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Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones,

Minerals and Natural History

Wednesday December 7, 2016
Los Angeles
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones,
Minerals and Natural History
Wednesday December 7, 2016 at 10am
Los Angeles

Bonhams Bids Inquiries Illustrations

7601 W. Sunset Boulevard +1 (212) 644 9001 Claudia Florian, G.J.G. Front cover: Lot 49
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Lots 1 - 326
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Order of Sale Regulated Species Materials
and CITES Permits
Fossils and Meteorites................................... 1 - 17 The export of a lot from the United States or import into certain
countries may be subject to export or import regulations, licensure
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, and/or other restrictions; in particular, lots containing plant or animal
Minerals (listed alphabetically).................. 18 - 295 materials such as ivory, rhinoceros horn, tortoiseshell, coral, whalebone
or certain types of woods, irrespective of age or value, may require the
Exotic Natural Pearls............................... 296 - 307
granting of one or more export or import licenses or certificates, or may
Native Metals .......................................... 308 - 320 be banned from import altogether by some countries. Moreover, the
Gemstone Art and Scholar’s Rocks......... 321 - 326 ability to obtain an export license or certificate does not insure the ability
to obtain an import license or certificate in another country. Lots that
contain such regulated species materials may also not be eligible for
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Notice Regarding Burmese species materials may be subject to restrictions in some jurisdictions.
Jadeite and Rubies
Lots noted in the catalog with a Y next to the lot number contain one
Current law dictates that jadeite and rubies of Burmese origin and any or more such regulated plant or animal materials. It is the buyer’s
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not be imported into the U.S. Certification that such jadeite or rubies relevant export or import licenses. Please note that this process
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QUATERNARY Holocene (Recent) Present to 0.01

Pleistocene (Ice Age) 0.01 to 2

TERTIARY Pliocene 2 to 5
Upon request, Bonhams can refer the purchaser to a third party agent
Miocene 5 to 25 to assist the purchaser in attempting to obtain the appropriate licenses
Oligocene 25 to 38
Eocene 38 to 55
and/or certificates. However, there is no assurance that any necessary
Paleocene 55 to 65 licenses or certificates can be obtained. Please contact the Specialist
Department for a suggested list of shipping agents prior to placing a
(Age of the Dinosaurs)

bid if you are uncertain as to whether a lot is subject to export/import


CRETACEOUS 65 to 144 license or certificate requirements or related restrictions.

JURASSIC 144 to 213
TRIASSIC 213 to 248

PERMIAN 248 to 286

DEVONIAN 360 to 408
SILURIAN 408 to 438
ORDOVICIAN 438 to 505
CAMBRIAN 505 to 590
Fossils and Meteorites
Lots 1- 17

Iridescent Fossil Ammonite
Placenticeras meeki
Upper Cretaceous
Bearpaw Formation, Magrath, Alberta, Canada
Prepared free of matrix this small, yet highly decorative ammonite
displays a brilliant red sheen, with some yellows and greens and rare
purple, produced by light interference by the layers of fossilized nacre.
Coveted by collectors the world over, the finest ammonites from the
1 Bear Paw Formation display remarkably brilliant colors not seen in
ammonites from other localities. Length 5 1/2in (13cm)

$3,500 - 4,500

Copal variety “Kauri Gum”
New Zealand
100,000 years old
Kauri Gum is the fossilized resin or sap of the Kauri Tree (Agates
australis). These enormous trees produce vast amounts of sap which
congeal into lumps when the tree is injured. The sap hardens into a
resin and becomes a form of Copal. Copal was used by the Maori as
a chewing gum and firestarter, and the ashes of burnt kauri gum were
utilized to make the ‘ink’ used in facial (moko) tattooing. New Zealand
copal is much rarer than Baltic amber. No new supplies are available
and very little remains outside of museums. The present specimen is
large and is an excellent example of its type. Measuring 9 x 3 3/4 x 2

$1,000 - 1,500

Greenish Brown Amber Specimen
2 late Oligocene
24-30 Million years ago
Chiapas, Mexico
A large specimen of amber which still retains the natural “skin” of
the specimen but has a “window” polished to reveal the interior with
its greenish-brown hue and very strong blue fluorescence. Large
specimens of amber, such as this one, are infrequently seen in today’s
market. Weighing approximately 746.3 grams and measuring 6 1/2 x
5 x 3 1/2 in

$1,200 - 1,800


Phareodus encaustus
F-2 Horizon, Fossil Butte Member, Green River Formation
A well-adapted predator, Phareodus possessed needle-like teeth
and dorsal and anal fins positioned near the back of the fish, allowing
quick changes of direction. The present specimen displays excellently
detailed preservation of the pectoral fin, an important feature for
identification of the species, as well as excellent gill detail. An unusual
jaw presentation exhibits teeth on both sides of the lower jaw. Framed
in rustic logs with attractive wormhole texturing. Measuring 22in

$3,500 - 4,500

Uncoiled Ammonite on Matrix
Dodymoceras stevensoli
Late Cretaceous
Pierre Shale
Upper Cretaceous
Custer County, South Dakota
A fine heteromorphic ammonite mounted on matrix. Specimens of this
species are highly prized by collectors. Measuring 8 x 5 x 5 1/2in

$3,000 - 5,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 5

Red Amber Necklace and Matching Earpendants
late Oligocene
24-30 Million years ago
Chiapas, Mexico
late Oligocene,
A revered substance in many cultures, amber is held in particularly
high esteem. The present piece, was a product of the leguminous
Hymenaea courbaril, a close relative of the Hymenaea tree which
produced the Dominican variety of amber, but significantly more rare.
Originating from a region which is no longer producing, this stunning
necklace can be termed a “collection piece”. Designed as a two-
strand necklace consisting of polished free-form beads of natural deep
red amber having excellent transparency, weighing approximately 73.1
grams, completed by a silver clasp. Length 21in. ; together with a pair
of earrings of the same amber, weighing 10.8 grams, length 3 in. (2)

$1,200 - 1,500

Large Fossil Palm
Green River Formation
Fossil Butte member
Lincoln county, Wyoming
F2 horizon
In a subtropical environment 50 million years ago, a lush palm fauna
graced the shoreline of ancient Fossil Lake. Crocodiles, turtles, fish
6 and ancient early mammals populated the shores and waters of this
freshwater paradise. Early birds soared above the water. Trapped in
what is now limestone 7200 feet above sea level, this beautiful palm
graces the amazing artistic stone canvas of an ancient lake floor.
The Green River Formation of southwest Wyoming is internationally
recognized for the exceptionally well preserved fossil fish it produces
but less known for its paleobotanical fossils because of their rarity.
Most rare among these fossilized remains are the complete palm
fronds. This is one of the largest fossil palm fronds to be recovered
from the shoreline sediments known as the F2 horizon. Also captured
in the limestone is an ancient Phareodus encaustus with numerous
Knightia eocaena, the state fossil of Wyoming. The entire mural
measures 108 x 60 inches and is one of the largest ever offered at
auction. The frond measures 8 feet 2 inches from tip of the petiole to
the tip of the blade.

$20,000 - 30,000
8 10

Iron-nickel, medium octahedrite
Magadan District, Russia
The Seymchan meteorite was first found in 1967, in the dry bed of
the river Hekandue. The total known weight of the original meteorite
is only approximately 351 kilos. The present specimen has been
fashioned into an attractive cubic-form and acid etched to reveal the
desirable Widmanstätten pattern of crystalization on the surface for
which this meteorite has become renowned. Weighing approximately
282.4 grams and measuring 3.8 x 3.2 x 3.1 cm

$1,200 - 1,500

Muonionalusta Etched Meteorite Cube
Iron, Fine (IVA) Octahedrite
Kiruna, Norrbotten, Sweden
Dated to have impacted northern Sweden approximately one million
years ago, and initially discovered in 1906, this locality has become
one of the best sites for fine octahedrite irons. Searches for the
impact crater from the original shower, near the Arctic Circle have
9 been in vain, as several glacial periods have most likely transported
the meteorites away from the original strewn field.
These meteorites are almost always found buried under several feet
8 of glacial moraine, and require specialized metal detectors to be
Zoomorphic Sikhote-Alin Meteorite—”The found at these depths. The Muonionalusta is also the first meteorite in
Seahorse” which Stishovite has been identified, a rare and extremely hard silicon
Iron, coarse octahedrite dioxide polymorph of quartz, formed by very high shock pressure
Maritime Territory, Siberia, Russia created by the hypervelocity of a meteorite impact, giving rise to the
This splendid meteorite originates from the largest meteorite shower theory that the Muonionalusta impact was one of the most violent and
since the dawn of civilization, which occurred on February 12, 1947 direct impacts on this planet.
over Siberia’s Sikhote-Alin Mountains. The monumental forces exerted
on this meteorite as it rocketed through the atmosphere are amply Offered is a cube of Muonionalusta is the classic Widmanstätten
evident. In a rare witnessed fall, Sikhote-Alin blazed through the patterns of meteorite metal matrix, an unearthly grid of shimmering
Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of approximately 31,000 miles per shades of grey and silver, comprising two forms of nickel-iron,
hour. It left a trail of smoke and dust that was 20 miles long, which kamacite, and taenite. The high nickel content galvanizes the iron
lingered for several hours. Light and sound of the fall were observed to some extent, which aids immensely in the meteorite’s survival for
for two hundred miles around the point of impact. Here is a covetable nearly a million years under conditions highly favorable to rusting.
specimen from one of the most dramatic witnessed falls of all time. Rarity and difficulty to recover make these specimens uncommon on
The present specimen is a complete individual of “schrapnel-type” the market. The present specimen is nearly cubic, possesses a fine
meteorite--with sharp edges which bear testament to the immense etched pattern to all surfaces and a large troilite inclusion to one side.
shearing force of this event. Weighing approximately 138.8 grams and Weighing 1130 grams and measuring 2 1/8 x 2 1/8 x 2in
measuring 3 1/4 x 1 1/2 x 1in
$1,500 - 2,000
$1,200 - 1,500



11 12
Muonionalusta: Etched Meteorite with Rare Muonionalusta: Large Etched Meteorite Slice
Inclusion Iron, Fine (IVA) Octahedrite
Iron, Fine (IVA) Octahedrite Kiruna, Norrbotten, Sweden
Kiruna, Norrbotten, Sweden A complete slice with fusion crust to edges, of slightly elliptical outline,
This substantial and robust “corner” specimen of Muonionalusta with polished and etched faces. Weighing approximately 1817.3
meteorite which has been acid etched and prepared on three faces to grams. Measuring 7 x 4 x 3/4 in
display the fine octahedrite Widmanstätten pattern, an extraterrestrial
metallic grid in shimmering shades of silver and gray comprised of $2,000 - 3,000
two forms of extraterrestrial nickel-iron: kamacite and taenite. This
particular specimen also contains a rare inclusion of troilite which can
be seen in cross-section: a Stichtite in Troilite inclusion is considered
to be rare. With original crust on the remaining surface. Weighing
approximately 1600 grams and measuring 4 x 3 x 3 1/4 in

$3,000 - 4,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 9

Muonionalusta: Large Etched Meteorite Cube
Iron, Fine (IVA) Octahedrite
Kiruna, Norrbotten, Sweden
Of cube-form, this specimen is meticulously cut from a meteorite and
acid etched to display the fine octahedrite Widmanstätten pattern, an
extraterrestrial metallic grid in shimmering shades of silver and gray
comprising of two forms of extraterrestrial nickel-iron, kamacite and
taenite. A very large troilite inclusion appears on the cube’s surface.
This is a fine collectible specimen of a well known meteorite. Weighing
approximately 3500 grams and measuring 3 x 3 x 3in

$5,000 - 8,000

Large Canyon Diablo Meteorite
Meteor Crater, Winslow, Arizona
From a private collection, this large Canyon Diablo specimen of just
over 7 kilos, represents one of the more sought-after meteorites by
collectors. Any sizable specimens are now difficult to find as the area
around Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona has been closed for
years. Most currently available Canyon Diablo meteorites are a mere
100-200 grams in weight. Meteor Crater, which measures nearly one
mile in diameter, was created over 50,000 years ago when a meteor,
measuring approximately fifty feet in diameter, exploded high over
the Arizona desert. Characteristic of specimens from the fascinating
site, the present specimen displays an attractive gunmetal color and
a pleasing shape. Also seen are several large, distinctive regmaglypts
(thumbprints), formed as the meteorite became molten in Earth’s
atmosphere. The present specimen has numerous regmaglypts, a
deep scoop to the center and a flange to one side which resembles
the beak of a bird. With all of these rugged characteristics, large size
and excellent patina this is an excellent choice for the collector of
aesthetic iron meteorites. Weighing approximately 7032 grams and
measuring 8 3/4 x 8 x 5 3/4 in

$20,000 - 30,000
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 11

Large Admire Meteorite Slice
Stony-Iron Pallasite
Admire, Lyon County, Kansas
Discovered in 1881, Admire is unique among pallasites in that its
olivine crystals display chatoyancy, a fascinating change of luster
within a gemstone due to the way in which light is reflected. The
present specimen is a beautiful slice of this distinctive meteorite,
displaying large olivine crystals in a brightly polished matrix. Weighing
approximately 565 grams and measuring 9.75 x 7.5 x .125 inches

$7,000 - 9,000

Extraterrestrial Olivine Peridot: Faceted
Stony Iron--Pallasite MG
Admire, Lyon Co., Kansas
Faceted by Martin Guptill
A stony-iron meteorite, or pallasite, Admire has small crystals of
yellow-green olivine which have been dubbed –”gemstones from
outer space”. Some of the crystals are of such fine quality as to be
classified as peridot, and a handful of these gems have been faceted.
Only approximately 1% of the olivine crystals are facetable, most are
too included or “friable” to be able to undergo the process, despite
the superior hardness of celestial peridot with a Mohs 6.5. Most
extraterrestrial olivines contain inclusions. Admire Meteoritic peridot
must have inclusions in the crystals, which is what distinquishes them
from terresterial (Earth) peridot. The present offering is a cushion-
shaped faceted olivine of bright yellowish green hue, weighing
approximately 0.82 carats and measuring 5.56 x 5.47 x 3.69mm

16 $1,500 - 2,000
To be sold without reserve

Accompanied by a North American Lapidary Laboratory report

number 10-1012 dated January 11, 2010 stating that the 0.82 carats
stone is Pallasitic Olivine.
Group of Four Lunar Meteorites
found in Northwest Africa: NWA
482, NWA 2995, NWA 3160 and NWA
A sampler group of meteorites all found in
Northwest Africa including: a partial slice with
fusion crust from NWA 482, a feldspathic
impact-melt breccia meteorite, weighing
approximately 2.11 grams and measuring
approximately 17 x 16 x 5mm; a specimen
from NWA 2995, a lunar feldspathic breccia,
Algeria, weighing approximately 12.9 grams
and measuring 54 x 31 x 3mm; a full slice of
the NWA 3160, a complex fragmental and
regolith breccia, consisting of basalt and
cumulate olivine gabbro with fusion crust,
Morocco, weighing approximately 1.91 grams
and measuring approximately 30 x 20 x
1mm; a full slice of the lunar NWA 3136, an
anorthosite-bearing basaltic regolith breccia
meteorite, weighing approximately 1.14
grams and measuring 24 x 12 x 2mm. (4)

$3,000 - 5,000
To be sold without reserve

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 13

Idar-Oberstein—500 Years of Gem Carving History

The town of Idar-Oberstein, located in a scenic valley of the Hunsrück Mountains in the
western part of Germany, is actually a pair of villages a few miles apart which were politically
joined in 1933. Oberstein is known for its jewelry manufacturing and Idar is the gem cutting
center. Little known to Americans except those in the gem trade, in Europe, this town is known
as the “gemstone city” or Edelsteinstadt and has become an increasingly popular tourist

Historical records indicate that its 500-year-plus history and remarkable traditions of gemstone
cutting developed when miners found agates and amethyst crystals in Miocene-age basalt
formations nearby. However, many cutters in Idar claim that agate mining and cutting dates
back to Roman times, due to evidence of some Roman settlements not far away and a Roman
road that runs near an important source of cutting material.

Today the manufacturing there includes various cut gems, although originally, the industry
was founded only on the local deposits—particularly agate —but also jasper, rock crystal,
amethyst, and smoky quartz.

The city’s development of the agate industry, in the beginning of the 16th century, was based
on these mineral deposits, the availability of local sandstone used for the cutting and polishing
wheels, and water power to work the wheels. By the 1700s, there were about 15 workshops
cutting agate which used the nearby Nahe River for energy—a number which doubled by the
year 1800. However, when dwindling local agate deposits caused a slow down in the industry
and many cutters left the area. These emigrants discovered large agate deposits in Brazil,
they brought the material back and the cutting industry again began to flourish. By the late
19th Century as many as 150 cutting shops were in existence and the industry expanded from
cutting agate and jasper into carving various types of stone objects such as dishes, goblets,
bowls, snuff boxes, cane heads, parasol handles, fancy buttons, and even beads.

Now a town of about 50,000 inhabitants, Idar-Oberstein is recognized as the most

significant European cutting center for gemstones, other than diamond—and some of the
original family businesses are still in existence. The German Gemstone Museum (Deutsches
Edelsteinmuseum), situated there, devoted entirely to the display of minerals and cut gems,
jewelry, and carvings, is considered by many connoisseurs to be the best of its kind in the

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones,
Minerals and Décor
(Listed alphabetically)
Lots 18- 295
Very Fine Azurite
Clifton Mine, Arizona
18 Bladed botryoidal crystals in a mound formation distinguish this
excellent mid-sized cabinet specimen originating from one of the
most important historic copper mining regions in the United States.
Measuring 3 1/2 x 3 x 1 1/2 in

$7,000 - 8,000

Offered on a custom lucite base.

Azur-malachite on Matrix
A large decorative specimen having numerous bladed azurite crystals
intergrown with velvety and chatoyant malachite crystals on matrix.
Measuring 7 1/2 x 5 x 3in

$800 - 1,200

Azur-Malachite Specimen
Morenci, Arizona
A large flat decorative “plate” specimen, featuring minute blue azurite
crystals and an overgrowth of malachite crystals. Measuring 13 x 13
1/2 x 2 3/4in
$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve


Aquamarine Carving of a Buddha
Depicting a seated Buddha, carved from a substantial and large
specimen of aquamarine originating from Songea, Tanzania having
a rich, deep sea blue color, with good translucency. Weighing
approximately 1221 carats and measuring 3 x 3 x 2 1/4in

$4,000 - 6,000

Offered on a carved, custom-fitted wooden stand.

Beryl var. Aquamarine and Pink Apatite in Matrix
Consisting of a larger hexagonal crystal of aquamarine with good
luster measuring 1 1/2 inches along the edge, and a scattering
of smaller crystals as well as one pink apatite crystal on a bed of
muscovite mica. Measuring 5 x 3 1/2 x 3in

$1,500 - 1,800


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 17

Beryl var. Aquamarine
A fine aquamarine, faceted as a cut-cornered rectangular-cut, having
a well-saturated sky blue color and excellent luster. Aquamarines of
this size are uncommon in the market today. Weighing approximately
36.44 carats and measuring 31.58 x 14.48 x 10.54mm

$6,000 - 8,000

Exceptional Fancy-cut Aquamarine
A novel faceting style, invented by lapidary Jeff Graham, known as the
“opposed”-bar-cut is seen in this very fine aquamarine. With a series
of flat facets on the table and large facets to the side, this is a perfect
cut for showing off the nearly optically clear aquamarine with its high
degree of luster. Weighing approximately 57.55 carats and measuring
24.41 x 16.56 x 19.0 mm

$6,000 - 8,000

Two Fancy-cut Beryls
A companion pair of stones, one of yellow beryl and the other a
golden-brown beryl, each having a novelty cut, with a flat table, bevel-
cut edges, and one side of the pavilion retaining a naturally cleaved
surface. Weighing approximately 12.35 carats and 29.87 carats. The
larger stone measuring 19.86 x 19.76 x 11.45mm (2)

$800 - 1,200
To be sold without reserve

Multi-color Beryl Necklace
Consisting of uniform 18mm spherical beads displaying pink, blue,
green colors for morganite, aquamarine and green beryl, including
several beads which exhibit a cat’s eye effect. Completed by a silver
clasp. Length 16 in

$1,500 - 2,000

Unusual Pair of Bi-color Aquamarines
Two elongated pear-shaped stones, suitable for mounting as earrings,
consisting of colorless Goshenite at the top and bright sea blue
aquamarine at the bottom. Weighing approximately 42.0 carats and
measuring 44.6 x 9.9 x 6.43mm

$1,200 - 1,500

24 (side view)




Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 19

28 30

Beryl var. Aquamarine
A well-formed hexagonal crystal with lightly etched faces, and a
slightly rounded termination to the top and natural, flat termination
to the bottom, capable of standing on its own. The transparency of
this crystal is very good for the species. Most aquamarine specimens
do not survive intact as they are typically sacrificed and cut for the
gem trade when they have a clarity as high as this one. Weighing
approximately 592.5 carats (118.5 grams) and measuring 3 7/8 x 1
1/4 x 1in

$7,000 - 9,000

Superb Green Beryl--”A Member of the 100 Carats
The present stone is an exceptional example of a green beryl in terms
of both its size and strength of hue. The particularly appealing leaf-
green color is shown to its best advantage: the cut, clarity and luster
of this stone are exceptional. Weighing 104.59 carats and measuring
31.55 x 23.35 x 18.88mm

$15,000 - 20,000

Named after Andalucia, Spain where it was first found, andalusite
is an aluminium silicate. This lovely pear-shaped gem of excellent
transparency, displays the characteristic flashes of orange, green and
brown for which this pleochroic mineral is known. A species which
is scarce in sizes over 7 carats, the present stone exhibits all the
29 most desirable characteristics of this rare collector’s stone. Weighing
approximately 8.88 carats and measuring 19.63 x 10.65 x 7.93mm

$1,200 - 1,500
31 W
Stunning Apatite Free-form Sculpture
Not all apatite is crystalline--it can also be found in massive form. The
present offering is a very large boulder of massive apatite which has
been contour polished to reveal the stunning, marine blue color. This
specimen would be suitable for either indoor or outdoor applications.
Weighing approximately 48.5 kg and measuring 16 x 16 x 6in

$3,000 - 5,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 21


32 35
Gemstone-studded Evening Purse Beryl var. Emerald Cabochon
Circa 1940 Zambia, Africa
India A large oval cabochon of deep, rich green having a minor aspect
The front and back of the fabric evening bag adorned with ten of chatoyancy or cat’s eye effect across the dome. Weighing
cabochon emerald beads amidst scrolling and foliate motif decoration approximately 52.45 carats and measuring 25.06 x 19.93 x 14.59mm
rendered with silver and gold thread, and further decorated with ruby
beads scattered throughout the design. With satin interior. Length 8in $5,000 - 7,000

$800 - 1,200 Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratories report

number CS 1078571 dated October 3, 2016 stating that the emerald
33 cabochon of 52.45 carats is a natural emerald and that it shows only a
Enamel and Hardstone Knife moderate amount of tradition (oil type) clarity enhancement.
Designed in the Mughal style, with red, green and turquoise colored 36
enamel intended to imitate rubies and emeralds, between metal Pair of Carved Emerald Plaques
borders inset into a hardstone handle of pistol-grip design. The steel Of bright green color, suitable for mounting as earpendants, each
blade with Arabic inscription. Length 11 1/2 in decorated in the traditional Mughal style with floral motifs. Together
weighing approximately 161.43 carats and measuring 54.76 x 36.37 x
$1,000 - 1,500 6.34mm (2)

34 $4,000 - 6,000
Emerald Bead Necklace
A six-strand necklace consisting of a combination of both polished, 37
baroque-shaped emerald beads and also micro-faceted emerald Pair of Large Emeralds
beads, completed with an 18K white gold clasp, accented with small Colombia
diamonds. Total weight approximately 580 carats, length 17 1/2 in. The two large pear-shaped emeralds having similar face up
appearance, hue, saturation of color and clarity suitable for mounting
$1,500 - 2,500 as a pair of earrings or necklace pendant. (2) Weighing approximately
44.89 and 40.65 carats and measuring 29.46 x 20.16 x 14.04mm and
29.26 x 20.23 x 14.06mm

$7,000 - 9,000




Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 23

Beryl var. Emerald in Matrix
Cosquez, Colombia
A small cabinet specimen, having a large,
well-formed hexagonal emerald crystal and
two or three smaller conjoined crystals beside
it, on matrix. The emerald is vivid green and a
classic for this notable locality. Measuring 2 x
2 1/4 x 1 1/2in

$7,000 - 9,000

Zambia, Africa
A bright, well-saturated green emerald with
very good luster of suitable size for mounting
as a ring. Weighing approximately 4.27 carats
and measuring 11.66 x 7.94 x 5.94mm

$3,500 - 4,500

38 Accompanied by a GRS (Gemresearch

Swisslab Gemstone Report) number
GRS2015-070663 dated July 29th, 2015
stating that the 4.27 carats emerald originates
from Zambia and that it shows insignificant
evidence of enhancements, CE (O) type.

