PV modules and cause personal injury.

● When moving PV modules, do not hold connection boxes or power cables.

● Exercise caution when moving PV modules to avoid collision. Improper
movement and placement may cause the glass plates on PV modules to break
and lose electrical performance, which renders the PV modules useless.
● In case of strong wind, do not install PV modules at heights.
● To install or maintain a high support, set up a support platform and wear a
safety helmet or belt.
● Do not drill holes into, step on, or place heavy objects on PV modules,
because these actions will damage PV modules.
● At least two persons are required to move and install PV modules. Forces can
be applied only to the aluminum frame of the PV modules. Exerting force on
the front or rear surface of the PV modules using your head is prohibited. This
may cause hidden cracks in the PV modules.

1.8 DG Safety
If no diesel generator (DG) is involved, skip this section.
Before installing, operating, or maintaining a DG, read the instructions provided by
the DG manufacturer. The safety precautions specified in this document are highly

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

important precautions that require special attention. For additional safety

precautions, see the instructions provided by the DG manufacturer.

Basic Requirements
● Wear a safety helmet, safety shoes, and union suit. Do not wear a wet union
● The DG is used only for purposes specified by the manufacturer. When the DG
is used for other purposes, obtain prior approval from Huawei even if the
operation does not violate safety regulations.
● Ground the DG properly. Lock all electric control panels. Use insulated tools to
check and repair energized devices. Avoid electric shock in wet environments.
● Follow all electrical regulations. Only qualified personnel are allowed to
install, check, and repair electric parts of equipment.


● Take off your ID card and jewelry before installation and maintenance. Tie your
hair and put them in your hat to protect them from being twisted into high-
speed moving components (such as a fan or drive bearing), avoiding personal
injury or death.
● During installation and maintenance, strictly follow the instructions provided by
the DG manufacturer to avoid burns, explosions, and fire.
● Keep sparks, open flame, and any other flammable objects away from the DG.
● Do not change original components with permission. Using non-original
components may endanger safety.

● Maintain equipment only after checking that the mains supply is

disconnected. If you are not sure whether the mains supply is disconnected,
contact professionals.
● Wear protective gloves and goggles when performing the following
– Add fuel.
– Add or replace engine oil and coolant. Contact with hot engine oil and
coolant may cause serious scalds. Therefore, replace engine oil and
coolant after their temperatures drop below 60°C.
– Use compressed air. (The maximum air pressure for cleaning is 2 kg/cm2).

Fire Prevention
● Conductive objects such as metal can result in short circuits in power cables,
which may cause fire.
● Keep the engine clean because excessive oil stains may cause engine
overheat, which leads to fire and damage to equipment.
● Place multiple dry powder or CO2 fire extinguishers besides the DG. Check the
fire extinguishers periodically and replace them if necessary.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

Transportation Precautions
Before transportation:
● Survey the site and design a transportation scheme to ensure smooth
● Check that all required tools and lifting devices are available and functional.
Overloading is forbidden.
● Check for sharp objects such as nails and remove or trim them if necessary to
avoid personal injury.
● Clean and repair the passages for transportation.
● Determine the manpower and work division if multiple people need to
operate together.
● Take protective measures such as wearing the protective gloves, shoes,
goggles, and safety helmet.
During transportation:
● Strictly follow the transportation scheme. If the scheme cannot be followed
during actual operations, promptly communicate with the scheme designers.
● To move an object by hand, approach to the object, squat down, and then lift
the object gently and stably by the force of the legs instead of your back. Do
not lift it suddenly or turn your body around.
● If multiple people work together to lift a heavy object, ensure that the weight
is equally distributed and borne by shoulders (preferably with a tool). Keep a
distance of one arm between people and ensure that people of different
heights are properly arranged.
● Transport a heavy object stably with balanced force, move at a low and even
speed, and put down the object stably and slowly to avoid damaging the
● When transferring a heavy object, move your feet instead of turning your
waist around. When lifting and transferring a heavy object, ensure that your
feet point to the target direction of movement.
● Do not quickly lift a heavy object above your waist. Place the object on a
workbench that is half-waist high or any other appropriate place, adjust the
positions of your palms, and then lift it.
● When moving a heavy object, be aware of the workbench, slope, staircase,
and slippery places. When moving a heavy object through a door, ensure that
the door is wide enough to move the object and avoid bumping or injury.
● If two persons or more move a heavy object together, ensure that the object
is moved at a uniform pace and is lifted and landed simultaneously under the
supervision of one person.
● For other requirements, see the requirements for moving heavy objects and
hoisting safety.

Operational Safety
● Do not use a DG in places with explosives.
● Do not allow non-professional personnel to approach close to a DG in
operation. Loose clothing, hair, and falling tools may cause serious personal
injury and damage to equipment.

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User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● For a DG in operation, its exposed pipes and components are at high

temperatures. Avoid touching them to prevent burns.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 2 Solution Architecture

2 Solution Architecture

The PowerCube 1000 hybrid power supply solution consists of the following
subsystems in terms of functions:
● Energy plant system (EPS)
● Cabinet with cooling system (CCS)
● Integrated controller and converter (ICC)
● Energy storage system (ESS)
● Operations support system (OSS)

Table 2-1 Main devices and functions of subsystems

Subsystem Device Function

EPS ● Mains Supplies power to

● DG: EPM100-M2E, EPM140-M2D, the ICC for power
EPM180-M2B, EPM240-M2C, reused DG conversion and
● Solar energy: PV module, PV module
support, standard solar junction box (SJB)

CCS ● ICC cabinet: ICC200-N1-C10, ICC200-N1- Houses and

C11, ICC330-H1-C6, ICC330-HA1-C7, protects the EPS,
ICC330-HD1-C3, ICC350-H1-C5, ICC720- ICC, and ESS, and
HA1-C2, ICC350-H1-C6, ICC330-H1-C7, ensures that they
ICC330-HD1-C4, ICC330-HA1-C8, ICC330- work at
HA1-C9, ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381), appropriate
ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001), ICC720- temperatures.
HA1-C3, ICC720-A3-C1, ICC710-HA1-C6
(01075148), ICC710-HA1-C6
(01075148-001), ICC710-HA1H-C4,
● Battery cabinet: ESC300-N1, ESC330-A6,
ESC330-D6, ESC330-N2, ESC710-D2,
● Battery rack: indoor FCB-A battery rack

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PowerCube 1000
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Subsystem Device Function

ICC ● Subrack: DCDU-400AN5, DCDU-400AS4, Functions as the

DCDU-200AN5, ETP48400-C3B1 core of the
● Monitoring module: SMU02C PowerCube 1000
to logically
● User interface module: UIM02C schedule energy,
● DG expansion module: GIM01C monitors the
● AC distribution unit: ACDU-63A1, operating status
ACDU-63A2, ACDU-125B1 of other
subsystems, and
● AC transfer switch: ATS-63A2 reports the
● PV distribution unit: PVDU-60A1, operating status
PVDU-100A1 to the OSS.
● Power supply unit (PSU): R4850G2
● Solar supply unit (SSU): S4850G1
● Inverter: DJN1000-S
● DG battery charger: BC-1206A
● DG battery charger module: BCU-1203A
● Temperature and humidity sensor
● Smoke sensor
● Water sensor
● Light
● DC heater: HAU02D
● Signal surge protective device (SPD):

ESS ● Lithium battery: ESM-48100A3, Stores energy.

● Lead-acid battery: SCB-A, FCB-A

OSS NetEco Remotely

monitors and
manages various
systems in the
solution. Users
can view the
running status
and alarms of the
systems in real
time and set the
system running

Based on power sources, new sites and modernized sites can be classified into the
following scenarios.

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 2 Solution Architecture

Table 2-2 Solutions for site construction scenarios

Application Scenario Application Scenario Subcategory ESS

Solar-only scenario Solar-only scenario ● Lead-acid battery

● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries

Grid Grid ● Lithium battery

● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries
● Hybrid use of lithium batteries
with high and low cycle

Diesel ● Single-DG ● Lithium battery

● Dual-DG ● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries
● Hybrid use of lithium batteries
with high and low cycle

Diesel-grid ● DG + mains ● Lithium battery

● Mains + backup DG ● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries
● Hybrid use of lithium batteries
with high and low cycle

Solar-grid-diesel ● Solar-diesel ● Lithium battery

● Solar-grid ● Lead-acid battery
● Solar-grid-diesel ● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries

Table 2-3 Solutions for site modernization scenarios

Application Scenario Application Scenario Subcategory ESS

Grid Grid ● Lithium battery

● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries
● Hybrid use of lithium batteries
with high and low cycle

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 2 Solution Architecture

Application Scenario Application Scenario Subcategory ESS


Diesel ● Single-DG ● Lithium battery

● Dual-DG ● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries
● Hybrid use of lithium batteries
with high and low cycle

Diesel-grid ● DG + mains ● Lithium battery

● Mains + backup DG ● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries
● Hybrid use of lithium batteries
with high and low cycle

Solar-grid-diesel ● Solar-diesel ● Lithium battery

● Solar-grid ● Lead-acid battery
● Solar-grid-diesel ● Hybrid use of lithium and
lead-acid batteries

2.1 Site Construction Scenario

2.1.1 Solar Power Supply Solution

Figure 2-1 Network diagram of the solar power supply solution

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The solar power supply solution works circularly as follows. The power source
preference sequence is PV module > battery.

1. If sunlight is sufficient, PV modules supply power to loads and batteries.

2. If sunlight is insufficient, PV modules and batteries supply power to loads.
3. If there is no sunlight, batteries supply power to loads.

Table 2-4 Configurations for the solar power supply solution

Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS PV module 280 W/300 W/335 W

Support A-shaped support/Single-pole support

SJB Standard


PVDU Configure the PVDU according to the number of

● If one to four SSUs are used, configure one
● If five to eight SSUs are used, configure two

SSU S4850G1

OSS NetEco NetEco

Table 2-5 Cabinet and battery configurations

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery Configuration


Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HD1-C3 + ESC330-D6 ESM-48100B1

lithium and + ESC710-D2/ESC300-N1 FCB-A (for the ESC710-
lead-acid ● ICC330-H1-C6 + ESC330-D6 + D2, ESC300-N1, or
batteries ESC710-D2/ESC300-N1 battery rack)
● ICC350-H1-C5 + ESC330-D6 + SCB-A (for the ESC300-
ESC710-D2/ESC300-N1 N1)
● ICC200-N1-C10 + battery rack

Lead-acid ● ICC330-H1-C6 + ESC710-D2/ FCB-A (for the ESC710-

battery ESC300-N1 D2, ESC300-N1, or
● ICC350-H1-C5 + ESC710-D2/ battery rack)
ESC300-N1 SCB-A (for the ESC300-
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200- N1)
N1-11 + battery rack

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PowerCube 1000
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2.1.2 Grid Power Supply Solution

Figure 2-2 Network diagram of the grid power supply solution

The grid power supply solution works circularly as follows. The power source
preference sequence is mains > battery.
1. If the mains is normal, the mains supplies power to loads and batteries.
2. If the mains is abnormal, batteries supply power to loads.

Table 2-6 Configurations for the grid power supply solution

Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS Mains Voltage system: three-phase four-wire/dual–live wire/



ACDU ACDU-63A1, ACDU-63A2, or ACDU-125B1 for the


PSU R4850G2

OSS NetEco NetEco

Solar access PVDU PVDU-60A1, PVDU-100A1, or PVDU-200A1

SSU S4850G1

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PowerCube 1000
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Table 2-7 Cabinet and battery configurations

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery
Scenario Configuration

Lithium battery ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 or

+ ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3
+ ESC330-A6
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC330-HD1-C3/ICC330-HD1-C4
+ ESC330-D6
● ICC710-HA1-C6
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11

ICC330-HA1-C9 ESM-48100B1

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 + FCB-A

lithium and + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1 or ESM-48100A3 +
lead-acid ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3 FCB-A
batteries + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC710-HA1-C6 + ESC710-A1
● ICC710-HA1H-C4
● ICC330-HD1-C3/ICC330-HD1-C4
+ ESC330-D6+ESC710-D2
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11
+ battery rack

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 +

lithium batteries + ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
with high and ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3
low cycle + ESC330-A6
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11

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PowerCube 1000
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2.1.3 Diesel Power Supply Solution

Figure 2-3 Network diagram of the diesel power supply solution

The single-DG power supply solution works circularly as follows. The power source
preference sequence is battery > DG.

1. Batteries supply power to loads until they discharge to the specified depth of
discharge (DOD).
2. The DG starts to supply power to loads and batteries.
3. After batteries are fully charged, the DG shuts down.

The dual-DG hybrid power supply solution works circularly as follows, with the
DGs working in active/standby mode. The power source preference sequence is
battery > DG 1 > DG 2.

1. Batteries supply power to loads until they discharge to the specified DOD.
2. DG 1 starts to supply power to loads and batteries.


If DG 1 is faulty, DG 2 starts to supply power to loads and batteries and an alarm is


3. After batteries are fully charged, DG 1 or DG 2 shuts down.

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PowerCube 1000
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The dual-DG power supply solution works circularly as follows, with the DGs
working alternately. The power source preference sequence is battery > DG 1 (DG
1. Batteries supply power to loads until they discharge to the specified DOD.
2. DG 1 starts to supply power to loads and batteries.
3. After batteries are fully charged, DG 1 shuts down and batteries supply power
to loads until they discharge to the specified DOD.
4. DG 2 starts to supply power to loads and batteries.
5. After batteries are fully charged, DG 2 shuts down.


If DG 1 or DG 2 is faulty, the other DG starts to supply power to loads and batteries and an
alarm is generated.

Table 2-8 Configurations for the diesel power supply solution

Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS DG EPM100-M2E, EPM140-M2D, EPM180-

M2B, EPM240-M2C

(Optional) Backup DG Reused DG


ATS For a single-DG system: not configured

For a dual-DG system: ATS-63A2

PSU R4850G2

DG Battery Charger BCU-1203A


OSS NetEco NetEco

Solar access PVDU PVDU-60A1, PVDU-100A1, or


SSU S4850G1

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PowerCube 1000
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Table 2-9 Cabinet and battery configurations

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery
Scenario Configuration

Lithium battery ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1- ESM-48100B1 or

C8+ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-
● ICC710-HA1-C6
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 + FCB-A

lithium and + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1 or ESM-48100A3 +
lead-acid ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3 FCB-A
batteries + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC710-HA1H-C4
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11
+ battery rack

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 +

lithium batteries + ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
with high and ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3
low cycle + ESC330-A6
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 2 Solution Architecture

2.1.4 Diesel-Grid Power Supply Solution

Figure 2-4 Network diagram of the diesel-grid power supply solution

The diesel-grid power supply solution works circularly as follows. The power
source preference sequence is mains > battery > DG.

1. If the mains is normal, the mains supplies power to loads and batteries.
2. If the mains power fails, batteries supply power to loads until they discharge
to the specified DOD.
3. After the DG starts, the DG supplies power to loads and charges batteries.
4. After batteries are fully charged or the mains recovers, the DG shuts down,
and batteries supply power to loads or the mains supplies power to loads and

Table 2-10 Configurations for the diesel-grid power supply solution

Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS Mains Voltage system: three-phase four-wire/dual–

live wire/single-phase

DG EPM100-M2E, EPM140-M2D, EPM180-M2B,

EPM240-M2C, reused DG



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User Manual 2 Solution Architecture

Subsystem Component Component Description

PSU R4850G2

DG Battery BCU-1203A

OSS NetEco NetEco

Solar access PVDU PVDU-60A1, PVDU-100A1, PVDU-200A1

SSU S4850G1

Table 2-11 Cabinet and battery configurations

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery
Scenario Configuration

Lithium battery ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 or

+ ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3
+ ESC330-A6
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC330-HD1-C3/ICC330-HD1-C4
+ ESC330-D6
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11
● ICC710-HA1-C6

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Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery

Scenario Configuration

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 + FCB-A

lithium and + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1 or ESM-48100A3 +
lead-acid ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3 FCB-A
batteries + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC330-HD1-C3/ICC330-HD1-C4
+ ESC330-D6+ESC710-D2
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
ESC330-D6+ ESC710-D2
● ICC710-HA1H-C4
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11
+ battery rack

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 +

lithium batteries + ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
with high and ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3
low cycle + ESC330-A6
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11

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2.1.5 Solar-Grid-Diesel Power Supply Solution

Figure 2-5 Network diagram of the solar-grid-diesel power supply solution

The power source preference sequence of the solar-grid-diesel power supply

solution is PV module > mains > battery > DG.

The solar-grid-diesel power supply solution works in a similar way as the solar-
grid power supply solution. The DG starts to supply power to loads and batteries
only if there is no sunlight, mains power is unavailable, and the batteries
discharge to the specified DOD.

Table 2-12 Configurations for the solar-grid-diesel power supply solution

Subsyste Component Component Description


EPS PV module 280 W/300 W/335 W

Support A-shaped support/Single-pole support

SJB Standard

Mains Voltage system: three-phase four-wire/dual–live


DG EPM100-M2E, EPM140-M2D, EPM180-M2B,



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Subsyste Component Component Description


ATS ATS-63A2 for the solar-grid-diesel scenario

PVDU After PSUs are configured, configure SSUs in the

remaining slots. Configure the PVDU according to
the number of SSUs as follows:
● If one to four SSUs are used, configure one
● If five to eight SSUs are used, configure two
● If the SSU slots are insufficient, configure one

PSU R4850G2

SSU S4850G1

DG Battery BCU-1203A

OSS NetEco NetEco

Table 2-13 Cabinet and battery configurations

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery
Scenario Configuration

Lithium battery ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 or

+ ESC330-A6 ESM-48100A3
● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3
+ ESC330-A6
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC710-HA1-C6
● ICC330-HD1-C3/ICC330-HD1-C4
+ ESC330-D6
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-C11

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Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery

Scenario Configuration

Hybrid use of ● ICC330-HA1-C7/ICC330-HA1-C8 ESM-48100B1 + FCB-A

lithium and + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1 or ESM-48100A3 +
lead-acid ● ICC720-HA1-C2/ICC720-HA1-C3 FCB-A
batteries + ESC330-A6+ESC710-A1
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
● ICC710-HA1-C6 + ESC710-A1
● ICC710-HA1H-C4
● ICC330-HD1-C3/ICC330-HD1-C4
+ ESC330-D6 + ESC710-D2
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 +
ESC330-D6 + ESC710-D2
● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 +
ESC330-D6 + ESC710-D2
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-11 +
battery rack

Lead-acid ● ICC350-H1-C5/ICC350-H1-C6 + FCB-A (for the

battery ESC710-A1/ESC710-D2/ESC300- ESC710-D2, ESC710-
N1 A1, ESC300-N1, or
● ICC330-H1-C6/ICC330-H1-C7 + battery rack)
ESC710-A1/ESC710-D2/ESC300- SCB-A (for the
N1 ESC300-N1)
● ICC200-N1-C10/ICC200-N1-11 +
battery rack

2.2 Site Modernization Scenario

2.2.1 Lithium Battery Scenario

Table 2-14 Configurations in the lithium battery scenario

Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS Mains Voltage mode: three-phase four-wire

DG Reused DG


PSU R4850G2

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Subsystem Component Component Description

SSU S4850G1

DG Battery BCU-1203A

OSS NetEco NetEco

Table 2-15 Cabinet and battery configuration

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery Configuration


Lithium battery ICC720-A3-C1 ESM-48100B1 or

scenario ESM-48100A3
ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381)

ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001)

2.2.2 Hybrid Use of Lithium and Lead-Acid Batteries

Table 2-16 Hybrid use of lithium and lead-acid batteries configuration table

Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS Mains Voltage mode: three-phase four-wire

DG Reused DG


PSU R4850G2

SSU S4850G1

DG Battery BCU-1203A

OSS NetEco NetEco

Table 2-17 Cabinet and battery configuration

Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery Configuration


Hybrid use of ICC720-A3-C1 ESM-48100B1/ESM-48100A3 +

lithium and Reused lead-acid batteries

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Battery Cabinet Configuration Battery Configuration


lead-acid ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381)

ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001)

2.2.3 Hybrid Use of Lithium Batteries with High and Low Cycle
Table 2-18 Hybrid use of lithium batteries with high and low cycle performance configuration table
Subsystem Component Component Description

EPS Mains Voltage mode: three-phase four-wire

DG Reused DG


PSU R4850G2

SSU S4850G1

DG Battery BCU-1203A

OSS NetEco NetEco

Table 2-19 Cabinet and battery configuration

Battery Scenario Cabinet Configuration Battery Configuration

Hybrid use of ICC720-A3-C1 ESM-48100B1 + ESM-48100A3

lithium batteries
with high and low ICC710-A3-C1
cycle performance

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User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3 Subsystem Description

3.1 EPS

3.1.1 PV Module

Figure 3-1 PV module

Table 3-1 PV module technical specifications

Item 280 W PV Module 300 W PV Module 335 W PV Module

Maximum 280 W 300 W 335 W


Solar cell Polycrystalline silicon Monocrystalline silicon Polycrystalline silicon

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Item 280 W PV Module 300 W PV Module 335 W PV Module

Dimensions 1650 mm x 992 mm x 35 1650 mm x 992 mm x 35 1960 mm x 992 mm x 40

mm mm mm

Weight About 18.3 kg About 18.3 kg About 22.1 kg

Open-circuit 38.3 V 39.9 V 46.5 V


3.1.2 PV Module Support

PV module supports are available in four angles: 15°, 25°, 35°, and 45°.

