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For Financial Reporting
Learning objectives

Explain the roles and structures of key regulatory bodies.

Learning objectives Describe efforts to construct a conceptual framework.

Understand the objective of financial reporting.

Identify the qualitative characteristics of accounting information.

Define the basic elements of financial statements.

Describe the basic assumptions of accounting.

Explain the application of the basic principles of accounting.

Understand the concepts of capital maintenance.


structure of
Ø The IASC Foundation is an independent
foundation based in the US.

Ø Its activities are directed by the Trustees who

appoint the members to the IASB, SAC and

Ø The trustees are individuals of diverse

geographical and functional backgrounds and
comprise of 6 members from North America, 6
from Europe, 4 from Asia Pacific and 3 from
other parts of the world.

Ø Of the 19 members, 5 represent the

accounting profession and others represent
the international organisation of preparers,
users and academics.
International Accounting
Standards Board

IASB is responsible for developing and issuing new

international standards which are known as
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
IASB consists of 15 members and their foremost
qualification is technical expertise. All members are
appointed for a terms of 5 years, renewable once.
Before a standard, exposure draft or a final IFRIC
interpretation can be published, at least 8 out of the 15
members must approve it.
All existing IASs and SICs remain in force until
amended or withdrawn in the future.

Therefore, IFRS includes IFRSs, IFRIC, IASs and SIC

The objectives of the IFRS
Advisory Council are:
• To give advice to the IASB on
agenda decisions and priorities in
its work;
• To inform the IASB of the views of
organizations and individuals on
the Council on major standards
setting projects;
• To give other advice to the Board
or to the Trustees
IFRS Interpretation Committee

This International Financial Reporting

Interpretation Committee (IFRIC)

§ is a committee of the IASB;

§ review, on a timely basis, new financial
reporting issues not specifically
addressed in IFRS;

§ clarify issues where unsatisfactory or

conflicting interpretations have
developed, with a view to reaching a
consensus on the most appropriate

Conceptual Framework

Appendix – IASB Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework
It is not an accounting standard

establishes the
It is a guidance to the concepts that underlie
preparation and presentation of financial reporting.
financial statements

It does not override any accounting


Structure of some IFRS 14

Rules/Application guidance

Rules Rules

(Exceptions) (interpretations)


CF Concepts

Application guidance to give effect to the principles

IFRS Topic Convergence
IAS 1 Financial statement presentation
IAS 2 Inventories
Conceptual IAS 7 Cash flows statement
framework IAS 8 Accounting polices, changes in accounting
Estimates and errors
IAS 10 Events after the balance sheet date
IAS 11 Construction contracts
IAS 12 Income taxes
IAS 16 Property, Plant and equipment
IAS 17 Leases
IAS 18 Revenue

thuhien-16 15
IFRS Topic Project

IAS 19 Employee benefits

IAS 20 Government grants
Conceptual IAS 21 Foreign currency
framework IAS 23 Borrowing costs
IAS 24 Related party disclosures
IAS 26 Accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans

IAS 27 Separate financial statements

IAS 29 Hyperinflation
IAS 32 Financial Instruments – presentation
IAS 33 Earnings per share

IFRS Topic Convergence

IAS 34 Interim reporting
IAS 36 Impairment
Conceptual IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and
framework contingent assets

IAS 38 Intangible assets

IAS 39 FI – recognition and measurement
IAS 40 Investment property

IAS 41 Agriculture

IFRS Topic Convergence

IFRS 1 First-time adoption
IFRS 2 Share-based payments
IFRS 3 Business combinations
framework IFRS 4 Insurance contracts
Non- current asset held for sale and
IFRS 5 Discontinuing operations

IFRS 6 Exploration for and evaluation of mineral assets

IFRS 7 Financial instruments - disclosure

IFRS 8 Operating Segments


IFRS Topic Convergence

IFRS 9 Financial instruments
IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements

Conceptual IFRS 11 Joint arrangements

framework IFRS 12 Disclosure of interests in other entities

IFRS 13 Fair value measurement

IFRS 14 Regulatory deferral Accounts

IFRS 15 Revenue for contracts with customers 1/1/2017

IFRS 16 Leases 1/1/2019
Apr 1989
Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of

History Jul 1989

The Framework was published.
Financial Statements was approved by the IASC Board.

