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Training manual

SWOOD Design

Chemin des Alliers
Tél : (33) 04 75 36 81 15
Fax : (33) 04 75 36 85 94
Email : [email protected]
Site :

Table of Contents

I. Presentation of the software............... ............................................................................................ 5

1. System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 5
2. Protection Key........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Installation................................................................................................................................... 5
a. Installation on a network.........................................................................................................5

b. InstallationunderVista...............................................................................................................5

c. Installation procedure...........................................................................................................6

d. Uninstallation..........................................................................................................................6

e. Relocation...........................................................................................................................6

4. IFull integration of SWOOD in SolidWorks .................................................................... 6

5. First Use.................................................................................................................... 7
6. Next use...................................................................................................................... 8
7. EFIUSER presentation................................................................................................................. 8
II. EFIUSER creation............................................................................................................................. 9
1. Panels.................................................................................................................................... 9
a. Panel Creation.....................................................................................................................9

b. Panel Edit .................................................................................................................... 10

c. Add Panel Parameters ................................................................................................... 10

d. Other ways to create a panel.................................................................................. 11

2. Structures .................................................................................................................................. 12
a. Presentation Template......................................................................................................... 12

b. Panel Insertion................................................................................................................. 14

c. Edit Structure ................................................................................................................... 15

d. Add Structures parameters................................................................................................. 16

e. Creation of a new structure from a modified existing structure ................. 17

f. Creation and registration of a new Template ................................................................... 19

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design


3. SwoodBox .................................................................................................................................. 20
a. To. Presentation Template.......................................................................................................... 20

b. Principle of a Swoodbox...................................................................................................... 21

c. Presentation of the SwoodBox section ............................................................................................... 21

d. Example of a Swood Box Shelves ...................................................................................... 27

4. Connections ...................................................................................................................................... 29
a. Library opening........................................................................................................ 29

b. Simple element creation....................................................................................................... 29

c. Compound element creation .................................................................................................. 30

5. Moldings ................................................................................................................................... 31
a. Creation New profile........................................................................................................ 31

b. Application profile created to a new molding.................................................................... 31

c. Molding on piece application .............................................................................................. 31

6. library....................................................................................................................................... 32
a. New library creation ....................................................................................................... 32

b. library application .................................................................................................................. 32

7. Materials .................................................................................................................................. 33
a. Creation of new material.................................................................................................. 33

b. Material application (panel, box, drag and drop with or without thickness)............. 33

III. Use Libraries ............................................................................................................... 34

1. Principle of use of the EFIUSER libraries. .............................................................. 34
2. Creation of a single structure project .............................................................................................. 34
a. Copy Box........................................................................................................................ 34

b. Box filling............................................................................................................. 34

c. Establishmentoflinks....................................................................................................... 35

d. Material application............................................................................................................. 36

e. Modification of box dimensions. ............................................................................ 36

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

3. Creation of multiple structures project ............................................ ............................................. 36 4
a. Creation of sketches implantation ............................................... ............................................ 36
b. Establishment of structures ................................................ .................................................. ....... 36
c. Filling structures ................................................ .................................................. ....... 37
d. Modification of sketches ................................................ .................................................. ........ 37

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Présentation du logiciel

I. Presentation of the software

1. System Requirements
 Solidworks 2008 or a higher version must be installed on the machine.
 Accepted operating system: Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista (Ultimate or
Buisness), or Windows 7 (Professional, Ultimate or Buisness). 32 or 64 bit versions ofthese
systems are valid.
 A graphics card certified by SolidWorks (see the following link:
 2 GB of RAM minimum.
 A minimum screen resolution of 1024x768.
 400 MB of free space including 150 MB on disk C

2. Protection Key
SWOOD uses a RAINBOW Sentinel Super Pro protection key which must be implanted on the
computer's USB port

The protection key is guaranteed against any manufacturing defect for a period of six months
from the date of delivery of the software. This warranty only applies if the user makes normal use
of it. Any key that has visibly suffered damage (broken shell, resin damaged ...) will not be taken
as guarantee.
The key must be present in a USB port of the computer during the installation procedure .If
the key is not recognized, try to plug it into another port. If the problem persists, launch the
TESTCLE.EXE utility from the Windows Start menu, then send the TESTCLE.LOG test result file to
[email protected] for after-service troubleshooting sale

3. Installation
a. Installation on a network
The software must be installed locally by the network administrator. Users shouldhave read-
write rights on the users folder (by default: C: \ EFIUsers ), in allsubfolders and in the register
table. Software registration must be done bythe network administrator who must therefore
run the software for the first time

b. Installation under Vista

Disable user account control to allow writing to registers

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Présentation du logiciel

c. Installation procedure
Connect the USB protection key. Put the CD in its drive. The installation starts
automatically. If not, launch Windows Explorer and display the
contents of the CD. Start the installation by double clicking on the SETUP.EXE file.
➢ Read and accept the license agreement.
➢ Enter the name, the company, and the serial number (4 series of 4 digits written on the
back of the housing).
➢ Modify or not the installation folder (C: \ Program Files \ EFICAD \ SWOOD by default).
If during the installation of the driver of the protection key SENTINEL a dialogue of request
computer restart is displayed, answer NO.

d. Uninstallation
To remove the SWOOD software, use the Add-Remove Programs option in the Control Panel
Windows. The users folder is not uninsulated.

e. Relocation
Before reinstalling SWOOD, it is advisable to uninstall the previous version. the
since the contents of the user folder are not affected, the personalization will be fully recovered.
Then proceed as for the first installation. At the first launch, select the user
in the user configuration dialog, then validate.

4. Full integration of SWOOD into SolidWorks

SWOOD Design and SWOOD CAM are software fully incorporated into Solid-works. Is the
uses as software add-ins in the same way as Solid-works add-ins
(photorealism, design validation, ...). Their activation and deactivation is therefore possible from the
same way as these through the Options menu Complements . Activation is
identical to that of the supplements, namely:

- If checked on the left, activation in the current Solid Works session.

- If checked on the right, permanent activation of the software (see figure 1).

Figure 1 : Activation of
software in SolidWorks

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Présentation du logiciel

We find the integration of SWOOD in SolidWorks also at the level of the accessibility of its
functions in different menus and libraries identical to that of SolidWorks (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Integration of SWOOD menus and libraries in SolidWorks

5. First Use
Check that the protective USB key is properly connected to the computer. Start Windows in mode
Administrator with all rights. Start SolidWorks.
If the User Configuration dialog does not open automatically before
opening a document, select the Add-ins command in the Tools drop-down menu
then check the SWOOD Design and / or SWOOD CAM box .
Open a new part or assembly document and click on Swood Design Options
User . Choose the SWOOD users folder by clicking on the Directory button
users . To create a new user, enter the user's name in the reserved space under
Current User registration (USER by default) then click on the Modify button (see figure 3).
A folder with the user's name is added to the users folder. It contains all
software customization elements.
Enter the registration number respecting the capital letters and validate with the OK button . Open a
new part or assembly document: the SWOOD CAM and / or SWOOD menus
Design should appear.
SWOOD is now ready to be used.