Exceptional Trapiche Emerald
with Unusual Cat’s Eye Effect
Coscuez, La Peña Blancas
Muzo Mining District, Columbia
Trapiche emeralds are in a class by
themselves and are perhaps the rarest and
most memorable of “pattern” gems—certainly
the most unusual amongst the big three of
emerald, ruby and sapphire. Trapiche is the
Spanish word for a “spoked wheel” used
to grind sugar cane, which bears a striking
resemblance to the pattern in these emeralds.
They are typically cut en cabochon to display
the beautiful spoke-like star which emanates
from a hexagonal center with the areas in
between filled with lively green emerald. These
39 rays, which appear like asterisms, are not
caused by light reflections from tiny parallel
inclusions (as are stars), but from white albite
feldspar impurities that happen to form in
the same pattern. Gemological examination
shows that the trapiche is from white albite
feldspar impurities that happen to form in the
same pattern and that it is a single crystal
and not a twinned specimen as was originally
thought. Trapiche emeralds are valued based
on a number of factors: saturation and even
color, clarity, size and the most important
being the definition, completeness and
entering of the “rays”. An oval cabochon of
exceptional quality, the saturation of green
neither too light nor too dark, the clarity
between the spokes equally excellent. An
interesting phenomenon of a cat’s eye effect,
not typically seen in trapiche emeralds, is
apparent in all six sections. This is a fine
example for the knowledgable collector.
Weighing approximately 10.80 carats and
measuring 16.26 x 14.41 x 5.08mm

40 $6,000 - 8,000

Large and Impressive Emerald Crystal
A mineral classic, this large, robust well-formed hexagonal beryl crystal
has a stepped termination. Notable for its robust proportions, size
and for the strength of color, small traces of black schist can be seen
on the bottom termination. This is a notable offering for the serious
mineral collector. Weighing approximately 373.5 carats (74.9 grams)
and measuring 1 3/4 x 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 in

$25,000 - 35,000
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 25
42 43

42 43
Exceptional Morganite--”A “Spirograph-cut” Morganite By
Member of the 100 Carats Club” Dalan Hargrave
Faceted by noted Arizona lapidary, Buzz Gray Adopting a design utilized by the glass
In 1911, when pink beryl entered the industry for cutting leaded glass, known
marketplace, Madagascar was the location as the “American brilliant” pattern, lapidary
of its source. George Kunz, Vice President artist Dalan Hargrave coined the term
of Tiffany’s at the turn of the century named “spirographic-cut” referring to the intricate
this new-found gem in honor of John incisive patterns on the bottom of the
Pierpoint Morgan, who was a distinguished gemstone. The flat polished top allows
client of the jewelry store and who made for the viewing of the pattern below. No
many donations to the American Museum other lapidaries have produced similar
of Natural History. Kunz often arranged for work or executed exactly this pattern of
the financier to buy collections directly from geometric shapes. The present offering is an
Tiffany, with the store acting as intermediary, optically-clear morganite (pink beryl) having
which Morgan would then donate to the a well-saturated pink hue, expertly faceted
Museum. with this novel cut and honed to a bright,
vitreous polish by one of America’s premier,
Morganite is the orange to pink variety of award-winning gemstone cutters. Weighing
beryl. Other members of the beryl family approximately 36.00 carats and measuring
are aquamarine, golden beryl and emerald. 26.33 x 24.66 x 8.34mm
Morganite, because of its delicate color,
44 ample hardness, comparative rarity and $4,000 - 6,000
its brilliance is quite popular in jewelry.
Morganites possessing this high degree of 44
transparency are unheard of. The present Calcite
stone is exceptional by any definition. The Picher Field, Tri-State District, Ottawa
color is a well-saturated pink hue, unmodified County, Oklahoma, USA
by brown, while the luster is also exceptional. This fine specimen exhibits two habits of
A fine stone for the collector of large gems, golden calcite crystals: one in which the
but one which could be mounted as a scalenohedron is more developed and the
stunning pendant. Weighing approximately other that is dominated by rhombohedral
153.45 carats and measuring 42.26 x 32.10 faces. The district’s mines are long closed
x 24.54mm and specimens such as this are now scarce
on the market. Measuring 5 x 8 x 7in
$12,000 - 15,000
$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

45 46

45 W 47
Very Large Blue Calcite Sphere Chalcedony var. Fire Agate
Madagascar Aqua Calientes, Sonora, Mexico
Calcite is a carbonate mineral which can The world’s only known fire agate deposits
be found generally in white or colorless fall within two general areas-the Sonoran
specimens or occasionally light yellow. Desert region, stretching from southwest
The deposits in Madagascar are known for United States to northern Mexico, an area
producing this bright sky blue color and starting 100 miles north of Mexico City and
massive, rather than crystalline variety. The lying between two north-south mountain
present sphere was hand-carved by artisans ranges, the Sierra Madre Occidental and
in Madagascar and honed to a high polish the Sierra Madre Oriental. These areas were
from a massive blue calcite boulder. Weighing subjected to extensive volcanic activity
approximately 16.5 kg. Diameter 8in mostly during the Tertiary Period, 24 to 36
million years ago, relatively recent by geologic
$1,000 - 1,500 standards.

46 With colors often more vibrant than opal

Purple Chalcedony and less directional, fire agate is also more
Indonesia durable for daily wear. Not a well known gem,
From a new find in 2016, this mid-sized fire agate, a variety of chalcedony, is thought
cabinet specimen which is capable of to form by volcanic activity when hot water
standing on its own, exhibits an excellent saturated with colloidal silica and iron oxide
mound formation and horizon line. Consisting invades cavities in the host rock below the
of clusters of bright lavender spherules of earth’s surface. During the cooling process
chalcedony, covering the front and back chalcedony with iron oxide begins to grow
surfaces. This is an unusual color for the on any available surface with many shapes
species. Measuring 5 x 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 in and colors being formed by the mineral
impurities. Known as schiller, the alternating 47
$1,000 - 1,500 silica and iron oxide layers, diffract and
allow light to pass and form interference of
colors known as “fire”. The iron oxide is what
gives this gem its characteristic brown body
color. Polishing fire agate is done in such a
way as to follow the natural contours of the
stone until only the fire is visible. The present
offering is large for the species. Suitable for
mounting in a brooch or pendant, it has been
carefully contour polished to reveal vibrant
orange and green iridescent hues. Weighing
approximately 51.43 carats and measuring
39.52 x 25.54 x 8.8mm

$1,800 - 2,200

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 27

Orange Chalcedony, Nephrite and
Kascholong Opal Flower Study--
Carved by a contemporary Russian artist, the
present flower study comprises flowerheads
carved of orange chalcedony, with circular-
cut yellow sapphires to the center, mounted
with 18K yellow gold stems, pistils, and gold
borders to the vase. The slender elongated
vase carved of optically clear rock crystal
quartz, rimmed with 18K yellow gold, on a
tapering base carved of white kascholong
opal. Height 8in

$6,000 - 8,000

Carved Gemstone Flower Study--
Carved by a contemporary Russian lapidary
artist, the realistically carved bouquet of
poppies is carved of red chalcedony, as is
the second bud in partial blossom. White
diamonds, weighing approximately 1.0 carats,
accent the center, with black diamonds,
weighing approximately 0.5 carats, between.
Another flower bud is carved of brown agate.
The leaves are carved of translucent Russian
nephrite which has been rendered with a
stippled effect. The substantial stem of 18K
yellow gold is textured to imitate the natural
texture of the tiny “thorn-like”structures on the
the actual plant. The vase, height 6 inches, is
carved of optically clear rock crystal quartz,
with a large golden yellow citrine, which is
carved and fluted, at the center between
bands of 18K yellow gold borders having a
delicately engraved design. Measuring 13 1/4
x 7 3/4 x 4in

$40,000 - 60,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 29

50 51

Gem Silica Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla has an attractive blue-green that provides a unique color
to the gem world as it forms in the oxidation zones of copper rich
ores--in this case Peru. When chrysocolla “agatizes” in chalcedony
quartz it is then called “gem silica chrysocolla”, with the quartz
component providing the stone its polish and durability. The present
offering is an elongated pear-shaped drop of elegant proportions
ideally allowing it to be mounted as a pendant. It is an excellent
example of gem silica chrysocolla which displays a classic and
sought-after hue. Weighing approximately 26.06 carats and measuring
36.18 x 14.89 x 7.84mm

$2,500 - 3,500

L’Etoile du Congo, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo
A small cabinet specimen which features vivid blue clustered masses
of botryoidal growth and an aesthetic mound formation. Measuring 2
1/2 x 1 1/2 x 1in

$1,200 - 1,500

Offered on a lucite display stand.

Large Polished Chrysocolla Sculpture
Well-polished surfaces and vivid color recommend this large boulder
of chrysocolla. Such large specimens are now difficult to find in
today’s market. They are always sought after for their attractive
coloration which creates such a dramatic statement in any corporate
52 or residential interior. Weighing approximately 56 kilos and measuring
50 x 40 x 25cm

$6,000 - 8,000
53 (daylight) 53 (incandescent light)

Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite
Sri Lanka
Named for Tsar Alexander II, this rare and beautiful gem is infrequently
used in modern jewelry. In antique Russian jewelry you may come
across it with a little luck, since Russian master jewelers loved this
stone. Tiffany’s master gemologist George Frederick Kunz (1856-
1932) was also fascinated by alexandrite, and the jeweler’s firm
produced some beautiful rings and platinum ensembles at the turn
of the last century. Smaller alexandrites were occasionally also used
in Victorian jewelry from England. The present offering is an attractive
oval-cut stone which displays all the sought after characteristics
for which this gem is beloved: color-change from a deep rich green
to a reddish-purple as well as having excellent luster. Weighing
approximately 2.19 carats and measruing 7.66 x 5.68 x 5.95mm

$7,000 - 9,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 31

Chrysoberyl Bead Necklace
Comprising seven strands of graduated bright “Spring” greenish-
yellow polished chrysoberyl rondelle-form beads, graduating from
2.3mm to 5.5mm. Numerous beads display a strong cat’s eye
effect, completed with an adjustable chord closure. Total weight
approximately 270 carats. Length of shortest strand: 16 inches.

$1,200 - 1,800
To be sold without reserve

Actual size

Exceptional Chrysoberyl
With a Mohs hardness of 8 1/2, chrysoberyl is a durable stone which can easily be mounted
and worn in jewelry. It is not seen extensively in jewelry mostly because of its rarity. Larger
stones are rarely seen and those with few inclusions are rarer still. Vivid, electric-neon yellow
with a splash of green, the present stone is as fine an example of the rare mineral chrysoberyl
as one could hope to find. Both the clarity and the luster are excellent. Chrysoberyls of more
than 1 to 2 carats are considered to be very rare. The present stone is a “museum-quality”
example worthy of consideration by the most serious collector. Weighing approximately 15.13
carats and measuring 18.01 x 14.81 x 7.58mm mm

$25,000 - 30,000

Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratories report number CS 65966 dated

February 23, 2015 stating that the 15.13 carats Chrysoberyl is natural and that it shows no
gemological evidence of enhancements.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 33


Group of Four Chrysoprase Carvings of Owls
Marlborough, Queensland, Australia
Each depicting an owl in a slightly different pose, all carved of gem
grade or near-gem grade chrysoprase having some translucency at
the edges. Largest measuring 2 1/4 x 1 3/4 x 1 1/4in

$1,000 - 1,500

57 Y
Black Coral Bead Necklace
Coastal waters of Hawaii
Black corals (Antipatharia) are a group of deep water, tree-like corals.
Though black coral’s living tissue is brilliantly colored, it takes its name
from the distinctive black or dark brown color of its skeleton. First
discovered in Hawaii off the coast of Maui in 1958 it was designated
as the official state gem in 1987. Black coral has been harvested for
centuries as a charm and medicine. It was believed black coral had
the power to ward off evil and injury (its Latin name antipathies means
“against suffering”). Early Hawaiians ground black coral branches
into a medicinal powder. The present necklace, designed as a
continuous strand of elongated beads has excellent polish and a rich
homogenous black hue, each bead measuring approximately 38 x
14mm. Total weight approximately 510.5 carats (102.0 grams). Length

$2,000 - 3,000




58 59
Boxed Set of 21 Replicas of Famous Diamonds of the Large Diaspore
World Turkey
By Rudolf Dröschel Diaspore is commonly found associated with either corundum or
Faceted in Idar-Oberstein, Germany bauxite (aluminum ore). The name diaspore comes from the Greek
Precision cut by hand on a sandstone wheel, as per the traditional word diaspora which means “to scatter”, because it is known to
Idar-Oberstein method for polishing gemstones, this set is a crackle when heated. Typically colorless, or white, one occasionally
collectible the likes of which is no longer being produced anywhere in sees stones of green or brownish. The tabular, or “platy” prisms which
the gem industry. This suite of 21 diamond replicas was faceted from are its natural habit never allow for sizes of faceted gems such as this
natural rock crystal quartz of optical clarity (the blue and pink stones one. The present example of this rare mineral has been faceted as
are not quartz), the stones are housed in a presentation case with the a large oval-cut stone which exhibits a pleasant greenish color with
maker’s mark D for Dröschel for the firm of Rudolf Dröschel. Included flashes of red. The species is sometimes seen in the trade with the
are: Tiffany Diamond, of citrine, weighing 128.51 carats; Polar Star, appellation of “Zultanite”. Both the luster and the clarity are excellent.
41.36 carats; Cullinan I, 530.26 carats; Sancy, 55 carats; Florentine, Weighing approximately 32.23 carats and measuring 32.55 x 17.72 x
137.27 carats; Koh-i-noor, old form, 186 carats; Koh-i-Noor, new 7.43mm
form, 108.93 carats, Cullinan 2, 317.40 carats; Nassak, new form,
43.38 carats; Nassak, old form, 89.50 carats; The Dresden Green, $1,800 - 2,500
41 carats;, The Hope Diamond, 45.52 carats, The Eureka, 10.73
carats; The Swan, 36 carats, Idol’s Eye, 70.20 carats; Grand Conde,
50.0 carats; Regent, 140.50 carats; Stewart, 123.0 carats; Niarchos,
128.25 carats; Portuguese, 127.02 carats; and the Earth Star, 111.59
carats. (21)

$2,000 - 3,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 35

Chrome Diopside Nugget Necklace
Yakutia, Northeastern Siberia
Sometimes known as “Imperial diopside”, the name given to the
highest quality of chrome diopside, the mineral is found in the
very same kimberlite geological formation that produces Russia’s
coveted diamonds, near the town of Aldan in the Yakut region of
Siberia. Chrome diopside is a calcium magnesium silicate colored
by chromium producing intense green stones. The present necklace
comprises six strands of graduated tumbled and polished chrome
diopside beads having excellent transparency and a vivid, well-
saturated color rivaling the best emeralds. Weighing approximately
916.30 carats. Completed by a 14K yellow gold clasp. Length 17in

$2,800 - 3,500

Suite of Seven Fancy-colored Moonstones
Featuring a large grey oval moonstone cabochon suitable for mounting
as a ring or pendant, weighing approximately 62.91 carats and
measuring 26.67 x 20.84 x 14.40mm; together with a six-stone, multi-
color moonstone earring layout consisting of brown, grey and milky
white moonstones, weighing approximately 47.13 carats total. (7)

$1,000 - 1,500

Blue Moonstone and High-Karat Gold Necklace
Comprising two strands of disc-form blue moonstone beads from
Tanzania, measuring 8.0 mm, hand-polished with faceted faces.
Completed by a hand-fabricated 22K gold clasp centering on a
cabochon blue moonstone, decorated with granulation decoration.
Length 16in

$2,000 - 3,000

Suite of Three Fancy Colored Moonstones
Comprising three polished fancy color moonstones, each fashioned
as a pear-shaped drop in graduated sizes. The hues range from
orange, grey and brown. Total weight approximately 63.46 carats
and measuring 16.57 x 12.06mm and 25.11 x 13.88mm and 28.76 x
14.42mm (3)

$1,000 - 1,500

Blue Moonstone
This fine large, oval cabochon moonstone possesses all the most
desirable attributes for which this gemstone is beloved with its sought-
after blue adularescence. Displaying excellent clarity and luster as
well as a characteristic blue schiller effect. Moonstone is the alternate
birthstone for those born in the month of July. Weighing approximately
32.14 carats and measuring 24.0 x 15.0 x 12.0mm

$3,500 - 4,500



Feldspar var. Sunstone--”An American Gem”
Dust Devil Mine, Oregon
Oregon sunstone has been made the official State Gemstone by
proclamation of Governor Neil Goldschmidt. A rare gem variety of the
feldspar mineral group, Oregon sunstones occur in Lake and Harney 65
Counties where they are dug from the soil and the underlying lava
flows. They are uncommon in their composition, clarity, and range of
colors. Robert James, F.G.A. President of the International School
of Gemology has said: “The King of the Feldspars is the Oregon
Sunstone.” The beauty of this fine reddish-orange stone is highlighted 64
by its checkerboard top. Weighing approximately 7.65 carats and
measuring 14.88 x 11.18 x 7.99mm

$1,000 - 1,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 37

Multi-color Suite of Moonstones
A suitable layout for creating a bib necklace and matching pair of
chandelier earrings, comprising oval cabochon moonstones which
are near colorless or which have body colors that are: light orange,
medium orange, deep orange and light yellow, all with excellent
translucency and billowy sheen. Total weight of all stones: 450 carats.
Largest weighing 10.5 carats and measuring 12.73 x 10.28mm

$3,500 - 4,500


Green Fluorite
Reimvasmaak, Northern Cape Province,
South Africa
Of impressive size, this is a large, luminous
green fluorite with complex growth to the
faces of the octahedral form, and a druzy
overgrowth to the conjoined crystals which
intersect at angles.
Measuring 5 x 4 1/4 x 4 1/4in

$2,500 - 3,500

Blue Fluorite
This oval-cut fluorite is characterized by a rich
blue color and is an excellent example of its
type due to its high degree of clarity for the
species. Weighing approximately 39.41 carats
and measuring 23.78 x 18.56 x 12.05mm

$900 - 1,200
To be sold without reserve 68

Green Fluorite--”A Member of the
100 Carats Club”
A large cabinet-sized specimen faceted as
an oval cut. This stone is above average in
terms of its clarity for the species. Weighing
approximately 409.8 carats and measuring
55.0 x 37.0 x 25.56mm

$1,000 - 1,500


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 39


Large Green Fluorite
Xianghuapu Mine, Hunan Province, China
A large, decorative display specimen of generous proportions, having
a highly aesthetic horizon line and great three-dimensionality and
presence. Entirely covered by conjoined clusters of bright green,
glassy and transparent green fluorite cubes measuring up to 1 inch in
length. Measuring 16 x 7 1/2 x 7in

$1,200 - 1,500

Demantoid Garnet and Diamond Ring
Centering on a large emerald-cut demantoid garnet of rich green hue,
weighing approximately 9.50 carats,, simply mounted in an elegant
platinum setting accented with brilliant-cut diamonds, size 6 1/2.

$18,000 - 22,000



Pair of Demantoid Garnets
Ural Mountains, Russia
Demantoid is the green gem variety of andradite garnet; its name
comes from its high refractive index, which gives well-cut demantoids
(such as these) rainbow flashes of “fire” like diamonds. (The name
“demantoid” means diamond-like.) These two garnets are relatively
free of inclusions.

