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Senior High School 12

Health Optimizing
Physical Education
Quarter 1- S-LAS 1



Learning Area: H.O.P.E-3 Quarter: 1ST Quarter

Name of Learner: __________________________________________________________
Grade Level: _______________________________________________________________
School: _____________________________________________________________________


Week Covered (Please Specify): October 5-9, 2020 (Week 1)

After the completion of this self learning activity sheet, you should be able to:
1. discuss the essence of folk dances;
2. classify Folk Dance in Philippines;
3. worthy of Philippine folk dance and basic arms and feet positions;
4. perform the basic positions of the feet and arms, with music and
5. survey of the personal knowledge concerning folk dances

 Activity Notebook
 Ballpen / Pencil

Content Backgorund:

Some of the easiest ways to highlight a culture and bring a message

across is through folk dances.
Various folk dances had originated here in the Philippines from its
key island communities-Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, long before the
Spanish invasion. It can be said that Philippine society is truly a melting pot.
So join us on a short tour and learn about the Philippine Folk Dances and
Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet.

Activity 1. Pictonalysis

Directions: Identify the folk dance as shown in the picture. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

1. 4.



Activity 2. Let’s code and decode
Directions: Each letter of the English Alphabet is represented by a number, e.g. A-
1, B-2…, decipher the word by substituting with a letter and define the following
word. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____

2 9 14 1 19 21 1 14

2. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____

20 9 14 9 11 12 9 14 7

3. ____ ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ _____ _____

9 20 9 11 9 20 9 11

4. ____ ____ ____ ____ _____

4 21 7 19 15

5. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

19 1 11 21 20 9 14 7

6. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____

13 1 7 12 1 12 1 20 9 11

7.____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____

16 1 14 20 15 13 9 14 1

8.____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____

19 9 14 7 11 9 12

9.____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____

11 21 18 1 20 19 1

10. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

19 21 18 20 9 4 15
Directions: Finish the basic arms and feet positions by grouping these terms in a
correct order. Write a reply into your notebook.


Correct Statement: ____________________________________________________________


Correct Statement: ___________________________________________________________


Correct Statement: ___________________________________________________________


Correct Statement:___________________________________________________________


Correct Statement:____________________________________________________________

What is Folk Dance?

Folk Dance refers to the dances created and performed collectively by the
ordinary people. The term usually includes: so called “ethnic dances” such as those
of the cultural community in the Cordillera, in Mindoro, Palawan, Sulu and
Mindanao; and the rural or lowland Christian dances, among the groups, like the
Ilocano, Pangasinan, Tagalong, Pampango, Bicol, Cebuano, Ilongo and Waray.

Folk dances may also divided into the “regional, which refers to the dances
particular to one locale or area; and the “national” which refers to those performed
all over the country. A related term is “creative folk dance” which refers to
character dances whose choreography uses folk steps and music.

Philippine folk dances are diverse, and include religious, ceremonial, and
courtship, funeral, combative, exorcism, torture, comic and game dances. They
have been named after saints, heroes, teachers, foreign steps or dances, their
countries or regions or origin, events, tribes, Philippine steps, a combination of
steps or of steps and places and a combination of words.

Philippine folk dances other than religious, ceremonial, and a few social are
performed with attention to detail and after meticulous rehearsals.

Filipino ethnic groups still believe in the efficacy of dance as a means of

communicating with deity. Christianized Filipinos too dance too plead with, or to
thank the Virgin Mary or a patron saint. As in Filipino religiosity, the influence of
indigenous culture persists, despite colonization.

Insects, reptiles, fowls, birds, simians, medicinal and fragrant plants, edible
shoots, the national flower, bamboo nodes, and the sound of wind as it passes
through the leaves have all been accorded recognition in the Philippine Dance.

Activities such as rice production, broom making, gold panning, fishing,

tuba making, gathering of sweet potatoes, clams or honey, fetching of water, pot
making, corn planting, and communal work have been reflected in Philippine folk
The dances use movements of the head, waist, arms, feet throwing circling,
swooping, offering, crowning. Some dances feature flags, beating with the sticks,
and swaying motions such as those of drunkards. Hand or stage properties are
used: fans, earrings, bench, food covers, hats, fish containers, pots, leaves, floral
arches, coconut shells, wooden implements, chopsticks, and many poles.

Classification of Philippine Folk Dance

Nature Meaning Examples

Occupational Dances depict actions of a particular Planting, punding
Religious/ Associated with religion, vows and Dugso, Sua-Ku-Sua
Ceremonials ceremonies
Comic Dances Depict funny movement for Kinotan, Makonggo
Game Dances Done with play elements Lubi-Lubi, Pavo
Wedding Dances Performed during wedding feasts Panasahan
Courtship Dance Depict the art of courtship Hele-hele, Tadek,
Festival Dances Suitable for special occasions Pandanggo,
War Dance Show imagery combat Sagayan, Palu-palo

Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet

There are five fundamental or basic positions in dance that are commonly termed
as 1st position, 2nd position, 3rd position, 4th position, and 5th position of the feet
and arms.