Figure 3-2 Single-pole support

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Figure 3-3 A-shaped low support

Figure 3-4 A-shaped high support

3.1.3 Standard SJB

An SJB allows multiple PV module strings to be connected in parallel and supplies
power to the solar controller.

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Figure 3-5 Standard SJB

(1) PV+ input wiring terminals (2) PV+ output wiring terminal

(3) PV– output wiring terminal (4) PV– input wiring terminals

Table 3-2 SJB technical specifications

Item Standard SJB

Dimensions (H x W x D) 100 mm x 200 mm x 150 mm

Ports Six inputs converge into one output.

IP rating IP55

Installation mode Mounted on a pole or wall

3.1.4 PV Antitheft Kit

The PV antitheft bolt kit includes antitheft bolts and disassembly tools.
The PV antitheft alarm kit includes signal cables for reporting PV module thefts
and terminals. The signal cable for reporting PV module thefts is routed through
the cable holes of each PV module, and then connected to the detection port on
the solar controller.

3.1.5 DG
A DG converts chemical energy into electricity. In a DG, the engine converts
thermal energy into mechanical energy, and then the generator converts
mechanical energy into electricity.

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Figure 3-6 EPM100-M2E/EPM140-M2D

(1) Waterproof cap (2) Soundproof canopy (3) EMERGENCY STOP button

(4) Fuel filler port (behind the (5) Fuel tank


Figure 3-7 EPM180-M2B

(1) Smoke exhaust vent (2) Fuel tank (3) Soundproof canopy

(4) EMERGENCY STOP button (5) Fuel filler port (behind the

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Figure 3-8 EPM240-M2C

(1) Waterproof cap (2) Fuel tank (3) Soundproof canopy

(4) EMERGENCY STOP button (5) Fuel filler port (behind the

Table 3-3 DG technical specifications

Item EPM100-M2E EPM140-M2D EPM180-M2B EPM240-M2C

Dimensions 1825 mm x 1825 mm x 1825 mm x 1925 mm x

(H x W x D) 950 mm x 950 mm x 950 mm x 950 mm x
1800 mm 1800 mm 1800 mm 2200 mm

Weight About 846 kg About 900 kg About 950 kg About 1000

(excluding kg

Engine model Yanmar Yanmar Weichai Weichai

3TNV88-GGE 4TNV88 WP2.3D25E20 WP2.3D33E20
0 0

Generator Xingnuo Xingnuo Xingnuo Xingnuo

model XN164D XN184E XN184E XN184G

Rated output 10 kW/12 kVA 14 kW/17.5 18 kW/22.5 24 kW/30 kVA

power kVA kVA

Output 230 V AC/400 V AC, three-phase four-wire, 50 Hz


Fuel tank 800 L 800 L 800 L 1000 L


Maintenance 1250 operating hours


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Item EPM100-M2E EPM140-M2D EPM180-M2B EPM240-M2C

Noise ≤ 75 dB (1 m, 75% of rated load)


For details about a DG, see the DG user manual.

3.2 CCS

3.2.1 ICC200-N1-C10
Figure 3-9 ICC200-N1-C10 exterior

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Figure 3-10 ICC200-N1-C10 interior

(1) DCDU-400AN5 (2) Ground bar (3) Negative battery copper


(4) Positive battery copper bar (5) Space for equipment and

Table 3-4 ICC200-N1-C10 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Indoor cabinet Temperature control: natural cooling

Dimensions (H x W x D): 2000 mm x 600 mm x 600 mm
Weight: < 140 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front and rear
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the top

Space for 10 U

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Item Specifications

Space for batteries A maximum of four ESM-48100A3 or seven

ESM-48100B1 batteries

Operating –20°C to +45°C


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR63, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 83 dB (ambient

temperature 27°C)

IP rating and IP20, Class A environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 3.1 temperature controlled environmental
requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 (V2.3.2 or later).

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3.2.2 ICC200-N1-C11
Figure 3-11 ICC200-N1-C11 exterior

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Figure 3-12 ICC200-N1-C11 interior

(1) DCDU-400AS4 (2) Ground bar (3) Negative battery copper


(4) Positive battery copper bar (5) Space for equipment and

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Table 3-5 ICC200-N1-C11 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Indoor cabinet Temperature control: natural cooling

Dimensions (H x W x D): 2000 mm x 600 mm x 600 mm
Weight: < 140 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front and rear
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the top

Space for 2U

Space for batteries A maximum of four ESM-48100A3 or seven

ESM-48100B1 batteries

Operating –20°C to +45°C


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR63, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 83 dB (ambient

temperature 27°C)

IP rating and IP20, Class A environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 3.1 temperature controlled environmental
requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 (V2.3.2 or later).

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3.2.3 ICC330-H1-C6
Figure 3-13 ICC330-H1-C6 exterior

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Figure 3-14 ICC330-H1-C6 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) ACDU (5) Ground bar (6) Temperature and humidity


(7) Space for equipment (8) RTN+ busbars (9) DCDU-400AN5

(10) –48 V busbars (11) Water sensor

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Table 3-6 ICC330-H1-C6 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 250 W/K

heat dissipation capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 810 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 100 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 21 U

Operating –20°C to +45°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.4 ICC330-H1-C7
Figure 3-15 ICC330-H1-C7 exterior

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Figure 3-16 ICC330-H1-C7 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) ACDU (5) Ground bar (6) DCDU-400AS4

(7) Temperature and humidity (8) Space for equipment (9) RTN+ busbars

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbars

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Table 3-7 ICC330-H1-C7 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 810 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 100 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 19 U

Operating –20°C to +45°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.5 ICC330-HA1-C7
Figure 3-17 ICC330-HA1-C7 exterior

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Figure 3-18 ICC330-HA1-C7 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) DCDU-400AN5 (5) ACDU (6) Ground bar

(7) Temperature and humidity (8) Space for equipment (9) Space for batteries

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) RTN+ busbar

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Table 3-8 ICC330-HA1-C7 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC500D DC air conditioner, 600 W cooling
capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 795 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 100 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 7U

Space for batteries A maximum of two ESM-48100A3 or four ESM-48100B1


Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.6 ICC330-HA1-C8
Figure 3-19 ICC330-HA1-C8 exterior

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Figure 3-20 ICC330-HA1-C8 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) DCDU-400AS4 (5) ACDU (6) Ground bar

(7) Temperature and humidity (8) Space for equipment (9) Space for batteries

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) RTN+ busbar

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Table 3-9 ICC330-HA1-C8 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC500D DC air conditioner, 600 W cooling
capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 795 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 100 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 9U

Space for batteries A maximum of two ESM-48100A3 or four ESM-48100B1


Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.7 ICC330-HA1-C9
Figure 3-21 ICC330-HA1-C9 exterior

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Figure 3-22 ICC330-HA1-C9 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) ETP48400-C3B1 (5) Ground bar (6) Digital temperature and

humidity sensor

(7) Space for equipment (8) Space for batteries (9) Water sensor

(10) –48 V busbar (11) RTN+ busbar

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Table 3-10 ICC330-HA1-C9 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC500D DC air conditioner, 600 W cooling
capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 795 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 100 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 9U

Space for batteries A maximum of four ESM-48100B1 batteries

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.8 ICC330-HD1-C3
Figure 3-23 ICC330-HD1-C3 exterior

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Figure 3-24 ICC330-HD1-C3 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) DCDU-400AN5 (5) ACDU (6) Ground bar

(7) Temperature and humidity (8) Space for equipment (9) Space for batteries

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) RTN+ busbar

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Table 3-11 ICC330-HD1-C3 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); direct ventilation unit (for the battery
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
Weight: < 90 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 7U

Space for batteries A maximum of four ESM batteries

Operating 0°C to +40°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55 (equipment compartment), IP34 (battery

operating compartment), Class B environments

Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.9 ICC330-HD1-C4
Figure 3-25 ICC330-HD1-C4 exterior

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PowerCube 1000
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Figure 3-26 ICC330-HD1-C4 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) DCDU-400AS4 (5) ACDU (6) Ground bar

(7) Temperature and humidity (8) Space for equipment (9) Space for batteries

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) RTN+ busbar

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Table 3-12 ICC330-HD1-C4 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); direct ventilation unit (for the battery
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
Weight: < 90 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 5U

Space for batteries A maximum of four ESM batteries

Operating 0°C to +40°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55 (equipment compartment), IP34 (battery

operating compartment), Class B environments

Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.10 ICC350-H1-C5 (01075032)

Figure 3-27 ICC350-H1-C5 exterior

Figure 3-28 ICC350-H1-C5 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Three-phase ACDU

(4) DCDU-400AN5 (5) Ground bar (6) RTN+ busbar

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PowerCube 1000
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(7) Space for equipment (8) Temperature and humidity (9) RTN+ busbar

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) –48 V busbar

Table 3-13 ICC350-H1-C5 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
Weight: < 120 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 10 U

Operating –20°C to +45°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.11 ICC350-H1-C5 (01075032-001)

Figure 3-29 ICC350-H1-C5 exterior

Figure 3-30 ICC350-H1-C5 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Dual–live wire ACDU

(4) DCDU-400AN5 (5) Ground bar (6) RTN+ busbar

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PowerCube 1000
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(7) Space for equipment (8) Temperature and humidity (9) RTN+ busbar

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) –48 V busbar

Table 3-14 ICC350-H1-C5 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
Weight: < 120 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 10 U

Operating –20°C to +45°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.12 ICC350-H1-C6
Figure 3-31 ICC350-H1-C6 exterior

Figure 3-32 ICC350-H1-C6 interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) ACDU

(4) DCDU-400AS4 (5) Ground bar (6) RTN+ busbar

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(7) Space for equipment (8) Temperature and humidity (9) RTN+ busbar

(10) Water sensor (11) –48 V busbar (12) –48 V busbar

Table 3-15 ICC350-H1-C6 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
Weight: < 120 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 10 U

Operating –20°C to +45°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.13 ICC720-HA1-C2
Figure 3-33 ICC720-HA1-C2 exterior

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Figure 3-34 ICC720-HA1-C2 interior

(1) Smoke sensor (2) Power transfer box for the (3) ACDU
temperature control device

(4) Temperature and humidity (5) Ground bars (6) Water sensor

(7) –48 V busbar (8) Space for batteries (9) RTN+ busbar

(10) Space for equipment (11) DCDU-400AN5 (12) Light

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Table 3-16 ICC720-HA1-C2 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600 W
cooling capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 2000 mm x 750 mm x 750 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 2000 mm x
750 mm x 885 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 320 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 10 U

Space for batteries A maximum of three 3.6 U ESMs or five 3 U ESMs

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.14 ICC720-HA1-C3
Figure 3-35 ICC720-HA1-C3 exterior

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User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Figure 3-36 ICC720-HA1-C3 interior

(1) Smoke sensor (2) Power transfer box for the (3) ACDU
temperature control device

(4) Temperature and humidity (5) Ground bars (6) Water sensor

(7) –48 V busbar (8) Space for batteries (9) RTN+ busbar

(10) Space for equipment (11) DCDU-400AS4 (12) Light

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Table 3-17 ICC720-HA1-C3 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600 W
cooling capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 2000 mm x 750 mm x 750 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 2000 mm x
750 mm x 885 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 320 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 8U

Space for batteries A maximum of three ESM-48100A3s, five ESM-48100B1s,

or two ESM-48100A3s + two ESM-48100B1s

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.15 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381)

Figure 3-37 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381) exterior

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Figure 3-38 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381) interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) DCDU-200AN5 (01075196)

(4) Temperature and humidity (5) Ground bars (6) Water sensor

(7) –48 V busbar (8) Space for batteries (9) RTN+ busbar

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Table 3-18 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381) technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600

W cooling capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 815 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 110 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for batteries A maximum of three ESM-48100A3 or seven

ESM-48100B1 batteries

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m (ambient

temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.16 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001)

Figure 3-39 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001) exterior

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Figure 3-40 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001) interior

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) DCDU-200AN5


(4) Temperature and humidity (5) Ground bars (6) Water sensor

(7) –48 V busbar (8) Space for batteries (9) RTN+ busbar

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PowerCube 1000
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Table 3-19 ICC330-A3-C1 (01075381-001) technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600

W cooling capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 815 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 110 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for batteries A maximum of three ESM-48100A3 or seven

ESM-48100B1 batteries

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m (ambient

temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.17 ICC720-A3-C1
Figure 3-41 ICC720-A3-C1 exterior

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Figure 3-42 ICC720-A3-C1 interior

(1) Smoke sensor (2) ACDU (3) Temperature and humidity


(4) Ground bar (5) Water sensor (6) –48 V busbar

(7) RTN+ busbar (8) Space for batteries (9) –48 V busbar

(10) RTN+ busbar (11) DCDU-200AN5 (12) Light

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PowerCube 1000
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Table 3-20 ICC720-A3-C1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600

W cooling capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 2000 mm x 750 mm x 750 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 2000 mm x
750 mm x 885 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 250 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for batteries A maximum of five ESM-48100A3s, eight ESM-48100B1s,

two ESM-48100A3s + six ESM-48100B1s, or three
ESM-48100A3s + four ESM-48100B1s

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.18 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148)

Figure 3-43 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148) exterior

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Figure 3-44 ICC710-HA1-C6 interior (01075148) (front view)

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) Ground bar (5) Three-phase ACDU (6) Temperature and humidity

(7) RTN+ busbar (8) –48 V busbar (9) Water sensor

(10) Space for batteries (11) –48 V busbar (12) RTN+ busbar

(13) Space for equipment (14) DCDU-400AN5

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PowerCube 1000
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Figure 3-45 ICC710-HA1-C6 interior (01075148) (rear view)

(1) RTN+ busbar (2) –48 V busbar

(3) –48 V busbar (4) RTN+ busbar

Table 3-21 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148) technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600 W
cooling capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1925 mm x 900 mm x 950 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1925 mm x
900 mm x 1270 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 320 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, or on a rooftop
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 14 U

Space for batteries A maximum of twelve ESM-48100B1 batteries

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Item Specifications

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

3.2.19 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148-001)

Figure 3-46 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148-001) exterior

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PowerCube 1000
User Manual 3 Subsystem Description

Figure 3-47 ICC710-HA1-C6 interior (01075148-001) (front view)

(1) Light (2) Smoke sensor (3) Power transfer box for the
temperature control device

(4) Ground bar (5) Dual–live wire ACDU (6) Temperature and humidity

(7) RTN+ busbar (8) –48 V busbar (9) Water sensor

(10) Space for batteries (11) –48 V busbar (12) RTN+ busbar

(13) Space for equipment (14) DCDU-400AN5

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PowerCube 1000
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Figure 3-48 ICC710-HA1-C6 interior (01075148-001) (rear view)

(1) RTN+ busbar (2) –48 V busbar

(3) –48 V busbar (4) RTN+ busbar

Table 3-22 ICC710-HA1-C6 (01075148-001) technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600 W
cooling capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1925 mm x 900 mm x 950 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1925 mm x
900 mm x 1270 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 320 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, or on a rooftop
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 14 U

Space for batteries A maximum of twelve ESM-48100B1 batteries

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PowerCube 1000
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Item Specifications

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.20 ICC710-HA1H-C4
Figure 3-49 ICC710-HA1H-C4 exterior

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Figure 3-50 ICC710-HA1H-C4 interior

(1) Smoke sensor (2) Power transfer box for the (3) ACDU
temperature control device

(4) Temperature and humidity (5) Water sensor (6) –48 V busbar

(7) Space for batteries (8) RTN+ busbar (9) Space for equipment

(10) Ground bar (11) DCDU-400AN5 (12) Light

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Table 3-23 ICC710-HA1H-C4 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor cabinet Temperature control: HEX100 heat exchanger, 150 W/K

heat dissipation capacity (for the equipment
compartment); PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600 W
cooling capacity (for the battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1925 mm x 900 mm x 950 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1925 mm x
900 mm x 1285 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 320 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, or on a rooftop
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for 13 U

Space for batteries A maximum of four ESM-48100B1s + one FCB-A or two

ESM-48100A3s + one FCB-A

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.21 ICC710-A3-C1
Figure 3-51 ICC710-A3-C1 exterior

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Figure 3-52 ICC710-A3-C1 interior (front view)

(1) ACDU (2) DC air conditioner (3) Ground bar

(4) Light (5) Door status sensor (6) DCDU-200AN5

(7) Space for the BC-1206A (8) RTN+ busbar (9) –48 V busbar

(10) Space for batteries

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Figure 3-53 ICC710-A3-C1 interior (rear view)

(1) RTN+ busbar (2) –48 V busbar (3) Space for batteries

Table 3-24 ICC710-A3-C1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Outdoor Temperature control: DC air conditioner PC1500D-1, 1600 W

cabinet cooling capacity (battery compartment)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1925 mm x 900 mm x 950 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1925 mm x 900
mm x 1105 mm (including the protruding part of the door)
● < 330 kg (without rectifiers, batteries, or optional
components), packaged
● < 320 kg (without rectifiers, batteries, or optional
components), not packaged
Installation mode: installed on a floor, or on a rooftop
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

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Item Specifications

Space for A maximum of three ESM-48100A3 and six ESM-48100B1

batteries batteries

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with a

temperature heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)


Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to 4000 m,

the operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each additional
200 m.

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level ≤ 65 dBA at 1.5 m (ambient

temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

requirements explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with Class 4.1
requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4 (V2.2.1).

