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Grade 8

Unit 6: Personal future plans

In this unit, you will give information about your future plans.

A Listening and speaking


Activity 1
Discuss with a partner what the boy in the picture is thinking about.

Exercise 1: What would you like to do when you complete school? Why?

Listening practice
Activity 2
Your teacher will read to you a short passage about the importance of planning for
the future. Listen carefully and in small groups, complete your weekly plan in the
table below.

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8

Name: ...................................................................
Day Time Activity Place

Activity 3
Make a similar table and write your plans for next week.

Grammar practice
Using: ... going to ...
Activity 1
Act the dialogue below and study the verbs in bold.
Teacher : Where are you going to spend your holiday?
Abebe : I am going to spend the holiday in Dire Dawa.
Teacher : What are you going to do during the long holiday?
Abebe : I am going to help my mother at her shop.
Teacher : What are you going to sell at your mother’s shop?
Abebe : I am going to sell local Ethiopian foodstuffs.
Teacher : How long are you going to stay in Dire Dawa?
Abebe : I am going to stay there for two weeks.

Exercise: What are you going to do after school? Work with your partner to ask and
answer the questions.
Example : Are you going to have coffee? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
1. have coffee 3. meet some friends 5. do your homework
2. wash clothes 4. go shopping 6. cook food

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8

Activity 2
Write a dialogue about your future plans. Compare your plans with your partner’s.

Grammar highlight
Whenever we wish to express our future intentions,
we use going to.
Example: I am going to either Hawassa or Harar.

Using: ... if ...
Work with a partner. Talk about what you plan to do if you finish school. Read the
sentences below.
If I pass my exams, I will go to Grade 9.
1. Which action will take place first?
2. When will the person go to grade 9?
Exercise 1: Look at the hopes for the future. Make sentences using; If ..., I’ll
If ...
I pass my exams

go to grade 9

study Science

study Medicine

become a doctor

save people’s life

Exercise 2: Form sentences from the table and write them in your exercise book.
Example: If Habtamu comes on Monday, we shall watch the match.

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8

1. If Habtamu comes on Monday

we will watch the match.
2. If it does not rain
I will call you.
3. If the students finish the assignment early
we shall leave at 2 o’clock.
I will help my mother in the shop.
4. If the lesson ends early

Exercise 3: Write five sentences about what you would wish to do when you finish
Grade 8.


Using: when
Read the sentence below.
When I get the money tomorrow, I will travel to Jimma.
What does this sentence mean?
Exercise 1: In your exercise book, form sentences from this table.
Example: When the students finish the test, the teacher will grade their work.

When he sees her he will be happy.

When I go to Addis Ababa I will buy a T-shirt.
When she hears from my sister she will inform me.
When the lesson ends we shall go and play.

Exercise 2: Match the phrases from A with those in B and form meaningful sentences
using when. Do the work in your exercise book.

get enough money get a good job

graduate from university buy a car
visit Jinka take some photos
build a house organise a house warming party

Exercise 3: Form your own sentences using when.

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8
Using: if / when
What is the difference between these sentences?
Example: (a) When I get home, I will have something to eat.
(b) If there isn’t any other food, I will eat an egg.
Which one is possible?
Which of the two sentences is certain?
Exercise: Complete these sentences with your own ideas.
Example: When I get home, I will watch television.
1. If I get a job this holiday, _______.
2. If I get money, _______.
3. When my sister comes to visit me, _______.
4. If I do more work, _______.
5. When I fall asleep, _______.
Share your work with a partner.

What will you do?
Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions.
Example: A : What will you do if you miss the English lesson?
B : I will ask the teacher to teach me the lesson I would have missed.
Ask similar questions and provide the answers.
A : What will you do when the lunch bell rings?
B : ..............
A : What will you do if the teacher gets to class before you?
B : ..............
A : What will you do if you have no pen to write with in class?
B : ..............
A : What will you do if you find a bag full of money on the street?

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8

Grammar highlight
Use of when and if
When expresses certainty i.e. the speaker is sure the event will occur.
If expresses possibility i.e. the speaker is not sure of the event occurring.

Work with a partner. Read and act the dialogues and write a sentence with if/when
..., will/shall to sum up the conversation.
Example: Dugassa : I am ill.
Mestawit : Sorry, take your medicine.
Dugassa : I have already taken it.
Mestawit : I am sure you will feel better.
When you take your medicine, you will feel better.
A : She is stupid!
B : Calm down, don’t be rude.
A : But she broke my glasses.
B : You will really hurt her feelings.
If you are rude to people .............
Teacher : You look very happy.
Student : Yes I am. I passed all my exams.
Teacher : Great, you must have studied really hard.
Student : Yes, I did.
When you study really hard, .............

