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Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal


CHAPTER 1: Fundamentals of Patriotism and Nationalism __________________________________ 1

Lesson 1: Understanding Freedom __________________________________ 1

Lesson 2: Nationalism & Patriotism; Defined __________________________________ 4

Exercise no. 1 __________________________________ 3

Exercise no. 2 __________________________________ 5

CHAPTER 2: A Framework of Philippine Patriotism & __________________________________ 6

Exercise no. 3 __________________________________ 9
CHAPTER 3: Patriotic Symbols __________________________________ 10
Exercise no. 4 __________________________________ 15
CHAPTER 4: Call for Patriotism & Nationalism __________________________________ 16
Exercise no. 5 __________________________________ 18
CHAPTER 5: Challenges Towards Patriotism & Nationalism __________________________________ 19
Exercise no. 6 __________________________________ 22

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Week 1-3

“Kay sarap mabuhay sa sariling bayan Kung walang alipin at may kalayaan. Ang baying sinisiil, babangon
lalaban din! Ang silang ay pupunta sa timyas ng paglaya”

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

a. Understand Freedom
b. Understand the concepts and principle of nationalism and patriotism of Filipino citizen.
II. Motivation

III. Materials
 Notes
 Ballpen
IV. Lesson Proper

The Constitution, Article XIV, Section 3 (2) provides that:

[All educational institutions] shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity,
respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the
country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral
character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and
technological knowledge, and promote the vocational efficiency.

Lesson 1. Understanding Freedom


1. How much do we understand freedom?

2. How much do we desire freedom?
3. What does it take for the nation to be genuinely free?

“Marami and nagsasalita ng tungkol sa kalayaan nang hindi ito naiintindihan. Marami ang naniniwala na ang
pagiging malaya ay nangangahulugang maari ng gawin ang ano mang maibigan, ito man ay para sa mabuti o
sa masama na isang malaking pagkakamali. Ang kalayaan ay para lamang sa mabuti at kailan ma’y
hindi para sa masama at itoy palaging naka ayon sa katwiran at sa matuwid at marangal na budhi
ng tao”

-Apolinario Mabini

Similarly, the late Gen. Antonio Luna viewed “freedom” as something that was not that easy to achieve
“…….sabihan mo ang mga Pilipino [na] hindi nakakamit and kalayaan sa pagaaruga sa kanilang mga mahal sa
buhay, kailangan nilang magbayad [ng] dugo at pawis….”

“Freedom is not free” is a passage written on the Korean War Memorial located in Washington D.C in
the United States. During the Korean War from 1950-1953 a group of Filipino soldier was sent to South Korea

as part of the United Nations contingent. Arguably, this could be the best contribution that we could have
offered because we were known to be a nation of great warriors. In fact, Gen. Douglas MacArthur once
famously said, “give me ten thousand Filipino and I will conquer the world.” MacArthur was really fascinated
with the gallantry of our soldiers during the World War II and once again, this characteristics was
demonstrated in the midst of the Korean War. On the border of North and South Korea, there many
contingents from different countries, including the Philippines, to protect South Korea from North Korea.
When the approximately 70, 000 North Korean and Chinese soldiers attacked the border, some contingents
abandoned their post, but not the Filipinos. According to records, there were about 4, 000 members of the
Filipino contingent, including non-combatant ones, but all of them were able to hold the line until the
reinforcements came. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos, former Philippine President, can attest to what happened because
he was part of said contingent.

The heroism of the Filipinos is worthy of remembrance, especially today. The world is fast becoming
globalized and new dangers and challenges have replaced the era of imperialism and the nuclear destruction
of civilization. Many issues such as terrorism and separatism, religious extremism, drug trafficking and
organized crimes, the treat of the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), financial and economic
crises, ecological disasters, and epidemics, pose risks to national and international security.

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Subject: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________

Exercise no. 1

1. How much do you understand freedom?



2. In your own views, how should the world community overcome the threat and challenges posing great
risks both to national and international security?



