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Grammar in Action

13. A
Exercise A: Exercise D: 14. A
1. wasn’t
2. isn’t
1. self-confidence Exercise G:
2. moonlight
3. are 1. a
3. rattlesnake
4. was 2. b
4. skateboard
5. were 3. b
5. vertebral column
6. isn’t 4. a
6. sports centre
7. is 5. a
7. fitting room
8. are 6. a
8. twelve-year-old
9. is 7. b
10. is 8. b
11. are
Exercise E: 9. b
12. is 1. a, the, - 10. a
13. is
14. was
2. a, - Exercise H:
3. -, the, - 1. The
4. -, a
Exercise B: 5. The, -
2. Many
3. The
6. -, a, a 4. None
1. Rooms
7. The, -, a 5. Are
2. Noises
8. A, -, -, the 6. The
3. Such a beauty
9. An, the, -, the 7. A
4. Cheese
10. A, - 8. An
5. His paper
11. -, -, - 9. The
6. A failure
12. -, the, - 10. The
7. Cheese
13. A, a, a 11. A
8. Room
14. A, -, the 12. The
9. Beauty
10. Paper Exercise F: 13. No
11. The noise 1. A 14. Lots
12. Failure 2. – 15. Many
Exercise C: 3. –
4. The
1. a. chocolate, b. chocolates
5. –
2. a. an experience, b.
6. –
7. – Cambridge in Action
3. a. some toast, b. a toast
8. The
4. a. marbles, b. marble 1. Neither of them had
9. The
5. a. youths, b. his youth 2. She gets, the more
10. A
6. a. work, b. works 3. Of the students managed
11. The
7. a. vision, b. a vision 4. One of his ideas was
12. The
8. a. strength, b. the strength
5. Many furniture items Vocabulary in Action 1. dream
6. is not too long to 2. increase
Exercise A:
7. is an English teacher 3. advocated
8. is no evidence 1. d 4. top
2. i 5. aim
Michigan in Action
3. f 6. will
1. b 4. a 7. achieve
2. b 5. e 8. exceeded
3. a 6. g 9. dreams
4. c 7. c 10. imitate
5. d 8. b
Exercise D:
6. c 9. h
7. d 1. set
Exercise B:
8. b 2. hit
9. c 1. scrape through 3. do
10. b 2. knuckle down 4. l
11. c 3. going up against 5. get
12. c 4. fell through 6. set
13. a 5. pulled off 7. spearheading
14. d 6. waltz through 8. made
15. b 7. took off 9. hit
16. a 8. pan out 10. going
17. c 9. wrote off 11. l
18. d
19. d Exercise C:
20. b

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