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Before You Read The all-Egyptian

research team, led

by Dr. Zahi Hawass
A. Completion. Look at the picture and read the information below.
(center), examines the
Match each word in bold with the correct definition.
mummy of King Tut,
kept safely in Tut's
On November 4, 1922, a British archeologist named Howard
richly painted tomb.
Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamen. Inside, he
found a beautiful solid gold coffin containing a mummy. It was
the body of the young Egyptian king who had died over 3,200
years before.

1. archeologist • • a. a preserved body

2. tomb • • b. a room used to bury the dead
3. coffin • • c. a box in which a dead body is kept
4. mummy • • d. a scientist who studies things and
people from the past

B. Scan. What are some theories about how King Tutankhamen died?
Quickly scan the passage. Then compare your ideas with a partner.
38 Unit 3A
An X-ray image of
At just 19 years old, King Tutankhamen was still a teenager when
King Tut's head, taken
he died in 1322 B.C. He ruled over all of Egypt for ten years, the last
by a CT scanner
king of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt for centuries. After
his death, the body of King Tut (as Tutankhamen is usually known
5 today) was placed in a luxurious, gold-filled tomb. There, he lay
forgotten until the tomb's eventual discovery in 1922. Although we
know a lot about his life, the reason for King Tut's death at such a
young age has remained a mystery, with murder the most extreme
possibility. Now, improved X-ray technology! and DNN testing are
10 offering new clues into the life and death of the boy-king.

Discovered and Damaged

1 X-ray technology is a
When British archeologist Howard Carter opened King Tut's tomb, it special way of taking
was still full of gold and other amazing items. Carter spent months pictures of the inside of
carefully recording the treasures. When he and his team then
2 DNA (deoxyribonucleic
15 attempted to remove King Tut's mummy, they found that it had acid) is the material that
carries information on how
become attached to its solid gold coffin. Unfortunately, they did a a living thing will look or
great deal of damage to the mummy while removing it. function.

Unit 3A 39
Theories about Tutankhamen's Death
In 1968, archeologists conducted an examination of King Tut's
20 mummy using simple X-ray technology. Three important discoveries
led to various theories about his death.

• The X-rays showed that bones in Tut's chest3 were missing. Some
guessed the damage was caused by a war injury or an accident.
• There was a small hole in the back of the skull, and pieces of bone
25 inside it, causing many to believe that Tut was killed by a blow to
the back of the head. Was he murdered by people wanting to take
control of Egypt?
• A serious fracture was discovered on Tut's left leg. Tut was hurt a
few hours before his death. This could have been the result of an
30 accident. Could an infection from the injury have killed Tut?

A Closer Look
In 2005, scientists under the direction of Egyptian archeologist Zahi
Hawass used new and more effective X-ray technology to study
the mummy. They discovered that the damage to Tut's chest was
35 caused by Howard Carter, and the hole in Tut's skull was made when
embalmers4 were preparing the body for burial. While this ruled out
one theory, that of murder, it still doesn't tell us exactly how he died.

Then, in 2008, Hawass and his team analyzed Tut's DNA. They found
that he suffered from flat feet as well as a bone diseasethat would
40 have made it difficult for him to walk. When they analyzed the DNA Through CT scans of
of the mummies in other tombs nearby, they made some shocking King Tut's mummy,
discoveries. They found Tut's father and mother, who had similar scientists are learning
DNA, were actually brother and sister. The DNA they passed on to more and more about
Tut may have left him highly vulnerable to disease. Did an infection how the boy-king
45 that started in his fractured leg-added to the bone disease-cause lived and how he

his death? No one knows for sure. might have died.

But Hawass and his team hope they

will someday have an answer to this
age-old mystery.

3 Your chest is the top part of the front

of your body.
4 Embalmers are people who prepare a
body for burial.

40 Unit 3A
Reading Comprehension
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.

Gist 1. How does the passage answer the question, "Was King
Tut murdered?"
a. He was probably murdered.
b. He almost certainly died in an accident.
c. How he died is still not known.
d. He died from a blow to the head.
Detail 2. Which of the following has NOT been suggested as a reason
for King Tut's death?
a. He died in an accident. b. He was hit on the head.
c. He died from an infection. d. He was attacked by a snake.
Detail 3. How was King Tut's skull damaged?
a. It was damaged during a war in Egypt.
b. It was damaged by the new X-ray technology.
c. It was damaged when it was removed from the coffin.
d. It was damaged when the mummy was prepared for burial.
Vocabulary 4. In line 36, the phrase ruled out is closest in
meaning to __
a. suggested b. confirmed
Did You Know?
c. questioned d. rejected
More than 130 canes
Detail 5. Which of the following did Carter NOT find and walking sticks were
in Tut's tomb? found inside King Tut's
a. colorful paintings tomb. Many showed
b. a stone sarcophagus signs of use. This tells us
c. Tut's parents Tut was not able to walk
d. a golden mask properly.