The present pair of transparent green rectangular cushion brilliant-cut

garnets may have been cut from the same rough in order to have
matched their color so well. The first, weighing approximately 2.68
carats and measuring 8.0 x 6.8 x 5.3 mm; the second, weighing
approximately 2.43 carats and measuring 7.6 x 6.8 x 5.3 mm. (2)

$30,000 - 35,000

Andradite Garnet var. Demantoid from a Rare
Soghan, Baft District, Kerman Province, Iran
Vivid green in color, with good translucency at the edges, this is a rare
specimen of demantoid garnet which comprises a cluster of crystals
some of which display a compressed dodecahedral form. Measuring
1 1/4 x 1 x 3/4 in

$1,500 - 2,000


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 41

Garnet var. Spessartite
A small cabinet-sized specimen which is a modern classic. This is a dodecahedron of vivid
orange color with good translucency. Measuring 1 x 3/4 x 3/4 in

$1,500 - 2,000

Garnet var. Spessartite--”Mandarin Garnet”
Not all spessartite garnets deserve to be called by the trade name “Mandarin”....only those
which are truly orange or “Fanta” color deserved this designation. Such is the case with the
present stone which has a vivid orange hue, unmodified by brown. The luster is excellent
and the size is particularly large for the species. Weighing approximately 17.71 carats and
measuring 15.35 x 12.37 x 9.76mm

$3,500 - 4,500

Two Fine Rhodolite Garnets
East Africa
This color of garnet derives its name from rhododendron colored garnets first discovered in
North Carolina in the late 1800s. Though the present gems are from more recent discoveries
in Tanzania, rhodolite garnets also occur in India and Sri Lanka. These two garnets have a very
desirable reddish-purple hue, with excellent clarity and luster, the larger oval-cut, weighing
11.49 carats and measuring 13.56 x 11.8 x 8.65mm and the smaller oval-cut, weighing 9.03
carats and measuring 12.41 x 11.04 x 8.0mm. Total weight approximately 20.51 carats . (2)

$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

Color-shift Garnet
74 Bekily, Madagascar
Imbued with a rich saturation of tones, this attractive oval-cut garnet, changes color from a
greenish to a rich plum hue depending upon the light and angle of observation of the viewer.
Both its clarity and luster are excellent. Weighing approximately 1.73 carats and measuring
8.19 x 6.29 x 4.20mm

$1,500 - 2,000
To be sold without reserve

Mandarin Garnet Bead Necklace
Comprising five strands of micro-faceted garnet beads of vivid Mandarin orange hue,
graduating in size from 8.0 mm at the center to 3.0 mm, completed by a cord closure.
Weighing approximately 826 carats. Length 19 1/2 in, adjustable.

$4,000 - 6,000

Unusual Spessarite Garnet
Faceted in an unusual style as an oval-cut with 10-sides and with star facets on the crown,
this is a large garnet with excellent saturation of color. The stone could also be mounted with
the pavilion facing up given the complexity of the faceting style and its attractiveness. Weighing
approximately 42.10 carats and measuring 20.92 x 18.25 x 12.57mm

$4,500 - 6,500

Heart-shaped Garnet var. Spessartite
This Mandarin garnet has the novel distinction of having been faceted in the form of a
heart-shape. The heart is shaped with a well-formed cleft. The stone is a bright, true orange,
unmodified by brown hues and it displays excellent luster. Weighing 13.17 carats and
measuring 14.74 x 12.71 x 9.57mm

75 $3,500 - 4,500





78 81

Garnet var. Tsavorite
Tsavo National Park, Kenya
Faceted as an emerald-cut, this is a classic stone with deep rich green color, good clarity and
luster. Weighing approximately 2.18 carats and measuring 6.94 x 6.70 x 5.02mm

$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

Star Almandite Garnet--”A Member of the 100 Carats Club”
Orissa, India
Rich, deep burgundy in color, this large oval cabochon almandite displays a strong, central star
at the apex of the dome. Weighing approximately 138.0 carats and measuring 28.7 x 26.0 x

$1,400 - 1,800

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 43

83 84 85

Grossular Garnet var. Tsavorite
Tsavo National Park, Kenya
Tsavorite is an intense green variety of grossular garnet; it owes its
color to the trace substitutions of vanadium in its crystal structure.
The name comes from the Tsavo National Park in Kenya. However,
these garnets are found on both sides of the Kenya/Tanzania border.
They are usually found as crystalline masses in nodules. The present
stone is large for the species at a size of over 6 carats. It has been
faceted as an attractive oval-cut stone to best display its high degree
of clarity. It is further distinguished by its vivid green hue which is
neither too light nor too dark, as well as having excellent luster.
Weighing approximately 6.34 carats and measuring 15.0 x 9.9 x

$6,000 - 8,000

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number

2171855626 dated September 26, 2016 stating that the 6.33 carats
grossular garnet variety tsavorite garnet is natural.

86 Garnet var. Spessartite
83 A high-domed cabochon which is very “gemmy”, displaying a high
Large Pyrope-Almandine Garnet degree of transparency and a brilliant, rich orange hue and unusually
A large and attractive cushion-shaped brilliant-cut transparent slightly high degree of transparency for the species of garnet. Of suitable
purplish-red stone having excellent luster and clarity. This is a large size for mounting as a ring. Weighing approximately 41.89 carats and
stone for the species of pyrope. Weighing approximately 30.94 carats measuring 17.79 x 15.73 x 13.32mm
and measuring 18.67 x 15.43 x 12.14mm
$2,500 - 3,500
$4,000 - 5,000
Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America identification Rich Red Spessartite Garnet
report number 5172678329 dated June 9, 2016 stating that the An exemplary oval-cut stone of deep red unenhanced hue, having
30.94 carats garnet is of the species Pyrope-Almandine. exceptional clarity and luster. This is a large-sized stone for the
species. Weighing approximately 41.14 carats and measuring 21.97 x
17.03 x 11.98mm

$4,000 - 6,000

Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratories report

number CS 1078569 dated October 3, 2016 stating that the 41.14
carats Spessartite Garnet is natural and that it shows no gemological
evidence of enhancements.

Cutting Edge” Spectrum Award Winner: Suite of Twelve Rhodolite
Garnets by Dalan Hargrave
East Africa
Six large pear-shaped, flat-cut rhodolite garnets: smooth polished to the faces and with incised
lines and bubble-cut to the reverse side, with six small triangular-shaped rhodolite garnets to
serve as accents. (12) Total weight approximately 140.62 carats. The largest rhodolite weighing
approximately 24.82 carats and measuring 27.48 x 25.70 x 3.16mm

$7,000 - 9,000

The suite of Rhodolites was the AGTA’s (American Gem Trade Association) “Cutting Edge”
Spectrum Award Winner in 2015 for pairs and suites at the annual competition held each

Dalan Hargrave
Dalan Hargrave began a career as a goldsmith in 1976 after taking college courses in Arts and
Metals at San Antonio Junior College. During his career he advanced from repair work to light
manufacturing, mold making, gem cutting and fabricating one-of-a-kind jewelry. His design
studio presently specializes in custom mountings and lapidary work and he has established
a number of signature gemstone styles which are exclusively his including: GemStarz,
GemHeartz, Spirographic-cuts, compound concave cuts and the 3-D Illusion series.

Hargrave only began cutting gemstones in 1998. Yet he has since received numerous
“Spectrum” and “Cutting Edge Awards” from the American Gem Trade Association--a total of
22 with 3 “Best of Show”--an outstanding achievement for one so new in the field. In 2004,
he was inducted into the National Rockhound/Lapidary Hall of Fame in the area of Metal
Craft. Recently Hargrave received “Best of Competition” in the 2006 “Gemmys” competition
sponsored by Lapidary Journal. In 2007, he received two additional “Gemmys” awards. His
work has been featured before in Bonhams’ Natural History auctions.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 45

88 89

90 91

88 90
Hemimorphite Two Gemstone Flower Studies
Wenshan Mine, Yunnan Province, China The first, depicting a plumeria bush, consisting of carved jade
A classic specimen from the locality, having a druzy bright blue carpet flowerheads and white cultured freshwater pearl buds on a 14K
of minute, scintillating crystals cover the surface of this mid-sized yellow gold bush, raised on a height 4 1/2 in; together with a
cabinet specimen. With hemimorphite crystals to a portion of the miniature “bonsai tree” study bearing white freshwater pearls, the
reverse side as well. Measuring 7 x 3 3/4 x 3 1/4 in gilded metal branch, stamped with edition number 1/100, raised on a
wooden base. Height 5 1/2 in (2)
$1,000 - 1,500
$2,000 - 3,000
Offered on a custom-fitted lucite base with locality information.
89 Carved Jadeite and Agate “Bonsai Tree”
Hemimorphite An aesthetic composition with 17 carved jadeite flower heads, on a
Democratic Republic of Congo 14K yellow gold branch, in an agate vase. Raised on a wooden base.
Hemimorphite is a zinc silicate. This vivid cerulean blue rectangular Height 4in
cabochon displays excellent translucency and a high polish to both
sides. Hemimorphite is rarely seen as a cut stone and this large $1,200 - 1,500
example is a desirable one for the collector of rarities. Weighing
approximately 55.55 carats and measuring 25.05 x 20.37 x 7.73mm

$4,500 - 5,500
92 W
Jadeite Sculpture on Wood Base
Depicting the military official Guandi with his
assistant. Carved from a single specimen
of jade having variations in color including
bright green on the banner. The top of the
spear is removable. Raised on a custom-fitted
wooden base. Height overall including base:

$2,500 - 3,500
93 94


93 94 95 W
Pair of Jade Candlestick Holders Jasper Carving of an Owl Labradorite Intarsia Tabletop
Possibly Mughal, India Kuno Stein Madagascar
Utilized as wall sconces, with drill hole to the Idar-Oberstein, Germany Unusual in form due to the marquise-
base where the carving would have been The body of the owl carved of African shaped outline, this table top is formed of
affixed to a support. Of translucent jade with spotted Jasper, the feathers realistically cross-section slices of labradorite which
some brown mottling. With acanthus leaf and textured and making use of the highly figured have been polished to a high gloss. The
scrolling decoration. Measuring 7 1/2 x 2 1/2 patterns of the natural stone. The quartz brilliant, characteristic sheen, known as
x 1 1/2 in eyes, reverse painted in the traditional Idar labradorescence is displayed. Labradorite is
manner. The feet of oxidized silver, resting the only mineral which displays this optical
$3,000 - 4,000 upon a base of petrified wood affixed to a phenomenon. Measuring 40 1/2 x 22 1/2 x
base of Australian chrysoprase. Measuring 6 1in
x 4 1/4 x 3 1/4 in
$1,500 - 2,000
$600 - 1,000

96 97
Lapis Lazuli and High-Karat Gold Necklace Lapis Lazuli Depicting Buddha
A unique choker necklace of “fringe design” comprising elongated, Of oval outline, this large palm-sized specimen of fine jewelry grade
tapering beads of fine quality lapis lazuli from Afghanistan polished on lapis lazuli from the traditional source in Afghanistan. The front of the
both sides, with 22K yellow gold bead spacers at intervals, completed carving depicts a standing Buddha with flowing robes. The top of
with a 22K yellow gold s-hook clasp, length 18in. the stone is drilled to allow the piece to be suspended as a pendant.
Weighing approxiamately 527.0 carats and measuring 2 1/2 x 1 1/2
$1,500 - 2,000 x 3/4in

$1,000 - 1,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 49

Lapis Lazuli Carving of a Horse
Carved of Afghani lapis lazuli, this majestic
carving of a galloping horse was hand carved
98 of bright blue lapis having shimmering flecks
of pyrite. Measuring 12 1/2 x 7 x 3 1/2in

$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

Lapis Lazuli Intarsia Box By
Konstantin Libman
Expertly crafted by a contemporary Russian
lapidary artist, comprising sections of fine,
jewelry grade lapis lazuli having beautiful
patterns of pyrite inclusions. The panels
are expertly matched at the edges so as to
appear seamless. The finely hand-crafted
box, with hinged lid and interior lined with
Spanish cedar wood. Measuring 4 3/4 x 3 x
1 3/4 in

$1,800 - 2,500

99 Offered in a custom-fitted wooden

presentation box.

Group of Three Hardstone Snuff
Each of ovoid form, the first carved of green
zoisite from Tanzania with black veining and
flecks of ruby, topped by a fuschite stopper,
height 3in; the second, a banded agate snuff
bottle with carnelian stopper, height 3 1/4 in;
and the third a Chilean lapis lazuli snuff bottle,
height 2 3/4 in (3)

$1,000 - 1,500


101 102

Pair of Malachite Obelisks
Democratic Republic of Congo
Designed in the Neoclassical style with a raised foot, composed
of intarsia-work sections of vivid green botryoidal malachite and
exhibiting a fascinating concentric color banding. Height 19in (2)

$1,500 - 2,500

Pair of Malachite Vases
Democratic Republic of Congo
Composed of sections of malachite of vivid green with bright
concentric banding. The everted rim of the vases having scalloped
edges and each raised on a tapering foot. Height 11 1/2 in (2)

$2,500 - 3,500

Malachite Intarsia Presentation Box
Democratic Republic of Congo
Of hexagonal outline, with brass edging, this hand-fabricated box of
malachite has been formed of sections which have been formed into
panels to create a decorative box, featuring bull’s eye patterns and
concentric banding throughout. Measuring 6 3/4 x 6 3/4 x 4 in

$1,200 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 51

Malachite Intarisa Box
Fabricated by an expert lapidary in Russia,
the present octagonal decorative box is made
of panels of malachite from the Democratic
Republic of Congo. With hinged lid having
black obsidian borders to the interior and
velvet lining. The lid of the box in particular
has been beautifully matched to best show
the botryoidal concentric growth bands.
Measuring 7 1/4 x 7 1/4 x 2 3/4 in

$2,000 - 3,000

Decorative Malachite Box
Adorned with a Portrait
19th Century
Formed of thick panels of malachite intarsia
and raised of four feet, with brass hinge and
drop-shaped pull to the front. The lid applied
104 with four oval brass ornaments with oval
cabochons of carnelian agate. Set to the
center with a watercolor portrait miniature
depicting a lady. Measuring 12 x 8 x 6 1/4in

$3,000 - 5,000

Group of Four Mineral Specimens
from World Localities
Including: a Sepiolite (Meerschaum): Eski-
Sher, Mihaliççik District, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Meerschaum, the German expression for
“sea foam”, is considered by many the finest
material for making tobacco pipes because
its porous nature provided for a cool, dry,
flavorful smoke by drawing in tar and water.
In order to establish a carving industry at
home, Turkey banned the export of raw
nodules such as this in the 1970s, making
material somewhat difficult to obtain. All that
remains outside of the country is that which
had been exported between the first use of
meerschaum during the late 18th century and
105 the 1970s and which had not been carved by
masters such as those that were in Vienna,
height 5 1/2 in; together with a Serpentinite
[Antigorite, Chrysotile (asbestos)], New
Amianthus (Kaapsche-Hoop) Mine, Barberton
District, Mpumalanga (Eastern Transvaal),
South Africa, with “shock-cone” like form
similar to those found at meteorite impact
sites and the layered structure typical of the
“Ribbon Line” horizon of the New Amanthius
mine; a Moissanite (synthetic silicon carbide),
the colorless version of which is now
employed as a synthetic simulant of diamond.
These beautiful iridescent crystals grew in a
open space that allowed their form to fully
develop; and a Heulandite-Ca/Mordenite,
Rat’s Nest claim, Challis, Bay Horse District,
Custer Co., Idaho. Heulandite and mordenite
both belong to the zeolite group of minerals.
Heights ranging from 3in to 5 3/4in (4)

$900 - 1,200
To be sold without reserve


106 107

106 107
Malachite Stalctite Mimetite
Shilu Mine, Yang Chun Country, Guangdong Province, China Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
A dramatic cabinet specimen, this tall stalactite has a scintillating In July of 1969 an isolated pocket of this rare type of mimetite was
texture and a secondary growth of velvety sprays of malachite at the discovered which displays a botryoidal habit—a form completely
front. Measuring 6 x 1 1/2 x 1in uncharacteristic for the species. Specimens of this type seen today
originate from that find, however few have as intense a yellow color
$1,500 - 2,000 as this one where the bright spherules contrast dramatically against
the brown matrix. Vivid yellow spherules of mimetite grace this classic
cabinet-sized specimen. Measuring 3 1/4 x 2 1/4 x 2 in

$1,200 - 1,500

Offered on a custom-fitted lucite stand with locality information.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 53


109 (side view)

White Nephrite Intarsia Box By Konstantin Libman
The top lid formed of two panels of white nephrite, with edges that
have been perfectly matched at the corners. With brass piano hinge
and wooden panel to the interior of the lid and box. Measuring 8 x 5
1/4 x 2 1/2in

$2,500 - 3,500

Offered in a custom-fitted wooden presentation box.


109 W Ken Williams, a Master Blacksmith based in Washington State, is

Exceptional Nephrite Jade Table on Custom Forged dedicated to balancing formal beauty with the raw power of the
Iron Stand By Ken Williams metalworking process. He states:
British Columbia is known to have the richest concentration of “I began working with iron many years ago. Today I enjoy the freedom
nephrite in the world. Originating from an immense boulder, weighing of designing traditional or contemporary, forged or fabricated projects.
approximately 26 tons, which was transported over 1200 miles to the As a metalsmith, the real joy starts when the iron in the forge turns to
lapidary’s workshop for slabbing....the sheer logistics of creating this a bright yellow-orange. It’s character totally changes and in this clay-
piece were overwhelming. like state it can be transformed into any conceivable texture, shape,
and form.”
The present table is unique and may be the largest ever offered at
public auction. A free-form cross-section slab--it is the center-cut Ken Williams creates fine architectural, sculptural and functional
of an immense boulder of nephrite. The quality is exceptional and forgings using the time honored traditions of the blacksmith and the
the thickness robust at nearly 4 inches. The length is extraordinary creativity as an artist. He has forged projects from pure iron, wrought
at nearly 11 feet--it was designed to comfortably seat 12 to 14 iron and modern steels as well as non-ferrous metals such as bronze,
individuals as a conference or dining table. Exhibiting a deep, brass, copper and aluminum for ornamental work. These forged
rich green hue and excellent polish to its face. Weight of nephrite metals take shape as furniture, lighting, fireplaces, railings or gifts for
approximately 2200 lbs. Total weight with base approximately 3000 interior or exterior locations.
lbs. Raised on a unique, artistic custom-made iron base fabricated by
Washington based artist Ken Williams. Height overall 29 5/8in (75cm);
length 10ft 7 1/2in (323cm); width 4ft 2 1/2in (128cm); depth of table
top 3 3/4in (9cm)

$30,000 - 50,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 55

110 111

Russian Obsidian, Diamond, Gold and Quartz Flower
Carved by a contemporarly Russian lapidary artist, depicting a
campanile species flower known as “the snakehead”, each flowerhead
carved of Russian brown and black obsidian, polished to a mirror
bright sheen, the flowers set with small diamonds to the center.
Naturalistically rendered stems of 18K yellow gold adorned with seven
leaves having serrated edges. Set into an optically clear rock crystal
quart vase, rimmed with gold to the base. Height 6in

$3,000 - 5,000

Black Obsidian Carving of a Crow by Paul Dreher
Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Depicting a crow, realistically rendered with natural texturing and
capturing the “oily sheen” of the feathers for which this bird is known.
With silver feet, resting upon a petrified wood base with natural bark
texturing still present on all sides. Measuring 7 x 4 1/2 x 2 3/4in

$600 - 1,000

Black Obsidian Carving of a Water Buffalo
By Georg Wild
112 Idar-Oberstein, Germany
This is a classic Idar carving in which the water buffalo is perfectly
modeled to scale and has been realistically rendered with texturing of
skin and horns. With inset reverse painted agate eyes. Length 5 in

$1,200 - 1,500

113 W
Immense Pair of Book-matched, Illuminated Slabs of Banded Onyx
Onyx, a translucent stone, is composed of crystalline silica. Often found in caves, onyx is
formed by the slow flow of cold, carbonated spring water. This unusual pair of large decorative
wall panels is painstakingly fashioned from banded calcite (travertine onyx) so that the
patterning on one, mirrors the patterning on the other in honey-colored calcite. They are softly
and glowingly lit from behind. The dramatic concentric banding would create a statement in
any interior. Measuring 76 x 24 x 4 3/4in

$6,500 - 8,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 57

Banded Onyx Bowl
The art of bowl making is not an easy one
and there are only a few locations where
such carving is properly performed, namely
Germany and Mexico. The present bowl,
is unique due to its spherical form and the
fact that along its rim it still retains its original
boulder edges. This bowl could be effectively
displayed if illuminated from either behind or
below as a light would suffuse the piece with
a warm inner glow highlighting the virgin white
body color and dramatic bands of grey, brown
and tan. Measuring 10 x 10 1/2 x 10 1/2in

$1,000 - 1,500

115 W
Large Pair of Banded Onyx
Onyx, a translucent stone, is composed of
crystalline silica. Often found in caves, onyx is
formed by the slow flow of cold, carbonated
spring water. This fine pair of large decorative
columns/pedestals has been fashioned from
banded calcite (travertine onyx). They glow
softly from the illumination within. Measuring 5
feet 9in x 12in x 12in (2)

$3,000 - 4,000

Large Banded Onyx Freeform
Onyx, a translucent stone, is composed of
crystalline silica. Often found in caves, onyx is
formed by the slow flow of cold, carbonated
spring water. Over the centuries it has been
used in a wide variety of interior applications.
This handsome presentation bowl is hand
carved from a single large rough specimen of
banded onyx. Measuring 21 x 24 x 12 1/2 in
$1,200 - 1,500


117 118

119 120

117 118 120

Double-sided Opalized Clamshell Fiery Crystal Opal Electric Green Boulder Opal
Coober Pedy, South Australia Ethiopia Pendant
Opalized fossils, like most other Australian A large oval, polished double-sided Queensland, Australia
opal, are found around the margins of an cabochon having a yellow to orangey-red Reminiscent of a Helen Frankenthaler
inland sea that covered about a third of body color predominating in bright reds abstract painting, this rectangular, plaque-
Australia 110 million years ago, during the and orange with yellow and green play- shaped specimen of boulder opal possesses
Cretaceous period. Opalized fossils from of-fire even visible across the stone. The extensive blue-green opalization across its
South Australia and from White Cliffs in reverse side of the thick cabochon also face, with a distinctive veining, revealing
NSW are of saltwater marine animals, while displays some flashes of color. Weighing some of the brown ironstone matrix beneath.
opalized fossils from Lightning Ridge are from approximately 31.06 carats and measuring Mounted in 14K yellow gold. Height 1 3/4 in
plants and animals that lived on the land, or 26.99 x 20.57 x 11.66mm
in freshwater creeks and rivers. The large $1,200 - 1,500
majority of opalized clamshells are simply $7,000 - 9,000
common opal, but the present one is bright
and gemmy. Distinguished by a full spectral 119
play-of-color, vivid orange and red, as well Black Opal with Blue-green Fire
as broad flashes of green abound on both Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia
sides of this bi-valve mollusk. The reverse A pear-shaped cabochon black opal having a
side has added interest in the form of a vivid, electric green play-of-color, with flashes
unique hole, most likely drilled by a parasite of peacock, teal and electric blue in a floral
during the life of the clam. A natural opening pattern. Weighing approximately 3.88 carats
at the edge reveals interior chamber of the and measuring 14.0 x 9.0 x 4.0mm
clam and the hinge is clearly visible. Weighing
approximately 79.5 carats and measuring $1,000 - 1,500
37.62 x 35.32 x 18.62mm

$4,000 - 6,000
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 59
Large Free-form “Heart-Shaped”
Black Opal
Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia
Ideally suited to being mounted as a pendant
or brooch, the present free-form opal is a
large stone for the region and most notably it
is has a true black body color. The face has
121 been contour polished to reveal red, orange
and green play-of-color as well as some
flashes of electric blue. Large opals of this
size are now difficult to find in today’s market.
Weighing approximately 72.48 carats and
measuring 42.83 x 30.77 x 9.64mm

$15,000 - 20,000

Black Opal with Red Fire
A bright oval cabochon opal having a true
black body color with predominantly red
play-of-fire with flashes of orange, extensive
green and also electric blue-purple. It is rare
to see true black body color in Ethiopian
opals. Weighing approximately 7.5 carats and
measuring 17.21 x 14.20 x 5.03mm

$4,500 - 5,500

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of

America report number #2173789178 dated
August 16, 2016 stating that the cabochon
black opal is natural and that it shows no
indications of color treatment.


