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Innodata Philippines, Inc. v.

G.R. No. 162839 (2006)


Innodata Philippines, Inc., is engaged in the encoding/data conversion business. It

employs encoders, indexers, formatters, programmers, quality/quantity staff, and others, to
maintain its business and do the job orders of its clients.

Estrella G. Natividad and Jocelyn L. Quejada were employed as formatters by Innodata

Philippines, Inc. They [worked] from March 4, 1997, until their separation on March 3, 1998.
They believed that their job was necessary and desirable to the usual business of the company
which is data processing/conversion and that their employment is regular pursuant to Article
280 of the Labor Code,they filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and for damages as well as for
attorney’s fees against Innodata Phils., Incorporated.

Innodata contended that their employment contracts expired, having a fixed period of
one (1) year. Since the period expired, their employment was likewise terminated applying the
ruling in the Brent School case.

Labor Arbiter Donato G. Quinto rendered a judgment in favor of complainants holding

complainants Estella G. Natividad and Jocelyn Quejada to have been illegally dismissed by
Innodata Philippines Incorporated and Innodata Processing Corporation and ordering
reinstatement to their former position without loss of seniority rights, or to a substantially
equivalent position, and to pay them jointly and severally, backwages computed from the time
they were illegally dismissed on March 3, 1998 up to the date of this decision in the amount of
P112,535.28 EACH, or in the total amount of P225,070.56 for the two of them; and further
ordered to pay them attorney’s fees in the amount equivalent to 10% of their respective

Innodata appealed to NLRC which reversed and set aside the Labor Arbiter’s decision
declaring that the contract was for a fixed term and therefore, the dismissal at the end of their
one-year term agreed upon was valid. An MR was filed but was denied.

The CA ruled that respondents were regular employees in accordance with Section 280
of the Labor Code. It said that the fixed-term contract prepared by petitioner was a crude
attempt to circumvent respondents’ right to security of tenure.

Innodata claims that it was constrained by the nature of its business to enter into fixed-
term employment contracts with employees assigned to job orders. It relies on the availability
of job orders or undertakings from its clients. Thus, the continuity of work cannot be
ascertained. Hence, this petition.

Whether the alleged fixed-term employment contracts are valid.


The Petition has no merit

Innodata’s contract of employment failed to comply with the standards set by law and
by this Court. “A contract of employment is impressed with public interest. For this reason,
provisions of applicable statutes are deemed written into the contract. Hence, the “parties are
not at liberty to insulate themselves and their relationships from the impact of labor laws and
regulations by simply contracting with each other.” Moreover, in case of doubt, the terms of a
contract should be construed in favor of labor.”

Petition is DENIED, and the assailed Decision and Resolution are AFFIRMED. Costs against

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