Figure3 : User customization

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design


6. Next use
LDuring the next SolidWorks launches, Swood Design and / or Swood Cam will be accessible with
the customization of the user defined as current user.

7. EFIUSER presentation
User (or EFIUSER) is the folder in which all configuration files are located and
SWOOD Library.
This folder is created on first use. It is called USER and is stored in
the following location C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ SWOOD 2010 \
USER \. It is advisable to create your own user when using SWOOD for the first time ( see I.5. First
use ) and store it in a directory that is easy to access and not susceptible to
to be deleted (e.g. if the hard drive of the PC is partitioned, choose a location on a hard drive
different from C :) .
This folder contains sub-folders specific to your use, which can be divided into
Three parties :
- The Design folder , which groups together all the libraries of structural elements,
SWoodBox, panels, moldings, edges, materials from SWOOD Design.
- The Template folder , which allows you to store standard files used in SWOOD.
- The rest of the files are used for the SWOOD CAM part (configuration files,
libraries of tools and machining entities, post-processors, machine).
For the SWOOD Design part, the sub-folders correspond to libraries which can be found the entire
tree in the SWOOD Library tab of the SolidWorks task pane (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 : tructure of the SWOOD customization

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER
In order to create a panel, all you have to do is Panel. Swood then automatically created 9
(see figure 5). A Swood Dialogue figure 6). We can also define a material the Swood material
library (
II. EFIUSER creation
1. Panels

a. Panel Creation
In order to create a purlin, all you have to do is click in the Swood Design menu on
the Panel command. Swood then automatically creates a new rectangular
solidworks piece (see figure
Un dialogue Swoo 5). A Swood
apparaît dialog then
alors permettant appears
de définir allowing
les dime you
ons du to (
define theOn dimensions of the panel
peut aussi définir matériau(figure 6). leYou
(ainsi que senscan
des also
si défi uun n material
(aslawell as the de
bibliothèque direction
matériauxofS the
( if defined by choosing from the Swood
material library (see II.7 Materials).

Figure 5 : Création d’un panneau

Figure 6 : Définition des dimensions et du matériau du panneau

Note: The defined dimensions are linked to SolidWorks sketch and feature dimensions, through custom
properties (see Figure 7); length according to the direction of the X, width according to Y thickness
according to Z (positioning orientation on the machine. For correctselon le sens
software d X, largeur
operation, selon Y et
this orientation
must be observed Pour le bo fonctionnement du

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER

Figure 7 : Relation
dimensions panneau et
cotes SolidWorks

b. Panel Edit
To edit a panel, click in the Swood Design menu on the Edit command Panel . The dialog for
creating the panel reappears and all the parameters (dimensions and material) are then modifiable.
Once modified, exit editing. The panel is then modified.

c. Add Panel Parameters

It is possible to add additional parameters to a panel in order to have a customization of SWOOD
library panels. To do this, simply add custom properties in the SolidWorks file and link them, in the
same way as the default dimensions, to SolidWorks dimensions (see Figure 8). When editing the
panel, these new parameters will then be available in a Variables box and will control the dimensions
of SolidWorks (see figure 9).

Figure 9 : Editing a
parameterized panel

Figure 8 : Adding parameters to a panel

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER

Note: The panels

Les are library files
panneaux so which
sont will be copied
des fichiers with different
de bibliothèque quinames
serontwhenc creating
iés structures based on
them. In order to keep the parameters link with the copied file, it is necessary to remove the name of the part
lors de la création d structures à base de ceux ci. Afin de garder l lien des paramètres
in the value of the custom property (D1 @ Sketch1 instead of D1 @ Sketch1 @ Part1).
avec the
Once le fichier
entirecopié, il est
panel has nécconfigured
been ssaire de as retirer le nom
desired, de have
all you la pièce
to dodan
is ssave
la it leur
la path
<user path> \
<user name> \ Design \ Panels with a name of your choice. Once done, return to the panel library located in
lieu de
the Swood Library, click on Panels and press the F5 key on the keyboard to update the library.
e panneau entièrement
enti ement paramétré comme souhaité, il suffit de d l’enregistrer sous le
<chemin des utilisate s> a e
choix. Une fois effectué, retourner
reto ner dans la bibliothèque de panneaux se trouvant tro ant dans la
t taper sur la touche du clavier afin de me re la bibliothèque à

d. Other ways to createu

manières de c éer
Création from the
à partir task list
du vol des tâches
In the l’onglet
Dans SSwwoodSwood Library tab of the
ood Library du task
des go to thealler
tâches, library of panels
dan and right click,
la bibliothèque de
then panels and right click,
panneaux et fai un clic droit, puisthen New. ffectuer un clic roit, puis
Right click, then Open. We end up with
se retrouve ave un nouveau panneau près à être mod a new panel ready
ifié to
et be modified
amétré. and configured.
Once the panel customization is done, save it under the path <userspath> \ <user name> \
personnalisatio du panneau effectuée, l’enregistrer sous le chemin
personnalisation hemin
Design \ Panel
<n m utilisateur>
 Creation from an existing
Création à partir d’un p neau panelexistant
Open annexisting
pann purlin (right
existant (clicclick Open in the library
droit of the taskdupane
a bibliothèq voletordes
drag and
drop from déposer
the library
dépo r de into the empty SolidWorks
la bibliothèque graphics
dans la fenêtre window).
graphiqu dee Make the desired
SolidWorks vide).
mood changes
Effectuer m (SolidWorks
les modifications functions, (fonctions
ifications souhaitées Swood settings) and save
SolidWorks, under aSwood)
amètres different
name undersou
enregistrer the path
un nom<userdifférent
path> \ <user name> \ Designmin \ Panels.
d utilisateurs>
 Creation from a new part eption
Création à partir d’une uvelle pièce
Create aCréer une nouvelle
nou lle
new SolidWorks pièce
part. DrawSolidWorks.
the panel Dessiner le panneau
of the desired shape,de andllaassign
formethesouhaitée, et
dimensional properties
attribuer les pr (LENGTH,
riétés deWIDTH,
dimensions THICKNESS). Add additional
voir II.1.c
necessary (see II.1.c Adding Panel Parameters). Save the part under the path <user ess
. Enr istrer la pièce sous le chemin <chemin d utilisateurs>
path> \ <user name>Co\ Design
eption\ Panel

Exercise 1::Creating
pann panel

1. Create a newouveau
tip in any
pann way
la manière de votre choix.
2. Add a non-opening
Rajouter un perçagehole non
onnthis panel usingsur
débouchant theceSolidWoks
panneau functions (Material
à l’aide des removal
nctions or
Drilling assistance)
3. Control the following drilling parameters: DIAMETER, DEPTH, X POSITION, Y POSITION.
Piloter les paramètre suivants du perçage DIAMETRE, PROFO EUR, POSI
4. Edit the Panel and moodify the created parameters. Exit the edit dialog and observe the
5. Save thelepurlin
Editer in theetcreated
Panneau m difierunder the path <user
les paramètres path>
créés. \ <user
Sortir name> \ Design
du dialogue ’édition\ et
with the name 1 hole panel.
Enregistrer le pann créé <chemin de utilisateurs>