3. What should we Filipinos do to contribute in fighting those threats?



Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Lesson 2. Nationalism & Patriotism; Defined

The sacrifices that our ancestors had to make in the name of freedom, democracy, and peace during
the 333 years of Spanish occupation serve as proof that, indeed, we are a nation of heroes- great people who
cherish these values. The indomitable desire to liberate our country emanates from the deep sense of
“patriotism” and “nationalism”. However, because of the different interests and daily hurdles that exhaust our
energies most of the time, we tend to forget these social values. Now, it is time that we inculcate in our youth
the values that we hold dear in order for them to appreciate the freedom they are experiencing today- freedom
paid by the blood of our ancestors.

PATRIOTISM (Greek word patriot, which means “fellow country man” and patrice which means
“fatherland” or “country”. The term also derives from the word pater, which means “father”.)

This is defined as “love of one’s country” or one’s “country of birth” because it is the land of one’s
forefathers. This concept includes the love of country of one’s “naturalization” and a “devotion of one’s

PATRIOT- someone supports and acts in defense of his/her country and the term generally refers to a
concept of national loyalty.

To better understand Patriotism, Two concepts are considered essential: civic virtue and deeds for the
fatherland. The citizen should have the proper disposition and also be mindful when it comes to using his
abilities for the state. Citizenship gave an obligation to commitment and enthusiasm, whereas patriotism was
contrasted to apathy and selfishness. Thus patriotism can be understood as an activity and one could not be
passive and patriotic at the same time. The citizens’ love of country could only unfold if they could bring their
influence to achieve fruition and if the government allows them to be actively engaged in the affairs of the

In other words, patriotism provides the glue that binds together the individual, the group, and the
territory in which the group resides.


This means to give more importance to unity by way of a cultural background, including language and
heritage. Johnson defined nationalism as “commitment, principle, sentiment, or ideology that nations should
be self- governing”, suggesting that it overlaps with patriotism only when the members of a state are
coterminous with a particular homogenous ethnic group.

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Subject: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________

Exercise no. 2

Instructions: Read the following statement and identify if it portrays nationalism or patriotism by checking
the box.

1. I respect my country’s armed forces and I will support whatever they do.
2. I respect my country’s armed forces but I will call them out if they are wrong.
3. I am a vegetarian but I won’t enforce it on others because a religious majority prefers it.
4. I am a vegetarian but I won’t enforce it on others because a religious minority prefers it.
5. I am going to discourage any discussion and debate about anything I feel is against my country.
6. I am going to understand your point of view regarding my country even if it clashes with mine.
7. I love my country, I am proud of it but I will speak up if the country is wrong.
8. I love my country, I am proud of it of everything it does and I won’t stand anyone who speaks against
my country.
9. I can die for my country
10. I can kill in the name of my country

 In your own views and opinion, why should we study Patriotism and Nationalism?



There are so many ways that obstruct Filipinos to become patriots. What are the aspects/ factors that hinder
us to do so? And what should we do about it?


Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

CHAPTER 2 Week 4-6


I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

a. Understand who we really are
b. Know the Sikolohiyang Pilipino
c. Internalized the heroism act of our national heroes
II. Motivation
III. Materials
 Notes
 Ballpen
IV. Lesson Proper



Wer sind wir?

Article IV, Section1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the following are considered
citizens of the Philippines.

1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution
2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines
3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority; and
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance of law

There are two generally recognized forms of acquiring Philippine citizenship:

1. Filipino by birth
a. Jus soli (right of soil), which is the legal principle that a person’s nationality at birth is
determined by the place of one’s birth (e.g.,the territory of a given state).
b. Jus sanguinis (right of blood), which is the legal principle that, at birth, an individual
acquires the nationality of his / her natural parent/s. The Philippines adheres to this
2. Filipino by naturalization, which is the judicial act of adopting a foreigner and clothing him with the
privileges of a native- born citizen. It implies the renunciation of a one’s former nationality and the
fact of entrance into a similar relation towards a new body politic.

A reorientation of Filipino nationhood involves an understanding of the Filipino notion of Pagkatao

and pagka-makabayan.

Concepts, Theories and Research Methods in Sikolohiyang Pilipino

Sikolohiyang Pilipino, as a field of study, is not only concerned with psychology as a subject or
program in the universities and colleges. In fact, as a field of thought, this discipline aims to provide

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

awareness and recognition and even highlight our indigenous culture. This field of thought has always been
considered as movement as it aims to inspire, motivate, and direct us to address and eventually provide a
solution to the ailments of our society.

