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 Karagwe kingdom is one of the interlacustrine kingdoms located between Rwanda,
Burundi and Lake Victoria.(north-western part of present day tanzania0
 It is believed that the earliest Bantu who settled in this were farmers growing mainly
millet, yams and sorghum.
 These Bantu had come from the south west direction between the 5th and 10th centuries.
 They are said to have stayed here for two to three centuries before migrating north –east
ankole bunyoro and toro.
 Asection of them lator returned to karagwe fleeing from the luo invasion.
 By the time they returned to karagwe, they had mingled with the Chwezi and had adopted
the Chwezi culture and customs.
 They reached karagwe around the 16th century and set up the hinda dynasty.
 They were led by Ruhindu, Bachwezi prince who became the founder of the dynasty.
 When they reached karagwe, Ruhinda deposed the local ruler Nono (son of malija) of the
basiita clan and founded the hinda dynasty.
 The bahinda easily occupied the area and established their leadership over the local
 But it’s not clear as to how these new comers readily established themselves over the
local people.
 Some historians believe that they were welcomed because of their intelligence and
military ability and good administration.
 Others believe that they may have offered the local people gifts of cattle to win their
 After establishing his rule in karagwe, Ruhind setup his capital at was to be
the center of his rule.
 After setting up his capital, he sent out his sons with royal regalia like spears, drums,
clowns and shields to establish hinda sub dynasties in the surrounding areas.
 This gave rise to small independent kingdoms under his sons like gisaka, kyamtwala,
ihangiro, buzina, busubi, ukereqwe and nasa.
 These were not under the direct authority of ruhinda qand upon his death, they all became
Qn. Describe the origins of Karagwe kingdom
Political organization
 Karagwe had acentralised system of administeation with political power centered on the
 Succession to kingship was hereditary and was based on patrilineal lines.
 They observed the royal regaria like spears, drums and shields as symbols of state
 The karagwe state was built on the clan system
 The clan system was centered on the leader called muharambwa.
 The muharambwa presided over all the religious functions in the kingdom.
 Clan members among the banyambo were used for efficient administration.
 Clan leaders were changed with the collection of taxes and tributes.
 They were also supposed to lead clan courts and settled disputes among the people.
 The clans were grouped into eight bigger units or chiefdoms kianja, bukara, kyamtwala,
casaba, ihangiro, misenyi, bugaboo, karagwe,.
 But the creation of several independent hind sub-dynasties created rivalries and
weakened the hinda administration.
 Each of the chiefdoms became an ihanga (nation) and was headed by a hinda chief.
 The chief was the final man on everything in the chiefdon.
 He appointed officials andhad powers over life and death of the supreme judge.he could
even dismiss aclan head if his people applead.
 The chiefs also controlled trade links with their neighbours .
 Age sets were established and boys of the same age were sent to the residence of the local
chiefs to be taught military skills, administration and respect for elders.
 From this group, the most outstanding youth were sent to serve at the omukamas court.
 This system ensured unity because all the clans were equal in status, each of them having
such opportunities.
 Karagwe didnoy have astanding army, but during the times of war,able bodied body men
from all all clans were called upon to fight.
 Social organization.
 Karagwe was divided into social classes , bahima(pastoralists)and the
 Karagwe was based on clans.each vlan had atotem and was headed by aclan head-
 They believed in the supreme being called ruhanga the creator.
 They also believed in ancestral spirits who could bring them favour or misfortune.
 Shrines were built in each chiefdom and animal sacrifies were made to the gods
 the clan heads and chiefs performed a aspiritualy role presiding over the religious
 They celebrated important days and events such as birthdays and marrieges.
 They also liked swimming because of the presence of water bodies.
 Economic organization.
 The bayombo were cultivators, theygrewcropsllikemillet coffee bananas beans sorghum
and yams etc.
 The bahima were pastrolastists who kept long horned cattle for meat,milk and skins.
 The bayombo also carried ouy trade with the neighbouring societies like Rwanda and
 Theyb exchanged trade items like ivory and iron products for goods like iron voils.
 Karagwe also controlled the long distance trade route to Buganda
 Fishing was also carriedout by communities living near Lake Victoria and the rivers.
 Hunting was also carriedout as amajor source of meat.
 Iron working was also carried out and yhey made weapons,spears ,arrows heads and axes.
 Mining especially iron and salt was also common.
 Pottery and weaving were also important industries priducingb dishes,potys and
mats,buskets respectively.
 Qtn. Describe the social,political and economic organization of karagwe kingdom in the
19th century.
 The effects of the huinda dybnasty were political,social and economic.
 They introduced the belief in ancestral spirits.
 They also introduced and encouraged the age set system.boys of the same age groups
were collected at ther local chiefs residence were they received instructions in correct
manners towards their equals and also received military training.
 Outstanding candidates were sent to the kings copurt where they learnt court manners and
correct language for particular occasions.
 They introduced iron working like the making of spears,axes, pangas ewtc.
 They introduced the keeping of long horned cattle replacing the agricultural economy.
 The bayombo also carriedout trade with their neighbours.
 They exchanged trade items like ivory for iron products.
 Karagwe also controlled the long distance trade route to Buganda.
 They introduced the centralized system of adsministration which replaced the family/clan
system on yhe clan leader-muharambwa.
 Clans were grouped into eight bigger units or chiefdoms;
 Clan leaders were in charge of collecting tributes and also led clan courts that settled
 Each of the chiefdoms became an ihanga(nation)and its chiefs could dismiss a clan head
if his people applead
 The chiefs also had administrative,rweligiousand judicial powersand also controlled the
trade links with the neighbourds.
 They introduced the royal regalia which included spears,clowns,drums and animal skins.
 But the creation of several independanet hinda sub dynasties created rivalries and
weakened the hinda administration in karagwe. Qtn.explain the contribution of the hinda
dynasty to the people of karagwe.


 Yhe kingdom had grown too big to be effectively administered by one king.
 The death of strong and competent leaders like ruhinda created apower vaccum.
 The rise of weak seccussors after the death of ruhinda also led to the decline of the
 Some of them were oppressive and inefficient hence were hated by the subjects.
 The creation of the several independent hida sub dynasties created rivarlies and weajened
the hind administration in karagwe.
 The constant civil wars in the kingdom due tio the rivarliesd also weakened the kingdom.
 Epidermic diseases like malaria,smakll pox,sleeping sickness etc greatly weakened the
 Rtaids from bunyoro especially in 1770 greatly weakened the kingdom.
 The weak economy due to the costant civil wars and epidermics weakened the kingdom
leadind to ts decline.
 Natural calamities like drought also affected the kingdom leading to ts decline.

Qtn. What factors led to the decline of Karagwe kingdom.

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