Gem-Encrusted Kascholong Opal and Black
Nephrite Chess Set
By Konstantin Libman and Ivanna Harchenko
Silversmith: Denis Vedernikov

The board comprised of squares of Australian Black Nephrite and

African Kacholong opal and Russian Dolerite. The chess pieces
carved of Australia Black Nephrite and African white Kacholong opal,
mounted with hand-fabricated 0.925 silver, weighing approximately
1,946 grams. The pieces are accented with rubies, weighing
approximately 14.23 carats and sapphires, weighing altogether 8.48
carats as well as fresh water pearls.

Chess board measures 12 x 12 x 1 1/4in

$35,000 - 45,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 61


124 128
Suite of Nine Heart-shaped Pink Opals Fiery Crystal Opal
Andes Mountains, Peru Ethiopia
Polished cabochons of pink opal in various sizes, each having A triangular opal cabochon having excellent transparency and a
bright, well-saturated even color and translucency. Total weight vivid red play-of-color with some flashes of yellow and green rolling
approximately 104.45 carats. Largest measuring 25.05 x 22.74mm across the face of the opal. Weighing approximately 19.66 carats and
(9) measuring 25.3 x 24.86 x 7.0mm

$2,500 - 3,500 $4,500 - 6,500

125 129
Black Opal Fine Crystal Opal Cabochon
Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia Ethiopia
A large, well-proportioned oval, double cabochon black opal A large, high-domed cushion-shaped, double-cabochon crystal opal,
having blue play-of-color. Weighing approximately 21.96 carats and having a white to light yellow body color, predominating in orange
measuring 22.09 x 19.29 x 9.06mm play-of-color with some red flashes and intensive greens. Weighing
approximately 37.03 carats and measuring 26.13 x 19.64 x 14.60mm
$1,000 - 1,500
$7,000 - 9,000
Double-sided Black Opal 130
Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia Large Pink Opal Cabochon
Characterized by a bright blue green color on black, the present pear- Andes Mountains, Peru
shaped opal displays play-of-color to both sides of the cabochon. Suitable for mounting as a brooch or pendant, the present large oval
Weighing approximately 11.16 carats and measuring 26.4 x 16.96 x cabochon displays even pink color and some translucency at the
4.2mm edges. Weighing approximately 45.89 carats and measuring 36.79 x
25.03 x 8.64mm
$2,500 - 3,500
$1,200 - 1,500
Black Opal and High-Karat Bead Necklace
Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia
Comprising 22 polished nugget-shaped beads, graduating from 29.5
mm at the center to 13.8mm at the ends, with three 22K yellow gold
beads as accents. Total weight approximately 395 carats. Length 19in

$1,200 - 1,800







Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 63


131 134
Black Opal with Blue-Green Fire Cat’s Eye Opal in Matrix
Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia Brazil
An elegant, elongated oval cabochon black opal suitable either for To our knowledge no more that 80 kilos of this rare variety of cat’s
mounting horizontally in a ring or vertically as a pendant. Vivid broad eye opal have been mined in the last 30 years. This particularly rare
flash blue-green play-of-color distinguishes this fine stone. Weighing green opal is found in veins in dark brown volcanic rock and its
approximately 10.46 carats and measuring 23.0 x 9.5 x 6.5 mm color is due to its iron content. The present oval cabochon features
a seam of chatoyant orange opal in its green matrix. This is the only
$3,500 - 4,500 location in which this particular type of opal can be found. Weighing
approximately 55.55 carats and measuring 36.92 x 22.1 x 13.0mm
Opal and Diamond Pendant $1,200 - 1,500
Coober Pedy, South Australia
Set with a large and impressive pear-shaped white crystal opal, 135
weighing approximately 33.35 carats, having full spectral, “pinfire” Fiery Crystal Opal Bead Necklace
play-of-fire within the light grey body color, surmounted by a 0.53 Ethiopia
carats brilliant-cut diamond, mounted in 18K yellow gold and Designed as a double-strand bead necklace consisting of spherical
platinum. The chain completed by a lobster claw clasp. Length of beads of crystal opal graduating from 6.44 mm at the center to
chain: 16 ½ in. 3.8mm at the ends, with a total weight of approximately 110 carats,
completed by a 14K yellow gold clasp, (weighing approximately 4.1g),
$3,000 - 4,000 length 21 in.

133 $2,500 - 3,000

Fine Crystal Opal Bead Necklace
Ethiopia 136
A large and impressive single-strand crystal opal bead necklace Unusual Crystal Opal and Demantoid Garnet
comprising rondelle-form beads, graduating in size from 13.57mm at Pendant
the center to 8.19mm at the ends, having a light yellow body color Set with two flat, polished opal cabochons from the volcanic regions
and vibrant, full-spectral play-of-color, completed with an 18K yellow of Ethiopia having unusual flow patterns and light and dark areas with
gold clasp. Weighing approximately 229.13 carats, Length 21 1/2in red and green play-of-fire, each measuring 28.48 x 15.99 x 2.4mm
and 24.67 x 16.19 x 2.0mm, prong set and accented with nine
$6,000 - 8,000 circular-cut demantoid garnets, mounted in 18K yellow gold. Height

$8,000 - 10,000





Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 65

Nevada Opal Pendant
Virgin Valley, Nevada
In a remote high desert region, at an elevation of 6,000 feet, lies Virgin
Valley, an area which since 1900, has become as famous a locality for
opal as Lightning Ridge, N.S.W., Australia. For collectors, the region
is renowned for its clear jelly or crystal opal. The location was once
a large lake surrounded by forests of sequoia, spruce, hemlock and
chestnut. A series of volcanic eruptions buried the region in layers of
ash. Over the millennia, silica-rich water from the area’s hot springs
infiltrated the ash and hydrated silica molecules replaced the buried
wood forming precious opal under certain conditions. The present
pendant is set with a free-form Nevada opal, weighing approximately
8.0 carats, notable for its brown body color and vivid play-of-fire which
predominates in red and orange with flashes of green, mounted in 14K
yellow gold. Height 1 1/2 in

$1,500 - 2,000

Multi-color Fire Opal Torsade Necklace
Comprising faceted fire opal beads from Mexico, fashioned as oval
beads drilled lengthwise, measuring 7.6mm in length, graduating in
color from near-colorless at the ends to tangerine orange to deep
red at the center, with high-karat gold granulation decorated rondelle
spacers at intervals, completed with a high-karat gold s-hook clasp.
Total weight approximately 592 carats. Length 16in

$1,500 - 2,000

Two Crystal Opals
137 Ethiopia
Suitable for mounting as a pendant and an ring or together, possibly
137 cut from the same rough and having the similar yellow body color and
Large and Exceptional Red Fire Opal broadflash play of color predominating in rich reds and yellow with
Magdelena, Jalisco, Mexico flashes of green. The oval opal, weighing 3.50 carats and measuring
Opals were formed during the Cretaceous period and brought to the 18.04 x 11.07 x 4.14 mm, and the pear-shaped drop, weighing
Earth’s surface during the Pleistocene age. There are 25 or so varieties approximately 5.28 carats and measuring 19.48 x 11.77 x 6.10mm.
of opals but the most significant fire opal deposits are found in Mexico. Total weight 8.78 carats. (2)
One of the two largest sites for mining the Mexican fire opal, is located
near Magdalena, Jalisco, a small city located approximately 100 miles $1,500 - 2,000
east of Vallarta. Magdalena is in a region laden with igneous rocks,
obsidian, volcanic lava, and more that 300 opal mines. 141
Unusual Matrix Opal, Opal and High-karat Gold
Mexican fire opals consist of silicon dioxide or silica spheres arranged Necklace and Matching Ring
in an orderly pattern with iron oxide dispersed throughout giving the Honduras
fire opal its distinctive brilliant flame-like colors of yellow, orange, and Designed as a continuous single-strand necklace formed of rondel
red. The three most important attributes of the fire opal are body and barrel-form matrix opal beads, alternating with orange, green
colors, transparency, and play-of-color (differing colors when viewed honey and white opal beads from the Andes Mountains of Peru which
from various angles). Simply put, the greater the play-of-color, the accent the inherent natural colors of the matrix opal as it shows
more precious the gemstone. Because most opals are not faceted, flashes of red, green. The necklace is accented with five 22K gold
they are generally displayed in the cabochon form; however, fire opals beads from Bali, length 24 in; together with a hololith ring carved from
are often the exception. Mexican fire opal was known by the Aztecs a single piece of matrix opal, size 6 1/2. (2)
and was used by Mayans as well for ritualistic purposes and in various
mosaics. Even today many connoisseurs believe that fire opals bestow $1,000 - 1,500
courage, stamina, and energy to the wearer due to its warm, fiery
orange-red colors. 142
Boulder Opal and Multi-gem Inlaid Belt Buckle
Bright cherry-red in color, this present oval faceted opal is from the Yowah, Queensland, Australia
famed volcanic deposits of Mexico. Red opals from this region are Centering on a large boulder opal having unusual patterns of
increasingly difficult to obtain in today’s market. The present opal is an opalization in the ironstone matrix, bezel-set in silver within an intarsia
oval, modified brilliant-cut having a vivid reddish orange hue. Weighing border of tiger’s eye, Chinese turquoise, jasper and onyx, mounted in
approximately 30.47 carats and measuring 24.08 x 18.61 x 15.32 mm sterling silver, stamped with maker’s mark JR. Length 3 1/2 in

$3,500 - 4,500 $700 - 1,200

To be sold without reserve
Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number
2165185530 dated November 13, 2014 stating that the transparent
reddish orange opal is natural.







Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 67


Opal Sphere
Light to medium yellow body color, this symmetrical sphere of opal (an
undrilled bead) would be suitable for mounting in a ring or pendant.
Brilliant red and orange flashes abound with flashes of green and blue
intermingled, undrilled. Weighing approximately 11.59 carats and
measuring 13.65mm in diameter

$2,800 - 3,500

Large, Very Fine Crystal Opal
This stunning opal has been fashioned as a pear-shape drop, with a
white to pink body color and vivid scatter-effect play-of-color in full
spectral array. An excellent stone for mounting as a pendant. Weighing
approximately 47.84 carats and measuring 40.70 x 20.20 x 12.42mm

$3,000 - 4,000

Crystal Opal Specimen
Suitable either to be retained as a study specimen or for use as
cutting material, the present offering is an example of white crystal
opal in its original rough state--an excellent illustration of this volcanic
source of opals. Having electric neon play-of-color with red, green,
144 orange and some electric purple hues, with the natural “rind” of the
specimen still visible. Weighing apprxoimately 144 carats (28.8 grams)
and measuring 1 3/4 x 1 1/8 x 1/2in

$2,000 - 3,000




146 148 threads and exhibit some wave-like patterns

Exceptional Orange Jelly Opal Very Fine Jelly Opal--”Aurora as well.
Magdalena, Mexico Borealis”
An oval cabochon having a high dome Wello, Delanta Plateau, Tigray, Ethiopia This oval cabochon exhibits the most
showing vibrant play-of-color predominating This is an excellent precious opal from the desirable qualities of this new find: fashioned
in red, orange and green hues, within a leading local mine found in Wello province, as an oval double cabochon, displaying both
tangerine orange body color. Weighing Delanta region, around 2700 ft above sea a high degree of transparency as well as
approximately 7.35 carats and measuring level and 570 km northwest of the capital full spectral play-of-color with rolling flashes
12.30 x 11.54 x 9.27mm city Addis Ababa. Discovered in 2008, opal of red, orange, yellow to green and electric
from Wello, Ethiopia has recently come to blue reminiscent of the optical effects of the
$3,500 - 4,500 the international market. Mined only by the Northern Lights. Weighing approximately
local farmers who are currently banding 23.74 carats and measuring 26.98 x 19.85
147 together to form small mining cooperatives, x 8.59mm
Exceptional Orange Jelly Opal the Ethiopian Ministry of Mining and Energy is
Magdalena, Mexico making efforts to train them on mining safety, $3,000 - 4,000
A near-circular cabochon jelly opal (known as polishing, and market conditions.
a “roval” in the opal trade) having exceptional 149
fire and play of color in its highly transparent Mineralogically speaking Wello opal is very Pair of Exceptional Jelly Opals
body color of deep, rich orange. With different from Australian opal. In composition Jalisco, Mexico
excellent polish and a well-formed dome. it may be most similar to Indonesian opal. This beautifully matched pair of jelly opals
Weighing approximately 4.20 carats and Australian white opal, which some may has exceptional transparency to the near-
measuring 11.41 x 10.20 x 6.59mm superficially think has a similar appearance, colorless body and a range of full spectral
is actually formed of silicon spheres stacked hues visible, weighing 3.40 and 3.85 carats.
$4,000 - 6,000 one on top of the other, creating a diffraction the play-of-color is vibrant and extremely
grating that disperses light entering the present and is unmasked by any haze. Total
opal. The Wello material, on the other hand, weight approxiamately 7.25 carats and
has no spheres, but instead possesses a measuring 11.20 x 9.37 x 5.72mm and 11.67
totally different structure altogether. The x 9.48 x 6.32mm
color display patterns range from rolling
holographic orbs and dots to sheet, to $7,000 - 9,000
flagstone to broadflash, to rolling ribbons and

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 69

150 152

Exceptional, Large Peridot
Peridot is sometimes mistaken for emeralds and other green
gems--and, in view of the present stone--this mis-observation can
be understandable. Tiffany & Co. director and gemologist, George
Frederick Kunz, discussed the confusion between emeralds and
peridots in many church treasures. Peridot olivine is the birthstone for
the month of August. The present offering is of a fine peridot of large
size for the species, faceted as a triangular-cut. The checkerboard
faceted top and pavilion provide an extra measure of scintillation to
the already beautiful material. With its fine clarity and luster this is an
excellent choice for the collector. Weighing approximately 50.74 carats
and measuring 27.20 x 22.67 x 14.51mm

$14,000 - 18,000

Very Fine Peridot
A classic, cushion-cut peridot which exhibits the correct shade of
green and excellent transparency and luster. Weighing approximately
26.79 carats and measuring 17.92 x 16.12 x 13.64mm

$4,500 - 5,500

A cushion-shaped stone with pleasing proportions having good luster.
Weighing approximately 12.37 carats and measuring 13.64 x 11.97 x
$1,200 - 1,500





153 155
Pair of Peridots Group of Twelve Peridots
Burma Pakistan
This stunning pair of peridots have been faceted as circular-cuts, a Comprising a variety of emerald-cuts and ovals, the largest weighing
classic style of faceting for this mineral. Both stones display some of approximately 3.60 carats. Total weight 25.81 carats (lot)
the internal schiller effect which is a diagnostic aid for identifying the
locality of Burma from which the peridots originate. Bright green in $1,000 - 1,500
color without modifying yellows, this is a fine pair for the knowledgable To be sold without reserve
collector. Total weight approximately 40.45 carats and measuring 18.4
x 9.9mm and 18.2 x 9.9mm 156
Star Peridot
$7,000 - 9,000 Burma
From an old mining locality, now virtually unavailable, comes this highly
154 unusual and attractive, high-domed, double cabochon possessing a
Unusual Peridot and Lava Bead Necklace desirable hue of rich green. Most importantly, it is notable for exhibiting
Consisting of hand-woven beads in two sizes which comprise small the rare phenomenon of well-centered four-rayed star. Asterism is a
natural, micro-faceted Pakistani peridot beads woven into spherical virtually unheard of phenomenon in peridots. Weighing approximately
beads, alternating with 15.0 mm spherical beads carved of black lava 25.25 carats and measuring 16.5 x 12.0 x 12.5mm
from the Canary Islands. Conmpleted by a silver clasp. Length 16in
$8,000 - 10,000
$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 71

157 158


157 158
Petalite Prehnite
Mogok, Burma Prospect Park Quarry, Passaic County, New Jersey
A rare mineral, petalite generally occurs in pastel yellow although it A fine cabinet specimen consisting of a cluster of well-formed
is sometimes seen ranging from pink to colorless. It was discovered celadon green stalactites with micro-crystalline surfaces producing a
on the Swedish island of Ut Arfvedson by the Brazilian scientist, Jos scintillating effect. Measuring 5 x 4 x 2 3/4in
Bonifacio de Andrada de Silva, while he was visiting Sweden towards
the end of the 18th Century. The name “petalite” is derived from the $1,200 - 1,500
Greek Petalon meaning ‘leaf’ and ‘lithos’ meaning stone referring to
its leaf-like cleavage. The major sources for nice, transparent and Offered on a custom-fitted lucite display stand.
facetable stones are Brazil, Namibia and Burma, with the present
example coming from the classic Mogok, Burma source. It owes its 159
desirability to rarity, and definitely deserves a place in collections, Carnelian Agate Bowl
especially in larger sizes such as the present stone. Any specimen that Carved of Brazilian agate and designed in the classic Chinese taste
weighs above 2.0 carats is considered rather large. Whether used as with a raised foot and excellent thinness to the sides allowing for
a collection stone or mounted as jewelry (the hardness is 6-6.5), it is translucency in order to reveal the patterns of concentric banding.
sure to be a great conversation starter. The present stone has been Height 2 3/4in, diameter 6in
faceted as a mixed, cushion-shape to best reveal its high degree of
transparency and luster. Weighing approximately 13.64 carats and $1,000 - 1,500
measuring 15.97 x 13.62 x 11.26 mm

$1,200 - 1,500

Accompanied by a Gem Identification report from Asia Glory

Gemmological Laboratory of Myanmar report number 012159 dated
November 22, 2013 stating that the petalite originates from Mogok,
Maynmar and that it shows no indications of treatment.

