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Rationale of the study

Freshmen, this is the beginning of a new chapter of one’s student life. Learning

and having new experiences and applications in life, specific courses to choose,

studying in a university and many more that could prepare a student for a higher

education (blog. edukasyon,2019) The transition from a high-school to college life is not

easy for most 18 years old student. A study shows that they keep track of freshman

students and mostly did not adjust easily to the new environment (Gordon,2019). One

way of at least coping up these adjustments is through social media wherein website

and application that could help a student. There is entertainment like YouTube,

communication channels such as Facebook and Twitter and also for research purposes

just as Google and Wikipedia (Rouse,2019). Youths of this generation are mostly

interacting in a liable, industrious and significant ways. Social and relational are part of

also one’s belongingness and needs. Moreover, teens all over the world are surrounded

and adopted the social media as a form of connection or to keep in touch to the people

who encourages, inspires and guides them most of all who appreciates and reminds

that no one should be alone (Hinduja,2016).

This research will find out what these social media are. What are their use in the

lives of the University students and their implications on their behavior. New information

Technology (IT) is almost everywhere and has dramatically altered the way we live.

These tools have become valued elements of life in every students merely because

they opened many doors to youth and allowed them to interact freely and markedly
unlike at any other time in history. In Philippines, college and university campuses have

been hit by new generations of youth coming from college with quite a decent

knowledge about information technology and how to use its tools, especially cellular

phones and computers.

It is important to state here that by using social media we will able to determine

the behavioral change of a person that will lead into a good or bad use. The emphasis

on this research is how it is significance of influencing of ourselves by using social


Theoretical Background


Behaviorism theory states an important principle of behaviorism is reward or

punishment for new behavior. This theory states that rewarding someone for a particular

behavior encourages him or her to have in the same way that reward strengthen action.

Conversely, if behaviourism punished, subject are unlikely to repeat it. In behaviorism

people can learn not only do things but also to act. We all know that our behavior is part

of our psychological field,this is based on the idea that are achieved through learning

and experience. Students nowadays are engaged in using social media. Hence, it has a

damaging effect on students negatively because it has many factors of damaging an

Technological Determinism Theory

Technological Determinism state that media technology shapes how we as

individuals in a society think, feel, act, and how the society operates as we move from

one technological age to another (Tribal- Literate- Print- Electronic- Social media).

The theory was developed by Marshall Mcluhan in 1962. It explains that

individuals learn and feel and think the way we do because of the messages they

receive through the current technology that is available. The radio which was the

example used required people to listen and develop a sense of hearing. Television

engages both hearing and visual senses. We then transfer those developed senses into

our everyday lives and we want to use them again. The medium is then our message.

Social media brought about by emerging technology requires people to listen and

engaged often. People then interpret the messages sent to them from social media in

their everyday life.

Humans do not have much free will at all. Whatever society as a whole is using

to communicate, they too will use to communicate. Therefore they will adapt to the

medium they are using so that they can send and receive messages like everyone else.

We know that there is one truth by observing what has happened over time. As the

medium changes so does society's way of communicating. People can only use the

medium for which it was created (phone for talking over lines or electronic mail for

talking via computer). If the medium is impersonal (mobile phone) then the message too

is impersonal. This theory is objective in that everyone will act and feel the same no

matter what the medium they are using provided that they are using the same medium.

Values are not involved because evidence is seen strictly through observation.
The theory explains that when new systems of technology are developed, the culture or

society is immediately changed to reflect the senses needed to use the new technology.

The theory predicts that with every new system of media technology, society will change

and adapt to that technology. It explains that there is a simple cause and effect analysis

between the introduction of new technology and the changes in society's way of

thinking, feeling, acting, or believing.

This theory describe the framework under which the media is supposed to

operate. It explore the similarities between social media and the audience‘s perception

and opinion. This theory study seeks to determine the correlation between the youth

and their daily usage of the internet and interactive media, and to bring out the effects

experienced. This will determine the suitability of the models to the effects of using

social media in campuses. With everyone electronically mailing each other today, there

is no longer a need to write a joke down to remember it. You can just forward it to a

friend. We also do not communicate with distant friends as over the telephone anymore.

We have started to only communicate through the impersonal use of the internet.

Technological Determinism try to explain how youth have developed and what they

have changed. This theory provides a way to see why this has happened. It also,

explain the simple cause and effect analysis between the introduction of new

technology and the changes in youth's way of thinking, feeling, acting, or believing.
Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effects of using social media towards the student's


1) What is the impact of social media’s on student's academic life?

2) What are the different social sites that influences the students the most?

