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This is an imaginary story (which may never happen, but which then again may),
About someone with great power, who chose to use that power only for the good of all.
It tells of their final triumph, their ultimate showdown with their great and terrible adversary,
And of the city that believed in them, and of the people they saved, and the people they couldn’t.
We tell their story and celebrate their successes, knowing they are only a myth.

There is no superpowered hero coming to save us.

We have only our city. We have only ourselves.
We must be our own heroes.
This story is an imaginary story,
But it doesn’t have to be.

Writing: Jeff Stormer

Based On: Beyond the Rift by Dee Pennyway
Layout: Background and designs by Leo Cheung (http://twitter. com/BlueTwodays)
Art: Cover & spot illustration by Elijah Forbes (
Special Thanks: Jen Frank, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, and Jack Kirby

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either are the product of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Anyone Can Wear The Mask by Jeff Stormer is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Anyone Can Wear The Mask is an RPG for 1 to 3 players about
a superhero, a supervillain, and their city. Throughout play,
you’ll record the adventures of a great hero as they defend
their city, stand up to those in power, and eventually confront
a terrible nemesis. You’ll draw maps, roll dice, pull cards from
a deck, and make a living record of the city and its people. To
play, you’ll need the following:
• A deck of playing cards, with jokers included but set
aside for now.
• Several six-sided dice.
• A space to make a map, or record location names/
• A space to list character names.
• If you have a Bullet Journal, you can
use it for your names & map.
• Something to write with.



Before you sit down to play, you should cover a few key topics with your group (or think them through
for yourself, if you’re playing solo), to ensure everyone is able to enjoy themselves safely.

This is an emotionally challenging game. The Hero MECHANICS
will fail, and people will be lost, and that’s a lot to
Once you’ve confirmed your group is on-board
deal with. The Hero will win in the end, but part
with the premise, take some time to discuss some
of that is rising above their own failures to come
safety mechanics players can use to further ensure
back stronger. Make sure you’re all on-board with
their comfort and support during play:
that before diving into Anyone Can Wear The Mask.
If you’d like to make the game a less emotionally • Lines/Veils: Discuss any topics you don’t
heavy, consider changing the following: want coming up (Lines), or topics you’d
like to approach at arm’s length (Veils).
• You can remove the “1” option from any
of your dice rolls if you want to remove • X/N/O Cards or Signals: At any time, a
the idea of the Hero failing. Treat a 1 as a player can tap the X-Card or making an
result of 2-3, and play as normal. appropriate X-signal to entirely pause play
and/or remove an element from the story,
• You can freely change the “Lose Someone”
no questions asked (whether due to safety
mechanic to represent any sort of worst-
concerns, discomfort, or simply wanting
case scenario: perhaps you Make a New
to go in a different direction). Tapping or
Enemy, or Lose the Public’s Trust.
signalling the N-Card indicates that, while
• The Injury mechanic in the game also play shouldn’t stop, it should move natu-
pushes you towards failure; you can rally in a different direction or past a par-
remove this mechanical effect and just ticular topic. Finally, the O-Card should be
treat injuries as a purely narrative factor tapped/signaled if a player is really feeling
if you so choose. a particular moment and wants to really
explore more of it at the table.
• You can also remove failure altogether, if
you’re more interested in randomly gen- For more information about safety mechanics, refer
erating the exploits of a friendly neighbor- to the TTRPG Safety Toolkit, compiled by Kienna
hood superhero. Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk.
Once you’ve discussed safety at the table, it’s time
to discover our Origin Stories.
At this point, we meet our three main characters (The
Hero, The Villain, and The City), decide on which role/
roles we’d like to play, and go through some initial brain-
storming to get to know who our characters are and what
they’re capable of.
First, decide who will play the City.