160 W
Exceptional Pair of Petrified Wood Book-matched
Chinle Formation, Arizona
Suitable for use as a pair of end tables, this is an exceptionally
beautiful pair of consecutive polished slabs of petrified wood. Rare
due to their excellent shape which is oval to round, they were sourced
from the same log and then polished to a high, mirror-bright surface.
The classic, rich red hues are dramatically accented with black.
These slabs are now considered to be a sought after “collectible”
in the Natural History hobby. With full bark texture all around. Each
measuring 29 1/4 x 27 1/2 x 1 1/2in; 30 1/2 x 27 x 1 1/2in

$6,500 - 8,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 73


161 W
Petrified Wood Longitudinal Cross-section
Suitable for use as a bench, having rich hues of tan beige, ecru and
red. The reverse still of rounded form of the original tree with full bark
texture. Measuring 37 1/4 x 12 x 1in

$1,500 - 2,000

Petrified Wood Sphere
162 Madagascar
The center cut of a large specimen of agatized wood, the present
sphere is well polished to reveal the rich tones of red, brown and
beige. Diameter 8in

$1,500 - 2,000

Petrified Wood Sphere
Warm browns intermingled with red and beige are seen in this well
polished sphere. Diameter 5 1/2in

$1,200 - 1,500

164 W
Petrified Wood Intarsia Tabletop
Unusual for its circular form and having a unique design, with cross-
section slices of petrified wood selected for the strength of the rich red
hues placed in an attractive concentric design. Measuring 28 x 1 1/2in
$2,500 - 3,500


Petrified Wood from an Unusual Locality
100 million years old
When trees fall or are covered by sediment, over time, the organic
materials of the wood are replaced with mineral deposits over
thousands (if not millions) of years. Most frequently a silicate, such as
quartz, is the primary replacement mineral which makes the petrified
wood colorful and durable. When these pieces are found and dug up
from deep pits, workers spend hundreds of hours hand-polishing each
piece (but they do not carve the shape) of these to show the natural
coloring and shape of these unique treasures. The present piece is
particularly unusual in that the wood had already begun rotting before
the woods silicified, leaving behind twisted and interesting pieces of
multi-colored petrified wood. Unlike other petrified woods we have
seen, it obtained its elegant curvature and style because the wood
rotted in the ancient swamp for a period of time. The shapes on this
piece are all natural, and the luster was brought out with only a slight
polish. This wood is more translucent (silica-rich) than most petrified
wood, in addition to having the surreal forms and swirls. Its placement
on a custom-fitted wooden stand lends it the presence of an elegant
contemplation stone in the traditional Chinese manner. Specimen
measures: 16 x 5 x 4in
$1,000 - 1,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 75


Large Polished Agate Slab
This is a large, cross-section slab--possibly a center-cut of a large
boulder of agate. Such large specimens are now increasing difficult
to find in today’s market. The borders exhibit bands of dark brownish
black agate, with touches of rare reds, while the center is near-
colorless quartz. Three large cavities are filled with quartz points seen
transected in cross-section. This showy specimen is ideally suited
for display in front of a window or with a light behind to best view the
crystals to the interior. Measuring 21 x 19 x 1/2in

$1,500 - 2,000

Agate Carving of a Goose By Gerd Dreher
Idar-Oberstein, Germany
The water fowl carved from a single specimen of Brazilian banded
167 agate, with excellent translucency at the neck. The eyes are formed of
small cabochon sapphires, rimmed in yellow gold. The highly detailed
feet form of 18K yellow gold and signed with monogram GD, the body
signed with monogram GD for Gerd Dreher, height 4 1/4 in

$1,500 - 2,000

Carnelian Agate Carving of a Dragon on Wood Base
Carved of Brazilian agate, the present carving depicts the classic
image of a Dragon and the Flaming Pearl. As with all such carvings ,
the artist has utilized natural variations in the original agate specimen
to highlight certain areas in the design. Raised on a carved, custom-
fitted wooden base. Measuring 6 3/4 x 5 3/4 x 3 1/2in

$1,000 - 1,500



169 W
Petrified Wood Slab
The petrification process begins deep underground. Under enormous
pressure, the organic material is replaced with a quartz silicate over
millions of years, whilst retaining the original cell structure of the wood.
This specimen shows warm reds, ochres and varying shades of sepia
which would suit many interiors. With complete bark texturing on all
sides. Slabbed with greater thickness that one sees in most petrified
wood, this one measures 2.5 cm thick. Weighing 23.3 kg. Measuring
28 x 24 x 1 1/2 in

$2,000 - 3,000

Two Large Agate Slices with “Iris Agate” Chatoyancy
Brazil 170
Two cross-section slices cut from the same geode, having areas of
quartz and other areas of banded agate, including a central area
which displays the phenomenon of chatoyancy or cat’s eye effect
and also the feature known in the mineral hobby as “iris agate”. When
transmitted light strikes the agate from behind, it encounters the
edges of the tiny bands. These bands disrupt the flow of light, and
the rays of light take many separate paths through the thin bands of
the agate. The bands act as a natural diffraction grating that diffracts
the light and produces a display of spectral colors. Slices must be
cut thin enough for this spectral phenonmenon to be seen. Overall
these are particularly large slices for this species. Each slab measuring
approximately 15 x 12 in

$700 - 1,000

Each offered on a custom-fitted wooden stand.

Agate Carving of an Eagle and Bear
Carved from a single specimen of fine quality Brazilian grey to black
agate, the black portions of the agate utilized to depict the black eagle
looking at a black bear amidst rockery, with bas relief decoration of a
carved branch. Measuring 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 x 4 in ( 24 x 19 x 11cm)
$1,200 - 1,500

Offered on a custom-fitted carved wooden base.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 77




Agate Collection Consisting of 134 Specimens
This large collection, formed over several decades by an agate
connoisseur, comprises slices and end pieces (caps) of geodes. The
patterns seen show excellent examples of concentric banding and
layering of sediments in hues of vermillion red, carnelian, grey, white
and black. This is an excellent teaching collection or one which can
simply be enjoyed by an amateur or more serious collector for its
aesthetics. Diameters range from approximately 2 inches to 6 inches.
(134 pieces)

$3,000 - 5,000

Two Amethyst Carvings of Owls
Each carved from a large amethyst crystal depicting a different
pose. The first, an owl emerging from the rough crystal; together
with a second carving depicting an owl sitting on a branch, weighing
approximately 8591 carats. Both with bright purple color and good
transparency. Measuring 6 1/2in x 5 x 4 1/4in and 7 x 6 x 5in 175

$2,000 - 3,000
175 W
174 Large Amethyst “Cathedral”
Amethyst Sphere with Geode Center Brazil
Brazil A mineral classic, this half amethyst geode has an aesthetically
Superb violet colored crystals line the interior of the vug formation arched shape which has become known in the mineral hobby as a
at the center of this decorative sphere. Some individual amethyst “cathedral”. The cavity is fully lined with large crystals, within agatized
crystals measure up to 1 1/4in along the edge. Diameter 8in borders. Measuring 32 x 14 x 12in

$1,500 - 2,000 $1,000 - 1,500

To be sold without reserve

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 79


176 179
Grape Purple Amethyst Two Citrines
Uruguay Brazil
Faceted as a circular-cut brilliant, the present amethyst displays a Both faceted as oval-cuts, the larger one of golden yellow hue,
vivid grape purple hue which is characteristic for amethysts from this weighing approximately 88 carats and measuring 33.25 x 26.61
locality. Both the luster and transparency are excellent. Weighing x 18.72mm; together with a smaller oval-cut citrine of slightly
approximately 52.40 carats and measuring 24.23 x 17.14 mm more lemon yellow hue, weighing approximately 13.78 carats and
measuring 16.69 x 14.53 x 9.75mm. (2)
$1,000 - 1,500
$700 - 1,000
177 To be sold without reserve
Group of Faceted Amethysts
Brazil 180
Comprising emerald-cut, oval and pear-shaped amethysts of rich Large Group of Amethyst Cabochons
violet color, the largest weighing approximately 6.2 carats. Total weight Brazil
approximately 600.0 carats. (lot) Comprising oval and circular cabochons of rich violet hue, the largest
weighing approximately 17.6 carats. Total weight approximately 710
$900 - 1,200 carats. (lot)

178 $1,000 - 1,500

Amethyst Bead Necklace
A single strand necklace comprising large, faceted rondelle-form
beads of rich violet-hued amethyst, graduating in size from 17.49 mm
to 12.40mm, length 17 1/2 in.

$1,200 - 1,500






181 W 182
Amethyst Geode Split with Calcite Pair of Rock Crystal and Amethyst Lamp Bases
Brazil Designed by William Sessoyeff
A complete geode split into two halves, which is lined with bright This highly decorative pair of lamp bases, were hand-fabricated
purple amethyst crystals of even color and which features a rare from innumerable quartz and amethyst crystal points placed over a
associate of a very large calcite crystal. While amethyst geodes are concealed base. Each raised on hand carved, gilded wooden base.
frequently seen, those which have secondary minerals associated Measuring 33 1/2 x 10 3/4 x 10 3/4in (2)
are not very frequently seen in the market. With agatized borders.
Measuring 17 x 11 x 2 3/4 (43 x 27 x 6cm); length of calcite 7in $3,000 - 4,000
Offered with a pair of custom hand-fabricated silk shades.
$4,000 - 5,000
William Sessoyeff has been designing custom lamps and shades
for the Los Angeles interior design trade for over thirty years. These
amethyst lamps were designed and created by Mr. Sessoyeff in 1992.

183 184

Quartz var. Amethyst
Amatitlan, Guerro, Mexico
A cluster of several large amethyst crystals, all having exemplary form,
with well-defined terminations, lustrous faces and vibrant violet color.
Such large matrix specimens are now difficult to find in today’s market.
Measuring 7 x 6 1/4 x 5 1/2in

$5,000 - 7,000

Quartz var. Amethyst
Brandenburg, Namibia
A classic, well-formed single crystal, with excellent termination and
hexagonal outline. The color graduates from slightly smoky at the top
to vivid violet purple at the center. The crystal faces have a vitreous
luster. Measuring 4 3/4 x 1 1/4 x 1 in

$1,800 - 2,500
185 W
Long Amethyst Geode--”The Tunnel”
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Geodes such as this large display specimen are formed in volcanic
vugs (lava hardened around gas bubbles), which arose early in
Earth’s history. Over time, mineral-laden water seeping into the voids
promoted the growth of the crystals which line the interior. A small,
natural perforation at the far end of the specimen recalls the saying
“to see the light at the end of the tunnel”. Measuring 23 1/4 x 18 1/2
x 15in

$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

185 (detail)

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 83


186 W
Spectacular, Amethyst Geode Split on Stand
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Small amethyst geodes are frequently seen in the commercial mineral market, but rarity can be seen in this species as
well as is evidenced by this spectacular split geode of prodigious proportions.

First identified in the 1600s, the term geode comes from French géode, which in turn, was derived from Latin and
Greek word for “earth”. Geodes form when mineral-rich waters enter a cavity in a rock which then undergoes a sudden
change in pressure or temperature, causing crystals to form from the solution which line the cavity’s walls. The present
geode has been split into two in order to reveal the inward pointing violet purple crystals of amethyst lining the interior.
Amethyst geodes are created over the millennia through the formation of gas cavities in lava tubes. The cavities then
fill up with a liquid that contains small amounts of iron. Over time, this liquid forms crystals of amethyst. Crystals with a
color that range from light lilac to deep purple are formed when there is a trace of iron in the liquid, resulting in amethyst
geodes. The interior of this immense geode is entirely lined with very large, lustrous violet amethyst points measuring
up to 3 inches(7cm) in height. Overall dimensions of each half geode with stand: 50 1/2 x 32 1/2in x 13 1/2in.
Dimensions of half geode: 36 3/4 x 31 3/4 x 9in. Weighing 127 kg

$12,000 - 15,000

187 188

187 W 188
Large Citrine Geode Split Ametrine Carving of a Falcon on Stand by Luis
Brazil Alberto Quispe Aparicio
This fine pair of citrine “cathedrals”, as they are known in the mineral The falcon, carved of Bolivian ametrine, with patches of both golden
hobby, are a split of a single tube. The interior cavity is lined with yellow and violet throughout, weighing approximately 1300 carats
large, lustrous crytals of golden yellow hue. Measuring 28 1/2 x 10 (261 grams), with orange cabochon spessartite garnet eyes and gold
1/2 x 7 1/2in vermeil feet. The bird’s perch carved from highly transparent rock
crystal quartz, with an adornment of amethyst at the top, and gold
$1,800 - 2,500 vermeil borders amd a black obsidian stepped base. Height 11in

$5,000 - 7,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 85

189 190

191 192

189 192
Large Group of Faceted Amethysts Group of Six Quartz Cabochons with Six-Rayed
Brazil Rutiles Centering on Hematite--”Starburst Quartz”
Comprising oval, marquise, triangular, circular, emerald-cut faceted Ibitiara, Bahia, Brazil
amethysts, the largest weighing approximately 8.85 carats. Total From a small mineral find in early 2004, these cabochons represent
weight approximately 550.0 carats. (lot) a fascinating mineral association—-interpenetrating hematite and
rutiles within quartz. The bright metallic luster of the hematite creates
$1,000 - 1,500 a visually arresting contrast against the golden rutile needles and
the transparency of the quartz. Also known in the mineral hobby
190 as “starburst quartz”, each has an excellent, 6-rayed star centering
Large Group of Carved Amethyst Cabochons on hematite, including three smaller cabochons: oval, weighing
Brazil approximately 17.5 carats, pear-shaped, weighing approximately
Comprising oval and circular cabochons of rich violet hue, with 14.5 carats, and circular cabochon, weighing approximately 24.0
incised decoration in the classic Indian style, the largest weighing carats; and three larger cabochons, including a free-form, weighing
approximately 24.6 carats. Weighing approximately 790 carats. (lot) approximately 73.5 carats, circular, weighing approximately 96.5
carats; and pear-shape, weighing approximately 68.0 carats. Total
$1,000 - 1,500 weight approximately 294.0 carats. (6)

191 $1,500 - 2,000

Large Group of Cabochon Amethysts
Comprising circular and oval cabochons, the largest weighing
approximately 19.9 carats. Total weight approximately 800 carats. (lot)

$1,000 - 1,500
193 W
Unique Rock Crystal Quartz and Bronze Chandelier by Luis Alberto
Quispe Aparicio
Entitled “Image of Life Itself”, this unique contemporary light fixture was inspired by the
designer’s fascination with rock crystal. He states,

“the notion of light entering a crystal and being refracted at different angles served to remind
me of a city full of translucent, naturally balanced skyscrapers. Some zones of rock crystal
are so immaculate and completely transparent that the eye sees straight through them and
seemingly on toward infinity. Others are “occupied”, enclosing frost or fine filaments of mist
whose undulations catch the eye. When I look at rock crystal, I tell myself that it is the very
image of life itself, radiant with light in spite of some stormy passages. Rock crystal is colorless
quartz with astonishing inclusions running through it and since the physical aspect of these
inclusions is totally random, it goes without saying that no two crystals will ever be identical,
even if they are sculpted in the same fashion. Each of them leads its own life and will reflect
light in a different way just as every person is different and unique.”

This unique “light sculpture” is composed of 57 rock crystal quartz points originating from
Peru, Brazil and Madagascar on a bronze structure. Includes a voltage transformer which
allows lamp to be used in 110V and 220V. Height approximately 62 inches (1.6 meters)

$10,000 - 12,000
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 87

195 196

194 195 196

Rock Crystal Quartz Carving of Tourmalinated Rock Crystal Herkimer “Diamond” Cluster
a Horse by Luis Alberto Quispe Quartz Sphere Herkimer, Middle Hill, New York
Aparicio Brazil “Herkimer diamonds” are beautifully doubly-
Depicting a race horse in full gallop, the Although quartz is frequently seen with a terminated quartz crystals already “faceted”
near-flawless, optically clear rock crystal variety of associated minerals or inclusions, by nature—they are so called because of
quartz having an extremely high degree of it is not as frequently seen with tourmaline their near “adamantine” luster. The bedrock
transparency beneath the matte finish. The inclusions. The present specimen is a in which the crystals are found began forming
mane, tail and legs all adorned with gold large decorative, polished rock crystal approximately half a billion years ago in a
vermeil. Raised on a Russian black obsidian quartz sphere of moderate transparency, shallow Cambrian sea found just south of the
polished base, bordered in gold vermeil. with elongated back tourmaline crystals ancient Adirondack Mountains. The present
Measuring 16 x 10 1/2 x 7 1/2in throughout. Diameter 6in cabinet-sized specimen is a long string of at
least 12 or more conjoined crystals with very
$20,000 - 30,000 $2,000 - 3,000 good luster. Measuring 5 1/2 x 3 x 2 in

$2,000 - 3,000



197 198
Rock Crystal Cockatoo Couple on Emerald Base By Rock Crystal Quartz Carving of a Wolf on Black
Peter Mueller Tourmaline By Peter Mueller
Brazil Brazil
The birds, carved of high-quality rock crystal quartz with good Realistically carved to depict a howling wolf, rendered of highly
transparency, with inset multi-color tourmaline beaks, cabochon transparent rock crystal quartz standing atop a a large specimen
rubellite eyes and amethyst comb. The gold vermeil feet perched of black tourmaline (schorl) having a large cluster of associated
upon an emerald in black schist matrix base from Bahia, Brazil having clevelandite crystals. Measuring 8 x 7 x 5 in
crystals which measure up to 3 1/2 inches in length. Raised on a
polished rock crystal quartz plinth base. Measuring 15 x 8 x 5 1/4in $3,000 - 4,000

$7,000 - 9,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 89




199 W 200
Very Large and Rare Star Rose Quartz Sphere Large Star Rose Quartz--”A Member of the 100
Madagascar Carats Club”
The phenomenon of asterism rarely appears in rose quartz. This A cabinet display specimen, this large oval cabochon with well-
particular sphere possesses a deep rose color, great translucency polished dome and matte finish to the underside displays a six-
and a very fine example of a six-rayed star effect. While asterism rayed star at its apex, has a delicate pastel pink hue and excellent
can occasionally be seen in cabochons measuring a few millimeters translucency. Weighing approximately 512.5 carats and measuring
across, the present sphere is the largest we have seen available in the 57.0 x 37.0 x 32.0mm mm
market. Diameter 9in
$1,000 - 1,500
$3,000 - 5,000
Large Rose Quartz
Faceted as a large oval mixed-cut, this is a highly translucent example
of rose quartz with excellent luster which would be suitable for use
as a cabinet specimen. Weighing approximately 264.05 carats and
measuring 53.0 x 41.0 x 21.12mm

$800 - 1,200



202 W 203
Rose Quartz Cockatoo on Rutilated Quartz Base By Rose Quartz Rough and Cut
Peter Mueller Brazil
Brazil Comprising a small cabinet specimen of crystalled rose quartz, nearly
Realistically carved with texturing to the feathers, the large bird formed a floater with little point of attachment, height 1 3/4 in; together with
from translucent hot pink rose quartz, with inset cabochon rubellite a pear-shaped, checkerboard faceted rose quartz of baby pink hue,
tourmaline eyes and carved beak, gold vermeil feet, resting upon a weighing approximately 14.63 carats and measuring 19.0 x 12.5 x
rutilated smoky quartz base, atop a black lucite slab. Height 17in 10.0mm (2)

$12,000 - 15,000 $1,000 - 1,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 91



Rhodochrosite Carving of Two Hummingbirds by
Peter Mueller
Each hummingbird carved from fine translucent rhodochrosite of
strawberry red hue, with inset carnelian agate beaks and cabochon
rubellite tourmaline eyes, with gold vermeil feet perched on a base of
green tourmaline in matrix from Brazil, raised on a square polished
rock crystal quartz base. Height 7 in

$1,800 - 2,200

This is an exceptionally large specimen of rhodochrosite having one
polished section and the remainder still retaining the natural boulder
surfaces. Measuring 14 x 10 x 9in

$1,500 - 2,000
To be sold without reserve

Ruby Carving of a Hummingbrid on Pink Opal Flower
By Luis Alberto Quispe Aparicio
A hummingbird, carved entirely of ruby from Tanzania, with cabochon
ruby eye, gold vermeil beak and fee, removable from the composition
as his beak can be inserted and removed from one of the rose
buds. The eleven rose buds are carved of baby pink Peruvian opal,
on a textured gold vermeil stem. The base is a polished slab of fine
labradorite with intense sheen. Measuring 8 x 5 1/2 x 4 1/2in

206 $1,800 - 2,500

Ruby and Obsidian Carving By Luis Alberto Quispe
A substantial and impressive sculpture depicting the “Buddha of
Wealth” who is believed to bring prosperity to a home or business.
He is also known as the “Laughing Buddha” who was a Buddhist Zen
monk who lived in China over a thousand years ago and was known
as Quieci. Unlike other monks, he was a jolly fellow who laughed
whole heartily and reminded everyone to enjoy life and stay happy.
Seen here in a seated position, his torso is carved of rich red ruby
from Tanzania, and draped in robes of gold vermeil. He rests upon
a circular base carved of black obsidian with a coin motif decorated
border. Meauring 13 x 10 1/4 x 8 3/4in (33 x 26 x 22 cm)

$10,000 - 15,000
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 93
Faceted Ruby Bead Necklace
Designed to be worn as a bib necklace, comprising 8 stands of ruby
beads from East Africa, graduating in size from 5.5mm to 10.3mm
at the center, each designed as an oval-cut and drilled to one side.
Completed with a cord closure, adjustable. Total weight approximately
400 carats, length of shortest strand 17 in.

$2,500 - 3,500

Suite of Five Unusual Ruby Cabochons
Mogok, Burma
Suitable for mounting as a pair of earrings and pendant: comprising
2 heart-shaped cabochons, 2 pear-shaped cabochons and 1 larger
pear-shaped cabochon. The ruby showing the beautiful hexagonal
outline of the crystal growth structure in the white corundum matrix.
Total weight approximately 49.61 carats, height of larger pear-shape

$1,500 - 2,000

Sugarloaf Cabochon Ruby
Battakundi, Pakistan
This sizeable, attractive sugarloaf cabochon natural ruby displays an
attractive, unenhanced purplish-red color. Weighing approximately
5.47 carats and measuring 12.01 x 8.52 x 5.14mm

$2,000 - 3,000
208 To be sold without reserve
208 Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number
Ruby 6225760953 dated May 27, 2016 stating that the 5.47 carats oval
Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan sugarloaf double cabochon ruby is natural and shows no indications
This oval, brilliant-cut natural red ruby displays good clarity for the of heating.
species. The high degree of luster shows off the stone to its best
advantage. Weighing approximately 2.23 carats and measuring 8.97 214
x 7.00 x 4.41mm Ruby Cabochon
East Africa
$1,500 - 2,000 Large for the species, the present oval cabochon is notable not
only for its size but also its translucency and rich purplish red color.
Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number Weighing approximately 25.60 carats and measuring 19.32 x 4.34 x
1177798411 dated July 24, 2014 stating that the 2.23 carats oval 9.35mm
ruby originates from Tajikistan and that it show no indications of
heating. $6,000 - 8,000
209 Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number
Pair of Star Rubies 214115614 dated December 6, 2011 stating that the 25.60 carats
India ruby cabochon is natural and that it shows no indications of heating.
Deep purplish red in color, both of these oval cabochon rubies have a
strong, central asterism and are well matched for color. Total weight 215
approximately 71.1 carats and measuring 20.5 x 16.9 x 8.9 and Ruby
20.43 x 16.50 x 9.65mm Burma
A large oval-cut ruby with excellent face up proportions, giving the
$1,000 - 1,500 appearance of a larger stone. The rich red color is characteristic
of rubies from this old, sought-after mining locality. Weighing
210 approximately 6.58 carats and measuring 15.30 x 10.27 x 4.12mm
Double-sided Multi-Star Ruby
Madagascar $6,000 - 8,000
Of large size for the species, this oval cabochon ruby has a high
dome, rich purplish red color and a smooth polish to the dome as well Accompanied by a GRS (Gem research Swisslab) report numbered
as the reverse (underside) allowing it to be mounted as a double- GRS2009-121392 dated December 12, 2009 stating that the
sided pendant. The asterism is visible on the face as well as the 6.58 carats ruby is natural and that it shows no indications of heat
reverse side, which is a very novel feature, not typically seen in most treatment and that it originates from Burma.
stones. Weighing approximately 48.82 carats and measuring 21.73 x
18.88 x 10.10mm

$1,500 - 2,000







Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 95

216 217

216 217
Star Ruby Ruby Crystal
Burma John Saul Mine, Longido, Tanzania
An attractive oval cabochon red ruby which displays excellent asterism The first gemstone deposits found in East Africa were in Longido,
in the form of a six-rayed star which is strong and central. Weighing Tanzania. Their production was generally small or of poor quality
approximately 3.06 carats and measuring 9.93 x 7.71 x 3.99mm gems. However, a fantastic mid-1970s discovery of chromium-rich
rock yielded not only some wonderful green tourmalines but some
$3,500 - 4,500 wonderful rubies, also colored by chromium, which required no
enhancement. The color of these stones was splendid and their
quality put East Africa on the map of gem-producing countries—right
up there with Burma and Sri Lanka. Indeed some of the rubies from
the mine were of such a fine distinctive shade of ruby-red which would
later become a standard of quality. To cutters around the world the
expression “johnsaul” simply grew to mean “very fine red” when it
came to describing rubies. It is said that Van Cleef and Arpels bought
a very large portion of the production of this mine at the time.