3) How often do the students use social media?

4) What are the insights that the students gain through using social media?

Objectives of the study

This research therefore seeks to investigate the level of engagement of

student’s in Southwestern University into social networking sites

1) To determine the level of exposure of students in Southwestern University to social

media sites.

2)To find out the impacts of social media has on behavior changes among students


3)To determine the risks that comes with use of social media on the student’s behaviour

4) To ascertain how the use of social media has influenced the student's behavior.
Significance of the study

The findings of this study will be a great benefit to the following:


To have more understanding and knowledge about its negative and positive effect

.Provide a positive educational opportunities which can help develop a student

academic growth.


The proposed study will help the teachers to have a deeper understanding and be

aware of how the students react or deliver their behaviour through social media, so that

they can guide and influence the students in a good way.


The parents will be able to understand the concept and will able to monitor and limit

their children in using social media’s


To be aware and practiced the proper use of social media through their daily lives. As

for the researchers, the study will help them uncover, analyze and interpret information

that many researchers were not able to explore.



Social Media

Social media provides students a new mechanism for a familiar exercise. Social

medias provides student's direct medium by which to publicly evaluate and comment

on their campus environments, institutional policies, classes, professors, and

administration and fellow students in real-time. Social media zips through our campuses

nearly unseen, dragging behind it the heavy weight of social injustices and complicated

Jurisprudence accumulated from decades of student speech (Gurcan 2015). Given

social media’s potential for positive impact, no one is suggesting we pull the breaks on

it, and in many ways the technology is already out of our grasp.

Today’s students communicate via technology, and that If you say absolutely no

Facebook or texting, you are cutting off an important relationship with students

technology as an online teacher use of technology via the use of a variety of tools such

as Skype, text, email, Facebook and twitter. Social media open up new ways for

collaboration and discussion in the sense that, it offers a great deal of content posting,

coping, sharing and search ability by easily using onlinesearch tools. Students today

use social media anywhere and at any time where internet connection is available in

order to meet their educational needs (Dewing, 2010). Students use social media to

communicate with their teachers as a group outside of class and to plan school events

and what not, it also allowed students to get help on school work from teachers during

the evening, weekends, and holidays so that they never fell behind.
The cell phone numbers and WeChat are equally usedto get in touch with

teachers quickly during the school day, if a student is going to be late or absent or

outside of school in an emergency. On the subject of the number of complaints of

inappropriate contact involving social media, the possible threats are too great. Student

engaging in a private relationship outside the classroom circles begs for inappropriate

behavior to commence (Gurman2015). There is the likelihood of users not being

courteous and respectful of other such that Profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, or language

that is harassing, derogatory, or otherwise inappropriate for the school environment

sometimes circulates in these platforms. Users could easily display, send, retrieve, or

download any items that are sexually explicit, or contain hate based or discriminatory

material without the notification of a teacher, school administrator or even their peers in

the event. This in turn could make students concede that they have no right or

expectation of privacy with respect to their use of school technology and therefore

would not want to participate fully (Gurcan 2015).

People of all ages and backgrounds use social media sites (SMS), Facebook or Twitter.

Social media is taking an increasingly important part and function in the

teenager’s life; a recent survey reported that of teens with access to the Internet, 73%

are members of SMS.1 There are several positive aspects to social media; it can

provide a venue of expression or a network to seek out social support and connect with

peers that share similar interests, backgrounds, or chronic illnesses. Social media

communities can help adolescents expand their social capital, the concept that

adolescents can develop direct benefits from their relationships with others.2 However,

social media can also present an unsuspected danger to adolescents. A recent study
asking physicians at a pediatric clinic if they would search for their patients on SMS

found that physicians were uncertain of the truthfulness of information posted online by

patients.3 This raised the question about how teens, young adults, and their parents

use social media in our patient population.(Lenhart A, Purcell K, Smith A, Zickuhr K.