You are… well, you’re everyone. Ordinary people. Extraor-
dinary people. Other heroes. Other villains. People trying
to live their lives. People in danger. Taken together, you’re
the city the Hero protects, and the city that gives the
Hero their strength.
As the City, here’s what you’ll do in play:
• Draw cards to determine locations within the city
where the story takes place.
• Name the people that live there.
• Keep a list of the people the Hero saves, and
recite them during Until Next time.
• Roleplay the ordinary people living in the City as
they interact with the Hero during their adventures.
• Help lift up the Hero when they’re at their lowest,
so they can continue protecting everyone within
their power.


To create the City, answer the following questions:
How large is the City? (The term “city” is used extremely
loosely here)
Small Town | Bustling Burough | Major Metropo-
lis | The Whole Wide World | To Infinity & Beyond
The City is broken up into four major sections; what
do those sections look like?
As you come up with sections of the City, you might
want to assign them a suit in the deck, so you can
easily refer to the card’s suit and declare where the
scene is happening.
If you do this, make sure to note the Hero’s Strong
Suit, so you can associate that suit with their home
territory, their neighborhood, their place of power.
Example: Kirby City is broken up into Morrison
Square city park (Clubs), Simone County Commu-
nity College (Diamonds), McDuffiesburg, a residen-
tial district (Hearts), and the jazzy tech district of
Giffen Alley (Spades).
Once the City has answered their questions, decide who
will play the Hero.
Maybe you have incredible powers. Maybe you’re You’re here to destroy. Maybe it’s because you
just that good. But you’ve got a mask, and an alter- crave power. Maybe it’s out of spite for the hero.
ego, and the ability to help the people in the city. Maybe it’s part of a larger plan. But this city has to
And as long as those in power won’t do the job, burn, and you’re going to be the one that does it.
that means you have the responsibility to help the
As the Villain, here’s what you’ll do in play:
people in this city.
• Describe the kinds of threats that the
As the Hero, here’s what you’ll do in play:
Hero will overcome.
• Describe how you overcome threats to the • Track the Hero’s injuries and setbacks,
city and its people. but also their greatest successes.
• Describe the people you save, and the • Roll the dice to determine whether the
people you don’t. Hero can save everyone or not.
• Map out your city, its people, your allies, • Keep a list of the Hero’s failures, so
and your enemies during play. you can recite them during The Final
• Rise up, stand tall, and defeat the Villain Confrontation.
in the final battle. • Ultimately be defeated at the hands
of the Hero.
To create the Hero, you’ll answer the following
questions. The Villain’s true form and identity will remain a
mystery for now, revealed in full during The Down-
How powerful are you?
fall. For now though, you’ll make a quick list of
Street-level Vigilante | Friendly Neighborhood threats the hero could face; you’ll want to brain-
Hero | Gifted With Great Power | A Living God storm a list of a few options, but you can also come
up with new threats during play.
Where do your powers come from?
These threats can be extremely broad (supervillains,
Science | Magic | Technology | Ancestry |
natural disasters), extremely specific (named villains,
Who Even Knows | Powers? What Powers?
‘runaway train cars’), or anything in-between. They
What exactly can you do? can be world-threatening catastrophes (a meteor
is headed to Earth), vile acts of villainy (someone
It can be helpful to picture your Hero’s spe-
poisoned the water supply!), or even mundane
cific powers to understand the ways you can
threats the hero has to face during their day-to-
stop various threats. If you’re at a loss for
day life (you’ve got a deadline!).
ideas, you can always “borrow” some powers
from your favorite superhero, use a playbook
or tables from your favorite Superhero RPG,
or leave this intentionally vague and come As you create threats, you might want to assign
up with powers later. them a number from 2 to 10; this way, when a
number card is drawn, you’ll be able to quickly
How do you help your city?
determine what the threat at play is.
This will determine when your character’s Strong
Once the Hero, the Villain, and the City have been
filled out, it’s time to review How to Be a Superhero.
• Clubs: You’ll be the hand of the people,
protecting them so they can thrive.
• Diamonds: You’ll be the icon that they
look up to for inspiration.
• Hearts: You’ll be the smiling face, a friend
to those who need it.
• Spades: You’ll be the dark knight that
avenges the injustice they suffer.
Once you know the Hero and the City, the remain-
ing player should create the Villain.
Each player has a role to play, and certain activities they’ll perform during play. After that you under-
stand the core mechanics of the game, move to A Day in the Life.