Apr 2001
The Framework was adopted by the IASB.

Sep 2010
The Conceptual Framework for Financial
Reporting 2010 was approved by the IASB.

Mar 2018

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2018

(the Conceptual Framework) was published.
Contents of the conceptual framework

Chapter 1: The objective of general purpose financial reporting

Chapter 2: The reporting entity
Chapter 3: Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information
CF 2010

Chapter 4: The Framework (1989): The remaining text

Underlying assumption
The elements of financial statements
Recognition of the elements of financial statements
Measurement of elements of financial statements
Concepts of capital and capital maintenance

Contents of the conceptual framework

Chapter 1: The objectives of general purpose financial reporting

Chapter 2: Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information
Chapter 3: Financial statements and the reporting entity
CF 2018

Chapter 4: The elements of financial statements

Chapter 5: Recognition and derecognition
Chapter 6: Measurement
Chapter 7: Presentation and disclosure
Chapter 8: Concepts of capital and capital maintenance

Conceptual framework 2018
The objective of general
purpose financial reporting

to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to

existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors in making
decisions relating to providing resources to the entity

Users’ decisions involve decisions about:

buying, selling or providing or se"ling voting, or otherwise

holding equity and loans and other influence
debt instruments forms of credit management’s actions
The objective of general purpose financial reporting

To make decisions users must:

assess of the
amount, timing and
uncertainty of (the
prospects for) future
net cash inflows to
the entity

assess of
stewardship of the
entity’s economic
Information to make decisions

Economic resources

Changes in economic
Changes in economic resources and claims not
resources and claims by resulting from financial
financial performance performance
characteristics of
useful financial


Conceptual Framework
for Financial Reporting
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Relevance

To be relevant, accounting information must be capable of making

a difference in a decision.

LO 4
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Relevance

Financial information has predictive value if it has value as an input to

predictive processes used by investors to form their own expectations
about the future.

LO 4
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Relevance

Relevant information also helps users confirm or correct prior


LO 4
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Relevance

Information is material if omitting it or misstating it could influence

decisions that users make on the basis of the reported financial

LO 4
Faithful Representation

Conceptual Framework
for Financial Reporting
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Faithful Representation

Faithful representation means that the numbers and descriptions

match what really existed or happened.

LO 4
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Faithful Representation

Completeness means that all the information that is necessary for

faithful representation is provided.

LO 4
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Faithful Representation

Neutrality means that a company cannot select information to favor

one set of interested parties over another.

LO 4
Fundamental qualitative characteristics

Fundamental Quality—Faithful Representation

An information item that is free from error will be a more accurate

(faithful) representation of a financial item.

LO 4


1. Identify economic phenomenon that has

the potential to be useful;
2. Identify type of information about
phenomenon that would be most
3. Determine if information is available and
can be faithfully represented


• Relevance + Faithfully representation = Useful

• Example:
• Accounting estimates
• Contingent liabilities


• Leasing is an economic phenomenon

useful in evaluating enterprises’ claims.
• Asset value, long-term liability or
settlement proceedings are relevance
information and could be faithfully
• This information available and can be
faithfully represented (based on the
contract and market information.
Enhancing qualitative characteristics

Enhancing Qualities

Information that is measured and reported in a similar manner for

different companies is considered comparable.

LO 4
Enhancing qualitative characteristics

Enhancing Qualities

Verifiability occurs when independent measurers, using the same

methods, obtain similar results.

LO 4
Enhancing qualitative characteristics

Enhancing Qualities

Timeliness means having information available to decision-makers

before it loses its capacity to influence decisions.

LO 4
Enhancing qualitative characteristics

Enhancing Qualities

Understandability is the quality of information that lets reasonably

informed users see its significance.

