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Subject Area

Dr. Nicolas A. Turnos
Dr. Ariston D. Calvo
Dr. Baudilla S. Calvo
Prof. Efren E. Magulama

May 2017

1. It is an art and science of raising useful plants and livestocks under the
management of man.
a. Botany c. Vermiculture e. Physiology
b. Zoology d. Agriculture

2. The race of people regarded as the first agriculturists are:

a. the Filipinos c. the American Indians
b. the Cushites d. the Africans e. the Mexicans

3. The center of origin of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is:

a. China c. India e. Africa
b. Mexico d. Philippines

4. The seasonal pattern of a particular place occurring from year to year is

a. Season c. Weather e. Winter
b. Summer d. Climate

5. Which of the following is/are not part(s) of the pistil?

a. Stigma c. Pollen e. Style
b. Ovary d. Ovule

6. The transfer of pollen grains from the anther of the stamen to the stigma
of the pistil is known as:
a. Germination c. Transpiration e. Sterilization
b. Pollination d. Vernalization

7. In the seed embryogenesis, the zygote which gives rise to the embryo is
formed by the fusion of the:
a. Sperm cell + synergids c.. Egg cell + synergids
b. Sperm cell + egg cell d. Egg cell + antipodals
e. Sperm cell + antipodals

8. The science that deals with the identification and classification of plants is:
a. Physiology c. Morphology e. Ecology
b. Anatomy d. Taxonomy

9. It is considered as the basic fundamental unit of life:

a. Blood c. Cell e. Chemical
b. Water d. Sugar

10. In a tetrazolium test, viable seeds will stain:

a. Red c. Blue e. White
b. Green d. Yellow

11. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L. is the scientific name of:

a. Ampalaya c. Swamp cabbage e. Lagundi
b. Tomato d. Winged bean

12. The Grass family is the same as I. Graminae II. Poaceae

III. Monocotyledonae.
a. I and II are true c. III is true e. None of the above
b. I and II are false d. All of the above
13. Crops with any of the following characteristics are direct seeded.
a. Seeds are difficult to germinate
b. Seeds are expensive
c. Seedlings cannot tolerate root disturbance
d. Seedlings develop multiple tap roots
e. Seed dormancy

14. A meteorological phenomenon that develops in the Pacific, mostly off

Peru. It is characterized by weather disturbances or unexpected
climatic changes such as absence of rain during the rainy season.
a. La Niña c. La Niño e. Climate change
b. El Niño d. El Viejo

15. Any organism belonging to the kingdom plantae, typically lacking

of active locomotion and has photosynthetic activity:
a. Bacteria c. Molds e. Fungus
b. Crop d. Plant

16. The study of the internal structure of plants is called:

a. Biotechnology c. Morphology e. Biology
b. Physiology d. Anatomy

17. A woody plant with a relatively short main stem which gives rise to
many branches:
a. Herb c. Vine e. Liana
b. Tree d. Shrub

18. The seed covering derived from the integuments of the ovule:
a. Testa c. Embryo e. Ovary wall
b. Cotyledon d. Endosperm

19. The ability of the seed to germinate if conditions favorable for

germination are provided:
a. Dormancy c. Quiescence e. Longevity
b. Geminability d. Viability

20. The inability of the seed to readily germinate even if conditions

favorable for germination are provided:
a. Dormancy c. Viability e. Longevity
b. Quiescence d. Germinability

21. Leguminous crops planted then plowed to incorporate with the soil
at blooming stage two weeks before planting the main crop:
a. Catch crop c. Soiling crop e. Cover crop
b. Companion crop d. Green manure crop

22. The amount of water vapor in the air needed to saturate the atmosphere
at a given temperature:
a. Humidity c. Fogs e. Evaporation
b. Dew d. Relative Humidity

23. The art and science of field crop production and management is:
a. Horticulture c. Entomology e. Forestry
b. Agronomy d. Pathology
24. It is the process of preparing the soil for planting, thereby providing
good physical, chemical and biological conditions that would permit
optimum plant growth.
a. Land preparation c. Secondary tillage e. Harrowing
b. Primary tillage d. Tillage

25. Which of the following are not elements of weather:

a. Temperature and wind
b. Atmospheric pressure and humidity
c. Typhoons and tornadoes
d. Precipitation and cloudiness
e. Temperature and relative humidity

26. The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED),

which was formed by the United Nations in 1983, is better known as
the Brundtland Commission. In April 1987, it issued its report entitled:
a. Sustainable Development c. Our Common Future
b. Development and the Environment d. Conserving the Earth

27. Which is not under the family Leguminoceae?

a. Phaseolus lunatus c. Lagenaria siceraria
b. Vigna unguiculata d. Phaseolus vulgaris
e. Arachis hypogaea

28. Properly dried seeds can be stored for a longer duration with high
germination using this container:
a. Paper bag c. Jute sack e. Poyethylene bag
b. Sealed tin can d. Plastic sack

29. A method of asexual propagation in which missing organs are

allowed to regenerate on detached vegetative parts of the plant:
a. Marcotting c. Budding e. Inarching
b. Cuttage d. Grafting

30. The general term for techniques that control the growth of plants in
terms of shape, size, and spatial direction:
a. Training c. Pinching e. Cutting
b. Pruning d. Trimming

31. A system of cropping in which as many crops are grown as possible on

the same land within a year:
a. Monocropping c. Integrated farming
b. Multiple cropping d. Sustainable farming
e. High density planting

32. The tillage operation that does the initial cutting or breaking of the
soil at its state where either a crop has been grown and harvested or
simply a barren soil:
a. Secondary tillage c. Zero tillage e. Minimum tillage
b. Primary tillage d. Maximum tillage

33. Method of raising rice seedlings where pre-germinated seeds are

sown on cement or puddled soil covered with banana leaves or
polyethylene sheet. The raised seedlings are ready for trans-
planting in 10-14 days.
a. Wet bed method c. Dry bed method e. Transplanting method
b. Dapog method d. Seedbed method

34. The process by which seeds with inhibitory substances are subjected
to cold temperature treatment prior to germination to trigger the
process of flowering later is called:
a. Hardening c. Acclimatization e. Refrigeration
b. Vernalization d. Scarification

35. The temperature at which a biological process will take place at the
fastest rate is the:
a. Cardinal temperature c. Minimum temperature
b. Maximum temperature d. Optimum temperature
e. Low temperature

36. The scientist who formulated the “rules of thumb” in seed storage was:
a. Harrington c. Collin e. Linnaeus
b. Taylor d. Van Daar

37. Land preparation is performed at relatively low moisture content,

well below the saturation moisture level:
a. Wetland or lowland preparation
b. Secondary tillage preparation
c. Dryland or upland preparation
d. Conventional land preparation
e. Seedbed preparation

38. A process of transferring the seedlings from one seed box to another
seed box or container before they are brought to the field:
a. Pricking c. Blocking e. None of the above
b. Hardening d. Transplanting

39. This is a crop that can be classified both as an agronomic crop and as a
horticultural crop based on its uses in the Philippines:
a. Rice c. Sorghum e. Tobacco
b. Mungbean d. Peanut

40. The common methods of testing seed viability:

a. Rag doll method c. Petri dish method e. None of the above
b. Seed box method d. All of the above

41. An easterly wind blows

a. from east to west c. from the equator to the east
b. from west to east d. from the equator to the west
e. from east to north

42. Sustainable agriculture is any practice, method, technique/techno-

logy, philosophy or system of production that makes agriculture:
a. Economically feasible and ecologically sound
b. Socially just and humane
c. Culturally appropriate and grounded on holistic science
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

43. The easiest method of plant propagation is:

a. Marcotting c. Layering e. Budding
b. Inarching d. Cuttage
44. The flower of squash is:
a. Complete and perfect c. Complete and imperfect
b. Incomplete and perfect d.. Incomplete and imperfect
e. All of the above

45. It refers to the traditional system, which begins with a primary tillage
operation followed by several secondary tillage operations:
a. Zero tillage c. Maximum or Conventional tillage
b. Minimum tillage d. Secondary tillage e. All of the above

46. Plants will need more water when the relative humidity is:
a. 60% c. 80% e. 100%
b. 70% d. 90%

47. A plant, like siniguelas, that loses its leaves during a certain time of the
year is a
a. Seasonal plant c. Deciduous plant e. None of the above
b. Evergreen plant d. Naked plant

48. Kangkong, ampalaya and camote tops are easily chewed because
of the absence of supporting and strengthening tissue called:
a. Parenchyma c. Sclerenchyma e. All of the above
b. Collenchyma d. Chlorenchyma

49. Bitter gourd is known to help control diabetes. What is the scientific name?
a. Momordica charantia c. Citrullus lunatus e. Mimosa charantia
b. Luffa acutangula d. Luffa cylindrica

50. This is the treatment that removes or alters the seed coat making it
permeable to water:
a. Scarification c. Vernalization e. Imbibition
b. Stratification d. Separation

51.The number of ATP produced in the Electron Transport System if the

electron carrier is FAD
a. one c. three e. six
b. two d. four

52. The number of ATP produced in Glycolysis

a. 4 c. 8 e. 12
b. 6 d. 10

53. The number of ATP produced in the formation of acetyl coenzyme A

(acetyl CoA)
a. 4 c. 8 e. 12
b. 6 d. 10

54. The number of ATP produced in the Krebs cycle

a. 20 c. 34 e. 40
b. 24 d. 36

55. The total number of ATP produced in the complete oxidation of glucose to
CO2 and water via Glycolysis, Formation of acetyl CoA, Krebs cycle. and
Electron transport System
a. 26 c. 46 e. 40
b. 36 d. 56
56. The total number of ATP produced in the complete oxidation of glucose to
CO2 and water via the Hexose Monophosphate Shunt
a. 26 c. 46 e. 40
b. 36 d. 56

57. The degradation of glucose to pyruvic acid

a. glycolysis c. Krebs cycle e. Photolysis of H2O
b. formation of acetyl CoA d. electron transport system

58. The final product of glycolysis

a. pyruvic acid c. carbon dioxide e. respiration
b. acetyl CoA d. water

59. The compound that can enter the Krebs cycle

a. pyruvic acid c. carbon dioxide e. ethylene
b. acetyl CoA d. water

60. Glycolysis occurs in the

a. cytoplasm c. chloroplast e. cell wall
b. mitochondria d. vacuole

61. The Krebs Cycle occurs in the

a. cytoplasm c. chloroplast e. cell wall
b. mitochondria d. vacuole

62. The Electron Transport System occurs in the

a. cytoplasm c. chloroplast e. cell membrane
b. mitochondria d. vacuole

63. Each turn of the Krebs cycle uses how many molecules of acetyl CoA.
a. one c. three e. six
b. two d. four

64. The removal of electron is termed as

a. reduction c. carboxylation e. subtraction
b. oxidation d. oxygenatrion

65. The addition of electron is termed as

a. reduction c. carboxylation e. multiplication
b. oxidation d. oxygenation

66. Metabolic pathways by which organisms liberate stored energy

a. transpiration c. photosynthesis e. evaporation
b. respiration d. diffusion

67. Low substrate availability means _______ respiration rates

a. no c. high e. maximum
b. low d. zero

68. Decreasing oxygen can ______aerobic respiration.

a. stop c. increase e. accelerate
b. decrease d. Zero

69. Respiration rate ________ when temperature increases up to 30-45 oC.

a. stop c. increases e. remains
b. decreases d. zero
70. Meristematic tissues have ______ respiration rates than non-meristematic
a. no c. higher e. very low
b. lower d. zero