Pagkataong Pilipino (Filipino Personhood)

In1989, Virgilio Enriquez proposed theory Pagkataong Pilipino, which describes the personality of the
Filipino, with its core values of kapwa, pakiramdam, and kagandahang loob.

Heroes’ Quest for Freedom

“Isang malaking karangalan ang ipagtanggol ang ating inang bayan. Ang magtagumpay o ang mamatay”

Hen. Antonio Luna

We have to learn from the gallantry and bravery shown by some of our ancestors so that we can internalize
the “love of country” that pushed them to give their lives for our country. What we need to learn is pure
patriotism or an immense love for the country according to Graciano Lopez Jaena. This is the best quality a
good citizen or leader should posses. Let us take a look of some heroes.

1. Lapu-lapu- considered to be the first police who made the first successful defense of Filipino Freedom.
His victorynwas the first recorded triumph of Filipino resistance against colonial power. He is the fist
Filipino to defy the Spanish authorities, defeating Magellan in the Battle of Mactan on April 27, 1521.
When Magellan tried to impose his will upon this great warrior chief and his people, his valor proved
no match to craftiness and patriotism of Lapu-lapu.
2. Francisco Dagohoy (Francisco Sendrijas) - He is best known for leading the longest revolt in
Philippine history. Prompted by an incident in which the Spaniards refused to give a proper burial to
his dead brother, dagohoy rallied 3,000 Boholanos to his side and immediately began a campaign,
which was characterized by victories over all Spanish forces sent against him. The people of Bohol
saw in Dagohoy the leadership that they sorely needed. Having entirely cleared the islands of
Spaniards, Dagohoy triumphantly announced the independence of Bohol. The island remained
independent 85 years after his death.
3. Gomez, Burgos and Zamora- their execution can be considered a major blunder on the part of
colonial government. The cavite mutiny of 1872 nourished Filipino nationalism. The three priests were
executed because they were executed because they were implicated in the Cavite Mutiny that lasted
from January 19-20, 1872. Even Dr. Jose Rizal dedicated his novel El Filibusterismo in memory of
three priests.
4. Jose P. Rizal- While in Europe, he became part of the Propaganda Movement, through which he
connected with other Filipinos who wanted reform in the motherland. He also wrote his first novel,
Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not), a work that detailed the dark aspects of Spain’s colonial rule in the
Philippines, with particular focus on the role of Catholic friars. The book was eventually banned in the
Philippines, although copies were smuggled in. Through this novel, Rizal’s return to the Philippines in
1887 was cut short when he was targeted by the Spanish forces.
After this threat, Rizal returned to Europe and continued to write, releasing his follow-up
novel, El Filibusterismo (The Reign of Greed) in 1891. He also published articles in La Solidaridad, a
paper aligned with the Propaganda Movement. The reform Rizal advocated for did not include
independence, instead he called for the equal treatment of Filipinos, limiting the power of Spanish
friars, and representation for the Philippines in the Spanish Cortes (Spanish Parliament). He called for

