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Chapter I
Project Context 1-3
Purpose and Description of the Project 3
General Objective 4
Specific Objectives 4
Scope and Limitations of the Project 4
Significance of the Project 5
Chapter II
Theoretical Background 6
Related Literature 7 - 10
Related Studies 10 - 13
Chapter III
Technicality of the Project 14 - 16
Chapter IV
Requirements Specification 17
 Operational Feasibility 17
 Fishbone Diagram 18
 Functional Decomposition Diagram 19 - 20
 Technical Feasibility 21
 Schedule Feasibility 21
 Gantt Chart 21 - 22
 Economic Feasibility 23
 Intangible Benefits 23 - 24
Requirements Modeling 24 - 25
 Input 24
 Process 25
 Output 25
 Performance 25
 Control 25
 Use Case Diagram 26 - 28
 Sequence Diagram 29 - 30
Design 31 - 36
 Data Flow Diagram 31 - 32
 ER Diagram 33
 Data Dictionary 34 - 36
References 37 - 38
Glossary 39 - 41
Curriculum Vitae 42

Almighty and precious God has been awesome and so gracious to everyone through all
the years of journey. To him, who always make all things possible and as we pursue in
doing this project, study all together, we bring back all praises, glory and huge
thanksgiving to the lamb. Special thanks for the following individuals:

To Sir Marco John Roales, supportive and so inspiring adviser, for all the effort and by
giving his very best for the fulfillment of our knowledge and the one who shared his
skills and time for us to achieve the success of this project study.

To Ms Jennifer Povadora, Project Design Coordinator, who becomes the foundation of

our ideas, ready to give advices and for being part of the completion of this study.

To our special someone’s, friends and close friends who supported us in all aspect to
make this study reliable, successful and possible, their undying support to us for the
whole development of this project study and makes it amazing.

To our beloved parents, relatives and guardians for their non-stop, unending love,
brilliant encouragement, sacrifice, guidance and the hundred percent of support both
financial and moral which inspired us and light up our world throughout the processing

Also we give a big thanks to all personality whose names we are unable to mention. Guys
it’s been overwhelming to our part that you’ve shared something that will also build the
missing parts of this system and we also want to share with of all you the gladness and
joy of knowing that we have not worked in vain and there are always beside us.

Lea Jane Y. Desamparado

Janry Mark T. Sanchez

Edfel Dave T. Napeñas

Chapter I


Project Context

Nowadays, there are more and more opportunities showing up in the market
because of the advancement of people’s live standard. However the market competition is
becoming more severe in recent years, therefore choosing the right business to open up is
important. In the field of business industry, recording of data from past to present gives a
greater impact in monitoring the status of a company’s growth. Manual data recording of
sales and inventory is commonly use in gathering information and a time consuming
process, tracking the usage, monitor changes in unit cost, reordering and analyzing
inventory item-by-item basis.

Time should be managed properly in order to do all the necessary tasks and all the
things needed to be done in a company. Monitoring the sales and inventory is a crucial
task for a business manager or owner.

Due to the demand in increase of productivity and efficiency of data processing,

Information Technology developed the use of Computer Based Business System. As the
world moves further to a new technological age, the Point of Sale has been created by IT
professionals to make the System of the business convenient and easy to manage.
Controlling, analyzing inventory and calculating sales is as simple as a single click.

Limitless development of a growing technology gives opportunity to all IT

developer in advancing the world in terms of business.

Didang’s Delicious Masareal started in a small store in Tabok, Mandaue City in
the year 1912, when Julina “Didang” Perez Suico started a single proprietorship with a
capital of ₱100.00 pesos. Didang formulated a special masareal recipe and asked her
neighbors to taste it. Positive responses to the product motivated her to produce more,
given the conditions. She went into business to support her children to school.

In those early years, the masareal was made by hand. Family members and
relatives help make the product. The operations where crude and tedious, recycled battle
were used to make a ground peanut. Distribution and selling was simple, masareal was
made by peddling in the neighborhood.

Didang handed the business until her death in August 9, 1965. Nevertheless she
made sure that her children would know the nature of the job. After her death, her
daughter Gerarda “Dading” left her dress making to take over the business. She began to
hire more workers as her business grew. She also acquired better equipment and facilities
to maximize production. However, on November 12, 1998, Dading unexpectedly died of

Dading’s death pushed her younger sister, Prudencia “Inday Yuding” Suico-Falcis
to manage the business following the best practices of her late mother. Inday Yuding
handled the business well. A proof of this is their long-lasting relationship with their
suppliers up until today.