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER

Exercise 2::Creating
water outlet from
panneau another
à partir panelpanneau
d’un autre in the library
de la bibliothèque

1. Open the 1 Hole Panel panel.

Pann au 1 trou
2. Modify
Modifierthelehole so that
perçage afiit isu’il
soit débouchant.
3. Add a Linear
Rajouter uneRepeat function
fonction d and repeat the hole.
4. Create a symmetry of the
symétrie d drilled
in order to have
d’avoir deuxtwobarrsymmetrical
ières de trohole barriers across
s symétrique sur la
the width of the panel.
5. Remove
Supprimerthe DEPTH parameter
le paramèt de and add NUMBER OF HOLES and SPACE NOM BETWEEN
6. Edit the Panel
ESPACE ENTRE and moodify the created parameters. Exit the edit dialog and observe the changes.
7. Save thelepurlin
Editer created
Panneau et munder the
difier lespath <user s path>
paramètres créés.\ Sorti
<userr name> \ Design
du dialogue \ Panels
’édition et with the name
Panel with through holes
Enregistrer le pann créé sous le chemin <chemin de utilisateurs>

2. Structures
a. Presentation Templatee
Présentation Templa
When creating
Lors de a new file,
la création d you
d’un now havefichier,
n nouveau the choice of aavez
vous paneldésormais
additional SWOOD
le choixin lleequel,
d’un volet
there are two typesdans
of filesquel,
the SwoodCaisson and the
on retrouve deux SwoodBox
types (see les
de fichiers figure 10).

Figure 10 : Template SWOOD

: Si le volet SWOOD est pas disponible, il est possible de le rajouter n ajoutant le

<chemin des utilisate rs> aux dèles de

Note: If the SWOOD pane is not available, it can be added by adding the directory <user path> \ <user
name> \ Template \ SWOOD to the SolidWorks document templates (Tools menu Options File
locations) ) ..

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER

In the Swood CdCaisson template,

Swoo we find then same
aisson file structure
retrouve la mêmeasstructure
for SolidWorks assembly,
de ichier with plans
que pour
defining an envelope volume BAAS, FRONT, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, REAR). In addition, there are rectangular
assemblage SolidWorks, avec s plans définissant un volume enveloppe (B S, AVANT, GAUCHE,
sketches whose segments are linked by collinearity to the planes of the envelope volume (cf. figure 11).
. Il y asave
When creating a new structure, n plus des esquisses
it directly under therectangulaires dont les
path <user s path> \ <userments
name>sont liés par
\ Design \
Casing ..
colinéarité aux plans du volu e enveloppe Lors de la cré ion d’une nouvelle
di ctement <chemin de utilisateurs>

Figure 11 : Définition SwoodCaisson

La definition
définition of
dethis volume enveloppe
ce volu envelope isest
piloté by
parpersonalized properties
des propriétés linked toliées
pe onnalisées the aux
distances between planes
tre plans (cf.(cf. figure 11 and
figure ). 12). They
On les can belors
retrouve found
de when editing
l’édition de l the structure
structure parbyun clic
clicking on the Edit a Box command
Cais nin the Swood Design menu (see figure 13).

Figure12::Volume envelope
Définition Volumedefinition
e eloppeofde

Figure 13: Editing the structure

Note: The orientation de la
of the ructure
structure estfollows:
is as la suivante selon
WIDTH according le sen
to the es X,of X,
DEPTH according to Y and HEIGHT according to Z.

Manu Design training
formation manual
SWOOD Design
EFIUSER creation

La design of a d’une
str will
ctureinvolve the installation
va passer par la miseof panels,
en placewhich
de pwill neaux,
be constrained
panneaux, que l’onand
whose dimensions
contraindre et dontwill
lesbe automatically
dimen ns serontcontrolled
pilotées by the dimensions of
automatiquement parthe
lesenvelope volume
d ensions of the
du volume

b. Panel Insertion
To insert a panel, simply click
r un panne on thedePanel
il suffit command
cliquer sur la in the SwoodPann
commande Designumenu. A dialog
appears floorsapparaît
Un dialogue in whichalors
alwerswill choose
dans lequelthe
on part of thelastructure
va choisir partie dewe will set
la structure
stru ureupon
va the
associated panel model (cf.
associ ( figure 14). You can also change the name of the panel
On peut aussi modifier le nom d panneau dans in thiscette

Figure 14::Insertion
Insertion of a panel
d’un in a structure.
panneau ns une structure.

: LeThe
donnégiven p toneau
the panel
au panneau is essential
est essentiel pour for all the
toutes parts that
les parties will follow
qui suivront
ivront the design
la conception
(Parts list, Edition
(Nomenclature, of production
Edition doc documents
de documents for example).
ents de production It is therefore
par exemple). necessary
Il est donc to have
écessaire a well-
d’avoir un
defined system
système of naming
bien défini the files,
d’attributio knowing
de nom that insachant
aux fichiers, the design of thela projects
que dans thedes
conc ption parts will les
projets be
named as follows: << part name> : _ <name of the structure>
>_<nom de _ <o
la occurrence
structure>_< > _ <project name>. du
Validate the insertion of the panel by clicking on OK. The panel is then inserted into the
envelope volume with the corresponding dimensions, but fixed and in the chosen position, but
Valider l’insertion du panneau
p neau en cliquant sur OK. Le panneau est alors inséré séré dans le volume
freely. We must therefore now define its dimensions and then constrain it in the structure. The edit
ns correspondantes,
orrespondantes, mais fixes et à la position choisie,
ch e, mais de manière
mode of the panel is activated during insertion
libre. Il nous faut donc désorm s définir ses dimensions et ensuite le contrain re dans la structure.
Le mode édition du panneau e activé lors de l’insertion

 Definition Dimensions
The dimensions aredes
La définition defined
sionsediting the panel.
s’effectue lors deMake a selection
l’édition of SolidWorks
du panneau Faire geometric entities
(see table 1) with the Ctrl key on the keyboard held down. Then click in the edit dialog of the panel on
SolidW rks du cl ier enfoncé. Cliquer
the dimension to control (Length or Width) so that the background of the box is pink. Click on the
ensuite dans lebutton.
dimensions dialogue d’éditi
The n du panneau
background surconstraint
of the box la dimension
piloter Lon eurout. Repeat for the
second dimension. uer sur le bouton de contrainte de dimensio
Répéte pour la deuxième dimension.