3.2.22 ESC300-N1
The ESC300-N1 battery cabinet is used to house the DCB-A, SCB-A, or FCB-A.

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Figure 3-54 ESC300-N1 exterior

Table 3-25 ESC300-N1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: natural cooling

Dimensions (H x W x D): 1045 mm x 990 mm x 1660 mm
Weight: < 160 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor
Maintenance mode: maintained from the top and side
Cabling mode: routed from the side

Space for batteries A maximum of one 800 Ah lead-acid battery string

Operating –10°C to +40°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m

IP rating and IP23, Class B environments


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Item Specifications

Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

3.2.23 ESC330-A6
Figure 3-55 ESC330-A6 exterior

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Figure 3-56 ESC330-A6 interior

(1) Power transfer box for the (2) Ground bar (3) Space for batteries
temperature control device

(4) Ground bar (5) –48 V busbar (6) RTN+ busbar

(7) PC1500D-1

Table 3-26 ESC330-A6 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: PC1500D-1 DC air conditioner, 1600

W cooling capacity
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 815 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 110 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for batteries A maximum of 32 U battery installation space

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Item Specifications

Operating 0°C to +45°C (with solar radiation), –20°C to +45°C (with

temperature a heater)

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m (ambient

temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.24 ESC330-D6
Figure 3-57 ESC330-D6 exterior

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Figure 3-58 ESC330-D6 interior

(1) Power transfer box for the (2) Ground bar (3) Space for batteries
temperature control device

(4) Ground bar (5) –48 V busbar (6) RTN+ busbar

(7) Direct ventilation unit

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Table 3-27 ESC330-D6 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: direct ventilation unit

Dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650 mm x 650 mm
(excluding the protruding part of the door), 1600 mm x
650 mm x 750 mm (including the protruding part of the
Weight: < 120 kg
Installation mode: installed on a floor, on a rooftop, or
against a wall
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

Space for batteries A maximum of 32 U battery installation space

Operating 0°C to +40°C (with solar radiation)


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage –40°C to +70°C


Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m (ambient

temperature 45°C)

IP rating and IP34, Class B environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.25 ESC330-N2
Figure 3-59 ESC330-N2 exterior

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Figure 3-60 ESC330-N2 interior

(1) Lead-acid battery busbar – (2) Space for lead-acid (3) Lead-acid battery busbar
48 V batteries RTN+

(4) Lithium battery busbar RTN (5) Lithium battery busbar –48 (6) Space for lithium batteries
+ V

(7) Ground bar

Table 3-28 ESC330-N2 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: natural cooling

External dimensions (H x W x D): 1600 mm x 650
mm x 650 mm
Weight: < 110 kg (without batteries)
Installation mode: installed on a floor
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed in and out from the bottom

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Item Specifications

Space for batteries A maximum of three FCB-B lead-acid battery strings

and two ESM lithium batteries

Operating temperature 0–40°C

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m

(ambient temperature 40°C)

IP rating and operating IP34, Class B2 environments


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3.2.26 ESC710-D2
Figure 3-61 ESC710-D2 exterior

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Figure 3-62 ESC710-D2 interior

(1) Direct ventilation unit (2) TCUC (3) Space for batteries

(4) Ground bar (rear left) (5) Battery copper bars

Table 3-29 ESC710-D2 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: direct ventilation unit

Dimensions (H x W x D), including the protruding part
of the door: 1925 mm x 900 mm x 1105 mm
● < 240 kg (without batteries), packaged
● < 230 kg (without batteries), not packaged
Installation mode: installed on a floor or rooftop
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front
Cabling mode: routed from the bottom

Space for equipment None

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Item Specifications

Space for batteries A maximum of two 650 Ah FCB-A battery strings (24
batteries in a string)

Operating –10°C to +40°C add solar radiation


Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, the operating temperature decreases by 1°C for
each additional 200 m.

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m

IP rating and IP34, Class B environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or

explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

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3.2.27 ESC710-A1
Figure 3-63 ESC710-A1 exterior

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Figure 3-64 ESC710-A1 interior

(1) DC air conditioner (2) Battery –48 V copper bar (3) Battery RTN+ copper bar

(4) Cabinet ground bar (rear


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Table 3-30 ESC710-A1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Battery cabinet Temperature control: DC air conditioner PC1000D,

1100 W cooling capacity (L35/L35)
Dimensions (H x W x D), including the protruding
part of the door: 1925 mm x 900 mm x 1105 mm
● < 295 kg (without batteries), packaged
● < 285 kg (without batteries), not packaged
Installation mode: installed on a floor or rooftop
Maintenance mode: maintained from the front and
Cabling mode: routed from the bottom

Space for equipment None

Space for batteries A maximum of two 650 Ah FCB-A battery strings (24
batteries in a string)

Operating temperature –10°C to +45°C add solar radiation.

Note: After the heater is configured, it can be
installed in the –20°C.

Transportation –40°C to +70°C


Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, the operating temperature decreases by 1°C
for each additional 200 m.

Noise level GR487, acoustic pressure level: ≤ 65 dB at 1.5 m

IP rating and operating IP55, Class C environments


Other requirements ● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas,

or explosion hazard.
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other
indicators should be controlled in accordance with
Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN 300 019-1-4

3.2.28 Indoor FCB-A rack

The indoor FCB-A rack provides space and physical protection for an FCB-A string
(consisting of 24 batteries).

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Figure 3-65 Indoor FCB-A rack

Table 3-31 Indoor FCB rack technical specifications

Item Dimensions (H x W x D)

FCB-200A 788 mm x 940 mm x 417 mm

FCB-300A 1002 mm x 940 mm x 417 mm

FCB-400A 1196 mm x 940 mm x 394 mm

FCB-500A 940 mm x 1350 mm x 394 mm

FCB-650A 1126 mm x 1350 mm x 394 mm

3.3 ICC

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3.3.1 DCDU-400AN5

Figure 3-66 DCDU-400AN5 exterior

Figure 3-67 DCDU-400AN5 interior

(1) RTN+ busbar (2) LLVD2 (3) AC input terminals

(4) SMU02C (5) Slots for the (6) Ground screw

communications expansion
module and DG expansion

(7) Slots for modules (8) UIM02C (9) Battery switch

(10) DC1– input (11) Battery fuses (12) LLVD1


The communications expansion module NIM01C3 can be installed only in the

upper slot, and the DG expansion module GIM01C can be installed only in the
lower slot. The CIM02C can be installed either in the upper or lower slot.

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Figure 3-68 Phase layout in the module installation space


The module installation space supports PSUs, SSUs and BCUs.

Install the three modules from top to bottom and from left to right in the following
sequence: PSU, SSU, and BCU.

Table 3-32 DCDU-400AN5 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) 482.6 mm x 330 mm x 306.8 mm (including

mounting ears)

Weight < 30 kg (excluding modules)

DC surge protection Differential mode: 10 kA (8/20 µs); common

mode: 20 kA (8/20 µs)

Power Input voltage Three-phase: 200–240 V AC or 346–415 V AC

distribution Single-phase: 200–240 V AC
Dual–live wire: 200–240 V AC

Input frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz

Maximum input Three-phase: 51 A

current Single-phase/Dual–live wire: 102 A

AC input power Three UT16 terminals


Output voltage –42 V DC to –58 V DC (typical voltage: –48 V


DC output LLVD1: 2 x 80 A, 2 x 63 A MCBs

power LLVD2: 1 x 63 A, 4 x 32 A, 2 x 16 A MCBs

Battery fuses 2 x 250 A

DC1– DC input –42 V DC to –58 V DC, 300 A

Monitoring module SMU02C

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Cabling mode Routed in and out from the top, left, or right

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

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3.3.2 DCDU-400AS4
Figure 3-69 DCDU-400AS4 exterior

Figure 3-70 DCDU-400AS4 interior

(1) RTN+ busbar (2) Load circuit breakers (3) Battery switch

(4) DC1– input terminal (5) AC input terminals (6) Space for the
communications expansion
module and DG interface

(7) Space for modules (8) Battery fuse (9) SMU02C

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(10) Space for the NIM02D (11) UIM02C


The NIM01C3 can be installed only in the upper slot. The GIM01C can be installed
only in the lower slot. The CIM02C can be installed either in the upper or lower

Table 3-33 Monitoring unit configuration

Monitoring Unit Function

NIM01C3 Provides a wireless antenna port and 12 V COM port to

manage intelligent electronic locks and cameras and to
report alarms.

CIM02C Provides 12 V COM ports to connect smart devices.

DG expansion Provides dry contact ports used for connecting to the AMF
module GIM01C or GMU to implement functions such as DG startup,
shutdown, and reset.

SMU02C The SMU02C (SMU for short) is a compact high-end

monitoring module that monitors and manages Huawei's
box-type and cabinet-type power systems.
The SMU can manage a site power system through the
liquid crystal display (LCD), web user interface (WebUI), and
Huawei NetEco.

UIM02C Provides sensor ports, RS485 ports, and dry contact input
and output ports to manage the cabinet interior
environment of the power system and to report alarms.

NIM02D Provides sensor ports and FE ports to connect the OSS or

smart device such as an IP camera.

Figure 3-71 Phase layout in the module installation space


● Refer to the phase layout when installing PSUs to ensure the balance of phases.
● The SSU and BCU can also be installed in the space for modules.

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Table 3-34 DCDU-400AS4 function description

Function Description

–48 V DC power ● Integrates hot-swappable PSUs to switch between AC

supply power and DC power.
● Provides multiple DC outputs (that can be disconnected)
for communications and transmission equipment.

Signal collection ● Collects battery current signals, load current signals, and
and detection other energy input current signals by using an internal
signal interface board.
● Detects battery and load loop disconnection signals.

Protection Integrates a DC SPD to provide reliable surge protection for

DC power ports, monitoring ports, and communications

Communication, The monitoring unit supports remote monitoring and

control, and alarm online upgrade, monitors and controls the operating status
of the power system through communication, and reports
alarms in a timely manner.

Forcible power-on Allows you to flip on the battery switch to power on the
DCDU if only batteries can supply power.

Battery The monitoring unit manages batteries effectively to

management ensure their proper operation.

Table 3-35 DCDU-400AS4 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) 482.6 mm x 330 mm x 400.05 mm (including

mounting ears)

Weight < 30 kg (excluding modules)

DC surge protection Differential mode: 10 kA (8/20 µs); common mode:

20 kA (8/20 µs)

Power distribution ● DC1– input: –42 V to –58 V; max: 300 A

● AC input
– 200–240 V/346–415 V; three-phase; 50 Hz/60
Hz; max. 51 A
– 200–240 V single-phase; 50/60 Hz; max. 102 A
– 200–240 V dual-live wire; 50/60 Hz; max. 102 A

DC output: –48 V; max: 400 A

Max. 300 A if dual-live wire or single-phase input is
Max. 300 A if only DC1 input is used

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Item Specifications

DC output
● Common load: 1 x 63 A, 3 x 32 A
● LLVD: 2 x 80 A and 1 x 63 A for each user, four
users in total
● BLVD: 1 x 63 A for each user, four users in total

Battery fuse: 2 x 250 A

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Cabling mode Routed in from the top; routed in and out from the
left and right

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

3.3.3 DCDU-200AN5 (01075196)

Figure 3-72 DCDU interior

(1) SMU02C (2) Space for the (3) AC input module

communications expansion
module and DG expansion

(4) Ground screw (5) RTN+ busbar (6) DC output terminals

(7) Battery circuit breakers (8) –48 V busbar (9) Space for installing

(10) UIM02C

Table 3-36 DCDU-200AN5 technical specifications

Item Technical Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) 482.6 mm x 330 mm x 175 mm (including mounting


Weight < 25 kg (excluding modules)

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Item Technical Specifications

DC surge protection Differential mode: 10 kA (8/20 µs); common mode:

20 kA (8/20 µs)

Power distribution AC input

● 200–240 V/346–415 V three-phase
● 200–240 V single-phase

DC output
● Four DC output terminals
● RTN+ busbar and –48 V busbar
● Two 125 A circuit breakers for lead-acid battery

PSU Supports the PSU R4850G2 and DG battery charger

module BCU-1203A.

Monitoring module SMU02C

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

3.3.4 DCDU-200AN5 (01075196-003)

Figure 3-73 DCDU interior

(1) SMU02C (2) Space for the (3) AC input module

communications expansion
module and DG expansion

(4) Ground screw (5) RTN+ busbar (6) DC output terminals

(7) Battery circuit breakers (8) –48 V busbar (9) Space for installing

(10) UIM02C

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Table 3-37 DCDU-200AN5 technical specifications

Item Technical Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) 482.6 mm x 330 mm x 175 mm (including mounting


Weight < 25 kg (excluding modules)

DC surge protection Differential mode: 10 kA (8/20 µs); common mode:

20 kA (8/20 µs)

Power distribution AC input

● 200–240 V dual-live wire
● 200–240 V single-phase

DC output
● Four DC output terminals
● RTN+ busbar and –48 V busbar
● Two 125 A circuit breakers for lead-acid battery

PSU Supports the PSU R4850G2 and DG battery charger

module BCU-1203A.

Monitoring module SMU02C

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

3.3.5 ETP48400-C3B1
Figure 3-74 ETP48400-C3B1 interior

(1) Ground screw (2) AC input module (3) LLVD power distribution

(4) SMU02C (5) BLVD power distribution (6) Battery wiring ports

(7) Reserved slot for the (8) UIM05B1 (9) Space for rectifiers

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Table 3-38 ETP48400-C3B1 technical specifications

Item Technical Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) 482.6 mm x 330 mm x 130 mm (including mounting


Weight ≤ 20 kg (excluding modules)

DC surge protection Differential mode: 10 kA (8/20 µs); common mode:

20 kA (8/20 µs)

Power distribution AC input

220/380 V AC three-phase four-wire, compatible with
220 V AC single-phase

DC power distribution
● LLVD: 2 x 125 A, 3 x 63 A
● BLVD: 2 x 63 A, 2 x 32 A, 2 x 16 A

Monitoring module SMU02C

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

3.3.6 DCDB-01D
Figure 3-75 DCDB-01D exterior

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Figure 3-76 DCDB-01D interior

(1) Negative busbar for the (2) BAT1– circuit breakers (3) BAT2– circuit breakers
BAT1 battery

(4) Negative busbar for the (5) RTN+busbar (6) –48 V busbar
BAT2 battery

Table 3-39 DCDB-01D technical specifications

Item Technical Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) 450 mm x 150 mm x 450 mm (including mounting


Weight <13 kg

Power distribution DC output: –48 V, –43.2 V to –57.6 V

● BAT1– and BAT2– circuit breakers: 4 x 125 A. Two
more circuit breakers can be added, which are
used to connect reused lead-acid batteries.
● Negative busbar of the BAT1 and BAT2 batteries:
2 x 125 A, connected to the basic cabinet or
extension cabinet.
● –48 V busbar: 4 x 100 A, used to connect to reused
power supplies of the customer.

Installation mode Installed on the cabinet side panel.

Cabling mode Routed in and out from the bottom

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

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Item Technical Specifications

IP rating and operating IP55, meeting the class C environment application

environment requirement

3.3.7 SMU02C

Figure 3-77 SMU02C appearance

(1) SD card slot (2) Run indicator (3) Minor alarm indicator

(4) Major alarm indicator (5) Buttons (6) USB ports (protected by a
security mechanism)

(7) RS485/RS232 port (8) Fast Ethernet (FE) port (9) CAN communications port

(10) LCD


Table 3-40 Indicator description

Name Color Status Description

Run Green Off The SMU is faulty or has no DC

indicator input.

Blinking The SMU is running properly and

slowly (0.5 communicating with the host
Hz) properly.

Blinking fast The SMU is running properly but fails

(4 Hz) to communicate with the host

Minor alarm Yellow Off No minor or warning alarm is

indicator generated.

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Name Color Status Description

Steady on A minor or warning alarm is


Major alarm Red Off No critical or major alarm is

indicator generated.

Steady on A critical or major alarm is



Table 3-41 Button description

Button Name Description

Press and to scroll through the menus or to
change the value of a parameter.

Cancel Returns to the previous menu without saving the


Enter ● Enters the main menu from the standby screen.

● Enters a submenu from the main menu.
● Saves menu settings on a submenu.
● The LCD screen becomes dark if no button is pressed within 30 seconds.
● You need to log in again if no button is pressed within 1 minute.

● To increase or decrease a parameter value quickly, hold down or during

parameter setting.

● To restart the SMU, hold down and for 10 seconds.

● To increase (or decrease) the LCD backlight, hold down and (or ) for 2

SD Card Slot
SD card is used for storing the camera capture images, maximum support 32 G

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USB Ports
You can quickly deploy a site, import and export configuration files, export running
logs, and upgrade software by inserting the USB flash drive that is specially used
for site deployment into the USB port.
After installing the specific WiFi module using the USB port, you can access the
WebUI locally, which facilitates operations.


Using WiFi modules provided by another vendor may cause data loss or function
exception. Consequences arising from this will not be borne by Huawei.

Communications Ports

Table 3-42 Communications port description

Communications Communications Communications Usage
Port Parameter Protocol

FE 10/100 M SNMP Connects to a

autonegotiation third-party

BIN protocol Connects to a

Huawei NMS.

HTTPS protocol Connects to a

PC and
manages the
SMU through
the WebUI.

TCP-Modbus Adapts to
protocol Huawei TCP-
protocol and
connects to a

RS485/RS232 Baud rate: 1200 bit/s, Master/slave Connects to a

2400 bit/s, 4800 protocol Huawei NMS.
bit/s, 9600 bit/s,
14400 bit/s, 19200 YDN protocol Connects to a
bit/s, 115200 bit/s third-party

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Communications Communications Communications Usage

Port Parameter Protocol

CAN Baud rate: 125 kbit/s CAN protocol Connects to

All these ports are protected by a security mechanism.

Figure 3-78 Communication port pins

Table 3-43 Pin definitions for the FE port

Pin Signal Description

1 TX+ Transmits data over FE

2 TX-

3 RX+ Receives data over FE

6 RX-

4/5/7/8 NA -

Table 3-44 Pin definitions for the RS485/RS232 port

Pin Signal Description

1 TX+ Transmits data over RS485

2 TX-

4 RX+ Receives data over RS485

5 RX-

3 RX232 Receives data over RS232

7 TX232 Transmits data over RS232

6 PGND Connects to the ground

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Pin Signal Description

8 NA –

Table 3-45 Description for the CAN port pins

Pin Signal Description

1 RX+ Receives data over RS485

2 RX-

3 NA -

4 TX+ Sends data over RS485

5 TX-

6 NA -

7 CANH CAN high level signal

8 CANL CAN low level signal

3.3.8 User Interface Module UIM02C


Figure 3-79 Panel

(1) Communications port (2) Dry contact output ports (3) Dry contact input ports

(4) Sensor ports

Port Description

Table 3-46 Port description

Port Type Silk Screen Remarks

Sensor ports TEM-HUM Ambient temperature and humidity sensor

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Port Type Silk Screen Remarks

WATER Water sensor

TEMP1 Temperature sensor 1

TEMP2 Temperature sensor 2

GATE Door status sensor

SMOKE Smoke sensor

BTEMP Battery temperature sensor

Dry contact DIN1 Dry contact input 1

input ports
DIN2 Dry contact input 2

DIN3 Dry contact input 3

DIN4 Dry contact input 4

DIN5 Dry contact input 5

DIN6 Dry contact input 6

Dry contact ALM1 Dry contact output 1

output ports
ALM2 Dry contact output 2

ALM3 Dry contact output 3

ALM4 Dry contact output 4

ALM5 Dry contact output 5

ALM6 Dry contact output 6

ALM7 Dry contact output 7

ALM8 Dry contact output 8

Communication COM RS485

s port

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Communications Port

Table 3-47 Communications port description

Communications Communications Communications Function
Port Parameter Protocol

COM Baud rate: 1200 Master/slave, Connects to a

bit/s, 2400 bit/s, Modbus and YDN downstream
4800 bit/s, 9600 protocols device, such as
bit/s, 14400 bit/s, the intelligent
19200 bit/s, battery detector
115200 bit/s or intelligent air
The COM port is protected by a security mechanism.

Figure 3-80 Pins in the COM port

Table 3-48 COM port pin definitions

Pin Signal Remarks

1 RX+ Receives data over RS485.

2 RX-

4 TX+ Transmits data over RS485.

5 TX-

6 PGND Protective ground

3, 7, 8 N/A -

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Sensor Ports

Figure 3-81 Pins in sensor ports

Table 3-49 Sensor ports pin definitions

Silk Screen No. Pins



3 12V





4 -








2 12V



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3.3.9 Communications Expansion Module NIM01C3

It is mainly used for 4G communication. It can also extend the RS485/CAN port of
the main control board or extend the southbound communication equipment.