From the beginning of their business until now Didang’s in business industry
relies all their records on a traditional paper based. As results they encounter problems on
their sales, since that their own product the masareal are fast moving there are sales that
are not recorded. Didang’s have many consignees stores including SM supermarket, SM
department Store, Robinsons, Colonade, Titay’s , Super Metro and all SM stores in cebu.
Due to the fast moving of products, manual inventory is a very big hassle for them.

The researcher’s aim is to develop a Point of Sales and Inventory System for
Didang’s that will automate the process of sales and gives the manager or admin a
reliable inventory storing of products and stocks. Point of Sales and Inventory System
are used for accurate business reports and for consistent and secured data storing. The
researchers intend to find an innovative Point of Sales and Inventory System to solve the
problems encountered of Didang’s in its business process. The System will lessen the
time and effort of both employee and manager on storing and monitoring of records of
the business. By the use of System database, it gives more security and more reliable than
the traditional way of recording market sales which is prone to loss of records. By this,
employees will be given easier management of records from time to time.
The user can access the System through their username and password. Admin
account can be accessible only by the manager in which he/she can view, edit, add, and
delete products and changed password for both admin and user account. Employee
accounts should be created by the Admin and a separate account for the owner of the
business that will be used to access the monitoring System.

Purpose and Description of the project

The researchers hoped that the findings of the study will be beneficial to
Didang’s. This study will serve as a valuable reference to the better development of
Business IT System on various managing techniques and services for business.

The developed System will be of big help especially in the sales transaction and
monitoring of the business. It will also speed up the process and will help its employees
by saving time and effort on preparing sales record and transaction for the day.

Furthermore, this System will give Point of Sales and Inventory functions; such as
researching through list of products from the inventory and automatic computing its price
and total value based on the quantity that was being sold. It also generates sale reports to
be viewed by the manager of the business along with the inventory and transaction
records of the System to have a data transparency between the management of Didang’s.


General Objective

To create a functional barcode systems that will consummate all the information
for faster and accurate computation, to lessen the time of transaction, and to provide an
efficient and fast day to day sales and inventory reports of Didang’s.

Specific Objectives

1. It will hasten inventory processing.

2. Accurate information.
3. To be able to develop sales and inventory system that can generate the daily,
weekly, monthly and annual sales and inventory report.


Point of Sales System will help the cashier on delivering fast customer service
and the manager on an efficient and accurate sales and inventory reports.


Listed below are the features of proposed system:

1. The cashier can serve faster, efficient and good quality customer service wherein
orders can be done through barcode scanning.
2. The cashier can generate daily sales reports.
3. The administrator has the capability to add, view and manage the accounts.
4. The administrator can changed password for both admin and user accounts.
5. The administrator can generate the daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports.
6. This system is an easy way of storing and monitoring of records.

Restrictions of the proposed system are listed below:
1. The system is not a web-based application.
2. Does not have an ability to accept credit card and online payments.
3. The system unit should be connected to uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for
safe transaction and for unexpected power interruption.


The system that will be created through this study will benefit the Didang’s
considering the operations that the company uses in terms of processing and handling of
data in their over-all transaction is inefficient to the Didang’s staff and also to the
customers. Having a system that is accurate on the transactions will have positive impact
on the business sales and inventory which is very important in every business operations.
This system will lessen the time and effort of both employee’s and manager in storing and
monitoring business records. The proposed system will improve the business process that
will lead to more accurate, more reliable, less hassle and efficient transactions between
the Didang’s staff and also for the customers. To let the customers feel convenience and
enhanced the service offered by the Didang’s having automated system to facilitate faster
transactions is a big help.

In the field of IT, there are lots of programmers who created different automated
system. This has inspired the researchers to create Point of Sales and Inventory System
with more users friendly and filled with security features. This study will help the
researchers improve their critical thinking and analytical skills; also their knowledge
about creating the program.

Theoretical Background

The concepts, ideas, generalizations or conclusions and others that derived from
different sources are beneficent to the researchers in familiarizing information that are
relevant and similar to the present study.

Most of the business firms out there commonly uses the traditional manual system
in preparation of sales and inventory and thereof encounter some various problems in the
record transactions such as: Delays, errors, omission and misinformation of the
management regarding the availability of stocks and sold items. Furthermore affects the
effective decision of the management.