Zenebech : Why do you want to go to town in the night?

Meryam : I want to go to the cinema.
Zenebech : Don’t you think you will find thugs on the way?
Meryam : Okay, let me stay.
If you go out at night, ..........

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8

Yehualashet : It does not rain any more.

Firehiwot : Yes, it is very dry.
Yehualashet : Our crops will dry. What can we do to save them?
Firehiwot : We need to irrigate them as soon as possible.
If we do not irrigate our crops as soon as possible, ..............

Exercise 1: Write all the sentences you completed in the dialogues. Share your work
with the class.
Exercise 2: With a partner, rewrite the following sentences using the words in
brackets. Which sentences indicate possibility, which indicate certainty?
1. When Senait (come), Denato will be very pleased.
2. If Belaynesh (come) late, her brother will quarrel.
3. If Chala (return) the photo, Terhase (report) him to his father.
4. When Ferede (finish) his exams, he will visit his grandmother in the village.
5. If Habtome’s watch (stop), it will be so unfortunate.
Share your work with the class.

B Reading
Work with a partner. What is taking place in the picture? Exercise 1: Answer the
1. What is cement
made of?
2. What is the price
of cement in your
3. Name any cement
factory you know.

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8
Read the article from The Capital Newspaper, Saturday 18th September, 2010
New cement factories expected to shrink gap
By Muluken Yewondwossen

Local cement producing factories that are in the final stage for commissioning are
expected to shrink the gap between demand and supply in the coming six months.

The country’s booming construction industry increased cement demand by 12 percent

per annum starting from 2004, but the figure is currently way above 12 percent. “The
current cement demand rate is higher than the previous growth rate,” one expert
involved in the sector said. Currently, local factories including small scale factories
produce about 2.7 million tonnes of cement annually, while the estimated demand is
over 8 million tonnes per annum.

The construction boom in the last three years that triggered high cement demand,
forced the government and some private companies to import the product. Though the
imported cement was delivered to the market along with the local product, the demand
was not met.

The gap between the high demand and short supply caused the price of cement on the
Addis Ababa market to scale up to 400 birr per quintal from the 250 birr per quintal.

“The significant increase in cement production in the coming year will settle the market
instability and fill the gap,” the expert added.

The new cement factories and the expansion of the existing ones that are expected
to commence production in the coming few months will increase the supply of the
product hence decreasing the wide gap that exists between demand and supply. This
will actually force the price to decrease considerably.

Exercise 2: Answer the following questions in full sentences.

1. In what stage of construction are the local cement producing factories?
2. By what percentage did the country’s booming construction industry increase?

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8
3. About how many tonnes of cement do the local factories produce?
4. What led to the high cement demand in the last three years?
5. What led to the price increase of cement on the Addis Ababa market?
6. What is expected to bring down the prices of cement?
Share your work with a partner.

Exercise 3: Find words from the passage which mean the same as these in the table.
Construct a sentence for each word in your exercise book.

production exploding area fluctuation narrow

begin activate expected 1,000 kg

C Writing

Exercise: Your teacher will read to you a paragraph about Desalegn’s future plans.
Listen carefully and write it down. Exchange books with your partner to do
a spell check and punctuation.

Talk to an adult _ your parent, guardian, teacher, anyone. Ask them if they too
had plans for the future when they were young. Write their plans in your book and
compare them with a partner.


Exercise 1: Copy the table below. Make a list of your short term, medium term and
long term plans.

Unit 6: Personal future plans
Grade 8
My future plans
Short term activities Medium term activities Long term activities
1. read books open a factory
2. start a small business buy a car
3. play games build a house

Exercise 2: Write them in paragraph form.

Begin: When l finish my Grade 8, l will ..........

Letter writing
Exercise 1: Write a letter to your partner telling him/her how you intend to spend
your holidays. Exchange your letters.
Exercise 2: Write a reply to the letter your friend has written to you. Remember the
letter writing rules. Share your letters with the class.

In groups of four, imagine that you have a plan to build a hotel in your community.
Write the benefits of your idea to the:
(a) community (b) country
(c) family (d) environment
Choose a group secretary to make a presentation to the class about your plan using
the notes your group has made.

Exercise: Make a list of the things you want to achieve in life when you become an
adult. Present your list of things in order of importance. Compare your list
with that of a partner.


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