LO 4
Qualitative characteristics - Exercises
Exercise: Identify the qualitative characteristic(s) to be used given
the information provided. Characteristics
(a) Qualitative characteristic being Relevance
displayed when companies in the Faithful representation
same industry are using the same Predictive value
accounting principles.
Confirmatory value
(b) Quality of information that confirms Neutrality
users’ earlier expectations.
(c) Imperative for providing comparisons Timeliness
of a company from period to period.
(d) Ignores the economic consequences Understandability
of a standard or rule. Comparability
LO 5
Qualitative characteristics - Exercises
Exercise: Identify the qualitative characteristic(s) to be used given
the information provided. Characteristics
(e) Requires a high degree of consensus Relevance
among individuals on a given Faithful representation
measurement. Predictive value
(f) Predictive value is an ingredient of this Confirmatory value
fundamental quality of information. Neutrality
(g) Four qualitative characteristics that Materiality
enhance both relevance and faithful Timeliness
(h) An item is not reported because its Understandability
effect on income would not change a Comparability
LO 5
Qualitative characteristics - Exercises
Exercise: Identify the qualitative characteristic(s) to be used given
the information provided. Characteristics
(i) Neutrality is a key ingredient of this Relevance
fundamental quality of accounting Faithful representation
information. Predictive value
(j) Two fundamental qualities that make Confirmatory value
accounting information useful for Neutrality
decision-making purposes.
(k) Issuance of interim reports is an Timeliness
example of what enhancing
LO 5
Financial statements and reporting entity

Statement of financial position


Current liability
Current asset
Non current liability

Equity Economic resources & claims

Non current asset Strengths & weaknesses
Liquidity & solvency

Financial statements and reporting entity
Statement of comprehensive income
Profit or loss from operating
Expenses activity

Financial income Profit or loss from financial

Financial expenses activity

Other income Profit or loss from other

Other expenses
Profit or loss before tax Changes in resources & claims
Income tax from financial performance
Profit or loss after tax - Components of that return
è Efficiently effective use of the
Other comprehensive income reporting entity’s resources

Financial statements and reporting entity
Statement of changes in equity
Share Retain Revaluation
capital earnings surplus

Balance as at 1/1/X6
Retrospective application
Issuance of new share
Transfers between equity components
Balance as at 31/12/X6 Changes in Resources & claims
NOT from financial performance
debt or equity instruments

Financial statements and reporting entity
Statement of cash flows

Net cash from operating activities

Net cash from investing activities
Net cash from financing activities

Changes in cash flows

Cash generating ability
Cash usage

Basic elements

Conceptual Framework
for Financial Reporting
The elements of financial statements

Asset Income


Basic elements
Elements of Financial Statements

Asset A present economic resource

controlled by the entity as a result of
past events.
An economic resource is a right that has
the potential to produce economic
Equity benefits.
t r o lle d by
e s o u r ce con t o f past
Ar s u l
n t it y as a re
Income the e f r o m which
and nefits
events m ic b e
t u r e econo lo w to the
fu f
x p ected to
Expenses are e
LO 5
Basic elements
Elements of Financial Statements

A present obligation of the entity to
transfer an economic resource as a result
of past events.

Equity t i on of the
s e n t oblig t
Ap r e
g f r o m pas
arisin ent of
entity t t le m
Income e nt s , the se t o result
ev e d
h is e xpect entity
whic m t h e
u t f low fro
in an o
e m b odying
Expenses r es ources
o f
b e n efits.
LO 5
Basic elements
Elements of Financial Statements



The residual interest in the assets of the

entity after deducting all its liabilities.



LO 5
Basic elements
Elements of Financial Statements



Equity Increases in economic benefits during

the accounting period in the form of
inflows or enhancements of assets or
decreases of liabilities that result in
increases in equity, other than those
Expenses relating to contributions from equity
LO 5
Basic elements
Elements of Financial Statements



Equity Decreases in economic benefits during the

accounting period in the form of outflows
Income or depletions of assets or incurrences of
liabilities that result in decreases in equity,
other than those relating to distributions to
equity participants.
LO 5
Recognition, measurement, disclosure concepts

These concepts explain how companies should recognize,

measure, and report financial elements and events.

Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure Concepts

1. Economic entity 1. Measurement 1. Cost
2. Going concern 2. Recognition
3. Monetary unit 3. Derecognition
4. Periodicity 4. Presentation and
5. Accrual

LO 6
Basic assumptions
Economic entity
Company keeps its activity separate from its
owners and other business unit.

Going concern
Transactions are recorded in the periods in which
the events occur. Company to last long enough to fulfill objectives
and commitments.