A proposed Point of Sales and Inventory System would eliminate these problems.
Having accuracy and efficiency in the process will bring satisfaction to the management.
It liberates from countless paper works as computation of the daily sales and keeping
track of inventory are done automatically.

The proposed project requires an operating system specifically windows 7 that

will support the proposed systems’ framework and can run windows applications wherein
an additional computer device such as barcode scanner is attached to the computers’
hardware for faster transactions furthermore flexible and efficient that can expand to
provide a smooth flow of transaction in case there will be changes to the overall flow of

Foreign Related Literature

By: Audra Bianca, Demand Media

Using this type of system, a company makes strategic business decisions

regarding raw material purchases, production scheduling, pricing, logistics and
other decisions in the supply chain. Sales and inventory data enables the company
to increase or decrease production in the factory so the company won't have too
many finished goods stored in its warehouses.
A sales and inventory monitoring system collects data to aid in production
scheduling it also improves productivity, convenience and efficiency for both
company and costumers.
The researchers proposed system compares current inventory levels of a product
and the number scheduled for production with the number needed, and determines
if the level of production must be changed. The system will also notify to decrease
production when a product's retail sales levels don't meet the sales forecast and
the company overproduces the product.


By: Carolina Barcode Inc. (2013)

A Point-of-Sale system is a computer software and hardware networked together

to track sales and inventory as they occur. Point-of-Sale systems will solve a multitude of
problems in your business. It is one of the focal points of any retail or hospitality business
in the cash register. The ability to process transactions and tender cash are essential to the
efficient operation of the enterprise. If you have a lot of cash transactions, replacing the
cash registers with a Point-Of-Sale (POS) system can save you money.

The researchers proposed system has the functionality of a Point Of Sales and the ability
to manage stocks by an Inventory System, transact multiple transactions in cash registers
and further more automatically updates the inventory.


By: Ralph Stair and George Reynolds

Purchasing Systems is the traditional Transaction processing system that supports

the purchasing business function including inventory control, purchase and order
processing. This integrated set of systems enables an organization to plan, manage, track
and pay for its purchases of raw materials parts and services.

The researchers proposed a system that will process fast automated transactions
and create reliable reports of daily, monthly, and yearly sales automatically on a day to
day basis furthermore developed a system that creates transaction reports or logs that will
help on tracking transactions when needed.

Local Related Literature


By: eahm05, Jan 2013

Computers began from a wild imaginative idea to the world’s highly prioritized
tool. Computers today are now used as a substitute to manual processes and other
past inventions like the radio, television, etc. It is now used by people for much
simpler, easier and faster way to do things. Some used it as a hobby, and some use
it as a job.

Technology has never stopped from advancing through the years. Its new
innovations helps answer the people’s further complex questions. Why not use
these advantages to benefit ourselves?

Many people use computers in their daily lives. Some use it for transactions, some
use it for educational purposes and others use it for data storage. Though it might
sound unnecessary but in some cases when storing a file for such a big company,
can you manage it properly? Organizing, finding a file, etc. With computers, it can
help you simplify the process of storing and managing the files you need for
future use and make finding files easier than the manual process.
In business like merchandising, Sales and Inventory system plays an important
role. It is used to track all the transactions made by the business and responsible
for monitoring the items supplies. All the business transactions must be properly
recorded and must be fully secured by password. A Computerized system is the
best solution and most innovative answer for their needs.

The researchers had been motivated to do a study on this topic according to the
above observation. The result may help others to understand more about
computer-generated data processing, especially on how to deal with computers in
terms of speed, accuracy and data security. Monitoring the transactions and other
significant information regarding the customer is the main concern of this study.


By: Gemma Navarro (2012)

Computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a

finite set arithmetic or local operation. Computer has a big rule in our nation today
because of our technology. Wherever you go computer still exist, especially in business it
makes the procedure easy and secure by programming the manual system into a
computerizing system. The rule of technology in our life today has a big impact.

The researchers proposed a system that has features and functions that is based on
their current traditional manual system furthermore a computerized system that
automatically counts sales and total the remaining items.


By: Ariel Magat

The Inventory System of the vital to any institution, agency, or department. The
proper safe keeping, processing and disposal of records play important roles in the
efficient, effective and smooth operation that eventually would lead to the success
attainment of the goal and objectives of institution, agency and department concerned.