71. Role of CO2 in respiration.

a. inhibits c. promotes e. maximizes
b. maintains d. stops

72. Pyruvic acid in the absence of O2 is converted to either ethanol or lactic

acid via
a. Krebs cycle c. Fermentation e. Transpiration
b. ETS d. Glycolysis

73. Also termed as accessory pigments

a. carotenoid c. phycoerythrin e. lycopene
b. chlorophyll a d. chlorophyll b

74. A rich energy compound which serves as the gasoline of the plant
a. ACT c. ATP e. FAD
b. ADP d. NAD

75. Can manufacture its own food with sunlight as source of energy.
a. Animal c. Human e. Cell
b. Plant d. Heart

76. The process of food manufacture in plants

a. transpiration c. photosynthesis e. evaporation
b. respiration d. diffusion

77. It is the site of photosynthesis from start to completion

a. chloroplast c. nucleus e. cell membrane
b. chlorophyll d. vacuole

78. It is the powerhouse of the cell.

a. chloroplast c. mitochondria e. ribosomes
b. chlorophyll d. vacuole

79. It is the green pigment in plants

a. chloroplast c. mitochondria e. lycopene
b. chlorophyll d. vacuole

80. The most active pigments involved in photosynthesis

a. carotenoid c. phycoerythrin e. ethylene
b. chlorophyll d. phycobillins

81. It is phase of photosynthesis which is the production of reducing

powers (ATP and NADH)
a. light c. white e. blue
b. dark d. black

82. It is the phase of photosynthesis which is the fixation of CO 2 into

a. light c. white e. blue
b. dark d. black
83. ATP means
a. adenine triphosphate c. adenosine triphosphate
b. adenosine triophosphate d. adenine triophosphate
e. none of the above

84. ADP means

a. adenine diphosphate c. adenosine diphosphate
b. adenosine diophosphate d. adenine diophosphate
e. none of the above

85. Photophosphorylation is the synthesis of

a. DNA c. ADP e. CAM
b. RNA d. ATP

86. It is considered as the world’s largest source of vegetable oil.

a. coconut c. sunflower e. peanut
b. soybeans d. oil palm

87. The most important grain legume for human consumption of the world
a. Phaseolus vulgaris c. Phaseolus alba
b. Phaseolus lunatus d. Phaseolus rubra
e. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

88. These are the plants which belong to family Crassulaceae.

a. C3 c. CAM e. C2
b. C4 d. SAM

89. These are plants whose initial product of CO2 fixation are 3-carbon
a. C3 c. CAM e. C5
b. C4 d. SAM

90. These are plants whose initial product of CO 2 fixation are 4-carbon
a. C3 c. CAM e. C1
b. C4 d. SAM

91. These plants are very effective in conserving water whose stomates are
open only during the night.
a. C3 c. CAM e. Evergreen
b. C4 d. SAM

92. Photosynthesis will take place provided there is one

a. photosynthetic unit c. mitochondria e. O2
b. chloroplast d. chlorophyll

93. Photophosphorylation is the synthesis of

a. DNA c. ADP e. ER
b. RNA d. ATP

94. For C3 plants CO2 is fixed via what pathway?

a. Calvin-Benson c. CAM e. Photosynthesis
b. Hatch Slack d. ETS

95. For C4 plants CO2 is fixed via what pathway?

a. Calvin-Benson c. CAM e. Root system
b. Hatch Slack d. ETS

96. For CAM plants CO2 is fixed via

a. Calvin-Benson c. CAM e. Glycolysis
b. Hatch Slack d. ETS

97. The direct transfer of phosphate from organic compounds to ADP is

what type of phosphorylation?
a. oxidative c. reductive e. transpiration
b. substrate level d. additive

98. Coupling energy from an electron donor to an electron carrier is

what type of phosphorylation?
a. oxidative c. reductive e. multiplication
b. substrate level d. additive

99. The number of ATP produced in the Electron Transport System if the
electron carrier is NAD
a. one c. three e. six
b. two d. four

100. The number of ATP produced in the Electron Transport System if the
electron carrier is FAD
a. one c. three e. six
b. two d. four

101. This refers to the amount of moisture in the atmosphere expressed as

the amount it could hold at saturation point at the same temperature
a. relative humidity c. CO2 compensation point
b. field saturation point d. Field capacity e. Fogs

102. The judicious removal of plant parts with a purpose is called

a. training c. climbing e. pinching
b. pruning d. cutting

103. The inhibitory effect of the growing point of bud beneath them is known as
a. senescence c. photoperiodism e. dormancy
b. apical dominanc d. gravitropism

104. The physical interruption of the flow of photosynthates from leaves to the
root system is called
a. propping c. girdling e. penetration
b. vernalization d. pruning

105. This refers to the pattern of arrangement of crops in time and space as
well as the process of growing them
a. multiple cropping c. cropping system e. ecosystem
b. farming system d. mixed cropping

106. A device which measures the amount of force that the plant roots exert to
remove the moisture from the soil particles at a depth of maximum root
activity is called
a. hydrometer c. barometer e. thermometer
b. nanometer d. tensiometer
107. In orchard or plantations where water is available or rainfall is
evenly distributed throughout the year and capital is not limiting, it is
possible to decrease the distance of planting 2 to 10 x to maximize the
use of the land and get higher yield/unit area. This system is called
a. multiple cropping c. low density planting e. none of the above
b. optimum density planting d. high density planting

108. Given the same distance of planting, a quincunx system could accom-
modate more plants/unit area compared to square. If the area is 1 ha
and the spacing of trees is 10 x 10 m, following quincunx system,
the total number of plants would be
a. 161 c. 281 e. None of the above
b. 181 d. 811

109. A system of planting which consist of setting a tree in each corner of the
square whatever the planting distance may be is known as
a. rectangular c. quincunx e. distance
b. square d. hexagonal

110. The geographical position or the place where the horticultural enterprise
is located in relation to any point of designation is known as
a. site c. topography e. destination
b. location d. orchard

111. This refers to the amount of water that is held by the soil at maximum
capacity after excess water has been drained
a. Permanent wilting percentage c. Temporary wilting e. Imbibition
b. Field capacity d. Soil production capacity

112. The integrated process of applying the needed amount of water at the
proper time and the removal of excess water from the field to increase
production is called
a. irrigation c. rainfall management e. fertigation
b. water managemen d. farm management

113. Given the same distance of planting, a triangle or hexagonal system of

planting would give more trees/unit area compared to square. This
increase in number of plants would be as high as
a. 10% c. 51% e. 100%
b. 15% d. 81%

114. Planting distance for horticultural trees must be determined by the

following except one:
a. area occupied by the canopy at maturity
b. fertility and depth of the soil
c. planting material and variety
d. topography of the area
e. none of the above

115. The exact position of the tree at planting could be determined by the
use of
a. planting c. stakes e. meter stick
b. planting board d. planting plan
116. A system of planting which consists of setting a tree in each corner
of an equilateral triangle whatever the planting distance maybe is
known as
a. square c. hexagonal e. cornerstone
b. rectangular d. quincunx

117. In establishing an orchard/plantation a planting plan has to be made in

order to:
a. aid in determining the number of trees
b. have a record of varieties and replacement
c. help in planning of irrigation and use of equipment
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

118. The flatness or steepness of the land and other features of the ground is
called as:
a. location c. site e. position
b. topography d. upland

119. The method of propagation which is also considered as “approach grafting”:

a. marcotting c. budding e. layering
b. inarching d. cutting

120. Asexually propagated planting materials must be hardened before field

setting to minimize:
a. transplanting shock c. pest and disease problem
b. heat shock d. emergence of water sprouts
e. none of the above

121. The process of growing crops in sand or other non soil materials is
known as:
a. hypertonic c. hydroponics e. aerobics
b. hypotonic d. isotonic

122. The scientific name of durian is

a. Durio zibethinus c. Dirium domesticum e. Durius indicus
b. Dorio zibethinus d. Durio domesticum

123. A propagation using naturally detachable organs of the plant

a. Division c. Slips e. vegetation
b. Separation d. Bulb

124. The enlarged storage organ of banana, abaca, and gabi (taro) which is
a solid stem structure containing nodes and internodes and a few
rudimentary leaves
a. tuber c. corm e. sucker
b. rhizome d. bulb

125. In fertilization, one sperm cell fuses with egg, forming a diploid zygote
and develops into an embryo in the seed. The second sperm cell fuses
with the two polar nuclei and develops into an endosperm. This
process is called
a. double pollination c. double fusion e. double entry
b. double fertilization d. zygotic fusion
126. The general term used for propagation methods whereby two plant
parts are joined in such a manner that they unite and continue growth
as one plant
a. inarching c. cutting e. coupling
b. budding d. grafting

127. Vegetative propagation where the stem is made to form roots while
still attached to the mother plant
a. layerage c. cuttage e. hostage
b. graftage d. buddage

128. The production of seeds without sexual process

a. sexual propagation c. parthenocarpy e. seed production
b. apomixes d. asexual propagation

129. If the growing point of this plant is cut, new and more growing points
(bud) will take their place below the growing point
a. dicot plant c. C3 plant e. annual plant
b. monocot plant d. C4 plant

130. An edible, succulent plant or plant parts usually eaten with a staple in
cooked or raw form. It is not a sweet fruit nor a mature grain
a. fruit c. eggplant e. flower
b. vegetable d. cucumber

131. Seeds although alive may not be able to germinate even under
favorable environmental conditions. Such condition is called
a. dormancy c. rest period of seeds e. seed storage
b. state of suspended growth d. after ripening period of seeds

132. The transfer of the pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of the flower
a. photosynthesis c. pollination e. transpiration
b. self-pollination d. cross pollination

133. The process of transferring the seedlings from the seedbed to the final site
or field
a. planting c. transplanting e. thinning
b. seedling d. pricking

134. This method of propagation which involves the use of vegetative parts of
the plant
a. sexual c. cutting e. vegetation
b. vegetative d. asexual

135. The temporary setback in growth of vegetable seedlings after transplanting

a. transplanting shock c. after shock e. water stress
b. planting shock d. suspended growth

136. The shoot produced on top of a fruit like in pineapple

a. sucker c. tiller e. curd
b. slip d. crown

137. A kind of propagation where only a single bud is used as scion

a. grafting c. budding e. inarching
b. layering d. marcotting
138. A kind of pollination where the pollen is transferred from the anther of
another flower to the stigma of another flower in another plant
a. pollination c. cross-pollination e. double pollination
b. self-pollination d. intra-pollination

139. A flower that has sepals, petals, stamen and carpels is said to be
a. perfect c. incomplete e. edible
b. imperfect d. complete

140. Seeds of many fruits and plantation crops cannot withstand drying and
should not be permitted to dry out before planting. These seeds are
a. wet seeds c. orthodox seeds e. viable seeds
b. dry seeds d. recalcitrant seeds

141. Vegetative propagation involving regeneration of structural parts in

detached vegetative parts under favorable conditions
a. cutting c. leaf cutting e. layering
b. root cutting d. stem cutting

142. In grafting, there are two parts, the lower and the upper. The lower part
of the graft is called
a. scion c. seedlings e. radicle
b. stock d. desired branch

143. The technical term used in the edible part of asparagus

a. curd c. shoot e. crown
b. head d. spear

144. The study of raising fruit crops

a. pomology c. floriculture e. citriculture
b. olericulture d. viticulture

145. Propagation by the use of seeds

a. asexual c. vegetative d. seedlings
b. sexual d. apomictic

146. Water is needed by crops at all stages of growth except

a. planting time c. pollination and fertilization e. seedling growth
b. harvesting d. vegetative growth

147. The following crops are propagated asexually except

a. sugarcane c. sweet potato e. croton
b. mungbean d. pineapple

148. Lowland preparation starts with

a. soaking the paddies c. plowing the field e. transplanting
b. fixing the dikes d. harrowing the field

149. Direct seeding can be practiced as a means of rice culture especially if,
a. weeds are persistent c. water is dependable e. None of the above
b. labor is not scarce d. seeds are viable

150. The removal of extra seedlings from a crowded area in order to

raise healthy and vigorous plants
a. roguing c. thinning e. transplanting
b. ratooning d. pricking

151. The Philippines is one of members of ASEAN countries having a total

land area of
a. 10 million ha c. 40 million ha e. 60 million ha
b. 30 million ha d. 50 million ha

152. Of the total land area of the Philippines, what is the land area devoted
to agriculture
a. 10 million ha c. 13 million ha e. 20 million ha
b. 12 million ha d. 14 million ha

153. In Asia, the early civilizations have established around a diet basically
consisting of
a. maize and peanuts c. rice and beans e. corn and sorghum
b. sorghum and beans d. wheat and barley

154. The prime agricultural lands in the Philippines are generally located
a. near forested areas
b. near costal areas
c. around the main and high population density areas
d. near the hills and mountains
e. none of the above

155. Which of the following crops is NOT exported by the Philippines?

a. coconut c. banana e. mango
b. pineapple d. rice

156. Which of the following regions is considered as the rice granary of the
a. Cagayan Valley c. Ilocos Region e. Saranggani
b. Central Luzon d. Soccsksargen

157. Next to rice and corn, the top 5 crops of the Philippines include:
a. coconut, sugarcane, and banana
b. coconut, banana, and abaca
c. coconut, wheat, and sugarcane
d. coconut, coffee, and cassava

158. Comparative advantage in agriculture means:

a. higher efficiency in resource use for agriculture
b. higher land area devoted to agriculture
c. higher yield of export crops
d. higher yield of rice and corn

159. Which of the following regions is considered as the corn granary of the
a. Cagayan Valley c. Northern Mindanao e. Saranggani
b. Central Visayas d. Soccsksargen

160. Current crop production technologies are considered because:

a. Several steps from planting to harvesting are evolved
b. They generated facts and empirical data
c. They were formulated through scientific investigation
d. All of the above

161. This law changed the National Seed Industry Council of the Philippines
into Seedboard Industry Council as per Republic Act No.
a. RA 7308 since March 26, 1992 c. RA 7001 since March 26, 1994
b. RA 200 since March 27, 1998 d. RA 200 since April 12, 1999

162. Who was the first Minister of Agriculture when all cabinet departments
were changed to ministers during martial law and established 12
regional offices, each headed by a regional director
a. Juan G. Rodriguez c. Cesar Fortich
b. Benjamon M. Gozon Jr. d. Arturo R. Tanco Jr.