Manu Design training
formation manual
SWOOD Design
Création EFIUSER
Reference geometries
2 parallel flat faces
1 face and 1 parallel plane
1 face and 1 edge parallel
1 face and 1 point or vertex of edge or vertex of sketch Table 1: Selectable geometries
2 parallel planes for the definition of a panel
1 plane and 1 parallel edge dimension
1 plane and 1 point
2 parallel edges
1 edge and 1 point
2 points

 Constraints Panels
Once dimensioned, the panel must be positioned and fixed in the envelope volume. To do
this, use the Solidworks constraints to constrain the panel entities (faces, sketches, points,…)
with the structure entities (planes, sketches, inserted panel entities,…).

 Panel Edit
Once sized and positioned, the panel can be changed at any time. For the dimensions, all you
have to do is click on the part in the Feature Manager and then select the Edit Panel
command from the Swood Design menu.

Repeat the above operations for all the panels necessary for the correct design of your
structure. Observe that the orientation of the parts was automatically in the right direction during
c. Edit Structure
Once the structure is completely defined, it is possible to check the consistency of the whole
by modifying the dimensions of the structure. To do this, choose the Edit a Casing command in
the Swood Design menu. Modify the values of the dimensions of the envelope volume and
validate by clicking on the reconstruction button.
Exercise 3: Creating a simple box

1. From the instructions above, create a structure with a Single Panel for the top and bottom
parts of the cabinet and the Panel with through holes for the left and right parts. Name them
as follows: C1G for left, C1D for right, ...
2. Size the parts:
• C1G and C1D between the TOP and BOTTOM planes for the Length and between the
FRONT and REAR planes for the Width.
• H and B between the interior faces of C1G and C1D for the Length and between the FRONT
and REAR planes for the Width
3. Constrain the panels so that they form an open box on the front and back completely inside
the envelope volume (see figure 15)

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER

Figure15 : Création de C1

4. Edit parts C1G and C1D in order to modify the parameters of the holes as follows:
HOLES = 32.
5. Edit the structure and modify the dimensions as follows: Width = 1000, Height = 650,
Depth = 600.
6. Save the resulting casing in the directory <user path> \ <user name> \ Design \ Casing,
under the name C1.
d. Add Structures parameters
In the same way as for panels, it is possible to add variables
parameterized in a structure. The process is identical to that of adding parameters in a panel. To do
this, add custom properties to the SolidWorks file and link them, in the same way as the dimensions
of the envelope volume, to SolidWorks dimensions (see figure 16). When editing the structure, these
new parameters will then be available in a Variables box and will control the dimensions of
SolidWorks (see figure 17).

Figure 16 : ajout de paramètres à une structure

Figure 17 : Edition d’une structure paramétrée

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER

e. Creation d’une
Création of a new structure
nouvelle from an
e structure existing
à partir modified
d’une structure.
structure existante modifiée.
Il est possible que les structures
uctures souhaitées ne soient pas seulement composés omposés de quatre
It is possible that the desired
panneaux formant une boîte rectangulaire. structures are not only composed of four
re tangulaire. On peut donc, à partir d’une structure
struct re existante, ajouter
panels forming a rectangular box.
des pièces (en utilisant par ex ple la commande We can therefore, from an existing structure,
ood signadd parts (for
example using the Paneldes p command in the des
neaux, ajouter Swood DDesign menu), modify the panel dimension
definitions, add parameters, etc.
Pourdo this,
cela, open an une
ouvrir existingructure
structure, and select
existante, et the Composition
sélectionner la to take command
comm de from the
File menu. Change the name geroflethe
. Changer
Ch nomassembly and all theetparts
de l’assemblage (for example
de toutes C2 and C2G,
les pièces
pi ces
C2D, ...) and save in the directory
enre strer <user path> \ <user name> \ Design \ Casing (see figure 18).
<chemin des utilisateurs>
Make the desired changes and re-register ffectuer the newlesstructure.
modifications souh ées et

Figure 18 : Composition to take away

Note: The names of parts

Les noms desofpiè
s structures must be distinguished, so asdist
not to
the parts of an already created
truct structure.

Exercise 4: Creating a structure from an existing one

Création d’une stru ure à partir d’une existante.
1. Open the C1 deep box then the task panel. To do this, go to the Cabinet Library, from the SWOOD Library.
Click on Cabinets and press d the
uis F5
depuis le key on des
volet the keyboard to update
tâches. Pour the library.
cela, aller dans laRight click Open on lee C1.
Make a take-out composition by saving the assembly and the parts in the directory <rss user path> \ <user
SWOO ibrary et taper sur la to he
name> \ Design \ Casing. Name mmmer assembly C2 and parts as follows: C2G, C2D, ...
de mettre à jour la bliothèque. Faire un clic droit sur
ition à empor r
<chemin des utilisateu > No er l’assemblage C2
les pièces comme sui
2. Update
Mettrethe pedestal
à jour libraryque
la bibliot by clicking on Pedestals
de caissons in the
en cliquant sur Task Panedans
typing F5 on the keyboard.
et en t antOpen the C2 box.
3. Create
Créer additional plans
des plans supplé ntaires :
• RETRAIT_AV offset
dé aléby
par the planeauFRONT
rapport plan to the inside
vers iof the envelope volume.
• RETRAIT_AR 10mm alkalized dec from the REAR plane towards the interior of the envelope
volume. dé é de 10mm par rapport au plan vers ’intérieur du volume

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4. Resize the Width of parts C2H and C2B between the planes RETRAIT_AV and RETRAIT_AR, and
constrain the front and rear faces of these parts so that they are respectively coincident with the
5. Modify the constraint linking the underside of part B with the BAS plane to a distance constraint of a
value of 50mm.
6. Insert a new single panel type panel by selecting the plinth as the panel position, name it C2P
(see figure 19).

Figure 19 : Insertion C2P

7. Drive the Length of C2P between the interior faces of C2G and C2D and the Width between the
underside of C2B and the BAS plane. Constrain C2P under C2B, between C2G and C2D and at a
distance of 100 mm from the FRONT plane.
8. Add the following parameters by selecting the Properties command from the File menu

• RETRAIT_AVANT, corresponding to the distance between the planes AVANT and RETRAIT_AV
• RETRAIT_ARRIERE, corresponding to the distance between the planes AVANT and RETRAIT_AR
• HAUTEUR_PLINTHE, corresponding to the distance constraint between C2B and the BAS plane
• RETRAIT_PLINTHE, corresponding to the distance constraint between C2P and the BEFORE
9. Edit the structure, modify its dimensions and the correct variables created and check the
consistency of the structure.

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f. Creation and registration of a new Template

The SwoodCaisson template present by default may not be sufficiently developed for the desired
structures. It is therefore possible to create other templates comprising additional elements of
different kinds (plans, parameters, for example).
Once these elements have been added, all you have to do is save the created assembly as a
template. To do this, use the Save as command from the File menu. Change the type of the Assembly
file to Assembly Templates. Select the directory <user path> \ <user name> \ Template \ SWOOD,
and save under the desired name (see figure 20).

Figure 20 : Enregistrement nouveau template

Exercice 5 : Création template avec retrait

1. Open the C2 structure from the task pane.

2. Remove the parts from the assembly.
3. Save the template in the directory<user path> \ <user name> \ Template \ SWOOD, under the
name Swood CaissonRetrait.
4. Recreate Caisson C2 from the Swood CaissonRetrait template.
5. Save it in the directory <user path> \ <user name> \ Design \ Casing, under the name C3.