The researchers proposed a secure and reliable inventory system that is capable of
storing consistent data and only showing it to the person who has access to it, reliable and


By: Averion Gaela and Libo(2009)

Inventory system help minimize the difficulty of the manager in processing

inventory because physical counting products, stocks and computing inventory summary
will be the systems’ job. It will monitor the availability of products, items to prevent
under stocking, over stocking and running out of stocks. The systems will also simplify
the transaction between dealer and supplier relationship because of the updated supplier
information and price list of items will correspond to collaboration with other supplier.

The researchers proposed a system that is similar to the article that automatically
counts the current inventory and can handle task in a much more saving time and effort,
faster and efficient.

Foreign Related Studies

According to the thesis of Carlo Magno “There was a ground swell to move from
paper signature and documents because the task of record management was huge. We had
file cabinets full of backup materials. By converting from manual process, we would be
able to eliminate a lot of paper. We could go further with the automation of manual
process and remove manual paperwork if people trusted the technology.

According to Mike Toland “We need a better tracking system than excel
spreadsheets and paper”. Paper is too cumbersome and also too limiting; you’ll never
know how to specify all the information that you need.
The researchers proposed a system that can store data securely by the use of a
local database on the locales computer, maintain and track records of the counter sales,
purchases, reorder levels, supplier and other transactions done in a counter.


By: Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart runs its stores on a perpetual inventory system. This system records the
quantity of items sold as items are purchased. The computer system at Wal-Mart
constantly keeps up with additions or deductions from inventory and tells management
what items are on hand. The organization also conducts counts of employee manual
counts of inventory periodically. When an item arrives at the Wal-Mart distribution center
it is scanned into the inventory system. When the items are purchased by the consumer,
the point-of-sale system reduces the inventory from that purchase. According to Wal-
Mart’s Gail Lavielle, a leaner inventory will help clear out store clutter and help Wal-
Mart focus on specific brands and products that consumers want.
The researchers proposed a system that generates reports that is manageable
through fast searching of records, managed inventory, track accounts and more proficient
in customer relationship management.

Local Related Studies

A study conducted by Mr. Gragasin(2010) et,al. Entitled “A customized Point of

Sale and Inventory System for Anespee Enterprise Hardware Carangian” concluded that
the implementation of the Developed system increases the business efficiency and
effectively in terms of every transaction that they have. Managing the records such as
employee, customer, suppliers and transaction is faster and easier than using the manual
paper based system.

The researchers proposed a customized system that would speed up its processes
and increase the efficiency of business.

According to J.De Leon and M. Ferrer (2009) Under the Koread Red Ginseng
Enterprise Sales and Inventory System, the researchers came up with a computerized
sales and inventory system. The proponents used database to easy access of files and for
easier and faster processing of the selling and inventory transaction. The program was
designated to generate reports such as monthly reports, inventory reports, sales invoice
and list of items.

The researchers proposed a system that can store data securely, more reliable and
accessible when needed.

Based on the research entitled “Computerized Sales and Inventory system for
Ronmon Trading” (de Alday, Espino, Ragudo), 2010, the replacement of the manual
system with the proposed system provided more efficient and accurate processing of
transaction. The said system is much reliable, eliminated errors and inaccurate
information, and provided valuable reports with integrity.

The researchers proposed a system that can generate reports, manageable through
fast searching of records and accurate in terms of information.
Chapter III


This Chapter intends to identify the technical background of the locale’s existing system
and the software and hardware requirements in order to develop the proposed system.
Technical Background

The Point of Sales and Inventory System will aid the existing problems
encountered by Didang’s specifically in product counts wherein some others may not be
counted due to highly customers’ demand of Didang’s specialty, the masareal.

The Business’ traditional manual system uses papers as sales invoice on its
business processes specifically the employees in recording the transactions then do
manual computing by the use of calculators and by the end of the day the manager
reviews and checks all the sales invoice that have been taken to the employees’ gathered
for the sales report.

The table below shows the technology or requirement they used in their existing system.

Table 1.

Equipment Description

Calculator For computing of transactions specially in sales report

Sales Invoice/Paper For issuing receipt and use in checking of employees

Pen For writing information

The Table below shows the software specifications that are needed for development of
the system:

Table 2. Software Specification

Software Description 14

Windows 8/7 Dominant operating system designed to run excellently

windows based software either offline or online scenarios.