Figure 3-82 Panel

(1) SIM card slots (2 PCS) (2) 4G indicator (3) Alarm indicator

(4) Run indicator (5) ANT antenna port (6) COM1 port

(7) COM2 port (8) COM3/CAN port (9) COM4 port

(10) Handle


Table 3-50 Indicator description

Item Color Status Description

4G Green Steady on The dial-up connection is in

indicator the data service state.

Blinking at intervals of 2s A network has been

(on for 0.1s and then off registered.
for 1.9s)

Blinking at intervals of 2s Network search is in progress,

(on for 0.1s, off for 0.1s, or no network is connected.
on for 0.1s, and then off
for 1.7s)

Alarm Red Off No alarm is generated.

Steady on An alarm is generated.

Running Green Off The NIM01C3 is not running

indicator because it is faulty or has no
DC input.

Blinking slowly (0.5 Hz) The NIM01C3 is running and

communicating with the host

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Item Color Status Description

Blinking fast (4 Hz) The NIM01C3 is running

properly, but fails to
communicate with the host.

Communications Ports

Table 3-51 Communications port description

Communications Communications Description

Port Parameter

COM1 Baud rate: 9600 Supports master/slave protocols and

bit/s, 19200 bit/s, Modbus.
or 115200 bit/s Supplies 12 V power.

COM2 Baud rate: 9600 Supports master/slave protocols and

bit/s, 19200 bit/s, Modbus.
or 115200 bit/s Supplies 12 V power.

COM3/CAN Baud rate: 9600 COM3: Supports master/slave

bit/s protocols and Modbus.
CAN: Supports the CAN protocol.

COM4 Baud rate: 9600 Supports Modbus.

bit/s, 19200 bit/s,
or 115200 bit/s

Figure 3-83 Pins in the COM1, COM2, and COM3 ports

Table 3-52 Pin definitions for the COM1 and COM2 ports

Pin Signal Description

1 RS485_RX+ Receives data over RS485.

2 RS485_RX-

3 12V Power supply

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Pin Signal Description

4 RS485_TX+ Transmits data over RS485.

5 RS485_TX-

6 Reserved -

7 Reserved -

8 GND Ground

Table 3-53 Pin definitions for the COM3/CAN port

Pin Signal Description

1 RS485_RX+ Receives data over RS485.

2 RS485_RX-

3 Reserved -

4 RS485_TX+ Transmits data over RS485.

5 RS485_TX-

6 GND Ground

7 CANH CAN bus high level

8 CANL CAN bus low level

Table 3-54 Pin definitions for the COM4 port

Pin Signal Description

R+ RS485+ RS485 data, positive

R- RS485- RS485 data, negative

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3.3.10 DG Expansion Module GIM01C

Figure 3-84 GIM01C

(1) SIM card slot 1 (2) SIM card slot 2 (3) Indicators

(4) ANT antenna port (5) Ports


Figure 3-85 GIM01C indicators

Table 3-55 Indicator description

No. Indicator Color Status Description

1 Running Green Off The module is faulty or has no DC

indicator input.
Blinking slowly (0.5 The module is running and
Hz) communicating with the host

Blinking fast (4 Hz) The module is running and

communicating with the host

2 Alarm Red Reserved


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No. Indicator Color Status Description

3 4G indicator Green Steady on The dial-up connection is in the

(4G) data service state.

Blinking at intervals of A network has been registered.

2s (on for 0.1s and
then off for 1.9s)

Blinking at intervals of Network search is in progress, or

2s (on for 0.1s, off for no network is connected.
0.1s, on for 0.1s, and
then off for 1.7s)


Figure 3-86 GIM01C ports

Table 3-56 Port description

No. Port Type Silk Screen Description Remarks

1 and 8 DG control port NC DO normally closed port Control DG

startup and
M Common port shutdown.
NO DO normally open port

2 and 7 DG reset port M Common port The DG resets if

the port is
NO DO normally open port closed.

3 Fuel level AI1 + +12 V power supply Detect the fuel

detection port level.
- Analog signal

4 AI2 + +12 V power supply

- Analog signal

5 Communications COM R+ RS485 data, positive Used for RS485

port communication.
R- RS485 data, negative

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No. Port Type Silk Screen Description Remarks

6 CAN + CAN data, positive Used for CAN

- CAN data, negative

3.3.11 PSU
Figure 3-87 PSU

(1) Power indicator (2) Alarm indicator (3) Fault indicator

(4) Locking latch (5) Handle

● Converts AC power into 48 V DC power.
● Works reliably and efficiently.

Table 3-57 PSU function description

Item Function

Hot swap Hot swappable

Input protection ● Protects against input overvoltage and undervoltage.

● Protects against input overcurrent.

Output protection ● Protects against output overvoltage.

● Protects against output short circuits.
● Protects against output current limiting.

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Item Function

Overtemperature Overtemperature protection



Table 3-58 PSU indicator description

Indicator Color Status Description

Power Green Steady on The PSU has an AC input.

Off The PSU has no AC input.

The PSU is faulty.

Blinking The PSU is being queried.

slowly (0.5

Blinking fast The PSU is loading an application

(4 Hz) program.

Alarm Yellow Off No alarm is generated.

Steady on ● The PSU has generated a pre-warning
due to ambient overtemperature.
● The PSU has generated a protection
shutdown alarm due to ambient
overtemperature or undertemperature.

AC input overvoltage or undervoltage

protection has been triggered.

The PSU is in sleep state.

Blinking The communication between the PSU and

slowly (0.5 the external equipment is interrupted.

Fault Red Off The PSU is normal.

Steady on The PSU locks out due to output

The PSU has no output due to an internal


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3.3.12 SSU
Figure 3-88 SSU

(1) Power indicator (2) Alarm indicator (3) Fault indicator

(4) PV positive input port (5) PV negative input port (6) Air intake vent

(7) Handle

The SSU converts DC power into 48 V DC power and provides the maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) function.

Table 3-59 SSU function description

Item Function

Input protection ● Protects against reverse connection of PV arrays.

● Protects against input overvoltage and undervoltage.
● Protects against input overcurrent.

Output protection ● Protects against output overvoltage.

● Protects against output short circuits.
● Protects against output current limiting.

Overtemperature Overtemperature protection


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Table 3-60 SSU indicator description

Indicator Color Status Description

Power Green Steady The SSU has a DC power input.

indicator on

Off There is no DC input.

The input fuse is damaged.

Blinking The SSU is being queried manually.

Alarm Yellow Off No alarm is generated.

Steady The SSU is experiencing overtemperature.
The SSU is experiencing output overvoltage.

Blinking The communication between the SSU and

the external equipment is interrupted.

Fault Red Off The SSU is normal.

Steady The SSU shuts down due to output
on overvoltage.

The fan is faulty.

The SSU shuts down due to


The SSU generates no output due to

internal faults.

Blinking Software is being loaded.

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3.3.13 Power Transfer Box for the Temperature Control Device

Figure 3-89 Interior

(1) DC output terminals (2) RTN+ busbar

3.3.14 ACDU
Three-Phase ACDU

Figure 3-90 Three-phase ACDU interior

(1) AC input circuit breakers and terminals (2) AC SPD

Dual–Live Wire ACDU

Figure 3-91 Dual–live wire ACDU interior

(1) AC input circuit breakers and terminals (2) AC SPD

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Figure 3-92 ACDU exterior

Figure 3-93 ACDU interior

(1) Three-phase AC output (2) AC SPD signal terminal (3) AC SPD


(4) Three-phase AC input (5) AC output N terminals (6) Three-phase AC output

circuit breakers and terminals circuit breakers

(7) Single-phase AC output (8) Residual current circuit (9) Ground screw
circuit breaker breaker

(10) Maintenance socket

The ACDU is an AC power distribution unit that supports one three-phase AC

power input and multiple AC power outputs.

Table 3-61 ACDU function description

Function Description

Rated input 200 V–240 V/346 V–415 V; 50 Hz/60 Hz; 3-phase, max. 54 A;
power single-phase, max. 72 A

Rated output 200 V–240 V/346 V–415 V; 50 Hz/60 Hz; 3-phase, max. 54 A;
power single-phase, max. 72 A

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Function Description

Input Provides one 3-pole 63 A AC circuit breaker for one three-

phase 380 V AC input.

Output Provides one 10 A European-standard maintenance socket

with a residual current circuit breaker. (Optional)

Provides one 3-pole 63 A AC circuit breaker for one three-

phase 380 V AC output.

Provides four UT16 wiring terminals for one three-phase 380

V AC output to the DCDU.

Provides one 1-pole 16 A AC circuit breaker for one single-

phase 220 V AC output port.

AC surge ACDU-63A1: nominal discharge current In: 20 kA (8/20 μs);

protection maximum discharge current Imax: 40 kA (8/20 μs); reports
AC surge protection alarms over a dry contact.
ACDU-63A2: nominal discharge current In: 30 kA (8/20 μs);
maximum discharge current Imax: 60 kA (8/20 μs); reports
AC surge protection alarms over a dry contact.

Table 3-62 ACDU technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x ACDU-63A1: 177.8 mm x 482.6 mm x 82 mm (including

D) mounting ears)
ACDU-63A2: 177.8 mm x 482.6 mm x 150.6 mm
(including mounting ears)

Weight ACDU-63A1: 5 kg
ACDU-63A2: 6 kg


Figure 3-94 ACDU-125B1 exterior

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Figure 3-95 ACDU-125B1 interior

(1) Dual–live wire or single- (2) AC SPD (3) Dual–live wire or single-
phase AC output terminals phase AC input circuit breaker

(4) Dual–live wire or single- (5) Residual current circuit (6) Ground screw
phase AC output circuit breaker

(7) Maintenance socket

The ACDU-125B1 is an AC power distribution unit that supports one dual–live wire
or single-phase AC power input and multiple AC power outputs.

Table 3-63 ACDU-125B1 function description

Function Description

Rated input power 100 V–120 V/200 V–240 V; dual–live wire/single-phase;

50 Hz/60 Hz; max. 100 A
The default input is dual–live wire input. If single-phase input is
chosen, adjust the input short-circuit bar.

Rated output power 100 V–120 V/200 V–240 V; dual–live wire/single-phase;

50 Hz/60 Hz; max. 100 A

Input Provides one 2-pole 125 A AC circuit breaker for one 110
V dual–live wire or 220 V single-phase AC input.

Output Provides two UT35 terminals for one 110 V dual–live

wire or 220 V single-phase AC output to the DCDU.

Provides one 2-pole 16 A AC circuit breaker for one 110

V or 220 V single-phase AC output

Provides one 10 A/125 V American standard

maintenance socket loop output.

AC surge protection Nominal discharge current In: 30 kA (8/20 µs);

maximum discharge current Imax: 60 kA (8/20 µs);
reports AC surge protection alarms over a dry contact.

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Table 3-64 ACDU-125B1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x 177.8 mm x 482 mm x 90 mm (including mounting

D) ears)

Weight ≤ 6 kg

3.3.15 AC Transfer Switch ATS-63A2

Figure 3-96 ATS-63A2 exterior

Figure 3-97 ATS-63A2 interior

(1) Space for a residual current (2) 10 A AC output circuit (3) Three-phase AC output
device (RCD) breaker terminals

(4) N terminals (5) ATS main control box (6) Transfer switch

(7) Space for a maintenance (8) Ground bar (9) SPD


(10) DG 1 input circuit (11) Mains/DG 2 input circuit

breakers and terminals breakers and terminals

The ATS-63A2 is an automatic switch system integrating control and power
distribution. It supports and detects the three-phase inputs from two power

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sources (DG 1 and mains or DG 1 and DG 2) and switches between the two power
inputs. The power source can switch to DG 1 by turning the bypass switch. The
following table describes the ATS functions.

Table 3-65 ATS-63A2 function description

Function Description

Rated input 200–240 V/346–415 V; three-phase; 50 Hz/60 Hz; max. 63

power A

Rated output 200–240 V/346–415 V; three-phase; 50 Hz/60 Hz; max. 63

power A

AC power Provides one route of three-phase AC power distribution for

distribution downstream loads, one 10 A AC output, and one reserved
maintenance socket output.

Power source Provides a bypass switch that allows the power source to
switching switch to DG 1.

Monitoring Monitors the voltage, current, frequency, and power factor

of three-phase outputs.

Protection Protects against mains overvoltage, mains undervoltage,

DG overvoltage, and DG undervoltage.

Alarm Generates alarms for mains open phase and DG open


AC surge Nominal discharge current In: 30 kA (8/20 µs); maximum

protection discharge current Imax: 60 kA (8/20 µs)

Port surge Alarm port: 5 kA, 8/20 µs; in-cabinet CAN port: 250 A, 8/20
protection µs

Technical Specifications

Table 3-66 ATS-63A2 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 175 mm x 482.6 mm x 310 mm (including mounting


Weight 20 kg

Working Mode
The ATS-63A2 can work in automatic mode (AUTO) or manual mode (BYPASS).

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3.3.16 PVDU-60A1

Figure 3-98 PVDU-60A1 exterior

Figure 3-99 PVDU-60A1 interior

(1) PV– input wiring terminals (2) PV+ input circuit breakers

Table 3-67 PVDU-60A1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x 43.6 mm x 482.6 mm x 123 mm (including mounting

D) ears)

Weight 5 kg

Input 70–150 V DC; max. 4 x 45 A

Output 70–150 V DC; max. 4 x 45 A

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Cabling mode Routed in from the left and right and routed out from
the front

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

Operating temperature –20°C to +65°C

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

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Item Specifications

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

IP rating IP20

3.3.17 PVDU-100A1 (02312QCE-001)

The PVDU-100A1 is a photovoltaic distribution unit (PVDU) that converts solar
energy input into stable –48 V DC output to power telecommunications
equipment. It applies to solar access scenarios.

Figure 3-100 PVDU-100A1 exterior

Figure 3-101 PVDU-100A1 interior

(1) Solar input circuit breakers (2) Space for SSUs (3) Network ports

(4) DC output wiring terminal (5) Ground screw

Table 3-68 PVDU-100A1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x 43.6 mm x 482.6 mm x 330 mm (including mounting

D) ears)

Weight 2.9 kg

Input 70–150 V DC; max. 100 A

Output 70–150 V DC; max. 100 A

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

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Item Specifications

Cabling mode Routed in from the left and right and routed out from
the front

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

Operating temperature –20°C to +65°C

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

IP rating IP20

3.3.18 PVDU-100A1 (02312QCE)


Figure 3-102 PVDU-100A1 exterior


Figure 3-103 PVDU-100A1 interior

(1) Solar input circuit breakers (2) Space for SSUs (3) SMU11B

(4) DC output wiring terminal (5) Ground screw

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Technical Specifications

Table 3-69 PVDU technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x 43.6 mm x 482.6 mm x 330 mm (including mounting

D) ears)

Weight 2.9 kg

Input 70–150 V DC; max. 100 A

Output 70–150 V DC; max. 100 A

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Cabling mode Routed in from the left and right and routed out from
the front

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

Operating temperature –20°C to +65°C

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to

4000 m, high temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each
additional 200 m.)

IP rating IP20

3.3.19 PVDU-200A1

Figure 3-104 PVDU-200A1 exterior

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Figure 3-105 PVDU-200A1 interior

(1) Ground screw (2) PV+ input terminals (3) Space for SSUs

(4) NEG (–) (5) RTN (+) (6) DC output port

(7) CAN communications ports (8) PV– input circuit breakers

Table 3-70 PVDU-200A1 technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 130.5 mm x 482.6 mm x 310 mm (including

mounting ears)

Weight 15 kg

Input 70–150 V DC; max. 4 x 45 A

Output –53.5 V DC; max. 200 A

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Cabling mode Routed in from the left and out from the right

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

Operating temperature –20°C to +65°C (starts to derate at 55°C, derated

to 80% at 65°C)

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Altitude 0–4000 m. (When the altitude ranges from 2000

m to 4000 m, high temperature derating applies
and the operating temperature decreases by 1°C
for each additional 200 m.)

IP rating IP20

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3.3.20 DG Battery Charger BC-1206A

Figure 3-106 BC-1206A exterior

Figure 3-107 BC-1206A interior

(1) Ground screw (2) DC input (3) Network ports

(4) Surge protection board (5) Slots for the BCU-1203A

(behind the baffle plate)


Table 3-71 BC-1206A function description

Function Description

DC module The BC-1206A can integrate two BCU-1203A modules, each

with one –48 V DC input and one 13.50 V DC/3 A output.

Input protection ● Protects against input undervoltage.

● Protects against input overcurrent.
● Protects against input reverse connection.

Output ● Protects against output overvoltage.

protection ● Protects against output current limiting.
● Protects against output short circuits.
● Protects against output reverse connection.
● Protects against output overtemperature.
● Isolates output faults.

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Technical Specifications

Table 3-72 BC-1206A technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 43.6 mm x 482.6 mm x 330 mm (including mounting


Weight ≤ 10 kg

Input operating voltage –40 V DC to –60 V DC

Output voltage 13.5 V; max. 6 A (max. 3 A for a single BCU)

Output power 81 W

3.3.21 DG Battery Charger Module BCU-1203A

Figure 3-108 BCU-1203A exterior

(1) Power indicator (2) Indicator of CAN bus (3) Fault indicator
communication exception and
output current limiting

(4) DC output port for (5) Auxiliary DC output port (6) Power switch
supplying power to the DG

(7) Handle (8) Air intake vent


Table 3-73 BCU-1203A function description

Function Description

DC-DC conversion Converts –48 V DC into 12 V DC to charge the DG battery.

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Function Description

Input protection ● Protects against input undervoltage.

● Protects against input reverse connection.

Output protection ● Protects against output current limiting.

● Protects against output short circuits.
● Protects against output reverse connection.

Alarm protection Indicates alarms by indicators.

Technical Specifications

Table 3-74 BCU-1203A technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 44.8 mm x 105 mm x 268.5 mm

Weight ≤ 2 kg

Input operating voltage –36 V DC to –60 V DC

Output voltage Rated voltage: 13.5 V DC

Number of outputs 2 (BAT_OUT_A max. output 3 A, DG battery

connection supported; AUX_OUT_C max. output 1 A)

Total output power 81 W


Table 3-75 Indicator definition

Indicator Color Normal Abnormal Reason

State State

Power indicator Green On Off The green indicator is

steady on when the
charger is working

Indicator of CAN Yellow Off On The yellow indicator is

bus Blinking on when the output
communication current is limited.
exception and The yellow indicator is
output current blinking if the CAN bus
limiting communication is

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Indicator Color Normal Abnormal Reason

State State

Fault indicator Red Off On The red indicator is on if

the output is abnormal
due to input
overvoltage, input
undervoltage, output
short circuit, output
reverse connection,
protection, or any other
internal fault.

3.3.22 Inverter DJN1000-S

Figure 3-109 DJN1000-S interior

(1) Ground screw (2) DC input terminals (3) Switch

(4) Air intake vent (5) Indicators (6) Dry contact terminals

(7) AC output socket (8) SPD (9) AC input terminals

(10) AC PE terminal (11) AC output terminals

Table 3-76 DJN1000-S technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 43.5 mm x 482.6 mm x 286 mm (including

mounting ears)

Rated output capacity 1000 VA/700 W

DC input Rated voltage 48 V DC

Rated current 17 A

AC input Rated voltage 220 V AC

Rated frequency 50 Hz

AC output Output voltage 220 V AC (±3%)

Output 50 Hz (tolerance ±1%)


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Item Specifications

Output mode One AC output wiring terminal and one multi-

purpose AC output socket

Table 3-77 DJN1000-S indicator description

Silk Screen Color Description

LINE Green The indicator is on when there is mains power input.

The indicator is off when there is no mains power

INV Green The indicator is on when the inverter is normal.