Detail 6. What did scientists discover by analyzing King

Tut's DNA?
a. He suffered from a bone disease.
b. He had an infection in his leg.
c. He had a brother and a sister.
d. He had a broken leg at the time of his death.
Reference 7. What does the word they refer to in line 42?
a. Hawass and his team
b. King Tut's parents
c. King Tut's children
d. other mummies

42 Unit 3A
Creating a Timeline of Events
When you read a text that describes a series of events, it can
be useful to place the events on a timeline. This provides you
with a clear picture of the important events in the order they
happened. A timeline can be used for events that occurred on
specific dates, as well as for events that cover a period of time.

A. Noticing. Find and underline these events in the reading

on pages 39-41.
a. King Tut's DNA is analyzed.
b. King Tut begins his rule of Egypt.
c. King Tut is placed in a gold-filled tomb.
d. Howard Carter discovers King Tut's tomb.
e. Outer rooms of King Tut's tomb are robbed.
f. King Tut's family, a series of powerful kings, ruled Egypt.
g. More effective X-ray technology is applied to the mummies.
h. Images of King Tut's mummy are taken with simple X-ray The golden mask of

technology. Tutankhamen

B. Labeling. Label the timeline below with the events above.

1322 B.C. 1922 1968 2005 2008

Critical Thinking Discuss with a partner. Do you think we'll

learn how King Tut died someday? Is it important that we
know how King Tut died? Why or why not?

Unit 3A 43
Vocabulary Practice
A. Completion. Choose the correct words to complete the information.

Today, because of tests 1. (conducted / attached) by researchers, we know a lot

about ancient Egyptians through their mummies-for example, whether they
died from illness or 2. (luxury / injury). We have also learned about people of
the past through things buried with them. For example, the kings of ancient
Egypt lived very 3. (vulnerable / luxurious) lives. So when a tomb is found filled
with treasure, archeologists can quickly 4. (rule out / murder) the possibility
that the tomb belonged to a poor person. Though ancient tombs are often very
5. (vulnerable / effective) to grave robbing, many of the kings' tombs were
hidden, so their treasures can tell us about how they lived.

B. Completion. Complete the information using the words from the box.

analyze attachment effective murder offer

A group of mummies unearthed in South Korea may

1. hope for treating a deadly
modern-day illness. They also tell of an ancient love story.

One of the bodies found shows signs that he was

infected with the hepatitis B virus. Scientists hope that
after they 2. the body, they will be
able to better understand the disease, and find more
A mummy found in South Korea in
3. ways to treat it.
2007. A love poem buried with him
Another mummy was a young man who may have been
/ cannot live without you anymore.
involved in a plan to 4. the emperor.
/ hope / could be with you.
He was found buried with poems written by his wife. In Please let me go with you.
the 500-year-old poems, she writes of her strong My love to you, it is unforgettable
5. to her husband, even beyond in this world, and my sorrow, 1

it is without end.
his death.

effective Also look up: (adj.) powerful,
direct, useful, active, practical
1 Sorrow is a feeling of extreme sadness.
44 Unil3A
Before You Read A model of the "Iceman," who
was found frozen in the Alps

A. Discussion. A mummy, known as the "Iceman," was found
Male, mid-forties. Died 5,300
high in the Alps in Italy in 1991. Look at the picture and read
years ago. Possessions: three
the caption. Then discuss the questions with a partner.
layers of clothes, bearskin
1. What kind of man do you think the "Iceman" was? shoes, stone knife, copper ax,
2. Where and when was he killed? What do you think wooden arrows. Condition:
happened to him? deep cuts on hand and one on
back, dark object visible under
B. Scan. Scan the reading passage on pages 46-47 to see if your skin ofleft shoulder.
predictions in A were correct.
Unit 38 45
A Body in the Mountains
In 1991, high in the mountains of Europe, hikers made a gruesomel
discovery: a dead man partly frozen in the ice. The police investigation
soon became a scientific one. Carbon dating2 indicated that the man died
5 over 5,300 years ago. Today, he is known as the Iceman and nicknamed
"Otzi" for the Otztal Alps where he was found. Kept in perfect condition
by the ice, he is the oldest complete human body found on Earth.