Visual Basic 2010 An application builder that will be in use to develop the
point of sales and inventory system.
MySql Backend database for data storage

The Table below shows the Hardware Specification for the development of the proposed

Table 3. Hardware Specification

Hardware Description

Laptop/Desktop Intel I3 core processor 2.7 GHz and higher

Hard Disk Drive Minimum of 1GB hard disk space to store the required
installation of software to be use in the development of the
RAM Memory of 2GB or higher

Minimum Screen At least 1366x768 or higher

Barcode Scanner Is an electronic device that reads printed barcode

EPSONL360 Important hardware device attached to the computer

system used to print out generated reports and inventory
Receipt Printer An important part of a point of sale (POS) system. They
are used in retail environments to print customer receipts



 Project Manager Lea Jane Y. Desamparado

 Software Engineer/Programmer Janry Mark T. Sanchez
 System Analyst/Data Base Designer Janry Mark T. Sanchez
 Network Designer/UI Designer Edfel Dave T. Napeñas
 QA Tester/Technical Writer Lea Jane Y. Desamparado

Requirements Specifications

The functional requirements of the system define as the function of the system or
its components are; the system can generate reports regarding the company’s inventory
process. The system allows only the administrator to manage, organize, and update all the
products and can create both employee and administrator accounts. The change in the
database is only possible when correct username and password of the administrator is
keyed in. While on the other hand the cashier allows printing the receipt on sold products.
Manager also can view, edit and print reports on PDF format. Records can be retrieved
nor verified for future transactions of the company.
Operational Feasibility

The proposed system will be convenient and easy to use in such a way that even a
naive user with less technical knowledge can operate it. The software is designed to be
user friendly and does not require a highly skilled individual to manipulate the system.
The use of the proposed Point of Sales and Inventory System for the operation of the
company especially in business process and handling of records is an advantage. Being
equipped with necessary features needed of the locale and the new features acquired that
are effective in multiple transactions such as purchasing of stocks, inventory ordering of
products and providing sales report lessen the time spend in doing work and helps the
business to run smoothly and with the user friendly environment makes this project
operationally feasible.

Fishbone Diagram


Items Resources Procedures

No proper list Paper
of prices based
In ability to
monitor the
item Record book
availability Unsystematic
and stocks data keep Inefficiency
Cannot inventory
Slow process accommodate
in transaction all customers

Employee Customer Supplier


Impatient Supply rush

Figure 1.0

Figure 1.0 illustrates the cause and effect of Didang’s business process
furthermore explains the problem without the Point of Sales and inventory System.

Functional Decomposition Diagram



Log - in



Add Employee

Update Employee

Delete Employee

View Employee


Add Products


View Receipt

View Total Sales

Process Sale

View Products

Check Product List

Process Sale

Figure 1.1
Functional Decomposition Diagram- shows the major functionalities and their
sub functionalities of the proposed system or the complex process broken down into
lower levels.

Technical Feasibility

Point of Sales and Inventory System will provide clear, reliable and accurate data
and information in every transaction. For the system to run smoothly in the computer
they will need at least a computer with high quality hardware in order to perform the
desired output. Basic computer fundamentals including some technical aspects must be
given attention for technical feasibility. If the result is handled properly, it is capable
enough to serve future needs. The system will be able to adjust and handle time and effort
for the transactions. This system is essential for the future because the computerization of
our generation is one of the common goals of most of the companies in order to lessen
the workload of the people. All the resources needed for the development of the software
as well as the maintenance of the same is available already. Here the system analyst
evaluates the technical merits of the system giving emphasis on the performance,
reliability, maintainability and productivity. The proposed system will use windows
platform and a software builder specifically Microsoft visual basic which allows the
improvements and publication of the system.

Schedule Feasibility

The schedule feasibility shows the activity of the researchers throughout the
creation and implementation of the project. It includes the starting and ending date of the
project. Figure 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 shows the forming of team, planning, designing and
analysis period of the proposed project.

Gantt chart

Figure 2.0

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

Economic Feasibility

Cost/Benefit Analysis provides adequate cost and benefit information of the

proposed system. Furthermore this technique is conducted to evaluate if investing on this
system is beneficial to the business and to estimate the possible costs for the development
of the proposed system.