POSITION FEET Illustration

Heels together, toes

1st Position apart with an angle
of 45 degrees
Astride sideward of
2nd Position about a pace or 1
foot distance

Heel of one foot

3rd Position close to the in-step
of the other foot.

One foot in front

4th Position the other about a
pace distance

Heel of front foot

5th Position close to the big toe
of the rear foot.

Position Arms Illustration

Encircle both arms

in front of the chest
1st Position with the finger tips
about an inch
Both arms raised
2nd Position sideward with a
graceful curve.

One arm raised

3rd Position sideward, the other
arm overhead.

One arm in a half

4th Position circle in front, other
arm raised

Both hands raised

5th Position overhead.

Activity 1. Classify Me!
Directions: Classify below the given name of Philippine Folk Dances whether it's
an occupational, war, game, comic, religious, wedding and courtship
dance. Write a reply into your journal.
1. Sagayan
2. Lubi-lubi
3. Dugso
4. Sua-Ku-Sua
5. Hele-Hele
6. Panasahan
7. Pandanggo
8. Pasigin
9. Tadek
10. Makonggo

Assessment: 1. You Complete Me.

Directions: Fill out the missing word/s that corresponds to each item.

Nature Meaning Examples

Occupational Dances 1 Planting, punding
Associated with religion, vows and
2 Dugso, Sua-Ku-Sua
Comic Dances Kinotan, Makonggo
Game Dances Done with play elements 4
Wedding Dance Performed during wedding feasts Panasahan
Hele-hele, Tadek,
Courtship Dance Depict the art of courtship
Festival Dances Suitable for special occasions
War Dance Show imagery combat Sagayan, Palu-palo

Activity 2. Appreciate Me!

Directions: Answer the question comprehensively. Write your answer on your


How do you appreciate the importance of Philippine folk dance and the basic arms
and feet positions?


Rubric for Assessment of the Personal Essay

(maximum of 15 points for each essay)

3 2 1 0
INTRODUCTION Well-developed Introduction creates Introduction Background details are
Background/Histor introduction interest. Sufficient adequately a random collection of
y engages the reader background explains the information, unclear, or
and creates information is background, not related to the topic.
Thesis Statement
interest. Contains provided. Thesis but may lack Thesis is vague or
CONCLUSION detailed clearly states the detail. Thesi unclear.
background position or belief. s states the Conclusion does not
information. Thesis Conclusion position or summarize main
clearly states a effectively belief. points.
significant and summarizes Conclusion is
compelling position topics. recognizable
or belief. and ties up
Conclusion almost all
effectively wraps loose ends.
up and goes
beyond restating
the thesis.
MAIN POINTS The main idea or a The main idea can The main More than one of the
Body Paragraphs thesis statement is be identified. The idea can be following problems may
clearly defined. writer shares identified. be evident: The main
There may be more relevant The writer idea is not identifiable.
than one key point. information, facts shares some The writer shares some
Appropriate and information, information, but it is
relevant experiences. There facts and limited or unclear.
information and is a clear distinction experiences, Details are missing or
details are shared between general but may repetitious.
from a variety of observations and show
sources including specifics. Supporti problems
personal ng details are going from
experiences, relevant and general
observations, and explain the main observations
prior knowledge. idea. to specifics.
Supporting details Stronger
are accurate, support and
relevant, and greater
helpful in clarifying attention to
the main idea(s). details would
this paper.
ORGANIZATION Logical progression Logical progression Organization No discernable
Structure of ideas with a of is clear. organization. Transitio
Transitions clear structure ideas. Transitions Transitions ns are not
that enhances the are present equally are present. present. Connections
thesis. Transitions throughout essay. between ideas seem
are mature and confusing or
graceful. incomplete.
STYLE The paper is Writer's voice Writer's voice Writing is confusing,
Writer’s Voice, honest and is consistent and may emerge hard to
Audience enthusiastic. The strong. The writer strongly on follow. Language is
Awareness, language is natural is aware of an occasion, vague. No audience
yet thought- audience. The then retreat awareness. No variety
provoking. It reader is informed behind in sentence structure.
brings the topic to and remains general,
life. The reader engaged. Sentences vague,
feels a strong have varied tentative, or
sense of structure. abstract
interaction with language.
the writer and The writer is
senses the person aware of an
behind the words. audience. Th
Writing is smooth, e reader is
skillful, and informed, but
coherent. Sentenc must work at
es are strong and remaining
expressive with engaged.
varied structure Sentence
shows some
MECHANICS Punctuation, Punctuation, A few errors Distracting errors in
Spelling, spelling, spelling, in punctuation, spelling,
capitalization are capitalization are punctuation, capitalization.
punctuation, correct. No errors. generally correct, spelling,
capitalization with few errors. (1- capitalization
2) . (3-4)

Introduction/Conclusion _______ Grade Equivalent (15 points maximum):

Main Points _______ A = 13 - 15 points
Organization _______ B = 10 - 12 points
Style _______ C = 7 - 9 points
Mechanics _______ D = 4 - 6 points
F= 0–3
Total Points ______ = grade of ______

Activity 3. Let’s Perform!