163. Who is the principal author of RA 8435 otherwise known as the

Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1988?
a. William Dar c. Edgardo J. Angara
b. Roberto S. Sebastian d. Senen C. Bacani

164. One of the principles of AFMA among others is

a. exploitation of natural resources c. industrialization
b. poverty alleviation and social equity d. peace and order

165. It refers to the ability to compete in terms of prices, equality, and volume
of agricultural and fishery products relative to those of the other countries.
a. trade liberalization c. extension services
b. global competitiveness d. competitive advantage

166. One of the several WTO agreements on rules for trade and investment
in ideas and creativity is that the rules state how copyright, trademarks,
geographical names used to identify products and industry designs should
be protected trade
a. policy review c. settlements of disputes
b. marker access d. intellectual property rights

167. It is the integration of world economy that are influenced by such factors
as rapid communication, market liberation, and global integration of the
production of goods and services
a. export subsidies c. tarrification
b. marker access d. globalization

168. It is the application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge in managing

microorganisms or their parts, or cells and tissue of higher organism for
human for medical, agricultural, industrial, and environmental applications
a. biodiversity c. introgression
b. biotechnology d. transformation

169. The following are modern techniques in biotechnology except

a. bioinformatics c. vaccine technology
b. diagnostics d. tissue and cell culture

170. It is generally the alteration, modification, or change of an orga-

nism’s genetic or hereditary material to eliminate undesirable charac-
teristics or to produce desirable new ones
a. replication c. genomics
b. genetic engineering d. bioinformatics

171. It is the transfer of desirable genes into organism like production of

genetically modified (GMOs) or synthetic genetic engineering, application
of recombinant DNA technology
a. Diagnostics c. Bioinformatics
b. Marker-assisted breeding d. Transformation

172. GMO stands for

a. Genetically made organisms c. Genetically mixed organisms
b. Genetically modified organisms d. Genetically male organisms

173. Presently, which of the following countries is considered as the largest

producer of GM crops in terms of land area planted?
a. America c. Canada e. Philippines
b. Argentina d. China

174. Which of the executive orders enacting the creation of PhilRice as an

attached agency to the Department of Agriculture?
a. EO 1061 c. EO 1091 e. EO 2013
b. EO 2611 d. EO 1081

175. It is a type of agricultural systems, which is characterized by defined

holding with largely permanent field divisions. Semi-stationary housing
predominates, with families having registered ownership of the land
a. shifting cultivation c. collection e. mobilization
b. fallow utilization d. grazing systems

176. It is a classification of farming systems based on type and intensity of

rotation, water supply, cropping patterns and animal activities, and degree
of crop commercialization
a. cultivation c. grassland utilization e. migration
b. collection d. fallow

177. The following are types of shifting cultivation systems except

a. intercropping c. vegetable systems e. None of the above
b. migration systems d. clearance systems

178. Which of the following is not a type of agricultural system?

a. shifting cultivation system c. farming systems
b. fallow systems d. ley systems
e. none of the above

179. In grassland utilization, as a classification of farming systems, the situation

wherein farmers with a permanent place of residence send their herds,
tended by herdsmen for long period of time to distant grazing areas is
known as
a. total nomadism c. semi-nomadisms e. All of the above
b. partial nomadism d. transhumance

180. Which of the following is NOT a feature of agricultural system?

a. closed systems c. dynamic systems e. None of the above
b. hierarchical systems d. interactive systems

181. The following are events that led to the development of agriculture, except
a. collection of plants
b. colonization of pre-adapted plant species
c. cultivation of plants in order to reap a better harvest
d. improvement of soil fertility

182. Analogy with ecology, agriculture can be described as hierarchy of

systems. Which of the following is the highest level of hierarchy?
a. Crop c. Animal systems e. None of the above
b. Crop systems d. Farm systems

183. It is an arrangement of components or parts that interact according to

some processes and transform input into output
a. agriculture c. hierarchy e. aquaculture
b. system d. ecosystem

184. Which of the following components have the same levels in the hierarchy
a. crop and crop system c. crop systems and animal systems
b. animal and animal systems d. crop-animal and animal system

185. The science of using crops and animals to transform solar energy into
usable products is
a. Agronomy c. Biology e. Vegeculture
b. Horticulture d. Agriculture

186. The science of agriculture is the basis on which all of civilization is built.
Most anthropologists agree that agriculture began about __ years ago.
a. 1,000 c. 15,000 e. 30,000
b. 10,000 d. 20,000

187. Agriculture is the science of using crops and animals to transform solar
energy into products that can be stored and used by humans elsewhere
and at later date. Which of the following best describes the ultimate goal
of agriculture?
a. provision of food c. provision of fiber e. None of the above
b. provision of services d. satisfaction of one’s need

188. Our region consisting of the Indochina-Indonesia region is believed to be

center of origin of
a. corn c. potato e. rice
b. garlic d. coconut

189. The chemical substance which is considered as the ripening or

senescence hormone
a. acetylene c. kakawate e. oxygen
b. ethylene d. calcium carbide

190. The chemical substance from calcium carbide that induces ripening
of fruits
a. acetylene c. ethrel e. carbon dioxide
b. bioethylene d. ethylene

191. It is a hypothesis suggesting that ecological weeds colonized the

areas around human dwellings. The ecological weeds were gathered
eventually brought into cultivation. This hypothesis is known as
a. null hypothesis c. reap hypothesis e. none of the above
b. rubbish hypothesis d. rubbish-heap hypothesis

192. Agriculture could have been initiated mainly due to chronic food
shortage if:
a. There was sedentary way of living
b. Grasslands and forest were present
c. Plant and animal diversity was limited
d. Fertile lands were available.

193. The appearance of a plant with respect to a particular character

a. phenotype c. genotype e. None of the above
b. ideotype d. prototype

194. The genetic constitution of an individual

a. genotype c. phenotype e. All of the above
b. gametophyte d. ideotype
195. The following are nonsense codons, except
a. UAG c. UAA e. ANAA
b. AUG d. UGA

196. The diameter of DNA helix is

a. 2 mm c. 2 Ă e. 10 mm
b. 20 nm d. 20 Ă

197. What is the probability of getting BB offspring from BB x bb cross?

a. ½ c. 1 e. 100%
b. ¼ d. zero

198.The general life cycle of an eukaryotic organism has the sequence

a. 1N-Meiosis –2N – Fertilization – 1N
b. 2N-Meiosis –1N – Fertilization – 2N
c. 1N-Meiosis – 2N – Fertilization – 1N
d. 2N-Meiosis –2N – Fertilization – 2N

199. If a mother and her child belong to blood group O, what blood group
could the wrong father belong to?
a. O c. B e. None of the above
b. A d. AB

200. They discovered the molecular structure of DNA

a. Sutton and Boveri c. Morgan and Bridges
b. Watson and Crick d. Carolus Linnaeus
e. None of the above

201. The father of genetics

a. Mendel c. Darwin e. Aristotle
b. Bateson d. Weissman

202. All the following events happen in prophase of meiosis except:

a. chromosome condensation c. segregation
b. pairing of homologues d. terminalization
e. none of the above

203. The proponents of the cell theory were

a. Bateson and Hooke c. Watson and Crick
b. Morgan and Bridges d. Schleiden and Schwann
e. none of the above

204. The central dogma of molecular biology is consists of the following

processes, except
a. transduction c. replication e. multiplication
b. transcription d. translation

205. The following are selection indices in rice except

a. disease resistance c. rate of leaf production
b. yield d. early maturity e. None of the above

206. Selection indices in banana include the following except

a. indeterminate growth c. more uniform ripening
b. large bunch d. bunchy top resistance
e. none of the above
207. Fruit quality is a good selection index for the following crops, except
a. papaya c. mango e. None of the above
b. eggplant d. strawberry

208. Pungency is considered an index of quality in the following crops except

a. chili pepper c. garlic e. None of the above
b. onion d. ginger

209. Selection indices in durian include the following except

a. disease resistance c. more uniform ripening
b. fruit size d. fruit color e. none of the above

210. Quantitative characters were best described by the following attributes

a. Controlled by major genes
b. Segregation shows ‘continuous curve’
c. Easily influenced by government
d. Governed by “polygenes” or multiple genes

211. The following are examples of qualitative traits except:

a. color c. texture e. taste
b. shape d. height

212. The genetic component of the phenotypic value is composed of the

following except
a. Additive gene effects c. Epistasis gene effect or gene interaction
b. Dominance gene effect d. Environment gene effect

213. The effect of environment is best described in phenotypes if

a. Genotypic effect-low and environment effect-low

b. Genotypic effect-low and environment effect-high

c. Genotypic effect-high and environment effect-high
d. Genotypic effect-high and environment effect-low

214. The observable variation present in a character in a population is called

a. phenotypic variation c. genotypic variation
b. dominance variation d. environmental variation

215. The component of variation that is due to genotypic differences among

individuals within a population is
a. phenotypic variation c. genotypic variation
b. population variation d. environmental variation

216. The differential performance of genotypes in different environments is

termed as
a. adaptation c. G x E interaction
b. plant reaction d. adaptability

217. The ratio of genotypic variance to the total variance is termed as

a. genetic advance c. heritability e. none of the above
b. repeatability d. combining ability

218. Characters governed by several genes with small effects are known as
a. qualitative c. quantitative e. none of the above
b. dominant d. recessive characters

219. The phenomenon of a single major gene affecting more than one
character is known as
a. pleiotropy c. penetrance e. none of the above
b. expressivity . d. isogenic effect

220. Modification in the expression of a dominant gene by another non-allelic

dominant gene is known as
a. gene interaction c. gene action e. all of the above
b. gene flow d. modifiers

221. G x E effects is best described in the following situations

a. Many trials in same location c. Single trial in same location
b. Many trials in different locations d. Single trial in many locations

222. The following are traditional methods of analyzing G x E interactions

in field experiments except:
a. ANOVA c. Pattern analysis e. all of the above
b. Regression method d. none of the above

223. Human factor affecting crop production which relates to the farmer's
decision making regarding the choice of crops to grow or technology to
a. capability of the farmer c. political factor
b. cultural practices d. preference of the farmer

224. A factor affecting farmer's preference which reflects what the farmer
desires or what he is seeking:
a. farmer's knowledge c. attitudes e. all of the above
b. beliefs d. goals

225. A factor affecting farmer's preference which is concerned with what

the farmers think is true whether correct or not based on the farmer's
experiences and common knowledge
a. attitudes c. goals e. none of the above
b. farmer’s knowledge d. beliefs

226. A socioeconomic factor affecting farmer’s capability to increase farm

production as an outlet of farm products and as a source of inputs
for farm production
a. labor c. land e. all of the above
b. capital d. market