Hardware Cost

Item Cost

1. Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU @ 2.7GHz, ₱ 2, 706.00

2. MOTHERBOARD (P5V533-M X) ₱ 3, 160.00
3. 4GB DDR3 MEMORY ₱ 849.00
4. TOSHIBA 500GB 7200 SATA3 HDD ₱ 1, 964.00
5. LED PC Monitor ₱ 2, 985.00
6. Logitech Optical Mouse ₱ 315.00
7. Logitech K120 Keyboard ₱ 599.00
8. Secure 500 watts AVR ₱ 522.00
9. TP-Link TL-SG108E 8-Port Gigabit Easy ₱ 2, 595.00
Smart Switch
10. RJ45 JACK SHIELDED ₱ 36.00
11. EPSON L120 PRINTER ₱ 4, 799.00
12. Allwin Handheld USB Wired Automatic ₱ 857.00
Barcode Scanner Scanning Barcode Bar-code Reader
13. Xprinter 58mm Thermal Receipt Printer XP-58IIH ₱ 1, 125.00
14. APC Back-UPS 800VA, 230V (BX800LI-MS) ₱ 3, 995.00

1. Electricity ₱ 4, 000.00
2. Programmer ₱ 10, 000.00
Total Cost ₱ 40, 507.00

Intangible Benefits

1. Fast and hassle free in doing everyday transaction specially in ordering process.
2. Accurate and faster access to data for timely decision.
3. Saves enormous time and effort in data entry.
4. Give’s customers convenient and comfortable upon transaction.
5. Easy way on the cashier in identifying the prices by using a barcode scanner in
every item.
6. Efficiency on doing inventory reports.

Requirements Modeling

The Requirements Modeling describes the input, process, output, performance and
control of the system.


 Scan barcode item/input barcode item

 Input quantity of the item to be purchase
 Input cash amount from the customer
 Input new arrived items


 The amount of the item form the inputted barcode/scan barcode item will multiply
the quantity of the inputted items.
 The total amount will automatically deduct into the cash amount given by the
 Inventory system will automatically update once administrator add new items,
system also notify once items are running out.

 Print receipt
 Sales and inventory report


The system operational is depending on the store hour operation. Satisfaction of

the user’s is highly prioritized. Thus, the researchers develop a user friendly interface that
is manageable enough to give a convenient and efficiency to the user. The system is
design for the user’s to give their customers satisfaction during the transactions.


The password is required for the administrator for them to generate reports
regarding on the inventory processes. Only the administrator has the power to change or
create new password. Password is required for security purposes.

Use Case Diagram





Figure 3.0

Figure 3.0 illustrate the Present System Analysis Case Scenario of the operation of

The proposed system for Didang’s is Point of Sales and Inventory system
which can help the company in billing, monitoring the stocks, and issuing of

receipts, importing all the information of the products and goods by using
database, furthermore helps their business to avoid errors and optimize the
validity of number of sales, supplies, purchases and their expenses monthly. It
also monitors the frequency of theft, or breakage of products received. The
manager and the cashier will have the accessibility for the program.

When a customer approaches the cahier to complete a transaction, the

cashier will likely employ a computer or cash register to collect some basic
information. Point Of Sale systems either require cashier to manually enter the
information about the purchased items using a keyboard or use a bar code scanner
to automatically register the product information. The computer system then
retrieves the item price and a basic description from a database, and automatically
deducts the item from the retailer's inventory. When the cashier indicates that she
has registered all of the items in the transaction, the Point Of Sale system
calculates a subtotal, applies any applicable taxes and presents a total amount due.
Adding items to the invoice and updates the inventory.

In payment process, if the customer pays cash, the merchant typically

registers the payment amount with the computer, accepts the currency and returns
the difference between the tendered amount and the amount due in the form of
change. As printing the receipt, the information will be recorded to the database,
including the receipt number.

The user access of the manager allows monitoring and viewing the sales
inventory and transaction made by the cashier to the customer. Also, updating the
items, adding new items to the database, and adding new number of stocks of a
certain product. The company can avoid running out of stocks of a product by
means of monitoring the remaining stocks.

System Users
The focus is who is liable for the system. The one who manage the system
is the one who will have rights.
The manager has the authority to access the database system, which
allows the manager to acquire the sales report. The manager has also the
responsibility to oversee all functions of the system to handle payables and
customer relations. The one who is responsible of the money of the company.

The cashier is the one who provides the billing receipt to the customers.
The receipt will be printed based on the order made by the customers.