When it comes time for the Hero to step up and As the Hero explores the City, they’ll make a living
face down a threat, the Villain will roll dice and map of their surroundings. This can take whatever
determine how well they performed under pressure. form you like: a series of names & descriptions
Whenever that happens, you’ll roll as many dice as connected by lines; notes scribbled on top of a
suggested by the City, and take the highest result. drawing of a real city map; squares on a sheet of
grid paper; whatever is comfortable for you.
For example, if you roll a 1, 3, 4, and 5.
Your result will be 5.
The one exception to this is when, due to external
The Hero will also keep a running log of the people
factors blocking the Hero’s success (such as inju-
they meet and the challenges they face along the
ries and the interference of people in power), you
way. You’ll want to record the following informa-
would be asked to roll less than one dice.
tion in your journal:
If you are asked to roll zero dice, you’ll instead roll
Allies & Enemies: The Hero will meet various key
two dice, and take the lowest result. For negative
players (represented by Face Cards) who will help
numbers, you’ll continue adding dice and taking
or hinder them throughout their adventures. You’ll
the lowest result.
want to make notes on who these people are, and
For example, if you are asked to roll nega- how they relate to you.
tive three dice, and you roll a 1, 2, 3, 4, and
5.Your result will be 1. Who You Saved: People have names. People have
stories. It’s important to remember the names of
DRAWING CARDS those you helped…

Before play, the Villain should split the deck of Who You Lost: And it’s important to pay your
cards in half, and shuffle one of the Jokers into the respects to those you couldn’t.
bottom half of the deck. This Joker will be referred
to as “Joker 1” from now on. A CRISIS
During play, the City will draw cards as instructed. At any point during the game, if the deck is fully
If at any point, a Joker is revealed (including if a depleted, the City reaches a crisis point, and the
Joker is discarded as a result of Collateral Damage), shadow of the Villain grows even larger. Follow
go immediately to the relevant section of the text: these steps to discover what happens:
The Downfall if this is the first Joker being played, The Hero: What is your greatest fear for the City?
and The Uprising if this is the second. Describe how it comes to pass.
If at any point, the City runs out of cards in the deck The Villain: What power do you hope to obtain?
(either because they’ve drawn every card, or cards Describe how you seize it.
were discarded as a result of Collateral Damage),
advance immediately to A Crisis. The City: How do you hope the people of the City
will rise to walk in the steps of the Hero? Describe
Inspiration how it happens.
Once you’ve described these actions, shuffle the
During play, the Hero may accrue Inspiration
as a result of rising above and becoming deck, draw a card and pick a new location.
something greater than themselves. When this
happens, the Hero should set aside a token;
they can use this token at any time to recover
an Injury suffered at the hands of the Villain,
or to force the Villain to roll an extra die.

When it’s time to start play, The Hero should make a
spot on the map for their Home. Take a moment to
describe where the Hero lives: is it a stately manor?
A fortress of solitude on the far side of the world?
Their aunt’s house?
Finally, the City will draw a card from the deck,
and describe where the Hero’s next adventure
takes them:

Location Page

2-10 Somewhere in 08
imminent danger
Jack Somewhere Peaceful 09
Queen Somewhere Personal 09
King Somewhere Protected 10
Ace Somewhere Private 10
Joker 1 The Downfall 11
Joker 2 The Uprising 12
Once you’ve determined the scene of the Hero’s
next adventure, follow the instructions for the loca-
tion you’ve drawn.
After you’ve finished following the instructions,
the City, will draw a card and pick a new location
to continue the story.
Here the Hero comes face to face with something that threatens the city (whether physically, emotion-
ally, or anywhere in-between). When you arrive here, perform the following:


Describe the scene to the Hero. This place is in Describe the danger that threatens this place and
danger, but it isn’t always in danger; where is it? the people described by the City. If you need a
Has the Hero been here before? point of inspiration, refer to the number on the
card drawn, and use that as a reference point for
Who lives here? There is a threat that is about to
recurring threats (e.g., every time a 2 is drawn, a
unfold, but there are also people here. Name them,
building catches fire).
describe them, introduce them to the Hero.
Take the number of dice suggested by the City.
Compare the suit of the card to describe how famil-
Subtract one dice for any active injuries the Hero
iar the Hero is with this part of the city, and how
has sustained, and one dice for any People In Power
the people here feel about the Hero, and pass this
who are opposing the Hero’s efforts. Add one dice
information onto the Villain:
for any points of Inspiration the Hero collects along
• Exact Match: You’re in your element, Hero. the way. Roll that many dice, and refer to the table
This is your neighborhood; these are your below, asking the Hero any questions listed:
people. You’ve got this. Tell the Villain to
take 3 dice. Roll
• Color Only: The people here know you, but Value
you haven’t earned their trust yet. You’re
1 You stop the threat, but despite your
going to have to work at it today. Tell the
best efforts, you can’t save everyone.
Villain to take 2 dice.
Lose someone. How do you eventu-
• No Match: You’re out of your element
ally manage to scrape by and stop
here. Maybe these people don’t trust you,
the threat? Who can’t you save?
maybe you’ve never been to this part of
the city before. Good luck. Tell the Villain 2-3 You manage to stop the threat, but
to take 1 dice. it’s messy. How do you stop the
threat? What goes wrong along the
way? Either take an Injury, or cause
Collateral Damage.
4-5 You rise to the occasion and manage
to save the day. What great moment
of heroism do you achieve?
6 You push past your limits and
become something greater than
yourself. How do you inspire the
people? Recover one Injury or take
a point of Inspiration.

Answer the Villain’s questions as you are able.
Describe how you save the day. If you take an injury,
tell the Villain, so they can make note of it. If you
cause Collateral Damage (whether physical, emo-
tional, or otherwise), tell the City, and have them
discard the top card off of the deck.
If you successfully save someone, mark their name
in your journal, and set the card aside. This card
becomes your Renown. Your legend has grown and
more people throughout the city look up to you.
This will become very important later.
Here the Hero encounters someone in need. Someone who can help them on their journey to defeat
the villain, but who needs something from the Hero first. When you arrive here, perform the following:


Describe the scene to the Hero. There may be In this moment of quiet, the Hero has time to
people here, but it is somewhere the Hero can recover their wounds. If the Hero has any Injuries,
quietly recover and focus their attention on remove them; they no longer apply. However, the
someone specific. threat outside continues to build. Describe the
tension slowly building in the air.
Once you know the place, use the card’s suit to
determine who the Hero encounters here, and
what they need from the Hero:
Describe how you give this person what they need
Who you and earn their trust. Mark the location on your
Encounter map, and list their name in your journal as an Ally.
Clubs An ally; they need a strong arm
to fight at their side.
As you adventure, you’ll come across more people
Diamonds A protégé; they need guidance,
who can rise to the occasion and help you over-
a helping hand to lift them up.
come the many threats that face the City. You can
Hearts A friend; they need someone invoke these people in one of two ways.
to listen.
• If the Villain rolls a 1 for your attempt to
Spades A rival; they need someone overcome a threat that matches the suit
to stand up to them before of an ally, you may treat the result as a 4
people get hurt. or 5 as they come to your aid.
• If there is a Person in Power opposing your
Introduce us to the character. Tell us who they are,
efforts whose suit matches your ally’s, you
and how the Hero can help them.
may choose to sacrifice that ally to take
down that Person in Power. Remove their
name in your journal.

The Hero has a responsibility to the City, yes, but they also have a life of their own. There is a person
behind the mask, and that person has friends, loved ones, and people that count on them. At this
moment, you find yourself in one of those moments, with someone you care about: someone who
knows the real you.