Directions: Send your own video performing fundamental positions of arms and
feet with music (Itik-Itik Music with the link Do so by wearing school P.E
Uniform individually.

a. Fundamental positions of the feet

b. Fundamental positions of the arms
c. Fundamental positions of the arms and feet.

Assessment: 3
Directions: Fill out the graphic organizer below. Write the fundamental positions of
arms and feet in order. Write your answer in your big notebook.

Directions: Select the most appropriate answer to each of the following questions.
Write your chosen letter into your operation notebook.

1. When one arm is raised sideward, the other arm overhead, which position of the
arms is executed?
A. 1st C. 3rd
B. 2 nd D. 4th

2. What basic position of the arms is described below? One arm in half circle in
front, the other arm raised overhead.
A. 1st C. 3rd
B. 2nd D. 4th

3. Your teacher asked you to demonstrate the 3rd position of the feet. How will you
show the movement?

A. Heel together
B. Feet on a stride position
C. Heel on one foot close to the in-step of the other foot
D. Heel and toes are close and in line with one another

4. This refers to the dances created and performed collectively by the ordinary
A. Social Dance C. Folk Dance
B. Street Dance D. Contemporary Dance

5. A classification of dance that is suitable for special occasions.

A. Festival Dance C. Wedding Dance
B. Courtship Dance D. Occupational Dance

6. What is the second fundamental position of arms in Philippine Folk Dance?

A. One arm raised sideward, the other arm overhead.
B. Both arms raised sideward with a graceful curve.
C. One arm in a half circle in front, other arm raised overhead.
D. Both hands raised overhead.

7. Which of the following is NOT an example of Philippine Folk Dance?

A. Itik-Itik C. Maglalatik
B. Kumintang D. Sakuting

8. What is the 4th fundamental position of feet in Philippine Folk Dance?

A. Astride sideward of about a pace or 1 foot distance
B. Heel of one foot close to the in-step of the other foot.
C. One foot in front the other about a pace distance
D. Heel of front foot close to the big toe of the rear foot.

9. What classification of dance is Dugso?

A. Festival Dance C. Religious Dance
B. Courtship Dance D. Occupational Dance
10. When heel of front foot close to the big toe of the rear foot, which position of
the arms is executed?
A. 2nd C. 4th
B. 3 rd D. 5th
11. What nature of dance depict the art of courtship?
A. War Dance C. Religious Dance
B. Courtship Dance D. Festival Dance

12. When both hands raised overhead, which position of the arms is executed?
A. 2nd C. 4th
B. 3rd D. 5th

13. What nature of dance depicts imagery combat?

A. Comic Dance C. War Dance
B. Courtship Dance D. Wedding Dance

14. Activities such as rice production, broom making, gold panning, fishing, tuba
making, gathering of sweet potatoes, clams or honey, fetching of water, pot making,
corn planting, and communal work have been reflected in
A. Asian Folk Dance C. Philippine Folk Dance
B. Japan Folkloric Dance D. China Bodabil Dance

15. This refers to character dances whose choreography uses folk steps and music.
A. Regional Folkloric Dance C. National Linguistic Dance
B. Creative Folk Dance D. Linguistic Dance

Folk Dancing Questionnaire
Directions: Below is a survey questionnaire which reveals your personal folk
dancing information. Complete it and place in each element a check mark
corresponding to your answer.

1. I love to watch the folk dances
2. I’m keen to learn folk dances
3. I like to study folk dances
4. I like the folk dance music
5. Folk dance is my favorite of all types of dances
6. I’m part of a folk dance party
7. I engaged in folk dancing programs/field demonstrations
8. I began to dance folk dance/s after basic
9. I entered folk dance contests
10. I taught folk dances

A scale is provided below that helps you make sense of the answers you've
given in the survey questionnaire.
No. of Yes Responses Relative Interpretation
1-3 Not too keen on folk dancing
4-6 Not interested in folk dancing
7-10 Really interested in folk dancing

What does this say about your interest in folk dancing, based on your
analysis of your survey-questionnaire responses? Express your comment, and
share it.


Concepts Learned:

I learned that

Concepts Unlearned:
I need to know more about


Department of Education, 2017. Physical Education and Health 7, Learner’s
Materials. Philippines:

Online Article
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Renato Somao Roche - Tandag National Science High School
Editor: Dr. Ponciano A. Alngog
Reviewers: Gemma B. Espadero, Jeanette R. Isidro, Marvelous B. Estal
Illustrator: Jandy A. Heyres
Management Team: Imelda N. Sabornido
Segundino A. Madjos Jr.
Jeanette R. Isidro
Gemma B. Espadero
Arlene L. Abala

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