Sequence Diagram

Employee/Cashier POS System Customer Admin/Manager


Scans products
product and

and accepts Makes
payments Payment

<<Message>> Accept




Print reports

Figure 4.0

POS Item Scanned Scenario

Barcode Sales Inventory User


updateStock ()
Spec: =getSpecification (code)

i:= new


showItem (i)

itemAdded (i)

Figure 4.1

Data Flow Diagram

This is the graphical presentation that will show the Data Flow Diagram of the
Proposed System how process of transaction is made.

Figure 5.0

Adding of item scenario

Figure 5.1

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 6.0

Figure 6.0 Shows the Entity Relationship Diagram of the developed system and the
relationships of entity sets stored in a database. It illustrates the logical structure of the

Figure 6.0

Table 4. Supplier Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK SupplierID Int Auto 30
ConFName VarChar 30 Contact Person First Name
ConLName VarChar 30 Contact Person Last Name
ConTitle VarChar 30 Contact Person Title
Phone VarChar 15 Phone Number

Table 5. Supplier Invoice Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK SupInvoiceID Int Auto 30
Date VarChar 30 Date of Transaction
FK SupplierID Int Auto 30

Table 6. Supplier Invoice Line Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK SupDetailID Int Auto 30
UnitPrice VarChar 30 Product Price of the Supplier
Quantity VarChar 30 Quantity of the Product
Date VarChar 30 Date of Transaction
QperProd VarChar 15 Quantity per Product on the list
FK SupInvoiceID Int Auto
FK ProductID VarChar
FK PaymentNo. Int Auto

Table 7. Payment Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description
PK PaymentNo Int Auto 30
Amount VarChar 30 Amount to be Paid
Date VarChar 30 Date of the Transaction

Table 8. Product Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK ProductID Int Auto 30
Pname VarChar 30 Product Name
ProdDescription VarChar 30 Product Description
Prod Price VarChar 30 Product Price
QperProd VarChar 15 Quantity per Products
FK SupInvoiceID VarChar
FK ProductID VarChar
FK PaymentNo. Int Auto

Table 9. Sales Invoice Line Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK SalesDetailID Int Auto 30
UnitPrice VarChar 30 Product Selling Price
Quantity VarChar 30 Quantity of the Product
Date VarChar 30 Date of Transaction
QperProd VarChar 15 Quantity per Product on the list
FK SupInvoiceID Int Auto
FK ProductID VarChar
FK PaymentNo. Int Auto

Table 10. Sales Invoice Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description
PK SalesInvoiceID Int Auto 30
Date VarChar 30 Date of Transaction
FK EmpID Int Auto 30
FK SalesID Int Auto 30

Table 11. Sales Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK SalesID Int Auto 30
Description VarChar 30 Sales Description
FK EmpID Int Auto 30

Table 12. Employee Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK EmpID Int Auto 30
EmpFName VarChar 30 Employee First Name
EmpLName VarChar 30 Employee Last Name
DOB VarChar 30 Date of Birth
FK AccountID Int Auto 30

Table 13. Account Table

PK/F Field Name Data Type Field Set Description

PK AccountID Int Auto 30
Username VarChar 30 Account Username
Password VarChar 30 Account Password



Carolina Barcode Inc.


Sales Monitoring System

Procurement, Inventory and Supply Monitoring System
Inventory System for best choice rice dealer essay
Unpublished Manuscripts
Sales and inventory system for WMV Enterprises
Thelma’s grocery inventory system and point of sale service

Point of Sale of Farmacia Gentaro

MAIRENSHOPPE Clothing Sales and Inventory Management System

Account - An account that is established to allow for regular business dealings or
services. It is used to keep track of sales transactions in a point-of-sale system.

Administrator -A person responsible for running a business, organization, etc

Barcode - A special code that consists of printed, randomly patterned spaces and bars.
Numerals are sometimes included as well. The code can be scanned and fed into a
computer program in order to transmit important information about an item. It is typically
used to scan the price of an item in a retail setting.

Barcode Scanner -A hand-held or counter-embedded device which reads the barcode of

a specific product with a laser and transfers that information to a receiving system,
usually a POS computer, inventory software or accounting program.

CPU - Acronym for Central Processing Unit, or a physical computer device that
processes and transfers information as needed. Can reside in either its own standalone
box, or can be part of a larger multi-use device, such as an all-in-one POS interface.

Database- The united collection of data, usually stored in one computer file in one
location, although databases can encompass information from many sources and

Discount - A reduction in the normal cost of an item. In retail stores, customers who have
special loyalty cards are often given discounts on certain items. Discounts may also be
given for bulk quantities and in other special situations.