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3. SwoodBox
a. Présentation Templattee
Dethe same way
la même as for que
manière structures
qu pour les(orstructures
Caissons), (ou
there is a special
Caissons), template.
il existe u lier for particulier
un template
SwoodBoxes..ItOn is retrieved
le retrouve
retr ve whenlorscreating a new file,
de la création d’uninnouveau
the SWOOD tab,dans
fichier, under the name
ns l’onglet
SwoodBox. In the SwoodBox template we find the
Dans l template , onsame file structure
retrouve la mêmeasstforcturea SolidWorks
de fichier que
pour unassembly, with planes
assemblage defining
SolidWor an envelope
s, avec des plansvolume (BOTTOM,
définissant FRONT,
un volume LEFT,
GAUCHE, HAUT, DROITE, ARRIE E . Il y a en plus des esquisses rectangulaires d t collinearity
REAR. There are also rectangular sketches where the segments are linked by les segments tosont
liés parplanes of theaux
colinéarité envelope
plans dvolume
figure 21) When creating a new
1). Lors de SwoodBox,
la cr ion saved’uneit nouvelle
under , the path <userlapath>ectement
enregistrer \ <user name>sous\ Design
le c \ SwoodBox. <chemin de utilisateurs>
Swood x

Figure 21 : Définition SwoodBox

The definition of thisde

La définition envelope
ce volume is controlled
enveloppe by personalized
est pilotée propertiespe
par des propriétés linked to the distances
onnalisées liées aux
between planes (cf. figure 21 and 22)
tre plans (cf. figure 1 et 2

Figure22 : Définition Volume enveloppe de la SwoodBox.

Note: The theory ofntation

the SwoodBox
de is as follows: WIDTH according to the direction
SwoodBox s nof le
X, DEPTH according
sens des X, to Y
and HEIGHT accordingHAUTto Z.
There is also an additional pane, under the icon used for the creation of the SwoodBox.
On retrouve en plus un volet su
lémentaire, sous l’icône servant à la création
cré on de la SwoodBox.

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b. Principle of a Swoodbox
A SwoodBox corresponds to an assembly of parts contained in an envelope volume.
The main interest of a SwoddBox is to vary the dimensions and relationships between the
different parts (constraints, suppression, etc.) according to the dimensions of the envelope volume.
To achieve this, we will write conditional scenarios in which we involve SolidWorks entities
(dimensions, constraints, configuration, etc.). Scenarios that can then be changed very easily when
editing a Swoodbox.
This assembly will then be inserted into another envelope volume (for example a Box-type
structure) which, when modified, will update the envelope volume of the SwoodBox and therefore
the scenarios defined therein.
The other advantage of the SwoodBox is to create parameterized holes on the parts directly in
contact with the envelope volume.
vs. SwoodBox pane presentation
The Swoodbox component consists of three parts detailed below.

 Definition and management of Swoodbox variables

This part allows you to create the variables that will drive the scenarios associated with the
SwoodBox, themselves written in this part. This creation requires 4 steps (see figure 23).

Figure 23 : Creation of variables and writing of

scenarios of a SwoodBox

1. Definition of variables

A variable needs 3 main characteristics to be defined: a type, properties, and a SolidWorks

link. The tables opposite describe the different possibilities and combinations of these

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Variable properties
Accessibility (private
Accessibilité or expo
(privée ou exposed)
Types of variables Alias (shortened
Alias (désignationdesignation
raccourcie used in scenarios)
tilisée dans les scénarios)
Distance Category
Angle Description (Comment)
String of characters Name
Whole Default value)
Boolean (true or false) Possible values (optional)
Tableau 2 : Types de variables Validity

Table 3: Properties of variables

: Propriétés es variables

Types of variables Associable SolidWorks Links

Distance Dimension
Cote (sketch,
(esquisse, feature,
fonction, constraint,
contrainte, driven or
pilotée not)
Custom Property
Angle Dimension
Cote (sketch,
(esquisse, feature,
fonction, constraint,
contrainte, driven or
pilotée not)
Custom Property
String of characters Room configuration
Custom Property
Whole Dimension (sketch, feature, constraint,
contrainte, driven or
pilotée not)
Custom Property
Boolean (true or false) Custom Property
Functions or components
Tableau 4 : Association types of variables-SolidWorks links

Note: ThereIlare 4 variables

existe defined
4 variables
variable by par
éfinies default when
défaut lorscreating a SwoodBox.
de la création S3 control
d’une SwoodBox. envelope
3 pilotent le
volume (Height, L Width, Depth)argeur,
Hauteur, and oneProfondeur
the configuration
) et uneoflatheconfigurat
assembly n(Configuration alias
de l’assemblage
SWConf). Conf

Note: The selection of SolidWorks

: La sélection des lie links is done by clicking in the Selection box when it is pink and by
selection in the graphic window (for dimensions), in the Feature Manager
rosée et par sélection dans la f être graphique (pour les cotes), dans le Feat (for constraints,
and components)
contraintes, or inetthe
fonctions Configuration
comp ts) ou Manager
dans le (for the configurations).(pour l s conf

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2. Validity

La validityd’une
of a variable
variab allows
variable its de
permet value to besalimited.
limiter valeur.IfSithis validity
cette is false,
validité est then we
st fausse, onhave an
a alors
une report from the Swoodbox
d’erreur de l Swoodbox

3. Functions

The Functions section

permet allows you les
’écrire to write the scenarios
scénarios for controlling
de pilotage de la Swood theox.
SwoodBox. SwoodBox.
Elle It has by
défaut troisthree equations
équations whichtcontrol
qui pilot theenveloppe.
le volume envelope volume.
The writing of the scenarios involves linking, in a logical way, the various desired configurations
of the SwoodBox.
L’écriture For this,coweiste
des scénarios write using a specific
à enchaîner, languagelogique,
de manière (described in Table
les diff 5),configurations
ntes tests and
assignments of values to the different defined variables.
souhaitées de la SwoodBox. Po
Pour cela, on écrit à l’aide d’un langage spécifique (décrit
( écrit
des tests et des affectations e valeurs aux différentes variables définies.