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

the peaceful reform of Spanish Colonial rule in the Philippines. After his 1896 execution, he became
an icon for the nationalist movement. Spain’s control of the Philippines ended in 1898.
Dr. Jose Rizal is considered our national hero because of his significant contributions to our
country. It was the American Governor in the person of William H. Taft who suggested to name Rizal
as the national hero. Americans recognized Rizal as a national hero not only because what Rizal did
was similar to what their founding fathers did. America was once a colony under Great Britain but
they were able to obtain freedom and sustain it because of their strong foundation of nationalism.
5. Andres Bonifacio- was a Filipino nationalist and revolutionary leader who founded the Katipunan, a
secret society that spearheaded the coordinated uprisings against the Spanish and laid the
groundwork for the first Philippine Republic.
He organized the KKK or Kataas Taasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng
Bayan or Katipunan on the day of the “Cry of Balintwak”, together with the Katipunero, attacked the
Spanaish garrison at San Mateo, Rizal. The Spaniards were quickly driven from the town but when
enemy reinforcement came, the insurgents were forced to retreat. Andres Bonifacio was an able
organizer and courageous leader. His fighting spirit prompted him to personally lead men in battle.
However, his bold and resolute conviction in his actions led him and his men to suffer many defeats.
The life Bomificio- from start to end- sadly demonstrates the lack of unity in our country,
which stills happens today. Unfortunately, he died not in the hands of a fellow Filipino. When the
leader of the Katipunan passed away, Emilio Jacinto carried out the wishes of Bonifacio. The
katipunan, at this time, had many factions and not all of them operated in the same way as they
waged their efforts to gain independence from Spain. In fact, as with his predecessor before him,
jacinto refused to join Magdalo faction of the Katipunan under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo.
6. Apolinario Mabini- who served as the first Prime Minister of the Philippines, serving under the
Revolutionary Government, and then under the First Philippine Republic. Mabini’s chief work, la
Revolution Filipina, a reasoned analysis and cogent argument concerning the ideological implications
of the revolution against Spain as well as the resistance to the American invaders, reveals the
progressive and democratic impulse behind his thinking. As a selfless and dedicated patriot, Mbinis
has always tried to mediate between the people’s will and the decisions of their leaders.

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Subject: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________
Exercise no. 3

Instruction: Make a social experiments about showing the nationalism and patriotism among the Filipinos
nowadays. (max. 3 mins.)

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

CHAPTER 3 Week 7-9


I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

a. Know and internalized the Philippines Patriotic Symbols
II. Motivation

III. Materials
 Notes
 Ballpen
IV. Lesson Proper

The Philippine Flag

The Philippine flag is a symbol of a nation’s independence. It serves as the rallying point for people
who want to demonstrate their unity and common aspirations. In marches, be it in battle or in formal
parades, the flag is borne ahead to signify the subservience and loyalty of the marches to their country as
represented by the flag.

The Philippine National Flag is said to be the primary symbol of the nation's camaraderie, solidarity
and unity. It is therefore, the symbol of nationalism and patriotism in our country.

The need to have a unifying Filipino flag was recognized by GEN. EMILIO AGUINALDO and his
associates during their exile in Hong Kong. In the impending fight for independence, they realized that they
needed a flag to manifest their desire for national freedom and to serve as their battle standard. The task of
making first Filipino Flag was given to MARCELA DE AGONCILLO. Designed by the JUNTA PATRIOTICA, a
council of exiled Filipino Leaders in HongKong, our flag first graced the Philippine skies when Philippine
independence was declared. Since then, the colors red, white and blue, the sun, and stars have all served as
important symbols representing the defense of our country and the pursuit of national objectives. It
symbolizes the undying spirit of our people from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao and the ideals of freedom,
justice, loyalty, courage, and honor, which all Filipinos uphold.

 Sun- symbolizes liberty, unity and autonomy

 Eight rays- eight provinces that revolted against Spain
1. Manila
2. Bulacan
3. Cavite
4. Nueva Ecija
5. Laguna
6. Batangas
7. Tarlac
8. Pampanga
 Three Yellow Stars- stands for the primary island groups in the country
1. Luzon
2. Visayas
Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

3. Mindanao
 Upper Blue Stripes- represents peace, truth, justice, and universality
 Lower Red Stripes- signifies bravery, patriotism, and the willingness of the Filipinos to sacrifice their
lives to defend their country.

The guidelines or the Flag Code are indicated under RA 8491, which is also known as the “FLAG &

Hoisting & Proper Display of the National Flag

The flag shall be displayed in all public buildings, official residences, public plazas, and institutions of
learning everyday throughout the year (Sec. 5)

The flag shall be permanently hoisted, day and night, throughout the year, in front of the following;

 Malacañang Palace
 The Congress of the Philippines building
 Supreme Court building
 The Rizal Monument in Luneta, Manila;
 Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit, Cavite
 Barasoain Shrine in Malolos, Bulacan
 The Tomb of the unknown soldier, Libingan ng mga Bayani;
 Mausuleo de los Beteranos dela Revolucion
 All international Ports of Entry and all other places as may be designated by the institute (Sec. 6)

The flag shall be properly illuminated at night

The flag shall also be displayed in private buildings and residences or raised in the open on flagstaffs of
said buildings on the following dates:

a. April 9
b. May 1
c. May 28
d. June 12
e. August 9
f. November 30
g. December 30
h. On such other days as may be declared by the President and/ or lcal chief executives (Sec. 7)

The Flag Raising Ceremony

All government offices and educational institutions shall henceforth observe the flag raising ceremony
every Monday morning and the flag lowering ceremony every Friday afternoon. The ceremony shall be simple
and dignified and must include the playing or singing of the Philippine National Anthem (Sec. 18).