The present offering is a large, well-formed hexagonal ruby crystal

which is doubly-terminated. This is a fine textbook example of a
classic ruby crystal for the knowledgeable collector. Measuring 1 3/8
x 7/8 x 6/8 in

$2,500 - 3,500


Very Fine Ruby
A classic oval-cut stone of well-saturated color, exhibiting the most
desirable shade of red as well as excellent transparency and luster.
Weighing approximately 1.98 carats and measuring 7.9 x 7.04 x
3.78mm mm

$18,000 - 20,000

Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratories report

numbered CS 1077591 dated Auguest 25, 2016 stating that the
1.98 carats ruby is Classic Burma (Myanmar) and that it shows no
gemological evidence of heat treatment.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 97


220 221

219 220 221

Ruby-in Zoisite and Obsidian Gemstone Carving of a Large Purplish Pink Sapphire
Carving of a Cactus and Coyote Woodpecker By Eberhardt Bank Sri Lanka
By Eberhard Bank Idar-Oberstein, Germany A large sapphire of over six carats, having
Idar-Oberstein, Germany The realistically depicted woodpecker carved an attractive, unenhanced purplish-pink hue.
Evoking the landscapes of the desert South from green zoisite with flecks of ruby, the The excellent luster brings brightness to the
West is this carving of a howling coyote and head carved of red jasper and the long beak stone which has been faceted in a traditional
Saguaro cactus. The coyote’s brown fur is of brown agate. The silver feet rest upon a cushion-cut. Weighing approximately 6.06
rendered in natural brown obsidian while the petrified wood branch, with two chalcedony carats measuring 11.62 x 8.82 x 6.38 mm
Saguaro cactus is imaginatively formed from formations serving to imitate “fungus” or
a single intact piece of ruby-in-zoisite. The mushrooms, on a base made of Australian $6,000 - 8,000
artist has positioned the rough in such a way chrysoprase. Measuring 6 1/4 x 5 1/2 x 3
that the ruby portion of the mineral forms the 1/2 in Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of
cactus flower blossoms. The stamens of the America report no. 1166301779 dated July 7,
flowers are decorated with 18K gold accents. $2,000 - 3,000 2015 stating that the sapphire is natural and
The coyote walks across a base of dolomite without heat treatment.
above a polished black marble slab base, with
monogram gold mark EB for Eberhard Bank.
Length 16in

$5,000 - 7,000
Actual Size


Classic Blue Sapphire
Sri Lanka
This desirable, large sapphire that displays a bright, lively and classic
cornflower blue color for which stones from this locality are coveted.
Of large size for the species at over 15 carats. Weighing approximately
15.20 carats and measuring 15.95 x 12.28 x 9.84 mm

$70,000 - 80,000

Accompanied by a Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung (DSEF)

German Foundation for Gemstone Research, Idar-Oberstein, Germany
gemstone report number 024709 dated July 30, 2015 stating that
the transparent 15.20 carats sapphire is natural and that is shows no
indications of heating and that it originates from Sri Lanka.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 99

Trapiche Sapphire Split Crystal
Myanmar (Burma)
Trapiche sapphires are another kind of “star
sapphire”. In this case the “star” is not a
true chatoyancy but rather a special “color
zoning” inside the crystal. Such stones are
very rare but are known in Burma. Like
the star sapphire, the trapiche crystal’s
hexagonal nature is made evident by the
six-rayed pattern that appears on every
well-cut cabochon. This interesting offering
features a corundum (sapphire) crystal
which has been split into two (although not
consecutive sections). The crystal displays
the rare phenomenon of trapiche effect and
is rich blue in color with a six-rayed spoke.
Weighing 34.87 and measuring 20.01 x 17.68
223 x 9.36mm and weighing 86.04 carats and
measuring 29.24 x 24.68 x 15.05mm (2)

$3,500 - 4,500

Violetish-Blue Sapphire
Sri Lanka
A pretty, oval brilliant-cut of violetish blue,
with very good transparency and excellent
luster. Of large size for the species. Weighing
approximately 8.85 carats and measuring
13.79 x 11.80 x 6.92mm

$6,000 - 8,000

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of

America report number 6157375951 dated
April 22, 2013 stating that the 8.85 carats
sapphire is natural with indications of heating.

Sri Lanka
224 An attractive circular brilliant-cut sapphire
having good saturation of color and luster.
Of suitable size for mounting as a ring or
Weighing approximately 6.04 carats and
measuring 10.23 x 7.04mm

$7,000 - 9,000

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute

of America report number 2175773742
dated August 15, 2016 stating that the 6.04
sapphire is heat treated.


Suite of Thirteen Blue Sapphires
Suitable for mounting as a necklace, comprising thirteen oval
cabochon sapphires well-matched for their rich blue, unenhanced
color and degree of transparency. Total weight approximately 193.0
carats. Largest sapphire cabochon weighs 18.9 carats and measuring
19.24 x 14.14 x 6.26mm (13)

$15,000 - 20,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 101

227 229
Greenish Blue Sapphire Lavendar Star Sapphire
An unenhanced, natural greenish blue sapphire faceted as a pear- Sri Lanka
shape displaying excellent clarity and luster. Weighing approximately A circular cabochon lavendar star sapphire, which displays a
4.65 carats and measuring 14.21 x 9.61 x 4.53mm strong and central star and a well-saturated body color. Weighing
approximately 5.66 carats and measuring 9.73 x 8.99 x 5.72mm
$2,000 - 3,000
$1,500 - 2,000
Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratories gemstone
brief number GB 59763 dated MArch 24, 2014 stating that the 230
4.65 carats sapphire is natural greenish blue and that it shows no Star Sapphire
gemological evidence of heat treatment. Sri Lanka
A classic for the region, this oval cabochon blue sapphire displays the
228 optical phenomenon of asterism. The star effect is both strong and
Light Blue Star Sapphire central in this stone which has a medium blue body color. Weighing
Sri Lanka 6.84 carats and measuring 11.28 x 8.09 x 6.27mm
A large oval cabochon sapphire of pastel blue color which shows
a strong central star effect and moderate transparency. Weighing $1,200 - 1,500
approximately 32.50 carats and measuring 17.57 x 15.17 x 10.56mm
$3,000 - 4,000 Black Star Sapphire
Suitable for mounting either as a ring or pendant, this large oval
cabochon displays a midnight black color, good cat’s eye and
excellent polish. Weighing approximately 96.45 carats and measuring
29.31 x 22.8 x 12.77mm

$1,000 - 1,500

Actual Size

Rare, Large Yellow Star Sapphire
Sri Lanka
The alluvial gem gravels of Sri Lanka were the source of this rare, large
oval cabochon, a high-domed yellow sapphire which displays a strong
central star effect and a medium yellow hue. The optical phenomenon
of asterism is very rarely seen in yellow sapphires and particularly not
in stones of this size. This is a unique offering for the serious collector
of phenomenal gemstones (those gemstones which possess optical
phenomena). Weighing approximately 75.43 carats and measuring
22.62 x 19.74 x 16.19mm mm

$60,000 - 80,000

Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratories report

number CS51835 dated October 1, 2012 stating that the 75.43 carats
yellow star sapphire originates from Sri Lanka and that the strength of
the star is strong and the quality of the star is very good. Non-heated
yellow sapphires are scarce and this sapphire shows no indication of

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 103



233 234
Natural Yellow Sapphire Yellow Scapolite
Sri Lanka Tanzania
A classic sapphire from the gem gravels of Sri Lanka, this oval-cut Scapolite, coming from the Greek word for “shaft”, is commonly
stone has the most desirable shade of yellow without any aspect found in stubby to long prismatic crystals, hence the derivation of its
of brown overtones. A high degree of clarity and excellent brilliance name. It forms in metamorphic rocks from the alteration of plagioclase
render this is a sought-after stone and its large size recommends it feldspars. Not well known among the general public as a gemstone
as well. This is an excellent offering for the knowledgeable collector. it is, nonetheless, a desirable stone for collectors. Its luster is superb
Weighing approximately 27.72 carats and measuring 18.60 x 15.06 x and with a Mohs hardness of 6.5 it would be of sufficient durability
11.52mm to be mounted as a pendant. A beautiful and lustrous, large oval-cut
scapolite with excellent clarity, having stepped facets to both the
$19,000 - 22,000 crown and pavilion which assist in making the stone more scintillating.
Weighing approxiamately 20.76 carats and measuring 21.9 x 14.4 x
Accompanied by an American Gemological Laboratory report no. CS 10.70mm
66036 dated February 20, 2015 stating that the 27.72 carats intense
yellow sapphire is natural and unheated. $1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve
N.B. The AGL report shows the sapphire in its original diamond
setting. This setting is not included in this offering.


235 W
Large Septarian Bowl
This functional and attractive bowl of free-form outline, measuring
20 inches across, displays generous proportions. The calcite which,
when illuminated from behind, displays a good degree of translucency
and presents a dramatic contrast against the brown hues. While the
source of the mineral rough was Madagascar this bowl was hand
carved and polished in Mexico. Mexico has in recent years become a
high level artisanal lapidary resource known for its bowl carving. The
thinness of the sides of this bowl are evidence of the expertise of the
craftmen located there. Measuring 20 x 19 x 8in

$1,000 - 1,500

Sodalite Carving of Male Figure on Obsidian Base By
Tamara Montgomery
A table top-sized torso, carved entirely of Brazilian sodalite, depicting
a nude male figure, signed Mara M. for Tamara Montgomery. On a
removable black obsidian base. Height overall: 13 1/2 in

$3,000 - 4,000


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 105


238 239 240

237 239
Group of Six Reddish Spinels Blue Spinel
Comprising three oval-cuts, two cushion- A cushion-shaped natural spinel of medium
shapes and one emerald cut, the largest blue having excellent brightness and clarity
spinel, weighing approximately 6.9 carats as well as luster. Weighing approximately
and measuring 12.7 x 8.8 x 6.0mm. The 2.87 carats and measuring 7.8 x 7.31 x
total aggregate weight approximately 28.56 6.23mm
carats. (6)
$1,000 - 1,500
$1,500 - 2,500
To be sold without reserve Accompanied by a Gemological Consultancy
International report number 1503SNB0027
238 dated March 17, 2015 stating that the 2.87
Blue Spinel Ring carats spinel is natural.
Sri Lanka
The simple 14K yellow gold ring mount 240
prong-set with an attractive oval-cut, Lavender Spinel
241 unenhanced natural blue spinel, weighing Sri Lanka
approximately 2.2 carats, having excellent Vibrant lavender in hue, this pretty spinel has
luster, stamped .585 and maker’s mark EK, fine luster and is of suitable size for mounting
size 7. as a ring. Weighing approximately 4.49
carats and measuring 10.0 x 8.3 x 5.9mm
$1,000 - 1,500
$1,200 - 1,800
Accompanied by a Gemmological To be sold without reserve
Certification Services London report
numbered 5776-3137 dated September 30, 241
2015 stating that the blue spinel is natural Color-shift Blue Spinel
with no indication of heating. An oval-cut blue spinel which has a color
shift to teal depending upon the light source.
With excellent luster and clarity this is a fine,
ring-sized stone. Weighing approximately
3.99 carats 10.44 x 9.0 x 5.8mm

$1,200 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

242 243

Pink Spinel
This is a gem example of a spinel with a noteworthy pink color that
is pure and unmasked by any brown. Both the clarity and the luster
are excellent. A fine, ring-sized stone for the knowledgeable collector.
Weighing approximately 4.79 carats and measuring 11.0 x 9.9 x

$8,000 - 10,000

Very Fine, Classic Red Spinel
For centuries spinel was misidentified as ruby, e.g. Edward the Black
Prince’s “Ruby” in the British Crown jewels is, in fact, a magnificent
red spinel. With gemological advances this confusion has now ceased
and the gemstone has since emerged as a highly desirable stone
in its own right. The rich red color of the present gem-quality stone
illustrates how that original gemological confusion could have taken
place. The color of the present example is exemplary: it is neither too
dark nor too light. From the sought-after locality of Burma, this classic
spinel has been faceted as a cushion-shape stone to best reveal its
outstanding attributes: a deep red color with excellent clarity and
luster. Weighing approximately 4.14 carats and measuring 10.30 x
9.20 x 5.9mm

$17,000 - 20,000 244

Classic Spinel Crystal
Mogok, Burma
A classic spinel crystal of bi-pyramidal form and large size for the
species, having good transparency and luster and a rich, raspberry
red color. Weighing approximately 10.37 carats and measureing
13.32 x 9.60 x 11.93mm

$2,000 - 3,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 107

Spodumene var. Bi-Color Kunzite-
-”A Member of the 100 Carats
A large kunzite having light pink color to
the center with yellow at each end. The
clarity, luster and polish are all excellent
for this species. Weighing approximately
227.73 carat and measuring 52.34 x 23.11 x
20.92mm mm

$3,000 - 4,000

Pair of California Kunzites
Big Kahuna II Zone, Ocean View Mine, Pala
245 248 District, San Diego County, California
Kunzite was first found in Pala, California,
in 1902, and is named after the gemologist
George F. Kunz, President of Tiffany &
Co. at the time. Originating from the last
working mine in San Diego County, these
beautifully faceted gems have a vivid lilac hue
unmasked by any grey. Cut from the same
rough, this beautiful pair of cushion-shaped
kunzites is exemplary for stones originating
from this limited deposit. An excellent choice
for the collector of American gemstones.
Total weight approximately 44.48 carats and
measuring 16.88 x 15.84 x 11.34mm and
16.0 x 15.86 x 11.33mm (2)

$5,500 - 7,500

246 249 Fibrous Sugilite
South Africa
245 Obtained from a find in 2014, this was a
Large Sphalerite single pocket discovery of a rare form of
Picos de Europa, Santander, Spain fibrous sugilite on matrix. The present piece
From a very small mine, now closed for at has a thick growth of mounds of chatoyant
least twenty years, comes this superb and sugilite. Capable of standing on its own, this
rare faceted sphalerite. Sphalerite, a zinc cabinet sized specimen is a rare double-
iron sulfide, is usually found in black and very sided example of “fibrous” sugilite exhibiting
rarely in the rich orange color seen here— robust crystals both sides on brown matrix.
and it is rarely seen cut into a gemstone. Measuring 2 1/2 x 2 x 1in
The luster of sphalerite is its strongest
attribute, i.e. it is adamantine, with a high $1,500 - 2,000
refractive index and brilliance greater than
diamonds. Vivid yellow with orange flashes 249
abound in this beautiful oval-cut sphalerite, Gel Sugilite Carving of a Tiger
a large one for the species, which originates South Africa
from the classic source in Spain. Weighing Of vivid purple color contrasting dramatically
approximately 53.40 carats and measuring against the black matrix. This bas relief
24.79 x 20.40 x 14.59mm carving which depicts a tiger amidst
shrubbery has great translucency or “candle”
$1,500 - 2,000 to the edges, Sugilite is infrequently seen
used as a carving material. Measuring 4 1/4
x 2 x 1 3/4in

$1,500 - 2,000

Actual Size

Rare Cat’s Eye Tanzanite
Arusha, Tanzania
Tanzanite is a variety of the mineral zoisite which displays a
predominantly blue to violet body-color. Microscopic tube-like
inclusions are the cause of the chatoyancy seen in this gemstone.
High quality tanzanite is known to originate from only one significant
deposit in Merelani, Tanzania. The present oval double cabochon, of
rich violet hue displays a strong, central chatoyancy. It is a notable
offering for the serious collector of phenomenal gems. To our
knowledge this is the first offering of a cat’s eye tanzanite at public
auction. Weighing approximately 19.38 carats and measuring 16.63 x
13.92 x 9.63 mm

$25,000 - 35,000

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number

6177822357 dated September 19, 2016 stating that the 19.38 carats
cabochon is a Zoisite, variety Cat’s-eye Tanzanite and that displays no
evidence of heat treatment.

Accompanied by a “Notable Letter” from the Gemological Institute of

America dated 19 September 2016 stating that “rough material that
will cut large high quality tanzanite is rare, with most finished stones
being less than 10 carats. Fine, gem-quality examples of more than
ten carats and also displaying a cat’s eye phenomenon are considered
scarce. The combination of large size, saturated color and the cat’s
eye phenomenon make this tanzanite notable.”

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 109

Arusha, Tanzania
A superb, circular-cut gem of rich, well-
saturated violet hue, with flashes of blue,
having excellent clarity and luster. This is an
exceptional tanzanite for the serious collector
and a classic due to its desirable circular
shape. Weighing approximately 26.44 carats
and measuring 17.31 x 12.9mm

$5,000 - 7,000
Zoisite var. Tanzanite
Merelani, Tanzania
A cabinet specimen, this is a medium-sized,
natural crystal of tanzanite having a smaller
conjoined crystal to the front as well as a
well-formed termination and striated faces.
Tanzanites are naturally tri-chroic and this
specimen shows blue on one axis, violet on
another and greyish-blue to a third. Measuring
1 3/4 x 1 1/8 x 1/2in

$4,500 - 6,500

Offered on a lucite base.


Exceptional, Large Tanzanite
Zoisite var. Tanzanite
Merelani Hills, Lelaterma Mountains, Simanjiro
District, Manyara Region, Tanzania
A beautiful and well-formed large crystal
specimen of tanzanite, the blue/violet
variety of the mineral zoisite. This complexly
terminated crystal exhibits rich color, excellent
translucency, glassy surface luster, and an
incredible length of 7.2 inches. Very few large
Tanzanite mineral specimens make their way
into the collector market, as the majority of
Tanzanite crystals recovered are cut into the
immensely popular and valuable faceted
gemstones. This uncut tanzanite crystal ranks
among the largest in existence.
Measuring 7.2 x 2.4 x 1.2 inches (18.3 x 6.2 x
3.0 cm). Weighing 4,015 carats.