The indicator is off when the inverter is abnormal.
The indicator blinks when the inverter is in energy
saving mode in which mains power is preferred.

BAT.H/L Yellow The indicator blinks when there is a DC input

undervoltage or overvoltage alarm.
The indicator is on when there is protection against
DC input undervoltage or overvoltage.

FAULT Yellow The indicator is off when the inverter is normal.

The indicator is on when the inverter is abnormal.

Figure 3-110 DJN1000-S dry contact terminals

Table 3-78 Definition of DJN1000-S dry contact terminals

Pin Description

1 and 2 Dry contact signal for a DC input abnormality alarm, open

when DC input is normal, closed when DC input is abnormal

1 and 3 Dry contact signal for a DC input abnormality alarm, closed

when DC input is normal, open when DC input is abnormal

4 and 5 Dry contact signal for an inverter abnormality alarm, open

when the inverter is normal, closed when the inverter is

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Pin Description

4 and 6 Dry contact signal for an inverter abnormality alarm, closed

when the inverter is normal, open when the inverter is

3.3.23 Outdoor Wired AC Meter Box ACMB

The outdoor wired AC meter box ACMB integrates the iACMETER, AC current
transformer, and surge protective device (SPD). It is applied in an outdoor

Figure 3-111 ACMB appearance

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Figure 3-112 ACMB ports

(1) AC input terminals (2) AC SPD (3) Signal SPD

(4) iACMETER (5) Ground bar (6) AC current transformer

adapting ports

(7) Antenna (8) Cable bridge (9) Cable holes

Table 3-79 Configuration description

Model Configuration

ACMB-WAT23D1 Two routes of AC voltage detection (mains and DG),

configured with six 100 A AC current transformers

Table 3-80 ACMB specifications

Category Item Specifications

Environment Operating temperature -20°C to + 60°C

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Storage humidity 5%–95% RH

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude ranges

from 2000 m to 4000 m, high
temperature derating applies and
the operating temperature
decreases by 1°C for each additional
200 m.

Structure Dimensions (H x W x 310 mm x 300 mm x 90 mm


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Category Item Specifications

Weight < 3 kg

Electrical Power consumption <3W


EMC Conducted emission EN55032, Class A


Radiated emission (RE) EN300386/EN55032, Class B

Electrostatic discharge Contact discharge 6 kV; air

(ESD) discharge 8 kV, Class B

Electrical fast transient Power port: 2 kV; signal port: 1 kV;

(EFT) IEC 61000-4-4, Class B

Radiated susceptibility 80 MHz–6 GHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM (1

(RS) kHz)
IEC61000-4-3, Class A

Conducted Power port: 0.15–80 MHz, 10 V 80%

susceptibility (CS) AM (1 kHz)
Signal port: 0.15–80 MHz, 3 V 80%
AM (1 kHz)

Surge susceptibility IEC61000-4-5

Impulse current IEC61000-4-5

Surge AC input port Surge:

protection 6 kV (line to line), 1.2/50 µs, 2
6 kV (single line to ground), 1.2/50
µs, 2 ohms
Impulse current: 30 kA/60 kA, 8/20

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Category Item Specifications

RS485 port Surge:

Differential mode: 6 kV (line to
line), 10/700 µs, 15 ohms + 25
ohms per line
Common mode: 6 kV (two or
multiple lines to ground), 10/700
µs, 15 ohms + 25 ohms per line
Differential mode: 6 kV (line to
line), 1.2/50 µs, 2 ohms + 40 ohms
Common mode: 6 kV (two or
multiple lines to ground), 1.2/50 µs,
2 ohms + n x 40 ohms per line
Impulse current: 3 kA/5 kA, 8/20 μs

Safety design IEC/EN 60950-1

RF ● 2403–2483 MHz
● 433.05–434.79 MHz

Environmental RoHS, REACH, WEEE


Protection IP rating IP55

Reliability MTBF 200,000 hours (at 25°C)

3.3.24 AC Meter iACMETER

The wireless AC meter iACMETER integrates wireless, RS485, and wired
communication on the basis of a conventional smart AC meter. It detects and
collects electric energy data and responds to real-time data query from the
upstream host. The power port, voltage collection port, and communications port
are all designed with a surge protection function, so they are applicable to
complex and harsh environments.

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Figure 3-113 Appearance and ports

(1) DIP switch (2) Indicator (3) Button

(4) AC input 1 (5) AC input 2 (6) Dry contact ports

(7) Northbound RS485 port (8) AC current transformer

adapting ports

Figure 3-114 AC current transformer

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Table 3-81 Port definitions

Port Name Panel Silk Screen Description

AC input 1 L1 Mains input or DG input



AC input 2 L1 DG input





DI2+ DI2


DI3+ DI3


RS485_NORTH A Northbound RS485 port

CH1/CH2/CH3/ IA1+ Branch 1/2/3/4 AC current detection






Table 3-82 AC meter specifications

Category Item Specifications

Environment Operating –20°C to +60°C


Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Relative humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

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Category Item Specifications

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude ranges

from 2000 m to 4000 m, high
temperature derating applies and the
operating temperature decreases by
1°C for each additional 200 m.

Structure Dimensions (H x W x 60 mm x 90 mm x 72 mm (meter

D) body)

Weight 0.5 kg (meter body)

Input Voltage Phase voltage: 85–300 V AC (rated

110 V AC/220 V AC/250 V AC)
Line voltage: 148–520 V AC (rated
190 V AC/380 V AC/440 V AC)

Measurement Current 0.5% (meter body)

Voltage 0.5%

Power Fit for a grade 1 electric energy


Power factor ±2%

Frequency ±0.1 Hz (45–65 Hz)

Electric energy Fit for a grade 1 electric energy


EMC Conducted emission EN61326-1, Class B


Radiated emission EN61326-1, Class A


Electrostatic discharge Contact discharge 6 kV; air discharge

(ESD) 8 kV
EN61326-1, Class B

Electrical fast transient 4 kV

(EFT) EN61326-1, Class B

Radiated susceptibility 80 MHz–6 GHz, 10 V/m 80% AM (1

(RS) kHz)
EN61326-1, Class A

Conducted Power port: 0.15–80 MHz, 10 V 80%

susceptibility (CS) AM (1 kHz)
Signal port: 0.15–80 MHz, 3 V 80%
AM (1 kHz)

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Category Item Specifications

Surge susceptibility EN61326-1

Impulse current EN61326-1

Safety design IEC/EN61010-1

RF ● 2403–2483 MHz
● 433.05–434.79 MHz

Environmental RoHS, REACH, WEEE


Protection IP rating IP20

Reliability MTBF 200,000 hours (at 25°C)

3.3.25 Outdoor Wired DC Meter Box DCMB

The outdoor wired DC meter box DCMB integrates the iDCMETER, Hall effect
sensor, and signal SPD. It is applied in an outdoor environment.

Figure 3-115 DCMB appearance

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Figure 3-116 Ports of the outdoor wired DC meter box

(1) Signal SPD (2) iDCMETER (3) Cable bridge

(4) Cable holes

Table 3-83 Configuration description

Model Configuration

DCMB-WAR43C1 One iDCMETER + Four 100 A Hall effect sensors

Table 3-84 DCMB (outdoor) specifications

Category Item Specifications

Environment Operating temperature –20°C to +60°C

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Operating humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

Storage humidity 5%–95% RH

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude

ranges from 2000 m to 4000 m,
high temperature derating applies
and the operating temperature
decreases by 1°C for each additional
200 m.

Structure Dimensions (H x W x D) 310 mm x 300 mm x 90 mm

Weight < 3 kg

Electrical Power consumption < 20 W


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Category Item Specifications

EMC Conducted emission DC power port: Class A

(CE) EN55032

Radiated emission (RE) EN300386/EN55032, Class B

Electrostatic discharge Contact discharge 6 kV; air

(ESD) discharge 8 kV, Class B

Electrical fast transient Power port: 2 kV, signal port: 1 kV

(EFT) EN61000-4-4, Class B

Radiated susceptibility 80 MHz–6 GHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM

(RS) (1 KHz)
EN61000-4-3, Class A

Conducted susceptibility Power port: 0.15–80 MHz; 10 V

(CS) 80% AM (1 kHz)
Signal port: 0.15–80 MHz; 3 V 80%
AM (1 kHz)
EN61000-4-6, Class A

Surge susceptibility EN61000-4-5

Impulse current EN61000-4-5

Safety design EN60950-1

RF ● 2405–2480 MHz
● 433.6 MHz

Protection IP rating IP55

Reliability MTBF 200,000 hours (at 25°C)

3.3.26 DC Meter iDCMETER

The wireless DC meter iDCMETER integrates wireless, RS485, and wired
communication on the basis of a conventional smart DC meter. It detects and
collects electric energy data and responds to real-time data query from the
upstream host.

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Figure 3-117 Appearance and ports

(1) Indicator (2) Button (3) DIP switch

(4) HALL ports (5) Antenna port (6) Northbound RS485 port

(7) Battery midpoint voltage (8) Battery voltage detection (9) Power port
detection ports port

Figure 3-118 Hall effect sensor

Table 3-85 Port definitions

Ports Panel Silk Description

RS485_NORTH A RS485 data, positive

B RS485 data, negative

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Ports Panel Silk Description


Battery M1 Battery string 1 midpoint voltage

voltage M2 Battery string 2 midpoint voltage
detection port M3 Battery string 3 midpoint voltage

M4 Battery string 4 midpoint voltage

BAT + Battery voltage, positive

- Battery voltage, negative

Power port RTN DC input, positive

–48 V DC input, negative

Figure 3-119 HALL current detection port pins

Table 3-86 Pin definitions for HALL_1–HALL_4 current detection ports

Pin Signal Description

1 +12V +12 V power supply

2 -12V –12 V power supply

3 AI Current detection signal

4 GND Ground

Table 3-87 DC meter specifications

Category Item Specifications

Environment Operating temperature –20°C to +60°C

Storage temperature –40°C to +70°C

Relative humidity 5%–95% RH (non-condensing)

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Category Item Specifications

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude

ranges from 2000 m to 4000 m,
high temperature derating applies
and the operating temperature
decreases by 1°C for each additional
200 m.

Structure Dimensions (H x W x D) 38 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm

Weight 0.5 kg

Input Voltage –36 V DC to –60 V DC

Electrical Power consumption <5W


Measurement Current 0.5% (meter body)

Voltage 0.5% (measurement range: 36–60 V
DC, rated voltage: 48 V DC)

Power If a Hall effect sensor is configured,

the detection error in the full range
at 25°C is equal to or less than ±1%
of the full-range power.

Electric energy If a Hall effect sensor is configured,

the detection error in the full range
at 25°C is equal to or less than ±1%
of the full-range electric energy.

EMC Conducted emission –48 V input port: Class A

(CE) Signal port: Class B
EN 55032

Radiated emission (RE) EN55032, Class A

Electrostatic discharge Contact discharge 6/8 kV; air

(ESD) discharge 8/15 kV, Class B/R
Signal port 2 kV, Class R

Electrical fast transient Power port: 2 kV, signal port: 1 kV

(EFT) EN61000-4-4, Class B

Radiated susceptibility 80 MHz–6 GHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM

(RS) (1 KHz)
EN61000-4-3, Class A

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Category Item Specifications

Conducted susceptibility Power port: 0.15–80 MHz; 10 V

(CS) 80% AM (1 kHz)
Signal port: 0.15–80 MHz; 3 V 80%
AM (1 kHz)
EN61000-4-6, Class A

Surge susceptibility EN61000-4-5

Voltage dips immunity EN61000-4-29


Safety design EN60950-1

RF ● 2405–2480 MHz
● 433.6 MHz

Protection IP rating IP20

Reliability MTBF 200,000 hours (at 25°C)

3.3.27 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Figure 3-120 Temperature and humidity sensor

3.3.28 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor

A digital temperature and humidity sensor detects the indoor ambient
temperature and humidity in real time.

Figure 3-121 Appearance 1

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Figure 3-122 Appearance 2

DIP Switch
The following figure shows the DIP switch on a digital T/H sensor. The following
table describes the DIP switch settings.

Figure 3-123 DIP switch 1

Figure 3-124 DIP switch 2

Table 3-88 DIP switch settings

Toggle Toggle Toggle Toggle Toggle Toggle T/H
Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Sensor



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3.3.29 Water Sensor

Figure 3-125 Water sensor

3.3.30 Water Sensor (Electrode type)

A water sensor detects water based on the resistance change between both
When the electrodes detect water, they are short-circuited and the SMU reports an

Figure 3-126 Appearance

3.3.31 Smoke Sensor

Figure 3-127 Smoke sensor

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3.3.32 DC Heater (HAU02D)

Figure 3-128 DC heater exterior

(1) Power port (2) Ground screw (3) Indicator

Table 3-89 DC heater specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 43.6 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm

Weight ≤ 1 kg

Operating voltage range 36–75 V DC

Rated operating voltage 48 V DC

Rated power 300 W

Operating temperature range –40°C to +65°C

Startup temperature 5±3°C

Shutdown temperature 15±3°C

Operating humidity range 5%–95% RH

Altitude 0–4000 m. When the altitude ranges from 2000

m to 4000 m, the operating temperature
decreases by 1°C for each additional 200 m.

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3.3.33 Signal SPD (SPM01A)

Figure 3-129 SPM01A

(1) IN port (2) OUT port (3) Ground screw

3.4 ESS

3.4.1 ESM-48100A3
Figure 3-130 Panel and ports

Table 3-90 Port description

No. Silk Screen Item

1 DO1 Alarm output dry contacts


2 RUN Running indicator

ALM Alarm indicator

CHG Charge indicator

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No. Silk Screen Item

DCHG Discharge indicator

3 COM_ IN Communications ports


5 GND Protective ground

6 MANUAL ON/OFF Button for manual power-on/off

7 + ESM power ports

8 PWR PWR activation port (The ESM can be

activated if an external voltage ranging
from 43.2 V to 58 V is connected.)

Table 3-91 DO1 and DO2 port description

Silk Screen Definition Description Alarm Status

DO1 Fault or If the ESM raises one of the following Configurable (By
major alarm alarms, the dry contact supplies an alarm default, an alarm
signal: is generated if
Cell voltage sampling fault, electrochemical the dry contact is
cell temperature sampling fault, charge closed.)
converter output short circuit, relay coil short
circuit, charge low temperature protection,
discharge low temperature protection,
charge high temperature protection,
discharge high temperature protection,
power module internal overtemperature
protection, discharge converter output short
circuit, input reverse connection, BMU anti-
theft lock, overload lockout due to
component failure, serial number conflict,
input/output discharge overvoltage lockout,
discharge overcurrent lockout, discharge
overcurrent protection, and electrochemical
cell 1–N fault alarm

DO2 Overload If the ESM raises one of the following

warning, alarms, the dry contact supplies an alarm
overdischarge signal:
protection, or Discharge undervoltage alarm, discharge
overdischarge undervoltage protection, discharge due to
single ESM cell low voltage disconnection,
and overload warning

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Table 3-92 Communications port pins

Pin Definition RJ45 Pin Signal Meaning Description

1 NC Reserved -

2 NC Reserved

3 NC Reserved

4 NC Reserved

5 NC Reserved

6 NC Reserved

7 CANH CAN communication Used to report

+ alarms to a
monitoring unit and
8 CANL CAN communication exchange data
– between ESMs
connected in

Table 3-93 LED indicator description

Indicator Silk Screen Item Color Description

RUN Running indicator Green Steady on:

is normal
(including board
startup, self-
check, software
loading, and
board power-on
when not loaded;
excluding sleep
when the input/
output port or
activation port is
Off: The ESM is
in sleep mode.
Blinking slowly:
The LUI is
querying data.
Blinking fast:
is interrupted.

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Indicator Silk Screen Item Color Description

ALM Fault indicator Red Steady on: There

is a fault or
major alarm.
Off: There is no
fault or major

CHG Charge indicator Green Steady on: The

ESM is being
Off: The ESM is
open-circuited or

DCHG Discharge Green Steady on: The

indicator ESM is
Off: The ESM is
open-circuited or
being charged.

● Major alarm: The ESM needs to be maintained immediately.
● Minor alarm: The ESM does not require maintenance, but sends a reminder to remote
maintenance personnel.
● Blinking slowly: on for 1s and then off for 1s
● Blinking fast: on for 0.125s and then off for 0.125s
● All indicators are blinking: The ESM has entered the maintenance mode.
● When the ESM is in sleep mode, the fault indicator is off except for reverse-connection

Activation and Startup

An ESM can be activated in three modes. After being activated, the ESM switches
from sleep mode to disconnected mode.

Table 3-94 Activation mode

Item Requirement

PWR activation The PWR activation port receives 43.2–58 V DC

power for at least 5s.

MANUAL ON/OFF activation Hold down the MANUAL ON/OFF button for at
least 5s and less than 15s.

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Item Requirement

Power port activation The power port receives 43.2–58 V DC power for
at least 5s.

1. The MANUAL ON/OFF button is a contact button. The interval for pressing the button should
be greater than 0.5s; otherwise, the operation is ineffective.
2. If you have powered off the ESM that is in charging, discharging, or disconnected mode by
holding down the MANUAL ON/OFF button, you need to hold down this button again to
reactivate the ESM.

Technical Specifications

Table 3-95 Technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x ● 442 mm x 485 mm x 285 mm (excluding mounting ears)

H) ● 482 mm x 485 mm x 285 mm (including mounting ears)

Weight 75 kg

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

Relative humidity 5%–95% RH

Altitude 0–4000 m (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to 4000 m, the
highest operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each additional 200

Ripple and noise ≤ 200 mV

IP rating IP20

Other requirements Outdoor scenario:

● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or explosion
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other indicators should
be controlled in accordance with Class 4.1 requirements in ETSI EN
300 019-1-4 (V2.2.1).

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3.4.2 ESM-48100B1
Figure 3-131 Panel and ports

Table 3-96 Port description

No. Silk Screen Item

1 GND Protective ground

2 DO1 Alarm output dry contacts


3 RUN Running indicator

ALM Alarm indicator

CHG Charge indicator

DCHG Discharge indicator

SOC SOC indicator

4 COM_ IN Communications ports


6 / Buzzer (The ESM supports the buzzer alarm

function. After the buzzer alarm function is
enabled, the buzzer buzzes when the ESMU
detects that the ESM is stolen through the
software lock, intelligent displacement lock,
or IoT module.)

7 PWR PWR activation port (The ESM can be

activated if an external voltage ranging from
43.2 V to 58 V is connected.)

8 + ESM power ports

9 MANUAL ON/OFF Button for manual power-on/off

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Table 3-97 DO1 and DO2 port description

Silk Definition Description Alarm Status

DO1 Fault or major If the ESM raises one of the following alarms, (Configurable) By
alarm the dry contact supplies an alarm signal: default, an alarm is
Cell voltage sampling fault, cell temperature generated if the
sampling fault, charge converter output short- dry contact is open.
circuit, relay coil short-circuit, charge low
temperature protection, discharge low
temperature protection, charge high
temperature protection, discharge high
temperature protection, power module internal
overtemperature protection, discharge
converter output short-circuit, input reverse
connection, BMU anti-theft lock, overload
lockout due to component failure, serial
number conflict, input/output discharge
overvoltage lockout, and discharge overcurrent

DO2 Overload If the ESM raises one of the following alarms,

warning, the dry contact supplies an alarm signal:
overdischarge Discharge undervoltage alarm, discharge
protection undervoltage protection, and discharge
overcurrent warning

Table 3-98 Communications port pins

Pin Definition RJ45 Pin Signal Meaning Description

1 RS485 T+ RS485 transmission ● Four-wire RS485

+ communication,
complying with
2 RS485 T- RS485 transmission the Modbus
– protocol and
3 NC Reserved master/slave
4 RS485 R+ RS485 reception + ● Support the baud
rate of 9600 bit/s.
5 RS485 R- RS485 reception –

6 NC Reserved -

7 CANH CAN communication Used to report

+ alarms to a
monitoring unit and
8 CANL CAN communication exchange data
– between ESMs
connected in

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Table 3-99 LED indicator description

Indicator Silk Item Color Description

RUN Running Green Steady on: Communication is normal

indicator (including board startup, self-check,
software loading, and board power-on
when not loaded; excluding sleep when
the input/output port or activation port is
Off: The ESM is in sleep mode.
Blinking slowly: The LUI is querying data.
Blinking fast: Communication is

ALM Fault Red Steady on: There is a fault or major alarm.

indicator Off: There is no fault or major alarm.
Blinking slowly: The ESM is locked for
theft prevention.