French script English script

Traduc translation
on script en anglais
Assignment L=SBL L=SBL
Arithmetic operators +-/*
Boolean operators ET, OU, NON(ET), NON(OU) AND, OR, NO(ANDAND), NO(OR)
Boolean value VRAI, FAUX TRUE, FALSE
Test SI (expression de test) ALORS IF (expression de test) THEN
affectations affectations
SINONSI (expression de test) ALORS ELSEIF (expression de test) THEN
affectations affectations
affectations affectations
Table 5 5 : Script used to control a SwoodBox

Fon ion est dirigée par les règles de syntaxe suivan s

Le début
Note: de commentaire
The writing est déclenché
of the Function isclenché
caractère ' ; syntax
following tout cerules
qui est
écThet start
aprèsofcea caractère
comment is triggered by the character '; anything written after this character is not interpreted. The
es valeurs
values des variables
of numeric alph
alphan variables mériques doiventbetween
must be written être écrites entre " " or test expressions can be
"" Assignment
ctation o de test peuvent être entre
in parentheses; a different number of opening and closing parentheses causes ; un ombre
a syntax différent
error, so de
writing in red. ouvrantes et fermantes
When evaluatingferma numerical
tes provoque une erreur
expression, thede syntaxe, operators
arithmetic donc une écriture
** and /en rouge.
ors de l'évaluation
precedence over + and - d'une expr on numérique, les opérateurs arithmétiques et / sont prioritaires
Expressions with Boolean operators must be in parentheses: for example (expression 1) AND
(expression 2) avec opérateur booléens doivent être
Les expressions : par xemple

Variables and operators can be written either in upper or lower case.

The key words can be written indifferently in French or in English.
Comments are written in green.
Keywords are written in blue.
Variables, parentheses, equal sign, numeric values are written in black or red in the event of a
syntax error. The values of alphanumeric variables are written in "magenta".

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4. Options

The options defined in this tab are options when inserting SwoodBoxes. They allow you to define
whether the insertion envelope volume can have zero dimensions (Width, Height, Depth) and
whether the SwoodBox is edited during insertion.

 Definition of holes

This part is used to create parameterized holes on parts in direct contact with the envelope
volume when inserting a SwoodBox into an assembly. To do this, we will use the second tab of the
SwoodBox pane and proceed to three steps to define these holes.

1. Drilling diagram

This first step will allow you to define the holes you want to make. We use the Drilling Diagrams
part at the bottom of the tab (see figure 24), and we create diagrams indicating a diameter, a depth
and a position (in X and in Y) with respect to a point of origin.

Figure 24: Definition of drilling diagrams

We click on the first button to create a new diagram. By clicking under the hole definition bar, a
dialog appears in which you can enter the name of the diagram, a diameter and a default depth. We
click on the icon to create a new hole. A circle then appears centered on the origin of the drilling
pattern. By double-clicking on the circle, a definition table appears at the top left of the window. We
can then define dimensions different from the default ones and position the circle relative to the

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2. Smart scheme

The smart pattern allows you to position hole patterns relative to points defined in

Figure 25: Definition of smart holes

Click on the first button (“New Smart Drilling”) on the right bar. Define the designation of the
diagram, as well as its Reference Point. To do this, click in the appropriate box and select a
sketch point in SolidWorks as soon as it is pink. The coordinates of the point are then displayed
in this box. Select the Scheme to apply at this point.
It is also possible to define X and Y Offsets of insertion of the diagram in relation to the
Reference Point. We can redefine the Diameter and Depth of our selected pattern, as well as a
symmetry of the following pattern X and Y.

3. Smart Compound Drills

By clicking on the second button (“New Compound Machining”), we will be able to define more
complex holes, combinations of the holes defined with the first button. Click on this button, and
give a designation to your Compound Machining.

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Figure 26: Definition of combined holes

The combination of intelligent holes will be created by sliding them from the upper part of the
window into the lower white area. The name of the diagram is then entered with a predefined alias
SP1, for example in parentheses. In the same way as with smart holes, it is possible to define a
Reference Point, X and Y Offsets and to modify the Diameter and Depth of the hole in general. In
order to keep the values of variables defined in the Drilling or Smart Drilling Diagram, leave the
values at 0 and do not select a reference point.

The purpose is to define a Compound Drilling for each face that you want to machine when
inserting a SwoodBox. To do this, you must insert all the necessary Intelligent Diagrams and you can
then manage their deletion using a written script when you click on the window calculator. We will
be able to manage this deletion according to variables of our SwoodBox. To call a SwoodBox
variable, we use the SBC.Alias syntax of the variable. To manage the deletion of a drilling diagram,
we use the syntax SP1.S = true for example.

Example of a compound machining management script

SP1.S=false ‘The deletion of diagram 1 is wrong

if SBC.P > 500 then ‘If my Swoodbox depth is greater than 500 then the deletion of SP1 is true
SP1.S =true

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4. Machining

Finally, in the upper part of the tab, we define the diagram to apply to a face. To do this, select
the appropriate diagram from the drop-down list to the right of the face.

Figure 25: Application of a machining on a face

of SwoodBox

If the pattern of the complementary face is identical (right and left, top and bottom, face and
bottom), it is possible to apply the symmetry of the pattern defined on one of the two faces. To do
this, select (Symmetry) in the drop-down list of the corresponding face.

 Test Mode

The test mode (available in the third tab of the Swoodbox pane) is a way of checking, without
inserting the SwoodBox in a Box, its consistency. For this, we can vary the envelope dimensions
of the SwoodBox as well as the variables exposed. Variables defined as private are visible but
grayed out. Make the desired modifications and click on the Calculate button. Observe the
behavior of the SwoodBox once it has been recalculated.

d. Example of a SwoodBox Shelves

Exercise 6: Creating a "Shelf" SwoodBox

1. Create a new SwoodBox.

2. Insert a shelf type panel.
3. Configure its dimensions using the Edit Panel command from the Swood Design menu.
4. Create the Shelf Height variable, exposed variable.
5. Add a drilling pattern to drill 50mm from the front and back on the right side and left side.
6. Change the dimensions of the SwoodBox in Test Mode and check.

Exercise 7: Creating a "Multiple shelves" SwoodBox

1. From the SwoodBox "Shelf", add additional panels using SolidWorks Linear Pattern Pattern.
2. Add an integer variable to control the Number of Shelves (NBE), a distance type variable to control
the Distance between Shelves (ECE).
3. Use the SwoodBox shutter function to control the number of shelves as well as the distance
between them depending on the height of SwoodBox, the number of shelves and the height of the
first shelf. .

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4. Add the drilling diagrams to the other shelves and delete them depending on the presence or
absence of the shelf.
5. Go to test mode, change the dimensions of Swoodbox and check.

Exercise 8: To go further !!

1. Add a string variable to create an Insertion Type. This variable will not be linked in SolidWorks, but will
be used to create “configurations” in the Function script. Create possible values that will be Centered
or Top and Bottom Offset.
2. Create a High Deviation distance variable.
3. Control the two insertion modes of the SwoodBox.

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4. 4. Connections
a. Ouverture Bibliothèque
To create links, we need to edit a library. To do this in the task paneof Solidworks in the Swood
Design tab, right-click on an existing library item and click Edit. A new Link Elements Library
window is displayed. It is in this window that we will be able to create our connections. By
clicking on the first button at the top left (New Item), we have the choice between creating
different elements:

- A new library (example: BLUM)

- A new folder (example: Eccentrics)
- One new element among the following: Eccentric Drilling on Face and Side, Drilling on Face only,
Lamello, Hole, Tenon Mortise, Trunnion.
- A combination of elements (Component Repetition, Compound Element)

Figure 26: Editing and

creating an assembly library

b. Simple element creation

To create a Simple element, create a new library or click on a libraryexisting. Then click on
New Item and choose the type of items to create. On the central part of the window then
appears a 3D visual of the placement of the element between two parts. On the right side
there is a drawing of the selected element. This is where we will configure our element.