$200,000 - 300,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 111

Tanzanite Bead Necklace
Comprising five strands of rondelle-form
polished beads of transparent violet-hued
tanzanite, graduating in size from 4.9mm
to 9.18 mm, having moderate saturation
and clarity for the species. Total weight
approximately 750 carats. Length of shortest
strand: 19 in

$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve

255 256

Zoisite var. Green Tanzanite
Arusha, Tanzania
A new palette of colors have emerged for tanzanites in recent years
and the present example is a fine a representation of this species
as one could hope to find. Uniquely faceted as a circular-cut which
assists in displaying the gem’s very high transparency, this is a
particularly wearable and lustrous stone of fine quality which is vivid
green in color on the face and bluish-purple from the side axis.
Weighing approximately 5.21 carats and measuring 10.16 x 7.43mm

$7,000 - 9,000

Fancy Tanzanite
Arusha, Tanzania
Vivid electric, purlish-pink in color, this tanzanite is a fine example of
the new palette of tanzanites which have emerged in recent years.
Faceted as a cushion-cut--this fine stone is a new modern classic.
Weighing approximately 2.47 carats and measuring 8.30 x 8.12 x

$6,000 - 8,000

Tiger’s Eye Quartz Intarsia Box
A decorative presentation box, hand-fabricated of panels of fine quality
tiger’s eye quartz from South Africa. Expertly fitted with a brass piano
hinge and and borders of onyx with velvet lining to the lid and interior.
The seams of the box are beautifully matched at the edges. Measuring
6 x 4 x 1 3/4in

$1,500 - 2,000
To be sold without reserve

Tiger Iron Matrix Sphere
Western Australia
Tiger’s eye matrix is a fascinating “combination” mineral whose origins
date back over two billion years ago. When tectonic plates shifted
to form the Australian continent, deposits of red jasper, chatoyant
tiger’s eye and black hematite were forced together under great
pressure. The ancient ornamental gemstone, sometimes called tiger’s
eye matrix, is the fascinating product of these monumental geologic
events. Because the physical properties of each of the three minerals 258
differ so greatly, only an experienced lapidary has the ability to work
this material. The tiger iron used in the present lot is of exceptional
quality, displaying flashing veins of golden-toned tiger’s eye, red jasper
of a saturated rust-red hue and metallic black hematite. Diameter 6

$1,500 - 2,000
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 113
259 W
“Gemstones from around the World Tea Service” By
Luis Alberto Quispe Aparicio
A unique, yet functional tea service, this is the artist’s tribute to nature:
a work of gratitude for the eternal beauty carried in each stone. The
centerpiece is a teapot, carved in tiger’s eye, with gold vermeil mounts
perched atop a platform of rock crystal quartz. Each of the 8 cups
is carved from a different precious stone originating from a different
continent (with the exception of Antartica). The sources of the stones
are as follows: lapis lazuli, from the Kokcha Valley in Afghanistan;
nephrite from the Polar Jade mine in British Columbia--an area with
such extreme weather conditions that miners only have 60 days in a
year to operate the mine. Ruby from the Longido mine in Tanzania,
near Mount Kilimanjaro--the most famous ruby deposit in the world
which was sought by men for centuries and very is very possibly the
famous long lost ruby mine of King Solomon. Also featured are: Rock
Crystal from Swiss alps; Chrysocolla from Whim Creek Copper mine
in Western Australia; Chalcedony from The Democratic Republic of
Congo; Tiger’s eye and Falcon’s eye from South Africa; and Turquoise
from The Hubei mine in China. They each rest upon a massive
Peruvian rock crystal quartz specimen. This is an exceptional offering
for the impassioned lapidary collector. Measuring 24 x 24 x 10in

$25,000 - 35,000

260 261



260 261
Limonite in Topaz--”A Member of the 100 Carats Heart-shaped Blue Topaz
Club” Brazil
Burma This well-formed heart-shaped faceted blue topaz displays a pleasing
In the Summer of 1987, The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and well-saturated sky blue color as well as excellent transparency
published an article in their journal that discussed the difference and luster. Weighing approximately 58.34 carats and measuring 25.5
between rutilated topaz and limonated topaz. The needle-like x 24.9 x 14.1mm
inclusions in so-called “rutilated topaz” are actually limonite staining
that fills hollow tubes in the topaz. In fact rutile is not known to $1,000 - 1,500
crystallize at all in topaz in a ribbon-like form that would produce
effects similar to those in rutile quartz. Limonite is quite a different 262
mineral from rutile. Rutile is titanium dioxide and has an exceptionally Large “Imperial” Topaz
high refractive index, much higher than diamond. Limonite is actually Exceptional clarity and luster are not the only distinguishing
not itself a true mineral, rather it is a combination of iron oxide characteristics of this fine stone: the color saturation is neither too
minerals such as goethite and lepidocrocite. Typically yellow-brown light nor too dark, and additional it displays the right mixture of
in color, limonite is used as the basis for the natural earth pigment orangey-red with champagne flashes. Weighing approximately 71.28
ochre. Thus the name “rutilated topaz” is a misnomer, clearly derived carats and measuring 25.78 x 21.20 x 17.05mm
from the better-known “rutilated quartz”. One can only surmise
that the name persists because its true name of “Limonite-stained $3,500 - 4,500
Topaz” would have greater difficulty in gaining public acceptance.
The present stone is a rare near-colorless topaz, polished into a large 263
double cabochon of lenticular form. Large areas of the topaz have Group of Six Flat-cut Topazes and one Green Beryl
nearly optically clear transparency and the inclusions of limonite stand Ukraine
out in high relief against the topaz. Weighing approximately 104.45 Consisting of six flat-cut (portrait-cut) topazes ranging in color from
carats and measuring 32.24 x 10.25mm pale blue, to brown and near-colorless, weighing approximately 14.0
cts, 23.0 cts, 9.5 cts, 14.0 cts, 21.5 cts and 13.0 cts; together with
$10,000 - 15,000 a single flat-cut green beryl, weighing approximately 21.0 carats and
measuring 31.4 x 14.8 x 4.6mm. Total weight approximately 116.0
carats (7)

$1,000 - 1,500
To be sold without reserve
Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 115
Suite of “London Blue” Topaz
Comprising sixteen oval-cut blue topazes, beautifully matched for
shape color, clarity and luster. Such a suite would have taken years
of high-grading and collecting stones before a suite could have been
formed. Total combined weight: 266.00 carats. Topaz in earrings set
weighs: 22.75 carats and measures 20.09 x 14.94 x 10.19mm (16)

$8,000 - 10,000


Green Tourmaline Carving of a Fish By Gerd Dreher
Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Carved of Brazilian green tourmaline having a hint of teal, weighing
279.4 grams and measuring 119 x 112 x 16mm, with applied 18K
gold eyes and fins. The tourmaline fish is secured with two gold pins
yet is removable from, the rock crystal quartz base. The quartz is
smooth polished on the front and reverse carved with an aquatic
scene depicting sea anemones, a scallop shell and some rockery.
Signed with monogram GD for Gerd Dreher. Measuring 7 1/4 x 7 x 3in
(151 x 116 x 41mm)

$10,000 - 12,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 117

266 267

266 267
American Watermelon Tourmaline Bas-Relief American Mint Green Tourmaline Carving
Carving Dunton Gem Quarry, Newry, Oxford County, Maine
Dunton Gem Quarry, Newry, Oxford County, Maine By Shan Gim Wang
By Shan Gim Wang Discovered in 1898, the Dunton Gem Quarry was most actively mined
The color pattern here is the most intense and classic one could ask in the first quarter of the last century; it reopened again briefly in the
for, and it is characteristic of the best crystals from a record-setting 1970s. The tourmaline used to create this attractive carving of vivid,
1972 find at this old classic locality, which was mined at the turn of the “mint green” has excellent transparency for the species. It depicts two
1900s originally, and then reopened for gem mining in the 1970s by birds with foliage. This is an American classic noteworthy for its size,
the Plumbago Mining company. San Diego lapidary, Shan Gim Wang strength of color and clarity. Weighing approximately 426.5 carats
utilized this rare American mineral for creating this mouth-watering (85.3 grams) and measuring 2 1/2 x 1 3/4 x 1 1/4in
cross-section slice of vivid, hot “bubble-gum” pink watermelon
tourmaline. Carved in bas-relief to depict a duck in flight, the piece still $3,000 - 5,000
retains a small rind of green from the original watermelon tourmaline
crystal. A notable offering for the collector of American minerals.
Weighing 697.0 carats (139.4 grams) and measuring 3 1/4 x 2 1/2 x

$4,000 - 6,000

268 269

270 271

268 270
Green Tourmaline California Hot Pink Tourmaline
A fine emerald-cut stone having excellent brilliance, luster and clarity Himalaya Mine, Pala District, San Diego County, California
which show off the bright green hue to best advantage. Of wearable An attractive cushion-shaped stone having a modified, checkerboard
size to be mounted as a ring. Weighing approximately 20.02 carats faceted crown and step-cut pavillion. Having a bright candy colored or
and measuring 18.36. x 12.99 x 9.79mm bubble gum pink hue for which tourmalines from this mine are noted.
Weighing approximately 20.69 carats and measuring 19.0 x 14.0 x
$3,000 - 4,000 12.0mm

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number $1,200 - 1,500

2171730619 dated August 8, 2014 stating that the 20.02 carats
green tourmaline is natural. 271
Exceptional Bluish-Green Tourmaline
269 Brazil
Hot Pink Tourmaline This large emerald-cut green tourmaline possesses all the most
A stunning, hot pink tourmaline precision faceted in a Portuguese cut desirable characteristics of the species: well-saturated green color
which beautifully displays the excellent clarity and luster of the stone. with a hint of teal, exceptional clarity for the species and a very high
Weighing approximately 24.83 carats and measuring 17.22 x 14.5mm luster made all the more apparent by the excellent faceting. This
is a fine offering for the serious collector of gemstones. Weighing
$3,500 - 4,500 approximately 31.93 carats and measuring 20.31 x 15.68 x 11.60 mm

$6,000 - 8,000

Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number

3911879 dated February 9, 1982 stating that the 31.90 carats
tourmaline is natural.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 119

272 278
Group of Ten Cat’s Eye Indicolite Paraiba Tourmaline Cabochon
Tourmalines from the Original Type Locality
Brazil Mina da Bathalha
Each having similar blue-green hue to the Paraiba, Brazil
others, fashioned in a variety of shapes Tourmalines are available in a great number
including oval cabochons as well as circular of colors, but the rarest, most valuable and
cabochons which are double cabochons of
legendary are those known as “Paraiba”,
lenticular-form having a cat’s eye effect to
named after the Brazilian state in which they
both sides. Individual weights are as follows:
4.83 cts, 2.5 cts, 2.05 cts, 1.78 cts, 4.83 are mined. Discovered in only 1989, this
cts, 3.56 cts, 2.34 cts, 1.42 cts, 1.72 sensational find is attributed to Heitor Dimas
cts, 1.13 cts. The total aggregate weight Barbosa, now known as the “Father of the
approximately: 26.15 carats. (10) Paraiba Tourmaline”. Tourmalines come in
a rainbow series of colors but, while other
$900 - 1,200 tourmalines owe their colors to traces of
iron, manganese, chromium or vanadium,
273 Paraiba tourmalines owe their spectacular
Purple Tourmaline Cabochon color to a high concentration of copper, an
Mozambique element not previously seen in tourmalines.
A decorative oval cabochon tourmaline having Paraiba tourmalines are typically only
a distinct “plum” color and good clarity and seen in smaller carat sizes as the crystals
polish of suitable size for mounting as a ring mined at the mountain were almost entirely
or pendant. Weighing approximately 30.37 splinters and fragments. Truly a stone for
carats and measuring 24.3 x 17.5 x 8.5mm the unusual gemstone collector, Paraibas
are rarely even carried by the typical retailer.
$800 - 1,200
Its beauty explains the enthusiasm shown
To be sold without reserve
for the material which now ranks among the
most coveted and valuable of all gemstones.
Rubellite Tourmaline Torsade The present offering is a very attractive oval
Necklace cabochon of sea blue from the sought-after
Comprising nine strands of graduating, type locality. Weighing approximately 4.32
polished Brazilian rubellite tourmaline beads carats and measuring 11.06 x 8.90 x 5.41mm
of hot reddish, pink hue, measuring 2.1 to
12.3mm at the center, completed with a two- $2,000 - 3,000
color 18K gold barrel-form clasp. Total weight
approximately 500 carats, length 18 1/2in. Accompanied by an American Gemological
Laboratories certificate CS 1075783 dated
$1,200 - 1,500 June 1, 2016 stating that the 4.31 carats
tourmaline is from Paraiba, Brazil and that it
275 shows no evidence of heat treatment.
Rubellite Tourmaline
Brazil 279
Fashioned as a cushion-shape, the present Indicolite Tourmaline
rubellite tourmaline displays a deep rose color
and good luster. Weighing approximately
Faceted as an unusual elongated oval, most
10.98 carats and measuring 16.0 x 12.15 x
8.46mm likely following the outline of the original
crystal, this fine gemstone displays a deep
$1,200 - 1,500 rich blue color. Weighing approximately
22 carats and measuring 31.34 x 13.32 x
276 7.31mm
Pair of Tri-color Tourmalines
Bright in color, this pair of emerald-cut $2,000 - 3,000
tourmalines which were cut from the same
crystal have very well saturated color 280
apparent which graduates from green at one Stunning Rubellite
end to a band of yellow in the center to deep Africa
rubellite pink. Weighing approximately 65.05 Vibrant in color, with shades of pomegranate
carats and measuring 26.6 x 15.09 x 9.10 mixed with raspberry, the present rubellite
and 26.61 x 15.01 x 8.93mm is unusual for its elongated oval shape.
The luster is very good and the clarity
$1,800 - 2,500 above average for the species. Weighing
approximately 28.20 carats and measuring
272 277
33.29 x 13.82 x 9.82mm
Group of Three Bi-color
Three large cabochons, each of cushion- $5,000 - 7,000
shaped outline and having approximately
50/50% demarcation line between the
rose pink to one side and light green to the
other. Total weight: 179 cts. Largest stone
measures: 39.30 x 16.19 x 10.0mm

$2,000 - 3,000




279 278



Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 121

281 283

Rubellite Tourmaline
This pear-shaped tourmaline of deep reddish pink color--exemplary
of the designation of the name “rubellite”-- has excellent transparency
and luster to recommend it as well. Its shape would ideally lend it to
being mounted as a pendant. Weighing approximately 9.79 carats and
measuring 22.0 x 10.1 x 6.0mm

$2,000 - 3,000

Green Tourmaline
A fine, emerald-cut tourmaline having a bright green hue, with
excellent saturation as well as excellent clarity and luster. Weighing
approximately 12.17 carats and measuring 16.35 x 9.89 x 7.59mm

$1,200 - 1,500

Exceptional Rubelite Tourmaline
Large in size for the species and having excellent clarity and luster,
this oval-cut stone has a vibrant, deep rose hue to recommend it.
Weighing approximately 41.44 carats and measuring 24.56 x 18.24 x

$4,000 - 6,000


284 285

Large Turquoise
A large free-form nugget of bright blue color with some oxidation
and green hues near the bottom, with “spider web” matrix veining
throughout. The base has been sawn flat so that the nugget can stand
on its own. Measuring 9 x 4 1/2in x 4in

$1,500 - 2,000
To be sold without reserve

Large Turquoise Nugget
Royston, Nevada
Nevada turquoise is more rare than Arizona turquoise. The present
specimen is large and exhibits botriodal growth. It has been polished
on all the “high spots” to reveal the beautiful color contained within.
Weighing approximately 37.1 ozt (1156.7 grams) and measuring 8 x 4
x 2 1/2 in

$3,000 - 4,000

Turquoise Nugget
A small cabinet-sized specimen of bright, vivid robin’s egg blue, with
botryoidal growth evident over the surface. Two “windows” have been
polished to reveal the interior. Measuring 3 1/2 x 2 1/4 x 1 1/2in

$1,800 - 2,500


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 123


Sleeping Beauty Mine, Globe, Arizona
Although considered a semi-precious stone,
in recent years turquoise has become
increasingly expensive and rare. The famed
Sleeping Beauty mine produced some of
the best quality turquoise the world has ever
seen--rivaling the mines of Persia. However,
turquoise mining there was closed in August
2012, when the owners decided to focus
solely on copper mining, a more lucrative
activity because of the metal’s widespread
industrial uses. Turquoise is often found as a
secondary mineral in association with copper.
The present stone is a classic for this notable
American locality. The beauty of the present
stone, a fine pear-shaped cabochon of bright
and even robin’s egg blue color, is revealed by
its excellent polish. Weighing approximately
40.22 carats and measuring 33.08 x 20.40 x

$1,500 - 2,000

290 291


292 293 294

288 291 294
Turquoise Bead Necklace Zircon Brown Zircon
Sleeping Beauty Mine, Arizona Cambodia Cambodia
A single strand bead necklace consisting of Distinguished by its excellent clarity, the Large size for the species, the present
smooth polished spherical beads graduating present cushion-cut red zircon has warm brown zircon displays a rich whiskey-colored
in size from 21mm to 10 mm, completed by overtones of brown present. Weighing hue and excellent luster and dispersion
a 14K yellow gold heart-shaped toggle clasp. approximately 11.34 carats and measuring for which this species is known. Weighing
Weight: 128 grams. Length 21in 16.45 x 11.53 x 6.06mm approximately 18.58 carats and measuring
15.68 x 12.26 x 9.79mm
$2,500 - 3,500 $1,000 - 1,500
$700 - 1,200
289 292 To be sold without reserve
Group of Turquoise Cabochons Unusual Blue Zircon
Persia Cambodia Accompanied by an American Gem Trade
Oval and circular cabochons having a This fine quality blue zircon has the unusual Association identification report number
homogenous, even robin’s egg blue color, distinction of having been faceted as an 95007408 dated May 13, 2005 stating that
with some brown matrix and veining emerald-cut. Of suitable size for mounting as the 18.58 carats brownish yellow zircon is
showing on the back. The largest weighing a ring. The high natural dispersion of zircon natural.
approximatley 5.5 carats and measuring makes this a highly brilliant and scintilating
12.37 x 9.38 x 6.71mm. Total weight: stone. Weighing approixmately 16.82 carats 295
approximately 300.0 carats. (lot) and measuring 16.41 x 9.15 x 8.39mm Two Blue Zircons
$1,200 - 1,500 $3,000 - 4,000 Faceted as a pair of square-cuts and suitable
for mounting as earrings, this is a fine pair of
290 293 zircons having a bright blue color, excellent
“Zebrastone” Intarsia Jewelry Fancy Cut Blue Zircon polish and dispersion. Together weighing
Box--a “Mineralogical Mystery” Cambodia approximately 11.53 carats and measuring
Designed and fabricated by Konstantin Possessed of both a high refractive index and 6.85 x 6.79 x 7.06mm
Libman high dispersion, zircon is one of the few gems
Found only in the Johnny Cake Shale capable of rivaling diamond for brilliance and $1,000 - 1,500
formation of East Kimberly, Western Australia, fire. As the birthstone for December, this
this reddish-brown and white banded clay- oval-cut displays a deeply saturated blue of
based rock is known as “Zebrastone”. While the most desirable nature, surpassed only
the reddish-brown color can be attributed to by its excellent transparency and luster. In
the presence of iron oxides, the origin of its most zircons, the “fire” is often masked by
unique pattern of stripes and dots has yet to a dark body color. That is not the case with
be explained by geologists. The present box this wearable and collectible stone. Zircons of
is beautifully crafted from slabs of Australian more than 3 carats are exceedingly rare and
zebrastone with invisibly matched seams. this stone weighs nearly 12 carats. Weighing
The entire box is polished to a porcellaneous 11.85 carats and measuring 15.03 x 9.76 x
surface. The hinged lid opens to reveal an 9.08mm
interior lined with wood. With sturdy brass
piano hinges. Measuring 7 x 5 1/4 x 2in $1,800 - 2,200

$2,000 - 3,000

Offered with a custom-fitted wooden

presentation box. Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 125
296 Y rounded base and a richly saturated and well-distributed mid-purple
A Published Gem: Large and Rare, Purple Non- color. The characteristic natural purple color and non-nacreous
nacreous Quahog Pearl porcelaneous appearance indicated a pearl from the bivalve mollusk
Mercenaria mercenaria Mercenaria mercenaria (belonging to the Veneridae family), also
Northern Quahog clam species referred to as the ‘Northern Quahog’. Quahogs can occur in a variety
Coastal waters of the North Atlantic of colors ranging from white to brown and from faint pinkish purple
Described by Linnaeus in 1758, the Quahog pearl does not come to dark purple. Like other natural pearls, quahog pearls are rarely
from an oyster but rather a thick-shelled edible member of the clam spherical. Button shapes with flat bases are most often encountered.
family. Depending on their size they are sometimes marketed as Natural Northern quahog pearls are often submitted to GIA labs. Most
“littlenecks” if they are smaller, “cherrystone” if they are medium-sized are below 10 carats with a flat-based button shape, usually with a
or “quahogs” if they are larger. They are also known as “chowder” dark or light purple color, and tales of their accidental discovery while
clams. One of the longest-lived North American bivalves, its life eating clams are not uncommon. This Quahog pearl’s large size, clean
expectancy is sometimes greater than 40 years. surface, fabulous luster, near-round shape and evenly distributed rich
color combine to make it an exceptionally fine and rare example of its
It is estimated that only 1 in 100,000 Quahog clams actually produce type.”
a pearl of any kind and most are too unattractive for use in jewelry.
Before its use in jewelry, the Quahog was used as the nation’s At well over 16 carats, the large pearl has a near-spherical-to-button-
first domestic currency. The Wampanoag tribe used a medium of shape and displays a rich lavender hue and excellent porcellaneous
exchange called wampum which consisted of beads made of the luster. An increase in size over the next pearl a few carats or
shell of the Quahog bivalves. millimeters less is an exponential difference in terms of rarity and
valuation. The present pearl is exceptional by any measure and is
The rarest Quahogs are those which are a true purple—and these believed to be the largest Quahog pearl offered at public auction.
are found only in New England. Actually a “calcareous concretion”, Weighing approximately 16.64 carats and measuring 13.64 x
Quahogs are similar to pearls in that they are started by a parasite. 11.84mm, undrilled.
However, the purple stain of the Quahog colors the pearl, not the
nacre, in much the same way that a conch pearl is created. $25,000 - 35,000

In its quarterly magazine, “Gems & Gemology”, GIA’s staff gemologist, Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number
Joyce Wing Yan Ho, based in NY stated: “a notable purple non- 5161664921 dated November 7, 2014 stating that the 16.64 carats
nacreous pearl was recently submitted to the New York laboratory natural purple pearl is a saltwater species Mercenaria mercenaria
weighing 16.64 carats. It was immediately recognizable as an (northern quahog clam) and that it shows no indications of treatment.
outstanding specimen due to its clean surface, which possessed an
attractive sheen reminiscent of fine porcelain. It has good symmetry, Accompanied by a copy of the article from Gems & Gemology, Spring
featuring a near-round, button shape with a perfect dome top and a 2015, Vol.51, No.1. with a published image of the pearl

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 127
297 Y
Fine Large Non-nacreous Pink Pearl--”Queen Conch”
Strombus gigas
Caribbean Sea
Of baroque shape, with deep rose color, having excellent overall
flame pattern and a lustrous porcellanous surface luster. Weighing
approximately 7.16 carats and measuring 12.70 x 7.9 x 8.7mm

$6,000 - 8,000

298 Y
Pink Non-nacreous Pearl--”Queen Conch”
Strombus gigas
Caribbean Sea
A conch is one of a number of different species of medium-sized
to large saltwater snails and their shells. True conchs are marine
gastropod mollusks in the family Strombidae, and the most well
known species is the Strombus gigas or “Queen Conch”. The
pearls they produce are calcareous concretions—that is they are
non-nacreous and are made up of calcium carbonate (rather than
297 aragonite which is the composition of nacreous pearls).

Several thousand snails would have to be found in order to recover a

pearl as fine as this one. The present pearl is a very large example of
a conch pearl, having a sought-after pink hue. The shape is slightly
baroque, but its most notable feature is the distinct flame pattern
iridescence which covers the surface. Such large conch pearls are
now becoming increasingly rare offerings in the marketplace. Weighing
approximately 20.78 carats and measuring 17.0 x 13.7 x 11.5mm

$25,000 - 35,000

299 Y
Large and Fine Nacreous Saltwater Natural Pearl--
”Abalone Pearl”
Haliotis fulgens
Coastal waters of Baja, California Peninsula, Mexico

“The abalone pearl is one of the most beautiful and unusual of pearls.
It is one of the rarest...
The colors of the abalone pearl are rich and exotic...
The rarest and most highly prized offer rich peacock blue and green
298 The Book of the Pearl, by George Frederick Kunz (1856-1932)

Abalone is a primitive univalve (one shell) mollusk at least thirty million

years old. While it is often found close to the surface it may grow
to depths of 30 meters, where seaweed grows in larger amounts—
helping to nurture its colorful mother-of-pearl. The undulating grain
in the shell is the result of seasonal fluctuations in the Abalone’s diet.
The dark organic material of the conchiolin layers is laid down during
the winter months and the nacre, made up of aragonite and calcite
crystals, is laid down in the warmer summer months.