CHG Charge Green Steady on: The ESM is being charged.

indicator Off: The ESM is open-circuited or

DCHG Discharge Green Steady on: The ESM is discharging.

indicator Off: The ESM is open-circuited or being

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Indicator Silk Item Color Description


SOC SOC Green 1. 0–24% SOC

indicators ● 25% indicator: blinking
● Other SOC indicators: off
2. 25%–49% SOC
● 25% indicator: steady on
● 50% indicator: blinking
● Other SOC indicators: off
3. 50%–74% SOC
● 25% indicator: steady on
● 50% indicator: steady on
● 75% indicator: blinking
● Other SOC indicator: off
4. 75%–99% SOC
● 25% indicator: steady on
● 50% indicator: steady on
● 75% indicator: steady on
● 100% indicator: blinking
5. 100% SOC
The four SOC indicators are steady on.

● Major alarm: The ESM needs to be maintained immediately.
● Minor alarm: The ESM does not require maintenance, but sends a reminder to remote
maintenance personnel.
● Blinking slowly: on for 1s and then off for 1s
● Blinking fast: on for 0.125s and then off for 0.125s
● If the SOC indicators are off and other indicators are blinking, the ESM enters the maintenance
● When the ESM is in sleep mode, the fault indicator is off except for reverse-connection

Activation and Startup

An ESM can be activated in three modes. After being activated, the ESM switches
from sleep mode to disconnected mode.

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Table 3-100 Activation mode

Item Requirement

PWR activation The PWR activation port receives 43.2–58 V DC

power for at least 5s.

MANUAL ON/OFF activation Hold down the MANUAL ON/OFF button for at
least 5s and less than 15s.

Power port activation The power port receives 43.2–58 V DC power for
at least 5s.

1. The MANUAL ON/OFF button is a contact button. The interval for pressing the button should
be greater than 0.5s; otherwise, the operation is ineffective.
2. If you have powered off the ESM that is in charging, discharging, or disconnected mode by
holding down the MANUAL ON/OFF button, you need to hold down this button again to
reactivate the ESM.

Technical Specifications

Table 3-101 Technical specifications

Item Specifications

Dimensions (W x D x H) ● 442 mm x 396 mm x 130 mm (excluding mounting ears)

● 482 mm x 396 mm x 130 mm (including mounting ears)

Weight ≤ 44 kg

Nominal voltage 48 V DC

Equalized charge voltage 56.4 V DC

Float charge voltage 54.5 V DC

Maximum charge/ 100 A/100 A at 35°C

discharge current

Maximum charge/ 4800 W

discharge power

Operating temperature Charge: 0°C to 45°C; discharge: –20°C to +45°C

Relative humidity 5%–95%

Atmospheric pressure 61–113 kPa

Installation mode Installed in a 19-inch rack

Maintenance mode Maintained from the front

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Item Specifications

Altitude 0–4000 m (When the altitude ranges from 2000 m to 4000 m, the
highest operating temperature decreases by 1°C for each additional
200 m.)

Ripple and noise ≤ 200 mV

IP rating IP40

Other requirements Indoor scenario:

● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or explosion
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other indicators
should be controlled in accordance with Class 3.1 requirements in
ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 (V2.3.2 or a later version).
Outdoor scenario:
● There should be no conductive dust, corrosive gas, or explosion
● Dust, corrosive substances, pests, molds, and other indicators
should be controlled in accordance with Class 4.1 requirements in
ETSI EN 300 019-1-4 (V2.2.1).

3.4.3 FCB-A
The FCB-A is a fast charge battery. It belongs to the AGM battery family.

Figure 3-132 FCB-A series

An FCB-A applies to an unstable power grid. If mains is available, an FCB-A allows
a high charge current. If mains is unavailable, an FCB-A supplies power to
telecommunications equipment by relying on its good cycle performance. An FCB-
A can be charged and discharged 1500 times at 25°C when the DOD is 50%.

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Technical Specifications

Table 3-102 FCB-A series technical specifications

FCB-A Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight Maximum charge Rated

Series current voltage

FCB-200A 90 mm x 181 mm x 365 mm About 13 kg 60 A 2V

FCB-300A 124 mm x 181 mm x 365 mm About 18.5 kg 90 A 2V

FCB-400A 158 mm x 181 mm x 365 mm About 24 kg 120 A 2V

FCB-500A 191 mm x 181 mm x 365 mm About 30 kg 150 A 2V

FCB-650A 225 mm x 181 mm x 365 mm About 35 kg 195 A 2V

3.4.4 SCB-A
The SCB-A is an AGM battery.

SCB-A series is designed for the energy systems that use renewable energy such as
solar energy and wind energy and provides good circulation.

Figure 3-133 SCB-A

● Can be charged in a large current and capacity can be restored.
● Adapts to high temperatures.
● Can be charged and discharged 4000 times at 35°C when the DOD is 30%.


Table 3-103 SCB-A series technical specifications

SCB-A Dimensions (W x D x H) Weight Maximum Rated

Series charge current voltage

SCB-200A 227 mm x 96 mm x 303 mm About 18 kg 40 A 2V

SCB-300A 227 mm x 133 mm x 303 mm About 25 kg 60 A 2V

SCB-500A 231 mm x 155 mm x 408 mm About 40 kg 100 A 2V

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SCB-A Dimensions (W x D x H) Weight Maximum Rated

Series charge current voltage

SCB-600A 231 mm x 180 mm x 408 mm About 48 kg 120 A 2V

SCB-800A 231 mm x 231 mm x 408 mm About 62 kg 160 A 2V

3.5 OSS
The iMaster NetEco monitors and manages the key performance indicators (KPIs)
and alarms for power and environment related devices in real time, effectively
improving the remote operation and maintenance of such devices, reducing the
number of site visits, and lowering the operation and maintenance cost. The
NetEco can also collect and analyze site power consumption data and raise energy
saving optimization suggestions.

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4 Routine Maintenance

4.1 Preparations
Before maintenance, get familiar with the site and prepare maintenance tools.

Getting Familiar with Sites

Before maintaining, maintenance engineers need to get familiar with the site
environment, solution composition, component connection modes, drawings, and
installation procedure.

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Figure 4-1 Installation tools and instruments

4.2 EPS Routine Maintenance

4.2.1 Routine Maintenance for PV Modules
Maintain PV modules periodically based on site requirements. The recommended
maintenance interval is six months. If any faults occur, rectify the faults in time.

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● Do not clean a damaged PV module. Instead, replace it immediately.

● Clean PV modules at dawn, at dusk, or on a day without sunshine. Do not use cool
water to clean sun-warmed PV modules as it will break the glass cover on the PV

Table 4-1 PV module routine maintenance checklist

Maintenance Check Item Check Repair Condition Solution
Item Method

Exterior Check whether PV Visual PV modules are Replace the

modules are observation damaged. damaged PV
damaged. modules.

Check whether Visual There are oil Wipe the surface of

there are oil stains, observation stains, dust, or PV modules using
dust, or snow on snow on the soft cotton cloth. For
the surface of PV surface of PV the stains hard to
modules. modules. remove, use
moderate detergent
without abrasives.

Check whether the Visual The support is Remove the rust and
PV module support observation corroded or rusty. repaint it again.
is corroded or rusty.

Check whether the Visual The pole is ● Replace the

pole is deformed or observation deformed or deformed pole.
tilted. tilted. ● Adjust the tilted

Check whether the Slightly shake The bolts are Tighten the loose
PV module support the support. loose and the bolts and nuts.
is stable. support is not

Conducting Check whether Visual The conducting Replace the broken

wire conducting wires observation wires are conducting wires and
are damaged or damaged or wrap the damaged
broken. broken. parts with insulation

Wiring Check whether the - The wiring Secure the wiring

terminal wiring terminals terminals are terminals.
are securely loose.

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Maintenance Check Item Check Repair Condition Solution

Item Method

Electrical Check whether the Use a Under normal sun Replace the PV
specifications open-circuit voltage multimeter. exposure (800 module.
of a PV module is W/m2 illumination
normal. intensity
ensure that the
voltage is at least
30% lower than
the nominal value.

4.2.2 Routine Maintenance for an SJB

Perform periodic maintenance based on site requirements. The recommended
maintenance interval is six months.

Table 4-2 Solar junction box (SJB) routine maintenance checklist

Maintenance Check Item Check Repair Condition Solution

Item Method

Exterior Check whether SJBs Visual The paint on SJBs Remove the rust and
are corroded or observation flakes off or SJBs repaint it again.
rusty. rust.

Conducting Check whether Visual The conducting Replace the broken

wire conducting wires observation wires are conducting wires and
are damaged or damaged or wrap the damaged
broken. broken. parts with insulation

Wiring Check whether the - The wiring Secure the wiring

terminal wiring terminals are terminals are terminals.
securely connected. loose.

Printed circuit Check whether the Visual The PCB and Replace the SJB.
board (PCB) appearance of the observation; components are
PCB components is measure damaged or
normal. using a burned, and the
multimeter or voltage measured
clamp meter. is abnormal.

4.2.3 DG Routine Maintenance

The following table lists the common routine maintenance items of DGs. For
details about the maintenance operations, see the user manual of the DGs.

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Table 4-3 DG routine maintenance checklist

Maintenance Item Solution

Check the engine oil level. Check or replace the DGs periodically
based on the maintenance items and
Check the engine valve clearance. maintenance period specified in the
Check for fuel, engine oil, or air leakage. corresponding DG user manual.
Check electrical cable connections. In special scenarios such as the island site
or helicopter site, periodically check
Check and replace the fan belt. whether the fuel level is normal and
refuel the DGs in a timely manner to
Check and replace the coolant. avoid device faults.

Check and replace the water pump.

Check and replace fuel pipes, engine oil pipes, and pipe

Check and replace the fuel injector.

Clean the fuel inlet filter.

Clean the fuel tank.

Clean the compartment.

Clean the radiator.

Clean and replace the air filter element.

Replace the thermostat.

Replace the engine oil filter element.

Replace the fuel filter element.

Replace water pipes and pipe clamps.

Replace the fans.

4.3 CCS Routine Maintenance

Maintain the CCS periodically based on site requirements. The recommended
maintenance interval is six months. If any faults occur, rectify the faults in time.

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Table 4-4 CCS routine maintenance checklist

Maintenance Check Item Check Repair Condition Solution
Item Method

Cabinet door Check whether the Visual The door lock is Replace the door
lock door lock is observation damaged and lock.
damaged. or locking cannot be used.
and unlocking
the door

Cabinet Check whether the Visual The cabinet is Remove the rust and
cleanness cabinet is corroded observation corroded or rusty. repaint it again.
or rusty.

Check whether a Visual A pole or cabinet Replace the pole or

pole or cabinet is observation is deformed. cabinet.

Check whether the Visual The cabinet Use a soft cotton

cabinet surface is observation surface is dirty cloth to clean up oil
dirty with oil stains with oil stains or stains or dust on the
or dust. dust. cabinet surface.

Air filter Check whether dust Visual The air filter is Clean the air filter.
accumulates on the observation dusty.
air filter.

Cabinet Check whether Using a The temperature ● If the temperature

interior temperature inside thermometer inside the cabinet is below –20°C,
the cabinet is too is below –20°C or take heating
high or low. above +50°C. measures.
● If the temperature
is above +50°C,
take cooling
measures such as

Fan Check whether dust Visual The fan is dusty. Clean the dust.
accumulates on the observation

Check whether the Visual The fan is Replace the fan.

fan is intact, and observation damaged, the
the rotation speed, and listening vibration is
noise, and vibration abnormal, or the
are in normal noise is loud.

Exterior Check whether the Visual The cabinet is Repaint and repair
paint or observation damaged or the enclosure.
electroplated deformed.
coating on the
cabinet is intact.

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Maintenance Check Item Check Repair Condition Solution

Item Method

Grounding Check whether the Visual The cable Secure the ground
ground point observation connecting the point or replace the
properly connects and using a ground point and ground cable.
to the equipment tool such as a the equipment
room ground bar. screwdriver or room ground bar
wrench is damaged or

4.4 ICC Routine Maintenance

Maintain the ICC periodically based on site requirements. The recommended
maintenance interval is six months. If any faults occur, rectify the faults in time.

Table 4-5 ICC routine maintenance checklist

Maintenance Check Item Check Repair Condition Solution
Item Method

Electricity Check whether the Multimeter The battery low Refer to the device
output voltage is voltage troubleshooting
normal. disconnection instructions.
(BLVD) or load
low voltage
(LLVD) voltage
exceeds the

Preventive Check whether the Visual An alarm is

maintenance indicators are observation generated.

Cable Check whether the Visual ● The insulation ● Replace power

insulation layer observation layer cracks cables.
cracks or and ● Replace wiring
deteriorates and deteriorates. terminals.
wiring terminals ● Wiring
rust or drop. terminals are
rusty or

4.5 ESS Routine Maintenance

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4.5.1 Routine Maintenance for Lead-Acid Batteries

To extend the battery lifespan, maintain lead-acid batteries periodically.

Table 4-6 Lead-acid battery routine maintenance checklist

Check Check Item Expected Result Troubleshooting

Monthly Charge current The charge current should not Identify the cause of an alarm
exceed the preset charge based on the alarm
current limit. information.

Battery string After being charged in float- ● Check whether the voltage
charge voltage charging mode for 12 hours, setting on the power
the charge voltage of a 2 V system is within the
battery should be greater specified range. If it is not,
than or equal to 2.15 V, and rectify the fault
that of a 12 V battery should immediately.
be greater than or equal to ● Mark and record the
12.90 V. batteries whose voltages
At the end of equalized are beyond the specified
charging, the charge voltage range.
of a 2 V battery should be
● Charge the battery string
greater than or equal to 2.25
in equalized mode.
V, and that of a 12 V battery
should be greater than or ● Replace the undervoltage
equal to 13.50 V. batteries.

Voltage of each The open-circuit voltage of a Replace abnormal batteries.

battery 2 V battery should be greater
than or equal to 2.10 V, and
that of a 12 V battery should
be greater than or equal to
12.6 V.

Battery The battery enclosure is Replace abnormal batteries.

appearance intact, without acid leaks,
deformation, or bulges.

Battery No battery management Identify the cause of an alarm

management alarm is generated. based on the alarm
alarm information.

Battery The ambient temperature for Locate the cause of an

environment batteries should be lower abnormal temperature.
temperature than 50°C.

Battery surface The battery surface Replace the battery.

temperature temperature should be lower
than 50°C.

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Check Check Item Expected Result Troubleshooting


Environment A clean environment around Clear foreign matters.

around batteries batteries and the battery
and the battery cabinet (no unnecessary tools
cabinet or cables).

Quarterly Repeat all The criteria for quarterly The criteria for quarterly
monthly checked check are the same as those check are the same as those
items. of "Monthly Expected of "Monthly Troubleshooting".

Temperature Use an infrared Replace the temperature

sensor thermodetector to measure sensor if it is faulty.
the temperature at the probe Install the temperature sensor
of the temperature sensor, in the correct position.
and compare the reading with
the displayed temperature.
The deviation should be less
than or equal to 3°C.
Hang the battery temperature
sensor between any two
batteries at the topmost layer.

Tightness of The torque should meet the Tighten screws to the torque
battery screws manufacturer's requirements. specified by the manufacturer.

Cables between The cables are not Replace the cables.

batteries deteriorating, the insulation
layer does not crack, the
cable surface temperature is
normal and it does not feel

Airway tube There are no foreign matters Clear foreign matters.

in the airway tube.

Annual Repeat all The criteria for annually check The criteria for annually check
quarterly check are the same as those of are the same as those of
items. "Quarterly Expected Results". "Quarterly Troubleshooting".

Tighten all the - -

screws for
batteries to the
torque as
specified by the
manufacturer to
prevent fires.

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4.5.2 Routine Maintenance for ESMs

● To ensure the optimal operating status of ESMs, check and maintain ESMs
regularly. When maintaining ESMs, record related information for checking
ESM management parameters in the future.
● Install ESMs in a dry, clean, and ventilated environment that is far away from
sources of ignition. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight or rain water.
● Keep ESMs away from strong infrared radiation, organic solvents, and
corrosive gases.
● Ensure that battery cables do not come in contact with water.
● If an outdoor cabinet is used, it should have an IP rating of IPX4 at least.

Table 4-7 ESMs routine maintenance checklist

Maintenance Maintenance Measure
Interval Item

Monthly Operating Keep ESMs far away from heat sources and avoid direct
environment exposure to sunlight.

Exterior If an ESM experiences damage, leakage, or deformity,

disconnect, take pictures, and then replace the faulty ESM.

Quarterly Cleanliness Clean the ESM exterior using dry cotton cloth. Exercise caution
when cleaning an ESM because its voltage is high.

Connection Check the bolt at every terminal and tighten any loose bolt.
If a cable temperature exceeds 40°C (feels hot), locate the

Semi-annual Voltage ● Measure and record the busbar voltage and the positive
and negative voltages of ESMs when charging is about to
complete. Ensure that the voltages are the same. If the
voltages are different, check for cable faults and rectify
● In the first year, collect real-time data when discharging is
about to complete at least once every six months. If a
network management system is configured, collect data
● From the second year, check the capacity quarterly.

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5 Troubleshooting

5.1 General Troubleshooting Process

Figure 5-1 General troubleshooting process

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5.2 Common Component Troubleshooting Instructions


If the circuit breaker of the power supply trips or the fuse is broken, rectify the
fault and power on the power supply again. Do not switch on the circuit breaker
directly. Otherwise, the device may be faulty or sparked.

5.2.1 PV Module Troubleshooting

Table 5-1 PV module troubleshooting

Symptom Possible Cause Solution

There is ● Cable ● Check whether the cables are loose, disconnected, or

no output. connections are broken. If so, reconnect the cables properly or replace them.
abnormal. ● Use a multimeter to check whether each PV input has an
● PV modules are output voltage, and use a clamp meter to check whether
faulty. each PV input has a current. If no voltage or current is
● The combiner detected, check the PV modules.
box is faulty. ● Use a multimeter to check whether each PV module has an
output voltage. If a PV module has no output voltage,
replace it.
● Check whether the output voltage of each PV module is the
normal range in sunny days. If not, replace the PV module.

5.2.2 SMU Troubleshooting

Table 5-2 SMU troubleshooting

Symptom Possible Solution


The power system DC output is normal, but the SMU green indicator The SMU Replace the
is off. is faulty. SMU.

The SMU breaks down or cannot be started. Its LCD has abnormal
display or buttons cannot be operated.

With alarm reporting enabled, the SMU does not report an alarm
when the power system is faulty.

The SMU reports an alarm, whereas the power system does not
experience the fault.

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Symptom Possible Solution


The SMU fails to communicate with the connected downstream

devices even though the communications cables are correctly

Communication between the SMU and all PSUs is interrupted when

both the PSUs and communications cables are normal.

The SMU cannot monitor DC power distribution when both

communications cables and DC power distribution are normal.

Parameters cannot be set or running information cannot be viewed

on the SMU.

5.2.3 PSU Troubleshooting

Table 5-3 PSU troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Solution

The green There is no AC input. Check that the AC input voltage is

indicator is off. normal.

