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Statement of Purpose

MS in Computer Science
It was that very day when Sir Andrew Wiles gave the proof for Fermat’s Last Theorem; my
interest in computational mathematics sprang to life. My first thoughts were ‘Why does one
strive so much to check the solutions for an equation so simple, when we have computers on our
side?’ Several years later when I proposed this thought to a professor, he told me to give a try.
The simple C program which I wrote for checking the solutions for that very equation opened the
door of “Time Bound Polynomial Functions” for me. The very idea of algorithms being bound
by certain defined polynomial limits intrigued me. It was also the time when three Computer
graduates from India gave the AKS algorithm, which would check if a number is prime or not in
polynomial time. My first encounters with the famous “P vs. NP” problem gave a clear idea of
how a problem can be classified into two distinct classes and how they had their own peculiar
properties. I even had a chance to put forth my ideas on the problem, and show how our daily
elementary decisions can have a ‘P’ or an ‘NP’ attached to them, in a seminar held at my college

I introduce myself as an undergraduate student specialized in Computer Science and Engineering

at the Manipal Institute of Technology. I have always been fascinated by Mathematics and how
the tools of the field have been applied to Networking of Computers.

I was selected from a State wide exam conducted by Dr. A.S.Rao Science and Mathematics
Association and was among the 30 to be selected to attend a mathematics camp. During my stay
at the camp, I had the chance to work with some of the best minds in the field of computational
mathematics. My research work at the camp involved “Applications of the Taylor series in
Computer Science”, and the “Time Complexity” of various algorithms. It was here, during my
discussions with a well known computer analyst that I heard about the “Page Rank” algorithm
and eventually about the Internet. This very concept of placing information on a platform which
would be available in to every possible corner of the world was simply awe inspiring. I ended my
stay at the camp with a presentation on “Runge’s Phenomenon” in mathematics and “SaaS
(Software as a Service)”in computer science. The SaaS concept laid the foundation for my future
projects on “Cloud Computing”.

In my perspective the concept of “Cloud Computing” is going to be the future of Computer

Science. To put forth this idea on a smaller scale, a team of four headed by me has been
successful in developing a ‘cloud’ which provides an online storage (just as Gmail, Yahoo mail,
Google docs etc) of personal information. This facility was provided to students of my dorm. My
role in the project was to write the necessary network client-server programs (partly in C and
partly in UNIX) to efficiently transfer data from a client (viz. the student) to the storage device
(we used a 10GB hard drive for storage purposes).
My present projects include ‘Analysis and Security concerns of data flows’ in a localized
network and also on the now famous ‘SYN Flood attacks’. I have been trying to secure the
‘cloud network’ of my dorm by using Encrypting algorithms.

I also presented a seminar, as a part of my course, on ‘Data Compression and associated

algorithms’. My presentation focused on the basics of the data compressions, the algorithms
which go into compressing and decompressing, and its pros and cons. My other projects included
writing of a Compiler, creating a text editor analogous to the Notepad using Java,
implementation of the .NET Framework using C# and showing how the 3-tier.

Apart form the academics, my interest lie in many areas of sports especially in ‘Badminton’.
Winning many State and National Level Debate competitions ranging from topics of “Global
Warming and its role in depleting Natural Water Sources” to “The Importance of the Student
Committee in National Politics” have polished my oratory skills. My debating skills also
enhanced ability to think critically and logically on any issue and take the right decisions in
every aspect of my life.

My friends and I have initiated a program, SWADESH Foundation, for the underprivileged
students of India. Our sole aim is that they can take the every step in their life with confidence. It
also aims to develop leaders and speakers in the same domain to further the initiative of
bolstering confidence and providing a guided path in future for the children and the youth of our
society. My team building, social and communication skills have greatly been useful in the
establishment and sustenance of the foundation. The organization will be registered and a
website will be put up shortly.

With these goals in mind, my immediate objective is to work towards a Masters in ‘Information
Systems and Networking’ or ‘Computer Science’. I am aware of the kind of dedication and
resilience I will have to show over the years. I feel that I am adequately prepared for that, both in
having technical qualifications and the right mind-set. My interest in the field of Information
Systems and Networking and my eagerness to pursue Masters in the field strengthened when I
came across the University of Massachusetts website for Computer Science. I intend to
participate in the ongoing research in the campus. I am sure that the peerless faculty, the
excellent facilities and the stimulating academic environment among the students of the
University of Massachusetts will prove immensely fruitful and facilitate my development as an
individual researcher in my field.

In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for enabling me to express
myself. I would be very thankful if I am offered an admission in your esteemed university.


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