Periodicity Monetary unit

Company can divide its economic activities into Money is the common denominator.
time periods.

How recognition links the elements of financial statement
is the process of capturing
for inclusion in the
statement of financial
position or the statement(s)
of financial performance an
item that meets the
definition of one of the
elements of financial
statements—an asset, a
liability, equity, income or

Recognition criteria

Ø Meets the definition of an element

Ø Provides users of financial statements with relevant information and faithful
Ø And information which results in benefits which exceed the cost of providing that

Recognition criteria
whether recognition of an item results in relevant
information may be affected
v by, for example:

Existence uncertainty Low probability of an inflow or

outflow of economic benefits

› it is uncertain whether an asset › An asset or liability can exist even if

exists or is separable from goodwill, the probability of an inflow or outflow
or whether a liability exists. of economic benefits is low.

Recognition criteria
a faithful representation may be affected by the level of
measurement uncertainty or by other factors.

Measurement uncertainty Other factors

› the depiction of resulting income,

expenses and changes in equity.
› a measurement of an asset or › whether related assets and liabilities
liability is available but the level of are recognized.
measurement uncertainty is so high. › presentation and disclosure of
related information can enable a
recognized amount to form part of a
faithful representation.


Derecognition is the
removal of all or part of a
recognised asset or
liability from an entity’s
statement of financial › derecognition
› derecognition

position. normally occurs
normally occurs

when the entity no

when the entity
longer has a
loses control of all
present obligation
or part of the
for all or part of the
recognised asset
recognised liability.

Chapter 5: Recognition and
Historical cost Current cost
Assets are recorded at the amount of cash or Assets are carried at the ptual F
ram ework
C onc e
amount of cash or cash 2010
cash equivalent paid or the fair value of the
consideration given to acquire them. equivalent that would be
Liabilities are recorded at the amount of paid if the asset were
proceeds received in exchange for the debt. acquired currently.
Liabilities are carried at
the discounted value or
Realisable value cash equivalent that would
Assets are carried at the be required to settle the
amount of cash or cash debt currently.
equivalent that could
currently be obtained by
selling the asset in an Present value
orderly disposal. The Assets are carried at the discounted value of
liabilities are carried at the future cash inflows that the items are
their settlement values expected to generate in the normal course of
being undiscounted business. Liabilities are carried at the
amounts of cash that need discounted value of the future net cash
to be paid in the course of outflows required to settle the liabilities in the
business. normal course of business.
Ø Measurement bases ram ework
onc eptual F
C 2018
Ø Factors to consider when selecting a measurement basis

Ø Measurement bases

Historical cost Current value

Ø historical cost, amortized cost, carrying amount... Ø fair value, value in use, fulfilment value is
Ø Derived from the transaction or event that updated at measurement date.
created them Ø capture any positive or negative changes
Ø Do not reflect changes in prices, do reflect
change in consumption (depreciation or
amortization), impairment, or fulfilment.
Ø historical cost of the asset is no longer
recoverable. 75
Ø Measurement bases ram ework
onc eptual F
C 2018
Ø Factors to consider when selecting a measurement basis

Ø Factors to consider when

selecting a measurement basis
ü Must be relevant and it must faithfully represent what it purports to represent
ü Should, as far as possible, be comparable, verifiable, timely and understandable
ü Benefits of the information must be sufficient to justify the cost of providing that

Cost constraint

Cost Constraint
Companies must weigh the costs of providing the information
against the benefits that can be derived from using it.

u Rule-making bodies and governmental agencies use cost-

benefit analysis before making final their informational

u In order to justify requiring a particular measurement or

disclosure, the benefits perceived to be derived from it
must exceed the costs perceived to be associated with it.

LO 8

Presentation and disclosure




Ø Classification of assets and liabilities


Ø Classification of equity

Ø Classification of income and expenses

Presentation and disclosure principles
Effective communication in
financial statements

entity-specific information No duplication

› duplication of information in
› entity-specific information is
different parts of the financial
more useful than standardised
statements is usually
descriptions, sometimes
unnecessary and can make
referred to as ‘boilerplate’
financial statements less

01 Classification is applied to the unit of account selected
for an asset or liability.

of assets and 02
Offsetting occurs when an entity recognises and
measures both an asset and liability as separate units

of account, but groups them into a single net amount in
the statement of financial position.