The input fuse is damaged. Replace the PSU.

The yellow Overtemperature occurs. Ensure that the ventilation vent is

indicator is unblocked.
steady on.
AC input overvoltage or Ensure that the AC power is properly
undervoltage occurs. supplied to the PSU.

The PSU is in sleep mode. (The If the PSU enters the sleep mode because
Protection indicator is steady on system parameters are being set, this
when the PSU is in sleep mode symptom is normal.
and no alarm is generated.)

The red indicator Output overvoltage protection is Hot swap the PSU for once. If there is still
is steady on. triggered. no output, replace the PSU.

The fan is faulty. Replace the PSU.

The PSU powers off due to Ensure that the ventilation vent is
overtemperature. unblocked.

The PSU generates no output due Replace the PSU.

to internal faults.

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5.2.4 SSU Troubleshooting

Table 5-4 SSU troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Solution

The green The SSU has no DC input. Check that the DC input voltage is normal.
indicator is off.
The input fuse is damaged. Replace the SSU.

The yellow Overtemperature occurs. Ensure that the ventilation vent is unblocked
indicator is and the ambient temperature is within the
steady on. normal range.

Output overvoltage occurs. Check whether the overvoltage is caused by

the external output.

The red indicator Output overvoltage protection Hot swap the SSU for once. If there is still no
is steady on. is triggered. output, replace the SSU.

The fan is faulty. Replace the SSU.

The SSU powers off due to Ensure that the ventilation vent is unblocked
overtemperature. and the ambient temperature is within the
normal range.

The SSU generates no output Replace the SSU.

due to internal faults.

5.2.5 ATS Troubleshooting

Table 5-5 ATS troubleshooting
Symptom Alarm Possible Cause Solution

Communication CAN communication ● The communications ● Reconnect the

is abnormal (the interruption alarm cable is loose. communications cable.
RUN indicator ● The ATS main ● Replace the ATS main
blinks at 0.5 Hz). control box is faulty. control box.

The ALM ● Channel 1 ● The contactor is ● Replace the SPD.

indicator is contactor alarm faulty. ● Replace the ATS main
steady on. and channel 2 ● The SPD is faulty. control box.
contactor alarm
● The meter chip is
● AC SPD 1 alarm faulty.
and AC SPD 2
● Meter 1 fault alarm
and meter 2 fault

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Symptom Alarm Possible Cause Solution

The AC input AC input overvoltage ● The input voltage of ● If the AC input is from
experiences alarm DG 1 is abnormal. mains, contact the
overvoltage. ● The input voltage of mains supplier.
the mains or DG 2 is ● If the DG supplies AC
The AC input AC input undervoltage
abnormal. power, check and repair
experiences alarm
● The ATS main the DG by referring to
control box is faulty. the DG User Manual.
● Replace the ATS main
The mains Mains failure alarm The mains fails. control box.
failure occurs.

The input Input overcurrent The load circuit is ● Eliminate load short-
overcurrent alarm subject to short circuits circuits.
occurs. or overload. ● Check that the load
power does not exceed
the upper threshold. If
capacity expansion is
required, contact site

5.2.6 AC SPD Troubleshooting

Table 5-6 Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Solution

The SPD indication The SPD is damaged. Replace the AC SPD.

window turns red.

The SPD indication ● The circuit breaker is not properly ● Switch on the circuit
window is green, but switched on. breaker.
there is an AC SPD ● The dry contact cable is loose or the ● Check whether the dry
alarm. alarm configuration is incorrect. contact cable is securely
● The SPD base is damaged. connected and the alarm
status is correctly
● Replace the SPD base.

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5.2.7 Inverter Troubleshooting

Table 5-7 Inverter troubleshooting

Symptom Possible Cause Solution

No information is ● The DC loop is not ● Connect the DC loop.

displayed after the connected. ● Adjust the DC voltage to the normal
inverter is powered on. ● The DC input voltage range of 46 V DC to 56 V DC with a
is abnormal. tolerance of ±1 V DC.
● The DC input power ● Connect the DC input power cable
cable is connected correctly.

Undervoltage ● The DC input voltage ● Adjust the DC voltage to the normal

protection is triggered is less than the range of 47 V DC to 54 V DC with a
immediately after the minimum value. tolerance of ±1 V DC.
inverter is powered on ● The busbar impedance ● Increase the cable diameter or decrease
and loads are added. is greater than the the cable length to reduce the busbar
maximum value. impedance.
● The DC loop cable is ● Check that the cable connections are
loose. secure.

Overload protection is ● The load power is ● Decrease the load power to a proper
triggered immediately greater than the range.
after the inverter is maximum value. ● Rectify faults on the user side.
powered on. ● The load or output
socket is short-

Adjacent equipment The DC busbar Decrease the impedance.

makes noises after the impedance is greater
inverter is powered on. than the maximum value.

5.2.8 BCU-1203A Troubleshooting

Table 5-8 BCU-1203A troubleshooting

Symptom Possible Cause Solution

The indicators ● The power cable is not Check that the power cable properly connects
are off and the connected. to the module and turn on the power switch.
module has no ● A short circuit exists If the power cable is properly connected,
output. inside the BCU-1203A. replace the BCU-1203A.

The ALM DC input overvoltage or Adjust the DC input voltage to the normal
indicator is on undervoltage occurs. range. Then the protection is automatically
and the module canceled.
has no output.

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Symptom Possible Cause Solution

Overtemperature protection Improve the ventilation condition. Then the

is triggered. protection is automatically canceled.

The BAT The cable between the Correctly connect the cable between the
indicator is on. BCU-1203A and the DG BCU-1203A and the DG battery.
battery is reversely

5.2.9 Circuit Breaker Troubleshooting

Table 5-9 Circuit breaker troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Solution

A circuit breaker is faulty due The circuit breaker is in a Switch the circuit breaker to
to overcurrent or a short position between ON and OFF. OFF and then to ON.

The circuit breaker remains The circuit breaker is damaged. Replace the circuit breaker.
faulty after you switch it to
OFF and then to ON.

5.2.10 Lead-Acid Battery Troubleshooting

Table 5-10 Lead-acid battery troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Solution

In the initial operation period ● The bolts for connecting ● Tighten bolts.
of a battery string, the voltage battery terminals are loose. ● Clear the dirt and reinstall
of a single battery or the total ● The terminal or cable is the bolts.
voltage of the battery string dirty, which increases the
drops quickly when the battery connection voltage drop.
string is discharging.

In the initial operation period The BLVD voltage is greater Adjust the BLVD voltage to a
of a battery string, the battery than the maximum value in normal range based on site
string can discharge properly the power system. requirements.
but the power supply to the
load is disconnected quickly.

For a 2 V battery, the One battery is connected Connect the battery correctly
measured battery string reversely. based on the polarity marks of
voltage is about 4 V lower battery terminals or the +/–
than the rated value. signs on the battery cover.

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Symptom Possible Cause Solution

In the initial operation period Batteries have a slight If batteries are charged in float
of a battery string, batteries difference in the internal mode, the voltages of all
have different voltages. structure or in the storage and batteries become the same
transportation conditions from after three months.
each other.

5.2.11 ESM Troubleshooting

Table 5-11 ESM troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Solution

Overtemperature The battery temperature Check whether the temperature sensor is

alarm sensor detects that the ESM located in a high-temperature environment.
temperature exceeds the If so, determine the cause of abnormal
specified value. temperature near the sensor and rectify the

Overvoltage or The ESM voltage exceeds 1. Check whether the ESM is securely
undervoltage alarm the specified value. connected to the system and whether the
connector is rusty or oxidized. If so, polish
the corroded layer.
2. Check that the connector is connected
properly. Secure any loose connector.

Short-time battery Connections are loose. Check whether the charge and discharge
discharge or loops of each battery terminal are securely
unbalanced connected.
discharge current
The power system Check whether the power system
parameter settings are parameters are correctly set.

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6 Parts Replacement


● Ensure that loads are powered on during replacement. For example, switch on
the circuit breakers for primary loads, and do not disconnect both the battery
input and AC input from the loads.
● Obtain prior written consent from customers if load disconnection is required.
● PSUs, SSUs, and monitoring modules can be hot swapped.

6.1 Replacing an SMU02C

● The ESD wrist strap, protective gloves, an ESD box or bag, cabinet door key,
and required tools are available.
● The new SMU02C is intact.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable for the ESD wrist strap, and put on the ESD wrist strap
and ESD gloves.

Record the software version of the old SMU. If the old SMU is damaged and cannot be
viewed, send the barcodes of the old SMU and the cabinet to Huawei service personnel for

Step 2 Remove the communications cable from the SMU02C panel and record the cable

Step 3 Push the locking latch leftwards.

Step 4 Pull the handle outwards and remove the SMU02C.

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Figure 6-1 Removing the SMU02C

Step 5 Take off the SD card from the side of the SMU02C.

If no SD is installed, go to Step 7.

Step 6 Insert the SD card into the new SMU02C.

Step 7 Place the new SMU02C in the slot, push the locking latch leftwards, and pull out
the handle.
Step 8 Gently push the SMU02C along guide rails until it is engaged. Close the handle,
and push the locking latch rightwards.

Figure 6-2 Installing the SMU02C

Step 9 Reset SMU02C parameters.


After replacing the old SMU with a new spare part, power on the new SMU and check its
software version. If the software version of the new SMU is earlier than that of the old
SMU, upgrade the new SMU software.

Step 10 Reconnect the communications cable to the SMU02C panel based on the recorded
cable information.
Step 11 Disconnect the ground cable from the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Put the replaced component in an ESD box or bag and return it to the local

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6.2 Replacing a UIM02C Board

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, an ESD box or bag, cabinet door key, and
required tools are available.
● The new UIM02C board is intact.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.
Step 2 Record the position of signal cables connected to the UIM02C panel, and then
disconnect the signal cables.
Step 3 Unscrew and take out the UIM02C.

Figure 6-3 Taking out the UIM02C

Step 4 Disconnect the –48 V power cable from the UIM02C board.

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Figure 6-4 Disconnecting the –48 V power cable

(1) –48 V power port

Step 5 Record the connection positions of all cables including cables for internal and
external circulation fans and flat cables on the UIM02C board, and then
disconnect the cables.

Step 6 Remove the UIM02C board.

Figure 6-5 Removing the UIM02C board

Step 7 Take out and install the new UIM02C board.

Step 8 Connect all the cables on the UIM02C board to the new UIM02C based on the
recorded information.

Step 9 Reconnect the –48 V power cable to the UIM02C board.

Step 10 Push the UIM02C in place and tighten the screws.

Step 11 Reconnect signal cables to the new UIM02C panel based on the recorded

Step 12 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


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Follow-up Procedure
Put the removed component in an ESD box or bag and return it to the local

6.3 Replacing an NIM01C3

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, an ESD box or bag, a cabinet door key, and
required tools are available.
● The new NIM01C3 is intact.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable to the ESD wrist strap, and put on the ESD wrist strap
and ESD gloves.
Step 2 Record all cable connection positions on the communications expansion module
and disconnect the cables.
Step 3 Loosen the screws on both sides of the communications expansion module.
Step 4 Pull the handle rightwards and remove the communications expansion module.

Figure 6-6 Removing a communications expansion module

Step 5 Remove the SIM card from the SIM card slot, and insert the new communications
expansion module. Skip this step if no SIM card is installed.
Step 6 Place the new NIM01C3 in the corresponding slot of the monitoring unit subrack,
and push the NIM01C3 until its front panel is flush with the front panel of the
monitoring unit subrack.
Step 7 Push the handle inwards until it is engaged, and then tighten the screws.

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Figure 6-7 Installing a communications expansion module

Step 8 Reconnect cables to the panel of the new communications expansion module
based on the recorded information.

Step 9 Disconnect the ground cable from the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Put the replaced component in an ESD box or bag and return it to the local

6.4 Replacing a GIM

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, an ESD box or bag, and the cabinet door key
are available.
● The new GIM is intact.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.

Step 2 Record the connection positions of cables on the GIM panel and disconnect the

Step 3 Loosen the screws on the GIM panel, pull the handle rightwards, and remove the
old GIM.

Step 4 Remove the SIM card from the SIM card slot of the GIM and insert it into the SIM
card slot of the new GIM. If no SIM card is installed, skip this step.

Step 5 Install the new GIM in the correct slot.

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Figure 6-8 Installing the GIM

Step 6 Connect all the cables on the GIM board to the new GIM based on the recorded
Step 7 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Put the replaced component in an ESD box or bag and return it to the local

6.5 Replacing a PSU

● The ESD wrist strap and key to the cabinet door are available.
● The new PSU is intact.


To prevent burns, exercise caution when removing a PSU because it may be

hot as a result of continuous operation.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.
Step 2 Remove the faulty PSU.
Step 3 Install the new PSU in the correct slot.

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Figure 6-9 Installing the PSU

Step 4 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.6 Replacing an SSU

● You have obtained a pair of protective gloves, the cabinet door key, and a
● The new SSU is intact.


Protect yourself from being burnt when moving an operating SSU because it has a
high temperature.

Step 1 Put on protective gloves.
Step 2 Switch off the PVDU circuit breaker and remove cables from the SSU and label it.
Step 3 Push the locking latch at the right side of the SSU panel towards the left.
Step 4 Gently pull the handle outwards, and then remove the SSU from the subrack.

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Figure 6-10 Removing an SSU

Step 5 Push the locking latch on the new SSU towards the left, and pull out the handle.
Step 6 Place the SSU at the entry to the corresponding slot.
Step 7 Gently slide the SSU into the slot along guide rails until it is engaged. Close the
handle, and push the locking latch towards the right to lock the handle.

Figure 6-11 Installing a new SSU


Do not connect the positive and negative DC input cables in reverse.

Step 8 Reconnect the cables labelled to the new SSU and switch on the PVDU circuit
Step 9 Take off the protective gloves.


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Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component, and return it to the local warehouse.

6.7 Replacing an ATS Main Control Box

● The ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver,
and key to the cabinet door are available.
● The new ATS main control box is intact.


● The ATS main control box is not hot-swappable.

● Replacing the ATS main control box may cause a system power failure. To
prevent a power failure, ensure that other power sources, such as the
battery, provide continuous power supply.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.

Step 2 Switch off all AC input circuit breakers on the ATS.


To avoid personal injury, ensure that AC power is disconnected before replacing

the ATS main control box.

Step 3 Record the cable connection positions on the ATS main control box panel,
disconnect the cables, and insulate the cables.

Step 4 Remove the faulty ATS main control box.


If the ATS is at the end of CAN cascading, set a build-out resistor before installing
the new main control box.

Step 5 Install the new ATS main control box in the correct slot.

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Figure 6-12 Replacing the ATS main control box

(1) Faulty ATS main control box (2) New ATS main control box

Step 6 Reconnect cables to the new main control box panel based on the recorded cable
connection positions.

Step 7 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.8 Replacing an AC SPD Module

● You have obtained an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves, an ESD box or
bag, and the cabinet door key.
● The new AC SPD module is intact and has the same specifications as the old


Do not replace an AC SPD module during a thunderstorm.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.

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Step 2 Hold down the faulty AC SPD module and pull it out.
Step 3 Install a new AC SPD module.

Figure 6-13 Replacing an AC SPD module

Step 4 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Check that the alarm for the AC SPD is cleared.

6.9 Replacing a Circuit Breaker



Before replacing an AC circuit breaker, switch off the upstream input circuit

● The cabinet door key, insulation tape, and required tools are available.
● The new circuit breaker is intact and has the same specifications as the
original one.

Step 1 Unscrew and remove the cover before the circuit breaker.
Step 2 Switch off the circuit breaker that is to be replaced.
Step 3 Record positions where the cables and signal cable terminals connect to the circuit

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Step 4 Loosen the screw that secures the upper port of the circuit breaker by using a
Phillips screwdriver, and remove the power cable and signal cable terminals. Wrap
the cable and terminals by using the insulation tape to prevent hazards.

Step 5 Loosen the screw that secures the lower port of the circuit breaker by using a
Phillips screwdriver, and loosen the buckle at the circuit breaker base by using an
insulated flat-head screwdriver.

Step 6 Remove the circuit breaker from the guide rail.

Figure 6-14 Removing the circuit breaker

Step 7 Switch off the new circuit breaker. Press the buckle at the circuit breaker base by
using an insulated flat-head screwdriver and install the new circuit breaker. Then
loosen the buckle and secure the circuit breaker to the guide rail.

Step 8 Tighten the screw that secures the lower port of the circuit breaker.

Step 9 Remove the insulation tape from the output power cable and signal cable
terminals. Then connect the power cable and signal cable terminals to the upper
port of the circuit breaker and tighten the screw.

Step 10 Switch on the circuit breaker.

Figure 6-15 Installing the circuit breaker

Step 11 Place the cover before the circuit breaker, and tighten the screws.


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Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.10 Replacing a PVDU-60A1

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new PVDU-60A1 is intact.

A PVDU-60A1 needs to be replaced if it is faulty and cannot be repaired immediately.

You only need to disconnect the power supply to the PVDU-60A1, instead of the AC
input to the system.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the connection positions of cables on the PVDU-60A1 and remove the
Step 3 Remove the faulty PVDU-60A1.
Step 4 Install the new PVDU-60A1.

Figure 6-16 Installing a PVDU-60A1

Step 5 Reconnect the cables to the PVDU-60A1 based on the recorded information.
Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

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6.11 Replacing a PVDU-100A1

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new PVDU-100A1 is intact.

A PVDU-100A1 needs to be replaced if it is faulty and cannot be repaired immediately.

You only need to disconnect the power supply to the PVDU-100A1, instead of the AC
input to the system.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the connection positions of cables on the PVDU-100A1 and remove the
Step 3 Remove the faulty PVDU-100A1.
Step 4 Install the new PVDU-100A1.

Figure 6-17 Installing a PVDU-100A1

Step 5 Remove the SSUs from the old PVDU-100A1 and install them on the new
Step 6 Reconnect the cables to the PVDU-100A1 based on the recorded information.
Step 7 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

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6.12 Replacing a PVDU-200A1

● An ESD wrist strap or ESD gloves, Phillips screwdriver, an ESD box or bag, and
cabinet door key are available.
● You have confirmed the model of the PVDU-200A1 to be replaced and
prepared a replacement PVDU-200A1.

A PVDU-200A1 needs to be replaced if it is faulty and cannot be repaired immediately.

You only need to disconnect the power supply to the PVDU-200A1, instead of the AC
input to the system.

Step 1 Put on the ESD wrist strap or ESD gloves.
Step 2 Record the position where the cables are connected to the PVDU-200A1, and then
disconnect the cables.
Step 3 Remove the PVDU-200A1.

Figure 6-18 Removing a PVDU-200A1

Step 4 Install the new PVDU-200A1.

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Figure 6-19 Installing a PVDU-200A1

Step 5 Remove the SSUs from the old PVDU-200A1 and install them on the new

Step 6 Connect the removed cables to the PVDU-200A1 based on the recorded

Step 7 Take off the ESD wrist strap or gloves and put all the tools away.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.13 Replacing a BCU-1203A

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new BCU-1203A is intact.


To prevent burns, exercise caution when removing a BCU-1203A because it

may be hot as a result of continuous operation.

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Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Record the connection positions of cables on the BCU-1203A and remove the

Step 3 Remove the BCU-1203A.

Step 4 Install the new BCU-1203A in position.

Figure 6-20 Installing a BCU-1203A

Step 5 Reconnect the cables to the BCU-1203A based on the recorded information.

Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.14 Replacing a BC-1206A

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new BC-1206A is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Record the connection positions of cables on the BC-1206A and BCU-1203A and
remove the cables.

Step 3 Remove the BCU-1203A.

Step 4 Remove the faulty BC-1206A.

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Step 5 Install the new BC-1206A.

Figure 6-21 Installing a new BC-1206A

Step 6 Install the removed BCU-1203A on the new BC-1206A.

