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Paradise-Chapters 1-2

Paradise Lost-Chapters 3-7

Angles and Demons-Chapters 8-12

Answer each question with a long response. Answers should be in the shape of a

paragraph, with at least three sentences each. Where necessary add citations from the

novel and present your opinion/understanding.*Write in your Google doc notebook

Chapters 1-2: Paradise

1. The author spends much of Chapter One describing the island and the boys. One example is

on page 19, where “the creature stepped from mirage on to clear sand, and they saw that the

darkness was not all shadow but mostly clothing. The creature was a party of boys, marching

approximately in step in two parallel lines and dressed in strangely eccentric clothing.” How

does the author’s figurative language contribute to the mood and setting? (Discuss this example

or one ofyour choosing from Chapter One).

2. In his description of the beach, the narrator says, “always, almost visible, was the heat” (p.10).

Why does the author choose to emphasize this feature? What comparison might he be suggesting

for the reader? Explain.

3. Why do the boys react to their island surroundings by stripping off their clothes? What might

their actions symbolize?

4. Explain the irony when Ralph pretends to be a fighter-plane, machine-gunning Piggy.

5. In reaction to their view from the cliff, the boys exclaim, “Wacco,” “Wizard,” and

“Smashing!” (p. 27) Explain the connotation of these words as well as their impact on meaning

and tone.

6. How do the boys try to establish order on the island? What is the effect on the boys’ behavior?

Chapters 3-7: Paradise Lost

1. In the opening scene of Chapter Three, Jack is “bent double. . . . his nose only a few inches

from the humid earth” (p. 48). Analyze the impact of Golding’s characterization and imagery


2. Piggy’s glasses are used to start the fire. What might be their symbolic significance? How does

the significance of the glasses change or deepen after Jack breaks them (p. 71)?

3. What order of business is most significant to Ralph? What is most important to Jack? What

does Piggy believe to be most pressing? How might these different motivations affect their future


4. What does the conch represent and why is it so important to Piggy?

5. Describe Ralph’s state of mind at the beginning of Chapter Five. Explain his insight when he

asks himself, “If faces were different when lit from above or below what was a face? What was

anything?” (p.78). What does this insight reveal aboutthe changes that he is undergoing?

6. How does Piggy defend his view that there is no beast? Summarize his argument.

7. Ralph says of Piggy, Simon, and himself, “Fat lot of good we are....Three Blind Mice” (p. 93).

Explain his reference. How are the boys “blind”?

8. What is the “sign” that comes “down from the world of grownups?” (p. 95). Analyze its literal

as well as figurative meanings.

9. When the hunters let the fire go out, Ralph asks, “Hasn’t anyone got any sense? We’ve got to

relight that fire.... Or don’t any of you want to be rescued?” (p. 102). Do the boys want to be

rescued? What reasons might there be to reject civilized society?

10. What might be Golding’s purpose in including the mock hunting scene where Robert is

surrounded by the other boys?

Chapters 8-12:

Angels and Demons

1. How does Jack use rhetorical structures in his attempt to wrestle power from Ralph (p. 126)?
2. Explain the irony in Jack’s saying, “I’m not going to play any longer. Not with

you” (p. 127).

3. Simon climbs the mountain to face the beast alone, asking “What else is there to do?” (p. 128).

Why does Simon stand and act apart from the other boys? Why does he not take sides? How are

Simon’s perceptions different from Ralph’s and Jack’s?

4. Analyze the contrasting imagery of butterflies and blood in the death scene of the mother pig

(p. 135). What emotions might this imagery evoke in the reader?

5. What is Simon’s “ancient, inescapable recognition” upon speaking to the lord of the flies (p.


6. When referring to Jack, the twins say, “He—you know—goes” (p. 142). Why can’t they call

Jack by name?

7. Why do the boys attack Simon? What does his death indicate about how the boys have


8. Why don’t Jack and his hunters take the conch when they attack Ralph, Piggy,

and Samneric (p. 168)?

9. Ralph argues that when they confront Jack and the hunters, they should go “washed and

brushed” (p. 170). Explain the significance of appearance at this point in the novel.

10. Prior to his death, Piggy once again argues on the side of logic. What does his death


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