227. A socioeconomic factor affecting productivity which refers to the

physical and financial assets of the farmers
a. land c. market e. none of the above
b. labor d. capital

228. A socio-cultural factor affecting productivity which contains the cultural

ideas about the relationship between people and nature
a. norms c. attitudes e. none of the above
b. customs d. religion

229. A major cause of reduction in agricultural land area due to political

factor brought about by urbanization
a. land grabbing c. land conversion e. None of the above
b. soil erosion d. agrarian reform

230. A work exchange system of traditional societies with agricultural roots

which influence the farmer’s agricultural production
a. credit system c. bayanihan system
b. marketing system d. extension system

231. The human factor affecting productivity which is influenced by socio-

economic factor
a. preference of farmers c. cultural practices
b. capability of farmers d. political factors

232. A factor affecting farmer’s preference which relates to the farmer’s

feelings, emotions and sentiments and have a strong influence over his
decision to accept or reject a technology
a. beliefs c. knowledge
b. attitudes d. goals

233. A household resource characterized by size quality, water availability

and location affecting productivity where the farm enterprises are
a. labor c. capital
b. land d. management

234. A household resource which includes members of the household

who are capable of working and also the family's participation in
cooperative efforts
a. land c. capital
b. labor d. management skills

235. A socio-cultural factor affecting crop productivity which refers to the

acceptable standards of behavior of a society
a. norms c. religion
b. customs d. attitudes

236. A socio-cultural factor affecting crop productivity which refers to how

people actually behave
a. norms c. religion
b. customs d. attitudes

237. A cultivar developed by intercrossing different inbred lines

a. composite variety c. polycross hybrids
b. synthetic variety d. open pollinated variety

238. A system of seed production geared towards maintaining the genetic

identity, varietal purity, and standards of quality seeds of superior crop
a. Seed certification c. Seed control e. Seed purity
b. Quality control d. Seed testing

239. Seeds produced by seed growers, breeders, or individuals without

approval from the National Seed Industry Council.
a. Certified seeds c. Good seeds e. Purified seeds
b. Farmer’s seeds d. Breeder seeds
240. There are three types of F1 hybrids corn sold in the market today,
single cross hybrids, three-way cross hybrids, and double cross hybrids.
Which of these is correct?
a. single cross is more stable than three-way and double cross hybrids
b. double cross hybrids yield higher than single and three-way cross
c. single cross hybrids yield higher than three-way and three-way cross
hybrids yield higher than double cross hybrids
d. three-way cross hybrids are more stable than double cross and yield
better than single cross hybrids

241. Which of the following is not cross-pollinated?

a. eggplant c. squash e. None of the above
b. corn d. papaya

242. The following traits are used in index selection for corn except one.
a. plant height c. maturity e. None of the above
b. ears per plant d. yield

243. It refers to the increase in yield, vigor, and reproductive ability of the F1
over the parents.
a. heterosis c. autogamy e. superiority
b. combining ability d. heterozygosity

244. It refers to the cross between two single crosses

a. three-way cross c. polycross e. cross pollination
b. double cross d. backcross

245. It is the art and science of the genetic improvement of crop plants
a. Botany c. Plant Biochemistry e. Biotechnology
b. Agronomy d. Plant Breeding

246. It is a method of breeding new cultivars by crossing genetically different

a. hybridization c. mutation e. multiplication
b. selection d. introduction

247. After the production of F1 hybrids among self-pollinated crops, there is a

need to handle the F1 and subsequent generations. The segregating
populations are harvested in bulk until segregation virtually ceased,
at which time selection is limited at F6. This procedure is called
a. pedigree method c. backcross method
b. single seed descent d. bulk population method

248. The following are objectives and goals of crop improvement except
a. improved yield c. resistance/tolerance to pest
b. better quality d. susceptibility to drought

249. A system of breeding in which seeds from individuals selected on the

basis of phenotypes are composited and used to grow the next
a. pureline selection c. bulk population method
b. mass selection d. pedigree method
250. Domestication of plants led to:
a. change in plant type and limited ecological adaptation
b. narrower genetic variation and wider ecological adaptation
c. the disappearance of the natural habitats of wild plants
d. increased genetic variation and limited ecological adaptation

251. In the Philippines self sufficiency (annual) in rice …

a. had never been attained
b. had been achieved before
c. is impossible because of the high population
d. is possible because IRRI is in the Philippines

252. Corn production in the Philippines is:

a. Mainly used for animal feed manufacturing
b. Mostly consumed as people’s staple food
c. Only supplied by our Mindanao farmers
d. Consumed only in Cebu and Bohol

253. High population growth rate could possibly mean:

a. Less work/labor forces for agriculture productiom
b. More people in urban area and greater demand for agricultural
c. Bad prospects for agriculture because of lower prices of farm
d. Prosperity for all

254. Greater population with low productivity could lead to:

a. General poverty among the people
b. Higher taxes
c. Migration of work forces to rural areas
d. Professional agriculturist

255. Urbanization and industrialization always results into:

a. Decrease in agricultural production area
b. Migration of rural population to urban areas
c. Increase in labor availability for farming
d. Liberalization of trading

256. Coconut industry should not be a dying industry, it should be maintained

and improved, because
a. it earns substantial dollar returns as an export crop
b. it gives less income to the coconut farmers
c. it’s a disorganized sector of farmers who should benefit the most
d. it is a colonial crop

257. Modern crop agriculture would require:

a. indigenous knowledge
b. knowledge from research only
c. knowledge synthesized from internet information
d. knowledge of all kinds and from all sources

258. The group of fertilizers used in integrated nutrient management which

provides the long term requirement of the plants because the nutrients
are slowly released.
a. inorganic fertilizer c. organic fertilizer
b. bio-fertilizer d. mykovam

259. A management system utilizing a suitable technique to maintain the

pest population at levels below those causing economic injury.
a. integrated pest management c. water management
b. integrated nutrient management d. crop management

260. A principle of sustainable agriculture requiring no loss of farm animals

as a result of over mechanization, and the various agricultural
projects should minimize dependence on foreign loans.
a. ecologically sound c. Socially just
b. culturally acceptable d. economically viable

261. A principle of sustainable agriculture which requires that farming

practices must focus on minimizing negative environmental impacts.
a. ecologically sound c. Socially just
b. culturally acceptable d. economically viable

262. Biological diversity is the total variability within all the living organisms
and the ecological complexes they inhabit. Which of the following is
not a level of biodiversity?
a. Human interference c. Ecosystem
b. Species d. Genetic diversity

263. It is defined as the spatial and temporal combination of crops in a

given area and the management used to produce them.
a. Cropping system c. Intercropping e. monocropping
b. Cropping pattern d. Sequential cropping

264. It is growing of two crops in rapid sequence or succession, planting

one after the harvest of the former.
a. Relay cropping c. Intercropping e. Multiple cropping
b. Ratoon cropping d. Sequential cropping

265. Biological diversity includes the following except

a. plants c. soil e. livestocks
b. animals d. microorganism

266. It is the successful management of the elements resources of

agriculture to satisfy changing human and development needs while
maintaining the natural resource base and avoiding environmental
a. Crop production c. Sustainable agriculture
b. Food production d. Agricultural production
e. None of the above

267. The totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a region

a. biodiversity c. ecology e. biotechnology
b. Sustainability d. complexity

268. The variation of genes within species or among crop cultivars

a. Species diversity c. Genetic diversity e. All of the above
b. Ecosystems diversity d. Enterprise diversity

269. An element of sustainable agriculture referring to farming policies and

practices that respect the dignity and rights of individual.
a. Economically viable c. Socially just
b. Ecologically sound d. Based on holistic science

270. A sequential cropping involving the cultivation of regrowth from

the cut stalks of the previous crops
a. Double cropping c. Triple cropping e. Multiple cropping
b. Quadruple cropping d. Ratoon cropping

271. To avoid confusion in international conferences, crops are identified

using their:
a. Scientific names c. Common names e. Varietal names
b. English names d. Local names

272. The scientific name of “saging” or banana

a. Musa sapientum c. Cocos nucifera e. Musa pudica
b. Homo sapien d. Oryza sativa

273. The family of crops belonging to the grass family belongs to the:
a. Graminaliz c. Angiosperms e. Leguminoceae
b. Graminae d. Spermatophyta

274. The scientific name of rice is:

a. Zea mays L. c. Triticum vulgare L. e. Oryza oleifera
b. Oryza sativa L. d. Avena sativa L.

275. Global warming is due to the depletion of the:

a. O2 in the air c. removal of trees e. water stress
b. ozone layer d. drought

276. Which of the following practices are sustainable?

a. Recycling of nutrients and use of compost, green manures
and other forms of organic fertilizers
b. Non-pesticidal control of pests
c. Diversified and integrated farming system
d. All of the above

277. The multiple cropping technology is quite difficult for farmers to adopt
because of :
a. The need to grow new and unfamiliar crops
b. The need for timely implementation of required practices
c. The need for additional resources
d. All of the above

278. Which of the following is an optional requirement for seed germination?

a. Favorable temperature c. Light e. All of the above
b. 20% oxygen concentration d. Proper amount of water

279. Direction of tillage on rolling or hilly fields:

a. Across the contour
b. Follow the general contour of the land
c. Against the contour
d. Down-up direction

280. The lack of rain during the El Niño episodes is an example of:
a. Permanent drought
b. Seasonal drought
c. Contingent drought
d. Invisible drought

281. A woody plant that needs a support to be able to stand upright is an

example of:
a. Vine c. Deciduous plant e. Tree
b. Liana d. Shrub

282. If benefits from the farm, resources and power are distributed evenly so
that the basic needs of all members of the society are met, agriculture is:
a. Humane
b. Culturally appropriate and sensitive
c. Sustainable
d. Socially just and equitable

283. Which of the crops listed below requires more frequent irrigation?
a. Onion c. Tomato e. All of the above
b. Watermelon d. Mungbean

284. Plants with vegetative shoots that continue to grow until the plants
senesce are:
a. Determinate plants c. Perennials e. None of the above
b. Indeterminate plants d. Annuals

285. The technology recommended in hilly land or sloping land is:

a. Sloping agricultural land technology
b. Contour farming
c. Multiple cropping technology
d. Integrated farming technology

286. The most suitable material for germination test of very small seeds is:
a. Rolled filter paper c. Rag doll method
b. Petri dish lined with filter paper d. Sand e. None of the above

287. This is the tillage system in which soil disturbance is reduced and some
crop residues remain on the soil surface after operation.
a. Conventional tillage c. Minimum tillage e. Zero tillage
b. Conservation tillage d. Secondary tillage

288. Although many farmers are using improved technologies, few farmers
are following the recommendation made by researchers and extension
workers in their entirety because:
a. Farmers are stubborn and hard headed
b. Extension is ineffective
c. Credit is inadequate
d. Recommended technologies are not appropriate to their conditions

289. Senescence can be delayed by:

a. Removing flowers
b. Spraying the plant with cytokinin
c. Spraying the plant with nitrogenous fertilizer
d. All of the above

290. Which are advantages of conservation tillage over Conventional tillage?

a. Water conservation and reduced erosion
b. High yield and high profit
c. Low cost and ease of operation
d. Increased organic matters and easier application of fertilizer

291. The multiple cropping index is generally higher with:

a. Small farm size
b. Bigger farm size
c. Medium farm size
d. Plantation farm

292. A major strategy in sustainable agriculture is to restore agricultural

diversity in time and space through:
a. Crop protection and intercropping, especially those that include
b. Polycultures and cover crops
c. Crop/livestock mixtures
d. All of the above

293. Propagation that preserves the characteristics of the parent plant is:
a. Sexual propagation c. Grafting e. None of the above
b. Asexual propagation d. Layering

294. This consists of actively dividing non-organized tissues of undiffe-

rentiated cells often developing from injury (wounding) or tissue culture.
a. Cellulose c. Protocorn e. All of the above
b. Callus d. Cell suspension

295. This is the holistic system of agriculture started by Rudolf Steiner that
aims to connect nature and cosmic forces (“formative life energies”) to
farming. Its followers believe that heavenly bodies (stars, etc.)
influence the growth and development of plants.
a. Natural farming c. Bio-dynamic farming
b. Sustainable agriculture d. Permaculture