Step 7 Reconnect the cables to the BC-1206A and BCU-1203A based on the recorded

Step 8 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.15 Replacing a DJN1000-S

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new DJN1000-S is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Record the connection positions of cables on the DJN1000-S and remove the

Step 3 Remove the faulty DJN1000-S.

Step 4 Install the new DJN1000-S.

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Figure 6-22 Installing a DJN1000-S

Step 5 Reconnect the cables to the DJN1000-S based on the recorded information.

Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.16 Replacing an Outdoor Box

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, an ESD box or bag, a door key, and required
tools are available.
● The new outdoor box is intact.


Before replacing the component, ensure that the AC input power supply to the
outdoor box is disconnected.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.

Step 2 Disconnect the cables from the outdoor box, record the cable information, and
label them.
1. Disconnect the power cable from the outdoor box.
2. Disconnect the communications cable from the outdoor box.

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Outdoor boxes include the outdoor wired AC meter box ACMB, outdoor wired DC
meter box DCMB.

Step 3 Loosen the buckle at the box base using a flat-head screwdriver and remove the
outdoor box.

Figure 6-23 Removing the outdoor box

Step 4 Take out the new outdoor box and install it in place.
Step 5 Connect the cables to the outdoor box based on the recorded information.
1. Connect the communications cable to the outdoor box.
2. Connect the power cable to the outdoor box.

After connecting the cables to the outdoor box, use sealing putty to seal the cable
holes from inside the box.

Step 6 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.
Step 7 Install the cables to connect devices in the outdoor cabinet.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

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6.17 Replacing an iACMETER

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, ESD box or bag, door key, and required tools
are available.
● The new iACMETER is intact.


● Before replacing the component, ensure that its power supply is disconnected.
● Before replacement, ensure that the power supply is disconnected from the AC
input measured by the iACMETER.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.

Step 2 Disconnect the iACMETER cables, record the cable information, and label them.
1. Disconnect the iACMETER power cables.
2. Disconnect the iACMETER communications cables.
3. Disconnect the iACMETER current signal detection cables.
4. Disconnect the iACMETER voltage signal detection cables.

Step 3 Remove the iACMETER.

Step 4 Take out the new iACMETER and install it in the meter box.

Step 5 Connect the iACMETER cables based on the recorded information.

1. Connect the iACMETER voltage signal detection cables.
2. Connect the iACMETER current signal detection cables.
3. Connect the iACMETER communications cables.
4. Connect the iACMETER power cables.

Step 6 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local Huawei warehouse.

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6.18 Replacing an iDCMETER

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, ESD box or bag, door key, and required tools
are available.
● The new iDCMETER is intact.


● Before replacing the component, ensure that its power supply is disconnected.
● Before replacing the component, ensure that the power supply detected by the
iDCMETER is disconnected.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.

Step 2 Disconnect the iDCMETER cables, record the cable information, and label them.
1. Disconnect the iDCMETER power cables.
2. Disconnect the iDCMETER communications cables.
3. Disconnect the iDCMETER current signal detection cables.
4. Disconnect the iDCMETER voltage signal detection cables.

Step 3 Remove the iDCMETER.

Step 4 Take out the new iDCMETER and install it in the meter box.

Step 5 Connect the iDCMETER cables based on the recorded information.

1. Connect the iDCMETER voltage signal detection cables.
2. Connect the iDCMETER current signal detection cables.
3. Connect the iDCMETER communications cables.
4. Connect the iDCMETER power cables.

Step 6 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local Huawei warehouse.

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6.19 Replacing a Direct Ventilation Fan

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new direct ventilation fan is intact.


Install the fan according to airflow directions. Do not install the fan reversely.

Figure 6-24 Positions of a direct ventilation fan on the cabinet door

(1) Direct ventilation fan


The methods for replacing the direct ventilation fans of the ICC330-HD1-C3 and ICC330-
HD1-C4 are the same. This section uses the ICC330-HD1-C3 as an example.

Replacing a Direct Ventilation Fan (ESC330-D6)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.

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Step 3 Record the fan installation direction (arrow mark on the fan) and remove the
faulty fan.

Figure 6-25 Removing the faulty direct ventilation fan (ESC330-D6)

Step 4 Place the new fan based on the recorded installation direction (arrow mark on the
fan), and tighten the screws.

Figure 6-26 Installing a new direct ventilation fan (ESC330-D6)

Step 5 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

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Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Replacing a Direct Ventilation Fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.
Step 3 Remove the faulty fan.

Figure 6-27 Removing the faulty direct ventilation fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 4 Record the fan installation direction (arrow mark on the fan) and remove the
faulty fan from the fan mounting kit.

Figure 6-28 Separating the faulty fan from the mounting kit

Step 5 Place the new fan based on the recorded installation direction (arrow mark on the
fan), and tighten the screws.

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Figure 6-29 Assembling the new fan

Step 6 Install the new fan.

Figure 6-30 Installing a new direct ventilation fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 7 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

Step 8 Remove the protective gloves.


Replacing a Direct Ventilation Fan (ESC710-D2)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.
Step 3 Remove the fan sealing plate.

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Figure 6-31 Removing the sealing plate

Step 4 Remove the fan fixing plate.

Figure 6-32 Removing the fan fixing plate

Step 5 Remove the old fan.

Figure 6-33 Removing the old direct ventilation fan

Step 6 Install the new fan.

Figure 6-34 Installing the new direct ventilation fan

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Step 7 Install the fan fixing plate.

Figure 6-35 Installing the fan fixing plate

Step 8 Install the sealing plate.

Figure 6-36 Installing the sealing plate

Step 9 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

Step 10 Remove the protective gloves.


6.20 Replacing a Heat Exchanger Fan

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new heat exchanger fan is intact.


Install the fan according to airflow directions. Do not install the fan reversely.

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Figure 6-37 Positions of a heat exchanger fan on the cabinet door

(1) Internal circulation fan (2) External circulation fan

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The methods for replacing heat exchanger fans in the ICC720-HA1-C2, ICC720-HA1-C3,
ICC330-HA1-C7, ICC330-HA1-C8, ICC330-HA1-C9, ICC330-HD1-C3, ICC330-HD1-C4,
ICC350-H1-C5, and ICC350-H1-C6 are the same. This section uses the ICC330-HD1-C3 as an
The methods for replacing heat exchanger fans in the ICC330-H1-C6, ICC330-H1-C7, and
ICC710-HA1H-C4 are the same. This section uses the ICC330-H1-C6 as an example.

Replacing an Internal Circulation Fan of a Heat Exchanger (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.

Step 3 Record the fan installation direction (arrow mark on the fan) and remove the
faulty fan.

Figure 6-38 Removing the internal circulation fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 4 Place the new fan based on the recorded installation direction (arrow mark on the
fan), and tighten the screws.

Figure 6-39 Installing the internal circulation fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 5 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

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Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Replacing an External Circulation Fan of a Heat Exchanger (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.
Step 3 Remove the fan cover.

Figure 6-40 Removing the fan cover

Step 4 Remove the external circulation fan.

Figure 6-41 Removing the external circulation fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 5 Install the new external circulation fan.

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Figure 6-42 Installing the external circulation fan (ICC330-HD1-C3)

Step 6 Reinstall the fan cover.

Figure 6-43 Reinstalling the fan cover

Step 7 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

Step 8 Remove the protective gloves.


Replacing an Internal Circulation Fan of a Heat Exchanger (ICC330-H1-C6)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.
Step 3 Remove the fan cover.

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Figure 6-44 Removing the fan cover

Step 4 Remove the fan baffle.

Figure 6-45 Removing the fan baffle

Step 5 Remove the fan components.

Figure 6-46 Removing the fan components

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Step 6 Remove the internal circulation fan.

Figure 6-47 Removing the internal circulation fan (ICC330-H1-C6)

Step 7 Install the new internal circulation fan.

Figure 6-48 Installing the internal circulation fan (ICC330-H1-C6)

Step 8 Install the fan components.

Figure 6-49 Installing the fan components

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Step 9 Install the fan baffle.

Figure 6-50 Installing the fan baffle

Step 10 Reinstall the fan cover.

Figure 6-51 Reinstalling the fan cover

Step 11 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

Step 12 Remove the protective gloves.


Replacing a Heat Exchanger Fan (ICC710-HA1-C6)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Record the cable connection positions of the fan to be replaced, and remove the
wiring terminals of the cables.

Step 3 Remove the fan assembly.

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Figure 6-52 Removing the fan assembly

Step 4 Remove the top cover from the fan assembly.

Figure 6-53 Removing the top cover from the fan assembly

Step 5 Remove the old fan.

Figure 6-54 Removing the old fan

Step 6 Install the new fan.

Figure 6-55 Installing the new fan

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Step 7 Install the top cover on the fan assembly.

Figure 6-56 Installing the top cover on the fan assembly

Step 8 Install the fan assembly.

Figure 6-57 Installing the fan assembly

Step 9 Connect the fan wiring terminals.

Step 10 Remove the protective gloves.


6.21 Replacing an Air Conditioner

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new air conditioner is intact.

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Figure 6-58 Positions of an air conditioner on the cabinet door

(1) Air conditioner


The methods for replacing air conditioners in the ICC720-HA1-C2, ICC720-HA1-C3, ICC330-
HA1-C7, ICC330-HA1-C8, ICC330-HA1-C9, ESC330-A6, ICC330-A3-C1, ESC710-A1, ICC710-
A3-C1, ICC720-A3-C1, ICC710-HA1-C6, and ICC710HA1H-C4 are the same. This section uses
the ICC330-HA1-C7 as an example.

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Replacing an Air Conditioner (ICC330-HA1-C7)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Switch off the upstream power input circuit breaker for the air conditioner, record
the cable connections on the air conditioner, and disconnect the cables.
Step 3 Remove the air conditioner baffle.

Figure 6-59 Removing the air conditioner baffle

Step 4 Remove the faulty air conditioner.

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Figure 6-60 Removing the faulty air conditioner (ICC330-HA1-C7)

Step 5 Install the new air conditioner.

Figure 6-61 Installing the new air conditioner (ICC330-HA1-C7)

Step 6 Reinstall the air conditioner baffle.

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Figure 6-62 Reinstalling the air conditioner baffle

Step 7 Connect the cable based on the recorded information.

Step 8 Power on the air conditioner.
Step 9 Remove the protective gloves.


Replacing an Air Conditioner (ESC710-A1)

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Switch off the upstream power input circuit breaker for the air conditioner, record
the cable connections on the air conditioner, and disconnect the cables.
Step 3 Remove the air conditioner baffle.

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Figure 6-63 Removing the air conditioner baffle

Step 4 Remove the old air conditioner.

Figure 6-64 Removing the old air conditioner

Step 5 Install the new air conditioner.

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Figure 6-65 Installing the new air conditioner

Step 6 Reinstall the air conditioner baffle.

Figure 6-66 Reinstalling the air conditioner baffle

Step 7 Connect the cable based on the recorded information.

Step 8 Power on the air conditioner.

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Step 9 Remove the protective gloves.


6.22 Replacing a TCUC Control Board

● An ESD wrist strap, a pair of ESD gloves, an ESD box or bag, a Phillips
screwdriver, and the cabinet door key are available.
● The new TCUC control board is intact.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.
Step 2 Switch off the upstream power input circuit breaker for the TCUC, record the cable
connections on the TCUC, and disconnect the cables.
Step 3 Remove the TCUC.

Figure 6-67 Removing a TCUC

Step 4 Remove the faulty TCUC control board.

Figure 6-68 Removing the faulty TCUC control board

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Step 5 Record the cable connection positions on the TCUC control board and disconnect
the cables.

Step 6 Record the information about the jumper caps on the TCUC control board.

Figure 6-69 Position of the jumper on the TCUC control board

Step 7 Adjust the positions of the jumper caps on the new TCUC control board based on
the recorded information.

Step 8 Connect cables to the new TCUC control board based on the recorded cable

Step 9 Install the new TCUC control board in the TCUC.

Figure 6-70 Installing the new TCUC control board

Step 10 Reinstall the TCUC.

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Figure 6-71 Reinstalling the TCUC

Step 11 Connect cables to the TCUC based on the recorded cable positions.

Step 12 Switch on the upstream power input circuit breaker for the TCUC.

Step 13 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Put the removed component in an ESD box or bag and return it to the local

6.23 Replacing a DC Heater

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new DC heater is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Switch off the input circuit breaker of the DC heater.

Step 3 Remove the DC power cable from the heater.

Step 4 Remove the faulty heater.


There are three methods for installing a heater. Remove and install a heater based on site

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Figure 6-72 Removing the faulty heater

Step 5 Install the new heater.

Figure 6-73 Installing the new heater

Step 6 Install the DC heater power cable.

Step 7 Close the input circuit breaker of the DC heater.

Step 8 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.24 Replacing a Temperature and Humidity Sensor

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new temperature and humidity sensor is intact.

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Step 1 Wear protective gloves.

Step 2 Disconnect the temperature and humidity sensor cable from the TEM-HUM
terminal on the UIM panel.

Step 3 Remove the faulty temperature and humidity sensor.

Figure 6-74 Removing the faulty temperature and humidity sensor

Step 4 Install the new temperature and humidity sensor.

Figure 6-75 Installing a new temperature and humidity sensor

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Step 5 Connect the temperature and humidity sensor cable to the TEM-HUM terminal on
the UIM panel.

Figure 6-76 Installing the temperature and humidity sensor cable

Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.25 Replacing a Digital Temperature and Humidity

● The protective gloves and key to the cabinet door are available.
● The new digital temperature and humidity sensor is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Record cable information and installation positions.
Step 3 Record the DIP switch settings.
Step 4 Disconnect the cable from the communications port on the sensor.
Step 5 Remove the faulty sensor.

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Figure 6-77 Removing a sensor

Step 6 Set the DIP switch based on the recorded DIP switch information.
Step 7 Put the new sensor at the side of the cabinet.
Step 8 Connect cables based on the recorded information.
Step 9 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.26 Replacing a Smoke Sensor

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new smoke sensor is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Disconnect the smoke sensor cable from the SMOKE terminal on the UIM panel.
Step 3 Remove the faulty smoke sensor.

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Figure 6-78 Removing the smoke sensor

Step 4 Install the new smoke sensor.

Figure 6-79 Installing the smoke sensor

Step 5 Connect the smoke sensor cable to the SMOKE terminal on the UIM panel.

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Figure 6-80 Installing the smoke sensor cable

Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.27 Replacing a Water Sensor

● The protective gloves and cabinet door key are available.
● The new water sensor is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Disconnect the water sensor cable from the WATER terminal on the UIM panel.
Step 3 Remove the water sensor.
Step 4 When installing a water sensor, ensure that the sensor is 5 mm to 10 mm away
from the cabinet bottom.
Step 5 Connect the water sensor cable to the WATER terminal on the UIM panel.

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Figure 6-81 Installing a water sensor cable

Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

6.28 Replacing a Water Sensor (Electrode Type)

● An ESD wrist strap, ESD gloves, door key, and required tools are available.
● The new water sensor is intact.

Step 1 Connect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and wear the ESD wrist strap and
ESD gloves.
Step 2 Disconnect the water sensor from the UIM.
Step 3 Unscrew and remove the water sensor from its support.
Step 4 Install the new water sensor on the support and place the support at the bottom
of the cabinet or on the equipment room floor.
Step 5 Connect the water sensor cable to the UIM.
Step 6 Disconnect the ground cable of the ESD wrist strap, and remove the ESD wrist
strap and ESD gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

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6.29 Replacing a Light

● The protective gloves, Phillips screwdriver, and key to the cabinet door are
● The new light is intact.

Step 1 Wear protective gloves.
Step 2 Disconnect the power supply to the light.
Step 3 Remove the faulty light.
Step 4 Install the new light.

Figure 6-82 Installing the new light

Step 5 Connect the light power cable.

Step 6 Remove the protective gloves.


Follow-up Procedure
Pack the removed component and send it to the local warehouse.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 268

PowerCube 1000
User Manual A Operating Environment

A Operating Environment

Table A-1 Operating environment definitions

Class Environment Definition

Class A Indoor environments where temperature and humidity are

controlled, including rooms where human beings live.

Class B Indoor environments where the temperature and humidity are not
controllable and outdoor environments (with simple shielding
measures such as sunroofs) where humidity can reach 100%

Class C Sea environments or outdoor land environments (with simple

shielding measures such as sunroofs) near pollution sources. (If a
site is near a pollution source, it is at most 3.7 km away from salt
water such as the sea and salt lakes, 3 km away from heavy
pollution sources such as smelteries, coal mines, and thermal
power plants, 2 km away from medium pollution sources such as
chemical, rubber, and galvanization industries, or 1 km away from
light pollution sources such as packing houses, tanneries, and
boiler rooms.)

Class D Environments within 500 m away from the seashore. Class D

environments are special Class C environments.

Issue 03 (2021-03-25) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 269

PowerCube 1000
User Manual B EMC Specifications

B EMC Specifications

Table B-1 EMC specifications

Item Port Description

Conducted emission Signal port Class A1; reference standard: EN

(CE) 55032

AC power port Class A; reference standard: EN


DC power Class A; reference standard: EN

output port 55032

Conducted AC input power 0.15 MHz–80 MHz: 10 V; reference

susceptibility (CS) port standard: IEC 61000-4-6

DC power 0.15 MHz–80 MHz: 10 V; reference

output port standard: IEC 61000-4-6

Signal port 0.15 MHz–80 MHz: 3 V; reference

standard: IEC 61000-4-6

Radiated emission (RE) Shell port Class A; reference standard: EN


Radiated susceptibility Shell port 80 MHz–2700 MHz; 10 V/m;

(RS) reference standard: IEC 61000-4-3

Harmonic current AC power port Reference standard: IEC 61000-3-2

Voltage fluctuation AC power port Reference standard: IEC 61000-3-3

and flicker

Electrostatic discharge Shell port Contact discharge: 6 kV (criterion

(ESD) B), air discharge: 8 kV (criterion B);
reference standard: IEC 61000-4-2

Electrical fast transient AC power port 2 kV (criterion B); reference

(EFT/B) standard: IEC 61000-4-4

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Item Port Description

DC power port 1 kV (criterion B); reference

standard: IEC 61000-4-4

Signal port 0.5 kV (criterion B); reference

EFT/B standard: IEC 61000-4-4

Surge susceptibility AC power port 2 kV in differential mode, 4 kV in

common mode, IEC 61000-4-5,
criterion B

DC power port 2 kV in differential mode, 4 kV in

common mode, IEC 61000-4-5,
criterion B

Signal port 1 kV in common mode, IEC

61000-4-5, criterion B

Voltage dip and short AC power port Reference standard: IEC 61000-4-11
interruption (DIP)


This is a class A product. In residential areas, this product may cause radio
interference. Therefore, users may be required to take appropriate measures.

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User Manual C Acronym/Abbreviation

C Acronym/Abbreviation

AC alternating current
ACMB outdoor wired AC meter box
ATS AC transfer switch

BC battery charger
BLVD battery low voltage disconnection

CCS cabinet with cooling system

DC direct current
DCB deep cycle battery
DCDB DC power distribution box
DCDU direct current distribution unit
DCMB outdoor wired DC meter box
DG diesel generator

EPS energy plant system
ESC energy storage cabinet
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESM energy storage module
ESS energy storage system

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FCB fast charge battery

GIM generator interface module
GPRS general packet radio service

ICC integrated controller and converter
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

LLVD load low voltage disconnection

MTBF mean time between failures

NetEco Network Ecosystem
NIM network interface module

PDU power distribution unit
PSU power supply unit
PV photovoltaic
PVDU photovoltaic distribution unit

RE resource element
RS radiated susceptibility

SCB solar cycle battery
SCC site control center
SJB solar junction box
SMU site monitoring unit
SPD surge protection device

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SSU solar supply unit

TCUC temperature control unit C

UIM user interface module

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