Offsetting vs. A set

03 Offsetting assets and liabilities differs from treating a
set of rights and obligations as a single unit of account.

Classification of equity

Classify components of equity separately if some of

those components are subject to particular legal,
regulatory or other requirements.

Classification of income and expenses
Classification is applied to
(a) income and expenses resulting from the unit of account selected for an asset or liability; or

(b) components of such income and expenses if those components have different characteristics and are
identified separately.

The statement of profit or loss

• The statement of profit or loss is the primary source of information about an entity’s financial performance
for the reporting period;
• Profit or loss could be a section of a single statement of financial performance or a separate statement;
• The statement(s) of financial performance include(s) a total (subtotal) for profit or loss;
• In principle, all income and expenses are classified and included in the statement of profit or loss;
• Income and expenses that arise on a historical cost measurement basis are included in the statement of
profit or loss. That is also the case when income and expenses of that type are separately identified as a
component of a change in the current value of an asset or liability.
Classification of income and expenses
Other comprehensive income
• In exceptional circumstances, the Board may decide to exclude from the statement of profit or loss income
or expenses arising from a change in current value of an asset or liability and include those income and
expenses in other comprehensive income
• The Board may make such a decision when doing so would result in the statement of profit or loss providing
more relevant information or a more faithful representation

• In principle, income and expenses included in other comprehensive income in one period are recycled to
the statement of profit or loss in a future period when doing so results in the statement of profit or loss
providing more relevant information or a more faithful representation
• When recycling does not result in the statement of profit or loss providing more relevant information or a
more faithful representation, the Board may decide income and expenses included in other comprehensive
income are not to be subsequently recycled
Capital concept

Capital can be
• the net assets of an entity or
• the amount of capital contributed by
the owners plus increases in the net
assets that remain in the entity.

Capital can be expressed as money

invested or purchasing power invested.

It can also be expressed in terms of

productive capacity.

Concepts of capital maintenance

Financial capital maintenance Physical capital maintenance

Nominal monetary units or units of
constant purchasing power)

Capital = Net asset or equity of the entity. Capital = Productive capacity of the entity (measured as
units of output per day)
Used if the main concern of the user of the financial
statements is the maintenance of the nominal value Used if the main concern of the user of the financial
invested capital. statements is the operating capacity of the entity.

Profit is the difference in money terms between the Profit is earned only if the operating capacity at the end of
opening and closing capital excluding any contributions the period exceeds that of the beginning of the period.
from and distribution to owners.

Concepts of capital maintenance

Physical capital FCM - FCM – Constant

maintenance Monetary term purchasing power
Ø Profit represents the increase Ø Profit represents the increase › Profit represents the increase in
in that capital over the period. in nominal money capital over invested purchasing power over
the period. the period.

Ø All price changes of the assets Ø Increases in the prices of Ø Only that part of the increase
and liabilities are viewed as assets may not be recognized in the prices of assets that
changes in the measurement until the assets are disposed exceeds the increase in the
Increase in the of the physical productive
capacity of the entity è as
of in an exchange transaction. general level of prices is
regarded as profit. The rest of
prices capital maintenance the increase is treated as a
adjustments that are part of capital maintenance
equity and not as profit. adjustment and, hence, as part
of equity.


On 1 Jan X0, an inventory was purchased with the

price of 100 CU. On 31 Dec X0, the purchasing
power increase by 10%. The present value of the
inventory was 130 CU. The inventory was sold on 1
Jan X0 at the price of 150 CU.
Required: Calculate the carrying amount of
inventory, P/L and OCI under different capital
maintenance views.