296. For rapid rate of multiplication, the method of propagation generally

practiced is:
a. Micropropagation c. Sexual propagation
b. Asexual propagation d. None of the above

297. LEISA is a farming practice or philosophy in which most of the inputs

used originate from the farm. Deliberate action is taken to ensure
sustainability. However, it is open for a combination of organic and
inorganic fertilizers. LEISA means:
a. Low-external-input and sustainable agriculture
b. Low- external-input and subsistence agriculture
c. Liberalized economy, industry and strategic agriculture
d. Liberalized economy, industry and sustainable agriculture

298. It is considered as the mature or ripened ovary.

a. flower c. seed e. fertility
b. fruit d. zygote

299. It is the mature or ripened ovule.

a. fruit c. pistil e. ovulation
b. stamen d. seed

300. The scientific name of horse raddish tree is

a. Lactuca sativa c. Vitex negundo e. Raphanus sativus
b. Moringa oleifera d. Allium cepa

301. ‘Loren B. Legarda’ is one of the hybrids of

a. Banana c. Gumamela e. Orchids
b. Heliconia d. Okra

302. Which of the following is not a major part of the seed embryo?
a. radicle c. plumule e. epicotyl
b. hypocotyl d. seedcoat

303. A portion of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling above the cotyle-
donary node which determines kind of germination that a seed will
a. epicotyl c. plumule e. ovule
b. radicle d. hypocotyl

304. The deteriorative process that ends the functional life of an organ or
organism is
a. determination c. dormancy e. life span
b. vegetation d. senescence

305. An aquatic fern growing in association with nitrogen fixing blue-green

a. rhizobia c. azolla e. swamp cabbage
b. mycorrhiza d. azucena

306. A group of fertilizers of microbial origin

a. biofertilizers c. organic fertilizers e. NPK
b. foliar fertilizers d. inorganic fertilizers

307. The association between plant roots and fungi which promotes
absorption of nutrients by plants
a. complementary c. azolla
b. supplementary d. micorrhiza

308. Strictly speaking, it refers to a plant grown anywhere outside its natural
a. inherent c. exotic
b. innate d. endemic

309. The enlarged fleshy underground part of the following crops are
generally classified as stems except
a. gabi c. potato e. none of the above
b. ginger d. cassava

310. Mitosis and meiosis always differ in regard to the presence of

a. chloroplasts c. centromere e. all of the above
b. chromatids d. cellulose

311. The process of removing excess water from the soil is

a. percolation c. leaching e. evaporation
b. drainage d. transpiration

312. Land preparation should be started at least 15 days before planting to

a. pulverize the soil c. kill the weeds
b. clean the area d. decompose organic matter
313. A class of seed whose life span is prolonged with low seed moisture
and temperature. They are called “drying – tolerant “ seeds.
a. certified seeds c. recalcitrant seeds e. dormant seeds
b. immature seeds d. orthodox seeds

314. It is the result of the union of male and female gametes which results
in the formation of seeds and the creation of individuals with new
genotype. This usually results in the increased vigor of growth of a
hybrid progeny in relation to the average of the parent known as:
a. heterosis c. variety e. cultivar
b. pedigree d. offspring

315. Seed germination is affected by light quality as mediated by a phyto-

chrome system. The kind of light that acts as an enzyme which
initiates germination is:
a. red light c. far-red light e. sunlight
b. ultra-violet light d. infra-red light

316. It is a product of two parents and thus, new seeds must always be
produced for planting the next season through cross-pollination.
a. purelines c. cultivar e. children
b. hybrid rice d. inbred rice

317. Plants that could not withstand chilling or low temperature

a. sub-tropical crops c. temperature crops e. poor crops
b. semi-temperate crops d. tropical crops

318. The amount of irrigation water to apply is not affected by

a. season c. field capacity of the soil
b. stage of crop growth d. depth of the root (absorbing) system

319. The ancient Japanese art of dwarfing trees

a. topiary c. dwarfism e. bonseki
b. bonsai d. micropropagation

320. The following are the major features of perishable crops except
a. annual crop c. high moisture content e. perennial crop
b. metabolically active d. easily injured physically

321. Fruit which develops from a flower with a single pistil

a. accessory c. simple e. berry
b. multiple d. aggregate

322. Fruit which develops from a flower with many separate ovaries
a. aggregate c. simple e. drupe
b. accessory d. multiple

323. Fruit which develops from an inflorescence

a. accessory c. multiple e. achene
b. simple d. aggregate

324. The growing of plants in aerated water containing all the essential
mineral nutrients
a. aquaculture c. water culture e. all of the above
b. hydroponics d. aquatic

325. The atmospheric environment in which organisms live is termed as

a. climate c. atmospheric environment
b. weather d. microclimate

326. It is a class of seeds intended for farmers’ use after several tests and
selections since they do not segregate anymore
a. Certified seeds c. Registered seeds
b. Foundation seeds d. Breeder seeds

327. Microgametogenesis is a reproductive process in plants which

results in the production of
a. spores c. seeds
b. pollen grains d. embryo

328. The White or Irish potato tuber is considered a stem because

a. it has xylem and phloem
b. it has nodes and internodes
c. it does not absorb water and minerals
d. it becomes fleshy and stores carbohydrates

329. It is considered as the “cradle of civilization”.

a. Southern Asia c. Southwestern Asia
b. Southeast Asia d. Northern Asia

330. The largest producer of banana

a. Southern Mindanao c. Southern Luzon
b. Central Mindanao d. Western Mindanao

331. The largest regional producer of tomato

a. Central Luzon c. Southern Tagalog
b. Northern Mindanao d. Ilocos Region

332. A fruit that is soft and fleshy throughout and usually has many seeds
a. berry c. drupe
b. pepo d. hesperidium

333. A dry fruit that splits along many sides or pores

a. follicle c. capsule
b. legume d. grain/caryopsis

334. A single-seeded fruit where seed is attached to the fruit wall at the
base only
a. nut c. grain/caryopsis
b. achene d. follicle

335. Aubergine is another uncommon name for

a. Cucurbita maxima c. Lycopersicon esculentum
b. Brassica chinensis d. Solanum melongena

336. The following are examples of qualitative traits, except

a. shape c. texture
b. height d. color

337. Plants that require short darkness to flower are

a. dry season plants c. short day plants
b. long day plants d. day neutral plants

338. Plants that require long darkness to flower are

a. short day plants c. dry season plants
b. long day plants d. day neutral plants

339. Gumbo, Gombo and Gobo are another names for

a. lady’s finger c. bitter gourd
b. bottle gourd d. horse radish tree

340. The following are the main categories of pruning trees except
a. maintenance pruning c. heavy pruning
b. frame pruning d. rejuvenation pruning

341. The competition among different parts of a plant for water, nutrients,
light and others is known as
a. interspecific competition c. intraspecific competition
b. intraplant competition d. interplant competition

342. The stage in the life cycle of a seed when development is complete
and the biological component necessary for all the physiological
processes are active or ready to be achieved
a. commercial maturity c. seed germination e. Biological yield
b. physiological maturity d. seed emergence

343. The primary factor to consider in determining the kind of fertilizer to

apply is
a. cost of fertilizer c. fertilizer grade
b. the nutrient element found d. age of the plant

344. The dry dehiscent fruit of peanut is classified as

a. legume or pod c. grain or caryopsis
b. nut d. orthodox

345. In a corn embryo, the embryonic shoot is enclosed by a sheath

called the
a. coleoptile c. coleorhiza
b. micropyle d. radical

346. The usual solution to waterlogged condition are the following, except
a. planting crops on raised beds
b. construction of drainage canals
c. providing crops with trellis
d. planting of crops well adapted to saturated condition

347. Crops that could be propagated by crown, suckers and slips

a. gabi c. pineapple
b. abaca d. banana

348. The basic unit of plant classification is the

a. order c. genus
b. species d. family

349. Dicots are flowering plants having the following characteristics, except
a. netted leaf venation c. two cotyledons
b. flower parts in 3’s or their multiples d. secondary growth
350. The following are salient characteristics of a juvenile plant, except
a. low flowering tendency
b. capable of rapid growth
c. readily responds to flowering stimulus
d. morphological characteristics entirely different from that of an adult

351. A factor wherein population, neighborhood, and peace and order are
considered in site selection for crop production
a. sociological factor c. ecological factor
b. environmental factor d. biological factor

352. Which of the following is considered essential for germination?

a. cytokinin c. gibberellin
b. abscisin d. auxin

353. A type of rejuvenation pruning involving the complete removal of the

shoot or branch
a. heading back c. thinning out
b. capping d. pinching

354. A system of harvesting in which the crops are harvested at one time
a. selective harvesting c. non-selective harvesting
b. mass harvesting d. priming

355. A type of crop maturity based on the attainment of full growth and deve-
a. early maturity c. commercial maturity
b. physiological maturity d. late maturity

356. In crop rotation, the cereal crop is generally followed by

a. a legume crop c. a cereal crop
b. a root crop d. cereal and root crops

357. In vegetable production, the advantages of plastic mulching are the

following, except
a. reduced weed problem c. high initial cost
b. earlier harvest d. reduced fertilizer leaching

358. Some fruits develop even without pollination and fertilization. Such
phenomenon, which produces seedless fruits, is called
a. apocarpy c. polyploidy
b. apomixis d. parthenocarpy

359. A technique of soil conservation in sloping areas which involves

replanting of forest species in denuded area to establish a
permanent vegetation
a. denudation c. deforestation
b. terracing d. reforestation

360. The stamens of a flower are collectively termed as

a. corolla c. gynoecium
b. calyx d. androecium

361. What factor is considered when the cost of land, local taxes, labor and
facilities are given priority?
a. ecological factor c. biological factor
b. economic factor d. environmental factor

362. When climate, soil, water and air are given attention in the site
selection, what factor is considered?
a. economical factor c. sociological factor
b. biological factor d. ecological factor

363. Which of the following is not considered a principal event of repro-

ductive growth?
a. flower initiation c. fruit development
b. seed germination d. flower induction

364. The pistils of a flower are collectively termed as

a. gynoecium c. androecium
b. corolla d. calyx

365. Which of the following organs exhibits a determinate type of growth?

a. leaf c. stem
b. branch d. root

366. The point in the stem where leaves and buds arise
a. leaf axil c. node
b. internode d. branch axil

367. The vascular bundles are in scattered arrangement in the stem of

a. dicots c. monocots
b. pines d. ferns

368. A type of rejuvenation pruning involving the removal of the distal portion
of the shoots or branches
a. thinning out c. pinching
b. capping d. heading back

369. All the organisms in a given place in interaction with their non-living
a. biodiversity c. farm landscape
b. ecology d. ecosystem

370. Stems basically differ from roots because of the presence of

a. woody tissue c. bark
b. lateral branches d. nodes and internodes

371. In some dicots like legumes and cucurbits, the reserved food of the seed
is stored in the
a. exoderm c. cotyledons
b. perisperm d. endosperm

372. A pruning system which does not alter the general shape and appearance
of the plant
a. thinning out c. frame pruning
b. maintenance pruning d. rejuvenation pruning

373. The yearly output of the physical product per unit area of cultivated land
a. sustainability c. diversity
b. productivity d. stability
374. A type of crop maturity gauged on the basis of the determined end use
of the crop by the consumer
a. commercial maturity c. physiological maturity
b. late maturity d. senescence

375. Crops grown to reduce soil erosion, control weeds and conserve
a. cover crops c. catch crops
b. soiling crops d. silage crops

376. Short season crops grown for additional income

a. trap crops c cash crop .
b. cover crops d. nurse crops

377. The points on the ground of sloping area with the same elevation
a. slope c. furrows
b. ridges d. contour

378. The totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a region

a. complexity c. sustainabilty
b. biodiversity d. ecology

379. In the agronomic classification of agricultural crops, peanut is classified

a. rootcrops c. tubercrops
b. cereals d. legume

380. A production system which is relatively stable due to the presence of

several species
a. multiple cropping c. ratoon cropping
b. cropping system d. sole cropping

381. Plants grown for their short thickened underground stem

a. tubercrops c. legumes
b. cereals d. cucurbits

382. The following are examples of cultural practices for crops, except
a. fertilizer application c. availability of planting materials
b. indirect planting d. weeding and soil cultivation