Who Was the Iceman?

Scientists believe Otzi was an important person in his society.
10 Examinations of his teeth and skull tell us that he was not a young man.
His arms were not the arms of a laborer. The things he carried also tell us
about who he was. His knife was made of stone, but he carried a copper3
ax. This was a valuable tool in Otzi's time and implies that he was a
wealthy man. A fire-starting kit was discovered with him, so we know
15 he could make fire. And the food he ate and carried enabled scientists to
deduce exactly where in Italy he Iived-a village down in the valley.

Clues to an Ancient Murder

But why did Otzi die in such a high and icy place? There have been many
theories. Some said he was a lost shepherd.4 Others thought he was killed
20 in a religious ceremony. But these ideas were highly debatable.

Over the years, tiny scientific discoveries have led to great changes in
our understanding of Otzi's story. "[Once], the story was that he fleds up
there and walked around in the snow and probably died of exposure, "6
said scientist Klaus Oeggl. "Now it's all changed ....
25 It's more like a ... crime scene."

1 Something that is gruesome is unpleasant and shocking.

2 Carbon dating is a scientific method of finding out exactly
how old an object is.
3 Copper is a soft, reddish brown metal.
4 A shepherd is a person whose job is to take care of sheep.
5 To flee means to escape.
6 Exposure is the harmful effect on your body from
very cold weather,

46 Unit 38

A Bloody Discovery
In fact, the newest scientific information indicates btzi was cruelly
murdered. In June 2001, an X-ray of the body showed a small
dark shape beneath btzi's left shoulder. It was the stone head of
30 an arrow that had hit him from behind. CT scans showed that this
caused an injury that killed him very quickly.

Then, in 2003, an Australian scientist discovered the blood of four

other people on btzi's clothes. Was btzi killed in a bloody fight?
It is unlikely, as btzi's other injuries, on his hand and head, had
35 already started to close. This may mean there had been a fight, but
it happened much earlier.

Perhaps btzi was being chased when he died? In 2010, scientists

took the mummy out of the cold and examined him again. They
discovered that just before his death, he had a big meal of bread
40 and goat meat. Would someone being chased stop to eat a large
meal? The scientists don't think so. More likely, he was attacked
while resting. He may have thought he had escaped and was safe.
Today, the research continues, proving some theories false while
In his last moments,
opening the door to others. btzi, it seems, has
the Iceman, Otzi, lay in
45 more to tell us about his life and the time the cold, alone. There
in which he lived. his body stayed for
thousands of years.
Reading Comprehension
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
Gist 1. What is this reading mainly about?
a. how people in the Italian Alps lived long ago
b. what scientists have learned about an ancient death
c. why mummies can last so long in the mountains
d. why theories about the Iceman are often wrong
Inference 2. Why did the police stop investigating Gtzi's murder?
a. They found his killer.
b. It wasn't a recent murder.
c. They needed the scientists' help.
d. They couldn't find out why he died.
Detail 3. Why do scientists believe Gtzi was not a young man?
a. His clothes were those of an older man.
b. He was an important person in his society.
c. His arms did not look very strong.
d. His teeth and skull were those of an older man.
Did You Know?
Reference 4. What does the word it in line 25 refer to?
The Iceman's body has
a. the story b. the man
the oldest blood cells
c. the snow d. the crime ever found. They are so
Detail 5. What caused the death of the Iceman? well preserved that they
a. an ax b. a knife look like cells from a
c. an arrow d. the cold modern person.

Detail 6. Why is it believed that a fight took place long

before Gtzi's death?
a. The blood on his clothes was dry.
b. He was bleeding from his shoulder.
c. There were no weapons found on him.
d. Injuries on his hand and head had begun to close.
Vocabulary 7. In line 44, what does opening the door to mean?
a. allowing for the possibility of
b. removing the chance of
c. disproving the idea of
d. providing a reason for

48 Unil38
Reading Skill

Distinguishing Facts
from Theories
Scientific and historical texts often contain a mix of both facts
and theories. Facts are ideas that are known to be true, or can
be proven. Theories are ideas that have not been proven to be
true or false. Words that may indicate a theory include think,
believe, may, might, could, possibly, probably, perhaps, and
(unJlikely. For example, the idea that 6tzi died over 5,300
years ago (line 5) is considered a fact, because it can be
proven by carbon dating.