Describe the scene to the Hero. Connect it to their In this moment of quiet, the Hero has time to
home space; use this opportunity to ask them recover their wounds. If the Hero has any Injuries,
details of their life outside of superherodom. Then, remove them;
using the suit of the card, introduce a person close
to the Hero, tied to another part of their life: THE HERO
What do you take away from this meeting? How
Who you
Suit does it help to center you, and how does it help
remind you about why you wear the mask?
Clubs Someone connected to the
Hero’s family and/or upbringing.
Diamonds Someone connected to the
Hero’s professional life.
Hearts Someone connected to the
Hero’s social or romantic life.
Spades Someone connected to the
Hero’s origins.
There are places in this city that ordinary people will never go. Places far removed from the hustle and
bustle of everyday life. These are the halls of the rich and powerful; those with the money and influence
to change the world, and who choose not to. These people are not your friend, Hero.
Here, the hero is confronted by someone in a position of power, someone cold and corrupt, but untouch-
able, at least for now. This person will do everything they can to interfere in the hero’s plans, and hold
them back from helping people in need, until the Hero can find a way to stop them. When you arrive
here, perform the following then draw a new card:


Describe the scene to the Hero. This place is Make a note of this person’s name, and what they’ve
opulent, decorated with obvious displays of power done to the City. Remember them; they will con-
of luxury. How does it stand in contrast to the rest tinue to impede your efforts until you find a way
of the City? to bring them down.


Using the suit of the card drawn, describe the Enemies represent long-term antagonists who
person who lives here, what corrupt deed they’ve repeatedly oppose the Hero’s efforts to help the
done to attract the Hero’s attention, and why the City. After an Enemy is introduced, every time the
Hero cannot stop them yet: Villain rolls to see if the Hero stops a threat, if the
card drawn matches the suit of the Enemy, they
Who you will appear and block the Hero’s progress. Reduce
Encounter the number of Dice rolled by 1. This continues
until either:
Clubs Someone with powerful political
• The Hero obtains the Enemy’s Weakness
(represented by an Ace)
Diamonds Someone with great wealth and • The Ally of the same suit sacrifices them-
status. selves to stop the Enemy
Hearts Someone well-respected with
great personal acclaim.
Spades Someone with illicit connections,
well-armed and dangerous.

Perhaps this is a quiet meeting in a secluded city park. Perhaps this is a secluded parking garage, where
you’ve agreed to meet under the cover of nightfall. Here, the Hero meets someone with inside infor-
mation on people in power, and gets an inside look at what makes them tick. This, Hero, is where you
learn how you can win. This is where you learn how you can stop them.


Introduce a trusted Confidante to the Hero, and In this moment of quiet, the Hero has time to
describe where the Hero meets them. This should recover their wounds. Cross out one active Injury;
be someone well-connected to people in power, it no longer applies. Then, using your knowledge
but eager to make the world a better place. If the of who the Enemy is, describe to the Hero what
King of the same suit has not been played, describe their weakness is; the one thing that can bring
a mundane scene of friendship, and foreshadow them down and put an end to the harm they’ve
the reveal that will come later. been causing the City.
If the King of the same suit has been played, the
Confidante knows a secret that could topple the
powerful. In addition to playing out the scene, Describe how you bring down your Enemy, and
reveal the Enemy’s weakness to the Hero. remove this person from their place of power. And
then, finally, cross their name out of your journal.
It is here that the Hero is confronted at last by the Villain, who makes themselves known by
striking deep at the heart of the Hero. There is a battle that happens. Lives are lost. Destruction
spreads. And Hero… you are beaten back, for now. You’ll come back. Heroes always do. But this
is your Downfall.

This is the moment where it all comes undone, The world is still, reeling from the battle. These
When the Villain triumphs, how does it all happen? scars will change the landscape of the City forever.