383. The application of water into the field is referred to as

a. flooding c. sprinkling
b. irrigation d. drainage

384. The rate at which biomass is accumulated by a crop per unit area of
land per unit time
a. sustainability c. diversity
b. productivity d. stability

385. An example of irrigation by pressure is

a. flooding c. sheet
b. furrow d. drip method

386. A large-scale type of vegetable production

a. home gardening c. market gardening
b. backyard gardening d. truck gardening

387. Crops planted to attract certain insects or parasites

a. cover crops c. nurse crops
b. catch crops d. trap crops

388. One advantage of permanent vegetation cover is that it

a. minimizes soil erosion c. promotes evaporation
b. hinders farm operation d. enhances soil compaction

389. Vegetable crops grown for aerial portion

a. carrots c. pepper
b. radish d. garlic

390. The following are post-planting tillage practices except

a. hilling-up c. first plowing
b. off-baring d. loosening the soil around the plant

391. It includes all the biomass harvested from the crop

a. actual yield c. potential yield
b. biological yield d. economic yield

392. The response of plant to the length of light period usually in terms of
flowering is
a. thermoperiodism c. geotropism
b. photoperiodism d. phototropism

393. Which of the following is an external nutrient source for the farm?
a. compost c. animal manure
b. crop residue d. bio-gas composting

394. The following are classification of crops based on water requirements

a. hydrophytes c. thysophytes
b. xerophytes d. mesophytes

395. The following are climatic factors affecting growth and yield of crops,
a. light c. rainfall
b. topography d. temperature

396. A fertilizer application method that can quickly correct a specific

nutrient deficiency
a. foliar c. topdressing
b. side-dressing d. basal

397. The following are examples of evaporative cooling storage except

a. refrigeration
b. sprinkling product with water
c. wrapping products with fresh banana leaves
d. storing product inside a wet cloth tent

398. The contour, elevation, depression and other features of the land is
referred to as
a. soil media c. soil topography
b. soil structure d. soil texture

399. ‘Maharlika’ is a variety of

a. Mangifera indica c. Achras zapota
b. Artocarpus odoratissima d. Nephelium lappaceum
400. The Cucurbitaceae family includes
a. Momordica charantia c. Cucurbita maxima
b. Lagenaria siceraria d. Luffa cylindrica e. all of the above

401. The prevailing condition of the atmosphere of a place for a short period of time
is referred to as
a. season c. climate e. environment
b. weather d. ambiance

402. The prevailing condition of the atmosphere of a place over a long period of time
is referred to as
a. season c. climate e. relative humidity
b. weather d. temperature

403. The union or fusion of the egg cell and the sperm cell is known as
a. pollination c duplication e. germination
b. unification d. fertilization

404. It is the resumption of growth of the embryo and is the process which results
in the production of a seedling.
a. germination c. fertilization e. propagation
b. pollination d. imbibition

405. The system of growing only one kind of crop in a certain area for a particular
period of time is termed as
a. intercropping c. multiple cropping e. monocropping
b. one cropping d. rotation cropping

406. In vegetable production, it is the gradual exposure of the seedlings to sunlight or

gradual withdrawal of watering to condition seedlings prior to transplanting.
a. pricking c. blocking e. potting
b. hardening d. sterilizing

407. The ethylene produced from leaves (like kakawate and other ripening fruits)
a. ethrel c. bioethylene e. auxin
b. acetylene d. calcium carbide

408. The term which refers to a group of plants within a species that are distinguished
by the same or similar characteristics is known as
a. kingdom c. variety e. order
b. genus d. species

409. The term which refers to “cultivated variety” or group of plants with distinct
a. species c. variety e. cultivar
b. order d. family

410. Nightshade family also refers to

a. leguminoceae c. solanaceae e. cruciferae
b. poaceae d. cucurbitaceae

411. Vegetable crops grown mainly for their leaves are

a. legumes c. solanaceous crops e. cucurbits
b. bulb crops d. leafy vegetables

412. Vegetable crops that belong to the crucifer family like cabbage, cauliflower, etc.
a. root crops c. solanaceous crops e. fruit crops
b. cole crops d. leguminous crops

413. Crops with swollen underground stems or roots are

a. exotic crops c. solanaceous crops e. underground crops
b. cole crops d. bulb or root crops

414. Fruits borne on trees are

a. small fruits c. aggregate fruits e. tree fruits
b. nut fruits d. multiple fruits

415. Fruits borne on trees but which are enclosed by a stony structure are
a. small fruits c. aggregate fruits e. tree fruits
b. nut fruits d. multiple fruits

416. Fruits not borne on trees like strawberry, passion fruit, grape and pineapple are
a. exotic fruits c. small fruits e. nut fruits
b. nut d. high value fruits

417. These are plants intended for landscaping and other beautification purposes.
a. foliage c. flowering e. turf grasses
b. cut flowers d. ornamentals

418. Plants grown for their flowers are

a. foliage c. flowering e. cut foliage or florist greens
b. cut foliage d. cut flowers or florist crops

419. These are plants whose leaves provide background in floral arrangement.
a. bouquet c. turf e. cut flowers or florist crops
b. corsage d. cut foliage or florist greens

420. These are plants or grasses used for lawns or greens.

a. turf c. foliage e. bonseki
b. bonsai d. topiary

421. The art of arranging plants, rocks and other materials into a pleasing
design is referred to as .
a. planting c. landscaping e. dish gardening
b. designing d. rock gardening

422. The science of growing/raising vegetables is known as

a. pomology c. floriculture e. olericulture
b. viticulture d. agriculture

423. The culture or growing of grapes is known as

a. citriculture c. vermiculture e. tissue culture
b. viticulture d. puriculture

424. The culture or growing of citrus is known as

a. citriculture c. vermiculture e. aqua culture
b. viticulture d. agriculture

425. Crops which require or undergo secondary processing and are usually grown in
bigger or wider scale are
a. fruit crops c. ornamental crops e. all crops
b. vegetable crops d. plantation crops

426. Crops grown for their oil content are

a. fruit crops c. fiber crops e. medicinal crops
b. oil crops d. beverage crops

427. Crops grown for their fibers which are used for textiles, bags, decors, etc. are
a. fruit crops c. fiber crops e. spice crops
b. vegetable crops d. oil crops

428. Crops used for brewing non-alcoholic drinks like coffee, cacao and tea are
a. condiment crops c. fiber crops e. exotic crops
b. oil crops d. beverage crops

429. Crops which are used to provide special flavors, scents and color to food,
perfumes, etc. are
a. fruit crops c. fiber crops e. oil crops
b. beverage crops d. spices, condiments or essences

430. Crops with curative, laxative or pesticidal properties are

a. spice crops c. oil crops e. fruit crops
b. medicinal crops d. fiber crops

431. It is considered as a “tree of life”.

a. malunggay c. narra e. durian
b. mango d. coconut

432. The fruit with many eyes is referred to

a. atis c. strawberry e. mangosteen
b. pineapple d. jackfruit

433. The following are nuts except

a. pili c. coconut e. talisay
b. cashew d. macadamia

434. Rice belongs to what group of plants?

a. C3 c. CAM e. ATP
b. C4 d. C5

435. Corn belongs to what group of plants?

a. C3 c. CAM e. ATP
b. C4 d. C5

436. CAM plants include

a. rice c. mango e. banana
b. corn d. pineapple

437. Coconut generally has this type of roots.

a. taproot c. wiry root e. prop root
b. fibrous d. adventitious

438. The part of the plant cell that provides protection and determines cell shape
a. vacuole c. cell membrane e. ribosome
b. cellwall d. nucleus

439. The cell organelle which is a bilayer of lipids and proteins which serves as traffic
control within the cell
a. vacuole c. cell membrane e. ribosome
b. cellwall d. nucleus

440. The part of the cell whicht provides connection between and among cell parts
a. chromosome c. mitochondrion e. vacuole
b. plasmalemma d. endoplasmic reticulum

441. Fruits which are directly exposed to sunlight are said to be

a. inside fruits c. outside fruits e. exotic fruits
b. climacteric fruits d. non-climacteric fruits

442. Fruits which are not directly exposed to sunlight or those covered by the leaves
or canopy are said to be
a. climacteric fruits c. non-climacteric fruits e. juicy fruits
b. outside fruits d. inside fruits

443. Fruits which are capable of undergoing normal ripening even when harvested
unripe are
a. indigenous fruits c. non-climacteric fruits e. climacteric fruits
b. inside fruits d. outside fruits

444. Fruits which need to be picked or harvested ripe and ready to eat as these are
not capable of undergoing normal ripening when harvested unripe are
a. outside fruits c. inside fruits e. indigenous fruits
b. non-climacteric fruits d. climacteric fruits

445. These are crops in which the food value or storability can just be for a short
period of time after harvest.
a. perishables c. indigenous e. edible
b. durables d. seasonal

446. These are crops in which the food value or storability can be for a longer
period of time after harvest.
a. perishables c. indigenous e. edible
b. durables d. seasonal

447. Plants that live or last for more than two years or from year to year are
a. perennial c. biennial e. seasonal
b. annual d. temperate

448. Plants that live or last for one year or one growing season are
a. perennial c. biennial e. seasonal
b. annual d. temperate

449. Plants that live or last for two years are

a. perennial c. biennial e. seasonal
b. annual d. temperate

450. The final stage in the life of a plant or its parts in which a series of normally
irreversible events are started leading to breakdown of structures or loss of
functions of certain tissues is referred to as
a. dormancy c. life span e. death
b. quiescence d. senescence

451. Crops that can be propagated using corm include

a. rice c. banana e. Song of India
b. corn d. pieapple

452. Song of India is commonly propagated by

a. seeds c. budding e. tissue culture
b. cutting d. grafting
453. It is the horizontal underground stem which may or may not be fleshy,
just like in Zingiber officinale, etc.
a. rhizomes c. bulb e. stolon
b. corm d. tuber

454. These are undeveloped shoots that contain embryonic meristems.

a. nodes c. axls e. root-shoot
b. internodes d. buds

455. The points or joints on the stem where leaves or branches are usually
developed are the
a. nodes c. budeyes e. terminal buds
b. internodes d. leaf axils

456. The intervening section in between two consecutive nodes is the

a. venation c. phyllotaxy e. budstick
b. internode d. leaf axil

457. The arrangement of veins on the leaf is known as

a. phyllotaxy c. venation e. elongation
b. formation d. design

458. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is known as

a. phyllotaxy c. venation e. elongation
b. formation d. design

459. Plants that live or thrive in water or in moist and watery places are
a. terrestrial c. aquatic e. saprophytes
b. aerial d. epiphytes

460. Plants that live or thrive on land or on the ground are

a. terrestrial c. aquatic e. saprophytes
b. aerial d. epiphytes

461. Plants that live or thrive above the ground or some are attached on other
plants or structures, just like in hanging plants, are
a. terrestrial c. aquatic e. saprophytes
b. aerial d. epiphytes

462. Plants that can manufacture their own food are

a. autotrophic or independent c. parasites e. xerophytes
b. heterotrophic or dependent d. saprophytes

463. Plants that cannot manufacture their own food are

a. autotrophic or independent c. parasites e. xerophytes
b. heterotrophic or dependent d. saprophytes

464. Plants that are nutritionally dependent on other living organisms are
a. autotrophic or independent c. parasites e. xerophytes
b. heterotrophic or dependent d. saprophytes

465. Plants that are nutritionally dependent on dead organic matter are
a. autotrophic or independent c. parasites e. xerophytes
b. heterotrophic or dependent d. saprophytes

466. Plants that can withstand limited or scanty supply of water like cacti are
a. mesophytes c. parasites e. saprophytes
b. xerophytes d. hydrophytes

467. Plants that require abundant or sufficient supply of water are

a. mesophytes c. parasites e. saprophytes
b. xerophytes d. hydrophytes

468. The flower of cauliflower is termed as

a. crown c. curd e. corolla
b. head d. bouquet

469. The compact portion and edible part of cabbage is termed as

a. crown c. curd e. corolla
b. head d. bouquet

470. The whole part of pechay including all the leaves is termed as
a. crown c. curd e. corolla
b. head d. bouquet

471. Another term for the tough and leathery peel or skin of such fruits as citrus,
watermelon, durian, etc. is
a. pulp c. fruit wall e. flesh
b. aril d. rind