The flag shall be flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning on all buildings and places where it is
displayed, as provided for in this Act, on the day of the official announcement of the death of any of the
following officials:
Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

a. President or a former President- 10 days

b. The Vice- President, the Chief Justice, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives- seven days; and
c. Other persons to be determined by the Institute- for any period less than 7 days


The flag may be used to cover the caskets of the honoured dead of the military, veterans of previous
wars, national artists, and of civilians who have rendered distinguished service to the nation, as may be
determined by the local government unit concerned. In these cases, the flag shall be placed in such a way that
the white triangle shall be at the head and the blue portion shall cover the right side of the caskets. The flag
shall not be lowered to the grave nor should it be allowed to touch the ground; rather, it shall be folded
solemnly and handed over to the heirs of the deceased (Sec. 24).

Pledge to the Flag (Sec. 25)

A pledge shall be recited while standing, with the right hand palm open and raised shoulder high.
Individuals whose faith or religious prohibit them from making such a pledge must nonetheless show full
respect when the pledge is being rendered by standing at attention.

Flag Days

The period from May 28 to June 12 of each year is declared as Flag Days, during which period all
offices, agencies, and instrumentalities of the government, business establishments, institutions of learning,
and private homes are enjoyed to displayed the flag (Sec. 26)

Philippine National Anthem

JULIAN FELIPE composed the national anthem entitled Himno Nacional Filipino. However, it took
over a year before the hymn acquired lyrics. Some time in August 1899, at the height of the Filipino- American
war, a youthful soldier poet named JOSE PALMA, wrote a poem in Spanish to fit the music of the Himno
Nacional Filipino. With the title Filipinas, the poem was originally published on September 3, 1899 in the La
Independencia. Upon its publication, it was unanimously accepted as the lyrics for the hymn composed earlier
by Julian Felipe.

During the American era, the National Anthem was translated into English by Camilo Osias and A.L
Lane. However, in the early 1990, its official lyrics were interpreted by Felipe de Leon from the original
Spanish lyrics and this is what we are using today.

Flag- Raising Ceremony

Under RA 1265, the flag ceremony is compulsory in all educational institutions. The recitation of the
panatang Makabayan and Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas should be done after the singing
of the National Anthem,and the singing of Ako ay Pilipino should be in the last part; however, this is optional.
This kind of activity is designed to instill in the mind of the children the essence of patriotism and love of


Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

As a nation, we value the sacrifices of those people who sacrificed their lives for our country to obtain
freedom- these men and women are our “heroes”. Sacrificing oneself for the sake of the country represents
ultimate dedication, devotion, and loyalty; it is also the most valuable gift that can be given by a citizen to his/
her country. These heroes deserve to be remembered throughout the generation.

December 30- Rizal Day

The observance of Rizal day goes back to the decree issued by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on Dec. 20,
1898 declaring Dec. 30 as the anniversary of Jose Rizal's death. It is also decreed “a national day of
mourning” for Rizal and other victims of the Spanish dominion throughout its three- century rule. Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo issued a directive that all national flags shall be hoisted at half-mast from 12:00 noon on December
29, and all offices of the government shall be closed the whole day on December 30 as a sign of mourning.

November 30- Bonifacio Day

During this day, Filipinos thank him for his heroic attitude in fighting for our country’s independence
during the Filipino- Spanaish war. A Filipino nationalist and revolutionary, Andres Bonifacio was the founder
and leader of the Katipunan movement, which sougth the independence of the Philippines from Spanish
colonial rule and started the Philippine Revolution.