Answer the following questions: Take a moment of silence to mourn your losses.
• What piece of yourself most scares you?
How do you see that amplified in the
Villain? Take a moment of silence to deal with your failure.
• What weakness are you afraid will be dis-
covered? How does the Villain use it? THE VILLAIN
THE CITY Let the City and the Hero have their moment. Then,
hand the deck back to the City.
Answer the following questions:
• What part of the Hero most scares you?
How is the Villain the worst version of that? When you’re ready, take the remaining Joker and
• What is your biggest fear for the City? How place it in front of the Hero. Tell them what it rep-
does the Villain embody that? resents: The Uprising. Their decision to come back,
and move forward, and make it right, and rise to
THE VILLAIN the occasion. Tell them why you need them, and
Once you hear the answers from the Hero and the why you believe in them.
City, answer the following questions:
• What power do you crave? How are you
going to seize it? When you’re ready, pick up the remaining Joker,
• What insurmountable odds will the Hero and shuffle it into the deck. Thank the City. Promise
have to overcome to defeat you? them you won’t let them down. Because I can
• What hidden weakness do you hope the promise you, Hero… this time you won’t.
Hero never finds?
Finally, introduce yourself in all your terrible glory
to the other players. Describe your powers, equal When you’re ready, draw the next card off of the
in measure to the Hero (though perhaps not iden- deck and describe the next location. Change your
tical — you might wield wealth and power how narration going forward; show the wounds of the
they wield flight and super-strength, for instance). City and the influence of the Villain in everything
Describe your grand plans. And describe how, when you describe. But never forget; the Hero will over-
the battle comes to you, you overpower the Hero. come, and the Hero will save the day.
Take the deck of cards from the City. Look to the
Hero’s Renown; the number of cards they put aside,
the number of lives they saved. Discard one card
off the top of the deck for every card in the Hero’s
Renown. These cards are never shuffled back in
the deck.
It has all led to this. The Hero is back in the Villain’s TIME...
place of power, having refused to stand down and
With the Villain defeated, the City is at peace.
accept defeat. Their losses hang heavy in the air,
There will be another Villain in time; there’s always
but it’s time to finish this. The Downfall is over; it’s
another issue to sell. But for now, there is quiet. For
time for the Uprising.
now, there is only a City. For now, the Hero can rest.
Describe your place of power now that you’re at the
Describe how the city recovers from the Villain’s
height of your glory. Describe the insurmountable
actions. Describe how the Hero’s influence makes
odds, and note how the Hero failed to stop you last
the City a better place, and how their legacy is
time. Describe the power you seek, and the power
carried on in the hearts of the people.
you already have. Note how often the Hero failed.
Name the people they couldn’t save. Ask the Hero
why they think they can change things now.
Describe how the city mourns those it lost. Describe
THE CITY the shadow still cast by the Villain, even though
they are long since defeated.
Tell the Hero what they need to hear. Name the
people they DID save. Tell them how they helped
make this world a better place. Guide them. Encour-
age them. Lift them up. Help them carry the weight Describe how, for an all-too-brief moment, the Hero
of falling short, so they can stand tall now, when rests. Describe how they celebrate their victory.
they need to most. Describe how they spend their downtime. And
describe how they pay their respects to those that
THE HERO helped them succeed, and those that fell along the
way. Then, at last, rest.
This is your moment. Hear what the City has to
say. Repeat the names of the people you saved to When the City needs you again, pick up this rule-
yourself. Think about how you helped people in book again and start from the top.
need. Hear what the Villain has to say. Honor those
you couldn’t save by standing tall in this moment.
Describe how you fight. Describe how you win.
And move on to Until Next Time.


It’s possible to condense Anyone Can Wear the Mask into a
two-player game pretty easily. When doing so, what I rec-
ommend is that one player takes on the role of the Hero, the
other takes on the role of the City, and the role of the Villain
is shared between players. It’s most important that the Hero
& City be separate players in this experience, because that
relationship is more core to the game than that of the Hero
& Villain or the Villain & City.


You can play this as a single-player game, condensing all
three roles into one. You’ll simply perform the different parts
of play at different times, turning the game into a solitary
journaling experience.

If you’d like the back-and-forth between the Hero & Villain
to be more competitive, have the Villain put aside any cards
discarded by damaging the City, similar to how the Hero
gains Renown. At any time, the Villain may spend these cards
to reduce the number of dice they roll while the Hero saves
the day.

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