Epson - (or Seiko Epson Corporation) is a Japanese electronics company and one of the
world's largest manufacturers of computer printers, information and imaging related
equipment. Epson point of sale thermal and impact printers are very popular in restaurant
and retail environments.

Hardware - It is the physical components of the computer. It also refers to the tangible
parts of the computer system.

Inventory - Products that are actually on the shelves and available for purchase by
customers. It also refers to the value of the products that are currently on hand.

OS – An operating system (OS), in its most general sense, is software that allows a user
to run other applications on a computing device.

Peopleware - It is a human being that has to input instructions in order for the computer
to execute the task.

Point of Sale - The particular area in a retail store, restaurant or other establishment
where the company’s product are sold, usually at some form of cash register, computer
terminal or cash box. The point of sale is usually run by an employee of the company, but
there are some that are automated, or “self checkout”. Typically a dated and numbered
receipt is printed for the customer, although some are produced electronically.

Point of Sale System - A general term used for the collection of all aspects of how an
establishment processes and reviews all of its purchases and inventories, including the
actual POS register, credit card payment equipment and connection, any other POS-
related peripherals, the actual network of the establishment, additional software and
computers used in the POS process, auditing hardware, etc.

Report- Reports that provide real-time information about POS activities for the current
sales period. These reports can be used when closing out the drawer and ending business
for the day. They ensure that everything adds up and enhance the ability of a store to
maintain accuracy.

Receipt - A printed piece of paper showing the details of a particular sale, usually: the
date, establishment name & address, cost of items sold, tip, tax, total, and form of
payment rendered. Some receipts also show upcoming promotions, the company’s
website or other non-sales information. Receipts have a wide range and sizes, shapes and
number of pages, depending on the needs of the company, and some are produced
electronically and sent to the customer via email.

Software - The operating system, or OS, is the basic software for running any computer.
It works together with other software for video streaming, music playback, word
processing, Internet browsing and more.

Thermal Receipt Printer - A device used for printing out paper receipts for an
establishment’s customers to take with them as a record of the purchase. “Thermal” refers
to the ink heating process used in the actual printing, and requires a special kind of paper.


Desamparado, Lea Jane Y.

Eusebio Compound Hernan Cortes St., Mandaue City

[email protected]


Age: 23
Date of Birth: July 4, 1995
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Melania Y. Desamparado
Father’s Name: Victor Y. Desamaparado


Tertiary: Benedicto College

A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City, Cebu
S.Y. 2015- present
Secondary: Plaridel National High School
Plaridel,Libjo,Dinagat Island
S.Y. 2010- 2011
Elementary: Plaridel Elementary School
Plaridel Libjo,Dinagat Island
S.Y. 2006- 2007
Napeñas, Edfel Dave T.

Locatha, Looc, Lapu-Lapu City

[email protected]


Age: 22
Date of Birth: September 12, 1996
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Alliance
Mother’s Name: Julie fe Napeñas
Father’s Name: Edgar Napeñas


Tertiary: Benedicto College

A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City, Cebu
S.Y. 2015- present
Secondary: Pajo National High School
S.Y. 2012- 2013
Elementary: Look Elementary School
S.Y. 2008- 2009
Sanchez,Janry Mark T.

Saac II, Buaya Lapu-Lapu City

[email protected]


Age: 28
Date of Birth: January 31, 1990
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Guillerma T. Sanchez (Deceased)
Father’s Name: Felix B. Sanchez


Tertiary: Benedicto College

A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City, Cebu
S.Y. 2016- present
Secondary: Bankal Night High School
S.Y. 2011- 2012
Elementary: Ibabao-Estancia Elementary School
S.Y. 2006- 2007

A Proposal
presented to the faculty of the
Department of Information and Computer Technology
Benedicto College

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Janry Mark T. Sanchez
Lea Jane Y. Desamparado
Edfel Dave T. Napenas

Mr. Marco John Roales


October 2018

We dedicate this project to our group especially to ourselves who give the best thing for
us to fulfill our huge mission and that is to complete the requirements needed in our
Project Design. Of course, we also dedicate this great project to each individual
inspiration that inspires each member to pursue the fulfillment of this project. For our
families who are always there giving their best support and longing for our success in our
project. Also to our beloved and caring school Benedicto College which builds the key to
our success and it is a great privilege to be one of the students of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology.

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