Figure 27: Editing and creating a

simple element

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The buttons above thisde

dessus definition window
tte fenêtre de définition are used to inform, configure and
evaluate the variables definedvariaonles
element.surSwood.These variables
notre élément. are pre-established
Ces variables by
ont préétablies par
The first button will be used to redefine the variables (designation, default value, possible values,…).
The second button will serve as a summary of these variables in which we will obtain the aliases of this
Le premier bouton va servir
ser ir à redéfinir les variables (désignation, valeur
vale par défaut,
one. The third button (Evaluation) is the most important in this bar, because it will allow us to configure
possibles,…). Le deuxième bouton
bout n va servir comme résumé de ces variables d danss lequel nous allons
the variables of our element err using the scripptt already used in the Swoodboxes.
ci. Le oisième bouton est le plus impor nt dans cette barre,
car il va permettre de configur les variables de notre élément à l’aide du scri déjà utilisé dans les

Note: There is anIladditional

existe un button
bo tonthat
bouton allows you toqui
supplémentaire linkpermet
the element
de lierofl’élém
the Swood
l’élément t deLink Library to a
la bibliothèque
de liaisons part.
Swood Click on this
à une piècbutton,
pièce then on Cliquer
SolidWorks. this button
sur allowing youpuis
ce bouton, to browse andpermettant
sur celui
elui choose in Win
ndows the component linked to our element.
i ows le composant lié à notre élément.

c. Commppos element
élément Co creation
In a pre-selected
Dans library, create
une bibliothèque a new Compound
résélectionnée, créer Elementthanks
un nouvel Elémentto theNewmposé
Item command.
Rename him. In order to create
Le renommer.
re mmer. a combination
Afin de créerofune
simple elements,d’éléments
combinaison drag them
d’élém from their
ts simples, les faire
glisser library to the
de leur right side of the
bibliothèque ans compound
la partie element.
droite de Swood then immediately
l’élément compos Swood creates créé
a treealors
structure with the
immédiatement une arborescenceelements present by automatically assigning them
arboresce ce avec les éléments présents en leur attribuant aliases. By clicking
attribu t automatiquement on
des alias. element,
cha that
chaque the parameters
e élément, are nocompte
on se rend longer available. Only the
que les paramètres
par ètresinsertion
ne sont plus
position can be changed.
disponibles. Seule la position d sertion peut être modifiée.

Note: The default position

La position pafordéfaut
each element is (0,
de chaque 0, 0), that
élément estis,
à centered, on
c’ the
t origin of the
compound element.

Fi re 28:
2 Insertion of simple elements
in a scompound
d un élémentelement.

Le goaldeof la
dof l’élément
the composite element
composé will be
va être detopositionner
position andettremove the simple
elements inserted
éléments according
simples insérés to the
selon a dimension of contact between the partsett(this dimension
dimension as well
ainsi que
as the
les dimensions
dimensions desof the panels
panneaux e in
en contact
contact aredes
sont variables available
variables in thedans
disponibles evaluation of thedecompound
l’é luation l’élément

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cela,we willallons
nous use the scriptlealready
utilise usedutilisé
script déjà in thedans
SwoodBox. To manage
la SwoodBox. the rposition
Pour gé of an
la position d’ element,
the syntax will be Alias.P.Axe,
Alia for.Axe
the removal of Alias.S.

Example of setting of a compound

élé ntelement

if AL<250 then
TO2.S =true
TO1.P.X= -16
E1.P.X= 16
TO2.S =false
TO1.P.X= -32

There is a test mode to verify

de test afin
afi dethe consistency
e vérifier of our created
la cohérence link elements.
de nos éléments de liaiWens créés. On y
accède bycliquant
clicking on
surthe button n Input / Test Mode
le bouto available in the
disponible dansbar e at thentop
la barre left
haut of
à gauche de
the Link Element Libraryd’Elém
Bibliothèque window.ts de Liaisons

5. Moldings
a. New prooffil creation
The profiles of moldings da nans Swood are associated with sketches. To create a new one,
just create a newNouveau
Création sketch inpr
the ilprofile definition file. This file can be accessed by right-clicking
in the Moldings Library and dans
Les profils de moulures dchoosing
s Swoodthesont
Edit associés
Profiles command. A SolidWorks
à des esquisses. e part
Pour en créercontaining
un nouveau, il
all the profiles
unedefined in different
nouvelle e isse sketches
esquisse will then
dans le fichier open. Create
de définition desaprofils.
new sketch in theest
Ce fichier
ichier Front
plane of the part. Save thean part.
la et en choisissan a commande
. Une pièce SolidWorks comportant tous les profils définis dans des squisses différentes
de la pièce. Enre istrer l

Note: The origin of the

L’origine deppi piece
la pièce is confused
èce est when
confondue, lorsplacing the molding
de la mise en placeondealapiece with sur
moulure the une
pièce edge.
avec It issélectionnée.
l’arête therefore necessary to correctly
Il est donc place
nécessaire our profile
de bien placer ((direction
notre profiland offsets)
sens in
et décalages)
relation to this origin.

b. Application profile created

cré à uneto nouvelle
a new molding
Une theleprofile
profil is created,
créé, d s in
la the Moldings Library of the Swood Library
Swood Li click
ary right and choose
orderNew A molding is then added
ouveau to the
. Une
moulure Herajoute
is possible
rename it with a rightIlclick
l bibliothèque. est
possible At the bottom
de la renommer avec of the
cli library, choose r.then
le bas de la bibliot que, choisi
profil correspondant profile in the
la list drop-down list

c. Application
molding on part
r pièce
The application
L’application of a molding
d’une moulur on sura une
part pièce
is dones’effectue
by a simple
parsliding - deposited
un simple glissé on the edge to be
profiler. Une fois appliquée, un enu de fonction SolidWorks s’ouvre dans le ope We
profiled. Once applied, a SolidWorks function menu opens in the ProperyManager.
can then
peut alors change
changer the mold
le profil profile,
oulure, select
de moulure, additional
sélectionner desedges
offset its insertion
supplémentai s oufrom thedécaler
encore selected
insertion par rapport à l’arê sélectionnée.

A Molding feature has been

a été created
créée in the
réée dans SolidWorks
l’arbre design
de création detree. We findO
SolidWorks. theretrouve
On same options by editing this
les mêmes
s en éditant cette fonctio .