August 26- National Heroes Day

This was held every last Monday of August. By virtue of RA 9492, the official day has been declared to
be August 26. This date was chosen as it marked the day when the Cry of PUGAD Lawin occurred in 1896,
thus initiating the start of the Philippine revolution against Spain. On this occasion, flowers are offered at the
Libingan ng mga Bayani, at the Mausoleum for Veterans of the Revolution at the Manila Cemetery, at the
pathway to Glory in Heroes Square in Rizal Park and at the other heroes monument. As we celebrate National
Heroes Day and at other heroes monument. As we celebrate National Heroes Day, let us remember the lives
and works of our heroes- those listed in history books and those whose names have been forever lost in

June 12- Independence Day

Was officially observe on July 4 until RA 4166, which was approved on August 4, 1964, set out to
move the holiday to June 12. This Act legalized the holiday, which is based on the Declaration of
Independence of June 12 1898 by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo and Filipino revolutionary forces from the Spanish
colonization. The Philippine flag was raised and its national anthem was played for the first time in 1898.
However, liberty was short- lived because Spain and the United States did not recognize the declaration

May 28- June 12- National Flag Day

On May 23, 1994, Pres. Fidel V. Ramos issued Executive Order no. 179, which expanded the National
Flag Day into an extended period, culminating in the celebration of Independence Day. During this period,
Filipinos are enjoined to display the Philippine flag in all offices, agencies, and instruments of government,
business establishments, schools, and private homes.

April 9- The Day of Valor

A national observance until a Letter of Instruction no. 1087, dated on November 26, 1980, made Araw
ng Kagitingan a national public holiday. This holiday is meant to honor the brave people who helped bring

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

democracy and freedom in the Philippines during the World War II. Executive Order no. 203, dated June 30,
1987, further proclaimed April 9 as “” Araw ng Kagitingan” to pay tribute to the heroes of Bataan, Corregidor,
and Bessang. It commemorates the heroism of Filipinos and American Soldiers when the Japanese occupied
the Philippines during the World War II. Major General Edward P. King of the United States Army was forced
to surrender more than 76, 000 Filipinos and American soldiers to the Japanese at dawn on April 9, 1942.
The soldiers were forced to take 90 mile hike to Camp O’Donnell in San Fernando. Unfortunately, thousands
of prisoners died during the hike (also known as the Bataan Death March) due to starvation, dehydration, and
diseases before they could reach the camp.

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Subject: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________

Exercise no. 4

Instruction: Make a social experimentation if majority of Filipinos knows our different commemoration. Then
make a concluding statement about how important to remember and commemorate the sacrifices of our
national heroes. (max. 3 mins.)

CHAPTER 4 Week 10-12

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal


I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

a. Demonstrate principle of nationalism and patriotism in law enforcement administration,
public safety and criminal justice.
II. Motivation
III. Materials
 Notes
 Ballpen
IV. Lesson Proper

Oath of Allegiance

In Wikipedia, this is defined as an oath of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all persons holding
important public office and as a condition of naturalization. 

Role of the Military

“A nation of trained men, ready to defend their country has the lasting respect of itself and of the world,” and
that on the other hand, “a nation of helpless citizens can expect nothing but slavery at home and contempt

- Pres. Manuel L. Quezon

Under the National Defense Act that was implemented during the Commonwealth Era, the Military
Service shall be obligatory for all citizens of the Philippines; even women should receive such instruction and
training as might be necessary for performing auxiliary service. Being a defender of the constitution requires a
great sacrifice by giving up some personal privileges, such as going beyond their place of comfort in order to
serve the country. Loyalty to the Constitution and Filipino people, under one flag and the concomitant
willingness to give their life is their primary mission- one that requires a great deal of courage.