472. The general term for the flesh or edible portion of the fruit is
a. pulp c. fruit wall e. endocarp
b. aril d. rind

473. Another term for the flesh or edible portion of such fruits as durian, lanzones,
rambutan, marang, etc. is
a. pulp c. fruit wall e. endocarp
b. aril d. rind

474. The very tiny and hardly visible hair-like structures of fruits, vegetables, etc. are
termed as
a. emergences c. thorns e. fibers
b. trichomes d. spines

475. The large and highly visible hair-like structures of fruits, vegetables, etc. are
termed as
a. emergences c. thorns e. fibers
b. trichomes d. spines

476. The hair-like structures in rambutan fruits are termed as

a. emergences c. thorns e. spinterns
b. trichomes d. spines

477. It is the process of developing all the desired or desirable characteristics of the
fruit such as change in color, softening, sweetening and development of flavor
or aroma.
a. yellowing c. degreening e. marketing
b. ripening d. harvesting

478. It is the process of treating the fruits in order to improve or enhance color
development just like in citrus or oranges.
a. yellowing c. degreening e. marketing
b. ripening d. harvesting

479. The handling of fruits, vegetables and other commodities to make them more
suitable to the consumers or manufacturers without changing the structure or
form of the product is referred to as
a. harvesting c. harvesting e. secondary processing
b. degreening d. primary processing

480. The process which transforms a product into another form or by-product is
referred to as
a. primary processing c. harvesting e. degreening
b. secondary processing d. ripening

481. Flotation method by submerging fruits in water is already established as

harvest indicator for
a. mango c. banana e. coconut
b. cabbage d. eggplant

482. A hollow sound by tapping the fruit can be used as maturity index for
a. lanzones c. tomato e. squash
b. jackfruit d. pomelo

483. For population density, using hill method of planting, if corn is spaced 75 cm
between rows and 50 cm between hills and maintained at 2 plants per hill,
compute for the number of plants/ha.
a. 53,300 plants/ha c. 63,300 plants/ha e. 43,300 plants/ha
b. 50,000 plants/ha d. 60,000 plants/ha

484. Using drill method of seeding, compute for the number of plants/ha for
mungbean drilled at 30 seeds per linear meter and rows are spaced at 50 cm.
a. 60,000 plants/ha c. 66,000 plants/ha e. 6,000 plants/ha
b. 600,000 plants/ha d. 660,000 plants/ha

485. Quincunx system of planting is also referred to as

a. square system c. diagonal system e. contour system
b. hexagonal system d. rectangular system

486. Triangular system of planting is also referred to as

a. square system c. diagonal system e. contour system
b. hexagonal system d. rectangular system

487. After the excess soil water has been drained, the amount of water held by the
soil at maximum capacity is referred to as
a. field capacity c. transpiration e. evaporation
b. available water d. permanent wilting point

488. The amount of water held between field capacity and permanent wilting point
divided by 100 and the whole multiplied by by bulk/specific gravity of soil and
and depth of effective rooting is referred to as
a. field capacity c. transpiration e. evaporation
b. available water d. permanent wilting point

489. This condition refers to the soil moisture level when permanent wilting in plant
a. field capacity c. transpiration e. temporary wilting point
b. available water d. permanent wilting point

490. The type of irrigation system where water is slowly applied directly to the soil
immediately surrounding each plant is referred to as
a. furrow irrigation c. aerial irrigation e. trickle or drip irrigation
b. surface irrigation d. border stip irrigation

491. The type of irrigation system where water rundown the furrows between rows
is referred to as
a. furrow irrigation c. aerial irrigation e. basin or paddy irrigation
b. surface irrigation d. trickle or drip irrigation

492. The type of irrigation system where water is spread over the land but not
allowed to accumulate is referred to as
a. furrow irrigation c. paddy irrigation e. border strip irrigation
b. surface irrigation d. trickle or drip irrigation

493. Where water is applied in the force of fine mist (spraying) or simulated rain
(sprinkling) this is known as
a. basin irrigation c. furrow irrigation e. drip or trickle irrigation
b. surface irrigation d. aerial or overhead irrigation

494. When water is applied to plots, surrounded by dikes just like in lowland rice
areas, this type of irrigation is
a. surface irrigation c. drip irrigation e. aerial or overhead irrigation
b. furrow irrigation d. basin or paddy irrigation

495. The removal of excess water from the area or root zone of the crops is
a. irrigation c. percolation e. transpiration
b. drainage d. imbibition

496. The practice of placing dried grasses or materials on top of the soil or around
the base of the crop is referred to as
a. mulching c. grassing e. fertilization
b. manuring d. soil topping

497. It refers to the regulation of light intensity/interception or light quality

(wavelength) in the plant canopy.
a. photoperiodism c. light reaction e. wavelength management
b. daylength d. light management

498. The use of plants or structures established around the farm to break the force
of the wind is referred to as
a. blocking c. windshield e. windbreak or shelterbelt
b. reforestation d. wind protection

499. This is a type of growth control in terms of shape, size and spatial direction
which can be done through pruning, provision of support or trellising of crops.
a. training c. propping e. rejuvenation
b. pruning d. girdling

500. This is a practice of making old and unproductive plants/crops more productive
again by cutting and allowing new shoots to grow and develop.
a. training c. propping e. rejuvenation
b. pruning d. girdling

501. It is simply the cutting or judicious removal of plant parts with a certain purpose.
a. training c. propping e. rejuvenation
b. pruning d. girdling

502. This is a method of physical control of growth and development whereby seeds
are subjected to cold treatment prior to germination to trigger flowering during
the latter stages of plant growth.
a. imbibition c. vernalization e. flower induction
b. respiration d. scarification

503. This is a practice of putting bamboo poles or other materials as support in order
prevent falling down of heavy fruiting banana, durian, rambutan and other crops.
a. training c. propping e. guying
b. poling d. supporting

504. This is a method of physical control of growth and development which is

Intended for physical interruption of assimilates flow from leaves to roots, just
like ringing or removal of bark in layering.
a. girdling c. callusing e. inarching
b. marcotting d. scarification

505. This is a practice of providing supports like bamboo sticks, twines, wires, etc.
In order for the crops to climb.
a. training c. propping e. poling
b. trellising d. supporting

506. In postharvest technology, this is a storage condition whereby the commodities

like fruits are kept inside a container, such as sealed polyethylene bag (PEB)
where the level or concentration of oxygen is low while the level of carbon
dioxide is high and this condition allows the commodities to modify their own
a. stocking c. containerization e. controlled atmosphere (CA) storage
b. packaging d. modified atmosphere (MA) storage

507. This is a storage condition whereby harvested commodities like fruts are kept
inside a condition, like a chamber, where the level or concentration of oxygen
is low while the level of carbon dioxide is high. However, it requires precise or
accurate control or regulation on the concentration of both gases.
a. stocking c. containerization e. controlled atmosphere (CA) storage
b. packaging d. modified atmosphere (MA) storage

508. It is the practice or operation of producing packages that are used to contain,
protect, identify and sell a product.
a. packinghouse c. container e. marketing
b. packingline d. packaging

509. The place or area where postharvest operations of harvested commodities

are usually done or undertaken is referred to as a
a. shadehouse c. market place e. laboratory room
b. packingline d. packinghouse or packingshed

510. The application of a thin-flow of wax-like materials to fruits and other

commodities to replace the natural wax removed during handling or to
supplement it is referred to as
a. curing c. waxing e. coloring
b. degreening d. painting

511. The rapid healing of bruises and skinned -areas of tubers as well as the rapid
drying and closing of the neck portion of onion, garlic, etc. is referred to as
a. curing c. waxing e. aging
b. degreening d. maturing

512. Kakawate or Madre de Cacao is one of the famous plants whose leaves are
used for ripening of fruits. What is its scientific name?
a. Theobroma cacao c. Samania saman e. Cajanus cajan
b. Leucaena glauca d. Glericidia sepium

513. Other leaves can also be used in fruit ripening like in kadios or pigeon pea
which is scientifically known as
a. Theobroma cacao c. Samania saman e. Cajanus cajan
b. Leucaena glauca d. Glericidia sepium

514. Alligator pear is also known as

a. crocodile c. avocado e. guayabano
b. snake d. atis

515. Manilkara is also referred to

a. chico c. avocado e. jackfruit
b. mango d. cassava

516. Manioc is another uncommon name for

a. chico c. avocado e. marang
b. cassava d. durian

517. Carolous Linnaeus is one of the famous botanists and taxonomists. What
is his nationality?
a. German c. Swedish e. Italian
b. Chinese d. French

518. It is a tall-grain bearing tropical plant from Poaceae or grass family which
is now promoted as one of the important alternative food crops, an
alternative crop for rice and corn.
a. adlai c. stevia e. sorgum
b. cassava d. camote

519. It is a small, sweet-leaf herb of South American origin which is also found
and promoted as a safe alternative to the common sugar in carbohydrate-
controlled diets.
a. sweet basil c. tarragon e. turmeric
b. stevia d. adlai

520. Adlai is scientifically known as

a. Stevia rebaudiana c. Avena sativa e. Panicum mileaceum
b. Coix lacryma d. Curcuma longa

521. The scientific name of stevia plant is

a. Stevia rebaudiana c. Avena sativa e. Panicum mileaceum
b. Coix lacryma d. Curcuma longa

522. The following are examples of cultural practices for crops except
a. availability of planting materials c. fertilizer application
b. indirect planting d. weeding and soil cultivation

523. A system of cropping in which as many crops are grown as possible on the
same land within a year:
a. monocropping c. integrated farming e. poly cropping
b. multiple cropping d. sustainable farming

524. In digging holes for planting, the top soil is separated from the sub soil and
during backfilling the one that should be put in first is the:
a. subsoil c. compost e. none of the above
b. topsoil d. organic fertilizer
525. In crop rotation, the cereal crop is generally followed by
a. a cereal crop c. a root crop e. any crop
b. a legume crop d. cereal and root crops

526. ‘Loren B. Legarda’ is one of the promising hybrids of

a. orchids c. musaenda e. bougainvillea
b. roses d. gumamela

527. ‘Magallanes’ is one of the famous varieties of

a. banana c. citrus e. none of the above
b. durian d. rambutan

528. A device used to measure the stem diameter of a plant is:

a. meter stick c. Vernier caliper e. yard stick
b. ruler d. tape measure

529. An instrument used to measure height of a plant is:

a. Vernier caliper c. staking rope e. volumetric flask
b. meter stick d. graduated cylinder

530. An equipment used to determine the water content of the seed is:
a. grain moisture tester c. pH meter e. graduated cylinder
b. seed divider d. ruler

531. Madre de cacao in which the leaves are also used for ripening fruits is
also called __.
a. Theobroma cacao c. Sierra madre e. drumstick tree
b. kakawate d. miracle tree

532. Where the food value or storability of the crop is only for a short period
of time after harvest, crops are said to be
a. durable crops c. perishable crops e. food crops
b. plantation crops d. agronomical crops

533. Where the food value or storability can be for a longer period of time after
harvest, crops are said to be
a. durable crops c. perishable crops e. food crops
b. plantation crops d. agronomical crops

534. An animal-drawn implement that initially breaks the soil.

a. disc plow c. moldboard plow e. wooden plow
b. disc harrow d. subsoil plow

535. A tillage operation that breaks the clods that formed in plowing.
a. harrowing c. furrowing e. breaking
b. subsoiling d. plowing

536. The viability of the seed can be determined by:

a. moisture test c. purity test e. storage test
b. germination test d. seed vigor test

537. The aim of the seed germination test is to determine the:

a. quality of the seedlot c. amount of seed needed to plant a given area
b. viability of the seed d. all of the above

538. If you sow 200 seeds and 158 germinated, the germination percentage is:
a. 79% c. 65% e. 58%
b. 85% d. 90%

539. The first structure that comes out from the seed during germination is:
a. radicle c. mesocotyl e. seedcoat
b. hypocotyl d. epicotyls

540. The first step in the germination process of seeds is:

a. enzyme activation c. emergence of the roots e. respiration
b. water imbibition d. emergence of the shoot
541. A person plowing a field usually stays:
a. in front of the carabao c. behind the carabao e. away from
b. at the back of the carabao d. beside the carabao

542. The following are means of transport except

a. jeepney c. airplane e. none of the above
b. tricycle d. road

(Choices for questions 543 – 546: a. Complete b. Incomplete

c. Perfect d. Imperfect e. exotic flower)

543. It is the flower which has both the stamen and the pistil with or without the
other parts. ______

544. It is the flower which has all the four basic parts. ______

545. It is the flower which has either the stamen or the pistil in one flower with
or without the other parts. ______

546. It is the flower which lacks one or more of the four basic parts. ______

(Choices for questions 547 – 551: a. fruit b. seed c. stamen

d. pistil e. corolla)

547. The mature or ripened ovule is known as ______.

548. The collective term for the petals of the flower is known as ______.

549. The mature or ripened ovary is known as ______.

550. The male reproductive organ of the plant/flower is known as ______.

551. The female reproductive organ of the plant/flower is known as ______.

(Choices for questions 552 – 556: a. cotyledon b. zygote

c. endosperm d. fertilization e. testa)

552. It is the union or fusion of the egg cell and the sperm cell. _______

553. It is the food storage tissue in dicot seed. _______

554. It is the fertilized egg. _______

555. It is the food storage tissue in monocot seed. _______

556. It is another term for the seedcoat or seed covering. _______

(Choices for questions 557 - 561: a. pollination b. germination c. ethylene

d. irrigation e. senescence)

557. The final stage in the life of a plant or its part in which a series of normally
irreversible events are started leading to breakdown of structure or loss of
functions of certain tissues is known as _______.