The present offering is a drop-shaped pearl of classic form for

abalone, suitable for mounting as a pendant. The pearl is distinguished
by a fine iridescence and displaying a multitude of hues such as
purple, violet, pink, peacock green, bronze which are surpassed only
by its high degree of luster. Of very fine quality, it is free-standing and
not a “blister” abalone pearl which was once attached to the shell.
The exceptionally large size of this pearl renders it a particularly rare
commodity in today’s market. Weighing approximately 26.74 carats
and measuring 32.84 x 17.81 x 9.91mm

$20,000 - 30,000



302 304


300 Y 303 Y
Two Non-nacreous Pink Pearls--”Queen Conch” Unusual Non-nacreous Natural Saltwater Pearl
Strombus gigas Tridacna gigas
Caribbean Sea Coastal waters of the Phillippines
Both pearls having a marquise-shape, the larger non-nacreous pearl Ideally suited to being mounted as a pendant, this large drop-shaped
having a baby pink color, weighing approximately 2.58 carats and clam pearl is unique in its coloration. Graduating from ecru at the top
measuring 10.9 x 7.0 x 4.5mm; together with a second conch pearl of to pinkish-orange at the bottom, the shape is baroque, organic and
deep rose color, weighing approximately 2.30 carats and measuring feminine. Weighing approximately 72.94 carats and measuring 31.09
8.9 x 6.3 x 5.5 mm. Total weight of both pearls approximately 4.89 x 21.98 x 17.85mm
carats. (2)
$2,000 - 3,000
$2,000 - 3,000
Accompanied by a GGTL Laboratories report number 16-P-4379
301 Y dated Jun 15, 2016 stating that the non-nacreous pearl of 72.94 is a
Group of Four Orange Non-nacreous Pearls non-nacreous natural saltwater clam pearl.
Strombus gigas
Caribbean Sea 304 Y
An array of conch pearls including: a large orange baroque pearl, Three Multi-color Conch Pearls
weighing approximately 8.02 carats and measuring 11.76 x 9.74 x Strombus gigas
9.69mm; an orange pearl, weighing 2.47 carats 8.7 x 6.3mm; an Caribbean Sea
orange pearl, weighing approximately 2.06 carats and measuring 7.83 Comprising a larger rose pink conch pearl, weighing approximately
x 5.98mm; together with a 0.61 carats pearl, length 5.24mm. Total 1.08 carats and measuring 5.63 x 4.22mm; a white conch pearl,
weight approximately 13.13 carats (4) weighing approximately 0.80 carats and measuring 4.88 x 4.36mm;
together with an orange spherical pearl, weighing approximately 0.89
$2,500 - 3,500 carats and measuring 4.93 x 4.95mm. Total weight approximately
2.76 carats (3)
302 Y
Rose Pink Conch Pearl $1,000 - 1,500
Strombus gigas
Caribbean Sea
A very pretty, symmetrical pearl with a deep rose pink hue, marquise-
shaped or of “football-shaped” outline, displaying excellent flame
pattern iridescence. Weighing approximately 1.25 carats and
measuring 7.45 x 4.5mm

$1,200 - 1,500

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 129

305 306

305 Y 306 Y
Drop-shaped Natural Pearl Natural Saltwater Pearl
Pinctada mazatlanica Pinctada mazatlanica
Coastal waters near Baja California Coastal waters near Baja California
When near-perfection in nature is achieved, one never ceases to When the Spaniards arrived to Mexico in the 1600s they were
marvel at it....the present pearl exemplifies this quality with its highly captivated by the gleaming white pearls found along the coast in
symmetrical drop form, even white color and soft, feminine luster so the oyster Pinctada mazatlanica. The pearls soon made their way to
characteristic of natural pearls. The lovely shape ideally lending itself to the courts of Europe and became as important a commodity for the
being mounted as a pendant. country as silver. The vast majority of Baja pearls do not even reach 1
Weighing approximately 6.44 carats and measuring 12.74 x 8.73mm carat in size and this one weighs over 8 carats. Of near-spherical form,
this white natural pearl displays excellent soft luster for which natural
$25,000 - 35,000 pearls are renown. Such pearls are rare in today’s market. Weighing
approximately 8.34 carats and measuring 11.24 x 9.55mm, undrilled.
Accompanied by a group certificate from the Gemological Institute of
America number 5171514641 dated March 22, 2016 stating that the $35,000 - 45,000
6.44 carats drop-shaped pearl is natural saltwater with no indication of
treatment and that it is a Pinctada species oyster pearl. Accompanied by a Gemological Institute of America report number
6177766254 dated July 28, 2016 stating that the 8.34 carats
natural pearl is from a Pinctada species mollusk and that it shows no
indications of treatment.

307 (front) 307 (back)

307 Y
Rare Natural Saltwater Pearl
Turban snail
Astraea undosa
Sea of Cortez, near Baja California
A large, nacreous pearl from the saltwater mollusk known as the
“Turban” snail, so dubbed due to the conical shape of its shell. Found
in the waters of the Gulf of California, it is graceful and feminine
in form. This extremely rare pearl has lavender, pink and green
iridescence and high luster. Weighing approximately 21.64 carats and
measuring 19.88 x 17.94 x 9.76mm

$20,000 - 30,000

To our knowledge, only two other Turban snail pearls have been
offered at public auction. Both were featured in Natural History
auctions at Bonhams: lot 1336, Auction 21032, May 2013 and lot
1231, Auction 21649, May 2014.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 131





308 310
Gold-in-Quartz Group of California Gold Specimens
California All originating from the Original 16-to-1 Mine, Alleghany, CA: the
An attractive miniature specimen of semi-crystallized gold, with traces largest with gold veining in white and grey quartz, gross weight 0.89
of quartz still apparent. Gross weight approximately 0.5 ozt (14.1 ozt, with pendant bail on the back; together with four additional
grams), height 1 1/4 in specimens with gross weights as follows: 0.40 ozt , 0.31 and 1.35
ozt; plus four glass vials containing small gold flakes/nuggets and one
$1,000 - 1,500 with silver dust. (8)
To be sold without reserve
$1,500 - 2,000
309 To be sold without reserve
Four Specimens of Gold-in-Quartz and a “Wire” Gold
on Matrix
The wire gold on matrix, Olinghouse Mine, Washoe County, Nevada,
gross weight 1.135 ozt (35.4 grams), height 1 1/4 in; together with
four Gold-in-Quartz specimens stated to originate from the Comstock
Lode, Nevada, gross weights: 0.30 ozt; 0.10 ozt; 0.61 ozt; and 2.88
ozt. (5)

$1,500 - 2,000
To be sold without reserve

Australian Native “Free-range” Gold Necklace By
Peter Eccles
Australian goldsmith, Peter Eccles, utilized a natural Australian gold
nugget with no additional alloys to hand-fabricate this fine Roman
style necklace. Since Australian specimens are typically 94 to 99%
pure, the gold utilized here is in the 22 to 24K range of purity. The
result is a warm richness in color and a wonderful flexibility which can
best be appreciated when worn. The termination is designed in the
antique Roman style with a serpent’s head and hook clasp. Weighing
approximately 158.1 gms. Length 21in

$15,000 - 20,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 133


Unusual Gold Nugget
Mt. Monger, Western Australia
Long, narrow and elegant--this specimen originated from an elongated
deposit or vein structure, now water-worn and free of its original
quartz matrix. Weighing approximately 2.19 ozt (68.2 grams) and
measuring 3 1/4 x 3/4 x 1/4in

$5,000 - 7,000

Large Gold Nugget
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Large, flat nugget with some sharpness to the edges and some
water-worn areas, and a naturally pierced hole and very tiny traces
of limonite in one or two crevices. Weighing approximately 6.45 ozt
(200.7 grams) and measuring 4 x 1 3/4 x 1/4 in

$15,000 - 20,000

Gold Nugget
Moliagul, Central Victoria, Australia
Bright patina, some sharp edges and others are water-worn, there
are some angular crevices which probably contained quartz at some
point, now dissolved away. Weighing approximately 4.02 ozt (125.3
grams) and measuring 2 x 1 1/2 x 3/4 in

$10,000 - 12,000


Large and Impressive Gold Nugget
Koonenbery, New South Wales, Australia back
Having an outline roughly in the shape of an axe-head, with water-
worn edges, bright, gold with a warm buttery patina, this is a nugget
of impressive size. Weighing approximately 18.18 ozt (565.6 grams)
and measuring 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 1in

$45,000 - 55,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 135

Impressive Crystallized Gold
Mato Grosso, Brazil
A specimen with great three-dimensionality,
a long string of crystals of herringbone
formation, lining up on a central axis.
Weighing approximately 12.9 grams and
measuring 1 3/8 x 3/4 x 1/4in

$9,000 - 11,000
316 317
Large, Rare Platinum Nugget
Kondor, Russia
A classical “free standing” platinum nugget
displaying significant heft and a characteristic
veneer of crystalline chromite. Such large
specimens of platinum are a rare offering and
are never seen in the marketplace. Weighing
approximately 5.8 ozt (180.3 grams) and
measuring 1 3/4 x 1 1/2 x 1in

$30,000 - 40,000




318 319
Gold Nugget Pendant together with a pair of Gold Nugget Necklace
California Gold Rush Coin Earrings California
Northern Yuba River, California Comprising 29 natural nuggets with high-karat gold links, the largest
A natural gold nugget, mounted with a modern 14K yellow gold bail, nugget measuring up to a 1/2 inch in length, suspending three
with an additional tiny nugget surmounting the bail as an accent, additional nugget pendants, completed with a modern 14K yellow
weighing approximately 0.30 ozt (9.4 grams), height 1 1/4 in; together gold clasp, weighing approximately 39.1 grams, length 17.
with a pair of California gold “coin” earpendants, circa 1854-1871
commemorating the California gold rush, length approximately 1 3/4 $2,500 - 3,000
in (3) To be sold without reserve

$700 - 1,000

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 137

Immense Copper Nugget on
Custom Stand
Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
A classic nugget of large proportions, most
of the large copper specimens from this
area are found in gravel pits and are smooth
from weathering. The present specimen is of
imposing size and exhibits a more rugged or
“weathered” appearance on one side, a with a
desirable green patina overall and light polish
to the face. Large copper nuggets are now
difficult to find as most have been destroyed
for use in either the industrial or currency
sectors. The nugget weighing approximately
154 lbs without stand. Overall height 66in
(167cm); nugget 29 x 18 x 2 1/2in

$9,000 - 12,000

Raised on a custom-fitted stand.

321 W
Lapidary Wall Art and Matching
Framed Quilt--”Los Angeles
“Los Angeles Stratigraphy” is a stone and
fabric diptych that shows the exciting tectonic
history of the Los Angeles basin. Faulting,
sedimentary layers, weathering profile, and
representative fossils (including California’s
state fossil, the Smilodon) unfold in an artistic

Two Colorado artists with backgrounds in

geology created this masterful set. Susan
Judy built the left half with inlaid stone and
Neffra Matthews mirrored the stone with
matching quilted fabric on the right side. The
unexpected juxtaposition of these materials is
both startling and captivating.

The stone mosaic is composed of marble,

sandstone, limestone, onyx, amazonite,
quartzite, aventurine, slate, granite, and
metasomatite. Fossils are sandblasted in the
stone and embroidered in the fabric. The
fabric is hand dyed batik with custom quilted
stitched geologic symbols. Measuring 42 x 14
1/2 x 1 1/2 in (107 x 36 x 3cm) (2)

$6,000 - 8,000

Susan Judy is a stone mosaic artist with

a background in exploration geology. Her
art combines techniques of opus sectile
mosaic with relief. The process includes
cutting polishing, sanding, and arranging
a variety of semi-precious gems, crystals,
fossils and other stone into abstract and
geologic images. The geologic art includes
stone geologic maps, stratigraphic columns,
primordial landscapes and structural images.

Neffra Matthews is a fiber artist with a

background in geology and 3D imaging.
Her art focuses on using color and texture,
created by hand dyed fabric and custom
designed stitching, to interpret the wonders
of the natural world. Neffra utilizes thread,
fabric and color to express her scientific
knowledge and depict it artistically, to engage
the viewer on multiple levels, and to share an
appreciation of science and art in our natural
world with a larger audience.

Accompanied by two framed explanations

of the Los Angeles Basin Stratigraphy
description the Precambrian, Jurassic,
Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quarternary layers
as well as a description of the oil fields of the
Los Angeles Basin.

Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 139

322 323

322 W 323 W
Gemstone and Mineral Inlaid Illuminated Wall “Gemscape”: An Illuminated Wall Panel by Zee Haag
Panel by Zee Haag Of dramatic starburst design, comprising inlaid slices of Brazilian
Depicting classic desert imagery of a hummingbird hovering near amazonite with Chinese fluorite at the center inlaid into a diamond-
a flowering cactus. Inlaid with slabs of various other gem materials ground, oxidized steel, having a sealed-coat lacquer. With internal,
including: rubellite tourmaline, amethyst, apatite, fire opal, sugilite, electrical long-life, LED fittings to allow for illumination from behind.
peridot, dioptase, chrysoprase, sodalite and various others into a Measuring 40 x 36 x 3in
diamond-ground, oxidized steel having a sealed-coat lacquer. With
internal electrical long-life LED fittings to allow for illumination from $12,000 - 15,000
behind. Measuring 40 1/8 x 36 x 3 1/16in

$12,000 - 15,000

324 325

324 W
Scholar’s Rock: A Sandstone Concretion on Stand
Possibly a sandstone concretion from and ancient seafloor bed , this
unique specimen possesses natural cavities which present a dynamic
positive/negative visual space. Raised on a custom-fitted wooden
base. Height 27in

$1,000 - 1,500

325 W
Scholar’s Rock on Wooden Stand
Exemplifying the qualities which one would wish to see in a scholar’s
rock: imposing size, a dramatic outline and two natural cavities which
present a dynamic positive/negative space suitable for contemplation.
Height 33in

$2,000 - 3,000

“Chrysanthemum Stone” on Wooden Stand
Oixia Formation, Hunan, China
Named for its unique flower-like patterns formed of calcite, celestite
and chert embedded in a rich gray limestone matrix, “chrysanthemum
stone” is a classic Chinese ornamental rock. Chinese mystics believe
that its presence awakens one’s true purpose in life and lends the
support and courage needed for new beginnings, making it the
perfect gift for newlyweds and families with newborn infants. This large
specimen has been polished, which enhances the stone’s contrasting
tones. Height with stand: 21in. Stone measures 18 x 12 1/2 x 2 3/4 in

$2,000 - 3,000


Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones, Minerals and Natural History | 141

Artists’ Biographies and Index

Luis Alberto Quispe Aparicio Hargrave only began cutting gemstones in 1998. Yet he has since
Following a second-generation family tradition in the fabrication of received numerous “Spectrum” and “Cutting Edge Awards” from
objects d’art, Luis’ studio specializes in the carving of ruby. The the American Gem Trade Association--a total of 22 with 3 “Best of
second hardest stone after diamond, few artists have managed Show”--an outstanding achievement for one so new in the field. In
to successfully work this mineral since it requires a very advanced 2004, he was inducted into the National Rockhound/Lapidary Hall
technique for carving and polishing. His works are displayed in of Fame in the area of Metal Craft. Recently Hargrave received “Best
museums in the United States and Europe and are enjoyed by private of Competition” in the 2006 “Gemmys” competition sponsored by
collectors around the world. Lapidary Journal. In 2007, he received two additional “Gemmys”
Lots 188, 193, 194, 206, 207, 259 awards. His work has been featured before in Bonhams’ Natural
History auctions.
Lots 43, 87
Eberhard Bank
Born on April 12, 1953, Bank’s work follows in the traditions of the Zee Haag
famous gem-cutting city of Idar-Oberstein. Following school, he spent A native of Tucson, Arizona, Zee Haag was born into a family of well-
three and one-half years apprenticing as a gem cutter and qualified as known mineral collectors. After attending the Sunnyside Arts school
a journeyman by 1972. He received his Master Craftsman certification and the Pima County Community College of Arts in the 1970s, Zee
from the Gem School in Idar in 1983 and opened his own studio by began the life-long process of integrating his love of minerals with his
1985. He has had international exhibitions in Japan, Bahrain, Canada, love of art. His “Gemscape” art is the culmination of his career as a
the U.S., Switzerland, England and Germany. prospector, miner, stone-cutter, tinkerer, gallery owner and artist. His
Lots 219, 220 works have been collected by clients around the world.
Lots 322, 323

Gerd Dreher
The exquisitely detailed animal carvings of Gerd Dreher make his Tamara Montgomery
works among the most sought-after masterpieces of the lapidary Born in Moscow, Russia, Tamara began studying art at the age of 5
arts. Born in 1943 in Idar-Oberstein, Gerd is a fourth generation when she was inspired by the work of Faberge and learned about
animal figure carver. Dreher’s family has been involved in the art of the jewelry and carving trades. She began collecting semi-precious
engraving and carving gemstones for nearly two hundred years. A and precious gems and attended classes in gemstone carving and
long-established family tradition of producing hardstone and gem goldsmithing in Russia. Each of her creations is unique and one-of-a-
animal carvings was begun in the 19th Century and by the early 1900s kind.
their name was synonymous with that of the jeweler, Carl Fabergé. Lot 236
The Russian master, on his frequent trips to Idar, would provide plaster
models of whimsical animal carvings, which the Dreher family would
create out of jasper, agate and jade. Fabergé then sold them in his Peter Mueller
famed salons in St. Petersburg, Moscow and London. Peter Müller was born in 1952 near Lucerne, Switzerland. Following
professional training in international banking he commenced a brilliant
Gerd is a keenly observant naturalist who maintains a massive library career in that field only to later be lured by the appeal of international
of videotapes of animals in motion. His devotion to realism in muscle travel—which lead him to live in Brazil in 1979. A chance encounter
and animation is what sets his carvings apart. In 2004 a major with a Brazilian carver of birds in 1984 inspired him to change his life’s
retrospective exhibition of 60 works entitled The Gem Carvings of work. He established a workshop in semi-precious stone carvings that
Gerd Dreher: A Faberge Legacy, was held at the Houston Museum of same year. His works are rich in unexpected beauty and surprising
Natural Science. In the words of Joel Bartsch, Curator of Gems and details. Naturally, no two carvings are identical. They are life-like
Minerals for the Museum, “Dreher’s ability to breathe life into stone reproductions of birds from the tropics and the Northern Hemisphere,
has made him one of the most famous practitioners of the craft in the hand-fabricated from natural colored
world today. His work is a marriage of art and science.”
Lots 167, 265 precious stones from all over the world. The bases are hand-picked
by Peter from several tons of rough, including Brazilian tourmalines
and quartzes from eleven different mines, as well as many other rare
Dalan Hargrave minerals from his adopted country. Familiar with the work of Idar-
Dalan Hargrave began a career as a goldsmith in 1976 after taking Oberstein carvers since his childhood, Peter has made annual trips
college courses in Arts and Metals at San Antonio Junior College. there over the last twenty years to learn new carving techniques.
During his career he advanced from repair work to light manufacturing, These skills are then imparted to his crew of carvers in Brazil, now
mold making, gem cutting and fabricating one-of-a-kind jewelry. considered to be the best trained craftsmen in that country. Peter
His design studio presently specializes in custom mountings and Müller’s lapidary work has been the subject of a number of articles
lapidary work and he has established a number of signature gemstone including: Rock and Gem Magazine, May 2000 and Wildlife Art
styles which are exclusively his including: GemStarz, GemHeartz, Magazine, March/April 2002.
Spirographic-cuts, compound concave cuts and the 3-D Illusion Lots 197, 198, 202, 204
Georg Wild Ken Williams
The name of Wild has a long history in the Idar-Oberstein lapidary A Master Blacksmith based in Washington State, Ken Williams, is
field. The art of carving and engraving has been practiced in this dedicated to balancing formal beauty with the raw power of the
family for over one hundred years. In 1839, one member of the family metal-working process. He states: “I began working with iron many
went to Paris to learn the art of cameo cutting. Another, Johann years ago. Today I enjoy the freedom of designing traditional or
Karl Wild IX worked in St. Petersburg as a jeweler and engraver in contemporary, forged or fabricated projects. As a metalsmith, the real
the Fabergé workshops in Czarist Russia. Upon returning to Idar- joy starts when the iron in the forge turns to a bright yellow-orange.
Oberstein he founded his own enterprise from which sprang the It’s character totally changes and in this claylike state it can be
firm of Georg O. Wild. Georg O. Wild was born in Idar-Oberstein on transformed into any conceivable texture, shape, and form.”
January 22, 1894. Inheriting his father’s talent for engraving cameo
cutting and carving stones, he started his own firm in 1921. Large Ken Williams creates fine architectural, sculptural and functional
numbers of his sculptures are now exhibited in the Idar-Oberstein forgings using the time honored traditions of the blacksmith and the
museum and in various museums across the United States. Not only creativity as an artist. He has forged projects from pure iron, wrought
was he a gemstone carver, his gemological knowledge was equally iron and modern steels as well as non-ferrous metals such as bronze,
considerable. In the United States he became particularly well-known brass, copper and aluminum for ornamental work. These forged
for creating reproductions of Audobon birds in semi-precious stones. metals take shape as furniture, lighting, fireplaces, railings or gifts for
In France he executed some commissions in behalf of artist Georges interior or exterior locations.
Braque. Much of the carving of his animal figures was done by Wild Lot 109
himself, others by his assistants working in his atelier directly under
his guidance. He died on November 23, 1975 at the age of 81. His
business is now continued by his son, Klaus Eberhard Wild and by
Manfred Weichel, his collaborator during his final years.
Lot 112
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Los Angeles

Consignments now invited A HIGHLY IMPORTANT

(ITALIAN, 1861-1918)
Late 19th century
Sold for $250,000
The Flying Clipper, Sir Lancelot
Gregg K. Dietrich
PAINTINGS AND signed lower left “Montague Dawson” +1 917 206 1695
DECORATIVE ARTS oil on canvas [email protected]
January 2017 24 x 36 in. (60.9 x 91.4 cm.) Deadline for consignments
New York Sold for $106,250.00 Wednesday 2 November 2016 maritime

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Lapidary Works of Art, Gemstones,

Sale title: Minerals and Natural History Sale date: Wednesday December 7, 2016

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