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Figure 28 : Application d’une moulure

6. Songs
To. New song creation
In the Chants Library of the Swood Library, right-click New to create

a song. Modify the parameters of the created song available at the bottom of the library. The
parameters available for a song in Swood are as follows:

- Cost in euros.
- Body creation (-1 the defined edge thickness is removed from the selected face, 0 no changes
to the face, 1 the defined edge thickness is added to the selected face).
- A description.
- A designation.
- Thickness.
- An image (represented in the library when you pass next to the song).
- A width (if set to 0, it will then be equal to the thickness of the panel to be plated).

b. Singing application

The application of an edge is accomplished with a simple drag and drop from the edge library of
the Swood Library onto one side of a SolidWorks part. Swood automatically creates a feature in the
SolidWorks design tree. You can then edit this function in order to modify the applied song.

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7. Materials
a. New material creation
In the Materials Library of the Swood Library, right-click New in order to
create a song. Modify the parameters of the created song available at the bottom of the library. The
parameters available for a song in Swood are as follows:

- Correction angle (limit angle for correcting the feed rate as a function of the direction of the
- Associated song.
- Feed rate correction (correction factor for the feed rate if the limit angle is exceeded).
- Cost.
- Flow for the saw (taken into account in the sawing flow).
- Density.
- Description.
- Name.
- Thickness (imposes the thickness of the part if different from 0).
- Fiber.
- Image (represented in the library when we pass next to the song).
- Materials (panel color).
- SolidWorks material.
- Reference for the saw.
- Fiber saw (direction of the fibers).
- Texture.
- Fiber Direction Texture (Horizontal or Vertical).
- End Texture.

b. Material application (panel, box, drag and drop with or without thickness)

Applying a material is done with a simple drag and drop from the Swood Library material library
onto a SolidWorks part. Swood changes the material of the targeted part in the SolidWorks design
When dragging and dropping in an assembly, Swood offers the application of the material to the
entire assembly. By answering "Yes", Swood then modifies the materials of the parts which
previously had the same material and the same thickness as the selected part.

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Utilisation Bibliothèques

III. UseUtilisation
Libraries Biblio èques
1. Principle of use of the EFIUSER libraries.
Principe d’utilisation es bibliothèques de l’EFIUSER.
Once the EFIUSER isconfiguré
use will bevavery
êtresimple and user-friendly.
très simple et conviviale.Indeed, from the structures of
the library, the creation of a
structures de la bibliothèque, la project will be carried out with a cooperation,
l création d’un projet va s’effectuer avec une copie, can insertion of a copydeof
ie, une insertion
structures that we will come to dress with SwoodBoxes,
que l’on va nir habiller avec des links and materials. e es

2. Création
Unique structure
projet strproject creation
ture unique

a. To. Copy Box

A thede
partir Cabinet library ofethe
la bibliothèq de Swood Library, right click on an ,element
clicon Copy.
droit surSwood
un then
offers to save your project. Once
. Swood this step is validated, your project is open
ood vous propose alors d’enregistrer votre projet. in SolidWorks.
ojet. Un
étape You can already
validée, resizeest
votre projet it andvert
configure it by clickingOnonpeut
dans SolidWorks. Edit d’ores
a Box in
etthe Swood
déjà Design
e redimensionner
E ter

Figure 29: Creating a project

Note: When saving deproject,
your l’enregistrement
l’enre Swood
rement de votre
created projet,
a folder Swood
in the a créé
same placeun
do er auwith
this one m the same
number and portant
containing all thenpartsetofcontenant
le même the project.
toutes les pièces

b. Box filling
Une the le
has its àdimensions, fill it with
se dimensions, fairea simple drag and drop
son remplissage from the tSwoodBox
en effectu un library to a
déposer depuisencompassing
la bibliothèquethe structure.
e SwoodBox Thisvers
volume then turns
un volume green. Ifdethe
englobant la Edit on insertion option
has been checked in the SwoodBox model, a SolidWorks function
ition à l’insertion dans type
le mod menu appears
e de in the Property
SwoodBox, un
Manager. We find there, in the upper
menu de type fonction SolidW ks apparaît alors part, the definition of the overall volume
O retrouveof the insert and the
variables defined
la définition as Exposed
du volume in the d’insertion
globant model, in the lower
et les part. définies co me

Lors a SwoodBox,
l’insertion Swood Swood
d’une SwoodBox,
oodBox, adds the parts and
rajoute assemblies
les pièces of the SwoodBox
et assemblages
assemb es de l to the So
dans l’arbrecreation
de création Functions specific
S dWorks.
SolidWorks. Destofonctions
Swood are also added.
propres à SwoodA SwoodBox
son aussifunction
sont ajoutées.inUne
main assembly, whichdans can l’assemblage
l’be edited in order
mblage to modify
principal, it. Apeut
que l’on Swood Drilling
éditer afin function in each part
dee la modifier. Une
where the SwoodBox adds thec holes
dans uedefined
pièce oùinlathe model. vient ajouter des p çages définis dans le

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Utilisation Bibliothèques

Figure 30: Inserting a SwoodBox.

Figure 31: Adding Swood functions in the FeatureManager.

c. Establishment of links

The installation is done by simply dragging and dropping the library of the Swood Library on the
elements to be linked. A representation of the dragged element then appears in transparency.
Without releasing the left click of the mouse, you can change the direction of insertion (according to
the direction of the X) by sliding on one of the parts to be linked or the other. You can also change
the direction of insertion, along the Y axis, by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard. Swood creates a
special function in the complete assembly and in related parts. By editing this function, you can
modify the insertion directions as well as the type of connections.

Figure 32: Insertion of a link.

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Utilisation Bibliothèques

d. Material application
Drag a material from the Swood Library onto the parts whose material you want to change.

e. Modification of box dimensions.

In the Swood Design menu, use the Edit Casing command. You can then resize the project structure
and modify the variables defined in the library cabinet model. Once modified, validate by clicking on
the green reconstruction light. The box is then resized, as well as the elements inserted according to
the rules defined in the SwoodBox and links libraries.

3. Project creation of multiple structures

a. Creation of sketches
In a new SolidWorks assembly, create two sketches. One in the Front plane, whichwill
represent the plan skeleton of the implantation, one in the Right or Top plane which will
define the heights of the implanted structures.

b. Structures implantation
From the Cabinet Library of the Swood Library, right-click on a structure to be implemented
and choose the Insert Copy command. The box is then inserted into the assembly. A window
also appears in the PropertyManager. It is in this window that the orientation and dimensions
of the implanted structure are defined by selecting points of the layout definition sketches.
With each selection, the box is oriented and resized according to the selections made.

Figure 32: Layout of a box.

A SwoodImplantation feature is added to the SolidWorks design tree. By editing this

function, we can then redefine the layout of the structure.

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Utilisation Bibliothèques

c. Filling structures
The structures will be filled after opening the implanted boxes. From the SolidWorks creation tree,
open the structures to be completed and repeat the various operations described in the previous
paragraph (Single structure project creation):

• - Insertion of SwoodBox.
• - Installation of connecting elements.
• - Application of materials.

Modification esquisses

By modifying the definition sketches and rebuilding in SolidWorks, we will resize our layout, but also
the various inserted elements. In the same way as for a project with a single structure, the inserted
elements are resized according to the rules established in their library models.

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

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