A. Noticing. Look back at the reading on pages 46-47. Find

this information about Otzi and underline it in the text.
F 1. He was found in the mountains.
2. He died over 5,300 years ago.
3. He was an important person in his society.
4. Blood from four people was found on his clothes.
5. He had injuries on his hand and head.
6. A bloody fight took place before his murder.
7. He was being chased following a fight.
8. He had goat meat and bread before he died.
9. He was resting when he was attacked.
10. He thought he was safe when he was attacked.

B. Fact or Theory. Which of the statements above are facts

(F), and which are theories (T)? Write F or T next to each
statement above. Then circle the words in the reading on
pages 46-47 that indicate the theories.

Critical Thinking Discuss with a partner. How convinced are The Iceman is hit in the
you that the Iceman was killed while resting? What other shoulder by a stone arrow.
possible explanations for the Iceman's death can you Scientists believe this is
think of? what killed him.

Unit 38 49
Vocabulary Practice
A. Definitions. Read the information below. Then complete the definitions using
the correct form of the words in red.
How did the Iceman last over 5,000 years? Scientists thought Otzi's body
may have dried out, like mummies in Egypt. However, Egyptian mummies
still have hair. Otzi's did not. This difference enabled scientists to deduce
that the body had been preserved by a different process. Bodies that stay
in water for a long time lose their hair. So, the fact that he had no hair
implies that his body was underwater before it was frozen in the ice,
although this is still debatable.
1. If something is , it is open to discussion or argument.
2. If you something, you reach a conclusion because of
other facts.
3. If something is , it has become very hard because of the
4. If you that something is true, you make others think that
it is true.
5. If you something to happen, you help to make it possible.

B. Completion. Complete the information with the correct words from the box.
One word is extra.

beneath cruel freeze indicates laborer wealthy

1. Gtzi's attackers left him to die in the cold.

2. In Gtzi's time, being meant you had fine tools, warm
clothing, a house, and animals.
3. Scientists believe that Gtzi was not a(n) because his body
doesn't show the damage caused by a life of hard work.
4. Evidence that the cause of Gtzi's death was the arrowhead,
only two centimeters across, found under his shoulder.
5. Gtzi's mummy was buried the ice and snow for thousands
of years.

Word Partnership
Use debate with: (adj.) open to debate, major debate, political debate,
presidential debate; (v.) debate over something, debate the issue.

50 Unit 38
Before You Watch

A In 1995, archeologist Johan Reinhard found the mummy of a young girl on a frozen
peak in the Andes mountains in Peru. Unlike Qtzi, she had been carefully placed in a
unique burial site. The scientists named her "Juanita," after Reinhard.

A. Preview. These words are from the video. Match each word to its definition.
1. blow • • a. a powerful stroke with a hand or hard object
2. burial • • b. the top of a mountain
3. peak • • c. the act of putting someone in the ground
4. sacrifice • • d. the killing of an animal or a person in a religious

B. Predict. Look at the picture above and read the caption. How do you think
Juanita died? Circle a, b, C, or d. Then watch the video to check your prediction.
a. She was buried alive. b. She was hit on the head.
c. She froze to death. d. She fell off a mountain peak.
Viewing 51
While You Watch
A. Number these events from 1 to 4 in the order they occurred.

The archeologists remove some pots The body of a mummified Inca girl
from the ground. was found.

Scientists deduce the cause of the Two bodies are discovered under a
Inca girl's death. pattern of stone circles.

After You Watch

A. Fact or Theory. Which of the statements below are facts (F) and which are
theories (T)?
1. The Quechuan are direct descendants of the Inca people.
2. The Incas sacrificed Juanita because they believed it would make
the mountain gods treat them well.
3. The six stone circles showed the location of some burial sites.
4. The skull injury that Juanita received ended her life.

B. Discuss. Discuss these questions in a group.

1. What do you think helped preserve the mummies in the video?
2. What can these mummies teach scientists about the ancient Inca people?
3. How is Juanita different from the mummies of King Tut and Otzi?

52 Viewing

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