This is defined as the faithfulness, consistency, devotion, allegiance, and fidelity to one’s superior
or duty, cause, or principle.
A soldier must be loyal to the constitution and not to the interest of one person. “ Rule of law, not
Rule by men,” this is the core concept of Democracy.
The submission to authority and willingness to obey. Every well- organized group has a set of
rules and regulations that must be obeyed by the members, and these rules are written under the “Article
of War”
The expression or manifestation of consideration for others. It is a virtue that is expected of all
individuals from all walks of life. In military, courtesy is a great requirement because it is the basis of
military discipline. Once it is not observed wholeheartedly, the organization will lose its orderliness and
may even disintegrate.
Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

The real soldier is one who can control fear and place duty above emotion. This is brought about
by such motivations as love of country, pride in national heritage of bravery, and complete faith and
loyalty in the cause that he/she is fighting for. Moral courage, fear of failure, criticism, and ridicule have
often discouraged men from doing what is right, just, and noble. Hence, courage to do things right in the
face of possible failure and criticism is a triumph in itself.

Develops mutual respect and good will among the members of an organization. Without courtesy
and respect among the members of an organization, discipline disappears. As a result, there will be no
peace and order in the organization and it will disintegrate.

Inability to observe punctuality in keeping appointments is in itself an act of discourtesy to others

who are punctual. Lack of promptness in doing one’s work slows down not only individual progress but
also the operation of the bigger group to which the individual belongs.

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Subject: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Exercise no. 5

 How we can demonstrate an Allegiance to our Country and Constitution?


 Make a motivational video about promoting nationalism and patriotism (max. of 3 mins.)

CHAPTER 5 Week 13-15

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal


I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

a. Understand the Different challenges towards Patriotism and Nationalism
II. Motivation
III. Materials
 Notes
 Ballpen
IV. Lesson Proper

Improvements Needed in the ROTC

Teaching the ROTC to the youth is important because it aims to develop their physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It aims to inculcate in the youth the values of patriotism and
nationalism and initiate their involvement in public and civic affairs. However, its abolition by virtue of RA
9163 (which made it an optional course), provides its ineffectiveness in terms of implementation. Given its
importance, let us try to understand why and how they very important key to establishing our defense system,
which is vital for the survival of future Filipino generations, has been significantly weakened.

Armed Forces created a bad image during the Martial Law Era- an image they are still trying to
recover from. Martial Law per se is good. For example, when it was implemented in Mindanao after the Marawi
Siege, it significantly improved the peace and order situation in the area. With Martial Law, the government
was given more to impose the law.

Going back to the ROTC, while it is true that stricter discipline should be applied in the military, in
dealing with the youth, there should a balance. The problem with the ROTC is that, the personnel handling
the program are not able to internalize its very concept. Shouting, uttering bad words, resorting humiliation,
giving inappropriate orders, and hazing should not be applied. Instead, character building can be done
through instruction and demonstration in a logical manner. Punishment is somehow appropriate, but it
should only be for those who violated the protocol and should be properly explained to the person.

In the old days of the ROTC, it opened up opportunities for corrupt individuals to take advantage of
their position by giving “favors” in exchange for some benefits. Thus the “palakasan system” was born until
such time that taking the course was not worthy anymore.

The lack of “internalization” of its purpose is the primary reason why most of the youth nowadays
cannot understand its significance. It is not too late to instill the concepts of “patriotism and nationalism” in
mind and heart of the youth. T is expected that after this initiative, brilliant minds will surface to give their
ideas, but the pessimists may still be there preaching its worthlessness. The question is, “What have we done
to contribute to our country?” it is our duty to instill the values of “patriotism and nationalism” in every
Filipino, especially the youth and the better way to do it is to understand their origin and significance.


The “Filipino first policy” was introduced by former Pres. Carlos P. Garcia do hat Filipino- owned
business would be prioritized over their foreign counterparts. This policy also encouraged Filipino consumers

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

to patronize Philippine made- product. Many Filipinos are naturally attracted to the foreign way of life, and of
course, to foreign product. The fact that we seem to be losing our identity has prompted some nationalist
groups to campaign for the eradication of foreign influences and shift focus to what we have and who we are.

As a third world country, we need to secure alliances with powerful countries so that we need to be
assured that they will provide us reinforcements in case of an invasion. Remember, our country occupies a
strategic position in the region and the threat of war in the West Philippine Sea is inching closer. In the
economic realm, alliances also give us advantages through trade.