558. The resumption of growth of the embryo and is the process which results
in the production of a seedling is known as _______.
559. The transfer of pollen grain from the anther of the stamen to the stigma of the
pistil is known as _______.

560. The ripening or senescence hormone is known as _______.

561. The natural or artificial application of water into the plant is known as _______.

(Choices for questions 562 - 566: a. light b. water c. oxygen

d. insects e. viability)

562. The first step in the seed germination is the absorption of ______ resulting in
the swelling of the seed. _______

563. The ability or capability of the seed to germinate depends on its _______

564. Aside from wind and water, these are also considered as agents of
pollination. _______

565. Among the external factors, which can be considered optional for seed
germination? _______

566. It is one of the external factors for seed germination which is needed in the
respiration process. _______

(Choices for questions 567 - 571: a. Moisture content b. Seed health

c. Seed lot d. Inert matter e. Soil)

567. This can be a medium for seed germination test. _______

568. It refers to the amount of water in the seeds. _______

569. It refers to the optimal functioning or well-being of the seed. _______

570. It refers to a specific quantity of seeds, physically identifiable, managed,

grown and processed under a certain specific conditions. _______

571. It consists of materials of no value like sand, stone and mixture with the
seeds. _______

(Choices for questions 572 - 576: a. lady’s finger b. camote c. kangkong

d. upo e. soursop)

572. English name for guayabano _______

573. Common name for swamp cabbage _______

574. English name for okra _______

575. Local name for sweet potato _______

576. Common name for bottle gourd _______

(Choices for questions 577 - 581: a. Viticulture b. Olericulture

c. Pomology d. Floriculture e. Citriculture)
577. The culture/growing of grapes is _______

578. The culture/growing of flowers _______

579. The culture/growing of fruits is _______

580. The culture/growing of vegetables _______

581. The culture/growing of citrus is _______

582. It is a permanent or irreversible increase in size and in dry matter due to

Increase in vegetative or reproductive organs.
a. differentiation c. development e. cell division
b. growth d. morphogenesis

583. It is concerned with the origin and form of living organisms.

a. differentiation c. development e. cell division
b. growth d. morphogenesis

584. The substance known for its capacity to induce cell elongation is shoot
cells is
a. abscisic acid c. auxin e. senescence
b. ethylene d. acetylene

585. It is an organic compound synthesized in the plant which at low

concentrations causes a physiological response.
a. plant growth regulator c. flowering hormone e. ethylene
b. plant hormone d. flowering regulator

586. The plant hormone associated with cell division is known as

a. abscisic acid c. auxin e. acetylene
b. ethylene d. cytokinin

587. The hormone usually associated with dramatic stem elongation in

plants is known as
a. gibberellins c. auxin e. senescence
b. ethylene d. cytokinin

588. The effect on flowering of plants brought about by exposure to very low
temperature is
a. vernalization c. senescence e. cell division
b. photoperiodism d. abscission

589. This phytohormone is also referred to as a ripening hormone.

a. IAA c. cytokinin e. acetylene
b. gibberellin d. ethylene

590. The response of a plant by growing towards the direction of light is

a. geotropism c. thigmotropism e. light density
b. phototropism d. epinasty

591. Plant responses to seasonal variations in the length of the day are
collectively known as
a. vernalization c. circadian rhythm e. geotropism
b. photoperiodism d. morphogenesis
592. The reduction in the amount of green pigments in leaf, resulting in
yellowing is referred to as
a. chlorosis c. autolysis e. analysis
b. necrosis d. dialysis

593. The growth response of plant to touch that is best exemplified by the
coiling of tendrils in Cucurbits is referred to as
a. thermotropism c. thigmotropism e. geotropism
b. seismonasty d. thigmomorphogenesis

594. Some fruits developed without pollination and fertilization. Such

phenomenon, which produced seedless fruits is called
a. parthenocarpy c. polyploidy e. automatic
b. apocarpy d. apomictic

595. Seeds produced by fruits that developed in the absence of pollination

and fertilization are
a. parthenocarpic c. apocarpic e. photocarpic
b. apomictic d. syncarpic

596. Plants that could not withstand chilling or low temperature are said to be
a. temperate crops c. semi-temperate crops e. exotic crops
b. tropical crops d. sub-tropical crops

597. Plants that require short darkness to flower are

a. long day plants c. day neutral plants e. flowering plants
b. short day plants d. dry season plants

598. Plants that require long darkness to flower are

a. long day plants c. day neutral plants e. non-flowering plants
b. short day plants d. dry season plants

599. The response of plant to the length of light period, usually in terms of
flowering is referred to as
a. photoperiodism c. geotropism e. thigmotropism
b. phototropism d. thermoperiodism

600. Just like poinsettia, croton and rubber tree, cassava belongs to the family
a. Poaceae c. Moraceae e. Solanaceae
b. Euphorbiaceae d. Leguminosae



1. d 61. b 121. c 181. d 241. a

2. b 62. b 122. a 182. d 242. b
3. c 63. b 123. b 183. b 243. a
4. d 64. b 124. c 184. c 244. b
5. c 65. a 125. b 185. d 245. d
6. b 66. b 126. d 186. b 246. a
7. b 67. b 127. a 187. d 247. d
8. d 68. b 128. b 188. d 248. d
9. c 69. c 129. a 189. b 249. b
10. a 70. c 130. b 190. a 250. a
11. d 71. a 131. a 191. d 251. b
12. a 72. c 132. c 192. a 252. a
13. c 73. a 133. c 193. a 253. b
14. b 74. c 134. d 194. a 254. a
15. d 75. b 135. a 195. b 255. b
16. d 76. c 136. d 196. d 256. a
17. d 77. a 137. c 197. d 257. d
18. a 78. c 138. c 198. b 258. c
19. d 79. b 139. d 199. d 259. a
20. a 80. b 140. d 200. b 260. d
21. d 81. a 141. a 201. a 261. a
22. d 82. b 142. b 202. a 262. a
23. b 83. c 143. c 203. d 263. b
24. a 84. c 144. a 204. a 264. d
25. c 85. d 145. b 205. c 265. c
26. c 86. b 146. b 206. a 266. c
27. c 87. a 147. b 207. b 267. a
28. b 88. c 148. a 208. c 268. c
29. b 89. a 149. c 209. d 269. c
30. a 90. b 150. c 210. c 270. d
31. b 91. c 151. b 211. d 271. a
32. b 92. a 152. d 212. d 272. a
33. b 93. d 153. c 213. a 273. b
34. b 94. a 154. c 214. a 274. b
35. d 95. b 155. d 215. c 275. b
36. a 96. c 156. b 216. c 276. d
37. c 97. b 157. a 217. c 277. d
38. a 98. a 158. a 218. c 278. c
39. b 99. c 159. a 219. a 279. b
40. d 100. b 160. c 220. a 280. c
41. a 101. a 161. a 221. b 281. b
42. d 102. b 162. d 222. a 282. d
43. d 103. b 163. c 223. d 283. a
44. d 104. c 164. b 224. d 284. b
45. c 105. c 165. b 225. d 285. a
46. a 106. d 166. d 226. c 286. b
47. c 107. d 167. d 227. d 287. b
48. c 108. b 168. b 228. d 288. d
49. a 109. b 169. d 229. c 289. d
50. a 110. b 170. b 230. c 290. a
51. b 111. b 171. d 231. b 291. a
52. c 112. b 172. b 232. b 292. d
53. b 113. b 173. a 233. b 293. b
54. b 114. d 174. a 234. b 294. b
55. b 115. b 175. b 235. a 295. c
56. b 116. c 176. a 236. b 296. a
57. a 117. d 177. a 237. b 297. a
58. a 118. b 178. c 238. a 298. b
59. b 119. b 179. d 239. c 299. d
60. a 120. a 180. a 240. c 300. b

301. c 361. b 421. c 481. a 541. c

302. d 362. b 422. e 482. b 542. d
303. a 363. b 423. b 483. a 543. c
304. d 364. a 424. a 484. b 544. a
305. c 365. a 425. d 485. c 545. d
306. a 366. c 426. b 486. b 546. b
307. d 367. c 427. c 487. a 547. b
308. c 368. d 428. d 488. b 548. e
309. d 369. d 429. d 489. d 549. a
310. b 370. d 430. b 490. e 550. c
311. b 371. c 431. d 491. a 551. d
312. c 372. b 432. b 492. e 552. d
313. d 373. b 433. c 493. d 553. a
314. a 374. a 434. a 494. d 554. b
315. a 375. a 435. b 495. b 555. c
316. b 376. c 436. d 496. a 556. e
317. d 377. d 437. c 497. d 557. e
318. a 378. b 438. b 498. e 558. b
319. b 379. d 439. c 499. a 559. a
320. a 380. a 440. d 500. e 560. c
321. c 381. a 441. c 501. b 561. d
322. a 382. c 442. d 502. c 562. b
323. c 383. b 443. e 503. c 563. e
324. b 384. b 444. b 504. a 564. d
325. d 385. d 445. a 505. b 565. a
326. a 386. d 446. b 506. d 566. c
327. b 387. d 447. a 507. e 567. e
328. b 388. a 448. b 508. d 568. a
329. c 389. c 449. c 509. d 569. b
330. a 390. c 450. d 510. c 570. c
331. d 391. b 451. c 511. a 571. d
332. a 392. b 452. b 512. d 572. e
333. c 393. d 453. a 513. e 573. c
334. b 394. c 454. d 514. c 574. a
335. d 395. b 455. a 515. a 575. b
336. b 396. a 456. b 516. b 576. d
337. b 397. a 457. c 517. c 577. a
338. a 398. c 458. a 518. a 578. d
339. a 399. d 459. c 519. b 579. c
340. c 400. e 460. a 520. b 580. b
341. d 401. b 461. d 521. a 581. e
342. b 402. c 462. a 522. a 582. b
343. b 403. d 463. b 523. b 583. d
344. a 404. a 464. c 524. b 584. c
345. a 405. e 465. d 525. b 585. b
346. c 406. a 466. b 526. d 586. d
347. c 407. c 467. d 527. c 587. a
348. b 408. c 468. c 528. c 588. a
349. b 409. e 469. b 529. b 589. d
350. d 410. c 470. a 530. a 590. b
351. a 411. d 471. d 531. b 591. b
352. c 412. b 472. a 532. c 592. a
353. c 413. d 473. b 533. a 593. c
354. b 414. e 474. b 534. c 594. a
355. b 415. b 475. a 535. a 595. b
356. a 416. c 476. e 536. b 596. b
357. c 417. d 477. b 537. d 597. b
358. d 418. d 478. c 538. a 598. a
359. d 419. d 479. d 539. a 599. a
360. d 420. a 480. b 540. b 600. b

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