Social 2010 l)

Adolescence is a time of increased risk taking and thrill seeking with a shift from

a parent-centered existence to a predominance of peer affiliation in the process of

developing identity.4 Teens strive for connection and acceptance with their peers. The

ability to think past initial consequences and potential risks involved in their behaviors is

variable and depends on age, cognitive abilities, and their psychosocial developmental

stage. Social media can be a powerful tool for teens to connect with each other, but it is

not without the opportunity for significant risk taking behaviors. Often, teens can be

more technologically savvy than their parents, which can make supervision on the

Internet even more challenging. However, more adults are joining SMS; approximately

73% of adults who use the Internet belong to at least one SMS.5 The objective of this

study is to describe the risky behaviors associated with social media use reported by

adolescents and young adults in our urban patient population. (Lenhart A, Purcell K,

Smith A, Zickuhr K. Social 2010 l)

Positive Effects of Social Media

Social networking sites allow people to communicate and remain in contact with

friends as well as meet new people. These sites allow people to find others with similar

interests that they can create a relationship with and get to know one another. Groups

can be joined or formed to meet people with similar interests, and views. Social
networking allows for creative expression by using tools such as blogging and

messaging to post ideas and stories (Are social networking sites good for our society,

2009). Users also share poems, interest in music, TV shows, hobbies, photos, and

many other things (Jasson). Event invitations can be made and sent to friends rather

than having to mail invitations and friends can also rsvp for an event on the site. Social

media helps you link up with people all over the world. The positive influence of social

media on include: Helps connect with extended family and friends. Helps develop better

perspectives on various issues. Learn new things, exchange ideas and helps hone their

networking skills. It helps provide an effective platform for enhancing knowledge. It

helps motivate to get better at communication and encourages freedom of self-

expression. Social media facilitates the development of technical expertise and practical

understanding of technology in your Negative Effects of Social Media Over the past few

years social media has grown to be a phenomenon in our culture. Facebook operates

the worlds No. 1 Internet social media network with 1.2 billion users, and this is just one

venue for social media . As more people from all age demographics begin to log in to

this growing phenomenon, its important to step back and take a look at the side of

social media that is not so enjoyable. Weve all heard the quote You cant have too much

of a good thing, but how true is this? That is exactly what we will be looking into, is too

much social media a good thing or are you being negatively affected? Studies have

proven that social media in excess can cause negative effects on an individuals time

management, communication skills, relationships and even health. Addiction to social

media. People who are addicted to social media may experience negative side effects

such as eye strain, social withdrawal or lack of sleep. Stress. If you spend your time
researching problems or arguing with people, you may experience stress, which can

have a negative impact on your health. Emotional connections. Social media can help

you connect with more people and stay in touch with those with whom youre already

close. Connecting with people has proven health benefits. Information. You can find a

large amount of health-related information on social media. This can be quite helpful.

On the other hand, if you take random advice without doing proper research, it can also

be harmful.
Chapter III
Chapter 4

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the research work

undertaken, so are the conclusions drawn from the findings and the

corresponding recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study

Summary of Findings

After the researchers gathered all the data, there was a high frequency of

percentage of 16.67% for the male and 40 % for the female for the total of 56.67 %

regarding to the respondents’ activeness in their social media using it multiple times a

day causing them to stay up for about more than 12 hours with the different social sites

specifically Facebook with the highest percentage of 33.33 % in all, followed by Twitter.

The respondents also stated the other sites they’ve used like Youtube, Messenger,

Snapchat and Spotify for these sites are used inorder for them to keep in touch with

their family and friends, for academic purposes and for entertainment.

The data also showed that the respondents gave the highest percent of 60% on

social media giving it a positively impact to them as it gives them awareness, pleasure,

entertainment , learning , communicating and being sociable despite that it gives them

distractions, poor time management and addiction. In addition, it also stated that

majority of the respondent’s behaviour and attitude changed in a way that they give

various reasons like being lazy to do the household chores, easily irritated, being

stubborn rude and insecurity of others, but despite of the negative ones, social media
brought the respondents to be open-minded, caring, helps their study routine, being

dependent, friendly and boost their social skills killing the anxiety.

In view of the above summary, it was evident that social media played a major

role on behavior change of the respondents. The students mostly used social media for

communicating between their friends and families. The fact that social media is part of

them especially having been born in this era of emerging technology, most felt that they

could not do without it. They depended on it for various positive things such as research

and contacts with old friends and getting on the loop of what was happening either in

their circles, nationally or internationally.

With the use of social media, information sharing have improved tremendously. As

recommendations to further research study, here is the following :

1. LIMIT and PROPER USAGE - Too much using Social media may be dangerous to

your health giving you medical conditions specifically eye strain

2. •RESTRICTIONS - Teachers and parents must protect the child and be strict in

opening sites usually that are not allowed for students/children to open.

3. AWARENESS - Students must be aware for all the consequences given by social

media negative nor positive effects to them.

Essays, UK. (November 2018). Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media.
Lenhart, A., Purcell, K., Smith, A., Zickuhr, K. (2010). Social Media and Young Adults.
Pew Internet & American Life Research Center
Mcluhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy: The making of Typograhic Man. Toronto:

University of Toronto Press.

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