For some nationalists, patronising other countries can be considered an unpatriotic act, which may
be true to a certain extent. Some Filipinos nowadays prefer to work abroad rather than their home country
because of several reasons. However, if we try to take a look a Japan and South Korea, despite of the presence
of US influenced in their country, they were able to maintain their independence. Both countries have the
knack for exploring new trends in business and technology while retaining their cultural identity. In fact
Japan and Korea are still using their own languages and have taken advantage of globalization to introduce to
the world who they are and how rich their culture is through popular cultural phenomena, such as “manga
and K-Pop,” respectively. Can we do this when some of us have always conceived ourselves as foreigners? In
fact, when we have Filipino movie or cultural presentation, some would say that these awkward or even
baduy. Why can’t we follow the examples of Japan and Korea? Well, the answer to that is because their sense
of “patriotism and nationalism” are stronger, such that despite the foreign influences, they have never lost
their identity and have found ways to pass it on to the next generations.

Culture and Language

The Philippines is an archipelago; hence, we have always been fragmented in terms of local culture
and language. There are several ethnic groups in our country and each of them has a distinct culture and
dialect. Our ethnicity, culture, language, and even religion sometimes tend divide us. The challenge is how to
put our common goals and aspirations under one flag so that we can achieve national unity.

We must strengthen our national language because it represents our national identity as Filipinos. We
must set aside our cultural bias that one group is better than another group because, after all, we are
“Filipinos” who share the same vision under one flag. This is our identity wherever we are in the world.

Ethnicity and Religion

“Christians,” “Muslim,” and “Lumads” are words that have somehow divided us historically because of
the false sense of idealism that has pervaded or psyche. Christian represent the majority of the Filipinos and
have always been subjected to attacks, especially the Catholic Church. For many decades, radical Muslims
have called their separation from the Philippines because they do not wish to be integrated with other
religions like Christianity. However, when you encounter an actual Muslim, you will be amazed at how
devoted they are to their faith and how peace- loving they are really contrary to the notion of others.
Meanwhile, Lumads or Indigenous People (IP) are being exploited by some progressive groups, indoctrinating
them with ideas of corruption and rich: the rich people are out there to grab their lands and the government is
not doing anything to prevent it. The above mention scenario is a very long story and may still require several
generations of conflict. However, there is still hope: conflicts may stop if we unites as one people and start
helping one another.

Ethnicity is necessary to achieve nationalism, yet nationalism and patriotism cannot be attained if
just one ethnic group is dominating. These can be obtained when different tribes come together in harmony to
Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

make initiatives and work for the betterment of one nation; when tribes work as one not to dominate but to
contribute their wisdom and technology to create a synergy. Perhaps it is high time that Filipinos assess the
quality and definition of nationalism and patriotism.

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

Subject: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________

Exercise no. 6

 In your own perception and idea how can we overcome the challenges towards Patriotism and
Nationalism? Make a simple presentation/ representation of your idea (max. 3 mins.)

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

When a road construction foreman was killed in an

Leave a accident, the love of this man for his family, co-workers,
and community resulted in an overwhelming sense of
loss. His country church couldn’t accommodate all the

mourners, so planners moved the service to a much larger building. Friends and family packed the
auditorium! The message was clear: Tim touched many lives in a way uniquely his. So many would miss his
kindness, sense of humor and enthusiasm for life.

As I returned from the funeral, I thought about life of King Jehoram. What a contrast! His bried reign
of terror is traced in Chronicles 21. To solidify his power, Jehoram killed his own brothers and other leaders.
(v. 4) then he led Judah into idol worship. The record tells us, “He passed away, to no one’s regret” (v. 20)
Jehoram thought that brute force would ensure his legacy. It did. He is forever commemorated in Scripture as
an evil man and a self- centred leader.

Although Jesus also was a king, He came to earth to be a servant. As He went about doing good, He
endured the hatred of those who grasped power. In the process, this Servant-King gave his life way.

Today, Jesus lives along with His legacy. That legacy includes those who understand that life isn’t just
about themselves. It’s about Jesus- the One who longs to wrap His strong, forgiving arms around anyone who
turns to Him.


Lord in your death as well as in Your Life, Yo served others. In some small way, help
us to serve others with our lives today.


-Our Daily Bread vol. 24

Reference: Character Formation, Patriotism & Nationalism; 2020; Rondina, Talib & Cardinal

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