Accounting items FCM – Monetary term FCM – Constant PP term Physical CM

Inventory (1.1.x0)

Inventory (31.12.x0)

Changes in equity (31.12.x0)

Profit or Loss (31.12.x0)


Chuẩn mực chung – VAS 01
Thông tư 200/2014-TT-BTC
Luật kế toán số 88/2015/QH13


Chuẩn mực chung

• VAS 01 (165/2002/QĐ-BTC)
• Thừa nhận một số nguyên tắc kế toán cơ bản
• Đề ra các yêu cầu của kế toán
• Định nghĩa và đưa ra các điều kiện ghi nhận các yếu
tố của BCTC

Các nguyên tắc kế toán cơ bản

• Cơ sở dồn tích
• Hoạt động liên tục
• Giá gốc
• Phù hợp
• Thận trọng
• Nhất quán
• Trọng yếu

Các yêu cầu

• Trung thực
• Khách quan
• Đầy đủ
• Kịp thời
• Dễ hiểu
• Có thể so sánh

Thông tư 200/2014-TT-BTC

• Điều 97. Mục đích của Báo cáo tài chính

• Điều 100. Hệ thống Báo cáo tài chính của doanh nghiệp
• Điều 101. Yêu cầu đối với thông tin trình bày trong Báo cáo
tài chính

Điều 97. Mục đích của Báo cáo tài chính

1. Báo cáo tài chính dùng để cung cấp thông tin về tình hình tài
chính, tình hình kinh doanh và các luồng tiền của một doanh
nghiệp, đáp ứng yêu cầu quản lý của chủ doanh nghiệp, cơ quan
Nhà nước và nhu cầu hữu ích của những người sử dụng trong việc
đưa ra các quyết định kinh tế. Báo cáo tài chính phải cung cấp
những thông tin của một doanh nghiệp về:
a) Tài sản;
b) Nợ phải trả;
c) Vốn chủ sở hữu;
d) Doanh thu, thu nhập khác, chi phí sản xuất kinh doanh và chi phí
đ) Lãi, lỗ và phân chia kết quả kinh doanh;
e) Các luồng tiền.

Điều 100. Hệ thống Báo cáo tài chính của doanh nghiệp

Báo cáo tài chính năm gồm:

- Bảng cân đối kế toán- Mẫu số B 01 - DN

- Báo cáo kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh- Mẫu số B 02 - DN
- Báo cáo lưu chuyển tiền tệ- Mẫu số B 03 - DN
- Bản thuyết minh Báo cáo tài chính- Mẫu số B 09 - DN

Điều 101. Yêu cầu đối với thông tin trình bày trong Báo cáo tài chính

1. Thông tin trình bày trên Báo cáo tài chính phải phản ánh trung
thực, hợp lý tình hình tài chính, tình hình và kết quả kinh doanh của
doanh nghiệp.
Để đảm bảo sự trung thực, thông tin phải có 3 tính chất là đầy đủ,
khách quan, không có sai sót.
2. Thông tin tài chính phải thích hợp để giúp người sử dụng Báo cáo
tài chính dự đoán, phân tích và đưa ra các quyết định kinh tế.
3. Thông tin tài chính phải được trình bày đầy đủ trên mọi khía cạnh
trọng yếu.
4. Thông tin phải đảm bảo có thể kiểm chứng, kịp thời và dễ hiểu.
5. Thông tin tài chính phải được trình bày nhất quán và có thể so
sánh giữa các kỳ kế toán; So sánh được giữa các doanh nghiệp với

VAS 200: Khuôn khổ về lập và trình bày báo cáo tài chính thường
bao gồm: Luật Kế toán, chuẩn mực kế toán, chế độ kế toán và các
quy định pháp lý có liên quan đến việc lập và trình bày báo cáo tài
chính. Trong một số trường hợp, việc lập và trình bày báo cáo tài
chính còn phải tuân theo các quy định và hướng dẫn sau:
•Môi trường pháp lý và đạo đức, như các luật, các quy định, phán
quyết của tòa án, chuẩn mực và các quy định về đạo đức nghề nghiệp
kế toán;
•Các hướng dẫn về chuẩn mực kế toán do các cơ quan, tổ chức có
chức năng soạn thảo chuẩn mực hoặc tổ chức nghề nghiệp ban hành;
•Các hướng dẫn xử lý tình huống kế toán cụ thể do các cơ quan, tổ
chức có chức năng soạn thảo chuẩn mực hoặc tổ chức nghề nghiệp
ban hành;
•Các thông lệ kế toán có tính phổ biến và đặc thù được thừa nhận
rộng rãi.
Address: Contact:
196 Tran Quang Khai st., School of Accounting –
District 1, HCMC, Vietnam University of Economics, HCMC


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